THE WESTFIELD LEADER The Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County No. M. WBSTI'IBLD, N:IW J:IRS:IY, WKDN:ISDAY, MAY 12, liJlli. STORMY MEETING FORM "COLLEGE" TEAMS SEMI PROPERTY HELD VERY HIQH AN ASSISTANT MUCH NEEDED n fletfng or "SAFET olubmen or tlJ<• Y . FIRST " .,, 1! Ill\ twas d the ThP Methodlot The floar.r of MI .. MaoK dlotrlct . hel In the Flrot M. Park l'ommlulonere ..n•le, the 1 .;,11 a tton r uroh had ono of had o llUroe,Catlin..: the �cllnol la t and K h their _.t n on Monday n Florence Nlarht1n 1ale, of evening, • o evPnlnl! I is assured when s moat <'njoynbly evenln�o the T w and ar;aln took up l , !lampoon, o! you settle all bills in the most :\ lh'bate a motion to In Ill<' WMtfle Mr. n Hall n d W. H. i•:: 1 ��� Broth mo th<> quPotlon of d evP opl g Park Proop�'<'t. otreet, pr&lllltd bt'r lor her • spt�dal achool erhood l practical, meet­ UtnBI< nth I..all:e pro)M'rty. Tbe l the business-like way-by check. Its ·( liHtf R nt th•lr y plan """ur..t bJ ll:lndnt>u, her ener17 d her fff• d 4 o'clock on the m11et1ngo on Monda7 night In the t e oommlulon 1ome time &IO re­ \w Ldl• Joi· and h wu aouroPfulnMe and told Safety, Economy 1 111, that the ch&\)81. f bow, wb•m and Convenience are advan­ S..eret&I'J Welch bad aant brouKht out and looked over. Cllllled t 111 Jun .. 1 o bla borne at ahe the aum of out tJpe !.etten from the vaMouo ldnll!ht, 1 .. :t·-h1'{1 tu \o·ote notice• In large rod to th<' ownen laad lODe do tages worth considering. C"ompletlon of the wu tbe eel r and chopped e borderlop: on the were , 111' l!uolth4- waa paMed. elrect tbat !bare w re oome bill park read. of wood wbl ahe ul<'d to _...:, Th lettera er p�ea Checking Accounts I H.:_!, "!ltunta" w e In ano-r to limb. are cordially invited. on waa otrered on the pro1ram. Tbe ..oe a relieve the pain In a InJured m i by no­ query aant out tbe l n nJil:lnal ot b7 comm nlo era add h t he coul n t •••-· that the aum of tice made In llr. Sampoon d o good e ery particular. aall:ln1 for ..cl a ih-r11 a�kf'tl Y the purcbaH price on pralae her worll: en ugh and tbat he · aeconded W. ce - tbla wu Dr. W. Gill, tbe club'• entertain- taln atrlpa r l g 0111, l1•' a!'lkt>d, of land neceaaary for tbe ua n hll belt lrorta to get aub­ · a d tbe dlacuuloo 'lr&a TRUITt: r. llal11111r n ment abarp, wu larl'f!IJ reapooalble developmenta laid down on tbe IC!J'Ibera to tbe latlon fund. I!: GU\ROIA!ff A. u au for the procram and plan. F. !':mot wrote tbat be Tbe a &.tsOver OaeNillioa {l\H'lil'd that be when tbe annual r of Mloo Mr- r tbOUibt t were would conalder ltenaie ·n r t" ,f �1<'<1 I atunta" oYer the men l&tb­ a aale. Herman ohowed calla to care for !-,1': 1"\ll-1 mi�tak'e to aall tor .. Kt>rn nld 3 ttl,· erlld Ill that tbe property wu not She 1 tlli• be tbe oentre of tbe ball &lld patlenta and 1,0 alcll: Ylalto. and tbat bad been r;ave him ; H. W. Howarth �; tim" three r ouaiDI cbeen. for oald all or made aeventy-elx frlendl7 === at up .. calla, at­ === === blgb n tbe at­ ul == ====== ======== After nonP; Cutter • h1 p<•ot•l" I tbe bualneu meet1n1. wblch waot.-d for tended twenty-e bt blrtba, twelve ==� " town tbat tbey would H. fl,OOO wRo ahort, were plied a otrlp 50ll100; W. Wllaox U,OOO deatha and four peratlona. Sbe of '' ' d all tbe rbatro Ill. had d at tbe meaoure up In one end of the room d lor IOOlll OO, and Mra. M. K. Hamil- cbanpd ber denr.e r To -Morro w Is Pa int Da han! to to e an tbe to 119 P OII­ y !'lUHP vote. He added ton a fun besan. tal fall..t to anawer at all. pect atreet r telepbooe 11 board could 1et Eacb man re«>lv..t a and number the On motlnn o E1el, Bf!