
BED BANK An Ideal I'lace to Live BED B Located on the Beautiful and nurroundlng Towns Shrewsbury River, on» hour Told Fearlessly and Without Blu from New York and provid- RED BANK REGISTER ing every city convenience. Iiauad Weekly. EnUnd ai Sacond-CImi Hitter at the Poit- VOLUME LVIII, NO. 36. oIUco >t Bed Bank, N. J., und«r the Act at March >, 1879. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1936. Subscription Price: On« Yenr 12.00. Six Months |l.00. Single Copy . after Frank Fisher Groff, who has his tomobile and notified the ilremen. school Tuesday morning at the invi- enclosed with shingles and a garage having been closed about a month. home, Rio Vista, overlooking the be changed. He said that such a Bank high school and a soloist In plans are being discussed to stimu- tation of Miss Mary A. McCue, the change would save money and less- leading churches at Asbury Park. At Tho firelighters were quickly at the late tho building trades and employ- will be attached. The bungalow will However, instead of free public park- Shrewsbury river at the corner of en the bookkeeping work of Japhia present lie'ls soloist of the Red Bank place with a ladder and Mrs. Zunt- ment in Red Bank and to show pros- principal o( the school, and Miss Vera I be provided with hardwood floors ing a fee will be charged for leaving Union and Washington streets, is Clayton, secretary for the board of Presbyterian church and ho Is'di- zingcr climbed out of the well. Aside pective home owners how they can M. Hennessey, the grade teacher. The j and modern improvements. It will cary on the place. being urged by a large group of education; The letter also Bald that rector of music at the Reformed from getting wet, she was none tho get the best houses for the least children are studying about the com- be completed in May. Spafford W. As previously told in The Regis- Viends to enter the race. purchasing supplies without adver-, church. He is also director of the worse for her experience. money. munity and the relation of the police Schanck of Matawan ,ls the con- ter, thia area has been leased for a Mr. Groff, when interviewed by a Using (or bids was an evasion of Red Bank school orchestra. Mr. Grace, with other building ma- force to it, and Mr. Reuther's dis- tractor. year at the rate of $2,400 by Herman Register representative concerning tho law. terial dealers and sales managers was along theee lines. He II- j L. and Clifford A. Green, ice dealers his candidacy, stated that he had not from Eastern states, Is studying a lustrated his remarks with a large, trading as Green Bros. They paid The board of education Instructed diagram which he had prepared of half a year's rent of $1,200 when the yet mado up his mind but was Edwin C. Gilland, supervising prin- American Legion now and Important development In Council Named giving it very serious consideration. building industry merchandising and the zone in which tho Oakland street deal was consummated. Because of cipal of Bchools to make supply pur- school is located. Street Intersec- inclement weather conditions they He said ttiat he had been approached chases in this me ifler hereafter. St. Patrick Dance service methods so that he may an- by representatives of civic and fra- alyze local market conditions with a tions and traflic lights were prom- have delayed opening the space un- This will requiro considerable stor- inently displayed. The safety first As Members Of fit next week. They are now en- ternal organizations and private ing of goods. It was also voted to view to organizing a Housing Guild clubs, as well as a large number of Plans Well Under Way for An- in Red Bank. Membership in the rules demonstrated by Mr. Reuther gaged in getting the tract ready for make a number of other changes in made a great impression upon the Republican party workers and inde- procedure and policy. Among other nual Event to be Held at the Hulld would include contractors, Board Of Health use. class. No further action has been taken pendent voters, to file his petition, things Mr. Clayton will have a new Smoke Shop Tavern Tuesday, architects, real estate men, financing and that already he had been assured office instead of sharing quarters agencies, manufacturers and distrib- Among the things explained by the March 17. Mayor Augustus M. Minton of more than enough signatures through with Mr. Gilland. utors. officer were the proper way to cross voluntary co-operation. , In his letter Mr. Mount stated It Is planned that these Guilds will a street, how pupils can make the Fair Haven Appoints Com- to acquiring additional land for free Plans for the tenth annual St. be set up throughout the country so policeman's work easier, the dally as- • that the school buildings were under signmenUj of the police, how trafile plete Board of Five—William | ment has been isBued, but it is be- insured and that co-insuranco up to Patrick's dance of Shrewsbury post that selling methods which have llicVQd that the hamb eighty per cent of tho up-to-date of the American legion of Red Bank been successfully used in the auto- lights are regulated day and night, Miller Resigns as Councilman. = er and the offi- were made Monday night. This event mobile, radio, home appliance and the kinds of badges worn, according cials are waiting to ascertain to what valuB should be taken. However, extent the private grounds will' be this WDB a recommendation, not an will take place at the' Smoko Shop similar Industries may be applied in to rank and their numbers, how tie the home building and moderniza- helps little children, oia people, and Appointment of live members of used before they attempt to solve the order. Some of the school board Tavern Tuesday evening, March 17. the council to serve on the board of parking problem. membors stated that carrying out William Naulty is chairman of the tion fields. This would include full those who have been injured, how utilization of the single mortgage ho clears tralllc for doctors, ambu- health