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You are created in His image. Masses of People are predictable, though an individual person is not. The exception does not disprove the rule. Intellect and Emotion are partners who do not speak the same language. The intellect finds logic to justify what the emotions have decided. Win the hearts of the people, their minds will follow. Time and Money are two sides of a single coin. No person gives you his money until he has first given you his time. Win the time of the people, their money will follow. Sight and Sound function differently in the mind, with sound being the surer investment. Win the ears of the people, their eyes will follow. Opportunity and Security are inversely proportionate. As one increases, the other must decrease. High returns are gained from low-risk strategies only through the passage of time. He who will cheat time must embrace the risk of failure. Engage the Imagination, then take it where you will. Where the mind has repeatedly journeyed, the body will surely follow. People go only to places they have already been in their minds. ?5H<&!%I< M JKLKIL(%MNLO%GP TheThe WizardWizard ofof AdsAds Turning Words into Magic and Dreamers into Millionaires by Roy H. Williams Bard Press Austin, Texas ?5H<&!%I< L JKLKIL(%MNLO%GP The Wizard of Ads Turning Words into Magic and Dreamers into Millionaires Copyright © 1998 by Roy H. Williams. All rights reserved. Some images copyright www.arttoday.com. Printed in the United States of America by RR Donnelley. Permission to reproduce or transmit in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by an information storage and retrieval system, must be obtained by writing to the publisher at the address below: Bard Press 5275 McCormick Mountain Drive Austin, TX 78734 512-266-2112 voice, 512-266-2749 fax [email protected], www.bardpress.com Ordering Information To order additional copies, call 800-425-4769 (toll free) or visit WizardAcademyPress.com. Quantity discounts are available. ISBN 1-885167-29-6 trade paperback Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Williams, Roy H. The wizard of ads : turning words into magic and dreamers into millionaires / by Roy H. Williams. p. cm. Includes index. ISBN 1-885167-32-6 (hc), 1-885167-29-6 (pbk) 1. Advertising. 2. Small business. HF5823.W497 1998 659.1--dc21 98-17430 CIP The author may be contacted at the following address: Roy H. Williams Wizard Academy 16221 Crystal Hills Drive Austin, TX 78737 800-425-4769 (toll free) or 512-295-5700, 512-295-5701 fax [email protected] Credits Developmental editor: Chris Maddock Editor: Jeff Morris Proofreaders: Deborah Costenbader, Clare Townes Index: Linda Webster Cover design: Hugh Pirnie Text design/production: Jeff Morris Art direction: Suzanne Pustejovsky First printing: May 1998 Second printing: October 1998 Third printing: December 1998 Fourth printing: February 2003 Fifth printing: January 2004 Sixth printing: January 2005 Seventh printing: October 2005 !"#$%&'()*+,-(+. ( ,/-(/+.01-23-145 (unnumbered page 6) Contents I. Turning Words into Magic Advice on N trendcasting N why good ads stick in your mind N the qualitative trap N being believable N the quick set-up N letting people live in fantasy N pitfalls of price-driven ads N predictability N what you’re really saying N your reticular activator N substantiation N intellect vs. emotion N and more . 1. Nine Secret Words . 12 2. Buried Treasure . 14 3. Handy to Have Around . 16 4. The Mousetrap Myth . 18 5. The Rest of the Mousetrap Story . 20 6. Elevators Don’t Read Minds . 22 7. Pushing a Car . 24 8. Home Movies . 26 9. The Important One Is “You” . 28 10. No Laughing Matter . 30 11. Look for the Loophole! . 32 12. When the Truth Is Not Persuasive . 35 13. Velcro, the Ad Writer’s Friend . 36 14. Reaching the Right People . 38 15. All I Said Was . .40 16. The Mental Trigger . 42 17. Furnishings of the Mind . 44 18. Selling to Walter Mitty . 46 19. Our Need for Definition . 48 20. The Cocaine of Advertising . 50 21. The World’s Best Traffic Builder . 52 22. Reading Between the Lines . 54 7 ?5H<&!%I< S JKLKIL(%MNLO%GP 23. Big Talk and Little Acorns . 56 24. “No one goes there anymore. It’s too crowded.” . 58 25. “But it’s a dry heat.” . .60 26. Walking into Darkness . 62 27. Hardwood, Hammer, and Nail . 64 28. A Time for True Lies . 66 29. Poppin’ the Rag . 68 30. Intrusive Visibility . 70 31. A Fire Hose and a Teacup . 72 32. A Few Magic Words . 74 33. Albert’s Big Observation . 76 34. When You Need to Advertise in the Worst Possible Way . 78 35. Twelve Most Common Mistakes in Advertising . 79 36. A Peek Behind the Curtain . 82 II. Turning Strangers into Customers Thoughts on N the delight factor N passion N the power of preconception N your unique selling proposition N initiative N personality N living in reality N the benefits of failure N the planning problem N the power of presentation N listening to idiots N and much more . 37. The Best Salesman I Ever Knew . 86 38. Cecil, Charlie, and Lagniappe . 88 39. Idiots Are Out to Get Me . .90 40. Does Anyone Lack Ambition? . 92 41. A Breakfast Biscuit with Coffee . 94 42. Of Sharks and Pigs . 96 43. “. which means . .” . 98 44. Three, Four, and Three . 100 45. Flash! Commoners Outnumber the Rich . 102 46. Yes, I’m Prejudiced. So Sue Me . 103 47. A Caterpillar Named John Riley . 106 48. Abraham Lincoln! . 108 8 ?5H<&!%I< T JKLKIL(%MNLO%GP 49. Management by Consensus . 110 50. Time Poverty . 112 51. When an Idea’s Time Has Come . 114 52. When the Time Has (Not Yet) Come . 116 53. Five Happy, Nine Disappointed . 118 54. A Merry-Go-Round Called Kansas . 120 55. Falling off the Merry-Go-Round . 121 56. Perception of Value . 122 57. A Lateral Transfer of Knowledge . 124 58. Intellect and Emotion . 126 59. Silver Paint and a Weed-Eater . 128 60. The Way Things Ought to Be . 130 61. A Two-Peso Weather Report . 132 62. Is Failure the Key to Success? . 134 63. Experiment! . 135 64. Hindsight Is 20/20 . 136 65. The Secret of Jack . 138 66. Pointing Chris Like a Gun . 140 67. How Long Is Your Shadow? . 142 68. No Plan for Success . 144 III. Turning Dreams into Realities Insights into N why you’re so lucky N the sad predominance of pessimism N living a win-win life N the power of dreams N the importance of now N the necessity of focus N how to measure success N how to recognize destiny N knowing your own vision N and still more . 69. Congratulations, You Won the Lottery! . 148 70. Run with the BIG Dogs? . 150 71. Ted and the Redhead of 1886 . 152 72. Willie and His Bank Balance . 154 73. Not All the Rich Are Whiners, Willie . 156 74. But What about Grandpa Cornelius? . 158 9 ?5H<&!%I< O JKLKIL(%MNLO%GP 75. Sue’s Little Boy . 160 76. The Song of the Weasel . 162 77. Strangers on the Beach . 164 78. Thumbing Through the Diary of a Genius .
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