Popular Prophecy in Sixteenth-Century England

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Popular Prophecy in Sixteenth-Century England !o-b- t-l POPULAR PROPHECY IN SIXTEENTH. CENTURY ENGLAND : BY MOUTH AND PEN IN THE ATEHOUSE AND FROM THE PULPIT Frances M. Gladwin Department of History Thesis presented as requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophyin the Faculry of Arrs, University of Ade*aide Ma¡ch 1992. 1l CONTENTS Abstract Abb¡eviatiorrs --.....- ...--.ix 1 INTRODUCTION L PART ONE: The Definition of Prophecy Chapter One Modern Commentators z3 Chapter Two Tudor Prophets andMethods of Prophesying..---. ....-,--...45 Chapter Three The Prophecies 68 PART TWO: The Atøck on Prophecy Chapter Four Literary Opponenrs of Prophecy 89 Chapter Five Legislarive Opposition to Prophecy and Merhods of Prosecurion 120 PART THREE: The Transmission of Prophecy and the Participants Chapter Six The Transmission of Prophecy 152 Chapter Seven Parricipants: The Nobiliry t74 Chapter Eight Participanrs: The Clergy z0z Chapter Nine Participants: The Common People 228 111 CONCLUSION 257 Appendix One S tatutory I-e gi sl ation Under \(¡hich Judici al Authorities'Were Able to Prosecute Prophesiers 276 Appendix Two Sixteenth.Century Statutes Against Prophecy 278 Appendix Three Genealogical Chart of the Stafford Family 284 Appendix Four Genealogical Chart of the Pole Famíly 285 Appendix Five Genealogical Chart of the Howard Family 286 BIBLIOGRAPI{Y 287 GLOSSARY 338 ERRATA p.47 Lines 13 and 14 for "Pankhurst" read "Parkhurst". t'Foxe". p.48 Line 17 for "Fox" read p,74 Line 5 for "Stn/rre" read "Styrre". p,93 Líne 2 for " 1588 " read " 1583 ". p,123 Line 11 for "1558" read "1559". p, 156 Line 8 for "cardinal of York" read "archbishop of York" p. 161 Line 1 for "renorryn" read "fenowned". p. 164 Líne 7 for "principle" read "principal". p.285 For "Viscout Lisle" read "Viscount Lisle". 1V DECLARATION This thesis contains no material that has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma in any university and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or writcen by another peÍson, except where due reference is made in the text. Should this thesis fulfil the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy I consent to it being made available for photocopytng andloan. FRANCES M. GLAD\øIN Department of History, Universiry of Adelaide, 1997, V ABSTRACT Many historians of popular culture propose that during the sixteenth century a sepatation existed between the culture of the educated minority and that of the unlearned majoriry. Untit recently rhe history of popular culrure focused on examples of cultural division, In contrast this thesis presents non.scriptural prophecy as an example of shared culture. Non-scriptural prophecy was a phenomenon that crossed social boundaries and demonstrated the existence of areas of coûìrnon culture despite the disparity among individuals creared by other social, economic and cultural differences. This thesis also questions previous modern depictions of Tudor prophecy and presents a revision of the sources for a study of non,scriptural prophecy in an attempt to rectify the imbalance of marry studies unduly influenced by the dominance of elite documentation. This re-examination of non-scriptural prophecies from a historical perspective, rather than a literary one, further uncovers the interests and modvations of non-leamed adherents of prophecy and ultimately reveals that many people in the sixteenth century shared a common interest in prophecy that transcended social and other boundaries, Part one of this thesis, The Definition of Prophecv, contains three chapters that provide a comprehensive definition of the cultural phenomenon. The first chapter reviews definirions of prophecy made by historians and literary scholars since Rupert Taylor published the first book on rhe subject in 1911. This initial chapter includes a general discussion of al1 prophetic types identified by scholars of medievai and early modem Europe. The second chapter defines prophecy as people understood the phenomenon in the sixteenth century. This chapter idenrifies the prophet and other methods of creating or receiving prophecies, while the fir'ral chapter in this section V1 identifies the literary geffe of non.scriptural prophecies as a subject separate from their source of creation or dissemination. Section two of this thesis, The Attack on Prophecv, examines the elite denunciation of non.scriptural prophecies. Learned individuals vilified prophecies predominantly through published ffeatises and the legislature. Chaprer four reviews the practical and theological arguments against prophecy presented by literary commenlators. Chapter five examines the laws against sedition, treason and prophecy used by the judiciary in the prosecution of prophesiers. The final section of this thesis, The Transmission of Prophecv and the Participants, contains four chapters. Chapter six reveals the literary and oral exchange of propheric knowledge chroughout sixteenth.century sociery. The final three chapters discuss the participants, the nobiliry, the clergy and the conunon peopie, who adhered to