Chinese characters found on common traditional Asian medicines As of September 2014

• Most packaging will use simplified Chinese characters. Some packaging uses traditional Chinese characters which are more elaborate but still recognisable. • If you are uncertain or the characters do not look familiar, it is better to seize the item and detain it for our further identification. Mainly simplified Chinese characters are shown below as they are the most frequently used. Where use of traditional characters is likely, both traditional and simplified characters are shown.

English Simple Chinese character 成份 / 主要成分 / Ingredients Cheng Fen 處(处)方 / 配料 Agarwood (Aquilaria spp.) Xiang 沉香 American ginseng Shi Yang Shen 哂洋参 Aucklandia lappa Mu Xiang 木香 (Saussurea costus) Bletilla orchid Bai Ji 白芨 / 白及 (simplified) Cistanche stem Rou Cong Rong 肉苁蓉 (Cistanche deserticola) Cremastra orchid Shan Ci Gu 山慈姑 (Cremastra spp.) Dendrobium Shi Hu 石斛 Gastrodia elata Ma 天麻 Nepenthes / Pitcher plants Zhu Long Cao 豬籠草(猪笼草) Spike nard / Indian nard Gan Song 甘松 Tree fern Gou Ji 狗脊 (Cibotium barometz) 成份 / 主要成分 / 處 Ingredients Cheng Fen (处)方 / 配料 Bear bile Xiong Dan 熊膽 / 熊胆 (simplified) Civet Ling Mao Xiang 灵猫香 Elephant hide Xiangpi 橡皮 (Elephas maximus) Leopard bone Bao Gu 豹骨 Monkey Hou Zao 猴栆 / 猴 棗 Pangolin (Manis spp.) Chuan Shan Jia Lin 穿山甲麟 Ivory Xiang Ya 象牙, 乳白色 Rhinoceros horn Xi Niu Jiao 犀牛角 Saiga antelope horn Ling Yang Jiao 羚羊角 (Saiga tatarica) Tiger sinew Hu Jin 虎筋 Tiger bone Hu Gu 虎骨 / 老虎骨 Seahorse Hai Ma 海馬 海马 (simplified) (Hippocampus spp.) / Chinese pond turtle Gui Jia / Wu Gui 烏龜 乌龟 (simplified) (Mauremys reevesii) / Turtle shell Bie Jia / Hai Gui 龟甲 蟞甲 龜甲 (Trionyx sinensis) / / Hawksbill turtle shell Dai Mao 玳瑁 Crocodylia spp. E Yu Rou 鱷魚肉(鳄鱼肉) Cobra Yan Jing She 眼镜蛇 Indian python Mang She 螨蛇 Musk deer She Xiang 麝香 (Moschus spp.) Nothern fur seal Haigou 海狗 (FYI – not CITES) (Callorhinus ursinus) Artificial Ren Gong 人工 Ren gong she Artificial Musk 人工麝香 xiang