Bunnell & Tanner

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Bunnell & Tanner The Ingham CouiityJ^ews. Tro8aclu,,tha^. I determined to purchase soine cows would generally be worth from |10 to MISCELLANEOUS. nuttt'ci.in. of the>bmp,''and forward;them toyLiferpool to f 2fi apiece more than ordinary cowsa , n 'IMom iWaol'i' WooiJ • •'... puitLisuiD WEEKLY, AT f Imy ••• •alrilaf.. kjr k. V. to be shipped with a lot of animals I eebt ., After the reading of the essay there was I am prepared to pay the highest market price in eaih: for-an nnliinited amount of iiome that'year,. .1'was recomhiended to a: some discussion.upon the iiamesubject. Bunnell & Tanner. •' I Mason, Ingham County, Mich. W*Mii light, clean wool. .Headquarters at J. L. & Mr. McQiegoi-'as tho best person to get them Wm. M. Webb joined the Club. ! \ JBSB 26, 1S75. biis S. freight depot. from;,after quiten toilsome journey, and Club adjourned until the first Saturday in TERHS.—Ono yimr, S1.50; H1.<C inontliii, OTcte.; TbrClubuet in .their rooms with Prosi- 4w; 0. E, EATOH. making my wishes known, McGregor said he August. E. P. RowB, throe months, 40 cts.; niwiiys in ndvuiico. tfent Wood iu.tbeclialr. would let me. have them with pleasure and 11 you don't bolluve this, Just step In at PoBTAos to enbiicribora living ontaido of tho Some timeiWM ipent in discussiag tbo Secretary, pro. Urn. the main outlay would be tho expense of tho eounty 15 cts pur your. •Wool!,.. , ., , pIowiDR match, held last , Saturday, and getting them to Liverpool as the sheep thei)i- BitaM TranflBn. NEW GOODS Just Received ! f To SunspBiiiBnB -A Bliiolc X on this paper I am in the wool m'arlcet again aa whether it wa« beat to keep two heavy horses Indicates thiit y'oiir »iii)«c'rii>tlon'wiii oxpiro• 0" w'ilwith selvea were of little' value, upon inforroihg usual and want to buy 100,000 lbs of good ' or three light oneii., The condnaion was The following are the Real Estate trans­ ouumpru imniuur. A Ultiu x ludicatus tha" t' it him that I wanted them for mutton sheep in ban all rouily vxiiirod light open wool for which I will pay the reacbed that it would.be better and cbenper actions recorded in the buoks of the Regis­ CORNER GROCERY! ' America upon cultivated farms, where Ihey Address all letters to higbeat price, ,. N, A. DoNHiKa. (0 lieep two heavy ones. would be cared for as domestic animals ter of Deeds of Ingham county for one week Borne talli was bad in reeard to] vlsltini; KITTUB.DGE, should be, ho said "you had better take tho ending Saturday, June 26th, 1876, where the. Wliero VOL. XVII.~NO. 30. MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, JULY 8,1875. WHOLENO. 861; the AcriGulluraliCoUegp, I'liis will probably 100 PAIRS TWO-BUTTON KIDS MASON MIOUIUAN. E^A full line of furniturealSAoKBioBB'i. South Downs for' they possess all the ad­ cousideratlou is (400 or over. be done after bar*eiti I vantages as to quality of mutton when fed on H. T. Allen to Arnold Walker, pa-' ,.* 1.. Mr. A. f. Wood fevpred the cJub with tho A NO. I tho same food, and will produce a great deal 8 block 7, Leslie, 11,500. •« 01 loi In all shades of Drabs and Browns, at 00 cents TOWN AND COUNTY, THE niSOIl BACG8. following inierettingeasay oil Dairying. In ncmorlan. the Chicago Musical College, which contains Hand Rakes !•. cenll. Champion of the more of it." John 'fhorbnrn to H ', n.i„t,i n .».«. ..« P. M. Vandercook The claim of P. Nice of $88,21, for work u. ,«OOD!B> aBB^r, -.„,i„_ 00 11.1 — J' Haignt, 'i acres on A Fair MIendance and LOIB of Sport. Catherine II., wife of Rev. F. B. Bangs, a rare collection of vocal and instrumental on bridge etc., was presented and referred to Harvest Groin Cradles $3.60, Scythe and Nest, I will speak of Ayrshires. This, section al, Ali" _J„_ tann per pair. Beautiful, growing weather. music, As everybody already knows the third and daughter of Doctor £. and Fanny Webb Finance Committee. Snaths, Hay and Straw forks very low. All •OenttimmoflheClut! '•' ' breed of cattle originated in the county of 1 -V-"" ^.oiyra, guardian to Royal C. Rolfe, Various cross wallis are being repaired, to annual meeting of the Ingham County Horse wag bom in Lockport, N. Y., Slarch 1st, al T, HoFFHAN'8 Dansrillo. 850-tf By your request'I have consehtcd lo say a Ayr, Scotland. They have been bred fornearly On motion (he council adjourned until next •nU acres of land on section 26, Aurelius, wliich no one will object. Fair Association was held on the three last 1823.. She came to the then ter'itory of OI;B TKAOHBBB.