prophecies and were known to judicial authorities of the period. This secrion is an attempt to expose the concerns of those who adhered ro prophecy without the undue influence of elite opinion. vll ACKNO\ryLEDGMENTS I would first like to thank my supervisors from the Department of History at the University of Adelaide, A, Lynn Martin and Frank McGregor for their help over the years it rook to finish this thesis, I am enormously appreciative of their confidence in my ability and of their exemplary academic skills that contributed to the production of this work. \(/hile researching in England, I was fortunate to have the guidance of Tim Strelton from the University of Cambridge who supervised my work during this time. I am particularly grateful to the Faculty of History at the University of Cambridge who accepted me as a visiting research student. I would also like to acknowledge the assislance of staff at the Insritute of Historical Research, London, the Bodleian Library, Oxford, The British Library Manuscripts Room, the Public Record Ofíice, London and '\ùü'arburg the Universiry of London's Institute. I greatly appreciate the access to manuscripts qnd other research material that these organisations were able to give me without which rhis thesis could nor have been complered. .ìVarneke, I also wish to thank Al Gabay and especially Sara who encouraged my inlerest in history at an undergraduate level and remained supportive throughout my years as a postgraduate and Bill Craven from the Australian National Universiry for his corffrlents, At the Universiry of Adelaide, the assistance of Margaret Hosking, subjecr librarian al the Barr Smith Library, was invaluable as was the support of Julie, Marion and Gloria in the departmental office and my fellow posrgraduates, in particular Lisl, Peter and Lynette. I have also appreciated the help given to me in the production of this thesis by Michael andJill. viii On a personal note, I am indebted to my family and friends for their understanding and unquestioning support - Fran and Dad, Maman, the Thiele family, Eliza Jane, Chris and Danne, Karen, and Liz. A very big thankyou to David, 1X ABBREVTATIONS APC Acts of the Priw Council: New Series. ASSI35 Assizes: Norfolk, Home and South.Eastern Circuitsr Indictment Files (1559.1968), Public Record Office, London. BL British Library, London, Bodleian Bodleian Library, Oxford. Cheshire Cheshire Record Office, Cheshire. CSPD Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series. CSPD. Add. Calendar of State Paoers. Domestic Series , of rhe Reisn of Elizabeth, Addenda DNB Dctionarv of National Biosraphv E Exchequer, Public Record Office, London, Folger TheFolgerShakespeareLibrary,'\ù7'ashingtonD,C. HMC Historical Manuscriprs Commission, JC Ioumals of the House of Commons. L oumals of the House of LP Letters and Paoers. Foreign and of the Reisn of Henrv VIII PC Privy Council Registers, Public Record Office, London. SP State Papers, Public Record Office, London. SR The Starutes of the Realm. STAC Star Chamber Proceedings, Public Record Office, London. STC Short Title Catalogue number in A.'W', Pollard and G.R. Redgrave, eds., A Short.Tirle talosue of Books Printed in Scotland and Ireland. and of Enelish Books Printed Abroad 1475.1640 (London,1976. 1986) and Donald \il'ing, Title of Books 'SØale and British Books Printed in Orher Counrries 1641.1700 (New York ,1945-1951), X CONVENTIONS 'VØhen quoting material from the sixteenth century I have expanded abbreviations and made only minor alterations to spelling where appropriate, In giving dates I assurne the year began on 1 January. I use modern place names wherever possible and otherwise retain rhe original spelling. The title of all proclamations derive from the Shorr-Title Catalogue by Pollard and Redgrave. In quoting folio numbers I have consistently referred to the hand wrirren number ar the bottom of the manuscript page. The only exception is in the case of Elizaberhan documents for which I cite, wherever possibie, the printed number ar the top right hand side of lhe manuscript page. For many of the documents used in this thesis no standard numbering system is evident, and in many cases the original documents include several folio numbers on a single page. However, I have tried to keep my citation of folio numbers consistent with that of other historians of the period and have included calendar references for the convenience of the reader. INTRODUCTION "Recognition of cultural divisions must not blind us to the existence, at any given point in time, of areas of comnton culture , shared meanings , which united all ranks of society''. Martin Ingram, "Ridings, Rough Music and the 'Reform of Popular Culture' in Earþ Modern England', Past and Present, no. 105 (1984), p, 7 9, Following the Henrician Reformarion of the 1530s religious reformers attacked rhe ofus oþeratumof the Catholic Church and condemned all forms of prophetic activity as demonic. \(¡hile prophecy was a valid form of communication berween God and his people during btblicat rimes, reformers argued that the spirit of prophecy no longer exisred in rheir period.
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