1 ^ . aad M m . CtoorK* Hm Mu of il« itriMt AM spondlng a TAeattoB on an automobile that wiU take them to Cape Orange Hall corporation la mak­ 1 and tbe Adirondack Moimtalna. ing plana for a big crowd at a WOliam W ilson o f Kpighton Repabticaii Tow n Committee Heakiaa ia manaiter of the Per- bingo party Saturday at 7:80 p. m.. the police s ^ that they were able Finance Company. in Ojeijaaement of Orange hall. The to aecure sufficient evidence to war­ committee haa arranged amoklng Street Held by Coort As rant binding over Stafford. His bond Does Not Endorse Candi­ "^Ur. and Mrs. John Korch of 69 atanda, lampa, glaaa. aeta, end table, placed at $2,000, waa not furnished The nex^ 60 pounda of augar, 60 gallona of oil committee will be Sept LANDON STARTS FEWER, BETTER Ki-' Weat Middle turnpike are visltinK and be la now In jail. New York, Aug. 30.— (AP) ' ttowe Caverna near OoblesklU, N. Y. and a quarter of a ton of coal aa Aid to Operator. Ernest Stafford ia aald by the dates, Plans Campaign. the town primaries. Secretary Roper o f the Com­ prtaea. police to have come to Glastonbury Following the meeting of the tows merce Department, returning SPANISH SHIP SEARCH Mr. and Mra. Alton Hall of 16 The corporation alao la aelllng from New York. He at one time committee the executive committee EAST TODAY ON from England today, said be LAWS, DEMANDS Summit atreet. with their children, ticketa for |6, to be drawn at the William Wilaon, 89, father of worked'aa an orderly in a hospital Executive and rally committees met and made plana for conducting found In a BriUab museum a let­ bingo party Saturday. Every mem­ the fall campslin. We answer with... are apendlng the week at Point o’ three children, living at 26 ^ Knigh­ in that state and In some way was were selected last night at the sec­ ter written April 32, 1798, by Wood*. ber of Waahlngton L. O. I* la nak­ able to get posseaaloi of Instru­ ond meeting this year of the Repub­ George Waahlngton to the Earl ton street, Manchester, was thla CAMPiU^TOUR COLONE KNOX ed to make retuma of ticketa aold ments to perform illegal operations, lican Town committee in the Mu­ of Buchan. It read in part; moming bound over to the Septem­ BRINGS REICH THREAl Policeman and Mra. David F. aa aoon aa poaaible. the police claim. nicipal building. No action was " I believe it la the sincere wish Galllgan and children of Delmont ber term of the Superior Court of Wilson's arreat came yesterday taken at the meeting In connection of United America . have noth­ atreet left thia morning for a motor Hartford County under bonds of after the caae of Stafford bad been with the endorsement of Republican Antique Glass Repablican Nominee Off On ing to do with political intrigues G. 0 . P . Candidate Talks trip to Mlnneapolla. POLICE COURT $1,800 by the Town Court of Glaa- dlapoaed of In Glastonbury Town candidates for town office this year. or the quabbles of Bhiropean na- Germany Informs MadrM^ tonbury, charged with being an ac­ Court. Wilaon waa taken to Glas­ Plans were formulated for con­ Lovers tioiu, but on the contrary to cessory before and after the fact, tonbury after the police officers had duct of the town and national cam­ Seven Day Swing Throngh change commodities end live In Abont Bosmess Regola- Dace Plays Lone Hand Henry Devlin, 51, an old offender, found him in the yard of bis home paigns thla fall. Members of the stop At peace aqd amity with all the in- Another of Her V em ^ waa convicted of dnmkenneaa In to. a criminal operation performed In Glastonbury. here. committee indicated an eagemeas to habltanta of the earth, and thla town court thla morning and waa THE BLUE SPRUCE Nine States; To Make Choice Gladiolus State Policeman Backlel, who haa start the drive which under the 1 am persuaded they will do If tkmi to Merchants; Tells aent to Jail for 30 daya by Judge The arrest and binding over fol­ Is Molested On the lowed that of Ernest Stafford, 66, of been Inveatigating the cases ia banner of lAuidon and Knox la ex­ GLASS SHOP rightly It can be done." In Neutrality Game I 35c and 50c doz. Raymond A. Johnson. Devlin was authority for the statement that the pected to bring out the largest Re­ -J> picked up on Parker atreet yeater- the Buckingham section of Glaaton- .167 Benton St. Phone 7052 Phtfonn Speeches. About Conhision. bury, who yesterday waa bouiih two have been engeged for some publican vote In Connecticut and the Manchester, Conn. Seas It WM Bring Serioiii^ K. A. KARLSEN day afternoon by Officer Raymond over by Judge Hunt under bonds of time In thla Illegal work and that nation In many years. PRINTS Roma, Aug. 30.— (A P )— Italy, re-,i>ticipants ta a demonstration of Griffin, following the receipt of a $2,000 on a charge of performing Wilson has been an accessory In Members of Committee Here Yon WiD Find Many Uably reported to be delaying da- prsctlcallty—of a motorised "war of T16 North Main St. Phone 7S86 complaint at the police atatlon. ESataa Park, Colo., Aug. 20.— Hagerstown, Md., Aug. 20.— an Illegal operation. other cases. But today there waa Thomas Ferguson was elected Rare Pieces fA Old Glass AUEN CAUGHT moblUzatlon of Class of 1914 re­ movement"—the type Mussolini bs- Consequences German 'IA P )—Uov. A lf M. Landon set out The arrest resulted from an but one charge made, that concern­ chairman of the executive commit­ and China. (A P )— A demand by Ctol. Frank cruits, was ready today to play a Ueves eventually will afflict Europe, Investigation of the condition of a ing the woinan now In the private tee, to be asslated by WUlUun J. today on bla maiden stumping tour Knox, Republican vlce-presldenttal lone hand ta European neutiw ty It was asserted hers. Small, concealed airfields behind woman In a private hospital In hospital in Hartford. Thornton, Robert J. Smith, Mrs. of the Presidential campaign, candidate, for "fewer and better negotiatlona coincident to the Span­ Warships Sent to Spam4 Hartford, who. It is claimed, had o yd. AFTER SEVEN ish civil war. Infantry Unas uf the southern ter­ LARGE — TASTY — ITALIAN imdergone an Illegal operation. The 3 6" wld» seven-day swing through nine states laws” regulating business today Premier Mussolini, authoritative rain designated for the “games” name of Wilson was mentioned. It controlling 177 of the 266 electoral filled a fresh page of his party's sources said, was deterrolnsd to housed dozens of Italy's modern W aters. Is claimed, by the woman. The State votes necessary for victory In YEARySEARCH campaign. present a strong front against any pursuit and bombing planes. Prince As Umpire police In working on the caae came Children are safer on November. Speaking In a sudden drenching possibility of Socialist government triumph In the civil war, even if be Crown Prince Humbert, umpire of GRINDERS to Mancbaater with a description of public thoroughfares The starting time from La Salle, rain, the candidate told a crowd In Berlin, Aug. 30.— (A P )— N a il; Shop Shqp the plsytag-St-war, set up head­ They're always frean. the man. Local and State policemen Colo., scheduled for 10:20 a. m., the fair grounds here last night that must do It Slone. Qermony, ta a curt ultimatum picked up Wilson Monday and quea- wearing bright colored Delay ta demobilization was ap- quarters ta s Franciscan monastory Take one along for (Moimtaln standard time) (12:20 p. Portngnese lived m Dan "regulation should not be aimed at Boeiallet Spain, warned Madrid tf^ >Ued to aviation and naval units, St Follonl. Innrh or on Sunday tlo n ^ him. clothes, according to m., c. a. t.) the control and direction of private 5~ 10« He waa not held at that time, but nfantry units, It was stated, al­ Delay of demoMllzsUon of Class day that German warship c o i^ picnic*. A nine car special train faced safeiY experts. So we're bory Honse and Always enterprise. Its objective should ready had been ordered d ls m ls ^ to of 1914 recruits, Informsa sources manders bad been commanded WE’RE OPEN SUNDAYS HALEYS HALE’S eastward on a route that will take be to guarantee fair play. For a sure you mothen will make way for the Class of 19.,6. stated, was applied to aviation and take "all means" to prevent oa^ him through Colorado, Nebraska, time, the American people were This step was termed character­ naval units. Land units of this class, For For These Thurs. welcome cur ABC Iowa, Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Escaped Throngh a Secret hypnotized by the Idea that the repetition of such incidents at' tb$§ istic of n Duce— emphuslzlng dlplo- it was statsd, already had bean or­ reported search of tbe Reich’s line SPRUCE ST. BAKERY Percales in new Sate-T- New York and Missouri before government could do everything but matio policy with military prepared­ dered dtsmiasad to maks way for 207 Spruce Street winding up at Topeka, Kas., ml'd- they did not stay hypnotized. They Kamerun on the high seas. ALL W AYS Goset That Led Ontside. ness. the Class of 1918. The official German news Canning Tone* prints. So bright night, August 27. "W e can do it to London and back w ay .under 48 hours," Dick Merrill have decided that a government Meanwhile, Italy ordered 300,000 Italy’s military precautions, In­ H o u s e h o l d The trip, the first of four Re­ (left), veteran transport pilot, and Harry Rlohman, famous entertainer, which makes even little pigs flee for has announced the Kamenm that they'll stand out troops Into war game maneuvers st formed sources said, wars based on halted and searched by SpanlA And Always publican advisers have under con' chortle os they prepare to take off on a projected round trip flight their lives is a peculiar ktad of gov- Avelllno. Troops of the Naples and No matter bow you look at It anywhere. School days slderation, called for more than 30 Hartford, Aug. 20.— (A P )—Carlos between New York and Liondon. Flying fans are seen Inspecting their ernmenL emment war vessels outsids Needs Specials Bari corps arts comprised utt par- (OentteMd oa Tags Two) territorial waters, off Cadi*. you’U always be aatladed with our ara almost here, so eome rear platform appearancea before Almeida, In Hartford county Jail $96,0(X) monoplane (below) at Floyd Bennett Field, Brooklyn. "They have decided that the na­ tional government does not have to Today’s brusque InstrucUm^ ihoe repairing In price and qual­ in and let's gel going. the train draws up at Middlesex, awaiting an order from Washington Pa., Saturday for the candidate's build a dog pound ta Memphis, graphed by the Hitler govern, ity. to deport him, today had time to re­ a* A tv to u e German charge d’a ffa lra i''! first of three speeches In the Key­ Tenn., with marble shower baths." r Madrid, ordered him to warn stone state and New York. flect on the hectic life of a stowaway "There are three simple standards YOUR MONEY BACK Spanish government that Off today’s schedule were stops who succeeds In entering the United which should govern the Federal GUBERNATORIAL RACES Sam Yulyas IF THEY FADE States and for seven years, dodges government's conduct," be asserted. will hold It responsible for "an at three points In Colorado and sequences" growing out of any SHOE REPAmiNQ SERVICE the government agents who have a "The first Is simplicity. We should > 5 _ nine in Nebraska before reaching tar Incident ta the future. Omaha for an overnight halt and reputation for getting their man. not have the endless confusion and 701 Main St. Johnson BlocU Immigration Inspector Almanza complexity and milling around and TIED WITH BIG DRIVE Offletal Statooieat breakfast conference with Nebras­ A communique Issued by tbe ka party leaders tomorrow mom-'' Tripp of Hartford got his man thla general hullaballoe that now Char­ week, although he had to take time acterizes our national government." elgn office stated; tag. “The Oerman government Ends Vacation off from his annual vacation to do Merchante Convention. it. With the elusive Almeida bebtafl The meeting was the annual con­ Thirty-four Contests Are On after receipt of news of the ‘ Landon. closing a brief vacation WUNDER MAY LEAD created by the Spanish govern: EYES EXAMINED — GLASSES FITTED with bis family In the Colorado the bars, Tripp has rejoined hla fam­ vention of the United Retail Mer­ ily on vacation. chants' Association, made up of In connection vrith the Rocky mountains, rose early to Small Weekly Payments CALL A t the Federal building Roland business men from Maryland, Penn­ for This Fall; Candidates Kamerun, telegraphically AAR O N COOK motor 50 miles from his summer W. Kenney, another Inspector not sylvania, West Virginia and Vlr- OPPOSITION GROUP the ehorga d'affaires at Madrid iaCHARD STONE REED’S ENAMELED COLD PACK ranch to catch the train at La Salle on vacation, aald Almeida is a 33- ginla. Already Chosen m Twen­ protest ta the sharpeet form oga and Join members of his official year-old Portuguese who ctamlta tbe action of Spanish w a r a h ^ O P n O lA N To Buy or Sell CANNERS WITH ENAMELED COVERS t ik JW.IUU coi.> John R. Fisher, president of the vtotatlon of international law Special Clearance SALE party and approximatriy 80 Colora­ stowing away on a ship from Bra­ "Urma” estimated that alxty thou- 14-Quart Container with m anchrster Conn* do Republican leaders who got there anent, to give nottoe the WSa J. Hecgeeeait Opteanetrtet zil, arriving at New York, November eand were in the fair grounds before ty-One States. Onsted Towniend Official STOCKS OR BONDS 4-Jar R a c k ...... aboard at Denver. 1, 1929, at the direction of a profes­ man government will bold the 1 State XlMatec Bldg. TeL 4TM Nesco $1.00 the rata broke ten i^ u U s before Uh government reeponaltla tar After leaving La Salle, stops were sional smuggler to whom Almeida Knox was scheduled to speak. Representing 22-Quart Container with conaequeBoea growing out of Tropical scheduled for Fort Morgan, Sterl Is said to have admitted paying $860 The rata caught Knox, akmg with Says Thousands Plan to PUTNAM & CO. 7-Jar R a c k ...... $1.29 tag and Juleaburg, Colorado, and for the Job. Payroll of Paper Co. Waabtagton, Aug. 30.— (AP)>—As tkms or « i t e ^ - . ' Governor Harry Nice and two doMn so often ta the' past, ‘ the clashes rrh a OaraoBn 6 Centra) Row Oil 24-Quart Container with North Platte, 0 | ^ a la ; Kearney, Held For Pay ethers, oo the open qpesktag jptat-. Lmttagton, Grand laUw^- ,C6Twmi>n6, Kmhey said Almeida admitted at of personalities and issues ta ths Break Away. tha'SiMvttw: Hartford, Conn. Cook 7-Jar R a c k ...... 'forta. ■ ■ • ■ to Infonn the B: $1.49 Ciratral City, Schuyler and Fremont a 'bearing conducted by the taspeo- The colonel grinned, and took 84 gubernatorial contests thla fall Tel.: Evening 5501 321/2-Quart Container with before reaching Omaha at the set tor in Hartford yesterday that be “'Exceeds 1929 Figure bid fair to rival the Presidential that Oennaa wsrahij refuge momentarily under * tarpau­ ordered to protaet Day, Hartford 5-0151 9-Jar R a c k ...... $1.98 Thursday Spcielals hour of 10:10 p. m., (Central stand­ was held for three dajrs In a house lin at the side of the stage. Then campaign ta many sections. Boston, Aug. 20.— (A P )— An ia- ard time). in New York until friends paid the Candidates have now been chosen outside the Spanish soversin & j PiNEHURST- dial 4151 STOVES the public address system was con­ surgsnt Townsend group loomed from aimitar encroachments lii Leaving Omaha at 10 a. m., (CeU' smuggler the money for the Portu­ nected to a small Judges stand and ta 31 states. In some others, such here today with the announcement Short chimney, wickleaa blue flame stove-- guese. Kenney said Almeida de- Salaries And Wagres For First Seven Months tatlon of international taw with Freah Picked makes for fast and economical cooking. Direct Atlantic Cold Pack Canners tral standard time) tomorrow, the Knox delivered bis speech from os New York, where renomtaatlon of Dr. Clinton Wunder, ousted pen­ FRESH FISH From The Self Serve dared there were seven other alleni of Governor Herbert H. Lehman by tbe meana at their disposal." flame contact, ifotter, faater heat. Boiler type of heavy tin dJO TC f Landon special will take a route This Year Are Greater Than In Last of there. sion plan official, that bs would Isad More Worahlpa ' . YELLOW CORN tkrougb Iowa and lUtaois embrac brought on the same ship with hlml Rain Continue*. the Democrats late next month is Swordflslt Co4 with 6-Jar R a ck ...... • f O Townsendltes dlssaUsfled with the Seven additional German . and* Health M arket tag seven stops in the former and Boom Years; Number of Employees Is Also The rain continued to pelt down. taken for granted, the actual selee- plan's present policies. KUilnit Mackerel 21c dozen Picture Framing 3 Burner Stove (OontlDned on Page Eight) tlons will be but a formality. ships. It waa recalled, now three In the latter state before ar­ Larger-Than Seven Years Ago. Several thousand of the audience Dr. Wunder, aa original worker steaming to Spain. BostuiBliia U m a or Oranberty Beana for With Leg Levelers Jelly Glasses, tall or squat shape, Cf /"b _ GREEN STAMPS GIVEN IN ALL DEPTS- riving at Oilcago. were under the roof of the grand­ Reports from across the country with the plan’s founder. Dr. Francis Modern $ 13.50 ten an almost uniform story of at­ Their original taatruetkma Filet Haddock aooooteah. Regular $16.50 Stops In Ohio stand but others stood ta the open, B. Townsend, was removsc as a di­ to relieve other ships on duty ta dpzen ...... O v I C tempts by the major parties to ta- rector of the movement and as sast- Chowder and SteamlBK Styles With no appearance scheduled The total payroll distributed few with umbrellas, to bear the danger tone since July 36. Occldent by^M k for any faVors or concessions terloek their state oampalMa with em rsglonal director Aug. 8 after a Toaiur Jiffy Seals for jams and jellies; 1 _ for , the train will speed on NORRIS NOT HOME in connection therewith. However, ta view at tbe new To 2 Burner Stove eastward, with six stops in Ohio the Rogers Paper Manufacturing (Continued Page Eight) that for the Presidency. Here and dlroute with Dr. Townsend. 25 seals, 25 labels for ...... X v / C "W e are not aware of any other then questions like the Townsend velopments, their commandara SQUASH, 3 for 11c ’ Regular $13.50 Ssturdsy morning. company during the first seven Letters written him by hundreds Aasorted Cold Cuts- .45c lb. Preserve $ 1 1 .5 0 Para wax, paper company which is subjected old age pension plan ore getting have received new taitructlona. F L O U R _ j^ bag $1.25 Monday, the Landon party will go months this year waa in excess of of Townsend club members dtssatla- The whole situation was vii OauUSoWer Spinach Mantle shelf not Included. AS EXPERTS CALL to a similar charge. It has seemed attention comparable to that given Old lb. pkg...... to Chautauqua, N. Y., where the the firm's payroll during the same with ths utmost gravity ta di] Bteaey Yoong Oreen Beam Cabbage 1 2 ic entirely proper for us to resist, the records of the New Deal and of Sunbeam nominee will deliver bis second (Oonttaoed on Page Two) matio olreles. One non-Bui Memories Mason Jar Tops, period of 1929, before the stock through tbs use of every available THOMASAnACKS tbs out-gotag state administrations, FOWL, 29c lb. For Batlag or Cooking dozen ...... speech. Tuesday the party will go market crash and the beginning of means, payment of these charges. but without bard and fast party diplomat said: 30c "This traasfera the key Walghlag about 6-41-4 Iba. to Buffalo for the last speech Wed­ the depression. It was announced BubstaatliU Fsetor lines being drawn. Ideal Glass Jar Tops, O C — Salad Dvassing qt jar nesday night. ITutt same night the Drought Committee Wished olblUty from the ehancellary ta Gravenstein Apples Johnson Paint Co. Wear-Ever today. “ Ths question of whether our Finances Collected THB DBUCATB88EN DBFT. 699 Main St. Phone 6864 d ozen ...... train will head homeward on an The number of employees of the BOTH OLD PARTIES OLYMPIC OFnOAL Un and from Madrid to the hi Show Boat company la ultimately forced to With Democratic and Republican SCOOBSTSt 4 lbs. 25c Itinerary calling for 15 stops in to Interview Senator On Rogers company this year is In ex­ of erarahips ta the danger so Preserving Kettles pay for the treatment of Ita sewage, national finances being built up for See Blow te Nantrallty Fancy Baked Ham QUnois and Missouri, including one cess of the number during the last will be a substantial factor in de­ tbs Septembsr-October drive, a sub­ Made of extra bard, thick aheet aluminum. K 10c, 15c, 25c at Springfield, lUtaoia, for a visit of the boom' years, the figures dis­ COMMITS SUICIDE The German praaa, flrad to Roast Pork Loin Ohio Blue Tip Matches Conditions in His State. termining the future dsvHopment stantial share of the cosh la expect­ by the reported search of the' Toikey Loaf Veal Loaf Jar Rings, COFFEE lb 22e at the tomb of Abraham Lincoln. closed. and location at the company.” Socialist Nominee Declares ed to be allotted to the larger states 6 for 23c 10-Quart Kettle, regular $2.60 . .$1.89 Other HlghUghts Payroll statistics were obtained man ataamar, saw ta the taeldant „ Luxury Loaf d ozen ...... 8c Oerttfled ■ Payroll statistics for the first outside of the South which elect aavara blow to European neutrality/, 12-Quart Kettle, regular $2.76 . .$2.19 Other higbUgbts of the cross­ from the company In connection seven months of this year compared governors and have 149 of the 881* Stahl Meyer Liverwurst Olcott Corn Creamers and country Jaunt will Include a dinner McCook, Neb., Aug. 20— (A P )— with the probability that the firm An They Do Is to Criticize nagottattons. Prudence Corned Beef Hash 14-Quart Kettle, regular $2.95., ..$2.'49 with 1938, when the town purchas­ votes ta the Electoral College. These German in Giarge of Ath* The official Nasi paper Vodt*^ Cutters ...... 25c The Pfesldent's committee seeking will transfer its activities from ed the water end sewer systems are New York, with 47 electors; 21e can 17-Quart Kettle, regular $8.50.. ..$2.98 DUt Pickles 9Hv 1 5 c a long range plan to end drought Ictacher Boebaobter, ta a two-r Fancy Cots of Corned Beef, (OOBttBoed on Page ^ o ) Manchester If it la forced by U>e from Cheney Brothers, and with the Other Side. . lUtaots, 39; Ohio, 26; Michigan, 19 21-Quart Kettle, regular $4.85. .$3.59 damage swrmg northward totey ■treanwr aeroaa Its front poga Brisket - Chuck - Rump uii) Yan Oarap’a " " town to pay for the disposal of 1939, Just before the depression, Massachusetts, 17; and Iowa, 11. letes’ Village Despondent 24-Quart Kettle, regular $4.95„ ..$3.95 after paying a compliment to Sen­ aerted: Middle Rib and Rib Tea Garden Preserves waste water from its Charter Oak obtained in connection with the Twenty-six of the states whers “ Rad Spanish Pirates Search ator George Norris, Nebraska Re­ street mill, a charge from which It gubernatorial terms expire now Pieces. 1-Ib. ja r 27g 32 pc. Dinner Sets publican. Chairman Morris L. Chautauqua, N. Y., Aug. 20.' Over His Demotion. man Staamar on High Sea.". cans believed it was exempt under a (Oonttaned on Page Two) have Democratic administrations. The AUegemetae Zeltung hi In Washington Colonial pattern, floral centera MILK _ « AUTO REPAIR MEN Cooke and hla associates rang the (A P )—Norman 'Thomas, SocisUat Six are Republican, Minnesota Is 21 more than 40 years old contract candidate for President, declared ta lined its story “Gannan Bbl] with embossed ban^. Very Charming and Colorful Luncheon and doorliell at the Norris home here with Cheney Brothers. Farmer-Labor and Wisconsin Is un­ LOUIS S. JAFFE Service for Six. lost night. They were disappoint­ aa address at Chautauqua Institute Stopped by Spanish Pirates der the Progressives. However, the Berlin, Aug. 30— (A P ) The Setirohed" and pointed out that 891 Main B t Phone 8892 ed when they found he was on va­ Mr. Ray’s Statement here today that "the issue this year, parties fare election-day, a heavy Set ...... $3.98 head PROTEST NEW RULE Reich propaganda m talstn said to­ alleged affront to taternsUonal taw., cation In Wisconsin but sent him a President and Treasurer Charles more than ever Is Socialism versus turnover ta the personnel of the ex­ Dinner Sets Ceuliflower SEC. HULL TO HEAD day Captain Wolfdont ^eratm sr, may affect severely the ncutralt^j I f you like red for your color scheme you must telegram to "express our apprecia­ Ray, asked for a statement of his CapltaUsm.” ecutives already is certain. TweS' Registered The popular Polka Dot decoration In green and plans If the town assesses the com­ vice-commandant of the Olympic negottationa. see our 32-plece sets ^ t h red band decoration. . Sunldst tion of the standard of public serv­ "Whatever the shades o f differ­ ty tacumlients are not seeking re- village, bad committed suicide. red and green and blue, with colored lines to ences between the old parties", he "A t the time when queationa at ., tostch. Service for Six. ice which you have set and o f the pany for the sewer charge, replied election, because the state consti­ A t the same time It was learned State Law Obliges Them to PEACE DELEGATES said, "they win not avail to ksep us non-taterference and neutrality 0x4 ): Optician Set $3.98 idealism which has been your gtild- today as follow: tution limits the time one man can another popular figure ta the Olym­ tag star.” "The Town of Manchester has out of fresh economic catastrophe serve, or the governor aspires to being dlacuased, Spanish pirates at­ PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED 85-Piece Sets, Service for Six. ^ O O pic organization, (Justav Kuhne, bad tempt to force tbe law of aetlen SALE ORANGES G ose Thehr Places Sun­ The committeemen beaded to­ been awarded the right to assess or new war x x x any mors than the Kansas Republicans hope to i died suddenly, with the cause as yet Set ...... a ay upon other powers", the newspaper^ We have a eeleotfon of the new- Set Your Table With Our ward Chadron, Neb., today on a charges for handling our waste shades of difference between WUson the Senate, and for other reasons, Also some very pretty floral patterns. Large undetermined. stated. .V eet style trainee. 300 mile Jaunt. water, and the option to collect the Represents U. S. at All and Hughes avaUed to keep us out their governor, A lf M. London, go Kuhne, Inspecting chef of the OF MEN'S SHOES day; D ealers Inclnded. of World.War.ta. 1917." An editorial ta the Morgenpoat 85-Piece Sets, Service fo r Six. The temperature was near 100 same from .either (taeney Brothers to the White House. North Oerman-LIoyd steamship OompUmeatery Adjustments. or from the Rogers Paper Manu­ Thomas criticized American poli­ To date, none of the 14 seeking lines, had been chosen for an execu­ enUtled “Moccow's action", eharget; Sybilil Pattern Sflverware as the, committee members left JCari- the Soviet with responatl^ty tot= S e t ...... $5.98 EGG PLA N T e*ch 9« facturing company, American Parley to Be ticians for being specific only ta another term has been denied re- tive post on the village commissary Men’s Nunn Bosh With hollow handle statnleM knii^es. Cornea to sas yesterday. They traveled the incident and added "the lanxMte S P E C lA L t through western Kansas and vlslt- "W e do not w lA to comment on "crittciBm of the other party" which nomlnation. A few had or have staff because of his wide experience. you In a Royal Red Packette folder. Hartford, Aug. 20— (AP) —Auto- tance of this fact must not b e '— aoblle dealers or repair men found the JtisUce of the decision which Held in Buenos Aires. he said, “tends to give us campaigns contests on their hands, threatening Furstmer, the propaganda min­ $8.95 Grade 10% Off On AO Big Ben and fun of sound and fury, signifying party dlacord ta the campaign It­ istry said, had killed himself, "pre­ deresUmated. OXFORDS $ 6 - 9 S 16-Plece Streamline , for business next Sunday will (Oonttaued on Page TTwo) held us liable to the Town, nor to T h e Soviet policy o f taterferwioit Baby Ben Alarm Clocks. 26-Pioce S e t ...... $5.98 lose their licenses. State Motor Ve- nothing." self, Both Dakotas are In this cate­ sumably because of nervous strain HEALTH MARKET He said the "outatandlng ttlustra- and the violations of International Men's Nunn Bush hlde Commissioner cionnor warned gory. and overwork." Ton Can Niow Boy On the today. Wasbtagton, Aug. 20.— (APJ Uon of the evU of which I speak" Campaigning between the parties A spokesman, confronted with re- law by Spanish Marxists brought Budget Plan At Jaffe’s At Luncheon Sets Lost Sunday the first after the In keeping with the importance be waa furnished by the Rev. Charles about under Soviet influence, may;;^ White Inside, black outalde with four Unea In FuU Line Of E. Coughlin at the Townsend ]dan create a ' more serious situation ta $6.95 Grade NO EXTRA COST! commissioner called attention to attaches to the occasion. President (OonUniied on Page Two) (Oonttaoed oa Page Two) OXFORDSXFOI plailatinum., Alao In mahogany red with platinum $16.00 Drop Leaf Table statutes requiring Sunday closing, Frogs Mock Xylophone convention ta Cleveland. ISurope." In Black and Tan. iln

xtr iLtv.’t'' -- V - l » » » ° a » S I '«S STSMISO BERALD. UAHCaSSfipt-Bbsil;-THDHaiiT, AbODST i»,

