Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations MINORITY PROBLEMS TO RE DENVER PARLEY TOPIC

I Contents Cot>yri{:hted by ths Cstholie Press Society, Inc. 1944 — Permission to Beproduee, Except on 2-Year NCSSS Scholarship Articles Otheirwise Marked, Given A fter 12 M. Friday Following Issue Leaders in Programs Will Be Sponsored hy ACCW D EN V ER C A TH O LIC Spanlsh-Speaklng

Denver Girl Will Gompolilion for Fine Award Will Be Open to People Will Confer Recite Final Vows Girls of Archdiocese; Honor is Worih Archbishop Vehr to Be Sponsor of Momentous Total of $1,600 REGISTER Conference to Be Held in Regis A two-year scholarship to the National Catholic School The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We Hava Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller of Social Service in Washington, D. C., will be sponsored Services, Photo Features, and Wide World Photos. College Oct. 17 to 2C by the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women, it was an­ nounced this week by Mrs. J. T. Tierney, president. The A five-state conference on Spanish-sp^king people VOL. XXXK. Wo. 51. DENVER, COLO., THURSDA^ AUG. 17, 1944. $1 PER YEAR scholarship, which is open to Catholic girls of the archdio- of the West and Southwest, the first of its kind to be held cese .who have the proper qualifi­ in Denver, will open in Regis-college Oct.-17 and conclude cations, will be awarded on a com­ T n - h A C i r l f William M. Hutton, first sergeant o f the 3700th base unit Oct. 20. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr will be the sponsor of the petitive basis. It is worth $1,600, i C t l'l v -/I 44> X XVtC-fVj jjj Denver headquarters o f the Army Air Forces Western and includes tuition and board and Technical Training Command, dodged Japanese bombs from a hospital bed in Hawaii the day o f the PearlHarbor invitational event that will draw members of the Hierarchy, room for two years at the school, sneak attack. Sgt. Hutton, first donned a uniform at Fort Logan in 1912, Shown with hipi at his eminent authorities on the race question, and selected iMd- which is affiliated with the Cath­ sk Is WAC 1st Lt. Helene W. Van Zandt, left, adjutant o f the base unit, and Mrs. Winifred Bell, 25- ers from Texas, California, New Mexico, Arizona, and Colo­ olic University of America. or-old secretary in headquarters o f the AAFWTTC.— (Official USAAF photo by AAF Training Com­ rado, and perhaps a group of notables from other states mand) ______Still Vivid The girl who is selected for the cast and west. scholarship will be chosen on the basis of her scholastic qualifica­ It is estimated that over 1,500,- Posthumous Award tions, Mrs. Tierney has announced. To Catholic 000 Spanish-speaking people live Graduates of any college are eli­ the five-state area, apd the Urged for Officer gible. Applicants should submit conference topics will be devoted a written brief of their training, 1st Sergeant to the problem of racial discrim­ including age, address, college ination against Latin-Americans, work, degrees, school, etc., to Mrs. (By Sgt. Charles Lehman, the development of leadership Tierney at 785 St. Paul street, among this oppressed people, and Six years o f preparation will be Denver, before Sept. 1. The can­ Staff Writer, AAF Western climaxed Saturday, Aug. 19, when Technical Training the creation of an official com­ didate selected from among the mittee" to co-ordinate welfare pro­ the former Miss Honors Manuel applicants will be chosen before Command) (above), a 1938 graduate o f An­ grams, to obtain better social leg­ Sept. 30 by a board consisting of Early one Sunday morning nunciation high school, Denver, islation, and to attempt a solution the RL Rev. Monsignor John R. in 1941 a ruddy, genial first will make her' profession o f final of basic problems of insecurity af­ Mulroy, archdiocesan director of sergeant lay in a hospital bed vows as a Sister o f Good Shepherd fecting the Spanish-Americans, in Catholic Charities, chairman; the and gazed out the wmdow at in the community’s mother-house the beautiful Hawaiian morn­ the West and Southwest. in St. Paul, Minn., with the name Rev. Elmer J. Kolka, associate di­ rector of Catholic Charities; Dr. ing. Nothing unusual in the Actively co-operating in the Sister Mary St. Marguerite. A vigmette— yet every known conference will be leaders from daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. 0 . D. Paul Kettrick, president of Lo- retto Heights college; the Rev. emotional and human in­ the Social Action department of Manuel o f 4707 Josephine street, terest factor went to work in the National Catholic" Welfare she had declined the scholarship Hubert M. Newell, archdiocesan a few moments. Conference in Washington and the awarded her to Colorado college in superintendent o f schools; Mrs. It was Dec. 7, 1941— and Office of the Co-ordinator of In­ order to eiiter upon a religious Ella Mullen Weckbaugh; and Mrs. 1st Sgt. William M. Hutton ter-American Affiers. State offi­ career. In the past two years. Sis­ M. J. O’Fallon, the latter two long was then 59-years' old. Sud­ cials also will participate. Much of ter M. St. Marguerite has taught identified with the ACCW. denly the Japanese came the program and plan of arrange in the Good Shepherd schools o f Will Serve Agency ments- will - be handled bj» the Rt, Dubuque, la., and Helena, Mont. over and attacked Pearl Har­ Of Archdiocese bor— they threw the United Rev. Monsignor John R. Mulroy Mrs. Manuel will be in .St. Paul (Turn to Page — C olum n i ) for her daughter's profession. Tlie States into a second World The one who wins the scholar­ war— wounded two convales­ religious is a niece o f Mr. and Mrs. ship will be asked to work for some cent soldiers sleeping next to John J. Shea, 315 Vine street, social agency imonsored by the Sgt. Hutton— and paved the Denver. Her brother and sister, Archdiocese of Denver upon com­ Schools to Open way for additional service Lt. Ransome (Bud) Howe, 31, Kenneth and Sally, attend Annun­ pletion of her two-year course, it for a regular army man who (above) has been rerommended ciation school. was pointed ou t The personnel Tuesday, Sept. 6 first donned a uniform in for the posthumous award o f the needs of the archdiocesan Cath­ Distinguished Service cross, accord­ 1912. olic Charities have become acute in ing to word received by hit wife, One Son Stationed Stationed in Denvar The parochial elementary recent years with the enlarge­ Mrs. Margaret Howe o f 2717 King Now first sei^eant of the and high schools of the Arch­ In Regis College ment of the program. It is with street, Denver. Lt. Howe, as re­ 3700th base unit in Denver diocese of Denver and the Dio­ the intention o f meeting this situa­ ported previously in the Denver headquarters of the Army Air cese of Pueblo will open Tues­ tion that the scholarship program Catholic Register, died June 13 of Archbishop's Archbishop Presides at Funeral Mass Forces Western Technical day, Sept, 5, it was announced is sponsored by the ACCW. wounds received June 9 in the Training Command, Hutton Wednesday by the Rev. Hubert FiERIL RUES Guild Busy Normandy invasion. Lt. Howe en­ The National Catholic School of Newell, superintendent of Cath­ is rounding out three decades tered the army in May, 1942. Be­ Social Service provides a program of army service in the city olic education in the state. in social work training that em­ John B. McGauran Once One According to advance en­ tides hit wife, he is survived by from which he first enlisted his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. bodies tl}e philosophy and culture so many years ago. rollment, this year’s term will of the Catholic Church. The school lyRRISRINGS IRE see the largest school attend­ Howe of Wheat Ridge. A Requiem lELD FOR FAIRER “ I joined up at Fort Logan High Memorial Mots will be song is accredited by the American As­ six years before the last war,” ance in the history of Catholic Of State’s Great Orators education in Colorado, Father Friday in St. Mary Magdalene’s sociation of Schools of Social Sgt. Hutton said, “ and left Newell declared. church with the Rev. James P, Work, and offers graduate train­ soon after for duty with the ing in generic social work and in Flanagan as celebrant. OFT MOVED TO E A Solemn Mass o f Bequiem was Philomcna’s church delhrcted the quartermaster corps in Ha­ the specialized fields o f child wel­ waii. Airplanes were quite a fare, family welfare, group work, celebratedelel • in• the • Church- • o f■ the ■ funeral sermon. Final absolution novelty then, never Widely Known as Retreat Director medical social work, public wel­ Holy Ghost, Denver, for John B. was given by Archbishop Vehr, The funeral of Michael Francis dreamed I’d be in the same fare, psychiatric social work, and McGaurant long a prominent lay­ The Rt. Rev. David T. O’Dwyer Kecnoy, husband o f the late Mrs. ot 29 years later to witness social research. OF CIIECOISIS man, on Monday, Aug. 14. Mr. and a half dozen other priests Ellen Cavanagh Kecnoy, and McGauran died Aug. 11 in St. were also in the sanctuary. the attack on Pearl harbor.” Fr. Bernard J. Murray father of twin sons, both Graduates who fulfill the re­ Joseph’s hospital. He was 72. Taking his sermon theme from Soon after his assignment members of the Society of quirements of the two-year course “ Moving day” for the Arch­ Archbishop, Urban J. Vehr pre­ the issues of the Denver Catholic to Schofield barraoks, Hutton Jesus and one of whom is stationed are given a certificate in social bishop’s guild of Denver was noted Register at thq time the newsraper was made first sergeant in sided over the Solemn Mass, which in Regis college, Denver, and of a work, granted directly by the Wednesday, Aug. 16, when a cara­ was edited by Mr. McGauran early chargelarge of 350 men there. Transferred to St. Louis sailor in fqreign service, took school and siraifying the comple van o f household/goods was taken was celebrated by the RL Rev. in this century, Monsignor Hig­ “ They were a tough bunch,” place. Monday, Aug. 14, at 9 tion o f a ful.n professional train- to Greeley to the- new home of the Monsignor Matthew Smith, editor- gins declared: “The headlines re he said, “ and though I’ve / o ’clock in the Church o f the ing, including class work, field Missionary Cathechists by mem­ in-chief of the Register, with the veal the man. Mr. McGauran’s been a first sergeant in many The Rev. Bernard J. Murray, taught as a scholastic in Regis Resurrection, St. Louis. Mr. work, and a study project. - The bers of the guild and their spir­ Very Rev. John J. Flanagan, S.J., different stations since, 1 SJ., widely known in the Rocky high school. He studied theology Keenoy, 79, died Thursday, Aug. Degree of Master of Science is itual director, the Rev. Gregory president of Regis college, deacon, don’t think I’ll ever meet up Mountain states as director of in SL Louis and was ordained 10, in hts home, 3901 Keokuk street, ppranted by the Catholic univers­ Smith. The numerous items o f and the Rev. John P. Moran, pas­ with as big a bunch of rug- retreats for laymen in Regis col there in 1921 by Archbishop John where he had been a semi-invalid ity, upon recommendation of the home furnishings have been col­ tor of St John's church, subdea­ (TumtoPageO — C olum n 3) lege, Denver, has received a new J. Glennon. Since then Father for five years following an auto­ school, to candidates who submit lected by young women in the con. The Rev. Bernard J. Kelly assignment that will take him to Murray has served as-principal of mobile accident. evidence of satisfactory comple­ guild in the past few months since of the Holy Ghost church was mas­ Regis high school and has taught The celebrant and the deacon tion of. class work, field work, and the organization "adopted” the ter of ceremonies. The Rt Rev, 3 From benver in the Loyola high school in Chi­ (Turn to Pages— Column 5) research. . (TumtoPageS — C olum n i ) Monsignor William Higgins o f St. cago, 111., and in Creighton prep in Omaha, Nebr. Participate in Through his activities in con­ LAST SAORAMENTS nection with the summer retreats MANY CATHOLIC HEROES in Regis college, Father Murray ADMINISTERED TD has become well acquainted with Convent Rites many Catholic laymen, thousands MSGR. M’MENAMIN IN NEWS OF WAR FRONTS of whom have participated in the exercises direct^ by Father Mur­ Three young women from the ray. The priest also has served Archdiocese of Denver were among The last sacraments were as director of public relations of As news pours in from the far- Family high school, has three administered to the Rt. Rev. Beneventi had been stringing wire. 30 who participated in ceremonies Regis college. ' Monsjgnor Hugh L. McMena- flung battle fronts of the Ameri­ He finished his job in a particular brothers also in service— Jack, a of religious reception and profes­ can forces, high in the list o f sion on Tuesday, Aug. 16, in the Of retreats for laymen, Father min, rector of the Denver Ca­ area, and had just vacated the master sergeant on New Guinea; heroes are the names of gallant area when a bomb fell, destroying mother-house of the Sisters of SL Murray says: “Young men fre­ thedral, on Tuesday afternoon, S. Sgt. Garry L., in Hawaii, and quently, in the days of prayer the Feast of the Assumption, Catholic men o f this area. Some the very work he had com plied. Joseph o f Carondelet in St. Louis, William Davis, seaman fist class. Mo. and quiet of a retreat, discover by the Rt. Rev. Monsignor Wil­ have made the supreipe sacrifice; Sgt. Beneventi scouted around for Among the five young women their vocation to the secular liam M. Higgins, pastor of St. some have been wounded; others Capt. L. M. Henry who received the gerb of the Con­ priesthood, the brotherhood, or Philomena’s church and former are missing in action; and many Lawrence M. Henry, serving gregation o f St. Jpseph were Miss the religious life. For others, a assistant to Monsignor Mc- have been decorated or promoted. with the army in England, has Marian Purfield of Colorado retreat clinches a vocation they Menamin in the Cathedral. S. Sgt. Victor J. Beneventi, 25, been promoted to captain, accord­ Springs, now Sister Michael Hel­ have long suspected. In the aver­ Present were the Rev. Arthur last week sent his parents, Mr. John B. McGauran ing to word received by his par­ ene, and Miss fherese Hallinan o f age summer group of rctreatants, Lucy, the Rev. Frederick Mc- and Mrs. Victdr Beneventi, 5056 ents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. whole life was consistently devoted Denver, now Sister Inez Denise. usually half a dozen non-CathoHcs Callin, and the Rev. F. Duane W. 10th avenue, Denver, the Purple Henry o f 3115 High street Capt. to the high sentiments expressed Nineteen sisters pronounced are found. With them, subse­ Theobald, present assistants of Heart awarded him for wounds re­ quent conversion afterwards is ceived in the Italian drive. This Henry enlisted in May. 1942, and by what he wrote 35 years ago. their perpetual vows, made after the Cathedral, and Sister ‘There are many willing to die for Fr. Bernard J. Murray, S.J. often a matter of course. was the first news his parents had went overseas in August o f that three years of temporary profes­ Mary Linus and Sister Alice their faith, but unwilling to live Father Murray will leave Den­ that their son had been wounded. A year. Capt. Henry, 28, a graduate sion. Among these was Sister Marie of St, Joseph’s hospital. SL Louis, Mo., as chaplain as SL ver for St. Louis in the week o f 1937 graduate o f St. Joseph’s of Regis college, was a member of according to its behests.’ . . . ‘The Mary Martin Fitzpatrick of Den­ All were deeply moved' by race question is at bottom’ an eco- John's hospital. Aug. 27. high school, Sgt. Beneventi, who the Colorado Legislature when he ver. the devout and humble dis­ nomic^question. It is really a con­ The first in the long series of A native of Denver, Father was inducted into the army in the volunteered fpr militaiV seryice. positions of the il^ prelate, and test between two sets of laboring ceremonies in SL Lohis marking Murray has been long associated first draft, January, 1940, trained He has a brother, 2nd Lt. Joseph the clear and fervent answers men.’ . . . 'Instead of eliminating ^yith Regis. He attended Regis Captain’s Rank Won with an infantrj' company and was Henry, in Virginia. the admission of young vomen to he gave to the interrogations competition we laed more of it’— the life o f the Sisters of St. Joseph high school and Regis college be­ sent overseas in June, 1943. He By Fr. Duffy of the profession of faith. A Lt. Robert P. Peering these sentences are certainly Mc­ was held in 1838, less than two fore entering the Society of Jesus has taken part in the campaigns few moments after the sacra­ Lt. Robert F. Deering, a grad­ Gauran’s," said Monsignor Hig­ years after the six pioneer sisters novitiate in Florissant, "Mo. He for Sicily, Salerno, Cassino, Anzio, ments had been administered. uate of the Cathedral high school gins. “Those of us who knew him had established their convent in earned his M.A. degree in St. and . It was during one of Archbishop Urban J. Vehr and a member o f Blessed Sacra­ (TumtoPageS — C olum n i ) Carondelet. Louis university in 1913 and called on Monsignor McMena- these campaigns that his action ment parish, was killed over Ger­ prompted notice in the . Notre many on Jan. 30, his parents, Mr. Colorado Women Writers Owe Her Mufh Dame Bulletin, As part of his duty, and Mrs. Henry P. Deering o f 2662 Grape street, Denver, were told by the International Red Cross 23 Young Women Participate this week. Lt. Deering, who at- HEAD OF NATIONAL FEDERATION (T um to Page 7 — C olum n 5) S, Sgt. V. J. Beneventi OF PRESS CLUBS VISITS DENVER In Investiture, Profession the nearest chaplain and gave him an offering for a Mass o f Thanks­ giving. Women of the press in Colorado vention plans was made last week or like publications, should be a Rites in Mother-House Here Pfc. Tom Maes owe a great deal to the driving in Golden at the quarterly meeting “must” in every Catholic home, spirit of Mrs. Bertha Bless, a na­ and should be read thoroughly and Pfc. Tom Maes o f Denver and of the Colontdo Press Women in tionally known figure in journal­ intelligently. She says that Catho­ Walsenburg now is a patient in For the first time, St. Joseph’s Meinrad's abbey, St. Meinrad, Ind. ism, and a prominent Catholic lay- the home o f Mrs. Vera West Par­ lic women in journalism have a Shoemaker navy hospital im Cali­ convent, the mother-house o f the Father Rudolph has been conduct­ woman o f Missouri. A flare for sons. double duty, a duty not only to fornia as the result of wounds suf­ Poor Sisters o f St. Francis Seraph, ing a summer course for the sis­ Mrs. Bless, a charming, ener­ write well and interestingly, but fered in the battle of Saipan in the writing that produced feature Denver, echoed to the magnificent ters in the liturgy o f the Mass getic personality, and a forceful also to write for the basis o f all South Pacific. He enlisted in the stories before she^knew what fea­ organ accompaniment that marks and in Gregorian chant. At the or­ living, which is love and under­ marines in February, 1942, and ture articles were led her to the speaker, is a native o f Lawrence, the investiure and profession cere­ gan was the Rev, Stephen Thuis, top spot in women’s journalistic Kans. She assists her husband, standing. went overseas three months later. monies of the order. Eleven young O.S.B., M. Mus., rector o f the circles, the presidency of the Na­ B. J. Bless, Jr., as owner and pub­ In spite o f her duties as editor, He saw action in Tarawa and other women received the garb, nine minor seminary, St. Meinrad, Ind. tional Federation of Press Clubs. lisher of the Weston Chronicle, writer, and homemaker, Mrs. Bless South Pacific points. Pfc. Maes pronounced first vows, and three The profession ceremonies fol­ Her interest in the budding field which was established in Weston, finds time to give two classes a has a brother, Tony, in service in made final profession o f vows be­ lowed a 10-day retreat given by of Western journalism and the Mo., in 1872 and has been in the week in religious instruction to the England. fore His Excellency, Archbishop the Rev. Juvenal Berens, O.F.M., leadership afforded by small town Bless family since 1886. “ Edi­ children of her parish. The Rev. Richard if. D o ffy Urban J. Vehr, Aug. 12 in the of Cincinnati. The sermon of the Pvt. R. L. Davis editors of the Mountain States re­ torials make the paper,” Mrs. Bless Two of Mrs. Bless’ sisters are (abo%-e), former aaslMafil o f Su most solemn function held in the Mass was given by Father Juvenal PvL Richard L, Davis, a son of sulted in the initiation of the Colo­ believes, and her fearless style religious: Sister Mary Francis, In­ Mary’s parish in Colorado Springs convent since its opening Dec. 14, and was followed by an address Mrs. Dorothy Davis, 3840 Lowell rado Press Women. With Mrs. evokes rebounds from her readers, dependence, Mo., and Sister Mary and now a chapi^ip with the army 1943. by Archbishop Vehr. boulevard, suffered a broken leg Bless’ aid and inspiration at its young and old. Grass-roots jour­ Elizabeth, Marshall, Mo. A son, air forces, has been promoted' to A host of clergy from the city The following young women re­ arffi shrapnel wounds in France foundation, this organization has nalism, the young pioneer press of Charles A. Bless, is foreman of capUin. Father Duffy, who has and surrounding territory marched ceived the garb: Dorothy Koch, June 10. He is a paratrooper. become so influential among, its the small town owner, wields an Uie mechanical department of the two brothers also in the armed in procession, music for which Canon City, Sister M. Jerome; Now in a hospital in England, he national affiliates that Colorado influence far beyond its wildest Jefferson C o u n ty Republican, forces, is stationed in Keesler Fiel4, was furnished by the sisters’ choir Ludene Vontz, Lincoln, Nebr., Sis­ recently met Lt. M »ry Wickens, has been chosen 1945 host jstate for dreams, the Missouri writer con­ Golden. His children are (;. A., Jr., Miss., where he went from Shep. under the direction o f the Rev. ter M. Ruth; Irene Urzendowski, an army nurse from Denver. the >(ational Federation of Press tends. 8; Bernard Key, 6; and Carolyn pard Field, Tex, He entered lb« Rudolph Siedling, O.S.B., of SL (Turn to Page S — C olum n t ) Pvt. Davis, a graduate of Holy Lt. Robert P. Dearing Women. The announcement of con­ Her belief is that the Register, Ann, 4. army less than a year ago. ,

..ilm PAGE TWO Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DEm^ER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyatone 4205 Thursday, Aug. 17, 1944

St. Mary’s President Is Nearly 2,500 Attend The Denver Catholic 23 YOUNG WOMEN PARTICIPATE f FATHER OF TWIN PRIESTS Speaker at Convention Catholic U. in Summer Register IN INVESTITURE, PROFESSION DIES IN ST. LOUIS HOME New York. — Brother Austin, Washington.— The 34th annual president of S t Mary’s college, summer session of the Catholic Published Weekly by the erine. Sister M. Louisetta, Sister TO (Continued From-Page One) S.J., of Regis college, Denver, and Moraga, Calif., spoke on current University of America, attended Catholic Press Society, Inc. (Continued From Page One) and future academic problems to by nearly 2,600 students, has ter­ 988 Bannock Sti^et, Denver, Omaha, Sister M. Rosalia'; Cath­ M. Cariene, and Sister M. Ann o f the Solemn Mass o f Requiem the Rev. Francis P. Keenoy, SJ., were his two sons, respectively, be faced by American liberal arts minated. O f the 2,500 enrolled Colo. erine Krakowski, Omaha, lister M. Frances. of Rdekhurst college, Kansas City the Rev. Timothy Louis Keenoy, colleges at the annual national edu­ for the six weeks’ study, 650 will Rose; Catherine Beister, Sister M. Those who made perpetual vows The Rev. Herbert O’H. Walker, Subscription: $1 Per Year OF cm coisis cational conference of the Brothers continue in their classrooms until Lorene; Rita Koperski, Omaha, were Sisters M. Verona, Leola, S.J., of the Queen's Work in S t Entered as Second Class Matter Prayer of Dadicatiou of Christian Schools in Manhat­ Sept 23 to obtain credits equal Sister M. Timothea; Jenny Rivera, and Rosalita. Louis, served as the subdeacon, at the Post Office, Denver, tan college. He described the sem­ to a full semester of the regular Pena Blanca, N. Mex., Sister M. The five new candidates who (Continued From Page One) and the sermon was given by the Coio. Composed for Airmen academic year. Included are a Theresa Ann; Rita Ann Keilman, entered are Lucille Moser, new order of social service sisters Rev. George Dreher, pastor of inar system in S t Mary’s and the that will be introduced to the number of full-time students who Gary, Ind., Sister M. John; Kath­ Humphrey, Nebr.; Rosella Preister, the Resurrection parish. use of original great books in­ ryn Coflfey, Denver, Sister M. archdiocese about Sept. 1. Des Moines, la.—Father Hilary, are on the accelerated war-time Marjorie Preister, Detroit, Mich.; Surviving Mr. Keenoy, a Inem­ stead o f ordinary textbooks. program. Emily Catherine; Margaret Mee. Though Archbishop Urban J. C.P., who spends a great deal of ber of De Andreis council 800, Denver, Sister M. Regina; and Virginia Gates, Lincoln, Nebr.; Vehr located the major articles his time conducting missions for Ford & Mercury Service Elva Tiujillo, FCuntain, Sister M. and Rosemary Encinio, Gallup, N. of furniture, the guild, at his in­ the men in service, has composed a K. o f C., in addition to the two rayer of dedication to the Blessed priests, are Joseph Keenoy o f the Larga Parts Slock Henrietta. Mex. vitation, campaigned for the many small appointments o f linen, sil­ Virgin for the men in the air U. B. navy, Mrs. Edward J. Duffy Nin* SklDcd Mechanic! Those who pronounced first tem­ Officers of the Mass, presided porary vows were Sister M. Ema ver, china, and kitchenwarp that forces. Copies may be obtained o f Dayton, 0 .; Mrs. James J. SWAYNE-WIMBUSH Louise, Sister M. Claire, Sister M. over by Archbishop Vehr, whose, will make the residence homelike. from Father Hilary. The requests Steckmann, who lives in Fergu­ should be sent to him'in care of son; and Miss Marie and Miss Ann Jean, Sister M. Roste Ann, Sister chaplains were the Rev. Edward Miss Catherine Maloney, chaliv' 850 Bannock TA. 6113 St. Gabriel’s monastery, 58th street Keenoy o f the home address. In­ M. Stella Frances, Sister M. Cath- J. Morgan, S.J., and the Rev, man of the project, was accom­ and Douglas avenue, Des Moines, terment was in the Calvary ceme­ COR. X 4 S m a GHPM Jerome Weinert, were, celebrant, panied to Greeley by Mmes. Mar­ la. tery. the Rev. Raymond Micek, O.F.M., garet Volk. Marie Dinan, and Downtmen Prleae at Your Doorstep Omaha; deacon, the Rev. Adam Marion Kelly, and Misses Mary Bestauranl Ritter; subdeaconj the Rev, Theo­ 615 17TH STREET Nad#rff, Margaret Lynch, Clella dore Haas; and orator, the Rev. Carter, and Virginia Vaughn. Bctm cn Wclton uid CaUfornU Sta. Juvenal Berens, O.F.M., Cincin­ They are spending two days clean­ nati. The masters o f ceremonies ing and preparing the home. Fall Shipments Arrived This Spring! were the Rev. Justin McKernan, Special SUNDAY DINNER O.S.B., Canon City, apd the Rev. The Missionary Catechists, who Roger Hoehn, O.S.B. will come from the mother-house STEWED CHICKEN, CHOPPED STEAK OR ROAST PORK In Victoi^ Noll, Ind., will do so­ Actually hundreds of Topcoats and Overcoats came in this spring after the Assisting in the Mass were the cial service work and teach cate­ cold weather season had passed. But since good all wool coats are so hard Including soup or cocktail, vegetable, potatoes, Rev. Pelician Sandford, OJF.M., salad, dessert and drink. Choice o f six other chism over a wide area surround­ to get, we kept them and here they are at exactly ONE-THIRD less than Olpe, Kans.; the Rev. Fabian Haid, ing Greeley. entrees...... — O.S.B., Crested Rutte; the Rev. their regular ceiling prices! It’s worth your while to think ahead. Cold SERVED 11 A.M. TO 5 P.M. ONLY William F. Malloy, Morrison; the USO SUPPER 400 A OKGAN A , NO Rev. Michael Harrinrton, Colorado PLANNED weather will be here before you know it! BKAT8 • MUSIC ^ LIQUOR Springs; and the followingiTowi Denver • The Archbishop’s guild will be prieste: The Rev. James Flan­ hostess to men in the armed forces agan, the Rev, R. J. Judnic, the on Sunday, Aug. 20, in the USO- Rev. Gregory Smith, the Rev. John NCCS club, Denver, for another F. Curran, the Rev, M. J. Blenkush, buffet supper. Under the direc­ MOVING - PACKING - STORAGE the Rev. J.' R. Vidal, C.M.; the tion of Miss Virginia Vaughan, Very Rev. George C. Tollman, the guild’s USO reresentative, and “Household Goods to and from Everywhere C.M.; the Rev. Carlton A. Prinde- Mrs. Margaret Volk, president, a With SkiU and Care” vUle, C.M.; the Rev. Vincent group of 15 will prepare to serve Hughes, 0. P.; the Rev. Edward 600 men at the club’ s snack bar. CLEARANCE-ENTIRE STOCK Hughes, O.P.; the Rev, Leo C. A . new phase of USO work re­ Gainor, O.P.; the Rev. Henry cently inaugurated by the jn ild is THE JOHNSON STORAGE Foley, S.S.S.; the Rev]. A. S, the staffing o f the snack bar In Dimichino, S.J.; the Rev. Hubert the USO on Sundays, with vol­ AND MOVING COMPANY Newell; and the Rev. Charles J. unteer help. Miss Mary Nadorff, Salmon. chairman, needs 15 members for Since 1905 A luncheon for relatives of three shifts weekly, and asks the the new religious and a dinner co-operation of each circle in fur­ Topcoats-O’coats 221 Broadway — Denver — PEarl 2433 *for the clergy followed the chapel nishing aid at least once a month ceremonies. fo r this worthy cause. Members of Ave Marie circle met on Wednesday, Aug. 16, in ttio ■tiom forthe home o f Ann Racketttio forthe ■tiom the regular meeting. Over 1,200 to Go at Miss Dorothy Priskey o f St. James’ circle will be hostess to the group on Thurday, Aug. 17. Fol­ lowing a short business meeting, L- ' P i the evening will be spent sewing altar linens for distribution among missionary churches and army chapels. Guardian Angel circle members are planning a theater party at Elitch’s for some time next week. Miss Dorothy Meikenhouse of the circle recently returned from a trip through the South, visiting tv. in Tennessee and Georgia en route. Miss Cecilia Garland was hostess to members of Immaculate Con­ ception circle Friday, Aug. 11, and Mrs. Helen Washburn will enter­ tain this same group on Friday, Aug. 25. Misses Madeline Naliy a n d Frances Jennings of St. Luke’s •r'i circle returned this week from a two-week vacation in the moun­ tains. The Mystical Rose circle met Funeral services at Boulevard are eu ily acces­ with Mrs. Ann Kitto at 259 Clay­ sible from any part oi the city by street c u or ton for the August meeting. Altar bus — only a few minutes from dovmtown. No linens were sewed. Members of Little Flower cir­ Put off that golf game—lay aside those let­ parking restrictions, no traffic confusion: ample cle met last week with Miss Mar­ ters—let nothing keep you from attending modern equipment; experienced personnel garet Robinson. Miss Mary Bahl this most unusual clearance of the year! For thoughtful of every wish. Regardless of the cost, and Miss Elsie Richards returned from vacations tecently. Both are one charge covers all and every service is com­ it comes in ADVANCE of the season—ahead WM teachers in the Lakewood school. plete. There are no unexpected extras. Miss Richards entertained the cir­ of the time you want a new coat so that you cle recently. GRsad 1626 get clearance savings and a full season’s wear! Over 1,200 Coats— all types, all sizes! EVARD S-SM Pll[l $23.85 Topcoats and O'Coats, now...... $ 1 5 .9 0 MHS. JA8.P.MeC0NATY rXDEXAL i« NO. 8PCER Will SIIIIII III $29.95 Topcoats and O'Coats, now...... $ 1 9 .9 0 $35.85 Topcoats and O'Coats, now...... $ 2 3 .9 0 l i E I I I I . 1/ $41.85 Topcoats and O'Coats, now...... $ 2 7 .9 0

(Continued From Page One) $46.85 Topcoats and O'Coats, now...... $ 3 1 .2 5 Rev. Elmer J. Kolka of the arch­ diocesan Charities office, to­ $52.85 Topcoats and O'Coats, now...... $ 3 5 .2 5 gether with the officers of the ACCW and other Cathc^lic groups. $59.85 Topcoats and O'Coats, now...... $ 3 9 .9 0 A t a similar meeting held in * San Antonio, Tex,, last year. $74.85 Topcoats and O'Coats, now...... $ 4 9 .9 0 Come to MILLER’S mvder the sponsorship, of Arch- bishop Robert>rt E. LuLucey, who is also expected to attend the Denver -conference, national at­ for your canning supplies tention was focused on the report compiled at the four-day event. Equally significant will be the de- liber^ions of this year’s confer­ ence. The problem for discussion Famous Labels! Imported Woolens! is momentous, because it concerns Fruit Jars Case-- of $i Case of a large minority group, the Latin- Genuine Worumbos! Rey Pshas! Kamelaras! .24 12 Quarts. 74c Americans, a segregated, perse­ KERR AND BALL 24 Pints------■ cuted, and Bubnarged people. It is closely relateiT to many Anglo- Hockanum Coverts! Kirkdale Tweeds! Americans, who have shown stu­ pidity, ignorance, and malice in Durotwists! - Donegal Tweehs! Norris Tweeds! Uds . Kerr and BaU, pkg ...... 3® treating Mexicans with injustice, discrimination, and disdain. Glencairn Tweeds! And Many Others! The conference will attempt to answer sucR questions as were pro- posed by Archbishop Lucey: “ Can Caps Kerr and Ball, pkg...... 19c we make the Western hemisphere a bulwark o f liberty and law while DEPOSIT Holds Any Coat in we maim and mangle Mexican youth in the streets of our cities? “Will Gall” Until NOVEMBER 1st Certo..... 24c Parawax,.^12c Can we condemn our Latin-Ameri- cans to starvation wages, bad housing, and tuberculosis, and then expect them to be strong, Use Your Regular Charge Account or robust 'soldiers? Can we tell our Beet Sugar,.-- 34c....__68c Spanish-speaking soldiers that dis­ honorable discharge from the 90-DAY-PAY army will deprive them of civil $ 1 .7 0 rights when' they never had any A Third Down — Balance in 25 lbs. civil rights? In a word, can we, the greatest nation on earth, as­ Pure Apple sume the moral leadership o f the world when race riots and murder, Vinegar Cider, per gallon. 37c SEPTEMBER—OCTOBER—NOVEMBER If ^ political crimes, and economic in­ (BRING YOUR CONTAINER) justices disgrace the very name t\ -i of America?’’ It is the purpose of the conference to make an in­ irS MILLER’S formed and direct contribution to the solution of such problems. F a n FOOB 40 HOURS’ DEVOTION I milLER'S ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER I ' THRILLERS! Week of Sunday, Aug. 20: CSTTKBU/S St. Peter’* church, Cripple C re e k .(13 Hours') and the SUPER mBBKETSi Holy Family church, Kaenas- burg (13 Hour*’}. like M an’s SlorcTL 62l $ixteenth. st m m

