The Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County No. M. WBSTI'IBLD, N:IW J:IRS:IY, WKDN:ISDAY, MAY 12, liJlli.


n fletfng or "SAFET olubmen or tlJ<• Y . FIRST " .,, 1! Ill\ twas d the ThP Methodlot The floar.r of MI .. MaoK dlotrlct . hel In the Flrot M. Park l'ommlulonere ..n•le, the 1 .;,11 a tton r uroh had ono of had o llUroe,Catlin..: the �cllnol la t and K h their _.t n on Monday n Florence Nlarht1n 1ale, of evening, • o evPnlnl! I is assured when s moat <'njoynbly evenln�o the T w and ar;aln took up l , !lampoon, o! you settle all bills in the most :\ lh'bate a motion to In Ill<' WMtfle Mr. n Hall n d W. H. i•:: 1 ��� Broth mo th<> quPotlon of d evP opl g Park Proop�'<'t. otreet, pr&lllltd bt'r lor her • spt�dal achool erhood l practical, meet­ UtnBI< nth I..all:e pro)M'rty. Tbe l the business-like way-by check. Its ·( liHtf R nt th•lr y plan """ur..t bJ ll:lndnt>u, her ener17 d her fff• d 4 o'clock on the m11et1ngo on Monda7 night In the t e oommlulon 1ome time &IO re­ \w Ldl• Joi· and h wu aouroPfulnMe and told Safety, Economy 1 111, that the ch&\)81. f bow, wb•m and Convenience are advan­ S..eret&I'J Welch bad aant brouKht out and looked over. Cllllled t 111 Jun .. 1 o bla borne at ahe the aum of out tJpe !.etten from the vaMouo ldnll!ht, 1 .. :t·-h1'{1 tu \o·ote notice• In large rod to th<' ownen laad lODe do tages worth considering. C"ompletlon of the wu tbe eel r and chopped e borderlop: on the were , 111' l!uolth4- waa paMed. elrect tbat !bare w re oome bill park read. of wood wbl ahe ul<'d to _...:, Th lettera er p�ea Checking Accounts I H.:_!, "!ltunta" w e In ano-r to limb. are cordially invited. on waa otrered on the pro1ram. Tbe ..oe a relieve the pain In a InJured m i by no­ query aant out tbe l n nJil:lnal ot b7 comm nlo era add h t he coul n t ••• -· that the aum of tice made In llr. Sampoon d o good e ery particular. aall:ln1 for a ih-r11 a�kf'tl Y the purcbaH price on pralae her worll: en ugh and tbat he · aeconded W. ce - tbla wu Dr. W. Gill, tbe club'• entertain- taln atrlpa r l g 0111, l1•' a!'lkt>d, of land neceaaary for tbe ua n hll belt lrorta to get aub­ · a d tbe dlacuuloo 'lr&a TRUITt: r. llal11111r n ment abarp, wu larl'f!IJ reapooalble developmenta laid down on tbe IC!J'Ibera to tbe latlon fund. I!: GU\ROIA!ff A. u au for the procram and plan. F. !':mot wrote tbat be Tbe a &.tsOver OaeNillioa {l\H'lil'd that be when tbe annual r of Mloo Mr- r tbOUibt t were would conalder ltenaie ·n r t" ,f �1<'<1 I atunta" oYer the men l&tb­ a aale. Herman ohowed calla to care for !-,1': 1"\ll-1 mi�tak'e to aall tor .. Kt>rn nld 3 ttl,· erlld Ill that tbe property wu not She 1 tlli• be tbe oentre of tbe ball &lld patlenta and 1,0 alcll: Ylalto. and tbat bad been r;ave him ; H. W. Howarth �; tim" three r ouaiDI cbeen. for oald all or made aeventy-elx frlendl7 === at up .. calla, at­ ======blgb n tbe at­ ul ======After nonP; Cutter • h1 p<•ot•l" I tbe bualneu meet1n1. wblch waot.-d for tended twenty-e bt blrtba, twelve ==� " town tbat tbey would H. fl,OOO wRo ahort, were plied a otrlp 50ll100; W. Wllaox U,OOO deatha and four peratlona. Sbe of '' ' d all tbe rbatro Ill. had d at tbe meaoure up In one end of the room d lor IOOlll OO, and Mra. M. K. Hamil- cbanpd ber denr.e r To -Morro w Is Pa int Da han! to to e an tbe to 119 P OII­ y !'lUHP vote. He added ton a fun besan. tal fall..t to anawer at all. pect atreet r telepbooe 11 board could 1et Eacb man re«>lv..t a and number the On motlnn o E1el, Bf!<'Ooded Ia W fteld. WELCH BROS. IS THE PAINT STORE th""�ht marked wltb tbe name of one of the f now 709 where $ m Grape, Dr. 10 000 and tbla ou bl1 c l a, Hanard, by tbe board vot..t to &Ill: Tbe �1111 , four o lep Yale. J. 11:. annual port of Mlu Fr&ncb, you can obtain everything in the line of paints, varnishes, for to comple!AI tbe tht> Council the lm- tr aurer, owed rttee '"' a•k"d Princeton and Cornell. From tbeH for tn,ooo for the ea a lpt• for tbe stain, floor finishers, brushes and anythinK else were provemeot of tbe propertJ. of to make 1roup1 cboeen tbe men wbo JWor, lncludiDI a balanee UU.87 M&Jor l!:Yan1 duriDI tbe tbe to-morrow real BRIGHTEN •UP day. tb at nta. diiiCUulon from preYioua Jear, of U,UI.OI a pe��rmftedn � � aald tbat be wu In f&Yor of leaVI e t un wao tb e •u It c&lllt &e!IIDI llld the npenln, U81.80, DI a We are the sole agents 1 for the famoua Sherwin­ r . be t all tbe plaae re&dJ now and be11nnln1 Mlanee of Tbe reoatpll aoe Down i b tbe Ult.ll. William 1 D � the worll: tbe lint Je&r l b paints that are known the world over. were f our h te 1t"081• w b 1 of the and IDC!Iuded UO.I7 from tbe d a anded • � : poa:"0: 1 Councilman Davia tbla from the botb enda. Four men, aacb c&ri'J Ill _,onded Idea bankera club, U5 Cllnll:l, Val-Spar the varnish that won't turn white i1 one but the motion of Dr. l r m IUbiiCrlbera, a ault e&lllt, bad to ruab down tbe lll el wu put uu.&o f o and UOB of our bi�t sellers. tbroulb. len1tb of the line and bacll: aplo, oollact...t by tbe DUI'MI. Tba otber Cbalrman Per17 report.-d tbetl open tbe ault call!, put on e tbat be ..tpta were tbrou1b penoaat cbecll:a Everybody will be doing it to-morrow, pt inJine. Grape, of tbe Bulldlol bad let tbe contract clothe. It contained and mall:e anot for the care of ud entertalnmaate . MIH French Ground• Committee, conteudad �• tbe Trlan11e Park to reported er journe7 oYer me route for tbe -IOD lao tbat tbere wu a balance hulldlol tbe aa . Tbe Wood th• could be ftnlabad ruff for tbe aum of tao. Ia ault ca- ntaln d wom a dr w o the endowment fund of t118.08 co .- en' -• b · WELCH BROS., Inc. wltb tile fonda and ewell mllllnerJ. Tbe T ll bid lnclud.,. puttllll tbe peril: and a balanre tbe a l far .. ",... 1•romlaed antlca tbe In pee al fund,<• w cbeera 11114 ...... _., wblcb SHctlon of tbe WD oolree were ...... ie two yeara to . aandwlebea and aaned. JlappJ' llll &mODI tbe ltallana for E. LA "WHENCE o bad v e4 enniDI! one of tbe Brlak. Telephone k baa a clean-up ot tbe Ia drllUDa tile children for a play to BROAD b'o AU tbe ul · 138-138 STREET 273 borderlnl on tbe brook enjoyable of many & 1 of l Yards moat For the 11111 1 aum llfwen cent• l n at tbe Oonareratlooal Par- v r ID&DJ meetiDII tbe ';i be " •·arefully IOile o e able. flln-mall:llll a Leader Cent-A Word ad lib Houae n Tburaclay eYenlng, Mar b..,"lon , r - ds rubblab Y D b e : lnYeatad In o of ba e bee erbood aver ad. Amon � :AI- lut week a ladJ' bad a Pill retvrned 10, ,cloell:. b apec n were Unctbe141 � Au I o tbe 1treet cleanlDI eated tato . within three bolll'l the l taii:IDI part will It a 11 1111 a way BarlleJ Paator Sbaw. after paper l be DriY411' fred" Paanall and tile� The called at exeeptlon of one peraon. h e as · Y 11 blmaalf r. ,... 011 la4J' wltii tb r v a wonde omoe for tbe pill npr d llllabetb will tbe :� .. - 111M Jobllatoa tau WE'RE WORKINGIa &owD oa oar lla& uabout to n DOG I A and of the c:aretul d.-a tbro tile w WILL PJGB'I' ORD X XCB. with the part Mra. Relllr, To p& et'fllt'J'OHWe're tbla ol tall!teittz•

