Darfur's Many Colours

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Darfur's Many Colours UNAMID’s publication for the people of Darfur JANUARY 2013 Darfur’s Many Colours An Interview with Buhery Mohamed Youssef A New Sense of Solidarity The Girls Who Become Force Commander on in East Darfur Brides Darfur’s Blue Helmets Resolving disputes the No choice in education or The many challenges of traditional way vocation protecting civilians AFRICAN UNION - UNITED NATIONS MISSION IN DARFUR VOICES OF DARFUR • JANUARY 2013(UNAMID) a A painting created by El Geneina artist Buhery Mohammed Youssef, whose art focuses mostly on nature and local traditions. b VOICES OF DARFUR • JANUARY 2013 January 2013 | Vol. 4 • No. 1 IN THIS ISSUE NEWS DEPARTMENT 3 | Acting UNAMID Head: Cooperation Key 5 | Darfur Peace Parties Meet with in Protecting Civilians UNAMID, AU Leadership 3 | Mohamed Ibn Chambas Appointed as 6 | Burkina Faso Supports New UNAMID Head Peace Efforts in Darfur 4 | UNAMID Lends Resources to Fighting 7 | Darfur Joins in Human Rights Day Celebrations Yellow Fever in Darfur INTERVIEW 8 | Force Commander on Darfur’s Blue Helmets In an interview with Voices of Darfur, UNAMID Force commander, Lieutenant General Patrick Nyamvumba, talked about the chal- lenges and the determination of UNAMID’s peacekeepers as they work for peace in Darfur. CONFLICT RESOLUTION COMMUNITY 13 | A New Sense of 20 | Malha: Homeland of the Solidarity in East Darfur Midobs East Darfur has been home to Malha, a North Darfur town inhab- violent tribal clashes, but tradi- ited by Sudan’s Midob tribe, is a se- tional conflict-resolution mech- rene and mountainous locality rich anisms are having an impact on in tourist attractions such as a large peaceful coexistence in one of volcanic crater, mountain springs Darfur’s newest states. and a lake. 16 | The Girls Who 23 | Charting Progress on CHILDREN Become Brides WOMEN the Role of Women Marriages with girls under the There is a concerted global mo- age of 18 is still common in mentum to address women’s some rural areas of Darfur, de- rights in conflict situations. De- spite many outspoken Darfuri spite some setbacks and chal- advocates working to highlight lenges, Darfur is making progress the implications and risks asso- on women’s issues. ciated with the practice. CULTURE VIEWPOINT 26 | Darfur’s Many Colours: An Interview with Buhery 19 | It’s Time for Darfur’s Combatants to Lay Down Youssef Their Arms In an interview with Voices of Dar- Despite developments toward a peace agreement that includes fur, Buhery Youssef talks about his all major armed movements, there remain many holdouts, a fact work as an artist and expresses that makes progress in disarmament, demobilisation and reinte- his views about how to promote gration a daunting challenge. fine arts activities in Darfur. VOICES OF DARFUR • JANUARY 2013 1 EDITOR’S NOTE ’m pleased to introduce the January issue of Voices of Darfur, which continues in the 32-page for- Imat, giving the magazine the ability to tell the story of UNAMID and the people of Darfur with more in-depth coverage. The current issue, like other recent issues of Voices, contains news, features and interviews not only about unique aspects of life in Darfur but also about UNAMID’s ongoing efforts to facilitate lasting peace in the region. This issue includes two interviews, first an exclusive with UNAMID’s Force Commander, con- Director of CPID ducted by Ms. Rania Abdulrahman at UNAMID headquarters in El Fasher, North Darfur. In the Michael R. Meyer interview, Lt. Gen. Patrick Nyamvumba talks about the goals and challenges of UNAMID’s peace- keepers in protecting civilians in Darfur. Ms. Ala Mayyahi conducted the second interview, our cover Head of Publications Kirk L. Kroeker feature, with artist Buhery Youssef. In the interview, Mr. Youssef talks with Voices about the artist’s role in Darfur, and shares his thoughts on the impact of visual arts on the peace process. Managing Editor In the viewpoint published in this issue, Mr. Aderemi Adekoya, the Chief of UNAMID’s Disar- Guiomar Pau Solé mament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR) Section, offers his thoughts about the challenges related to DDR work in Darfur, especially considering that there is no comprehensive peace agree- Staff Writers ment signed by all the armed movements. Mr. Adekoya presents the case that it’s long overdue for Abdullahi Shuaibu combatants to lay down their arms and embrace the future of Darfur. Emadeldin Rijal Sharon Lukunka In “A New Sense of Solidarity in East Darfur,” Mr. Albert González Farran offers a look at the complexities of one of Darfur’s newest states, which has been home to tribal clashes in recent years. Graphics & Design While peaceful coexistence between the many tribes living in the area might seem to be an unattain- Ala Mayyahi able goal, the camps for displaced people in El Daein are serving as models of what is possible when Arie Santoso