Thursday, Aug. 17, 1944 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 PAGE THREE

LEE C. RICHARD School Teaching j; HANEY L HANEY Loretto Heights college. MisJ Gloria De Rose (left), daughter of Mr. Pilot Has Flown Hambar St. Hambar Ca- New Classroom Vlneant da and Mrs. F. C De Rose, SlOO W. 40th avenue, and Mies Barbara Mur­ thadral Pariah Ptnl'a Pariah phy (right), daughter o f Mr. and Mre, W. J. Murphy, 809 GarAeld street, will leach in the Westwood high school near Denver. Mies Eyes De Rose majored in mathematics and Miss Murohy in English. Both Examined To Be Added in yonng women received their stale teacher’s certificates at well as their SS Missions in Credit If Desired bachelor’s degrees in the 1944 commencement. LEE C. HANEY AND SON Exclusive Optometrists Northside School War Theater TA. 2 6 9 0 827 15th St., Denver TA. 2690

planning for your family’s future wel­ (H oly Family Pariah, Denver) (St. Vincent de Paul's Parish, fare, consider the wisdom of securing Work on the new classroom is Denver) ' FUTURE NEED PROTECTION now, progressing rapidly and it will First Lt. Samuel J. Homer of Service Headquarters during the years of earning income. Under be ready when school starts. 1451 S. Columbine writes home Enrollment for the ^ade and that he has flown 55 comba^ mis­ FOR SOm^DENVER OLINGER’S FUTURE NEED PLAN you high school will take place Mon­ sions as a pilot of a twin-engined can secure this intelligent provision for day, Aug. 28, from 9 to 12. B-26 Marauder over targete in every member of your family— regardless Lt. and Mrs. Robert Heider- and Southern France. H^ Our Equipment Is of Ihe Best has been overseas seven months of age. The cost is very little. . . only a stadt from Roswell, N. Mex., left We Service Any Make o f Car or Truck Wednesday, Aug. 1, after spending and holds the Air medal with three few cents a day. Consult Olinger’s Advis­ Oak Leaf clusters. P IIX UP SERVICE ory Department. . . there is no obligation. a leave with Lt. Heiderstadt’s mother, Mrs. Clara Heiderstadt, A letter o f appreciation for the 4401 Vrain street. They will visit parish newsletter, “ What’s What,” Viner Chevrolet Co. with Mrs. Heiderstadt's parents, has been received from John Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fleming, for­ somewhere in France. The letter PE. 4641 455 BROADWAY 16TH at SPEER at merly of Holy Family parish, now gives all the news o f the parish and the doings of many of the men BOULDER SHERMAN of Ryan, la., before returning to New Mexico. in service in different parts of the IHDRTDjRIES world. Many letters of thanks have Kathryn Heiderstadt has re­ been received from the soldiers turned from a vacation trip dur­ Departments Call, G Lendale 3663 stationed in the U. S. Fresh Sweet Corn ing which she visited with friends Repstradon o f pupils will be and relatives in Missouri and Ne­ APRIOCOTS, PEACHES, RASPBERRIES CATHOLIC MEMBERS of our personnel and the held in the parish hall on Tuesday, braska. finest equipment and facilities are assigned to SR. PRUDENTIA, PRINCIPAL OF Aug. 22, from 9:30 to 11:30. Par­ ' HOME GROWN VEGETABLES Art Mosher of the coast guard ents will please register their chil­ every Catholic Service. ^ is home on leave. dren on this day, as it may be too Q u U f . % ^ Baptitmt Litteii ST. PHILOMENA’ S ; IS CHANGED late to do so at a later time. No Sunday Among those recently baptized Den No. 1 o f Cub Scout papk No. S60. TH E (J Vlcf- PrMidMt were the following: Richard Al­ 34 enjoyed a week’s vacation in (St. Phiiomena’s Parish) apd Mrs. Jack Shehan and daugh East Evans PATCH ien Mott, son of Mr. and Mrs. the Rusche cabin in Foxton. Mrs. Sales Boyd Mott, godparents, Clarence Sister Prudentia. who had been ter, Norma Jean, of Houston, Tex. John Busche, den mother, super­ Kramer and Sadie Moose; Judith principal of St. Philomena's school, Mrs. Mayme Downing is visiting vised the outing and was assisted Lynn Walters, daughter o f Mr. left Denver Saturday for Kansas in Grand Junction. by Mrs. J. A. McDonald. Seven Preferred Parish and Mrs. David M. Walters, god­ City, where she will receive her Mr. and Mrs. George Maloney boys enjoyed the outing. parents, Edward J. Choi, Jr., and assignment for the ensuing school now reside in South Denver. Many improvements have been Agnes Neal; Cheryl Kaye Carter, year. The BTA presented her made on the parish school. All Preferreel Parish Mrs. Ann Jacobs has returned with a gift certificate in apprecia­ classrooms have been put in shape daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Dean from Buncombe, 111., where she Trading List tion o f the splendid work she has for the school terra. Carter, godparents, Mike Brunetti was called by the death of her fa­ Trading List and Theresa Brunetti; Louise Ma­ done. Marine Walter, Joseph Burke ther. rie and Catherine Edelen, daugh­ The 1943 class o f St. Phiio­ writes that he gives thanks to God Cathedral ters o f Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ede­ mena’s school held a class reunion Mrs. J. B. Furstenberg, Jr., and for allowing him to come safely len, godparents, Jake and Mar­ in the school auditorium Friday son returned Saturday from- a through the battle of Guam. garet Stadler; Patricia Kathleen evening, Aug. 11. Mrs. A. € . three-month sojourn in Los An­ Father James E, Payne, assist­ St. Vincent de PauFs Parish O’Brien, daughter o f Mr. and Ames and Mrs. Guy Bibbs chap­ geles and , Calif. ant in the Cathedral of El Paso, EcoRORiyLiqHor Store Mrs. Thomas T. O’Brien, god­ eroned the group. Games and Mrs. James E, Sullivan and son Tex., spent a few days in the rec­ H O M E‘-‘V CA R parents, 'George and Lucile Kirk. dancing furni^ed the amusement. o f Boston, Mass., are guests in the tory. Father Edward Dinan of St. Next to CUrks'a Choreb G«od« VIRGINIA CREAMERY Mr. and Mrs. Sam Satterwhite . Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Zook and home o f Mrs. J. P. McConaty. Francis de Sales’ parish, Denver, HR. AND MRS. VIRGIL R. GOODRICH RADIO SERVICE “ When in low spirits call J erry and daughters are spending a va­ Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bradley took Mrs. Earl Gardell and infant was also a guest last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Grosheider Fresh Meats - Groceries - Creamery & Bakery Goods 1634 Tremont KE. 4554 cation in Aspen. the following boys to Camp St. daughter have returned to their Malo on Sunday, where they will home from Mercy hospital. and son are leaving for Mt. St. Jos­ PEEK DELIVERT FREE PARKING New Store H oun: Weekday* 7 to 7, Sunday*-^ to 6 spend a two-week vacation: Rich eph, 0., Fridfhy, to visit their Miss Stella Rumraelheart is daughter, Jane, who received the 2111 East Virginia SP. 7505 ard Koehl, Robert Ames, George spending a vacation in Boulder. Schwartz, Dick Bradley, Jack and religious garb as a Sister of Char­ ST. Fred Zook, George Minot, and ity on the Feast of the Assump­ tion. Her name in religion is Sister ALLEYS Guy Gibbs. W« Spteiilitt In Formerly Krust ' ^ Mary Christopher. Permanent Quality Meats, Poultry The garden bridge party held at MAHONEY DRUG the home o f Mrs. Phil Clarke, St. Jolm s Group Waving and Fish TO 0[ iOST TO 732 Pjllmore street-Saturday eve­ Hair Styling APPRECIATES YOUR BUSINESS V a l T m ^ ASSORi;^D LUN'CH HEATS ning and sponsored oy Mrs. Harry 1231 E«ft iltk At*. Phon* TAbor 64TS O’Day’s club, was an outstanding DSOSUfiiCIS’PII Virginia Prescription/Called for and ( j m a i i T B i success. Beauty Salon To Serve in Delivered Free Your Purchase o f War Bonds Mrs. George Astlcr is instruct­ Direction H. 0. Ballard 1300 So. Pearl SP. 7539 l»WN|No'*' TAbor6557 and Stamps Helps to Secure Your ing and supervising the studepts HOrT e AS'F v IRGINIA PE.2B86 Future. in Braille at the American Red (St. John the ETangeliat’ a Pariah, (St. Patrick’s Parish, Denver) Cross. Anyone interested in study­ Denver) Weddings Famfly Groups The parish will be host to men ing Braille may call Mrs. Astler Mrs. S. J. Lewis, president o f WASHINGTON When buying from the in the service at the USO on Hoover-Randall at EA. 8957. St. John’s Altar and Rosary so­ firms advertising in this Sunday evening, Aug. 27. The Mmes. Mary Shell, John Koehl, ciety, has been appointed captain PARK MARKET Stadio expense will be defrayed by a vol­ George Astler, Miss Patricia Syri- o f Monday service at the USD .27 BILL HUGHES. Prop. paper, please mention that DISTINCTIVE PORTRAITS untary subscription fund. Ar­ aney, and William Joy were re­ snack bar. She is being assisted in Complete Food Service you saw their advertise­ ^oeotH A Homt Portrait Sittinffi for 'Babiat rangements have been made for cent donors to the Red Cross blood this volunteer work by Mmes. and Children 598 South Gilpin Veevts,, Coio receiving donations after all bank. George E. Brennan, Roy Park, (St. Franci* de Salea’ Pariah, ment. 328 E. COLFAX AVE. Masses next Sunday. Members Denver) “ It’o Smart to B* Thrifty” SUdIo: KEystoDi 8654 Ret. CH. 1758 Capt. Albert M. Keenan, who Gene Cervi, Clem Kohl, E. B o f the parish societies will have was recently promoted to major, DeBey, F. J. Siems, Bessie Thomp­ Mrs. Herman Miller, PTA presi­ charge of serving supper to the together with Mrs. Keenan, is son, Edward Hart, John Casey, dent, announces that donations are A REPUTABLE DRUG WINES — LIQUORS men. About 600 are expected. spending a two-week furlough with J. S. Conrad, Lito Gallegos, Ann being solicited for the food sale rto ■ .STORE The August meeting of the Mrs. J. R. Plank. Maj. Keenan Austin, E. S. Casbum, Miss Mary be held Sunday, Aug. 27, from 8 BONNIE BRAE Nadorff Liquors, Irc. Senior Young Ladies’ sodality will will leave shortly for his station at Peavey, and Miss Maxine Barrow. a.m. to 1 p.m. in the school build­ be held on Thursday evening, Camp Gordon, Augpista, Ga. Mrs. F. A. Koch, J. J. Garland, ing. Those not called on within a Home of Good Spirits Aug. 17, in the clubroom of the Robert Krier, nephew o f Miss Mrs. Herman Seep, Mrs. Edward few days should not hesitate to Shopping old school buUding at 8 o’clock. WHERE YOU GET THE HOST OP Margaret Krier, received his wing;s Wolter, Mrs. John Shean, and Miss offer assistance. THE BEST FOR THE LEAST Next Sunday will be Commun­ Coifax at Downing . . . Denver Aug. 11 at Marfa, Tex. Catherine Garland. Mrs. Joseph Grabus has been EH, M77 Colfax St' Williams ion day for senior and junior so­ Mr, and Mrs. E. L. Stakebake KEystono 3217 Mr. and Mrs. Clem Kohl en­ taken to St. Joseph’s hospital after Preisser’s Red & While CONOC O P R O D U C TS dalities. entertained at a family dinner on suffering a heart attack while on SNAPPY SERVICE FSEB Belen Frances, daughter of Mr. tertained their card club at a bar­ Thursday evening in honor of Mr. vacation in Salida with Mr. Gra­ Lubrication, Car Washing, Batteriee r~McGlJIRE“ JACk 8PEEGLE. Prop. and Mrs. Bethel Fiero, was bap­ becue Saturday evening, Aug. 12 Grocery and Market Father Charles Hayden, S.J., was bus. Recharged, Tire Vulcanizing tized by the Rev. Theodore A. Hass A picnic supper will be served FANCnr MEATS, VEGETABLES, AND Moving - Storage 4RGONAIJT WINE & a guest. Bridge honors were recently. Sponsors were Porfilio Mercy Hospital Nuns the members of the Young Ladies’ QUALITY GROCEBIES AT BONNIE BRAE Express Gonzales and Senfora Gamboa. awarded to John Cutshaw and to LOWER PRICES UQIJOR CO. Mrs. George Wolfgang. sodality at their monthly meeting CONOCO SERVICE Miss V ir^nia Battaia and Miss Back From St. Louis Tuesday, Aug. 22, in City park. Free Delivery SPnice 4447 Low Rates tHPORTED AND DOHESTIC WINES Rose Luizzi are on vacation at 2221 E. Ohio Are. (So. Unir. and Ohio) 724 So. University - PE. 9909 CBAHPAGNES AND UQUOB8 Mrs. John Shea and daughter, Members are asked to meet at the KE. 6425 2149 Wehon St. Grand Lake. Misses Ann and Jean, left Monday to visit their museum at 6:30. All the women Phon* CUorry 4SSt U< Eut Colfax Nancy Petraglia - returned from Sister Mary Rita, superior of son and brother, John, who is sta­ Mercy hospital, Denver, announces o f the parish are invited. Bonnie Brae PEABSOIY’S there after a short sojourn. tioned in Camp Maxey, Tex. The regular meeting o f St. the return of Sister Mary Frances, RED & WHITE Word has been received by Mrs. Peter C. Schaefer of 1515 East who has been attending the Univer. Theresa’s circle has been post­ Drug Co. D. Omennetto that her son Mat­ 7th avenue is ill in St. Joseph’s poned. Members will meet Aug. FRESH MEATS — RSH Hatchett Drug Store thew Casagranda has been pro­ sity of St. Louis in St. Louis, Mo., hospital, Denver. Mrs. Anna Rose 31 at the home o f Mrs. Schieman. Downtown Prices "Th* Star* of. Quality and Borneo*' moted to first class electrician in where she took her degree of Bach­ Groceries & Vegetables The ShirWy Garage Casmon is recuperating from a Aug. 20 is Communion Sunday Prescriptions a Specialty navy. He has been overseas elor of Science in nursing in Janu­ Your Patronaa* Appreeiated OPnCIAL AAA GARAGE recent illness in the home of her for the members o f the Altar and DELIVERY SERVICE 701 GRANT in the Pacific for 16 months. ary, 1944. Sister Mary Frances Wines and Liquors PHONE TABOR 5911 daughter. Mrs. W. J. Gunther is Rosary society. 2626 E. Louisiana SP. 1912 Mrs. Forrest Lundstrum and has more recently done post-grad­ 763 So. University PE. 2255 Doy ond Nithi Storas*. Repalrint. Compounding prcocriptlon* I* th* moot ill in a local hospital, Wuhint ond Greoains. Gaaolino- ond Olb important part of our buitnaoa. two children of Pueblo have been uate work in surgical nursing in tS3I-S7 LINCOLN ST. visitors at the home o f her par­ the Franciscan hospital in Peoria, Ralph Sinclair III, son of Mr. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Manfro. 111. Also home from St. Louis uni­ and Mrs. Ralph S. Smith, J r , was Sisters Bazaar CHRISTMAS CARDS Mrs. J. Natale is confined to versity, where they studied nursing baptized Sunday by the Rev. SOUTH GAVLORD Muot Be Mailed Early I her home following an injury to subjects in summer school, are Gregory Smith. Sponsors were See Our Complete Selection her knee. She will be unable to Sisters Mary Ricardi and Mary Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Smith. Rob­ BUY WAR BONDS be out for three weeks. Anselmo. ert Kemmer Shay, son o f Mr. and Committee Wiii Shopping District CAPITOL HILL ^ Mrs. Richard Shay, was baptized AND STAMPS PRINTWG CO. Frifiay by the Rev. Roy Figlino. 815 Eait Colfax ATcnne ST. DOMINIC’ S GRADE SCHOOL Sponsors were the Rev. John P. Meet on Monday ★ KEyttont 8528 Denver 3, Cola Moran and Mrs. Hugh Stewart. Holy Hour will be held on Fri­ UNDERGOES EXTENSIVE REPAIR day evening at 7:30. A meeting of the workers o f the ANNOUNCEMENT Annunciation The Rev. John O’Neill, C.S.C., is Dominican Sisters bazaar will be held in the sisters’ convent, 2501 (St. Dominic’s Parish, Denver) to a permanent black. New maps a guest at the rectory. DE SELLEM Gaylord street, Denver, Monday L. E. Sullivan arid George W. Tallmon have opened The St. Dominic grade school and other teaching devices have evening, Aug. 21, at 8 o’clock. GOING building is undergoing extensive been iniAalled to aid in visual Feast of San Rocco Final reports on the recent bazaar the BONNIE BRAE JEWELRY at 1048 So. Gaylord. DUKE’S FUEL AND FEED CD. repair and improvements prepara­ Ifsrning. The linoleum runners in will be made. Miss Rita LaTourette Demitrous J. Mavrosrinet. Prop. tory to the fall opening. A crew classrooms and corridors have will sing, accompanied at the piano ' COMPETE LINE OF JEWELRY Store COAL Now o f workmen has been busy for the been cleaned and wax-treated. The Will Be Celebrated by Miss Patricia McGlone. past few weeks, under the direc­ stairways have been refinishedc John Rice will give the treas­ Gem, LixniU and Biiominoat Cealf tion o f the Rev. V. R. Hughes, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, REPAIRING The major alterations have been (Our Lady o f Mt. Carmel Pariah, urer’s report. The hope chest will 35th & Wainnt TA. 3205 O.P., pastor. made on the second floor. As now Denver) be awarded, according to Miss Mc­ All the classrooms have been re­ arranged, the second floor consists Glone, chairman. The Rev. Ed­ AT LOWEST ps inted with a light ceiling, neu- A triduum in honor o f San of an auditorium, a stage, a recrea­ ward Morgan, S.J., will address tra walls, and a darker tone at Rocco is being held in Our Lady DRUGS PRICES IN DENVER tion room, and a health section the meeting, presided over by Har­ Bonnie Brae Jewelers lower levels. The desks have been o f Mt. Carmel church, W. 36th Th» original stage has been relo­ old A. Kiley, chairman. cleaned and revamished. The avenue and Navajo street, Den­ Reliable Time Service cated and modernized to provide ver. , blackboards have been resurfaced space for a choral room, a rehear 1048 SO. GAYLORD SPRUCE 6026 THE STORE On Sunday, Aug. 20, the Feast Your Purchase o f War Bonds ' ■ " ' y " ...... sal stage, or interior recreation o f San Rocco will be solemnly cele­ and Stamps Helps to Secure Your room in inclement weather. S4Bi FRANKLIN ST. Community Jewelers brated. A Solemn Mass will be Future. 1080 So. Phone The auditorium has been THE CHRYSLER offered in the church at 10 a.m. Gaylord BOB’S SP. 0574 AMERICAN EXPERT WATCH decorated, replastered, and yre- A procession in which the statue SUNDAY DINNER DOWNING COAL REPAIRING finished in a buff and cream com­ o f theasaint will have an honored GROCERY COMPART 5c & 10c STORE 3-Dir Serrlcc All Work Goaraoteed bination. The permanent theater place will move on streets adja­ Fried Chicken and all the Grocery and Market SAVE TIME AND MONEY I AND HOWL GO. BEN FELpT type seats have beet repaired and cent to the church at 4:30 p.m. —Eatabliahad 1606— renewed. The auditorium is de­ trimmings Q C f 9 Groceries, MeaU and Fancy Wo Hov* Thouoando of USEFUL "SINCE t»14" 1««8H Itth 6t. There "will be special entertain­ CORN FED MEATS Vegetables to Westom Supplies) signed to serve as a school assem With Ice Cream O w U ARTICLES Attractively Oloplayod tor “THERE’S NO FUEL LIKE AN ment on the grounds of Pontenza Your Convenienc* bly room, a class demonstration WINES AND BEER The Store o f Quatity and Price OLD FUEL” hall, W. 38th avenue and Sho- 1093 So. Gaylord Call PE. 4601 1626 E. 24th AVE. LESTER’ S theater, and as a meeting place for),iriione street, on both Saturday ( I |i I f ____(Between Franklin and Gilpin) 3260 Downing TA. 2615 the Parent-Teachers’ association. and Sunday evenings. Washington Park Cafe M ARY ANNE WATCH REPAIRS Other minor repairs and im­ St. Theresa’s club will have its Under New Manasemant :: Gaylord Drug Go. i: provements have been made to the 7-DAY SERVICE annual picnic at El Dorado Springs H. J. MelSAAC, Prop. * J. ROY SMITH. Prop. Holy Family visiting nurses’ quarters, the in on Aug. 27. 1052 S. Gaylord PE. 9846 Bakery No. 2 ONE-YEAR GUARANTEE 1059 So. Gaylord SP. 3345 spection room, and to the heating Antonio Capra and Rosina Capra WE SPECIALIZE IN Prescriptioru Carefully Filled plant. The capacity of the school 1529 Wehon CHerry 2447 were sponsors in Baptism to Gary PARTY AND PASTRY ORDERS by Registered Pharmacists For Quality Bakery Goods IS limited and a full enrollment is Gene Balzano, son of Mr.' and Mrs. 1024 So. Gaylord PE. 7315 FINE WINES AND UQUOBS BILLY’S INN anticipated. Sister M. Raphaella Alfonso Balzano. ; U olj Ghost ♦♦♦ I ******************** INFORMATION is principal, and M n. D. J. -McNa­ CBAS. HITT and ARNOLD JENSEN mara is president o f the Parent- SOUTH GAYLORD Good Foods WEISS BAKERY WANTED Teachers’ association. PHONE TA. 1611 'Thursday, Aug. 17, is the Feast GOOD CLOTHES NEED Full Line of And Your Favorite Drinka Concerning the whereabouts of Van Dyke GLEANERS 4024 Tennyson St. o f St. Hyacinth, the Dominican NOT BE EXPENSIVE 44th & UweU Phone GL 9733 Mrs. Louis Rice, whose maiden Apostle of Northern Europe. He Portraits Nu-Enamel 1025 SO. GAYLORD name was Mollie Holmes. Please was head o f the Dominican mis­ Reasonable Prices FOR INTERIOR AND EXTERIOB Dircat Plant Sarvle. JUST GOOD MEAT THE FINEST QUALITY DRY CLEANING ' call EM. 4768. sionary band in . The home­ 605 SEVENTEENTH 8T DECORATUVG AT REASONABLE PRICES POULTRY AND HSH land o f St. Hyacinth is the battle DaoTcr 2, Colo. 4028 TENNYSON On* Coat Cartr*—No Bnub Mark* PEarl 1350 Marjorie Arnold Optometrist and Optician ground of one of the major con­ ENGLISH SHOE SHOP TENNYSON flicts o f this wai and his feast day r e -elfj:t AL JOHNSON was appropriately celebrated at St. ijiA Y s e r v h j : Helen Walsh Dominic’s with prayers for the EXPERT REPAIRDia Meat Market , C. A. FRiTTS RADIO SERVICE HARDWARE AstoclaU liberation o f Poland, his native; TAILORS ANY HAKE HOME OS QUALITY MATF.EIAL8 4016 Tennyson GR. 0443 POR land. 901 FIFTEENTH. STREET CAR RADIO rUSMACB CLEANING AND REPAIBINO W. R. JOSEPH SHEET METAL AND GUTTES WOBS The members of the Blessed Vir- 1067 So. Gaylord ^YES EXAHINED REPRESENTATIVE Combine Quality and Style pn sodality will receive Commun­ RA. 1232 Phon* TAber t6SO Bobjact to Rapnbllraa Prlaaoiy at Pricet You Can Mtord So. Gaylord Hdw. Co. ion in the 7:30 Mass on Sunday, 8*0U U BUY WAR BONDS FOR VICTORY IIS-BIB HaiasUs B14«. Aug. 20, PeL Adv. 1055 So. (kylord SP. 2961 4

r , a.mi*''' f PAGE FOUR Office. 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOUC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 Thursday, Aug. 17, 1944


I i n l l P O ' P received their degrees in commencement exercises X CUCriCfd VJf ^eld in Albuquerque .Aug. 3 with Archbishop Edwin V. GIRL ARTIST Byrne of Santa Fe presiding, are pictured below. Left to right are: Top row— Amalia Quintana, Belen; Horacia M. 10% OFF It ichat the Advertising Agencies are Calling For Sanchez, Belen; Mrs. Felicitas S. Baca, Belen; .Amelia M. Chavez, Albuquerque; Nica Salazar, Belen; Lupe Pena, Belen; YOU CAN TRAIN FOR A JOB THAT WILL LAST AFTER THE WAR and Olivia Mercedes Olguin, Albuquerque; middle row— Cecilia Rael, Albuquerque; Sister IVL Seraphica (Negele), Mil­ DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES AUGUST //I waukee; Sister M. Flavia (Case)« Denver; Sister M. Vianney (Klapoetke), Racine, Wise.; and Loggie Carrasco, .Albu- CHILDREN'S CLASSES SATURDAY MORNING 10 TO U je r q u e ; bottom row— Sister M. Johanniia (Fischer), Denver; Sister M. Nataleno (Fieckenstein), Denver; Sister M. Denver’s Commercial Art School Coat and Snow' Lucina (Lopez), Denver; and Sister M. Albertilla (Sandoval), Denver. THE DEHVER ART IHSTITUTE ■ Suit SALE 1425 WELTON ST* »U . 3339

SIZES ro QC 1 to 4 ...... ^ 0 « 5 > U up SIZES 4 to 11 $ 1 3 .9 5 up KIRKLAND SCHOOL OF ART A Small Deposit Will DAY AND EVENING (XASSES Hold Any Garmant * Advertising Art * Painting - Drawing FOX GIFT & * Cliildren’s Classes FALL TERM BEGINS SEPT. 18 All eveninx claaMi xheduled throuxh the BABY SHOP Univenitr ol Colorado Exteneion DivUlon 11 Broadway - PE. 1767 Catalogue on Request 1311 Pearl St., Denver 3, Colo.

• H.R.MEININGERGO. School Art Supplies LOREHO HEIGHTS COLLEGE Drafting Supplies Craft Supplies Colorado’s Only Senior 409 SIXTEENTH STREET — DENVER College for Women

LORETTO, COLORADO Date of Resfistration DICKINSON I SECRETARIAL SCQOOL September 11 - SHORT VICTORY WAR COURSES 1441 WELTON ST. If£, 1448 Write or Phone for CrcuUr of Informatioa Phone PEarl 24A8 MOUNT ST. GERTRUDE AT THE ROCKIES BOULDER, COLORADO r Conducted by the Sisters of Cliarity, B.V.M. THE ( A Boarding and Day School for Girls Fully Accredited University Colorado Healthful LoctUon Spacious Campus Tamburella Boys Nephew Is Baptized lOTH ST. AT AURORA PHONE 343 Abbey School SACRED HEART SCHOOL WILL FOR CATALOG ADDRESS SISTER SUPERIOR Are Now in Sorvice By Fr. Harley SebmiH CANON CITY, COLORADO REGISTER PUPILS AUG. 28,29 (Shrine of St. Anne, Arvada) (Presentation Parish, Denver) In the presence o f relatives and ATTENTION VIOLINISTS! The Tamburella twins, Joseph (Sacred Heart Piriih, Denver) last year, an extra first grade friends, Richard Thomas, son of Improve your-technic— tone— and interpretation by itudy with BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS and John, left Monday evening, The school year will begin Sept. room and a combination second and third grade room, have been Seaman and Mrs. Richard T. Aug. 14, for the navy. There are 5. Registration days for the chil­ added, allowing for 100 first- PROFESSOR FBED SCHMIH FROM 12 YEARS OLD AND UP dren who will attend Sacred Heart Schmitt, was baptized Sunday, now five brothers in service, all graders, 75 second-graders, and school will be Aug. 28 and 29, The Aug. 13 by the child’s uncle, the THROUGH JUNIOR COLLEGE graduates of the Presentation 76 third-graders. The school will Nationally known Violin Virtuoso and Symphony Conductor, classrooms have been completely school. now accommodate 500 children. Rev. Harley Schmitt, assisted by Graduate of Europe’s Greatest Music Conservatories redecorated. For the past three The Young Ladies’ sodality will Father Martin A. Schiltz, S.J., the Rev. George Spehar. Spon­ Womans* Club Building, 1437 Glenarm PI., Denver meet in the old rectory on Fri­ months workmen have been busy painting and varnishing walls, is caring for the spiritual needs o f sors were Joseph and Virginia day evening. The group will re­ the Catholic German prisoners in Brauch. Studio— KE. 2426 Residenco—CH. 5336 ceive Holy Communion in the 10 floors, and desks so that the build­ Rocky Mountain arsenal. Mass Paul Barenburg o f Lower lane Ideal Location - All Sports o’clock Mass Sunday. ing will be in readiness fo r the new term. In addition to the is offered for them every Sunday is convalescing at his home fol morning at 9 o’clock. There will be a special meeting eight classrooms that were used lowing an operation. Mr. Walter J, Kerwin, now associ­ Including Horseback Riding o f the captains and lieutenants of There will be a Solemn Mass ated with Jos. M. Fishman, invite* Mrs. Martin Klumker o f lial the Presentation parish guild in for peace Friday, Aug. 18, at 8 his many old friends and customers ston road is confined to her home the school on Monday evening, Regis Guild Party o’clock, at the request of the to visit him for suggestions. Aug. 21. mothers of the parish and spon­ with an attack of^rheumatism. A "large group was enrolled in Will Be on Sept. 21 sored by the members o f the Cpl. Emory Barlock, Fort Ben- Gifts for All Occasions the Confraternity of the Rosary Spanish Sacred Heart league. ning, Ga., is spending a 15-day fur­ For Information Write to the Head Master The perpetual novena in honor lough with his parents, Mr. and Get Your Glaitet Checked on Tuesday after the 12 o’clock Before School Starti Mass. There will be another en­ The annual mid-season jjarty of of the Sacred Heart will be held Mrs. Emory Barlock o f Ralston rollment in a week or two. the Regis guild will be held Thurs­ Friday evening at 7 :30. road. day evening, Sept. 21, at Regis Sunday is Communion day for collegie, Deaiver. the Altar sodality in the 7:30 JOS. M. FISHMAN Mrs. A. R. Grosheider is general o’clock Mass. Jeweler and Optician chairman of the entertainment, The _ pastor,. the Rev. A. S. SKYLANE and, with her committees, both Dimichino, S.J., has gone to Mil­ GLASSES ON CREDIT men and women, is planning a de­ waukee, Wise., where he is giving 807 15th St. TA. 0029 lightful evening for the friends a retreat. He will be absent for OPPORTENITIES o f Regis. the next two weeks. for i Standard Nevr Process New Liquid Plastic V 1 f DUPLICATOR Is ProducI of War I WOMEN 0 1 Wk ■ Gelatin H Surface Nu is the first modern plastic material bom during the ‘ r. ■ war emergency that has been found Are you seeking an in­ The Smart [ to be reduceable to brushing, spray­ teresting, romantic, ex­ N O c ! ing, or wiping consistency that will actually give a self-leveling, glossy, citing, well-paid future? Duplicator Supply Co. durable finish. This finish will re­ IL BELLS c o L u e E Gim main open and brushable for about Then look Into the op­ lie-Sll Chamber of Comm. BUa. five minutes so as to give the user St. Seholastica Academy ample time to brush across kitchen Ring Soon!’ portunities in Air Trans­ DENVER CANON CITY, COLORADO linoleum without leaving unsightly Majors in Beauty Select Resident and Day School for Girls o f High-Schoed brush marks. It will then speedily portation. CHILDREN’S * and Grade-School Age Make Your Hair-do's as harden into an extraordinarily tou^, durable, protective, glossy , Member of Noith CentrsI AMOcIstion Airlines Need YOC Various and Neat as filiH with unusual wear resisting College Prep., Pre-Vocational, Music, Dramatic Art, 0 Your Dresses. Graft Supplies CLOTHES % qualities and thus renew worn, Home Economics, Commercial The nation's Airlines need women for communications, scuffed, or faded surfaces of prac­ ‘‘Everything for Limited Enrollment. Integrated Learning. Spacious Campus. reservations, ticket sales, teletype. No previous ex­ LESTER CRAGHEAD tically every kind. Handcrafts'* Surface Nu covers approxi­ CLEANED Unexcelled Climate. Under direction o f the Benedictine Sisters. perience necessary. Troining period short and Inter­ Creator of Hair Burlei mately 100 square feet per pint or ready for school esting; need not interfere with your present employ­ 200 square feet per quart. A quart ment. Work Is not rfcchanical or technicol. CUSTOM WAVING is an ample quantity for the or­ PHONE ELCRAFT dinary home kitchen with a little From $7.50 16S1 Court Place left over that might possibly he Todaj and Alter the War DENVER used in the^antry, the back en­ EM. 2783 trance, or the bathroom floor. SCHOOL SUPPLIES for pick-up and delivery 100% of our qualified graduates have been employed. Vogue Beauty Salon Free Catalog to Schools Salaries are above average. Airline plans for after­ Your Purchase o f War Bonds Wholesale an d Retail SCHOOL OPENING SPECIALS war expansion offer wonderful opportunities for ad­ PE. 7466 745 So. Univertiiy and Stamps Helps to Secure Your '^Vi vancement. Talk with pilots In the air; meet celeb­ Future. PARADISE Note Books______10^ rities) travel. Get full Information TODAY. Mail cou­ Note Book Paper______------'.Sd and l O i pon, call in person, or phone. “ Big Chief” Tablets ...... „5^ J A Private Day School for Girls Special Values “ Beats All” Pencils, No. 2 ______4 for 5^ IJ A UHITEO NUMBER OP HIGH 8CHOOI, BOARDERS ACCEPTED ' CLEANERS Pre-War Eraser Pencils______MIDLAND SCHOOLS on "■ C. N.JGASTMAN, Disirict Manecer M. E. PATRICK. Mgr. All Items Note on Sale 42B Uni^’ersity Bldfc., Denver 2, Colo. KEyiione S419 SCHOOL SUPPLIES S CONVENIENT LOCATIONS FOR Ul: ST. MARY’S ACADEMY . CASH-CARRY Pre-First through High School. Accredited by the State Uni­ EVERYWHERE BAST ef BROADWAY at versity, a member of the North Central Association, and affil­ * (k>Ifaz at Adams S. H. KRESS & CO. iated with Loretto Heights College. Hence it enjoys all of the * Sixth at Downing N am e..•aeeeaeaaaaeeeeeeaeaaeeett Age.. privileges and the recognition granted to approved schools. * Colfax at Qojebee 16TH AND CURTIS STS. REGISTRATION FOR THE GRADES--SEPTEMBER 5 KENDRICK- * 20th Ave. at Grant A ddreu eeeteeH n eteeMaeeeeeaai • •eeaeeeeaaeeeeaeafaaaeeeeei AND FOR THE HIGH SCHOOb-SEPTEMBER 6 Also (MOUNTAIN QJiANERS, 1570 Pennsylvania CHerry 0583 337 East Colfax City eeee» e»e«e—MeeaMMeeee»ee»eeeeef State....•eaeaeeeeeeeaeaeeeeeeeeei BELLAMY'S DENVER, COLORADO \Complete Dry Cleaning BUY WAR BONDS FOR VICTORY ov-e 1641 California and Laundry Semico Thursday, Aug. 17, 1944 Office, 938 Barmock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyatone 4205 PAGE FIVE Choir Members Sought in Social Is Held Colorado Springs Parish By Aspen SoSety