groups has increased approxlmataly ---- — " ’ i''iL,.-.. ■ — . ■— -iiib iil I- • ’ • ""‘-l If 18.000. 000.000 since IM E The Fed­ were thrown into Long Island Sound RAPS eral Reserve bank o f New York dis­ ^^ers’ Latest Drama S im A N T FEVER NEWSPAPER GUILD MSSNG MAN'S iNAr when their sailboat capsised about closed that 900 corporations made a Coughlin m , Ordered to Rest PRICE REGiilLAtlON a mile off West Beach. Miss Loo­ net profit of 814,000,000 in 1932. by and Oompson' clung to the boat TACnCSOFFOE These same companlM in 1930, CASES DURING YEAR IS FOUND IN MERIDEN Acclaimed By Hundreds nearly three hours before two men made a net profit of 81,808,000,000, CENTER OF S1RIKE Fan Ticket Excepting Probate to a rowboat found them. Burleson A summary by the National City BILL EXPLAINED Candidate Likely to Be Filed sworn ashore, reaching the beach to Death hy AntofluMW Bank of the profits at 3,010 com­ Former Grocery Clerk Not Schenectady, N. Y., Aug. 19.— . Smith, 'Vermont farm boy who toon Monday Night. Just before his companions were Gas at Town Farn. panies showed earnings for 1938 of Seen Since Avg. 10-^ Caiue The reception of his new ploy, after migrating to western New rescued. 43 Attom y General D e ic e s 82.841.000. 000, an Increase of Board of Health Report ’’Moroni,” spurred Edgar Lee Mas­ York a century ago, proclaimed a New London.—Mrs| Katherine C ^ r cent over 1934." labor Dnioiu Come to De- of Death Not Yet Known. Trade Board Aononnees ters to work today on a new book, new ftdth. Its teachings, be sold, The Democratic Town Oommlttea Rudd, prominent to Connecticut par­ Ths gas ehombsr at tha which he said would be "of bio­ were Inspired in mysterious golden ent-teacher clrclea, died. I Refuse to Usts Number of Diseases Meriden, Aug. 20.— (AP)— Tha held a long eessloo at the Munici­ pound at tha Town Form was to nts graphical nature." tablets buried on Cumoioh bill near Hamden.—Dr. M. F. Morgan, feme of Mas Acemed of badly decomposed body o t Eugene pal building lost night The com­ yesterday afternoon for siaeatiM Many Are Ignorant of Masters, former Chicago lawyer Palmyra, N. Y „ In finding and chief of the soils department of the DUCE PLAYS LONE HAND Rosebush, 89, former Blbeau grocery mittee has 29 members and of this purposes. Five dogs with no dis­ in Town. turned poet and dramatist, was translation eff which he was guided Connecticut agricultural experiment coverable home or owner and wtth- Re?eal Hieir Program. Clark w to has been missing since number 20 were present Thomas Helpinf the Nektmea present last night at the world by the Angel Moroni. Donnaher, chairman of the commit­ station, told a crowd of 400 at tha out tags to show that thay had U- August 10, was found in Hemlock IN NEDTRALfTY GAME Provisions of New AcL premiere of ’’Moroni", an epic A moving story told with under­ tee, prealded. station’s annual field day that the censes to breath the air of Hsnohss- grove at 11 o'clock this morning drama based on the recorded life of standing humor and occasional F ly in g hoe been expressed by vegetable growing todue^ to Con­ ter or room the streets, wars seat BprluKfleld. HL, Au*. 20— (A P )— The report of the Board of about sixty feet from Hemlock road SeatUe, Aug. 20— (A P ) — The Joseph Smith, founder of the Mor­ flashes of slmost contemporary many raftered Democrats that a necticut is becoming larger. to the happy hunting grounds. The Attorney Oenerel Homer S. Cum- (Oontinued from Page One) Health for the fiscal year, Au­ not for from Columbus avenue. Washington, Aug. 20.— (A P ) —A mon faith. satire; "Moroni" relatea Smith’s full ticket should be placed to nom­ dogs have been impoundaci for ths a fln p today cballenjfed Republican gust 18, 1938, to August 18, 1936, Seattle Central Labor Council came Medical Examiner H. DeForest statement explaining provisions of A near capacity audience greeted career from hla transistion of the ination at the primary in Septem­ required number at days to tha. leaders produce a "blU of par- the possibility that she might be iltes the large amount of work done to the defense today o f Dave Beck, Lockwood, who viewed the body the Robinson-Patman price dis­ the production on the Union c an address prepared for dellv- These Informants asserted Ger­ report states that all refugees were newsroom strike o f the Hearst own­ upon his preliminary examination Federal Trade Commission. hose was attached to the exhaust the audience reaction. In a brief Its final scene shows Mormons A sub-oommlttee woe named to at- : efy.'before a Qovemor's Day rally many's position of non-intervention given tirphold inoculations during ed Seattle Post-Intelllgeneer. but estimated death had token Already, the commission has re­ Dog Warden Robinson’s autonwMla curtain speech be praised the “ beau­ under the leadership of Brigham. select a Uet o f candidates to be filed ' d Illinois Democrats a|^ the State has not met fully Italian expecta­ the period that they remained at the While the Seattle Times and place about ton days ago or pre­ ceived- several hundred inquiries re­ The Vernon Grange will meet and turosd Into the chamber. Ths- m r , he asserted; '' ty of the production” under the di­ Young, Smith’s successor, setting for the. primary. This committee tions. It was believed that Chan­ state armory. The Board of Health Hearst executives hen and in New sumably the night Rosebush disap­ garding the act end has InsUtuted Friday evening. There will be doga soon passed ouL They wsra- "L et us have done with gcnerall- rection of Oiaries Cehurn and the put for the valley of the Great Salt met for a short tlme'loat night but cellor Hitler hopes to accommodate publicly thanks the medical men of York charged that Beck dominated peared. . a score of InvesUgatlons Into com­ will not moke Its decisions known mystery ride following the meet­ buried to the dog's burial lot sa llas. If, when leaders of the opposi­ his policy to that of Britain. (Great the strike called by the SeatUe “fine interpretations” given by the Lake in Utah, there to establish the Manchester for their part In the plaints that it Is being violated. until Monday night, when it will file ing. Brood street. tion taidulfe in tirades against ‘gov­ Britain insisted upon strict neutral­ Chapter o f the American Newspaper Police were notified and Police church of 'Jesus Christ at Lattor work of the Health department. Sergeant Thomas 'j. Tlghe and Jn its statement today, lasued, cast. the list of candidates with the town Mr. and Mrs. I. Sweet and fami­ Tha five werejtoe largest numbsr ernment in business,’ they mean to ity and banned export of arms to Diseases reported to the depart­ Guild, the lAbor Council denied he The play follows the career of Day Saints. Patrolman Edgar W. Burdick ac­ the commission said, “because of clerk. ly ore spending two weeks vacation o t dogs .destroyed at one ttase sines' refer to such specinc measures as belligerents.) ment during the year were; Chicken was instrumental in having the at Old Orchard, Me. the pound at the Town Form w as. the'Tsimessee'valley project, or the companied Medical Examiner Look- widespread intereat” in the law. It aeemed to be the opinion that To Bo Prepored pox, 4; gonorrhea, 20; Influenza, 1; newspaper declared ’’unfair.” that agency noted that It prohibits Mrs. William Monaghan, Ektoa opened. Trutb-in-Securlties Act, let them A resoIuUon passed by the Coun­ wood to the scene. The remains the office of Judge of probate, now Characteristically, informed ob­ Influenza meningitis, 1; measles, 2; price dlacrimlnatlons where the ons, M n. Abbe; best sinnlae, M n. held by W illlim 8. Hyde should not and Charles Monaghan and Alfred say so, and tell us whether they mumps, 4; parathyphold-B. 37; cil said in part: were In such bad condition that the Abbe. -Platnlum con be rolled and beat-' proposed to let these measures servers declared, II Diice Implement­ manner of death could not bo de­ effect may be to lessen competition be made a political -eors, George laoao Hughes News 2600 mile trip with Mr. and Mrs. Exchange Act, collective bargaln- neutrality negotiations. cation with the walkout last Thurs­ SHOW LARGE GAIN “It is also declar^ unlawful to Fireside chairs have proved unpopular of late lo f. sweat shops and child labor. (Dispatches from Paris, however, Is farther advanced In Maine be­ Tolland County. 1931. years with white haired men, and active oen- of New Bern, N. O., reckons that he and his H. W. Lyon of Springfield and her day. discriminate between purchasers of Mr. Davis la a member of the ES- tug. granddaughter. Miss Norma Groxla- "What la the precise attitude of portrayed increasing pessimism on cause the state elections there take ■The Times and Post-Intelligencer a commodity bought for resale by tenarians appear more and more frequently In young wife may be etorttog a large fonilly. He Ruwet of Torringford won the roll­ Cknr. Landon toward the social se- the part of the Leftist government place on September 14, that being Stricken suddenly as he addressed 25,000 of his foUowers In Cleve- llngton Congregational church, a dlo of Manchester, visited the land Stadium, Father Charles E. Coughlin is shown here as he was execuUves have blamed Beck for furnishing any services or facilities RockvUle, Aug. 20.—A large at­ member of Ellington Orange, and the news. During his first 101 years O. J. Coyle Is shown here with » lA y Gertrude, this year’s ing pin throwing contest at the an­ Dionne quintuplets at Callender, etuity program ?"' he‘ asked. "Me Reports from Rome, officials said. the only slate which ballots before the presence of teamsters, long­ for processing, handling, selling, or nual Old Home Day of the Lltchflell helped toward a car which hurried him back to bis hotel for medi­ 1936 Construction Here Put tendance is expected at the annual Washington Lodge of Masons. didn’t play golf becaose be olwa rs thought It baby, and Franklin Roosevelt, her older brother. Ontario. proposed, in his acceptance speech, Indicated renewed reluctance of November. This year Governor shoremen and woodsmen in the offering for sale, that are not ‘ac­ 3 county Farm Bureau, hitting a CASH TO amend the act so as ‘to make it Mussolini to tie himself to a neU' Louis J. Brann and F. Harold Du- cal attention. The radio priest left later for Detroit, after a physi­ Field Day at the 'ToUand County 40 and 8 Meeting Despite Mazing heat, Olsoa R Greena, Just turned The Tolland County Form Bureau picket line. corded to all purchasers on propor­ The ToUand County Volture of "an old man’s gomei” Now he bos token up the dummy scarecrow target three times workable.’ I f by this he means to trallty pact. bord have traded the places they cian had ordered him to rest for a week to recover from exhaustion at $206,835 Against Form Bureau Saturday at the 102, has put to long hours this eumroer on hla will hold its Annual Field Day Caali to buy tba Ibtefs and nervous indigestion, resulting from his strenuous work at the The newspaper executives charg­ tionately equal terms.’ " the 40 and 8 wiU meet this evening sport at Fort Lauderdale, Fla., and putts with­ to four chances. . advocate . devitalising amendments (German anger over reported held on the Democratic ticket In ed their presence prevented typo­ grounds of the ToUand County Tem­ Hartford.—The women’s division Saturday at the ToUand (bounty which have been suggested by those flrat convention of his National Union for Social Justice. A t the The commission said that "as on at Its cottage at Crystal Lake. Plana out the old o f glasses. A father at 90 for the leo-ocre. farm near Kansas City. yoB need or pay what searching of a Nazi ship by Spanish 1934, when Brann was re-elected, graphical, pressmen and other of the Republican state headquarters Home. There will be on oU day pro­ ;,.wbo never desired to see this law Loyalists also caused expressions of left, supporting the priest, is Walter Davis, of Qeveland, con­ $123,130 During 1935. aid to more effective enforcement," porary Home at Vernon Center. WiU be completed for a delegation to yoB owe. We*H lend ft but Dubord lost out narrowly to mechanical workers from passing of the act. It provldee that when the was opened here a month earlier gram with an entertainment at ' enacted, then let him say so. doubt for success of any non-inter­ Senator Frederick Hale, Republican, vention mstshaL There wUl be groups of exhibits go to Springfield Friday night to at­ night It WiU be open at ten o’clock. through the picket line to go to commleslon shall have eatablished 'a tend the State Convention of the than usual because of the “unprece­ to yon quickly and like Wants Parttcujars vention agreement) for the Senate. Secretary of State for men and women ae follows: Bed- velop community recreation to its The program to the afternoon be­ work.’ prima facie cose of dieeriminatlon Massachusetts 40 and 8. dented activity of women’s groups "Gov. Landon plans to make some ' Studlea Next Stop Lewis O. Barrows Is the Republican ireoda mode or owned by the ex- COHMUNTTY RECREA'HON many forms. gins at 1:80 p. m. There will be haBdteds of other pee* Governor Landon said the nominee Protests Filed The largest estimated amount of the burden of rebutting the cose S Meeting September 8 all over the state." {xditlcal address within the next Discreet comment In high govern­ gubernatorial nominee. Both sides Harvey J. Kelly, general labor construction for the past several bltor, crocheted bedspreads, knit­ NORTH COVENTRY exhibits of clothing and woodwork­ pie, yoB*n fiod it eesy to ; few days. Wll he supply a bill of had not received a formal Invitation shall be upon the alleged violator ted bedspreads, rugs made or owned Maria NeweU Tent, Daughters of Hartford.— Raymond L. Howard ment circles here also professed be­ arc quoting the familiar saying, “As TRADING DULL counsel for the Hearst newspapers, years, except for the years in which and Frank Swadskl, both of Meri- ing from the ladies and tha 4-H particulars r I think n ot” lief Prem.er Mussolini was consid­ Maine goes, so goes the Union." as yet. Governor Herring announc­ and unlose JusUfleaUon can be by exhibitor, hooked rugs, braided the Union Veterans, wiU not meet STARTED IN GREECE repay. Here’s a cpiiek announced yesterday he had receiv­ the Whlton and Morton Memorial The Republican caucus of the den, were presented beforer United clubs wUl have many exhibits. - The attorney general quoted Coi. ering Italy's next step, should as­ In several strategic elates, the ed Mr. Roosevelt had Informed him affirmatively shown the commission rugs. this week. The next meeting wUl be ______/ way to got the cash yea Prank Knox, Republican vice presi­ ed telegrams from the presidents of groups of buildings, the Center may order termination of the dis­ Thursday evening, Sept 3, in O. A. Second District will be August 26 at BOY SCOUT NEWS States Commissioner William J. serted aid by foreign powers to the lines will not be finally drawn until the governor of Iowa, Nebraska, International Typographical Union, Church House and Postoffice were Floral arrangement: Wboleon as the result of a raid ne^. Phoao as takby* dential nominee, as saying "when Madrid Socialist government be September is well along. The sev­ ON STOCK MARKET Kansas, Missouri and Oklahoma crimination. R. haU. 8 p. m. tn the basement of the Aristotle First Outlined Pur­ the American people have a date the International Printing Pressmen constructed is shown in the report Each exhibitor must furnish her Mystery Bide church to elect delegatee to the on a Wallingford rectifying plant DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS continued. eral candidacies for Republican nom­ were Invited. and Assistants Union and the Mail­ Facto Hard to Get. own containers. Flowers should be pose As Enjoyment of Lei- Troop 6 they want to see what the lady looks of Building Inspector Edward C. The meeting of the Vernon state ,'vnatorlal and (Congressional Monday and their hearings were Loan* up to $S00 . . • Newspapers continued to paint ination In New York have raised Landon aides asserted they ers Trade District Union staUng "The theory of this provision,’’ cut Tbunday evening and placed in The regular meeting of troop 6 like.” Cummings added: Elliott for the fiscal year, August the commissioner continued, "is that Grange Friday night will be la the conventions. , sure ^m e Honorably. continued until Thursday, August ,,,20 m onth* to re p o jr France as the base of foreign sup­ problems for which the party lead­ sumed the formal invitation would they had protested to William 18, 1935, to and including August water overnight to Insure mini­ was held Monday evening at the 27. The Democratic electors of the " I f the lady who hides behind the port for Madrid. the facts which constitute JusUfleo- form of a Mjrstery Ride. Members Mrs: H.' B. Pomeroy has returned South Methodist church. The troop , sun flower la dressed In a Liberty ership there has yet offered no solu­ With Exception of Few Spe­ go to Topeka and pending receipt Green of the American Federation 15, 1936. The estimated cost of mum' wUting. The exhibitor may are asked to meet at Grange haU at By HAROLD 8. WIN8H1P Sharon.—Mr. and Mrs. Walter Town of Bolton are requested to Tli« eluirv* Sun blackened veterans of Italy's tion. A poser on tl\e Democratic the Kansan would withhold any of Labor against the Seattle’s Coun­ tlon are necessarily in the possession make her own arrangement at home from a short vacation with her sis­ went to Highland Park for a swim. meet In caucus to the basement of •4 U tkm <•> 99W —mia League gown, with a Wall street construction was 8206,885. In 1938 of the alleged discriminator." 7 o’clock and to bring a basket Today we are continually hearing Black of Summit, N. J., two of their P « r Hboatke mt tklHr««is Ethiopian armies will be among the side in the state is just what A l­ statement. cil’s action in placing the newspaper it was 8123.130. and send to Vernon. Pleasing color ter, Mrs. Lulu Pike of Danielson. The meeUng waa closed with the three children and a Salisbury truck the Omgregatlonal CUiurch In Bol­ purse to match, and speaks the Under the act it is a criminal luncheon. and reading about Recreation. It ^ (M > per memi* per a m iiiM youthful recruits when the tactical fred E. Smith will have to say, what cialties Most Issues Re­ When President Roosevelt an­ on the unfair list and in interfering combination, grouping and appro­ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pomeroy are scouts prayer. driver, Howard Marks, became pa­ ton on Wednesday, August 26, 1936, «ap«Ji aiaraat at platitudes of Hoover with the voice A marked Increase is showm also offense for which fines or imprison­ by no means a new idea. In ancient war begins officially next Tuesday. with his opposition to the New Deal nounced recently plana for the con­ in the strike. priate containers are Important, ar­ building a new house opposite the Notes tients at the Sharon hospital as the at 8 o’clock p. m. (Eastern Stand­ t k » lM a « . ' o t Hearst, we are entitled to see In the fees from electricians and ment may be imposed for persons to Greece, Aristotle outlined as the ^ what she looks like so that we may Headquarters were se' up today on the one hand and the re-election ference. Landon told newspaper­ There was no indication of any plumbers and for oil burner Installa­ rangement for dining table, ar­ Old Homestead. Excavation of the first plan 6f community recreation: The hike that was to be held Sat­ result of a truck-automobile colli­ ard Time) for the purpose of nom­ Boom t and troops poured Into the area to candidacy of his long-time friend— cord No Changes Today. attempt at arbitration between the knowingly discriminate or assist In rangement for Uving room table, ar­ cellar has been completed and the urday was postponed for another sion. inating delegates to the state con­ State Theater BoiMlac "c o m p a re her with ‘Miss Dem­ men "If there Is a meeting any­ tion permits under the approved discriminating." PASSENGER REVENUES “the purpose of recreaUon is to en­ ocracy’." prepare for the games—a climax to Lehman—on the other. where, anytime of benefit to Kan­ newspaper and the Guild which building codes which were effective rangement for mantle. cement work baa been started. joy leisure honorably . . . to pro­ week. Scoutmaster E. Thompson Greenwich. — A representative vention— senatorial, congresaional 758 Main St. Tel. 8480 several months o f intensive training Unusual Situations called the strike In protest against It also is a criminal offense to Floral arrangement suitable for Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heckler’s was unable to be with us. town meeting turned down a pro- and probate conventions and to dis­ R e d in g a brief message from sas, I will attend as governor of as to increased fees and licenses as sell goods in any part of the Unit­ mote friendship . . . the end for President Roosevelt anent the wherein millions of soldiers through Democrats in Minnesota and Wis­ New York, Aug. 20—(AP) — Al­ Kansas." the discharge of two Guild members. of Jan. 1, 1936. use in church or community build­ OF NEW HAVEN UP 15 P.C. bouse which Is being built on Bread which a state is established is that Scribe, Robert Thompson. poeal to build a combination police pose of any other business proper to Ftrtdnol PigaRct C«. ed States at prices lower than In drought problem and containing the the Kingdom have been simu­ consin also face unusual situations. though a few specialties, including The general management of the Fees Collected ing, one container only. I f sugges­ and Milk street is progressing well. the inhabitants may live happily.” and fire station toward which the come before sold meeting. lating achievements of their African Here are Governor Floyd B. Olson Hearst newspapers In New York other sections of the country for the The sun's rays contain electricity, Chief ibeecutive’a promise that "pro- aviation Issues, managed to push DETAILS COMPLETED The total amount collected for tions for arrangements are desired, It is being built of field atones. The As a result, Greece became a na­ PW A would have contributed 8HB,- Per order of the Town Committee, comrades. (F.-L., Minn.) and Senator Robert fixed the number of strikers at 26 purpoee of destroying competition the Farm Bureau agents . will be and If we had to pay only four cents 000, but did approve a 872.000 P W A gress- toward agricultural recovery ahead In today’s Stock Market, West Middlesex, Pa., Aug. 20 — permiU during the eight months Trustees of Railroad Say In­ cellar walls are completed. When tion of participators to various J. A CONNORS, shall, .not be halted by hazard of The battalions of veterans, many La Folletto (Prog., Wls.) Jointly out of 80 newsroom employes. or eliminating a competitor, the glad to be of service. these two bouses are finished they a kilowatt hour for that which the project for tne construction of a Chairman. Just recalled from Ethiopia and (A P )—G. Edgar Green, reception period, beginning Jan. 1, was 81,877 forma of recreation. In the develop­ naturb or by mistake of man," Cum­ preparing to organize against the most of yesterday’s rallying leaders Richard Seller, Guild president, de­ which included 20 master elec­ commieaion skid, or to sell goods "at The men’s exhibit classes will be, crease Over Last Year Is will make four new houses built on ment of the faivflung British Em­ earth receives, we would owe the town Incinerator. Dated at Bolton, Conn., Auguat Libya, have been well sifted Into the committee chairman for Saturday's clared 43 of 68 employes eligible for mings declared: Republican Presidential ticket us were Inclined to fall back Into a do- tricians licenses at 8400; 15 Journey­ unreasonably low prices for the pur­ hand tools, hammer, axe and saw “Particularly Gratifying.” Bread and Milk street the last year. pire great emphasis was placed on sun 8180,000,000,000,600 a day. Weatbroolc.—Miss Alberta Looby, 18, 1936. levies of youths completing obliga­ "reactionary", in Olson's words, nothing pha.se. homecoming of Gov. A lf M. Landon Guild membership were on strike. "The long sought prosperity man licenses at 876; 22 master pose of destroilng competition or (cutting off type), Judged for qual­ A ll within a mile of the State road. recreation. The ability to play be­ tory training. while Minnesota Democrats have There was little change In the declared so many important Repub­ The Labor Council’s resolution ac­ eliminating a competitor." which so persistently eluded us dur- plumber’s (combination) licenses at ity, condition, amount of use, ap­ The different' 4-H clubs are plan­ came the mark of an Bhigllsh gentle­ The games will take the tradition­ named a gubernatorial candidate optimistic business picture, but lican leaders arc seeking seats on cused the Post-Intelligencer of at The trustees of the New York, 1(« the days of President Hoover is 837.50; 444 electrical permits at pearance; six bits and a brace, ning to set up booths at the Ckiun- man, and the love of sports per­ al form of attack and defense by se­ and Wisconsin Democrat^ are ex­ brokers noted a disposition among the speaker's platform that accept­ tacking Beck to "divert public at­ sharpening stone, or other sharpen­ in process o f glorious realizations ance of any more would leave no 8198: 11 oil burner permits at 820 New Haven and Hartford Railroaul ty 4-H Fair Saturday. Next Friday meated the life of Great Britain. under the Roosevelt administration. lected armies. pected to do likewise September 1,1. their customers to take profits and tention from the truth," denied he a u t oI e p a ir m e n . ing device; spUtting saw, one plane. wait for a more pronounced buy­ room for the Presidential nominee. was present at the meeting when 20 heating permits at 823; and 204 company, announced today that the club will hold Its 4-H Town First Ameriosji Playground Business la on the upgrade every­ The area for the final big battles la Olson Is the Farmer-Labor nomi­ building permits at 8403.80. Objects of interest, representing In America, organized recreation where. a mountainous triangle of land with nee for the Senate scat of Elmer A. ing stimulus. After a brisk opening Green reported virtually all pre the newspaper was voted unfair and hobbles or collections of any type, gross passenger revenues for July Fair. liminary details for the rally were The estimated cost of all building had its beginnings as recently as Cites Figures its apex at Avellino and Its base on Benson, while Benson has been I -:allngs turned apathetic and ac- urged public support of the strikers PROTEST NEW RULE including antiques, bottles, vases, were 16 per cent greater than in, Clarence Kingsbury of Washing­ a 28-mile line between Sarno on the tlvity, near the fourth hour, was complete, Including plans for hand­ "In their fight for democracy and construction during 1936 was 8123 - ton, D. C., has been visiting bis 1886, in the city of Boston. A group "For the first hall of this year named by the Farmor-Laborltea to 130 for which fees of 8109 were pal’d sporting goods and old tools. July 1935. This marked Improve­ of little children began to play In southwest and Montella on the contend for the governorship. Gov­ small. ling the traffic and a crowd he said decency, as against arrogance and Group of three objects submitted cousin, John E. Kingsbury. building construction throughout may exceed 100,000 persona. to the building department. ment, as compared with an increase piles of stind, dumped by the road- the country has increased 7S per southeast. ernor Philip La Follette Is unop­ Grains were reactionary and gold." (Continued from Page One) by owner, collector, or dealer, in a Mr. and Mrs. John B. Kingsbury Motorized battalions, modeled aft­ posed for renomlnatlon by the Pro­ bonds and foreign currencies were Representatives of the Republi­ In New York, the general man FoUowing la the list of building of only IMt per cent in June 1936 attended a clam bake In Guilford side near a vacant lot for construc­ cent over the first half of 1938. Bm- construction for the past year: 29 space approximately three feet tion purposes— and the idea was idoyment In manufacturing Indus­ er the mechanized Trento division gressives In Wisconsin. slightly mixed. can National committee and -Green agement of the Hearst new.spapers Association, both supported the square. Judged for quality, condi­ over June 1935, is particularly grati­ Tuesday, followed by a meeting of have headquarters at New Castle, one-famlly dwellings; 22 garages; 16 born! A few public-spirited cltl. tries la now at the highest points Just back from length;- vigil along In the governorship elections, 23 Douglas Aircraft got up about _ said: commissioner’s action. tion, beauty, interest and arrange­ fying, the trustees said. the Board of Directors of the State the Ubyan-Egyptian border, com­ are for two-year terms and 11 for points at its best. Among others in 18 miles south of this village birth­ "An American newspaper Is forc­ chicken coops; six sheds; four road They declared that Sunday busi­ The above percentage Increase in zens, calling themselves The Mer­ since 1930. Retail establishments, place of the Kansas governor, who side stands; gas station; two ment. Dairyman’s association. • chants’ Emergency and Hygiene as­ stores and shops are employing prised a large portion of the troops. four years, at salaries ranging from the fairly popular class were Boe­ ed to make a choice between sus­ 1 ness always Is slight, and universal Other objects o f interest to be gross passenger revenues does not will spend Saturday night there. greenhouses; four barns; two cot­ closing on that day will mean no Perkins L. Lathrop amazed his sociation, immediately caught the 178,000.more people'than six months Cavalry also was a part of the 828.000 a year In New York to ing. Sperry. Curtis.s-Wrtght, Good­ pension and having Its employes clasaifled at discretion of Judges. allow for added expense incident to (Coventry neighbors the other day rich, General F.lectric, Poor, Stude- The leaders said Landon has murdered or maimed by hoodlums tages; two stores; one hospital one loss to anyone. vision and provided a "sand gar­ ago. Foreign trade is steadily In­ maneuvering forces—its valus hav­ 83.000 In South Dakota. Space not limited provided objects handling the added traffic. by riding on a motorcycle, a ma­ ing been demonstrated in African Beginning with the selection of baker, Newport Industries, Radio. ordered his Sabbath be given over to of a mob which are not Identified In caddy house; one lunch room; one On the other hand, Martin J. Part of the increase was due to den", the forerunner of the first or­ creasing. Wheat has crossed the visiting old friends and relatives are easily transportable. chine he la known to have a strong dollar One. Prices for grain, cattle, campaigns. the Republican candidate in Utah Bethlehem, Goodyear, J. I. Case and any manner whatsoever with the storage tank one silo and one diner. O’Meara, prominent East Hartford the July Fourth hoUday, normally a ganized playground to this coun­ Crown Cork. about West Middlesex, where he automobile dealer, expreesed a be­ Cow bells, five or more. Judged for aversion to. Not only that, but he is bogs and sheep have increased. The this Saturday, primaries or state publication of a newspaper." In addition 110 permits were Is­ tone, harmony, condition and inter­ heavy traffic period for the New try! A shade cither way were U. S; will attend religious serilcea in the sued for alterations and additions to lief that the law would mean eerl- Haven, which fell on Thursday In 78 years old and the dignified presi­ The fundamental idea of recrea­ average farmer is better off than conventions will continue until est. dent of the Tolland Savings bank. he baa been for a decade. Steel, Bethlehem, General Motors, church once presided over by his existing construction. ous hardship. About 60 per cent 1935, but in 1936 fell on Saturday tion is active participation in games. Rhode Island has completed the list grandfather. of the used car business, Mr. All women’s exhibits are to be ar­ This Is bow It happened; He was "Chicago mail order bouses re­ WUNDER MAY LEAD probably In October. Other states Chrysler, Montgomery Ward. Sears MANCHESTER FIREMEN ranged between ten in the morning extending the holiday period. By creating our own good times corded the best business In 18 Roebuck, Scbenlcy, National Dis­ Five women who knew him In his O’Meara said;- Is done school house. Provision will be made ington and Wisconsin. sylvania, Northern Pacific and 30 per cent—both compared with for home, Mr. Lathrop sought the which did not necessarily deveipp Southern Pacific. Mrs. Wash Dunham, 87, both of main open for the relative few Jobs for locking up the achool house fled with the group's alliance with Departments Will Attend at (Continued from Page One) while exhibits are unguarded. July a year ago. Excluding commu' privilege of riding on the "buddy one’s powers. The benefits received Down as much as a point or more Sharon, who helped wheel his car­ that might come their way as emer­ tation and similar low fare travel seat," there was no aide-car attach­ by thousands of spectators, assem­ the Union Party and Rev. Charles riage and Mrs. Lizzie Buckalew, 70, Greenwich Friday, Saturday. gency work. Outing Tonight were Santa Fe, Kennecott, Ana­ In July, the number of passengers ed, and down "Minister" bill they bled in an amphitheater, a stadium E. Coughlin, he said, caused him to SEC. HULL TO HEAD conda. U. S. Smelting and Liggett a helper In the grandfather’s home Herald’s attempt to depict the Unable to Get Parts The members of the degree team accept leadership of a campaign to Joseph Skoneski of Company 1 eituatlon are; carried increased 78 per cent, with rode, to the consternation of mem­ an auditorium, at a race track or A Myers "B”. at the time of hla birth 49 years ago If dealers are closed, moreover. of Margareuia Lodge will hold an an Increase in passengers carried one around a prize ring are not to be save "our movement from within.” next September 2. and Francis Limerick of Company outing this evening. Members at­ bers of bis family and onlookers. The recent sharp upturn In plat­ Statistica It will be impossible to obtain parts mile 67.6 per cent. • • compared with the larger benefits r-'-v/A’' Commenting on Wonder's an­ PEACE DELEGATE The governor'a first wife, the for­ Manchester Fire departmelt, with for repairs, he said, and the repair­ tending are asked to meet at the inum prices brought a further rela­ 1929, aeven montha. 