different agendas lead to dialogue and peaceful negotiation. Photographers In “The Girls Who Become Brides,” Ms. Sharon Lukunka writes about forced marriage with girls Albert González Farran under the age of 18, a practice that is common in some rural areas of Darfur despite many outspoken Sojoud Elgarrai Darfuri advocates working to highlight the implications and risks associated with it. Statistics indicate that the annual rate in the number of child marriages is increasing globally, and will rise to 14.2 million Conntributors per year by 2020 if measures are not taken to curb the current trend. Rania Abdulrahman In “Malha: Homeland of the Midobs,” Mr. Abdullahi Shuaibu offers a look at a serene and Chris Cycmanick Zahirul Islam mountainous North Darfur locality inhabited by Sudan’s Midob tribe. Finally, in “Charting Progress on the Role of Women,” Mr. Emadeldin Rijal writes about the concerted global momentum to ad- Translation dress women’s rights in conflict situations, and explains how, despite some setbacks, Darfur is making Nabil Mohamed progress on women’s issues. Rindala Eid As Voices of Darfur continues to evolve as a news magazine, we welcome your feedback. To send Alawad Alawad comments by email, please put “Letters to the Editor / Voices of Darfur” in the subject line and send Ahmad Ibrahim the email to [email protected]. Abdalla Abdulraheeem Kirk L. Kroeker Adam War Head of Publications ON THE COVER facebook.com/UNAMID twitter.com/unamidnews UNAMID Communications and Public Information Division (CPID) Email: [email protected] Website: http://unamid.unmissions.org The designations employed and the pres- entation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UNAMID concern- ing the legal status of any country, territory, Artist Buhery Mohammed Youssef shows On 17 December 2012 in Maatba, North Dar- city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning a painting in his studio in El Geneina, West fur, a girl participates in the inauguration cere- the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Darfur. Portrait by Albert González Farran. mony of a health centre built with the assitance Material contained in this publication may be of UNAMID. Photo by Sojoud Elgarrai. freely quoted or reprinted, provided credit is attributed to UNAMID. 2 VOICES OF DARFUR • JANUARY 2013 NEWS DEPARTMENT Acting UNAMID Head: Cooperation Key in Protecting Civilians BY RANIA ABDULRAHMAN East Darfur, the UNAMID women who took part in the Acting Head held talks with event. “This campaign recalls the Deputy Wali (Governor) our shared responsibility to Abdulmajeed El Zaier to dis- identify community strategies cuss the implementation of the and work together for the ad- Doha Document for Peace in vancement of women’s human Darfur, UNAMID’s framework rights, particularly their right for the protection of civilians to be heard and to shape deci- and the Mission’s efforts to sup- sions that affect their lives and port local mediation initiatives. the communities they live in,” “The Cooperation with she said. Government authorities and In Nyala, the AJSR met the community is instrumental with South Darfur Wali Hamad to the successful implementa- Ismail Hamad to discuss issues On 10 December 2012, in El Daein, East Darfur, UNAMID Acting Head tion of UNAMID’s protection of access to all parts of Darfur, Aichatou Mindaoudou meets with government officials, native adminis- of civilians strategy, particularly the safety and security of UNA- tration and community leaders. Photo by Rania Abdulrahman. on access, preventive measures MID personnel and the coop- rotection of civilians, se- which began on 10 December and rapid response,” Ms. Mind- eration between the State and Pcurity of personnel, the and concluded the following aoudou said during the meeting UNAMID in implementing the peace process and development day, provided the Acting JSR with the Deputy Wali. Mission’s protection strategy. projects were among the top- with the opportunity to engage Also in El Daein, the Acting In November 2012, Ms. ics discussed during a two-day community leaders, native ad- JSR attended a ceremony, held Mindaoudou made similar vis- visit to East and South Darfur ministration and government at Um-Durman University, to its to West, Central and North by UNAMID Acting Joint Spe- officials to explore new avenues mark the UN’s annual campaign Darfur, in an effort to engage cial Representative (JSR) and for strengthening partnerships of 16 Days of Activism Against Darfur stakeholders in protect- Joint Chief Mediator a.i. Ai- at the operational level. Gender-Based Violence. Ms. ing civilians and promoting the chatou Mindaoudou. The visit, In El Daein, the capital of Mindaoudou addressed the peace process. Mohamed Ibn Chambas Appointed as New UNAMID Head n 20 December, United Nations Caribbean, Pacific Group of States. Prior OSecretary-General Ban Ki-moon to this, Mr.
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