PAGE P0URTEEI2 Manchestet Evening Herald AvdHfga Daily Circulation The W'cather --t.. me.M onai eC Mejr, 1848 FnrecM t of L'. S. W eether B oreae 'Its, and then raise them until ^hey where they were going when they boarded his bus. . PorMal rlniring, ninttnued warm were big enough for eating. To Be Graduated Two Are Tied As Leaders and hi)mtd tnniglit; Turiiday part­ This fellow had a Cage already About Tbvvu Heard Along Main. Street Some Idea of ths manpower Member of the Aadlt ly eloudy, aratte^ afteiitoon bullt.and he was quite proud of his ■howrer*; eonttnaed w arm . idea. But hla ago went down a few shortage in town can be gained if In Retail Division Drive Bwfeen of OlfenlMtoae notchea the other day. He had a you consider the fao4 th a t .-a for­ The regular luccting of Mlanlo- And on Some of Manchester's Side Streets. Too mer postmaster and present su­ ManchiiHer-—‘A City of Village Charm nomoh Tribe No.- 68, I. O. R. M., couple of birds In hla cage that he waa really proud of. When they de­ perintendent of mails was seen The total amourtt of Bondi aold^. 10. $500, Edwin A. Jo xill be held Monday evening , in It looks as though the local po-• found that the triplets Idea had delivering mail two days this Tinker hall at eight o'clock sharp. veloped he knew he would have by, the R etail Divlaion y esterd ay Johnson Paint Company; V6u. LXIV., NO. 213 (OtexaMed AdviwUMag aa Page Id) MANCHESTER^CONN., MONDAY, JUNE 11, 1945 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CBNTS lice board will have to get along come about through a typewriting som e fine eating. He nu tu red theffi* ‘"week.- Ernest F. Brown, former­ w-is $17,525. Colonel Hathaway, 10. $500, C harles Bky, with four members for,the rest of ; error. Whoever . had, typed the on warm milk, potato and- every ly postmaster at the north end chairman of the Retail Division, Bantly Oil Company., Groups 2 and 4 of the McmM-lal Ithe present town year which endS telegram had let a figure 3 from and now superthtendent of mails 10. $500, E, Theoddte B aaB y ,| Hospital Auxiliary will meet Mop- other fattening food he could think expressed his pleasure over the 1 on August 15. or unlit the Select- his serial number drop, down a of. He had visions of a fine pheas­ at the post office 'at the center way things wgre shaping up for ' BanUy Oil Coi day ailemoott at 2 o’clock at Inc men organize again in October, line and the figure, 3 had got right 10. $500, Cecil.. food, Bantty Olll hospital. Thia will be the final ant feed in a few months. filled fn when a mailman short­ the Retail Division. Moberly Greets General Prailley meeting of the gwups. activities The grapevine tells us that the in front of the word ’’son.” So al- But B next door neighbor spoiled age-developed. Competition- Is becoming keen Company. present Board of Selectmen is though he’s fhe father of hut one OnV of the duties of the super- lOi $500,^.j6hn Dowd, B a q tly O il| Okinawa Japs Fire will cease until September. .it all for him. He wandered oveh to for the sale of these bonds and Borneo West Coast «>mewhat reluctant to appoint a baby he knows the thrill, at least, look at the cage one morning. He Intendekt., of mail.s is to comlUct- there'are two tied for top honora C o m p a q said to his friend, "Say, what are 10. $ ( ^ , F ran cis ' S c h i a b a 1 Russell Aitkin of Sterling'place, commissioner to take the place of being the father of triplets for regular^h>cks and surveys of de-: for the Sale of Bonds on Thursday. who was operated on 'ntesday ait vacated by Everett McKinney’s A few- -short, or were they long. .you keeping those birds cooped up livery routes, ., At different. Inter-' Following are Hated the top sales­ BariMy Oil Company. the Veterans’ Hospital at Rocky resignation. weeks. for 7" valsit is necessary for him to ac­ men for Thursday: -*■ ^Artillery as Yonks Hill, is making favorable progress The present police board Is "Wei.!.’’ said'our friend, the con- company each mhilman on his 1. $5,000, R obert Schaller, M an- toward I'erovery. made up of Arthur McCann, Jay It takes the keen, observant eye '^serving gent. "They are. a eouple route and make a, tepprt to the Chester Motor Sales. Invaded by Aussies;^ Rand. Sherwooil Bowers and Ray of the youngsters to spot errors. of fine pheasants I’m fattening." post office dep.artmenf'in .Wash- ; 1. $5,000, B runo Mazzoli, M an­ Manchester . Assembly No. 15. Burnham. There Isn’t any real This psst week ’.here W-as a war The friend spoke up derisive­ ington. Conse

D, Vernimb; Tmnsportatlon. Jo­ Kehlcr serving a^ director, and "had a yen to go ijp” and wiih-' (lying lo.' over the. home of seph Casanova. Jr.; Education, EIe<‘t Reardonu. pacific Vi ar A b o tit T o w n Hold Election Policte Colirt Local Doctor Fine Pageant : liiTittng the -individual scenes Into Combat Flier young Hoeffinger borroweil a FOR NEW ROOFS Barbara Doyle: Homes. Claire H. Hitler Myth Likely j a completed pageant. The garden plane from the Hurd Avlstion Scholz who was Instantly killed Flamm. all of these centering : M iiy LilMt .scene was arranged by Miss Ethyle Service at Munroe. when the plane craahSdx-h - quar­ AND ROOF REPAIRING arpund “Our. Post War World.” Lyttle and Mri^. Grace Holman. State Police Capt. William ter of a irille away, is survived by To State Post . X f '^^.'ritS-^recently organised St. Rita's This Eyeiiiiig Michael Finkelstein, 46, of l'Jl| Is Presented Crash Victim Prof. .Arthur Knoblauch of tfie To Get Honor At the opening of the service Schatzman and Lieut. Henry his parents and two Irtothsra, both • CALL 2-4428 O i i r S ;ylO rC *iS r)th erV rjrcle will hold its second ^ ______*> 69 Students' t'nlverslty of Connecticut staff will Westboiirne Parkwa.v*', ffartford. children and infants received the Army pilots. X meeting tpruorrow. evening at If Ideiitity Cloudy Tucker, who with Everett Walker, he the spenker-qt the graduation was found gullfy of .selling goodij, Saefainent of Baptism, and oth­ state aviation -Inspector, invsA^ Hoeffinger w«i^ under treatrrient Manchester Roofing Suiiiiirl J. Hoiisilon Also, I eight o'clork\,st the home of .Mis< Knijslits o f Coluinhus to Dr. D. C. Y. M ^erc to Be ,.t Vf^, '■ Large Attendance at ers were received Into the mem­ Student Pilot C^Miipan- As Graduates exercises heW at the Sykes . (Coi^tnued From Pag# One) 1 William Wajaon of 36 School wares or merchandise at private gated the crash, said It occurred for numerous'Iractures and Inter- Auditorium Wednesday evening, identified "with fair certainty" as bership of the church by Rev. W. w’hpn .the plane struck a tree arid1. narinjurle.s,'a hospital spokesman Chosen hy Elks al An* street.. V Choose Offieers for the kale without, a license in Town PreHeiited .With a (sold W ill Be Detn<»it iQ Men South Church; Synop­ Ralph Ward, Jr., minister. ion in ‘Very P6dr 'Con- LOUIS C. L A V IG N E oi his'suhlect being "A Sense of watched the 17. S. Sixth Arm.v- in Court this m'omlng by Judge Ray­ that of Hitler. lost part of .one o f Its wings -- 'said. /■ , , ' I'T^vilizatitm." The essays by the nnal Confereiiee. ? Coming YeaV.x, Diploma. sis o f >hc Presentatioif The Church School will meet flition' at Hospital. Vernon Schoolfi to IfoM'tion op. the Philippine^., I'ni-, ,u|ward K. Warner of J1 mond R.. Bpwers . and fln ^ S’ O. Of Good Will, Patron But the aame s'toriea. said four next Sunday morning at- 9:30 At "the time, of the accident, the ,/ --- Free Estimates! gtsjduate.s at this time wlH also ( has been here several davs, leav-, BienicTi Road has reported to the . t------Bond of *25 was set by . Judge charred bodiea were found In Ber­ investigators 6aid, the plane was Philadelphia has 1,041 churches. be on the "Post War World." and o'clock for tire final session when Exercises in Rockville T\v:o' MancheKter jesidenta won Ing at the front .and watching the' a a 'F icdistribullon station at At-"* Grand Knight Foster H. Wil- Bowers on an appeal to^Siiperio'r New York, June 11.— (Special) Angel to Evil If Any lin and that any one of them Sn- "That Joy May Be." was the title promotion certificates and attend­ u lletin ! there wilj be’appiopriate .Seleetion.s swered fairly well to the descrip­ high oflice In elections of (lie Con­ hard .struggle, of the troops-whose lantii City after 20 months of | lianiSvand Chancellor Joseph: Pl- Court. ' n ,-A gold diploma, commemorat­ of a dramatic pageant presented ance gifts wlIKhe awarded. Chil­ ur.v, June II — KiP\ — Toniorrovr. by the Combined Glee ciubs. trainlng is his responsihility. ' , .rvii e in" Kurope.'^ie is the aon caut of rampboll council, Knights, Finkelstein was defended by.- Dbubt Remains. tion of Hitler. At botlKpf the graduation exei- necticut State Elk.s As.-tociatinu at ing fifty yeara in th^ medical pro­ yesterday morning in the South dren will bc/ushered :to the room Rol»qrt E. Hoeffinger, 17,''a lie had ' seen nothing here that: of .Mr and MrskKdward Werner 6fJ of Columbus, participated in the dudge-Jacob Schwolsky of West This seemjli pretty flimsy Identi­ in which t b ^ will meet for classes atiident pilot, son nf Mr. and elses Superintendent of , Schools its ahnuRl conference at New Brit­ would call for a ehange" in tValn-. j j o oss sTreet and entered the ! working of the first and second Hartford. Defense counsel argued fession. will be conferred on Wed- By James Marlow fication. Because it’s so vague— Methodist church. The chancel Rockvillf. .June 11. (S))e,ciHl t.-j- ain yest'erday which will be resumed on the sec­ Xlrtrs. Louis E. Hoeffinger, of 8 Philip M. HoxCe whd is retii'ing at n ve.sterda\v „ ing methods and expresaed belief service iTt July, IMS. I degrees for the Slaflford Springs that, the local by-lawa a'lTccting ne.sday aftern'jon on Dr. D. C. T. Washington, June 11 — (A*) X ,at)d unless Hitler or bis body Is was arranged as a garden filled ond Svgfday of September. T h ^ Frank street, Bridgeport, died Thc |fr«duation cxprcispa of the the close of tirk/ present srhool James M, Reardon, JJ'""' that troops with proper basic — council yesterday afternoon And selling without a license' referred Mopre of 63 Betiton street, Man*'^ We'd better find Hitler—dead or identified beyond- dispute—look v/ith a variety of flowers. The picnic will be held, on Sat- today In' Oanbiiry hospital, Vernon Grammar schtmla will take year, will pre.senV^he diplomas to Ion street, a mcin^i of the Stale training could master readily the,/'''., Lorraine F Delanv of 22 evening, Gr#nd Knight Williams exMusivel.v .to “ peddlers," for Chester, by New York Medical out for the myths and for .then pageant opened with a prologue aftefnoon. June 2.3, on ^ e I victim of- injuries received 8iu**' place on Tuesday e<-ening at the the graduates. Police force wjio became a mcm- methods of-tightlng f^orti, Hawthorne, streei Is convalesci.ig i »l»o headed the team working the which licerises'''cv>?rc demanded by (College, ■ Flower and Fifth Avenue alive—and be sure it's Hitler.', If with little mustaches and big pop- with Miss Joyce- E. Kehler plSylng ! lawn of the church,^egin- her of the New*, Umdun lodge dm day afternoon In a plane crash SE^H W . DARLEY Pupils To Rtl^ill “ Wes [ at the Fifth Avenue Hospital, New srrond de^ee for members of the town, prwtirable through' the hospitals kt,.the 86th annual com­ not, .we’ll probahly have tO:t>ut up eyes. ' the part of Christianity.She was Sykes Auditorium at 8 o'clock.with Ing duty al llie (Irolon harnick.s I at 2:30 p. m. at Newtown In wjilrh his cnnl- Rii.viUond Raiirsdclli PKmeipal of More SiiMiorn Than 4)kr'mans 'i York Cfty. following a major op-! Friday nighti Chief of PoHce, and did not affect mencement exercises here. Dr. with a Hitler myth for yeara to accompani^ by two children, Gu^ •9 pupils receiving their diplo­ was elected (lew president of th^ panion, First kJeut.'lHoward F. Ihc Maple StrCet school, rias an­ Commenting again'on the Japa-1 eration. Her condition ia reported Election of officers will be the his client who conducted an estab­ Frank Kingdon will be the princi­ come. Wilson and Beverly Jamison. / X Hcholz, 23, son at Mr. and Mrs. : S!at<^4]lIel Aflininistratpr mas. nounced that there will he IH> ses­ Elks' Association, sui.-cccding Clr chief business to come before lished business in Hartford and did pal speaker. You can see it noiv. • Jinx Falkeiiburg ncse tenacity, he" said that while ; giaid. Six scenes followed v/hich^or- Siiicu le H oiiiiciile Edward Soholz, of 20 Oliver -Rev. Alvin IX Johnson of Mid- sion of the kindergarten elasv pn ence J Mct7arthv of Rockville, the Oklnaw»'1)sltlefleld„^ reminded Campbell council at Uf meeting to- noK come .under the provisions rf Thirteen other surviving mem- Screwballs Will be jumping off trayed the Influence of the JChris- street, Bridgeport, was ,ln- dletoan. former pastor of Rock­ Wednesday morning. Howew Prc.Sidcnt Rcanlon Is a Mam-1ics-< hint of Prance In the F'irst World, night. Charles Mather 46 chairman^^ e .local . . by-laws - . interpretation. hers of the class o f '1896, will be buildings or under trains or dying tian church In the lives oF people ! ter native, atid u. gradiiiilc uf M;in- B ride of O fficer staiftly killed. Hospital offi­ ville Bat>tist chuich. wtll Is' the ! parents planning to enter child»v,,x , waiv-the. Germans In either war; Nominating >ommltt^>oi Finkelstein ...... x'ame. to Manche.sler! similarly honored at thei.exercises. in fiophouses after scrawling a during the past fw-o /fhouaand Verdiul R eliin ied cials said Hoeffinger' died of speaker, hla subject being "Kotin'-' note like„> this: "I sure fooled in the, class .next fall mav attcm lV '’'’-‘'\7 , .bad not shown the stubbornness of j meeting tomorrow______*r.._ at, the .South which .will present the ,'lilat^"'of ; on June 1 at 6 p. m. and wa.s park-1 which will take plate at the New years. In the first scene Miss June severe head Injuries and that ItECOttM ENDS dations for a Post War World." and legister their pupils "si thst : V >wcrcl.,ri the Japanese. |Methodist church, with luhchson new officers. i ed in the yard of the Jamaican {York Academy of Medicine here.- everybody. Adolf H.” New York, June 11.—(j*)--In a Mlldner sang Brahmi “ Lullaby,'* he failed to regain eonselpds- There will also be essays by nieni- time. imuel J. Houston. 73 SchCiol "The Okinawa campaign, is a- Following the council Session a camp on Bissell street when a tom-1 They represent a total of 70(f In 1955 a breathless Bronx and during her singing she was pryan.' 0 „ June 11- (A?)-, Coron­ nes^ after being admitted to , I streke and a, ineinher of RW'kkville t-.n....- • . .w . .. St noon and' meeting at, ra.msntlc pause between their war tiers of the graduating class as Meeting. Tohlglif V TelUiva tough fight: ,you ran tell...... 2-30 It...... will be the annual Flower—" meeting of tile Knights plaint was received at the police; years of medical practice. housewife will call the police sta> duties overseas. Film Starlet Jinx surrounded by jpore than thirty er C. Paul Wald returned a suicide- the Institution. in a Irttcr to 119 {ollows: Communications. Qeorge i lodge,\vns elec,ted skeyetfTry of the A niertin" of the Rockialle Pjeh . . . that h.v looking at the ground over lirMion dav Flower Columbus Bujljimg corporation, station and Officer Waller R. C'as-j M.D. dej^rcea will be conferred tlon: Falke'nburg, 26. and Lieut. Col. children from the Beginner’s- De- homicide' verdiqt'in the deaths of| A- G,iiiie riiih will be held this i 'i which it has been fought." . wil) be held. / .sells was ordered to the scene to[on 94 luembcrs of the graduating "I have a sister who has a Jo^in R. (Tex) McCrary, 34. form­ partment who/isang with'het and Danbury, June . 11-—(A»)— In­ later sang their own song, "Jesiia Alfred Stoner and his five children evenlng-nt 8 o'cica-k at their club- , . ( I h e i - ^ M . s - ^ . l o - in answer to a direct question, Ever Ready Circle of King's (nve-stigate. ypun arrival Officer i class, of whom 76L Rje enlifVed in" friend whose brdther says his bMs er* editorial writer of The New jured in a plane crash at New­ liouse on Mile Hdl. ' ' . he said the generalshinl Cas-solla askedked for Finkristeih's ^ Army or Navy sneciallr.specialized tofd hlm that a man with a litfie Loves M e.y whose,bodies were retpoved from a town which took the life of his That All Solid ; viCe jjreaidenrj James-Gi lice, Hns- Daughters will hold its annual York Dally Mirror, were married watef-filled gravel pit near here Pronioteil had not been bnlliafit but that if: meeting tomorrow evening, at the Pol i 8 s i i e ^..