Fencing World Championship Medallists by Country

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Fencing World Championship Medallists by Country Fencing World Championship Medallists by Country by George Masin This report shows every country’s medallists in every FIE World Championship (cadet, junior, senior, or veteran). Country Codes Code English French Spanish AFG Afghanistan Afghanistan Afganistán AHO Netherlands Antilles Antilles Neerlandaises Antillas Holandesas ALG Algeria Algerie Argelia ANT Antigua & Barbuda Antigua-et-Barbuda Antigua y Barbuda ARG Argentina Argentine Argentina ARM Armenia Armenie Armenia ARU Aruba Aruba Aruba AUS Australia Australie Australia AUT Austria Autriche Austria AZE Azerbaidjan Azerbaidjan Azerbaiyan BAH Bahamas Bahamas Bahamas BAN Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladés BAR Barbados Barbade Barbados BEL Belgium Belgique Belgica BEN Benin Bénin Benín BER Bermuda Bermudes Bermudas BIZ Belize Belize Belice BLR Belarus Belarus Bielorrusia BOH Bohemia Bohemie Bohemia BOL Bolivia Bolivie Bolivia BOT Botswana Botswana Botsuana BRA Brazil Bresil Brasil BRN Bahrain Bahrein Barein BRU Brunei Darussalam Brunei Darussalam Brunei Darusalam BUL Bulgaria Bulgarie Bulgaria BUR Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso CAM Cambodia Cambodge Camboya CAN Canada Canada Canada CGO Congo Congo Congo CHI Chile Chili Chile CHN China Chine China CIV Ivory Coast Côte d'Ivoire Costa de Marfil CMR Cameroon Cameroun Camerún COD Democratic Republic of Congo Republique Democratique du Congo Republica Democratica del Congo COL Colombia Colombie Colombia CRC Costa Rica Costa Rica Costa Rica CRO Croatia Croatie Croacia C-U Cuba/USA Cuba/USA Cuba/USA CUB Cuba Cuba Cuba CYP Cyprus Chypre Chipre CZE Czech Republic Republique Tchèque Republica Checa DEN Denmark Danemark Dinamarca DMA Dominica Dominique Dominica DOM Dominican Republic Republique Dominicaine Republica Dominicana ECU Ecuador Equateur Ecuador EGY Egypt Egypte Egipto ESA El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador ESP Spain Espagne España Country Codes Code English French Spanish EST Estonia Estonie Estonia EUN Unified Team Équipe Unifiée Equipo Unificado FIN Finland Finlande Finlandia FRA France France Francia FRG Germany, West Allemagne, Ouest R.F.A. GAB Gabon Gabon Gabón GBR Great Britain Grande-Bretagne Gran Bretaña GDR Germany, East Allemagne, Est R.D.A. GEO Georgia Georgie Georgia GEQ Equatorial Guinea Guinée Equatoriale Guinea Ecuatorial GER Germany Allemagne Alemania GHA Ghana Ghana Ghana GRE Greece Grece Grecia GUA Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala GUI Guinea Guinee Guinea GUM Guam Guam Guam GUY Guyana Guyana Guyana HAI Haiti Haiti Haiti HKG Hong Kong Hong Kong Hong Kong HON Honduras Honduras Honduras HUN Hungary Hongrie Hungria INA Indonesia Indonesie Indonesia IND India Inde India IRI Iran Iran Iran IRL Ireland Irlande Irlanda IRQ Iraq Irak Iraq ISL Iceland Islande Islandia ISR Israel Israel Israel ISV Virgin Islands Iles Vierges Islas Virgenes ITA Italy Italie Italia JAM Jamaica Jamaïque Jamaica JOR Jordan Jordanie Jordania JPN Japan Japon Japon KAZ Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kazakstan KGZ Kyrgyzstan Kirghizistan Kirguistan KOR Korea Coree Corea KSA Saudi Arabia Arabie Saoudite Arabia Saudita KUW Kuwait Koweit Kuwait LAT Latvia Lettonie