8169,395; For the first five months of 1936 derived today from actual physical nouncement, Gllmour Young, Na­ tively active advance In stock of mer Margaret Fleming, daughter ot Chief Albert Foy, Irving GUstafson monthly average, |24,198; number men themselves will hesitate to American Mill at seven o’clock to go tional-secretary of the plan, said In —prior to the introduction of the participation in modern recreationa] (Oontinaed from Page One) South American Gold A Platinum. a well-known oil city family, spent of Company 1, S. Raymond Smith of employees, 156. risk their licenses upon a decision t i a lake near Stafford. Mrs. Paul low fares— the New Haven’s passen­ NEW OIL BURNER DEVICE Chicago last night: many summers In ,/est Middlesex, of Company 2, Wilbrod Messier of as to what constitutes an emer­ Lehmann of East Main street will activities. 1983, seven months, 874,844; ger revenue percentage Increase (im m unity singing, group games, "W e have received more than 300 v/here he returned with his baby Company 3 and Albert Seblllo of gency; be hosteas. There will be a program pressed policy that Mr. Roosevelt monthly average, 810,691; number was 10 per cent over the previous folk dances, handicrafts and numer­ telegrams, principally from the east initiated the Buenoe Aires confer­ daughter Peggy Anne after the Company 4, South Manchester Fire of employees, 70. Five out-of-town automobiles, Mr. of sports followed by a luncheon. HAS SAFETY CONTROL complaining against speeches made year. ous other activities that could be ence to consider means of perfecting mother's death In Colorado. department will attend the annual 1936, seven months, 8173,588 O’Meara said, to hia knowledge Cord Party Postponed by Dr. Wunder. We have also re­ were sUlIed in Hartford last Sun­ The cord party to have been held mentioned, including all of the man­ the peace machinery among the 21 LANDON STARTS state firemen’s convention in Green­ monthly average, 824,798; number Improvements to oil burners have ly and womanly sports, are growing ceived hundreds of letters. These led wich tomorrow and Saturday. day because it was impossible to this evening on the lawn of the for­ to Dr. Wunder's discharge. American Republics. In a recent of employees, 169. been constant and. in some cases in popularity these days. There is M t t NORRIS NOT HOME Former Chief John F. Limerick have repairs made. mer Henry estate on School street Speaks for Himself address he expressed a hope that it During the decade preceding the BUSINESS IMPROVES unusual but the Harvey-Whlpple a wrong way and a right way to use flljjllji! would "result in measures which of the Manchester Fire department He condemned the statutes which, by the Daughters of Isabella, has company of Springfield who manu- "Dr. Wunder now Is speaking only EAST TODAY ON depression the number of persons he sold, are discriminatory In that been postponed. one’s leisure time: the thtoigs that i for himself, x x x" will banish wars forever from this was elected a delegate but will hot employed by the firm Increased 300 facturq the Master-Kraft has enervate, that lower vitality, that AS EXPERTS CALL they require automobile places to Elks Meeting Tonight AT AUCTION MARKET lliii II m " Dr. Wunder said he believed the vast portion of the earth." be able to attend. percent and the amount of taxes reached a new peak of perfection to dissipate one’s (3od-glven powers of L\. close Sqndays while permitting The August meeting of the Rock­ producing a new burner with a new majority of the Townsend club The conference will be the second paid to the town increased 500 per- other enterprises to remain open. body and mind, cannot truly be Inter-American meeting at which C A M P ^ T O U R (Continued from Page One) ville Lodge of Elks will be this eve­ safety control device that prevents I ‘1‘LrHu. ^■'*1 m members throughout the country oent. Further, Mr. O'Meara said, no de called forms of recreaUon. ■'Mm ning at the Elks Home EAL,I JARS, Pints, lieved were the faults of the move­ Members of the Landon family first, Mrs. Elmma CrandaL, second, "Lieut-Gov. Frank Hayes of (3on- and pure cigarette paper ed the United States in numerous remained at the summer ranch, but received a formal invitation to the worked hard for the success ot the STATE AND SAT. Mrs. Lucy Usher; collection at THIBTIETH ANNIVERSARY that Cheaterfidd paper ia the fineat that 6 9 c ment. Then, he asserted, he would conferences In South and Central meeting. Olympics, bad succeeded tn making necUcut and Mrs. Hayes” were list­ suggest that each club form a com­ planned to return to Topeka early hardy perennials, E. J. Locke; ool- ed by the New York press as among '-BITE WAXED (J America. On hia shoulders falls in the fall. Aides said it was Ukely When the President recently an­ thousands of athletes comfortable leotion of annua, flowers, Mrs. Meriden, Aug. 20.— (A P ) — The CMMn. t tm* Owtm M Bag Dm money can buy. mittee to determine its stand. responsibility for administering this nounced plana for conferring with in the model village constructed for the prominent arrivals on the Nor^ Chesterfield mns 1,10c size, pksr. .. O C Mrs. lAndon would accompany h4r Emory M. enough; coUecUo' of dah­ Rev. John L. Ceppo, pastor of St. mandie. When the distinguished ... them, and had become popular government’s polleiea with respect prairie state goveraon during hla lias. E. J. Locke; collection of gladi­ EVERY SUNDAY f-y- FANS DOWN OO husband on at least bla 6n«( cam­ among members of the American Stanislaus Roman Catholic church, Waterbury bachelor was interview­ Chesterfield paper muat measure up to to that part of the world. paign swing—a trip climaxing in a forthcoming swing through the oli, first William H. Schaeffer; will celebrate the SOth anniverfcry drought belt, Londra told reporters: and other teams. ed this morning be assured the re­ FLOUR, pks(. 4u t) C speech Oct. 39. zecond, Mias Helen Pordus; bouquet of his leadership of the pariah Sun­ porters that “o f couisa it’s a mis­ Personal Notices MICHAEL MA8TKIANNA DIES "If there is a meeting anywhere of The wror mhiistiy, publishing sn the Cheaterfidd afndard • . • IG'S WHEAT 1 n Before that time, party offlciala obituary notice a t Fuerstmer's of cullivated flowers, M n. R. L. day by opening eantraetora* bids for take; you know it’s a mistake." expected Landon to make a farm benefit to Kansas, I wlU attend os wild flowers, Mrs. Henry a proposal parish recreation build- p k g . l U c Governor of Kansas.'* death, sold he "died unexpectedly" He sold he understood that there Waterbury. Aug. 20.— (AP) — halt tour and a swing through and wras mourned by the ministry ss beat vase of flowers, any tog. Father O p p a bos told his was a Mrs. Hayes on the passenger , , , it must he tdeiUifieally pure DEATHS Tugwell sold he would sit in at Michael Mastrianna, 70, o f this city Rocky mountain states. “a Ipyal and efflclant officer, a b e ^ BirdsoU; beat 12 blooms parishioners he wlahea no public list, and that some employe o f the ' Osk and Sprnee Streets HORACE BU8HNELL CHENEY died the session although other members ^ d at SL Mary’s hospital today Informed that Governor Clyde L. All and lovable comrade, whose of'asters, first Mrs. Henry Bridges; celebration o f the onnlvereary other French (toe bod Jumped to the eon- , , , it mmt bttmmm^ormfy with­ ?ff Mexico, August nt>m Injuries he euffered Monday of the oonunlttoe expressed the second, M n. R. C. Abbe; beat mori- l i v e r y Phone 6476 Mnrlcss at his rest* Herring Iowa, had dlaclosed the memoiy wre honor." than the opening of Uds for the elusion that the Ueutenant-govanior $•?* ai fUMlan TW%m OApw o t optnioo It would not be nennneiiji golfis, f ln t Miss C ^ th ia BlrdsoII; ' ' ManoheiUr. CoanActleut. morning when struck by a truck drought conference, called Preal- building which wtU be built this was a married man, so lasued the out Uute or odor. m A u g u s t Ji at !:()« Tot' them to be present. .Thay. wlU. second, U n . Abbe; best snapdrag­ e W 4, IM M R a MMSS TSSMSS ew earned by Di Leo Broa. Oo., o f dent Rooaevelt, will be held In Dee A European resr-englned automo­ year on Akron street list to newsp^MTi. THf N e w HAVFN Waterbury, y report to the President next week TH E J O N U F A M ILY Moines. Sept. 1, a apokesman for bile carries baggage under the hood •PLUS bi "E D U C AU N G FATH E R " In South Dakota, in front. . ^ w«B» ttwii^ Hia .felt atvar thought ■Am jnSFlB lt GVENING HERALD. HANCREHTBR. CONN. THUKaUAI, A ^U R T TO, IW f laesardr eeuM not ba nmairad. of his customara aa auckan. Ha ^ G H T r / ^ That tbtala oat tha lafaUitic atow n«rsr la hit Ufa gava a *o w that THE ^CfENEa Peter's Bpiacojia) chuyeh, wQl offici­ U, o t ocpuiaa, qiilta daflnitaly ahowa wasn't worth tba price of admiaaloo latEEN PASTDRES’ OPENS ate at S t Jame 4 * « OotaBte I. 1111 daclare team dleqnallilea and th« SJ?, ia> probaUjr wan aiwugh undaratood may bo permitted to qualify the (Daoltaht gavint Tims Oho Boar Lator) munity Memorial hospital, returned Chaaeo to Stfit O. L a Mnffed by C L O. ubSoo d tltfX tM ivould Warner Bros. Production of P «U M Ii*« K «*rv ■ircBliic aBMpt ainoov law pan that it doaa not A r . o ( L iM d e ra . . . Emvto Nets: AU prosrmms to key and basle chains or gronpo thsrsM nnloss spool- to her home Wednesday. She is •Data/i w4 Bolllaya ■aMr** Im tfe* Teisgram'a defence of the beloved bt imabt to vote wltli tbo rott ------“ r»« M ■ Wont Invito Bebnff by Sending nod: coast to ooaatCo u e) dotlsnaUon tnsladss aU avallahi* lUtlona Pnliti^r Priie Play Directed greatly Improved by the operaUon rpM Omoa M KMakMtar. O ~ e>«. apply in auch eaaaa aa tha ona In P. T-, quite ao right aa the deeUra- o t tba convention on the oreden- ■tatlona raasrva rleht to ehanaa proerams without provlous notice. P. M. and treatment ■m o b B a « M Mall MatMr. Dolegntaa to TUnpn Oenventlon by Marc Connelly. question. W hy it should not apply tlala committee's report. Cent. gast. . Gordon D. Bevto o f Hkiet Hamp­ 5^. Uon that “It waa fbreiga to Barnum . - . Oroen Mny Be SncrISoed. NSC-WEAF tRBO)fNSTWORK SUMUIUPTION RATCa 4tie— III*—FaraSa oi Youth — cast) ton will be leader of tee Okristian w « don't prstesd to knew, not hav­ ansdiow.' •ASIC — UaMi waat wlw w^~wtta Oroantst—DIxiaL aookahalf—waat M b laar, By Mail ...... taaa Oresn'h Staina to Doubt wjai* wtas wcah kjrw whio wtbr wro Endeavor meeting at tee Green b ing a legal sdueatlon. Perhaps Waahlngtoa. Aug. 30—The A. F. 4i*»<- * 1*0—Frata-Radlo Wawi—aast |Mr Moath. by M II ...... | M Along tn the letter aighUae oaa Oreen’s re-elaotloa as . pnesi> m S whan weaa wlam wwj waal; MW- 4ilS— ills —Uaitball Scarta - wabo: Declared to be "America's Beat Sunday evening, with tee Umte, ^ ^ l a CoBj ...... I «1 o t U executive council iteelt saved dant is nona too eartain. As s wtati ksd wmaq won who wow wdaf Marlon Carlor at tha Flano-^ihtfn varsa oaa raar ...... I#.a« Palka is supposed to bs still in the of tba prime peaU of tha Mow Tork MIOWKST—wood silro Loved Play,” a title earned by a "What to Tune la and What to Time the Committee tor Industrial ’Or­ member tf ths suspended United 4i4^ Bi4»—Ronfrow of tho Mounted original jeopardy, ths ease not be­ police waa a draasy and euava in­ NQRTHWaaT A CANADI,^- ymJ lit o - SiOO—Bob Hopo'o Frogram—ba- continuous run o t more than five o u t” MXMsrp or rHK aacooiaTBO Mine Woricers,. be must obtain wlha kitp wobe wday ktrr eiot ofot The Mlaa Irene Zlglatsky ot New ing finally disposed o f until passed ganisation under John L. Lewis ato: Edna Sallart, Organ—midwaat ^ PAESa dividual by tha natoa of Millar— membership la another union - to SOUTH — wrva srptf wwno ware wjax Ills— till—H. FeeU’i Organ-mldw years during which more than 3,0- York and Mias Anna Barrett ot H I T CUTS OP Tha jUsoaiBtad Praaa la axeiuaivair on by the court of final appeal. A from a smashing blow. run for office. wfla-wsun wlod wsni wmo w » « p l BiM— filO—Kata Smith's Band Prog. 00,000 perale In 89 itates witnessed antitlad to tha oaa tor raaoblieatieB 'Kld“ MUlar ha was called. Ha widx wsmh kroo wky wfaa wbap kpro li4V- ti4M-Eeako Cartar’s Cemmant Elisabeth, N. J„ spent a delightful NIAVYSIIISSIIP Sue]»eneion o f the 10 C L O. Dominant craft union iaadart w S i ktbo kthi waoo wtar wit woae it "The (ireen Pastures” has been ot all aaara dlapatehaa tradltad to li layman might oeneeive of several was the beat known of a group of unions waa anticipated and the diOO— 7:00—Portland Sympheny Oreh. afternoon Monday visiting Lebanon or not atbarwMa ofadl/aa Ib tbta at tea convention are ruthlaas and TiOO— SiOO—Mark Warnaw Orehaotra filmed by Warner Bros, and will a d looking about at the various arguments against this ooncluslon, slickers who made a butlnaaa of heads of these unions took it with in aoma cases personally ambl- M ^ N T A IN —koa kdyl kslr ksM ktar r-M— aiSO—To Ba Announead OBBar aa« alaa tha la a ^ Baars aob- FA’CIFIC—kfl ksw komo Biq kpo kfu have Its local premiere at tee State points of Interest there. They were ilahaa batata but they would probbaly be aU a laugh. But a apllt in tha O. L ttoux Thay will keep Oruin at •too- 0:00—Orant Park Sand Coneart theater tele afternoon. scraping acquaintance with obvious Cant. Bait. •ilO - 0:10—Ths March of TImo—to 0 fortunate to be able to see the In­ all rHrb'a ot raonbllOBtioa* ot which has bad all tea breaks eo far the top only If they are .convinced Directed by tee author, Mare BvaelBl aiaBatehaa harala apa alao fB' wrong from the law school point of iltrangcrs to ths city and talking fHM— *!dO—Woman's Radio Review •i45— SidS—Jimmy Fsrroll, Earltono terior of tee . Ponatean Trumbull in its battle with the craft unions, that they srould invite public op­ —baslo; Juan Haidrioo Rand-mdw Connelly, who In 1932 won tee cov­ aaraad. view, which somehow seems to o« i n s - tiK»-4lano Arnold and Ouartat bouse, which has been token over tbslr. money out of their pockets. would bava bean relatively dis­ probrium if tbey ditched him ii**— ai4*—Vaao Family. Harmony tiOO—10:00—Hal Kama snd Orohoitra eted PuUtser prize with tee play, RNAST or PASTRY astrous. tito— 4i0»—Madsa Marlay, Carl Landt 0:10—10:10—DIek______StabllHa’s Orohsot.— by tee Daughters of tee Revolution, Poll aarvlea '^llaor at N B A far*i courageously Independent of, ordin­ 'Confldenee men" was their elase- after be hgd led teelr fight _ 3T - . .a------an-, baslo; Cummins Orchss— mldw 'T h e Green Pasturea” la said to be tea, iBo. A chance to bust the C L O. Wide 4iSD«-Aniw«r M« f hit* FMturR restored ami furnished according to ary understanding of tha English Ifleatlon. a^nst Lewis. . ] -Z lit f — 4i4^Tunt TwItUrt Program 10:00—11M—Bonny Doodman OrahasL the most pretentious production tee period. They also visited tee open waa axeeUy what President —baslo; Qao. Oivot Ciraua—mldw Pobliabar't HapraaaBtatlvai Tba They don’t like Ureeht believe 4,00— itfe-rPlylng TImo Atfvantun ever attempted by Warner Bros., or ys 1 9 c language. It was to this gentleman that ths David Dubinsky of ths Internattonel 4il»r-’ SilSr-Nswai Thmo Continontals lOdO—lliie —Charlie Bamai Orahastra historic burying ground where Gov­ FLOUR FACE iollot Uatbawa •paolal A/|ane)r—Naw teat be ia at. baart.. an'industrial 4:W— liie ' Frasa.Radio N o w Period 11100—11:00—Organ: t Orahastras—w any other studio. ernor Trurabiul and other distin­ Terk. Oiieaao. OatreK and Boatoo For ourself, we are In complete newspapers of the period attributed, Ladles Garment Workers offered unionist, and doubt bis islQlng- 4i*s-r lite —■staball by Pen) f o n ^ NSC-WJZ (BLUE) NETWORK All tee lavish detail teat distin­ guished Revolutionary patriots arc U. S. No. 1 GRADE accord with the Supreme Court the craft union leaders on the eoun- ness to become a raal champion .vraaf only; TO ' ^ Announoatf—cn. MKUMEM AUDIT- b u r b a d o f as ths basis of hit philosophy, the guished tee studio's production of buried. The "War Office” was 15 lb cU. for them In ruteleaa Internal 4*41—4:4f-^ Bjc- ;M —inly — A Bit^-twoaf - only ■ASIC — East: wjs wba-wbia wbal tUKI'IMMTIUNa view that the Palka verdict was a expression, “Thers’s a sucker bom BiM-: diOO—Amos“ a---- 'n' Andy—aast only wham kdka wsar wxya wlw wmrr wtnal “A Midsummer Night’s DreanL” closed for the day. A member of tee council, as labor warfare. i1*— di1»—Ths Volos of axporlsnea peek RUMP will waby wabr; Midwaat: wcky wonr "Captain Blood” and "Anthony Ad­ Mrs. Marietta G. Horton and her NEW POTATOES 3 9 c Tba Rarald PiiBitaa OeaipaBr ine bad one and thet the trial was badly every minute.” And sines Bamum well as of the C. I. O., Dubinsky lie— SilO—Edwin C. Hill’s Commsnt Few knew It. but certain craft wlo kwk koU wren wmaq koe verse” has been supplied, and noth­ sister, Miss Marion Gott were guests POPULAR BONELESS uaumta no dBABOlal ratponalbllltr promised on behalf of hla big or­ ii4l— S:4S—Sunsat’s Soranado—waat FINAST OR TRIPLE AAA conducted. But our especial Inter­ was Bllve In the days of the Miller union beads at ona time made T |;0O— 7d)0—Rudy Valloa Hour—a to o MIDWEST—wmt wood wlro in g has been left undone to give thla Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund for typooraphteal arrora appeartna IB ganisation to abide by a majority NORTHWEST A CANADIAN — wtmj OVEN ROAST FROM advartlaamanta la tba Uanakaaiar est Is aroused by the clretimetance, compromise offer to Lewis whict ■ rioo— i:oe—Copt. Henry Showboat—a inspiring play tee majestic back­ H. Horton at Point O' Woods beach activities the latter's expression was vote decliloD on C. I. O. activl- SiOO— SiOO—Radio Mus'o Hall—to a wiba kstp webo wday kyfr erct efcf CORN-FED STEERS Caantnii Harald involved . termination of Oreen'e' ground I t deserves. where they are spending teelr vaca­ “ 2 7 c once more demonstrated, that the contemporaneous with the sponsor tice at the next A. F. of L. cob- SiOO—lOiOi-Clom McCarthy, Sporta— SOUTH—wrva wptf wwno wlo w]ax tenure as president. They over­ aast; Amos ’n' Andy—rpt for west wfla-wsun wlod worn wmo wab wapi There are 111 speaking parts to tion. TOMATO JUICE 3’^°-25c THURaOAY. AUGUST 80 good old Constitution Is utterly be­ of Tom Thumb, Jumbo and the vention if the council would only estimated tee extent Lewis’ Sill—lOtll—King's Jostsrs A Orehos. wjdx womb kvoo wky wfaa wbap kpra woal ktbo kthi waoo wava wese wtbc the screen version, besides tee fa­ FINAST yond the comprehension of anyone postpone action at this time. personal animosity toward Green, tlio—lOiS^Nowsi F. Handorson Oro. mous Hall Johnson Choir tf 00 cherry colored cat. But it would He said he could get several ti4l —10:40—Jam Crtwfard at Organ MOUNTAIN—koa klo ksIr kshi ktar which isn’t very great. igise—liiSO—Htnry Eusaa’a Orohotlra PAC—k|o kfad ksz ksa koea kir kya voices, and hundreds of extras. In ROOSEVELT AND EUROPE but a Judge eo learned that he has be aa near the truth to say It w.-is other C. I. O. unions to sign such LAMB lOiSp—HilO—Sammy Watkln’o Orohtot. all, there are 120 scenic settings, been elevated to a supreme court. agreement. ConL EaoL TRIP TO GREAT BRITAIN P e a n u t BunERi^sse 2&»25c Whatavar tha actual reaaon for Shakespeare’s at to say It was Likely Reernita for C. L O. OUS-WABC NETWORK 1:30— 4:30—Tho einglng Lady—aait some of them of gigantic propor­ Which In turn bring.s the hope Bam iim ’s. The first new International 3 :4 ^ 4:45—Orphan Annie—aaat only tions. One of these Is tee famous Praatdaat Rooaavclt'a dacUIon to cut JA»IC—Eaiti wabe wado woko woao 4:00— 5:00—Nows; J. Wilkinson Song MILLBROOK AND RADIO ASSORTED ^ that If wa ever do decide to do Falled to Seize Opportunity iiniona to Join a separate latoor waab wnao wgr wkbw wkro whk wjr “ fish fry,” In whlcl 600 characters WON BY HARTFORD MAN Ahort hla Dust Bowl electioneering He wasn't that kind of a show- This simply meant 4:15— 5:15—Don Lang’s Animal Story at that Dubtn- federation under Lewis presum­ wdt« vreau wlas waan wfbl wjpd wjsv; 4 i » — 6;2t—FIvs-Mln. Plons Oonosrt attend a picnic In a sunlit glade. LEGS trip, whether It ia Ua foreign alt- something about our Constitution, man: he wasn’t that kind of a cltl- eky, pressed by conaervatlvea ably would come from among Mldwasti wbbm wfbm kmbr kmoz 4:30— 5:30—Proso-Rtdio Nows — ba­ whis kfab kmt ' There is a Southern community, SODAS i2J£.s9< GENUINE SPRING such as drastically amending It .or in hla own ranks and peraonally sic: Tha Singing Lady—mldw. rpL uation or aoma other eonaldaration, ten. Far, far from IL those which voted to support the e a s t —Wbns WPS whp whoa wlbs wtaa with a full-sized church, gambling quite jittery, offered to abandon 4i35— 5:35—Muriel Wilson, Soprano Alex Young ot Sumner street F A N a SOFT completely revising It, we shall Lewis position on industrial wore wica efrb ckaa wibx wmas was* 4:45— 5:45—Lowair Thomao — east: balls and night clubs. Scenes of LB the fact that It haa been given out Kesp It up. Tslsgram. Here's tee C. I. O. If tee convention— DIXIE—west wsfa wbro wqam wdod Hartford, amplojred by tee Travelers V W Co unionism at the last convention. Orphan Annio—ropoat to mldwoot spectacular beauty are showrl. In­ LIGHT MEAT have It written In Sanskrit; then no one, anyhow, that’s with you. a two-telrds vote of which is or­ kira wrao wlac wwl wtoo arid ■ ktrb snxi— 5:00—Easy Aoos, Skit—alao ost on adminietratioo authority that tho These Included the printing ktsa waco koma wdbo wbt wdao wbiz cluding barbaric revels set In an­ Insurance company, won tee round ordinary American clUsen could de­ dinarily required for suspension pressmen, teachers’ union, eoro- 6:15— 6:15—Wm. Haril. Roportor—oa trip ticket to Great Britain to the European tenalon U reaponaibla for wdbi wwva wraba wsjo wmbr wala 5:30— 5:30—Lum A Abnor—oaat only cient Babylon, In one of which four or expulsion o f a union— disap­ merclal telegraphers, and the ktul kako wcoa wane wnox kwkh Edith (^ v e ll (Command, Britiah W ar lude himself with the belief that MIDWEST—wsl wmbd wlsn wibw klh 5:45- S:45—Muslo Is My Hobby Prog. score of shapely dancers entertain tho change o f plana la pretty sure proved o f C I. O. by m ajority bakery, brewery, fur, elevator 6:00— 7:00—AHon Lsafor'o Orshsstra “NOT SO BAD" wsmk wkbn wcco wsbt. kacl wnx woo tee jmeets. Veterans contest to Invito crlUciam. And not with he knew somethiag about it and no vote. 6:30— 7:30—Roy Shlold and Orahastra construe tion, glove, and jaweiry 7:00— inxi—Death Valley Days, Play "^ectacles we could only talk Young accepted cash, to tee KYBO -'“• 19c LAMB Amarican Congreitmao would dare Well grounded suspieloni that Convention eontrol by craft workers. MOVN1— kvor kli bob ksl ksvo kfbb out goo - PCM-' ' 10:46— B etty Crocker. idsa of aa opsn pre-primary cam­ There will be "fair wheat crops,” 4:00—Women'! Radio Review. tee role made famous by fUchard Lady' and I was hungry enough ly the European Impression that ture on the vines, pick them earlier, exponent of the dreemy walts» of L. convention In Tampa In No­ Howard will aak tee L T. U. 11:00--Song Stylists. paign to ba partlelpatsd la by ths In the area. In tha opinion of the 4:80;L.<3ene Arnold and tee Rand Berry Harrison who died during tee eat a comer off tee City Hall tower. DEL MONTE '« 27e Americans ganerally ars anxious to today sets down, as my gneat ool- vember. t o join up wlte tee C. I. O. If it 11:15— Montana Slim, Yodllng Cow­ FRUIT SALAD Vl7c members. so that the young, tender poda are Boys. run of the play. So I bought a hamburger at an all LEAN ENDS vartoua oontaatanta for nominations umnlst, his Impressions of Few of them, if any, will tend does eo, courting almost auto­ boy. avoid. the ones used. Allen Saalburg, noted New York night stand, and drove away. for local offices It was not, 1st tbsse One may wonder whether, by any tham. delegates to the Tampa conven­ matic euspenaloiti'the effect will 4:45-—Vase Family. 11:30— The Chicagoatu. In preparing the fresh string tion.. A credentials committee ap­ be something like another ama^ 5:00— Blue Room Echoes, Joseph 12:00 Noon— News Service, painter and scenic artist was taken “ It was wrapped to a paper sack. 29 c CORNED BEEF . > Our safety In Uta evanl o f a gen­ aspirants bs assured, with any viaw chance, Mr. Roosevelt's curtailment —GEOBOB BOSS. CHERRIES beans, wash them well, then cut pointed by President William on the nose for the council, - Blume, director. P. M. to Hollywood to design tee sets and In trying to get at it, I let my car MILDLY CURED , ^ eral war over there lies In our utter Into small pieces and cook for forty to act as art director with Stanley slip off tee street. It climbed tee to shifting thatr pubUc uttarancss of hta tour through the drought re­ By WA y N B k i n o S:8()— Dick Tracy. 12:15— Captlvators. ' aJoofaaaa. I t ia a poor aasuimnce from tha Open Forum columns of gion. publicly attributed to the crit­ minutes to an hour to bring out 6:45— Tune Twlatere. 12:30— The Ad-Llner. Fleoscher. Hal Mohr, who won the curb. At teat point, I got through 2 V 25c New Yorkers are peoble who Academy of Motion Picture Arts tee paper sack. TUN A FISH "“T o f auch aloofnaaa when tha Presl- the best flavor. Use the smallest have mixed up.aymptoms of Anuip- 6:00—WrightvUle aarion. 12:55— Connecticut Produce M arket this aewapapar to the bandstand at ical poUUcal altuatloa in Europe come out of boles In tbs' ground, and Sciences award for photogra­ dent tndtcataa ha d a rh u o t poestble amount of water during her of things purpcMMly, But te ^ 8:15— A . B. MeOinley on Sports. BuUetln. ‘‘^ t a couple thicknesses of oiled Canlar Park. Fat from it. The with Its Immediate peril of war. the cooking process. Do not add teen are awrattowed up In nearby o f­ 6:80— Nows. 1:00— Savitt Serenade. phy of “A Midsummer Night's paper stlU covered tee hamburger, 2'%.»33c traval half way aotpsa bis own fice buildings, leaving the strerta de­ are M torn- algmala.. and .should^ be TU N A FISH oPlSIHL MIDDLE H erald’s Open Forum space w ill bs may not really have been occa­ bacon or grease In any form In the heeded; ' ' . 6:45— Rubinoff and Jan Pearos. 1:15—Jimmy Farrell and Rhytem- Dream,” waa chief cameraman. , and the flnt thing I knew I hi country lest be should miss a chance preparation of atring beans, as this serted. William Keighley was co-dlrector driven into somebody’s front lawn, as wide open to political candidates Don't let children get orer-tircul 7:00— ^Amoj ‘n’ Andy. alres. sioned by a reluctance on bia part, still raasltog* wlte test sandwich. to meddle. In some way or other. In makes them less easily digested. In That la the way they ftret ap­ Keep team out of night draughts. 