,. -�.' YloUnl•t� who haa had an ewMpt· ; t'l.rtJonally fine lle&aoft hal Ju•t r.cel't'ed • In I cablP from A w•ll·known m••••••r LUNCHEON at the rf'qursltn.rt that he comfl OVf'r thlflAweodrn for a 1erl,.1 of hventyafh'P IUJmmf'rwhiC'h hal bfr.en booked over A W h C'oncflrllR�o Thla manaKflt wrtt•• and Players lhA.t it the Plays yPw.r e't'erythln• polnta toward• a fine concflrt MARTINIQ New and Old Events Now Being Presented aeaaon, and that Mr. Rpald­ reqUf!lll lnll" ArriVf' 8weden t hf! end or ====at Various Playhouses==== I In by an HOTEL l . Mr, 8 a1dlnllf alao haa Auauat p op- .. portuntty of aotna tn Routh Amertc-111 •------lAnd waR on thf!'l Vf't(l(fl of flC("epta�rP A•tor, B'wa,. and Uth lt.-•"flello torlum of the "Intimate" ldnd u when thfl Norweot111n mana�rer eah1fld Oollan 8treflt Theatrnob Brnad,.a:r," with and that nf Forty�et1Jhlh ll' Mr. 8palt'Ung 1•. no doubt, tbe only Oeo. 111. the ! William Collier. thR.n In th@ mu�h 1arrc•r hou11ea 11"here AmericAn arthlt to receive a contral't Utb St., waat of B'wa:r; ., moRt of thfl revivAl• of thll author and of f!onc.. rt• abroad thl.'ll Beet.., ... , for a lerlfJI lldato., W compoaf'r have �n held In recent IN•! B . He expect• to qiJ about th" 1:10; ed. A 8aL, l:lt­ ummer "The Bubble." 1on1. Thl• t'ondttlon hal been IO Wei· . 1 fttlt of Au•u•t. returntn• about th . . Oaa.IH, Wool Und IL; antl .l!lulllYan en come to the C1111Mtrt .. ; middle of September, order to com­ 8na.,Trial.'' IIIII In Mato., Wed. 1:11-"'n thultUtl In N�w York (of whom tbere hi• plan• for the comln• Beaao Oollaa.., A 8aL, plete n. B'wa:r Ud .. are l'reat many) that number• of VICTROLA A IL; ta., Wed. & Sat., 1:1-"Jt to •• them have attended HYOraJ portorm· A P&J'tl .AdftrtJ • · ' • ..,., Uat St., - of _.wQ'; ....._ anc.11 of the only plflee thUI tar re't'eal· 111'BLL IN FRONT OF TOWN RAJ L c.. , N. 1:11; Mate., Tu•. od, and dnubtlooo the Jntor.. t orll"lna- Mr•. Moaber, of Eaat Broad 6 lla&., ltlt­ I ee "Tho Wblto ....tiler.� In thlo way hao utondo4 In many atr t, had tbe ml.tortune to fall on Dort, tltll lt., IIDUt B'W&J'; ...... ted por· othor dlrootlono. Mr. llopper'o the atepa ID front of the Town Hall OffER ot Illata., Wad. 8aL. formanco of Ko-Ko Ia conoldored by a n d oeYereJv' bruiM ht1r11t1U about tb<' I:U;·runder Co't'er."' A ltll­ The No. VIII many of hl1 admirer• to be quite the dy Moaber faCti and bo . Mro. bad •111•- Ud SL, Woat B'WQ'; ...... but thinK In hlo repertoire. In hlo of been In tbe with a friend SFECIAL LURCIEOR Illata., Wed. 8at� oupport aro Natali� Alt, Oladyo Oald· bulldlnr 1:10; A lllf­ uaon• of 8onp" Marlo Horl"an, Artbur Aldrldl"o, and In comlnr down tbe front otepo lened In the -oofro, B'wo.:r Utll ILl Horbfort"'""· Watorouo, John WIJiard, Wll· miNed Iter footlnr and fell to A 1:1-"AllYN., I; ' beaTtly PALJII REITAULUfT Mate., Wod. Sat., Cole· llam Danforth and othoro. tbe p&Yement. Colleetor Clark waa A brated Ca1e."' called and be &Alated ber baalr Into ••rtF ..tll .... Victrola ot B'WQ'; IIYo&. il il il m wblcb plare lt., II...... Council room fro Mato., Thuro. IJ&t., 1:11-011· frY .,. a.,.... Pl8,., tbe ber CENTS R:ll A ahe wu Hot to home In a cab. bert BuUI't'an'l operae. At tho lrvlnl" Place Thoatro tonhrht A w not r 75 hrtF·f-ttll IL. near B'traFI ...... will pH8ented a farce Tbe lnJuriM ere •• loul, bow­ be 11777 :tO." and tb u1 badly From to P. 1:11; malo., Wed. 8at., ltlt­ which hao be�n played 100 limo• In enr, al o h bl"ul�el\ tl:30 2:30 Pl. A Munlob. It Jo M be� Ia ab t apln RECORDS "Tho Peuant Olrl." Berlin, Hamburl". and Mn. oa able to be ou . r--tt·Fe•r..... tl••• htt•a, Woot tftb I ; 1:11; " 11ton· of Oerman lportlna life. with YouChno hloftloa Illata., Wed. laL,L llna., the matn event• at the race track. It IN Boda." A l:lt-"Twta lo KIYOD In FJVR DAYfl FOR BE G DRUNK. realdeut of Beotrb Ole B'way at Utll IL; .... 0.1'111&11. John Novae, a Mate.,... Wed, lat., ... IIIII tl • tl Plains, drifted Into WeaUield an A ltli-"Obln Chin." "" ... .-...... a-." Bun day afternoon carry IDR a little too a HAYintr houNd for a 1on• fin••••· SS Down- $1 Week Wool Ud lt.; much ballaat and llotiDJr benlly. a.rrto, lift&, ltll;lllata., Wod. Bat.-''Tbo Lie ment the war melo-drama "lneh1e the to Other Special Victrola A ." .. thfl Lonaacre The•tre pro't'lde• omcer Colllna helped None up Uth St., llut ot B'WaF; ...... l htta e," atreet and Ba-, an element of contra•t by throwlna Proapect on Monday 1:10; Mato., Wed. laL, l:lt­ 111 OffeN Thi1 Week: 6 open It• door1 for a play that ha• no morniDJr Jud1a Rprloptead triad to ''The Show Bbop." •tron11er claim to dl1Unctlon than lt1 aeparate bini from but u be did ld.,.rty, Wool Ud St.-''Tba Lito ot a Jar of lerlou•near The new farce, f&, k DOt h&Ye the required IUm be WBI Na tlon,•• •reat 1peetacle. "A Full Hou•e.'' pr.-tende lo be noth· LltUo, Utb St., Woot ot B'WaF; ...... ln.- more than 111'ht 1ummer dlver•lon �eDt down to Elizabeth for tin dayo. Mata., W•d. laL, l:lt-".A ft.nd aim• to ettmu1ate IRUIIhter rather l:tl; a ADVERTISE ALL OP' TRill TIME Pair of Silk Stooklnp." than thou11ht. Lea tltb lt., Wool of B'waF: t1nUke l'atr of 8bel," which wa• -not ntra'f&Rantly, not waatefully, ''A Evoo.,.. ere, Illata., Wo•. 1:11 110 eucce•atul at the •arne theatre Juet but DON'T GIVE ANYBODY 1:10; A Full llouee." 6 kL, a )'ear a11o that H. H. Fra•oe decided CRANCE TO P'OROET YOU. -''A to lifiVe a l'amblln11 title to the new L,_-. Waot tltb IL; IIY , 1:11; ... on•. run Houee .. ha• no't.hln�r to do Ma.ta., Thuro. Sat., 1:1-"BoYor\J'o. "A Balance."' witha: Nar11aret Analln. wtth the 11reat Indoor aport. The •tory conoern• the apartment of a Mr1. LJ'rlo, Ud St., Wool ot B'•ar; ...... J'lomlnl". wblch oho ,.nto to tllo lo!ata., Wool llaL, l:lt-"''''le 1:10; HoweUa. nf'Wiy married. Tho huaband, On•y Olrl." A a. lawyer, \eavea town the day after tt•• l B•• Utb SL 1111 tbo woddlnl" to Hille an o.tralr ot a ... 0110n B- A A ve.-' ...fhe Lilac Domino!' frlond who, about to be married to a Victor-Victrola No. and records •a•l•• IOtb Bt., M&r B'wa,; •later of the lawyet'• wtte, realllell OUR AUTOMOBILE PAINTING ICIIIott'll. 11 Eveo., Malo., Wed. 1:11 fooUahneu of havlntr written toot amou t of IS ADPIIRED BY EVERYONE 1:10; A kL, 8 d o E n -"IDxperlenee." r t • o a ho to the f �� .. = :: ! ��= � �·� 0 s $to.oo, your own Come to us for lasting joh that IDth St. B'WaF; ...... 1:11; ;�: � et1 ��:! e r . very y I good l'llrk, A turnlna hla tral": 11 wrecked. HI• a Malo., Wod. Bat.-"Anna and tbo . s<>lection, at • • will trnnsform �·our car into a: t OO Man," wltb Arnold Dal:r, opone MoD• bal". with tho lottoro, fallo Into tho J O• 11 1 - S thing of beauty do.y, hant• of a crook, while he ftnde tht- Terms $5.00 $5.00 monthly orook'o baa, contalnlnl" jewelry otolon down, • Uth lt., 11ut ot B'•aF; from the Jawyet-'a too-1ovtn11 friend. PI8J"II•- I 1:10; Malo., lat. I Buy1n n g llYito., Wed. 6 , ltll -"81nnera.'" t AGENTS FOR SAXON-HUPP-CHALMERS � : ��:� � ". Victor- 14 and records •••ltlle, Woat Ud IL; .... r l Victrola No. ltlll Jolato., Wed. Bat., ...1:1-''Tba r•h��� r :�f :�� r.:'!�f.:f:t�-�:.:!�: to the amount of A p Bu i·n ;�. ::�:::·�� the farce t� J'red t?• .Natural L&w." a oo, yo rown Wh • . u Jackaon, a youn�r maga•lne writer. The lllaiMrt, .. . y l s Evoo., Wed. llaL g selection, at 1:u- "TrUby"1:11; ... 6 c.a•t Include• Geor11e Paraon•, Herbert •. 5.00 Cortboll, 111M lola)' Vok••· Mloo Ellaa· J TlltrtJ'·alatll lt., , 1:11; ...... S Terms l1o.oo down, $8.oo6 monthly lilY... both Noloon, Ralph Mor�ran, l!ldl"ar Tue1., Wed.-"Talr.lna Cbanoea." Morton and Ml•• Maude Turner Oordon ZEEK'S With LouA: ToiiOI"OD. l!ldcar MacOre&'or hal had char11e of Gariea, ..... B'WaF the 1ta11e man.... mant. lltiiiL; ...... Victor-Victrola w Mato., Tuoo., Tbura.,• llaL-Illllid No. and records I; 1D 16 .Amul04- • • • •PI•• •wen-.._.-... .. Fo remo st to the 7•••• • of ho.oo, your . . .. Play ner7 • ••• ... ,., ,.... amount tlae".4 Tlrt.eaea Gna•rJ',• tlae fol• OP IIII.A8. a...-. B. a. own selection 0 le'W"I.. artlele ,...... froa tlae at Metr..-utaa o and • .. ..rtna• N•w Terms $10 S220$10 monthly0 ... a...... -.c .... a.." down, Yorll. .t. • When the benefit pertormanoe of In hll wonderful play called "J!lx.per· " EEHIVE" Mall an• Pbone Orden 11-IY "Carmon," of whlcb Mro. William tence:• which 11 now beln.- .-lven at T_ HE _ B Prompt and C&rotal .Attontloa NEW ARK Vanderbilt, Mro. Harry Payne Wbltnoy,K. tbe Mnlno Elliott Tbo11tro, ltth otroot Kleen-Maid Call See Complete V. T�lephone Mro. Ol"don Millo, Honry Rol"oro Win· near , Oeor111 Hobart 11 and • 0600--Marke'-l'lvt l'ive-Bundred throp aad Condo Nut aro tbo oblof holdln.- the mirror up to nature to the Line of Victrola from GOODS SHOPPING CENTER NEW JER81i:Y aponeon, ls put on tomorrow nl8'ht, at 1'ery Jut notch ot perfection. DRY OF the Metropolitan Opera BouH with an It were rich man, I'd buy Hobart'• I • Bread all-•tar caat, •,. will baye pla:r, If he would oell It, and oeo to It to their la•t opportunity of Heln• •rand that It waa lll't'en In every city and 116 1260 town of our belo't'ed country. opera tor eome montha. Tbll "reopen.. of the opera aeuon tor one n1.-ht Everybody ahould aee it, e•peclally inc"a few daya' noUce. altar tbe Vetro· the boya e.nd tbe. or to be more on .-lr\a, NO INTEREST polltan company had completely dJ•­ preclae, the youn• people of both •exeft Try a loaf today and b&nded, wu a real "1tun.t" tor tbl between 11 and 10. It would do them An1ertcan committee of '"Tbe Bewln• I"OOd, NO EXTRAS Girl• of Pari• Fund" to attempt, tor The play 1• atr!ct\y ane.-ortcal-a bow the reasonwhy HOUSEHOLD LINENS moat of the tamou1 artt1t1 eltb•r bad aort ot "PU.rlm'• Pro.-reu" put on the booked paiMK"e tor Europe, or ell& otal".-nd tba .,a,. It doeo Ito work Ia were far from Nt�W York on oonoert ca utton to elnnera. a toura. The enUre prooeeda are to 110 The leadln11 cb&l'acter, Youth, •tarta KNABE WAREROOMS tor the benellt ot tbe tbouu.ndo of lit· out. u youth muet &lwaye lt&rt, per· AUISTilOMG a. AFOR \'t•ritu.hlt> mmwtaiu JUNE ot tht... tla\ntit.•Ht BRIDES uud whill'Sl tie "mldlnettea" wbo ba't'e been thrown feat •reenhorn In the art of Uvlnll­ PIAMO CO. linens for Junf•time llritl.-!. litwu At All Grocers rtde'l out of employment becauH of tba Pari• lnnooent, lanorant. un•uapeot1n11 and . tho Tho t•hest ts th�IH 10 the b Broad Street, Newark ear !lllr. j1 Knabe Plano war. - beautiful lo.nd-Toutb klueo hlo, The olferlngs listed below exhibit ln small part the volum• ... Goraldlna Farrar •Ill appear In tbo 1weetbeart Lo't'e aood·bye, and led on 1 hi title role; P'ranooo Aida Will olnl" by Ambition, 1tart1 out to make tame comprehensivenlllls of s timely aale which proll'era &o liMI t manJ and tortun•. J41c.ela; Amato, ll108.1DIIIo; Martinelli, e<·ouomies to the bride and mother who appreciate superi r lfMII Don Jooe', wbllo tbo b&lanoo ot tbe mfleta JDs:perlence, wbo .-lve• ! o at special economy prlcea. ea•t lneludee a number of llatropoUtan blm a lot of oplondld adYlce, but It to all Oreek to him. Tben Youth I"Un• i r ta't'orltea. 1 Value ... Dle�hed Pat.t.em Olothl, 2x2 ya dl, aero•• Plea•ure aa.d abe Ia 10 beautl· a d...,. All ot the prlnclpal8 bava qread to $100 .30 Table ' ! for eYery un1e; B. own o tul tbat Youtb trlpo away with her size day well Jraowa Jolm Br !rill donate their aorvlc•• tor tbe oooulon able JIJII aplte ot tbo wamlnp of l!ltperloncoIn · make, quality bleached utiD damuk, woveD lrom all and th\a meana tbat aome wbo are b88 t ZEEK rtch arPMI' nearly a thoueand 111U11 from New York and blo I"OOd friend .Ambition, BAKING Month Hax, heavy wel&ht new deaiJrDI, moat17 plaiD ceutera, rem , at pre�ent cuttlq abort oonoert And lo, ''Tbe Prlmroae Patll," ne•t CO. good •••• • . damaakl for aervloe; 1pee lal tbla Ale ••• • • .... ahown, Wu there e't'er anytbln• ha.lf will at least 4111Clh • tour• In order to at•• tbelr aer't'loe.. givt your wife Thlo I• nldonce of tho warm foellnl" ot oo lonl:rT Regular 1ood q ualllr•· Alon• tbo PrlmroH Patb Youth of life. Both ea.oo All LID- Table J!il apklaa,llsll ID., oympatby wblcb tbooe l"reat artloU the uecc8sities all linen heavy wel&ht damulr, oloael)' WO"MD, t ree from for tho little IDidlnetteo ot Ruo do meeta Blxoltement, 8ona. 8plrt, FA•h· e can know now aatln luster, laundero and weara pertacU)', dalnt)', new Ja Pat., •ome of whom bave worked Jon. Beauty, Jntox.loatlon, Pa•alon, ' you ami sh or cetl upon the wonderful co11tume• wblcb Deceit and Wealtb, and the other dl•· ______..,======______===== ,. that will alwaya have slrable for lunch dinner, none better at niRill&r prl , she or the &tara wea.r ln. operaUo producUon.•. I(Uiabed adYanoe a ..ento. or perdition, nle, · I ,.______apeclal tbla d0.1en .•..••.• , •• • , .• , •.., · · and tor a wbllo Youth hao tbe tt me , thi no matt what may s er , , ...... · . . tbat mak• the rapture• of tbo Balnto 8. Brenna .. happen to oloba "'a&ba J!ilapkbul. ol18 ...... look like t'blrty oento. HE SAID, "ICE CREAM." you, to your Hetrular e&.U8 C_F bllli­ Inch, made from cboloeat tlax, cl- weaYe, medltam Wlllhl -·-·" Mr. Hobart In wrltlnl(, and Mr. Wll· ' neu, or to At ttl. Comedy Tboo.tre ''Tbo Wblte 8he oald, other inveatmenta. from dreaaln1, rich, aatln lu1ter, wear and lauader •• . Ham Elllott and Moura. Comotock and "Oertallll:r;" Feather. malnta.lna lte wldeapread and linen can, btaina at price, Geat In preMntln8' thi• eplendld drama le very b•t value o ble rqu)&r popularity u a drawlnl" attraotlon, an• i l;r are to be con.. ratulated The play Ia her count.eaaa ce lmmed.. a •••• • · you a&n arr&nre to attractive dealgns; pecial tbla ule, 4-D , •••. · · · · obvlouoly Ia ver:r bla'bly liked bF all dolna a world of aood. No one can '-arne w� Ia She And tho opootatoro. In tblo ptay tbo·ro Ia a llllille.. have � weiJb&, ••e It wltbout heiDI" tbo bettor tor lt. hlld here before tllld bew this income paid to you Cruh To�pleu41d CODtlDUOUO upboJdJ... Of IUII>OIIH, aDd '- Uk qu&llt)' hea"t'Y It tu•• awa,. a.t the he•rt •trln••· It our weave, tborou&bly abaorbent, drl• perfectly, w111 not tbo <>Omlo pb&H8 tbo ontartalnment wu for your own old are. lint, brln•• tbe rnolature to your oyea, It I& ,God. v-. Ice and w t lncbGB, are eacoodlqiF of Tbo lluro• white l .b tut color red borden, width mak.. :rou tool mll"bty bad at Umoo ONam tile of 1 &IDUI ,.. . purtt 1 · pean war Hr••• merely u tbe b&ek· .. aeme r aale ...... •.. .•. , .•• , ••., . , , •• , , , , • , •••• • • · · · · · but It Ieana you full ot bopo and rldm- aa4 · · !(round tor an aUraoUn otor:r ot lon aDd dellahttull COIIt probably le• , oourace. "You mua\ He lt too. r Th11 ia Bletlclbe4 TukJah .,_._Ma.t and oecrot Hnlae lntrl�t,.. tllat ...., V.t.ltw 8Cic 4Mlrabla ...,. .... blua. than you think many dlvoriiDI" an4 UAIIIual foa.turoa. tl tl tl -· . I w ill be Jar1e Ren.,ruua alae, wona from bellt tl!Oroushl;r PI8FIIe_..,._., Wbea lee Vrt!am 111 7&1111. Natlnoeo at tblo theatre are on drlea perfooU7, pleUUre aivan doaad, where to &Illwer your inquiry. loq towell aM to Tu.. da)'o aa.d latur--. "Biuorlo" at William Brady'o rou lmow h•""'Y nap, that & rlAd one •. to pt every abaolutel7 apeelal l&le • ••••• · · · · .. Playhou•, e-lntJnue• to demollahA.. at­ po4 pert.e\, tbll I& , • · · . . '•lld&noe recJord.• ln a manner that, GOc .PtUcnr o.--cho oe ...... ,. tlt...... IUIM OIJ._...... l ,..t� wbllo oatlatyiDI" to tbo m.._ment. le Fruit-of-the-lk:aUopeclaLoo Bmb. Ji1ple& ty m Blaacbed h alltbomel)' old-' ._. DOlle tba laM ill tbe natu.r• of a aur­ znulla, embr , .... fast ed&e acalloped e,.-t and aoiJd priH. It QOW Homo en!U'aiF probabla The New York with elaborate Tlla leCoD4 nnYal DtoWolf IDDJlllh • of tile tbat Mr. Dulo' cloHI:r llt.lanoed play brold�r;r befoN malrlnJr, lpeGial· · Bo»por·OIIban an4 8taii1Yan elfecta; liM! UsU IDchM; -· Ia ot oentlmont and b "Tbo Mlk&do," wlllll ll Nr. Hopper'• UIDOI' wiU remain Candy Kitchen ID Upon Ylow until lo... put tbe oummor portra:rlll ot tbo of ltD•ICo woU PROIIPf role t.,.Ia tar111. I t Ia aoted tlla UtiD.,.t ai&IJJ - AND lulown. witll OAI\BI'UL � BY OVB OWJI "'l'bo liUUoolft' Ia lllliCo IDOit - tiM •.,. oar•· wldol¥ tuorod tlla Gilbert and aa6 618oreUon IIJ' of , pl-. of lo1J tllily aD4 eompetont atap or· lulllvan an4 •leoCol W..Uield'• In D poiHI._., •-· •anlaatlou In raoeot Ha• OnlyCandy _.,... 1114 •oat -bled .t.lwan .,._ u. �lllF�Ia'IICol•...... _ ...... Jllanulactu.rlnl lt .....,. IMP toUAd U... t Bataltllahmeat ea.r .Au..cl_...... L. S. PLAU,T & CO. Ollbtrt'a tlla broul"btpoint& • or lb. dial.,..._ ,.... 711TO 711 BROAD ST•• NEWARK. N.J .,_tar In audl• .Albert IP&W,.., tbe t.-ouo. .&.morl• - till • IDIIM 'RIIM aa ..... �'!.JU.'I' 11, 1111. ICAT POTtroq RVQy P.U. DAY JiOOR TID: ATIC'8 How 8.\IU!: many potatoea do you each d they prepareflat Know How ay ? How are d Do You WOOD many new wayo have they been1 GAR served to you .UUl\:811:0. In the laot ar f JIO.\Illl appredate ye Do HKI I.TII you tbelr a food fl l'f.!h"\rt the part and v u STONELEIGH PARK? Announcement of re alue on medy! you like them tin11:1l lltlttry of well • Do ron th-e Board enough them ,11' " of to want lif':' better and more luty cooked In h : J,,. •·xlllltPtu·e conta�rloua waya! i L:1 to take In one h no n We shall open in the Westfield Inn Bu lding board chapter or "Tbe Potato" a h aitatio in saying that Stonelei1h .... il,,·i!f•·,f the t'tary Gallo­ \'1• !' aM rooking by ParkI<: all meana the moat des rable build­ -••·t"· 8<'rr Gntl!ord, the II ia by i on Broad Street, in a few days \� of treated an lntereatlnl ing avai able in all he ;;,;If numf'lroua eaeea In and prac­ W siiP l t town of Weetfteld. have been pa••· tical way E. 1. and. mumpB by esperte. lin. c lft"' Ia nnuaual H. Tht>rf' no a u h deairable wection for real home d. contrary to thft provla .. Grubb eayw, "It for is .., , The to the buil ing which is ao ui cod<'. &filleted purchuer f ld o In ret�ard d ble to Station and ,1 , 1 111 "It h home, llavor be ut l uw 10 oe n'malna at but and quality, and yet trolley. Great China GlusStore 11�11:111�llll'llib PrB the fam l to tbeae are ortb or more atten­ I'd or i y 10 elementa w J A & dl tlnc l read tion No the aame oertainty of Ia w e t y a than color, olse or rorm. Very section polllll!uinl Aluminum and A&ate Wear " Th•' attendanoe, lar1e potat increui r valuea is not I oee have a larp, watery n . a diH·tor a If hf>mRPlvee muet report core. They are apt to be par,·r1t � 1 t board. A graiiMtd coaree­ No section where the improvement., road•, tdde­ hr:- health and lacking In flavor." All Ki nrls of French and Austrian China, li( k ri!'l'� 1 ot Potatae. walkl, watn, lirhting, tele one are uniformly so penalty for !allure. are often cooked In a ph · of ;:• ·, i" "'' careleu, attractively and so praetically • Comprisingof practice, thl!tle.. way, and Iowa placed. p1 �·�4·nt much or take draatlc their food Talue. Akward o '. "l''"'t" to paring No tion where, "tht lay of the land" more or the beet part. 11e · ia wutea much favorable for boildinr Mn. Grubb all() aayo, "It lo evident purpo1e1. FiYe lahed 100-riece Diner Senice from all t�at If It teate Ia deelred to There ia no section " vable from the atand­ cook little li potato.cj with u lou or point of beautiful harmoniooa10 aorroondinp.," meeting flavor and food material Fin luUed 68-riece Diller Service German aa poulble, they mnat be cooked with tbe aklna Ston•leirh Park ia one of ea eld ht\1 ('h advanced r.e-veral on." Of W tf\ 'a attractive A courae, thla Ia probably Im­ sights. Are there any of who are indiirerent to FiYe luUed 42-riece Diner Senice , 1,. rn,·ln!l:Ito lnatltutlon. practicable WI Rtlopted for de­ In moat ca-. but If you pll'aaing harmonious 1urroondinp , wns want the flaTor, that Ia the way to f Fin Bani 31-riece Diller Senice dnnch debt. I.lttJe keep Again , n!tl!i!IH'rB hold lt. Mn. that Will potatoeo Grubb aayo, Aim ",\ among "When These must sold at once regardless of price, hf" distributed are pared and ooaked !he an np\. be dn1�,-� 111 many hours In water and Pliotl Rrownup•. When lou then bolted rh1l1' r•'ll. HTH). thf• total It the hu been found to be a an low. and Carloads of Cut, Blown and Flint Glass, UOO. a a 7 or a They 2 tl<·· ; ," " will Bethlehem hll!h percent. too rood ulue." that the boll potatoe No& \he oheapel\ bu\ expeaaln Vases, Bric-a-Brac and ach towel (after we b!' are well done) and equee1e �Mtl'd party. IIOON'! to break the akln--thla let• I'H\"Ut�H the and the po­ further molature out, leaves the tato mealy. EDWIN We Make Moving DoolrldPu,ll '" tlls<·uoo Garwood line and B. PltOUDFIT, Ac-t iRsue. the bake, place 1 h When you In moderate AYenue Wutfteld, in seaelon Thunday oven thirty minutes or 324 Mountain N. J. t'il!b. for a more, then t�xt(>netve plana to heat to flnlob. Here a Pleas ure mRd•· be held In the Jer­ lncr- quick to alao, the wbtch muet not · I n,..,., in� Garwood b�k akin, Our expert movers and packers plea1ed be a form- have many !'whool May 20. b&ktld until thick cruet Ia Westfield people and the dread of movin1 beeu t mt·u. for In that way women and ehlldren day hal t a epecl•l you loae much toaet'har, rolled Into cone ah&llfl, bread· temoved. nHJ,:.h w\\\ rece\ve or the ftuor and nutrition. ed, or rolled In cracker du1t, and fry ln '" att ..nd thla rally. In a bed potatoea, hot lard.. For m a boll or We mov , pack, •hip or aoclal tborou1bly atore in our modena be arranpd, ateam wltb 1kln1 on until .. be Introduced. If done. Peel and maah with a wire warehou.e. of Father Mueller, beater In a hot kettle until ll1ht and Father Walter- add hot milk. Vans, trucks and lor all occaaion1. nn to lllcea Throw well-whlppt�dpR. , and add to the cooked potatoel Adtl the wa tied, apread OYer them the BUILDING COMING pepper and water to make onePetat• quart. 1 ·n aror• a 1a•e yellQW of two flM"K"•· 8&Jt, a...tll ••• df'rve when thE' potatofta have takPn Le.f, ti-4 victory. nice br;:r•• :.t: r 0o•n.;::.:. aldf'. e •lth a88ault, William a. � ���::::o�·f':.\� &:fte. r. • waa yeaterday 8\tcel of' cold bolted potatoea and '4 cup eream. (lf <'ranford,to the aetlon onlona tried toll(t-ther, then bake tn J teaapoonful ott. ou 1:'"" hall awalt a little �rrated chfleae t tea fu the ovttn with with ftne- 1·:up1 ��!N p!t::-!:a. DOWN , Utanl} Jury. thrown over 1t and trarnt•hed �1,·\\'llllam&, a coualn of ly choppe:.r:::!: 'a • . r.. �::.:��a:.Tu t butter. Th died Cut tn rounda• .., boiled unttl �� teaapoonful butter for bru•hln . Wan�l··r. or ird avenue, Potato• • d ra ned tbe tlrat ftve ln.-redlente •and To Nake Room for New will barely done In •ailed watrr. 1 1:1: �' uneral services put In cream which ha• been r8 - !>lace In the bottom of an olled baktna reoldonce and late of eondenaed rlchneoa11 dlah. Whip to..-eth e r tb• b o t potat o• • Garage tlw Wangler dueed to A a �� �r���· ':a �ln� l;n'r. • by evaporaUon or the cnam to one· � ! \� •rJ a ay n q.:: ht apecla.l and ea- r t p �!1g: · . half Ita volume Ia the · oven aervecr withBall tomato P.-t aauce..... Oliver, New York, paas- Hnlla.t featu���.!:'�.':;'P' : or ...... ea. .,.,· it�. hla fanner employer, New York: tl medium alud potato Specialty of Delmonlco'a, the m. We must dispose of a large number (Jl"t'J!:l H Y. i Cut very thin 11Uce11 from aero•• f'c�� Pn:'t�t� Kelm, w fe of largeat potaloeB. lay the alh"f'B l� fta� teaapoonf'ul aalt of l'ounu<'lt_•rkJ H. recov� layer• on a amall plate; apread rtta p�-arP. the potatoes and plaee In the Kelm, bu tully butter 'ree1Y over the potatoes. 11then bottom of a cover with th• milk ·'iu er a. another layer. and ao on unt t b• and creoam� addpan· •aJ.t ; cover t.b.e pan pucth 1 apotatoeadd are about four lnchea high. and place In the 011en; keep covered K to Iateet dupatebet, until the potatoea are tender the potatoe• are almoat done; In Corona, Bake hour) In a quick oven. untll cov and · allow the New and Second­ l'olh•e Kelly la (about one-halfPet8to then remove the er CHMIIH"tt•• milk and. cream to cook down until Hal on his bualn- Journey or ateamed potatottB with thtek. l S g Bwlteh Com - Dry boiled. e yol •ll ma•h d theY are 10mewhat i nal and bt utt•r. :•:•:l::t d •• k iUI= �=::::: .:: :::::�=• == = Bri ::::: ======tt i , ot the = ; Hand Wagons a n U. 8. 8. : five day furlough, 11 "'K a n Anebor place. hi• pare I Stl!rnts hu from · Anua returnNI •he vlaltt!d . , Vt., where. Runabouts, Surreys, Carriages, Lo etc., at uis. ot tbe Dla· and the Great Ne•· York ol!lee Drink Compa.nJ de­ r E•�an Bolt es below cost aion War the lo.. al plant at bueball p ic far of manufacture. 10-9. Bertha, alater, Jelllcoe at .A.tlantle Cit dml al Blr J,hn · The lot includes y Tbe atatemenuc oro .A. r tbe clrtnk o er naval oll er about etr.,u and tb ba'l'e a wel bt thatof d­ Emma Rocklltre, who hal on Brltllh- naval ellclenq 1 teD l bJ �' lurl<·u a ­ :: to :,:f�:�.:::tion frlMida •n•t dance wUl follow. prohibi lae .0:: a will our ":�':ht ureh.,.t muato a t o ra turalela bou tlae1d �ru tt:�� f tile plaiD w dancing. and mora ..-· a: to ortl1 of The Westfield Garage d d oUa• naval olleerl U... L. I'RIZE tb: lt _.,. maJ lleeo- deittrn� HIRAM FINK, DA.!IVB. af. :Si=li ry f:!::- and ..nil. Proprietor Social Club will hold m ta , 110 IWAOM 0Q= ll'lreslde her place ; d&!H tbe Bo ou1b from Street WMtfleld, ·" ln r HaU Oil  :::: t, UU. .138 Elm May lltb. 0008111'• J., New J..... y "'"n lull, r rn the mll8hl. will u lela the PHONE 140 leave JJaU . • Bqure. • an d . blUIIK 8:a 0 ·-..., -·o- - "I cltl- wlab at nd tbe Tlila...... nrUMJMO �...I •. r-'rw.. who to w ::t7•���� .,.. � ll��==��::::::��:: ...... -...... � ._' ______.. _._ __, ,.. ,oar annual !'II· HARRill ARMOR manner which tht' Nchoola ar!' monPy to pay for the MRll. llfARV T. in (', 11• being managed. campmPnl aPriouA . I.�:I T11REH II�:Folt l·: W. TIE W�TFIELD LEADEI R miRtalu Th(lo ;.fternoon a m an who "'"" mpmPnt of tht• of �urul�� wilfully Wmttfield baa the bet1t aehonl Th•' annual t•uu m�PtlnK '·· under PlJBLIIRBD WWID!tBID.t.1'1 .t.'l' rhur < ANY r In the PrtlllbytNianWlllar rl T. U . TDILO, JtJIIW .JB&III1', in the State of New ,J••ucy National ua lnnl!f'r auoplreo or ... ayatem O d iR no a \\'. I. . cts to insure WIII th<· (lrHat W. I. negle his lif . up to itR fro lit•, it ha• hf'come a !Mlrious and wao of M e and it ia going to keep tnt.,reot . lt•·l _. Wllll'l'riBLD LB.t.D-,. f;teana, D. D., prealded. •chool for thP PVBLIIBI!tG OOBP.t.Jt1'.Palll'l'lltG hirh tundard of t'ftlcif'ncy aa long valuable training Tho Srrlpture leooon read regards the neighbor who wa• by does AltO the of tht' la and Rev. Dr Shaw, aa the taxpayel'B feel that the men a1 Wf'll aR oftlCI'I'II Dr. l..oom WALT RR and R<>v. prayer. J. lldltor I'realdoDt that This iR not a time to neg­ of the church, not carry fire insurance on seve I. LB:III. Vloo·LlliiD. .. ldont aDd horotary money is being expend!'d for Guard. M. E. o!rPred n Pr Mra. Mary Harrla Armor, of Georgia, C. PB:IDK. Troaouror. purpoae. lect the National Ouard which ia 1ave National W. C. T. U. lecturer, hundred dollars Da WIT1' C. the or eight worth at prellf'nt RO vital a part of an add reaa, the lllle or which baa of never befor11 been beard Weet­ the time approaehe11 for the national df'fcnce. second-hand furniture as lac A11 llt>ld. Her unanswerableIn loKir, king o-.ct.t.L r.t.Fma The eritici11m regarding the un­ - annual obeervance awept away cherlabed opinion• and T(Qflt or WWII'ITJBLD,.r Day. preparednel8 of the country has taloe notlona from the mlnda of in mental stability. aoaouua or o.&awooo llemortal of Memorial Day her lm pauloned appeal• aoaovon or aov�t'I'.&JRIIDB become• been 10 severe that .the publio ia many, and the faet to do aomethlnl aav­ to the lndltrerent 1hould likely to resent any act that t'Ontlnuance ...... Or- - clearer that the occaaion be In the lllbt a1atnat the - of our af ·-...... IUMJ' ...... _ ob�erved in manner. ora of negleot of any part of the lellalll>ed liquor traftlc, touch­ ·- ...... ,. - train­ ed many hearta. She left with her ------haa been a requeat from the already too amall number of • 1 There hearera tbe aearcbln1 queetlon, t ld ed aoldiel'll. The State haa a num. aate��dJ� �b ';..'::�� o�:::.:::: . faat thinning ranks of the anrviv- "Have you done your beat ?" No � on of the war that the oocaaion be her of armoriea and they are need­ one can reproduce her m-1e and to bear her mlaaed Torma: obarrvrd in more befitting manner Pd but the pract ieal aide of the thoae who failed an opportunity, not llllely to be pre­ .. life of Moldier, rerular or volun­ ,. than baa aeemed to be ueual in B oented •1aln. A oolo, "VIctory," .... • ... •• •••-• 1 _ • _,. In the R&toa l'rnlobod Upon moat communitiee. teer iR that whieh ill learned waa aung by Mra. E. M. Compton, of aan1 "Onward .ApplloatloD. The day ahould be made an oc­ field. Cranford. The cbolr Vot.era." A generoua of· a State encampment the lea­ Cbrlatlan TelepboDeel caaion for the diaplay of our In ferln1 waa reeehed. ..ltorlal Dept...... ••• patriotiiiDI and we ahould ahow in that enable a aoldier to take .., IODI a�aalnooo Ollie•...... care of himaelr in the field arc .lob Prlntln11 DepL ...... , an ell'eetive manner our re1pect WERTFIKLD'8 B.\lfD. beat taught and it i1 in the en­ t t would lfiVft thta Company much pleasure to have for the men who gave their liveR WMttleld apln haa a band. The Prudential }o.; Khlhtt on Jn•urant",e and Pu bl c you vl•tt tb campment that the medioal de­ waa formed aome and Mf!tallurgy,Life Panama-Paclfte Expo•ltlon.t Palao: K.A.Y and their 1ervice1 to the nation. organlntlon of Mtnel!l Han F�a.ncl1e0 WIID!fUD.A.Y, 11, 18111. a&o and aln.-e that time the It would alao add materially to th<> partment baa ita beat opportunity montba - ---- membera ban billed up to the Mc- I �======observance of the day if t.he to receive ita training. The rreat­ To tbe N-eo-We wei- Kinley 8cbool at lea t one night can be o • W..uleld Mit u..& tlllll men who aerved in the Spanillh­ er part of the work whioh weell, and tboae that bad favored thea :.::======�======aad yo• � � r011 to larger horne or the baaa drum, en­ or .., .._ American War would take a more done in armorie1 is theoretical and lelepboH Joyed carrylnl tb- l01trumenta to oa u, oa _ practical demonstration i1 beat active pan in the day and aid and from the meeting place. But In pertabllq to tbe towa. PbODB •ot IJIId done with troops while they are the. band baa proapered •oe. aubstantially in ahowing their re­ oplte of all ea Into good or­ for thP ml'n who fought in in a camp. and blown tbemHIV a HfK'Ct and are now ready to give NOTIOB TO No one any longer deride� the ganisation, ADVERTIBIJIIUI, thl' sixtiea. a concert In the Vlaahlngton School Tboae ...... _ to make ebuJpe Ia Aa the ranb of the men who value or the National Ouar·d for on the even In& of May a program lbetr 3 0, ... milA aiMU fo ught in the Civil War are 10 it has become of real value and of the concert will be publlohed next erUHmeulll l•n CIOPJ omoe NOT week. The olllcero are: l.eader, with proper training and en­ H. Ia &hla LATER rapidly falling away -it becomes F. Welc h; prealdent, F. Rmltb ; TBAX TUESDAY NOON of weell ..... the duty of the &oldil'rR of a latt>r couragement ita value can be ma­ vlce-prMident, J. H. PeaC.raall; ...cond luare pubUcatloa. genPration to take up the work of terially increaaed. The State of vlce-preoJident, E. Wlnt.,r; •erre­ to C. New Jersey should not neglect ita tary, Donald Pearaall; treaaurer, keeping alive the flrea of patriot­ Harry Taylor; librarian. J. C. Smith. The programme of Clean-Up Week iam. There ia no �rurer way of do­ National Guard in any way but The band haa twenty active mem­ and It Ia deolr"d to have at ia juat half completed ing thi1 than to keep the publie the mlln have rnliated in the or­ Up leaatben aaooclah• membera with Oll&lliq' today and the work awake to the importance or the ranization 1hould be given every 100 Ad duea pery ear. The Purpose of This Properly. that baa already been work that waa done by the men Inducement and encouragement to U done ia aueh that It who Aved the nation in the Six- build up the organization. SCHOOL NOTES Is Simply to Persuade will prove beyond any queation The thorough examination and testing f tho practicability and uaefulneaa Let the obllf>rvanct> of the day in following acbolara from the A o the K Every uer of the highways in varloua gradea have qualllled to talle the idea. great majority by all rospective purchasers of moderate of The Weatfteld be one that will bring the State of New Jeney part In the County Spelling Contetot priced that tria r of its riding qualities and a careful of our oitizem have ahowu joy and pride to the veterans and of will be gratified to know to held at RoHIIe next Friday: A :Rul• be matching they are public spirited and will- show them that their sacrificeH F:u�ene Reid, nea French, third its specifications with those of the other cars. the:aoad. that the laws of the road ��:rade; lena Caponettl,I Br-Une ing to accept the suggeationa made for the country have not for­ been are now dt>Bnite and Hunnell, fourth grade; Mary Kay, The intelligent spending of over by the Mayor and the Board of gotten. Irma Ford, llftll 1rade; Helen Mlcb- $1000 clear and the righta of driven of shopping around thoroughly and systemat lly Health in the proper apirit. Aifred Senabacb, al:stb grade ; ica . vehicle• are clearly aet out in tht• Muriel Ida Waterman, aeventb rislt disappointment if you fail to include the There have been but few per­ uch is being said in praise of the new traffic act. 'fhere baa bet>n a grade. KING aona who have ehown any inclina­ l\1 The Ill- Sadie ROII8ntbal, Jen­ your itinerary. work of the Diatrict grrat dt>al of eo!Jfnsion in most tion to neglect their part of the nie Waterman and Ruth Perrine H. P.-COMPLETE GoodWork. Nuning Anoeiation of the country about traftlc rulea were the boateuea at tbe tea Klven In "FOUR" 30-35 $1165 work that waa to be done and it "EIGHT" H. P.-COMPLETE and the reports sub. and New Jersey baa at leaat given the library room of the Waabln1ton 40-45 $1350 may be that they did not 1ee for School laat Friday afternoon. Grace mitted at the annual meeting of us a law which seema clear and themselves that there waa any Perrine, Grace Chamberlain and the organization last Wt>ek show practical. such work required about their Dorio Hinchman will be the boateaaea ABRAMS & SHEILD beyond any que1tion the import­ The law aa it baa been enacted at a almllar atratr to be &lven on Frl- ONE PROSPECT STREET PHO!I'I .. premiltel. The &ehedule aa out. day afternoon of tbla week. anoe of the organization in our aeems to be at aome conflict. with lined for the remaining daya of Mlae Kittle Sanaom, of Belle Mead, community. The organization ia the local traffic laws in certain I this week may give the&e people a vlalted tbe Engllab Department of �:;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;����=�======�=�=�== entitled to full support by the eommunitiea but the State law the Waablngton School on Monday. obance to ahow that they can find Mlu Ruby Roblnaon, of tbe High and it baa been well managed will prevail and drivers are Kafe PLUMBING, TINNING, aomt>thing that should be done and School Faculty, wbo baa been away those who have the work in in living up to the requireemnta Gf HEATING they will doubtlen meet the aitua­ on account of alcllneu and death tho State law. It ia to bl' hoped In her family, returned to ber dutlea A tlon properly. P INTING and that there will be a ful l co-opera­ on Monday. DECORATING Some of our oitizena have found 'fhe 881ociation ia particularly fortunate in securing the servic1>s tion on the part of the oftleials of H. COMPANY, out that it would be a moat excci- SI'EED CASE FRIDAY EVENING. RUSSELL & Inc. of every community with the State lent thing to keep everything in such a competent and active The caae of the town of Weatfteld N. J. diatriet nu e aa t hey have found oftlcials in the enforcement of the Telaphono snob order that it would never be- rs va. Raymond Jacllaon and Robert III P,..peetllt� WEIITFIELD, alii in Misa Mc n ie. ia upon her law. Stoll will be beard before Recorder come neceaaary to make a clean-up Ke z It work that the aucceKs of lh<' work There will doubtlt>ss be somt• in- Sprlngatead on Friday evening or thla a part of a public ocoaaion. Let week . Theae men were arreeted, depends, for it is through h<•r thnt dividuala who will try to defy the the program be carried out to the o � t i i������������������§§§§§§� the purposes of the orgsnization i f e last item and let the inpection be � �� t � are carried out and by h<'r ! . ut l oaae w:: = •::e��: ht complete and thorough in every t• f. :; : � : :: ::::: �! morning, but the defendant• aalled ficicncy and prompt11 sM iK the be baaed� � upon: reason� : and common �: {;: � f : respect. � for an adJournment. p y 0 u s work of the ure sense. There ia, however, a cer- full and complete report of anociation meaH d l A. by the tain amount of responsibility rest- OPEN& ROOM. the work will be moat interesting general public. OOOK TB.t ing upon the officials of the La T State at sunday H E L A H and it should be kept as a part of The auoclation deserves the vteltora to wm. Cook Tomorrow, Thursday, May IJth ona Poultry Farm were pleasantly support and the encouragement of well aa upon the local police A B the town reoorda for future reter- 88 aurprlaed to oee on tbelr left on en RUNAWAY the entire town for the calla upon and in their eaforcement of the ­ enoe. terlng the ground&, a moat taatefully JUNE 15TH EPISODE the nurse have bet>n numerous law they can make it verv uncom- and attractively decorated tea room fi fi fi • llEGULA.R PIUCEII llaadiOi:llft and some of them required more fortable for olrendera. and rerrea�meut parlor, the walla of - The applioation of the Board of the room were artlatlcally buna with than the mere work of a trained 'l'he value of any law nda M Education for an ad- dark green burlap, oool looklna and P�IDAV, AY 14th L • ..UJ In 'l'hose who are moat in­ upon the manner in which it ftry pretty, over the wlndowa ditional aum of money ia and ,_ auoclatloa with O.rid Be'-"> vreaeata Give Them the BESSIE Money. timately ABBociated with Miu Me- enforced and it ia to be hoped that walla buug tropblea of the BARIWJOALE the for the completion of hunt, aucb leopard'• heada, to:sea, tbe Olualc Kenzie have urged that she be all officials will be prepared to u the new High School a bear heed, Egyptian g- and otb- lu MatrnUiceut Dramatte dea ) f811' · HO given auiatant and their opill­ · a questions ariaing e lntereatlng rellca of Mr. ll a THE ROSE OF THE RANC will doubtles1 meet with the prop- an 1Y m • 11 r Coo ' ion in the matter Bhould be given out of the enforcement of the law. varloua big game aboot1n1 In Africa. er reaponae from the taxpayers. The windows were draped wtth daln· every oonlideration and if an as­ The whole law aeema to have been The board baa not aaked for a ty acrlm ourtalna and Dower bo•• well conlidered MONDAY, MAY 17tb aiatant i1 needed plans ourht to before it wa decorated the allla. dark ll'llm p-u large 1um but that aum in the a Larp TUr1111r ()o, ia, paased by the Legialature green crex ruga covered the be made to meet the requirement and it ftoor �� 11118. LB8LIIIOABTKR opinion of the board, all that will the tablea contained vuea of honey­ as aoon aa it oan be done. seems to meet the demand in every s.- be required to equip the school auckle and fragrant lilac. The many .. Da'9td �·· are.tM That there a balance on hand respect. properly. ia people who tbronpd the room were OF MARYLAND Bhowa that the finance• of the or. aerved wt�b delloloua home-made THE HEART There llhould be nothing that is OLD BUILDING OOMING DOWN. freab atrawberry - have been well handled. oountry club Ice cream, freeIce CN&IIl,lemonade, euential laokinr in the equipment H. Flnll, proprietor of tbe W•t· h toed 'fhe contribution• which came L. tea, and oountl- other dellcaclea. TUESDAY, MAY stb of the new 1ohool when it is open- lleld Garage, let the contract thll Vbarlea i In future thla will be a 1t11ed from orranizationa have been lib­ morulng for the raalng of the bulld­ ll'ro.._ �,. ed next fall, for It the purpoae Uon of the plaoe, opened aa aluUtu­ reault .JOHN EMJmaON Ia ia and there ahould be no diftl­ lnl on bla Elm 1treet property tor­ eral of the many requeata tor of the boaru and the deaire of the lllerlr uaed by blm aa a carriage re. auch a aer- THE CONSPIRACY oulty in the future in providinlf 9tce. ll'rom poaltory. On the alte a. m. dally, prompt people of Weatfleld that the &ehool Mr. l'lnk wUI A doMiotlve tbe oriJlnal llld oourteoua10 at WIIUon will be comedy drama preMilted wltb ple for the purpo111 of a modern bulldlna tor uM a .. should a model every re- am funds v n gt u ODe of Broadway'• moat .-ant dr&matlo trlumpha. be iD ahow u all lalto . muy the eauae. room tor automobile&, and the to Ae 1,10' apeot. The requeet1 of the board vllltora vlalted uln t BVENIItG aecond etory will be used tor the �ar­ Mr. Cook'a r ... 10 -' lll& place In one day. One ofte • ­ IIAftlfDI lOa seem to very reuonable and ri&Je bualll.. a. Tile old balldlllg. the be G fi C latest attraction� th•re bea dea wblqh 101n1 to "mo'Nd, baa l the they doubtleu ll'anted. Economy in oertaiD direotiona v tB be many animals ud birds, Ia a baby will be ia ou li unr"� Ita SATU�DAY, MAY IStb Htleld of her commended but it t ed ltli but Ia 4aJ' leopard from Africa, weeb ohl. W ia jut�)- proud to be atored many hu4aome turnouta 10 SPECIAL KEYSTONE IObooll and the t wn an ad- a type false econ- wbela automobllel were unheard of. ,...,... ,.K'I4! fll��· e bu U-awtH ia ol. to JloODOillJ ELECTRIC SPARKS Ia addlu.. f'IICII]IIr ....,._. ditlonal cauae for pride in the . omy that l6ada le,W.- ov Wo bill b acla ot r manner which the IObool tol'B to nerleot the re- prtilt o t heado in Yolopaa. e b oD­ The ol... lllara. oacl I b�ttoaa,Cf'rda, wod­ooll· Depa� Avtoulture � U.. betQl the National Guard. r.lrt-aaoem•atA t v prohibita the mtabran4f llli or handle4 clurlnc of l'D.!J wtMir l===·======··====·· "f: �"ftrat-cf!':"'p:t:, l111!1ten, but a Broa4way oborua gtrl the put men who have enliated In the lmr,bor.. NoQl&ke"fto a ID•clalty prlotlDI1 few )'tare. Thet'tl hu b)' aw•·w� oan uaually protect benelt. ade been tbDe o - &ad andof do t better 'r Dever t Natiollal Guard of New Jersey aoellaother t booka,oflloo. •atn ,•lrt • • e a in the hil ry • We h mar pberl Unt� to qur one, It )'OU11 bereb&.,. whe11 ayatem wu are entitled every oonlideration anr d The desire of .Jam• hta of the IOilooll the to n be brlnfl' Prank that pr inting--. eoadltion and the publie and refuav.l of the Lerialature lllh• ahould reet In a aatetr depoatt in better the J'OR NJDWB 4ND we PA,_• lt That's why _ u PUBion kept eo ...po�ted rerardinr tile to appropriate a auftl.oieut aum of &BAn "•JDVJDRY l'AQJD. vall&roagllh&ab'a tee the ruJID&' always busy. I -- Ia death. :: : The LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF Peoples National John R. Kirby, bl , ll n n family, ol �:v E \\'. r and ..r­ hao l"a""d the I•IK""n houeeon New oon havP movf'd to Bank York avenue. L. I.plaN>. Oyol<'r IIRy. Asparagus of Mr. and Mro. Claren.,., Wllcos. or Ollv"r Hall, of Clark W•tfleld, N. Mro. ot ...,..t. lo J. Jarkoonvlll<', Fla , are vtaltiDK rela­ a i>A tl�nt In the Muhlenberl( Hoopltal Condeneed Sta ti'I'M bere. . at Plotnfteh1. te�nent Mra. Clutr, or Cbll!&l(o, Ia now tn­ Mr. and Norman Findley, of c. R. �l urltd aVet\IKI, bave been apendiDI! otalled In the houae recently '"'"""' Week MAY I, 191� a few daya In WaahiDI!\OD, D. C. by him on Pll'II&IIDt place. (Comptroller'• Call) The "Tueaday Brldp" m41t Mr. and M1'11. A. R. Rule, or Wood­ \erday at tbe new home of lira. Cedi,_. land avenue, ha'ftl returned from an This is the week when asparagus Hotrman, on Lenos avenue. estended Weateru trtp. Conotabla Boyden a11d Mayor Eaot­ DiRCO�I�tM 0 0 ° 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tired buatneu man tau aotklll ""'"'" lllHI ( 0 .ts29,348.48' man ha'ftl been tryiDI to locata rurnl­ is at its best, home 2rown, ten­ I;,."<(" that the Cblldrea'a CoDDUJ Home ...... 253 turP atolen from Mra. Woodbury, on Rntl SecurJtlea . 240.02 Carnival on !latarday, Jane ' and Equipment lUI. th" mountain. 1::111king House . lin. William Gould and daDpler, der, beautiful green stalks of ...... or BoatOD, formerly or thla ptaoe, The Standard Bearera or the Firat . . ... ao:ooo.oo ...... , ... 149,961\.76 t 'ash nnd �serve . vleltiDI! frl•nda her<'. are M. churcb the .-ta at tbe l:··d•·mption Fnnd . o homeF:. of Mlaa wereMadeline Betlttya, of uniform thickness-and as usual ...... 2,1100.00 Min Dorothy Huntamaa. f f'lalnfteld, •1wnt thf' wook�nd wttb Stonelelab Park, yeaterday. fri8Dda on Hllbland avenue. Robert Van B}·ckle, or Whltebouee, you will find the best at Wind­ .1,2811,044.26 John A. Dobrmu and family, of baa �D violtlna btl brother, J. W...... • Van R:rckle. or the lloulenrd, dur­ 1 'apital Stock 60,000.00 Klmbal avenue, will leave on Juae Proftta IDI! the put -k. ,;nrplus and ...... M,434.28 lor a trip to Honolulu. feldt's-also every vegetable of 30 1 The Ladlea' Aid Bodety or the Bap. 'in·nlat.ion . Mn. •. M. Whitaker, of Proepeot t ...... 60,000.00 otrnet, Ia able to be about apia ltol· tlot rburcb Ia plannlnl to bold a nt t . tf'r a oevere attack or ectatic rbeu­ atrawberry and tee crtoam featlval on the season. H''"''r\'Pd for I eres and Taxea ...... 8,000.00 DllPOBITB ...... Saturday, June ...... matlam. 11. . . 1,102,8011.98 �: verett l'helpa, yOIID.... t - Of The Equal Franablae IAaBUe of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Pbelpa, of rtnt Weatrteld will bold a cake tale 111 F. 11!1,265,044.26 otr.... t, Ia Ill with an attack or ap­ H Rrhaerer'a atore on Blturday from pendtcltle. a. m. to 5 p, m. 10 8. D. Fren�h and family mo,..d F. w. Wittke, or Broad atreet, c. THE MILLION DOLLAR BANK lut week rrnm 8tonelel1b Park will entertain the member• of the to houoe at the corDer of Proepeot Utrn Pinochle Club at bl1 home thla m I he avontna. WIDFELDT CODINADOI mm Corner BrMd and Proepeet Strute ot .....,t and Newton plaee. ITIDT WEI'I'PIBLD The Senior Clan or the WeeUield ll:dward Taylor, of Carlton road, 110 BAIT IIIOAD , baa purchaaed the Benjamin l.aRoe llllh Srhool will 11Ye a danee In PBONII •01 thf' Weotlleld Theatre Aaembly Hall huuo�. on Carleton road, and will on Friday f!venlna or thle week. ahorlly orrupy It wttb hlo family. Mr. and Mra. R. A. Fairbairn and l!ll<'Cial Aarenalon nay aerviMI Mlae Natalie Fairbairn will lee'ffl will be held tn St. Paul'a church to­ NOW HAVE ON HAND MONEY about June ht to attend the Pan­ morrow. Mornln11 prayer at a. m. WE TO 8 ama-Pactllr. Eipoaltlon. and Holy Communion at 8:30. LOAN ON FIRST MORTGAGE E. S. Floyd, of Elm atreet, DD· . The hour of the tt'feDIDK 18r'flce of derwent a aurClflllafu l operation Ia St. l'aul'a church baa �n cbanaed OSTEOPATHY ROOH'1'8lt Hoapltal, New Ynrk City, to o'rlock. TheN will be no ad­ 6 by sheer merit, has won world-wide recornition aa a on Saturday Jaat. drPoa. at ol healing. M. R. I. CO. Mr. and lira. Frank W. Ed-rda The dat. of the Cblldren'a Coun­ gre and scientific school try Home Carol val Ia SAturday, June & Jr. ...._tary returned on Tbunday laat from It baa proved its worth in multitudea of difficulty caaea IA.LTBR ITORU CLARK, 6th. E'ferybody Ia ID'flted to be Melroae. Fla., wbere they ba'ffl -in almoat all diseases. been arendlnl! the winter montba. thf're and you will not want to mlu lin. J. Hon•ber1er, of B:tmer lt. Osteopathy includes all tbe essential qualities wbicb otreet, returnodc. on Monday from a Charlea DobbroW', Jr.• a atudent make up successful system-accurate diagnosis, plus two weeka vlalt wltb relatlna In of he Sbetlleld Bclentlllc lk!bool, of comprehensivea treatment, includinlt scientificm anipula­ I 'Stony Creek, Conn. Yale Unhoralty, apent the week-end tions, dietetics, h;,·giene and surgery-the latter as a Mlu Roberta Sinclai-r, of Brook- at the home or • bla parenta, &68 last resort. I lyn, II the !!UNI at the home of her Boulevard. WEDD ING GIFTS It coat E. PriDe, of Cranford, juat Consultation for tbe purpose o! learnin the possibili­ aunt, Mn. R. C. Brower, ot r ; atreet. Kaye a ten apot uae a manufacturer'• ties of Osteopathic treatment in any special caae is to unt; with its weddings will soon be The l.adlea' Aid Society or the F!Tat llt't!Ditl on hla automobile. Prloe Ia cheerfully �tivrn. Literature sent on request. ] a 1l1D painter by trade and not an here. Perhaps you will be called on to I, M. cbllrcb will bold a meettna at the 1!1.home or Mro. G. D. Beattya, In automobile apnt. DR. D. N, MORRISON, Osteopath make some gift. Stonelel&b Park, tbla afternuon. The WeaUklld Band will make Ita ColemaQ Clark, or Weetlleld, won ftrot appearance on the afternoon tORADUATitS UNDitR THI POtJNDIR) If it is on silverware that you decide, the runnlna broad jump In tba u­ and eveniDI of June 5th, when they Residence um it Avenue, Weatfield, N. J. 434 m nual Yale-Princeton J'reabman triiOII will rurnlab muato for the Cblldren'a remember that we carry GORHAM New YorkT •lepkoaeOffice: Wettfteld. 18 meet, held at Prlnoeton laat Satur­ Country Home Carnival. UO Eaol 34th StrHI ware in stock both in sterling and plate. day afternoon. Mumy Mr. and Mra. M. Snyder, or Cen­ T•l•pho•• HUI n Our prices are the SAME as Gorham 's The Plymouth t.eaaue of tb11 COD· tral avenue, entertained the mem­ arlll!atlonal church baa .-ijouriHid memoon or the Twentieth Century New York stores, so WHY GO OUT for tbe oummer month a, but will Bucbre Club at their home on I' open In the fall the euct date to re­be Tburaday evenlq laat. OF TOWN. We will fill any order you announced later. A card party for the benefit of BITABLIIHBD might favor us with, in a few days. TRY Es-CODirttlltman Tuttle will deliv­ the Dlotrlct Nuraln1 Aaaoclatlon will II YEAII er an addreu on "Admlnletratlon at US NEXT TI.ME. held at the home of lira. E. C. WublDJIIOn,' before tbe memben or beLewle, on carleton Road, on Wed­ the Cltlsena of Roaelle Park Dftday afternoon. May 18th. at their annualLea11ue banquet to be held For prompt attention and expert workmanahlp to The Dorcu Society of the Preaby­ AWNINGMIUI S BRUNNER'S tomorrow niJibl. terlan church will hold their NliUiar R. I The eoppment or John Harold LAGGREN BROS. m"Un1 at the real:ee il a'lloek. oftloer �ll;d and alert the lilnna, dla117 estended tbe people or ly normal indivJdual alive to C. Crou. lin. to -;- The eo­ Kn.llri. L. H. W. �ome ud - tile es­ h intereata and Jmpu!HI. ad Kn. a. :m. W•Uielcl to an r.returuad r. vceUntoet on Saturday Jut rrom lltblta. B ta were oollect­ um of that cold, ponderou. Pvry 1,800 City, wbere bd been Jut year IUI4&rmall dlatrlbDted tire abuooe llDIYmpathetie at�otphere AtiiUitJc &o tile meah&Dioal, att�adllll( aon,..auoaUaer edwo� chariU• of oar State an �· Tea bUBineM the or Uae J'ed· d wlll mate your re}AUOIIII �­ eratlon of Women'a ClaN of New Dlltldy of Tile eslllllttlon and oa Tburaday frM an4W•Uield. hlterutlq apeUe 'DIII&II7 pleuant cordial at UU. lenq. Tile J)U'f7 left Ia Ia Jut. •peotar fromlUI New Tort. bank. fal'lllerly . .... J'rederlck WriP&...... tutora of tbe IWIIatUK ��pt.eopal WEEKLY WEATHER FORECAST 39c lb. Ch..... u4 cburcll DOW' Ia In tbeBame. ltab',...... _ ._ ... cu..- of W'Ofll tile IW­ 17 �-' of � Uala .. ..,..._ tbe ...... · TH I&DII In oaqtly, Jut E Coqrepltoul luW lellool ..-., Jlar...... , NATIONALWESTFIELD BANK Sudb mol'lllq. a . • uua. OF I Dr. Wrlfll' Ia lll4tolle tlc StaiM-UDM&­ panoul at �t.ft4apt J'ar 4tlall ....-tber y POft Bl-"" an4frl•d ..orta OFFICE BUILDDIG Uaroqb JaW the t1ed tatr tberIa problllle W.u.daU...., .abool B.A.NK to !Mar 111111 llvt - wtu prenJI M B M BBR FBDBR4L RB&BRVB .,.u. wu prtTilap4 an. W'ltb mod-ta temperstarea. OD:niD.AY, 'fiD WJHJULD LUJ).D, II.AY 11, lt lll.