-heense and was informed -he had.^|.|,jp)|^v programs mustache, Just like:. Hitler, with here yesterday by Supreme Court The sqgond scene'took place dur­ companion, a combat flier, Robert , ■ I thk' second vick presideht; ■ John the command's ortlers had been to hone. Finkelstein was-arrested and , ' ______h'ls hair in a bang Snd a big vqlce ing The'Middle Ages and was por-. list night. •> Edwa rd V. MclesUo. home of Mrs. Herbert U Tenney of Justice Ferdinand Pecora. Waid reported that the 38-year, E. Hoeffinger, 17, a student pilot, 'MrOoniiugh, Bridscpiiit. trca.siirer. fight a purely relaying action. It! his case continued in court until„ and big pop-eyes, was going from trayed^ h.v .Thomas Maxwell, 'as was reported in “very poor con- Fuel Consumers Purchase son »f.\i™. Valeria M ele.sko.of^fl:„„,, Na„p„tuck. Woodbndge street. A- pot iucl^ Hopeful Now Both Jinx and her husband will old father. Dvhb received a medical River stt^t. has ftcen ad,v-arm od had made the right moves. suppe'r will he enjoyed at , six. door to door 'Belling postcards In chojfrnaster and James Cqok as two' today at Danbury hos- Thomas 1: Walcott, a Jamaican, | '1 O U I h v c l e T i a u l l e leave soon for duty overseas, she sqlblat and a group qf Intcrmcdi- discharge from the Army Turning asi.le a corres|M.ndcnt s u ,iorniy It will be iri the the German nejghbor'hood and a on a U.SO tour of the European ‘ pltal. R*t present ir^servitw'lrt a ^ e " of ronfei-ciVe was fpa- : question as tp how many men- it . testift^.that hb made a down pay-I big crowd followed him down the a'lc and junior boys Who composed weeks ago, plunged the family and Accept Delivery of Directors' room of the Whiton .Me­ (Continued From Pag^- One) theater and Colonel McCrary for automobile Into the. pit Saturday, The dead airman was First the P Atlantic . . FU'Cf. He ^ has .seen | tilted hy. the prcs»-ntHtiohek | Army Air Force aervice In the My Father’s/World." the 'day after Mrs. Stoner gave many months'of servfCc receiitiv, ...»i .... .,1.11.1....^ led by Mrs. E. E. Segar. The hos- of the new goveriiment which the about it? N, of Bridgeport, who returned from „„ _ 4w ... .- to five ConnectH ut cnlldien. j he thought. When the correspond- upon pa.vmenl of the remaining • Pacific. The couple became engag­ birth tq a sixth child tn,^Wauseon SUBSTITUTE FUEL IMMEDIATELY on a pa.trtil craft in'the Atlantic. „ .V i. « ,1 teases will be Miss Bernice DydaD, Big .Three, at Yalta agreed would "The man' said this mSn,, , 'Translatlnn of Bible the European theater last Janu­ The three Who received scholar-' ■ $17.95 of the cost of the coat. the postcards'looked just llke' Hlt- ed in Cairo last year while Jinx hospital. Bc^re'entering the .sen-ice he Was * Mrs. Joel'Nichols. Mrs. R. k ". Ah- be organized. The Paris broadcast Scene three portrayed the trajis- ■A note found in Stoner’s wallet ary following 78 millions includ­ sh'os Weic: Finkelstein admitted taking niea Paris, June 11—iJPi—General de- ler and he kept saluting." was there'on a USO toiir. / lation of the New Te.stamenl into .juTtnloyed h.v Pnitt A- Whitiiev Air­ 1. Swanson and said Moscow already had agreed Gatilio returned to Paris today McCrary was formerly married Indicated .he had planned . the ing one on which he was shot 841 MAIN STREET s. Rohci t J. Keevel'S. New Biilain, t I tr\ to do It with less. i .Mrs. Eniina Robbins. to enlargement of the Warsaw gov- urenients of other men at the c’^rriip English and took place in ari Eng­ 'down and . rescued from the Eng- craft East Hartford. *.300: Ann M. Curran. Williinantic.' from a Normandy trip which waa 5Ia.v Be Looking for Job tov Sarah Brisban*, daiighter of drownings. the coroner said. MANCHESTER > . Hag Presented ' ' — — emment, by the addition of repre- for clothing. lish home. Thomas Tracy and jish chapnel. *125: and .Genevieve Karna7.^•mn, Intended as a routine inspection The Washington Poet, deadpan, the -..late editor and , 'cblumnist, 'The bodies of four of the chll- Burjice Woman's “ Relief Corps sentntiVi?8 of the Polish. Peasant; He also stated that he-Whought says Hitler right now, minus the He had won tvrq distinguished El'ingion. *75, Tile Pollsh-Americsn ■ baseball there waa no harm liv-^oming to tour of devastated towns and Arthur-Brisbane. >'/' Margaret McGuire qren were found in the auto, sub- presented the Recreation Board B e 1*1 i II ( ’ll u rc*lM > i team will hold a practice session Socialist and Catholic partiea. mustache, may be walking around ■part of children,, and the part of merged in 30 feet of water, while flying crosses and the air medal Honorable mentiontand a *50 Manchester to take.drdeis due'to which developed into a spectacu­ parents was played by Miss Hazel with an outdoor flag for the new t'nifigiit at the West Side Oval at 6. No t'onflnrintlon of Releaae lar personal triumph. Hoboken or Milwaukee, looking the lifeless forms of tlje father and with three oak leaf clusters, and war bond wkn\ awarded to tailh (.-\ British Foreign Office com the lack of salesjtlen in the Hart- Drlggs and Morris Bennett. In the flagpole at brief ceremonies held ^ K fiiig K eopeiiril All (ilayers are urged to report oa Ttic trip seemefi to indicate. for a house-painting job. Alice May, 7, were found nearby. had four enehiy planes to his Satiirda-y afternoon. Mhs. Kate Virginia E r>avi?i,and Norma J. 1 time. W mentathr aaid today that he had ' »tore^ E BoitH Sales fourth Scene the events leading up Giibanrlll. both of Ahacmia. 2 Pearl aireeti *-*’“ *^ deCnulle has gamed father Desperate at- last. The Post 'The other. children v;ere Jane, credit. 1 Substitute Fuel is Now Available Williama. patriotic instructor of 110 confirmation of reports thatt the j / . - than lost backing with the mass of thinks. Hitler w;H1 grow his mus­ to the departure of the Pilgrims 12; Karl, 9; Bettv Lou, 4, and Alva; While visiting his uncle, Fred 16 Poles had been released.) was h m ^ lffS for arhnken driving from England lo foui'Kl the new na­ the Corp.s nvrtde- the presentation ' ■ !' Beilin. June to. , Uela.ved 1 — 1 ' the French people in the year tache agt(in anrf try to earn a few .37 P. fe o f G oal 2. Scholz, at Newtown yesterday he •and the flag was accepted in be­ Altogether. Pertinax' article oc- 30 at p- jn. .Judge dimes giving Impersonations of tion iri the. West was portra.ved by '. Berlin's war-.s<-atred chiirch-i on a leave after cupied two columns on the Intei-- reniittw $45 of the fine. since heyreturne^ to France, aind half of the Board h.v Stephen. .T. Seeks IIi^licr ^«S.^are being reopened for Prple.s- ^ many months pver.seaa. He sus- seednd,.-Ihat the French people ap- himself In-bar-rooms only to be the following children; Beverly 2 Preparation and Pe|ivery More Von Euw. clusirman. Others tak- - - ■ "Viyle was (nyolved in an accidenl^ booed for a poor imitation. , .Wastufigtoii: June ll.XiSti—In- Swallow, Virginia Green, Donald ing part in the ceremonies were Unlesa Hitler IS found positively, .dividijSls have bought *5,022^000,- Flavell and Robert Haugh. j / 000 /^'rth of bonds toward thrir The fifth scene revealed the mod-, Satisfactory NOW x, >. Mrs. Alleg Wells, department pa­ ■;Wernei-, 68.year-oirGor^^^^ out pf ^ control, aidewiping aroae from the Germans for years will swear they triotic instnictnr: Mrs. Alice street. niflcniit. heard hiS voice in the wind, sigh­ $72500,000.000 quota In the 7th -ern youth and the influepce of - cat.or and RusSign-appointeil bur- bu6, striking a car and a stonel Syn!^ . . . RE-UPHOLSTER Kington, and Mrs. AniVa Ouinn. . (Continite^ from Page One) The assumption was UJht ^.gll DeOaulle was mubbed wherever ing around their .winter chimneys, yTar loan. Christian ideals aj;. work in the j i gomelstei of the city, said today. dent Truman's personal reprosen-. Boy'Scouts, of America. Those tak-1 hleeNgg Postponed The picnic of the Red Cross staff Willard E. Bolivar. 43. of 85ill'’ a rout* which led ^ Xnat thev glimpsed hltn on a street The.‘>e figures, released by" the One Week Only! 3 Your Immediate Purchase Assures The June meeting of Stanley Do- tempt to gain A'dcctston bV night- : mteresting£ Werner asst.stants will be held tomorrow tative had had hliriily satisfahtpry in Munich, that they saw hin[v Treasury Saturday, Include sales ing pSrl were: James Glenney, | bosx Unit No. 14, American Le- #11 Ti," .;Ti i.said m an )nterview, that-.threc discussions with/T*remicr SKalin weeping on a shattered roof ^h of $2,284,000,000 worth of E bonds, Wynn L^ns and Robert Luurt-: Gen Nikolai " io afteinmin m the garden of Mis. You pf a More Comfbrtoble Jidme uxtllar>' scheduled for Wed- ' Hem-.v Mallory. 68 Prospect sliect. and other Russian ieader.s, ' intoxication. „ . Vvillages.. In one small town the Berlin. or -5'7 per cent of the $4,000,000.- seiria. The final scene portrayed a 3-P«. LIviBf Although/no pfficial .-Ji'tatement Antomo Blais of 27 Charier Oak up ' evening has been postponed 1 r- ti i^in n nf nriPi^eontml it 'Ber.arin, conimandnut of Berlin. Yf-lhe weather is unfavorable to- people tried to drag him ^rotn his Fanatic, secret, die-hard Nazis 000 goal for "small, money” parti­ group of children in a city park to the graduation exen' iV T . ^onrh.^1 i t ^old me:-'Please edu .ato the chu-'becn/issued On the'outcome of street was fin ^ *20 for operating w.ill he waiting for a worp from welcoming, into'their .fun all chip Reoiii Suits ■ » Next Winter self is a of this citv .so thev wilt: be- willdake place the next car. At Alencon. where he spoke, cipation. The meeting will be held on Wed­ are two amendTnems tne^dr tlie tat1eclal Music ■ Rev. (Jeorge Gilbert, author of Okla).'would make it unlawful for ‘ he people of Berlin the beginning ofc the fall . whip his countrym^ intb one final WE HAVE RUN jOF OVEN C O K ^ " "Forty Yeara a Country Preacher" May '27 pn the same chargg inj. bid for the victory he lost In 1945. The music was arranged '-ht' 20% Down Trtitnnn Expects ! volving the same car which'...wtis! Vatican-'Ctty, June 11.—i/P)— waa the apeaker at a apecial 'U'h ^irnor.'iior™^ c t Fit I ri Will PasB Ihto Folklore George G. Ashton, minister of mle»4, .son of involved in the^accident yesterday. And a thousand years from now, Pope'ffuB X li today received In sic. in' the prelude and postiude i Have *w ssissmsn call wiUi a Grange Sunday evening aervice ijmrs " a reasonable profit on . fortress- i i o m i T u U n }i$ audience members of the U. S. esgylets seisetlsa •( tinea y held laat evening at the Vernon ! took refuge behind their fortress- if he is not found, he will pass Mr. Ashton was accompanied at ! C.4LL5087^bw Item. _ : uu...... —.4 .-11 12 Lydiill stieet, Washington. June 11 —-(Ti. — ■ Senate Militany Affairs and Ap­ the organ by a quartet of truni- ; .Center Congregational church. I The Mhj.r other, byhv nenatoic;enatnr Taft la il <<«* R- like Walls ^ and used-^thcir * x tail slee- StdteN last v.e&K after s^viiiir to ,^e President Truman liioked forw:ard into the folklore of the race.-He’ll Xhere. waa muaic by a TODAY AND TUESDAY he a demon to men of good will, a; propriations committees who are peters, t^illiam Nemcroff, Ross ! special .phiol, would require OPA to fix ' ,a»'i « k™.i 211 with the 115tjyAir 5 tX ^ r Forces.ihP'orces. it eagerly today to the return of 2,(W)0 Persons See Orange Choir. Mrs. Helen Italy .--TIJpatron aiigel to evil men who .will touring the Mediterranean thea­ Urquhart, Jr„ Edward Ferris and , Phons 2-4127 1 I'"-1 ceilings oh manufactured articles Oeneial Bezarm said s ^ i t 20 for the pam seven mrurths. He Harry Hopkins with good tidings' ter. They were presented to the throp. Mrs. Bernice Bamforth and high enough to allow the same dol- churches, most! ,- Evangelical Lii- find in the" memory of him a .new James McKay, Jr., all members of . flew )u ship from- Jtaiy hy way from Moscow. , I^iiiiehiiig of Sub pontiff by Myron Taylor, presiden­ the.Church School. A number of ^ Rev. William. Booth made, the ar- lar margin above costs that The president's special emissary incentive'to be'inhuman. i of Arises1 and the,Xznres, landing There have been , other myths- tial envoy to the. Vatican, who is young men of the Church School MdePonald Uphelsfsry Co. THE SEAM AN f u e l ranRementa for the aon-ice. received in 19.39 "Vt e have thc led Arm ycon- aJ/Bradl€\v€\v Field!. \H ....c. is now en- ; reportedly carried, among other leaving tomorrow by plane for also'served as ushers. e-v OlrlU an Scouts , .4 Notice , m. U ! Thomas Contends B "rea.simable! »yht and appi oval. \V ernet eXr things. Premier Stalin’s views Pii ■ I about other big names when there j 9t3 MeiN St. Hertford . ying a ,'iO-may Je^-e before re- Groton, June 1-? (AJ/ A crowd was t. lot less mystery about their Paris en rriute to the United The pagqant was arranged By | The Rockville JLodge of . Elks has profit" guarantee U needed to apur plained. "I have appointed a Cat pbKing fbf , fprther \sssignment. i plans for an cari^"Big Three" of 2.000 persons, mostly workers extended an invitation to the | pp^r prod-ruHc priest. Father Ruchqltzw^to deaths. States. He'^will be accompanied by the, -Superintendents of the differ- i He ahd'Mrs. Clark and their two ' meeting, and their families, yeaterda.v hla wifS. ent departments with Mrs. T.._ B. ' Mounthin Laurel Tremp of Girl -paft aava Xhat easing the I the town council. He is I n ^ Hopkina was in good spirits' The British supposedly burned and SUPPLY CO. Scouts to attend the Flag Day. ex­ : childjt'n'ha. ve been . | Vimting . filing >vhis ms watched the launching of the sub­ JoSri- of Arc to death at the stake. X ceiUngs on manufactured goods <>f the Department of ReMgion Parents on Lydall st reet'iqr'a few during a visit, in Paris yesterday. marine "Corporal" at the Electric ercises on Thursday. June 14. The.v would encourage business expan- Father Bii^oltz, -4he burgo- While the time of his arrival Years 'later, according to legend, 256 CENTER ST. ; -day.s. _ \ Boat company's Victory yard. ahe bobbed up in her home town, wil! meet at the Elks Home in uni­ sion and establishment of new -n-, meister said., ijs a ^ rm e i prisoner here has not been disclosed, a Mrs,. Hume'r, C. Wick of Wivsh- form at 7:30 o'clock and march to mairfed a local bpy, and settled 'X terpriaes in the reconversion | of the Nazis. He'^was jailed lyitn Tile p■ X hogs and sheep—a pn^t. re , servanee of 9'lag day, They are Birt^iilay P arly To' Exohaiige (.Iiib South Pneifte for over/three years As soon as the price'^ill is oiit of all the evidence that ha died in has arrived home ghd has. been I asked to meet at .7:30 at the Elks exile on St- Helena^haunted the the Way. SenatoryGeorge (D-Ga).: Home-and proceed to the Sykes A t ^ou th P-lHirrli given a discharge' from the ser­ plans to fall up an equall.v^cg Beyrouth, June II.t i T' Reli- The Manchehtyr Kxohange club French. They kept whispering ' vice under the.point system. He reached Damascus suditoriiim where Commissioner will hold its biX^ntiily m eting “ .MAIN ST. .a f t e r DARK~ that he didn’t die, that he escaped | was inducted ,-iinto the service In rw ^pw ai ^ade^act V n o t^ ^ h re e ,J ^ ^ a surprise revf the Wiomen's So- tomorrow; night at 'Hhe , Chuntry March, 1042, and was ataHoned' at French-com-: speaker. After club at 8:30 sharp, ihtrpld CTIark I ilOCR OF GOOD SHORTS to- raise a^hew army. i -t ^he^dUt^um: a„ ciet.ietv of Christiiin SeService will Camp SteWart, (Jeorgia. - He em­ Is to be guest speaker «ti,d w-ill With “Popular SdeMe.