7:15— The Lamplighter. 1:46—Tom, Dick and Harry. with Ckmnelly. GO R TO N ’S ^18 CAKES 2 25c this year as It has always been ui or that of his adrisers, to have him the properly cooked amall string peared to me, and teat Is how I 7:30— ^Merry Madcaps — Norman The atory is based o n ^ book by ‘1 waa mad by teat time, eo I just International affairs that are none Children Change clothee with tbs thermome­ 3:00— Judy and tee Jeaters. the past; and we anticipate that, see with his owm eyes just how bad beans you have a delicious, suc­ shall remember teem. L. Clouttor, director. Roark Bradford. It Is highly bumor- sat there and ripped the costume off RIBS ter. Keep up their genera' health, 3:16— Happy Hollow. o f Ills business— a poor assurance By Olivo Roboris Barton oua, yet tenderly reverent, and out­ m y UtUa midnight snack. I took If the Park meeting sponsored by —and possibly Just how not-so-bad culent. tender vegetable which can During my stay here 1 have known aa "(Itfenee.” Defense either 7:45— Rod Fox Tavern. 2:30— Dorsey and Day. S 21c of neutrality to any suspicious Eu be used by anyone, and which must er N64 nlovict in c ' 8:00— Rudy Vallee’s 'Variety Show. lines tee folklore, folk music and one bite. RED SALMON the Young Republican Club turns found N ew Yorkers to bs Just as throws off disease or fights It well if 2:45— Do, Re, Ml. —Western farm conditions are. be considered among the moat 9:00— The Showboat. traditional beliefs and practices of "About teat same time, a couple ropean government, even a poor pleasant and friendly as their cous­ Late summer Is the time when the It comes. 3:00—Baseball: Boston Bees va out as successfully as we expect It If, as there seems to be evci’y In­ wholesome of all non-starchy vege­ 10:00— Bliur Crosby with Jimmy ' N ew Y ork Giants. primitive dwellers to tee Deep of poUcraen rolled up beside me. “ 15c ins In Davenport and Decatut. W AYNE KING . . . oomparea New assurance to a great many Ameri­ thoughts of mothers everywhere are South of the United Statea. ‘ ‘Funny place to park,' one ot SEALPAKT BEANS 2 t 27c to, the Forum battle Held will dication, there Is a scheme to have tables. Take advantage of these All my life I believed teat every­ Yorkers tr their Davenport and Dorsey's Orchestra. cans who are not without conelder- harrowed by raleglvlngfa ol slcknest. 11:01— News. them laid. He thought I waa dru’ik. fought over svtn more energetically the federal government throw re­ good qualities and do not make the thing big either started or ended In Decatur cousins. able fear that If the long brewing beans difficult to digest by flavoring N ew York. It, to roe, was, and still 11:15— King's Jesters’ Orchestra. tried to explain that I got where than In any previous ytar. There There la always the dread of Infan­ “ 21c lief money to half a million people, them with pork or beans. When is, the center of all big happenings, 11:30— Fletcher Hendersons Or­ 1 waa ry trying to drive my car and PRUDENCE HASH trouble does start In Europe Or. the marvels of mankind, without tile paralysis, for Instance, that ruotofio/iR- should plant/ of reparcuaslon mostly voters on the Western forms ready to serve, add fresh butter whether i-ullUcal, business or musi­ chestra. HEBRON get at that sandwich. Cure-all Roosevelt will be only too leaving thi Island of Manhattan. chooses fall days to ride Its witch’s 11:45— Jesse Crawrford, organist ‘1 dared nim to try and smell siny TOMATO JUICE from tha open maeting—sod plenty between now and November S, it which Is allowed to melt over the cal. It haa always been on ambition COCKTAIL anxious to butt In and tell tboia warm beans. The amount of salt of mine to come here Just as any Nor ts the enthusiast limited to broom. And diphtheria, scarlet fever 12:00 Midn.— W eather Report. alcohol around me, but he said the M ANHATTAN 2 'A." 29c of afterthoughts. might bs very good politics to have American pictures, as you find prac­ Because we have a different social 13:02 a. m.— S ilen t RADIO onion in tee sandwich would lake SWORDFISH 25 c contained in the butter will usually other visitor and take In all o f tho and tee so-called children’s diseases, The Hebron and Gilead (tongre- nations over there what to Jo tically every race and creed In some DAINTY The assuranes of a free field and Mr. Roosevelt remain In a position season the beans sufficiently, but if sights and spots of Interest. like to ride high. too. Whatever order than prior’ to 1830, because Tonoorrow's Progrotn (Btostern Standard Time.) gatlonal churches will be open for care of teat. Finally, they were con­ about I t section or another of tea city. DOT no favor tn tha Open Forum applies where he could say afterward, you desire more seasoning It Is all she thinks of summer beat, tee there is a freedom now, unknown A . M. the usual services Sunday, having vinced, and drove away. All thU PEPPER SHAKERS 2 is 13c The other day 1 strolled through average mother wishes in many teen, because there is an axaggero- been closed tee past two Sundays time, 1 felt starvatio: credp'.ng on The well known Rooaavatt vanity of course to our Dsmocratio friends "Well, they told me those people right to add a small amount of salt Fly-by-Nlght» 6:30— "ReveiUe.” I I , the narrow, smelly, yet picturesque Uon of seeking pleasure or amuse­ New York, Aug. 20.—(AP) — while Rev. and Mrs. fi. A. Lewis me, by slow degrees. I looked might become a very dangerous to the water in which the beans arc TTie other evening 1 heard that waye that It would go on forever. 7:00— Morning W atch— Ben H aw­ M well as to Republicans—If oy were about to die.” cooked. streets of Chinatown, vislung typi­ If It means Immunity to hsi fam- ment, conditions are far worse than thorne. Terry Belcher, tee Texan who origi­ were on a vacation trip to the weat. around (or my hamburger. SALTY FLAKES ?517c thing indeed tn the event of a Eu­ the Hindei.burg waa about to pass cal orient:'1 ahopi and snapping pic­ nated the impromptu radio intei- any obanos there Is any such thing Use the small string beans this lly. before the 18te Amendment 8:00— Nows. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Sellers and "It was In the gutter where I over the hotel, so I etaUoned two tures of unbelievable elghte. When vlewa with tee public as it strolled ropean explosionj eapoeiaUy bafors as a eentast for that party’s local summer while they are In season, 1 should like to say. "The beet —Mrs.'Ida B. Wiae Smith, national 8:15—Good Morning Melodies. their young son Nicholas, of Phila­ dropped It when the officers sur­ bus boys on tee terrace with In- tease photos are flolehed 1 know down tee street, is going bia original the elecUon and with tha Prasldant and ramtmber to use the canned way le not to think about U at president W. C. T. U. 8:30— Cheerio. delphia arrived Tuesday for a visit prised me." QxVuoZ !Af3£cui£^ RALEIGH TOTfD 2*»29c nominations. etructlona to notify me tba minute that 1 will bavt a hard time con­ Idea one better tela fall. He's go­ ones next winter when the fresh all.” Perhaps I will aaj It any- 9:00— Radio Bazaar. of a few days with Mr. Sellers' so badly needing a ehanca to show Thsps era carUtln poaslblimss, Health and Diet the huge dirigible waa elghteo. All vincing anyone teat they ware ever ing right Into typical American brother and slst :r-ln-law, Mr. and Eddie Cantor and his 10-year':old ones are not available. evening 1 had been anxiously aw ait­ wav, because I am almoet super­ Selfish plugging of blghbrow 10:00— Rhythm o f toe Day, Rudy COCOANUT RASPBERRY 25c off and make the people forget soma taken few miles from tee financial stitious enough to believe teat Martin, director, wlte Renee Rale. homes wlte his microphone. The Mrs. Charles C. Sellers. protege, Bobby Breen, were entan­ W MENTHOUTED R** however, in connection with the ing a glimpse of thla gigantic air­ muslo by scholars, profasslonal 20 0< KOOL 17c o f hia Innumerable domasUc blun­ center o f the wDrld. useless worry Invltea trouble. 10:15— Vleimeee Einsemble. series will come over WEAF-NBC Henry Jones, the fifteen year old gled to a law suit today. open msstlng and personal pubUc Advice . QUESTIONS AND .ANSHERS liner. artists, ate., amounting to about 1 Buttar Brand iMf ¥ C A few blocks farthei, crossing However, 1 don’t class precau­ 10:80— ^The M ystery Chef. Sunday afternoons, starting Septem son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones of Joseph Hyman ask 1 Superior Crackad ^ 9e ders. When I waa notified that It wa* per cent of. tee public, baa dis­ appaarsnea of oandldatai which By Dr. F K A N H MoUUY the Bowery, 1 found mj-self tn tba tion with worry, lo it may be 10:46— "T od a / s Children.” ber 6. Hope Valley road. Is constructing a (Jourt for an accounting ot Bobby's (Bae Stings) about to fly over the city, I stop­ couraged the other 89 per cent Buttar Graham 10c VICEROY "iS' -17c cannot ba parallalsd In prinUd de- center of "Uttle Italy." It la diffi­ wen to review a faw thingi to­ 11:00— David Harum. Try these tonight; canoe. When done It will be 16 earnings, 10 per cent commission Pan Rolls 10c Quaatloo; Kolan P. writes: ’’i was ped tha muslo and told toe gueece —Sigmund Spaeth, muale critic.' B T B P y B1BEAMS cult for anyone Uke royeelf from gether. 11:15— Sweethearts o f tee Air. WBAF-NB(3—7, Rudy Vallee; 8. feet to length. He Is follow ing di­ and $10,000 damages. His com­ ENGLIBH OR SANSKRIT? bate. reading about treating rheumatism that If they would go to the ter­ a email town, to Imogiue auch num­ Keep Hands Away From haoe 11:30— Neighbor Nell. Lanny Ross and Showboat; 9, Bing rections taken from a book on craft- plaint stated he had contracted with M ca/ia Ua£ue5 Tha voter who reads avary word by using bee etlngs. is this any race they could enjoy tele , unusual bers o f human beings crowved m (toosby: 10, Elm MeCtorthy sport mansblp and la doing all the work tee boy singer's parents, Mr. and The flnding of error by tba lu- When using the small string sight. Since infantile partfysls is still 1 have never heard a Canadian ll:4o—The Lamplighter.^ of Caspar Wlggleflngar’a Forum good?" one small area. It le Impressive to Shota; 10:45, Jesse Crawford at the alone, steaming and shaping tee Mrs. Harry Borsuk, to February, MILCO MALT beans you are assured of getting a a mystery aa to source, it la bard rsfer to an American hs a “for­ 13:00 N(wn— M artha and Hal. prams Court of Errors In tha appaal Answer: Report.s appear from I rushed to the terrace thinking see the cheerful smiles , speaking on "The help to the stretching of the canvas. to New York last April, and Imme­ him, never beard bis voice, doesn’t string beans may be classed i terest Is caused by any blase atti­ taelf ia a valuable bit of tofor- to me better tban anything else tec Cloutier, director, with Bob EUia. poUcemen, ia bound to ba widely these reports are commented upon the friendliness of all sorts ot New European Situation and Its bearing Henry is a student at Windham diately ordered bis producUon non-starchy vegetable. Inasmuch as tude on the part.of tee New York­ Biatlon, because preventidn can relationship between our two ooun- -13:69:^TIme Signals. DILL PICKLES AIHaUFT know whether he's ths kind of a In the public preae. The latest re­ Y'orkers to us during our stay here be used in a measure. 1:00— News and Weather. upon American Neutrality”; 9, High school. schedule Increased by eevera: pic­ LBS dlacuaaed not only by lawyara but tba itarcb oontent la very low. The ers, but 1 atnceraly think that they tries. Sweet .Potatoes 4 I Se Fuy who looks you to tha aya whan port advisee the Injection of bee has bean surprising. Before roming Grant Park (toneert; 10, Hal Kemp's Mr. and Mrs. Theodore House and tures. b y puszlsd la}rman. Frequen’. washing oi handfi these — Franklin D. Roosevelt on (Cana­ .1:15—H it Tunes. SWEET MIXED ' i W larger tba etring btan, tha mera venom intreeutaneouely, that is, take tease occurrences as part at here we bad always baart teat tha orchestra; 11, Benny Goodman and children, Stanley and Shirley, were He Iso revised tee script of a he talks or tha kind that looks over ■larch It contains. teelr regular Uvea. They are rather days Is a good idea, and aspeclaUy tf dian trip. 1:20— M arket R ep ort Palka was Indicted for flnt de­ y w i n the Bubetanoe o f the akin Big City was cold, calculating and children 1:25—Aeolian Trio. band. Sunday guesta of Miss Daisy White. current film, "Love Undci Fire” to NATIVE YEUOW ’ your shoulder. And he wants to String baani are alkaline form accustomed to unusual dally hap­ MUSTARD u ^ ^ i a c From roy own point of view, it distant. on tee ground Washing before 1:30— Charlei. Stenross' Orchestra. WJZ-NBC—7, Allen Leaferis or­ Mrs. N. P. Clark and daughter. permit Merle Oberon and David gree murder, convicted o f aaeond de­ tag; aupply ua with food rolnarala. penings. 1 approve of . throwing money know. Ha has perhaps heard Cas- sMroe neadleea to rely upon such W e found It to poeaasa noue .of meals Is always good, but just now 2:00— Popular Melodies. chestra; 8, Death VaUey Days, Miss Alberta also Miss Louis natt, Niven, off-screen sweethearts, to PINEAPPLE JUICE gree and sentenced to life Impriaon- eapeclatly calcium and magnesium, ohangers out or the temple, but we of Hartford called on Mrs. Helen par’a name msntioned a thousand infections, ae re lltf from rheumatl.'im these characteristics. Whether It Is better still. If a child has a habit of 2:30— Toecha Samaroff, vloUnlat. drama; 8:30, Meredith Willson and m arry each other In celluloid. feNo,10D 6 lb« 1 5 c ment, being now tn Wethersfield. and when used tn the email, tender may ba batter secured by uslne World of Interest on the street, la tee radio studio or need moat o f sill to throw the orchestra; 9, Great Lakes sym­ White Sunday. 3 N o ^ 2 5 e ONIONS putting hands to face, or mouth or 8:00— Pepper Young’s Family. tlmai—live'hund'od to ths effset state have about the same propar- My particitlar hobbies and enjoy­ money spenders out of tee temple GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ‘> Tha state appealed, being deter­ other methods. on the dance floor, we have yat to nose, he ahould be utte ly discour­ 3:15— M a Perkins. phony: 11. Shandor, violinist; 11:80, It is reported teat Paul Jones has Gary Cooper, already tee paws to that he la a square shooter and ties aa a green leafy vagatabla. n e ments are playing golf and taking or there will be no change left meet anyone who hoe not been more aged to tea practice. Handkercbltfe 3:30—V ic and Sade. Henry King's orchestra. been taken to Middlesex hospital for Paramount’s $6,000,000 suit against F A N a RIPE 5 mined that the extreme penalty Imnmture atring bean, picked while enapshote. —U. 8. Senator Arthur H. Von- a;, appendicitis operation. genius, five hundred implying that (Soda for Acidity and Cleanser) than friendly and. extremely willing should be tucked to email pockets 3:46— The O’NeUIe. Friday Is to nring; <3oldwyn pictures, figured to aaote’ ahould be inflicted tor thift peculiar­ the pod la etlll quite email, la not New York affordi a veritable par- denberg, of Michigan. Fred Jones and Mr. and Mrs. N. iPupptlU QueaUon: Letltla DeS. writes: to help us In every possible way. and used axcluslvely by teelr own­ WEAF-NBO-2:16, Ma Perkins, er acUon today, this Ume (or $1,- he la half knave and half fool. No adlae for tec camera enthuelaat. One ly atrocious crime. The Supreme iraa-formlng, and I consider that ould like a little Information New York does Its utmost to ers. drama; 3, Woman's radio review; 5, P. Clark and family of Hartford 00 0 ,0 0 0 . Buy your canning nsceieHics at your neareit Fkit Nallenel wonder he wants to hear Caspar ;he small poda are more desirable about the use o f bicarbonate of can takei picturespi of tho______human In- _____make _a strangei feel „at „ homa. spent the week-end at Eureka Store .... we carry a comNata line all reeieMbly grkad BANANAS If one lives to a district where It’s what they put on to take oB^ Flying Time, sketch. Edward D. Venturinl, writer-dl' Court has found error in the exclu­ tban the large pod.s, as the beans Lodge, Jones street road. and see Caspar and maybe ask Cas­ soda. Some medical authorltle.s terest etudiea, beauties of nature, or There la ouly one New York. the water supply la under suspl teat counts. * W ABC-CBS-r3:80, U- 8. A rm y rector, named Cooper, Paramount sion by the trial court of a signed Inside of the pods are not ao large. Mrs. Robert Bollow Is under par a question or two. before ne recommend the use o f soda as a cion, it is wise to boll It before — Alole S. Knapp, (Chicago lawyer band; 4:16, Week-end special, music; and others as defendants, alleging V IN EG AR nNAST^' 20c lS;|'39c LARGE SIZE “ confession mode by Palka ahd In When the beans are large they may WDRC treatment at Hartford hospital for mouth wash, tooth cleanser, and a and nudist camp founder giving W JZ-NBC— 12:30, National Farm hts adaptation of tee book, "Uvea makes up his mind whether to vote using. This applies to many dis- a serious Ulness. She Is reported the trial Judga't charge to tho jury produce fermentation the same as cleanser of tee stomach. On the who goes to bed at nine o’clock will oue flavors. Chewing gum stimu­ views on popularity of burlesque 4:46, Wilderness Road, drama, of a Bengal Lancer,” warn used to for him or against him. eases. Typhoid, ot course. Is the 225 Hartford. Coon. 1880 as somewhat improved. M A S O N JARS S5c 65c navy beans. In case you can not other hand I have read that soda Is sleep the soundest from then until lates the secretion of saliva and va­ villato to beware ot most alertly strip dancers. and Home Hour; 4, Airbreaka Varie­ making a starring vehicle to r tee and sends the case back to the Fair- secure the small string beans, It (StoBtern DoyUght Tim e.) Town Clerk Mrs. Merton W. HUIs Cantaloupes We are enthusiastically tor the harmful to the teeth and stomach. twelve o’clock; If he goes to bed at rious other digestive fluids and for where water le concerned. Bet' ty Show; 6:15, M idge Williams, per­ actor without Venturini'e consent. field County court for retrial. win be necessary to open the larger twelve o’clock, he will sleep hi.’: has received various school grants IDEAL JARS 69c ’ ^ 7 9 c ' open candidates’ vocal symposium The claim is that the soda eats the this reaaon may be used afte. a ter too early than -oo late, and teat We get along as well as any one sonality singer. ones, either before or after cooking, from tee atate amounting to all to There have been tn Connecticut lining of the stomach and also de­ soundest from about twelve until meal, often taking tee place of a parent who tt not sure, can at leoat —bridge players, tor instanoe. Hinraday, Angnat 20 Some Friday short waves: Production notes: SEEDLESS OR MAUGA and sUmlnatlon contest, so to speak and remove the beans from the In­ three o’clock. 58,449.87. This includes, tee elem­ very few cases of appeal by the stroys the enamel of the teeth. I dessert to an advantage. lU use as­ sleep better tf she knows she has —Johnny Van Ryan, tennis star, P. M. R N E , Moscow, 4 p. m.. The Soviet Erich Marla Remarque's latest JELLY GLASSES ^ 39c But as a highly userid supplement side. 5:00— Lewis Gannett "Books.” Lumberjack; 2 RO Rome, 6, Ameri­ entary schools transportation grant state In criminal cases o f any kind would like your opinion on this sub­ tu te m developing tee muaclea of taken the right precaution. who frequently teams up with novel, "Three Comrades,” was Fresh siring beans are more de­ ject.” 5:15—Clyde Barrie, baritone. ca’s Hour; EAQ, Madrid, 7, Spanish o f |1,174A4, tee trade school trans­ to, not a substitute tor, the tradi­ (ChewlBg Gum) tee jaw and probably asalate In p re­ Good Health Is Best Defense his w ife to doubles. portation grant o f 5257A3, high bought (or tee etf’een today by Me- and there Is probably no precedent sirable than the canned beans. If 5:30— Melody Weavers. course; DJD, Berlin, 7:30, “The P A R O W A X 12 c GRAPiS Answer: 1 do not believe that bi­ serving the teeth and kasping them As for ooDtogloua dlaeasea, 1 tro-Qoldwyn-Mayer. The iacale is tional Open Forum debates of the they can be secured small enough, Question: Mrs. J. H. asks: "Clan 5:45— N ew s Service. school tuition grant of $27.50, high Whatever tor the present decision. carbonate of soda would be Injuri­ you tell me eomethlng about chew­ clean. It ia best not to use the know of no better time tban late Masque of Death” and 8:80, New post-war Germany. pMt. but usually this is aomewbat dif­ Mr. Farley and his associatss. not 6:00— Loretta Lee. school transportation grant of $1,- G O O D LUCK JAR RINGS 3 r^ 2 2 c Which fact of course has nothing ous to -the'teeth or mouth, or even if ing gum ? W hat l i 1 effect Uiion dl- cb swing gum Immediately preceding summer or (all to keep the neigh­ German architecture; TPA4, Paris, Robert Florey, his contract re­ CAUFORNIA-LARidisiZE ficult to achieve the year around, omitting Mr. Roosevelt himself, are 6:15— News o t Youth. 925, and the Library grant of 565. In the words of the old time re­ ocoarionally used to relieve stom­ ^ s tjo n , and o f what la It oompoa- a meal. borly snlffler away. Ur to keep 10:30, News to Btoglish; OSD, OSC, newed, was tasigned by Paramount whatever to do with' its merits. and you will find that It ia con­ fighting with their books to teelr 6:80— Baseball Scores. The teachers salaries grant has not vivalists, ''Corns on, men!” ach acidity. On the other hand. It our own small ooughers or sneez­ London, 10:45, (toastal craft; G IRO . yet been received, but U expected to today to direct "The Tlmea Bo Un- U.S. or BALL ja r r in g s 6 r^ 2 5 c What the layman finds difficulty venient to purchase the canned var­ Jobe. . ' 6:40— Ne-vs Service. seems to be an excellent tooth and Heolthfnl Canoeing ers at home. Or to segregate. tee CJRX, Winnipeg, 12:80, Moon Rip- setUed Are.” iety, being cartful to use a brand Anawer; (Shewing gum was. origi­ —John-.'D. M. HamUton, natloital 6:45—Renfrew o t tee Mountao. tee near future. ORANGES in understanding Is by what process mouth cleaneer, aa It counteracts member of the tamUy who “does plea. Allison Bkipworte nnd Gall Pat­ rON MAKING JELU b e ^ in which the beans are very amall. nally uiade from spruce gum or re­ Question: Hobart aoks:. "What Republican chairman. ~ 7:00— Atlantic FamUy on Tour with The popularity of tee "Story Tell- CERTO 23c of reasonbif tha high court recon- THE BARNUM TORCH acidity. The only possible objection not feel ao wall.” Oh. yes, the toj Hour," conducted by Mrs. rick were borrowed from Para­ O f course, the canned string beans fined paraffin-wax variously flavor­ muscles of the body does canoeing Frank Parker. would be that. In using It to relieve chances ^ e that it Is jugt a cold, YOUNGEST WAB VETERAN Charles C. Sellers, has been auch as mount today for the FoK-Twcntlete jCUes a new trial with the provision are already cooked and require only ed, but chewing gum a t tha present develop mostly? H ow ikiea it affect 7:80— Kate Sm ite’s (toffee Tima. w ith bulldog tenacity the stomach acidity. It would give so or a Uttle sore tnroat; it Is fool­ Bootlegging cannot be controlls' to make it advisable to continue tee Century pieture, "The White Hunt­ I^in a slight warming-up before being time-to, made from chlolab a gum tee health?'' as long as taxes are high. 7:45— Books Carter. the United Statea Constitution Bridgeport Telegram takes up the much relief that one might let .he ish to cry “wolT' for every small Etost Haven, Aug. 30.— (A P ) series through August, though orig­ er,” with Warner Baxter and K I 6 LINED CANS IN BOTTLES served. obtained from the milky juice se­ t Answer: Canoeing deveiope the — John D. Rockefeller. Jr. 8:00— Seattle Symphony. AureUo 8. (toranl, 88, of Hartford, Simone Simon. Ich declares “nor shall any par- torch In behalf of the memory of trouble progreaa too far without creted by the bark of the I'.podlUa todlsposltlon and think the vary inally planned for July alone. Mrs. NO DEPOSIT - SAME SIZE AS BOTTLES PRICES FOR CONTENTS ONLY tn selecting. the fresh string musclea of tec arms, cheat and 9:00— M ark W aniow 's Blue V elvet bad a close rival today in John Don Amsche won tee lead today be aubject for the same offence trying to overcome it by permanent tree, which also baars one of tee worst However, even tee child Sellers told tee children Thursday Its town's most famous citizen, the beans, make sure to buy the beans meaauras. back. Ckmoetog ia a beneficial ex­ who has nothing more than a Orchestra. Beecher Healey, who was killed to "The Last Slaver,” which has a most delicious of the tropical fruits. There la nothing evU. aiverythtof afternoon two Greek tales, "The be twice put In jeopardy of life os fresh as possiblie. The fresh ercise to Improve tec dreulatlon, has Its purpose, 9:80—^To be announced while In action, fot tee honor of be­ Civil War background. long departed Phlneas Taylor Bar­ This gum was usisd by tee Indians common cold should be banished , its reason for*be- Fourth Labor of Herculea," and CAB ALB - MULIMBAD ALB limb.* ones will make a crisp, snapping breathing and endurance. tog. 10:00— Grant Park (toneert— Chica­ ing tee youngest soldie, to enlist tn Laurtf and Hardy's next (entore num, a i^ proteate the libelous at­ Sleeping Sbimdly for chewing many years bafors it (rom society. It may go easy wlte —Henry Fprd. "Th e Apple of Discord,” ctostog sound when broken between the go Symphony Orchestra. tee U. S. Army during the World length film, scheduled for Septem' RUPPBRrS-OXHBAD BBBR oz S ?S te & S “iS^'’*“ 3 ‘*25c natural interpretation of this QueeUon: Rip Van W. asks: "Do was known oomme^ally. It . makes him but bard (or ths next (eUow. with a fairy stoi^from Chris- 12 tribution to him of that cynical fingers. If you are choosing the 10:80— ^March o f Time. W ar. ber produetien, la about tee wild In the lay mind, would ne you think sleep before midnight U a very good aubsUtuta OiseaMS are more oontagious ■oon Or late, gU men must‘ learn tian Anderson. There will be a see- BALLAHTINB BBBR crooks' maxim, “There’s a sucker green variety, look for those of a te fo r rubber. PUP KBBCUM KITTEN 10:45— Jimmy FarreU. (toranl joined tee army exactly 79 west Hid ths gay 9Ca. better than after?" but bringr a better prio* rom -the to their uariy stages, almost Invari­ that tee law of-iife Is co-uperatioi. Sion next Thursday a t 4 p. m. OLD KRIWSTRR BRIM 4-RM RUka, once the seoond degree clear, bright groan color; if the was ably, indeed, before diagnosed le '1:00—Sjmrt Bevlow. days before bis flfteeote birthday Leonard Porter atarted Wednes­ Patsy Kelly agd Lfirdn Itohgrti P . O . N . A U G r L A G B R bom every minute.” Answer; Scientlate have found jew in g gum Industry, and is proc- bote for Individual reiationi one r» .JVM variety, then look (or • bright, Ogden, Utah (A P )—When a lut- 11:05— N ew s Service. while Healey enUstec 68 days before day forenoon for Crystal, Michigan, ware teamed today for a Hal Roach rendered, bad escaped “Barnum never said anything ot that tears is no difference In sleep. neally exclusively used for this pur- dangerous, or Innocent os the esse latiaq* aaureaa uatiqiis. The only clear yellow. Avoid thOM beana You will sleep just as aoundly be­ tan at the home at Douglas. Brian may be. But tea ohUd with a head­ 11:15— Hal Kemp's Orchestra he would have been fifteen years old. to see bis brother Howard wtw ia comedy, 'Nobe^jr's Baby." o f his life In which be the kind.” protests the Telegram. which are too large, wbieb are dull -)oee.( In teg chewing gum factory feu into a ditch fuU o t water. alternative to co-oparsUon 11:80— Dick StabUa’s Orchestra. fore twelve as after and vice versa. ache. a fevat. soretbroat. etifl-Deck among men and nsUona la that meb (toranl, bom Oct. 4, 1903, enlisted employed there. The two brothcre itU the ju ry reporte^l, In color, or shriveled. docks of the dried etoeUe are tbor- Snicky, a slx-weck-oid bulldog, Bight! Ha saver did. He nevai The firet few hours of sleep are bad cougb. extreme weartnees pain, ■halt die by each othir'a hand , TMDeiTOw*B Program July 17, 1917, while Hsalsy, bora win return together, and Howard oiwhly rtflned and starlUaed. - aaA jum p^ to. seised tte'anlmal by the Ifegt of the plant life of Spits- You will And ttet it poya to be tee deepest, howevsr, and a lyeraon to. tea stomach, patn to legs or eon .—Key. Carlos .O. Fuller, J, ,w‘ Yorli A . M. July 27, 1902, snUstsd M ay 30, 1917. wlU have a week’s 'vaeaUan. T bey mixed with the swcetantiig and t e t i- h ar^ was CHrlsd there to ps^ oeok and dragged it to safety. tinugd nausea, neads g doctor. II a t y . ' _ . '7:80—Bboppera Special — 1st Sec- Csranl uas offereu a white gold will make the retura'trlp by auto- tkm. watch and chain to tee veteran who mobile. fivm, ftom ihe ScandtoanTian. paa- irst atiomal tores ■ft " y .,.; . . ■ ’ F 1\ S f c 4S| W ewe J tfTlea. -«aa bast his record. The Rev. Boreld;lL K m o . at iflinla. bar M idi. V ^ LZ'; .“ .w r l llANCHKnto BVKNINO HERAli^ ATTOulrib, lUU*C3HB!riTO innCNING HERAU). ilANCHiarrBB. OONN« THURSDAY, AUGXJST 80,19M l\