Westfield Bottling Works Agents For Proprietor S. SCRLENGER, Motorcycles SPORTS Pure Wines and Liquors teet All the .. "-· In For FamUy and Pledlclnal Purpo��ea. Indian Athletlca, Baaeball, BowUn1, Golf, Tennla T ut Wntlleld, N. J. 7 Elm Street. ...,._. RARW WINS OAIIfloJ 9-4 BASEBALl l Y . Wntfteld I mpro ed ao e on v m � ---� .. WIN FIRST. ;:: ======: � year'a Rahway 11ame ye1terday, = -· ���- � :: · "Cl'B8" IIIIal- lI ,--·-�-. :·:· :� -:-��-� �··�� LEO ZEISEL tbou1b they did not wlo for tbla time : :� ==� Bicycles and Sporting The Weatfteld Cuba opened their :· :-:�:-�-� Goo �lxth IIaRetice4 what con lewdition M 222 N. J. a ' your l..awn harp­ being 12 to Underwood, w·lo Ilea were dnen'ed. Weatfteld'a uanal Bf'lt"r tak" a look thPn rail 4U-R and havo your mower a a Cub unifJ. orm for tb4 aeveo erron eouotiDI lar1ely tor the oed and rl'pAidPd by wore tlrat e time wa• In the box for ac a team rwt. , M and woUld have acored a abut-out' Tbe lint IDDIDI Wal Weatfteld l H. J. MARTIN, Jr. ftolab. It they ba been able to' but for bla wlldoeaa aided by a atoleo d The baae and Hunt'a error In the NCODd bold them then the ume would have Bepalrman been won. The entire Rahwa, bat­ 0. Weatfteld, N. loDIDI. Elm Street, oppoalte P. J. BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Tbla romln1 Saturday the Cuba tiDI order raoed areo1bl In thl• I M CAN FIX IT little eard or folder wlll ehMr eome\ody'e will open tbe road at Plaln­ lnnhll, tbelr live blta, ba.., on balla, A. blrthd1y, lleld wb<'n they will-100 cro11 ball with two Ito len baoea, and Weatlleld'a two w. earry • eompletl ltoek or earcleand ro ldere from lc te ae. the Baptlata. errora eouot1n1 tor live runa. WMt- Tbe acore: lleld t11bteoed up after two men bad MT. ARARAT. atored In tbe aeeood and Rabway'o only other tally In tbe alxt AD. R H. PO. A. E. eame Robert Smith, Jr. u the reault or wild heave h)'h Qulpp, lt 1 a ST.ATIONDPl. .AND NBWID:IALBR o o 0 areo1bl. Clark, B.,. 3b-p...... ' l 1 1 I 1 0 M Gilmartin ah\)wed up the Street Wlltfteld., New . . ...82 0 4 2t lllm bent n! Jenr, Keppler, 3b . . 0 0 10 any or the Weatlleld men 1ettlo1 on<' OJye l'olUIIr America S8Yiotr Stampo Woodrulf, c . .... I I We 0 0 U of the rUDI aa the fMUit of bla trlpl<' Walker, . .. 0 1 0 0 0 wbleb aeot makloll olx Mannera, p.-3brf 84 0 1 0 Bte'Veoa In, .... 0 0 putout•. and four aaalata. He aloo Clark, lb ...... 4 1 4 0 1 br p . o0 0 took part In both the double � playo 8c o pe cr. . ..8 l 0 0 Wfttlleld 10t away wltb. Incidental� Schmidt, ••· .•..4 0 I 1 0 0 ly W. H. 8. hu made el1bt double WBEIE LIFE IS WORTH LIYING DURING PR NG � S I AND SUQD playa In el1ht 1amea. 8cbwletaer'o th<• now a necessity to Fronting the oceao-30 mloutea I 4 4 ll•·ll•·r· th1111 ,. ,.,.r.. Fnr d is from the U U 7 atlek work wu Jarply reapooolble · heart or New York. WESJ'IELD. -·,.,.,.ry man. And the f m y servant for Rabway'a win aa be drove In husiru•ss it 's a il AD. R H. A. At Bri&hton Beach, N. Y. SII.A £NO OV two ruoa and acored twloo blmaelf. with ;•conomy, than two lb. . I PO. . 11s w..ll. Ex<',.IINtce less OCII.AN f'.\RKW.U Green, E0 Van Doren made a pretty tbrow from RE18ENWEBER'S inck er, ...... 48 I3 4 U I 0 for operation and upkeep, "W 11. 0 0 rl1bt to cateber, 1ett1o1 A. Arm­ e<'nls a mill' while LambertiOD,l 1 I 4 I . . at the plate. Ford Ht•niee for Owners" 3b. & con­ Worth, cr...... I 1 1 I O atroo1 l<' ord auures the 0 Tbe aummary : HOTEL SHELBURNE Roy, cr...... I or a car. 0 o 0 o � WBBTJ'IELD. tinuous use Jo' ord Doualao, lb-p. . . 4 1 0 I I OPEN ALL YEA.R. 0 Buyera will In prollta If we aell t retail Himmel, rf.-lb. 4 1 1 AB. R. H. PO. A. abare a 0 0 0 Stevena, 4 I �� . 300,000 new Ford can between Aupat Hunt, c. . 1 1 4 1 u.. . .. 1 1 0 0 AJIERICAN AND EUIOPEAN ...... J 1 Ul4 and AUIUIIt Underwood, p.-rr 4 Z a 4 1 Martin, ....8 0 0 UU. PW . 0 Gilmartin,d. lb. . . . 4 01 18 4 1 I 1 Runabout. U40; Tourtn1 Car, Town Car, U90 ; ""'ma; private bot d told Bourne, e...... 4 1 4 I U 11 11 °11 11 I Coupelel, Sedan, 1976, U80;f. o. b. Detroit, wltb all �u ....,h rom; batbaeyei'J'; eooyealeaeerunninJ: andu �om• Davlea, 4 1 J •walker out, bit by batted ball. lb . ... 0 1 1 1 •no; waterfort; Sun In Parlor onriooldotr Lambert, If...... a 1 1 l equipment. o-; Oreheatra. ML A rarat I I . 1 0 o W l ....04 0 o 0 0I 0 1 0 o- Pell'tle, 1 b...... a dlaplay RATES FOR BEASON GUEBTB AND WEEK-ENDS. tll d ..•.. 1 8 o 1 6 o o a d •le at SPECIAl, ea e o 0 1 .. -u Mareo1bl, p. . ...8 1 1 3 On n EXCEPTIONALLY Two bale blta--Wortb, Winckler, 0 1 WW TERM8 FOR HAY AND Qulpp. Stolen b...,_lilt. Ararat. 1; Van Doren, rr ... I JUNK o 0 1 1 o E. C. AUTO SALES CO. An Ideal Spot for Auto Tourlat.....Oarale on Premleu. Weatlleld, 10. Double play-Under­ rr...... 1 Dtser, o o o o o & AVE., PL.UNFIELD, N. woOd to Dou1laa to Green : Wlock­ l\lo:8T \URANT 8HORE DINNER DASCINO Ill.& M\1111\wuo. ftrld, \\'raUh•ld, ••d Nort• PlaiDftf'ld TowaaiiiD. l Write for Booklet. DoUIIaa, Walker, Clark, 4. . K 8; AB. R H. PO. A. l .•nrula. W•ru•a Bue on bI;all -Underwood, Doul­ BMoka, 8.&; ....·' lu, Walker, Clark, Hit by A. ·Armatu.roDI, rf. a J1 I1 21 1 pltcber-1; (Qulpp)8; by Underwood; 0 (I lklhweltler, lb ... a 3 4 (Ray) by Walker. Hlta 'otr Under­ ArmatrODI, c. 3 : J II I wood, 3 In Walker, In 4 1!:. 1 1 0 8 Albrl1ht. lb. 1 2 9 2 iDDiop. 8 lonloga; . . . s 0 (I Experlenee aotto, Bb. . . .. Rell•blllty LullM eoa cr. ....a. 1 z 1 WILJ,OW 0 GROVE Nel100, , If...... 1 0 0 0 0" Ji'AlUIEip 0 STORAGE WAREHOUSES BEAT MOUNT41N81DB 8PORT8 Meloaer, tr. . . . . 0 0 Emmo1111, If. 0 0 l (I 1 WOODRUFF'S The Mouotaloalde aport• traveled ....1 Wlot n. If . ....1 0 0 0II 0 0 At STADLER'S to Willow Grove the otli'er diiY 8:1· • ..... 0 MOTOR VAN pect1o1 to have an eaay time with Durand. p. 3 0 2 3 1 0 tha.e rubea, by beck, but ootbiDI SERVICE for a• doln1. ao you can aee by the acore. II 11 7 3 Weetlleld H. S. 0 0 0 • I 0 0 0 2-4 Mao oen, the lint Willow GroYe LONG DIS­ R hw y H. S. I 0 0 0 2 0 twirler, waa knocked out or the box a a x-9 It's Ten, Twelve-fifty Game ealle4l &lo el1btb on account TANCE MOV­ In the ..,cood. Pbller, who atlrted ·- of darko-. Fifteen. the 11ame for Mountalnalde wu ING ll:nooked out In the third. ,In the blti--GIImartln, Three baae �: . fourth Rotb twirled for Mouotalo­ Ar10atroo1. Two bau hlt.--·Mar­ enl!bl, Lambert, A. Armllronl!. Sum mer, Winter, alde and atarted In by luuiDI aeveo Exprmlat u• free 111ft•. But after that be atead­ Stolen b IImartln . Bourne. Brooka, A...-..-G A r atroo Scbwlet&er Spring and Fall, Geaeral TI'ICkla& led down and wu all to tho merry. m . 3,• Lukeoa. g Keya, the Grove boy'a lint aacller did Earned rune-Rahway, Weatlleld, 4. Doublla playa not Jay up to bll uauat form, rao­ We ask no more, Durand& ; to bweltaer Davlea Plano Jllovera twice, once with tbe ba1a deole­ lllnll Peirce GilmartinBc to Pelrco.; Leftro ly populated Brainard wu al10 oil ; . on b-W. H. 8., 6; R. We take no less; form lettln11 three chance. allp by Furniture, China and Strock out-By Durand, 7; H. 8.,Mar- 5. him. by Glaeeware pack The acorea: en1hl. 3. Buea on baii&--Oir Dur- eanfuUy · and, oil Mare111bl, Paaaed They're worth it- WI !.LOW GROVE A. or Cratedfor Shipment baii-J;A rmJtrool, I. W il8:d pltcb- eel R. H.c. A. E. Mareoghl. WORK Keyeo, lb...... I 1 1 That's all! ALL GUARANTEED S Separate Hod1e, lb. . .•.• .•.. ..• ••• 4 G I 0 LoekedRoome-S�NC�al roome naenecl for GOLF the 1t1,.· Keppler, c...... •..1 I •I• or Planoe, Palntln&a, Baua&e, etc. 0 0 Terry, as-p...... 8 0 S S The O of the Weatlleld Golf Brainard, 8b...... I I 4 3 C W'H OFFICE, IALEIIROOJI W AREHOUIIES : Waltera, cr...... 1 1 Clob Ia 'beiDI put In Al condition. NORTH AVENUE, AND o o Lut week a heavy roller went over (aear Depot), WESTFIELD, Weiland, rr...... •....1 1 1 239-24 1 N. J. o the re courae and new aod TADLER' P,_e• -DAY NIGHT aaew ROBERT WOODRUff, Filler, If...... I 1 e11U o o haa 13J, Prop. Mauoera, p.u...... I 3 4 1 been put down In many placee. CLOTHES _ _ _ _ The two new bolea are bavlnl apec- 18 18 11 lal attention Saturday and Sunday S and S 5 a lar1e number. or the membero M. A. C. •to,BE8T 812.50ON EARTH FOR TH�•ts; weathe en- R. H. A. joyed line lfOiflol r. E MONEY Aoderaoo ...... I 1 1 1. The aeml-llnal and lloal roundo or Lo011 ...... , ..1 0 the Women'a Metropolitan Aasocla- and 0 0 tlon tournament will be llolabed tblo E. Front St. Manner ...... I 1 0 0 week. 128 SUpper ... ..• ...... •1 I 1 w K le 01 I 1 Tomorrow Eo1lewood ill play at Plainfield, N� J. d r .• ...... •••..1 Ford Buick o Naaaau aocl Tuxedo at Oleo Ridge, Pfeifer ...... •.•1 I 0 41 and tbe wlonera will play the ftnala Next to Re&al Shoe Store Accessories Heapeu ...... •..I I 1 0 u day. Open EYeniqa S O'clocll: Roth ...... •..1 I I UnW O T WeatllN e'd waa defeated In the coo- Phller .• ••..••••.•.. 0 1 l 1 aolatloo dlvlalon by Eao x county, e Guaranteed 11 T to 1 . • • • Mra. Mettlacb woo the only M. A...... a 4 0 0 0 0 0- 9 A.. Ll C 1UOOIOIIJ 0 -ll match from Mra. F. Banford BPRUIG Goodrich Fisk s A. C . ... e E Tir . . IM THE W. U. Ct Umplr-B'reJIOb and Cb-. hen take p1-ure lo Bat.teri-M. A. C., TENNIS II w you wtU Pbller, Roth takma rour or oot 30x3 $18.00 and ped ; W. G. A. . Mannera, wlte •weetheu-t for a drive TerryHea and Keppler. c . The ol1ht tenola eourta or the the balmr aod wb... 30x31 $25.00 We�tlleld Golf Club have been put er-a llelda You alr $11.0Q 36x � larite M. In line condition by Contractor fOU. CAB io­ $29.15 H. S. d..Ip JOIU'Mil beUthfal aod 32x3� '$12.$ s.s.o15 337x54x4 L08Eii TO O'Douoall &lld are to be aa faat Ia thll HORACE utd pleuureable puUme a& amall ex· JIIANM 74. u any In the State A larp abet Other peue by blrtq a trood 4 A battiDI aluwp ancl 10od pitch- ter bou.., baa been ui th - Siu8 lt 011 bill ud ..U.fac· Equally Low lol Ra;rmood, of Horace b o a& Barton'•· I ek or tbe court.� that ahould by M&Jtn, ba old be to17 rll Weatllelcl'a downfall In a much appreciated by the teuola <:aUMd play­ luoiDi 11ame In New York l lti!V·aat era. aa It waa 10metbto1 very much eoSaturday, Boraoe I th Mann ptUD e needed t n the or Im p ovement victory 7-1. lllrrora alao llsured II-" r for the or t.eoola club. Wm H. lar&ely 111 the re��ult, taam onl;r mewbel'8 the Barton each eal'IIIDI ne Llnryud IJoudlntStable• Bteveuo wurun. only player Ule x. 01' v. TO HAVE _...... o..n. _ Ule "'QVERY IOMBBB KIGHT." .. ... "· � HENRY oa r. W. H. S. nine who 10t a chalice aud Tbe Wutlleld un il, of . VOSSEWI did not make rror on lt. Martin c 331 Park Aveaue, Plaiafield, N. J. Co K. c aad Dt.r.ey eameu etbrou&h without er­ will bold the ll1'8t annual "Every. 'I'll••-- but ba4 ao chan to make Member Nllbt" at Columbua Hall on 1781 theq�roi'IJ, . lll&ftllllbl - out Wedneaday nenlnl, Kay 19th. Each Dt.trlbutOra of BUICK for four bu on ttrU:oklllt.lla ao4 talx,wo member wtll r81later lu the N&later Autem.WIM w..ut.U • Jlaldllll JaU ta. book. Supreme Wardea McLau1h batamaB.arJDOII4, bealdell of BOIIIIII a, llaa fDI.r ltruoli: bl and tbe New JerHy Team· 1111 Dill,... Die l&fll will attend aud a bll time Ia prom- Olli&wo ...., walill4 , .... 11811 to all. ••· Leader "WANT-ADS" Pay ...... THRIFT - TALKS ON LEGAL NOTICES nau'lera �aUou ) (AmNI<'an ADVERTISERS SPECIALS ANNUAL BllRIEB. . ow's ll WHAT THE MERCH•., s •V .. This? J. S. IRVING CO. TillH T H E ·r:a•"'• ... o... """" ""' ,,.n...... ,.. ..,. W Aftl A of f'lhrTII thlt ranhtlt bfo nM b7 llal1' : IXHITOP A8TB, TO a . o. • So. 111 .-Ttn OFFER ht "" £'•",;.. . thft J. CRIoi· ateadfut thrttt nro le•• w.. , .. wm be ..__ .... lth��; !1.,11,. b �JJ Tb-. � =.:=.:.�rc.� ra �·�.UIL _ ,..B ll'o _.._ Bol« 1'1by all - Kbulllqwood . r.ruu-a. 'l'lllle a haU, 1.. •• ---- Ia. .. :n• nt &l!rlcultur!Jit .,..,. that "Bbow Me!" .,.._...... • All rl&bt; coma to ...... BOlla A I''""' ·an farmera baTe not 10t - .,. -q -· - ..nY A,,.,rlr Cbarlle Clar'l'a. LEGAL NOTICES f•rmtng a bnal-. aad down J. 8. U ll"f'IDI Comp&DJ lUll IIUIIIIIIHIIHIIIIIIIIAIHI tl><'to riO'!TnetiB of tbelr aoll IIIIII11111111111111111111HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIHIIIIIIIIIIHIHI �at IJI tbe •IIIDI Lebl&b Coal. are 1111y thinv that aavea them from fall- "Conault the Mu Wbo Kaon" .1. 11•• ., ... -----· .�...... tbe b7-word or t he wute of fodder, be IJI ID Wwttleld. tan Walter J. It r. �1"'"�"'� IAe of "the blll7 .,., eoruar"to . weeda euoqb lu malllJ In tba J'IaUrOD BluldlDI, , ...... 11.11) WORL & MILLET wbo au 'Th•·ro· ar<> fatten a carload of autborltr on W•Uiald real · fteld' II RPIDCIAI, oaDINolNCIII NO, -. . •t&tTe. Tboee wbo l..elldbt& ,.,rn 811owlnllito them to the dowu patronl• blm do The ... a ...... •t AN OaDIN ANCB to -- ...... Ill) '�. bladM, aad ll&lko. lower the -u. •••• ••ttan •wer ••• ...... _ Acth1tJ 11trHt WMtfteld Inn t 1"' ••ar• tbat the farmer tbe order of tbe dar for a ...... Ill ._. Bloolt R our former II to•· h•"""' -ldeut, J. WafllllD tlly mlea. :: wool� har gr'<'at waetera of corn fod­ Brown, wbo tbe aetl"t''!l ( ) :::.·=.:; - - -··,. Ia wor'IIDI TIIOIIBON1 l u c t BOUDI FOR ··we '"'' manager for tbe Lagpeu Bros. LLOYD T�;n lol'"�!�rge ROT through Oblo and Indiana, Com- Prootor. �l l�• t�: 'b��n°t',. �l I ROUIBI FORIAUI pauy, of 4•11•11 Union:"•• I. BUILDING IITBII AND tlrobabiJ Dot more .. ,. nf DR. DANU�I, NEIL , rt h waa harYMted for MORRISON than mw ron ebreddln&. M. J. TOBIN ehoc'l or for OSTEOPATH KOR'I'II tbo all" "' th•• to waate, and It The rt·�t 8urceBior to tbe late Dr. J. H. Corbin ..-DIDIOII 817 A Q., Willi'!' �of's amountN ovf'r one�tblrd ot the OFFICE, 434 SUMMIT AVBl. tn !redln� tolue of the whole erop." WESTFIELD, N. J, dweller, be be buiiD­ dty NELSON ARCHBOLD aanBut th"m�tuur acturer, can not alford ARMIN BOOB or nn11er of aooru at lbe C-11·1-1-11 w poin\ 1 !11• Carpenter and Builder farmer waater, beeau• wute VIOLIN INSTRUCTOR IIOftCllll Oil' BIU.atNG. ''" a II the cltlee ll'lewlae. Term• Reaao11t.llle rampantL•wl' in Notloe lo bareby �rlwon that the of Carpentry Repalrln• Thelo, who bu IDVMtl�ta· Ill Btraet, AllBranch .. t.:. ll:lm W•Uield, N. Council of tbo Town of Weotllold,In the tho •nh]l'f't thoroughly, 11 author­ J. County of Union, win meet tIn tho Town Promptly Attended led m Pr e , to ty Hlatement that uDD-fJ :J::. �e�:!7 g:p �� :J �;� th':·����": lor II><· A. Danbam R. H. oi 1911 Itoal on10k•· •·osta American lnduatriM r. CoUIDI teantb day ll11y, ( at oll[bto'clooll EUCLIDVENUE A Telephone ConnHtlon a 't'8f7 great DUNHAM COLLINS the Yenln•, to reoe Ye and oonelder 183 Am•·rlenn dtlea A Illb t t. udaany tu llllono of dollar& yearly. CIVIL IDNGIN&ERB AND BUR· �J�� �c:,r:a� !�d �u�':tfi.h!� UMd In the followln•�!\�"rfa lmproTement.�' .�� to Blark •n•oke conelota larl'817 of UD· VIIIYOR8 wit: «Hu;unwd ('oa.l partlcl• thrown Into BLUBl PRINTING DEPARTMBlNT 1. Oradln• and macadamlaln• thtt by Improper ato'IIDI. carrtaaeway of the northwe•teriJ b&Jf 11.11) atm"•t>l�<·rA New P01t omoa Bulldllll of Edaewood Parkway from Park (l"ooa H. Po MANNING the •·ontain& acld1 of value P RPIDCIAI, naDIIIAIICIII W..uteld, N. J. lace to Pleaaant Place, and the aar· 8mok" al•o a a tr 110, - are uaually wuted, El:�: rt! ��;:. �r Plumbin&, Heatin& and Tin Work wbloh nut only ��·!:�:� g� conatructln« ��:: bot th<'l also deotructl't'e of l!l't'ef7· Doel•er, and a conerete nr<' C. W. ANDERSON t h o h t 14 BLR ITUET PHONE NO. 414-R the)· touch. f:-n•:e;, P': �� ���a� !�S �-�:o� ¥:::: t.blnJ pollution of our atmoapbera Architect way, under tbe pro•t•ton• of Bpeclal The Ordlnanco No. lll. paa.. dand adopted omok•• jllacea a burden OFFICE BUILDING lloptembor lth, 11 C. with It ��:reatlJ lncreaMahM't'J tbe POIIT l WII:8TP'IELD, N. J. QHARLJCII CLAflK, apoo u•.rat•• emcleuey. Town Clerk. • tleath It lowera our C-11·1·1·11 (J'ooa 17.011 Wal�- a have lltltlmated that tbe _...... FRANK RECARDO =::;'- <01tEnKin"·r• to tlu· C'lty of ClenlaDd beeauoe WESTFIELD AGENCY llotllll or ornoklng factorlee !JI <�••• .. - ,1,000,000 SINGER SEWING MACHINES ... - a Ito Th" to.. to Cbleqo P a�':,"wf:PPlf.\0 �tal� . . •t All. .ru.. ... Plllater • DectoNtor rl..,t-c.._ aa_l an �::t :f,�h':11o u � .... " 1oar ot $17,600,000 IJI ee­ �� · 0 . Umate•l a Je&r. Tbe -•...... Baa• Repalre, Olla, !ti..U.. pile• tor the We•tt!eld ,u bltc Soboo�• IIIW JIUI1' P. Boa ...... roCJI bJ .::::: : m � .; WILCOX .t POPE II�:. ;-..� .::r NOW:.::- llle ttl- lo 1111 ... h t of dou le ateam piWtlul'l!l and , .. aM All OIIDIIIAIIVIII to b tU.1'0tl l .. •. Ia .. walt ::::�t 1t! ·,.,•�!, �� �::!fv:·:.�··:o!�: -- maano werlr...... ••• ... dD aothani<'al otokera. uua •___.r. not deltvered by that date. rlt . a --· OADmn'D BUILDD r ... _...... 219 NOm A VENUE lnatallat COLLINS ION of emo'le-eoneumiDI R. to��:· d��i::::t ,t::,':�1�L.•; ar"': ·:� � of tho lllthlnery ton E. • t de red : : TowaJ:.� of=r..r..� •: L:::"b��f of and proper atokiDI, en&l· ••• llert• Awe., W• No. 1-1108 ream• Ruled practice Weetftf!ll, In the County will renut much of tbe .. __ ._ ..l ._ paper Union: p -- --�- for Ink lxlO�. ruled aerou tbe pa•e 1. That a concret• ltdewalk , ....claim, or lee. Tal. ,..., rliatiq udWallpaperia& •u!lered from thla aouree. ... . � Inch, llbolllold 111118 equal four faot wide and four lnchea tblok. lola uow ....., oquaUty, and a n rete cUrb lnche• wlde ar•• horrlfted b7 tbe atupeudou• rulll.- ctutry Seltl., N io:ln•:o1 ::�':'� co c h ealz el to wa&a unremltUDI f:i'1·u·. 1·u: ut0 li.n. No."''· 1-1 •.: �16 .!�·�:������� �:&"r'�he �-::� ""ld ua . . 11, 1.oa, a.u10.•1., 1 .CIulii 1.U c.u. p. m. 11KII. ream• Manilla drawln• paper, perYielon of the ;po wn 8uryeyor. wa•te of all klnda In our own .. i 1.11,t.h, 1.11. .o 1.01, t.lil, 1t. lloc. That hl ordinance oball lllr on l t • No. 1 t. l a · 1.111 , 1.11, 1.01, C: 1 ream• Whlte drawln pa er, take etreet Immediately. s"un4aTa.m 1\10, 1.01 1 1 t-- Millon lrad f.oyo and HOME POULTRY IOI!ltrr. OR. a.1.u. "i.ol, 1.11. 1.h. l.oT. 10.11. . Pu .. d ado a lr KOJ.ED -T. D. IUC GRJilO tv.n p. N ���fn�r�:la"�bl�� ). �ii'�R,. \v �vl'J�: · Newar 1.111 ( .11 tbrou•� �,.\-�\c��!'l'" hl wl Atteat: llayor. BEEF - PORK - "'ror 7.11, k.·•1 10.11.1 m.• ro �ll'{oa, "'r:Zf.";i CHARLJCII CLARK. LAMB ADV�;RTISI!l trala), l.oGi 11.11 a. .11, ALL OJ' THII TIKII lUI. 1.01, 1.1 .01. Ul, 1 N Jlprln•Oold White).a Town Clerk. an I.U,I, 10.U k.lli, Ul, 1· 1 1. �,.��-�r.::�m ra 1 (J'e.. 11.11) SEAFOOD, OYSTERS d CLANS -oot extrav..,.uUr, not wutefDIIJ, 1 51 111 p. m. Sundaya. 1.01,. 1� ki1::: Dir:Zr.";i ,·oa' io a m.: 11.10. 1.01. 1.11. OaDINAIICllll JrO, - GIVE ANYBODY A �� . 1 0 Jlprln•llold White). 1:1J .• -•:,a:i!1• if!ih\e•�;..!, ·•1u�·nro·wn. IPIIICL\L !Itt DON'TTO ' RG Air OIIDIWAWCII tlo --• -eae-a FO ET YOU. � I �·::.� phonea 37-inaure CBA.NcE 1 I 01 �. 1G.II m.; ).11, Ul, :�: l��U-100 g:f·:.:�r..'i'.•"u tile al....,.alll...,. wHil of lealll ..... Two quick 1ervice 1:10:OJ ton onl a.p. m. aun,Y� No. doa.... Rul.ed note bookat for ll&a Y! 1• Ink. bound top. aert.,.olr (t.tli1.11. t.U a. m., l.C 1. 1 ,1 1 hi-U ... . o llBPOilT OOIIDI'I'IOII li.OI, · No d no r a n te· l or TRill p. 1.0 �� 0lr:t'�! � ;:::..-3\. =�·�.-o;::• "-'..�.:: Oil' Wllkea-Barro and Soranton, 0f•!� -;��r f:k. tho o i --T--- 1.01r': r 1.10 lun4aya, 1. 11-IO,Gtt Blottera, al.'out IKI J:ir':'..fa�d b C un l of the m.; p, ... . lnebe1. Town of Woatllol:l In tho Countyc of IU. a. a. ;_l �l IT 101 101 N r d Union: IIANDEVILLE lUNG CO'I a. ..; p. m.l .lt, 1. • · 1 r r Phl,_.)pllla.1. 1, 4.11, • "b.: �:.s:. "��.:;::r Sao. 1. That the nortbarly aldowalk • 11 C r m.l Ul, 1 1.11,' 1u'un�· C.���·�; from h Iestfield Trat it, 1.11.a. 11.41 a equal. of 8oatb A.•enue W•at, t e weat­ C.,Uy 1 lu.IO p. m.: a. �- No o orly llae of lando of Annlo and Carl 011' \\'EBTniiicloae ofLD, buiiDeM II, "• oia:ra. 1.11. •·•1 t 11i : ...1 ':�;1�u�; Noa, at theIII AY l.t, IIJII, u•, �, '·l\1 7i' t..!'b!�/.� �:.�t Walba••· known aato IOU•IOII FLOWER SEEDS •in. i equal. Iouth .AYOnuo Woat, tho line of J'an­ m�·,. o .�.t ·u�fl· 1.11. a.1.40 m. a. ,m. : · · No. 1-tl ••ou D...U.u w lllte black· wooc1 Towaehlp. be paYed with concrete r ( Atlantic1.01, P:ity, JIUD4eYI. . 11 board erayo n.. four feet wtde and tour lnche1 tblok. FOa IU'aJNG PLANTING 111.101.10 p. m. No. 1-11 •rou Duatloucolored black· I. That •o mu�b of the COlt and UO.tU.OI a.•t •�.• t' =�:a '!'i.IY board craJOD. e:s:peJLMSea. of 1ucb lmproYement a• callbe 1,171.10 No. 11-41 qu t• Day'a white puto tawnan ••.. ••ed u on the ropert Gale's Pharmacy 10,111.00 ar {,t ba nt � �t � J 111,101.01 No10h�"f�allona Ink Wrltlq J'luld), =� y t':.':. ::, .d ·�,b�::.�� ... 110.10 t a a r B Fe 0 A D S T AI! I! T UO,IU.U N: ::-l l4=·;.:� J:� �o�1�e1t'!'.f ���:."r"�L."��� .. AT TIII or TBO.AI t..�;:.r.:&.':fn"• perYlelonbe-:ale of the ¥'o wn llurveyor. DIII()IIIAIIIID. 0. IIIJIILL. No.Ink. IC-4 0 ••- lllaa'la peac:lla. No, Ill. llao C. That ordinance ahall ll&llt to tho order of No. 1�10 •rou -·holdera. take .effect lmmedlateltbla T pgra Jlurro�rate of thoOBOROil Count No. lOCO. lllaa'le P....S and ad \(a · PARROTio the appllcatloll o� No. 1-ll! 1rrou Alfred J'lald pan No. �� �� :V�l; r Un n made on of id d .. y Mayor. undei-•t•n•d. mxecutor •• 11 (Cr' lt r an) Atteat: Bftd WEDII80 'nLIJ'IIOIIB 18 rbeu ot ce 1 baroby •tIonn to t:; No. U-10...000 It Oen, cllpa. CHAJU.II8 CLARK, coa d n i h blt to No. 11--1.000 N. BRO'W'N dltora of oald1 doocaaed u l - Thumb (8ralll). Town Clerk. oub..,rlber unde oath or alllrma· No. • doa. Brauadpd taciUI rulero 1·1·11 (J'ooa EDWARD �: ndr d Inch). mapla fi.TI) uon their olalm':s� ��M:'i!r.:'! Ui .._ 1 oaDINAWCllll at 1 of No 1· '" 1 , t. .-c!.AL 110, -. Funeral Director-Embalmer ! 'tho day i�!;;'b':. '::ltr.�·. C � nt:,or t,:!. forevor ��!f No. 11- caaea paper towata In rolla." All OIIDIIIAII II Co -- •• .... , Ill) uu. they will or overlnba• tb • t fi ple wltll aad aum· troDl proucutlng �:, =� � : � e&M e &I'&Jnat tba ouba�T ��-T r .::r:'l::: aam WIIIIITI'IIILD TRU diMPANTExecuto . No. cue• toilet ...,.. roU.. :=.��-:7 :..::::.. ·:: r (Submit Ample). , In ----- ·� --of · Proetor No. I�C du. metal W�·paJIrooma, 70. dlatanoe et autorly from Rip­ P lurropon tllo 0• ca '/ equal Bradley llonltll. loY Place. Union, made • appl 1 tl 0 U-1fi> only. lnoll6 brooma, Bea I. That muob of the celt and ':'lth tho No II brllltleNo. of 11uch10 underal.nod4 A A·�·�=d nolle• •• equal to Bradl.,. lmltlo. eKPfl!llM. tmrroYement •• can be 0f"'.!f : o o or. ,:!!I No • TO. lawfulb· a_.... the Ianda opec- :�!:r��� to the redll r .q h Uo>Oft dooeuol to oruhl blt t t:e ooclalma No. :�::ll-6 doa.�� :-l..:.':ua:.�u: otl-d1101t l&. ,1\�(to,:�: ::•tr�l:ll\t�r� �r·�.:.� .� ...... undor oath a111 rma� 10 t=�� of 4ellnred u ordero4f . ba a r b and domanda al�at th 1 1 7rom aald No. 48-1 doa. botu . ammoa1& (to be .:!:� �·�'1e1t'!'A' ���:'r"�t:.a::� �, �, m�n"il.: tbo bea:-.L of ¥'own 4ocea...S ·with nd nay na f APRil. 1tll, 4ellnred 4oa.aa ordai'Od).. (to per't'Woa Thatile Surwoyor. TwentY•Mnntbwill f 0 barro4. from No. ct-1 cakoa BOil·Aml be leo. f. t o thll orcllnanoe aball or tbey be onnr tb ....,. delivered u ordare!l). IelJa ....,t 1- dlatal� p...,..eutlq or reeo•erln• 0 No. bolla oloth (for and a4o a r qalnat tb6 aulNoorlbera. 411-1 ..a). ·-· "-4 &f3�RY �� :Vl�: TvTAYLOR. In• pun>a �. 1._1111. tiNt: liar:or. RALWcf�: . Dated at Waataal If. w.Jf.u. .A tatrat-BTIIIIB, •· CH.ARLIDIIT��:Ork. 0JifdiiLI o. t. a. .a..Diatrr:t·�IL 1-1·11 .. fi.COJ LLOYD TBOIIPIIOif· • n.toJ unu -•J n-n·• (J'o ·-···•t """l�• .... TJO: JEWISH RELIGION MORIC ADOV'I' 000 O.,'l'ORICR W•Uie d U. J., May Ul6. . P:dltnr Leidl er : 10. 111.,.•• Tile oo-,, ..._ ,... ll""'n-' at In aot lgue of th<> I..ear!er t'l"'t M. E. J we,..: "• Fnrnm of (1ho,....h. I noticed with a �tlad heart that nne t thA mfW'tlnJ( laot Sunday or our townopeople had proleoted A e Guaranteed atteuUon wao h toir! tbe fact that agalnat thfl town ordlnan.,., cnmpel­ W2 � !•ailed 3,500 Miles all that required a per­ llnl tile DIIWIIIDI of d818. IOD an wao of Judato lam waaaaM to The dog ratcber otlll at work Ia beJJeye a out of doort1, out and dWit a trN&t many. ...., atray aero•• the road, or anywblll'll d driAd 'l'lle I,Jb�ral JAwo aN rapidly tu dol catC!IMr can get at them blown. Alan aao&.ber important matter and Tabee 4l1'81111DI In numbera. Tbe Ortbodoll.lll- wben no one lookiDI. i11 to v t to le fl'OIJI , Ia have the arie y et GUAitAlftEED 1,000 111L!8 Je tbat tbe � In DnriDI tbe lew dan I U\'e Our motto ia have the��e Best nd paat to a 30x3% ...... Ita.. etlrety ...lien waa lnoplred and Ia true talked to a number of people on tbe f<' rellheat J'riCI'R coamltent . t1J,II 34d ...... $20.86 P*bJe, aDd . In all Tbe Ll llllral Jewa aubJeet and It Ia tbe eon-1111 f ...... $28.31 o with 33d . ...00 85x4lh . . . do aot ""Pect•.IIIIIIJeye belleTe opinion tbat we quality. Ttllf' &1'8 llaq .u,.....a there are varlouatble. luplraUo lll wllleb to a form of ,rafL I 8llaneepetty belnl bitten by a rabidTbe FRUIT 4llrer In de1ree It not In kind; tbat of tile dlYine doea not cleatroy or oTer· Ia aboat one In a million, llolt Beleot euea r...r,.t IJDe wbelm the h uman drlvfl It oat ; brdntpballle ar. rare tbat tbey 'l'lut ... ln of 10 Town. that cannot or that ..__ lnarlallly IITeD front p&�e the Goodyear Tires It 1111 aald are Per - wordo of a prophet are lnaplred notlee; and yet for ali montba all Orape Ft-uit, Florida Or�, Cali­ 10 C..t. Off Uat en All .._ t1o1 owaen muat mallllle or Orani(I!B, PinetappleB, bla woi'U are. Tlla real te11t l'1UI Ule that all of baTIDI tbelr dol natelled. fornia SeedleM actual content& of tbe iror!!a cbuee extra large ; Buanu, i''ancy Ap­ Ia tile U.. towu adopted Table �tiler wWl ...... Wbm lim tlae plea, Cooking Applet!, Fre h Straw­ tlleaulel- UIW ll""n• tap It waa plalned tbat s FORD OWND8 TAKE for 1oodneu and trutb ; tbat In tbe u bt>rriea. NOTICE lawa, the and the wrltlnaa tbll)' were for the purpooe of round· Propheta a 11ualltr or Jawa of clur-t ap dop, DOW It &laat are 8triQ" -· aaea and autbon, thoulh all are put tbe JICC'IDH tap are of aboolutely no Noland'•Celebrate4 Bacon Firestone Tires escept a town reYeniMI. .... the moutb of one mau, M­ Blieed ...... 111!8 aa Moland Bacon 30x3 . fl.OO 1Mb . .. Into n Anotber lntereetiDI tblng about '• in 1-lb 30dlh ta.oo each IPHkl �t In the name of God, wbleh These hacona are of a anperior laaYe l&rl!el:y determined cllarac­ tbla dol ID&tebiDI bUilD- II tbe quality . the tria order will convince you that tAir of the Jewlah rel'-lon for II •n­ rut tbat notlee Ia -t to tbe A l ALL lfBW GOO .. GU.AUJ11'BE:D. uo they are the tarlea. Liberal Jewa beJieye ownen that their dOl Ia ompoaoded. The beet. that aome tbln11 are found In tbe and If tbey do not bappen to mlu Get hey WldleThy LMt. Bible which are lnconalatent wltb Ita tbelr dol In time and atep lhel)', will llelt and eubllmeat portlona, ud probably lind tllat lt baa been killed. COFFEE A fresh shipment wbleb, hnlol MrYed parpoee wonder If the Town t&.on 111'1wholly111 dllrereat n,na.u aoaditAoiUI. let your smile be reftected in 70QI' For an lmmenae period In Jewtab ND 1,100.00 hlatory the Jawa or 1,111.10 voice, ao that it may btl carriedout owr Pentateaoll waa A the moat lmportaat part pile of \M �le 1,111.11 the telephone wires good will .ad and waa placed In U.e Aft or "'-t. to up KELLrS but the Propbeta found no plaee good �for you among friends andbuai­ tbere. They conal the Penta­ HOTEL .. led and ._ a.oclateseverywhere. for Salo teuch aa lnaplred In a peeu\lar aenae froDl JOHN W. KELLY, P...,. by -and all the e-.. 4Mtr1Md 111 Mt-­ T...,.._ NS erally true, at leut from Abraham cltloa=�· ...... , . . 1,111.11 "When you Telep�" II a R. HohensteiD on. There waa c,_ted In addition Due from . baaka and banll· u,ua.•.• foil NGaTH AVENUE F...... 1,151.11 wbat called � Oral . fefmaJa tMt you C8ll apply to)'Oal' 10 Law-­ ... ..on banlla . . .._ PROSPECT 8TIIEEI' alatllll••• of oral tra41Uoaa Cheollo t In �· elabol-ate =Tn�1�a�� �.��- .-..�CODYe'-tioae to tbe ... or -llod �. ��� 'l'eMr h-­ currenc7, .._ lUI ...... aatiafac:tila of r-uwW ... enr the ol thla Lepltam baa Pra.aUOD&lel• and .. ADVERTISE ALL Notoo o other D&tlolllll nua OF THB TDII baala f ctmU ...... ol thole wttb •'- )"CCa talk. -not e�:travaaanU:y, 110t waatefllll• crumbled away. . Liberal Jewa no Jonpr bellllfl! bowlko ...... u.oo but GIVJ: l'ede•al RMerwe tel ...n n.oo DON'T ,M!Yl!OD!f /. tbe divine origin of Ula III'*Me 111· �!1-�� ••:r -n•no I CHANOil 'W() NR&Ift' Pea l'OU. tateueb. Tbey no �r 'l' ola I,Til.OO be'-• ei:!": ..,dtllnd wcerUIIGat-.l that all the ordlnan.- date from Rt,��omptlon b ..... ot U. B. the aame period and tbat tbey are i"'\:•:!.,\.llO�.:" o'i�c� tlon) , ...... 1,000.00 .,. a.AD all perfect, Immutable and diYine...... aw TBLEPIOB , , ,111 Tbe)' DO IODIBr tblnk It to ..- Total ...... 41 .01 - � rWbt . W. WAUD, the wbole Jaw. Judalam Ia not 1 1'. Diltrlat Coamera1al Kuapr. a legal religion In tbe aenae lt OQOenow Capital oteollLIABJLJTJBIB paid In . .... f 100,000.00 . . 1108 Eaat Btnet, waa, Ther reallae tbat tbe law of Bu';llluo foalld .•••, , , • , • . . 11,000.00 Grud KUalleQa. 11'. 1. the Pentateuch baa been great to •1.111.01 a �:�'!:id �oil aource of Jewlab herolam and bol\­ taxea ...... 1,111.11 oeu and baa prevented tile Jews from aur.cumbloa morally and oplrlt­ and CORD WOOD ually and lntalleewallr P81'-u­ 4,151.11 100,000.00 KINDLING to CORD WOOD, c suitable THINK tlon and dacredatlon. All tbelr u in P'eut Da.J• -e thelr t &lad J' len&ths for fire places orlgln to tbe law. 'l'he eoualdera­ ABOUT 1'HISI tluo of the fol'eloau.. a gen- lce,rtlltloatel PuUey of Fence PN&. W to PolN and All Kind• eral cllacuulon of Hl1ber ta ---'1114 llUIDLIJro WOOD A C... Crltlellun. matt.r IPECIALTY C ....,rea...... Tbe td tile- alty or waa � , advluJilllt.J ot oreada 1 CHARLES HECKEL dlac�. � i!;;}!� '!;A ...... ,... n ..... lloantelnalde, N. J. eapl'eiMil •bJaet ... .any P. O. A.ddreu.W ...... 1. 0 :.::l.::::!.t; ' membell •fIIID theJ1or11111 ��&rtllllpatad IO,W.I� ,J, .._ In ..._aloo. Ule Nut dar ibo W.ry '-• f81 ODM ; )P�-n�,T-rAT E' ..NTS ,.. . : � • l wa:r """' •�a�aao14.m.; �. _.114p• •ta­ be -·-·· ::ill�:ttf:;��:lj�� u__.,:to ...._.te_· IIIJ -....18 •lara• LJlrat 1111.ohllbrl' ... oo•••neet�.._ Ia tlll L�!'-.ll!lll'l� · oo•meDoea ·eGIIINallr .... ':It: p. leoon.d. ... .L IlL 4hltT en -Yltad Ill ttlllld . - Ill &8•"' b ' aa. LEADER "WANT r'