** **l7a- Mytha About Booth , barked for overseas duty in Sep­ will return to the Elks Home for gather at the South Methodist iisual Occupatloas” — A Caw* removed from that'' House-passed police force at Dmeir, 26 - miles bring a message of real import- There were probably a hundred Hart I* ysif •pHHiRlty Is N^iirt sptelalixiH HtUUi— i»ly tember' 1942.' He was an Instru- a soqlhl hour. Mrs. George Ft. /church this evening for a pot luck j boy Terlinlrolor Sliert St<^— bill a feature F^sident Truman cH-’'t of Damascus, in which ten ance to the Exchange club mem­ mytha about John. Wilkes Booth j ment'’ operator in one of the gun ■ cu\ iiiiif-ii >4jy.r n...... Williams of this town is chai supper and birthday party. One of i A Sports and SpeakiBg AilaMl wHbasI ohirp bil !• “••rs wblli yti Issri." On #1 »* lirnit sir- has termed ‘.jessenttal"- author- bers. A banner attendance is look* who ahot Lincoln, These myths j septions of his Batterj,- and ..saw the features of the program Will Reel. , ‘ said he wasn't shot to death by : erafl naRNfaetsrtr* ia RfftriRC yaa thla ahaaaa H lailhar yaar fatara ity to CuC.,t4riff rates another 59 The revolt was said to have oc- committee. be the playlet. ‘Thursday at ed for as several importanr mat­ Service in New Caledonia, Giiadal- I curred in one of three Mebariat; Union soldiers but appeared later by ablafalRf aipart laatrsellaa aai valaabla axpaHaaaa la tba aaaa. : canal, and New Zealan^/He holds per cen^''" ' Home.” by the following cast: ters are to be discussed, at this TKe SUte Bond. Show Is On 1 The.- Democfatlc leadership is'companies of the colorful camelamei--1 1 ^ Prudence, Pearec.- Blanche In a dozen American cities and i laaiiag iafaafry. aaf tba fatalla aa4 al|R ap t«r aat at tbaaa the Good Conduct MedisI 'and a meeting. June 12! Buy Bonds Here Now cut his throat 40 years after Llnr , prepired for an all-out effort to mounted desert police, which have o O V l J I ^ F F Q 1 1 C 6 Pierce: Henrietta' Strate, Anita • The usual at'tendahce ' prize of ' aaariai aav—tliaa aRjay yaar^wa|l-aaraa4 vaeatlaa aatll alaaaaa bronze ;*tar for participation in reitore the deleted prorislon on always been considered the. most for Yonr FREE Ticket! coin died. I tlie battifl of Guadalcanal. Hip Thorpe: .Vera. Ketchum, Marjory war, stamps will be awarded. | the Senate floor, Another fight reliable force under French co,p- Carron: 'Mrs. Meltz. Mrs. McKin- | This week news dispatches, from bagla ia Jaly. : * Batteiy was the first Army antj-' Pelaiii Poliev Berlin said a "high Russian mllK i ■t’*- aircraft to see'action , in the Sperth" looms over a proposal by Senator mand-in the Levant. Concern was !..ney; Maybel Larkin. Dorothy Kee- 1 / O'Mahoney (D-Wyo.) to make all expressed for the lives of French j ney; Sara, Lida Richmond: Jane; tary source" ^announced that 'A Pacific. ' humed-up body found tlvere was _ He has three brothert^./fn -the hew trade agreements subject to, off leers in two other companies at (Coatlnncii Prom Page p «a ) r Post. .Virginia Ferris: Rhes Bates, congressional approval. ' w'ldely distant points-. • 1 : Mrs. Willoughby; Hilda Dumper, T O N IG H T service. Pfe, .Edwin C^w ho was T ra la F a r '- |O rO $‘ vli^* Wc\i* advantage of the momentum de­ yA armored column was statemeht said, "as Mr. (Pierre) IN C . .. veloped by its overwhelming ap^ rep-irted. sent to . Uie scene and Laval' was imposed.... upon me by -Wa--diington, June 11.—(/P)—Thi* PLU S.. .CHESTER MORRIS in “Dotible Exposure 8S4 Grater St. Tsl> 5101 uiMsoy- pl^ival in the House. was aaid to hsv^ disarmed the the German*. 'I made use of him Republican Congressional Food Y O U ^ LL BE PAID AS YOU LEARN RUBBER] .Meharists,.Met! rcscuigg seven prison-, to calm them down. This allowed ' study committee Called today .for era.— imp to diasimulate the real orlen; a six-months halt .in nOn-ml.HHU'y m elR| Qaari# Bagint*—Jaly I S H E E T lT V r , C.aiiudiaii6 H old tations of my politics. angar shipments oveiraeaa. TQMORROW^IGHT ONLY! By the .Yard. Dalgll DraHlag—Jaly II "Concerning; the Allies, 1 grant-j“ We are facing a .sugar fam- C O S M E flC S X. S 1 1 . 9 8 Arthur Dmc Stom E lectioirT ’oflaV Yugoslav^ M_____ ove_ .. . ed thehi''the niostssubstantial.sat-; ine,“ Represontatlv’e Jdnkman (R-. DOORS OPEN AT 7:l.'i.: SHOW STARTS AT 8:00 P. S- Heleiw'Rabenstetn Y 849 Main St. Tel. 3806 “ . ■ - ;isfactions, which is proved by the Mich.), asserted in reciting viewrs o T r i f ^ s t s v representing me, ipf.the 44-member unpfficia! com- Barrietl Hnbberd Ajrera tOontInn Page Oua) VSlll *si X 1 ixroav: men "like (Gen. Mezime). Wey-j mittee. Max Factor YartDey TRAOINO —6 WEENS’ COURSE gand, ( Admiral Jean) Darlan, An ambargo -on the ahipments, A MIGHTY SHOW ' Laden LeLong —'Etc. Socialists^ were decisively beaten tbaalJ Hava Drawlag Aptitafa (Gen. AlphoiUR) Juln, (Vice Ad-rJonkman said In a statement, wlU ' . FOR THE ,Author Drug Siprea by the. Tories. Trieste. June,.- 11,—( ^ —Allied miral Raynaond A.) Fenard . and | make availahla for home canning Tn the last Parliament, elected military government officials, pre­ 1. The proposed' zoning regulations and zoning map drastically change exist­ Upiaa latlifaetary .gaRiplatlaR af aaaru, praaia- r others, -iand industrial food uses approj^i- tiaa la itRiMtebaleal patiliaai n Iraoar* la JA- 1940. and dls.solved laat April, pared today to take over the ad- •’The politics of an. occupied [mately. 170,000 -tons- of/ sugar MIGHTY 7TH WAR LOAN! ing zones and zonitig regulations. # X^ ' X .t‘4 the Liberals had an overwhelming minlatratlon of Trieste as Yugo­ ■country ape forced to-be double. | montUy "w h ich would otherwise You Q«t CASH PLUS lagiRMriag Dapartatat. SEIBERLING slav troops movSd lOut, and atten^- ! majority of 159 of the 245 aeata I tolerated. Laval as a necessary j be exported.’’^ t. ^ wUh m Loan from wa The Progresaive (Jonservatlvee tion was focused on the. problem . . . IT'S FREE! . . . 2. -These changes may deal a body blow .to the value of YOUR, PROPERTY. 'Ua Prfaf Traiaiag Ntcisiiry TIRES of feeding this city;of 250.000. concession; .to-the polltlA' forced , I were the officlai opposition With' upon me hy the occupation. | ( f a l t B T\OITT borrow unnecetearlly. 40. and the CXJF had JIO. A ' conference' was aw'aited. admission by the purchase' of a BOND V but If a loan will solve a ing this part which be 3*^ For example, sections;of .Center Street, East Center Street, Cottage Street, • '■ r\ r ■ ^ Even the most' Srdent Liberals' meanwhile, between Field Marshal himself, Laval was not without A T ■ ' X problem come to hmmmi end get tbsee plus advantages: Detail D raftin g^Z ff W eelcs’ Course did not expect to repeat such a|Sir Hhroid | Alexander, Allied utility for France.’’ Oak Street, Maple Strei^t and E.ldridge Strict M'ill he elianged from business to vlQjLorv today. The government Mediterranean " commander,, and ^leel O utput THE STATE OR CIRCLE THEATERS I 1. Loans mads op Blgnaturs only., AIgtbra aRj Haal Baaaiitry Naomiry Was underfflre partlcuiarlv for its ! YugpsUv Marabal Tito on the fix- S E E T H E ' u residence''zone< . ’ 5 . 5 0 x 1 7 $13.95 2. Com piste prlvacj) slwaya.' ' 1 ar 2 Yaar* at gaabaateal Drawlag Htlpful manpower policy, Includ'ing its ing of the boundary separating WAR BOND PREMIER SHOWING OF adoption of partial' ioonacrlptlon ' the occupation areas of the Yugo- Burr on Journey j rro.. mg. o.e) S. nwospl. friend^ rnyvua 4. For exaipple, you will not be able to build'your house in other sections of •VI 6 . 0 0 x 1 6 $ . ! late last year. * .1 Slavs and the western Allies in r » * r * ^ 120 to l yesterday against compU- 4. Exclusive—Mstlonwlde Csah- 15 20 Theiy were about 7.250,000 Ca- the diaputed Venezia Giulia area, « TKPCTURE^A-fiLOWMTHi rSHOW-HMBI Crcdlt Card! tuued and hon­ the town unless you purchase a lot at least 150 feet wide.- u Apply la Uaitaf Itata* Eaplayatat Sarvlea— 1 O P a c i f i c E i o a s t , ance with the WLB order. ored here. nadians eligible to vote today, iri-1 iHbwever, the first major inter- The TCI mailed notice today to 414' .Capital Avtaat) Harttari, OtRaaetleat—far . 6 . 5 0 x 1 6 $18,45 eluding approximately 700,000 In,national post-war diapute appear- Odom In. phone 01 wiiu today. R. E. Farr, district director of the 5 . D o you know how the proposed regulations affect your property? ^ latarvlaw with Pratt i Whitaay raprasaatativa. 1% armed services. jed to have been settled amicably. Charles Burr of. the C. R. Burr United Steelworkers of America a b i f i i i iiNmii 7.00x15 $20.40 Nurseries left by plane Saturday; (CIO) that 2i blast furnace em- U I t •AeMBAp RAuairtii . Have you seen the proposed. Zone map? ‘ , i evening -on a business trip that’ (floyea were conaldeiied to have * NysMa NiMrta ewi—si 6 Plus T ax.' will take him through , the PaciflcI quit their jobs. The notice, a com­ A ll hiring ii domr im tecnrdnHcr with tht •IM •ISM lim •ISM 'i Northwest and BrlUsh'‘>-C(flumbiai pany spokesman said, waa in ac­ m MM W l if.fe 7. Why.has^ only 6 days* notice been given o f changes that affect hundreds o f Hnrtjord mrt lUbilizntion p/es. before rdturning by way > of the cordance with the contract be­ MM MOBn. HibtOSENB RETAU. AND MS UM thousands 4»f dollars in property value? » ci.mpsny's .plant -in Texas. tween the union and TSCI which Bkoau MbMu k Mate •• »>SrtU4 l e t US R E C A P MOBn-HEAT FUEL . - During the trip he will see the provides for diamiaaal of men w’bo ■ aoRfi tiMf DEDa owe feuWsiflsuati ^ Wholesale ' Burr Nutaeries contact, grower in engage in unauthorized strikes. - teem *10 te $*69 PRATT & WHITNEY AIRCRAFT YOUR PRESENT Yakima,' Washington, growers of Suspension of the 21 men, who 8. WHAT CAN YOU DO ABOUT IT? ATTEND THE dwrarf fntit trees In British C o now have been dismissed by the TIRES ihftUH L ttna*JMj||IIM IBRS HEARING WEDNESDAY AT 8 P. M. AT THE MUNICI­ X- OIL Gaspline lumbia* and the growers and de­ company,,waa listed as the princi­ velopers of some new..roses in Los pal reason for failure of the blast iQuui n m MM4 nenm. 4K Angeles. Tumace workers to vote to accede FINANCE CO. PAL BUILDING. ASK FOR TIME TO STUDY THE PRO­ EAST HAR^FORB The bulk of the trip will be de­ tff the WLB order. PLUS. lASIL RATHBONE in “The House Of Fear' atste Theater Bldg. ;L MORIARTY BROTHERS voted to lining op frtdt, producing - am. Fleer il POSED REGULATIONS AND ZONE MAP. 8 8 M R E 8 T IB U T “ pn the Lever* At Carter i Btreete trees and buahes which cam be Psrt&a, named Coloffia JuUa Telepbeee 1430 MORIARtY BROTHERS Augustus Panna by the Emperor l>. E. Bre^e. Mgv. Opre AO Day and AR NIgM. Onll SSdll translated into terms of food. Mr I.lreeve Me. 101 Ppto Uw Level h i Center and Broad Telephone 8500' Barr will visit the Texas plant on Augustus, was a Roman outpost 'THONDERHEAD" _1* Tke Fag" his way back from Loa Ajigelea.. In 183 B.C.' , ' * 4 L .i V . i'* : ' -i'-"

*■1.) ;i^ FOUR WANr-HKSl KK EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN~ MONDAr, JTJNfi U . 194S •sibility. It la. Said that Hopkins The Trapping of Japan Zone Protests ■iiade goiid {itor.ress on that prob.< Completes JPtve Sister Is Told lijnnchesl(*r' .iwaiiis !fm and also .that he evidently laid Jopan, like Cnglond, it Torgcly r a big part of the basis for a satis­ Dale Book dependent upon imports tor tub- MANCHURIAJ factory meeting of Mr. Truman ______^ About Stones Bein« Drafted with Marshal Stalin and Prime Years Pt^iness / B ro th s Kdled ststence in the modern world and _/ • Trtmorrow lijir'fngtond, it ot the mercy of Minister, (Churchill within the next ' on ctfective blockode month of. so. Manchester Division; Connecti­ But It'H the i^tedicul Kind Committee Meets To Grt Hopkins conferred in Paris yes­ John a . Burke Staried Irpfc. William • Roberts cut Sportsmen meeting snd movie terday with United States Army at American Legion Home at 8 Whicli Are Subject Ready for Heiairing officials,' posiibly oil German oc- Funeral Home in Mel Hia Death in p. m. cupatioh problema, which he had Town in 1940. Tursdsi.v, June 19 Dr. Jaeobsoni’ Held on Wednesday'. . already gone over with Marsh Action in Okinawa. Nathan Hale and Barnard -Georgi K. Zhukov at BerUn. Dis­ '< ■ . schools graduation at Nathan Hale The committee named at Fri­ patches said the president ■ John p.'Burke of the John B. in morning. "’fhe Romance Mary Orloteki of B u t was the unusiiecT topic of day's meeting of men opposed to aehtative was In good Burke Funeral Home, 87 East Cen­ In afternoon graduation exer­ President Triiman vri)I-%o to the TgaxtforA rocotrod a telegram cises of BuckJand school. Charles JapO^son, of Hartford; several of the changes, to be ter dlreet, will tomorrow complete Chinsit drite Big Three meeting sqnle time after five years of service in Manchester. _ from tJie War Department laat* Wednesday, June 20 who la a-member of the staff, of recommended in the new zoning school gradua- .Manchgster Memorial hospital, at ipliti lop armies, making his first foptfial appearance Mr. Burge is a graduate of the,^ m ek atatlni: Utat h*r brother, Hollister street l^rces wiMidrowoi rules, met yesterday and started on the intematiofial stage at the McAllister School of Embalnaing Private Tirat Claaa'WlUlam Rob- tion in morning. today's luncheon of the Kiwanls to.norlh'. to draft its nlaima. It will charge closing sessi^' of the conference of New York and before coming In graduation that the -notice given 1s too short here, possibly on June .20. firia, of 4k PumeH place had been clses at Manchester. Green .schooL^ br. Jacnb.son described bladder here' he was employed at the Walter ItUM In action on Okinawa on as over six months study, wgs Coiffewfiec leaders are shooting B.' Cooke Funeral home in New .stones as one of the earliest re­ given t6 preparing the changes York, one of the largest in the na­ April » . corded troubles of man. and said for that date—earlier, if possible— ^ t c . RoberU left Manchester and only six days allowed for with the prospebt that this week tion. ^ that it was one of the first ail- study and acceptance changes. He started 'nls .local Funeral arith the National Ouard when It Iments for which the early pby-il- y ill be devoted increasingly to araa federalized and had aerved Congress TJ>I(1 Those op'posed .are to appear at, public sessioiis of conference com­ home on Juhe 12, 3940. Tils staff ! clans con.sidered it legitimate to ihcludeZ especially trained men. overseas 42 months.. He was j operate, even back in ,-the days the hearing set for Wednesday, ' missions, which will receive the re­ arounded on Siapan and held the They claim that protests/are ports of working committees and Mr. Burke’s ambulance, one of the 'X. Spending Rises I when any kind of operation was niost modem in New England, has Purple Heart decorjition. coming from Onter, Hast /enter. possibly produce some speech X He was employed at Cheney I considered a sort of ^crilcgd. Oak. Maple. Cottage and'EIdridge making on any issues the commit­ often answered out of state calls. Brothers prior to enlisting. He has I He traced the trend of remedlps streets. There Is also ' objections tees have to leave Unsettled^, ' Mr. Burke is prominent,in local”'' jpar Doelrines and cures from_ the earliest known and state social organizationa in-. brother, PfC- Robert Roberts records of the "disease down to the raised to the numberof feet front­ First of Meetings .Today Who is at present hospitalized i age that will be requii.ed In the eluding the Knights of'Columbus (ConMnued From Page One) present time. The first . of these commission of Which he-is a fourth degree after being wounded for br. Jacobson was introduced by future in some sections. meetings was called for today member, the Rockville Elks, Brit- the second time. William P. Slover. superintendent 'rtley are asking that those op­ (10:30 a. m.,;jf. w. t.) to receive ployes grew frorri^iS in 1942 to posed attend the meeting .'and Ish-American Club, and the Hart­ of Memorial hospital. report ,oti economic and social ford County Funeral Directors as­ . . , 846 In 1943 and to 1.124 in 1944. make known their opposition. ' " / ' 'x >' > X X ” ' These'15 organizations. Hated The Klwanlans enjoyed their; planniijg'for'.the world organiza­ sociation. ~~ the. following expenditures for luncheon to the .strains of the mu- j There is also a oemand that more tion. The corrimissions will' re­ He is married and has two ,xf ^ y. World Parley 1944X sic from a three-plec6‘ orchestra,! ■ maps be-furnished. , port in turn to the full conference children and lives at 12 Summit Austr^lan News and Informa­ consusting of Richard Duffy. Dan-; at two or three plenary sessions. street. *, X' tion Biu’eau, J115.000'; Belgian id Mikolowsky. and Ross Schirer.