ratnilicswhoar* Colorado Springs. — Those in­ 10 days ago to visit in C hica^, will terested in joining the Corpus return next weekend. Aspen.— (St. Mary’s Parish)— Christ! adult choir are requested The Altar and Rosary society held Army Nnrie Arrivei Unable to pay cash to see Frank Gilles, director. its monthly meeting Thursday eve- All present choir menjbers are Lt. Anne Marden. of the army liini; in the parish hall. After the for the funeral urged to be present regularly. nurse corps arrived Saturday from business meeting, cards were Topeka, Kans., for a week’s visit played. At the close of the eve­ The''School Sisters of St. Fran­ with her mother, Mrs. Claude Mar- ning, light refreshments were cis are returning to resume their den. Lt. Marden will report to her duties in the Corpus Christ! school. served. new station at Fort Robinson, Sisters Arnica, Hilda, and Pauline The CYO thanks all who con­ Nebr. Her former post was in arrived in Colorado Springs, and tributed to the success of the the Winter General hospital in To­ can come to Horan & Spn and^find with them came Sister Frederick, games party last Friday evpnin^. peka. a new member of this community. The Boy Scouts will hold their Mrs. Emmett R. Knight and her Sister Mary Immaculate, principal, regular meeting Friday evening at the solution to their problem. Here sister. Miss Anna Clark o f Pueblo, is expected to return within a few 7:30- - in...... the parish hal1 have returned after a two months’ ■jrxON’T leave a good car in storage. Sell it they can make arrangements to pay days. Registration for the 1944- visit with relatives in Worcester, Martin Popis)i, seaman second 1945 school term will be held in Mass.; Portiand, Me.; and St. Ste­ class, left Friday night, after hav­ to A1 O’Meara. Put the proceeds in War for the funeral a small amount at the convent Monday, Aug. 21. ing spent several days visiting his phen’s, New Brunswick. Bopds to buy yourself a new, streamlined car The following Colorado Springs A suprise party was given Tues­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Primrose a time. Paymeijts can be arranged women have made reservation for day evening Miss Katherine Popish, and family. after, tbe war. O’Meara pays top prices for the tetreat evening in St. Scholas- Miss Marion Healy, who is tak­ Doherty and Miss Rosemary Flynn all standard makes. Call him at MAin 3111. to fit easily into very restricted tica’s academy in Canon City Aug. in the Doherty home for Miss The­ ing nurse’s training in Oakland, 17: Mrs. JohA J. Purcan, Mrs. resa Hall, daughter of Mrs. Bere­ Calif., is spending a two>-week va. Charles Nolan, Mrs. Kirt Wittges, cation in Aspen mth relatives and nice Hall, who leaves Aug. 20 for 30 Years budgets. Miss Mary Murray, Mrs. Dyiri, friends. basic SPAR training in the Bilt- Serving Mrs. Cluhe, Mrs. McQuillen, Mrs. more hotel in Miami, Fla, Center- Mrs. Rex Portner and children, Evelyn Haskins, Mrs. Henry Dier- Ford 0!M Are Quests at Olub P. Kerker, the bride’s uncle, was Beaotifnl bedroom, livinxToom and break­ roenta. T. K. Walker, 286 Brdadwar. 8P. nual retreat at Loretto Heights are Repplier, Dimnet, Sheed, Clau­ best man and her cousin. Miss fast set: aaerifiee. 736 Santa Fe. [366. of Furniture for Living-Room, college, Denver, Aug. 24 to 27. Fa­ del, Sheen, Gather, Moody, Grant, Fifty service men and women Joanne D. Roth, was maid o f 1214 DETROIT: Excellent 3 bedroom home, ther John R, O’Neill, C.S.C., wnll wete entertained at the USO- Werfel, Cnesterton, Michael Wil­ honor. PHOTOGRAPHS oU hot water beat, verr fine conitractiob open the retreat with conference near 8L Pbilomena’a Chnreh. $8,760.00 Bedroom and Dining-Room. NCCS-WD club at E. 18th avenue liams, and Cardinal ^ercier. Miss Every woman o f the parish is and Benediction at 7:46 Thursday McGrady is head librarian. On Anderson photoa. 1206 18th.St. at Law­ worth more, investigate. Phone EA. 8817 and Grant street, Denver, on a.sked to become a member of a or EM. 2686 evenings. evening, and close the exercises on rence. MAin 1878. Free news enta. Sunday, Aug. 13. The occa bulletin boards at the entrances of circle. Some new circles have Sunday evening at about 8:30. ALSO MATTRESSES, STRING RUGS, sion was the regular Com­ the churches of the three towns are been formed for people who do MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES Small veils will be furnished by munion breakfast held jo in tl/ listed books available and recom­ not wish to play bridge. Please BATH SETS, ETC. the retreat association so that hats HANSEN & HANSEN with the USO-NCCS club on the mended. call Mis^ Augustine Girardot, Eash BEAUnFUL whits porcelain Ooal Range, will be unnecessary. Each re Oil ClrcntatOT and Radio. Saorifice, 716 second Sunday of every month 0462, if interested. JEWELERS treatant is asked to bring her own Santa Fa. The n o u p attended the 9:16 Mass I towels and soap. Supper will be G. D. O’Brien Arrives in Holy Ghost church and was WOOD SALE 1628 17th St. served by the sisters on Thurs­ s e r M e d breakfast immediately day evening at 6 o’clock to all Miles - Dryer - Asiler KINDLDfG, stove, range, tnrnaoc. fire­ ONE STORE ONLY thereafter. Both clubs invite all In Colorado Springs COLORADO those arriving before this time place, blod^ No yard salat. KE. 8660. lervice men and women to attend Printing GOf The sum o f $12 will cover the in the future. Colorado Springs. — C. D. SPRINGS expenses of- the full three days. Miss Mary Louise Fahy, assist­ O’Brien of Denver is now partner Programi and Circulars FVRNITVRE CQ, For transportation to the college ant director of USO-NCCS-WD in the Perkins-Shearer store with take a 3 or 5 car to Alameda and club in Amarillo, Tex., visited the J. Douglas Crouch. The Perkins- Tickets for WANTED--COAL TRUCKS S. Broadway, transfer to Ft* Denver club last week. A guest of Shearer store is the oddest in Colo­ Bazaars and Carnivals Logan bus, which leaves this the club this week is Miss Mary rado Springs. ALSO DRIVERS FOR OUR OWN TRUCKS corner at 2 p. m. and every hour Louise Weber, o f ‘ Hutchinson, For the first time in history Quickly Produced TOP PAY — STEADY WORK thereafter, to the college. Anyone Kans., cousin o f Miss Madalene through Mr. O’Brien’s efforts, a Reasonably Priced Good Equipment — Wording Conditions PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS desiring further information or Weber, director of the club. complete stock of women’s and chil­ UNION LABEL IF DESIRED reservation is asked to call Mrs. dren’s apparel has been added. Thomas M. Carroll, 516 S. Logan Your Purchase q f War Bonds The store is now being remod­ 1936-88 LAWRENCE ST. UNITED FUEL- 1600 WEST COLFAX THEY ARE RELUBLE street, PE, 5842, as soon as pos and Stamps Helps to Secure Your eled for the addition o f these new KEystone 6348 APPLY MR. REED, SUPT. sibla. , Future. — departments, ______PAGE SIX Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 Thursday, Aug. 17, 1944 I Home Economics—Defense

Storms Drive Mission North Africa, is Father Harry B. Crim- Families Into Hunger BLESSED SACRAMENT PARISH IS Busy in Oran, mins, SJ., former president o f St. Louis university, who is now an army chaplain. Recently Father Crimmins Sure-Fire Coolde conducted a day o f recollection for the St, Louis university hospital BERG’S CANDY STORE Bedford, Maas.— "Food is very HOST TO SERVICE MEN AT USO unit. The Bishop o f Oran gave the Apostolic benediction. Father scarco and the people are very Crimmins and other chaplains presented His Excellency with a purse 29 Rroadway hungry,” writes Sister Mary Eu- and a spiritual bouquet. Father Crimmins is shown here with one o f (Blesied Sacrament Parish, members and parents as guests. the White Fathers w ho. labors in Oran. For several months Fath^ Recipe Submitteil phemie, stationed at Keppel, Denver) Races, softball, and games pro­ Crimmins was stationed in Filzsimons General hospital, near Denver. Tonga, Oceania, to the Mission­ vided %n enjoyable afternoon. Mr. Don't Forget the Boys Blessed Sacrament parishioners A recipe that will appeal to ary Sisters of the Society^of Mary. and Mrs. Frank Thomson, general were hosts to 625 service men at chairmen, were assisted by Mr. and young, old, and intermediates is and Girls in Service— Storms have ruined the planta­ a roast beef dinner in the U S6- Mrs. Joseph Berger and .Mr. and submitted for volunteers who may tions. "We give coconut to pigs. wish to use it in baking for the NCCS club Sunday evening, Aug. Mrs. John Connell. Some girls are asked to prepare it cookie jar in the USO-NCCS club, BERG’S GANDIES may be shipped all over tije before class and then put it under 13. James Eakins, general chair­ Raymond Hagerty Commissioned E. 16th avenue and Grant street, the kitchen table until it is time man, was assisted by Peter Amato, Raymond 0 . Hagerty, who has Denver. to feed the animals. How often Candy Cream Roses . . . Peppermints » . . Gum Drops Frank Weber, S. A. Riesenmann, been visiting his mother, Mrs. An­ SUGAR COOKIES we see some of our little ones pass drew M. Hagerty, for 15 days, left Licorice . . . Milk and Dark Sweet Chocolates . . . Fred Peterson, Joseph Leyden, H cup butter or substitute near there just to get coconut to Tuesday for advanced training in H teas, salt Marshmallows %. . cat They are hungry! It hurts Arnold B. Olsen, Roady Kenehan, Liberal, Kans. Lt. Hagerty won Ml teas, soda to see them that way. . . Most of Leo Kelleher, Ray Noone, Harold his wings at the army air field in STORE HOURS: 10 A.M. ’till 7 P.M.— Open Sundays Ml teas, grated lemon rind ,our families have just one meal a F. Collins, Chester Wiebel, Milton Altus, Okla., and was commis­ M teas, nutmeg day.” Allen, William Dwyer, and Edward sioned Aug. 4. 1 cup sugar Neumann. Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Guiry and 2 eggs well beaten ••DENVER’S MOST PROGRESSIVE LAl!NDRY" Members o f St. Ann’s circle will their daughter, Susan, left on Sun 2 tablespoons milk be guests of Mrs. Frank Sabine in day, Aug. 6, to spend six weeks 2 cups flour her home for the meeting Aug. 22. with Mr. Guiry’s parents, Mr. and 1 teas, baking powder THi: VASi ADE LAUIVDKY The Mothers’ au.xiliary o f Cub Mrs. J. P. Guiry, in Long Beach, Combine butter or substitute, “TRY OUR NEW SERVICE" Scout pack 23 gave a picnic in the Calif. soda, salt, lemon'rind, and nutmeg. City park July 30, having the Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hacker Blend. Add sugar gradually and Complete Lanndry Service and small daughter, Claire Anne, cream well. Add beaten eggs, then 1847 Market WE £ALL FOR AND DELIVER TA. (376-6378 of St. Louis, Mo., arrived Monday milk and flour to which baking ‘Unknown Marine’ to spend two weeks with Mr, and powder has been added. Drop from Mrs. S. P. Keating, Jr., and the tip of teaspoon on greased baking LISTEN TO DANSBERRY’S MILE-HI MINIATURES— William M. Kennedys. sheet. Let stand few minutes, then 7:10 P.M.—KMYR Lt. Ralph Springer, USN, his flatten cookies by stomping with a wife, and three children from glass, covered with a damp cloth. Washington, D. C., spent a week Sprinkle with sugar. Bake in mod­ with the Frank Guirys en route erate oven, 375 . Let cook eight I’m glad mother balcet to his new base in Clearwater, to 12 minutes. Makes 3 Vi dozen. Utah. Mrs. Springer is a sister o f School children who used it in such good cake*. She Mrs. Guiry. baking for the club last week, Mary Cpl. Edwin E. Kennobeck, Alex­ Lou Madonna and Pauline Schmitt, alway# use* Pike* Peak andria, La., spent a few days with say it is a recipe that always turns his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. out well. Cake Flour. So will k Kennebeck, en route to a new as­ Annunciation, St. Francis de signment. Sales’, Blessed Sacrament, Cathe­ when I grow up. dral, St. James’, and St. Philo­ Miss Martha Coughlin has just mena’s parishes provided cookies returned from a visit of several the first two weeks of August. The weeks with relatives and friends in Queen’s Daughters and Mrs. Chicago. O’pay’s club also contributed gen Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Donahue o f erously. Iowa City, la., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cemy. I in Denver iVs Dansberry^s Al your COLORADO I4th and Champa J. F. Danaberry, Owner r.i Lt. Granville Hamilton, USNR, and Mrs. Hamilton o f San Fran­ UPHOLSTERY CO. I Grocers cisco and the lieutenant’^ mother, RECOVER 2 PIECES Mrs. Goldie Hamilton o f Canon FRIEZE AND TAPESTRY City are visiting Mrs. Hamilton’s 155.00 AND UP parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard THE FAMILY RECREATION SPOT PIKES PEAK P. Littell. 2459 16ih St. GL. 2304 Mr. and Mrs. Claude Beam o f Fort Wayne, Ind., are the guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Blair Kittleson. W* Hak* Old ShoM Look Lik* Nme FLOUR COMPLETE LINE OF Members of Our Lady of Lour­ ST. LEO’S PARISH IS MAKING SHOE SUPPLIES H A V E Y O U des circle were guests of Mrs. Bart O’Hara in her home on Tuesday Master Shoe Rebuilder r a t e s t o » MODERNIZED YOUR evening, Aug. 8. Mrs. Norman PLANS FOR ANNUAL BAZAAR 503 15th St. Phone TA. 0812 g r o u p s A clump’ of vreeda placed atop INSURANCE? Comstock and Miss Patricia Ryan TAbor this grave during battle, decorates were guests. Bridge honors and MASTER KEY SHOP (St. Leo’* Pxrifli, Denver) is stressed. The bazaar will be held Protect your tel f against new t|ie last resting place o f a U, S. ma­ hostess prizes were won by Mrs. hazards. At a meeting on Tuesday eve­ on the evenings of Aug. 31, Sept. rine who fell in the struggle for the Jack McLaughlin and Mrs. R. Taylor Sellers. ning, Aug. 8, plans were made 1 and 2. HORACE W. BENNE’TT island o f Saipan in the Marianas. Donations of cookies for the for the annual bazaar o f St. Leo’s Consult the Register for further & Co. The word “ unknown” on the 110 Tkbor Bids. Phona TA. 1271 USO-NCCS cookie jar this week parish. Twenty-five workers were ftnpbrtant details. wooden slab completely tells the were sent in by Mrs. Ed Udry, Mrs. FRANK ENGLAND, Jr., H tnittr present. Because of war restric­ tragic story o f death. George Pope, and Miss Anne Bir­ Innrmnn Dapartracnt Your Purchase of War Bonds 663 15th St. TA. 6812 tions there will be only the tra­ SERVICE CALLS AUTO KEYS s r e i N c s mingham. and Stomp* Help* to Secure Your Cadet Herbert T. Flannery, Jr., MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED ditional carnival attractions. Future. USNR, of St. Mary’s college, San Those in charge o f the various Francisco, is spending a two booths have been appointed, ex­ Scoop for Housewives week’s leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Flannery. cept two. The people in attend­ Miss Loretto C. Demuth o f 2249 ance at St. Leo’s and other friends Hudson street, and Julius V. Bur­ are generously making donations At Canning Season dette of Cheyenne, were married of prizes. before the Rev. Harley Schmitt HONE PUHI^IC MARKET "Baby Dough” again this year prior to a Nuptial Mass on Mon­ takes the spotlight among the fea­ day, Aug. 14, at 9:30 o’clock. Miss Park Free Shop and Save ture attractions. Mary Bennetts, 17 Cu.-Ft. Utility Cabinet Laura C. Demuth and FYank M. ably assisted by Mary O’Hagan Burdette were the attendants. 9 — Can be used as Kit­ and Isabelle Gorman, in charge )|.of this attraction. chen cabinet, miscel­ George Bakewell, Jr., The social aspect of the bazaar B ea u tifu l laneous storage, Ward­ ANNOUNCEMENT robe, Blanket closet, Joins W. W. MacGruder DR. R. W. PRITZ Fresh Cut Flowers etc. Otto Dillinger, formerly o f BUV And Associates Otto’* Cafe, announces owner- -Apartment Houses, George Bakewell, Jr., a mem­ Large Assortment of* Potted ahip o f Market Dairy and Hotels, Restaurants— ber o f St. Philomena’s parish, has Dentists Cheeae Shop in Home Public Plant* and Funeral Designs attention; joined the staff o f W. W, Mac­ 108 ISth Stm t 1206 15th StrMt Market at 15th & California. Gruder, advertising advisers and KEriton* 8721 TAbor 57(1 Specializing in large variety o f • — Vermin proof, moth directors. For the past five years Open Honda; and Tharada; Ert*. Cheeses, Milk, Butter and But­ Mr. Bakewell had been advertising termilk at most reasonable UIRR proof, fire proof, san­ and public relations director of prices. itary. the Midland Federal Savings & JERRY BREEN •— Positively nothing like Loan association. Friends and Visitors After half a decade in the local it on the market today. ATTENTION! FLORIST DELIVERY newspaper and advertising agency Enlisted Men Welcome. BORDS 9 — Close out stock makes this offer possible. fields, Mr, Bakewell became execu­ 1456 California MA. 2279 tive manager of the Electrical Why wait from thr*. daya to one week for your Tailorin*? We will MA.D541 MA.D641 -Beautiful hardwood finish. Size 21 inches wide. 54 inches League of Colorado, specializing fit yoar Bloute, Shirt or Slack* high. 36 inches deep. in trade organization and market while you wait, Chevron*, IBc: ★ development. In 1936 he held the Inaiflrniaa. 15e; Braid, 15c, If fur- BUY -Immediate delivery, only a limited number for sale niahed: tewed on WHILE YOU BABY CHINOOK position o f district sales repre­ WAIT. Shirt* eut down. 75«: SALMON ...... lb. 49c WAR 9 — Comes complete, with sentative of the Edison General Panlt ahortened, BOe: made amailer fXORIDA FRUIT in walat, 60c. Bkiut« preeaed, 26e 2 - 4 lb. size, to bake removable, adjustable, Electric Appliance company. His active participation in commercial, and Pant* preaaed, 26c. done BOYDS sliding shelves a n d WHILE YOU WAIT. Enliated COLORADO- and PRODUCE CO. civic, and war-time campaign Hen, Uniforms made to order. sliding wardrobe CRAPPIES...... lb, 39c hanger. Can also be activities is widely recognized. 24-HOUR SERVICE on CLEAN­ ING. Take a tip from Ben, on Fresh Caught removed from base. Phan* MAin (681 Beer and Winea your day, off brins your uniform*— we do your work WHILE YOU WAIT. CUBAN ONLY ONE TO A DOUG’S CAFE LOBSTER TAILS.... lb, 95c Good Bakery Goods CUSTOMER HOT MEALS ; ; LUNCHES PUBLIC TAILDRS Fresh Frozen At An Tim** Close out price All Kinds o f Liquors AND CLEANERS JUMBO COOKED CRABS. ea. 75c "DOUG" ROGERS, Proprietor 531 Fifteenth Street VOSS B .R O S. 1524 Larimer Street Denrer, Colorsdo Phone TAbor 9071 COLUMBIA $2250 Between Welton and Glenarm RIVER SMELTS ... lb. 29c OPEN EVENINGS TO 8 P. M. WITH THIS AD SUNDAYS FROM 8 TO 1 BUY PLENTY OF 44c BONDS Drive to 3254 Walnut street or call CH. 4548 Fuller Brushes ATTEIVTIOIV FANCY FRYERS .... lb. Officers and Enlisted Men . PERSONAL BRUSHES LARGE for reservation. HOUSEHOLD BRUSHES WAC* and Nurses ' 39c WAXES AND POUSHES We Carry a Complete Line COLORED HENS.... lb. Special Attention to Out of Town Orders TA, .711 — 1545 GIcnirm — Deartr o f Insignia

VACAMOW VACATION fiood Things to Eai Now Celebrating* Their Freah and Salted Nutmeat* for VICTORY • GRAND LAKE • for VICTORY MODERN COTTAGES AND ROOMS W. B. TODD, Hir. THE DRUG STORE COMPLETE CABINS ABOUT CHEAPER CUTS J BROWNHURST CABINS BUY WAR BOI¥DS FOOD CENTER Alts. Carrie D. Sciinoor Extend* a Western .Welcome To build a better place to live and play