-·--= ... .. - TELL US TO CALL AND ---·- THE CHURCHES TEST 0U1 PIOfiPDESS AS WELL :ioNG ('ltur•:h. OUI Flr•l llat•ll�t. and sermon Sunday WOIIIWfSBIPAS Wflt�I·IP Rnd evomln1 � " 1 o 3 0 7: 0. 50101, c R�Ralon at noon. il n� '�� ltonl 6 n Roclety at 6:4 p. minuh· ��u The tell us you ouuc l'o·opl<>o' \' Otl ar� nt rPady for t>\'f'nlng at o'clock, haVP a g <' 8 clenning, 11 W•'•tf:1 ...:da� pray..r meet1n1 of tbe pressing or repair­ ; Ma nl>r ng x r•.ll that we minute l l start for c��urrh Invitation Ia ghen to at- we A your home and return the ,. ..r.l •:tl 'Work f'Cld 1111.�·�· ame Society; An1el1 So­ 1, •lWGL �ay, third Sunday, Anpla So­ . tho ortto tDftD;:r or till •'-11llo .. tbo -- · or a11e1 s; ..... u u 11141-' t�r clot)',cloty. IH•y a 11 aoopts.o-1� 1111-ae le tbaa tbat �trls. oa lnel ..... lli(lllo 'I!IUI nool'4 llettel' et _, Ftrot �·rl!lay Devotlon.-MaoaH, oao ot ro n, 111t01110blle1 ou lallal'ato17 late. and a. m. Sacred Heart LAGGREN GREENE ... _. Ia to o O.vo:.(lotlnns �·nand Benediction of Bl-ed & 8:00 p. m. W. SECOND a. IDI'Cil naFm"tAliOJI . 1311 STREET lila ottlcloDDJ tM oar11uotor .. lDlloat.. 11r the :!arramevotlona announced on pol'foot oar'blll'etor. aotloa tho 'lllolo ...,. of 1:pH11 aDd lo... !hlo PHONE IMI ftll7 OWl' 1'0001'11 Sv<,·ial �tl}. t�aat • 1111 ..uoa. 11 \Mt Sn:�dll\'8, uu u.. that wo Wattanon, ltecter. .... 110• ...... ,. w. 1\•; 11. J. -� r·•t M. AUCTION Fl E. Cbareh. Y017 JOUI'It Sunday School for Pri­ �.I:, a m., . mary I ,.,pt . lp and .• Mornlnlll wora� .. lltill IM'mon.IO::JII n. m HOUSEHOLD GOODS t:U:-� ..,JUIIIQAJ. -�Ill. " "' . !Iunday School, Men'• Now th" time to buy lfOOdll 12 Ia 1\' omen'a Bible Cia•. for ho....,bepiDK at MUI'I'ay'a Forum.'' 1. m., Boya' League. 1 8prlns Weat Froat o:20 nL, Epworth Lea1ue. 8alea; col'Der and 1Yeaae. If T:(nt 11. Or11an Prelude. .a-t C..t.ral ::311 p.p. m., Evening worablp and haYe good8 to tllapMeIa m., JOU &Df IIT'mon7:45 good roodltloa, -d �m pel to Mld-w<>ek service In tbe cha MUI'I'ay'aqulek audJon We Wednesday evenln1 at o'clock. aalea. 8 buy eaah or Closs rn<�etlng In tbe Cburcb Study for aeU oa eom­ mtaaJon. Prtdar evcnln11, o'clock. Goode The table fumiahed by the Yale Sheffield Scientific School 8 comlq aad Jooeph F. Shaw, D. D., Paator. eyery day. aolo!r l!leeood 'Die � Ohtanb. R. JIIURRAY, Auctioneer Sunday, preacbll!.lll at 1 m. PLAINFIELD, N. Power and Fuel t .. madet on hlp rear Mowell Tourlnr Car on compara• 1 L Sunday School at p. m. J. of atock I Phone 8418 tively level roads by T. Q. Boyer, Sheffield Sdentl&o Cbrlal!an Endeavor, p. m. Profeuon E. H. Lockwoocl and 7 . Preaoblnl at p. m. School, Yale Unlftralty. llld-week aervlce8 Tueada7eftl nlna, .------,I Youna .mon'a mMttaa. 1. 1915 Model "25" I p, m., Nune of car :MAXWELL, Prlday, p. m., Cl._ meetllla. 2. OwDer 8 of car Biever Motor Cu Co., New aaveo Symphony Dete teat 1915 vPnue Mlaaloa Chapel. 3. of April JOth, lbdl,..m A Tburaf!ay at 8.00, meetlnlll of Good 4. WeiPt of car witb driver 2,000 lbl. area 20 Tomp!ars the chapel. Orchestra 1. WIDd neiatin& oq. ft. Bund•v Inat 3.00, sund��oy School. railtaDc:e declutcbed, blab 3Cilbl. •• ltoJUDc , S