- Meanwhile much of the real On Free News Govern roenV^Information (Center, Member James Duffy produced Veto Foriiiitia^^ work of drafting the final version . . / r ' / , / V , ■ ^ $432,000; Cafiadiaui Wartime In­ the orchestra, of which his grand- : of the charter la going on behind Points Not Behind Discharge formation Board, $138,000; Chi­ son was a member. Still peoltlem the scenes in the coordination com­ ^dven Support nese News Serving,^^c., $145,- The attendance prize, donated mittee. After it is drafted it must Shawnee, Kas.—(j45—Owen True, 000; Czechoslovak xGoyemment by Ray Owens, was w'on by Tom i be printed up in perfect copies of ania.«scd 97 points in two years in (Oonttnned From Page One) the Army but they didn’t win him (Ooallaned Prom Page Oney Information Service,'\^$2J7.000; Ferguson. , j English, French, Russian and Span­ French Press and Infornf ish. a discharge—he was released be­ editors, the ’ ASNE directors also Service, $347,000; British V. . ■ ■ , ^ mosphere of the conference and Despite translation difficulties cause he wasii’t old enough to, be •doptad resolutions: tfon Services, $2,143,000 brought piredictions that the .big each of these copies must say ex­ a soldier. True was Inductwl in Loii 1. **I.iOoking with apprehension Office of Information, $81,000: Daniels Sees nations would be able to work to- actly the same thing for a country- Angeles, where he had given his on tny merger of - transihlssldn Government of India Information .getheh This talk among the is bound as much by what is said age asTS to get a war plant ,,ob. facilities which would eliminate Service. $125,000; Netherlands In­ dclegatc-s has been further pro­ In the Chinese yerslqi). for In­ He also registered for the draf.t oompetitlon.’' (The Navy tw-o formation Bureau, $530,000; Newr uling of Air moted by agreement of. the big stance, as in • the ^gtish ver­ but upon induction explained he ' • ! !'! . :'X/' H*fi! f'i , months ago proposed that all In- foiindland' Government Informa­ nations Oii plans for international sion. ' -Was only 15. ’’It’s Too late Doc, . :,X” ■ C-;! tarnatlonal communications facili­ tion Bureau, $10,000; Royal Nor­ trusteeships—agreement they urg­ The conference uili also produce you’re in the Army now,” li ser­ , Arafura i__, ently needed to speed the confer­ geant said. True hit'the Normandy ties be combined or operated Joint­ wegian Government Information Proper Move INDIE v u \ \ \ \ \ \ \ an agreement on an litteTim world beaches on D-day. Twice wounded- ly after the war). Bureau. $184,000; Polish Govern­ ence toward successful conclusion organization commission on M.-ip above, shows graphically major strategy which left Japan, .Able to W’ork Together he also Won the silver star for gal­ Commend Stettinius Stand ment Information Center. $850,- the statute for a world court— lantry. He’s now working in a ' S. Commending Secretary of 000; Cn.SB De Portugal, $31,000; (Continued FroiiKP“f* despite its huge-areas-pl.conqtuercd.teiaJtqry in.Asia and the south­ . Diplomatic authorities say the each of which must also be signed ern islands, trapped in its own little corner, of the Pacific, at the measure of the prospects for, suc­ war plant near here and will regis­ State StettinniuS for his hflp on and Union of South Africa Gov­ in five copies by eabh delegate. ter for the draft' Nov. (5. freedom of the, notably at ernment Information Office, $40,- force," he contended. "Every man / . mercy of Allied attack, cess is not so much the actual That makes a total of 16 signa­ that can be wisely placcX^an be machinery worked' out here. as it the San Francisco United Nations •000. obtained by volunteer enlistment if tures to be pennbd by each of ap­ e(u)ference. Cotiducte P a s te l Activities iS, the ability of the big nations proximately 250 delegates. Con­ Look for Brisk Bond Buying 'ITie touring newsmen spent there is adequate pay with certain day when labor groups, including future wars is. to, be ready for now freed of the common menace T^e Soviet’ Union, the report advancement from ,the ranks the ClO aiid the AFL. conclude them by having avgilable a re ference experts estimate the sign­ aome time in Moscow and found of Hitler Germany, to work to­ ing '*’111 take about three hours. . Biggs Field, El Paso, Tex.—(jP) thfe Russians, an ASNE summary aald, doei .not maintain an offi­ those wh^show ability in actual he opposition test|imony. It al- serve of well-trained men. gether. Hence they are looking cial information agency "but con­ service.’’/ r^gdy Includes the views of At the conclusion of the hear­ 4-Squadron G boys are looking for. of their repdrt said. ‘Txith ex- not only to what is going on here To Get Honorary Degreo some brisk War: bond buying this . tremely curious and challenging ducts parallel activities by other "Snobbery Createo Chasm” chu^hraen, educators, several ings. the committee will ingke but also to current events else­ means in large part not subject 'Provision for proper pay, educa­ Negro groups and numerous other reeoniimendatlon Congress. ■fl-idnth. Lieut. Richard R. Whip­ of the U. S.’conceptions of fre»i where. The most recent disturb­ Chicago, June 11— Irene. ple, squadron commander,' an­ press. to the (Foreign Agents Registra­ tion and advancement, and -"the organizations. Whatever its findings, however, ing clement has, been the failure tion) a c t” utter exclusion- of that snobbery Opponents generally have urged the House mllitafy committee Dunne, who once wanted to teach nounced he would serve breakfaaU "At the eaitie time, the' Ameri­ .of the Anglo-American-Soviet music but who bypassed that vo­ in bed for one day to the enlisted X can envoys got' from the vice com­ As an example, a Justice De­ which sonieUmes creates a chasrn delay in . consideration of the. pro­ probably will consider the matter military leaders to get together 5 . X partment condensation of the re­ between officers and enlisted men,' posals until after- the w-ar, con- further since its chairman. Repre­ cation to become a starring ac­ man In his outfit purchasing the missar of foreign-a ffaira an exprea- among themselves and with tress in motion pictures, -will be most bonds in Junje.' Not . to be aian of willingness to seek a com­ port said, "the Soviet .embassy in he said, will provide so many vol- hending that action now would . sentative May (D., Ky,), is one of France, on detalW of occupation of Washington prints and • widely unteera "that no branch of mill- Jeopardize world peace by creat- the leading advocates tjf a peace- awarded an honorary degree of oiitdone. Staff Sergt. James Fin­ mon ground, in the matter of freer Germany. Effeetlve joint control doctor o f music by the Chicago ley said be would make the bed. axchange of news and more fair distributes a monthly bulletin; the .tary aervlce will need to con.script Ing suspicion concerning this time, draft. of the Reich is regarded as one X Soviet Information Bureau in MOS; men. country’s future intentions, Musical college, the school an­ and police the' ,are$' of the QL. \ | X 'and adequate: mutual writing and "No man believes more In hav­ of the most'Important , factors in nounced today. I ranking second. rstiorting." cbw transmits articles and newa ■The last three days of the week CommiHiccment In Miniature building a peaceful Europe, The Americana met top Soviet releases by able and radio to the ing a gun well primed than I do,' have .been allotted to supporters / Daniel asserted, "but I put On the other ^)ipd. signs that newsmen at two banquets and vis­ Americgn press,' and the All-Union . __of the plan to require every youth Chicago—(.IPI—Graduation exer­ President/ TrUmahg .emissary, its to the largest daily newsr Society for Cultural- Relations Phasjs on the sort of preparedn^ take one year of military train- cises for the kindergarten class of Harry /Hopkins, had 8\reasonabljr with Foreign Countries (Voks) this war has taught will, win vie- ______. . ______„• paper plants in Moscow. One of tortes, and not on the discredited ing'BS soon a# he becomes 18, or St. (Gertrude’s Parochial school siiccrtsful mission to Moscow, par-1 the dinners was given at the sends publlcatlbns and exhibit ma­ shortly thereafter, and to be as­ yesterday resembled- a college com­ tlcularly in his efforts to agproach / X Fastest plane in the world! That’s what they - i terials directly to Individuals and broken stick of universal compul­ signed reserve status -for five • ■iuXi Ty. '■ i--- 'ii I American embaiwy by Ambassador sory conscription. . . mencement in- miniature as a settlement of the Polish sltua X'! '1 aay about tho Anny*a new jet-propelled Averell Harrlman who, the re­ organizations In the . United ’'When .the time comes to pre­ years. , ’’diplomas" -were awarded more tion. are giver/great weight by port said, described this country's States." It added: Already tl)C proposal ha-s • the than 60 tots dressed in academic United Natiorls leaders. I P-80. There*! no propeller. No Tibration, No "Soviet fllms, 'photographs, pare for preparedness, the first emergence from its own “pro\’in- step will be to unlearn the methods backing of the American Legion, caps and gowns. To achieve an Little Urcittenee t o Release Report J noise because the noise is heAtnif the plane clal and isolationist newspaper books and other printed materials of the and discard the archaic the qualified endorsement of the added collegjgte air the ceremony Few give any credence to. - the era and urged both nations’ edl- are .distributed mainly , through Veterans of Foreign Wars, and Included a cheer leader. Norine French radio report that Russia i •X and never catches up. And the speed is in- drilUng, put all cavalry horses, to V.., ' . ' ' ^ > . sir tere not to take everything in agencies only are registered. -It plowing, shut down munitions the support of some oducators and Mulvan'ey. 5i who said:’ "We ,hk^'Treed the 16-arrested. Polish crediblel too. aeriously." merclal lines. The commercial • plants making out-of-date wea­ clergymen. wouldn’t be in fashion if we didn’t .ladders, although action to that "Owstant CriUoiam".. Myatery agencies only are regletetred. It pons, discard the. ancient tactics Hope to C’llRt-h .'Xrgiunents have some cheering." end iz conceded Zs an outside pos- L. A. Lazovak^. vice coihmissar Is estimated that the annual vol­ and strategy long taught in mili­ Proponents hope to clinth their : X / ' / i ' X .vX of foreign affk l^ replied, the re­ ume of sales by three such con- tary schools, and look mainly to-^ arguments Friday and- Saturday ' X* z'** X< ■’ ' port, said, that "the chief thing cema'--amounted to .$254,000 for ward the perfection of weapons of With .the testimony of the secrc- ' '' 'i; ' ; XX , ■ ' - X . -tha SavTat - patytea - and—papera- 4943,-$»16,000 for 1043 and $270,- th'e slffes. ■ TlHr-fiatfSH'^winT'Tr -tartea of -war ami Navy,-Gefierals fotmifutim m m i m m XiS couldn’t understand. was the con­ 000 for 1944.” commapda the air is, the nation George C. Marshall, A. A. Van- X X ■- stant criticism of an aUy-by-some. Different I^^ie Now that can rule the world." degilft. and Jra .Eaker,_Admiral. -X of the American , prm ." Although propaganda is being 50 Witnesses to Be Heard Ernest J. ’ King, ami a group of ■ \ And at the eame dinner, the edi- distributed to the American peo­ The! Raleigh, N. C„ \publlsher other hishrranking Army and I want to givd him a 'tora of Pravda and Izvestia "de­ .-ho headed the N4vy dipartmefit Navy officers in addition tp sever­ GRANT'S ple in increasing volume, the re­ : ■ . X .. clared in almost identical, speech- port showed, it is far different during the last .war was the first of al editors and authors. .es their system was the most rep- from the often sntl-denYoci^,c more than 60 witnesses scheduled During the week 'of hearings al­ Wings sports sfe ■reientatlve of the wishes of. the type handed oiit by the AxiA nif- 1 to be heard this Week by the ready-held. backers have contend­ people and was a ‘free press’ be­ tions before the ■ war. Said- • • PoSt-war Military Policy commit­ ed that the best way to prevent for Father’s Day I cause it represented only the peo­ Biddle: j. tee before it concludes its hearings ple. ••Whiled portion has openly on universal training. “They insisted American papers sought public supjiort or official! Eight , other individuals and or- did not always represent the wish- action relative to specific Issues or ganlzattons, including cbirrch Mom likes the way they wash. ' ea of the people, using the Roose­ disputes—such as the opening oflK'’«uP8 “nd the Womens Chris­ PRESCRIPTION velt elections and opposition to a second front, diplomatic -recog­ tian 'Temperance Union, were to PHARMAr.lST;S And Daddy likes that two-way many (tobsevelt policies which nition of particular iegim^.' and follow Daniels to the. witness had been adopted by the people as the Polish^Soviet and Tito-Mlhail- stand during the day. Their oppo^ .Always On Outy! collar because . it fits fine examples.■-rh-i,- . . .oiH ovich controversie.s—the great sition will be added to tomorrow Arthur Dnig Stores own ...... , bulk of propaganda distributed when spokesnfeii for t'orui f'organized 845 .Main St. Manotnater both ways. wkre tested for truth and accut’a- since 1942 has been designed to educators appear, and o|i WeUnes- cy and always represented the create good wiU fori foreign govr will of the people.’’ ernmentk and deals mainly w'ith * . The report asserted that "some their contributions to the common .'American officials said one of the war effort 'and to aspects of their Isis Hose problems in Russia ha^ been cor­ hiatorj’i cultuire and present-day respondents who came in with a problems.” .V,..' Make ^45 The Year^, of Victory! chip on their shoulders and went As a resutt.^’^d d le commented, about hunting u p ' items which it is virtually impossible at times r , • X could be Tound to justify their dis­ to draw a dlsUnct line between - . r * ,' likes. They dCalt in irritations in- political propaganda and good­ Btead of ■ presenting a balanced BUY L yhchcrest No Seam Building n whole new air force is ex- By this time last yoar, We had bought will Informative 'matter. He noted h'b bisMi s«lsl hofprua But !t*i worth say­ picture,of Russia." fIND YOUK QUOTA . , . AND M A k i n i further that the propaganda of to­ V ■■■ ■ i; ■ ing againr penaive. Bnt wp can*t afford not to! > extra Bonds in two War Loans. So this THB r i^ is marked "by a substantial YOUR riRSONAl MATURITY M IO M fY riifinement in, techniques." **Thia wai:*a not getting any cheaper!** That’s one reason why your quota in year, we must buy as many Bonds in this IF YOUR AVERAOI WAR ROND VALUE OF Week End Deaths 41 Crindiisi Proceedrhgs •- one Loan as we had bought last year in . INCOM I Prosecutions under pie r.egislra- '’the 7th War Loania the biggest jfeL There 1 .. QUOTA U i 7TH WAR LOAN For instance/ loolc at bur air forM. For F n MONTH IS i Bulfqrd, Eng.—Gen. Sir Richard tlon act and unde,r a somewhat ^ / C R A N T are plenty of odierat the need'for caring two, ' ^ (CASH VAlUt) ■ONOS lOUOHT Haking, 83, vetergn of ,Ui8 B ritls/ similar provision of espionage some time now, wa*ve had the biggest in ' fbreluit of casualties that is well over the ,diplomatic and military seryiceSl^ statutjes have resulted in 41 crim­ N7 815 MAIN STREET HM $11730 $250 inal moceedings involving ,125 de- th e w orld. , Buying that many extra Bonds may London—Sir Richard William halfrmillion mark; the* need for moving 21S-2SO 150.00 200 ® Alan Onslow, 63< fifth -earl of On­ fendmlU since 1938, the report \ seem tough. But it’s a cinch compared to slow. He had been deputy speak- said. Up to Dec. 31. 