was one of the principal met- Green Bros, state that they will tho recommendation would Increase dance committee. Thomas Brock- ters transacted at Monday night's permit autoists to drive between the cost of insurance more than hurst was made an additional mem- plan of the Federal Housing Admin- lances, and lire engines, the names istration tinder which, after a down, of all the policemen, how they are meeting of the mayor and council of White and West Front streets over double. At present thin expense is ber of the committee. A meeting of Fair Haven. Mayor Augustus M. the grounds, regardless of whether about $2,000. Carrying out Mr. the committee members will be held payment, a person may pay for a trained for their work, that they house on monthly installments and must be strong and healthy and most Minton appointed Arthur B. Sickles they pay for parking space or not Mount's recommendation would mean In the post rooms Monday night. for a four-year term, Henry A. Fried- Hence tho parking area will virtually an outlay of about $4,500. own it outright at the end of not important of all; that the policeman Eight applications for membership more than twenty years. is the friend of little children. lander and Seely B. Tuthill for three serve as a street, as was true when A motion was passed to pay $2 were received and acted upon fa- As outlined by Arthur A. Hood, yoai'3 and Ray VanHorn and Tony it was leased by .the Chamber of per evening to janitors who serve Ht vorably. They were made by Frank The children have begun painting Hunting for two years. Commerce. ' However, Green Bros, manager of Johns-Manville's Hous- full length pictures of the members tho River street schoolhouse when Madurc, Howland B. Jones, Mary F. ing Guild division and one; of the A short time ago Dr. A. W. Sweet, state that they will close the road- tho WPA night school sessions are DeFerro, Robert K. Davis, William of the Red Bank police force. Up-to- county health officer, sent a letter to way which connects the O'Brien . Tho janitors put In three country's foremost building material date they have made pictures of oacn V. Fredericks, Maurice A. Sutton, sales experts, who is conducting the the council stating that the niembeib tract with Emanuel court and with hourb- of work four nights A L-EROY BAKSR. Carl L. Whltehurst and Charles G. Chief Harry H. Clayton, Captain the free parking space back of conference the Guild system Is VanNote, Sergeant James Sheedy, of that body were functioning illegal- week. Arnold. founded on the premise that the ly as members of the board of health. number of Broad street stores. Large A contract for 5,000 gallons of fuel Mr. Baher Is a native of Lewlston, Officer Rcuther and Officer Benjamin Interest and speculation is being Pennsylvania. As a singer ho has Five new members were obligated basic policy of the building industry Cook. He quoted an opinion Rendered a oil for use at tho Mechanio street been the pupil of John Warren Erb and their names were added to the 'rnust be customer satisfaction number of years ago by In attorney- shown as to the amount of use schoolhouse was awarded to The of New York and Mrs. Olive Wyck- roster of the post. They are Ken- through erecting houses that will Various freehand drawings have general of the state ae the basis for which automobile owners will make Farmers' Coal and Supply company off of Red Bank. Last year he won net R. Smith, John R. O'Kane, Percy stand up against fire, wear and been made of the policeman escort- his opinion. The matter was referred of the private parking grounds. of Asbury Park. scholarship with the New York Macdonald, Frank Erlckson and weather at a price to fit the moder- ing pedestrians over the streets dur- to John S. Applegate, borough attor- The Hagerman lumber company Madrigal society, Marguerite Potter Frank Dean. ate pocketbook and that customer ing etorms. ney of Fair Haven, who took an op- received a contract for hardware founder, ond ho was placed upon tho MacFarland post. No. 79, requested satisfaction can be achieved only A. very long wall poster has been Ue y.ew trom (hat o£ Sweet amounting to $735 for use at the painted showing important places in St. Thomas Church sponsored artist group of the society. that Harry M. Lewis be transferred through complete co-ordination of and said it was periectly legal for FRANK FISHER GROFF. River street echoolhouse. An out-of- He was presented to a New York as a member of the Red Bank or- the efforts of manufacturer, retailer, the community where the policemen the councilmen to serve in a dual ca- town concern made tho same bid. audience by this society last season ganization to the Burlington organ- contractor and other factors in the arc stationed to direct traiiic and pacity ae members of the board ot To Have Mission Miss Etncl Cattwright of Wash- There is quite some time between and received praise from tho critics ization. Mr. Lewis recently moved industry. protect people, including a private Health. now and when petitions must b6 ington was appointed a permanent for his vocal offerlnga. During the from Red Bank to Burlington, where home, the churches, the Oakland member of the teaching staff to suc- The board of education made a re- Colored Episcopal Congregation filed and Mr. Groff will refrain from recent holidays, Mr. Baker presented as a reward for meritorious service itreet school, the railroad station, quest that a special officer be sta- making a public statement until a ceed Mrs. Hannah Ring, who re- a most entertaining recital In his etc. Arranging for Its First Event cently resigned as journalism and he was promoted to the position of John Yeomans tioned in fi-ont of the Knollwood little later regarding his political home town which proved to be a rich superintendent of the Prudential In- -• Two creative songs, "The Police- school to regulate traiiic before of the Kind—Special Services plans. However, feeling th»t Mfe social scienco instructor. musical experience for all who at- surance district. Tho request of the men Dregsed in Blue" and "The Po- school and at dismissal. The mattor A contract for 425 desks for the from March. 