J, II. Iunday School at 9: a. m. NEW JERSEY prayer Uo'cloc k. llenlllg at 6 Rev. A. Smltb, Rector. CENTRAL J. GIIGR SP CIAL EXCUR810N �:Cl ATION l�BUXD.&Y E APRIL ROLL. ICHOOL BOKOR WJLL LBAVB C Bebool IIIII TIIP The ongregational Sunday toll for April rollowa: Ia �or Department-Loll!u Bllla­ .L ... ,...... �rt�OIIII&b,ry Cathe rine Kuoed7, Gwendo­ ll�_!) T_., C. ..., Bmlth, Cbu. KJmii&tt, Jollll $695 Rowland �. Car rru- �� · Loula De�u�Jaon, ""'le "'Ik Turnerrberg, and Wlllanl llorpJ'red·n. ;l::: ======lARder :l one Mr eo-uWr-Tbo <*at- teliphone, and we will ow '-r, &ll • put ELECTJUO OOIIP.&n a-Wo�d8 are bum latM- ol UtUa a...Sa or Call.wtllrt ···"'·"•'''IJ' ',> . A.DDDIO '10PLAJIT. atorl• ...a.eua. � bu­ Cultivate tbo can to an lncraue or output droda or llablt at JOUr diaporel. llaelllot tbalr people. yoa uro tbe Bell or : lllloatrlo Com)aiiY rea4bllll til-Ul)'tll,tllU lll youu:... � treottng a bulldlnlll ..U. or a II bJ r.ot tbllllll to to t n • out tbelr II Be!.l a Nll , or r..t Fourth lt. l or f&oiDI)' Ia Ulo buJ, boUM llelp, an� ::_., t!r"'< lll nal at Garwood. Tile now mald or otlaar JO Ia � CARPENTER, roof &li be tho tal e....& now PWaleld,ti.J. n will be llrep d wtU llollllll 0011& ta D. F. lltut41lorg t.,. c'-lllad ta::OT '-4 ttna alld &ll&llllbl7illlll t.ea4• &cia. UIO PLAINPIBLD, DEII 'ftOII r PIIMII roa OJitftA ...... u. rotUJ'U Jarp. 11!,1.