returned to their home after visit- ry out the aasaosinatlons Stalin they could stave off the enemy With SUGGESTS MEmOD lag Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Woods in and others. AUTOMOBILE PURCHASE thatf SO oallbra guns and elude snip- Mbition Candidate North Franklin. OinUNES DETAILS According to tha testimony. Bog- Nipponese Fear Spread PRACTICE FUGHT GUARDSMEN SET era er enemy Mtrola. These enra Strange Religious Creed Miss misabeth Bchrler, nurse o f dsn was to have killed Stalin at will return to Fort Bthnn Allan the Stafford Hollow has returned to her the time the dictator's chief aide, ECEEDS GROSS BUDGET end of the week. Claims Stumping Record FOR UNIFORM LAWS duties in Hartford following a two OF RUSSIAN PLOT Sergei M. Klroff, was oasasainated O f Communism to Japan Hyda Park. N. T. — Praaldant .—Republics BEFORE OCEAN HOP FORWARPRACnCE Bound Slayer and Victii months visit at her bofiie. at Leningrad. Rooakvelt movaa to arrange addi­ 'man Hamilton prediets a Landon Annoyncement has been made of RIGHT WlNQ SOdAUSTS Lost For Power tional drought cottferencaa, coinci­ victory and says "fundamnetal Net Cost Is Less Than Appro­ WIN IN BRIDGEPORT CaiioBgo, A u f. aOj—(A P )— Tli« three addresses a day," Blake said, the engagement of Miss Bldith Pan­ Kameneff admitted that a blood­ dent with official word that (Jon- issues are becoming clearer daily.” tpa Angeles, AUg. 30.— (A P ) — - Mlsa Takaoka on a westbemwlm '"at tiroes making five speeches in ders. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. TosemlU, Calif., Aug. 20.— (AP)^Lenln , Japanese delegates said. No priation and Under Expend!- continental bus t m weeks ago, M ij Pndlibmon party laid claim today Jnrist Phiposes, Compacts Witness Says One Man thirsty lust for personal power greas probably would be aaked to Hagerstown, Md. — Ool. Frank Bridgeport, Aug. 30 — (AP) — A atraage religious creed that may a single day." Michael Panders of Prospect — Russian sad Japanese delegsitaaj matter whether the system be bolster western relief fimds. Knox, Republican vice -presidential Richman and Rilot to Go to "Tnemy’* in Position and of staying at her home s t the to the moat traveled candidate for motivated the conspirators. tores of Previous Year. Bridgeport will send n dele^Uon of bava bound *Raymond E. Johnson Dr. Colvin travels aloni. now, but street, to Oliver Fontanella, son of He denied be wanted to over­ to the Institute of Pacific Relations Chpltalistlc or Socialistic, retention Bates Park, Colo.—Gov. Landon nominee, says “the business of the she was killed. Preeident in the 1936 campaign. 19 Right Wing Socialists led by and Midi Takaoka in n romance of will be joined Sept. 10 by J. Ray­ Between States to Rem Mrs. Amelia Fontanella of Stafford KiOed Himself Rather throw the government because it agrewl today on a desire for peace, | of Kansas set out on the first east­ country can not be run from Wash­ Mayor Jasper W. McLevy to the " I was asleep in the perior, 1 ern campaign swing of bis drive to ington." Newfoondland F n ^ to The gross poUce appropriation o f Serions Problems Will Be east and west was recorded today In is right next to the hallway le u _ _ \ Edward E. BlalcA National cam­ mond Smith of Washington for the street. No date has been set for the was successfully building Socialism. but the Japanese raised a point on state SocUikUt convention In Hart­ paign manager for Dr. D. Leigh rest'df his Itinerary. wedding. social system’s pillar is desired. defeat the New Deal. Boston— An editorial in the Jew­ 831,000 haa been over-drawn to the Johnson’s prellmlnnry hearing tes­ to Midi’s room, when I heard h ir t s "Naturally," be added, ’‘political tha possible spread of (Jonununism ford Sept. 13 and 13. Colvin of New York, the prealden- edy Present E B . Than Carry Out Orders. they tainted. New York—rDemocratlc Chairman ish Advocate says Rev. Charles E. timony on charges of murdering tbe scream.” ha said. The Prohibition party’s 1936 cam' Funeral services for Freo Bridges, groups deprived of power feel their from Russia to Japan. Check Up on the Radio. amount of 8803.86 mucb to the dis­ Settled Next Week. The delegatlofi waa elected at n tial nominee, said the candidate paign fund Is the largest since 88 of StaffordvUle, who died at the 'n e opinions were given at a Farley declares the Republican cam­ Coughlin “has dropped tha curtain, petite Japanese dancer and assault­ “I jumped to my feet and peertd policies are superior." ’The Soviet delegation said a Rus- appointment of Selectman and Po­ general membership meeting last would travel at least 35,000 miles 1916, Blake said. The party, he add­ Johnson Memorial hospital early press conference last night afU r paign consists of "a constant bar­ X X X and emerged, in his own ing bis asserted love rival, William down the hall in time to see Joh^ j "W ere jrou a bloodthirsty enemy so-Jiq>anese war Is not considered lice Oommlasloner Mathias Spless, night which was' marked by lively and make about 400 ipeeches in 35 ed, Is waging Its biggest campaign Boston, Aug. 30.— (A P )— The Monday morning following a short Moscow, Aug. » . — Testimony closed rotmd table discussions rage of scare propaganda.” words, as a challenger o f the Jews." verbal clashea between factions ot Bachand. son walking rapidly toward the! of the government?" asked Prose­ inevitable. ’The fact that Russia is New York, Aug. 20.—(AP)—A who waa named by the selectmen to Camp Cross, Nlantlo, Aug. 20.— states before the election, in 20 years. He attributed the ac­ executive committee o f the National Illness was hold, yesterday at 3 p. among the 100 delegates from coun­ the party. Tellers had not completed The 35-year-old stage beauty, her front door. Immediately In back that a 1984 plot to kin Joseph cutor Andrey Vlshinsky. well defended, they added, la not a close fclen I of Dick Merrill disclosed the police board that a more careful (A P )—While their officers gathered Dr. Colvin, now on a 10-day tour tivity to repeal of prohibition. Conference on Uniform State Laws m. in. the O. ft. Baker funeral par­ tries Interested in pacific relations. counting the ballots until early this throat slashed with a butcher knife, of him waa Midi in her nightgown. Stalin failed because the secretary "Yes, I was," Kameneff replied. factor for war but for the develop­ watch might be kept on police ex­ in solemn conclaves to deliberate died on the lawn of her Lot Angeles of Caiiforpia, began his campaign Blake said Dr. Colvin would end advanced inter-state compacts to­ lors with the Rev, Edward E. Eno The discusiiions, sometimes bear­ today that the veteran airmail pilot penditure. morning when it was dlaolos^ the She waa covered with blood. She to Gregory Zinovieff committed sui­ Visblnsky treated Kameneff, once ment of friendly reiitlons with over tbe possiblllUes o f war with home Aug. 11. .June 7. He has been hitting the his CMlfomla tour Sept. 29. The day os a means of legislating In of the Baptist church of Stafford ing on delicate matters of interna­ f e d e r a l m i H E RISING and Harry Richman, the singsr, will The necessity of buying a new 19 delegates elected were all. en­ got as far as tbe front stepa and' a powerful (Jommunist party mem­ neighboring coimtrlea. CONTINUE PROBE the Imaginary enemy from Redeela, A slater of Johnson, Mrs. Miribn trail ever since. standard bearer plans an address in fields "which (Congress may not Hollow' officiating. Buria. was in cide rather than carry out his chief­ tional relations, have been carried try a round trip non-stop flight to car, at a coat of 8938, to replace one, dorsed by leaders of the Right Wing. then tumbled over dead." ber, with extreme deference, and the men of tbe 4Scd Dlvleion return­ Taylor, told the court: He already baa covered about 10,- the gold shell at Pasadena, Sept. enter within the limit of the Con­ the Staffordville cemetery. tain’s orders was presented today Japanese delegates expressed con­ on In an amiable atmosphere, "Ob­ Newfoundland Saturday or Sunday badly in need of repairs ani' the M cLevy polled the highest vote Bailiff Gene Hagen kept wtadorw ' the whole morning session was con­ TREASURY REPORT SAYS ed from morning problems anu pre^ ■ “They were both very religious, 000 miles, Blake said, and deliver­ 23, when Claude A. Watson of Los stitution." Attorney and Mrs. Joel H. Reed, cern over possible spread of Com­ servers said. before they attempt their proposed shifting of the cruising car from of any delegate, 185. Among the of the courtroom closed. becauM h i in a dramatic momeni at the con­ ducted in low tones until Reingold munism to Japan. pared to take it easy for tbs balance other delegates are State Senators although 1 nevar saw them go to said, "Johnson sssertedly threai ed more than 100 ap exes. Angeles will be formally notified of The committee , in its report on 2nd of East Main street ere spend­ OF WPA WORKERS round trip to London. night cruising to the uae of the ser­ of the day as the sun beat merclleas- spiracy trial o f Zinovieff and 16 lumped up with his shouted accusa­ "1 agree with the Soviet repre- Albert E. Bcciea and Audubon J. church. ened at a recess to burl M m ^if "Dr. Colvin will average about his nomination for vice president. the annual address of its president, ing the week at the Reed's summer tions. The northern flight. It waa said, geant causing the overdraft, it was ly down on the scorched grass of tha Judge Orie L. Phillips of the U. 8. other Russians. sentaUve that peace is desired by NEW MILFOBD ROBBERY During July It Rose 66 Mil­ will give the pair a complete check explained. Secor and John M. T a ft “ I guess you'd say they had their the pavement seven floors below." home in Westford. Aim Of Terrorists reservation and tha humidity roes. Circuit Court of Appeals for the both Japan and the U. S. S. R.,’’ Said on the two-way radio installation on Mr. Spleas has been unable to get own creed. I think that was what Miss Takaoka and two stqUfli Peter L. Roberta of Westford T. Relngold, one of the defend­ ) Kameneff, with professional mein, lions Over the Same Month Fortunately the men startM out loots body bolte are permitted 10th Circuit, said. Prof. Kenzo Takayanagi, a leader New Milford, Aug. 20— (AP) — Richman's big monoplane. In touch with the other commission­ tt bound them so cloae together tor played in eastern vaudeville ngd'; avenue, accompanied by his daugh­ ants,, suddenly jumped up and faced spent two hours in a simple recital State Policeman Henry Palou of th e' One of the Absentees Found a Year Ago— Details of early In the morning and were well to go untightened, eteerirg it apt three years." "There are certain fields in which Leon Kameneff, who with Ztno- of the Japanese group. The plane was flown last night ers but claims he wsa told'by the on their way home before the beat night clubs recently, billed as "The ters, the Misses Dorothy and Bea­ of the alms of the Terrorists. Ridgefield barracks reported today Report. be faulty. Bachand, who met and wooed Taka Sisters." -- ,nn . INFANT DEAm TOLL POUTICAL HEADS the Federal (Congress pos.sessed un­ trice and son Donald have returned vleff is siccused to leading the con­ " I believe our difficulties can be from Floyd Bennett Field, Brook­ other two commissioners. Chairman became oppressive. to "W e faced in 1932 two alterna­ burglars had entered the office ot questioned jurisdiction, but recent V,,, means, but there to Be Visiting His •Fiance lyn, to the Newark, N. J., airport C. R. Burr and Secretary Harry B. to their home following a three spiracy to overthrow the Soviet tives," he said. “ Because of the suc­ H. H. Taylor A Sons, building con­ The war game which will be play­ d .'Cislons of the Supreme Court have are points at Issue which I must where an eastern air lines ground BlsseU, that the car could be pur­ months motor trip to the west coast government with the support of cess of the government we knew we tractors here, and had stolen 8100 Washington, Aug. 20.—(AP)— ed next week, is becoming serious, demonstrated that there are other i,---- 'i crew went to work on it. chased at this time without ovei^ REDUCED IN STATE RENEW ACnVITlES and also visiting relatives in Mon­ Leon Trotsky, famous exile. had failed. We coulu capitulate, after cracking a safe. in the Sooth. Increased Federal Income in every according to Lieut. CoL Thomas B. fields which Ctongreas may not en­ He mentioned the attitude toward After the flight to Newfoundland drawing the appropriation. Mr. Burr tana. Shaking his fist. Reingold scream­ throw in the sponge and coifform jo The trooper said the thieves important category of taxation waa Troland, of New London, aoslataat «, - . — ter within the limits of tne Ckmstl- ed: economic change by revolution. and back, it was said, the date of is in tbe White Mountains and Cap­ chief of staff of the division. H e Mrs. Florence Holland of Hart­ Stalin. Or we could conspire for tained entrance to the building reported today by the ’Treasury in tain Btsaell is at Camp the tutlon. In order to deal with the "It seems to us that In reality departure for London depends on Croaa tor gravely called a conference of all of­ ford has been spending a few days "You are responsible for the Terrorism, as a desperate effort to an upstairs window, last night its survey of internal revenue col­ the weather reports— but it must month. situation which has thus been de­ Communism and revolutldn are not had jimmied the combination off New York, Aug. 30__ (AP)— ficers and warned them that the State Statistician Tells of Resume of Doings On All the as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Phil- death of Bogden (A. Bogden, Zino- regain power. Commenting on an absentee report lections for the first month of the be soon. While the expenditures ot the po­ BUY TOP QUALITY at AGP veloped, two possible courses pre­ lippe K. Rondeau of Prospect street. vieff's secretary).” commodities which can be exported safe in the downstairs office. Pay 1937 fiscal year. theoretical Reds are approaching "W e decided on the second al­ or Imported,” the Soviet delegation prepared by W PA investigators Elddle Rlckenbacker, president of lice department during the flacal and that the State Department te A S P BEEF IS HEAVY STH* BEEF-«UAItANTEEO TO SATISFY .. sent themselves to the American Raymond F. Llnnehan, son of Mr. Kameneff, who had been on the envelopes containing 880 had been Income during July, the ’Treasury year which ended last Saturday ternative.” replied in a statement. overlooked, be said. which revealed that 17 WP.V work­ Eastern A ir Lines and therefore exercising every possible move to Record Since 1901, New Fronts; Landon Starts His people." and Mrs. Thomas j. Linnehan of stand all day calmly denied the ac­ revealed, rose 866,728,906 above col­ Merrill’s boss, sold his Number One were in excess of the appropriation IT IS YOU* ASSUKAMCE OF TOF OUAUTY. ALWAYS. Whatever the future economic ers had been found to be dead when avert a military clash but that war Th<- first was by amendment, the Springfield, and MlsS Eva Christen­ cusation and said he was not a lections for the same month a year pilot Is engaging in this flight on of 831,000 voted by the town meet­ The British xwstofrice handles conditions of Japan, changes should their absence from work was check­ seems Inevitable. Therefore, he call­ report asserted, but it claimed sen, daughter of the late Mr. and party to a reported conspiracy to An occasional application of light ed. W P A officials reiterated today ago. ’The increase in some items his vacation, that the vacation is a ing last November, the net coat of Steps to ImprovemenL Eastern Tour. more than six billion letters and not be brought by revolutionary amounted to several hundred per ed on tha Blues, of which tbe 48rd “ this action would Involve, neces­ Mrs. Claus Christensen of Keefe murder men named to actually car­ parcels annually.. machine oil to nickel-plated parts none of the absentees bad been paid two-weeks' affair, and that five days operating tbe department for the sarily, a further removal of certain tactics such as' those of Marx and of the car will prevent rusting. cent. Division is part, to be rekey to re­ Roast t | t y - Plains, have applied for a marriage for work they did not. do. of it already have passed. year^was less than 831,000, receipts pel! the enemy, which now has in­ powers of government from the license. The total rose from 8221,897,633 The deaths were discovered in a "It's certainly a busman’s holiday of the department exceeding the fantry at New Haven, artillery at FA CE RUM P Primt Sfttr A t# . * Connecticut's record of improve­ Washington, Aug. 20.— (A P )— people themselves, the establish­ Miss Margaret Moore of Spring- continuation of a check of absences, in July of 1988 to 8288,326,539 tor for Dick," said Rlckenbacker. "In­ overdraft of $303.31, It was explain­ ment in infant mortality during the the same period of this year, an in­ Bridgeport, cavalry at North Bran­ Amid a burst of activity among top­ ment of new bureaus, the creation field Is spending a week's vacation which also disclosed that 11 o f the stead of sitting down along a river ed today. ford and iviation at Stratfleld. An past 35 years was characterized as crease totaling almost SO per cent. Appropriations are governed by flight figures in the major camp.s of additional expense and a de­ with her slaters, the Misses Nellie 6,000 absentees investigated were somewhere and fishing, Dick’s going invasion across tha Conneotiout riv­ “ marvelous" by William C. Welling, parture from the principles of local and Elizabeth Moore of Benton found in jail, one was "just resting,” Publication of the Treasury fig­ to make a trans-Atiantic flight such the net cost and not the gross cost, Chuck Roast u T ^ 2 % director of the Bureau of Vital Sta­ of the Presidential campaign, Gov. ures recalled the statement issued er U feared. All of tha problems and self-government which have .always street. and one bad attempted suicide. as no one ever has made before. according to a ruling of Town Coun­ field training this week Is leading tistics of the State Department of A lf M. Landon turned eastward to­ played such a vital part in the life Odonel B. B. Somervell, W P A ad­ last week by Secretary Morgentbau. ‘He’s perfectly serious about It, cil William S. Hyde. The net cost Health, in the department's weekly Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beran and up to the war game next week. day in the Republican drive to de­ of our people. mothei of Astoria, Long Island have ministrator for New York Cfity, said After conferring with President and I ’m sure he'll make it without of tbe department was less during This afternoon Capt Thomas broadcast today, but it can and will Roosevelt and Oongreastonal finance tbe year than the previous year by Porterhouse ^ 4 3 f' feat the New Deal. Altornato Course been spending a few days visiting the survey was valuable in that it trouble. His chances? About the Withers, U. S. N., commander of tbe be further Improved through a pro­ led to reform in the time-keeping leaders, the Cabinet member said same as walking across Fifth ave­ more than 8100. gram being started by the depart­ While President Roosevelt, at "The other course and the one with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Drobny U. S. submarine base, at New Lon­ Fancy Briskat which commends Itself to our of East street. and checking systems on projects, no additional taxation wrould be nue— at least 99 per cent.” The whole matter is not going to don, will be given a review by the ment to bring about a reduction in Hyde Park. arranged further be as bad as appears on the surtoce. body," the report continued, "is the and that there still was need , tor asked of the next Congress. Another authontative source dis­ 85th Brigade and tonight ha will premature births, the leading cause drought conferences prior to his Stafford's Republican political ac­ continuing the probe in orden to The running of the department was adoption by the variou states of ’The ’Treasury head annoimced closed Richman had paid cash for preside at a meeting o f ths Sojourn­ Corned Beef 27c o f infant mortality, by adequate swing into the scorched western tivities will get under way for the keep shiftless and otherwise ' un­ the airplane, but that reports of not any more than it waa a year ago farm country for a 10-day tour, the such legislation as their own needs coming fall elections, Wednesday that his report to the President on ers, a National orginit. tion of offi­ pre-natal care of mothers. worthy workers off the rolls. next year’s taxes had been based 8100,0()0 were far too high. The and there has been receipts to be BUTTER a 39. Smokad t Mr. Welling gave the statistical Kansas governor set out from his may require, through their own evening, August 26 at 8 p. m., when cers who are Masons. This noon the W P A officials said Colonel Somer­ on future revenue prospects rather irlce on this type of plane is 840,- credited to the department that will Rotary Qub of New London was an- details of the improvement which summer ranch at Estes Park. Ck>lo., long established legislative ma­ the Republican registered voters vell was Investigating a statement 00 and Richman added several more than offset the amount that on a trip to carry him through nine chinery. will met in the court room of the than moneys already in hand. tertalned by the offloers of t l . divi­ Uverwurst siiMd a. 29c has already taken place and com­ in the New York American that 33 Notable Increases included: Gains thousand dollars of special equip­ tha appropriation has been over­ pared them with those of New Zea­ states. Warren Memorial Town hall to sional staff. The armored aeout cars OLEO N utky Brandi 2 ^ 2 5 . "Where similar needs manifest workers who assisted in the survey of 813,762,211 for taxes on liquor; ment for the trans-Atlantic flight drawn, the appropriation being land where the record low Infant Leaders of both major parties select delegates to attend probate, of tha 3rd U. 8. Cavalry, which have themselves in adjoining states or in had been discharged. rises from 814,864,638 to 829,065,- gross and not net Smokad mortality rate prevails. continued to thrust at opponents. groups of states, the same legisla­ senatorial, congressional and state been at Stone’s ranch in oonnscUon Visiting In Florida 623 from corporation Income taxes; The three years term of Chairman with the training of the 113nd Ca­ ■ i Thlrty-flve years ago in Connecti­ Speaking before the United Retail tion can be adopted by all of the conventions next month. The cau­ An appendix of the absentee sur­ rises in individual income payments Burr expires this year. While Mr. valry, were used in a reoUatio Shoulders 21c cut some . .80S children died In their Merchants Association last night at Interested states in the form of cus, as usual, is erroected to bo a TINY TRIPLETS DIE Burr was out of town and could not POTATOES N» 15 0- 39. harmonious affair. 'Town Chairman vey ntade public at the W PA offices from 82,598,000 to 811.053,000; rises demonstration this morning, tha lin t year of life while in 1934 there Hagerstown. Md., Col. Frank Knox, compacts, the necessity for which be reached today to verify tha state­ were 944 such deaths. In 1901, chil­ Republican vice-presidential nom­ Harold W. Bruce will preside. gave case histories of several of the in excess profits t^ e s from 8174,- Regular Army man showing bow Frtth was foreseen by the framers of the absentees, revealing that soma were 000 to 81,048,000; rises in estate ment It was reported he will , not be dren died in the lin t year of life at inee, declared that "the business of Delegatees to the senatorial con­ SOON A H E R BIRTH a candidate for reappointment, hav­ Constitution Itself, when they, by vention will meet Saturday, August found drunk when investigators taxes from 814,224,000 to 839,014.- Whitt or Ytilew fc. the rata of 138 par 1,000 births. In this country can not be run from ing served six years. CHEESE 2 5 . Haddock 9c 1935, they died at a rate of 43.3 per Washington.” anticipation, provided that with the 29 at 2 p. m. in the auditorium of called at their homes, one was in 000; and rises from gift taxes from 1,000 births. It is now possible to consent of Congress, such compacts the Warren Memorial Town hall, Miami “visiting hla fiancee who Is 896,000 to 8327,000. Assailing what he described as seriously ill," and another who “will Frash^ aspect about 100 deaths of children may be entered into by any states Stafford Springs. The taxes on bonds, issues of cap­ Girls Weighed Less Than Six 'regimentation" and "cracking not work except when he pleases." ONEY kill I If WhltnHouM \ In the lin t year among eacl 3,815 down", Knox called for "fewer laws desiring such an arrangement" Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Drobney of ital stock and conveyances 3rlelded Pounds — Bom to Woman f y i l k l V Eveporated O earn M m JL S Federal Legislation East street will leave tomorrow to In commenting on these cases, 82,116,357 for the month last year REPUBUCAN CAUCUS Swordfish 25c living blrtha In 1901, at the turn and better laws." W P A officials said moat of those in Pomfret. of the century, 100 deaths were ex- In his prepared speech, the (Chi­ The leport declared "a serious spend the week-end with relatives and 82,479,000 this year. Collec­ and friends in New York and Long found drunk or shiftless were dis­ ; : perienced In '124 living births. Prop­ cago publisher declared: objection to Federal legislation 1s tions on automobiles reflected im­ The Republican electors of the that while operative throughout the Island. charged, but that in some cases proved conditions in that Industry, Pomfret, Aug. 20—(AP) — Two er feeding, pasteurized milk, pure "EWen where regulation Is clearly there were extenuating circum­ town of Bolton are requested to SALMON tJ' 21. water and diphtheria inoculation desirable. It is a very vital question entire nation it only affects sub­ Mr. and Mrs. Max Turschman and rising from 83,089,000 to 87,706,- tiny girls born In a lonely farm­ Think (izst ol IdaaL Here is daughter Freida of West Main stances. They pointed out that the meet in caucus in Basement of a oomplete, ooniWeus, {Inane. Choice have been the Important means to whether it is a matter for federal stantially the particular states 000. house to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Center Church on Wednesday, Aug­ this achievement * whose activities are directly involv­ street are spending the week at a W P A was not Interested in the pri­ Knight, died today approximately Ing servtee that tequlzes we regulation or for local regulation by vate lives of the workers, and that if ust 26, 1936, at 8 o'clock p. m., day­ New Zeakmd Beoord ed in the subject matter of the law, cottage at Groton Long Point. ten hours after their triplet sister. seenzity ec endeiaan tes sal­ the states. It is a splendid Idea to they did their work well while they light saving time, for the purpose aried eaployes. Leesm np to New Zealand has a population ap- whereas compacta are adopted by Michael Dawson of West Main The combined weight of the three BEANS 3 ; 5'-25. look at the Constitution before you street is spending a few days at were on the job, they were entitled of electing delegates to tbe Repub­ 6300 wllh a o aseatos ae Is m Teas... [ proximating that of Connaotloue, undertake to regulate business by those states only which have a di­ CO. K IS ALL PRESENT waa believed by Dr. "Florence P. Block Island. to their pay. . Dean of Putnam to have been teas lican State Convention to bo held in to repay. [ out then only 33 children a n dying federal law." rect interest in the subject matter The rate el Intoreet eharged Is ' In the drat year o f life among 1,000 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Daly of WPA employes work only part of than six pounds at their birth early Hartford,' September 8 and 9, 1936, The Other Hide and which are, therefore, better Main street spent Wednesday in a month, and if they are absent, OR ACCOUNTED FOR for the nomination of candidates fur three (3) per cent, pes month, Mayfair lb. »{«. 43c living births— 100 out of 3,338 ll^ng On the other side. Chairman qualified to understand the prob­ yesterday, One of the infants died ee Ihlrty-sls (30) pet eenLper SA LA D i f ; 3 3 . blrtha as against Connecticut's 100 Hartford visiting relatives. they are permitted to make up the last night. She was the first born presidential electors, state officers James A. Farley of the Democratic lems Involved and to provide the time, if they desire, during the days annum on unpaid amount e l out of 2,816j Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Schlavettl of Mrs. Knight, 19-year-old mother and Congreasmen-at-large: and for National committee, in his first po­ necessary remedies therefore." Main street, former residents of they otheni^Be would not be em­ the election of delexates Co the con­ loan. In Connecticut among all the In­ litical broadcast since the conven­ Swimming in Sound Waters of the triplets, was said by Dr. O urO w ii'A^ rt»|9c In order to a.sslst groups of Manchester, will leave Sunday for ployed. Dean to be in a “favorable" condi­ gressional, senatorial and probate IDEAL FINJINCING fants who die the first year m on tions, said the Republicans were states requiring certain legislation, Alternates With Big Parades CORN FLAKES SunnyfleM 3c than one-third of the total die in a vacation in Maine. tion. district conventions. "vainly hoping that enough voters not needed by the entire nation, the at Niantlc This Year. By order of the Town Committee, ASSCXHATION. Ino. the very first day of life, Mr. Well­ be frightened to secure the success The young physician, who has report said the conference would been practicing ^ u t five years, de­ SAM UEL R. WOODWARD, 881 Main Street Nectar M lb. ely. 29< ing said, explaining that the chief of their ticket." ORDERS PRESIDENTS OVEB W^ T. GRANT STORE cause of this rapic termination of "amend the ‘object clause' of its livered the babies at the farm house Chairman. Farley said in his speech from Constitution by adding thereto the GARIBALDIANS TO HAVE (Bpeolal to The Herald) of Mrs. Knight’s mother in an Dated at Bolton, Conn., August Phone 7881 . life is pnmature birth. Now York, that "the two favorite In striving to reduce this major following language 'to draft model Camp-Cross, Niantlc, Aug, 19 — isolated section of tbe town. 18, 1986. bogeymen in the stale and dreary WIFE TO GET OFF ROAD Co. K's National Guardsmen arriv­ cause, he stated, the State Depart­ acts on subjects suitable for Inter­ scare campaign which the Republi­ FIELD DAY SUNDAY ed at Comp Orosa Sunday tired and ment o f Health ill study the coun­ state compacts and subjects in A sfP Fine cans are using in their efforts to which uniformity will make more hungry. Upon arrival the tents ties of the State to locate areas of intimidate the electorate", were: Ridgefield High School Teach- effective the exercise of such powers were lined up and stakes driven. high Infant mortality and in these 1—That the public debt will bank­ er Says Her Auto Was Going There, were no special duties for areas will carry cm work with phy­ and promote interstate coopers The Giuseppe Garibaldi society rupt the country. tlon.' will hold an Inaugural banquet and Too Slow. Sunday afternoon or evening. On Coffees... sicians, nurses and other interesM '2—That sinister forces are at Monday morning work began in persons whereby expectant mothers "Heretofore." the . report pointed field day next Sunday at the Italian work in the Roosevelt administra­ Club on Norman street. Local Ital­ earnest The regiments moved out Ground Fresh will'have adequate and complete tion to weaken the OonsUtutlon. opt, "it has been the purpose of the Ridgefield, Aug. 30.