South Asian Language Teachers Association
SALTA newsletter Issue 1 | Spring 2008 Contents SALTAPage 1 Presidential Note South Asian Language Teachers Association Presidential Note + Dear colleagues, Contents All of us are excited to work in a new in our field, such as Manindra Verma, page 1 Presidential Note, time when the South Asian Languages Surendra Gambhir, James Gair, Gabriela Nik. we represent are on the ascent in Herman Van Olphan, Harold F. Ilieva terms of student demand, academic Schiffman, Vijay Gambhir and Susham Bedi, who have founded it as a page 2-3 AIIS Advanced and professional interest as well as public perception. With this, the democratic organization and have Language built its future. Our association can Program, challenges we face are also growing. provide the venue all of us need to Surendra We focus our efforts to solidify Gambhir existing language programs, build communicate and I ask that all of you new ones and make them competitive join in the efforts to revitalize our page 4 News from the organization and energize our South Asian and up-to-date, especially, vis-à-vis the qualitative and quantitative discussion of current issues related to Languages the teaching and learning of South Resource Center, changes in the demographic profile of Asian languages. Sean Pue our students. The scope of second language acquisition has also Sincerely, page 4 Bilingualism and undergone expansion by addressing Second Language some specifics of heritage learners’ Gabriela Nik. Ilieva Learning, Tej K. language acquisition. In addition, the government has launched the page 5 National National Security Language Initiative President: Gabriela Nik. Ilieva Standards for to expand the number of Americans Vice President: Jishnu Shankhar Learning Hindi who speak ‘critical need” languages Treasurer: Gyanam Mahajan and increase the number of teachers Newsletter Editor: Brajesh Samarth page 5 Course and resources available to them.
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