Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations MINORITY PROBLEMS TO RE DENVER PARLEY TOPIC I Contents Cot>yri{:hted by ths Cstholie Press Society, Inc. 1944 — Permission to Beproduee, Except on 2-Year NCSSS Scholarship Articles Otheirwise Marked, Given A fter 12 M. Friday Following Issue Leaders in Programs Will Be Sponsored hy ACCW D EN V ER C A TH O LIC Spanlsh-Speaklng Denver Girl Will Gompolilion for Fine Award Will Be Open to People Will Confer Recite Final Vows Girls of Archdiocese; Honor is Worih Archbishop Vehr to Be Sponsor of Momentous Total of $1,600 REGISTER Conference to Be Held in Regis A two-year scholarship to the National Catholic School The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We Hava Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller of Social Service in Washington, D. C., will be sponsored Services, Photo Features, and Wide World Photos. College Oct. 17 to 2C by the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women, it was an­ nounced this week by Mrs. J. T. Tierney, president. The A five-state conference on Spanish-sp^king people VOL. XXXK. Wo. 51. DENVER, COLO., THURSDA^ AUG. 17, 1944. $1 PER YEAR scholarship, which is open to Catholic girls of the archdio- of the West and Southwest, the first of its kind to be held cese .who have the proper qualifi­ in Denver, will open in Regis-college Oct.-17 and conclude cations, will be awarded on a com­ T n - h A C i r l f William M. Hutton, first sergeant o f the 3700th base unit Oct. 20. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr will be the sponsor of the petitive basis. It is worth $1,600, i C t l'l v -/I 44> X XVtC-fVj jjj Denver headquarters o f the Army Air Forces Western and includes tuition and board and Technical Training Command, dodged Japanese bombs from a hospital bed in Hawaii the day o f the PearlHarbor invitational event that will draw members of the Hierarchy, room for two years at the school, sneak attack. Sgt. Hutton, first donned a uniform at Fort Logan in 1912, Shown with hipi at his eminent authorities on the race question, and selected iMd- which is affiliated with the Cath­ sk Is WAC 1st Lt. Helene W. Van Zandt, left, adjutant o f the base unit, and Mrs. Winifred Bell, 25- ers from Texas, California, New Mexico, Arizona, and Colo­ olic University of America. or-old secretary in headquarters o f the AAFWTTC.— (Official USAAF photo by AAF Training Com­ rado, and perhaps a group of notables from other states mand) _________ Still Vivid The girl who is selected for the cast and west. scholarship will be chosen on the basis of her scholastic qualifica­ It is estimated that over 1,500,- Posthumous Award tions, Mrs. Tierney has announced. To Catholic 000 Spanish-speaking people live Graduates of any college are eli­ the five-state area, apd the Urged for Officer gible. Applicants should submit conference topics will be devoted a written brief of their training, 1st Sergeant to the problem of racial discrim­ including age, address, college ination against Latin-Americans, work, degrees, school, etc., to Mrs. (By Sgt. Charles Lehman, the development of leadership Tierney at 785 St. Paul street, among this oppressed people, and Six years o f preparation will be Denver, before Sept. 1. The can­ Staff Writer, AAF Western climaxed Saturday, Aug. 19, when Technical Training the creation of an official com­ didate selected from among the mittee" to co-ordinate welfare pro­ the former Miss Honors Manuel applicants will be chosen before Command) (above), a 1938 graduate o f An­ grams, to obtain better social leg­ Sept. 30 by a board consisting of Early one Sunday morning nunciation high school, Denver, islation, and to attempt a solution the RL Rev. Monsignor John R. in 1941 a ruddy, genial first will make her' profession o f final of basic problems of insecurity af­ Mulroy, archdiocesan director of sergeant lay in a hospital bed vows as a Sister o f Good Shepherd fecting the Spanish-Americans, in Catholic Charities, chairman; the and gazed out the wmdow at in the community’s mother-house the beautiful Hawaiian morn­ the West and Southwest. in St. Paul, Minn., with the name Rev. Elmer J. Kolka, associate di­ rector of Catholic Charities; Dr. ing. Nothing unusual in the Actively co-operating in the Sister Mary St. Marguerite. A vigmette— yet every known conference will be leaders from daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. 