1 to March 8. Groff will ovontually get Intos th« tended. , Burlington post was granted. The Wins Lawsuit liceman and the School Children," was referred to the police commit- race, The Registj uae of pupils was awarded to iho Olive Wy'oitoff, who will accom- members of Shrewsbury post have been placed under this poster. tee, with power to act. Bacon & Vincent company of Buf- Mr. Reuther, personally and, ae a Beginning with next Sunday and pany Mr. Baker at tho piano, is well pressed delight over Mr. Lewis's ad- Against Nephew _ ..! .. ' of William Miller Lnd falo for $3,800. Schnellenbirg & known as a successful vocal teacher vancement but regret over losing representative of the police force TetV member of the council was ac concluding, Sunday, March. 8, company of Philadelphia received a In Red Bank and a loading concert him as a member. the children with the Impression that cepted. Mr. Miller resigned becausw preaching mission or series of revival Mr. Groff was horn in Beatty*- contract for 400 auditorium chalc.3 policemen are truly fnenda of little , . town, Warren county. New Jersey, • for $1,300. Ten seats and twenty pianist in this county. Also appeal- Verdict for $1,367.54 Given in ne jg no on a resldent of the Dor services will be held every night ex- ing on tho pro-gram will be Miss Vir- children. They have expressed the ough. Np one was appointed in his cept Saturday at St. Thomas church November 12, 1883, on the farm of chairs for the use of teachers wero Favor of Rumson Contractor desire to have him visit again. his mother's parents, John Bird ordered from the W. B. Wood com ginia Wyckoff, accordionist, and place. of Red Bank. This, will mark the John W. Zagnja, violinist. Lutherans Plan Against Dr. Tennant E. Fen- A letter was received from Mrs. W. first event of the kind to be held at Fisher and Sarah Hance Fisher. Mr. pany of Newark for $375. Other Virginia Wyckoff Is a student In hie place. Rev. Charles W. Nelson Groff's parents were Henry Stlrea bidders on the furniture were Tru- V. B. Findley complaining about the Groff and Hannah Fisher, both of bin's and Tctley's of Red Bank, Her- the Red Bank high school, whero she To Build Church ton—Case Tried Two Days. condition of Buena Vista avenue. The ia the priest in charge. Is a member of the orchestra. She Church Nearing Each morning there will be Holy whom were of families of long and bert L. Parkos of Newark, Iho Pub- Findley property ie in Fair Haven honorable standing in Warren coun- lic Seating company-of Trenton and has been active In musical activity A verdict for $1,367.54 with inter- and the road is the dividing line be- Communion at half-past seven o'clock Rolschmann & Son of New York. In the school and tho community for Campaign to Raise $8,500 for est in favor of John Yeomans of 80th Anniversary tween Fair Haven and Rumson. Th« and each, evening at eight o'clock ty. Mr. Grpff is of Dutch-Irish de- several years, both as a pianist and Edifice to be Built on East Rumson and against his nephew, Dr. road was resurfaced by Fair Haven there will be a preaching mission, in scent. For 35 years before his death ^ • fc accordionist. Mr. Groft's father was ticket agent Front Street Starts Easter Tennant E. Fonton of Spring Lake, \ Preparations Being Made to Cel- several years ago and an agreement charge of Rev. J. DaCoata Harewood BELIEVE IT OB NOT. Mr. Zagaja Is a talented young ar- was given Tuesday In a suit which was made between the two boroughs of New York, formerly rector of the at Washington, Warren county, for tist and is well known to the congre- Sunday. was tried before Judge Edward ebrate the Birthday of Coil's that Rumeon should maintain it. The church of St. John the Divine at West the D. L. & W. railroad company. "Hatchet" Brand llos an Unusual gation of the Reformed church. They Knight and a jury at Freehold. The Neck Place of Worship streets and walks committee will con- Philadelphia. Wednesday and Fri- Shortly after Frank was born ho have heard his music during the past Plans to open a drive on Easier case grew out of a dispute with re- day afternoons, March 4 and 6, at was taken to Washington, New Jer- Experience while Ice Boat. year. April. sult with the Rumson officials regard- Sunday to raise $8,500 for the purpose gard to altering and remodeling a ing the complaint. four o'clock, special eervices will be sey, where he received hla prelim- Believe It or not! Here's one for of building a church are being form- house at Spring Lake owned by Dr. Councilman Sicilies brought up the neld for boys and girls. Special ser- inary education in the public gram- Rlpley. It happened Monday after- ulated by officers and members of the Fenton. The doctor formerly lived The- diRhtieth anniversary of the vice baptisms will take place Satur- mar and high schools of that bor- Reformed church of Colt's Neck will matter of engaging a medical exam- noon during a class A ice race Card Party Will Be Lutheran church. Services at the at Red Bank and Lincroft. iner for members of the lire depart- day afternoon, March 7, at three ough. He was graduated from the at Red Bank. present time are being held In the Mr. Yeomans made the chances to occur Wednesday, April 22, and plana o'clock. Washington high school in June, for its observance are being made ment and first aid squad, which ap- Tho Eskimo, being sailed of Oscar Held This Afternoon church rooms in the Clayton & Magee the house in the summer of 1932 and pointments is necessary under the new Large interest in the preaching 1601, president of his class. He went building on Broad street. The church presented a bill for $3,053.41. Dr. under the. direction of a committee mission is being shown by the mem- to New York in October of that and Frank Brand, was well In the consisting of . Mrs. John Sherman, law