Wired for Stories! Storytelling for Gift Planning Success How to collect and share high-impact, motivational and memorable stories for organizational and personal success. Dan Harris Senior Vice President & Regional Manager Wells Fargo Philanthropic Services 720-947-6775
[email protected] This information is provided for illustration and education purposes only. Wells Fargo & Company and its affiliates do not provide legal advice. Please consult your legal advisors to determine how this information may apply to your own situation. Whether any planned tax result is realized by you depends on the specific facts of your own situation at the time your taxes are prepared. 2 The Hero’s Journey Why Storytelling? Luke Skywalker Michael (The Blind Side) The Six Myths: The Six Practices: 1. Perfect 1. Advocate and Harry Potter Simba (The Lion King) Management Serve 2. Brand-name 2. Make Markets Katniss Everdeen Mulan awareness Work 3. A breakthrough 3. Inspire (Gladiator) Pollyanna Maximus new idea Evangelists Neo (The Matrix) The Little Princess 4. Textbook mission 4. Nurture statements Nonprofit Jake (Avatar) Anne of Green Gables 5. High ratings on Networks conventional 5. Master the Art of Jamal (Slumdog Millionaire) Matilda metrics Adaptation James Bond Ponyo 6. Large budgets 6. Share Leadership © 2008, 2012 The Man from Snowy River The Beast (Beauty) The 12 Organizations: 1. America’s Second Harvest (1979) 7. The Heritage Foundation (1973) Hawkeye (Last of the Mohicans) Iron Man 2. Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (1981) 8. National Council of La Raza (1968) 3. City Year (1988) 9. Self-Help (1980) 4. Environmental Defense Fund (1967) 10.