4 J Thursday, Aug. 17, 1944 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, REystone 4205 PAGE SEVEN

«rere thece brother* Eufene Blessed §aerament Reunited in England CriiUfano, 24 (le ft), and MANY CATHOLIC HEROES ARE .1 Joieph, 22 (right). Both are »ergeant*. T hcf are toiu o f 1^. and Preferred Parish Mr*. iSam O iitafaao o f 3420 0*age atreet, Denver, o f Our Ladjr o f 22nd A Mt. u n n e l parith. Eugene'* wife, Clare, live* at 4345 Xavier *ireet. IN NEWS FROM WAR FRONTS Kearney St. LAWSGHDRUGGG. is^s They have a yearold »on. Joseph’* wife, Evelyn, live* at 3246 Pecos ALSO TRINIDAD. COLO. — UQUORS Trading List stre^. They have a daughter whom the father ha* never *een. The brothers met by accident in Southampton. (Continued From Page One) islands, Eniwetok Atoll, Marshall RA-nON FREE tended St. Mary’s college in Cali­ islands, Feb. 18 and 22, 1944.. Im­ MR. AND MRS. SHOPPER fornia after being graduated mediately assuming command of BRAND NEW TUBES GHILOREN’S SHOP from the Cathedral high school, an adjacent platoon when the s o i l East Colfax The merchant* represented in this section are boosters. They are leader was killed by enemy fire Texaco’s KOA Station anxious to work with you and ara deserving of your patronage. Co> was a member of the advertising AT ELM staff of the Rocky Mountain News during an engagement on Engebi WE INSPECT AND CONDEMN TIRES •parate with them. before he went to war. Previously island, Platoon Sgt. Walsh skill­ JOHN C. KING, Naw Mtoaftr Girls’ School he had been reported as missing fully organized the men and coura­ ills EAST COLFAX—AT JASMINS St. John’s Parish in action oh a bombing mission. geously led them forward against STREET — TELEPHONE EH. *117 Lt. Deering was commissioned in severe, determined hostile resist­ April, 1943, and went overseas in ance, thus enabling them to com DRESSES T)»♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ »♦ TONJY»SFIVE September of the same year. Be­ “KATE GREENAWAr* B E N N E H ’S sides his parents, he is survived by STAR SERVICE SlMs: 3 to 16 GIFT SHOP a sister, Miss Myma Deering, CONOGO SERVICE MRS. IRENE CORRASO 2800 PHONE Gifu for Baby Lt. H. C. Fairall, Jr. Colorado Ladies* House Dresses . Washing and Greasing INFANTS’ WEAR — TOYS EM. 9933 Your Bosincss Apprseisted . STATIONERY—JEWELRY While repulsing a Japanese Blvd. Siza 12 to 44 6th Ave. & York EA. 9932 X 7(1 E. (Ih A n . MA. 0471 . “break through’’ on the second day of the furious fighting on We Specialize in Permanen( Saipan, 2nd L t Herbert C; Fair- Waving and Hair Styling OLIVER^S all, Jr., of the marines was downed HOARD WALK by a bullet wound in the right SHOE REPAIR THEOIA KASSONI thigh. The marines successfully BUY WAR BONDS MARKET QUALITY MATERIAL AND REAUTY SALON! Grain-Fed Meats carried out their assignment. WORKMANSHIP —All Work OoaraaUed— THELMA KASSON. Msnataa AND STAMPS Fish and Poultry Lt. Fairall is the son o f the late 2S76 COLORADO BLVD. Herbert C. Fairall. His mother PHONE DEXTER 1188 1312 East th Ave. 471S EAST Kr4 AVE.—AT DEXTER 6 and,,his wife reside in Denver at DENVER. COLORADO ★ Phone PE. 4629 1354 Race street Lt. hairaii, commander of a rifle platoon, John C« Steel Prayerbook took part in the Marshall islands Peterson’s Reweaving Seholl St. Francis de Sales* campaign, and went ashore at Sale Galled Racket Saipan in the third attack wave. and Hosiery Repair PINB8T MEATS AND He now is under treatment in a HOSIERY REPAIRING AND WORK GROCERIES ON ALL KNITTED GARMENTS Announcing New York.—Racketeers are sell­ naval hospital in Shoemaker, The Opening of Calif. 4112 E. Colfax I 5(2 Calo. Blda. ing Testaments and . prayerbooks DE-1353 I MA-2633 K li F aM u . H TO O i with light steel covers as gifts to Lt. Faindl attended Regis high EH. >706 t 9 9 6 6 service men, according to an expose school here and was graduated LADY FAIR’ published in the Woman's Home from St. Joseph’s military collqge SAVE TIRES—BUY AT OLSON’S Sgt. John K. WaUh BEAUTY SALON Companion. The writer, Patricia in Hays, Kans.j in 1935. He later DRIVE IN Uochridge, says the books, repre­ attended Notre Dame university. plete their assii'ned mission. At TO ERVIN FOOD 600 East Alameda Room 103 At the time o f his enlistment in sented as protection for the heart, Parry island on Feh. 22,-he again OLSON’S STORES are sold from $1.95 to $6.25 and are January, 1942, he was employed by displayed outstanding initiative Glencoe Conoco Service The temporal power of the Pope, actually worth 37 cents. Besides, the Daily Journal, Denver legal and heroism, leading fierce attacks WASHING - GREASING - ACCES­ 2750 W. 29ih GL. 3613 PERMANENT the nece.ssity o f religion for society the Federal Trade (Commission paper o f which his father was the on enemy machine-gun positions SORIES • TIRE SERVICE Glaiico* at East Calfax as well as the individual, religious points out, they are dangerous as publisher. Lt. Fairall went over­ and a stronghold of spider-tyge (019 E. Colfax EH. 17(1 WAVING indifference, and the unchanging they cause a rifle bullet to flatten seas as an anti-aircraft gunner, trenches until he was fatally Opan Dally EA. *777 (0(0 E. (tb EA. KOI doctrine of the Catholic Church out like a regular dumdum. and then was returned to attend wounded. Platoon Sgt. Walsh’s in­ Cold Waves are among the topics to be dis­ officer candidate school. He was domitable fighting spirit and val­ cussed in the Ask and Learn pro­ Chaplain Godfather to commissioned in March, 1943. iant leadership were an inspiration Machineleu and Machine gram over station KOA, Denver, to his men and in keeping with the Open Evenings by Appt. this Sunday evening at 11:15, fChina’s Needy, Destitute Maj. William J. Hawes highest traditions of the United Many questions, principally from Chungking— U. S. Army Chap Colorado Springs. — Maj. Wil­ States Naval Service. He gallantly Recommended Firms BA. 2164 non-Catholics, along these lines lain Joseph P, McNamara of Prov liam J. Hawes, attached to the gave his life for his country. Sally Chapman— have been submitted to the Rev. idence, R. I., has taken upon him­ 34th General hospital, died in “For the President, Dorothy Herczeg John B. Cavanagh and the Rev. self to act as godfather to orphan­ an English hospital in July. Maj. “s/JAMES FORRESTAL, Exptrienced In AU Branche# of Edward A. Breen, associate edi­ ages, refugee centers, and any Hawes, who was a member of “ Secretary of the Navy.” for AUTO * Beantx Sorrica tors o f the Register, who conduct number of mission institutions the Corpus Christi parish, Colorado Sgt Walsh was widely known the weekly 15-minute program. hard hit by the war. Almost every Springs, is survived by his wife, for his work with boys. He is grate­ missioner knows th e tall, grey­ Mrs. Marie Hawes; two sons, fully remembered in St. Clara’s SERVICE. New Management ROSLYN DRUG GO. Bishop Endorses Plan haired priest, for, with the help of Gerald and Williapi; and one orphanage of Denver, the Sacred JAMES HENRY. Prop. the soldiers, he has been instru daughter, Jean. Heart home of Pueblo, Camp Conoco Station No. 20 To Ease Travel Problem mental in keeping a steady flow of Santa Maria, Camp St. Malo, and SPECIALI 299 So. Logan PE. 9840 Cut Rate Drugs Scranton, Pa.— Bishop William charitable donations to China’s S. Sgt. R. P. Hagan Boys Town, Nebr. He attended the CoDpteta PreaeriptioQ Dept. J. Hafey o f Scranton has endorsed needy and destitute. He holds the Kentucky Garage FRED S. SEARL and R. L. 8CHOLLE Colorado Springs. — S. Sgt. Cathedral high school and Regis ANY CAR $ 2 5 0 0 98 so. PENN a program advanced by William H. rank of lieutenant colonel. Richard P. Hagan, son of Mr. and college in Denver, and Notre Dame PAINTED ITe Invite Your Patronage Phona P£a 9863 98 8a. Penn A Bayaad Boyd, highway transportation offi­ and Mrs. Peter Hagan, 124 E. Dale university. A -l JOB cial, to induce Pennsylvanians to Archbishop Pleads for street, who has been reported Sgt. Walsh joined the marines spend their vacations at home to missing over Austria since July 8, in October, 1940, and served two Filling Station Mack’s Auto Service The firms listed here de­ HAROLD*S ease the traffic congestion caused Return to *^Irish Life’ has been taken a prisoner of war years o f sea duty on a battleship UOl Champa ' KE. 82T 4 serve to be remembered SHOE REPAIRING by the travel of military personnel. New York.— A plea has been by the German government. His based in Iceland before being Expert Motor Repairing made in Ballyhaunis Feis, County parents have received word from transferred to the South Pacific, Clnteh and Brake Service when you are distributing FIRST CLASS WORK Mayo, , by Archbishop the War department that the news where he met his death bravely. GAS . VALVOUNE OILS ONLY BEST MATERML8 Joseph Walsh of Tuam for a re­ PACKARD your patronage in the dif­ 1-OAY SERVICE came through the Red Cross. He COMPLETE LUBEICAnON REAL ESTATE turn to “ Irish life.” “ As a nation,' has been overseas since last April. Pvt. John B. Fross Oowotown Lacadoa ferent lines of business. 310 So. Broadway RA. 3281 His Grace said, “ we must have our 661 E. Kentucky SP. 3067 Sgt. Hagan was a nose gunner on Pvt. John B, Fross, 21, a grad­ ______i ______7h* Only Packard Barrie* In Daavar FDR S A LE own music, our own literature, and a B-24 Liberator and was sta­ uate of the Annunciation school, our own culture.” tioned in Italy. He is a graduate was killed in France on July 14, his Packard Denver Co. of St. Mary’s nigh school and was parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fross Dlatribator* DENVER FRAME, 210 15tb S t TA. 53M QUALITY GLEANING STILLWELL A SDN IF YOU WISH TO SELL attending Colorado collegre when of 3331 Humboldt street, were REASONABLE PRICES YOUR HOUSE get quick Glen Gray he went into the service in May, notified. Pvt. Fross, a native of AXLE A BGDY GO. Tsar Gsnstats Innrsd Agsinst Fir* Texaco Service and satisfactory results 1942. Moat o f his training was in Denver, enlisted here in the army EXPERT ____ sad Theft by listing with Laredo, Tex. Sgt. Hagan has a four years ago. Surviving, besides B. C. KEMPER. Opantor Open Clstsd Play at Lakeside brother, Lt. P. F. Hagah, who is his parents, are seven brothers, Axle and Frame Service . . . AUTO REPAIR Ssndtrs Tnesdays FRED LERNER stationed in California. Cpl. James J. Fross, in the Shimmy Stopped . . . Steering AD Hakas marines; Clarence, in the navy; Al­ Lakeside will play host to the Sorrected .. . Body and Fender Easy Ttau Payaants ^ P l l f f e l t Ut Us MARFAX Your Car SP. 2183 TA. 7147 Marine Pvt. J. J. Zidan bert, Raymond, Jose]fl], William, famed Glen Gray and his Cai» Repairing . . . Wheel Alignment CLEANERS AND DYERS BATTERIES AND ACCESSORIES and Edmund; and two sisters, Northwestern Anto Co. Loma orchestra, who opens his Recitation of the Rosary was . . . Wreck Rebuilding. U l BROADWAY Tire Recjtpping tnd Repairinar Mary and Barbara Ann, all of 549Rroadway TAhor 6201 ALAMEDA A 8. LINCOLN PK. 6955 George Rice, 230 So. Bdwy. engagement Friday night, succeed­ held Wednesday evening, Aug. 17, 934 Speer Blvd. TA. 4933 PE. STBS PE. 8 7 5 4 Denver. 6 BIG ROOMS, FULL BASEMENT ing the popular Henry Busse. Lake for Marine Pvt Jerome J. Zidan, 3 hlocka east of Bdwy,; laundry drain, son of Mrs. Kate Zidan o f 4623 garage, 36,150. side’s El Patio ballroom patrons Hear From Prisoner 3680 8. ST. PAUL—Nearly new, 2-bedroont will hear the highest priced band Williams street, Denver, who died frame, clean, oak floors, all cove ceilingi, to play Denver this season at ordi­ of battle wounds. Mr. Zidan, 29, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Weber, 2040 ROTOLO*SI cove linoleums, all-metal weaiherstripe, was widely known as a bas^all S. Clarkson street, members o f St. 796 So. Broadway Johns-Uanville inaulation. drapes and rods, nary, every night prices. Ben Quality ass furnace, automatic water heater, serv­ Krasner, Lakeside manager, con­ player. He was a native of Den­ Francis de Sales’ pariah, have DOCTORS OF mOTORS SINCLAIR GAS AND OILS ice room, drain, 2 lots, Iswn, shade, garden, siders the Casa Lomans a “ bonus ver. He entered service in Sep­ heard 'within the past week from WILL KEEP ’EM ROLLING flowers, (5,000. Picture 230 So. Bdwy. tember, 1943. Besides his mother, their son, William, who has been ’Tbla atatament la parhap* a Itttl* far-fatchad. bat w* truly fral our ratpanat* NICE BRICK DUPLEX. (5,500 band,” with the park declaring a bility Iji tbaa* trytoy timra. CoDsseuMitly, « « will mak* an honest otfort to OPEN T TO 7 WEEK DAYS 5 yrs. old, 2 haths, gas furnace, auto, water dividend for its local patrons. Pvt. Zidan is survived by four a war prisoner of the Japanese Odva your car or track our vary beat in IQfOW HOW. Cloud All Dst Snndsjt heater, laundry, drain, garage, coop. Featured with the band this brothers, Leo, storekeeper third since the fall of Manila. Young Oar factory trained moebanics kav* all had yura of ozparianca an all maka* MEATS AURORA—BUFF SPANISH HOME trip are two new discoveries, Eu­ class, in the navy; Oran, a marine Weber, the card said, is well. The of car* and trucks. REMEMBER, THEY ARE NOT JUST A FELLOW WITH 5 rooms fully modern, automatic gas fur­ nace and water heater, % basement, laun­ genie Baird, charming and talented corporal; Bernard, an army pri­ latest message is one of several A MONKEY WRENCH. BUGHANAN’S GROCERIES dry, drain, garage, chicken house, 62-ft. songstress from Pittsburgh, and vate; and Eugene of Denver; and the parents have received from W* can them our combination Invontort, electrical wizards, anylnaars and lot. fenced, garden, shade, fruit, berries. BIRDS EYE “ Fats” Daniels, a new rhythm find two sisters, Mrs. Martha Marran- their son after the first six months doctors. LIQUDR STDRE (5,500. Call Mscdonald. PE. 2448. zino and Mrs. Bernice Chojnow- of bis internment. Besides William, FROZEN FOODS DUPLEX. 2 BATHS. (4,500 from Springfield, Mass (4 yaan sa Chcrralct daslan In eat locstian and under one manayeinent year 9 rooms, coal furnace, automatic water The Casa Loma orchestra led by ski, both of Denver. the Webers have two other sons in znarantee of complata aatiafaetion. Tau do not need cash. Fine Wines and Liquors heater, 2 gas ranges, some furniture, double tall, handsome Glen Gray, is dis­ service, 1st Lt. Harry, with the B. & E. MARKET gsrage. Call Chris. PE 2446. Pfc. W. J. Turk ALL WORK PERSONALLY APPROVED BY W* Fsstar* ChristUa Bras. Whi« NEAR BONNIE BRAE. TERMS tinctive for its versatility. First armored engineers in a southern BEER 75 So. Broadway PE. 7818 4-room modern; gas furnace, service porch, of the leading swing bands, it is Mr. and Mrs. John Turk, 4927 training camp, and David with the 2 ftniahed rooms in basement (4,250. PHIL MAHONEY ■ PboB* PBsrI 1777 (77 Sooth Brosdwu noted for its terrific change of pace Pearl street, Denver, of Holy Ro­ navy at Farragut, Ida. Mrs. Weber JACK TERRELL Owner shows. Picture 230 So. Broadway. — Lenora Mattingly Weber — is Aieiitant Scrrlc* Manazer 6 rooms, 3 bedrms...clear. Oak floors, fire­ from romantic ballads to wild sary pariah, have been notified Service Manager JAGKSON’S place. Venetian blind shades, gas range. bounce tunes. This versatility ac that their son, Pfc. William J nationally known as a writer. New built-in tub, pedestal lavatory, cement counts for some of the popularity Turk, was wounded in action in basement coal furnace. Nice la ^ , shade, Cut Rate Drugs floweri. Double garage. Total cash price the Casa Loma orchestra has won, Italy and is in a hospital. It is MURPHY-MANONEY MOTOR CO. Forget-Me-Not $4,000. See thU. for it offers music to please all not known how serious his wounds Liquors - Sundries are. William’s brother, Frank, is BIRDS­ 2896 Nmifa Speer Blvd. (x t Federal) GL. 4747 Prescriptions in Pando, assigned to the moun St. Josepb*s Parish tain troops. EYE Free Prompt Delivery Flower Shop Call 8P. >445 Downins and Alsueda Cpl. Monte Douglas FROZEN Marihall Auto Supply TELEPHONE EM, 3701 ALL TEXACO GAS AND OILS Solicit Your Patronage BOB & VAN’S SAJVTA FE SHOE Cpl. Monte Douglas, a veteran FOODS Alameda Drug Store Funeral Work of three major campaigiu, is con­ ’TED MARSHALL ABLES MOTOR CO. HOSPITAL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL A. E. ABLES V. O. PETERSON. Prep. Given Prompt Shoe Repairing far the Whole Family valescing^ at Fitzsimons General Meat Market Groceries • Meats • Bakery AUTO SUPPLIES Authorized Salat and Satvles . Cut Rate Drugs Attention FEATURING INVISIBLE HALF hospital. Cpl. Douglas is a member 760 SANTA FE DRIVE 80U N 6 of the Cathedral parish in Denver. l(5-(7-(( PifUenth Straet Old Prtanda* Patnaag* Appradatad Wines and Liquors Phone RA. 1818 W* Appraciate Parcel Poet Orders Recently the army recognized M U R R A Y ’S At Cleveland Ptac* IS29-(( E. Colfax Ava. at Monro* 742 SANTA FE DRIVE PoDoded by M. T. Harrty—18(( PHONE TAber 44(4 Fountain Service - School Supplies Downing at Alameda FRESH FISH • the corporal’s splendid service Alameda and Broadway record and the fact that he bad Phone GR. 1613-14-15 DODGE - PLYMOUTH been a many-time recipient of WmZ (2nd A Jolian Woodrow Wilson u NATIONAL BRAND blood plasma by designating him OWNERS VICK’S to assis(»in the recent-“ E” award Anto Upholstery HIilliken’’s Tooley’ s CaU STORES ceremony at the center by present­ Jack Flavin, Sarrlc* Mgr., ttyti Member St. Fnnclt da Salet’ Parlib QUALITY I.IQUOR STORE Tear Friendly Peed Storee .yOR SMART For protection and aerviea hav* your CASH STORES ing the individual awards. AUTO TOPS — SKAT COVERS Quality Foods for Lets motor Vttalizad and Carbon Ramoraj. 3 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS Food Store For Beer, Wines “ I'used to be a cook,” smiled LADIES’ WEAR CUSHION REPAIRING Prices reaionable. Factory trained and BOTTLE OR CASE 741 Santa Fa Drive and Cpl. Douglas, “;.nd then I got to VISIT 263 So. Bdwy. SP. 9945 pre-war macbanic* do yonr work. 1130 E. Alameda be a soldier, and now I have an Choice Meats - Fish 240 Santa Fe Drive KE. 7943 11(4 So. Gaylord Pick-Up and Dalivtry Sarrlc* 1201 E. 9th Ave. offer from the National Broadcast­ KareUa Shop 2357 E. Evans Ave. Fryers - Groceries BUly Van’s Grocery ing Co., to be an announcer when 70 BROADWAY Your Purchase of War Bonds Standard Motor Co. ★ I’m released from the army. I and Stamp* Helps to Secure Your Frozen Foods read a line somewhere that ‘blood Futnre. 13th, & Glenurm CH. 6696 VICTORY and Market can speak.’ Maybe some announcer YOUR PATRONAGE BUY WAR BOYDS LIQUOR STORE APPRECIATED THE MARKET OF QUALITY gave some of the plasma that Louis Muto, Prop. [mll.d me through. It seems a “Jos” YOUHG BUCKLEY BROS. Frank De Grazio, Mgr. AND STAMPS 16 oza. to the Pound PORTRAITS ong jump from cooking to radio PACKARD SPECIALIST WINES, LIQUORS and ALL BEERS 900 So. Pearl SP. 6587 For All Occasions Stadebaker Sales and Service ★ 820 SanU Fa Dr. Phone TA. 0538 announcing.” NEW AND USED CABS AND TRUCKS 30 Broadway SP. 5753 Auto Service Station UNION SHOP Sgt. John K. WaUh Auto Repairing All Makes United Photo Studios Bannock iuid Twelfth CH. 8234 Battery and Electric Service A Silver Star medal has been Body and Fandar Work TA. 3412 1521 CUmi* / / ifs a bolt— or an overhaul— St. Philomena’s posthumously awarded by Presi­ Joe, 350 Broadway SP. 4111 Loyola dent Roosevelt to Platoon Sgt. John K. Walsh of the marines, J & L Radio Senrica KEM-TONE $3.18 whose heroic death in the Mar DOM’T WAIT SHRADER’S Sc shall islands last February was re­ Phea* DExter 0216 Cot Rato Drn(a Electrical Appliances TRIMZ ported in the Denver Catholic Order BOULEVARD Repaired READT-PASTED WALLPAPER Register several montha ago. Serwiee Station 3205 E. Colfax Avenue Vacuum Sweeper Co. The Esher Drug Co. The citation was received b PHONE EM. 6063 REPAIRS AND PARTS FOR ALL THE STORE OF FRIENDLY SERVICE ANDERSON BROS. Sgt. Walsh’s father, William ^ 1st Ave. & Logan St. \SP. 9930 PICK-UP AND DEUVEEY Colfax sad Jataphin* EA. ((4( MAKES AND MODELS 28di Avo.. and JoaepUno Walsh of 117 Midway, Pueblo. Sgt. Called for and delivered MOBILAa S — OILS — GREASING CHERRY *121 Walsh has two brothers, William Fraak Havel 2824 Colorado Bird. E. of Denver and Joseph P. of TIPTON STUDIO When buying from the Alamosa. Portrait Photography firms advertising in this The citation, which gives details When buying from the HOWARD*^ paper, please mention that of Sgt. Walsh’s death, is as follows: —NEW TIRES— I “The President of the United WOW! firms advertising in this KE-6418 you saw their advertise­ PASSENGER AND TRUCK paper, please mention that MARKET 903 East Colfax States take* pride in presenting the Silver Star medal posthumously to NOW OPEN Formerly of Colo. Sprinxi ment. STREETER you saw their advertise-, Platoon Sgt. John K. Walsh, U. S. F i s y T E I t V S Quality Meat* - Grocerie* All Grad* of LIznIta and -ment Marine corps, for service as set Bituminous Coal* 2(26 COLO. BLVD. EA. (IK n n Selection of forth in the ifollowing FILL BIN NOW! “CITATION: “For conspicuous gallantry and PHONE GL. 4715 B. F. Goodrich PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS g S f FALL FURS intrepidity as a platoon leader serving with the 22nd Marines, re­ THOS. WILLIAMS 14TH AND GLENARM KE, 0175 W. BRUCE CALLBECK AND SONS VET OF WORLD WAR NO. 2 inforced, in action against enemy 53 SO. BROADWAY PE. 3739 THEY ARE RELIABLE Invites Your Patronage Japanese forces during the landing 2309 ISth St. Since 1905 KE. 4 S 7 « COLFAX AT WASHINGTON operations on Engebi and Parry

1 J 1

PAGE EIGHT Office, 9S8 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KE3r8tone 4205 Thursday, Aug. 17, 1944

A Nickle WeU Spent SUMMER MASS SCHEDULE IN Local High Plans I ^ REMEMBER ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER THE DATES Following is the summer ached- ST. UARY UAGDALENE’S, K. 26th Sports Comeback A rt. aad Dapaw, 6 :30, 8. 10, sad 12. nla of Masae* in the Denver arch- AUGUST 31, ST. PATRICK’S. W. SSrd Axe. and Peco*. dioceia as reported to The Regis­ 7. 9. 10 80. and It. The Annunciation high echool, ter: ST. PHILOHENA’S. E. 14th Are. and S EP T. 1 and 2 Denver, athletic program is coming DENVER Detroit, 5:45, 7, 8:16, 9 80, 11, and BUCKLEY FIELD. *, 10, and 11:S0. 12:15. out of the cellar, and with a bang, CATHEDRAL. E. Colfax and Logan, 6. T. according to the Rev. James F. ST. ROSE OF LIKA’S, S. Naxaio and W. Remember the ST. LEO’S BAZAAR 8. 9. 10, 11:80. and 12:80. Nexada. 8 and 10. ANNUNCIATION, E. 86th Are, and Moynihan, assistant pastor and ST. THERESE’S (Anrora), 9605 E. 14th Colfax and Stout athletic director. Humboldt, 6:18, 7:80, 8:80, 9-80, 10:46, and 12. Axe., 8 and 10. Not that the boys have been in BLESSED SACRAMENT. MontrUw Bl»d. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL'S, E. Arixona Poor Missions of the cellar all the time in the past and Elm. 7, 8. 9:80. 10:45, and 12. and S. Joaepbine, 8 80, 8, 10:80, and few years, but in football last fall FITZSIMONS CHAPEL, FiUiImoni bot- 12. pital, 6. 8. 9. and IZ, ST, ANTHONY’S HOSPITAL, Qultnum WATCH they were at the bottom, and the HOLY FAMILY. W. 44th and Utica. at 16th Axa., 6:40, 7. and 7:45. men of the paririi have decided it 6. 7:80. 9. ID. 11. and 12. COLORADO SPRINGS the Archdiocese HOLY GHOST, 19th and CalifomU St*.. is time this year to do something CORPUS CHRISTL 2380 N. Caaead*. 6. 7:15. 8:15, 9:15, 10:15, 11:15, and 7:80, 9:30. and II. REPAIRING about it. 12:15. For that reason, the Holy Name GLOCKNER SANATORIUM, 2200 K. 5-DAY SERVICE HOLY ROSARY, E. 47th Are. and PearL Tejon. 6 and 7. l.YEAR GUARANTEE society members o f the parish 6. 8, and 10. SACRED HEART. 2026 W. Colondo have decided to sponsor a big LOYOLA. E. 23rd Ava. and York. 8, 7, Axe.. 8. 10. and 11:80. 8 :80. 10:30. and 12. J . A. Bold Jewelry games party Saturday evening. ST. FRANCIS’ HOSPITAL. 6:46 and 8. OUR LADY OP GUADALUPE, W. 88th ST. MARY’S. 26 W. Kiowa. 8. 7, 8, 9. 1532 Welton TA. 0439 Aug. 19, at 8:15 o’clock in Hagus Ave. and Kalamath, 11. 11. and 12:10. hall, E. 37th avenue and Lafayette OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL. W. 86th ST. PAUL’S. Broadmoor. 7. 9, and 11. ■I OpjHxito Orpheum Thutcr Are. and Navajo, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10:80, and Next te Telenewi street. All the proceeds from the 12. OTHER CHURCHES OF games are to go into the athletic OUR LADY OF VICTORY. W. 12th Ava. ARCHDIOCESE fund. The admission will be only and Sbothone, 9-80. AKRON. 11, lat, 8rd, and 5th Snndayai PRESENTATION. W. 7th Av*. and 9, 2nd and 4tb Sunday*. 50 cents, and an admission ticket Julian. 8:80. 8. 10. and 12. ALLENSPARK. Maaa in Camp Kalo, 8 Yours to Enjoy will entitle each person to 25 SACRED HEART, 28th and Larimer and 9. games. SU., 6:80, 7:30, 9. and 10:80. ARVADA. 7 and 10, summer only. For added pleaiure, entertain at the ST. ANTHONY'S HOSPITAL. W. 18th ASPEN. 8:30, 2nd and 4tb Sundays; 8 Coemopolitan — PIONEEB DININQ The program planned by the and Quitman, 5:45, 6:80. and 7:46. and 10 other Sundays. ROOM... Holy Name men has been planned ST. CAJETAN’S. 9th and Urimer St*.. AURORA. 8 and 10. to purchase new uniforms for the 8:80. 10:30, and 12:16. BASALT, 10:80, 2nd and 4th Sunday*. COFFEE ST. CATHERINE'S, W. 42nd Ave. end BOULDER, Sacred Heart of Mary, 8 on SHOPPE . . . boys, and to fix up their gymna­ Federal Blvd., 6, 7:80. 9, 10:30. and 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays; 9:30 on BAMBOO sium locker and shower room. The 12:15. 2nd and 4th Snndays. Daily at 7. ST. DOMINIC'S. W. 29th and Federal BOULDER, Mt. St, Gertrude’s academy. ROOM. Ree. games party is the first step in the program, and the general Blvd., 5 80. 7 80, 9. 10:30. and 12. 7 and 10. EMEMBER onunended the ST. ELIZABETH’S. 11th and Curtl* Sta.. BOULDER. Sacred Heart of Jesus, 6, Coemopolitan ublic is invited to participate in e. 8, 9:15. 11. and 12:15. 8. and 10. elping the ,boys. ST. FBANCIS DE SALES’. S. Sherman BRECKENRIDGE, 10. 3rd Sunday. Con­ to out-of-town The prospects this year for the and Alameda, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and fessions before Mass. friend*. 12. BRIGGSDALE, 8 80. 1st Sunday; 10 80. football team are the brightest ST. JAMES’, E. 13th Ave. and Newport, ' 8rd Sunday. Cosmopolitan Hotel they have been in many seasons. 6:30. 7:30. 8 80, 10. 11. and 12. BRIGHTON, 8 and 10 80. Spanish. 9. The boys will have an experienced ST. JOHN'S, E. 5th Ave. and Joaephlne, BRUSH, 9, 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays; J. B. HERNDON, JR.. Gen.. Hir. 6, 7. 8. 9. 10, 11. and 12. 8:80 and 10, 2nd and 4tb Sundays^' and heavy first string, and more ST. JOSEPH’S, W. 6th Ave. and GaU- BURLINGTON, 10, 1st. 3rd, and 5th capable reserves than they have pago. 5:80, 7 80, 8 80. 9 80, and 11:80. Sundays; 8, 2nd and 4th Sundays. had fo r a long time. Practice is St. Anne’* chapel, 3 :30. CALHAN— 11. 1st Sunday; 9:15, 3rd and ST. JOSEPH'S (PolUh), E. 48th Ave. 5th Sundays. to start this week, and the East- and Pennaylvanis, 6, 7 :80, 9, and hurch BIBE-A-WEE CAFE CAMP ST. MALO, 8 and 10. C siders are eagerly awaiting a 10 80. CAMP GEORGE WEST (army). 8. MR. AND MRS. ST. LEO’S, 10th S t and W. Colfax. 7. 9, GEO. ESSENPREIS season in which they declare they CASCADE. 10. 10:80, and 12:15. CAS’TLE ROCK, 10, July and Septam- will be satisfied with nothing less ST. LOUIS’. 3800 S. Sherman. 6. 8, 10, NIEW LOCATION than a championship. her; 12, August and October. and 11:30. CENTRAL CITY. 9, lat Sunday; 8 8rd 1023 Broadway KE. 9731 Sunday. We Appreciate Your Patronage CHEYENNE WELLS, 9; 8:48 on holy days of oblisatlon. 250 NEWSLETTERS SENT TO COPELAND LAKE. Mass at Camp St. Halo, 8 and 10. CRAIG. 12, 2nd Sunday; 10 80. 3rd.'4th. BONNER’S and 6th Sundays. PARISHIONERS IN U.S. FORCES CRIPPLE CREEK, 7:30 tnd 9 80, alter­ TEXACO SERVICE nating each Sunday. CROOK, 8 and 10. alternating each Sun Expert Lubrication Service (Annunciation Perish, Denver) ceived word from their son, Leo day with niff. DEER TRAIL, 11:15, alternata Sundays G«a, Oil *nd AccMsoriM Two hundred and fifty letters F. Lynch, who arrived overseas EAST LAKE, 9:80. EATON (Spanish colony), 8 80, 2nd 6p«tr BItiL Bt SaBBock have been written and sent to in time for D-day, that he has been promoted to staff sregeant Sunday and 4th Saturday. parish service people in the past EDGEWATER, 5:30, 8. 10. and 12. week hy Father James Moynihan, and has completed 11 missions. ELBERT. 8, 2nd Sunday; 10, 4th Sun­ spirituid director of the Holy Peter MacLellan and son, John, day, July, 'August, and October; 12, DOYLE’S left for Nova Scotia Sunday. They September; 8, July 30; 8. O ct 29. Name society. The letters contain ELDORADO SPRINGS, Mass in Sooth PHARMACY parish items of interest. Twenty- expect to be gone three weeks. Boulder, 8, 1st, 8rd, and 5th Snndays five names and addresses of parish The fair and bazaar of last week 9:30, 2nd and 4tb Sundays, Tha Particular Dmssiit ELIZABETH, 10, 2nd Sunday of extry service men are in each letter. Six was a success. The winner of month. 17ih AyE. AND GRANT consecutive letters will contain a the special prize o f $300 was EMPIRE, Hass in Georgetoxm. 8, 2nd complete list, enabling the recip­ Mrs. Annie Estrada o f 3651 Sunday; 9, 4th Sunday. KE. t«8T FREE DELIVEBT Walnut street. Celeste McClain ENGLEWOOD. 6. 8, 10. and 11:80. ients to write each other. ERIE, 7:30, 2nd and 4th Sundays; 9:30. of 3750 York street and Ed Seaman Bob Gracey spent a 1st 3rd. and 5th Sundays of July and short leave with his parents. Dorerr of 4628 Sheridan boule­ August vard each won $100, Howard ESTES PARK, 7:30 and 9 80. Cpl. Jacob Fross spent four EVERGREEN. 10. Lenihan was awarded the h^e FAIRPLAY, 10, 2nd Sunday; Confessions b e p Up Tour Radio ae it Will Last days with his parents, Mr. and chest; Mrs. Frank Simington and before Has*. Uadi Naw Ones Ara AvaUabls Mrs. Petef Fross. Sterling Kimberly, the $25 awards FLEMING, 8 and 10. Panl’t Radic Sanrlca FORT COLLINS, Holy Family, 8 :80 tnd Pvt. Jacob Marquez, brother of on Thursday and Friday nights; 10 80. St, Joteph.’*, 7, 8:80. and 10. 1470 Elm S t EM. 4205 Mrs. T. Mascarenas, was reported Henry Bernard, the . bicycle July and August Op«B Svmtnfi u i iandiji seriously wounded in action in donated by Pete Rupp; Mrs. FORT LOGAN, Post chape), 7 and 12:80 France on July 28. Another Reception center. Fort Logan theater, Reno’s quilt, won by Pat Moore; 8 8 0 . brother, Pfe, Joaquim Marquez, Form of Bequest Mrs. Russell’s lamb cake, Mary FORT LUPTON, 9, 1st 8rd, and 6th Annunciation high school graduate Laris; two ducks, Ida Hollman and Sundays; 7:30, 2nd and 4tb Sundays, for Establishment of COAL in 1943, has been in an army hos­ J. Swanson; sofa pillow, J. FORT MORGAN. 8 80 and 10. Holy Store it now— Be prepared for pital in Virginia since July 6. Popish; doll, Cecelia Mascarenas; days, 7:16 and 8:80. FOUN’i’AIN, A, 1st and 3rd Sundays. Funds for Educa­ posiible fuel ahortage. USO-NCCS cookies donors last hunting dogs, Charles Haley and FRASER, Maryxtle camp. (Posen’s nnoh, ALL POPULAR GRADES — ALSO week were Mrs. Elwyna Jorgenson, Father Moynihan; rabbits. Mon- 8, June 22 to Aug. 8. STOKER COALS FREDERICK, 7 80, 2nd and 4th Sun­ tion of Priests: Mrs. Ed Gates, Jr., and Miss signor ChaHes Hagus. Glenn’s days ; 9. 1st Srd, tnd 5th Sundays, Grace Thombrugh. Grill won the Pittsburgh plate GEORGETOWN, 8. 2nd Sunday; 9. 4tb Ra^ Coal Co. The class of ’37 requested a glass mirror; Volosin quilt, Sunday. PE. 4604 1165 So. Penn. Memorial Mass for Jack Shannon Theresa Charles; canary, John GILCREST, 11. 2nd and 4th Sundays. De Vigil; groceries, Mrs. Buckley; GILL (Spanish colony), 8:30, 4th 'Sun­ on Monday, Aug. 14. day and 2nd Saturday. Mrs. Connolly’s linen dresser set, The Rev. Joseph L. Hebert, S;J., GLENWOOD SPRINGS, 7 and 8. Mrs. R. Poitz; Mrs. McQain, linen GOLDEN, 8 and 10. visited with his parents, Mr. and table cloth; luncheon set, Billy GOLD HILL. 8;30.x Mrs. Victor Hebert, before going GRAND LAKE. 11. Lyons; pillow cases, Mary Laris; MAURICE on retreat at Regis. He will leave GREELEY. St. Peter’s. 7, 8 80. and yam dog, Joe Fross; blue table­ 10:30. Our Lady of Peace, 8:30 exery this week fo r St. Marys, Kans. cloth, Mrs. Nebalski; baby blan­ day. STUDIOS Mr. and Mrs. A1 Strong are the ket, Mrs. Pat Powers. Cake booth GREELEY COLONY, 8 80, 6th Sunday parents o f a girl born Aug. 11. and 2nd Friday. awards— Mrs. Arnold’s cake. Rose GREENWOOD, 10, 1st and 4tb Sundays; Personality Portrmts Mrs. Strong is the form er Helen Gerk; Mrs. Robinson’s cake, Mrs. 8 :30, 2nd. 3rd. and 6th Sundays. Demshki o f the parish. Kirby; Mrs. Lowrie’s cake, Mrs. GROVER, 10:30, 1st Sunday; 8 80, 3rd Sunday, For Every Occasion Mr. and Mrs. Floyd H. Tucker J. 0 . Johnson. HAXTUN. 9 8IU. 1st 3rd, and 6th Sun­ s of 8424 Gaylord held open house days; 8. 2nd ahd 4tb Sundays. Sunday, Aug. 13, celebrating the Patricia Geary * HOLYOKE, 8. 1st Srd. and 6th Sundays; 50th wedding anniversary o f Mr. 9:30, 2nd and 4th Sundays (Missions), 1528 Broadway Weds Lieutenant 9:80, 1st. 3rd. and 5th Sundays; 8. Tucker's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Miss Patricia Geary of this par­ 2nd and 4th Snndays. James A. Tucker, who were mar­ ish was married to Lt. Cyril C. HUGO. 9. CR. 3926 ried in St. Joseph, Mo., in 1894, HERSEY (Spanish colony), 8 :30, 1st Baker of Muscatine, la., before Sunday and 3rd Saturday. and came to Colorado in 1895. the 9:30 Mass Sunday, Aug. 13. IDAHO SPRINGS, 8, 1st tnd 4th Sun­ They homesteaded in Morgan Father Moynihan officiated. days; 9, 2nd and Srd Sundays. county in 1900 and moved to Den­ ILIFF. 10 or 10, alternating Sundays Your Purchase of TPar Bonds Jack Plumb, a close friend of with Croolc. ver in 1920, and Stamps Helps to Secure Your the family, gave the bride away. INDIAN HILLS, Mass in Evergreen. 10. Future. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lynch re­ JOHNSTOWN (Spanish colony), 8 80. The bridesmaids, both sisters o f Sunday and 1st Saturday. the bride, were Mary Jo and JULESBURG, 8 and 9:80. > Genevieve Geary. The best man KEENESBURG, 8. July and September 10. August was' T. Sgt. Charles Seggelke. KIOWA, 12, Srd Sunday of July and Jackie Plumb was ring-bearer and September; 10, Srd Sunday of August THE SUM OF $350 Frances Feeley was flower girl. KIT CARSON. 11, Holy days of obliga­ tion, 10.30. WILL TAKE CARE The bridegroom, of radio fame KITTREDGE, 10 at Evergreen. known as Smilin’ Ed McConnell KREMMLING. 8 :80. every Sunday. OF A STUDENT FOR on the National Bam Dance, en­ LAFAYETTE, 7 80 in July; 9 80. 2nd and 4tb Sundays of August tered the army in 1942. The bride LEADVH,LE. 8 and 10. ONE YEAR. is a daughter o f Mrs. Joanna LIHON, 10:30, alternate Sundays. Geary, and was graduated from LITTLETON. 8 and 10. LONGMONT, 6:30, 8. and 10. War the Annunciation high school in prisoners’ Mass, 9. 1940. LONG’S PEAK, Mass in .Camp St. Malo, 8 and 10, July and August The couple left after the wed­ LOUISVILLE. 8 ind 10. ding breakfast for Miami, Fla., LOVELAND. 9. where Lt. Baker will be stationed. MANITOU. 9, July and August. Mrs. Baker, mother o f the bride­ MARSHALL, Mass in South Boulder, 8. lat. Srd, and 5th.Sundays; 9:30, .2nd groom, came from Muscatine, la., tnd 4th Sundays. A Permanent Bi!irse for the Perpetual to attend the wedding. HATHESON. 9:16. 2od Sunday; 10. 4th Sunday. MEAD, 7 :80. 1st 3rd. and 5tb Sundaya Follows Father 9, 2nd and 4th Sundaya. MEEKER, 9, 2nd Sunday only. Education of a Seminarian is $6,000. MONUMENT. 10. 4th Sunday, July 30. In Death September and October; 12, August sod Novimber. MORRISON, Mt. Elisabeth Retreat 7. Ahy Portion of This Amount, HT. HARRIS, 10. 3rd Sunday. MUSHROOM FARM, 0, 1st Sunday of wmredm&ier- the month. NEDERLAND, 8, July and Augoat » NEWCASTLE, 12:15, 1st Sunday only. However, Can Be Left, OAK CREEK, 10, 2nd, Srd, and 6th Sundays. PARKER, 12, 1st Sundays of July and September; 10, 1st Sunday of August PEACEFUL VALLEY. Hast in Camp S t Malo, 8 and 10; Mast in Nederland, 8 America’s railroads— what an important part they played July and August PEETZ, 7 80 and 9:80. For Further Information Address the in the months which preceded D-Dayl Men, food and PIERCE, 8 80, 4th Friday. PLATTEVILLE. 7:80. 1st and 6th Sun­ equipment rolling from every part of the country, day and days; 9, 2nd and 4tb Sundays. RAHAH, 9:16, 1st Sunday; 10. 4th night, toward strategic points from which our assaults Sunday. RED CLIFF, 10, 4th Sunday only, against tyranny are being unleashed. RIFLE, 10, 1st Sunday only. ROGGEN, 10, July and Septsmber. 8 And now that the offensive is ours, supply Unes must August. SILVER PLUME. Mass in Georgetown. be fed with an unbroken flow of men and materiel with 8. 2nd Sunday: 9, 4th Sunday. STEAMBOAT SPRINGS. 8:80 and 10. CHANCERY OFFICE which to sustain the attack. To accomplish this there must 1st Sunday; 8:80 only, 2nd. 8td. and I 4th Sundays. be, more than ever, “ Full Steam Ahead” . STERLING, S t Anthony’s. 8. 7 80. 8 80, and 10; S t Benedict’s hospital, 6, STONEHAM, 9. We hail the cooperation of travelers and shippers which STRATTON. 8. 1st, Srd. and 8th Sun- 1536 LOGAN STREET days; 10, 2nd and 4th Sundays. is playing such an important part in the handling of this SUPERIOR. 9 80. 1st Srd. and 6tb Sun­ days: 8, 2nd and 4th Sundays;. tremendous job. It’s teamwork like this that proves you TROUTDALE, Has* in Exergreen, 10. VICTOR, 7 :80 and 9 :30, alternating DENVER, COLORADO can’t beat the American way of getting things done. Sundays; July 2, 7:80, S t Victor’s. WARD. Hass at Gold HUI, 8 80 ; Hass at Nederland, 8. Just one month after hia father, WATTENBUBG (near Brighton), Mats F. W. JOHNSON L. R. SCHRAMM Lt. Gen. Lesley J. McNair, vras killed every Sunday at 9 or 13 noon. in Normandy by a prematurelr re­ WELBY. 6. 7 80. and 9.' Builington Otmni fouMger Ague Geaerel Fnfghf Agut ■ WELDONA, 10:30, 1st and Srd Sundaya. leased bomb o f an American plane, WESTMINSTER, Matt Uiret times a Col. Douglas McNair, 37, died in month at 9 or 12 noon. Route 17th and Champa, DENVER action on Guam. An only son, the WIGGINS. 10. 6th Sunday only. younger McNair was, like his fa- WRAY. 9:80. YUMA, 9, 1st Srd, and 5th Sundaya; tberi a field artilleryman. IL Sod and 4th Sondar^ Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 PAGE. NINE

Showing of ill Honoring Catholic Chaplains PRODUCERS CREAMERY PRODUCTS MEAN L be removed to Fort Deveni, Mam., on Aug. 23. T.*ft to righl, front row, are Bishop* John F. O’Hara, C.S.C., QUAUTY PRODUCTS AT REASONABLE PRICES N ew FU RS and William T. McCarty, C.SS.R., Military Delegates to the armed forces; and lA. Col. Daniel _J. Lynch; 1 Ryan; Ll. Col. William D. Cleary; Bishop Richard J. Cushing, Admini*tratop o f At a Sa\-ing to You rear'row, Capt. James C. . . the Boston archdiocese; Bishop Francis A. McIntyre, Auxiliary of New York, and Col. Edmund C Ice Cream MUSKRAT BACK Coat, C O T H S TIIL Sliney. wlio tendered the dinner. ^ 20% Fed. Tax Incl...... I U Milk - Cream 10 MONTHS TO PAY EXPERT RESTYLING — REPAIRING Blitter 933 Bannock St. CLEANING AT SAVING PRICES TO T KEyrtone 3297, Denver, Colo.