regulating volunteer fire depart- lead of a licet of seven starters and The card party to be held this af- owns a site on East'Front street. Fenton made a payment of $1,685.87 ments. The matter was laid over for bers of the congregation and other year and began his clerkship In tha ternoon by tho Parent-Teacher asso- A committee consisting of Mrs. and refused to pay more, claiming Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Snydcr, Mrs. interested persons and good attend- law ofiiccs of Lamb, Osborne and in rounding tho turn near Fisher's ciation of the Red Bank Catholic Charles Flock, Miss Dorothy Decher, further discussion. cove In a southeast breeze tho boat Harold Hcndrickson, Mrs. Fred Wil- that Mr. Yeomans had estimated the Bills amounting; to ,$080.06 were ances aro looked for. It is announced Petty at 253 Broadway. James W, school will be In charge of Mrs. Ed- man, Henry Franz, Theodore Blxler cost at $1,500. Mr. Yeomans claimed Donald Matthews and Walter D. hat the sermons will be short. There Osborne, the assistant district at- struck somo soft ice and her speed ward R. O'Kane and Mrs. Vincent J. Fields. Special services will be held paid. wa3 greatly retarded. While the nnd George Ploger met Sunday night that after he gave his estimate The reorganization meeting of tho will bo a question box, a prayer box torney of New York county, whtt Eck, who will bo assisted by a com- at the home of tho pastor of the changes wero made in tho plans at the .church on some Sunday in handled tho state's cases against Al- boat was slowing down, due to tho mittee composed of tho following: board of health will take place next and sDecial music. ice condition and unfavorable wind, church, Rev. Walter Cowen, to mak? whereby much more work was' re- April near the anniversary date and night. Rev. Edward Trotman, rector of bert T. Patrick and Roland B. Mol- Mrs. Patrick Cotter, Mrs, John Ho- preliminary plana. quired to be done than was original- .here will be a mld-woek celebration J I. Augustine's church of Aabury lineaux, along with many other out- a largo Airedale came running down gnn, Mrs, Henry G. Wlckhamj' MrB. ly contemplated. at which general sociability will be the enbankment out on to tho "'Ice William Russell, Mrs. John E. Day, Eleven members of the Lutheran 'ark, will conduct the first Lenten standing criminal trials, and Profes- and Jumped into tho moving boat brotherhood have already made them- Tho trial was started Monday af- enjoyed. At the Sunday morning cel- TO CELEBRATE FOUNDERS' DAY service of the season at St. Thomas sor Robert D. Petty of New York Mrs. Arthur Cahill, Mrs. Theodore ternoon and it was not concluded un- ebration Rev. F, Alvin Langwith will and attacked Skipper Oscar Brand, Moss, Mrs. Dlomodo Quertln, Mrs. T. selves responsible for the raising of church this evening at 8:15. lew school were members of thl»" $550 by June 1. til the afternoon of tho following day. preach a special sermon and in the Mechanic Street rareiit-Tca*;hors To firm. bettor known as "Hatchet." J. , Mrs. JosBph O'Laughlln, Mr. Yeomana was represented by evening tho young people of the present Play, "Kemlnlsce." Tho skipper headed his boat into Mrs. Herbert Edwards, Mrs. Charles A dinner-meeting of the congrega- SCHOLABSHir MEDAL. At the expiration of the two yeari' tion, at which complete plans for tho Wallace Jeffrey of Red Bank and church will cive a historical enter- clerkship period, Mr. Groff entered tho wind immediately and then had Gulyarde, Mrs. William Spence, Mrs. Dr. Fenton had Gilbert VanNoto of :ain:nent dealing with events which As part of a Founders' Day pro- Iho task of getting rid of tho animal, Edward Althaus, Mrs. John McNeil, proposed church will bo considered, Asbury Park for his lawyer. gram the play, "Reminisce," will be Klglith-Orndo Award Made to Alex- New York law school in October, who by that tlmo was tearing Mr. Mrs. Cyril Butler, Mrs. John J. C. will bo held on Thursday, April 23. led up to the founding of the place presented tonight at the Junior high under Swccl by U. A. R. Chapter. 1903, attending the afternoon ses- of worship. sions, continuing to work with th» Brand'8 trousers to Bhreds and sink- O'Shea, Mrs. 'William Kyan, Mrs. Jo- On Sunday it was announced that Rev. Mr. Langwith is engaged In school auditorium by the Mechanic Alexander Sweel, Jr., son of Mr, ing his teeth Into tho skipper's ileBh. seph Hlntelmann, and Miss Virginia prayers asking for Divine aid In the HOLD GUEST NIGHT. Street Parent-Teacher association, and Mrs. Alexander Sweel of Wash- firm ot Lamb, Osborne and Petty Laurlno. , writing a history of the church. He during the morning and after the Both men fought with tho dog and church's undertaking would be of- statea that ho would greatly appre- Those who will take part are Mrs. ngton street, received a medal for finally forced It away by kicking it Tho door prize will bo a pie made fered daily at noon during tho Len- Kcd Bank Triad Club to Hold Ama- Ethel Watkins, Mis. Daniel Weipind, law school sessions In tho evening, ciate information which will assist scholarship and good citizenship on when his services wero needed. L, and eventually subduing it with a and donated by Mrs. David Noonan. ten season. teur Night March 19. lim. Lust week he had a very pleas- Mrs, Frank Kuhl and Mrs. Robert completion of tho eighth grado at blunt whack from . a large money- The prizes for the winners of the Novinfl. lied Bank junior high school. C. Riddle, mayor of Manasquan, and Guest night was hold by the Red ant call at the home of Augustus Otto A. Gilllg of Red Bank wera wrench. card games will bo appetizer trays. Literature Meeting. Bank Triad club last Thursday night Sickles, a member of tho church and Dr. Samuel Hausman will siipplc- The award was made last Friday An English Shcflleld silver service men his recent talk on child care, by morning in Junior high assembly by members of Mr, Groff's class at Now This Incident not only caused