1944, a toUl Then along .came the jet-propelled millions of soldiers from west to east; the ' 210-229 131.25 175 of 81 defendants , had been convict/ crawling up the beach at Iwo Jima. . er of the House of Lords since plaice, and aeveral other teclm obgi^ de- for building mtsny more for 200-210 11230 150 1S31 . ed, and 13 acquitted. THe remain- j NivS’-York,—Harry R. Swartz, der are awaiting trial, are fogi-! weliopinrtita^ So now, iinlesa we want our the naval war against Japan. If you have an income, whether from - / .\ IR O - 2 0 0 ‘ *2 .7 5 . * m tives or otherwise not had 140-1W , 75.00 100 60, former president of R. Hoe' A paeif cases disposed of. , ' air force to dre^ behind the parade, we*ve And there's another Mg reesom this work, land, or capital, you have a quota in Oo., oldest newspaper press manu-; 100-140 27 30 50 W AR LOAN fecturera in pie United States. '■ -Of those convict^, the report 1 got to build thousands anid thousands of mighty 7th War Loan ia really two War 'the 7th War Loian. Find but what that Ne-W York—Mrs. Isabelle Rutty showed, 58 «were German agents, j Mod* of SKYTOF UhJ m $100 l a j i .' ,29 10 Japanese, eight Russian, three ' A COMPLETE SERVICE tiicse new-type idan^ ‘ Loana’inona. quota is—and make it! Hoyt, first American woman to Italian, one Spanish, and one act- ^ a Don Rivor.fabrk - Jrit fqot on foreign soil with an ing for both Finland arid Sweden. : \ ‘ ■ ^‘v ' V- American In-vadlng Army. As a FOR YOUR CONVteNIENCE cool, absorbent cottdn mesh 'I Crow--nurae during the Span­ In 1942 administration of the act was trahsferred from the ; that’s vat-dyed so it won’t ish War she landed at Puerto State department to the Justice - •MORTGAGES Rico. 4 department. , fade, and !^fbrised*.so it th (JIlfTon Springs,. N. Y.-'-Dr. , ------;------. - Enoch Frye Bell, 71, Editorial •REAL ESTATE won’t shrink. ALL OUT FOR LOAN secretfr’, of the American Board •WariAyl ih 14ftay Im* Am fhm 1 of Commissioners for Foreign No Berries-• t- ■ Sold •AUTOMOBILE FlNANaNG. Ululons of the Congregational church for the pas*. 26 y ea^ At Auction ^larket ..V Chicago—William Buford Car- •HOUSEHOLD FINANCING lUe, 75, postmaater in (Chicago ■{. from 19T7 to 1021 as appointee of •: ; X ■ -V ■ The Manchester Auction Atar- Special Offer-This Week Preaklent Wilson. ket opened ye.aterda'y but* closed Buy a $2;l00 Bond this week at our plant or |The Connecticut Valley! PolteetnMl Oeto Prowter for- the day without any strawber­ ries being sold. The''"officers have from our driver — and received word that the ceiling GET YOUR LAUNDRY FOR THE WEEK T JU f AdvmdtsmmS Spm uor^ hy Great Falla. Mont—(4>-Offi- price on berries sold at the market I Realty & hvestn^nt Co. I $3.00 . ~ \ ear Frad Peres geta hifc man one will tie 36 cents a quart. . The At HALF PRICE! war or another. During night pa- growers are getting-better prices ( Help Put Over the Mighty Seventh Bond (5<7 MAIN STREET t r a be aapled a prowler and call- at the. farms arid berries were sold Drive? . TELEPHONE 8343 ad to him to b ait The prowler dla- yesterday retail for better than appaared around a comsr. Peraa 60 cents a quart Ther8 aeems to REAL ESTATE LISTINGS OF M iHPadl'a feneq, roared around the be plenty of berries arid the qual­ ALL KINDS WANTED INDEPENDENTM .. CLOAK CO.,- r . Inc. Inc, >1 ooraar at full tilt—right ity Is good. ' ’ KELLER'S COAT CO., ^ tba prowlar. A atmiUtanaoiu Being able to -retail them 'for r* aacapeil both men, but higher prices than is ' brought at New System MEN’S AND WOMEN’S CUSTOM-TAILORING tU s • m odUW th S, a u u ^ oC Spinjry Deaiuta^ wd Wv drfvgrtiririitflfMMi recovered first, lifted, hlz .the mvket may'result, as wa.s the - / 887 MAIN STREET Ol"P. ST. JAMES’S CHURCH rest a mud pudd^a and cart- case last year, in berries not be- HARRISON STREET — OFF EAST CENTER STREET Iff'Jtfs' )«g qffawd aft the maripeC ‘

L rr

'Sp-i 'ifH. X KV1SM1^U >. llA N C H ESreii. MUNUAY, JUNE 11. 1U4» rAGB MANt'HKSI KK tJVI^NlNli MBiitAMJ, MAM:Hl!aTER, ‘JONN, MONUAY, JUN^ 11,11)45 JTA tJK 8JX -was employed by Cheney Brothers, imbllcan rank and filers who hope­ early this week 4q Mr. and Mrs. I Local Guardsiiien Whit^ but In recent years waa employed /Manchester of r;’.la:)!i lung " political blo Jt Reporlei* Awanlecl Kdw^r Corncliuson of North Bol­ N i i lk ^ e Desire Seen -at the Hamilton Standard Pro- Top Salesmen Are Listed ill the way of the appointment of fully figured this way figured ton.'.at the Hartford'hospital. 1 Pupils and Tead To Be in Review .pMtyrS plant In East Hartford, a qiialifled Iniii.vlilual: without the continued presence In SI.(MM) First Prize ' The^^uarryville MetKodiat For Lasting Dies inCtash where he was a supervisor. In ad­ Evening Herald The aeroiid aiguilicant thing In fJoilgresM and in a position of church wlU hqa-ie a new pastor who Zoi\inR RoiRrd of Appeals, dition to his wife he ia^urvlved by In Retail Division Drive PUBl^ISHED BT TJ party leader.ship there of Senator will be. present at the Sunday ser­ a son, EdsTard, In the United «t»P*I.n PRINTINO CX>, INC. the present ailuatlon la that the Furnished By vice next Week;' Malichester, .ebnn. / Are Awarded' Honor! Company O and H, -Stats Guard Navy, a- daughter. Miss ' IS SlHCll street Robert A. Taft. And that gentle­ llencheater. Conn. Democratic Senate . undertook no Office of Price Administration ^ New Haven, June 1,1.— -r Bolton graduate# from Manches­ In conformltyjWlth the require­ "W^rld Peace of this town will participate in-/a LocSl liesident Killed in Mi n White, a nurse, em^oyed in Proof of' the .real effopt the- 10. $400—Eleanor BeHohaabat^ man- has now continued his, deva'a- Richard R. Whitt emote, a report­ ter High school this yeSr included: THOMAS TBROUSO' appraisal of the .rtlerita and quali­ V;. Regional Uopartment at Inlurmatlon ments of the,.4Soning Regulations Robert Little, Betay J. Jacobson, patode and review in the. State Boato ila father, Fran’k B. White salespeople of Manchester "are put- fim f’ -eai, OenenU Manager tating record of Injury to hta, own er for The New Ha,vert Journal- Bernice Addy, Marie HiJar, Char­ of the To.war'qf Manchester, the - 'Jver 100 of St. Mary’s James F. Taylor,'Wm. C. 'Riorn- Auto Collision in Bay of walnuratoeet and four sisters SohnidI, ^SVMuulaA October I, llti fications of the Governor’s Ap­ 5fi Tremont Street, Boaton, S, Massaebusetta Courier has been awarded the lotte Hoar, Enrico Fiano'jvMJIton Armory, Hartford on June 15, IlUam Helm, MrA ting Into the RAtall Drive’s effort Shop.” pointee. Colonel Elmer 8. Watson party and to the caiiae of Interna­ Zoning B State Yesterday. ^ They Are Mrs. Publlabed Brarr Brealng Except ..... ■ ' .81,000 first prize in a letter con; Jensen and Betty Bookus., 5’*' a public hearing in the Municipal Three years: Robert J. Brown, 1948 to epeclal tribute to the 169th Clement -, PontlUfir ra. Raymond to help fill the quota a.*signed to : (Five tied for lOth plarn.) Suadara and Holldajra Entered at the of WetWer-sIleld. It did not inves- tional coopera^on by swinging Meats, Fats, Rle. ; SIX gallons each. B-6, B-7, B-8,- C-6, teat sponsored by the magazine, Benevolent Mretlifg David R. Dougan, Eleanor V. viet RuB8ia\ahdi and 102nd Infantry Regiments, Finnegan and Mrs. R it^ond Hen- Manchester is shown daily in the ’ C-7, and C-S coupons good for five Huildlng on Thiiiaday, Juijo' 14. III Attendance; List of Harold F. WWte. 44. of 27 Sum­ Poat Office at Mancheater, Conn., ^ tigtrte him and proclaim him unfit the Senate P'ttiance committee to Book Four Red Stamps ^ ’’Read,’’ on the topic "What Shall All persons interested in the' at 8 p, m.,-—Sovist Russia and the Al­ "In a special order. Governor officiate and buriql will be. in the Wextern States and tkPO ...... 112.00 vfolatlng Its own rules. It merely publlrans will hi^p. the full ■'mejp. pons good through Aug. 31. Last ! The letters have not yet been plumbing,xsupply'busine^ at the attendance during the past year at Fourth year: Irene Dowd, Mil­ White with hi# wife, left Man than fill the^Tnillvidual, quota of Hk Four Blue Stamps K2 published. Mrs; Charles Sumner aL- Bolton dred Hobson. Robert B. Johnston. lies are united in a desire for a Raymond E. Baldwin designated East cemetery. MEMBERDR Cr sat on the situation, arbitrarily ! hershlp of Iho Senate upset this through S2 good through June 30; .year's ■ Period Four and Five Cou­ Center on Thursday evening at 8 above addre.s.s, in ii Residence A a children's Eucbdrisl ye.*terday next Friday as InfahtiY Day. and cheated yesterday morning ^fof The Funeral Home "will be open $500 which each peig(iri''la pledged THE ASSOCIATED PRES- pons also expire Aug. 31. Zone. , Marjorie Kloppenburg, Wm. K. lasting, firmly-baaed peace whfth Hudson, N. H.'. where they Intend­ to sell. halting the process prescribed by | comnilttee report.. But meanwhile, ,T2 through X2 good^through July o’clock. Mrs. Belle Lawton will be morning. The honors were given Leese, Doris , L. , _ McFarland, will afford for the common man of the occasion will .be■ e observeerved by from totoorrow afternoon^untll, the 3 . 2 5 .The Associated.'Praia-Pre is axciuateely 31, .V2. Z2 and A1 through. Cl .''Application of Joseph H, Trot­ for, perfect records extending from ed to 'decorate the grave of Mrs; The followlrig'are the 'lop sales­ entitled to the ijm of rapublieatlon vf law for the flillnif of the post In once sgain. the Reptibllcsm party co-hosteaa -W'lth Mrs. Sumner. Charles Morri.son, Dorothy;- M. all nations the "opportunities that a special mllltawreature. Severid White’s mother. Outside, bf May­ time of the' funeral for^he con- all aawa dtapAtchs.) credited to or not good through Aug. 31: D1 through Ration Board Houra ter of 455 Main Street for permis­ one tp nineteen years, the nlne- Morrison. Mary Lou Moyrlson; former offlcera'tof the two regi­ venlerice of friends and'relaliyes. men for Friday, June 8: ' question. | has allowed Senator Taft to .make HI good through Sept. 30. Bolton sion to do experimental textile tcen-ybar-rtwani was given lo a we, fought to preserve for them," nard, Mass., they struck another 1. A n n a M . W h itc> otharwtsa ilredited in this paper and Following are the hours at the Carol Ann Robinson. James Fogg. General Eiseihower aoserted yea- ments will bahmong those review­ car. Mr. White and his wife were also ths' local news puqjishcd here. If, Instead, It hs4 cooperated its offieial policy at Washington Sugar loaitl office ot the War Price and' manufacturing In the building in - Jeacher, .Nfr*. .Viola G. Trotter. She ing the State Guard troops next Quinn’s P h a r m a c y ^ '' Boole Four St.Tinp 36 good for ^ X ’as closely followed, however, by Five years: Pearl Btnks, Marian terday, before high ranking lead­ both thrown from their car, but 2. $1.100—John Andisio, Wal- .Ail rights of rapublieatlon o; special with the prescribed process, ex- a policy of obstruction and isola- Rationing Board/at the. State Shirley Anderson, daughter of Hebron the rear of the above address, and Dickson, Ronald A. Finnegan, ers of Britain, Russia and th* Friday evening. Mr. White struck on hla head and Major J./H. Sweet . dispatches herein, are also resereed, amlned Colonel Watson’a quallr tlon. It paid a high enough price fi\> pounds through A'ug. 31. Next Armory: / . for permission to sublet part of . another memher of-, the faculty ., All members of ^pompany-,0, nut-.Street Package Store. stamp valid Sept. 1-. Mr. and Mrs. Helmar Anderson, of Stewitrl Kennedy, who has has a Anri Marie, Hansen,' Roberta 'United State*. sustained a fracture at the base of 3. $900—Betty Jane Kister, Pull ssrvice elleni of N. B. A Serrlee ties, proclalmeil Its opinion that for Republicans like 'him, and Mondays: 10 a. m. to 4^80 p m. the same building for the menu- ’’'.J Hynds, Barbara B. Kloppenburg, State Guard will report at the the skull which resulted In his Inc. Shoes West street.' Bolton, was crowhied The name of Mrs; Della Porter facture of small machine parts, in perfect record for .*eventceh yeara The supreme Allied commander state armory Tuesday evening for ry Spciiker Fallot’s"Studio. he was unfit, rejected his nominal , their record. In the last election, Bobk Three Airplane Stamps 1, Tiiesdaya: Closed all^^day to the Hills was omitted'from the list of Residence B and Business Zone The rectOK of St. Mary’s, the Mary B, McAdams, William Ritch­ and Field Marshal Sir Bernard L, death. He was taken to Maynard .4. $S00X; Bernard Bursack, Publishers Represantatlxcsi Ths public. the Fii'.st strawberry Qyeen of ie. Joan Schuetz, Jean Sch'netz. final Instructions for tli* Hartford In an ambulance owned by W. A. j- llu s M athews Spsclsl Agen<7 —New tlon, and given the Governor an.t:. '‘- ■J and 3 good indcflniletly. OPA those bequeathed S50C by. the / Willia'nis. was the Montgomery both received from B\irsack’s M¥i;ket. Wednesday; 2 p ^ ^ to 5 p m. Bolton at the Festival held Satur­ term.* of the will of the late Miss Application of Fred D. Fava of Six yeaas: Elizabeth May. Wil­ review. Trombly and exspilaed by Dr. O, Use thV* copyNiJ aftxpld Turk. Chicago. Detroit and Boston. snys no plans to cancel any. Next 97 Wells Street for permission to cclebrahl of the Holy Communion Marshal Georg! K. Zhukov the 5. $725- - Jo»ej)h' Fimtanella. opportunity to make another hom- | I . 1 K v f M 'l l l i v O • stamp valid Aitg. 1. Thursday an^Hmdaya: 10 a m day evening at the Community Caroline E. Kellogg. An error for this special service. He was as­ liam J. XlcDowell. Joan M. Strat­ L. Clark, medical examiner who or J. H. Sweet, of the local M anchester Public'^^'N^Iarket. match box for juM that BUREAU o r erect a fruit and vegetable stand jewelled Order of Victory. It waa a'tlon Army, will be the guest MEMBER AUDIT inatlon, and then continued the re- Gasoline to fi p. m. Over three hundred persons may alto be hoted in the report sisted by the Rev. Ellison F, Mar­ ton, Edna Taylor. the first time that Soviet Ruasla’a gave the cause of death aa a frac­ 6. $52.5-MaurlceX J. Beck. or for salt.. mall.' notes. CIRCUIA'nUNS. l.l-A Coupons good for four gal­ Saturday^: 10 m. to 1>:8U of the age dl the deceased, which In front of the gasoline station at vin. curate. Seven years; -Harold Binks, Parochial School tured skull. The occupants of th* of the Rotary Club at Its Blue, led, black: hand jectlon process, It might then jainrhedT the hall to dance, eat 97 Wells Street, in a Residence 0-, Donald R. Crawford. Jean M. highest award had been presented othUr car were unjured. weekly meeting tomorrow evei. ng Berks... t' The Herald Printing Company. lae., Tijkeii bv Dealli lons each through .lime 21: 16-A noon, should have read that she would ('liildrrn’H Choir Responded 7. $500 Louis Fo.ster, IiV)Ster’s decorated. 8” high; 6'4” have been claimed that the failure strawberry "shortcake and see the -Zone. Johnston. to any but Russians. Eisenhower . Body Brought Home at the Sheridan Restaurant. He assumes no ftnanclai raaponaibnity for ' Coupons become valid June 22 for Office telephone 6189. have -been 91 If she had lived to Mr. William.*, a.saisled by Mias was the eighth person to receive M a rk e t. wide. typographical errors appearing in ad- of Governor and Senate to agree Queen crowned. next September 2. Instead of 92. Application ^of Mrs. Loretta Delores Trqtlia, gave awards Of Eight years: Gloria Brown Graduation Date \ The body was broiight baefc'' le has chosen to speak on the work eertlsements 'a The Manchester Bre- the award, and the British field Mancheater last sve’nlng by Under, bf hla organization, locally, na­ 8. $500—Richard 'Veen, Tnpic was honest and unavoidable, in Norwalk, June 11 ~UP\' ,]Leon- Long l.lve the Queen Hebron’s public schools’ will Bouchard of 844 West Middle merit to eleven members of the Raymond Finnegan. Oliver Toop, X, , X olng Herald. whlch cane the Incumbent’s right T. Saunders, 77. of Ml. Vornon, Shirley, who is 17 years old and Nine years:. Catherine V. Gra marshal, the ninth. tak'ei; William P. Qulsh. MpS. White tionally-and Internationally'. caae close the 15th of ■ this month. Turnpike . for permission td erect children’s choir. Of the choir, the Eisenhower, addressing ir lunch­ 9. $500—Alexa Tournand, Fal­ Monday, June 11 Y„ assistant .msnager of the r» a Junior at the Manchester Graduation exercises for the 8th a roadside sttuid at the above ad- following held a perfect record at ham. william B. Thornton. The annual jradiiatlon exercises also 'returned .