(Con Untied From Page One) ged individualists as I had in that first outfit. I aged 20 years in a short while." NURFACE-NU Phone CH. 1901 He Hat Been Around When this youthful-looking 1510 California St. top-kick discusses men and how to treat them, a gleam lights up his eyes. In the 32 years since he first became a G. I., he has served hitches ARGONAUT HOTEL in the quartermasters, field Wliera DenTsr'i Society Entertaia* for Luncheon* and Dinner* artillery, and the army air forces. The list o f places he FOR SPECIAL RESERVATIONS FOR BP.pCE PARTIES. served at reads like a military DANCES AND DINNERS PHONE MAIN 3101 Cook’s Tour. Hawaii, Panama, California, Kansas, Kentucky, Beantifnl Ballroom* Prieate Dining Room* Washington, Wyoming, and Colorado can all claim him, with Utah, Oklahoma, and Missouri rounding out the STORE COAL EARLY list. PHO.NE US YOUR ORDER NOW The old chestnut about top sergeants being heartless VICTORY CHEMICAL TREATMENT creatures does not go with him. REMOVES DUST AND DIRT “Men are individuals with CONSULT US different problems," he said. ABOUT THE COAL "A first sergeant has to make Surfaee-Nu the 100% Plastic Sealer TO STORE n o w : a study o f human nature and j m s L Serving Denver Since if he wants a smooth-running RENEWS AND PROTECTS organization he must realize he cannot handle everybody LINOLEUM AND WOOD FLOORS We recomraenrl storing PINNACLE or WADGE Lump, alike. You cannot talk to one Egg or Nul, .also PINNACLE STOKER Pea or Slack. G. I. the same as the next. m r i l F A f 'F ’ .NTI •» ■ tr*n*p«r*nt w*Urproof—lUinproof PLASTIC r*- First sergeants must train iv u oU, It U not by aoap. FILL YOUR BIN NOW themselves to listen to the ammonia, ink, add* or alcohol. other fellow’s troubles, and Archbishop Vehr Presides Over Mass m y R F A r ’F.NTT pr«Tut he would not take long time ago, he preferred to freedom." so there is one fundamental system the position at the price of his in­ There^s Just 0 N E W 0 R D go on and help win the war of economics that will save civili­ dependence. He loved politics and “ McGauran too,” said Monsi­ as a G. I. zation and that Henry George had delighted in his power to sway gnor. H i^ n s , “ was an aristocrat, "Those Japanese bombs fell founded it. He recalled the famous voters by his golden voice. He was not o f lineage, but o f mind and Father McGlynn case in New York outstanding in his knowledge of to describe Baufs only a few feet from me at heart. From his cultured Irish Hawaii,” he said. “ Maybe city, where that pastor was bus Unite^ States history and at one father he inherited and was faith­ pended by his Archbishop because time was seriously considered for that’s why I'm still in uni­ ful to his forbears’ detestation o f form .” of...... political activity in b(-behalf of ' the post o f professor of history in CAKES tyranny and oppression. Hundreds Sgt. Hutton is married: his Henry George and was later or­ the• Universityu ‘ ■ of ■" Colorado. ‘ ■ "He was o f men, young and old, o f all faiths dered to be reinstated by the Apos­ a great expert on poetry PASTRIES wife is Mrs. Alice M. Hutton and o f none admired him. They o f Denver. tolic Delegate, after a distin­ The father of Monsignor HifTgins knew his intelligence was indis­ CANDIES guished group of scholars in the came to Colorado from New York putable, his motives idealistic, his Catholic University of America with a letter from Henry Geofge faith sincere. McGauran w^s not ICE CREAMS found that the Single Tax was not to John B. McGauran. This began devout, but his faith was solid. adverse to Catholic doctrine. a lasting friendship with the Hig­ He wrote and lectured and argued FINE FOODS Loyola Sodality Archbi*hop Act* gins family. for 50 years in the interests of Christian social reform, but never Archbishop Francesco Satolli, Mr. McGauran served at two fell into the heresy of overconfi­ the first Apostolic Delerate to the different periods as grand knight dence in works, o f ignoring the United States, who later was of Denver council, K. o f C., but Elects Officers supernatural.” named to the Sacred College of was not active in the order during Cardinals, examined a statement the later years of his life. Through As a personal friend of the de­ by Father McGlynn on Georgean his magnificent oratory he was (Loyola Parish, Denver) ceased, Monsii^or Higgins then land theories, and having formed one o f those chiefly responsible for expressed gratitude to Judge J. his own judgment, referred it to building Columbianism in Colorado. The Loyola Young Ladies’ so­ Foster Symes, to Sister Mary dality met in the home of Theresa noted theologians and canon law He was a charter member of the Linus, who welcomed him to St. exports of the Catholic university: society in Denver. and Peggy Hebert Aug. 10. New Joseph’s hospital, and to many officers elected were Maxine Wol- The Rev. Dr. Bou'quillon, dean of Born in Iowa others, like Mr. and Mrs. Thomas the faculty; the Rev. Dr. Thomas lenhaupt, prefect; Lea Gillen, vice Mr. McGauran was bom Jan. Stay out of the kitchen these hot days. Let Baur*s pre­ J. Dunbar, who made the final (YGorman, later Bishop of Sioux prefect; Theresa Hebert, secre­ 19, 1872, in Dubuque county, Iowa, pare the foods that make family meals appealing . . . years o f this crusader less lonely Falls; the Rev. Dr. Charles Gran- tary; and Kathleen Andrew, treas­ to Thomas and Emily Fitzgerald than they might have been. nan, and the Rev, Dr. Edward A. to give your gourmet friends, to serve when you entertain. urer. Committee chairmen in­ McGauran, Irish immigrants. The Friend* Cheri*h Memory Pace. Archbishop Satolli and the clude Our Lady’s committee, Mar­ McGaurans came to Denver when university authorities on theology garet Mary Goggins; membership, “ We, his friends, will cherish John was still a child. After his Coolidge Cake...... 48c and canon law decided unani­ Theresa Hebert; and publicity, his memory. To the world he was studies in the old Sacred Heart mously that there was nothing in Chocolate Torte Cakes...... 99c and 1.85 Rose Liuzzi. A vote of thanks was an impractical dreamer, but his college, John B. McGauran studied the land philosophy preached by extended to the outgoing officers, dreaming did our world a lot of law, and engaged in newspaper Angel Food Cakes...... 48c, 70c and 1.21 who have done wonderful work. good; for it preached what is noble Father McGlynn that was contrary work. Municipal ownership, the to Catholic doctrine. This judg­ Liuzzi, post prefect of the and good, the fatherhood o f God economics o f taxation, and allied ment was promulgated by Arch­ Decorated Angel Food, large size...... 1*96 Loyola sodality, has been elected and the universal brotherhood o f subjects were his hobbies. In 1900 bishop ‘Satolli in the Catholic Uni­ refect of the Sodality union in men. Let us thank God for His and 1901 he served as deputy city Decorated Sunshine Cake, large size...... 2.01 B versity of America on Dec. 23, i'cnver. grace, which exhalted his consecra­ auditor of Denver under Edward Wedding Cakes...... from 4.00 tion to ideals and gave him moral 1892. Keating. Later Mr. McGauran The Loyola sodalists will take stability. We have every reason Mr. McGauran, at the time of charge o f a bulletin board in the worked for two years in the county to trust confidently that Aon, if the Father M cG inn case, ^ s a treasurer’s office. —For Overseas Mailing— church, with Margaret Mary student in‘ the old Sacred Heart Goggins as chairman. Father Ed­ college (Regis). He attended a He was elected in 1910 to the ...... lb. 1.08 ward J. Morgan, S.J., and Father De Sales Parishioner lecture given in Denver by the sus­ upper branch of the bicameral city Dark Fruit Cake...... Thomas Hallahan, S.J., were pended priest and was deeply council. He was In the council Crystal Cuts...... lb. 60c guests at the sodality meeting Opens Jewelry Store moved the next day, Sunday, when under Mayors Speer and Arnold, Thursday night and gave short Father McGlynn attended Mass, and was president of the bo^d of talks. Maxine Wollennaupt will supervisors in 1912 and 1913. Wrapped Caramels...... lb. 85c L. E. Sullivan, a member o f like a layman, in the old Sacred be hostess in her home at a party Mr. McGau;^an campaigned vig­ St. Francis de Sales' parish, and Heart church on Larimer street. Assorted Chocolates...... lb. 90c in honor of Rose Liuzzi Tuesday orously for such reforms as con­ George i W. Tolman recently Father Pantanella, S.J., the fa ­ ■‘Tl[ TIMEllSS evening, Aug. 22. stitutional provision for the initia­ opened the Bonnie Brae Jewelers mous head of the college, rebuked tive and referendum and for home Small Chari* for Packaimi tor Mailing. Sunday, Aug. 20, will be Com­ at 1048 S. Gaylord street. They the youth, and young McGauran by JAMES ROXTON rule cities, which finally became Christmas M all Month—Sept. 15 to Oet, U munion day for the Altar sodality. are both experienced in repairing left the school as a result. He was part of Colorado’s fundamental The Rev. Edward P. Murphy, clocks, watches, and jewelry. They never, however, antipathetic to the THE SUIT . . . Detail-ored in Julliard "Master Fabric" (7 5 % code. As a Democratic leader, Mr. S.J., new assistant pastor of have an attractive line o f jewelry Jesuits, whise work he always wool and 2 5 % fur) that is heavenly soft. Ultra smart Man­ McGauran helped direct the suc­ For distinctive and unusual Shop May Co. Loyola parish, will take the place in the stock. They invite you to pi:ai8ed. A later generation would darin neckline and new flap pockets. Distinctive, hand fin­ agree that Father McGlynn should cessful campaigns of U. S. Sena­ gift*, visit Baur’s gift Baur's Pantry of Father John J. Halligan, S.J., come in and see them in their new ished self-material covered buttons. Rich fall shades: gold, have obeyed his Archbishop and tors Thomas M. Patterson and shop at the down­ who will be transferr^ to St store. moss green, raspberry red, black, and brown...... 4 9 .9 5 Shop^for different then appealed. Father Pantanella Charles S. Thomas, In 1913 Mr. town store. Mary’s parish in Cleveland,^ 0. THE COAT . . . Same material and lustrous fail shades. New and delicious foods Father Murphy has just finished could scarcely be blamed in the McGauran campaigned for Wood- CoIIaboratronist or case; as for Mr. McGauran he row Wilson in Colorado and other semi-raglan sleeves and rounded lapels. Designed to wear with for cocktail, lunch­ his tertianship in the novitiate in or without the suit. Together th ^ make a "Timeless ;^wo- Cleveland. All-Nazi Rule,. Threat would have gladly died at any time Western states. He was surveyor eon and supper partiM. in his life for the preservation of general fo r Colorado in 1914 and some." Both suit and coat companion lined in Skinner's rayon Material for the school uniforms a principle. It is told of him that, held this office for seven years. satin. Sizes 10 to 20______5 5 .0 0 is in the basement of the May Stockholm. — The Church in in days long ago, the streetcar did More recently Mr. McGauran had Co. See Miss Newman. Pattern EXCLUSIVELY IN THE DENVEB'S CASUAL SHOP Nazi-occupied Hungary has been not go as far as he thought it been sergeant-at-arms of the State SECOND FLOOB 'Rsrra Luncheon or Ditmat at one of oar Fine Resfauranta. is Vogue No. 2229. For informa­ warned that continued opposition should toward the Sacred Heart Senate, a deputy U. 8. marshal, Sorry/ No City Delivaries! tion call Mrs. Mohrbacher, E.A. and bailiff of the U. S. District to the regime headed by the Col­ college. Every day he staged a 1446. demonstration of protest Finally, court He held the last named po­ Uptown May Co. Bour'i Downtown Sister Margaret Clare, principal laborationist Premier Doeme Szto- the tramway company added to sition until his retirement in Oc­ 16th at GlMorm 1628 Curtis 1512 Curtis of the Catholic Ceptral high school jay may lead to a new government the track. The officials could not tober, 1943, in Springfield, 0., is staying at the completely in Nazi hands. The stand the constant protests of the Mr. Mepauran did not marry. “Where Denver Shops with Confidence” — KEystona 2111 -lUY WAR BONDS- Loyola convent while visiting her Catholic Primate - of Hungary, eloquent boy. This story was told Survivors are cousins, Mrs. Mary parents in Denver. Cardinal Seredi, wasjtold in a per­ by the late Joe Newman and was Sinones of Denver, Mrs. Emily Lt. Robert Moore of 2225 Gay­ sonal interview with* Sztojay that admitted by- Mr. McGauran in later Quirin of Rochester, N. Y .; Mrs. lord is home on a two-week the-Uhurch-must-choose between years. Mayme Gregory of Kansas, and leave from Burma. He Is the son the present government and an Editor Year* Ago . Joseph Gregory, S.J., of Regis col- BUY WAR BONDS FOR VICTORY o f Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore. “all-out" Nazi administration. i Mr. McGauran became edilor otllege. BUY WAR BONDS FOR VICTORY

iRIh i PAGE TEN Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 Thursday, Aug. 17, 1944

" p T /Y V I /lC menUonetl with i nonchaIanc« atnarinK fo •horebound civiliani when ihii A U 'f U j J group got together. They are, from left, Lt. (JC) Francu Fleming, navy Tomorrow’s Loaders Need Good Vision flying ace with eight Japaneu planes to his credit; 1st It. Bill Miller, veteran o f the India fighting; Polisli Parisli to Lt. (JG) Alfred Taddeo, who m w action over Truk, Saipan, and other hot spots; lit Lt. B. W. Bradley, Today who was in the air over France on D-day; 1st Lt. Bob Owens, who piloted a B-17 on many missions over Germany; and the Rev. John B. Delaunay, CS.C., dean o f men at the University o f Portland, a native of The security of America’s tomorrow depends on sound training France, a student in Rome and Germany, and a form er missionary in India. The fliers, all former Uni­ of young people today. The minds of youth must be alert and versity o f IVtrtland (Ore.) students (1 9 4 0 ), point out on a world globe where they have been. Continue With unhandicapped; so be sure that your child’s eyes are free from any ocular defect. We suggest a yearly esamination by our professional Optometrists. THEATRE lO-Grade School PARK 1028 S. GaylonI PE. 9877 SWIGERT B R O S. THUES.. FRL. SAT.. AUG. 17. 18, 19 (St. Joseph’s Polish Parish, GEORGE MURPHY, GINNY SIMMS Better Vition Optometrists Good Service Denver) At Right Prices for Every Age The Rev. Hubert M. Newell, BROADWAY 1550 California KEystone 7651 arch diocesan superintendent of RYTHH schools, waa a guest o f the sisters 450 GLASSES INOIVIOUALLT STYLED ALSO in the convent Friday afternoon, ANNA NEAGEL. RICHARD GREEN South Marion Aug. 11. Father Newell held a conference with the sisters and Fa­ THE YELLOW CANARY DURING' ■ Enjoy Your Favorite ther Edward J. Fraezkowski to SUN., MON.. TUBS., WED., Canning Season discuss the possibilities of a com­ AUG. 29, 21, 22. 22 COCKTAIL CLEAN YOim STICKY plete four-year high school for the FRED McMURRAY. FLOORS WITH THE in REQUIESCANT parish. Because o f the present DOROTHY LAMOUR. EZE-MOP & CONE- BETTY HUTTON in school facilities and the financial THE BEAUTIFUL WRINGER IN PACE status o f the parish, it was decided AIVD THE ANGELS SING Use Holler Water at the conference not to begin the _ a l so COCKTAIL LOUNGE Gean Better 11th and 12th grades this fall. Ten THE SULTAN’S DAUGHTERS No Scratching grades will continue in operation. ROY E. ADAMS. Charleston. W. Va. m a tin e e s — SATURDAY I. . No Stooping Surviving aro a daughter, Edna Mae In the meantime, plans will be SUNDAY AND ALL HOLIDAYS Tlie Colonial Dining Room No Splashing Adams; a ton, Robert W. Adsme; and made that will enable the parish to AT 2 P. M. Feature* Fine Food Daily No Wringing two grandchildren. Requiem Mate was offered Monday in Sacred Heart church. begin the 11th and 12th grades as Save Tinn Interment Ht. Olivet. W, P. Horan A soon as possible. All prospective Save' Hands Son service. pupils may now register in the ♦♦ i^ * * * * * 1 1 III 111 if if i CATHERINE C. HAMMOND. 1345 school or rectory from the present fPe Feature Get Yours Pennsylvania street. Surviving are a sister, Minnie E. Fulhim, and a brother, time until S e ^ 5, when school will GRAND CAFE i: Frederick R. Fulham, Los Angeles, Calif. reopen for the 1944-1945 school Chicken Fried Halibut NOW! Requiem Mass was offered Mondsy in • ■ 431 17ih Si, MA. 6652 FREE the Cathedral. Interment Mt. Olivet. year. Pupils o f last year’s 10th • ’ (Between Glenirm and Tremont) ' • DAILY DELIVERY _ W. P. Horan A Son service. gn:ade are asked to call at the con­ ’ ■ Open 11:00 A.M. TO 2:00 A.M. GR. 0431 • I Closed Mondays ' * Yon cannot buy BETTER food at ANY Yonr Money Refamfandra If Ton JOSEPH P. TOLAN. 9025 W. 10th vent or rectory to discuss transfer price and • - Are Not Sstisfied avenue. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. of schools. Information on all 11 Serving the Finest Agnes Tolan; a son, Joseph Henry Tolan, WE CHALLENGE THE with the nsvy; a brother, Cornelius Catholic high schools may be ob­ :: AMERICAN AND EZE-MOP & Toltn, Braddoek, Fa. Requiem Mass was tained in the rectory or convent. WORLD offered Monday in the' Cathedral. In­ ;; CHINESE FOODS to beat our prieeal CONE-WRINGER GO. terment M t Olivet. W. P. Horan A Son Tickets for the “Picnic Special” • > Luncheons and Dinners ■ ■ service. to be held in the Polish hall Friday <• VISIT OUR COCKTAIL LOUNGE ■ • MARY GWEN O’ BRIEN. Fairpisy. Re. evening, Aug. 25, have been dis­ RLUE MOON CAFE quiem Mass was ogered in Fairplay. In- terpient took place Monday at Mt. Olivet. tributed among the parishioners. FORMERLY MeVlTTlE’8 W. P. Horan A Son service. Bulk of $350,000 Estate Patrons who have not already re­ OLINGER RROTHERS 1651 Curtis St. ROSE VENDITTI, Glenwood Springs. ceived tickets may purchase them ALWAYS—The MOST of the BEST Surviving are her husband Louis Ven- for the LEAST ditti; a sister. Mary. Smaldone; and 12 in the rectory at any time. This Stables THEODORE < nieces and nephews. / Requiem Mass was event will be the first in a sfiries scheduled for Thursday at 9 :30 in Our Left by Martin O’Fallon of activities planned for the parish Lady of Mt. Carmel church. Interment Riding Mt Olivet.' Boulevard service. this fall. [HACKETHAL: JOHN V. RENAUD, W. JeweU avenue A meeting of the Young Ladies’ Horses and Morrison road. Surviving are his sodality will be held in the school wife, Mrs. Theresa Renand; three sons, Held in Trust for Charity BlUy, Harold, and Stanford F. Renaud hall Thursday evening, Aug. 17, $ 2 for 'Air Conditioned four daughters, Hmes. Marian Nelson, at 7 o’clock. Activities for -the Grace E. Phillips, Leona M. Reichert and month o f September will be ar­ 2 Hrs. Clarice M. Boeding. Requiem Mass wis The bulk o f the more than Catholic priests, residents within 15th Season MORTUARY offered Wednesday in Presentation ranged. All girls of the parish not Chicken Dinner — Ridea church. Interment Mt. Olivet Boule Bonn 12:30 Noon Funeral services for Edward P. $850,000 estate left by Martin J. Colorado, who are without ade­ already members of the sodality Every Tuesday and Thursday to 10:39 PM. vard service. 1449-51 Kalamatb Su Gartland, 79, Catholic, supervisor O’Fallon, Catholic industrialist quate means of support. are also invited to attend the meet­ Hayrack Rides Friday Nitea SHARON IRENE TRACY, Avondale. ing. Miss Geraldine Haybarger, Phone MAin 4006 Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Law­ of the city gas plant for 51 years, and philanthropist, will go to char­ “ 6— For aiding and assisting in prefect, will preside. PHONE EAST 9526 ’ rence W, Tracy. Hass of the Angels were held in S t Dominic’s church, 143 STEELE ST. (4th Ave. Bus.) PROGRESS was offered Monday in St. Dominie’s Denver, on Aug. 12. Mr. Gartland, ity under the terms of a will filed the proper education of worthy Organ to Be Initalled church. Interment M t Olivet Bonle- vard service. who retired this February, had in Denver County court. boys, girls, young men„ and young The members of the senior choir CATHERINE L. SUTTON, 8979 Wolff been ill for a month. After payment of specific be­ women, resident within Colorado, are receiving contributions for the PLUNGE street. Surviving are her husband. Elmer Officers o f the Solemn Requiem and to provide scholarships for the new pipe organ that will be in­ THE DIPPER Sutton; a son, Elmer Hngh Sutton, with quests, one-half of the residue of (FORMERLY SHAMROCK) 3300 W. Florida CHECKER the army; a sister. Mrs. Rose Ham- Mass were the Rev. J. G. Forquer, same within Colorado.” stalled in the church soon. the estate of Mr. O’Fallon, who Mrs. Charles Costello returned Under New Hanayenicnt berger; two brothers, Charles and Hugh O.P., celebrant; the Rev. V. R. The yrill provides that the Mar­ Harney. Requiem Mass was offered died at 81 in his home at 161 Vine home from Stevens Point, Wise., ITALIAN SPAGHETTI CABS Hughes, O.P., deacon; and* the tin J. and Mary Anne O’Fallon ITALIAN MEAT BALLS Monday in Holy Family church. Inter­ street, Denver, on Aug. 3, will be where her daughter, Lorraine, re­ ED DUNDON. Msr. ment in Mt. Olivet Olinger service. trust shall be terminated not later ITALIAN SAUSAGE used to establish the Martin J. and ceived the veil of the Sisters of JOSEPH RESO, 523 21st street The than 2000 A. D. It may be ended 10601 E. COLFAX TA. 2233 LavrMt Zoned Batts Rosary will be recited Friday at 8 p.m. Mary Anne O’Fallon charitable St. Joseph on Aug. 5. The former COLONY GRILL at an earlier date, under certain in the Olinger drawingroom, 18th at trust. The other half o f the es­ Miss Costello now is Sister Mary Boulder. Requiem Mass will be offered conditions, one o f which is i f the tate is to be used to provide life Hyacinth. Saturday at 9 in Holy Ghost church. In­ principal drops under $100,000. In Where Friendt Meet Friends incomes for his wife, Mrs. Mary Lucille H. Karpinska and Sgt. terment Mt. Olivet. Olinger service. terminating the trust, its principal JOHN EGAN, 8124 S. Shermsn street Anne O’Fallon, and his sister, Mrs. Herman W. Patton of the marines is to be divided among Colorado He is survived by bis wife, Mrs. Jo­ Ellen Connolly of Denver. • FINE FOODS Spiiiane Mortuary sephine D, Egsn. Requiem Mass and charities selected by the executors were married before Father Fraez­ kowski at noon Saturday, Aug. 12. interment took place in Emmetsburg, The following are the object­ and trustees. Another Winner! 1545 So. Broadway PEarl 0723 la. Spiiiane service. ives o f the trust: Glyn L. Melton, a close friend of • RHXED DRINKS JOE MONTOYA. JR.. 2780 W. Colfax In his will, dated last May 20, the couple, and Rubby G. Patton, Mrs. John H. Spiiiane avenue. Surviving are his parents, Mr. “ 1— For the care o f sick, aged Mr. O’Fallon said: “Having given • BEER • WINE and Mrs. Leo Montoya; two sisters, and helpless residents or citizens a sister of the bridegroom, were Funeral Director and Embalmer away in the past few years the I.oretta and Jeanne Montoya. Services of Colorado who are in need of the witnesses. were held Wednesday In S t Cajetan’s major share o f my fortune, I do not Eucharistic devotions and the church. Interment M t Olivet. charitable assistance. desire to create the impression that perpetual novena in honor o f the 569 E. Colfax AMOS PADILLA. 1412 S t Paul street “ 2—For the care and assist­ the residue reserved for charitable Requiem Mass was offered in St. Caje- Most Sacred Heart, offered for Eddie tan's church. Interment M t Olivet. ance of worthy men, women, and purposes is large; however, on the those in the armed services, par­ THOMAS GALLAGHER. , SR.. Little Call a children, residents or citizens of basis that every little ’ bit helps, ticularly for those o f the parish, ton. He is survived by hl's wife. Mrs. We Invite You to Visit Delia Gallagher. Reqniem Mass was of­ Colorado, who are without ade­ there will be some annual disburse­ are held every Friday evening at ZOXE CAB fered Saturday In St. Mary’s church, quate means of support and in ments in the interests of Denver 7:30. Littleton. Interment Littleton. need of charitable assistance. and the beloved state of my adop­ George Volosin o f the navy is MAin 7171 SIMON L. COVI, Arvjuia. Surviving tion.” Ingram’s Cafe are his wife, Mrs. HaMI Covi; a son “3— To and for the aid, support, home on leave, visiting his wife. Oliver Prompt. ConrUons Servlet Sgt. Robert J. Covi. with the marines maintenance, and assistance of The life income o f Mrs. O’Fal­ He has spent most o f his time in CHEAPER RATES four daughters. Mrs. James O’Hem, such then existing charitable, re­ lon is $1,260 a month. Mrs. Con- the ■ navy in the South Pacific. CLEAN NEW CABS Mrs. Carl Francis, and Elsie and Evelyn Orchestra and Bar Covi. The Rosary will be recited Fri­ ligious, or educational groups, as­ noHy is to receive $100 a month. Leon Kurzyna, also o f the -navy, is day at 8 p.m. in the Boulevard drawing­ sociations, organizations, corpo­ Upon their deaths, the funds held home on leave, visiting with his RALPH E. INGRAM, Prop. room. Requiem Mass will be offered rations, projects, funds, founda­ in trust to provide the monthly in­ parents. Pvt. Joseph Wright o f the Saturdsy at 9:30 In St. Anne’s shrine, tions, or endeavors situated within comes are to be added to the char­ Directed by ALTAR BREADS Arvada. Interment M t Olivet. Boule­ infant^ is enjoying a short leave Fer Better Feeds vard service. Colorado. itable trust. with his parents. SEWING “ 4— For the assistance of worthy One of the largest specific' be­ Persons having news o f parish and Drinks MRS. T. F. J. CONNOLLY Edward P. Gartland Littls Girls’ Dresses, Embroiilerr. quests left by Mr. O’Fallon’s will, interest, particularly of those in Monograming, Etc. Mrs. T. F. J. Connolly died Aug. 16 which was drawn on May 20,1944, the armed forces home on leaves John OPEN ALL NIGHT in Port Chester, N. Y. H « parents, Rev. T. M. McNicholas, O.P., sub­ John Simoni’s Death THE SISTERS OF THE Mr. and Mrs, James M. Collins, live at deacon. Serving as pallbearers for is one of $50,000 to his daughter, or furloughs, are asked to call 58 BROADWAY 1437 Columbine street. Formerly from the veteran Public Service Co. Mrs. Margaret F. Harringtom and KEystone 6771. GOOD SHEPHERD Salida. Mr. and Mrs. Collins have been employe were J. J. Lewis, Robert Thins Ranks of Early her husband, Clarence J. Halring- residents of Denver for 40 years. Mrs. ton, of 2106 East Eighth avenue. Shanahan FINE LIQUEURS TELEPHONE P£ABL 2401 Connolly’s husband was formerly a judge McLaughlin, George Zito, Martin 19 Successful CPAs Are Excellent CnULne of Westchester county. He is prominent H ig^ns, John Samide, and James Day Colorado Citizens Other bequests include: in the Knights of Columbus there. Sur­ Loyola U. Graduates A great big wonderful viving. besides Mrs. Connolly’ s parents Eakins. Kathleen Feeney Cunningham of and husband, am a son, Gerard, with Mr. Gartland was taught the 1419 Eudora street, Denver, a dance band with a parade The thinning ranks of earlv day Chicago.—Nineteen o f 36 per­ of stars featuring— Landers Erickson Memorial Co. the signal corps in Fetaluna, Calif.; a gas making trade by his father in niece, $7,500; Mrs. Marie Weir of OF DENVER sister. Frances; and two brothers Fairfield, Vt. He came to Denver Colorado residents were further San Francisco, a niece, $1,000; sons who successfully passed the MONUMENTS - MARKERS Chauncey and Eugene,. Denver. Reqniem depleted by the recent death of Illinois examinations for certified ANN JUDSON, JR. "A Place ^ r tfa* Diaceiminatinc" Maas will be offered Friday in Port in 1892. to take charge of the city’s Alicia Kimberlin of Pueblo, a Prompt Erection Chester. Interment v/Ul take place in first gas plant. He was for many John Simoni. Mr. Simoni, who was niece, $1,000; Alicia O’Fallon Mc- public accountants in May were Tflaphone EM. 9817 ALAN DE WITT E. COLFAX at STEELE from one of the moat complete Port Cheater. Also on Friday morning born in Tyrolean, Austria, in 1863, Fadd^n of Chadron, Nebr^ a niece, former students of the review diaplays in thia region. years active in the Knights of a Requiem High Mass will be sung in Columbus, the Holy Name society, came to America and settled in $ 1, 000. course conducted in Loyola univer­ SHERRIE C.4RROLL 920 Speer Blvd., Oppoaita Sunken St. Pbilomena’s church, Denver, for Mrs, sity by Dean Henry T. Chamber- Gardens. CHerrr 4728 Connolly, and the St. Vincent de Paul so­ Teresa Feeney of 1470 Grant MICKIE CARROLL ciety, among other Catholic or­ lain of the school of commerce. - The highest street, Denver, a niece, $1,000; . . . and Quartette, the priced band at­ MRS. DORlS TRACY ganizations. In 1943 he received Mrs. Helen Connolly Briggs, a Mrs. Doris Tracy, 1828 E. 36th ave­ a medal of honor from the Public OUVER TWISTERS traction to play nue, died Monday in St. Joseph's hospital niece, $1,000; Eugene P. O’Fallon Denver this season! The Best in after an Ulness of a week. Bom May Service Co., to commemorate his of 740 Monroe street, a nephew, William McLinden USED 17. 1888, in Chicago, Mrs. Tracy had 50 years of service to the organiza­ $2,000; John Northrup, a book­ Drive-Wxys Built xnd Repiirzd lived in Denver aince 1900. Her bus- tion. FURNITURE band. Michael Tracy, whom she married keeper at the Crane-O’Fallon com­ TOP BOIL, SAND. GRAVEL In the Theatre— GLEN GRAY hdre in 1912, died eight years ago. She Surviving are his wife, Eliza­ pany, long-time employe, $500. AND CINDERS ALSO NEW beth; three daughters, Mrs. Eliza­ KERTIUZER WEEK BEG. SUNDAY EVE. is survived by a son, James M. Tracy. Specific charitable bequests in and the casa lama orchestra Cash or Credit Requiem Mass was offered Wednesday beth Sanders, Mrs. Kathryn 558 Vxiteio St. Phone TA. 1405 elude the following: Archbishop in Annunciation church. Interment Mt, Owens, and Mrs. Rita Naughton, GENERAL HAULING A FULL LINK Olivet. Boulevard service. Urban J. Vehr, $5,000 to be used all of Denver; tliree sons, Frank J. SPRIXG OF OFFICE for the education of students for deputy city treasurer; Sgt. Phillip FURNITURE JAMES M. O’KEEFE the priesthood at St. Thomas’ sem­ 'l"l'*'»'>**»»'M’*****»****'l"|i* Requiem Mats was offered Wednesday Gartland, U. S. army, and John C AGAIN Same Low We boy yonr household and qjfico foml. inary; Archbishop Vehr, $10,000 to in St. Joseph's church for' James M Gartland of Denver; a sister. Miss tore for CASH, or exchange them for O’Keefe, retired paintins: and decoratins: be used for the assistance of poor :: Home & Car ^ ;; anything in stock. Prices contractor, who died Sunday in a local Mary Gartland; and four grand­ and needy in Colorado; House of We rent Folding Chairs, Card and Ban­ hospital after an illness of six weeks children. 4 2 ^ person quet Tables, Dishes, Silverware, any­ He was 57. Born in Knoxville. Tenn. the Good Shepherd, $3,000; St. thing in stock. he came to Colorado with his parents as Vincent’s Orphanage home, $1,000; Every Nile PHONE KEYSTONE 4«52 a small boy. He worked as a paintinfr Dominican Sisters of the Sick (Except Sat.) and decorating contractor until his health Holy Rosary Parish il Radio Service i; Poor, $1,000; Craig Colony, OPEN FROM 8 A. H. to 8 P. 5L forced him to retire 10 years ago. Sur­ • ■ 50^ person $1,000; Old Ladies’ home, operated viving are his wife. Katherine; a daugh­ Plans Fall Festival I 15 Years’ Experience Saturday Nitea ter, Mrs. Pauline Erickson. Kansas City. by the Ladies’ Relief Society of ■ I • Mo.: a SOD. Ralph King; two sisters, Denver, $1,000; Florence Critten- Mrs. H. A. Fisher, Denver, and Mrs. M. JI Pick Up & Delivery . | ^ CANTON H. Hill, lx>s Angeles, Calif.; and three (Holy Rosary Pariah, Denver) ton home, $1,000; Denver Or­ brothers, W. F. and C. P. O’Keefe, Los Preparations are being made phans’ Home association, $1,000; 1 6 3 5 Curtis, Upstairs 1: Angeles, and J. A. O’Keefe. Greenville. National Jewish Hospital for Con­ i| FISTELL’S RADIO ii Tenn. Interment Mt. Olivet. OHnger for the annual fall festival which 31 Yean in Bnifneas John Simoni sumptives, $1,000; Jewish Con­ service. ^ will be held in the first part o f American and Chinese Food October. sumptives Relief society of Spivak, :: 1065 Broadway KE.8077 ;; Colorado when, quite young. For Colo., 11,000; Catholic Press So­ Chop Suey, Chow Mein OfMVtFi SMAffffSr AMUifMfft/ MRS. MARY JOSEPHINE LABRIOLA Joseph Ponikvar, seaman first Hra. Mary Joaephine Labriol, diml 30 years he worked in the gold ciety, Inc., $1,000 for charitable, Steak and Chicken Dinners Thuraday in a local hoapital. Born in class, and Joseph Sader, seaman mines of Central City and Tellu- Potenza, Italy, 89 yaara ago, Mrs. third class, were recently home on educational or religious purposes; Your Purchase of War Bonds ride. Regis college, Denver, $1,000; Lo- PHONT MAin 9886 Labriola came to thia couotry when the leaves. DENHAM THEATRE and Stamps Helps to Secure Your wta a email child. Thia year ahe and A member of Our Lady of Mt. retto Heights college, Denver, her huaband would have celebrated their Brother Ambrose Joseph 18ih at California 'Future. Carmel parish in Denver, he was $1,000; St. Anne’s church of Grand 50tb wedding anniversary. Hra. Labriola stopp^ last Tuesday for a short A 3RD RECORD-SMASHING WEEK! was an active member of the Third active in the Holy Name society Lake, Colo., $1,000; United States time m the rectory. He is the Or<^ and of the Our Lady of ML Carmel and in the Third Order. National Bank o f Denver as trus­ son o f Mr. and Mrs, John Thei- A RECORD-BREAKING CONCERT! Altfr and Rotary aociety. Surviving Suririving besides his wife, tee, $1,000 for uses o f the Den beside, her husband, Louis, are four sen, 321 W. 44th avenue. Brother "There is strength to memory. Angela, are seven daughters, who ver Foundation; St Thomas’ Theo 16.000 Philadelphia Dell 12.000 Detroit Stadium lont. Rocco and James, Denver; Joseph, Ambrose is teaihing in the Cathe­ Chicago! and Sgt. Amadeo, Camp Bntner, sons, .15 grandchildren, and two logical seminary, $500; pastor of 12.000 Lewisohn Stadium, N. Y. When you are tired trying to dral school in Lafqyette, La, 17.000 Hollywood Bowl N. Car.; four daughters, Hillla, Mrs. greay grandchildren. Sacred Heart Parish of Denver, make things go your way, stop Rose Sabell, Hra, Antoinette Caxone, end Mrs. Helen Nowakowaki, all of ^ Solemn Requiem Mass was $600. “ A NIGHT IN OLD V IE N N A ” and think of someone close Denver. Requiem Masa was* offered Fordham Will Assist offered in Our Lady o f Mt. Car­ Mr. and Mrs. Harrington are Monday in Our Lady of Mt. Carmel ROBERT STOLZ and think — "What would he church. Interment Mt. Olivet. Boulevard Returning Service Men mel church on Aug. 5, with Fa­ named in the will as executors and HERTA GLAZ service. ther Gaetano M. Del Brusco, trustees of the estate; which con­ Famous Composer-Conductor LEADING CONTRALTO or she do?* Just keep on sists o f more than $250,000 in per METROPOLITAN OPERA CO. New York.-j-Fordham univer­ O.S.M.,. officiating. There were MRS. KATIE KNOCHENHAUER sonal property and more tnian thinking . . . and you’ll get sity has set up a 10-man veterans’ a numbbr of priests in the sanc­ . CONCERT ORCHESTRA OF 50 Requiem Matt was offered Saturday tuary. $100,000 in real estate. your answer.” v in Bleaaed Sacrament church for Mri. committee to provide for returning Katie Knoehenhauer, 1527 Colorado service men who m ay wish to D. U. STADIUM THIS SATURDAY NIGHT, 8:45 boulevard, who died Thurtdty in a enter school under provisions of the Arthur H. Obtrfeldcr Hanatcmcnt. TIckats at Kniafat-CampbaH’i. It is well for us to do things local hoapital after a abort illneat. Bom Oct. 8, 1884, in St. Louia, 'Mrs. “ GI bill of rights.” The Rev. Ed­ which help us remember, Knoehenhauer moved to Globeville with ward J. Baxter, S J., was named her parenti about 1880. She was mar­ chairman by the Very Rev. Robert mtof ried to Herman A. Knockenhauar, mer­ I. Gannon, S.J., president of the t - W f . cantile end packing man, here June 18, ’It wm» th« humin, •rmpsthelie undentond- you get a special longing for JACQUES 11888. Mr. Knoekenhauer died in 1912. university. Inz you added to yonr profraaionxl skill that Surviving are three aont, William. Dan- Dude your aerrieea «o fine." something very satisfying to BROTHERS ver; John, Glendale. Calif.; Karl. San by hit parents when a small boy. Sur­ In our profession, a sure knowiedse and eat visit— Franeiaeo. Calif.; and lix grandchlldran. viving ara hit wife, Mrs. Eliina (Dee) technical skill are not enouxb. Without the NEXT TIME Intermant, Mt. Olivet. Olinger aervice. Evera; three daugbttr. Eunice M.. Mar­ human element, our work la incomplete. To Since 1902 garet M.. and Martha A. Evera, Denver; every task, we bring warm-hearted under­ hit mother, Mrs. Emma J. Evera, Den­ standing. WILLIAM J. EVERS ver; three aiatera. Hiss Emmtr M. Evers, 28 E. 6th Ave. Requiem Meat will ba offered Friday Denver; Hra. Bertha A. Downs, Ingle­ at 10 in Holy Family church for Wil­ T.\bor 6468 wood, Calif.; and Mri, Lorens J. Long. GEO. P. NAGKETHAL NEXT GREAT ATTRACTION! IS liam J. Evers, Denver meat wholesaler, San Bernardino, Calif.; and two brothera, / EDELWEISS who died Monday in hit home, 4028 W. Harry P. and John H. Even, Denver. FUNER.AL DIRECTOR SELECT A CEMETERY LOT 60th avenue, after an ilincaa of thrae “ DOUBLE INDEMNITY” The Rosary will be recited Thursday at 2285 East Ceifax. at Gaylord EAat 1857 1644 GLENARM Open 11 a. m. ’til 3 a. m. 4*^0 A FAMILY MONLMtNT years. He was 46. Born in Louisville, 8 p.m. at .800 E. 17th avenue. Inter­ Fred MacMurray - Barbara Stanwyck Ky,, ,Ur. Evers waa brought to Dtnvar ment Mt. Olivet. Edward G. Robinson Office, 9S8 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Tel^Hone, KEystone '4205 PAGE ELEVEN

