BATCmDATi JUNE 1946 PAGE P0URTEEI2 Manchestet Evening Herald AvdHfga Daily Circulation The W'cather --t.. me.M onai eC Mejr, 1848 FnrecM t of L'. S. W eether B oreae 'Its, and then raise them until ^hey where they were going when they boarded his bus. PorMal rlniring, ninttnued warm were big enough for eating. To Be Graduated Two Are Tied As Leaders and hi)mtd tnniglit; Turiiday part­ This fellow had a Cage already About Tbvvu Heard Along Main. Street Some Idea of ths manpower Member of the Aadlt ly eloudy, aratte^ afteiitoon bullt.and he was quite proud of his ■howrer*; eonttnaed w arm . idea. But hla ago went down a few shortage in town can be gained if In Retail Division Drive Bwfeen of OlfenlMtoae notchea the other day. He had a you consider the fao4 th a t .-a for­ The regular luccting of Mlanlo- And on Some of Manchester's Side Streets. Too mer postmaster and present su­ ManchiiHer-—‘A City of Village Charm nomoh Tribe No.- 68, I. O. R. M., couple of birds In hla cage that he waa really proud of. When they de­ perintendent of mails was seen The total amourtt of Bondi aold^. 10. $500, Edwin A. Jo xill be held Monday evening , in It looks as though the local po-• found that the triplets Idea had delivering mail two days this Tinker hall at eight o'clock sharp. veloped he knew he would have by, the R etail Divlaion y esterd ay Johnson Paint Company; V6u. LXIV., NO. 213 (OtexaMed AdviwUMag aa Page Id) MANCHESTER^CONN., MONDAY, JUNE 11, 1945 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CBNTS lice board will have to get along come about through a typewriting som e fine eating. He nu tu red theffi* ‘"week.- Ernest F. Brown, former­ w-is $17,525. Colonel Hathaway, 10. $500, C harles Bky, with four members for,the rest of ; error. Whoever . had, typed the on warm milk, potato and- every ly postmaster at the north end chairman of the Retail Division, Bantly Oil Company., Groups 2 and 4 of the McmM-lal Ithe present town year which endS telegram had let a figure 3 from and now superthtendent of mails 10. $500, E, Theoddte B aaB y ,| Hospital Auxiliary will meet Mop- other fattening food he could think expressed his pleasure over the 1 on August 15. or unlit the Select- his serial number drop, down a of. He had visions of a fine pheas­ at the post office 'at the center way things wgre shaping up for ' BanUy Oil Coi day ailemoott at 2 o’clock at Inc men organize again in October, line and the figure, 3 had got right 10. $500, Cecil.. food, Bantty Olll hospital. Thia will be the final ant feed in a few months. filled fn when a mailman short­ the Retail Division. Moberly Greets General Prailley meeting of the gwups. activities The grapevine tells us that the in front of the word ’’son.” So al- But B next door neighbor spoiled age-developed. Competition- Is becoming keen Company. present Board of Selectmen is though he’s fhe father of hut one OnV of the duties of the super- lOi $500,^.j6hn Dowd, B a q tly O il| Okinawa Japs Fire will cease until September. .it all for him. He wandered oveh to for the sale of these bonds and Borneo West Coast «>mewhat reluctant to appoint a baby he knows the thrill, at least, look at the cage one morning. He Intendekt., of mail.s is to comlUct- there'are two tied for top honora C o m p a q said to his friend, "Say, what are 10. $ ( ^ , F ran cis ' S c h i a b a 1 Russell Aitkin of Sterling'place, commissioner to take the place of being the father of triplets for regular^h>cks and surveys of de-: for the Sale of Bonds on Thursday. who was operated on 'ntesday ait vacated by Everett McKinney’s A few- -short, or were they long. .you keeping those birds cooped up livery routes, ., At different. Inter-' Following are Hated the top sales­ BariMy Oil Company. the Veterans’ Hospital at Rocky resignation. weeks. for 7" valsit is necessary for him to ac­ men for Thursday: -*■ ^Artillery as Yonks Hill, is making favorable progress The present police board Is "Wei.!.’’ said'our friend, the con- company each mhilman on his 1. $5,000, R obert Schaller, M an- toward I'erovery. made up of Arthur McCann, Jay It takes the keen, observant eye '^serving gent. "They are. a eouple route and make a, tepprt to the Chester Motor Sales. Invaded by Aussies;^ Rand. Sherwooil Bowers and Ray of the youngsters to spot errors. of fine pheasants I’m fattening." post office dep.artmenf'in .Wash- ; 1. $5,000, B runo Mazzoli, M an­ Manchester . Assembly No. 15. Burnham. There