Mr. The literature department of the when Miss Muriel Mawhinney was one of the oldest residents of Atlan- York law school. Brand personal Injury but also cost tray will ho disposed of on tho co- Woman's club will hold a meeting to- accepted as a new member. Miss tic township. Despite his advanced discussion on "How to Keep Your Miss Ruth Dibben on behalf of him the race, ns his boat waB so operative plan. morrow afternoon at two o'clock. Edith Hanklnson read an article years Mr. Sickles enjoys good health Child Healthy." Monmouth County chapter, Daugh- Mr. Groff was elected president of from tho show, "Jumbo," ns part of crs of American Revolution. The the class of 1005 at New York law far ahead when the dog jumped Into Mra. Robert Brown will review the and a remarkable memory of old- school and received his bachelor of tho cockpit that thoro was very lit- book, "Richard Savage," by Qulnn a current event topic. time events. The clergyman gath- Butcher's Hand Cut. county chapter makes the award Card Tarty For Church. The literature department will be each year in the county schools. laws degree (cum laude) from that tle chance of the trailing floct ovcr- Jones, and Mrs. Mark Scott will re- ered much information for his dila- Carl Colnioi^an of Oakland street Institution In June, 1905. tnklng her. A card party will be held at St. view tho book, "Spring Comes on in charge of tho meeting of March tory from Mr. Sickles. in Monmouth Memorial hospital, Agnea's hall, Atlantic Highlands, St. 5. PlanB were made for an amateur where he la suffering from an infec- The clerkship ho served and the Forevor" by B. Aldrlch. Mr; The Colt's Neck church Is an off- SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL. time at tho law school made It pos^ Patrick's night for the benefit of St. Frank Curtis will discuss current night to be held March 19. Guests spring of tho much older Reformed tion in Ills hand. He received the WATKR IIJCAIUNG TODAY. AfjnCT'fl church. Mis. Sarah Jackson attending were Misses Clara Clark. Injury about two weeks ago while Spaghetti a la Marie to l>e Served by slblo for Mr. Groff to bo eligible to will bo in general charge, anil will events. church of Holmdrl. Mission eervices May GrlHUha and Betty and Ruth were held at Colt's Neck, under the Working at Dictza market on West Proprietor** nt the Lincroft Inn. take tho New York bar examination Mlddletown Ofllclal" SfeU Lower bo ntmlnted by MIH.I Helen Grcheu, Two Cottages Braied. Collins. Bridge was played following Front street and ho was taken to the Moijt cveryono liken spaghetti, pro- April, 1005. To do this It was Raton iii'd Better-Service, who hna chnrgo of prizes, nnd by tho meeting. nuoplccs of the Holmdel church, for vided it Is cooked right and served necessary for him to master the Law Mrs. William Dowd, who will super- Tho W. A. Hopping agency reports several years before tho church was hospital Sunday. Ho is improving. light. This being the case there A hearing In being held today at Thoso attending were Mrs. William fou'ndcd. Tho first place of worship of Kvlrtence by himself, as thin waa vise the serving of refreshments. tho rental of the Cliarlca Lowls, Jr., Rathsmlth, Mrs. Richard Beer, Mrs. should be an exceptionally lar^o the subject taught In tho Senior Law Newark boforo tho atatD board of cottacn on Broad stroct. to Charles Is now a barn on the property of Kyo Removed. llerinK at the Lincroft Inn next public utilities commissioners on tho James Turnock, Mrs. George Gill and Saturdny night when the proprietors, school clnss between April and Juna. In Miami Beach, I'lorldn, B. Gallagher, proprietor of the Misses Gladys Forrar, Dorolhy Mar- Joseph Lefferoon, adjoining the par- Mrs. Samuel Hardy of Colt's Neck Dante nnd Marie Daverio, will serve Feeling equal to tho occualon Mr, application of tho township commit- stop at "The Habana," ono of tho bet- Shrewsbury hosiery mills, Th« same sonaRo of tho church A upeciiil ef- with their compliments real Italian too of Mlddlctown township that the tinson, Edith Hanklnson, Alice Sim- underwent an operation for tho re- Croft took tho New York ntnte b»r tor apartment hotels; at Drexcl and cncy has rented the ThotnRfl Cook monds, Cccllo Dlxon, Dorothy fort will bo made at the social gath- moval of one of her eyefj at the Free- iKhrtti with meat sauce a la examination at tho April, 1005, term Ideal Beach Wnter company of 13th streets. Ideally located, over- cottage on Elm place to Chester Eblo ering to have present former mem- Miuie. looking tho ocean, closo to tho shop- Thompson, Grac« Brooks, Dorothy hold hospital Friday. The eye was nnd successfully passed. He was Rd* Keansburir be compollcd to reduce of Mlddletown. Myllnger, Alnetto Dorn, Anna Hall bers ot tho church who hnvo movcl In addition to this .special treat its rates anil to Inutull hydrants and ping district and all tho attractions. infected ami it was tuken out on tlil.1 mlttcd to practice boforo tho Appal- A real nlco apartment hotel with n and Marjorlo Grooms. away. account. Mm. Hardy i:j one of the there will be iliiiu'ing to tho strains lato Division of tho Supreme Court inrRor mains. For the pnnt live yeara homelike atmosphere. You can ant The New WratliijghoUHO of Lulceii's iinlobrnted orchestra in tho company hau boon trying 'o In- n Jiibilpn refrigerator with five- Not l«\ ldest residents of Colt's Nock. the bull room (if the old famous Lln- of the state of Now York nt th« a hotel room or an up-to-date etllcl- year Kiiaiantco la hero at Timling's. Savo HO',', Suturlay, February 2(1, hi tlie lusl eroft inn. May, 1905, term. Hy tills sot of oil- duce tho compnny to do this, hut the ency apartment at snnBlblo rates, nnd Small down payment, throe yenra to on your automobile Insurance for cumstancoH Mr. (Jroff hocam« a m«tni company did not comply with tho re- n warm creating of a nod Bunker. day you can get 20<; off on all |iur- Needlework Meeting. TliiM-n will bo n1o cover i:hnrgo, no Rates and circular! on request.