' II th• ohelf Andon out of date New Goods Arriving Daily do I R@f'RliJI8 I Not he�11tata. To at Rockaway's Economy Stor JC-.erme •ponk•.nnhody New Summer rumps e ..., . .,., loanto4 BROAD STREET I ne nttw 147 rn.aa:tsa. E mt� When we say "N W", you are to infer '!"heyRootocl J lo tho ,.. Formerly The Westfield Dep't St dn styles that are different from those ordinarily rea. 414-w ore Bt.cauMNot turlley I trot. seen-that possess unusual individuality and Ob, cruol, ho.rd And bitter fat., are in perfect tune with today's fashion. thuo bo ohefYo4 'ro AND thlrt,...,lllbll DRESSMAKING..._1 .,....._ ••• MILLINERY Dr••• c:at­ At •� ttt• , .... thorn a..... All made over special lasts which means tlea. Flttlaa -•of Mlllfa•rJ'. ••17 'l'oA• they. the utmost in fitting quality. pra•Ciftll ••• •., .. ,.,..,. .. •co••u•lT•• n•••••• ADd -k 110mo hJ ..tYI•••I la•tra•tl••· 0�� GC�T-A-WO ... .., ... , ofold ... ,. . ef , ...... ,. Terll. J .... CLASSIFIED ADVERTIS RO . tt••· . EM:EN'l'S Dotrott, rr...... � ..... NltWAJlK.,... Twn •...... diHira - TO H.t.IA.�.IKY... IT., Taot. tre• 8 rertalD apd Tbere 18 middle T or p llllcbelor thlo town wbo IDIIII• It In a ADVERTISEMENTS �.::O�::.�: r;0:n J:'.�fer &l���� pnctke n..ver a t1p at 8 l'ell­ ERNEST Te HAND A Scotch Plain•, c:o1t1 taotbln• and wlU:� lll•·e fl•na.. taul'llnt or And boaeta that 1!1. E. FIELDS. New you money. 1·11-liU he r. for aU York paper. eave walt�"' think ju•t 111 well blm REPAlltiNG T... ,hone Reaelw.. at nt••· \ �•::w HOt' PUl rent. room1 and audtbn thnt bP II�Y r a tableof wllb· 71-J 109 BI"'Hdl!ltnet olhae hot tnr hea.ttnaI . elf'etrlc e Jeuee Tel. 407 ll�ht,. · Sm ith'' ntt•rnntl Ji� vert1 AvenuE'; out recf'I'Oin� eYI!I'J att..ntlou obw­ J. W. WAU.. .._..r Olllee. hnth 8 , �f>R.IImnnhlf'. MRrtln BrynltdiPn, ul u and 'Tbanll JOD, odr,' rt•lltWl'MtHt"ld q o o hoWl! thP """""r who hu blm. n all lm· from aened a \1'-\RT)I�.NT room• & d One flnuhtf'd tblo recentl7 ot al,;. Inquire Do�rrer who did little MbOf' art ortt.r thla tlpleu 1pr·uvf•mentw 'onl!lf'rvatorl t>l,to )f'l. lClm Street. ft8tomPrJrUnJ la•t I be w11a 187 tailing tb<' tnttb.w- And, to aeeaure f eDOUifb. wben tb•• lun<'l>f'<>n was ftnlabed and tile eXRd nmount of tbe rhecll paJd au poUt.. thlop happened. tbe the et Ye ap­ Tben nma!Pur proerbf'd the walt<'r. d ect! "Tbat moo p•·e you no ttpr 0 be ald. 0 a r aold tbe walter. i , OON8l'LT "No,".A.nd Jet" you aold, 'Tbaall 700. llr.' a loud tonP." 0 Ill air. you think other , I waut • '"Yeti, to[lo know that 110me .-pie , I eaftomtll'lltlpr'-CIPYeland Plain • dCIII't Dealer.