Isn’t any real This psst week ’.here W-as a war The friend spoke up derisive­ ington. Conse<jup,ntly Mr. Brown-' chester Motor Sales. iiesh Salted Nuts Order of Rainbow for Girls, at its pressing dem and for. am ither bond window in Hale’s store. Fea­ ly, ‘'Pheasants, are they? You'v# knows every mail route in town 1 2. $1,425, Mr*. M arjorie H. Al­ Agency for Start Big Assault nssUng Monday evening at 7:30 member. And another member tured was a reproduction of the been feeding a-couple of blooming perfectly. I ton, Dr. Richard Alton’s Office. Kay.ay B^ rand a Masonic Temple, will confer might possibly fli»«’upt the pre.s- now famous scene of the raising hen hawrks!" This week when there was ndvj 3. $1,000, Ixiuiae Williams, W at­ Arthur R Stores the mitlatory degree - on several ent, smooth running of the police of the flag on Mount Sur’atoachi on That ended the phes-sant raising one to cover one of the routes kins Brothers. Tel. 8806 Opposition Is Light 845 Main St. candidate]^ board. The Selectmen. We sie Iwo Jims. It whs reproduced by idea for our Buckland friend. .Superintendent Brown shfmldered 4. $700,, S tu a rt J. .Waaley, W aa- told, realize this and feel that a local artist. - 3 • a bag and. did the Job. - { ley Real Estate. The daughterlioni recently at Probably no one In the family 5. $625. Aiexa Tournaud. F al- there is nothing to be gained by . A youn)f. lad chanced by and .HIsa A lice B. B urke Laiirl Simultaneoufily at Memorial hospiUl, to'Mr; and Mrs. naming another commissioner and stopped to look' He turned to a feel.1 the meat shoilage more than The other afternoon. shortly lot’a Studio. Jbseph Becker, has, beehs.pamed there’s no loss in just letting the the dog. It'.s been so long aThce after the defense plants in thia 6. $625, Nelson Buck. To Stop 10th Army4 MaV Lust 2 companion' m^d said: "lipok, there Miss- Alice Barbara Burke, 7. $575, Michael Orfltelll, Royal Chines^ Fight Japs Lalman Ifilaml, Broke- Charlotte Mae, and will be bap­ vacancy continue. he got his, teeth into a steak bone, vicinity suspended operations for Nips Heavily Dug X tised tomorrow aftempon at 4; are only five soldiers in that pic- Ice Cream Company. 9o it’s our guess lliat. the Se- tuie. There were silt in the origi­ he probably wouldn't recogriize one the day. a car loaded wUh six men daughter, of Mrs. 'Rose Burke of ton ami Maura in o’clock In St. James’s church. Mrs. lectTheij will simply by-pnas the nowadays. He has- to be content stopped in front of thw ^^at Na­ 1485 Silver luine Rqad..East Hart-'" 8. $500, Max K. Glalber, Silk CEDAR .In Along Escarpment; ■ Becker wps the former Miss Ber­ nal One." ^ City package Store. Years More Brunei Bay; Warships appolntdlent. Sure enough ,6n cloiiB.,,examina- with a few scraps, prepared dog tional! on East Center stteiet and ford, formerly of Mam'.ftester, will Outside of Luichow nice Field, daughter'of Mr. and food or now and then some canned two of fhe men w ent Inside tijMjo 9. $500, B. H. Gibson, Gibson’s Killed Dailv. Mta. Elwood Field of 40 1-2 Sum­ Mon tt could be ascertained, that be graduated tomorrovv'-^om 3A. G arage. Of American and Aus­ Stanley OlBhdfii, a loiai sailor there were only five figurea Ith^the vegetable soup. their daily shopping. POLES mer street. AMM 1-c Becker has 'This was appaicnt to,residents Francis Hospital Training School Slitwell Sees Possibil returned to his base after spend­ who wad aboard thc’^< ^ . Carrier picture. A check-up o( th( original The two. men after purchasing Clothe* Poles Fence Poita. Guam, xJune ll.-r-</P)‘— tralian Fleets and Air on a si(ip Street just off the busi- Crwing Belief Enrmy ing a five-day leave with his wife Franklin, the ship thaT'Aicouldn’t Joe Rosenthal photo .shows six-S their groceries, noticed cigarettes for Nurses. The- exercises wUl X Ashes Removed Rapidly, dying^^defenders of ity of Having to Fight Yankees Bkst Tvess seetioh the other day. SomS- of a popular brand ori sale at the , Forces Giving Support ' and baby. He Is the son of Joseph die, has related to friends a shak­ mpn although one of the-figures is take place at four o'clock in St, Driveway* Repaired Okinawa broilght all their re­ Planning to Abandon ~ ing experience he had w-hile . Iri'the. wfiere, somehow a di)g got hold of cash register and both took the Joseph’s Cathedral.''-, Last Stages of Con~ Becker of Qlast Hampton.
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