Letonia LBA Libya Libye Libia LBR Liberia Liberia Liberia LIB Lebanon Liban Libano LTU Lithuania Lituanie Lituania LUX Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxemburgo MAC Macao Macao Macao MAR Morocco Maroc Marruecos MAS Malaysia Malaisie Malasia MDA Moldova Moldova Moldova Country Codes Code English French Spanish MEX Mexico Mexique Mexico MGL Mongolia Mongolie Mongolia MKD Macedonia Macedoine Macedonia MLI Mali Mali Mali MLT Malta Malte Malta MON Monaco Monaco Monaco MQE Martinique Martinique Martinique MRI Mauritius Maurice Mauricio MTN Mauritania Mauritanie Mauritania MYA Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar NAM Namibia Namibie Namibia NCA Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua NED Netherlands Hollande Holanda NEP Nepal Népal Nepal NGR Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria NIG Niger Niger Niger NOR Norway Norvege Noruega NZL New Zealand Nouvelle-Zelande Nueva Zelanda PAN Panama Panama Panama PAR Paraguay Paraguay Paraguay PER Peru Perou Peru PHI Philippines Philippines Filipinas PLE Palestine Palestine Palestina POL Poland Pologne Polonia POR Portugal Portugal Portugal PRK North Korea Coree du Nord Corea del Norte PUR Puerto Rico Porto Rico Puerto Rico QAT Qatar Qatar Qatar RHO Rhodesia Rhodesia Rhodesia ROU Romania Roumanie Rumania RSA South Africa Afrique du Sud Africa del Sur RUS Russia Russie Rusia RWA Rwanda Rwanda Ruanda SAA Saar Saar Saar SEN Senegal Senegal Senegal SIN Singapore Singapour Singapur SLE Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leona SLO Slovenia Slovenie Eslovenia SMR San Marino Saint-Marin San Marino SOM Somalia Somalie Somalia SRB Serbia Serbie Serbia SRI Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka SUI Switzerland Suisse Suiza SVK Slovak Republic Republique Slovaque Republica Eslovaca SWE Sweden Suede Suecia SYR Syria Syrie Siria TCH Czechoslovakia Tchequeslovakie Checoslovaquia THA Thailand Thailande Tailandia Country Codes Code English French Spanish TJK Tajikistan Tadjikistan Tayikistán TKM Turkmenistan Turkmenistan Turkmenistan TOG Togo Togo Togo TPE Chinese Taipei Chine Taipei China Taipei TUN Tunisia Tunisie Tunez TUR Turkey Turquie Turquia UAE United Arab Emirates Emirats Arabes Unis Emiratos Arabes Unidos UKR Ukraine Ukraine Ucrania URS Soviet Union Union Sovietique Unión Soviética URU Uruguay Uruguay Uruguay USA United States U.S.A. U.S.A. UZB Uzbekistan Ouzbekistan Uzbekistan VEN Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela VIE Viet Nam Vietnam Vietnam YEM Yemen Yemen Yemen YUG Yugoslavia Yugoslavia Yugoslavia World Championship Medalists by Country - ARG (Argentina) di Tella, Isabel (*1993-06-10) 2013 Junior/Cadet World Championships Junior Women's Epee Individual =3 1 fencers have medaled in 1 Junior/Cadet World Championships 0 fencers have medaled in 0 Senior World Championships 0 fencers have medaled in 0 Veteran World Championships Tuesday, October 6, 2015 World Championship Database Page 1 of 329 World Championship Medalists by Country - ARM (Armenia) See also: EUN, URS Navasardian, Armen (Արման Նավասարդյանը) 1997 Veteran World Championships Men's Epee 40-49 3 0 fencers have medaled in 0 Junior/Cadet World Championships 0 fencers have medaled in 0 Senior World Championships 1 fencers have medaled in 1 Veteran World Championships Tuesday, October 6, 2015 World Championship