Appointed to The Denver Catholic Register Toronto Post president— ^— — ___Most Rev. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, D.D. Editor.___ t Rt- Rev. Matthew Smith, Ph.D., LL.D., Jour.D Managring Editor...... - ...... Hubert A. Smith, Jour.D Associate Editors— M. P. Everett, Jour.D.; Rev. Walter Canavan. Our Man Gets seeking an Achillean heel— but he' OP.^, or whoever hai charge o f was only hurrying to get the track those ihingi, wants to know, we can American BANK J.C.D. Litt.D.; Rev. John Cavanagh, M.A., Litt.D.; Rev. Edward A. His Recognition greased. tell them a good place to start. .’.aTiovAL Bank Breen, M.A., LitU).; Rev. Francis Syrianey, M.A.; Leonard Tangney, m (By Hubert Smith) By working now, stopping then, A.B., Jour.D.; Max Greedy, A.B., Jour.M.; Phil Hewitt; Mary Eisen- We wrote a Registorial last year bobbing to and fro like a mam­ Kremlin or man, A.B.; Linus Riordan, A.B., Litt.M. in whirh we took iwue with those moth cork in bis traffic-splashed Vatican? who wanted the scalp o f Lt. Gen. task, he managed to finish his chore before my car came along. (By Rev. W. J, Canavan) Entered as second class matter at the post office at Denver, Colo. George S. Patton. You will re­ The two forces that will play the member that ^‘Blood and Cult,'’ at 1 was amazed as I realized that he had plodded through his oozy, ultimate role in the drama o f (Ger­ the general hat been named, made many will not be the Americans £ id e n io : Published Weekly by a mistake— three o f them, in fart. monotonous task in just a few minutes. As he sheathed his grease and the British, but the Valigan He loti hit tente o f balance, after and the Kremlin, according to FLT.T0N LEWIS. JR. THE CATHOLIC PRESS SOCIETY (Inc.) taking everything himself that he slick in his bucket o f oil and swung aboard a passing tram, I miserably many astute observers. Allied 938 Bannock Street demanded the G.I.'t under him to force o f arms, it is true, ran and Daily, Moodav thru Friday lake, and he slapped three soldiers, recalled hours mangled and wasted by putting o f f a job until I shoiild wiH defeat the German army to 9:30 P.Kl KFEL Telephone, KEystone 4205 P. 0. Box 1620 whose battle woiindt were mental, the point o f surrender, but the end not physical— three soldiers who have a period at hand sufficiently long for completing the work in o f the war can be hastened or cracked under the strain o f battle lengthened in as far as the diplo­ Subscription: $1 per year. — three soldiers whose courage was one silling. This track greaser dodged streetcars, trolley coaches, macy o f the Pope or Stalin proves questioned by old ‘‘Blood and the stronger. Guts.” trucks, automobiles, wagons, ' bi­ Thursday, Aug. 17,1944 cycles, and pedestrians, poking at The recent revolt o f the Junkers Following revelation of what ran the rails with his oil-laden stick against Hiller, which was at least Keep Your Credit be Icrmecf as nothing more than when lie could. And in a little temporarily pul down in a bloody unwarranted action on the part of while he had the job done. purge by the Nazi dictator, indi­ in Good Standing! OFFICIAL! ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER the General, the senate turned Dr. Anton C Pegis (above), edu­ But we procrastinators will seize cates that the Iradilionai German cator, editor, and author, was The Denver Catholic Register merits our cordial approval. down a rerommendalion of promo­ upon almost any excuse to put o f f militarists know thst the war is lost tion for him. At this point, it is named to the chair o f the history We confirm it as the official publication of the Archdiocese. Whatr a task as long as possible. for the Reich. Stem realists, the o f philosophy in the Pontifical In- ever appears in its columns over the signature o f the Ordinary or well to remember that his regular Junkers’ military caste would Bills are haunting things army rank of colonel was his per­ stilnle o f Medieval .Studies in To­ those o f the Officials of our Curia is hereby declared official. rather accept any peace terms now ronto by the Chancellor o f the in­ manent one, and that his promo­ than overwhelming defeat and the . . costing hours of Wo hope The Register will be read in every home o f the Wasting Paper stitute, Archbishop Janies C. Mc- tion to lieutenant general was peace terms dictated by the Allies ^^TChdiocQSG* (By Phil Hewitt) Giiigan o f Toronto. .4 native of precious sleep and caus­ temporary. sfter thousands more German men We urge pastors, parents, and teachers to cultivate a taste in One morning in the last week Milwaukee, Dr. Pegis was educated are killed and more German towns the children o f the Archdiocese for the reading o f The Register. We held no brief for the actions we walked our usual three blocks in Marquette university and taught ing worry and anxiety. are leveled. Tltrrc is reason l«> + URBAN J. VEHR, o f Patton last year, but we did to the streetcar. There are about there and in Fortlliam university. believe that the Junkers hod Your accumulated debts Jan. 29. 1942. Archbishop of Denver. point out the fact that he was too ten houses to the block, counting He is assistant editor o f the /Veic planned for a peace through the valuable as an executive soldier to both sides o f the street, in that Scholasticism and is on the edito­ offices o f the Vatican had their can be consolidated with be recalled from active duly be­ district. On the curbing lawn at rial boards o f Thought and thej revolt against the Nazis succeeded. cause he had made an emotional each house (not even thrown into Christian fTisdom Series. .Among \ a personal loan! Baron von iR'eidsecke, close mistake. We further pointed out the yard) was an advertising cir­ his books are St. Thomas and the friend o f the Junkers, resigned his that, if private enterprise were con­ cular. That night when we re­ Problem of the Soul in the 1.1th position as ambassador to the Holy ducted on the lines that its execu­ turned from work, the advertising Century and St. Thomas and the See when the revolt failed. Rumor If you are steadily em­ tives should be dismissed for a circulars still were present, between Greeks. has it that he spoke to the Vatican mistake— even a serious one— of 25 and 30 in the three blocks. o f peace terms, whirh would be ployed, you may secure either emotion nr judgment, then Arriving at home, we picked up arranged through .Archbishop Fran­ business itself woidd suffer. the one in front of our own home, a personal loan, repay­ cis Spellman o f New York, shortly Those who wanted General Pat­ rarried it into the house, and ex­ ton's scalp did not get it. He was before the “ revolt o f the generals” l o ’ Shanahan’s able in small, monthly amined it. It was 2-i pages, 12 in Germany. The Vatican, whirh at the lime denied his' permanent full newspaper size sheets, approxi­ has long used every effort to estab­ installments. You pay promotion, but he has showed the mately 20 by 16 inches. Thirty lish peace among the nations, courage of a nrofessional soldier houses in the three blocks would only $6 for each $100 by sticking to his command and add up to 360 sheets, which, esti­ would have been glad to use its of' Career in Mnsic now by leading the Tliird army, mating roughly, is about nine fires to facilitate a peace agree­ borrowed . . $12 for ment between the Allies and the whose armored spearheads are pounds o f paper. given the major crcflit for trapping revolting Junkers. $ 200. an estimated hundred thousand of Or, If you want to really gel TIic position o f the Kremlin has the enemy in France. down to figiires— there are more been strengthened siiicie the abor­ Began at Church than 90,000 homes in Denver. If Old “ Blood and Cuts" has made tive plot to depose Hitler. Should Personal loans for peo­ the city was covered by the firm the war last until Red troops fight his comeback in the face o f adver­ whirh pul out the advertising, that their way into Berlin, the next (By J oan Stock) sity. He had his fare slapped be­ would mean a little item o f 1,080,- ple who are harried by cause he had slapped other faces. German government, or govern­ The musical career o f John 000 sheets, or 270,000 pounds, or ments, will be dominated by Ger­ bills is tinly one of the The Senate has given him his pro­ 13.5 toils o f paper. O f the 30 Patrick (M o) Shanahan, cur­ motion. He has his permanent man Communists, informt'd ob­ thrown in the three blocks be­ servers point out. This would mean, rently directing the Eddie Oliver numerous services of­ rank as a major general and has tween onr home and the streetcar, hand in the Elitch gardens Troca- been called “ a great soldier who for all practical purposes, that the fered by this bank. we would be willing to wager al­ greater part o f Europe will be dero, blossomed on the steps of St. has done a great job for his most any amount (not over 51.85 Henry’s church in Bayonne, N. J. country.” under the influence o f the USSR at the present writing) that not when the war ends. There seems Shanahan, who has taken over the We are not partirularly inter­ more than one or two were read. podium since Oliver entered the ested in the person who is General to be no doubt that Moscow is de­ MAKE THIS Three days later there still were termined to supplant England as marine corps, recalls that he was Patton. We do believe, however, 19 o f them visible. The others only 13 and was rushing up the YOUR BANX that his case proves the old saying the “ guardian” o f Europe in the had probably been picked up by post-war era, provided her long- steps of the church to Confession that you should not kick a good householders who were more in­ when he was almost knocked over man when he is down. trained emissaries can gain con­ clined toward keeping their yards trol, as they have done already in by an out-rushing neighborhood neat, than the writer. Yugoslavia, Poland, and the Baltic pal who breathlessly informed Making Seconds The businessman that put out Slates, and to a Harge extent in him that their crudely organized Count the circular may not have tried to Italy, France, and Belgium. band had been invited to play for rover the entire town, but if he Tlie problem, therefore, rests on a benefit. (By Max Greedy) did, and the percentage o f benefit the possibility o f an early over­ The brown eyed, curly-headed “ Thsra ars no fragmonts so he gained from it was the same as 7^e precious as those of timo, and none throw o f the Nazis by the Junkers musician admits he drummed so heedlessly lest hy people who that evident in our neighborhood, or the army, supported by the bulk harder on that occasion than he esnnot meke a moment, and yst esn he wasted 135 Ions o f paper. o f the German people. If that is ever had before in his life for waste years.” — Montfomery. We may be wrong, we know only to come within the next few the fabulous salary o f 65 cents. How often have you put off a what we read in the newspapers, months, the Vatican may be able But he earned more than mere task because you did not have lime American National but judging from them it has been to .save (^m iany and Europe from money through that one appear­ to complete the whole o f itt our opinion that there is a drive Soviet control. If it comes about This morning a laborer gave .me ance.. .He gained the courage and under way to save paper. If the only when the Red armies have a lesson in making seconds count confidence that have carried him overrun Germany, Stalin will have to the very top in the realm of and getting a job done. I saw him his say. *3an/f of DENVER firndy planted like a rock in the Chicago Convent Has 22 swing. On the one .hand there is the The name of John Lawrence whirlpool of traffic that swirls Jubilarians in August Vatican, striving for a just peace around Golfax and Broadway. 1 Shanahan stems back six genera­ with only moral and spiritual tions to the Blarney stone of could not see his face hidden in Chicago.—Twenty-two Sisters of FRANK KIRCHHOF ADOLPH KUNSMILLER weapons; on the other hand there Ireland itself. John’s grandfather the deep shadows o f his ugly black Mercy of St. Xavier’s convent cele­ Pmident Viot PitnAoit ud Cuhur is the Kremlin, attempting to con­ was an aggressive Irish leader cap. His blue denim jacket and brated anniversaries of their pro­ trol Europe by force o f the great­ who came to America to escape jeans flapped about until 1 saw fessions in A ugust Sister Mary est army in history. It will be in­ persecution of the English. The him only as an animated King Thomas Bergeson observed her teresting to watch the outcome. “Mo,” John explains, was added GORGEOUS Kong o f a scarecrow. Bui the fal­ 70th anniversary. Sister Evangelist Whatever happens, it will influence to his name by a Jewish admirer sity o f the similes rock and srnre- observed her 60th year as a nun. Europe, and perhaps the world, for who swore that the two-lettered croic became apparent as I watched nine marked their 50th jubilee, generations to eome. this man snatch seconds for his and 11 noted 25 years in religion. name gave him further distinc­ work amid the bubble and foam o f tion. GABARDINES Post-War Jobs for the traffic maelstrom that seemed U. S. Gifts Help to Before taking over the position CHECKMASTER always just about to engulf him. Service Men Assured of Eddie Oliver, Shanahan spent Tliis IVeandertbaler moved as a Build Polish Hospital (By Rev. John Cavanagh) five years as the orchestra’s sen-.; Colors worthy of the palette ponderous artist, dipping his The latest instructions given to sational drummer. Prior to sign­ grease stock, with a tuft o f cotton Bombay. — The Most Rev. local draft boards as an outline ing up with Oliver, he was fea­ Accounfs for of Van Gogh . . . colors like a dahlia garden waste on one end, into a bucket Thomas Roberts, Archbishop of o f Selective Service policy, ac­ tured with Carmen Cavallaro and of thick, lieavT-, black lubricant Bombay, dedicated a Polish hos­ cording to Stars and Stripes, vir­ with the world-famous saxist, Den­ blazing in the sun . . . emerald green, daredevil red, which he carried in his left hand, Everyone! pital here erected with funds do­ tually make it mandatory for re­ ver’s Rudy Weidorf. and then daubing dexterously with fuchsia and violet, a wonderful English mustard . . . and classic nated by variou.a Catholic organi­ turning service men to he re-em- Shanahan’s mother, his wife, sharp, darting strokes, or streak­ ^^OUlliEo zations in the United States and in their old jobs and at the •Alice, his four-and-a-half-year-old ing bis grease in long, sweeping These* days, a checking account is black, blue, brown and beige . . . all in 100% Virgin philanthropic Indian institutions, same salary they received at the .son, Larry, and he himself when ares over the spiderweb o f tracks a i KAP, Polish Press agency, reports. lime o f induction. There are few indispensable! When you pay by Wool Gabardine, for wear now, and later . . . a collection that lares the intersection. * he is not traveling, .still live in loopholes in the rigid law, and the St. Henry parish in Bayonne. check, you save time and effort. He must have had some sort o f | of beautifully done tailleurs. Suits, sizes 12 to 20. only when it is “ unreasonable or Altogether nine Catholics, in­ And you make g better impression! telepathetic commimicalion with Provincial Appointed impossible” for the employer to the tri-optic traffic signals, for cluding the singing stars, Mickie 549 to 5129 For Slovak Franciscans rehire the veterans can the em­ and Sherrie Carroll, twin sisters, although he never glanced up from ployer refuse to place the soldier are members of the Eddie Oliver The Modern, Economical his tracks, he always managed to or sailor in his peace-time occupa­ Clifton, N, J,— The Very Rev. orchestra, which has come to hinge to safely when the whirl o f tion. Raphael Chonta, O.F.M., a native Denver to fulfill a limited en­ Way to Pay Bills! traffic changed direction. Terrific problems have arisen in gagement in the Elitch garden.s. 'R'hen tram cars clanged inin his of Beaversdale, Pa., has been made many industries and enterprises Other Catholics in the group are dnmain, he gave way grudgingly commissary provincial f o r the that have not been converted to homilton's Pat Finnerty, drummer; Gene Check the many advantages of pay­ and rested his brush in his bucket, direct war prodiietion. Personnel Slovak Franciscan Fathers, whose Moyer, trombonist; Frank Funda, ing bills the CheckMaster way! but only for a second or two. As from these plants have been sum­ headquarters are in Pittsburgh. base fiddler: and sax players 1616 S T O U T each tram trundled by, he used bis moned to military duty, and re- You’ll see it's wiser to pay by grease slick as if it were a rapier The announcement was made by plarements have been secured to Eddie Horeni, Frank Gress, and check. Begin your account with and stabbed eagerly under the re­ the Very Rev. Matthias Faust, fill the vacancies. In the post­ Phil DeMisso. us to-day! treating wheels as though he were delegate general o f the order. war era the men and women who REPAIRING-RENTALS are now taking over the jobs for­ Marines Ask That Chapel ON ALL MAKF..S merly held by persons who arc to­ On Jeep Come to Them day in the army or navy will be American All Makes Typewriter Service Triduum Will Honor Patron placed in a hazardous position. Somewhere in the Marshall « 5 Ulh RTKEKT BARNES SCHOOI RI.DO MAIN Uii Veterans ran enlist the services of Islands.— ^During the height o f the the federal district attorneys to Marshall i.slands invasion, when National enforce their rights, even if it marines were too busy to leave Saint of Englewood Parish means displacing a civilian who their posts to attend church serv­ has eome to the service o f the ices, Father Charles E. Bauman, Bank of Denver M O RG AN , LElBMAN S HICKEY plant in war time. (St. Louis’ Parish, Englewood) had been in the parish for 25 a U. S. navy chaplain o f Hones- According In the wording o f the dale. Pa., solved the problem by A triduum in honor o f the pat­ years, the special prize was lawr the veteran must ask for his taking a portable church to his INSURANCE SINCE 1897 ron saint o f the parish, St. Louis awarded to Mrs. Walter Kissel. old job within -tO days after being scattered men. Chaplain Bauman Mrs. J. J. Jackson won the cake. IX, King of France, will be held honorably discharged from mili­ constructed an altar oh the back ! Other prizes went to Mrs. A. MAin S314 Succeeding Herbert Fairall Agency after Mass on mornings o f Aug. tary duly, otherwise the employer of his jeep. There was barely' Piper. Mrs. Mary Barth, Mrs. Wil­ 23, 24, and 25. The feast will be is under no obligation to iehire enough room left for the padre; celebrated with solemnity Sunday, liam Arend, and Mrs. Amos Steck. I Gas and Electric Bldg. Phans TAber t» S him. One federal court has al­ to drive the jeep when it was not Recent Baptisms in the parish Aug. 27. ' ready held that a veteran is en­ serving as a church but he con­ included the following: Louise F. J. KIRCHHOF A group of boys from the titled to back pay from the time trived to visit all parts o f the Ann Jansky, daughter o f Mr. and Including Edward,, Gerald, and he was refused his old job to the island, conducting services at the Mrs. 'Archie P. Jansky with Louis Jimmie Malloy, Richard Kent, time he got it. Tliis means that landing beaches, at gun emplace­ C onstruction ' Co. Tommie and Bobbie Young, Lee Jansky, Jr., and Mary Spevacek the nnistered-oiit service men are ments, and wherever he could find Montgomery, and the two Lee as sponsors, and Norman and Dor­ entitled to immediate reinstate­ men. News o f the traveling altar boys, spent a week at Camp St. othy Scherman as proxies; Law­ ment, and that the employer will spread to nearby islands which BUILDERS Malo. Some o f the group remained rence Michael Jacobs, son o f Mr. not be allowed to keep the veteran marine units had seized. They STATUES for a second week. and Mrs. Peter J. Jacobs with Al­ wailing for three or four months asked for church sessions, too. A nd' bert Schwindt and Esther Bath- until a job opens up. Hie vet­ We Appreciate Your Patronage The Rev. Thomas Hallahan, S.J., so Chaplain Bauman loaded his auer as sponsors; Marie Loraine erans, moreover, are protected for a.ssigncd to the Indian missions in “ altar-jeep” . on a small landing That Add Beauty and Piety to Latenser, daughter o f Mr. and one year. They may not be de­ South Dakota, preached at all the craft and made regular rounds of 708 Lawrence St. Denver, Colo. Mrs. Engward Nielsen, with Char­ moted after reinslatemehl, and Religious Devotions From Masses on Sunday, Aug. 13, The the adjacent islets in the atoll. lotte Pytlinski as sponsor; Kath­ cannot be discharged except for d e c t i n for the mis.sions 0 11 0 leen Ann Axtcll, daughter of Mr. cause within that year. In general, 6 Inches to 6 Feet amounted to approximately $150. and Mrs. Harvey H. Axtell, with the employer must restore the vet­ The Rev, Sylvester Q. Huser, Anthony Linenberger and Norine eran to his old job or a comparable O ESTABLISHED SINCE 19«S first assistant o f , St. Francis de NT:W a n d CODIPLETE STOCK Reinert acting as sponsors with job at the old .salary. If the old job, Sales’ parish in Cincinnati, 0., was W. J. Reinert as proxy; Sandra however, now carries a higher sal­ Moving and Storage OF itOSARIES a recent guest of the Rev. Maurice Catherine Blackman, daughter of ary, the veteran is entitled to the The American Fixture Co. E, Reardon. Father Huser, is Mr. and Mrs. Alpheus T. Black­ salary that now goes with the job. SPRUCE 2671 spending his vacation in Colorado, man, Jr., with Alpheus T. Black­ If, in the employer's opinion, the RES. PRONEi SPRUCE *«ll M AABfacturtn el as he does every year. man, Sr., and Miriam Agnes Black­ veteran is not qualified for the up­ 1238 .SOUTH PEARL ST. COMPLETE LINE OF RELIGIOUS ARTICLES FOR CHURCH AND HOME . Sister Monica* Joseph, for the man as sponsors; Richard Fatrick graded job. he must give him an­ aiURUH PEWS AND ALTARS past three years a teacher In the Doyle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul other job at his'form er pay. CHURCH FURNITURE parish school, was recently trans­ E. Doyle, with Harry. Doyle and It is only just that the reluming BANK, BAR, ANT) STORE FDtTURES A . I*. W.YG.XEU ferred to Peoria, 111. Sister Siena Helen E. Montgomery, being the veterans be thus protected, but it BPEOAL RATES TO SOLDIERS Marie took her final vows in the sponsors; and Geraldine Louise is going to make many persons LOWEST PRICES IN THE Millwdrk o f All Kindt Jostes, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. realize that another war has just ( I I I lU'll GOODS 4 0. mother-house in St. Louis in the CITY ON STORAGE past week. Joseph C. Jostes with R>;bert Mai- begun with the capitulation o f the FlUNK KIRCHHOF 1232 .4RAPAHOE ST. enemy. 'The return to normalcy At the Altar and Rosary society farth and Loretta Surratt as the DENVER, COLO. TA. GIMi I hli party honoring tha member* who aponsora. is a long and hard {troceu^ YOU PAY OMIY AROOMAHOHIH Thursday, Auj. 17, 1944

