1 ^ . aad M m . CtoorK* Hm Mu of il« itriMt AM spondlng a TAeattoB on an automobile that wiU take them to Cape Orange Hall corporation la mak­ 1 and tbe Adirondack Moimtalna. ing plana for a big crowd at a WOliam W ilson o f Kpighton Repabticaii Tow n Committee Heakiaa ia manaiter of the Per- bingo party Saturday at 7:80 p. m.. the police s ^ that they were able Finance Company. in Ojeijaaement of Orange hall. The to aecure sufficient evidence to war­ committee haa arranged amoklng Street Held by Coort As rant binding over Stafford. His bond Does Not Endorse Candi­ "^Ur. and Mrs. John Korch of 69 atanda, lampa, glaaa. aeta, end table, placed at $2,000, waa not furnished The nex^ 60 pounda of augar, 60 gallona of oil committee will be Sept LANDON STARTS FEWER, BETTER Ki-' Weat Middle turnpike are visltinK and be la now In jail. New York, Aug. 30.— (AP) ' ttowe Caverna near OoblesklU, N. Y. and a quarter of a ton of coal aa Aid to Operator. Ernest Stafford ia aald by the dates, Plans Campaign. the town primaries. Secretary Roper o f the Com­ prtaea. police to have come to Glastonbury Following the meeting of the tows merce Department, returning SPANISH SHIP SEARCH Mr. and Mra. Alton Hall of 16 The corporation alao la aelllng from New York. He at one time committee the executive committee EAST TODAY ON from England today, said be LAWS, DEMANDS Summit atreet. with their children, ticketa for |6, to be drawn at the William Wilaon, 89, father of worked'aa an orderly in a hospital Executive and rally committees met and made plana for conducting found In a BriUab museum a let­ bingo party Saturday. Every mem­ the fall campslin. We answer with... are apendlng the week at Point o’ three children, living at 26 ^ Knigh­ in that state and In some way was were selected last night at the sec­ ter written April 32, 1798, by Wood*. ber of Waahlngton L. O. I* la nak­ able to get posseaaloi of Instru­ ond meeting this year of the Repub­ George Waahlngton to the Earl ton street, Manchester, was thla CAMPiU^TOUR COLONE KNOX ed to make retuma of ticketa aold ments to perform illegal operations, lican Town committee in the Mu­ of Buchan. It read in part; moming bound over to the Septem­ BRINGS REICH THREAl Policeman and Mra. David F. aa aoon aa poaaible. the police claim. nicipal building. No action was " I believe it la the sincere wish Galllgan and children of Delmont ber term of the Superior Court of Wilson's arreat came yesterday taken at the meeting In connection of United America . have noth­ atreet left thia morning for a motor Hartford County under bonds of after the caae of Stafford bad been with the endorsement of Republican Antique Glass Repablican Nominee Off On ing to do with political intrigues G. 0 . P . Candidate Talks trip to Mlnneapolla. POLICE COURT $1,800 by the Town Court of Glaa- dlapoaed of In Glastonbury Town candidates for town office this year. or the quabbles of Bhiropean na- Germany Informs MadrM^ tonbury, charged with being an ac­ Court. Wilaon waa taken to Glas­ Plans were formulated for con­ Lovers tioiu, but on the contrary to cessory before and after the fact, tonbury after the police officers had duct of the town and national cam­ Seven Day Swing Throngh change commodities end live In Abont Bosmess Regola- Dace Plays Lone Hand Henry Devlin, 51, an old offender, found him in the yard of bis home paigns thla fall. Members of the stop At peace aqd amity with all the in- Another of Her V em ^ waa convicted of dnmkenneaa In to. a criminal operation performed In Glastonbury. here. committee indicated an eagemeas to habltanta of the earth, and thla town court thla morning and waa THE BLUE SPRUCE Nine States; To Make Choice Gladiolus State Policeman Backlel, who haa start the drive which under the 1 am persuaded they will do If tkmi to Merchants; Tells aent to Jail for 30 daya by Judge The arrest and binding over fol­ Is Molested On the lowed that of Ernest Stafford, 66, of been Inveatigating the cases ia banner of lAuidon and Knox la ex­ GLASS SHOP rightly It can be done." In Neutrality Game I 35c and 50c doz. Raymond A. Johnson. Devlin was authority for the statement that the pected to bring out the largest Re­ -J> picked up on Parker atreet yeater- the Buckingham section of Glaaton- .167 Benton St. Phone 7052 Phtfonn Speeches. About Conhision. bury, who yesterday waa bouiih two have been engeged for some publican vote In Connecticut and the Manchester, Conn. Seas It WM Bring Serioiii^ K. A. KARLSEN day afternoon by Officer Raymond over by Judge Hunt under bonds of time In thla Illegal work and that nation In many years. PRINTS Roma, Aug. 30.— (A P )— Italy, re-,i>ticipants ta a demonstration of Griffin, following the receipt of a $2,000 on a charge of performing Wilson has been an accessory In Members of Committee Here Yon WiD Find Many Uably reported to be delaying da- prsctlcallty—of a motorised "war of T16 North Main St. Phone 7S86 complaint at the police atatlon. ESataa Park, Colo., Aug. 20.