Database Page 2 of 329 World Championship Medalists by Country - AUS (Australia) Bonney-Millett, Jenny (*1960-03-05 in Melbourne, Victoria, AUS) 2012 Veteran World Championships Women's Foil 50-59 =3 2014 Veteran World Championships Women's Foil 50-59 2 Cartillier, Luc (*1964-08-06 in Al-Jaza'ir, Al-Jaza'ir, ALG) 2014 Veteran World Championships Men's Epee 50-59 2 Osvath, Sarah Rozanne (*1963-07-25 in Lower Hutt, Wellington, NZL) 2014 Veteran World Championships Women's Epee 50-59 2 Robinson, Seamus (*1975-04-01 in East Melbourne, Victoria, AUS) 1991 Cadet World Championships Cadet Men's Epee Individual 1 Scherbakoff, Alexander (*1949-04-01 in Harbin, CHN) 2007 Veteran World Championships Men's Sabre 50-59 =3 Wilks, Victoria (*1959-01-28) 2010 Veteran World Championships Women's Epee 50-59 1 1 fencers have medaled in 1 Junior/Cadet World Championships 0 fencers have medaled in 0 Senior World Championships 5 fencers have medaled in 4 Veteran World Championships Tuesday, October 6, 2015 World Championship Database Page 3 of 329 World Championship Medalists by Country - AUT (Austria) Baylon, Ernst (*1903-10-21) 1931 European Championships Men's Foil Team 3 1933 European Championships Men's Foil Team 2 1937 Senior World Championships Men's Foil Team 3 Becher, Martin 1964 Junior World Championships Junior Men's Epee Individual 2 Blaschka, Robert (*1958-04-07 in Graz, Steiermark, AUT) 2008 Veteran World Championships Men's Foil 50-59 1 2009 Veteran World Championships Men's Foil 50-59 1 2011 Veteran World Championships Men's Foil 50-59 =3 2012 Veteran World Championships Men's Foil 50-59 1 2014 Veteran World Championships Men's Foil 50-59 1 Brünner, Richard (*1889) 1931 European Championships Men's Foil Team 3 1933 European Championships Men's Foil Team 2 Ebert (-Rother), Waltraud "Traudl" (*1936-03-08 in Klagenfurt, Kärnten, AUT) 1957 Senior World Championships Women's Foil Team 3 Ettinger, Kurt Erich Marie (Curtis Thomas) (*1901-11-19 - †1982-01-06 in Innsbruck, AUT) 1931 European Championships Men's Foil Team 3 1933 European Championships Men's Foil Team 2 1937 Senior World Championships Men's Foil Team 3 Falchetto, Marco (*1973-12-22 in Wien, Wien, AUT) 1993 Junior/Cadet World Championships Junior Men's Foil Individual =3 Fischer, Roman (*1915-08-03) 1937 Senior World Championships Men's Foil Team 3 Friedmann, Grete (*1899 - †1934-07-21 in London, GBR) 1932 European Championships Women's Foil Team 2 1933 European Championships Women's Foil Team 3 Gnauer (Zuber-), Helga (*1929-10-09 in Wien, Wien, AUT) 1957 Senior World Championships Women's Foil Team 3 Grasser, Elisabeth (*1904-05-07 - †2002 in Kingston Upon Thames, Greater London, England, GBR) 1932 European Championships Women's Foil Team 2 1933 European Championships Women's Foil Team 3 1935 European Championships Women's Foil Team 2 1936 European Championships Women's Foil Team 3 Grötzer, Maria (*1928-05-02 in Wien, Wien, AUT) 1957 Senior World Championships Women's Foil Team 3 Gruss, Luise 1957 Senior World Championships Women's Foil Team 3 Hanisch, Karl (*1900-01-20 - †1957) 1931 European Championships Men's Foil Team 3 Tuesday, October 6, 2015 World Championship Database Page 4 of 329 World Championship Medalists by Country - AUT (Austria) Hendrichs, Judith (*1949-07-26) 1999 Veteran World Championships
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