Extensions of Remarks 21071 H

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Extensions of Remarks 21071 H June 28, 1976 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 21071 H. Res. 1211. May 21, 1976. Elects the Hon­ H. Res. 1218, May 26, 1976. Sets forth the shall have the responsibility for investigat­ orable John J. McFall, a Representative from rule for the consideration of H.R. 9560. ing health measures generally, health facili­ the State of California, as the Speaker pro H. Res. 1219. May 26, 1976. Sets forth the ties, health care programs, national health tempore during the absence of the Speaker rule for the consideration of H.R. 10930. insurance, public health and quarantine, and of the House. H. Res. 1220. May 26, 1976. Sets forth the biomedical research and development. H. Res. 1212. May 24, 1976. Expresses the rule for the consideration of H.R. 12169. H. Res. 1227. June 1, 1976. Interior and condolences of the House of Representatives H. Res. 1221. May 26, 1976. Sets forth the Insular Affairs. Recommends that the Board on the death of the Honorable Torbert H. rule for the consideration of H.R. 13555. on Geographic Names approve a proposal to Macdonald, Representative from the State H. Res. 1222. May 26, 1976. Sets forth the name two mountains in Ala.ska after the of Massachusetts. rule for the consideration of H.R. 13655. late Congressmen Hale Boggs and Nick H. Res. 1213. May 24, 1976. Judiciary. Refers H. Res. 1223. May 27, 1976. Post Office and Begich. H.R. 13943 to the Chief Commissioner of the Civil Service. Expresses the sense of the House of Representatives that the United H. Res. 1228. June 1, 1976. Interior and Court of Claims. Insular Affairs. Recommends that the Board H. Res. 1214. May 24, 1976. Sets forth the States Postal Service shall not close or sus­ rule for the consideration of H.R. 12945. pend the operation of any post office unless on Geographic Names approve a p1·oposal to H. Res. 1215. May 25, 1976. Interior and there is a clear and compelling need to do so. name two mountains in Alaska after the Insular Affairs. Expresses the sense of the H. Res. 1224. May 27, 1976. Rules. Estab­ late Congressmen Hale Boggs and Nick House of Representatives that the President lishes the House Committee on Intelligence Begich. of the United States should direct the Sec­ to oversee and make continuing studies of H. Res. 1229. June 1, 1976. Interior and retary of the Interior to make prompt ar­ the intelligence activities and programs of Insular Affairs. Recommends that the Board rangements to conserve the helium which the U.S. Government. on Geographic Names approve a proposal to is now being extracted and then vented into H. Res. 1225. June 1, 1976. Rules. Estab­ name two mountains in Alaska after the the atmosphere. lishes the House Committee on Health which late Congressmen Hale Boggs and Nick H. Res. 1216. May 26, 1976. Post Office and shall have the responsibility for investigat­ Begich. Civil Service. Expresses the sense of the ing health measures generally, health facili­ H. Res. 1230. June 1, 1976. Interior and House of Representatives that the United Insular Affairs. Recommends that the Board States Postal Service shall not close or sus­ ties, health care programs, national health pend the operation of any post office unless insurance, public health and quarantine, and on Geographic Names approve a proposal to there is a clear and compelling need to do so. biomedical research and development. name two mountains in Alaska after the H. Res. 1217. May 26, 1976. Sets forth the H. Res. 1226. June 1, 1976. Rules. Estab­ late Congressmf:n Hale Boggs and Nick rule for the conside1·ation of H.R. 6218. lishes the House Committee on Health which Begich. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS MAC KANTOR-A GOOD MAN TO Mac Kantor was the speaker at the annual had doue it without a college degree more meeting of the State Historical Society in than a decade earlier. (He was a columnist FOLLOW Iowa City (I believe it was in 1972 or 1973), for The Des Moines Tribune-kinda the Don and I was the speaker in 1974. I reflected at Kaul, Bob Hullihan or Gordon Gamma.ck of HON. CHARLES E. GRASSLEY that time that it seemed to me that I hav& that era.) been following Mac Kantor all my life. As a successful Iowa author and alumnus OF IOWA He has proved a good man to follow. As of the Register and Tribune, Mac Kantor and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES an historical novelist Mac has few peers. his occasional eccentricities were still topics Monday, June 28, 1976 My first recollection of him was in the of discussion