West Windsor
AUGUST 16, 2013 WEST WINDSOR & PLAINSBORO NEWS Headliners: Dancer Varna Kodoth, page 8; Picnic Planners Poonam and Pradeep Gupta, 29; Actor Connor McElwee, 33 YingHua’s Unlikely Advocate for Immersion New Face by Nokware Knight for World efore last year, Kristin Ep- stein lacked a formal back- Languages ground in education admin- B by Sue Roy istration. She spoke no Mandarin. The West Windsor resident had no herry Sizemore, the new su- connection to Chinese culture. pervisor of world languages This past May, she was appoint- for the West Windsor-Plains- ed executive director of the Ying- S boro School District, has taught Hua International School, a Man- Chinese in the district for the past darin language non-profit private 11 years. Originally from Missouri, elementary school in Princeton. Sizemore has lived in West Wind- People, says Epstein, are often sor for the past 23 years with her perplexed when they hear this. But husband, Dan Gerstenhaber, and she says the role is a natural fit. daughters Stephanie, 27, and Brit- Epstein grew up in Atlanta, tany, now 24. raised by her father, an atmospher- Her reasons for moving to West ic scientist, and her mother, a Windsor are quite familiar: both homemaker. Epstein earned an en- she and her husband were working vironmental engineering degree in New York and living in Jersey from Princeton University and a City, and wanted to move to an area master’s degree from Johns Hop- that was still accessible to the city kins in Baltimore, and worked as and also a good place to raise their an engineer for 10 years before be- coming a stay-at-home mom and they jumped at the chance and children.
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