Harley Lfarris Bartlett 18B6
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19601 TOMLINSON:ANATOMY CARYOTOIDEAE 1r9 Root. Cortex including numerous because although they have induplicate s€attered fibrous strands. morphology, their anatomy is un- doubtedly of the reduplicatetype. Siliia bodies. Silica cells adjacent to vascular bundles including silica bodies The general anatomical conclusion "hat-shaped.]' described as about the caryotoid palms is that they The Anatornicql Relatian Between the can be recognized instantly from the Caryotoid Palms and the Palms as a type of {rair base and guard cell they Vhole. possess and apart from this that they form rather an isolated group within Palms can be classified, according the palms as a whole. to the way in which the leaf segments are folded, into two major groups. Attention has been drawn to the shape The induplicate palms have leaf seg' of the silica bodies in caryotoid palms, ments which are V-shaped,in section and this being hat-shapedand not spherical include Phoenix together with most of as in the arecoid palms within which the the fan palms. The reduplicate palms caryotoid palms have usually been in- have leaf segments which are A-shaped cluded. It should be noted that several in section and include all the remaining other groups of palms possess silica feather palms together . with the fan- bodies of the sameshape as those in the leaved genera Mauritia, Mauritiell'a and' caryotoid palms, i.e. the bactroid, Lepid,ocoryum. Correlated with these chamaedoreoid,-iriarteoid and nypoid morphological features are certain ana- palms. However, these groups are ap- tomical arrangementsconspicuous in the parently not closely related and this ribs of the segmentsand in the leaf axis. common feature has probably evolved One could re{er to these anatomical types independently within each group and ttreduplicate.t' as "induplicate" and The may not be an indication of closephylo- caryotoid palms,however, are distinctive genetic affinity. Harley lfarris Bartlett ceived the A. B. degree curL la,u.d,ein 18B6- 1960 Chemistry in 1908. He took only one or two formal coursesin Botany. The Society has lost one of its very distinguished members by the recent Professor Bartlett had extraordinary death of Harley Harris Bartlett, retired linguistic accomplishments,his attain- Professor of Botany at the University ments including fluency in Malayan and o{ Michigan. a knowledge of the finer points of tlle Prbfessor Bartlett had been a dilisent language of the Batak people in Su- student of the palms and had acclom- matra. How many Latin descriptions plished important work with them, fre- of new species .of plants were to come from his pen to bolster the taxonomic quently publishing on {em over a period of years. contributions of fellow botanists, less He was born March 9, LgB6, at Ana- skilled in the classical languages! conda, Montana. In 1904 he matricu- He joined the staff of the Department lated at Harvard University. He re- of Botany o{ the University of Michigan t20 PRINCIPES [Vol. 4 in 1915 as an Assistant Professor, and Institution of Washington, the Univer- rose to a professorshipwithin six years. sity of the Philippines, and the U. S. He presided over the Department as an Department of Agriculture. intellectual leader and powerful though ProfessorBartlett's known list of pub- benevolent administrator {or 25 years. lications numbers over I50 titles. They He developedthe Botanical Gardens as reflect a major interest at first in tax- its Director from 1915-1955. onomy, then in turn plant chemistry, In 1918 he made his first of many genetics, and anthropology. Original trips to foreign lands, on this initial observationsare recorded also in paleo- one as a botanist with the U. S. Rubber botany, plant anatomy and morphology, Company in Sumatra. He conducted plant geography, radiation, ethnology, botanical and agricultural field work history, linguistics, education and phi- and research in Sumatra, the Philip- lately. pines, Formosa, Mexico, Guatemala, British Honduras, Panama, Haiti, Ar- He was unmarried. gentina, Uruguay and Chile under the an account auspicesof the University of Michigan, Chielly extracted lrom the United StatesRubber Company, the signed by K. L. Iones, RogersMc' Smithsonian Institution, the Carnegie Vaugh and' Wm. RandolPh TaYlor. How Mqny Kinds of Pqlms Are There? "How The question is often asked many kinds of palms are there?" In order to answerthis questionwith some accuracy,I counted genera and speciesin 1954 using my own provisional keys to genera and attempting through the use of monographs, floras, and personal knowledgeto eliminate synonymousnames from considerationin the number of species. The figures are not exact but seem a reasonableestimate. A reduction in the number of genera may be expectedwhen relationships among the arecoid palms are better understoodand it is certain that the number of specieswill change as new ones are discoveredand described and as many old speciesbecome better known. Figures for 1960 are essentiallythose of 1954. A total of about 230 genera arrd 2640 speciesin round numbers is distributed "induplicate" as follows. The palms include about 44 genera and 422 species: Borassoideae7 genera and 42 species; Caryotoideae 3 genera and 38 species; coryphoideae 33 genera and 330 species; Phoenicoideae1 genus and 12 species. The "reduplicate" palms number about 186 genela and 2220 species: Arecoideae about 130 genera and 1100 species; Cocoideae27 generaand 610 species; Lepido- caryoideae24 generaand 500 species; Nypoideae I genus and I species; Phytele- phantoideae4 generaand B species. It is of interest to note that the arecoid palms account for more than half the genera and somewhatless than half the species,a situation not likely to be radically changed even if further small subfamilies are segregated from them. The cocoid palms follow in number of speciesthough not of genera. The smallest subfamily consists solely of Nypa t'ruticans. H. E. Moonn. Jn..