Checklist: Birds of Rice Creek

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Checklist: Birds of Rice Creek Troglodytidae – Wrens Parulidae – Warblers Emberizidae – Sparrows Fringillidae – Finches � House Wren � Ovenbird � Eastern Towhee � Pine Grosbeak � Winter Wren � Worm-eating Warbler � American Tree Sparrow � Purple Finch � Sedge Wren � Louisiana Waterthrush � Chipping Sparrow � House Finch � Marsh Wren � Northern Waterthrush � Clay-colored Sparrow � Red Crossbill SUNY Oswego � � � Carolina Wren � Golden-winged Warbler Field Sparrow White-winged Crossbill Birds of Central New York � � Vesper Sparrow � Common Redpoll Blue-winged Warbler — CheckList — Polioptilidae – Gnatcatchers � Black-and-white Warbler � Savannah Sparrow � Hoary Redpoll � Blue-gray Gnatcatcher � Prothonotary Warbler � Grasshopper Sparrow � Pine Siskin Locality _____________________________________ � � Henslow’s Sparrow � American Goldfinch Regulidae – Kinglets Tennessee Warbler Date ____________ Time __________ Total ________ � Fox Sparrow � Evening Grosbeak � Golden-crowned Kinglet � Orange-crowned Warbler Temp. ___________ Sky ___________ Wind________ � Song Sparrow � Ruby-crowned Kinglet � Nashville Warbler � � Lincoln’s Sparrow Passeridae – Observer ____________________________________ Connecticut Warbler European Sparrows � Swamp Sparrow Turdidae – Thrushes � Mourning Warbler � House Sparrow � Eastern Bluebird � Common Yellowthroat � White-throated Sparrow ANSERIFORMES � Greater Scaup � Anatidae – � Veery � Hooded Warbler White-crowned Sparrow � Lesser Scaup � Dark-eyed Junco Swans, Geese, Ducks � King Eider � Gray-cheeked Thrush � American Redstart sf. Anserinae – NOTES � � Swainson’s Thrush � Cape May Warbler Swans, Geese Harlequin Duck � Cardinalidae – Cardinals, � Surf Scoter Hermit Thrush � Cerulean Warbler Tanagers, Grosbeaks, Buntings _____________________ � Snow Goose � (inc. Blue Goose) � White-winged Scoter Wood Thrush � Northern Parula � Scarlet Tanager _____________________ � � Brant � Black Scoter American Robin � Magnolia Warbler � Northern Cardinal _____________________ � Canada Goose � Long-tailed Duck � Bay-breasted Warbler � Rose-breasted Grosbeak Mimidae – Mimics _____________________ � Mute Swan � Bufflehead � Blackburnian Warbler � Indigo Bunting � Gray Catbird _____________________ � � Common Goldeneye � Yellow Warbler Trumpeter Swan � Northern Mockingbird � � Barrow’s Goldeneye � Chestnut-sided Warbler Icteridae – Blackbirds _____________________ Tundra Swan � Brown Thrasher � Hooded Merganser � � Bobolink _____________________ Blackpoll Warbler sf. Anatinae – Ducks � � � Red-winged Blackbird Common Merganser Sturnidae – Starlings Black-throated Blue Warbler _____________________ � Wood Duck � Eastern Meadowlark � Red-breasted Merganser � European Starling � Palm Warbler � Gadwall � Western Meadowlark _____________________ � Ruddy Duck � Pine Warbler � Eurasian Wigeon Motacillidae – Pipits � Yellow-headed Blackbird _____________________ � Yellow-rumped Warbler � American Wigeon GALLIFORMES � American Pipit � Rusty Blackbird _____________________ Phasianidae – � Praire Warbler � American Black Duck � Common Grackle Pheasants, Grouse, Turkey � Black-throated Green Warbler _____________________ � Mallard Bombycillidae – Waxwings � Brown-headed Cowbird � Gray Partridge � Canada Warbler _____________________ � Blue-winged Teal � Bohemian Waxwing � Orchard Oriole � Ring-necked Pheasant � Wilson’s Warbler � Northern Shoveler � Cedar Waxwing � Baltimore Oriole _____________________ � Ruffed Grouse � Yellow-breasted Chat � Northern Pintail _____________________ � Wild Turkey Calcariidae – Longspurs, � Green-winged Teal Snow Buntings Sequence from A.O.U. � Canvasback Odontophoridae – Quail � Lapland Longspur Checklist of � Redhead � Northern Bobwhite � Snow Bunting North American Birds, 2012. DCJ � Ring-necked Duck GAVIIFORMES � Northern Goshawk � Western Sandpiper COLUMBIFORMES PICIFORMES Corvidae – Crows, Jays Gaviidae – Loons � Red-shouldered Hawk � Least Sandpiper Columbidae – Picidae – Woodpeckers � Blue Jay � Red-throated Loon � Broad-winged Hawk � White-rumped Sandpiper Doves, Pigeons � Red-headed Woodpecker � American Crow � � Common Loon � Red-tailed Hawk � Baird’s Sandpiper Rock Pigeon � Red-bellied Woodpecker � Fish Crow � � Rough-legged Hawk � Pectoral Sandpiper Mourning Dove � Yellow-bellied Sapsucker � Common Raven PODICIPEDIFORMES � Golden Eagle � Purple Sandpiper � Downy Woodpecker Podicipedidae CUCULIFORMES � Alaudidae – Larks � Dunlin Cuculidae – Cuckoos Hairy Woodpecker � Pied-billed Grebe � GRUIFORMES � Stilt Sandpiper � � Northern Flicker Horned Lark � Horned Grebe Rallidae – Rails Yellow-billed Cuckoo � Buff-breasted Sandpiper � � Pileated Woodpecker � Red-necked Grebe � King Rail Black-billed Cuckoo Hirundinidae – Swallows � Short-billed Dowitcher � Eared Grebe � Virginia Rail FALCONIFORMES � Purple Martin � Long-billed Dowitcher STRIGIFORMES � Sora Falconidae – Falcons � Tree Swallow PELECANIFORMES � Wilson’s Snipe Tytonidae – Barn Owls � Common Moorhen � American Kestrel � Northern Rough-winged Phalacrocoracidae – � American Woodcock � Barn Owl � Common Gallinule � Merlin Swallow Cormorants � Wilson’s Phalarope � American Coot Strigidae – Typical Owls � Peregrine Falcon � Bank Swallow � Double-crested Cormorant � Red-necked Phalarope � Eastern Screech-Owl � Cliff Swallow � Red Phalarope CICONIIFORMES Gruidae – Cranes � Great Horned Owl PASSERIFORMES � Barn Swallow Ardeidae– � Sandhill Crane Tyrannidae – Flycatchers Laridae – Gull, Terns � Snowy Owl Bitterns, Herons, Egrets � Olive-sided Flycatcher Paridae – � � Barred Owl � American Bittern CHARADRIIFORMES Black-legged Kittiwake � Eastern Wood-Pewee Chickadees, Titmice � � Long-eared Owl � Least Bittern Charadriidae – Plovers Bonaparte’s Gull � Yellow-bellied Flycatcher � Black-capped Chickadee � � Short-eared Owl � Great Blue Heron � Black-bellied Plover Laughing Gull � Acadian Flycatcher � Boreal Chickadee � � Northern Saw-whet Owl � Great Egret � American Golden-Plover Frankin’s Gull � Alder Flycatcher � Tufted Titmouse � � Ring-billed Gull � Snowy Egret Semipalmated Plover CAPRIMULGIFORMES (“fee-bee-o”) � � Little Blue Heron � Piping Plover Herring Gull Caprimulgidae – Nighthawks � Willow Flycatcher Sittidae – Nuthatches � � � Cattle Egret � Killdeer Iceland Gull � Common Nighthawk (“fitz-bew”) Red-breasted Nuthatch � � � Green Heron Glaucous Gull � Eastern Whip-poor-will � Least Flycatcher White-breasted Nuthatch � Scolopacidae – Sandpipers, � Great Black-backed Gull � Eastern Phoebe Black-crowned Night-Heron Woodcock, Snipe Certhiidae – Creepers � Caspian Tern APODIFORMES � Great Crested Flycatcher � Spotted Sandpiper � Brown Creeper Cathartidae – Vultures � Black Tern Apodidae – Swifts � Eastern Kingbird � Solitary Sandpiper � Black Vulture � Common Tern � Chimney Swift � Greater Yellowlegs � Turkey Vulture � Forster’s Tern Laniidae – Shrikes � Willet Trochilidae – � Loggerhead Shrike Hummingbirds Pandionidae – Osprey � Lesser Yellowlegs Stercorariidae – Jaegers � � Northern Shrike � Osprey � Upland Sandpiper � Pomarine Jaeger Ruby-throated Hummingbird � Whimbrel � Vireonidae – Vireos Parasitic Jaeger CORACIIFORMES ACCIPITRIFORMES � � Accipitridae – Hawks, Eagles Hudsonian Godwit Alcedinidae – Kingfishers Yellow-throated Vireo � � � Bald Eagle Ruddy Turnstone � Belted Kingfisher Blue-headed Vireo � � � Northern Harrier Red Knot Warbling Vireo � � � Sharp-shinned Hawk Sanderling Philadelphia Vireo � � � Cooper’s Hawk Semipalmated Sandpiper Red-eyed Vireo.
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