^home last evening, Major Sweet came to Manches- W.\TKINS to continue in his poet might havp^ Hotel Rooaevelt in New York City High School, was selected by three diress, in a Residence A Zone. services and rehearsals during he Ten years: Riissell L. Crawford. eon at his headquarteri', which of St. James's school, will be held She was accompanl^ by her iter two years ago this September lot’S Studio. , Cpngress Trots Along grade will take place at the town honored Mar.*hal Zhukov, con­ after having served other charges 10. $400 Pearl M Winton, possessed more weight. The Defn- and formerly prominent in Con- judges: Ellsworth L, Coveil of An­ hall Wednesday evening, June 13. Application dt Thomas J. past year: Cynthia Booth, Ann Jr„ Irene Matchett, Janet Ritchie. in St. James’s church Friday eve-1 daughtcr.N^llSs Marion White, a i Make MuTder Illegal ocratic Senate did not do anything nectlcnt busineaa and political cir*Y dover, Ira Wilcox -of Tolland, and Marie HanSeii. Barbara Kloppcn- Eleven yeara; Jean F. Cordner. queror of Berlin, declared: nlng. The class consists of 481 trained nuriiq. at ythe Deacone.*# throughout the New England 'Tweed Shop. Admission w’lll be by card- only, Rogers of 4 Rogers Place for per­ atates for 45 years. For the past, 10. $4(10— BarViara Svhildge. Gift Box like this. It'a only action was a clea, died of a .heart attack here^ i Wilbur J. Little of Manchester, aa the seating capacity Is limited mission .'to erect '.a one-family biirg,"Edmund Percaluha. Dorothy Twelve years: Joy'cq K. Weth­ "Sj>eaking for the Allied forces, pupiii. I Hospital. Bostoi I One of the aections of the re- late Saturday night. j from nine cijirtestanta.. She wore a I say we are going to have peace ’The'Ngraduallon is held In the! - Mr. White Wa,born in Manches- 24 years he has been a Major in- Tweed Shop. ne-Horse Shay For the same rewon admi-saiori of on an undersized lot west Morrison, and Shirley Wagner; erell. ’ 10, $400 M y rtle (.’arl.son. , port of Mr. Justice Robert H. flat refusal to perform any part Death occurred while Sadnders multi-colojed starched figured • half-year honor.* were given to Thirteen years; Rita Hadden. ! even if we have to fight for it. church e*K;h year and has always-i ter and alwilys hqs*)® *''• home the'Salvation Army. Major Sweet of Its own duty. It’# virtual abdi­ Was riding from New Rochelle, children of the lower grades will of No. 51 Pearl Street, in., a Rcsi-. attracted a^rge gathering. I here, ^ojt a jjumbef of years he is a native of Hopkinton, Mass. Tweed Shop. I Jackson, appointed by President chiffon gown over white taffeta. be restricted. dence B Zone. Walter.Banner, Joyce Crane. Ruth I Fourteen years: Gertrude Lid- "On t-wo occasions, now have Truman to be Chief of Counsel for cation of It* own prescribed func­ N. Y.. to this city with C. Maaon R ij/^ R iiaiiix.a« r n i i l i l I State Master Harry Paige of Guil- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coats have Prior, Jean Schiietz, , and Joan don. had the great honor of meeting Shay, planning to spend the week- V^OUHI fopd made a short, appropriate Application of Walter Jason ot Schuetz. Seventeen years; Stewart Ken­ high officials of the. ^v iet gov­ the United States In the prosecu- tion should alter and weaken what end at-the latter’s home here. I . ( M e r a lC W illi P e rsO ll- Tolland ^coronation speech and crowned the heard recently from their son, Sgt. 100 Wlnd.sor Street for permission might have been the bemdcratic Leslie Coats, who is In Florence, .aUeniluu.t- .\wardH nedy. ernment. It is my feeling that in ■ tlon of Axis war criminals, con­ Saiinders, born July 4, 186i, In 'y *. queen, presented her with a scep­ 16. locate a tobacco shed nearer Nineteen years: Mr*. Viol* Q. the basic desires of afi of ue they St, Johns. New Brunswick, was j., iM*I Syslein Siniilar tre, a gift of an identification Italy. He hM 96 points^ojvaros^the highway than-is permitted by- Mr. Marvin and John H. Hyde tains a legal recommendation . so case. Mma Bernice and - Miss Alice a discharge from military duty, gave the awards for attendance. A Trotter. . are,on* with us." for many yeara a reaident of NeW ! Hall of the East ■ Haven xTligh bracelet which will be suitably en­ 'the 2k>ning Itegulations at the ''Tthe •uprem* Allied eommander common sense, so inevitably right, London and at one time r e p r ^ h t- ; To,.Lpgi.slalefrs'. graved and a bouquet of American and expects to be able to return above address, in a Rural Zone. hat of those with perfect records that it la starUing. The Jackeon ed the Interests of the late" Com- ! school faculty are spewing the home fairly aoon, but says that follows. bestdVeff glowing praise upon An EisfnhowBr Speech Beauty roses. Shirley responded to Application of Leo Bushey of Marshal' ZhukoY, who In turn de­ those precious little baby shoes..* proposal Is, in a sentence, tbat we modorc Morton Plant, helping him |.y'.lames Marlow- week-end at the home of their the coronation in S gracious man- others have even more points thhn 670 North Main Street for permis­ One year; Gail Anderson. Mil­ To Hold Picnic M, to 5:30 P. M. Open Every^TMuf^ilAy Evening to 9. General Slsenhower, the man to obtain the franchisr*' for the; parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. ne*- and presented her three pages, he, and he will have to wait his sion to replace am existing garage dred E. Bartly, Cynthia Booth, scribed Eisenhower aa an"'Ameri­ Store Hi Closed Wednesdays At IS. NoonTx.^ stop the barbarous pretense that New Haven and ■Shert’e Line Rail-, . Wai -- ■llngton, ■■ , June ,,, —Con- , Hall. turn. He Is with the ftiotorlzed -Roy F. Clapp, Jeon. Colombat, can belonging to the Immortal r of war, the great man of war, w av Company. : grpAa trots along like a ong-horse the State Master and Vincent with a four-car garage at the At Center Springs war is a legal thing, with those Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pommitz KrzesickI who acted aa master of division of the alf forces. above address, in s Residence B. Joseph Crane, Jr., Robert Henry, great of all time for welding the preserve them fotever in. who start it .entitled to the legal looked back on his victory In a Saunders, a Hfe member of the -^»y. looking - for improvement of West Orange, New Jersey, are ceremonies, with a foee. Mrs. Robert F. Porte'r haa heard Zone. Cross, Leslie , A. Crauae, Har­ 'victorlou* Allied Armlei) from so New London filks Lodge, o p e r ^ everywhere .else, but out of date spending a few days.with Mr. and recently from her aunt 'in Eng­ ry Doering, Jr., John W. Doering, many different peoples. protection of codes of war. a ^ c h at A "Big Three*’ luncheon Other Contestants Application of Joseph. M. in Germany yesterday. What he a-brokerage housh In New York ''UAelf. , _ .Mrs. Joseph Frasie and other Tol­ land, telling some of the difficul­ Gary C. Dougan. Roger Dougan, The annual picnic supper ot the The glittering Order o’ Victory, The United States, says Justice before afiterlng the hotel buainesa. A .^congreBSional committee has land friends. Other contestants all beautifully ties connected with the food prob­ O’Brien of 427 Highland Park for Phyllle Dv.ire, Gail A. Eagleaon, Catholic Ladies of Columbus iviU a diamond and ruby medal, is said B ron z e d ish Jackson, proposes to take, In the bad to say was aimple and direct been holding hearings for months The Tolland Federated Church . .-gowned Included: Lois Fountain, . permission to have a gasoline sta­ Raymond Feiui, Catherihe Fergu-, to-have s money'value of at least - and wllLfor; months to cOme—to lems there. She says that they be held ' tomorrow at 9:80 at the war criminal trials themselves, for the future, junt aS hts own Ladies' Aid Society will have a Charlotte Hoar, He^n -M^n^^a, had average only about two ounces tion west of 427 Highland Park eon, Barbara A. Finnegan, Doris $12,006, V good will and decency contributed Miiiiitions Outer find a way oF-modemizing the law­ picnic Friday. June 15J5 at 11 a Bettv Lou Massey. Eleanor Pfeif­ of butter per week for the past and. for permission to have a Used Flavell, Catherine E. Foley, Gary Center Springs Club House. A Eisenhower decorated Montgom­ No’ long*!;-Will they piller - patter acioss the floor, but th# and for the future as well, . the making branch of government, fer. Mildred Pfeiffer. Joyce San­ Car Dealer’s License at the same Garnder, Gerald Garnder. Bessie short business meeting ■will follows X .little tike tlml wore them will alway* remain in ■your mem­ their simple-and direct effects to­ Look at the personnel system In m. a^the home of Mrs. C. Preston five years, with some oleomargar­ ery today wjth the distinguished ■ poalUon that a war qf aggression MeScham. A basket lunch will born and Louise Tedford. All of the ine allowance, and with oth4-r address, in a Residence A Zone. \ Hunter, Louis Johnson, Dorothy Ths* committee has arranged tof service medal for meritorious .serv­ ory If his tiny are preserved forever in bronze finish! be legalised. . ward the accomplishment of . mili­ In Rockies Urjred Congress, the way in which capi- contestants were introduced first Application of David L am b ert M. Kramer. an evening of active and qtiiet X tol employes are hired and paid. .be held with coffee provided at by number and after the Queen foods In proportion, some of which games which should prove of great ice. The citation noted that Mont-, atlce Jackaon charges that tary victory In Europe. "■ the picnic are Just taken for grantad here. of 68 Hollister Street for permis­ David J. Lindsay, Lewis Nwfis, gomery direct command a t No big business could operate like was selected the others formed her sion to convert the one-family Roxann A. Norris, Edmund J. amusement to all who attend. \ the l e ^ trappings which now He had Just received a hlgli and Denver. June ' 11—<4^^Ship- that. The Tolland Community Wom­ court. The three pages were Carol She also said it took a month for Miss Mary Retlly as^ chairman Allied Armies Invading Nornton- bullder Henrf J. Kaiser, Sr., pro-: en’s club will picnic June 20th at a letter to reach her written by dwelling at the above address in­ Peresliika, Adelaide Perkins, Judy dy on D-Day and said; - surround and pretend to govern unprecedented honor from the Capitol pages — boys in their Quinn, Nita Gagliardonc and Rifne Petrie. Marilyn Petrie, 'Shirley arid Miss Beatrice S ^ehey #s co- poses a “great and permanent teens—get $.5 a day, which is more the home of Mra^Rupert West In Gagliardone. “They followed the her great-nephew, Cpl. Milton Por­ to a two-famlly dw^ing, without chairmari'x,have l^en well aasisted “'The success of this the institution of war are “sterile (Soviet Union, but he •-chose to munitions manufacturing center” the Snipsic section of Tolland. ter, who Is somewhere 'In the Eu­ exterior alterations, in a Resi­ Petrie. Morgan L- P orterjr., Cyn­ against seemingly impregi Single Shoes. $2..$0: speak not of himself but of bin than the capttol police—men with procession carrying the crown, the, thia J. Sauter. Janet M. Schaub, by Mrs. .Ann Kwash, Mlsa Hen- legalisms developed , in the ago of in .the Rocky mountain area for families—get. And the cops on the Lt. Col. George Crandall visited sceptre and the bouquet. . ropean area. She said she want­ dence A Zone. riette Raynaud. Mrs. Rita . Shea, fortifications was Ip large/fheas- pair* $8.50. Ash Trays men. And he thought he knew 'fiilure national security. Virginia Schaub, Barbara Shafer, imperialism to make wsf respect­ Senate side of the Capitol get his relatives and friends In Tol­ Other Highlights ed'him to come and visit her when Application of Thomas England Mrs. Agnes Reardon, Mrs. Julie u're due to csreto) planing and $4.95 and $5.95. Paper The elder Kaiser, whose name land recently; the food situation had become suf­ of 270 Oak Street for ^rmiaaion Iveslie Stevenson, Russell Steven­ MeSweeney, Miss Louise Gavello, thoroiigh tralnirig undei/hls guid- able.” -V what they want out this war. more than those on the House side. There was no question but that son, -Allati D. Thomas; Robert y.- Weight.* $5.95 and / - "I Know those men Intimate­ wps first prominently identified Y t those cops, working under The 4H Town committee met at ficiently improved to enable her to erect a two-car garage at ‘268-., Mrs. Kathryn'Scadden, Mrs. Nelliej-ance of sll/echelona/Of engaged For the future, aays Juetice with shipbuilding after the Pearl the same roof, do exactly the same the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ th people came to eat the famous to entertain company. ^ 270 Oak Street nearer the lot line Thornton.. Clarence . ■ Wetherell, Barrett, Mrs. Elizabeth Shea and troops. $7..50; Book Ends Jacksoii, “7^ therefore propoee' to ly,’’ he said, "and I know w hat Harbor attack and then with mu- liam Anderson Thursday evening. Bolton strawberries; the Horhe The-weekly meeting of the local than is permitted by the Zoning Dawn Willoughby, Holiday- Smith, *nd $n.9.V kind of job. Economics Comimttee of Bolton Barbara R. Young, Lillian Ban­ Misa Joaephine Smachetti. charge that a war of aggression is they want. n; ions manufacture, declared In a 169 Different Rate* of Pay I The Tollanil Girl Scouts will rationing board was held last Mon­ Regulations,' to a Residence B Early reports indicate a large *7" statement yesterday that "the sponsor a public dance at the Grange had prepared 72 qiiarta of day -evening, with Fordyce P. Zone. ner, Walter Banner, Joyce Crane. turnout of members for the supper a crime, and tbat modem interna­ "They Want peace. ' war li the-Pacific is being sup­ There are 169 different rates of berries and baked about 300 deli­ Two years; Arthur F. Bogllsch, "They want an opportunity for pay—it depends on the whim of the Town hall, Tolland. June 15 from SUnleiy, field edpervisor, and hls- Application of Robert A. Schu­ and entertainment. Each guest is tional law'hae abollehed the- de­ plied over congested railroads from 8 to 12 p. m. with Chafles Todd’s cious-biacuits—and these werie put secretary, Mr*. Ruth Bailey,, in Bette M. Bogllsch, James Doering. requested to bring her own silver Y O U t o r' our farmers to raise a little more i;.dividual congnassman—for the on sale at 8 p. m.—by 9:15 all bert of 54 Cooper Street for per­ fense that those who Incite -ordnance plants located in the 1,373 people employed by con­ orchestra to furnish the, music. attendance. Certificates of award mission to keep , rabbits at the Robert Dodrlng, Lois M. Hooey. and cup. HIAM N9 AID I com next' year. They want an e ^ t. This should hot happen Miss Carol Needham or Tolland were sold out and the committee from the office of the price ad- Norman" Hooey, Alice Kelly, Rich­ wage It are engaged In legitimate again.;’ gressmen in the House and Senate had to turn down many requeaia. above address, to a Residence B . ard Kelly, Barbara J. Kennedy, A t ea s^ I opportunity for our miners to live Office buildings. is again on the dean’s list at Hlll- mlnlstraUoh were presented to Zone. To Reduce Royal Air Force businesB." Kaiser, in "Denver on. a visit to yer Junior -College, having re­ Nita and Rene Gagliardone. small board member*. The certificates X > 10 There, in that reference to the a little better next year, his Son. Henry J. Kaiser, Jr., and The capitol has five aisburslng daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Application of Alfred T. Cyr of COMFIITI ARTHUR’S offices—pay masters—as follow; ceived high honors. Gagliardone were well received In were signed by the late president. 670 North Main Street for permis­ Lfigal Notices London, June ll.