— (A P ) — about 7 o'clock and went through Spiea No-Rub pre-natal care— the only meam. of ian societies have been Invited to at­ "When we examine the Republi­ conference to promote uniformity tend the banquet which is the first Francis J. Bassett, Ridgefield High maneouvers until almost noon at attaining a reduction in premature can case", said Farley, "we find on state laws on all subjects where school teacher and a member of which time they returned to the Strings lOc bet.r W ( births. feature on the program. The en­ ShMWkit. nothing but two scare stories, both uniformity was deemed desirable tire Italian colony has been Invited the Democratic town committee, camp and awaited their dinner. The 8 O'CLOCK j of which disappear in the light of and practical, with the thought that to attend the sporting events, to be isn’t looking for any more trafflo afternoon was spent catching up on At A&P Packag* Liquor Stores you will find a ehoica Sparkla Ann Page Pure hard facts." all acts promulgated by it should held later in the afternoon, and the arguments. lost sleep. Many of the men went STRIKING LUMBERJACKS John D. M. Hamilton, the Repub­ be presented to all of the states for dance which is to start at 4 :S0 p. m With embarrassment, he told yea swimming at Pine Grove or to selection of tha bast in wines and liquors— quality is our Desserts 4 F‘*‘ 19c lican National chairman, brought their consideration.” There will be no charge. The com­ tarday how he ordered Mrs. Eleanor Pleasure Beach, traveling by truck. Honey ^ 1 5 c ' an aerial campaign tour to a close The conference is made up of at mittee is as follows: Chairman: Roosevelt, wife of the President, to The same program was followed for fi^st consideration— at prices to suit your pocketbook. Upton's Yellow Label TO RETURN TO WOODS at Sedalia, Mo., with an address in least three representatives of each John Rota; assistant, Joseph Lom­ "get o ff the road." Tuesday and Wednesday. Prices for August 20th to 26th M ason * which he said he was "so optimistic state. bardo; secretary, Frank Marchetti; Baaaett said he shouted bis com­ A t retreat a brigade parade Is RedCirelehiiU'l^d'h^ 19c about the outcome in November be- and treasurer, Michael Benevento. mand at a slowly moving car on held, one of the biggest ever to be Tea 141b. rt, 43( 2- 65( Decision Removes Martial Law catise the fundamental issues are be­ Mr. Benevento will also be toast­ the Wilton road IVeaday. The ma­ held at Niantlc. One of these par­ in Idaho County — Employ coming clearer dally in the peo­ master at the banquet. Chef Osano chine was near the center o f tha ades will be held for the benefit of Is the caterer. the visitors on Governor’s Day, Grtham Bokar 23c erg Make Concessions. ples' minds." STAFFORD SPRINGS highway and delaying hla own pro­ Blue Target Hamilton, charging a “political gress, ha said. Elunday afternoon. An invitation is RED CROWN GIN The car pulled over and Baaaett extewled to all local peopla wishing Merve, Idaho, Aug. 20.— (A P )— control of the W PA organization in trackers » ytt 19( Jar Rings 4 »^25c Stafford Springs, Aug. 20.—Mrs stopped, intending- to remonstrate to visit the camp at that time. Strike-plagued cnearwater county, Mlasouri", said Administrator Harry Peter Speer and family have re­ wriU) Its driver. As he left hla own Lieut. Stephen Frey and Pvt. ruled by martial law since gunfire L. Hopkins had “attempted to cover A N ^ E R Guido Olorgettl left camp on Tuea- Red Crott For Preserving Uee up the sins committed here in the turned to their home on Main street car he saw Mrs. Roosevsltis face wounded five men in an Aug. 3 pick­ after being the last three weeks at day for Camp Perry for a rifle IN TE G R ITY*"--^-RYE Freshly... name of relief.” Miss Virginia M. Stlckels, daugh­ appear at the wrlndow of her ma­ et line clash, gained hope today in a cottage at Bluff Point. Groton. chine. match. Captain McVeigh and Lieut. Paper Towels 10c Texwax »kf.S:12c the reported 120 to IS vote of strik­ In Townsendlte circles there was ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fret, SUckela Hagedorn are in charge of the com­ interest in an exchange between Dr. Mrs. O. Jensen and son Harold “ Oh", Baaaett said, “please ex­ ing lumberjacks to return to work have returned to their home in East of Rocky Hill and George Alfred pany during the encampment. S T R A IG H T ^ Clinton Wunder, ousted official of Whitcomb, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. cuse me.” I This year the first sergeants re­ Borden's CoekteN Fly Baked... under modified conditions. Haven after spending the last two . What made the situation bearable The vote was reported by Col. 8. the organization, and GUmour B. WTtItcorab of Andover were mar­ port at Headquarters for orders TRIBUTE B O U R B O N ^ Young, its National secretary. weeks visiting with her mother, for the young teacher wras that D. Hays, commander of the Nation­ ried at 7 p. m. Saturday at the every afternoon after mesa. The SpraiU ‘V * 23c KM xmu 2 — 5< In Our Own Bakery Wunder said at Boston last night Mrs. Nelllle Lynch of Prospect "that’s all light, young man" which first sergeatnt ot this company la al Guardsmen on duty, and H. C. street. bride’s home in Roclty Hill, in the he heard as ha regained his own that he would start an insurgent presence of the immediate families. ’Thomas PM onl. In tha afternoon , Snyder, proprietor of the Pierce ho- Earl Dottor son of Mr. and Mrs. car. 90 Proof DWi ,tel, the strikers' headquarters. movement of Townsend members Rev. Chaa. P. Redfield officiated. Company C3erk Alee Dickson re­ who. he said, were dissatisfied with Joseph Dottor of Providence, is ports for Company cleric sedtooL GILBEY'S GIN It followed the "escorting" out The bride wore white lace, princess the alliance with the Union Party visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Preserves ml 2 Hi; 33. White Bread o f the county of six strike leaders ^ g l e r Danny Shea reports with the and Rev. Charles E. Coughlin. Mrs. Carlo Tochetti of Morton style, with veil and carried a bou from Pierce and Orofino by National band at every formation they have street. quet of gardenias, lily of the val­ You don't hove to take our word for it. A group of and also to buglers school In tbe guardsmen. *** received “ more ley and maiden hair fern. Miss Manchester than 300 telegrams, principally from Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Wilcox of women proved it. morning. Sunnyfield Brand ^ 7 c 'Maiulf *'r‘ 9 c Snyder said the strikers' vote was the east, complaining against Stickles had as her mold of honor Tapioca based on concessiona including no Stafford street recently purchased P v t Lewellyn BlsseU baa been SCOTCH speeches by Dr. Wunder." her sister, Mrs. Josephine Bldwell, Date Book formally installed as “blanket s*r- discrimination against strikers, im­ the house on Prospect Heights own­ For ten days they went without telephone service. ed by Jacob Wagner. Mr. Wagner who wore orchid chiffon and carried geant” . r. , , .B«n C o t Gold $t^pl| Doughnuts ^ 15c proved living conditions and free a bouquet of scablosls and maiden m This Week A salute of thirteen guns was meals to men seeking work. plans to make bis home in Syra­ Then fo r ten m ore d ays th ey en joyed a ll the com fort cuse. hair fern. The best man eras Gor­ Aug. 23.—Annual town swimming sounded yesterday at noon when String Beansi^''£:^3 iz 2 5 . C. L. Billings, manager of the CURB QUOTATIONS don F. Whiteome, brother o f the and convenience of a telephone. During all their dtampionshipa at Globe Hollow. General Fox (tonnor entered Camp Potlatch Forests, Inc., operator of Edward Ward, of the United LayerCakes 15c States Navy, who has been spend­ bridegroom. A buffet lunch was Next Week Cross escorted ^ the 103nd Regi­ " O ld V the largest camps in the white pine waking hours throughout the test, each one wore a ment Band and (5o. B o f the 102nd. ing a few days visiting his parents, served after which the couple left Aug. 28.— Annual Chamber of '(■ -.v:'- fO."# Scot Tissue 3 23c belt, notified Gov. C. Ben Ross in Ctommeroa outing and aheepbake at He is eim cted to remain until Gov­ By ASSOdATEO PRESS Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ward of Center on on unannounced wedding trip. pedometer—on instrument which measured every a recent letter the company was Am Gen ...... Lake Compounoe, Bristol. ernor’s Day. street, left today for Brooklyn, N. Upon their return Mr. and Mrs. willing to meet most of the de­ Am Sup P o w ...... Whitcomb will reside in Rocky Hill. step they todc. Also Republican and Democratic Crackers 2 X 19c mands. 2H Y., and will leave tomorrow for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables CIt S e r v ...... ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " Russell Friedrich is spending the caucus. GREENWK3H IB PREPARING The 138 strikers who were re­ 4?4 Porto Rico. FOB FIREMEN’S CONVENTION Clt Serv., p f d ...... |...... 59'4 week in Hartford with Mr. and They discovered that the average woman takes Coming Events Beans aw Page 3 'J,»20c ported to have voted to return to El Bond and Share . ! ! ! ! ! ” “ Orno PaganI of OrcuttviUe, form­ Aug. SO.— Annual outing of Ml- Rhine Wines Chmmpngna C o g n a C ■ work were the remnant of a strik­ 22Ti erly of Manchester, chef at the Mrs. William Friedrich and family. 23 per cent fewer steps when she has a telephone. NMfve Red Rlye Nlag Hud Pow ...... Miss Am y Randall, accompanied antonomoh Tribe, L O. ^ ML, at Greenwich, Aug. 30.— (A P ) — Uebfraumileh Superior Tomatoes 3 l ing lumberjack force which leaders Penn Road ...... 18H Maple Grove Inn on West Main "Villa Louise. Flags and buntings adorned build­ VieiNe Cure 1918 Kool-Aid estimated at 2J»0 when the walkout 4H street Is with a Manchester by Mrs. Herbert Thompson, left She leaves the house half os, many times, thus ^ 2 Segal Lock ...... Sunday for a motor trip to Booth- Aug. Sl-Sept. 8.—Knights of Co­ ings along Greenwich's main streets was called June 38. National Guard company in camp Rredi NeMto Unit Gas ...... * ...... bay, Maine. They expect to be gone s a v in g o s much o s three hours each d a y — time> lumbus carnival and county fa ir at toM y as Ih e town applied finishing Several hundred men went back 7 at Nlantic. Mr. PaganI is enjoying grounds next to club bouse on Main touches to preparations for waloom- Extracts r«i«n Carrots Unit Lt and Pow A 714 a week. During their trip they will liVvBI l : r i 9 c to work for snoall woods operators Util Pow and Lt ...'.’ ." . * 1 ^ a vacation from his duties. (2hef which she con qsend doing things she Tikes to do. street Ing more than 1,000 flramea from fifth in the region, while hundreds of John Fifer of Dedham, Mass., is visit the Isle of Shoals. S ept 6, 6, 7.—40th annual conven­ all seetioBS ot tha stata. 169 Mrs. George M erritt who has bean 2.59 I other w«nt to other logging, regions, subsUtuUng during Mr. Paganl’a tion ot ^lartford District Luther The fifty-third annual ooDrentlon RHEINCOLD Beets found other employment or congre- HAD HEART ATTACK. absence from the Maple Grove Inn, quite sick is reported much improv­ League o f Emanuel Lutheran of tha Connecticut State Flren>en‘s le w and Ale m u ■ ed. A teleph on e in you r hom e costs o n ly a: fe f ^ V ] pennies ' gated in Lewiston and Spokane. Miss Alda Cln of Allentown, Pa., church. Association will open tomorrow and Centanh *8 beta dmiBC Norwalk, Aug. 20.— (AP) —Med­ U visiting Mrs. Catherine Della a day. Why not save yourself needless shopping Sept 8.— Republican and Demo- continue through Saturditir. WATCHDOG STOLEN ical Examiner William H. McMa- Bella of WlUlngton avenue who has NEW HAIHEN BBPOBT. eratie Primary elaeUons. Tbe executive oommittee ot the Cantaloupes ton ^ d ^ a y Frank A. Mogee. 39, returned home after two weeks’ hips and errands? Wsit or telephone our business SM>t B-IQ.— Autumn fiower show association, eomposed ot vtoe-preat- P.O.N. ^ 10c New iprltain, Aug. 30 — (A P ) — of Pershing street, whose car New Haven, Aug. 20.— (AP) — of MTanchestir Garden au b at Ma- denta frmn ths eight oountiaa In the A - visiting, in Allentown, Pa. office now. A representative will gladly coll ot & P Stores ^Tfew Britain police .were searching P‘““ 8 ^ . through a fence and Trustees o f the N ew York, New sonic Temple. state, held a pre-convention business Mulehead 'LT 10c ' today for a thief who stole a fox Mr. and Mrs. Chester Burdick and PesKhes »ven- family recently moved from Keefe Haven and Hartford Railroad an­ your convenience to discuss service with you. Sept 20.—Sub-Alpine atmual ban­ meeting here todav with President t o r i ^ fromfro the jewelry store of A. nounced today that gross passenger '“ ’J ™ o* • heort attack Plains to the apartment over the quet clubhouse, E lw d ge atreet Calvin Edmonds e i New London In revenues for the month of July were believed G. W. Stevens Hardware store on charge. Tlta Jeweler complained be left Mogee had attempted to bolt the 18 per cent greater than In July, Captain Eugene J. MuUlgaa of East Main street formeriy occupied Some speclea of birds, due to yel- ^ dog to gvard Qie store in his machine when seized with the at­ 1988. THE lOtnBBRlf MEW ZN6LAMD TEUPHONE COMPANY N ew Haven is slated to be elected . veeterday, and when he re- by Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A . West, towish-tad filters in tha retina of tack yuterday, but lacked the Jr. Howard B. Palmer, Wlnthrop M. president o f tha asaoetotlon to suc­ In ManHshester at: 844 Main Sf _i;’tu n ed round nothing missing but strength to do so. He died before Daniels and James Lee Loomis, the oye, potssss excellent vision. ceed Deputy Chief EMmonds, no • A lp mod Stozes • ':hiB wntohdog. Mrs. EMward Gilman and two he struck the tree, the doctor said. trustees, said this marked improve­ Such birds can see the coast of other candidates having sntersd tbe fpr" daughters of Brown avenue have ment Is "particularly gratlQrlng." Africa while flying over Italy. I field.

31-^ • ..,1


(Embattled workera comprising militia at Irun threatened to 'dbmamtta the town as rebel troops IRIDU’S MAYOR massed for final assault today. FOR TRAPPED MEN "We will bury oUtiMvas - under Lowly A*s Bcff Boston’s Gold Sox Twice, 5-4, 7-m the atoneiB of Irun rather than sur­ LAWS,DEMANDS I SOUGHT BY G. O. P.■* render," militia leaders asserted. . (A stream of refugees from the 8u t ford to Be Scene of Cel* (dties continued throughout the Resene Workers Say It Is night across the French border. A COLONE KNOX State Com dl Sends Ont Let* total of 600 were at Hendaye WESt SIDES, POUSH - AMERICANS TIE, 1-1 j| - *TTL TX/’ A T * JmS-YAWKEY’S MONEY GETS eh n tioi for Oificia] of Hardly Possible Four Are (Oontlanad Cron Page Oaa) France. Among them ware 15 rebel At The West Side Tonight soldiers who said they were desert­ randidate’s assault ifa "raglmsnta- ters to Prospects; C a iy Italy On VisiL ing because of hunger.) StiD Alive. tloB" and '’cracking down." BUT TWO GOOD HURLERS Declaring both had bean tried a Defense Move.^ • FRAHER GIVES UP Although ha piled up a laad et^eraatad a new field record ia the and failed, Knox aaid "the lesson Is Tough Foes Ambush *36 Yanks only three points in tha first half of discus Tuesday night, ■aams toa -’teartford, Aug. >0.— (A F )—Scores Moberly, Mo., Aug. 30.— (A P )— that the business of this country the loos] dsoathlon Tuooday night, outstanding threat to toa leadar’a Save for Grove aod FenreO* Of loeal Itallana, members of the ALIEN CAUGHT Shifts of grimy, perspiring thzee- Cannot be run from Washington." Hamord, Aug. 20.— (A P l.^ A ONLY THREE BLOWS Henry "Hank" Hoafs aaemo dua to aupremaey, trailing him by only TUNY MANERO TUPS Fktrldlan Sooiety, awaited here to* man ersws attacksd with picks and Other shots from the colenars Republican campaign for funds, On Trail To League Pennant capture the title tonight ao the last toraa points. AJeo a former M. H. B, athletic great, Robinson has been day the arrival of Mayor and Mrs. •hovels today a barrier of debrle third campaini address Included presented as g ' ‘naUonsl defense" five eventa are conducted at too Twirlert Rave Failed these: "Far the past three years, all Weot Bldo Oval at 8:16 o'clocki out of competition longer than Salvatore Adorno of Florida, Italy; AFTER SEVEN separating them from four men en­ move, has been started in n*f ninction room of the Municipai prlaoned four grew hourly. They a letter to prospacte, rallies con­ sufficient points.In tosse to offset are also tn toe nmntng, namely, , building, following which there will (Oontlnned from Page One) happened to them the day before in any weakness tn tos 220, broad Wealey Palmar and Lsonsrd Nlaaa, were trapped by fire which caueed Washington. tributors to its cause wit ■ the pro- be an (men air mase meeting on the the vertical main abaft to crumble. qouncement, "The Republican pafty Scoring Chances in Late jump and javelin or hammer throw, high jump and pola vault aoas ra- Stroke Lead at Halfway east si(Ii^ to honor the visiting dig­ Almeida has a wife and one child "A philosophy of try anything A Triplo-Thraat speotivaly. Palmar holde third place in Portugal. At the bottom of that abaft, the res­ once is not eyen sound for a tin must fight your fight from thU mo­ nitaries. cue crews tolled. The four were ment )ip to election day.” Haefe, who graduated ftom Man­ with 30 pointe and Nlesa fourth Sunday Mayor Adorno will deliver ■’He moved to a house in Danbury horn gambler. In time bs will go with 28 and both are to b. reckon­ caught in one of two horizontal tun­ Innings; 500 See Renting chester High last February, oxeeU- Mark of Goif Pby.< B y S ID n O B R his first formal message to members where there was a secret closet,’’ broke. For g sovereign goveni- "To do this money is necessary," ed In tos quarter mils, ihot put and ed with. In a teat of this kind, any­ said Kenney. "Four years ago we nels leading away from the base of it says. “We earnestly believe Hist Aeaeclated Preos Sperte WTieer.- of the Floridian Society from all the dabrls-cboked abaft Unless ment. ...it Is ip tolerable.’’ discus and was a consistsnt point thing is liable to happen’ and for mrts of the state. The address will got a line on him there. I cracked Capital Lays idle. money spent to elect Republican Tilt; Green*Oaks to Meet, that reason tos rest of- toe field may that place four times, on each occa­ they barricaded themselves In some gettor in all threa evonts, sevoral Lake Placid, N. Y „ Aug. 30 — Add major learae myeterlee: Howl be a part of a large plcnt'' program recess, little hope was held thst they The candidate deriared there was Congressmen and Senators and'Ri times scoring s triple triumph. His coma to tha fore In tonight's events. tfiat lias been planned for Charter sion at midnight, without success. in the country "a great pool of idle publican state officers as wall as P>—Tony Manero of Greensboro, can all toe do-t«-ral owner Tonr When he heard a knock at the dcx>r escaped the deadly gaa fumes now performance Tueeday night, whan Everett Solomonion looks like toe N. C„ was to top ot ths heap by a Oak park when it is expected sever­ filling the mine. capital funds," stagnant "because Republican President Is money' For the second time ' .In three best bst tn toe 230, Palmer aeems Yawkey threw Into his ooUapslbl* al thousand Italians from all parts he went through the secret closet of fekr.' he scored the low total of 10 points Working through the night in 30- spent as much in National defenye starts in the second round of tbs with seconds in toe fliacua and 880, toe stand out in toe broad jump, one stroke margin today as toe half­ Rad Sox have ftUed to come bome'- of the state will attend. and down the hack stairs. The secret "Give business men some assur­ as any we as a Nation spent in the way mark was paeaed la the $3,000 closet was hidden by some old coats minute relays, two men slowly re­ 'Twilight League, the West Sides third in toe 100, fourth in the high Kilpatrick may puih Haefs In tos wtto more than on* or two worth-'- Met In New York duced the pile, tossing buraeci Um­ ance,” be said, "that there will be World War—for the wduld-be de­ Lake Placid open golf tourney, A party of more than 60 promi­ hanging on the wnlL" wound up tn a deadlock last night jump and fifth in toe pole vault, in- 440, Peaclk and Robinson are The national open champion post­ while pitching arms? ber and dirt into a f,000-pound ca­ no further violent and sudden Inter­ stroyers of our liberties and free­ dleated tost he's tn fine form to threats tn tos shot and Davis looks nent Icxml Italians as well as those Back To Danbury ferences with the vlUl ImplemenU dom are attacking us here at ■ when they were held to a ona-all ed a 69 to take toe lead at ths snd Bixoept for Lefty Orov* and Wea A year ago Inspector Tripp went pacity bucket while a third man score by the Pollsh-Amsrfcans m a eonttnue bis domination of the best in toe javelin. Fran Leary, from other cities in the state, head­ watched for any signa of the work­ of industrial enterprise and our home." • of 36 holes of play with a 148 total, Ferrell—and We* isn’t doing so wait ed by Dr. Joseph 8. Paiadino of to a Danbury store where, the gov­ gas ^Ur*aTd°^‘^ e^ fn ” «re. rousing tussle at toe Fouracres that decathlon tonight Diana, Blapar, Krause and Hage- Ons stroke behind with 144 were himself these last few weeks—tha ers being overcome. Fresh air was whole economic life w|U burst into Five classes of giving are open Strong opposition should ba given now are also within striking dls- Rartford, met the Oonte dl Savola ernment learned, Almeida was work­ fire’ and a cave in nn '■*'*'** trapped In the shaft ny a vigor nevsr known before. Re­ to prospects. For $100 the gjver W had a banner crowd of some 600 Matt Kowal of Utloa and Clarence Yawkey bonkroU seems to have pt^' ing. But Portuguese friends spirit blown down constanUy to tic three, fans In an excited uproar from start Haefs, however, by several of tha tanoe and can jump right into toe Clark of Bloomfield, N. J., former . When it docked early today. Follow­ cramped In a space seven feet wide. covery will become a fact instead comes a founder member; $50, sqp- duced a set of etbowan that bava ing brief ceremonies at the pier ed the alien through the back way of a defaat. But it must not be to finish. other entries In tot field of thirteen. thick of tha battle with a few good Nsw Jersey open champion. Within failed SO completely toat to* Rad Mayor Adorno ^nd his party were into a closed bakery truck which If the IS-foot high cage at the pprUng member; $25, subante dl Savola. Rossia Insurance ... Alaska Jun ...... 14)4 %uK to acbedule additional games Jack RusssU w *n squally hslpMs*. coast, the news bureau reported, the crowding as close to the rescue Burial wlU be In the Wllllmantic 12V4 dauKsrous to every law-abiding probably never will bs settled, but Newport, R. I., Aug, 30.— (A P )—> ment tbrlUer tn her match with Mr*. With toe Nattonal Lsagus's pons- scene as state highway patrolmen cemetery. Among them waa Father Val- Travelers 555 Allegheny ...... 3)4 firin g regular play on week nights. all the way as both teams failed to ■ Submarine B-8 and. the cruiser Am Ckin ...... citizen. The Pollsh-Amarks opened the ons thing that can's he overlooked With tha national ehamplonshlpa Jean Artebargef of Cteveland. With Sports Roundup Bstters. to* Cardinals, tdls, thr Ubertad fired three shots forcing IN F A U DOWN STAIRS would permit. Scores of coal miners domero Marcilla, head of the Span- Public Utility Stocks ...120)4 take advantage of chances to score, Is the considerably 'mors powerful toe loora 80-love against her In Am Com] Alco .... "Dollarz contributed to the Re­ scnrlng tn last night's contest in the keeping, toe entouslastio crowd on Event Next Week Saturday just around the oornar, the oream Giants ooatlauad thslr mad niata the Kamerun to halt It said a parUetpatsd In the rescue work. IsL department at Seton Hall Acad­ Conn. Lt. and Pow.. 72 ... 26)4 publican National Defense funds to­ opposition the 1936 Yankees are match game ot the second set she By EDDIE BROOTE Am Home Prod .. ... 46)4 ffn i inning when Haraburda reach- edge. With none away tn the sixth. of America's tannis orep shaped up ward to* load by ohalklng up thslr , ••arching party boarded the ship At close hand were walUng ambu­ FUNERAL^ emy, Seton Hall, N. J., who went to Conn. Power ...... 5714 day through the Connecticut Re­ ad second on Dowd's two-base error. facing. rallied and, won 8-6, 7-8, 6-1. AseocUtod PrM* Bport* Writer ninth straight wto. a 6-1 (welstam Mrs. Clifton Macomber of 60 lances. Spain last July to pay l.k. annual Am Rad St S ...... 22)4 Mahoney tripled to deep right center as a mighty poor lot today as It en­ but found nothing. Htfd. Elec. Lt...... 68 publican CoimcU may save htmdreda Opalacb saoriflcsd him to third and Holds Turf Spotlight; Is Back In the hay-day of Ruth and tered toe quarter-final round of its Mlaa Delke allowed Myrtle Clau over their arooklyn "souataa'*, wttta While Germany has accepted with Birch Street May Have Frac­ Mrs. Mary Donnelly, visit to his home in Albaceta. a, Am Smelt ...... 84H for the West Sides. Haefs then laid Nsw Yorh. Aug. 80— (A P ) — Hartford Gas ...... 47 Am Tel and Tel ., of dollars to you in twelve m(mtha; t ) ^ Saverick engineered a perfect ddwn a perfect bunt but a mIx-up In ifompany, toe Yanks stood out in last warm-up, the Newport Cosine sen of Mlnneap^s only one game, Carl HubbeU tumlag la a flva-hlttar - ’ *servatlons Frarme's proposed pact tured Neck. ' 'The funeral of Mrs. Mary Donnel­ small town between Madrid and Va­ So. New England ... 155 ...173)4 squeeze play to zend him across the tbs loop Uks Man o' War In a field 6-1, 6-0, ia yesterday's contest They warmed up Joa L quIs In hit for hte 16th trtu m ^ and Kal Ott lencia. Am TobtB ...... 101)4 may well save all you pozsess in a Signals held Mahonsy on third. One of Longest Races in tournament of glorious tradition. __Bon-lnterventlon in the Spanish ly waa held thta afUrnoon at 2 Manofactnrlng Stocks few yeara." plate with'the first run. Tha West of platers. But luUlde of Nsw Yora, Bight survivors ramained Inelud- while Helen (lermalna, former na­ dnsalng room tor 18 ralautsa be­ helplag along with Ua S7th hsasee. - ^■"conflict informed sources believed TWO MUNICIPAL CROUPS o’clock In the Thomas G. Dougan " I escaped from Albaceta ill civil­ Am Wat W ka...... 26)4 Haefa was thrown out at first. fore tending him against Bharkey Mrs. Clifton Ma(»mber of 60 Birch Acme Wire ...... 43 Anaconda...... Btdss tied _the_count In the next Another squeeze play was In toe ths batting power didn't compare ing two of toe nation's first ten, tional champion from New York, this incident might result in a street fell down a filght of stairs funeral home at 89 Holl street. Rev. ian clotoes,” related Father Marcll- ... 88)4 frame when BergehcTiiKI drew a base with that of such explosive combi­ and second seedsd player, did like­ , . . result: Joo was ready to ste]i t b * Asasriaan League edii tS U m - la. "I arrived In Madrid on July 4, Am. Hardware ...... 3214 Armour ni ...... W di^ with Hadden at bat but toe U. S4 Hopeful Field Medi­ Bryan (Bitiwl Orant, No. 8, and when h* got Into toe ring . . . am 1 changed atUtuds. at her home this morning at 8:80. J. Stuart Neill of S t Mary’s Epis­ Arrow H and H, com. 63 H ... 8)4 on- haHs with two away;- He went to tatter mteaed toe pitch and Mahoney nations as the <936 Yanks corns up Frankie Parker, No. T, toe veteran wise la her match with Mabel Sor­ Yankees was inersoisd to IS fblF W IU MEET TOMORROW copal church officiated. The bear­ stayed there a few da.vs and ^hen Atchison ...... 79)4 ter of Onmite City, lU. did, if you ask us . . . what about . Oerman resentment has been high She waa found laying at the bottom Billings and Spencer. 2V4 Auburn SHOW MOVING FICTDRES saednd op Wickowskl’s balk and waa tagged as he raced into the against day after day. Johnny Van Ryn of Philadelphia, games. Muntarara' Row and ttr, ever ainoe the reported execuUon of ers were William Wilson, Thomas went to Albaceta. AJtcr several ... 81)4 scored on Weir’s single to left. ocre; Case Ace Defeated. th* Athietica bumping off to* Gold of the stairs by members of a fam­ Bristol Brass ...... 6814 Aviation Corp .... plate. Again In the final stanza, For Inst nee, ths Yanks 01 ‘37 and five Californians, none of wnem 80s twicer . . . they say Conuts h*avy-hittiij pltehsr, CBmrlty Ruff- :: three Oerman nationals in Spain ily which occupies part of the two- Brennan, Harry Flavell, Joseph days, my brother warned me to ... 6)4 Blo'sv Two Ohiftow Board of Selectmen and Char­ leave, because be heard nimors of Collins Co...... 110 Balt and O hio...... Bergendanl ainglad with no outs. foDnd thttlr toughest opposition in torsaten to sr<'ilata tha feats of BUI Mack actually chuckled out loud tot pea out of thstar stunq)Huay $B*f $9*1: three weeks ago. family house. Dr. D. C. Y. Moore Boyce and two grandchildren, Rus­ Colt’s Pat. Firearms. 51 ... 