0 . D. Paul Kettrick, president of Lo- retto Heights college; the Rev. emotional and human in­ the Social Action department of Manuel o f 4707 Josephine street, terest factor went to work in the National Catholic" Welfare she had declined the scholarship Hubert M. Newell, archdiocesan a few moments. Conference in Washington and the awarded her to Colorado college in superintendent o f schools; Mrs. It was Dec. 7, 1941— and Office of the Co-ordinator of In­ order to eiiter upon a religious Ella Mullen Weckbaugh; and Mrs. 1st Sgt. William M. Hutton ter-American Affiers. State offi­ career. In the past two years. Sis­ M. J. O’Fallon, the latter two long was then 59-years' old. Sud­ cials also will participate. Much of ter M. St. Marguerite has taught identified with the ACCW. denly the Japanese came the program and plan of arrange in the Good Shepherd schools o f Will Serve Agency ments- will- be handled bj» the Rt, Dubuque, la., and Helena, Mont. over and attacked Pearl Har­ Of Archdiocese bor— they threw the United Rev. Monsignor John R. Mulroy Mrs. Manuel will be in .St. Paul (Turn to Page — C olum n i ) for her daughter's profession. Tlie States into a second World The one who wins the scholar­ war— wounded two convales­ religious is a niece o f Mr. and Mrs. ship will be asked to work for some cent soldiers sleeping next to John J. Shea, 315 Vine street, social agency imonsored by the Sgt. Hutton— and paved the Denver. Her brother and sister, Archdiocese of Denver upon com­ Schools to Open way for additional service Lt. Ransome (Bud) Howe, 31, Kenneth and Sally, attend Annun­ pletion of her two-year course, it for a regular army man who (above) has been rerommended ciation school. was pointed ou t The personnel Tuesday, Sept. 6 first donned a uniform in for the posthumous award o f the needs of the archdiocesan Cath­ Distinguished Service cross, accord­ 1912. olic Charities have become acute in ing to word received by hit wife, One Son Stationed Stationed in Denvar The parochial elementary recent years with the enlarge­ Mrs. Margaret Howe o f 2717 King Now first sei^eant of the and high schools of the Arch­ In Regis College ment of the program. It is with street, Denver. Lt. Howe, as re­ 3700th base unit in Denver diocese of Denver and the Dio­ the intention o f meeting this situa­ ported previously in the Denver headquarters of the Army Air cese of Pueblo will open Tues­ tion that the scholarship program Catholic Register, died June 13 of Archbishop's Archbishop Presides at Funeral Mass Forces Western Technical day, Sept, 5, it was announced is sponsored by the ACCW. wounds received June 9 in the Training Command, Hutton Wednesday by the Rev. Hubert FiERIL RUES Guild Busy Normandy invasion. Lt. Howe en­ The National Catholic School of Newell, superintendent of Cath­ is rounding out three decades tered the army in May, 1942. Be­ Social Service provides a program of army service in the city olic education in the state. in social work training that em­ John B. McGauran Once One According to advance en­ tides hit wife, he is survived by from which he first enlisted his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. bodies tl}e philosophy and culture so many years ago. rollment, this year’s term will of the Catholic Church. The school lyRRISRINGS IRE see the largest school attend­ Howe of Wheat Ridge. A Requiem lELD FOR FAIRER “ I joined up at Fort Logan High Memorial Mots will be song is accredited by the American As­ six years before the last war,” ance in the history of Catholic Of State’s Great Orators education in Colorado, Father Friday in St. Mary Magdalene’s sociation of Schools of Social Sgt. Hutton said, “ and left Newell declared. church with the Rev. James P, Work, and offers graduate train­ soon after for duty with the ing in generic social work and in Flanagan as celebrant. OFT MOVED TO E A Solemn Mass o f Bequiem was Philomcna’s church delhrcted the quartermaster corps in Ha­ the specialized fields o f child wel­ waii. Airplanes were quite a fare, family welfare, group work, celebratedelel • in• the• Church- • o f■ the■ funeral sermon. Final absolution novelty then, never Widely Known as Retreat Director medical social work, public wel­ Holy Ghost, Denver, for John B. was given by Archbishop Vehr, The funeral of Michael Francis dreamed I’d be in the same fare, psychiatric social work, and McGaurant long a prominent lay­ The Rt. Rev. David T. O’Dwyer Kecnoy, husband o f the late Mrs. ot 29 years later to witness social research. OF CIIECOISIS man, on Monday, Aug. 14. Mr. and a half dozen other priests Ellen Cavanagh Kecnoy, and McGauran died Aug. 11 in St. were also in the sanctuary. the attack on Pearl harbor.” Fr. Bernard J.
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