GRAND JUNCTION SOCIEH WILL I EVSECnCIDES FOR HOIIIE USE Our COAL PAYMENT Plan 80ACBS8, AN-rS. BEDBUGS. AND ACBICULTUBAL. ETC Nothinsr Down — $5.00 per Month - HAVE ANNUAL PICNIC AUG. 20 INFORMATION CBEERFULLY GIVEN Yon MUST Store Coal Howl ' Hanay Exlermiaaling Saniee ON LUV[ FROM Grand Junction.—St. Joseph’s month. It is a free school. 226 15(h St. PICIHC IS l[[ll 0303 Altar sQciety will hold its annual Mr. and Mrs, Francis Kalmes picnic Sunday, Aug. 20, at the home RUGBY CUAL CO. of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Spam in o f Aspen spent Sunday with the BEST GRADES LIGNITE AND ROUTT COUNTT COAL [ Fruitvale. Everyone ia to bring Elders. Jimmy and Kate Glidden STORE COAL NOW hia own lunch and service. Coffee, accompanied them. 11 KLEIN HOME iced tea, and ice cream will be Use Our Budget Plan if You Wish—Nothing Down Blaker-Goetteiman Vow* (St. Patrick’s P|^ish, Pueblo) served to all by the society. Every­ — 10 Month, to Pay ■ Six young men in navy blue, all one is welcome. The 87th infantry chapel in La Junta.— The annual C. D, o f A. picnic was held on the graduates of Pueblo CaUiolic high Mr. and Mrs. L, E. Storm, 1003 Camp Swift, Tex., was the scene KROOIVENBERG COAL CO. spacious and shady lawn at the KEEP UP THE HOMES school in the 1944 class, were home Grand avenue, have sold their home o f a Nuptial Maas Saturday morn­ 1909-11 So. Broadway g p . 4 4 7 3 home o f Mrs, J. K. Klein Wednes­ on leave this week after completing to Mr. and Mrs. Hufty of Paonia. ing, Aug. 12, prior to which Miss their boot training in the naval sta­ Mr. Hufty has been manager of day evening, Aug. 9. The dinner Jeanne Goettelman exchanged mar­ tion in F%pragut, Ida. They are a lumber yard in Paonia, and Mrs. was served buffet style. The Rev. YOU’RE FIGHTING FOR riage vows with Sgt. George James Lane, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hufty has been postmistress. Leo Thome, the Rev. Aloysius Ber­ Blaker. The Mass was celebrated trand, and Chai^lain J. J. Shana­ COOL William P. Lane o f . 710 Van St. Joseph’s church was recipi­ Buren; James Hunyada, son of Mr. at 10 o’clock by 'the Rev. R. A. han o f the local army air field Patronize These Reliable Firms ent of a reralar Missal for every­ Contoni, chaplain. were guests, and Mrs. Victor Hunyada o f 615 day use and a Missal for Requiem DRINKS The bride was attended by her E. Corona; Robert Horvat, son of Masses, donated by Mr. and Mrs. 'The committee in charge of ar­ mother, Mrs. C. G, Goettelman, and Mr. and Mrs. J, C. Horvat of 1818 Amore Raso, 220^ S, Second rangements included Mrs. Helen for th^ bridegroom’s attendant was Cedar; Charles Achatz, son of Mr. street. The late Mrs. Armand De Cash, Mrs. Margaret Rizznto, Mrs. -EAIU. J.' Sgt Dan Callahan. Sgt Ray Klock- and Mrs. John Achatz of 102 E. Beque left funds for a Gothic Lucy Rizzuto, Mrs. Elizabeth man accompanied the bride to the HOT Adama; George Hendricks, son of chasuble in black and a Gothic fu­ Marshall, Mrs. Carle Minor, and altar. STROHMINGER Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hendricks of neral cope, which were used at Miss Irene Klein. There were 50 1331 E. 13th street; and Carl Pa- the Memorial Mass Monday rnorU' A wedding: breakfast was served present. The monthly meetings DAYS Electrical Contracting chek, son of Mr. and Mrs. John ing for Raymond Bond. in an Austin, Tex., hotel, after of the society will be resumed on Ucaiued tad Bondtd ia Ctiv of Dobtot ROOF Paphek of 2329 E. Orman. All of which the couple left for a wedding Sept. 9. S t Joseph’s school will start next 817 14th St. them are seamen second class and trip to San Antonio. They will Mrs. Don Ausbrook and her WITH will return to Farragut within make their home in Srai&ville, daughter, Carol Jean, and Frances Grapefruit Juice 10 aays. Lane, Hunyada, Horvat, Tex. Larberter, her mother, enjoyed a and Achatz are members of Naval Nurse Is Mrs. Blaker, daughter of M r three weeks’ vacation at Green T o w n H o u se St. Patrick’s parish. Pachek ia and Mrs. C. G. Goettelman of Mountain falls recently. FLOORS SANDED a St, Francis Xavier’s parish­ Grand Junction, was graduated Bill Cash is an attendant at ioner, and Hendricks is a member Home on Leave No. 2 can...... 1 3C 46 oz. can..... AND FINISHED from the local high school in 1941 Round-up Lodge in Buena Vista, 30c of St. Leander’s parish. They en­ and attended the S t Mary college, teaching" Indian lore and handi­ Qaalltr MtttrUli tad WorkmtariUp tered the naval service the day (St. Mary’s Parish, Pueblo) Xavier, Kans., where she was vice craft for 10 days. Jahn Floor Serviee after graduation in June of this prefect of the Young Ladies’ so­ Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hanagan were year. Ena. Pauline Erjavee o f the dality. recent visitors in Denver. Tomato Juice Phone CR. 3240'* Free EtUmate ELATERITE roofs are attractive Coavert Baptised naval nursing corps Is home on Sgt. Blaker is the son o f Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lee o f S u n n y D a w n as well as reasonable,' All work Mrs. Genevieve Simony was hap- leave after aervini’ overseas for and Mrs. Henry Blaker o f Minne­ Delta are guests in the home of and materials guaranteed. Esti­ tized and received into the Church about one year. Her sister, Mrs. apolis, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Meyer, their 46 oz. can No. 2 ran mates made promptly. DOOR AND WINDOW by Father Andrew Sucek on Aug. Mary Karlinger, has come from Sodaliits Have Picnic son-in-law and daughter. 18 points and.... b d e 6 points and..... 13. Mrs. Peter J. Simony and An­ Lincoln, Nebr., to visit with her Joseph Conty, son o f Mr. and 10c About 20 members of the Young R Roll Roofing .family. Mrs. Mike Conty, is spending a §€REEN§ thony Simony were sponsors. Mrs. Ladies’ sodality of St. Joseph’s 30-day leave visiting his par­ Cnm Hi«bw*7, No. 2 can Wirt it Betrct—Order New * Asphalt Shingles Genevieve Simony is the wife of Mr. and Mrs. John Erjavee are parish held a picnic Monday night ents. Joseph has served as elec­ Tea 5 point* and ...... 12c StoTB Sttli tad Ctblattt L t George Simony, who is sta­ attending a convention in Rock at the home o f Mrs. J. L. Lowrey. O Insulation trician's mate third class in the Canterbury Reon* Sauce tioned in the relocation center- in Springs, Wyo. Swimming: and games were en­ Williams Screen Co. Amache, Colo. He was present for amphibious forces for 11 months Deans tiM...... 14c • Waterproofing T. Sgt. Alfred Galich is home on joyed. Miss Vicki Fuoco played 10 point* required m s Artpthet UA. ITU his wife's Baptism. in the South Pacific. % lb— 22c ^ R oof Coating furlough after spending 28 months several piano numbers and Miss P« 9* C»rden*ide, No. 2 can Baptized Sunday, Aug. 13, was overseas. Pvt. Frank Ahlin is ^so Helen Covington and Miss Joyce Scouts John Driscoll, Richard I Ca* 5 Doint* and ...... 12c DeHaven, Wilbur Swan, and M Expansion Joints Gerald Anthony Stalick, eon of Mr. spending his furlough here. Phillips sang solos. a lb. 43c and Mrs. Victor J. Stalick, for­ Charles Petro, accompanied by Lt. Edward Leaar of the marine Prune. .“irK .. 29c When buying from the merly of Douglas, Wyo., where the Miss Joanne Dean and Miss Scoutmaster Thomas Cash o f troop Call CH. 6651 corps has returned to his station firms advertising in this baby was bom. Mr. and Mrs. Katherine Foster returned Friday 232 o f the parish, spent two days after spending a leave in Pueblo. night from Denver, where they had Bisquiek iL”" 31c paper, please mention that Frank Gocnik were sjxmsors. and nights at the red rocks near Coffee r___ Cream of the Crop Francis Henrick, son of Mr. and Lt.. Andy Sackman also spent been four days visiting friends and Higbee. The boys put in their DKKS Med. So.. AA. Do*. 46c WESTERN ELATERITE his leave in Pueblo. relatives. you saw their advertise* Mrs. Francis Hemrick of 502 Mad­ time hiking and studying. Nob HiU 9 C m 17i*>va Brtakfait Gem* ment. ROOfIMC COMPANY ison, was also baptized, with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thomas and Miss Rosemary Wilson departed 1 lb. b*x __ b O C Db XS Med. Ex., A, Do*...... 44c and Mrs. John Andrews as spon­ family of California, formerly of Thursday for Denver, where she t jl) i:.! ? ^ ; ■ Edw.rd. 9 0 M D itv Cracker* sors. Pueblo, are on vacation here. will visit for an indefinite time. 1 Ib. hor ' ...... 24c Her mother, Mrs. C. W. Wilson, re­ 1 lb. , 1*-----L 9 O Hill. Broc, 9 9 m C....* Cmul Whit* turned to this city Wednesday Grabki Funeral OOap i iMn for .. . . __ 14c VETERAN STATE PRISON GUARD after several weeks’ visit in Law- 1 lb. til. --- O w C THE NEW ton, Okla., with L t and Mrs. Ivory Snow ______23c Charles Vickers and Lonnie, and DIES IN CANON CITY HOSPITAL in Albuquerque, N. Mcx., with Cpl. Held in Durango O x vd o l 23c TOWN SERVICE and Mrs. Clifford Wilson. Mrs. Milk 744 W. Colfax Vickers is a daughter and Cpl. Mason Jars ^ 7or24®p‘ll. ^.$1.24 Canon City.— (St. Michael’s make their home. The daughter, Wilson is a son of Mrs. Wilson. Durango.7—(S t Columba’s Par­ Cherub Parish)— Henry J. Cunningham, Mrs. Barbara Hawkins, plans to Carl Purcell and son, Jimmy ish)— Funeral services for Mrs. Columbine Mason Jars 74c Offer! THREE-DAY SERVICE on REPAIRING 76, one of the oldest guards at the join them in two weeks. Hughes, from , are Edward G. Grabbe, late of Holly­ Cametion Colorado state pemtentiary in wood, Calif., who died in Mercy Mr. and Mrs. William Doherty raests of Mr. Purcell’s mother, s " r ’K . r 68c WASHING MACHINES-VACUUM CLEANERS ^ears and length of service, died hospital Aug. 6, were held in St. T*ll e*a Q m S u m ...... and daughter, Ilene of Trinchera, Mrs. James Purcell. They will be H point and Call TA. 7592 in a Canon City hospital Tuesday, spent the weekend here visiting here for another week. Other Columba’s church Saturday morn­ S u m $1.70 Aug. 8, after an illness of several his parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. A. guests at the Purcell home are ing, Aug. 12. Interment was in Expert Repair Service on All Electrical Appliances weeks. Doherty. Miss Anna May and Mrs. Hattie Green Mountain cemetery. Mr. Cunningham had been em­ Sherman, both of whom have re­ Monsignor Edward McGinn, Graoe-Nut* Flakes H. F. Lindsey, Owner With two major South Pacific 13c ployed in the prison since Oct. 9, engagements in back of him, Al­ turned to this city dfter trips. They V.G., of Albany, N. Y., and the 1920, and would have rounded out bert Dalfior, apprentice machin­ ill be at the Purcell home for the Rev. Joseph F, Wamat of Ouray Puffed Wheal 9c Specializing in Quality Plumbing and 24 years of service this coming ist’s mate second class, is home on remainder of the summer. were visitors in St. Columba’s rec­ fall. Bom in Indiana on Feb. 16, a 30-day leave visiting his par­ Vincent Lynch, D. & R. G. W. tory recently. Shredded Wheat S S "" 12e Heating Repairs 1868, he was reared in that state, Mrs. Jack O’Rourke o f Port ents, Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Dalfior employe, has left for Pando, where Co and moved to Canon City 27 years of Lincoln Park, Albert saw ac­ he will relievr'the railroad ticket Arthur, Tex., is visiting Judge and Vinegar Sw wm botti* IfC ,S l.l5 c ago. The Cunningham home was tion throughout the Bougainville- clerk for two "Weeks. Mrs. J. B, O’Rourke for a few at 1110 Riverside, South Canon. weeks. Her husband, Capt. J. B. 0 25c SLAHERY & COMPANY Rabaul and Guadalcanal-Munda Mike Stranger, Grand Junction Peanut Butter „ . He was a member of St. Michael’s campaigns. Overseas 13 months, O’ Rourke, is with the air forces in Coarte Grind businessman, who became ill Sat­ Normandy, France. parish. he recently returned to San urday night, was reported improv­ PLUMBING and HEATING CONTRACTORS Surviving are the wife, Esther; Diego, and will report there again Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Haralson Peanut Butter p.,.. p.. „ „ 28c ing in the Fruita Community hos­ announce the birth of a daughter 1726 MARKET STREET and six children. Four sons are for reassignment. 'As a machinist pital. in service. They are J. Russell, mate, Dalfior was with the crew in Mercy hospital Aug. 12. The Salad Dressing 38c Mrs. Dennis Beaver reports that JOHN J. CONNOR, President PHONE KEYSTONE 1441 Fort Meade, Md.; L. Leo, Camp that serviced the flight squadron baby’s name is Judith Kay. her mother, Mrs. McGill, fell in of the marine ace, Joe Foss, whose Miss Mary O’Rourke, who had Mayonnaise uu Made, is o*. j*r 29c Lee, Va.; J. Bernard, naval hos­ the yard of her home last week, pital in Quantico, V a.; and F. Eu­ bag of Japanese aircraft places been visiting in Durango, has'gone spraining her back and wrist gene, now overseas. His two him near the top of American to Boulder to visit her sister-in- Buy Your Freezer Oabjnet NOW! daughters are Mrs. L. R. Birch of aces. He also worked on LL P v t Arthur A. Cardona, whose law, Mrs. James O’Rourke, and Washington, D. C., and Mary Alta, Comdr. Blackburn’s VF-17 squad­ wife, Mrs. Della Cardona, resides family. at 339 Pitkin avenue, was recently Lt. Elizabeth Dill, daughter of A.FEWA.Y Why wait and miss freezing your vegetables and a nurse in Glockner hospital, Colo­ ron, which, at the last reported fruit at the peak of their flavor rado Springs, who has been car­ count, had 154 enemy ships to its assigned to Camp Plauche, La., Mr. and Mrs. John Dill, 263, 7th army service forces training cen­ avenue, Durango, is serving in WE HAVE A FEW ing for her father part of the time credit in the Rabaul area. ter, for basic military instruction. the field with the American here. S g t John Globoker, who has troops in Normandy. Lt Dill, a PIKES PEAK FREEZER CARENETS Requiem High Mass was sung been stationed on the east coast A Solemn Memorial Mass was offered Monday morning at 10:30 nurse, has been, overseas two Aug. 12 in SL Michael’s .church. of Florida, was here for a visit years. FOR SALE WITHOUT RESTRICTIONS Interment was in Lakeside ceme­ with relatives. He left Sunday, o’clock in St Joseph’s church for Exclniively iTDur New Location— MA. 2288 tery. Aug. 13, to report to Fort Meade, Raymond Bond, pharmacist’s mate Md. third class. Bond died July 24 and Catholic Fire Chief Has John Butz, yeoman second class, was buried at sea. He was the son Thoms Lifloleum Studio visited in Canon City Aug. 8 with Sgt. John P. Lippis has arrived Perfect 40-Year Record in Canon City to spend his 30-day of Mr, and Mrs. Sam Bond of this 1438 Court Place his sisters, Mrs. Bernard McDon­ city. ough and Mrs. Margaret Van Tuyl. furlough. John is a marine and had been stationed in Pearl harbor Father Nicholas Bertrand was Cleveland, 0 .— Battalion Chief John is based in Lido beach, N. Y., James P. Flynn, w ho-has com­ and is on a 15-day leave. Sun­ since January, 1942. His wife celebrant o f the Mass; Father Den­ came from Hawaii about a week is Begley, deacon; Father Joseph pleted 40 years on the fire depart­ day evening his parents, Mr. and ment without missing a ilay’s time, If yon'd Ilk* to fruhtn Mrs. C. J. Butz of Florence, en­ ago to await his arrival here at Kane, subdeacon; and Father Al­ your horn* with nsvr the home o f his parents, Mr. and bert Puhl, master of ceremonies. is a staunch supporter of Catholic North Iwey tertained at dinner and M. Sgt. hbdist I light fixture*, don’t Mrs. Sam^ Lippis. . A t the end of Mrs, Olive Bw er, Mrs. Earl Cov­ schools, a trustee in the Holy worry ahont the co*t. and Mrs. Robert Butz, Florence Name society, and a member of Thanks to increased ef­ visitors from Lowry field, were his furlough he will report to ington, and Frank Wagner sang Modem IJghriwg St. Colraan’s parish. Can ficiency, modem 1141 present. Camp Pendleton, Calif., for reas­ for the Mass. U(ht fiztarH will pay signment ExpraH P e n o n a lh y for thrmtelree in a Miss Genevieve Willcrs was hon­ Robert H. Sterling, apprentice The Young People’s sodality of KANSAS CITY. MO,-'Lead­ ahort time. Let oe make seaman of the navy, who is attend­ ored at a picnic dinner Sunday eve­ a lifhUni efficiency teat St. Michael’s held a picnic ning in observance of her birthday. Teen-Age Social to ing iaurior decoratort declare of youc home today. ing school in Colorado college, vis­ modern lighting fixture* offer a supper in the State park Aug. 9. The party was planned by fellow ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. The officers of the society honored variety of ityle* sufficient to ez- Leo Sterling, during the weekend. employes. Be Held on Aug. 24 the members and prospective mem­ Mrs. Frances Hochevar, route 1, pret* the personality of every home. H. G. REID Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zenoni bers. The officers are president -Light fixtures.” they say, “should and two wandchildrcn,'Carol and died recently in S t Mary’s hos­ (St. Franc!* Xavier’* Pariah, ELECTRICAL CO. Edward Zabrusky; secretary, An­ pital. She had been ill for several t>c giyen as careful consideration Mickey Hawkins, have gone to toinette Ma’done; and treasurer, Pueblo) months. M floor covering* or wallpapers. ELECTRICAL CON­ Oakland, Calif., where they will Helen Fassler. There were 34 The “teen-age” social for TRACTING — REPAIR­ Mrs. Hochevar was bom in 1874 this month will take place the y|ou)d.,J)e chapged as often.*i^ ING AND FIXTURES present. Father John, Mrs. Ma- done, and Mrs. Fassler were the in Yugoslavia. She came to the evening o f Thursday, Aug. 24, MAin 2303 chaperones. United States in 1910 and was in St. Francis Xavier’s parish Meeting Held by married to Antone Hochevar soon hall from 7 to 11 p.m. Refresh­ 329 14th St. Paul Fontecchio, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Fontecchio, went to after coming to this country. ments will be served. This ac­ Holy Name Men Denver Aug. 4 to join the armed Mr. and Mrs. Hochevar resided tivity, intended for Catholic forces. in Utah for a number of years be­ boys and girls, is sponsored Miss Rosemary Merlino wrote fore coming to the Grand valley each month by Our Lady of (Our Ladv o f Mt. Carmel Parith, up the news items for St. Michael’s 18 years ago. Mr. Hochevar was Victory circle of the Daughters FILL THAT COAL BIN NOW! Puablo) arish during the illness o f Mrs. engaged in farming until his death of Isabella. in 1930. LESS COAL MINED ■ GREATER DEMAND • FEWER DRIVERS The regular meeting o f the Mt. ‘an Alst3me last week. Carmel parish Holy Name society Ens. Charlotte Moschetti, navy All Factors Will Make Deliveries was held Thursday, Aug. 10, at nurse, arrived here Ang. 9 to Next Fall the Hardest Yet! 7:30 p.m. spend a 14-day leave with her par­ DOGGEREL FROM WAR ZONE ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mos­ Among other matters the prob­ chetti, and other relatives and W w lem o f increasing the membership friends. She is based on Mare SHOWS SOLDIERS’ NEED OF GOD was discussed. The principal fea­ Use Our Budge! Plan island. ^rCm\ ture of the meeting was a lively The Daughters of Isabella discussion on the sacrament of There is an abundance of evi­ even loose rhyme can be full of We SeU AU Grades Penance, led by the Rev. Charles gained four new members at the thought. meeting Tuesday night Aug. , dence coming out o f . this war to J. Murray, SJ., spiritual director. 8 of Good Coals in St. Michael’s hall. They are show that God is often foun^ in a INTIMATIONS OF The Holy Name society has in­ IMMORTALITY Mrs. Max Vezzetti, Miss Grace foxhole. War is a great modifier troduced the question box as a Look, God, I havo ntvor spoken to Yoo« PHONTS Payne, organist; Miss Mary Dre- of men. Many a boy who was too But now I want to say bow do You do? feature at its regular meetings. MA. 5335 nick, and Miss Mary Vezzetti. busy or too much taken up with You see, God, they told me You didn't The members find this an excellent Elk Coal Co. and CH. 1681 Mrs.‘Rose Stringeri, regent of the the tinsel of the world to think exist, €••• Ce— Cmtmt, 4 A means to introduce lively and And I like a tool believed all this. Queen o f Heaven circle, presided, about God when he completed his 3635 Blake Sl We Give S, & H. Green Stamp* profitable discussions into the ses­ Last nifht from a shellhole a saw Your and has planned a splendid pro­ regular course of schooling has sions. gram for the autumn. The next 1 fifured Hfht then that they had told found the most terrible of me e Ue. The director congratulated the meeting, 'Tuesday, Aug. 22, will be all schools— war, in the worst Had I lekea time to see thlnfi You men on their excellent co-operation for the officers only. classroom in the world—the bat­ made. at the Mt. Carmel parish festival Lt. Jim Sterling writes home tlefield. I'd have known they weren't calllof a and on their work in remodeling again after a lapse of several spade a spade. I wonder, God. if You'd shake ray hand, Americas the Mt. Carmel parish chapel on weeks because o f many assign­ Poam Ralata* Soldier’s Emotions Somehow, 1 feel that You wUl under* East Evans. ments and an operation in the A letter that has come to Pueblo stand. CASH Mayo Brothers array clinic to cor­ from overseas contains in doggerel Funny, I had to eome to this hellish place Before 1 had time see Your face. Catholic Missionary rect a service disability. He is a poetry a description of the emo­ Well, 1 fuess there isn't much mere to I Will Pay Cash for Small South Pacific troop carrier pilot tions through which some of the say, Halts Smallpox Spread But I’m sure flad. God, I met You today. Light-Bodied and writes of his e^eriences with soldiers in the battle zones pass. Homes in or Near Denver. I fueas the "zero nour" will soon be here. the K-9 corps now in battle action The poem has received wide circu­ But i*m net efrald since I knew You're Quick Action—Call or See Wuebow.— A serious outbreak of against the Japanese in the New lation among the men o f Pueblo— near. smallpox in the region near Tan- Guinea sector. firemen, policemen, and millwork- The sifnal! Well, God, I'll have to go, guen, China, was halted through Robert W. Rush has recently 1 like You lots; thle I want You to know. ers. In the hard world in which Look now, this will be a horrible Aght, the efforts of the Rev,' John Mc- been promoted to warrant officer these men eke out their existence Who knows, 1 may come to Your house Loughlin, M.M., of ElmhursL and is in Noumeia, New Caledonia. they have also stopped to read and tonight. T. E. GREECE N. Y., serving at the Maryknoll Thoiigb I wasn't friendly to You before, Mrs. Mary P. May of Wichita, to think. Maj’be they have quea- mission here. Father McLoughlin I wonder, God, if You'd wait at your door. E an ^ and children, Bernadette tioned themselves, “ If my boy finds Look, I'm cr^ngl Mel Shedding tearsi RUY WAR ROXDS ' ' J 1643 Stout T A e 6 2 6 6 obtained vaccine and went into the and Francis, have moved to Canon God in a shellhole, may He not 1 wish I had Imown You these many stricken area, where he succeeded City to make their home. They also be found in a world o f peace?’’ years. * El in bringing the epidemic under have bought the residence at 824 The poem is reproduced here, As Well, 1 have to go now, God. Good hjrel AIVD STAMPS controL S tra fe , since I a et You* i’a not efnUd p o U ^ Bvanac. indic*U4 tbovay is doggsrsl, but te diet m "3=T