Ma"' Aa Aftb.lbald For""-M.., to due a tor '­ In a omall ltnl!llabwu towu. Wilen tare i tbe hall a odnlle •ul be Willi1111 ptWent.tered anot bit a man atroll­ much m and aam1After>1ed 8 -t two. Means to the ho e seeker. .0. It �In he a roormmercla l will wno otnoaded By doin�t so you be able to tnnlerJeatare bour tiJ'IDII' to•·orne IIIII time. nobodJ elM WileD tile � the t house, lot or farm that is bad eecure bes 1184a p t Ia an appe��ra�.nd F� J for 111e in the vicinity at the right price. tile "audiPn.,..:" 11114 tD JOD bne a t.cture will 70t1 "WUI ­ ... ,.. a or Conault him on matten per drblllr' · all e tniYeler.-N­ Eatate whether ".A. drbllr." •kl tb blinina' to Real it for Rent or for Sale Yan Poet. be .

Ule ...,.. Gtdte about INSURANCE-be places 'ftMI ..__, Ia Al10 for Union eou!ftJ. Rea4 Ute tbrou�� only the omp n BPw· hia best c a iea. tlameata earaflall7. e N. J. BaDidq Dept. ..,.. No. !t u II IIEJifEPICJAL IIOCIETY �• LOAN Bulldlll&'. to ..unc•T location In town, ten minute• Broad11:-D Bt., l!:ltaabotb. N. J. tr 110 • ���n:�:�10)':.:w0ri 8a:l01!a'J�Tut :�:/e n 1 e tref'B LariJ'e room1. table hot;:t':fd �� �la�o a10aJl1:h�� • broad. M.oderat� price•.Good Addre•• tela. without?:!.:.'t remoYal; payable In eaay "Ideal," l.eader, or 211 Dudley hwt&Jmenta. Lesal rate•; no f• •· • ...... Wt!lltaeld, JI. I. • Premlnent oltlMD& ftnanelua the .oele·• tai:I• Ave. Bl. C·7·tf fair deallll&. • ' .,LATTO LIDT, an lmpro-.emente, new· tJ' GUARANTEE • • patnte,d. Rent low to a 1mall Jyramtly. Call Contr&l Ave . 0 Ul • u • r��w'! �.� T�s��r.:"A�� ••· • ____..,.. 0 u .g�i •.h 1 ----.:-.:.:.::::.:.:::.::.::..:...:.__.� :_ 0 JPOB R.BN'T-Two larae rooma with or 0 Cheaper ,than elsewhere 0 0 0 without board. Attractive aurround ... • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t> 0 0 D 0 0 tnga. Referenclta. 531 Boulev 0 0•0 1J •• 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 ��g� W. RICH tt R. JPOR IUDN'T-P'urnlahed rooma. with or We•tlleW, N. without board. ti5 Weatfteld Ave. J. C·ll·tf P'OR RBJIIT-Two or three lar•e con� necttna turntahed rooma tor lhr'bt houool

BOllia• tor Rent and "KO POOit GOOIII lou•hby ,.our ....,nt.Bale. a. ANY or 'I'll 1:u­ �a. AT PIUCI'� - ,_ •tf F. H. SCHAEFER & CO., ·:�= � �i-::.��Wllur.1:; .A.1re. •· •IR 1·11•11

'. THE WESTFIELD LEADER The Leading and Most i W dely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County

WUTI'IIILD, RBW .JDDY, WBDIQIDAY, 1U.Y 11, 19111. PAGa 11 '10 lt "Clean Up and Paltat Up • for Home : Mel r._ ...... ,.,., -from kead to fo (Jt we eanfurnish you men the dresecomforts that wUI help you ' to enjoy the good old Summer time. • Our Straw Ha ts

Fashions Latest at $2, $2.50 and $3 and Panamas at $6 , See the Window Display '

Our Summer Collars Our Summer Sllirts The comfonable kind. Pattern• that will any man in W•t· Shapet that arw built pi- lor uaa. Soft and field. and up. Summar laundried. Priced 11 Sl, $1.50. S_2 CLEAN UP. PAINT UP, REPAIR 110.\JUI IW HKU,TII Shim for athlaric purl*". tannia, aolf llld or tht' Board or •prln�tlm<' thA ThP m�mlK'ra taot Friday autoin1. Th" Is upon uo, up a.nd paln t il••alth ram<' tc;Kether ''"'" for t and tranoacted oome rout ine Our Summer Un derwear el•unlnK nK <•v.•nlnK who have co templated In a very short �eaalon. A Known t e world over for Sum­ up. Thn•e Improvements to their bornneo their rommunhualnesa l�atlon !rom the H. V. D'a, h or mer <"D mfort. We ahina and drawen IUld nropet1:r In any part or the clt;r, and ty Moequlto Commllalon calllug the any n Union Coun- union in all air.•. wbo were deterntd b:r the bad weather attention o! the Board to a number anita Hose /o r Me ot moequlto breeding apota waa re­ I reeent Oar apeciahy. 'The belt be. o tba eoald n t a better Rockin1 Chair Union Suita-a prment that o! !erred to tbe lnapector. The In pect 25c aad Sic thing thanm 1tartn , o do now a elean up or'a report !or the month oboweds ­ made KOOCI men. a 011 haa . Sl.OO. lor nd paint up campaip, that tbere waa decided Improvement l ttle !rub paint and the In t e eondltlon o! the local dalrlea A ri10roua uuo ori ••rub bruab make m orall overb lut month. made ln­ tb& He 388 deaner Add to theM a abrub or apectlona durtnr April. Contarloua . two and a eat bae -:rlll'd u•, dlaea- !or April were aa !ollowa: GORDON k :rou'll known lard• acarlet !ever, two; t berculoola, one; the Jo:r of u._ chlckenpoJt, mumpa, 118VeQt:r-on I u e; and 53 ELM -- wbooplnro cough, one. The town STREET OPEN EVENING The Work to :&. Done. wa1ona wlll ualat the board In It The work thJa "clean-up w k" prorram beln1 helda I of the lnln&a ,... II ee ._ _. tb w ______eek _ _ ��l •����· �����--�--���--�--�- �---�- -� -�--�- �- �������-�-�- -�--�--�-�-�-� -�-�- -�-��-- -�-�-�- �- �--- �-�-�-�--������_. .... Nne,�� lmpron��:W�� �a��ltatlon, �lira Nb ID4 batteraal h red- , th -diUou hu hean eanlllll:r pro'l'ldad tor. .A.m� the thlala Up ID4 _'ll'llleh 1-1 "Claulll'll doiJia tiiJe t.ln't It wbat a lot ot PaiDt tblap Up" OlaalaiDa...... ,. tile lltrMta overlook.funny :rear ... men 1r1: heek eaUan to we women ne'l'er ...., .. b'OIIt :rarda. :rardl. , 10oma tblng teetbut llo atUolla; eoolt;. .tabiN. the nmonl of aaea nolly tt:.lnk tbe:r ran the heDM Alld rabbllll;u eii!Uiiq ap •aaaat lou ev rytblnr that'a In lt. lltNecllqot rabbllh d piMM orweadl; II• ID4 JIIOIIPiod•IDatiN lift!t.nd th e e couldn't pt aloaa with­ aDd u-. Near Side Stops out y tor a mlDuta. ._; plaDtbll ot us u4 ID4..,. women the on• who keep II...._ llowan; trJt,111qthe U....U thM are tile wocdworll ablnlq hrllht-- IIMdat- oft. talllt OD .. enamel for tile make hJ bath to tllll It sllatonlng wblte. It II ��. ,..,..._t nrnlah tablea we bUJ Mb!N of tJae lmprar-11 ...... W womontbe atalna for ehlln.and the tiiAt 11u - ....s-t ot For Street Cars b the proper eolon - of •• ...... work I ...... ·- ba ..-., 1lraMII uy up the atatn. to t�W�o � bl'lsbton . women are tbe ou• w11o u:r what on the For the purpose of uniformly regulating traffic llfnIOOO t llaJl- for parlor ud for on the public highway�. the Legislature has enact­ abadeobuebouda walll.daD­ tor and ror ed a law known as Chapter Pamphlet Laws stain and wu the 15'6, ...... · -enela e we malle the Soon. or man. of -en are the on• who keap 1915. town lpeD. the (I wbole oplo and One ot the_P�

Thurodi\Y .,v,.ntng. Mloo Bet11le • Brown, tl>P l brertan, Rave a very lntereollnl! reportl wbt�b �bowed that the el rrul tlon wu tncrflaolng raplrt­ ly thata at the p...... ,nt time an BVPr&li{eanrt book W<'rl' taken OUt dally. or 1 U s ttll.. Uladyo �mltb, ...totant Jlbrarl.on, waa l!r&uted ftve WMkl' B vacation by the board In rder that 1he n>lg'bt attend tho oummero ocbool for llbrartano at Aobury Park. Mlu Bmltb will be paid b..r oalary while att.. nd!ng thA Ml•• Beaman Tit. v,.; 61e Writer wao appointed take Mtoo Bmltb'a Stanclarcl pi&M dUl 'n" her &bllt'nC4'. T enty-t wo n ew a ppl ratlonl for Yes, the crowning typewriter triumph is here. w t book• were elved du'l'lng April and It ju•t ut and comes y�ars b!)fore expertR expected it_. For makera havt• Rtriven !'t'C i• U0.93 r t d In nneo. o --- And Ohver hBI won agam, ored wh 1 lec Fi..-e Days on Peaceful Waten to attain t i� ideal ��chine . Treaeur" er Cox" reported a balance life-time � u we 1c en w,. gave the. world ita first VISible wr1hng. on band of U,199.04. The meeting Ea Route to the Th�rr ia truly no other typewriter on earth like thl1 new Oliver "9." Think t ouch wa• praelded oYir by Preeldent Jamae of 0. M , ight that the tread o� a kitten wi\\ run 10 Clark. Tru1tee1 Cox, Dem p l the keya l f California restExpositio ns 8prlngotead and Tubby were preoent. A dellihtful amid luxuri­ ous and f'1111cinatina surnnSndin&ll CAUTION WARNINGI I Tbla brilli nt NOTES The new-day advaac• that come alone a LIBilAitY nIte w costaOltver no �omea more at tb a 1Ma on tbl• macblae are all controlled 117 old-ttme prlee. number of book of lntereet Southern Pacific Steamships '-r makee-now out f ate A l to Oliver. Even our OW'II T'MYIOUI model.­ -o -d when va atlon 1Mker1 have been placed on with thla di.Movei'J. rom­ � New York to New Orleans famou1 In their day-DeYir bad the pared ' convenient 1helvet1 near the d81k. the P'or while the OIIYer'a 1p n t new then board Optional Duplex Bblft. d d These Include: features are coatly-we bave elequ lt a oed !.be Tbe Bhaybacka In Camp-Barrowl. to by almpllfylng "Smuet Limited" It puta the whole control of letter� added Complete Bportaman'1 Guld.­ dloy In th M ltnaCIUoftpellltln Ul eoa­ ( K'"rf o ,.,. No ntra ,.,. ) aad cbarac ra In the Uttle t1nger1 of the . Buaaarott. rl1bt and leftta baodl. And It leta you write Reeolve rl1 t now to 1181 thto great Your United Stat-Bennett. New o.t... 1MA.ples S.. 0.... Su ,,..... ll T n. Throach Dlnlng ObeoT­ them all wltb only • DJI, the Jea1t to achleYemeut before you •pend a doll r for Mexico, the Wonderland of tbe Solid Pullman rBurol lnc ondNo uy typew iter. If you are uatng A n operate l'f any lteDdard typewriter made. r cuth Car110n. ...otlon dnclerL C.n 011Aut 01111dc Locomotlv-. daot. o her you will want to bow oome S - n Kleetrlc llol'etJ 111cno1o mtore tblamall:e one dOll. 1181 muelt Cam IDI for Boya ib10n. Thu of i' --G 1111 oUter �ea11 Trail and Calnp P'lre--Orlnnell a..t llilliqCar Ia Am.lca If you ar u1 nr l iv , atu & a r ch acenery and the e er It n r !JJ lftllllldla&IIJ .... ouvw x...... • .... 1 aJJ O and Roo��evelt. Bqjoy country i in , romance followa that you want tbe 11-t model . ilt and villt the Handbook of Aluka-Greely. h ory. Stop-over in Arizona with - epee4 u4 ...... -- Rememb@r thle brand·new OU••r the ..reate•t • alue Camp• In the Roekteo--Orobman. ROOHYelt Dun glveo DAYI ype ri er. Jt our pre•&ou•ul" •peclal I a ,lnYentloa._•l•lblee•er ta a le-IYo C.l wrltln"I�, a tb .. P'lablng Holldaye--Owynn. by utomoblle oYOr tba "Ape<:he Troll,• bJPwq m17a te"Dn!- opacer.ID 1\1, A&-ounoe toue._l_t w t bu all uto· alliiN, .. A-•-t and Bermuda, Put and Pr-ot-Hay- In R•ched o tu rulne "Clllf Dweutnp. oldoet hter e a tloe o,tl-1 u.,Jn: n w d •• ••r Amorlca.C Boo Compe.of • nib o( pnblnork: ot · y e• •• ward . opper City " and • �r_t afford to have the .....,ortrrw•• lt.cracken vl•lble, ..... writer... w�t tb the .�17 famou eto•t• Amerlco: tbe Canyon. Pboenb, tbo "'MMo tbe o .:r�" =::.eunte , t to •rr • w d The Grind Canyon of AriiOD&·-­ :a r t • PRINTYPJ, OrfttBatt Rt ...r thaN wY::,W:; wrlteo llko print.ean rat• aDd 1NauUfu11p fllu•ttat.t lt .....tare, wrttt, phoae or ca11 tl _ • ..._ mea. t 1..- .... rRBIC ond amon11 n r t to know about thla marvel .k Por D tl ,... Throu1b amona o Country TODAY-Write or eta • moe btlln Boo tb' typloto.o omployero. and or wrl R 1111 ...... , ...... , I F U u U a No oblhrr Uon. a lndlvl�ualo .... ' - - ...... , where are• to the Oliver. mall b •• wby � Jamea. l at o•ft'· It'• plealure for u• At 17tb Bt. ...:::�81.a. MINr W•fl 8L about Jur�t a po•t to teU WllderniiU Hom-Kemp. vou It, NEW YORK, T roua Our Unknown Bouth­ THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER CO., BROADWAY, ll b 310 N. Y. weet-I,aut. YOU CAN RENT THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER MONTHS FOR A Tramp AcroM the Continent- ­ 3 14.00. Lummlo. Vacat n Camping for Girl• io Mar . · kl The Spell of the Roeklea-MIIIo. Sale Our National Park.-Mulr Hall Our Great Waet-Ralpb. . Price 1'be Book of Floblng and Flohln� Cold Dry Air -Rbead. Vaults Throu1h the Heart of Girls' Spring Canarta­ Storage Yetab. Cana•lan Nlgbta-Wyndbam-Quln (Earl of Dun raven For Fun, Wearia& Coats l. y receiver! Lut week the l lbrar a gtft of eighteen boo.ka. Apparel, Etc. ,. aluatJon t'harl(llM :t% ur ...... SPARKS SET BARN AFIRE �·ura re1•alrt'd and remodeled dur­ Ing the Rummer at MpH-Ial . $1.69 ProDtp& ...... ,_ or 1 .. 1 ...... """'""'" Haw• Heot workmanablp, quality oer­ lkructu...,._Mttle Dai""'CP viN•! B""t prot4'ctlen agalnot thoft. lire or motha ! word to Boot', A Girls' Wbite EmbroitleM The caret-nee• of a gardener In tlw WIO

a hington, C .• May \0, l!HG. W s D. Editor T he Leader : Biggest Sale of the Year in Women's Suits I wlob to congratulate you and your paper, "The Leader.'' on the ret4ult n Different Styles. Take Your Pick obtained by me fr m a pe nny a word 100 advertlsentent lnll<'rt.edo a we<•k Some are $35 Suits-Some are $25 Suits-

