Weather Forecast # Local 6howers and thunderstorms this From Press to Home I afternoon and tonight; tomorrow, gen- , ,, erally fair and cooler. Temperatures Within the HOUT today—Highest, 89, at 2 p.m.; low- est, 75, at 4 a.m. Most people in Washington have The Star From the Weather Bureau report. delivered to their homes every Full details on Page A-2. \ evening and Sunday morning. Closing N, Y. MorkcH-Soles, Poge 16._ <*>) M..„. As.oci.t.d Pr..., 88th YEAR. No. D. 35,161._WASHINGTON, C., TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1940—THIRTY-FOUR PAGES. *** THREE CENTS.

s'-r. ■ British Somaliland Invaded /V^ouveGoTSOMfrTj; l Hull U. S. ^IMCTHERC.MOWlsVily- ITS Facing Urges THE ONLY WAY To) Wagner Backs By Italians, English Report DO THE JOB AND D#';E VJT RIGHT