Thursday, Aug. 17, 1944 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, EEystone 4205 PAGE THIRTEEN I I fa ■■■ ■ I Joint Plenie Held by 2 WALSENBURG YOUTHS ARE WACs With Analytical Minds WANT TO BECOME A PRIEST? gers are playing an important role in the proaeculion o f the war. One PIKES PEAK GOLD RUSH LED TO Two Del Morte Gronpt - Wa wetioma to our Society naloaa young luch if shown here adding up the score lor an Allied victory. She b man aaxloue to dauou their hvea at Salvainiaa REPORTED KILLED IN ACTION Pvt. Bell McCormick at the »chool for aviation medicine in Randolph ERECTION OF NEW VICARIATE Priets le tha Apnetnlalt of ptritb-mitttona Field, Tex. She Is an adept operator o f hnsiness machine*. Del Norte.— The joint picnic of iraita. lectures: to the adocation of tba UtF the Daughters o f Isabella and the end of etpiriott to tha prietthood; to tha csuie of (he Catholic Preet, etc. (Continued From Last Page) the value of parent-teacher work (Continued From Last Page) trees, with a mixture of wild cur Knights o f Columbus was held on Sunday, Aug. 13, on the Martinez Crtduatea of the tltmrnteiy teboof. tad A younger brother, Henry, waa in­ and assisted in the organization. considerstion o f the sum o f One rants and vines. Before man’s BKh u have had torea or com^te higb tebool ^aneb and was emjoyed by all the Officers of the newly formed group Hundred (100) Dollars, the receipt devastating hand had denuded the or coUegt, or in idvtnctd in ytta^ an wM. ducted into the armed forces on members and their families. are Mrs. Jack Turner, president; of which is hereby acknowledwd, country, the county abounded in come lo oomtpond fanmadiately. Advanoad July 6, the day on which his par­ Mass will be celebrated in La irudenu but ddicient far Lidn credits motion Sister M. Constance, first vice the said party of the first part nas similar groves. At this particular ents received notice that Thomas president; Mrs. P. L. Martinez, time not more than an acre of Garita on Sunday, Aug. 20, at ipedtl couTKt. — If you are loo poor to pap bargained, sold, conveyed and the full fens wa thtO to tolvt your protfu a had been wounded. second vice president; Mrs. Fred granted and by these presents does church property had been cleared of 10:30 o’clock. throtah tha aid of epedtl bantfacton. Hayden, secretary; Mrs. Joe Ci- Sunday, Aug. 20, will be Com­ On Wednesday, Aug. 9, women grant, bargain, sell and convey its luxuriant growth. Sucb aa htva htd itx ytan of Lada entv hura, recording secretary; Mrs munion day for the members of the novitiate immadiatdy. No charted Writs o f the parish met in the library unto said parties of the second pari Fr. Merles Dies Joe Kopine, treasurer; and the all the following lot, piece or parcel the Young Ladies’ sodality in the to the addreta bdow iodicating aga and extent of education. of St. Mary’s school to organize a Rev. Francis Faistl, chaplain. A o f land, situat^ m n g and beini; In Accident 8 o ’clock Mass. parent-teacher group. The Rev. regular meeting will be hel i in the Mrs. J. B. Halloran from Denver in the (bounty o f Huerfano, Terri­ On Sept 1, 1876, Father Merles VERY RfV FATHEIt I'ROVIfiClAl Hubert Newfell, state superintend­ afternoon of the second Friday is visiting her son, the Rev. James tory of Colorado, and particularly, and his driver were riding in a ent of Catholic schools, spoke on every month. F. Halloran, in Del Norte. described as follows to wit: Com­ spring wagon. There are two ver­ mencing at the com er of the house sions of the nature of his errand now occupied by John Albert, and One has it that he was on a sick running thence about one hundred call; the other that he was on his FOR... and eighty yards to the hoase now way to Trinidad to meet the Bishop Live and Learn occupied by Cruz Mestes (in front About three miles south of Wal­ in of the door o f said house); thence senburg he was thrown from his SAFEH-FIRST about 240 yards in an Easterly di­ wagon and landed on his head. The AmerietPs Healthiest Climate rection to the lands claimed by result was that he suffered a broken Francisco Atencio; thence South­ neck. The driver escaped with ...REGIS COLLEGE... UST AND ALL THE TIME ,. erly along the said Atencio’s line nothihg more serious than shock. to the Gucharas River; thence to The priest was brought back to the point of beginning, containing town, but since there was no resi­ REGIS HIGH SCHOOL about twelve acres of land, more dent doctor, little could be done 00 Aerez os Denver’s City Limits. It Pays to Watch for Street Cars and Buses at or less...." for him. The nearest approach to ALL JESUIT FACULTIES a doctor was a man who had Pre-Professiontl A.B., B.S., Intersections! Parishioners Built studied a little medicine in Ger­ Own Church many before coming to America ALL STANDARD HIGH SCHOOL COURSES You can help prevent accidents, and win the He was carried into this man’ s Father Merles had planned to ADDRESS Dean or Principal house on Main street, but primi­ have a church, cmciform in shape, Regifl College gratitude of the riding public as well as save tive frontier medical aid failed to but lack of sufficient money forced help the dying priest, ^ e never Denver lit Colo. damage to your own cat. . . By never stopping him to simplify it for the time regained consciousness. He died being at least. W’ork ’was begun your car on the tracks in front of a street car. the following day, Sept. 2. on the building in the summer of His - funeral was held Sept 4, By never turning left in front of a street car at 1873. The people were poor but willing. Some few contributed 1876, and was attended by Bishop Machebeuf, by Father Montena- an intersection. money; others gave the stone for the foundation; some made adobes relli, SJ., of Conejos, Father And by always driving around safety zones, for the walls; still others gave cat­ Leone, S.J., of Trinidad, and Fa­ The Confraternity of tle, sheep, and horses to be sold thers B off and Figerou. The lat­ • ter two happened to be passing and the proceeds used. The more nearby when they received the news well-to-do, that is, those who were Observing these traffic rules saves time, UA-2» of Father Merles’ death. A woodeh the Infant Jesus of Prague the owners of a team and wagon, cross at the rear o f the church he too • • « yours and the other fellows! hauled lumber. In the end, all this amounted to a building 76 feet long, had barely finished marked his "The more you honor Me, the more FR. ALBERT MUNTSCH SPEAKS 36 feet wide, and 16 feet high. It grave. He was 47 years o f age I shall bless you." when he died. made no pretentions to any style "Respect the Child Jesus and you of church architecture, except, Bishop Machebeuf arranged with BEFORE WALSENBUR9 K. OF C. perhaps, to that popular American the Jesuit Fathers in Trinidad to shall never be in want." care for the parish of Walsenburg style known as "four walls and a How to Become (1) Anyons can becoma a mam- SOUTHERN'^ COLORADO until he could secure another priest bar of Confratamity of tha (Continued From Last Page) members o f this little group, the roof.” ^ Member the family—the father, mother to fill the vacancy caused by the Infant Jaaoa of Pragua bgr family or household. It is also the Two years after its beginning making applioatiott^ for snroUmant lo to aatabliabad and childrtn' work together for death of its pastor. During this POWER COAAPANV fundamental religious unit in as the church was opened for re­ ConfratomlW. Such a Confratamity la canonically the economic welfare of all the interval Father Leone visited the attadrlithad in tha St. Cyril (CarmalHs) Church in much as the child first learns the ligious services. There were no in­ parish twice. Chicago, which is affiliated with tha hwd Confi^ terior furnishings. The members temity in Roma. Dcotatad partont cannot ba aaroUad. name of God, and certain funda­ In^ July, of 1876 the railroad o f the congregation had to reached Walsenburg, and then (2) Along with an application for mambaxship. mental moral lessohs from father stand or else bring their own chairs. continued on to La veta. This nat­ tha dnaa of ona dollar tbouln ba tanl All dues ara naad STim GiU TO and mother. It learns these les­ In October o f 1876, when a new entitaly for ratlgioua and raittionam purges. Tbia urally resulted in a boom for both sons before it is serft to school, pa.stor arrived, he found the place offaring aatitlaa ona to LIFE MEMBERSHIP la tha towns. Previousljr the railroad had C^rsteraity of tfaa Infant Jaius of Pragua. from a good Christian father or still without vestry, altar railing, run about six miles to the east of mother. or pews, and the bell which had (I) A carUficate of mambanbip in the Confra- town. Cucharas City had sprung tamity of the Want Jaaui of Pragua and tha b l a ^ "N ow this fundamental unit, the been donated by Fred Walsen was up suddenly there. It became a madai are tent to aaeh anrollad member. Thla eartm- family, has received some shatter­ still resting on the ground because town o f some size, with streets cate Indicates tha purpota of tha Confraternity and alto tha tlmpla d^ea of mtmbara. (1) Always to wear a Wasted of tl^nfm t*™ of Prague, ing blows frhm the new conditions there was no tower in which to properly laid out, trees, and a ditch. hang it. Unpretentious as the and (2) to aay thraa timet daily "GLORY BE TO THE FATHER ate., and {Continued From Last Page) now prevailing in the industrial Everything to insure a long and "DIVINE mPANT, BLESS ME.” and economic world. But it will be building was, it had cost Father prosperous future for this town and Mrs. Frank Mauro, is home (4) Batidea the general benedtt of mtmbt^lp In ^ ^nfraterrity of tha to the utmost advantage for hu­ Merles in the neighborhood of was done. Its boosters hoped that Infant Jteu* of Pitguc, those enrolled with the Catmahte Fathara In ChlCMW^ on a leave after completing man society to preserve and safe­ $4,000. He planned to add to it it would quickly eclipse Walsen- tnioy tha banedta of tha prayers and tha Holy Ma»a said regularly oa tba 26 th ^ his boot training in Farragut, Ida. guard in its integrity the ideal as the money became available, burg in size and importance. And of aaeh month for tha welfam of all mtmbara. Pvt. Fred Pagnotta, son o f Mrs. Christian family, i^ ich will be the but he never had the opportunity then the railroad was moved, and Virginia Pagnotta, is taking his hope for all future sociajl peace to realize his ambition. An un­ the end of 1876 saw the departure APPUCA'nON FOR MEMBERSHIP basic training in Camp Fannin, and progress. timely accident shortly afterwards of its last inhabitant. Today all Tex. resulted in his death. CARMELITE FATBEBB "The second pillar is the dignity that remains of Cucharas City are S41I Dent* Ava- Chleage IT, lU. Time of Baptiira* Announced of labor and respect for private A t the same time that the church the ruins of the old hotel. was built, Father Merles erected One interesting bit of railroad t ancloaa ona doIUr dnaa for LIFE MEMBERSHIP in tha Coofratarglty tl The’ Rev. Paul Belloni, pastor of property. In the Christian con­ tha Infant Jeans of Pragna. cept all labor is noble and digni­ a parish house. This contained history in the state has to do with S t Tberese’s, has announced that six rooms, and had a fiat roof. To La Veta pass. When the line Baptisms will be administered at fied— labor o f the brain as well as Name- the north of the dwelling he put reached its temporary terminus in 4 p.m. on Sundays in S t Therese’s labor produced by physical exer­ up a combined bam and stable. La Veta in 1876, the chief engi­ church. tion. Unfortunately our generation Addraea. has been brought up under false The location was a pleasant neer of the Denver and Rio Grande Thursday evening, Aug. 10, a enough spot. The church and res­ railway was ordered to make a Clty- BUta. group of friends surprised Mrs. ideals as to the meaning of labor. Not only the eminent statesman, idence were situated iir the middle survey of the pass with the idea I aneloeo ona dollar’ additloBal for ona year membarthlp in the Boelatr Fred Pisciotta in honor of her new­ of tf large natural grove, consisting of finding a route through which 'of tha Little Flowtr. born son, John Lee. A play pen the jurist, general, captain of in­ □ dustry, and promoter of large in­ of cottonwood, maple, plum, acacia, trains could be run into the San I anelota ona dollar additional for a year’a aubaerlptlon to tha CarmaUte was presented. Games Were played weeping willow, and wild cherry Luis valley. Col. Greenwood, thi Review. and refreshments served. Those at­ dustrial enterprises is the great □ They are patient man in the community, but he who engineer, returned after a few tending were Misses Anne Mauro days’ examination and pronounced devotes the physical strength of and Mary Dana, Mmes. Charles Collselion Report the pass impracticable tor raili his body to work for the com­ Greco, Melvin Morris, Joseph Lo purposes. And then Gen. Palmer, munity is as much needed in our savio, Louis Mauro, Virginia Pa- Mads 6y Chancery president of the road, and ex-Gov- Tlcar Bast CDissions modem industrial life as those who f notta, Sam Colian, Sam Vinei, ernor A. C. Hunt, managing direc occupy the seats of the mighty r.; Joe Weber, Adam Mauro, tor, made an investigation, and Meat Nav. Francis J. SpaMman, D.D., Prtaldant and send armies into the battle­ (Continued From Last Page) Henry Mauro, Felix Thomas, Hunt drew a rough ^etch on a Rav. Thomas J. McMahon, 8.T.D.. National Secretary about waiting field. St. Francis Xavier’s...... $157.32 Frank Mauro, Ben Vinci, Sam piece of paper of what he thought Rev. Andrew H. Rogoah, S.T.Lh Aaaiatant Secretary Cardinale, Jim Colian, Floyd "But it follows— and this has St. Leander’s . 41.39 St. Mary’s ...... 67.40 was a usable route. Thil sheet of Mauro, John Chiaro, Joe Musso, always been maintained by Chris­ paper became known as “Hunt’s and George Guiagliardo. tian ethics— that when a man has St. Patrick’s ...... 277.04 Prond Father PARISHES OUTSIDE Goose Egg,” a name given to it by to do something, either by labor the engineering department of the St. Joachim, fanatotl on August 16, w«a tho prond iather of o f brawn or brain he is fully en­ OF PUEBLO: Mary, hit loggey to our poor world. Will your Legacy b« a romom- ALAMOSA— Sacred Heart 50.00 railroad. The eventual completion because those Long Distance titled to the fruits of his exer­ of the road over the pass, however, branco of poor Near East mtaaionarlaa in your will? 6 Catholics Are tion. Therefore we oppose Com­ ANTONITO— St. Augustine’s .______18.60 proved who was in the right. munism, that terrible theory (To Be Continued) TEACHER QUITS. BOYS FLAYED calls mean so much spawned in Russia. We condemn CANON CITY— Killed in Crash St. Michael’s ...... 60.69 REJOICE SL Bartholomew the Apostle w m it as something absolutely opposed skinned or flayed alive by Roman to the American way of life. CAPULIN— St. Joseph’s - 8.20 SHORTHAND in Yes, That is what Father Tony CRESTED BUTTE— Cortbaw, professor in a college at persecutors in the Near East If Six o f the 10 officers and men “ The^ third pillar o f this new you become a perpetual member of A soldier Has to line up for a lot of things killed last week in a bomber crash St. Patrick's ...... 12.60 Weeks at Home Beirut, Syria, did. But it was not house of order peace and social DEL NORTE— his students that rejoiced. It was our Association, you are a partner near Kiowa were Catholics, rec­ happiness, is respect for authority Ftmooi BpwdwrlUiui inUai, na forever with his successors, our but we don’t like to see him wait too long ords of the Pueblo air base show. Holy Name of Mary...... 25.76 sifiu or nmiboU. Eur to uom; five hundred homeless little waifs, Without this virtue social peace DELTA— St. Michael’s.__ 20,66 mo to writ* and tnucrOx. Fut pmartUOT missionaries. This for twenty dol­ for t iob. SmrirSliiilj' low cart. 100,000 whom he found wandering the The Catholic members of the and happiness cannot exist. DURANGO— lars. for a Long Distance call. crew were: Uuzht W mxU. CMd la Ufdiq* oSlott u d streets o f his city. Now he has ■ "Finally, the fourth and last Sacred Heart____ _ 22.00 Clril S e tT k o . Write for fret booUrt. them in his Boys’ Town which he Lt. Vincent J. Mannix o f Elm­ BAND AID pillar o f this new. social is St. Columba’s ______61.31 hurst, Queens, N. Y., co-pilot calls “ The Refuge of Our Father.’’ Enlarge that medicine chest, and the two golden virti^fs o f Chris­ FLORENCE— ■The building ten’t much, but it is Would you miud helping a little by saving Lt Martin F. Affeldt bombar­ think of the poor Near East mis- * tian justice and charity. Justice St. Benedict’s ______22.04 dier, Dp.llOS, ZT4 SMIwn A«a, N.V. home, a real home. And the boys sionary who must be a doctor of the is the foundation o f common­ FRUITA and the wires from seven to ten in the evening Cpl. George A. Rigzel of Evans­ have the mountains and the sea­ body as well as the soul. His medi­ wealth. Charity is the golden vir- PALISADE— ville, Ind.. OUR COLORED MISSIONS shore right before them. No need cal kit costa fifty dollars. ture that unites us all in Christian Sacred Heart ...... 21.70 to go away for the summer, lucky for the service men? Cpl. Elmer M. Mihalik o f Ali- NEED PRIESTS ft BROTHERS fellowship and enables us to work GARDNER—Sacred Heart 18.71 Wonld TOD Ilk* to Or aonaaerata lads. FIRST quippa, Pa. bqs priMt—train­ ronr Ufa aaa courageously for that blessed GRAND JUNCTION— ing rata for tba LAY BROTHER They love Father Tony, even if S t John Eudes, remembered on Cpl. Edward S. Masazros of St. Joseph’s ...... 145.50 That’s when thousands of soldiers rush to Cleveland, 0. peace which C h i r s t Hijnself mlaalonas or ba a balpins tba he is a teacher. And he still teaches August 19, founded the Feast of brought in the world and which we GUNNISON— St. Peter’s.. 32.00 miMioaaiT rour- pricata, eopoetallr them— the three R’s and the cate­ the Most Pure Heart of Mary be­ Pfc. John A. Hoffman. HOLLY— St. Joseph’s...... 21.65 mUT in tba miaaiooa. the telephones at the camps and we’d like Father James J. Haggerty of hope for as one of the main re­ Saparlor chism. This fourth R— Religion— fore there was the Feast of the sults of the present conflict." HOTCHKISS— f n , Fatban of St. Edmond. is why he has left a comfortable Sacred Heart of Jesus. We are the Pueblo air base hurriM to the St. Margaret Mary’s___ 6.00 fV r ile t o • Randolph, Varraont to give them first call on Long Distance. scene o f the accident aboard the Father Muntsch’s address fol­ college to dwell among his boys. asking him, to inspire a kind friend . LA JUNTA— Now we have been asking help army crash truck. The army is lowed the meeting in which the to give a chapel In Our Lady’s Our Lady o f Guadalupe.. 62.72 conducting an investigation of the new officers o f .the Walsenburg for Father Tony’s Boys’ Town for honor, A chapel costa seven hun­ St. Patrick’s ...... 200.00 crash. council were installed by the o f­ CLASSIFIED ADS a month, without too much suc­ dred and fifty dollars. LAMAR— ficers of the Holy Trinity coun­ cess. So we wonder whether you St. Francis de Sales’___ 42.75 National rata 2Sc par word ptr;iaiaa; mini­ will help. His humble building cost ^UBS cil. Those installed were grand mum 12 wordi. If fonr or mora eonMcatira The Indians cut off St Isaac knight, Silvio Michelli; deputy LAMAR— twelve hundred dollars, and there vOur Lady o f Guadalupe 14.73 Usuea are ns«d, the rata la Z0« par word per Jogue’s Mass fingers and leprosy All Foods Point Free grand knight, George M. Turner; iaaua. Payment muat aeeompany all ordara. is still a debt, but the main prob­ LAS ANIMAS— St. Mary’s 23.50 did the same for Father Damien of thru dehydration. 13 yean research chancellor, Felo Martinez; treas­ A.di received on Monday will appear in the lem is the appetite five hundred in 6I-paca book explains secrets. MANCOS— St. Rita’s...... 11.10 latue printed for the following week. (See Molokai. And so we plead in their urer, Dan Daher; reedrder, Her­ youngsters develop after a swim Housewives, sebools, farmen, behs- MONTE VISTA— your local Begiater for local eaten.)_____ name for our DAMIEN LEPER flt War and post-war mathoda of man Toller; warden, Nick Tessi- at the beach or a walk in the ^ Wlouniatn Stales ^etepk OH! anJ ^ete^rnph Co- St Joseph’s ...... 25.00 FUND. preterviog foods. tore; advocate, Eli C. Martinez; NURSES TRAINING SCHOOLS mountains. We do not want this MONTROSE— St. Mary’s.. 39.45 Pest Paid II inner guard, Joseph J. Stimack; leather to quit, and we are set ORDWAY— St. Peter’s...... 38.60 MAKE UP to yzs-lll WEEK aa a Trainad No F QUITE H I I lf E. Colfax, Danver. Cole. outside guards, George Ritz and Practical None. Learn quickly at home. on sending him three hundred dol­ OURAY— St. Patrick’s....- 16.87 That Sacred Heart chapel for Joseph Cihura; and board of BMiclet Praa. Ohleago School of Nuralng. lars as the Lord's bribe. PAONIA— Sacred Heart.... 17.00 Dapt. R-l, Chicago. ______Bishop Apear in Teheran? Yes, al­ Would You Like trustees, A. J. Dissler, John PORTLAND— most but not quite enough for it, Dinese, and Carl Tesitor all o f PHOTO ITNISHING ALARM Christ the King__ —..‘'.J. 1.00 but God bless you all. Fifty dol­ . I Walsenburg. If you knew how much Moslems Enroll Now ROCKY FORD— ROLLS DEVELOPED - Two Baautifni lars will complete the fund. Doubla Weight Profeaaionai Enlsnaisanta, snd non-Gatholics Spend to tear Also present were the Rev. *3t. Peter’s ______— . 26.00 Your Boy in the Service 8 Navar Fada Docbla Edga Prhita, tSc. Near East children from the Faith, ANGEL FOOD Hubert Newell, the Rev, Howard ROCKVALE— ■ CENTURY PHOTO SERVICE, La Croaaa. you would hurry your ten dollar For forty dollars you can giva Delaney, and the Rev. Francis St, Patrick’s ...... 2.70 Wiseoniiln. Remembered in gift for our Holy Land School the chalice, ciborium, tabernacle, * THE SACRED HEART Faistl. Those attending from SALIDA— St. Joseph’s...— 34.00 AT LAST I ROLL DEVELOPED, ALL Fund. alter linens, end the linen corporu A Continual Novena the Sacred Heart Holy Trinity council were James SAN LUIS— YOUR inapabota hand eolomd aa baaotlfu] MASS UEACUE Castelano, district deputy; Mar­ aa aetnal eolor photography, tie. Hand or {mtimensium for a Near East Most Precious Blood— 88.71 eolomd raprinta to aach—U for iie. SPEECHLESS chapel. In Our Monastery Chapel for the Duration of the War? Its members (both llslng and decaastd) tin Bersano, warden; Hugh V. SILVERTON ...... 14.00 NATIONAL PHOTO ART. JuaawiUa, 10, ibara in tfaa rleh spiritual baneSts of a Giltner, grand knight; Harry SPRINGFIELD— WUconain. A dear young priest we knew Simply send in his name and we will gladly include him in Haas said daily, to tbs and of tima, so- is speechless with joy and grati­ w i i o ^ s ? Schiff, Sr.; Harry Schiff, Jr.; Isa- Annunciation 7.00 GOOD NEWS CAMERA FANSI N ow - Who was the Pope of the Eastenx this Novena. A small offering is welcome but not necessary. pccJally for tba memben of the Laacus. tude on his First Mass day. Won’t For Information wrltai dor Corradino, Tony Bustos, Frank TRINIDAD— Ray’a can again includa Fraa EDlargamtsta. Rites? Write for “Shall t^ TwaiR Miller, and Father Muntsch. Any 8 axpoaum roll davalopad nsd printad— you help give the Near East more Write: SACRED HEART MONASTERY THE PRIESTS OP THE SACRED Holy Trinity _____ - ____ 133.60 indodlng a 6x7 panalad Rayerift (axelniiva Meet?’’ HEART. Sacred Heart HlaaloB Haasa. Mount Carmel______51.26 iriestsT It costa one hundred dol- HALES CORNERS, WISCONSIN Sta. Marfa. IlL with Bay’s) Enlargamant—or 1 Baytona HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE WALSENBURG— , Priata of aaeh good negatfra Ue. Pro-war ars a year, but you can have a piefuRE A DANGER SIGNAL St. Mary’s ------116.25 qaallty and pries. Lcadara alnea 1030. real part by sending one dollar a Can’t you still see St. Monica and FREE Booklat, "How to taka good pio- month for the S'TUDENT SUP­ Ort«n UMcUud with Haninbit at tb* WESTCLIFFE— toraa.'* Just dip ad. Ray's Photo Barrioa, her son, St Augustine, sitting on Artarla, a Stroke Farainla, Baart Tioo* Assum ption______- ___ 12.90 O-F Ray Bldg.. La Ci Wis. ~ PORT CLUB. the beach at Ostia, Italy, wnera Just Out! Q M P STORIES NsmberThree Price 26c bli^ Kidoar DIaeafa, sod otlm grava eom- ' ptieatioDi, BatoJttal Matins matboda at our soldiers now get a swim? Wa tha BalJ OUnie bava praraa dtpaodabja te> TOGETHER need vestments, which cost thirty nnrlr a qaartar at a aantur. Sand toi The monstrance is raised, the Or send $1.00 for FREE Blo^ Prawura Book—todap. Ha ob dollars, and so we started our the complete Mt o f lisation. Ball Clinic, Dapt lOiO. Bxaabior WALSENBURG censer swings, the bell rings— all to MONICA GUILD after her who 'MP* as published. Sprinti, Mo. ____ honor Our Sacramental King as He said on that beach: “ Wherever you Numbers on sale blesses tu. You can give all three are, remember me at the altar of to a Near East chapel for thirty- God.’’ Please Join. Members send a RHEUMATISM five dollars. dollar a month. ArthrlUa Nraritia Setalica The firms listed here de­ Wbp eoniinua W rolfar tb« serve to be remembered The FIR§T TH E GRAIL asoalslos paina at tiuaa dia Send all eoremunications fo turn whan tba nanai ramadiaa bava failadT Laaia aboot a when you are distributing State Bank OfiGce Room 18 naai, tfuatwurthp, audtn, aoivantsiaa] Matmmt matbod. Thla oarvaloQa Matmaot your patronage in the dif­ of Walsenburg Catholic Tlear East CDelfare Association St Meinrad, Indians la complelalp axclaioad in tba Ball Cilnis'i naw FREE Book. Writ# todap No obllsatioa ferent lines of business. WALSEftSURG, COLO.' 480 Lexington Ave. 46th 6t. New York 17, N. Y, Baaaimn.DasA.IM4.toaMargntosi.IU T


in Mancoi and (ior* Close of Vacation School !«. Piclurfd brlow are the fint communicant! from the reliirioui vacation achooU con­ Fr. Anthony J . Brunner Dies ducted in ManccM and Cortet bv the Rev. Reginald Jamca. These Nuns in Charge of schools were two o f the vacation schools in the diocese in which a priest After 62 Yeers in Priesthood performed the task o f instruction. EiS SUIIIE TO Institution Report

on the sendee flag o f St. Mary’s par­ Two Qold Stars ish in Walsenburg represent the su­ Ponlifieal Requiem Will preme sacrifice made by two young men o f the'city for their country. Additional Burdens They are Pfc. Thomas M. Diinich (left) and William L. Zanon (right), Be Sung in TriuK aviation machinist's mate second class. Mr. Zanon died at sea in a ■Vineland.— A statue of St. An­ plane crash. Mr. Dunich was fatally wounded on Saipan. dad Friday thony has been presented St. Therese’s church by Our Lady of More Children Accepted Than in Past Years; Mt. Carmel parish, Pueblo. The Trinidad. — The Rev. An­ gift was made through the Rev. Man-Power Shortage Increases Manual Charles Murray, SJ., pastor of thony J. Brunner, S.J., who Mt. Carmel. The new piece of stat­ celebrated .the 60th anniver­ uary will be placed in one of the Labor Which Sisters Must Perform sary of his ordination in July, niches provided for the purpose. ^ ------1942, died in Mount San Ra­ The August m;ecting of the Altar Bishop Joseph C. Willging urges a generous response to fael hospital here early on the and Rosary society was held in the the collection to be taken up Sunday, Aug. 20, for the bene­ home of Mrs. Joseph C. 'Weber. fit of the Sacred Heart orphanage, Pueblo, stating In his morning of Tuesday, Aug. 15, Members attending were Mmes. the Feast of the Assumption Sam Colian, Virginia Pagnotta, letter that the sisters operating the home are lieing called on o f the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Henry Mauro,. Sam Cardinale, more and more to accept children from the diocese into the noted Jesuit and pioneer Colorado Floyd Mauro, George Guiagliardo, irfstitution. The work of the Sacred Heart orphanage excites missionary had been blind and bed­ Ben Vinci, Sam Vinci, Jr.; Louis a continued interest from both Catholics and non-Catholics. ridden in the ho.spital for the past Maurp, Frank Mauro, John Chiaro, I three years. Fifty-seven out of .foe Losavio, Felix Thomas, Dan It is the only institution of its kind in the diocese, and an his 62 years as a priest he had re­ Fraterelli, and Charles Dionisio. appeal to the Catholics to support i —;------sided tfnd labored in Colorado. A guest was Mrs. John Urone. it should meet with generosity. '" ’’h given our Catholic people iMost of this time he spent in The letter, read at all the Masses; Sunday when the collection Home on Furlough in the churches throughout the dio­ will be taken up throughout the Southern Colorado, Trinidad, Pu­ Cpl. Gabriel Tortessi, son of diocese for the sisters at the eblo, Del Norte, and the missions cese on Sunday, Aug. 13, follows: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Greco, is* spend­ orphanage. We ask you to meet of Conejos. ing a 15-day furlough from the air BISHOP’S HOUSE 325 W. ISth St. the generosity of the sisters with base in Sioux Falls, S. Dak., with your own super-abounding gen­ Pueblo, Colorado his parents. erosity. And may God bless you A Pontifical Mass of Requiem Aug. 7, 1944 Frank Mauro, Jr., son of Mr. for what you do for His little ones for Father Brunner will be cel­ To the Clergy and Faithful of the (Turn to Page tS — Column S) in His name. ebrated in Holy Trinity churcb, Diocese of Pueblo; Very sincerely yours in Christ* Trinidad, Friday morning, Aug. Beloved Brethren; 18, at 10 o’clock by Bishop J. 4* Joseph C. Willging, We are making pur annual ap­ Bishop of Pueble 2 Walsenburg Youths Are C. Willging. The Office of the Pikes Peak Gold Rush Led to Erection peal in behalf of the Sisters of Dead will begin at 9:30 a.m. St. Francis who have charge of our diocesan orphanage. They arc Father Brunner was born in in need of assistance now more Reported Killed in Action France 86 years ago and received Of New Vicariate of Colorado in 1868 than in former years, since they IS his education in the schools o f are required to provide for more Lorraine. After his ordination to dependent children committed to Walsenburg.— (St. Mary’s Par­ crash at sea according to a tele­ the priesthood he worked one year (History of the St. Wsiry Parish, planned it. Within thre^ years and priestly zeal. St. Joseph was them by the Catholic Charities of ish)— Two members of St. Mary’s gram from the Navy department in his native diocese and then Walsenburg, 1869-1944, by Rev after its construction this humble chosen as the patron of this the Diocese of Pueblo. They will, SEiSDELEO FOn parish recently have given their joined the Society o f Jesus. He Howard L. Delaney, Acting Pas­ of worship caught fire dur­ church. During his residence there therefore, be the beneficiaries of to his parents. He was graduate the collection to be taken up lives in the service o f their coun­ from St. Mary’s high school in came to America in 1884 and was tor) ing the solemn procession held on he opened and successfully con­ try. They are William L. Zanon, assigned to the Ct>lorado-New PART 11 the Feast of Corpus Christi, and ducted a school. After about two throughout the diocese on next 1941, and for a time worked for Sunday, Aug. 20. aviation machinist’s' mate second the United Air Lines in Cheyenne, Mexico missions. The growth of the Territory of was quickly reduced to ashes. years of this He returned to Wal­ class, and Pfc. Thomas M. Dunich. Father Merles Arrives senburg a.s assistant to Father Visitors to the Sacred Heart L Wyo. He entered the service in His longest assignment away Colorado as a whole had been so Zanon, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. 1942. Besides his parents, he is sur­ from Southern Colorado was in Sa­ considerable during the decade fol­ Father Louis Merles was born Merles. The two parishes were orphanage are impres'sed *hy the J. Zanon, was killed in a plane vived by tn'o brothers, George of cred Heart parish, Denver, where lowing the Pikes Peak gold rush in Le Puy, France, in 1829. After reunited, with the boundaries of splendid management and unspar­ Walsenburg and T. Sgt Arthur he was assistant for 16 years. He that a more definite and localized completing his course of theologi­ the county being the parish boun­ ing sacrifices of these religious Trinidad.— Regi.stration for first Collecliou Report Zanon, army medical corps, in the also taught for a time in the old ecclesiastical organization was rC' cal studies, he joined the congre­ daries. 'While he served the parish women. They not only administer graders in the Holy Trinity acliool South Pacific; and by two sisters, Sacred Heart college in Morrison. quired. Accordingly, Colorado was gation of Marist Fathers. He was in Walsenburg the second time. to the individual needs of the chit- will take place on Tuesday, Aug. separated from the then Diocese an extraordinarily good preacher, Father Percevault accepted a posi ^ e n in matters pertaining to their 22, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Regis­ Mrs. Robert Patterson of Walsen­ Always known as a zealous Made by Chancery o f Santa Fe, and erected as the and he used his talents in tion as teacher in the public .school''fspiritual and physical interests. tration for high school students burg and Miss Mary Zanon of Den­ priest and a wise and prudent ver. Vicariate of Colorado, Father Jos giving missions, and in preach­ for about two years. He left the but owing to the man-power will take place on Monday. Aug. confessor o f priests, sisters, and ing courses of Lenten and Advent diocese in the spring of 1876, and shortage they have been obliged 28, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Classes The following report of the in- Dunich, son of Mr. and Mrs. eph Machebeuf was con.secrated the laity, he is remembered by sermons. In 1863 he arrived in made his way to Arizona. ifm priests’ collection, taken up John Dunich, died as the result of Vicar Apostolic of Colorado Aug, to do much of the manual will begin on Wednesday morn­ countless people as the “ Angel of New Mexico, and was made assist­ wounds sustained in the battle for 16,1868. He had all too few priests Rule of Thumb Location labor, working unlimited hours. ing. Aug. 30, at 9 o ’clock. July 2, in the Diocese of Pueblo, the Bedside,’’ He was especially ant to the 'Very Rev. P. Eguillon is made by the Chancery Oflfice: Saipan. He was reported wounded to satisfy the demands o f the many After the fire, which destroyed They work patiently and un­ The first day o f classes for chil­ devoted to the poor, and was.more new parishes, for which there was in Santa Fe. In February of 1865 dren from the second to the PUEBLO PARISHES: on June 25, and died' on his birth­ complainingly and untiringly in than a friend to the poverty- Bishop I^m y appointed him pa.stor the original church. Father eighth grade will be on Tuesday, Sacred Heart Cathedral....? 157.00 day, June 28. He was bom June such a crying need. their labor of lore for these stricken among the people of Span­ of Costilla, N./Mex. It was a new Merles quickly .set about the 28, 1923, in Walsenburg and en­ Huerfano county, too, during underprivileged children. They Aug. 29, beginning at 9 a.m.- Mount Carmel ...... ,...... 93.25 ish descent, thousands o f whom parish,-and so he had to start prac­ erection of another building. But St. Anthony of Padua’s.... 36.30 tered the service on July 2, 1943. these years was rapidly increasing make no personal solicitation K. of C. Program Planned have been cheered and have ex­ tically from the beginning. There beginning a church and completing (TumtoPagtlS — Columh 5) (Turn to Page IS — Column 1) in population. This meant that as d£ some other communities en­ Several members of the Knights perienced an attraction to God was at the time an adobe church, it were then, as now, two different gaged in similar work. They have from contact with the gentle something had to be done to pro­ things. His plans did not come to of Columbus met in the home of vide the Catholics with more fre­ but nothing else— no sacred ves­ merited the respect and admira­ Hugh V, Giltncr, grand knight priest sels, no vestments, no house. His immediate fruition. A new location tion of non-Catholics by their gen­ quent and regular religious serv' was chosen, one which most suited Sunday evening, Aug. 13, to out­ PUEBLO He celebrated his golden jubilee ices. It also meant that the time parish included the care of San erous and self-effacing spirit. Nor line a program for the’ coming as a Jesuit in 1933. A t that time Luis, Trinchera, Rio Colorado, and the Bishop, the priests, and the is their work unappreciated by our when a priest could be supported laity. Though it \Vas undoubtedly a year. 'Those present were J. F. he had celebrated 17,615 Masses Huerfano county. As has been re­ Catholic people* who have always Torres, August Juarez, Martin had been reached by the commu pleasant site, later events proved Hour BiuinetM Is Appreciated He celebrated the 60th anniver­ marked previously, he made almost been eager to help these sisters Rersano, James Castellano, and THE-D. E. BURKE nity. it a rather unwise choice. A piece sary o f his ordination in Holy monthly visits to this county be­ in time o f need. An opportunity I Mike Castellano The Palace Drag Go. Plumbing & Heating Co. Trinity church on July 7, 1942. Our Lady of> Seven Dolors tween the years 1866 and 1869. A of land was purchased from Miguel He was blind at the time, but was In the fall of 1869 Bishop Mache- few of the old residents still living Leon. Since this was bought before 318-320 N. Santa Fe Ave. able to be present at the Solemn bcuf established the Parish o f Our here were baptized by Father the government survey, the man­ The Store Repair Work a Specially Mass sung for him by the Rev. Lady of the Seven Dolors in Wal­ Merles on his visits during this pe­ ner o f describing and locating it PUEBLO senburg. Father Joseph Perce- on what passed for an official doc­ Phones 27-28 406 IN. Main St. Office Phone 909 Charles McDonnell,'S.J. On that riod. Father Robert Gara.sou was occasion Father Brunner was able vault was appointed as the first appointed as his assistant in 1868. ument in those days is rather in­ DUIVDEE to give his blessing and to say a pastor. Father Percevault had, of In June of 1871 Father Merles teresting. The deed reads: “ This BILL MCGOVERN’S few words to the assembled priests course, neither church nor chapel was appointed pastor of Walsen­ Identurc, made and entered into CLEAIVERS A SERVICE .STA-nON and congregation. in his new parish, and so he set burg. His name appears on the this twenty-fiwt day' o f Augrust, in BEAMAN John Gorish about the business of building one. the year of Qur Lord, One Thou­ DYERS baptismal records of the parish for Z5th * Ellzsbsth 8ti. PhoBs KtS Phillipe GAS ROOFUVG The necessary ground was pur­ the first time on Aug. 1, 1871. The sand eight hundred and seventy- © Mercantile chased from Joseph Bourcy for the three, Between Miguel Leon, the P. E. WYNDr.E. Prop. OILS AND CREASES Insulation • Weatherstrip parish was divided about this .same WK RETUR.V EVKRYTBIN'G BUT WASHING — LfBRICATION Thanks Sent by consideration of ?50. The site is time into two parislies. Father party of the first part, and- Louis THE DIRT lith anti Grand Streata SOS GrtaO At*. PotbU. Cal*. Meats and Groceries now occupied by a store on the Joseph Percevault received the Merles and Joseph Percevault, the northwest comer of Seventh and parties of the second part, (all of PHONE 305 1200 S. Banu Fe Ph. 1934 Huerfano portion. He made Los Father Bottler Main. Chavez (near Gardner) his head­ Heurfano Coiinty, Colorado Terri­ THATCRER This first church was a jatal quarters. A neat little chapel tory) Witnesseth, that fpr and in ST. MARY’S building. To build a jacal, logs erected there testified to his energy (Turn to Page IS — Column 5) BLOCK DRUG To Benefactors are placed upright side bv side in SHELTON BRYAN. M»r. HOSPITAL a shallow trench. After the doors, Robinson Bros. CONDUCTED BY windows, and roof are finished, “AN ETHICAL PRESCRIPTION MAJOR PHARMACY" In a letter to Bishop J. C. Will- the logs are plastered with adobe. Pfc. Nicholas Manzanares Sisters o f CharitT Even to this day a person driving n^ONE 2« M l QUINCY PHONE 4TII jging o f Pueblo, Chaplain Francis DAIRY about the county will see a number J. Bottler, priest of the Diocese of Pure Milk and Cream C o f these old jacal structures still Pueblo and formerly assistant in existence and in use. The selec­ Killed in Battle on Saipan Phone 8 6 2 ‘Untouched by Human Hand’ pastor of St Mary's church, Wal­ tion of the site for the church was ROBERT S. FARIGY made before the execution of the PRICE CLEANER Home Delivery senburg, who is now with the FLOUR town plat, “ made by Theodore F, Monte Vista. — Pfc. Nicholas in the South Pacific, which in­ MONUMENTS AND DYER ■ WE SELL FRANCIS armed forces in New Caledonia, Braun and filed for record in the Manzanares was killed in action in cluded the battle of Kwajalein CRAVE MARKERS NO ODOR-NO DELAY—N O / Atoll, and the Marshall islands REGRET ICE CREAM The standard of quality for expresses his appreciation for the office of the county clerk and re­ the battle for Saipan, according to 707 S. Main St. - Phone' 260-W corder, said County of Huerfano, word received Aug. 9 by hLs par­ campaigns. A Requiem High 62.5 Court St., Pueblo Phone 59 713 E. 4ih St. rosaries and medals sent him from perfect baking. on the 20th day of October, 1873.’’ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Man- was sung for him in St. .lo.seph’s the people of Colorado through the church on Aug. 17. In addition to Pueblo Chancery office. Though this temporary structure zanards of Monte Vi.sta. A mem­ his parents he is survived by five HDORS. FOR SEA FOODS was small, it was large enough for ber of the St. Joseph’s parish be­ He intends to write to each fore he joined the marines on Dec. brothers and sisters in Monte donor personally and express his the needs of the congregation at For Thrifty Buyers the time. In the rear of the build­ 20, 1941, he had been stationed in Vista. •_ I GROVE DRUG STORES thanks for these articles, which San Diego, Calif., and New River, He is the fourth member of the' mean so much to the boys in serv­ ing there were separate rooms for BERIVSTEIN BROS. the u.'*Bar*l Auto Repair*, Groaiinc, iS H Q E r ^ since D-day, June 6. Pvt. Mar- the continuation and propagation while the latter is on vacation in O’BRIEN PRINTING & STATIONERY CO/ Car WuUna Aug. 20, 1944 his native land, Canada. 4S7 •^VMART ^ tinee, a paratrooper, i» the ton of of the human race. It is also the •TOBAGB OPEN 1* HOUSa A OAT CoU. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Martinea o f 12th Sunday after Pentecost Phone 603 Pueblo 114 W. Sih St. N. fundamental economic unit For in Sunday Masses are at 7:30 and Bldg. Del Norte. Flpreac«_...St. Bea^ct’s Pariah (TumtoPagelS — Columns) 9 o’clock.