IRENE PENNETTA Linguist & Translator July 2, 1986 Since 2008 IT • EN • RU

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IRENE PENNETTA Linguist & Translator July 2, 1986 Since 2008 IT • EN • RU IRENE PENNETTA Linguist & Translator July 2, 1986 since 2008 IT • EN • RU CONTACT LANGUAGES +39.329.340.64.01 ITALIAN (native) Bari, Italy ENGLISH [email protected] RUSSIAN Skype ID: ireneeeeee86 LANGUAGE PAIRS ENGLISH <> ITALIAN RUSSIAN > ITALIAN PROVIDED SERVICES EDUCATION Proofreading Russian course • Jan-Jul 2012 • Russian Language and QA/LQA Culture Institute, Saint-Petersburg University, Russia. Sworn Translation DITALS - Teaching Italian as a Foreign Language • 2011 Subtitling • Language Study Link "Torre di Babele", Rome, Italy Transcription MA Degree • 2011 • "Technical-Scientific Translation" Voiceover Video editing Course • Faculty of Foreign Languages of Bari• Languages: English, Russian BA Degree • 2008 • "Language and Culture for Tourism" Course • Faculty of Foreign Languages of Bari • Grade: COMPUTER SKILLS 106/110 • Languages: English, Russian, Arabic Microsoft Office Applications Excel • Outlook • PowerPoint • Word Microsoft IDE CERTIFICATIONS Microsoft Visual Studio TRKI-ТРКИ II (B2 level) • 2011 • Test of Russian as Foreign CAT Tools Language • Russian Language and Culture Institute, Saint MadCap Lingo • MemoQ 2015 • OmegaT • Trados 2014 Petersburg University, Russia Software DITALS I - Teaching Italian as a Foreign Language • 2011 • Aegisub • Audacity • MadCap Capture • MadCap Flare • Language Study Link Torre di Babele, Rome, Italy Movie Maker • Notepad++ • Oona Additional tools Condenser microphone Pop-filter MEMBERSHIPS / ACCREDITATIONS Certified & Expert Translator • Chamber of Commerce of Bari, Italy • Member no. 1165 Sworn translator • Courthouse of Bari, Italy • Member no. 224 1 TRANSLATION PROJECTS TOURISM / LEISURE IT / SCIENCE Amatullibio website Accenture Website copy Anticaviaroma Code2Carton Press Release Casa Perugini Confidential software/coding scripts Chiusa di Chietri GOT (Graphic Operation Terminal) Coco Beach Hyperwallet html content Dimora Cappuccini Keywords and Meta data Dohop Landroid lawn mower software strings Hotel Gabbiano Mobile banking survey Hotel Gran Paradiso Novartis I Tre Campanili NXSystems app Luxury hotel Alcove PharmaBoardroom Healthcare & Life Sciences Luxury Resort Sant'angelo Prompt choice search ads Maldive resorts SAP Masseria Don Luigi relais SAT Global Digital Content Matrix Website copy Masseria Le Torri Masseria Montalbano TECHNICAL Nina Annual Safety Training Alpa Lumber Inc 2018 (QA) Palazzo Gattini Artex Operating Instructions and Safety Precautions San Domenico olio CARFAX Report San Michele Suite JLR EPC Jaguar / Land Rover Car application Sanrà KTM Market Research Santa Maria 24 Liquid Gas Centrifugal Pump manual SassiSuite Radio Transmitter manual Tenuta Centoporte Roland DG MobilePanel/Roland CutStudio Tenuta Flora maria Tenuta San Domenico Torrepietra MARKETING / EDUCATION CONTRACTS / FINANCE ADPM Corporate Presentation Aviva financial reports Analysis of Competitive PLM Offerings Certification of arrival (naturalization purposes) Business Advantage Group questionnaire COATS Terms and Conditions Hape Quadrilla toys desciptions Company annual reports Helion Market Research survey Declaration of social responsibility English Import permit Viagra(Weblingo) Lifestyle SharpSpring Premium Partner Agreement(Weblingo) Math exercises/games for children Economic and Contractual Terms & Conditions ROPE Questioning Model survey Sexual