University of Central Florida STARS HIM 1990-2015 2011 War in Pakistan the effects of the Pakistani-American War on Terror in Pakistan Akhtar Qureshi University of Central Florida Part of the Political Science Commons Find similar works at: University of Central Florida Libraries This Open Access is brought to you for free and open access by STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in HIM 1990-2015 by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Recommended Citation Qureshi, Akhtar, "War in Pakistan the effects of the Pakistani-American War on Terror in Pakistan" (2011). HIM 1990-2015. 1176. WAR IN PAKISTAN: THE EFFECTS OF THE PAKISTANI-AMERICAN WAR ON TERROR IN PAKISTAN by AKHTAR QURESHI A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Honors in the Major Program in Political Science in the College of Science and in the Burnett Honors College at the University of Central Florida Orlando, FL Spring Term 2011 Thesis Chair: Dr. Houman Sadri ABSTRACT This research paper investigates the current turmoil in Pakistan and how much of it has been caused by the joint American-Pakistani War on Terror. The United States’ portion of the War on Terror is in Afghanistan against the Al-Qaeda and Taliban forces that began after the September 11th attacks in 2001, as well as in Pakistan with unmanned drone attacks. Pakistan’s portion of this war includes the support to the U.S.