—Ad- pay balance. Priced as low an 1930. Sound company, prompt acrv- of lliulcrweur, hosiery, kid minimum cluii'Mt . n° liu t check bor of the bar nf the utnte of New queat, claiming that It waa llnanclal- vertisement. 5111.50. TustlnR'a, 10 Monmouth Ice. Commercial cars also. Grosaln- gloves*, ba^H, WHKlmhlo dresses, The. next regular lunclioon and ohitrr;!!. Just come and mako your- York before ho lmi\ completed hl« ly unable to do no. Tho committee- .itrnol. Heil ltanli.— Advertisement. ger & Holler, Inc., Broad and Mo- sweaters, robes, cornets, foundations owing :nei'llng of the Needlework iiclf at htmic. HiiVf> a real good time course at tho law nohool. men allege I hat thin In not true. They Nation. cbanlo ntreets. Red Bank, phone nnd bniHHlereH. Lowht Specialty KUlhl of Midtiletown vlllugu will be when* filemlly ntiiio*pheru roigna claim thnt u recent Investigation Tho rogulur annual meetlnR of tho Tim Art Kraft Shopne 20% Rale 2100—Advertisement. Shop, (11 Broad street, Dunk.— held Tuesday at thi; home of MIH. aupienio. l'hono Red Bunk 3975 for Shortly nflpr being admitted ta oncifl February 29. Shop early for Advertisement. reservation to nrnkt* sure of being the Now York bar, Mr. Ornff b»cmm« which they niiule revealed that tho directors and plot owners of tho bout ftoleetionft nnd l'liiil II. Axtoll of the King's lilKh- iict-omniiKliited. Late comers hint company paid rtlvldomlii during tho Holmdel cemetery company will bo invo from 20% to ITor Snlo. Way. Hiiliirtliiy night wero tiniiblo to get associated with Manning Stlras, paul flvo yearn amounting to mnro held Wednesday, March 4th, at tho mie-thlid, a ronl «avlri# doaorvlntf Soda water, all flavors, Clicquot 200 Wnti:lns choliM- lorntlonfi.--Advertisement. l£si|., In the iinvctlco of law at \i\ lcnldcncQ of tho president, G. n. your consideration. Art Kraft Cluh, beverages. ICIchlor'ii boer find for nnle. 200 unclninuul poi-lcot nnd Broadway, New York city. H» r«- thnn "ftv per "-lit of Itn utock. J/inRstreet, Holmdel, N. J., at 7;30 Hhoppo,-•Adveitlneinnnt. other brands: also distilled wnter and ladlcti' and men'tt wii.'tt watches!. U«l> Year Kunrc -• • •- White nock. Benjamin II. Cral«. 14 Saturday night at Port Momnoiitli nmlniid with thin office until Augunt, P. M. Prices $2 to $8. Every one in run- l'ctlrj'a For Typewriters. 1907, when bo opened hl« own l*w Uiii'liilmc'il YVatchea C. 8. Holmes, Secretary. Inronit* Tax Nntlcfl, North rirldgs nvimno. Rod Bank, ning order. Ilou.-ifllllR'.H, .Irwi-li-i-H, 3l tire lioii'ip, Port Monnioutli. Al.'ic CJiiarantocd machlnee at bargain for nale, 200 unclaimed packet and —AdvortiHemont. I!, Ii ('caret, tux export, will bo at phone H8S.-~Advcrtlflement Broad street.—Advertisement. auiiiteur night and prizes. Door prices, Expert ropalrlng. TeUay'a, offices at aoa Uruadway, N«w Tom Indian' nnd man'n wrist watches. Room 3 ISIaner building, evory Tues- prl/.e. Amateur prize*. Specln Brond street. Red Bank. —Advertise- city, nnd continued th« pelvata ptnf Prices $2 to $8. Every ono In run- Convenient Snrvlon for Your Ilo|r. day nnd Thursday from 10:00 to 8:00 Fuel OU Xruliln's fur Typewriter BarRalm, danccfi for tho liullen. Kiln for nil ment tlce of law thoroln until June, 1*09, ning onlnr. Itcunslllo'n, Jewelers, 30 o'clock to assist taxpayers.—Adver- to milt your burner, bout grades and —Advertisement. Arrange a diet for your dog; wo tlscmont. rentals and export repairing. 3! whon In connection with th« Mttla* liroail flfrrnl.— AdVfirtlHmnflnt. will pronaro nnd deliver your doR'a prlnen. Unexcelled service. Fred D. Brond atrcet, Red Unnk.—Advertise- < liming For (iimil, llltlH 2!k) ment of an estate that Hud bran I .,.. - .-~^«^~ - - — dinner each dny. Kach pinitor Indi- WIliofT Co., Red Bank. phon« 652.— ment. Scottl's Il«r, nnd 00c. l'lvciry hut muat bu clcnidti vidually prepared from fresh bepf Mini nml Itancr, K«* Advertisement. 112 Shrewsbury iivi-niie. Whlnkoy mil, Knya, 44 Brond «tre«t.---Adv«r- truat*(J In ills far", ha Hat* 25c, llnta 50«, Ilnl* 2&o. HiitiiKlny night: I'nbnt liltio Itlhbon tiiicincnt. , tho long-eatiibllnhwl hAUM of I Closlnu for «ood Saturday. Chucmo veKCtnhlrB nml ccrenla. Phone tho Hook liijor, at Went End Tavern, 2 Vtn< Chow Mnln, N. (!., iirlues nlnnhed nt the bin. All Inul- «nrly. Knyj, 41 Broad «treet.—Ad- Cnnlno Kitchen, Red Bank WU Mahel'Colunui School of Dancing, at Atlantic hotel, I'air Haven, on InR brands, Including SniKi'iin" nml I'Vililclor nnd company, and —Advertisement. Mnrfnrd place, corner Went Front IB Rector place. Red Bank.—Adver- WOflnendayi and Saturdayi.—Advor- Culvert* Two drinks, 26c—Adver- Hoys can mako nxtrn pocket mon«y vertisement, •traet, Red Bank.—Advertisement. tisement Uaement. tisement. Belling Tha lUgUter,—AdvtrtUonunt. (Continued on P«g« J, Page Two RED BANK REGISTEB, FEBRUARY 27, 1936, for long and faithful service for fif- Lakes, spent tho -week-end at her Mrs. Begins Cbaval of Brailloy Oppose Repeal Of Red Banker May teen years. Holiday Dinner homo. lane recently c«lebrattd her Slit Every Woman f Beauty Culture Act 'United States Service—Mexican Mrs. H. B. Cooley of Newburgh, birthday. She and her sliter, Mlaa Try Purity Dairy border; second lieutenant, 71st In- Attracts Many New York, Is visiting her daughter, Blanche Brailloy, moke their horns Wants Seek Nomination fantry. Battalion quartermaster and Mrs, Martin Ahearn of tho Holmdel on the old Bralljey homestead. Beauty culturlsts from various commissary, June 26, 1916; mustored turnpike. Miss Patricia Ahearn re- Mra. William Bell and Hiss Anna t» took her best at all times... parts of tho county attended a meet- out October 6, 191§." More Than 300 Pertoiu Attend timed home with her grandmother. Cowlea of the Holmdel turnpike wers to feel at ease and perfectly For Congress Mr. Groff came to Red Bank from William Bel!, an artist, who re- poised. ing of the newly formed Monmouth Washington'* Birthday Dinner Red Bank visitors on Monday of MILK County Hairdressers' association on crsny City in June, 1921, and ha» sides on the Holmdel turnpike, has last week. (Continued Irom Page 1) Given Saturday Afternoon by Sunday at Edward's beauty parlor lived continuously at 55 Union street aintod several beautiful pictures Roland Johnson, eon of Mr. and Call R. B. 2321 Created by at Asbury Park. Temporary officers one of Us first officers and direc- at Red Bank, since that date. Ha Monmouth Boat Club. 