— Hagerstown, Md., Aug. 20.— an Illegal operation. other cases. But today there waa Thomas Ferguson was elected Rare Pieces fA Old Glass AUEN CAUGHT moblUzatlon of Class of 1914 re­ movement"—the type Mussolini bs- Consequences German 'IA P )—Uov. A lf M. Landon set out The arrest resulted from an but one charge made, that concern­ chairman of the executive commit­ and China. (A P )— A demand by Ctol. Frank cruits, was ready today to play a Ueves eventually will afflict Europe, Investigation of the condition of a ing the woinan now In the private tee, to be asslated by WUlUun J. today on bla maiden stumping tour Knox, Republican vlce-presldenttal lone hand ta European neutiw ty It was asserted hers. Small, concealed airfields behind woman In a private hospital In hospital in Hartford. Thornton, Robert J. Smith, Mrs. of the Presidential campaign, candidate, for "fewer and better negotiatlona coincident to the Span­ Warships Sent to Spam4 Hartford, who. It is claimed, had o yd. AFTER SEVEN ish civil war. Infantry Unas uf the southern ter­ LARGE — TASTY — ITALIAN imdergone an Illegal operation. The 3 6" wld» seven-day swing through nine states laws” regulating business today Premier Mussolini, authoritative rain designated for the “games” name of Wilson was mentioned. It controlling 177 of the 266 electoral filled a fresh page of his party's sources said, was deterrolnsd to housed dozens of Italy's modern W aters. Is claimed, by the woman. The State votes necessary for victory In YEARySEARCH campaign. present a strong front against any pursuit and bombing planes. Prince As Umpire police In working on the caae came Children are safer on November. Speaking In a sudden drenching possibility of Socialist government triumph In the civil war, even if be Crown Prince Humbert, umpire of GRINDERS to Mancbaater with a description of public thoroughfares The starting time from La Salle, rain, the candidate told a crowd In Berlin, Aug. 30.— (A P )— N a il; Shop Shqp the plsytag-St-war, set up head­ They're always frean. the man. Local and State policemen Colo., scheduled for 10:20 a. m., the fair grounds here last night that must do It Slone. Qermony, ta a curt ultimatum picked up Wilson Monday and quea- wearing bright colored Delay ta demobilization was ap- quarters ta s Franciscan monastory Take one along for (Moimtaln standard time) (12:20 p. Portngnese lived m Dan "regulation should not be aimed at Boeiallet Spain, warned Madrid tf^ >Ued to aviation and naval units, St Follonl. Innrh or on Sunday tlo n ^ him. clothes, according to m., c. a. t.) the control and direction of private 5~ 10« He waa not held at that time, but nfantry units, It was stated, al­ Delay of demoMllzsUon of Class day that German warship c o i^ picnic*. A nine car special train faced safeiY experts. So we're bory Honse and Always enterprise. Its objective should ready had been ordered d ls m ls ^ to of 1914 recruits, Informsa sources manders bad been commanded WE’RE OPEN SUNDAYS HALEYS HALE’S eastward on a route that will take be to guarantee fair play. For a sure you mothen will make way for the Class of 19.,6. stated, was applied to aviation and take "all means" to prevent oa^ him through Colorado, Nebraska, time, the American people were This step was termed character­ naval units. Land units of this class, For For These Thurs. welcome cur ABC Iowa, Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Escaped Throngh a Secret hypnotized by the Idea that the repetition of such incidents at' tb$§ istic of n Duce— emphuslzlng dlplo- it was statsd, already had bean or­ reported search of tbe Reich’s line SPRUCE ST. BAKERY Percales in new Sate-T- New York and Missouri before government could do everything but matio policy with military prepared­ dered dtsmiasad to maks way for 207 Spruce Street winding up at Topeka, Kas., ml'd- they did not stay hypnotized. They Kamerun on the high seas. ALL W AYS Goset That Led Ontside. ness. the Class of 1918. The official German news Canning Tone* prints. So bright night, August 27. "W e can do it to London and back w ay .under 48 hours," Dick Merrill have decided that a government Meanwhile, Italy ordered 300,000 Italy’s military precautions, In­ H o u s e h o l d The trip, the first of four Re­ (left), veteran transport pilot, and Harry Rlohman, famous entertainer, which makes even little pigs flee for has announced the Kamenm that they'll stand out troops Into war game maneuvers st formed sources said, wars based on halted and searched by SpanlA And Always publican advisers have under con' chortle os they prepare to take off on a projected round trip flight their lives is a peculiar ktad of gov- Avelllno.
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