22)4 IN BOLTON CENTER HALL From then on, it waa nip and tuck Kerr batted for Ford and bunted a tbs Philadelphia Athletics. Yet, the Tilden or BlUc Vines. and trounesd th* ter Revision Committee sell Donnelly and John Donnelly. trouble and saw that toe citizens Bendlx ...... 28H th* first time line* 1381 . . . Van waa called and ordered the woman wore arming themselves. Eagle Lock ...... 25 Beth S teel...... pop fly to Wlckowakl. Mattson bat- Saratoga Springs, N, Y.. Aug. 20. A's of thst year were largely a For toa past threa day* on the Mungo of to* Dodgers has shifted 7-4, to srasa ths Indian ftr a tE v ' MAOBID BEPORT taken to the Manchester Memorial Have Sessions in Town Hall. Burial waa in East cemetery. ... 61)4 Nats had hfid ron------thsm* fur - ^ twodayi " ■T went by train to Valencia, and Fafnlr Bearings ___ 95 Beth Steel, pM ... tsd for Wsir and draw a walk. (A P I— -In juries having played bunch Connie Msea was brining hietorle Coalno court*, toe future Local Sport from No. 18 to to as* If U , JBadrld. Aug. 20.— (A P )—Spanish hospital. She was removed to the ...121 Then Fraher lilt into a double play along, and didn't develop to their Amsrioan Davti Cup hopes have straight saw toe American consul. He told Gray Tel Pay StoUon 20H 22H Borden ...... SOH Underwater Fishfights, Spmls, havoc with the three-year-old divi­ will Chang* his luck . . ■ ons of th* “ • 100-mlle advance from hospital In Holloran'a ambulance Edward Dwyer Hart and Cooley___ 150 and the threat waa ended. sion, the forthcoming race between full power until two years afterward been performing in erratle and alip- Ths ssdond-plaos CilsvtMirtI Bb> Sessions of both the Board of The funeral of Edward Dwyer me to s’ay among the Americans at Can Pac ...... 11)4 Comedy Reels On Program reasons Jo* Louis isn't showing to* i gedajM toward Madrid, engaged m where It was found that two ribs Landers, Frary A <31k 44 V4 461 Case (J. I.) ...... Catohers Feature William Woodward's Oranvills and when they started their pennant shod fashion with toe eompatltlon old sing is that fat bank aooouat diaas and the Ctateogo Whit* ItR r . f lUtter battle today with the Loyalist Selectmen and the Charter Revision was held this morning at 8:30 at toe consulate. After toe revolution ...188 Tomorrow Night. Chatter wsra idle A' (vere broken and that there la a pos­ had been going on for several days, Mann A Bow, Class A 7 9 Cerro de Pasco ... Wlekowekl also pitched fine ball, A. O. Vanderbilt's Discovery and run. The icst of to4 circuit was left tbraatenittg to narrow down to the . . ; the guy just doesn't cars any Co>- ■JwIIc Mangada. sibility her neck Is also brokeu. committee will be held tn the Mu­ toe W. P. Quish Funeral home, and ... 62H SPECIAL! The Flratea pushed ever a nm t s o nicipal building tomorrow nlghL wo were rescued by the cruiser do., Class B ...... 2 Ches (uid Ohio . ... allowing six hits as he fanned five toe battles of the two-ysar olds for far in tha dust early in toe season. fourth final clash of toe season be­ more. " ^ *^ ^ ^ ty of Navalmoral, where X-ray pictures were taken to learn 9 o clock at St. Jamea'js church, New Brit. Mch., com. 3114 83) ... 66)4 As a raault, the Yanks won 110 tween Parker and Bobby Riggs, of Far be It from this department to tha last of tbs ninth to dura tkac. The Revision committee will at­ where the requiem high mass waa Quincy and token to MarselUes.” Cairysler ...... 118)4 A motion picture program of un­ GOODYIAR WINGS ana walksd two. Both Klstcha and some of the country'! richest purses I battle occurred, was reported in the extent of her injuries. Her con­ do., pfd...... 95 _ Gustafson turned in nifty perform­ have token ov( the .turf's spotlight. games that year, and finished up Loa Angsles, toe National olay brag about its predlotion on to* Donald Budge, the Davis Cup slipping Cubs, fi-6, white ths BsSB . .. p(»B. The government asserted it dition is critical. tempt to form all its suggestions celebrated by Rev. W. P. Reldy. At He added he knew 30 priests who Col Cterbon ...... 126)4 usual Interest will bs presented in endsd n tourjasM losing straahB had been slain, and knew of toe North and Judd ___ 35)4 87) Col Gas and S3 ... the Community hall at Bolton Cen­ ances behind toe plate, the latter Oranvills Is unchallenged as king with a 19-garos lead /er the pack. court onampibn. Parker’s 1988 Louls-Bharkey flatlo encounter to* star, is showing signs of wear and r^bnd^persed the Fascist rebels. Mrs. Macomber waa alone in her for charter reformation into a rec­ toe offertory Arthur Keating sang ... 20)4 AUTO RADIO Things era Itaerent today. Ths other night . . . but not being too with a M win over tosntaUlaptff.'l ommendation to be published on or burning of 60 churches. He saw toe Peck, Stow A Wilcox 13 16 C3omI Solv ...... ter tomorrow evening at 8:80 by pulling Fraher out of many bolas ot. ths tbree-ysar-olda sines Bjcld record is two wins out of three tear and will nave to take a rest (But from the Portuguese border home at the time of the accldenL Hoaewlg’a Ave Maria, and at the Russell Mfg. Co...... 29 83 ... 16)4 strength la distributed all down the starts against toe (follfornia young­ far, we point with pride to our fore­ If be sxpsete to gst to first bass at H u Cards and Rads took a setasi»tf;'i before September 1, In accordance close of toe service “Softly and Ten­ dead and wounded In toe streets of Cons Ekllson ...... 42)4 George P. Werslng oi Fairfield, un­ with bis buUet-Uke pega to catch Venture, the Kentucky Derby and ; came reports that Mangada's col- Valencia. Scovill Mfg. Co. . . . . 38 38 runners at second. The fielding gem line, where the Yanka of a decade ster, who is far from being at ms cast of a Louis triumph Inside ot Foreit HlUi . . . credit for to* best ulid day off. with the town meeting vote which derly Jesus is Calling.” Burial waa Cons Oil ...... 12)4 der toe auspices of the Community ttlO W U Preakneta winner, took to the etde- tlV!5 ; routed after a violent Standard Screw ...... 150 160 (font C a n ...... (found]. A stirring flahjpicture in of toe game was a one-handed catch ago bad toe Athletics as thslr ma­ best on grass. five rounds , . . tetters, telsgrams, baseball job of the season must go I bUtle. The crew of a Loyalist alr- authorized the selectmen to appoint In Mt. St. Benedict's cemetery Another refugee was Carols ... 68)4 lines for the remainder of the eea- hona calls of congratulaUon poured TESTS SHOW VESSELS Goya, American-born dancer, who Stanley Works ...... 45)4 47) (forn P ro d ...... three reels entitled "Fish from by Ford of a drive by Saverick. t son. Granville and Dlecovery are jor worry, ths '86 crew Jnd- • pow­ During yesterdasr’s play here, toe to Bob Quinn and BUI McKsebnIe of gaae, it was said, was executed the committee. Hartford. ... 66% er-packed lineup In every park. Eito this modest cubicle yesterday, ths—you guessed it—Boston Bees returned rito her father and stop- Torrlngton ...... 99)4 101) Del Lack and West HeU”, is toe headliner. •U0OJIT PiLAH .Tomorrow night, the Green and scheduled to match atridea In tha tourney’s survivors managed to t the war craft was forced down The selectmen will have before ... 18)4 There are the Cleveland Indians, for overwhelm the cemoinlng threa -of along with Imprsssive floral tributes , . . that pair has rsaUy produoad after bombing the rebels.) them considerable business post­ mother. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mc- Union Mfg. Co...... 6 8 Du. Pont ...... Made by a group of wealthy Royal Oaks tangle. The Green loat 67th running of the mile and three League Standings CAN BE FIREPROOFED U S Envelope, com .. 75 86 ...169)4 iortetoen off toe West Coast of one, with a bomsr In every bat that the four man French team, brought . . . ws'va evsn had offers from .... Jimmy Braddoek passed up A advance from Badajoz poned from Monday night Leary Weller, of New York City. Sfostman Kodak .. ...179 to toe Pollth-Amerkf, 2-1, in their |Uarters of the Saratoga Cup. Aug. Hollywood and tos Smltbsonlsn They were In Granada when toe do., pfd...... 125 130 Elec and M u s...... S exico, a floherman's paradise, both $222! CMH last game, while toe Oake bast the steps to toe plate. And tbs Chicago her* by toa aging Jaoqusa Bnignon Louts and Sharkey to play cards at YESTBBlUrt REBUim S the reoel forces to within MENTION G. H. WILLIAMS ... 5H White Sox, toe ngara. toe lied Sox, to gain axpananea In IntarnnUonnl Museum . . . seeking tos ssrviees bte hotel. . . was that a slam at * 100 miles of the Spanish capital. revolution started and were evacu­ Veeder Root ...... 103 107 Elec Auto Ute ... surface and under-sea pictures are Amerka, 4-2, and lost to the West The historic race carries only a Fort Eustis, Va., Aug. 20.—(A P) Whitlock Coll Pipe . . 5)4 71, ... 87)4 included. A thrilling three-corner Sides, 8-0. even the Browne—there isn’t a oompetltion os toe tri-oolora first of a falr-balred lad who flnaUy made somebody T NaliOMi -George O. Sharp, New York ated by airplane to Cadiz where Gen Elec ...... '. ... 46)4 $6,000 added value, but the record good and actually picked a winner ‘ - from OlbralUr they boarded too American battle­ J. B. Willlama Co. .. 38 45 battle between an 800-pound tuna Wsat Sides pitobar'i push-over ta their hatting step in Its oampaign to ragaln to* Nsw York 6, Brooklyn t. r tiult th6 rabsl comsftndors marine architect, said toda- that ex­ $3,000 WORTH OF FURS IN IXILLECTOR CONTEST Gen Fooda...... 88% books list as winners of the famous order. Davis Cup, ., . . . weU, it's ^ ifu* to Uvlng the Alan Gould, Associated Prase ship Oklahoma. Misoellaneons Gen Motors ...... caught on a rod and line and attack­ AB.R.H. PO. A,B. Boston 9, PhUadsl^ila L f Oen. Emilio Mola, had advised his periments aboard the Nantaakct. ... 66% ed by a shark, is followed by a scena Dowd 2b ...... 8 0 0 2 2 $ stake such great thoroughbreds as Yet, despite that, tbs Yanks at Only one of the Frencftman gave right kind of Itr* and persevering sports editor, sailed from Germany Pittehurgh 6, Chlosgo 4. f waague, General de Llano at Se- 'The other Conte dl Savola passen­ Chapman V a lv e ...... 22\ 24) Qlllette ...... 1 4 Exterminator, victor four straight in to* face of tremendous odd4 . . . steel freighter on the James river, ARE STILL UNCLAIMED Head of Collection Agency May gers at toe hotel, Jamie Bruce Ross in which a giant manta weighing Gustafson) o . ... 8 0 3 8 3 0 the moment threaten to eeUpsa toe any signs of future greatness, it- yesterday ■ . . and IMdl* Neil, toe (Only gauss sohaduted.) „ vllte, to send no new troops nortn- have shown the way to construction Conn. Invest. Mgt. .. 21i S) Gold Dust ...... 12% yean, Ralgb (fount. Gallant Fox, victory record of toel '27 predecee- (we got even money) • . . war corrMpondent, te due back to­ ; wanL history instructor at Vassar col­ Hershey ...... several tons, plunges ogalnsi the Mahonsy, I f ...... 3 0 1 0 0 0 yaar-old Barnard Das&sfosu, who AbmiIomi of fireproof ships. Seek Hepnblican Nomination Elec Steam Sterilizing 1)4 2) .. 64 Twenty Grand and Bqulpolaa. It is eors, and are well on .the way to day from Ethiopia via Palestine and Phltedslpbta 8-T, Boston 4-3. lege, and Leila Cook Barber, assist­ G t Lak. Stmsbp. Co. 39)4 42 Hudson Motors ... boat and capsizes it, throwing the HaMa c f ...... 8 0 0 0 0 0 foroad Parker to axtand hlmsaU ir- •ufflclent As bis U. S. Senate subcommittee It Is Reported. .... 16% men into the shark-infested waters. Hadden, l b ...... 8 0 0 7 1 0 one of toe longest ness in Ameri­ crack the all-time mark of 173 hom­ more than usual to gain a four-sat Frankte Busch and Buddy Kur­ pomu w est. . . what was to* mys- Nsw Yoto, 7, WashtagiM A sgength with which to crush Ma- Waterbury, Aug. 20— (A P ) — ant professor of art at toe same King Seeley Corp ... 11 18 Int Harv ...... tarious gift the employes of toe on fireproof construction, detection school, were reacued from Granada ... 78)4 By means .of the under sea Bergendobl, rf .. 8 0 1 0 0 0 ca, and victory mark! the winner ers for a club in one season. victory. ., , I land were ringside guMte ot Issy St. Louis 18. DstiUt f . & drw la lass than a week. Radio re- and extinction prepared for final Two men brought to the state po­ Sanborn Map ...... 100 __ Int Nlck 'T ...... 62% as a truly great thoroughbred. The 1927 Yankees, os a group, Kaplan, N. Y. Mirror photos ace, as Yankee stadium gave lames Parnell (Other gam* postponed.) August 11 by a plane obtained by Sparta Foundry . . . . 23)4 25) Int le i and TeL ... <»mera the beauties of the ocean Ford, 3b ...... 3 1 0 3 1 0 ■^<1 the Fascista bad captured testa tn specially constructed state­ lice barracks at Beacon Falla yes­ George H. WlUlams of 105 Oxford .. 18 and the motions of the divers are Weir, e s ...... 3 0 1 0 1 1 Neither Granville or Dlecovery and with toe aid of such oombarA-. : BEACH QUARTER-flNAUI tos Brown Bomber punched out to* Dawson, president of to* N. Y. base- iA^qu erqu e and OUvenda and shot terday aftemooil for questioning In street, former merchant here and John Howard Jordaln, director of Sylvanla Indus...... 81 33 Johns ManviUe ... baU writer*' chapter tot other day rooms, be pronounced prellmlnaiy toe Socony-Vacuum CJompemy In ...118 shown. A fight between a 120-foot Fraher, p ...... 2 o i 1 i 0 has ever been toe dlstehce, but both Ing batsmen as Baba Ruth, Bob Manchsitar, Ms**., Aug. 30. — Boston tevsrn keeper’s fistic - rs- BTANDINOS -7 two Lioyalist airplanes near experiments yesterday thst devel­ connection with the discovery of now head of a collection agency, waa Taylor - Colquitt ___ 39)4 41) Kennett ...... 46% Kerr, 8b ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 ark bred to run all day. QranvUla'a Meusel, Lou Gehrig, Earl Combs qulwn . , . tad Bueeh brought back . . . most of to* eoribes picked Nattanal A , _oz.) / mentioned today as a possible can­ Barcelona. Utah-Idaho Sug. Com 3)4 4)j Lehigh Val Coal .. whale and a swordfish, in which the (A P )—Hslsn Jacobs, Niioonai u 4 oped temperatures as high as 1,750 furs estimated at $3,000 la a Beth­ .. 3 latter ta brought to ^ p s by the Mfcttaon, M ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 daddy—Gallant Fox—cams through and a much younger Tony Lazzeri, Wimbledon tlUlst. drew Mrs. John another raft of nifty fight pictures, Louis In four er five heats, but W. U P.(V5 Z«yaUst forces of the SoclaUst degrees a success any farm bouse, will be released this didate for the Republican nomina­ New York Bank and Ins. Stocks Lehigh Val R d ___ .. 14)4 fishermen, is also pictured. batted .807 for the season. Today's now on display at Mettsr'a Smoke Jimmy Cannon of the N. Y. Amer­ St Louis...... 69 44 .413^ tion as tax collector. Bank of New York . 622 627 LIgg and Myers B six years ago while Display, sire of Harris, of Kansas a ty, sixth sssdid ament marching on Teruel and Walls of the test cabins bulged (ffternoon if no clalme agalnit the -.106)4 The other subjects are the "Waltz Totals ...... 24 1 8 31 9 8 Dlecovery, waa ons of toe beet dis­ outfit to hitting around A04 despite Plsyer, u bar quarter final opponent Shop . . . neluier man waa impress­ ican, called the tolrd.jind etuek to Nsw Y o r k ...... 69 46 MO loa expreeeed their determlna- under scorching heat before a group fura are made, Lieut William Some time ago Mr. Williams of­ Bankers Trust ...... 71 73 Loew’s ...... 68)4 J qoUk tos tougher opposition. ed by to* framui, saying toat Sbar- it . . . be has baen celebrating Chicago ...... 67 4T ASgS fered the servlcea of his organiza­ King," about Johann Strauss wno lo u rte o tt* PoUeh-Ainerloaiis tance borsea of bis day. m the 13th annual Essex Ooun^ to "eave Spain from Faactam of maritime officials as fires raged Schatzman, head of the barracks ABOUT TOWN ...... 48)4 50)< LorlUard ...... 22% cemposed toe "Blue Danube Waltz” And, digging Into tos batting ksy waa nothing but a iwUow abeu since. Pittoburgb ...... 66 M A16'> ' the end of AuguoL" tion to the town to assist in toe col­ McKeesp Tin ...... AB.R.H.PO.A.B. The race being a weight for age Club tennis toumamant bsra today. under fumace-Uke drafts, but the said today. Chemical ...... 06)4 68)j .. 96 and other fa v o il^ , accompanied by Haraburda, si , 2 1 0 1 1 1 averagas, you find that only in the First on this tournsasnt’s tovorsd anu Louis just bad to look Clnolnnall...... B6 6B .4BT” _ Acte of Craelty lection of back taxes. Central Hanover . . . . 131 136 Mont W a rd ...... affair. Diseoveiy wUl pack 188 good . . , Has Avery Brundog* ot to* Olym­ flames were confined to the point of The men, 8. H. Rattan of 816 Mr. and Mra. Hugh MaePhee and .. 46 scenes of toe Danube and ballet Opalacb, 2b , .1 0 0 8 2 0 pounds to OraqvUls's 116. Ths Van­ outitoUL where Ruth. Meiuwl and list Mia* Jsoobs bad to put on the Boston...... 88 61 .460-^ f ^rovery of the Lo3ralist troops, origin. Seventh avenue. New York city and While 11 men sought too nomin­ Continental ...... 20)4 22 X Nat Else ...... Oomba ro.-jnsd tn that day, dt( toe pic committee got a let of axplaln- Brooklyn...... 48 66 J90 ation a year ago, only four. Sher­ their granddaughter. Miss Bettv .. 32)4 dancers. The "Feline Fghter", a Saverick, 8b . . 8 0 0 3 0 0 derbilt ace haa not shewn much steam yesterday to subdue fighting government said, waa increaaed Seven hundred pounds of kindling William Freeman, negro, of New Corn Ehtchange . . . , . 85)4 67X Nat Cash Reg .... Grantland Rice sportllght, depicts a ..801410 1927 combination outolt toa present 'niara's a fine poeelblUty tost Ing to do when he gets back to toe Phitadslphis...... 40 77 AM wood Q. Bowers, James H. John­ MaePhee of Youngstown, Ohio, are .. 24)4 ride BychoUkI, lb when loaded heavily this year but Norma Taubelte, of New Yorii, 97, states, or has beT . . . Johnny Mize N-ny reporta “of acts of eavagerv and oak wood, approximating the Haven, are remaining wlUtogly to guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chitobert W. First National...... 2116 2140 Nat D a iry ___ ...... 27)4 race between a bobcat and pack ot O. Obte, cf ... ..2 0 0 1 0 0 day Uns-up. In tos Infisld, Qeluig to Henry "Hank" Haefe, our choice to Amsriona l ^ a w ty and pUlage" aUegedly com: ston, Samuel Nelson, Jr., and Al­ Nat DistlU ...... toe time ofr two he has had 180 of the Cardinals and Roy Weatherly conibustible material in a stateroom TtMch at the barrariu until a check-^ Birch of “The Gables,” Main street Guaranty Trust _____ 865 360 .. 29% hounds. Laughs will be afforded by Quartus, If .. .3 0 0 1 0 0 bitting around J80 today. His mark 'fbe second esedsd Mrs. asrab oop toe decathlon, will do just toat w . u P.C ; ¥5“ ttco by the African Legionnaires for two, were stacked in the test up on the fun is made, said Lieut bert T. Jackson have entered the Irving ...... 18 ^ 18 u N Y Central .'...... two cartoons, the "Haunted Ship" pounds or less in tos saddle, ha has for 1927 was J78. Lazseri’s to a tonight as be enters tha last half ot of toe Indiana, both reorutts, may New Y o rk ...... 76 47 .658 ' gfrom Morocco. contest ao far, with but four days ’They will remain for the wedding of .. 40)4 Kletclia, e ... .8 0 3 7 3 1really gone to town. Palfrey Fsbysn, of BtooUIb*, was hang up some sort of a precedent by mma, then ignited and the cabm Schatzman. No charges against Miss Janet G. Simon and Robert H. Manhattan ...... 33 33 NY NH and H ... .. 8% and “Red Riding Hood” . Baton, rf ... 8 0 0 0 0 0 •bads under MO now, bui wasn't foroad into an extra set to sUnalnats eompetlttea at ths West Bide Oval Cteveland ...... 64 86 A4T ' >_Fw m er Premier Diego MarUnez door pulled shut left during which proposal papers Manufact Trust . . . . 49 51 North Am ...... Granville, winner of bis last four much above that tan yeara ago. with a three-point laad on to* field winning toe big league batting DstrUt ...... 66 54 A U . the men have been lodged, the lieu­ may be filed with the town elerto Smith at S t Mary's Episcopal .. 82% A -small admission faa will bs Wlckowakl, p . 8 0 0 1 8 0 Mrs. Maynard M. Johnson, Jr,, a cbampionshlps tote year . . . Mlsa addresolng Madrid soldiers, Electric thermometers inside and tenant said. church, Friday, Augiut 28, at 4 National City Bank.. 43)4 45)< Packard ...... (fiiarged. races and loser of three cloee de- Mora than making up for that small , , all member* of the Spike Club Cbioago...... 61 66 A lt fOSUed upon them to “take again the .. 10)4 eislona, has bean carrying 126 in Brooklln* neighbor, 6-4, 3-8, top* to* Natlonar League and outside the cabins recorded the tem­ The 48 pieces of furs were foimd o’clock. New Y o r k ...... 143 148 Penn ...... 87% Totals .... 33 1 8 21 9 3 deficit to Bill Dickey, who to combin­ Mrs. Fabyan meets Oraoyn who plan to enter the "Tracy Day" WashlngUm ...... 59 67 A09 = f we took at the beginning of the Public ...... 48 30 Pblla M g C and I most of bis races. ing a ck>ae-to-.300 batting average matt at New Haven Sunday can ob­ vVsatoerly Is tied for second tn toe Boston ...... 69 89 AOO) peratures. Glass doors cracked, by County Detective Koland Q. Ail­ .. 1% Score by innings; Wheeler, of Santa Monica, Cot, wm junior circuit . . . rookies have 2***tag: It ta better for ns to die ceUlngs and floors blackened—but Title ...... 10)4 12' Phil P e te ...... Although oti( of tha richest of the with hto catching duties, compart tain entry blanks from Frank Rob­ S t Lou l*...... 44 73 .879^^ live u claves.'* ing of Waterbury and Patrolman JAMES J .W A U DIES Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gibbons of 89 • • 42)4 P.A...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 — 1 yMterday disposed of Oorathy never dons It before . . . gosh, the flames remained within the walls Oxford street have as their guest Inanranoe Pub Serv N J . . . . LOCAL POSTOmCE 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 — 1 juvenile races, the Hopeful, to be to tbs mediocre .277 and ,247 for inson or Bob Hear , , . Philadelphia...... 41 78 A86 E .A government broadcaot urged Alex Fozsbender of the Waterbury .. 46% West Sides ...... Workman, hot Angeles, 6-8. 7J. what a streak Lefty Gomes ta in of the cabins. police department yesterday after­ for three weeks, Julius Schroder of American (Newark) . 15 17 Radio ...... run the same day, will not do much Reg Grabowskl and Benny Ben- dozens to disobey orders from rebel .. 10)i Three baaa hit, Mahonsy: sacri­ tin . Harris won tos right to ]^ay Add charter member eligible* for . . . toe guy hasn't won a baU game ’The committee watched the effect noon. Not receiving eatlefactory HI HARTFORD HOME Astoria, Long Island, uncle of Mrs. American Reserve . .. 28 30 Reading ...... ; to settle toe two-year old champion­ gough, receivers for toe 1927 club. Mias Juoobt by putting out Bunles TODAyB OAAfEB wals calling to sendee soldiers .. 43% EXEMPT FROM R E IN G fice hit, Opalacb; stolsn bosM, Weir, The outfield average of '37 waa to* Amalgamated Society of Retir­ sine* July 4 . , . Max Baer, from Natlaaal on fireproofed woods, composition explanations for the preaenoe of the Gibbons. American Surety . .. 67)4 69)4 Rem R and...... 18% Fraher; double plays, Haraburda to ship. The field will not include J. Dean, ot San Antonio, Thx;, 6-8, 6J. far-away Vancouver, filngt a chal­ served under the last five con- asbestos boards with various types Baltimore Ameritian . 8 9 Key Tbb B ...... H. Louchbetm's Pompoon, winner A47. Today's fly-chasers are hitting ed Baseb^ Managers .... Pete Pbiladelpbla at Boston. ptlona. furs the two local officers com' .. 85% Opalacb to Bycbolakl; base on balls Theodlila Smith, of Pasadena, Baldwin, who haa been out ot the lenge at Max Schroellng. Haw! . . . of decorative veneers, and fireproof munlcated with Lieut Schatzman. Prominent Real Estate Man Automobiles driven by Edward ^cees ...... 7)4 Safeway Stores ... of his only three starts, including about AID. Tbs infield of '86 to Ut- 8 t Louis at UtneinnaU. Advieed To Flee .. 29 Not Included' in President’e off Fraher 3, Wlckowakl 3; balk, ting nearly tan points buavier, whUs CaL, and Key Wlntor^, ot Brook­ loeal baseball picture *0 long ws you’ll notice he passed up Joe bulkheads designed to confine fire Ueut Schatzman said he sent out Bniit Many Apartment Stein of Buckland and Harry Drag- Fid. and Deposit . . . . 115 120 Schenley Dla ...... 42% Wickowski; passed ball, Kletcbs; toe national steUlon stakes at Bel- line, were toe only iinesedsd sc Luuls, the only top flight heavy Chicago at Pitteburgh. “ ypo cannot do anything else, Great American . . . . 27 29 Executive Order Because the catching department to almost a forgot him In our first compilation (Only gams* sehsdulsd.) to restricted areas of the ship. a daaerlpticm of the fura and infor­ Hooses in the City. g et Hartford junk dealer, figured In Sears Roebuck___ ..8 2 )4 struck out by, Fraher 8, Wickowski memt Park. trants to make the quarter final*. avaUabl* just now. * government broadcast advised Bits of cloth hung on the outside Halifax ...... 22)4 24)4 Shell Union ...... Candidate Has Been Nom­ hundred points higher. of proposed members . . . our con­ Antesteu ■BM of captured towns, "flee mation on their presence at Beth­ an accident on Main street near .. 18% 5; umpires Brennan aud Frazier. Pompoon Is toe only top notch Mis* AUcs Marbls, ot San Fran­ walls of the experimental cabins William street yesterday. Mr. Stein, Hanover ...... 86 3g Socony V a c ...... two-year old that haa not been de­ This battlM power to the big rea­ gratulations to Charlte Donahue, Detroit at 8 t Louis. I the city. Those who gave you any, over the police teletype eystem, .. 13% inated. son for toe Yanks' long toad at this cisco, who defeated Mra. C. R. Mob­ winner of toe Bank Night prize of turned sUghtly brown at the height but had'received no qu^es from Hartford, Aug. 80.— (A P ) — according to the report to toe police Home Ina ...... 86 8g . Sou Pac ...... 40), feat^ this year. Mrs. Ethel V. ley, Jr., of Brookline, 6-3, 6-8, will (Only iram* sohaduted;) I ordys (rebela) promiaed on of the fires, but did not ignite. Home Fire Security . 4)4 6)4 South Rwy ...... stage of toe campaign. They've built $200 at to* State 'Theater ihe any poUoe departmanU on the tele­ James J. Wall, 68, who has conduct­ officer who investigated, was driv­ .. 20% Mars' (fose Ace, the leading money meet either Mrs, Dorothy Andra er other n ig h t...... (foorlle, as ut honor to defend the The findings will be embodied in ing south. Mr. Dragget who bad Mass. Bonding ...... 61 53 St Branda ...... The local postofftca wlU not be up that lead In a season when toe Racing Notes type chain. ed a real estate buotoees to Hart­ .. 18% MLOWU Yesterday's Stars winner with $87,766 to his credit, cellar club, tos Atototlos, are hlttln| Mma. Silvia Henrotot, of Paris, moat of you know, captained the d. a set of recommendations to be cub- ford for the past 20 yean, died this been parked near the west curb National Liberty . . . . 9)4 11 St Oaa and E3___ .. 7% included In toe executive order ol also held that distinction until yes­ whose third round title waa post- . are now attacking the Re- mined to a Senate sulxmmmittee on North River ...... 27)4 29)4 around .376, compared to toe AM H. B. croas country team through By Th* Asooelated Prsss WRESTLING morning at hto home. [>ulled out also going south. The St Ofl Cal ...... 36% President Roosevelt placing most terday. ponsd yesterday. an undefeated eeasen in 1984 and comemrCe, headed by Senator Royal ;wo cars came together aldewaya. A Wash...... 40 42 St Oil N J ...... postoffices under civil service regu­ By A8SOC8ATED P B B U for toe laet-plaoe Red Sox ot 1937. Gteorge nfilUps, tratnar of D4- t A t t t h S K ’ He 'was bom to Hartford May IT, .. 68% MalilBg his eastern debut at-toe In that year only toe first two clubs waa a dtetane* runner on to* track Witt Page's Maemere farm, U going By ABSOGIAXKD n S B B S. (Copeland, for poeelbla use to 1878, and served as a machinist to tire blew out on tot Hartford man's Pref. - Accident ...... 20 29 Tex Oorp ...... 8 0 lations to some extenL it Is under­ Tiny CfoMlia, BoMk-Hald PhlUlea PCBUO PABXS PLAT il refiigsee arriving from HOSPITAL NOTES Seaboard Surety . . . . 24 26 Spa, toa Arlington futurity winner in the loop were batting over ,.390. team . . . he's at Yale now and in­ strong with bte charges at Sara­ Los Angstes—Dave Lsvla. UE charged Fasdat acts of Up I^ffislatlon to be preaent- the United States navy. He saw car while a bent axel and fender Timken Roller Bear .. 68 stood here, because a candidate had to seven hits. could do no baUer than fourth tn S t Louis, Aug. 1 9 r-(A P )~ Big tends to concentrate on toe two- ed the next Congrese. were about the extent qf the dam­ Security Ina...... 36 88 Trans Amerirm . ... been recommended to (fongreas for Toitoy, five art either in or near tha toga, having put over 16 winners Nsw York, dsfoatod Vtawsat Lopra ' there. LeyaUste from action during the Spaniah-American .. 18% AWEIK BUi Swift, Piratsa-Stopped Cubs •lx furiong roes, won by one of AOO group. BUI Hughes of Msmhla and ds> mite event next season.. . . since to* meeting opened. Hte latest 214. fifti A tlftlil war, the Boxer rebelUoB to China ages to the Stein car. Mr. Dragget Springfield FlreAM a. 137 142 Union Carbide...... appointment before the order waa ipealMona at Bneaea oould Birth yastarday-A. sea to MV. Sun Life ...... 470 320 .. 96% in relief role and drove u wiaaing Bradley's stars—Billionaire. Casa fending ebampion Bniaabsth Dsike triumph was in the Ctetekill Handi­ Ctevstead—Srarett MsrshaH U L . and toe Philippine uprising. .went to Dr. Holmes’ office for treat­ United Aircraft ...... 25% issued. of Los Angeles led publle parks For tha information ot an tnquir- bouses within Granada and Mrs. John Kletoschmidt of 94 U. 8. F. and O ...... le 21 Otherwise, Frank B. Crocker, Re­ run with ninth inning aingla. Ace bad woo torse straight In toe cap yesterday, when ba sent out La Junta, QoUx, dsfsatsd Edward Wells street Mr. Wall built many apartment ment of injurtea to his aide. No ar­ Unit Corp ...... 7)4 tennis stars into quarter-final *r, the Yal* University football rest was made. Westchester ...... 38 88 Unit Oaa Imp . . . . . publican Incumbent more than four Jim BottonUey, Browna—Bis west Mteriel to win at 80 to 1. “Dutoh” Hsffaev, ^ ahstuan. 1 hundred rebds wars kUlsd or WEDDINGS Admitted today—Raymond and bouses to various aectloos of the .. 16)4 bomsr and two amj^se «bsttad in QsnsraUy conceded toe best of toe rounds of tos national sfogls* eba sebadute for 1986 la as follows: Oct. Tax., 16:43 of oM^all, ons-hosm dty, notable among which waa his U 8 Ind AIo ■,.... yeara,/Whose term expired last .Jan­ plonshlps today with dadatvs vfo. OoruO; 10, Peanzylvanla; 17, ■" mar at Avila, northwest David Frink of Wapptog, Raymond .. 86% uary, might have been one ot toe Mur runs against Tlgsrs. division, . Case Acs and Pompocm a, James FltssimnKms te thinking of Um* limit bout . In an angagament yes- latest achievement, the Mark Twain The Connecticut Federation of U 8 Rubber...... 29% Sport Forum toilsa that ruled them favorite* la Navy at Baltimore; 34, Rutger*; 81, Portland—Hons Bteiaka, 378, Cter- Gayton-Brooks Doolittle of Wapptog, Robert Mur­ Demociratlc Women’s eluba will hold W. W. HUNT DIES U 8 Sm elt...... few Republicans to become perman­ Jo DlMsggto, Tankeea—Hit will not meet until toa $100,000 Bel. starting QnnviUe, winner a t bte [ttegovem m ent reported. apartments on the alto of the old .. 77 mont futurity toa lost of September. their divisions. Dartmouth: Nov. 7, Brown; 14. many, dsfsatsd Ou* Bonnsabsig, 2i ®rooks of dock of Lake street and PriaciUa a state-wide meeting at Ixmg Hill U 8 Steel ...... ent officials along with many Der-o- homsr and two singles against San- Prlneetoa at Prineston; 31, Har­ last four starts,' in tos mite and a It was aanounosd. m Woodland street onnoimce the McAdam of 186 MeXaa straet, aU “Nook Farm" Lltoraty Colony on Hartford, Aug. 20.— (A P )—WII- .. 66)4 crate. ators. Louchheim failed to name his star Aoomn ooAUJBsqm Hughes was Imprssslvs In a vlo- 2t0, B o a ^ pssd a heavy arUUeiy O’armtogton a'venut. Inn, Wallingford, Saturday at 1 ■Wok Chem . . . j . . .. 44 tory ovsr Hsrbsrt Shsnktn, Wash­ vard .... all games are at home quartar of tos Wbitasy Memorial marrlege of their daughter, Mias tonsil patients, and Mrs. Anna p. m. Commlaaloner Joseph Tone Uam W. Hunt, 87, waU-known Western Unirm ... Thomas J. Quiah, who made tne Carl HubbeU, Giants—Haadeuftad for .toe ricb Saratoga Btakae but o x ^ t as otoerwte* stated . • • Satairday. Th* son of OMlont Fox is Nbals aBtcaacbsd below He was a member of Burdette nurseryman, died at his home here .. 87)4 highest rating in an examlna:*oh baa him Uberally engaged tola tSU. The Portsrftold Salbarilaga accept ington, O. C. but M. C .' Boar - ;fi'5 Marta Pass in the wlU!*****/.®^ Brooks, to Kenneth Mooombar of 88 Blroh straat who Camp, United Spantoh War Veter­ and Mrs. Carleton Palmer of West- West S3 and Mfg Dodgers with flvs hits. ' Tulsa, OUa., high sekeol atuS betaig p ^ t e d for Ids'oteah with Oto- son of Mr. and leU downstairs and to h avi^ X- port and New York will be the this morning. „ ..138 for the office and who has bes-’ toa ekaltonga of MorUrty Brotoan ans. He leaves hto widow, and a W(»lworth-.-^•wwswj ...... 64H Bob Johnson and A1 Nlamiae, Oilotoa, Wa dastra to play tha game beat out Chinn Buna, Honolulu BKIBERIJNOB PRAOTtCE covsiy ta to* Baratoga Cm Aug. Last Night's F^fite Mrs, WUUw J. Qayton of Rock- rays taken to determtoa If «ha haa principal speakers. He was born in Kingston. N. H.. E3ec Bond and Share ((Jurbj. 22% dorsed by the Democratic. Tc. .> S49 Main Street Pheae tMfl 29, but ntsalmmons bsteevts tt vuto The ceremony waa performed brother, Joseph. . The fuaimrai will committee and nominated by Con­ Atoiattes—Formsr’a bemar brought John Pesak. Nebraska' No. 1 tola Sunday on a ao-40 baoto or a ebamptoa, to coatlaus to* ttrsst bs rabd planes killed a broken neck. and for many yean oonductod the Open 7:80 A. M. to 7:80 P. M. in two runs in doublefaeadsr opener wrestler, recently added about 8,000 aid# baL wa baltov* that w* oaa nsads a good stiff workout If tos ef B ^ t o r , N, Y „ Tueeday August be held S a tii^ y , with a requiem Mrs. Max Raiehle of Detroit has gressman Herman P. Kopplemanii, startsd by upsetting formsr nham- Tha Pertsrfleld SellMrUng a Vsneaqvsr. R. RW f. U to and wmndad seven Birth today—A daughter to Mr. mass to S t Joseph's (tothedral. Blua Hills Nurseries. He leaves hla The U. B. Department