'or Hazlet people. Mrs. Charles £>. Johnson, who Is sta- elected at the meeting were: presi- tors. Palm, Fechteler and company has been actively identified with all William M. Ackerson has purtione- d at Fort Monmouth In tho Sig- on Gostard dent, Charles Paulson; secretary, a the oldest decalcomanla firm In Ivic movements during his residence More than three hundred persona chased a new Ford V-8 car. nal Corps, Bpent Washington's birth- Freehold 505. U the Answer. Miss Fanny Forcella, and treasurer, he United States, being both manu- lore.

ieformed church will be held Mon- held by the Ladies' aid society of the seed was sown, each plant crowding capable of going down Into the soil From The Register Colt's Neck News. lay evening at the home of Walter Methodist church Friday night at the the other, checking proper root de- to such a depth to protect Itself \ Fields. against a severe cold winter or (The IUd 8»nk Reglittr can bo bought home of Mrs. William McDougal. velopment, the loss in the spring by Fifty Years Ago at the iton of Louli rlolkln.) Folks who live on dirt roads aro Peter Farley Is suffering from an freezing and thawing haa been very changing weather conditions. There- FRUIT TREES larful over what it going to happen Injured ankle which he received last severe, fore, we would snggpst. that too high Far virfoui reason* then U • decided shortage In all kinda ol fruit No trace has boen found of the hen the spring thawa occur. The hopes . not be built on what the Some varieties *ra entirely out *f the market. .miscreant who broke Into William week while working at the Howland • • • Culled From the News and Edi- :round is frozen to a depth of two Jonea automobile agency at "Red "Mr. Douglass,, what crop would weather is doing to (he beetle. PEACH TREES are In fair supply. We believe that the orchard!*! who UI. LaBoyteaux'a unocouplcd resi- four feet as shown by grave dig- * « • h«» suitable ground available will do well to plant p**che«, All orchard* torial Columns and Presented dence several weeks ago and ran- Bank. be best to follow with wheat, since planted before spring of 1934 are acriauily damaged and by the time th* ;lng done at Atlantic cemetery re- I am confident that the winter has Some fruit growers are wondering orchard planted this spring comet into bearlnj tho it? orchard* will be (or the Entertainment of To- i the place. Mr. LaBoyteaux A joint meeting of the firemen and worth.e*i and torn out and planting *Inca 1034 has been vrry light. :ently. It is anticipated that the of the Ladl 3' auxiliary of the fire destroyed my crop " Our answer about their spray program. Others day'i Reader*. offered a reward of $150 for Inform- jottom will drop out of some of the C aro devoting their thought to cither We hav« some new varieties of great promise, loremoit of which U ation leading to the arrest of the company will be held Monday even- H, wait and see what lias happened Adams Late, a yellow peach ripening later than Ellierta and of remark- Tho following paragraphs wcro oads when the "break-up" happens. ing, March 9, at the home of Mr. and to the wheat crop. At present writ- following through their regular spray able quality and size. , , „ . guilty party. The Intruder got only The oldest residents of this locality program or' improving it, rather Send for Illuitrated Descriptive Catalogue. taken from tho Issue of The Red a small amount of booty. Mrs. Silas Cronk. A report will be ing, no one knows. Bank Register fifty years ago this my they cant remember a previous made with regard (o the recent roast • • • than wondering how many applica- week and aro being reprinted In to- Sand was spread over the Icywinter so severe aB this ono. tions they can omit. JOS. H. BLACK, SON & CO. county road last week and traveling pork supper, for the benefit of the While certain insects may not be day's Issue, feeling that they will be An automobile owned by James company. over-intelligent, It is our understand- Phone. 342-J and 342-M HIGHTSTOWN, N. J., of general Interest to the majority conditions for both autoists and pe- Wallington of Keyport was damaged destrians wore Improved. ing that the Japanese beetle grub is It pays to advertise in The Register. of Register readers. rlday when It was hit by a truck SEASONABLK NOTES. Joaquln Lawrence is laid up with wned by Max Kaper of Brooklyn. Fifty Years Ago. Inflammatory rheumatism. Mr. Wellington's car was parked In Sonic Information by EUwood Doug- The Register published tho full list Beginning with March 1 and con-front of Atlantic fire house. Mr. lass, County Agricultural Agent. ' of thoio who had signed tho pledge cluding April 12 special Lenten ser- Kaper settled for the damage Imme- IPEitllEY'S during tho two weeks of Maybee & mons will be preached Sunday morn- diately after tho accident. With weather conditions (luring English's temporanco campaign. Over ings and evenings at the Reformed The Sewing club of the Reformed tho past winter, as well as at pres- 1,300 persons swore not to look upon church by Rev. F\ Alvln Langwlth. hurch will meet at the home of ent, most, everyone in prophesying the wlno when it was red. A reform The morning subjects In tho order Mrs. Rezcau Conovcr Thursday af- as to what will happen to bugs and club was organized amongst the of their sequence will be "I Am the ternoon, March 5. crops in l'J36. signers, with 358 members. Follow- Brond of Life," "I Am tho Way, Harry Cook is back at work at • » • ing tho publication o( the liBt a Truth, Life," "I Am tho Door," "] William H. LaBoyteaux's