<-r-fjpi—The /Medtl A .2.A 848 Mala Street I fact tbat war has been regarded "All of us who are right think­ the Kaiser’^(qnitions plant, point­ House members’ employes are Mrs. Eldred Poyle was a re­ Franklin D. Rooseyilt. Cheater A. F. is to be reduced to about select a new Watkins Sofa at th e ^ e ing want the common men of all ed nut tbat hisTlenver plant is the their song and dance act. Carol sion td keep rabbits and chickens aa a "legitimate business," Jus­ paid by the House disbursing offi­ cent guest at a party of Miss Quinn recovered from, a recent Ill­ Bowjea, administrator, Eldon C. AT A COU^T o r PROBATK HELD third of Its. present strength of-f" When It comes to farthest West of all War depart­ cer. House members themselves Dorothy Hale In Glastonbiirj’. Shoup. regional administrator and at the above address in a Resi­ «t M»nche*ter. within »mt for the DU- approximately i.000,000 men ajrifi tice Jackson einglea out one of the nations to have opportunities that ment • .ordnaiwje establishments, ness and was able to appear and dence B Zone. trlrt of Mnneh^mer, on the 9th d«y of we fought to preserve for them. with'a great coritenlration of ord­ are paid by the . House sergeant-1 Mrs. Edward Wochomnrka, and charm the audience with her acro­ Stanley Cnjte, district director. Jiih*. A. D.. 1945. women in the next 12 months,/the I great shames of modern clvlllza- at-arms. two children of Somers were re- The certificates read, as follows: Appllcatlpn of Archie. Hayes of .Present WILLIAM >. HYDE. Esq.. Air Ministry said, today. Readj^ust-! more e r r e s h i n g 3 "They want the opportunities nance factories east of the Mis­ batic dance. Stuart Reopell was 35 Birch Street for permission to on. War has been so re|;arded sissippi. Senate members’ employes are pent gueats of their Tolland rela- loudly applauded fo.r his songs and "This award for meritorious Jiid re . ment for the war agalna^Japan ! Daily Cl X*i use property on Elasex Street own­ Trust E.etste of Second Conarefs- by the German General Staff, that will let ail nations that, have paid by the Senate disbursing of- i tivcs. encores. The committee in charge service in the wish-effort la made will, bring about .th^ release' . of earance Prices been engaged In this war gb for­ ficets. Senators are paid by the The last meeting of the season to—in appreciation of your devo­ ed by William Lewie of 123 Spruos Uonsl Church u-w of Liicy G. Spencer many groups.' the rettolming and '< there's h o t h i n g like I new which thought of itself aa a group of the Festival Included Jean Mc­ Street for the storage of range Isle of Manchester, In said deceased. Fresh Picked ward together to greater pros­ Senate sergeant at arms. . of the -4H Junior Girls club met Cormack, -chairman; Mr. and.M n/ tion to our country’s ,_^needa « - The Uartlord-NsUoiuU ....Rsnk..-.«hd. remusteriiig, pfjather^^ the re-.j one-of-a-kind floor ’ Samp^les - of diapaasionate experts, not . aa . a. Denies British The capitol s'eruhu^men, ?l^\-a-i arid fuel Oil find the conducting of Trust Company. Tnistee hsvlnx ex­ lievral 6F recnritlng/Some R.A.F. I perity., hot for us sitting around Friday. June 8th at the honta, of William Minor.-Miss Olive Swan­ pressed In your patriotic contribu­ group of mErderera, when It cool­ lor operators, and the various em­ their leader, Mrs. L. Ernest HflR son, Miss 'Velma Mu'nro arid Clyde tion of time and effort to the price a retail range and fuel oil busi­ hibited Its account, with said estate to peraonnel has. b e ^ transferred, to ! Strawberries ly plsinned the slaughter of 'mll- this table, but for the mas-ics that Units Reinforeed ploye.* of the capitol grounds — Graduation exercises for the Marshall. Mrs. Arthur yPl.nney control and rationing program.” ness. also for the storage of coal this Court for sllowence, it is th# Navy. hired by the.capitol architect — and conducting of a retail coal ORDERED ;^Th*t th* 16th 6«y of Uona of innocent European - lives. we represent, > , ' | -, Grammar Grades of Tolland pupils headed the committee An charge Those receiving the. awards In­ June'A. D.. 1945. at • o’clock (w. t-i Old tim» comfort in these Watkins Sofa# for they have th# old tlm* Bedding ■Thai' means p e a c e ...... Beymuth, June. 11. -f/Pi- Sir| are paid through Secretary Ickeif were held on Wedne.*day. June 6. of the' shortcake andj^’efreshment clude Chairman Robert E. Foote, busincM. ' . . - forenoon, at the Probate Office, In said At the Stand spring cpnatructlcn! SO you’ll be at ease in any one of them. Price* They so thought of themselves in Inferior department. ’ In the auditorium of the HIcks'Me- department and ws« assisted by Clarence V. - Rathbun, Carroll S. Appileation for permission to M anchester, be and the ,*ame la aa- ;al Ndtices "I cannot speak for any other Edward Grigg, British resident! Slgned lor a hearlns on the allowance e**y on your pocketbook, too! s*. spite of the fact that several in­ The House reading clerks— alj morlal school with the . following M.s. Harry Munro, Mrs. Daniel Dunham, Led Kowalski, Edwato keep chickens by: URT o r PROBATE HELD individual In fatt, while I am ex- minister In the Middle East, has they have to do Is read aloud tha graduates: Marlene Laura Bar- ofisald account with said estate, end ternational agreements after the . ' ... and suggested that French and British Hetloran, Mrs^/^uth Shedd. M^h- Raymond, also the late Edmund Willard Hills, 181 Summit this Court directs the Trustee to clv'e lieiter krithln snd for the Dit- Cbrner-Qak and bills introduced—get $7,500 a year, 'atow. Walter Beaton. Arthur •hea­ Keeney HuUmin.son and Josep'h H. Horton. Members wetjF'hlao public notice to ell pereont Interested MAncheeter, on the 9th day of first World War labeled a war of pressing what is In my heart and, ^ withdrawn slmultane- Street. ~ 1945. mind, I am speaking for no one which la as much- a.* the in­ ter Caldwell, Carrie Ann Oough, Mack and^olunteer workers. Bol­ presented small pins . Jnicribed, Raymond Dupuis, 22 Lenox therel nto appear end b< heerd there­ $249.00 Modernized Law.aon in blue te x tu r^ ’^over .$225.00 aggression as an international ously from the, Levant state.*.'» dispensable parliamentarian, Lo-i Edna Emma Dlmmock.-Robert Al­ ton Gwuige No. 47 sponsored the "War Price and RAtjonihg Boards, on by publiahtnx e copy of Ihle order pi-oeent WILLIAM 8. HTDE, Esq.. Spruce Streets except Ike Elsenhower. His suggestion was made at . a Street. • In abme nea-epeped havins e circula­ todRO. . , ■ crime. Desher, gets. , len Gerich, Elaine Lola Gordon, Festival and it is hoped by many OPA. Meritorioua'Awards." Jasper Howarth; .41 Westwood Extste of Ellen 0 ‘L4*sr>’ Iste of Man- 195.00 London Club in blue pin-.striped velvets .V. 169.00 *’BUt i believe that there Is not press' conference yesterday . in Advises Speaker on Procedure Karl Ludwig Heintz, Eleanor Mary tion-In said District, lire ,days before^' . - - . ' ,g" And, when they, starred their which he denied a charge by Gen. that It will be a yearly event— ■ Allan L. Garf'was a visitor hare Street V . said day of hearln# efid' return tnake chexter. In said District, decoaxed. {] any single man around this table He's Irreplaceable. It took him Konlar,rv4jiii»rt Louis K^*ley, Alexander . Doiiiboth in recognitionrccijjjniuon oi of theiiir Grange overnight-TJiiesday. He also went Robert^ C.' Glenney, '51 ! Jordt. ;to this Court, and by malllns .on br On motion of James H. O'Leary of 198.00 Lawson Lounge in blue textured homespun. . ^ • .169.00 war, they got away with it. -They Oliva Roget. French commander 20 years to learn the parliamentary Strechko, Fr^nk S. Lombardfyrstrawberry Industry, to CpWiester and, called on friends before June It. 1945. a copy of.-Ihls said Manchester Administrator. thought of themselves as gentle­ that would not give back all the In southern SyUa, ; that British rulis of the House. He has to go Street. order to Ralph J. Rockwell. -Treasur­ ORDERED:—That six months from 169.00 English Lounge in rich green figured damask...... 125.00 Lucille Ann- Mather. Helen AlkTe s,H>naflie Dance th e '^ x t day; ^ 'hiomas Henderson, 425' East er. The Second Conxrega'tfonal Church. the 9th day of June, A. D,-, 1945 be YOU’D BE men engaged in a trade. No mat­ honors, all the publicity, every-;- troops were reinforced just before over every bill introduced and ad­ Polanakv.' John Edward Rldzon, and the same are limited and allow­ the putbreak of French-Syrian' The Ladies of SL Maurice wjll Red Cross work at Tuesday eve Middle Turnpike.'".-. .Wl N orth .Main atreet. M ahcheater, 196.00 Duncan Ph.vfe in figure-stripe beige tapestr.v...... 169.00"^ thing else this war has brought to vise the speaker on procedure. AndnsY*'George Uhas. Tberslla Ann ning’s session resulted in the com­ Thomas J. Kearns, 37 BlrO Conn. ed for the creditors within which to ter ho* - many people they mur­ fighting. sponsor a dance to be held Satur­ brInR in their claims asainst said es­ him, if he could have avoided the '■No other person in the ' House Waclaw, Robert Francis Wein- pletion of all, the dresseMfor over­ Street. . . '' ,. WTLLIAM 8, HYDE 149.00 Lawson Lounge in beige tapestry cover...... lii.OO dered. they considered themselves Grigg told he made his state has his background. gartner. Mabelle-‘'Elslg'’R*oodworth, day at the Community H«di. Bol­ . ' Ju d se. tate, and the aald Administrator it di­ misery. Ihe ^ffering and the debt because "British officers and ton Center.. Mrs.' Donald Tedford seas relief, except for two which Alexander Lilhwinski, 121 Pg?;**, H-S-11-45. rected to Rire public notice to. the ASTONISHED legally protected because they Here are samplea of duplication Clifford Oscar WaM,''Jr. Presenta­ still required some . hand work. ipredltora to '^rlnR in their clelms 269.00 Kidney Tuxedo in blue self-patterned damask....., . 225.00 that have beftn brought to th e ; British action have been groaslv of effort and help; The Senate and is chairman of the committee Ip .Street. wore a uniform. tion of certificates; pharles Leon­ charge and will be assisted by Mrs. There will be quite a bit of work , John Morianos. 15 Lilley Street. ' a T a COURT o f PROBATE HELD within said tlm<4 allowed by postinf a At the High Prices We populations bv reason of this i traduced.”- *• . House each has its own document ard. Presentatid'n of Class, L. T. to be done at the next meeting at Mancheater. within and for the Dlsr copy ot thia order, on the public sTrii 195.00 Chippendale in-.small-figured damask...... 169.00 ’There is nothing more a.sinine Renato CocConi. Mrs. Frsmk Bosio, - Arthur H. Keeney, 88 Church post nearest to the place where the Will Pay For Cara Grigg said he -;was anxious for room', its own furniture room, its Osrriaon.'Clato Colors, maroon and Tuesday evening, when all work frlct of Mancheater, on'the 9th day of ■ 149.00 Lawson Lounge in figured burgundy tapestry...... 123.00 X than civilization’s pretense that' a war. ! rif* United States partici- own typewriter repair room, each gold. , Mrs. Giovanni Pesce and Mrs. Ber­ Street. 'V Ju n e, A. D., 1945. deceased Uiat dw elt w ithin said town Regardleea of Year, Moke, "Yet this was nard Baranousky. 'The music for will have to be pressed off and Clifford \Jefferson, 270 West Present WILLIAM 8. HYDE. Esq.. and by publlahinc tbe same In a6ma thing like war can actually be holy "’ar. M I pation in 'the solution of the Le­ with its own staff. Mrs. Ingersoll of Boston is a made ready ^or shipment. Tliis Ju d se . newspaper havinR a circulatlcm in aald \ Mirdkl or Confilttoe 289.00 Lawson Lounge in^green striped d a m a s k ...... 249.00 than any other war In history thia vant crisis, adding that he be­ There, are four restaurants, two the square and round dances vvill Center Street. probate district within ten days from fought by a civilized code. , 'That guest of her. daughter, Mrs. Harold be furnished by Chick Aronson and completes the present work pro­ . Stanley kazevich, 51 GoodW'tn' Trust Estate u-a- -of Charles Cheney We Wtn Pay Aa High Aa war has been an array of the lieved the problem should be set­ on the House slde„ two on the Sen­ Clough andi family. gram" until more material is sent late of Manche.sICr. In. said district, de­ the date of this , order; and return / 289.00 Classic Kidney Tuxedo in blue damask...... 249.00 assqmption is, as justice Jackson tled by British, American and ate.aide.'AU require separate staffs. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Franc re-1 his band. There will be refresh- Street, ceased.' make to this court of th^ notice Rlren. forces of e\il -against those ot out from.the parent chapter. Harolu T. Hewitt. 327 Parker The Trustees ImvliiK exhibited their W ILLIA M S. HYDE 1936 Cars . 225.00 charges, merely a<( attempt to French • consultation with the Le­ Perixonal Setup joke cently celebrated their 23rd wed- There was^a half day’s session 1937 Cars 275.00 Heppelwhite in self-striped righteousness.’’ . The personnel setup is a joke. ding anniversary with a party of School Board Meeting Street. anhual accniiiit with said estate to this Ju d | make war a re.spectable, legiti­ vant governments, excluding Rus­ of schools hare on Tuesday.; allow­ Charles Bezzini, 65 Liniunore Court for alloa-aiice. It la H-4-1I-45. $400* $ 5 0 0 259.00 Pleated-back Tuxedo in rose texture cover... . 22M 0 mate thing. Previously, Marshal Zhukoff, sia op the,, ground that Rps.sia lIs Here’s how people are hired , to. friend# from .Rockville, South Wll-i An Important-meeting of the ing teachers to attend the final ORDERED;—That the 23rd day ot ' toasting General Elsenhower, de­ not a beiligermt in the Far East work in'the capitol : , ' Hngton and Tolland; Bolton Board of Education teachers’ meeting in Colchester. Drive. June, A; D.. 1945 at 9 o’clock <«•. t.) AT A COURT OF PROBAM HELD 289.00 London Club in rose textured upholstery.. . . . !i-.2l9.00 He proposes, for the future, w a r ./ \ ■ The architect hires the scrub­ Mrs. Eli Carver of Rockyilie held Tuesday evening at 8 p. m. in Alexander H. Rydlewicz, ;J6 forenoon at the Probate Office, In aald at Manchester within and tor the D is­ 19.38 Cars scribed him as "a ton of _ the . _ Canning" sugar may be applied -MaiiPheiter. be aiid the same la aa- trict of Manchester, on the 9th day'of 1939 Cara that these-safeguards snd pre- women and -elevator operators; with her niece-Mrs.^uth L. French the Center school. AU members Server Street. Jufte. A. D„ 1946. 179.00 Duncan Phyfe in stri|>ed damask.... * * * B-.p * B.-4 * . 149.00 for at' the local rationing board of­ Joseph Pearson. Jr.. 62 Acad­ atsaed for a hearlns on the, allowance $ 7 0 0 $ 1 ,0 0 0 mimpti'ohs ibf legitimacy be re­ American people.’’. One might add, ^ . \ the piatronage committee of House of North Coventrl’. were recent are. urged to attend. fice. although It cannot at present of said account- with said eatate, and Present WlLLlAM/fi. HYDE. Esq, that the American people have : | , ) | | | ^ ^ • n ^ v ^ | | | f | and Senate hires the cap’itol po­ guests of Mr. ghd Mrs. John H. emy Street. this Court directs the Trustees to sive Juditk. moved *frp|n all w'ars of aggrep- Qiiaerj-rille Note* be Issued. M o rt is being made to Estate, of Mar.v-Doellner Shields late good reason to be proud of the licemen; the members hire theif Steele. / ' . The Bolton Scouts will meet this get sugar for those wishing to can ^rank Stevens, 781 . Center public notice to-all perlonS Intereated alpn. and that those who; begin own as.sistants: the sergeants at Mis.* Hope .West and Mrs. Street. therein to appear and be heard there­ of Manchester,/ in said District, Re­ 1940 Cars *41-'42 Cara -> cf t lltese sa vings - fact that It can produce m military cvehfng at 7 p; m. in the bisement atrawterries, but thus far no on' by publishlnR a copy ot this oHer cessed. and wage such wara have their le- To Pacific Seen arms or the chief clerks of House Frances Bi'ishneir of Tolland were of the ;Quartr>rvnie church. authorization has been made. Some Georg* Anderson, 785 /Canter in some newkpupt-r liavihs a clrciils- . On motion of Ernest , A. D o etin er'o f $ 1 ,4 0 0 $ 2 ,0 0 0 . gal status redticed to something leader capable of such ■ belief In ». and Senate hire the capitol clerical among the Nurses' Aides capped it Members of the Women’s So­ strawberry growers are discourag­ Street. tinii In. aald Dlatrlct, five daya before said Manchester. Executor. X Ofiij.TifkiiiK.'i,. mis^-matclii d guiiipii, and respect' for those ideals which help. . the giiduatlon In Rockville, Mav ciety for Christian Service 'will' ed a t the prospect for the crop, Andrew J. Kelley, 8k W’hitney said day of hearln# and return make. ORDERED:—Tbat six months from DRIVC IN - roughly, comparable to nhe criml- ParL*. June 11—f/Pi— The Army _ to this Court, and by mailinx in a the Sfh day ot June, A. D., 1946 be and WRITE IN ' pattcims . , . meet St the church at 10 a. m„ wbich at first waa very encourag­ Hoad. the same are limited arid allon-ed tor X v Aal status of .'any one engaged in newspaper Stars and Stripes said coinihittceS—like the House Bank­ . Janies HassetL/ig Brqad Street. ' reRlatered letter, on or before June 13, PHONE IN 7-8144 ^"AVat'k'in.