in the newsroom. Editor Ken­ mid-1930's when I noted that MacKinlay neth MacDonald and Managing Editor Frank Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. Speaker, on June Kantor, an Iowan, was the author of the Eyerly had known him, as had many others 12, one of the great men from my State, story for the movie, "The Voice of Bugle on the staff. They revelled in his success, and from my district, in fact, Clark Mollen­ Ann." It was a. haunting tale about a hunt­ I felt a kinship simply because we claimed ho:ff, was honored in his hometown of ing dog, and it struck a responsive note with the same home town. me because a neighbor in Lohrville was an And so it has been through the years. Al­ Webster City, Iowa, with the dedication avid coon hunter who kept several dogs. ways following Mac Kantor. He i·eceived a of a plaza bearing his name. He shared Mac Kantor was an Iowa author who, like Pulitzer Prize for "Andersonville" in 1957; that honor with another famous Webster Phil Stong, author of "State Fair," had and I received a Pulitzer for national report­ City product, MacKinlay Kantor. Both the good fortune of having his story bought ing of labor racketeering in 1958. are Pulitzer Prize winners, Mr. Mollen­ for the movies. Mac received an honorary Doctor of Litera­ hoff for his investigative reporting, Mr. I was living in Algona when I saw the ture degree from Drake University and gave Kantor for his historical novels. At the movie based on Mac's book, and he was al­ the commencement address in 1960. I fol­ dedication of the Kantor-Mollenhoff ready a boyhood hero when I moved with lowed him two years later. my family from Algona to Webster City in At the outset I wanted to be a novelist, Plaza, Webster City Mayor Bob Naden the summer of 1937. preferably a historical novelist. But I have said that probably no other city the size Kantor was back in Webster City that year found some of the events of the contempo­ of Webster City-population roughly to dig in some Indian mounds and do re­ rary history I have moved through to be 8,500-has produced two Pulitzer Prize search that I assume eventually became a more strange and more fascinating than any winners. I am proud to say I represent part of his book, "Spirit Lake." (It may have plots I might have conjured out of my imagi­ Webster City, and that I have had con­ been just a little shuffiing around with a nation. tact with at least one of its former resi­ shovel and crew to get the advantage of a In addition to Kantor, Dr. Faye Lewis was dents, Clark Mollenhoff. tax write-off on expenses to visit the old writing books and demonstrating that even home town.) women from Webster City could accomplish As an investigative reporter for the Kendal Young Library in Webster City such things. Des Moines Register for more than 20 had a whole shelf set aside for Kantor's In Junior College I read the classic "Auto­ years, Mr. Mollenhoff has uncovered mis­ books. It was quite impressive, and I set a biography of Lincoln Steffens" about a use of taxpayers' funds and betrayal of goal to try to read all of them. muckraking reporter in the era of Teddy public trust in all areas of political life, We lived at 923 First Street for a period Roosevelt. I read it with total fascination from the Des Moines Police Department of time, and it was the local street legend and absorption in Steffens' search for ethi­ to the White House. He has won every that Ma.c Kantor had acquired an early in­ cal standards in business and in the peri­ journalism award in existence at least terest in Civil War history from an old Civil odic reform movements that followed expo­ War veteran who had lived in a huge frame sure of corruption. once. house a block west. When I passed that As a 17-year-old boy, I was not only fas­ As a small recognition of his accom­ house I imagined the teen-age Kantor sitting cinated by Steffens' explorations of corrup­ plishments, I would like to print in the on the steps listening to the tales of the old tion, but privately deplored the fact that I RECORD Mr. Mollenhoff's comments at Civil War veteran. had been born 50 years too late to take part the Kantor-Mollenhoff Plaza earlier this I followed Mac Kantor in Miss Ethel Swan­ 1n those exciting forays against the forces of month: son's English Literature course at Webster evil. In my youthful naivety, I believed that City's Lincoln High School, and wrote a few MAC KANTo&-A Goon MAN To FOLLOW Steffens and his band of crusaders had pretty stories for the local Freeman Journal as he well cleansed America's cities and states.
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