Design for azeeuttve nieoeM; Sm W a’ra Bome times Fearful That that the "who", "when”, "what’!, The 8kng-Writera Will Rinr Out-Of and "how” of a ^ Job are ea- Tunas. tabllabad. ^ ^ Own life. MoUy HUford, daugh easy for them to be eonvtneed after A Genius Is A Man Who Oan bo ter ot Jay M ilford commita stflclde O LD GLASS, books. Colonial fu m l reading that elaborate story about The Jewish couple took their Almost Anything—But Make A brar-aOSTON BtTUi dor, buck In department store. Body found EARLY ATTHDANCE - and brown, brlndl* color, weariaK her death. baby to the moviea, where they living. lANDSCAPma, Pruning, Shear­ turs. Writa H. W . Haxen, 12 Bum - on soft In rest room by cleaning P- x«d brldla. Phono MIO. Reward. ing and tree surgei" Now Is time aids avenue. East Hartford. V^ck and. T^eckleii How poor Leola Barlow had were warned that unleas the ehUd A recruit was on sentry duty for OiVieNEA.SwSa.lw. woman. Father prosdrated, esm give suffered! How deeply she must the first time at night, when he to trim evergreens and shade By AAerv Raymond no motive— “ AT OUTING SMAU was quiet, they would have to ae- •w someone approaching: trees, and to seed lawns. Tel. 8687. have loved this Jimmy, who bad eept a refund of the’ price of ad- ANNOUNCEMENTS 2 jvrltten her ao casually. Sentry (sharply)—Who comes John S. Wolcott, 117 HoUlstar St BOARDERS WANTED 59-A BEGIN HEBE TODAY miasion and -leave.. Half way crooked your finger. He’s worth MoUy eat down weakly and co^ It would be kind to destroy that through the feature film the wife there? H O L L Y M ILFORD, rich and pop­ ' W A N T E D — LA.UND BT to do at two of me, and you're a better ered her face with her hands. That revealing note, now that It had Members of Manchester Im- turned to her husband and whisper- The Other— The officer of the ular, haa received proposals ot mar­ homo, m u oaU for, and daUvor. REPAIRING 23 ROOMERS WANTED, with ot kid than Mae. You’ve got her poor, distraught girl! served Its purpose. First she would provemet Association Wait ad: day. Phono 8816. without board. 8 Chestnut street. riage‘s from three suitors, but skinned 40 ways In looks She "AU right, now, sister. It’s your memorize the address. She might Wife— ^VaU, vot do you tlnloof It? Sentry (stlU more sharply) — B R E N T STUART, whom she loves, for Dinner and Election. LAWN MOWER SHARFENINQ, don’t look like any millionaire’s turn to talk. And talk fast!" need It. Dtey— Rotten. Then, what are you doing out at has not asked her to merry him. repairing. Key making, vacuum daughter. But she got me. I Molly swallowed hard. Her heart MoUy took the letter out ot tier W ife— Yes. Pinch the baby. night? AUIOHOBILES FOR SALE 4 APARTMENTS—FLATS— Bored with psulles, Molly asks cleaners etc., cleaned, recondition­ didn’t bat an eye toward her, waa leaping wildly. She must talk purse once more and looked down The attendance at the annual out­ TENEMENTS 63 Breot to take her to "The Red aa that poor girl would have talked at It TONTIAC SEDAN, 1985 Ford ed. Tool sharpening. Bralthwaite, honey. She came all the way, ing of tha Manchester Improvement A reader of this Oolyum Uving The One Big Trouble With The Peppy”, a questtonkble night club. "W e’re going to be fighting and If she didn’t— World Today b That A Lot Of eoach, 1884 Chevrolet coach, 1833 62 Pearl street. FOR R E NT— FOUR ROOM apart­ The door was flung wide and aeaociaUon today at VlUa Louise, Bast of town writea In to tell us He iWuses. Molly, annoyed, goes "1 didn’t do nothin’. It was him People Are 'IV>o Smart To - Work, Dodfo aodan, 1883 Plymouth coupe, making up all the time. You were tlie woman with the frowsy, jorn- Bolton, Is smaller than In former that besides man, imly monkeyi ment, with private bath $20. per with W ICK ROSS, anotSSr admirer. — Nelse”, MoUy answered In a low, But Not Smart Ehiough To live Toorterville Folks 1831 Pontiac coupe. Elaay terms. too easy for me, Leola. Maybe If colored hair came In. “I’ll trouble years. Because the business meet­ have learned the art of throwing. month. Steam heat $6 extra per The lights go out suddenly and husky tone. Without Work. HELP WANTED— you 4iad treated me rough I you for that purse,” she said short­ ing and the dinner la not until late WeU what of It? A re you trying Cole Uotora—6468. month during w ^ter months. Ap­ when they come on again Molly “We know all about him-the FEMALE .35 wouldn’t have banded you a raw ly* “And that letter, too." this afternoon the number of mem- to make a monkey out ot us?. THE Du e l ply Supt. Apartment 4. 26 Birch finds herself dancing with a hand­ dirty crook I How’d you happen to Young Man— Darling,-1 love you deal. Bo long and good luck. Sne examined the purfe care- bera who left Depot Square at 11 street some stranger. He Is, In reality, mix In with bis game’’’ WANTED— EX7»ERIENCED girl You’ve been pretty swell. Now fuUy and then handed It back. She o’clock this morning was far below She — Sometimes you seem so as no one ever loved before. NELSON FERGUSON, bank rob­ “I didn’t know nothing about any Girl (fed up)— ^Humph! I can’t for bookkeeping, and general office FOR R E NT— F IV E ROOM flat, buck and forget— Jimmy." went out of the room with the let­ that of other years. Some members manly and other times absurdly ef­ ber, and he la one of a group plan­ game, I teU you”, Molly spoke see any difference. work. Reply stating age, experi­ modem Improvements, screens and ter in her hand. After a few of the association worked until noon feminate. Manchester ence, paat employment. Box W, ning to spirit Molly away and bold Molly put the letter back Into dully. **Thls Nrise— 1 met him once mcments she returned. Her voice curtains furnished. Apply 20 her for ransom. and drove to the VUla at 1 o’clock. He— Heredity. You see, half my Herald. the envelope soberly. In the next up in Chicago, and I was braggin’ a held a hint of sympathy. The program of sports that waa Evening Herald Chestnut street Ferguson tells Holly hla name Is .anceetors were men and the other room the verbal warfare was con­ Uttle, I guess. I told him some of ‘ t’U bring you some breakfast,” held in the early afternoon was in “N E LS O N W H IT T A K E R .” A few lalf women. CHURCH GROUP COOKS CLASSIFIED W A N T E D —O N E SHORT order FOR REINT— FO U R room tene­ tinuing punctuated frequently by my friends said I looked enough Uke she said. “If I was you I wouldn’t charge of A. F. Howea. A luncheon days later he asks her to have din­ TO BARN MORE MOMCV ADVERTISEMENTS cook, also woman to do house­ ment In two family bouse, with a furious oath. this Milford girl to be her sister. He waste any tears on that fellow. He waa served to the different members Man cannot live to himself alone, work. Scranton’s. Telephone 6856. ner with him, and she agrees. Wait­ said didn’t I think lota of myself. garage. Inquire 273 Oak street. “It beats me. W hat did he ex­ don’t sound' bo much to me. It as they arrived. The dlqner is to be never a friend to share. Leblgi, la. (A P )—^The ladies aid Oeuiit els averaa* words to a Uas ing for him at a downtown store, And I said, ‘T ake a look at this”, laltlala, nombsrs and abbrsTlatloai pect to get out of a job like that?” wouldn’t surprise me If you served at 4:80 this afternoon and Happiness loses its neatest charm, society of the Christian church bare Molly encounters a girl who ap- and showed him a picture I cut out ' eaob oonet as a 'ord and oompound FOR RENT—TWO 2 ROOM and “A good laugh. He was going wouldn’t be better off without him. the election of officers will follow. sorrow Is hard to bear; found a new way of making money W A N T E D — GIR L FOR general peers to be her exact double. Im­ of a paper once. He said I could words as two worda Ulalmom oost Is one 3 room apartmenta. Complete­ back to Chicago, laughing up his With your looks you won’t have Joseph Pero. Lawrence Converse None is so lonely as he who stands — feeding threshing crews In the pries ol thrss ilasa housework. 11 Park street. pulsively Molly exchanges her lux­ sleeves at you and Louis.” the fool the girl’s own mother and— " any trouble finding somebody else. and Oeorge HaU comprise the com­ Uns rates per dar tor transient ly renovated; equipped with pri­ lo u d ly aloof from a welcome hand. church basement. uries costume for the other glrl’i woman said. “He told you he "Go ahead.” Just Uke he said." mittee in charge. ' ads. WANTED — COMPETENT cook, vate baths, automatic hot water shabby one. Joy that ia shared Is a bell’s clear In two weeks they served dinner ■Wscttve Masae If, ISST heaters, and gas stoves. Orford wasn’t goln’ to do no kldnapln’ for “Yesterday he called me on Jie “1 know," Molly spoke wearily. note echoing down the years also maid tor second work L. F. She and "Whittaker” go to a to 22 different crews, averaging Cash Charse Building, 865 Main street. Apply you, and you wouldn’t believe he phone. He said he’d blown In for a Fear, unhapplnes, hunger had made Borrow divided begins to fade, van­ 4 Ooaseenuva Uajrs ...I t eu| • ou BIsseU, Rockville, Phone 214. place called “Frenchy’s.” Police high aa three crews totaling 46 men. Marlow's. meant It. Nelse wasn’t nobody’s week-end and was throwln’ a party her feel really 111. Tears slipped DETERMINATION ishing with our fears; I OonaeeuUve Oarr ..I I otsf 11 eu arrive and there Is shooting In some days. 1 Dar ...... 11 U| II eta fool. He knew you and Louis loved for some of hla friends. He s a id -1 down her white cheeks. Rainbows will dance on the eyes of Net result— $81.80 In the society’s I 0 which "Whittaker” Is fatally Injur­ Chicago— Impatient because dep­ A ll ordara tor trrecniar lassrtlone HELP WANTED—MALE 36 FOR R E N T — FIV E room tenement him like rat polsdn, Steve, and remember just what he said— ’’ “W e women are all aUke, I care. treasury. V J s U w ill be eharasd at tha one tiins rata. Sept. 1st, all modem improve- ed. Molly Is forced Into a car and would have turned him up long “Go on, girl!” Steve Black ^ e s s ,” the masked woman said, uty sheriffs reported they were un- Shining through )i6ar8 fast gather­ Spaeial rataa tor Ions to m erarr M A N TO Q U A L IF Y as an InvesU- taken to a deserted farm house. prompted. ’able to serve Mra. Lena Brockway dar advartUlng sIva open reqassL menta, 37 Strant street Apply on ago If you hadn’t been scared.” but you got more to cry about ing there. gator and adjuster for national premises. NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY "Well. I did turn him up. didn’t “He said, ‘Don’t you think Tm tlian a man.” with a summons for her husband’s Ada ordered tor three or els dars ADULTS GO TO SCHOOL and ateppad haters tha third or dtth organisation. Must be reliable, in­ I? ” A man’s cold, menacing voice. swell to be throwln’ a party for peo­ With thla doubtful eonsolatlon, divorce suit, Brockway, 65. informed Hark to thp/^ong of the bell’s C H A PT E R V n Judge Joseph B. David; dar will be eharped onlr tor tbs so- telligent and be able to furnish FOR REINT—8 ROOM apartment “Sure you did, Steve, You trapped ple who would put poison In my she left the room. sweet ^n a — ------to LBAKf^ fHE TWO KV tnal aamber at -Imae the d appear­ Sun streamed through a small references. Previous experience at The Oablei, 118 Main street him with that bank robbery, and soup If they had the nerve’’ I said, (To Be Continued) “Your Honor,' theae deputies have Ian capnot Uve to himself alone!' ed, ahargins at the rale earned, but barred window Into the room Into made no headway. I knov where ao aUowanoe or rstnada can be mads unnecessary. No selling. P. O. Box Also a 6 room single with oU then told the police where to find 'That sounds dangerous to me.’ — Winifred B. Sherman. Clemson, S. C. ( A P )— ^The school which Molly had been unceremon­ my wife Is. You deputize me and oa six lima ada ateppad attar the burner, west side. Edward J. HoU. him. You weren’t taking much ‘N a ’, he said, ’they’re too hlgh-claas bell pealed late In the Uves of 834 564K, , WU. iously thrust the night before. Possibility of a flat Ure lurka I’ll serve that summons.’’ gtth dsr. Telephone 4642. for poison, but they might give me First Hobo— Look here, Pal. we adults attending the Opportunity Mo terblds"! displar Unas aot But It was not the aun, but loud chance because you knew Nelse constantly In the background If W A N T E D — E X PER IEN CED meat would fight In a trap and they’d the wrong steer—’" David agreed. Deputy have got to divide this chicken fair, school conduct^ during July and wld. angry voices that awakened her. misalng valve caps are not replaced. BrockWa*^ set out on his quest. The aerald w ill aot be reaponalble cutter. Write, giving experience, "O f all the dirty rotten tricks! So pump him full of lead If he made a 'T h at sounds Uke Nelse, aU right. Second Hobo— That’a right, Pard. August by Clemson college. nor more than ona laoerraet inisrtloa referencea and salary expected to LEGAL NOTICES 78 he thought he could pull a joke move. The double-crossln* scorpion!” Now, I ain’t had nothing to eat for Many of the atudenta, admlnUrra- . of anr advartlaament ordsrad tor Uve officials say, were prompted to Box T, care of The Herald. like that on ua and get by with It. “You were laughin’ at him, “Let her talk, Louis.’’ three days, and you ain’t had no saere than ona tlma LiaVOR PBRMIT come to the ooUege campus by am­ The Inadvertent omiselon m uioor- NOTICE OF APPLICATION Bringing a cheap little nobody __ Steve", the woman continued. 'He said he wanted me to dresa sleep for three nights, so TU take bitions to leam to read and write. taet pabUontlon ot ndvartlalns will be This Ib to F lv« notlco that I, Danto while that Milford girl— !” The "Thinking how you were gettln’ rid up In the best things I had because the puUet for my breakfast, and (ootlfla onlr hr oaneeUntloo ot the DOGS—BIRDS—PETS 41 Pa»am pf 167 North Main straat, he was going to play a joke on these 3h>u take the fe arers, spread them Oldest of the residents is M n . sknrae made tor the serrlaa tendered. man's voice died In an angry rum­ of the only man who could throw a Manchaater. Conn., hava (Had an ap­ friends and make them think he was on that board over there, and pro­ Lucy Btters, 70, a second-year All advertlsementa must eontorm PED IGR EED COCKER Spaniel plication datad 13th o l Auguat. 1036, ble. scare Into you. and gettln’ a prize okay with thla Milford girl. “They ceed to enjoy yourself sleeping.. scholar. IP stria, eopr and irpographr with puppies, red, also buff, six weeks with tha LiQuor Control Coinmlaaion Molly could not distinguish the package delivered right into your ragnlations antoread hr the pnbtleh- for a Packava Stora Parmit for tha will eat it up, Leola", he aald. old, 116 and 82ff. Call WlUlmanUc rest of the sentence, but she had hands — at the same time. Spllttln’ ars and ther raaenra the right to aala of alcoholic liquor on tha pram- They’re snobs, and won’t play The Leader edit, revles or raise' aar eopr oon- 166-d. heard enough. a half million dollars, with Nelse iaaa of 161 North Main atraat, Alan- around with people who don’t have The boss drives bis men; the leader tMorod oblaotionebU. chaatar, Conn. The buaineaa la own­ For some reason the kidnapers gettln’ the big end, didn’t look good CtrOStNO BOORS-Classldsd ada to ed by Dante Pag:an! of 167 North were confused about her identity. to you. But It looks to me like money.’ And then he laughed. So I coaches, them. Flapper Fa n n y Sa y s : ho pabllehod lame dar mnit ha ra- Main atraat. Manchaater. Conn., and you’ve got nothing but a package of dressed up and— ’’ The boss depends upon authority; MO. u. a. PAT, orr. •alvtd hr II o’elook noont Sutordars GARDEN—FARM—DAIRY They believed she was that other will be conducted by Dante Pasan! trouble for your pains. I guess Nelse “In them things!” the woman’s the leader on good will. ld:K) a. m. PRODUCTS 50 of 167 North .Main atraat. Manchea- 8lri — the one she' had changed dresses with. Molly did not even Is still laughin’. If he knows.” contemptuous voice cut through. The boss Inspires fear; the leader tar. Conn., aa parmlttae. Inspires enthusiasm. \AK\CLA H O U SE TR\BB\S\Q • TELEPHONE YOUR FO R S A LE — SEED rye. C. B. DANTE PACANI know the other girl’s name. “Oh, dry up. W hat’ll we do with Molly’s voice faltered. “Please WANT ADS. Buckland, Wapplng, Conn. Tele­ Datad 12th. of Auff., 1986. She reached for the amall the girl, Louis?” don’t think hard of me. I waa The boss says. “I,” the leader eays H-8-20-36. ”We.” aitMiYMAmvici.we. t.a«ta.u.. . mt. . Ads are acosptsd over tbs ultphona phone 8848. brown purse, her heart fluttering “I ’m listenin’ to you, Steve, but feelln’ pretty low. My best fellow The boss assigns the tasks, the At tbs CHAROB &ATJD giraa abova LiaVOR PERMIT wildly. Inside were a handkerchief, you know what I’d do." had fallen for somebody else, and .'da a aenvanlan . to adTsrtlaara but NOTICE OF APPLICATION compact, a smaller coin purse with “Bring her out." that’s all.” leader sets the pace. tho CABH RATBS Wiu o. aoesptsd aa 4^ >4)6 fbl'Utb* i HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 Thla ia to give notice that*I. Harold some loose change, and a letter. The key grated In the lock. The 'That;s all. A fine joke that The boss says, "Get here on time,’’ I l l U , PAriCBMT It paid at tha bust- B. Wllliama of 466 Main atraat, Man- the leader geta there ahead of aaas office on or before the seventh The letter was postmarked the door was thrown open and a man was, cutting us out of a cool half W IN D O W SCREENS, fine mesh chaatar. Conn;, hava flled an applica­ million." time. : dar toUowlng tha drat IneerUos ot tion datad 7th of Au«. 1936, with the morning before and was addressed stood In the . opening, surveying S( ORC HY SMITH Sleepy Time In The River Valley By JOHN C. T E R R Y aaeh ad otherwise the UBa RUB window screens, all sizes, this week Liquor Control Commtaaton for a to Mias Leola Barlow. Molly hesi­ Molly with hostile eyes through the “It waa Nelse did that,” the The boss fixes the blame for the ■ Y*** be ooileeted. Mo reaponsl- only 20 percent off. Visit Marlow's breakdown, the leader fixes the " blUtr tor ortors in Ulephoaed ada DruKBlat Parmit for iha aala of alco­ tated for a moment. It was necea- slits'of a mask. woman put In, “and thla Milford ^COCCHV TAKe« Of*. tVOM «AO 9ALVACOR IN THE «MALL «UIP I.ArER/HE FLie« OVER THE BNPLBM ACEEt « lH P y RIVER TOWN OF URUBU...TMB FMT-AWAY Basement^ holic liquor on tha pramlaea of 846 girl passln’ out at tho same time, breakdown. > wUl be assumed and their sceuraor aary for her to know something “Como on outta there, you cheap WHICH HE )7ENTEP...HOUff« LATER, HE 0PEEP4 OVER AN Of apelboate'* plantation ... i n pi an L* PRONR OF AM AIRPLANR AAOIOR I# H8ARP...FCORCMV eannot be gnarahteed. Main atraat. Manohaatar, Conn. The little doll." Steve.” The boss knows how It is done, the FOR SALE—COMBINATION gas bualnaaa la owned by Arthur Drug about thla girl. Immediately. At UWEBOKEN T783PIC JUHSLe... | i — i i ■ WOEKEU IN THE COPPBB FIELP6 WLOW j HI* PRFTTNAnON. any moment now the door might MoUy got to her feet In a “I know.” Steve spo1(e Impa­ leader shows how. WAVm to INDEX OF (Uid oU burner Olenwood stove, lUora Inc., of 846 Main atraat, Man- HIM . . .. chaatar. Conn and will be conducted open and they would begin ques­ cracked mirror she caught a glimpse tiently. “Just the eame, she was The boss says, "Go,” the leader ^ CLASSinCATlONS good condition, reasonable. Call by Harold B. Wllliama of 458 *MaIn tioning her. of her tumbled hair, shadowed eyes friendly with Nelse.” says, “Let’s go!" • •• e a e.Po e e • a 0 • s • d e a * 0 a erf 6715. atraat, Manchaater. Conn., aa parmit- taa. "Honey,” the letter, written In and drawn, white face. • •••••••Apd.d.gdMidi He turned to M olly., “I suppose Stranger— Aren’t you ashamed to WINDOW SHADES—Fine quality HAROLD B. WILLIAMS a man's careless hand, began. " I ’m 'The man caught her by the arm ' *"**^***********"***’ Datad 7th of Au^. 1936. sorry to break It like this, but and stared down at her face. "It you think because you’re the wrong be smoking a cigaret, little boy? ••••deddddwMdddppddddM Holland shades made to order, and (BEAD THE 8TURV, THE N COLOR THE PIOTURB) Little Boy— I sure am, mister, :>.C%rd Ot Thanki H-8-20-86. Mae and 1 got married yesterday. beats all hell!" he exclaimed. dame we’II let you beat It home. la Momortam apda.., bung on windows complete 46 'but what’s a feUow going to do It was something we couldn’t They were all masked Tho That’s what jrou’d like, girl 7” The penguin seemed^to be quite was spent in fixing up a meal that ■ aa4 • dddpppdd«• cents. Also odd lot at 25 cents. when he ain’t got the price of a help. Don't feel too bad about IL woman and the two men formed an “Yes, I’d like to get back,” mad and Scouty said, “It Is too bad every Tlnymlte enjoyed. d^ooneemtnu Fum lib samples on request. Capi­ dgar? Parsonals ...... CHANGE OF HEART Somebody else will be coming amusing circle around Molly Molly’s Ups trembled. R ^ b t after eating, Duncy said, tal Window Shade Co., 46 Capen that we can’t let him have your along soon. Anybody aa pretty as “Take a look at this’’, the fat "Sure you would! So you would “Once more I am a sleepyhead. I ’m street, Hartford. fish. W e’U catch another one. Robert— I ’ve a great mind to -Agtomobllaa tor Bala...... Clearwater, Fla.— A cat which you shouldn’t worry about one man said, pointing a stubby finger go straight to headquarters and going to snooze. Remember, I rock the boat and frighten you. AatomobUee for Bzohango mt had a record ae a killer of adult man. at a large photograph on the front spIU everything you know.” " I gueaa he’s hungry as can be. don’t want to be annoyed.” date Aeooiaorteo—Tiros .... Marie— Once a young man like squirrels has adopted two orphaned "You were kind of off your head page of a newspaper. “I wouldn’t spill any— nothing.” Whate’er you do’s all right with * • • Ante Repairing—PalttUag .. you tried that with me, and the 1 Auto BohooU ...... baby squirrels and la raising them about me, but you’ll get over It. Above her own picture, bold words " I know your kind. You’re me. I don’t mind flehlng for a The Tiny girls just laughed at T-A boa’t ujiset. OMA ; Aatoo—8hlp hr Tmck . .... with her litter of kittens. You could have Joe back If you leaped out at Molly, “Heiress Takes probably lying about this other while. I think It’s lots of fun.” him, and Dotty said, “Oh, we’re in Autoo—Tor airs ...... man. You were Nels«’s girl. Come Robert— And what did 3rou do? ., aaragao—flervloe—Atoragt .. EMERGENCY “WeU,” said the Uttle Eskimo, trim to stay awake for hours and Marie— I swam ashore and noti­ You usually catch on after you've clean I You knew him pretty well?” Ifotornelaa—Blorelae ...... “that penguin really ought to know hours, but we have naught to do." fied the coroner. been caught *T-* •* — s- - waatad Autos—Motoror^aa MoUy shook her head. "I never that It’s not right to steal things, The Uttle Eskimo then cried, : anstBaae and Piotaulaaal • would have gone out with him, bijt I’ll do aa you suggest" “Say, have you two girls ever tried Rualaaaa Barvloaa Offerad 11 CALLS but Jimmy fell for this other girl. your luck on skils? Just wait a t u b s By WniianiN Booaahold Barvleas OSarsd . . . . . l l - A He walked up to the penguin and. U SH IN G T O N ' ______By Crane O U T O U R W A Y HEATING I guess I would have done meet taUUng—Coatraetlng ... FOR SALE with one perk of his Uttle hand, he here. TU get some for both of FRECKLES AND HIS FRIEN I)S By Blosser C.HOa\S WALLIS NEVER IS HAPPIER THAN """"!""!!" " "" . noHsto—Nnraartse POLICE Complete Steam, anything to get even with him. I you.” W HEN WATCHING LULU BELLE'S EXHIBTTICJNG OF " WASHING M AciniN ES- WHY,’(0U WOULON'^ DON'T BE TRVNA Manaral Olreeton ...... I Hot Water. was that crazy.” snapped the hook out of the flah. NEED ANY OF THOSE FANCY GADGETS ID TALK TO ME WITH IteaUag-Plumbing—RooBng t/>OMIS FARM , South Bolton. Seventy-seven (71) acree with The penguin did the rest Soon he came back. “Oh. what STRENGTH. waaraaea ...... about a mile of frontage, hard aurtaoe roads, plenty of wood, Conditioned Air “Well, you’ve done It all right. • • • a treat! Come, help ua get them DO VOUR WORK, WOULD VOUR MOUTH PU LL' I instaUatlomi. OU, MERLE, TO LEND ME DEAR,-WE JACK.' rrSTH E YES-I RECOVERED IT gsJP Wanted—Female ...... || AKJD JACK -? (■ CALLS nOR A BIT OF BRACELET HAKKIM AMONQ HYSTER'S EFFECTS • ■ ■alp WanUd—Mala ...... i| THIS BEAUTIFI ^ MUST LOOK I MUST ADMIT 5«30 MAVE (hOWH - JEWELRY VNRA.ANDI STOLE FROhA IT WAS A SIFT FROMEMPEaoa OUR BEST THE FEMIWIHE JU ST HAPPENED TO Help Wanted—JIale or Female.. IT (HoUoran) DECIDED TONieHT-We VOU THAT PAV MATILO,OF UBAN/A,FOR. . ^ s n ,n Waated ...... NACruEE IS DE- HAVE THIS UTTLE . f " OH THE DESERT / YOU'RE A GIRL WHO CAN DO THINGS. YOU'D AH.DARUl^YOU'RE THE MOST WONOERRll ro JOIN DIME AT THE L16HTEDAT THIS , VOOR SERVICES iHERE.- auutlone Wented—FemnU . . . II SIR. DIAMONP BAUBLE --- BUT I’M (MINS TO REOUEST NEVER HAVE TO RAY MONEY FOR MAIDS, ___ GIRL 1 EVER MET. NONE OF VOUR ANAEMIC ■ItnaUont Waaud—Male ...... || 3060 CAPTAIW'BTABLE, ‘ RETURWTO WITH ME A FAVOR„I WANT YOU TO PRE­ CARPENTERS, PLUMBERS, AND ------FLAT-CHESTED DEBUTANTES FORME. ^ .Bmplormsnt Agenotes ...... si EDMOMO KWOW- FURNITURE MOVBaAWTfee , S IZ ^ lAi W 0 )A T e R .( ...... •» g o o d is rM BEOIHMIMG UP To # !0 I Si>i 5974 ON TW’ BACKOf A iM f T 6 \ r TO WATB5. TAKe owe OP TH' A IS f f' S U IT ] A W l P W 'XcOCAft A ' Wegas dot Smit „ m ^ it A H o o k TD1HWK YtSUWE W Mkftt MddddmddBBM M TH' h e a d l ik e ^ m BEFORE TH' FIRE sev/eu^-Fivc A T 7 S ( i t ] I S iz e 38 L G A S CO. w e D ID -' CATCHES •m0«Y iBSSir s u & w A r . U e v e n i n g h e r a l d 5121 rq.;..--'