* QiiaUty B<-ildii>g lOuMits inc'udc box to war. General Eisenhower’s txx'lay the U.'S. Tbifd and Seventh Mr.'and Mri^G- R°y Brown were Wednesday, to clean the church. ing. the early hot weather, follow­ 1945, a. copy 'o f this o rder to M ary the creditors within Which to bring In .ripilng.* and m':ittro«.-^i-.* i. an act of pifacy.. It is about time Armies wonl\l occupy American ing and Currency committee or recent guests of relatives in BriS: 'All memhers are urged to be pres­ ed by frost*"-wet June weather, John Barnard; 20 Moore Street. Beil Cheney. 131 Hartford Hoad, Man­ tlieir claims against said estate, and r stature haa grown slowly, aurcly. the House Interstate Commerce^ tol. Conn., , Edward 0*krien, 46 South Al­ chester.' Conn.: Ward Clieney Tare of the said Executor Is directed to give WE RA\'E ON HAND we had such an authoritativeita and zones In Germany, making Lieut. ent. The . cleanliyi equiphient w ill and cold days, have caused the public notice, to the credltoi* to bring indUentlal. voice Beqklng to end ’ "’if'itot benefit of ’personal dra­ committee — have fantasticaRjw be furnished but'eayh one is asked trouble. Some others report the ton'Street Chenay Brothers, Manchester, Conn.; SEVERAL USED TRUCKS So Soft! X' 1 Twin Size Outtit, regiilar $69.50 ...... 839.50 Gen. Leonard Gyrow’s 15th .Army ; ,, . , ■I Petey'^uldoon, l4l HighlanJ M arlon C. Deiinls, 1105 Park Avenue, Iri their clalmj within said time allow­ matics'or publicity bnild-.iips. It "available for a possible shift to ’ - 5’ , —— ------—I to furnish their own lunqh., ,- prospect* pretjy good after all. New York -Cltyt .Barbara t* Watkiiis. ed by pnstinR a copy of this order on li-Ton to lro»Pect. Pai? ;ho East 72nd street. New York; Mari- lized thing. They are responsible for some North.Coventry J 7 o’clock Wednesday, evening at Mn and Mrs. Verosi HlUs have moiid.' Moianvey, 37 Keiising- he| C. Honipstone. Timonlum ' Road. piack 'Where the deceased last dwelt fresh, dean pillows! becahi^ of what is inside the man •The newspaper, in a dispatch Lutherville, MSrylancL within said town and by publlahing We Wlir Buy Your Car ^ . .’L Twins, 11 Fuji Si/'e Outfits, regular $,75.0(t^59.75 from tViesbaden; Germany, said Of the most important legislation the church. mpved their household effects fro ^ bn Street. the same in Some newspaper haying hlmperf^. ^ ^ in Congress .but the Banking com­ Plans for the annual rhuroh Edward Gorman, 72 Linden. WILLtA.M-8. HYDE Ov#r the Phone.’ - The McCarthy Case, this did| not mean that troops now SergL Alphonse Genovese, is their home here ta their nS' • - Ju d se. a circulation in said probate dlatrlct, , ' , >8 -. 2-'l Twins. ’J6 Full Size Outfits, regular .$79.00 69.50 servihgi in the Third and Seventh mittee clerk’ Is paid $2,700 and- h.'me on leave,, He has been 'sta­ school picnli will be made at the home In Somers, and Mi. and Mrs. Street. . H-H-11-45. ..S'. within ten daya from the date of this There -is no| prediction of" how) ,thc Commerce committee clerk Chun’*' school services next Sun­ Stuart Brinkman will move In In Karl F. Jones, 18 Alpine Street. order, and return make to this court were destined for occupation duty, tioned at kcesler Field, Miss., day; All meihbcrs are asked to be Joseph Banavige, 38 Hudson AT A COURT o r PROBATE HELD of the notice given. Capitol Motors 3 Full Size ^lattresscs, regular S29.75,...... 22.50 G. O. P.'s Burden $4,600. If they need special re­ since bis return from overseas; the near future. , WILLIAM 8. HYDE earance the court decision in the effort of necessarily. It pointed out that search, they depend on one re­ present both-to aid with plans for Howard Kelsey has sold, his Street. at Mancheater. within and for the DIs- 368' MAIN ST. HARTTOIU) Motor.ychicle Commissioner John- redeployment was bringing about Lieut. James V. Edmondson . is the picnic and to rehearse for . tricl of Mancheater, on the 9tb day of -Judge. • 4 Full Size Malti’esscs, regular $35.00...... 29.75 Last week. Republicans in the I almost complete revampment of searcher in the Library of Con- back home -and is now. on the place on the Burrows Hill-Marl- Albino Accornero, 19 Birch Ju o a . A. D.. 1945. H-S-n-45. \ prices T. McCarthy to! hold office in defi­ House gave an overwhfelrhing j pe^onnel. gripsh He gets $3,200 a year. . Army Inactive Service, Children’s Sunday which will be borough corner, formerly'owned by Street. ■■ Present WILLIAM 8. HTDE, Esq.. ' Cortifress, which makes the 'Yia- hel4 June 24. '" Mr*. Fanny Murray, to Mr. and Joseph Butler, 183 Oak Street. JiidRe. 6 Twins. 8 F"ull Size Box Springs, reg. $29.75 22.50 ance of Governor Baldwin’s ap- non-partiaan vlctor>’ to . the Bret-i The U. S; First Army already Lcmtta McKinney is ' at the Trust Estate of John E. Keieher u-w tion’s laws, spends only $83,000 Hartford hospital where she was Democrats to Meet Mrs, Fredt Thompson. The Kelseys Victor Erickson, 15 Starkweath­ .. pointment of his successor unll ton Woods pacts. Last week. i 1* headed for the Pacific and the for a staff of experts to draft the Representative , Chase Going" ■Had owned and occupied the place er Street.' - • ,» - of Marfaret E. Hackett late ot Man- r Twin Size Box Spring, regular $35.00. 27.50 go. ■ ■ ■ Ninth'w ill halt operations In Ger­ taken for an emergency appen­ ' cheater, in said Olatrtet,- deckaaed. Governor Dewey, his party's titu­ many next Fndsy., legislation. But , a 'igovemment dectomy. She is reported as doing Woodhouse. Congresswoman from a short time only, having previous­ Alexander -Kasevlch, 43- Dover - T h» T fu.*U-» faavina axhiblted ita an-“ Every pair of Watkiu* Fine PillowB 18< 2 Pr, Reg. $10.98 and i But two things do seem signifi­ agency. like the Agriculture de­ the second congressional district, ly sold their house further along Road. nual account with aald eatate to thii ' 6 Kadh Twin and Full Size Box Spi’ing-S lar leader, .made an important' hidely. - , ' " Court for alldwance. it la $10.50-Pillows ....Pair 8.75 29.75 cant indication, to laymen at least, partment, spends $1,600,000 a )ne of Grimm’s F'airy TaRs will be the -main speaker at the on the same road. They have now’ Mrs. Peter Carclo, 42 Dover ^RECORDS— reduced to make way for an entirer " Regular .$39.50 ...... speech: in whlOh he stated that the rn'cting of. the -.JTolland County ORDERED:-T-That tile ISth day ot I that Governor Baldwin is within year on Its legal staff. "Rumpelstilsk'in.”. ,...... has__ been___ writ- moved to Colchester on the New- Road. June, A. D.. 1945 at 9 o'clock (w. t.i ' lyjnew line soon-ready. 2 Pr. Reg. $13.60 Pillows. United States piust take the lead So—lot* of bill* affecting gov- ; ten Jr. ’’play" form by the thiid Democratic Asadciatlon to be held London turnpike. -. • Any person Interested in any of fomiooii. at the Probate Office, In said I ...2 Full Si’ze Serf a Bed Box Spriug hla rights. in ergnomic intematldn^ coopera- i South Coventry ernment agencies are drafted by; and fourth grades and will be pre- Friday. June 1.5. at 8 p. m. in'the Another real estate deal la. the these applications la entitled to Maiiehester. be and the same la as/; Pair 9,95 Regular $29.75 ...... lU.OO ■The first is the fact "that the the legal staff* of those agencies seuted for the parents at the school Red Men's Hall in .'Rockville. purchase by Paul A. H. DeMacarty signed for a liearlnR on the allowanee tlon by endorsing Bretton Woods, attend ,the hearing and to speak of 'said account with said estate, ami 4 Pr. Reg. $3.65 Pillows, Pair $2.50 division of responsibility for nam­ W. D. Van Arsdale report* instead of by Congress itself. picnic Tuesday, June 12. Miss Everyone is cordially Invited to of Hartford, of the-.Adelle White for or against the granting of Uie- 8 Pr. Reg. $14.^ Pillows, hy continuing the reciprocal, trade ; attend. tills Court directs tt^e^Trustee to five ing this and other commiasionera there will- be a meeting of the Jeanne Heckler la the’ 'teacher. proMrty, situated on Burrows Hill request. public notice to alt persons Interraled : 11 Pr. Reg. $4.60 Pillows, X ^ * Pair 10.75 agreements program. The atmos­ Community SenUr Art Class thiq No Rigbt to Judge Patriotism MUS'. Heckler plan* to attend New ' Pomona Officers to ^ Gueet* road. He and hla family are al­ Manchester Zoning Board of tlierein to appear arid be heard there- : waa never originallyr provided for phere created by these two events evening at the Center; York University next year to ob­ Officers of East Central Pomo­ ready occupying the place, a luuid- Appeals:- _ ' on by pnbllshInR a yopy of this order Pair 2.9$ 6 Pr. Reg. $24.50 Pillows, merely to create party line bat- W.^ one which led to hope that The firemen will 'hold their reg- Lucerne. Switzerland, June 11— tain her degree. na Grange will fill the chairs at some otd-faahioned. residence By Richard Martin, In some newapsper bariPR a eiraula- ' Pair 12.75 the next regular' Grange meeting Quite a land acreage goes writh t -M in Mid District, firs days -before COLUMBIA — DECCA — VICTOR — CAPITOL m m u Uea.' The legislative branch. In , ular monthly meeting' at the., fire-- The. Board of Directors of the Chairman..* 'll day of hearInR and return make B Pr. Reg. $6.25 Pillows. Pair 4;98 y the Repjublican party was fitialiy .Oivea Horaes by Stalin accbtdlng to an announcamant the dwelling house. Mr. DeMacarty this case the. Senate alone, was going to create a record'of trying house Monday evening. Swiss Author’s union decided to- Martin E. Alvord, to this Court, and by malllnf on or t Pr. Reg. 114.50 Pillows, . , , , • The Far Flung Pai-mers. the dav the union had no right to made by Lecturer Lillian Hutch Is in the insurance ^business. Secretary. before' Ju n e 11. 1945. a copy p f thf* C Pr. Reg. $9,50 Pillows. Pair 5.9.5 Pair 1T.50 Rtven the right' ^to approve the to make International cooperation, jupi^y h ,j, Group of the 4H are Ju ^ e the patriotism of members, Moscow, June i i —)— u. 8. son at the meeting of BollBolton Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mullen and oriier to Caridiiie N,.JCelrher, Guardlap ^ M oHcUeii&t Ambasaadbr W. Averell Harriman Orange Grange to be held Friday evening.evening, twin children are occupying the for Jidin 9'.'''Keieher, 57 Raymond ’8 .^ OsTerapr's nomlhations ao .that work; instead of a record .of try- 'attending a dress rev,lew at Rock­ and thus ended a debate over com-, Himd. \Ve.t tisrtrorii. Conn. At The POTTERTONCenter plaints from Wmbers that Blog- and his daughter. Kathleen, yes-, "t the Community HaJ^ at w-hich I Merritt place, situated on,a side WILLIA.M S. HYDE Main Street tiiem would bit a check upon the ing to kill it before it has been be- ' ville today. Those attending In- • ...... ~ ' ^16 members weri!’'.present. t road running west from the Paper Opra Thurada) Until 9 P. .91. Clitsed Saturday At 8:30 P M. Rtnesa and the qualifications - of gun. ) ' clu’de Kqn.neth Richardson. Fraiik rapner Emil Ludw-lg had left terda^ tried out two. Rjisaian cay Reuil Herald .4dvs. Judge. Boynton, Barbara Rumph, Mary Switzerland in 1940 and aought airy horses.' gifts from 'Premier Bolton Briefs | m iI1 road. Mr.~ Mullen la employed U -k-U -4ir ME effeiEtess, not for the purpoM But R^liublican leaders and Re- Flint Ann and Diane Richardson. aafety in tha United Btataa- Marshal Stalin. ' A Robert Joeenh. was heca oa tha Marritl estaia- ' . M tiCHT MANCTTRS: I v,n k VKN’INC HKKALD. MAWc H ^TER. CONN..' M (J.M )A Y, flANUHEyrBR EVENING HERALD, MANCHl^STBR, OONN„ MONDAY, JUNE^ll, 194S ?AGE mtm Chinese Fight Resting Plac^ for Merines 750 Miles from Tokyo Town Yankees Blast O b it u ^ v w i’IC—1080 # f k f l f i V Near Ciuchow WDRO—1860 -* ^ Bruno Pracchia, wounded on Bsstprti^ 1 Japan 4 Days Leyte and who Is now-at a hospi­ (Uo|itlnaefl From Fags One) tal at Devens, who waia visiting 4:00—WDRC — Houee./*^s r t y;<^ WTHT—Castles In the Air; Deaths his parents, Mr. ahd Mrs.' Louis at 6 p. m. At the same time, In Succession Fracohia of 122 School street re­ - News; WHTD—MuMcal Round- - WTIC—Governor Baldwin. strong forces of shock troops In* up: WTHT --..*-News; Glrand's 7:45—WTIC—Emile CotA. Glee Mrs. Helen 5fc Tierney turned to the hospital thia morn­ filtrated “through the outer de­ Music HaU;* 'W'iriC— Backstage Club. / \ ’ (OoBttemd fro ID Pafo One) ing. He has had *.hc cast removed fenses of LIuchow.’’ Mrs. Helen M. Tlemey, wife of Wife. 1, i 8:00-r-WDRC—.Vox Pop/WHTD League Leadiiig NB’s John F. Tlemey of 123 .Main street, from his arm and is showing im­ Other Chinese forccq captured . 4:15—yUHTD — Jack B e t c h; : —News of ‘’Tomorrow; WHTH Itiilrs'fmn'n 116 miles northeast of died early this morning at a Hart­ provement. the port of Futing on the East Noske^urls lolqro, Utfeta Included; lyriC-^tella D^las. j —Cecil Brown; WTIC -CaVal- ford hospital following a short 1)1- China coast 450 miles west of 4j80—WDRC JiAlmie Fidler;'. cade of America. , ' By Hugh Fullerton, Jr. lie’s military service. The medicos jCoother Hitachi aircraft plant nes.s. She was a native of Fall Hose Company No. 1 of the Okinawfa; seized the highway Face/^tolle & Gamble New York, June ll^A b—Haz- discovered his trouble was caused • t CWha, 30 miles southeast of WHTD — Report from Abroad; . 8:15—WHTD— Lum and Abner; River. Mass. Manchester Fire Department will stronghold' of Lungrhow, 12 miles WTIC—Lorenzo Jones. WTHT—Kay-O-Quls; ena body here seen Kelly? . . . by an allergy to grass—the com­ Against Twi Leaj the —apan Aircraft Toml- Besides her husband* sihe is sur­ hold a drill tonight at 0:30, and from Indo-Chlna;, and captured mon diamond and gridiron variety oka plant, live miles south of Yo­ vived by her father. William Far­ 8:45-j-WDRC — Ad Liner;'WHTD 8:30—WDRC— Bifms and Allen; Apparently he was the only G.I. follow it with the monthly meeting Palshou, 25 "miles wes.t of Kwellliv ' —l^usical Roundup; WTIC — News; WHTD— Blind Date; Seconc^Place ^ckville I of grass. kohama; an Army air depot 24 rell of ' Fast Hartford and one at the fire headquarters. Main at posing a distinct threat to .that who wasn’t In on the fun whiefi a miles west of Tokyo, and the Kasl- Young Wldder Brown. WTHT—; American Discussion NB’s, All Stars Youngsters Impressive brother. Raymond B. Moran of Hilliard atreet. ." formei/U.-' S. 14th Air- F o r^ base 5:00—WDRC — News; Ad Liner; Team Serious Threat team from Battery C. 955th Field Mnnda. Matinee magraura seaplane base 35 miles Cranford. N., ,1.' Mrs, TiernCy, was League: WTIC— Howard -Bar- Artillery battalion recently played . Baseball Commissioner Happy In Season^s Debut; northeast of Tokyo.' , a member of ,St. Bridget’s chureh. WHTD—Terry and the Pirates;" loiy's Orchestra. T9 ^ Defeat Leaders Box Score The Profesat^al Women's Club ..Finitk collapse of ^Lfuchow de­ WTHT—Chick Carter; WTIC—' Divide Pair a 10-10 tie with the- I>tlny Ath- Chandler was the guy who scouted The preceding day. Saturday, The funeral will be held from the. pended mainly op- 'the size of the 9:00— WDRC— Radio 'iTieater; letlc Club at Pllsen, Czechoalova- Harvard for Centre College,when Best Sun(|a^ ' Contest W. P. Qui-sh Fiinepal Home. 22.'i will meet for a picnic supper to­ When a Girl Marries. WHTD— Major Hugh North. Tonight at North EuX, CUpperSv(4) 100 to 150 Super-Forts heavily morrow evening at six o’clock at Japanese def^irfflng force, but it 5:15—WDRC — Main S t r e e t , kla. In the Czech national game of the Praying Colonels upset the damaged the Kawanl.shl Aircraft MafnX street.-Thursday at 0:30 MiliUry Intelligence; WTHT— " — ■' ,i Hazena. . . . P% t. Jim Lindsey, ‘ mighty Crimson back In 1921. . . . Of Season; Squeeze ah r^