connected with the pin . Thankln� 'you for your lntereat In the matt.·r I We Believe These remain, To Be the Bi&&est Values ia Suits ODend Aaywlaere. We Believe Ro Store C. These Values Youra very truly, Model Snit, of imported men's Model 3--8porting or Traveling Suit, in smart worateds and Natch 1 :--; ,.11 l'ollt•�>:•• mudn weur ' NORMA FI LA Y l�t•lt hand omely bound imported serges, showing new patch pockets with over- N ND "'''J.(<', "'llli·•·n•pit·•· mudcl, s in hraitl hall buttons, new plaited lap and neat tailored belt ; mannilb cut coat, smart silk and lnq(<' hlru•k gored akirt. ORGANIZED BIG AGENCY skir·t , with gored Mkirt ; model beautifully lined with A. R. Rule, of litH·�t white de cygne lining, navy blue, black Model '-Semi-dreuy ts, suitable for the younl8r foik ; TIU11'f own, lnoJJ•unu•n- peuu sui Forwlq ener l uud Hmnrt sht•pherd checks. made of fine French serges, full blollle with attractive 1&1. ID O a �h·• Ajpnlc)'. semi-fitted belt, tlared peplum alaahed on &idee with hat­ A. R. Rule, of tblo town, \'lce-tH·eol­ Model �Dr•·�N�' model of atyliah ahepherd checks, nuvy ton and button-holes, IIIIlart full gored skirt, yoke effect. dent and general manager of the blue black gabardine, semi empire and circular Model pnctloal uw North Atuerlcan Fruit aa Exchange, b and - &-y.,., model, tor Jarp uclltoat Imported aer..,s, navy blue and black Ia· juat returued from a trip to Oregon flounce, trimmed with cord ornaments, smart gored un1; ; new bacik auc­ silk with cluster plaits, smart skirt with double and Cllllfornla, where be hat box plait·· llarPd Hkirt. llizes to bUilt. ceeded In forming w hat be 37 53 ' willAgency. known the General Sales for tbe aaa ndl ng 6f fruit veget­ h i a and able• In car Iota. l d The geueroaal achem" will en ble Tbla aALLpeclal prloe WOOL for tomorrow SIIITS only. $1.9& Made of 101all dealers to purchase m xed acaro se geo fancy wool plaldl, In SUITS, COATS, DRFm i r , atrl.peo, •·hecka, etc., of and vegetables and thereby f r women and ml.lleea. Remarkable value at •l•ea cut outfruit middlemen'• ro to and er­ o 1> ll BIG BARGAINS tra frelgbta. Sulta;.16values , latest Mr. Rule baa IUC<:1loofully manased New atylea t he buolniiU of tbe Nortb Amerlcau $1.96 Jo' rult Exchange for a number of raabloned fro01 extra tine and under hla Dl&Dagement tho Thl1 a01art model$9.98 Ia quality 1er1e Mlf button trimmed, peau de cy1ne lin­ )'earoexchang e ba1 srown won rfully. CLOD DRESSF3 at de WOIIIEI'S Ing, full tlare, 1klrt; alzea to 18 ud In he new orl&nla&ti�>U Rnle cboo��e tro01. U at to U to baa thet co-operation or tbeMr. North An ex ellent American P'rult Exeb&DIJe, 1blpptng BBR$3r .75 dr-. fash lontid" of all-woolo tn11<1rgea1ent of and about crepeo. 1811 he •10.00 Coats, Covert Cloth care of f'l'ult unually; Tlw Cut In t U,OOO n weet model•. Colors a d black. 81- for womeD California Fruita D tr buton. sblp­ aud.. l.ll l mloaea. .llxoellent val ue for Tbul'tlde.f only Oranre Dlatrlbu­ u at ...... ; plng lO,OOO; Mutll&l ...... tora, oblp W. 8,000 ; Tro ical Fruit .. A full rippled back o01ar 7& $4.98, U7 trimmed be fast- Company,p lhlppiDI about p10,000, and ened b .. h at oa. or � Decll: ; ta tJie u'ftllt the Callfomta Vere table Unio n, o blp­ meD'a aDd m ..... co' a . Ill wo- l g p n �.ooo. u• IISSES' Mr. Rule )r.u bee.n made Ylc<>­ lONErS COATSSpecial11 t PI'ellldent of the new iatlon aa A.OO Dreuea,Sunun.., Shad• well �• a member of &MOC utt the euc ye 1.11bt wel1bt coata.$3.96 •.uttable for out1n11. eool ev• . committee. nlua and countr wear. Made or all wool ._ t•r ... Cboloe of llll.k poplla$4.98 aad m..UU1 7 wttb laoe aoltar and cutro; Mrvtce&bl• DlatrIJuadar.... aa4 1'0& eYer)'d&J a l tar ...... urP W40TS r.:�::t ��: . -���-� .�.p . �. -��-�� . ·• -r; l alaae In t� tNO�t. B114D BVIIaY PA.GB. ·�------� 1, ;;a,_ :\O;o; ,.,:'t '!>• "''llii"''i ·:Fi': ;-•"', 'l· ,'t;f;�'4. f;J>- pi": r-� :¥·l4!f��� '-'!<'�•R� i"" ''f" ,: t' " ' • ·l,.� t t \ .. ' "'��� - � ------�-��,._ -�-.,-- �------�----* ------BRADY 01' liiM. lllRY M". M ry a Brady, ""'" old, died Jl"'" ...... -.- ...... the borne, on 67 ,, 11<'0 L. Delatoar her Downer lltreet, on ,..., U"day mornlniJ laat. M,., llrt�·· or 011 Brady �aturdaJ Lut. bad been reold nt or tbla town for the put •tw entY-M'ven.. Woman Look Wall When t'nd..r larRe weddlnc bell Mill ,..,.... S he they the Ballow skin, Ia IUrVIY<"d eeeape rrlf'a lpfln:, daughter of Mrs. by children the pimples, black­ Sattwr and due 1\ twenty Rrandcblldren.IPVPD heads, indigestion or billous­ .\ p<•r•. became the bride of Tbe funeral facial blemishes to .1 l eervlr"" wrre held net!B. At Urnes, all women need rid W .• 11 t:4' elatour Jr., laat fron.. the Holy help to the )lr ,,; L. O : Trinity church on • v l ng at o The Saturday morning ys m and the safest, suret�t, clock. laet s te mORt a' · rn 7 and "'""" ronducted of poiaona, ePrSaturolf'lll fl'l' waR performed by the Rev. by Rev. eonvenlent and most Father E. A. eeonomical help they find in 1. Loomlo, paator of tbe Con­ IURney. The Dr bearera were Frank Tully, H l'hurcb, the pr-nce Pll\1\p Brad)', John �l't'�Al •"" 1\ In Whalen, Michael frlentlll and "'latiYilll Nannery, lamea Me o'\�hty Gou1h and Jamea of ahnnt and brlcletrroom. Rochford. Inter­ ment iono\P wao made In St. Mary'e, Plain­ of Th•th" torldr wae attended b7 Ml111 e-r field. or Fanwood, the Edith and l'nalm rr, Hunter Delatour, a cHA. ma a... "'"" OIOOROIA b8f!lth t•r nf he brldearoom. Muelc wu PLJI:A8F.II, Men Who Vouch bro famous D.l rl I \V etton, •nd Dtivla, of C\'{'(.O!Ir'F: family remedy an ton c effectupon rumlohr This has excellent Mro. Mary Herrla Armo11r, i hy the caterer. known the It quickly relieves the ailmenta eauaedS u the Geor11a enUre lie""'� · wa. Cyclone, aa.,., a YBJ'7 JI system. reception .....- inK the tbe happy PILLS Foll,w lnte,... defectiveor irreJrUiar action of the For This Car tlng talk on tem by l•·ft New York City en peranCt! In the orgqs of digestion, Among men who vouch for the HUDSON or Preabyterlan cbureb on backache, low extreme the roup!� Hant FranciiiCO, w'bere Sunday after­ headaehe, spirits, nervousuess. noon. are men who boulht it. Half of fnr they Tbe cbqrcb waa Purifying Six-40 lO. rout e their home. well tilled the blood, Beec am s Pilla Improve and them-buyers of )alit Bea!IOI\'s model- end Mra. Armor proved h ' have -.Ill m•�·· ber ablllt7 driven u en orator, her the car for two eea!IOns. eublect belns "Tbe t•n•:�u;:NTED Strang are cl011e by you. Consult \\'.\TI 'II eot Thlntr In the World." Some them. And remember that other men TO FORIIBR PA8TOR. lO, 11tand ready to' Clear The Complexion confirm what they say. �tnhera or the Firat Metbo­ IIIAnJo: AMERICA ; "i>IY lll IN .,.,_.,s...w v-.. ,.._ -•._ ..._ �ave their former peator, I!OI,D SeW ___.._ ,.h �--10.., ... Another man dl•t d1 1rr l!f'am, a aurprloe on IN \\'ESTFIJI:J,n. who vouches for the HUDSON R-' t; V is Howard Coffin, Its famous desiifler. P\ l tng taRt, when they the merchanta or the en­ E. Tbur11dn� '4" n Laot week qvt>r Madteon and preeent­ tiM country featured hns spent four years on this model. He dl1playo or He baa auto"d to hand110me watch, soods made'nt years ed him sold In Amari�•. and from ar­ in learning how to attain ";n, n. 20 it. ��o�rirr< following lnacrlptlon, tlclea Ia varloua papera tbe dloplayo This leading designer calls the HUDSON Light "Pr<•«•nt•••ln,.. Rev. G. Franklin Ream were marvel to many Americana Six "My Ideal of car." to who a 1 by 111,·mh•·r• f the Firat Metbodlot thought I!OOdo or ouch a nature 1\'otfteld, N. J., or whi h be made c could only abroad. One local The other men who vouch for thia fhuro h. at otore joined HUDSON pat� pnt-�tor from June to In the IJt'Deral mov<>­ are •t 1 I"lf ,." 1, 1813, the men who build it. They the APril ro. Ream wu al110 ment ROd Olrered tO the JI"Ople of created M 11tandards which this car exemplifies. And those pr..,•nt••d with " token, a alher toun­ Weatfteld a chance to """ and buy gooda standards have made the HUDSON Company little Jane Margaret made In America. Thl• taln JH'Il . nnthl tblo ,..,.,k the largeat builders of cars above e recipient or a gold atore Ia featurlniJ buy In W•ot­ $1,200. R••m Wl\>i t rbatn fteld. Accordln��: to our leadlhR m<>r­ fl!Hl P·Pndant. Mro. Hayea were amons cbanto Weotlleld people ran buy point in this car will appeal to you. 11r '""' In Every th<> �"''''" Refreehmente were •er­ Wllltlleld, made In Amerlra Rood•. Beauty, and luxury appear at their maxi­ atandard finish and enjoyable evenlns wao brando, at otandard prlrPo. mum. Refinement cannot further. ved a vrry BETTER THAN CASH ELSEWHERE be carried and they "Why not Wt'lltfteld." CREDIIS But the chid HUDSON advantase lies in its T-Hworld ERE '"""' aak S••rly a l of on 'HEI!I'l', l ttw\\h)· hu�tlnfltUt.let YIII'Ut.hf" 1'1\Jo:lliT'" dutlf' endoners. The Light Six is a new type, and one llJo' H N R. WAL8H. DEYI'II J ONF. TROll8ANn TO nJ NJo:. < not t• t r work for wants to be sure of it. O }HU'.' It ('f�tMllc"'t )'OU QualllJ. DothJDI 'l a and tmahiN JOU Jnhn Waloh, tbe oldoat of With it HUDSON service, which keepe 100 A dinner for one thouaand Metho­ tu w••ar tlu• goes H Walab, died at the car at Its best. You will always be glad that dlot men will be ghen In the Si mp­ Mr """ \f ro. J. M. avenue, on we you when you once join the HUDSON on Htgbland liOn-Crawford bulldlns, In New urged h!s ho!!IP Pvenlng laat. He waa ranks. Cit)', on Friday even ing or thla York Thur!'da\ f age and wae born E1-Preeldent WP•k IN THE VERY nln••tf"�'ll .v••arR o William Howard CLOTH lNG HUDSON MOTOR CAR CO., Detroit, Mich. He waa educated In LATEST ITYLEI :lah·r11. Blabop Luther B. Tart, In N Y. Wt1110n and Dr. ll••n• yuu _....._ ot \\'•·•tfl t·ld and Union "- to• ••boola F. Oldham will be amontr the \\' •·an "h� h'om "'"w...,., .. �·· n<>r•ady, an up to with­ h d en. It Ia espected that op�ak­ """"Jt.hlq to Colle�"· Weatft<>l thr"'· ''"' ploy W(•Pke nf the United Btateo of the Brotherhood of the Flrot M. 1'.\ NH HTORK I'RICJo:t! \ND A. C. Thompson Auto Co. Products Company. The AT lletal E. church. 413 fun•·r·ul were beld from bla Pay "E-Z" Way Park Avenue Plainfield, "''nlon...-a Sunda y afternoon and N. J. !ol'('(llt•; m•t-:Nthe !IATURDAY lr:VIr:NING8 tat{' nt !PndthmtlP >d by a large number of "IIIOTHKR'8 DAY." ltt•funrn­ of l h rment wu made In n prl&te aermono were delivered by th<' travagantly, not wastefully, but a nw�lar1mlwr · • •·Pmetery,, Plalneld. 81 puton. At the Preebyterlan churrh wblte carnation& were distributed to don't let anybody forget you. 8 I• the bopplna Guide the consre tlon as a m mor al Th• ..... p e o --..,------..,-=..,-,....----...,....-..,--....,.--...... ,...,...... ,-,..,... l'niont h.,.ou ty tb adver­ a former parlohloner and fond i m t h ..,.,��-"".. "'" -� =-"'--""-"' -� -"" =-"' -"'-"'�-"' -= �"'--"'--""--""--=- "'!-"'-"'-"'-"' =""-"' -=- -= �!!!!!!!! < Read e r- --= for · n . o tloomen'" •· full)'. er.

CLEAN MOTOR FUEL S�. I(ARKE T, HAL SE Y{;WA SHING TON Motor Fuel means CLmoreEAN mil es per gallon, freedom Nay from frequent carburetor adjust­ 1·2 111-'1-' Linens ments and greater motoring pleas­ of •. Ann J.JNt-:N!ol Sale !UMualJ'I,.: l-3 '('() n•:oi'I \Jl our great May Sale ohall the ent ' we orrer ;r .\s " tt•atursee vorer l leatllnK manufacturerM of nne UnPns. l ure. You cannot be too careful !'KtHJd lint:-s h t• ofpe rfect agoods at from one-third to one-ball le ��r� l:� '''"'"' · frt·Hh,I n t he lot are· GuPst owels r<·�ular T Hand Towelo, h about what goes into your tank. Bat h Sheet&, Hemstitched , Table Cloths, Lun�8 To"'''"· Clotho, Dolllee, Tray Clotho,Napkins, Table Topo, Burret St•t <. Lunch Bear . GHRMAN LJNir:N HUCK TOWir:L8 Where Carbon in cylinders is often due ll•·m med tow la nloe quality, apoctal, each e Ilk'. Ht•mstltcbed t.owela,, thlo oale, eacb lillie to the use of inferior gasoline­ ll" towe a, &lidaad Ink. !Ilk. STANDARD mmed and bematltcbed l eacb 1111e to a special, eacb Neat embroidered wel MOTOR GASOUNE , lfect&OUe. d aealloped ends, "blends" and "mixtures. " Linen gu•t towela, embrolde� e 'l><'<' lal, each an and 41Je. DOILIES 8PE(l)ALLY PRIOED POLARINE FRENOB OLUNY is a clean, straight­ T•'I NE come from on o t e can StandardMotor Guoline heoe beautiful clun:r dolll ee e r le• � d e Oil and Greuea anu act re a. Tumbler, bread and butte� a!, � t 1�::! distilled product, not a mixture. It is ab­ Fren r u r . obtained. manyl'!, ela borate dealJlU to cbooee from. An dvan---u• •p ur�b••� � • P be us them tollowa: solutely homogeneous-every drop like enalil to offer Ps o , u alae, 1peclal, eacb Tumbler d llleo 1LK-Incb Ilk'. llr·ead 9-ln. alt18, lllle and butter dolllea, eacb every other drop. You e-et the same steady apeclal, ea eb . dolllea, U-lncb alae, l nen napkiDI !' ate ll aee aiM llreak NapJWaa--AII pure . , 10:110 power-impulses whether you are runnin2 afiUii arlety or or Tea neat patterna; nice quality; IJ)Nlal r lnd Price or th isH·s. In d on the top or on the bottom of your tank. are cloaely woven and ·� �n !l T"-B napll:lna of pattel'lll; ext�,ra ftne� uali y �n n sood UIIOrtmellt or ': t:!ppure li e --. Blle<·lal r q > loe, per do sen, et�.OU. Sayini "Staadard to the LuIneh Qloth.--Frenc uny and Rlcbelleu embrold· Motor Guoliae " b I . lei tor lunc &lid Tableelotha, n bandaome0 apec and table In ma :r paUerna, HIRAJII L. FINK, ga1'3.2'e man is like asking to see the pure ""'d ah t. this me e " · o- �lae loeb aearta d or ..i:.:: lldf lace , •JIM· Elm Street, food label on the provisions you buy for W· n very ey.let &lleet; ed.-; Pur,. embrol"::.� I p..-tt:r l h�::e. cb ••I vrieo, •••v. napll:lna, made or yourself. It is an eaay way to make sure a H-cltdled Lim b or N · 1peclal R. N. TAYLOR lhl4Hr ID. ._,�many bandaome0 tea patterna • m German linen :rarn. In of ([etting the best motor fuel, wherever sooctaalo l"lce,, doaen, Bmbae<'la .s, doae n, edsea ••·• clothl, or ,t u-· Trer Cl.otbll- tra)' made CO. 18 17 Inch pa • ule HARDWARE To end your friction trouble. and all ex­ '•"nu.anq i y linen, 11 neat tterna· g u t nloel:r bemaUtabed; ood alc llenn&D spe al, eaeb IlliG. Pnce, i , a nc cessive wear, use Oil and od nall • ror • • d :r ll 'Y eft"' on; 181150 J Polarioe Greases, lk'llrl•&lid libeme..-Llo q drawn• with neat embroidered acar lbama; work eflecrot ; and 3 0118 Inch obtainable wherever you see the"Staadard specia ¥ � l ule price, hea'I'J quality; r atra 1t urd:r Gar �.:...O JDcbea wide ; Service Station" ai([n. U::;;':e eaoW; tree rrom diW8inJl; U Motar Guolme ya d, �� lt>eclal, r ·.., h ___-- u w ite bieeclled donllle llouble IJa&l• 'l'llltle p re ., h&Ddeome•UII pat- o Qll&lltJ ; .. yard• wltle muY dam r two aska peclal,611tra per be terns ; JaN, ,l,lU. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New ..._,) Ne�ark WAIIl&LD ·SALE OF POPULAR-PRICED FURNITURE CoHage Uee at Eepeolally Dealrable for Bungalow and HAHNE-STAGG CO.'S NEWARK SHOP

made most inexpensive prices.ay All, clean,May fresh 22 stock, well we carry alsMao goody furniI&tur;e atEnding the Saturd BeginOURnin BETgTER Sa LINEturday,S, ; all drawers fit and run sm thly; N ADDITION TO are fine French Plate ; a ll Knobs are wood oo throughout, and dependable for lasting service. All Mirrors you can get for little money when you know where to go for it. ally is upright and substantial. Remarkable what I and the furniture gener White EnamNo.el n Twin Beds

dal•:.:_r�����.���zftl. ·t�.��. .� $12

No. 15 No. 5 Combination Dresser French plate mirror Two amall drawen, N0. 13 Golden Ash three lara• drawen. ·------:. measures lllx24 in. French plate mirror We Appointed Selling Agent8 in Newark for In Gold•n Princes.s Dresser Ch 'ff on i er meuurea in. Are 8 . 20x24 · ··· · ·· I Allh $ .75 'I mirror French plate , �.. � ... $10 e ..::.. :v-:w$ 9.75 ::".::·:::�:::�.�� :.�� $9 . �� s• stic ey r S. urniture :�:����::�:;.:.�::-sts�oo klFamous throughout B Othe countryF for artiBtic lineA and exceptionally trubstantial construction UN�AR.E �OMPLETE---A wonderful selection for every room In the lJRhouse-tn Mtsston, Manor and jacobean finish. The new Austrian light brown represented in these lines. Furni,ure could not be better made than Stickley OBros. makets it. We cordially invite you to call and have our salesmen demonstrate the particular features which cau Stickley Bros.' Quaint Furniture to last ao much 1e longer than ordinary furniture. In every detail of workmanahip there is the mark of the expen hand. No. 18 No. 11 No. 2 Bureau Tall Chiffonier Combination 2 small dra"·era, iar e Chiffonier 3 a No. 10 Washstand drawers. exceptionally · larae drawer, 2 small good value An I Old·tlme abape; 2 amall ng d�awen and closet. Dressi Table drawers, la111• drawera. In Goldt'n french plate mirror 4 Ash urea 20 in. x 24. mea&· ��lden $4 $6 • 50 Ia In itt' Wbite • 75 � Enamel. . . $8 Enainel. at $ ••?S !. $4 7 :..��t $1-0.50 ·------. ------No. 1s Tbls Ext rge Size HAHNE STAGG CO. s ;; i: J�! Jac�!:����pe������ j •------...--J (No. $3.7 5 Rocker 15) Chairs, s... Size. 13 Made ol Selected Ela ud Hickory is the moat economical nnlahed Ia Goldea Oak, at and durable porch and l•wn furni· I lure you can buy. Made to lut a lifetime No care . to look after. At Special . Maple SPitVery. nt --SePricesat Rockers Storm, rouzh weather or hard un1e conatitu$2.50tes one of the moat will not injure it in the le111. You remarkable valun In Here are four specials in maple frame and splint-seat Rockers, can't break it. You can have a history of furniture aelllna.tbe whole porch or 1arden full of this See the roomineaa of among the strongest rockers made. The wide plaits of ash readil tend y splendid furniture We are ready . aeat, inapect the aubatantlaltbe charact�r of the workman themselves to the figured weaving of back or seat, and with the hard to show you entire. aummer houaea, llhip. There Ia a llfellme'a and stand, border walks and wear one of th- maple frame make the most pleasant chair of this type ever offered. awlnaa In cbaln.· wbole auitea. NOT CONVENIENT E DELIVER PROMPTLY F TO to CALL, order by lot number and I .. W the home within fifty miles or we ship the goods subject to will Newark, or to station your approval. that, � any raUroad This means in New Jersey. Or goods should they fall to come up to ex­ may be II' purchased now future pectations, you retum them. for deHvery can late Speclal arr angements have been 1 if desired. ThOBe who contemp made for telephone orden (call 1.....-:::;' pure�uiq presents for June brides All cars tnrud'er to ...c::::: invited to Market 6740) . '7 are viadt this store. .Our the Hahne-Starg Co. shop. Hahne­ one complete c ...... entire Main Floor 18 Staa Co. have connection with no Shop. now .future any store. Gift Order for other ,. ..11 -u �• �ft Cllalr, R ker, ••t,. Redler or Cllalr, R delivery, RoaUr er oc oc if deaired..J apllat . ..• • . C7 5 ar 4 75 apUnt . ... , _, · ·r: . . 75 1M! . . l ae alze...... $ • 1811 . $2 15 � ����� $2. No. It No. 7 Splendid Selectloa Old Colony Willow Furniture at All Prices This Practical White Enamel Chair ! . Ia Art Gnea. A110 ,...... Oak Bedroom Table Sturdy conatructlon and com· Wltll Draww modlou11 comfon. An unparalle led at for Vwy IPICial thla w ..t value FRIDAY AND BATIJI. 11. at DAY, MAY 14 AND oa1y HAGOHNODE ·SFURNTAGITURG ECO . St & CENTRALAV E..NEWAIIC COR.�OAD �on of odd tab._ Cllllr61J Accounts MolY Be Ope__, ...... a. oar$2 .25 at $2.25 --- �prloaa.