education texts BEAUTY / FASHION CERTIFICATES Gucci/Balenciaga/Bottega Veneta clothing descriptions (review) Apostille Seoulista Birth certificates Stella McCartney kids/women clothing descriptions Certificate of Italian citizenship Tiffany 2016 collection Death certificates Marriage certificates Records of marriages 2 TRANSCRIPTION PROJECTS SUBTITLING PROJECTS Aldo Montano World Fencing Day interview "World War II in Colour", Hitler Strikes West Alessio Foconi fencer interview "World War II in Colour", The Gathering Storm Arianna Errigo fencer interview "Married with Children", Grime and Punishment CEIE Project Manager interview Aldo Montano World Fencing Day interview Confidential wire taps Alessio Foconi fencer interview Costanza Cocconcelli swimmer interview Amazon - Creative Galaxy DR. Fabio Mosca interview Amazon - iCarly Enrico Garozzo fencer interview Amazon - The New Yorker Presents FIE Italian coach interview Amazon -Tumble Leaf IBC Self Checkout Devel. manager interviews Amazon - Wishenpoof Marco Finchera fencer interview Arianna Errigo fencer interview Pittin nordic combined athlete interview Assisting Nature clinical presentations Rossella Flamingo fencer interview Assisting Nature Lab tour Scaroni trial Costanza Cocconcelli swimmer interview Enrico Garozzo fencer interview Fert-e-lab presentations FIE Italian coach interview Marco Finchera fencer interview Medically Assisted Procreation interviews Microsoft for Italian product presentations (20 files app.) Novartis Pittin nordic combined athlete interview PMA operating rooms presentations LQA PROJECTS Rai EBU – Across Borders interviews Rome Fertility Center doctor interviews Annual Safety Training Rome Fertility Center presentations Multisorb Technologies Rossella Flamingo fencer interview The Workplace environment VOICE-OVER PROJECTS Sendinblue (Email and automation platform) – Phone customer care voice system Eyecryl Toric (Biotech) - Intraocular lens Education for kids - " Xoloitzcuintle — the ancient hairless dog" Education for kids - "The three hares" Education for kids "The Climate Change " Education for kids "Peter Pan" 3 REFEREES COMPANY COUNTRY NAME ROLE EMAIL ADDRESS SERVICE PROVIDED current: [email protected] Barbara Spanu Subtitling A4TRADUCTION France PM (former: [email protected]) Stéphanie Gendraud Voice-over [email protected] CROSSWORDS Portugal Maria João Fernandes Language Specialist [email protected] Subtitling Nohemi Trevino [email protected] ELC GROUP Czech Republic Vendor Managers Translation Maciej Kiwak [email protected] LQA Bruno Rotondo Managing Dir. [email protected] GO GLOBAL! Argentina Subtitling Romina Goslino PM [email protected] Translation Senior Project KNOCKHUNDRED Rupert Heaven Transcription UK Manager [email protected] TRANSLATIONS Emma-Louise Duggan Translation Project Manager IT and EU Project Subtitling MULTILING ITALY Italy Monica Notarnicola [email protected] Coordinator Translation QUESCO BRASIL Transcription UK Ben Kohn PM [email protected] TRANSLATIONS Translation Proofreading SUBLIME Spain Nuria Martínez PM [email protected] Subtitling Translation Mirela Lapadatu [email protected] Proofreading TALKBRIDGE UK PM Corina David [email protected] Translation Translation TECHNOVATE INC. Canada Sandy Williams Account Manager [email protected] QA TICK TRANSLATIONS Spain Fátima Ruiz PM [email protected] Sworn translation Proofreading WEBLINGO South Africa Alzette D'Alton PM [email protected] Translation 4 AGENCIES I'VE BEEN WORKING WITH 5.
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