1903-08 August Electrical Worker.Pdf
IAN INVITATION FROM ROCHESTER, N. Y. i·1 'To any who may be planning to make ,1 Ithis city their future home we extend a cor- ,j "". dial welcome. We place at your service the :~.:,' facilities of two large stores to supply any >~ '~.'I~~want, however ~m~l1 it may be, in Furniture :~ >. ':or House Furnlshlngs. Come and look at [your leisure, make yourself at home, and i,rest assured that better values cannot be ,':'ffound anywhere else in town. .... t· THE :OPtzLAR FURNITURE HOUSE. ,,"~; \i'VEIS & FISHER CO., '~.'J.;<,cY",i",.~.. !.:~-.n~ S~AH STREET, TWO STORES. 441·445 Clinton Avenue, N. -'C c.; ROCHESTER, N. Y. Jr' '~;;:::,,,-~,,,,,,--",;,-,,,:., _______________-= FOR Electrical Workers LOUIS ERNST & SONS, ,129 MAIN STREET, EAST, NEW YORK. 1 "I i 1 , ,1.. )4 ;-,)' f r V-. --75he-- ELECTRICAL WORKER OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS. Entered at the Post OtHce at Washington, D. C., as second-class matter. :.~ VOL. III. No. 10. WASHING'tON, D. C., AUGUS't, 1903. Single copies, 10 cents $1 per year in adv~,~,~e AN OLD UNIOI\IST'S OPINION. taries, and the general staff of correspond~> ents for their overproduction of "tommy Considers the Electrical Worker One of the rot," the new " schoolm~ster " might Best Trade Journals Publish~d. thus treat those whose education is so sadly at fault: "Now, my children, I will s~~ you Editor Electrical Worker: a copy; you can imitate at first; then Y9D Will yeu permit an old trade-unionist to you can produce; but be sure to emulate say a word? I have been a reader of the my style, for therein lies the success of "the Worker for a year and a half, and in that Worker; and with work just as I outline time believe that I have read about every we may yet approach within hailing dis': thing that has been printed therein.
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