—The School Board of bur « * • lew words on the subject of Dairy Stock. Monday evening al 71 o'clock. a century and have been imported to • sc' £1,400, days of last week in this city. The weather Michigan with her parents in 1824, 'Xhey High scliool, have received a letter from E^Lumber wanted in e.xchange for fur­ It seems haidly neoesBary to'cnll up llils Hub- HOUIH forth, nnd lie will show you N. E, VAM VBANKEM, City Clerk. extent into the United States, and ^ ^^° ' Julia A. Rolfe to B.C. Kolfe, 100 acres, Willinms' new store on Maple street ia be­ for the most part was pleasant; one or two settled first in Farmington, afterward remov­ Prof. H. S. Reed, stating that he accepts niture at C. H. SACLBIDBB'S Ject so soon after the able and'inloresling es- — 1^1 limited number have been iiVtrodueevi into section 25, Aurelius, 9700. ing rapidly pushed on towards completion. short showers occurred on the last day, ing to Adrian wliere she was married to her their nlfer of $1,125 to teach another year. FroM Norlb Aurellai. ^ eajr read,'a few weeks 8ince;'l)y onr prncllcal this State. Thoy aro rather sraal! 'm size but which, however, did not prevent the races II. E. Egbert to J. B. & Ann E. Waldo, Mr. C. 0, Dennis, of this city, an employe now bereaved husband, January 0th, 1842. The professor wished $1,250, or 250. more Fresh White Fish. : dairyman R, F. Qriffln, wbilo I am hot a weigh well for their height niid length, some- lot 5, block 18 Waldo's 2d add. Williamston, from going on as usual. The number in at­ than he received last year; but the Board Jin.r 1st, 1875: in the government printing oflice at Wash­ For thirty-three years she has patiently And Trout at the Palace Grocery I practical one. But the experiences i^f dif­ what paunchy, and thoie is considerable tendance throughout the races was small £500. ington, is home on a vacation. and faithfully endured the privations and were unwilling to pay so much, but finally North Aurelius still keeps even, if not a ferent persona do not always ngroe.'nnd if I waste us hoof, good backs, heavy hiud quar­ AtpriniK Unit can't lio beat. compared with last year, but as large as was J. D. SWART. Leonard Qillman to SufTinna Freeman, .KverytliliiK In the lino of done tlie work of an itinerant pnator's wife. agreed to Oder him the price which he his little ahead as usual. make mistakes and you' discoyor tlicni, tho ters, fine head and necks, but thoy cenerally, A very plensnnt ice-cream social was held expected, consideriiig the causes that arose now accepted. The professor is now at his southwest quarter of northwest quarter, She was converted at the age of 10, and con­ Mr. R. J. Bullen raised a barn June 20th, more atrongly the truth will be iinpressed on to prevent its being larger. The last day, Looking Glasses at SAORRiDKn's lack for quality, and have a h.,gh temper.' section 27, Onondaga, 91,000, at tlie Presbyterian church Inst evenins, nected herself witli tlie M. B. church. Her father's home in Parkville, St. Joseph coun­ After tile raising the "Quick Steps", and onr niinds, and consequently tho more good on which there would otherwise have un. Thej; have been bred entirely for tho dairy, Stephen Havens Jr. to Thomas Fear, which netted lots of enjoyment to all wlio religion was quiet, peaceful, constant. In ty. The school has done well in securing his "Wide Awakes", both of this place, played a may be derived. Failures often resultin as doubtedly been a groat crowd was interfered I^TFor Low Prices in Boots and Shoes go and in certam localities, lio r',,oubt, there are southeast <pmrtor of southeast quarter, sec­ GHOCEEIES attended and about (8. to the society, her husband's absencii from homo she faith­ services for another year as it has greatly game of "Union" base ball, four innings a mnch good as success, and it Is for thiii rea­ more good cows for. milk :,or the number of with by the great celebration at Lansing, and flourished under his successful management. side, scoring Wide Awakes 21, and Quick to • C; G. HnNTWOTOM'B. tion 28, Leroy 0400. Belden dc Rogers, of Brighton, are now fully kept up family prayer. son 1 have undertaken to write; nnd wherev­ heifoi'S raised thau m ^uy „ihor breed. In 26 PIECES VICTORIA LAWNS at 26 cents per yard. Can Imobtained tlicro In iiuiillly nnd quan­ tho advent of Barnum's IIip|>odrome and Miss Emily 0, Ooodricli, of Concord, Jack­ Stops 10. R. C. Uolfo to B; H.
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