<'Ooded Ia W fteld. WELCH BROS. IS THE PAINT STORE th""�ht marked wltb tbe name of one of the f now 709 where $ m Grape, Dr. 10 000 and tbla ou bl1 c l a, Hanard, by tbe board vot..t to &Ill: Tbe �1111 , four o lep Yale. J. 11:. annual port of Mlu Fr&ncb, you can obtain everything in the line of paints, varnishes, for to comple!AI tbe tht> Council the lm- tr aurer, owed rttee '"' a•k"d Princeton and Cornell. From tbeH for tn,ooo for the ea a lpt• for tbe stain, floor finishers, brushes and anythinK else were provemeot of tbe propertJ. of to make 1roup1 cboeen tbe men wbo JWor, lncludiDI a balanee UU.87 M&Jor l!:Yan1 duriDI tbe tbe to-morrow real BRIGHTEN •UP day. tb at nta. diiiCUulon from preYioua Jear, of U,UI.OI a pe��rmftedn � � aald tbat be wu In f&Yor of leaVI e t un wao tb e •u It c&lllt &e!IIDI llld the npenln, U81.80, DI a We are the sole agents 1 for the famoua Sherwin­ r . be t all tbe plaae re&dJ now and be11nnln1 Mlanee of Tbe reoatpll aoe Down i b tbe Ult.ll. William 1 D � the worll: tbe lint Je&r l b paints that are known the world over. were f our h te 1t"081• w b 1 of the and IDC!Iuded UO.I7 from tbe d a anded • � : poa:"0: 1 Councilman Davia tbla from the botb enda. Four men, aacb c&ri'J Ill _,onded Idea bankera club, U5 Cllnll:l, Val-Spar the varnish that won't turn white i1 one but the motion of Dr. l r m IUbiiCrlbera, a ault e&lllt, bad to ruab down tbe lll el wu put uu.&o f o and UOB of our bi�t sellers. tbroulb. len1tb of the line and bacll: aplo, oollact...t by tbe DUI'MI. Tba otber Cbalrman Per17 report.-d tbetl open tbe ault call!, put on e tbat be ..tpta were tbrou1b penoaat cbecll:a Everybody will be doing it to-morrow, pt inJine. Grape, of tbe Bulldlol bad let tbe contract clothe. It contained and mall:e anot for the care of ud entertalnmaate . MIH French Ground• Committee, conteudad �• tbe Trlan11e Park to reported er journe7 oYer me route for tbe -IOD lao tbat tbere wu a balance hulldlol tbe aa . Tbe Wood th• could be ftnlabad ruff for tbe aum of tao. Ia ault ca- ntaln d wom a dr w o the endowment fund of t118.08 co .- en' -• b · WELCH BROS., Inc. wltb tile fonda and ewell mllllnerJ. Tbe T ll bid lnclud.,. puttllll tbe peril: and a balanre tbe a l far .. ",... 1•romlaed antlca tbe In pee al fund, ll.au<l he wa1 oppoaed to In condition plantiDI and for r l men performed In donniDI tbelr llowera wblcb Ia uaed e ief worll: by the uno! thatl lo l d felt the aum-r 214 Eut Broad St. a d t na funda au care tor' tbe montba. nuree. amount1n1 to lor l garb and tbeo trying to pt oYer tbe U7.90. < oo In aa mucb aa tbe Dr. Epl reported tbat hla com Mn. ground agala without loaiDI nJ 0 - Dou1lu Bmytbe rendered TEL. 1 .. ••,... riiH•d to du t bulldllll could be � , he � mlttee bad bad tree. aet out to tbe report of tbe llnaoclal ••ld tbelr cloth81, Wll ale U committee. OWoat and Laraoat Palntlna ud .,._ntllla as r CODY I Y ee iM reee D. TM fa 11 promlalld wltb UII DI. repla t t tbat bad died. )(ra. H. J&eii:IOD, -reta , won. Ill. tbe l'f Conctem In W•tla.W e r dlap 1 Cbal1'11l&ll Gllb7 prat�ldlld aad ll&ld tbe uaoclatlon hoped to h . Tbeo there wu a potato ra . J'our pt t.. fund• ataald t i - ee P .,. llr. tbat Grape wu of potat088, bll )(..,.., DI\ ia, er , Harden, alii' appropriation of from tbe Orr Mr. rowe an o-. l!lpl Y IilYan., UOO aT "lltimlstlc; tbat tbe building were and Grape were pr-nt. town for tbe poor . liM laid down on tbe line. and four men care of patleata. tan'udulyt rl J tlafacto i were to plcll: up Mlae McKenale now baa a room In '"' , . .,,n pl<'ted aa tb- potatOM In band and tbat be cbooen CLINKS HIRE A HALL t ll wbeQI auuUn are wttb taaepoona and e&rJ'7 tbeat te b Town Ha tllalll!lltb ttwht money a to 10 on e mlotall:e tbe of ll:eJt. She told of tbe equipment In It wao bull:eta at end tbe line. 8pur- P-' the prot•o ltlon. Mr. Orr tben Now tbla room and ll&ld that abe could 'l'ltll the s red on to tbe worll: by tbelr reapectiYe 11..,,benblp Roll be llbot\,ut<•ll m t on callllll for the found there between and 8 a.
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