farm after As a rule sleet, storina with mov- Register reporter visited every Am tho Vino," "I Am tho Light of having been laid up a week with an ing ico on a nowly seeded alfalfa licensed hotel and saloon in town and tho World," "I Am tho Good Shep- Injured hip caused by a fall on thebed will frequently destroy the young herd" and "I Am the Resurrection Ico. plants. We aro doubtful If anything with one exception tho proprietors and tho Life." Tho evening topics •tated they had noticed no drop off In Relatives and friends of Mrs. Wal- serious has happened to date to our will bo "Wanted—a Revival," "Tho er II. Conover have received letters nlfalfa plants. From past experience their receipts. Prodigal Son," "Tho Elder Son,' those fields where an over supply of About fiOO persons gathered at tho The Promise of Spring," "A Bigand postal cards stating that she Is Globe hotel at Red Bank pursuant Question and Answer," and "The In having a very enjoyable time during to a call made, by tho Honorable her sojourn in Florida. She expects cvltable Christ." io return home early In April. William Pintard regarding having Mrs. Elwood Douglass has re- the legislature amend tho flailing John Martin has almost complete- turned home aftor having been ly recovered from, sickness and ho laws so that seines could bo hauled called to Capo May by the death of 32? MORE In the North and South Shrewsbury has resumed the management of his her father. automobile service station. rivers between tho fifteenth day of Edward Johnson, who has been Juno and the first day of September. occupying Mrs. Flora Holmes's place POWER A Georgo Washington reception was near llolmdel,' will move on the hold for tho benefit of Fisk chapel at Campboll farm on the Phalanx road Tinton Falls New«. 24 MONTH Fair Haven. James Polhomus repre- Harold VanPolt Is back nt work GUARANTEE sented Georgo Washington; Fannlo on" James Smith's farm after a (The Red Bnnk Rcciiter can be bought Steward reprosentod Martha Wash- month's vacation, most of which he in Tlntjn Fails from Mrs. Sarah Scott.) FREE RECHARGE ington; Sadie. Thomas the Goddess spent with relatives and friends at Harry W. Mayberry underwent a ot Liberty and Georgo Sylvester rep- Marlboro and Matawan.. jjninor operation last Thursday at 24 MONTHS resented, Washington's secretary of Tho basoment of tho home of Mrs.Monmouth Memorial hospital at Long a once-in-4-years opportunity war. Lewis Snyder was the scene of a Branch. He returned home this week Tho Monmouth polo team of Red gathering one evening last weclf and he is now well on the road to re- February, 1936, gives you an extra day ... and Penney** • Bank went to Hlghtstown and was when 31 members and friends of tho covery. you three days of extra valiMsl You won't have another oppor- defeated by the Hlghtstown team by Helping Clrclo of tho Reformed John VanPelt has moved into Ed- the scoro of threo to nothing. Tho church enjoyed a Washington cov- ward Carney's house on the , Pine tunity to celebrate Leap-Year until 1940... to celebrate the team went to Poughkeepslo tho same ered dish supper. The banqueting Brook road. saving way ... got your there of th» Penney Bargain* I week; and met another dofoat by the place was attractive with decora- Preparations are being made by the score of threo to.one. tions of leavos and cherries. Later pupils of the public school to hold a Nelson Smock of Eatontown was games and a social time were en pet show In April to raise money to operating a stage line between that joyed ir. the parlor. send the members of the graduating place and Red Bank, etopplng at John Wilson of Bailey's Corner, class on an educational trip in the Shrewsbury each way. formerly of this place, will move on spring. Last year $50 was cleared Mrs. Elizabeth Warren, popularly a farm between Colt's Neck and by a pet show at the school. known as Aunt Betsy, was found Freehold next month. Miss Margaret Shultz of Belmar dead in hor houso at East Red Bank. The firemen's basketball team o spent Saturday and Sunday with Printed Silk* She was 95 years old and Insisted on Colt's Neck, at the schoolhouse here Miss Margaret Dean: SILK last Thursday night, defeated th Mrs. James Dean Is suffering from living alone. She was born very ; poor, married rich and although liv- Young Men's Christian association an infected hand. ing In the best of society in Wash- of Freehold by tho scoro of 49 to 41. Edward Stoothoff is slowly improv- HOSIERY FLAT ington for many yearn she died in The firemen will play on their horm ing after having been laid up sev- Perfect Quality! poverty. court again tonight. eral weeks with inflammatory rheu- CREPE G. O.- Howard of Middlotown chal- The Helping Clrclo of the Re-matism, , , Priced tor ACTION!1' lenged Joeeph Thompson of Port formed church will meet at tho home Miss Evelyn Doerr is making a A Penney Feature Value!j Monmouth to shoot a match at tenof Mrs. Henry Renne Wednesday, stay pith her uncle, Harry Stocking birds each for $10' a side. Thompson March 4. The next quarter party of Yonkers. won by a score of six to five. of tho circle will bo held with Mrs. Charles Holmes Is out atter having August Sickles as hostess at Mrs, been laid up three weeks with In a match of the Mutual Gun club Sickles's home during Mach. Cross Country of Port Monmouth, the club badge asthma and grip. was won by Luther Walling. Soot In the chimney of Mrs. Sam- Mrs. C. C. Cooper, who has been Captain John Morford of Nowuel Hardy's houso caught fire Frldaj sick two weeks, has almost com- POWER-FLO night. Tho houso Is next door to th pletely recovered. Tho nurse who You're going to call thews the Monmouth was engaged by tho Mer-llro houso and tho firemen wen best silk stockings for > the The lowest price we know ot chants Steamboat company as sales- has been attending her returned money you've ever seen!* for this quality. - Sec it for summoned without sounding th homo last week. BATTERIES yourself . . . compare it with man on tho steadier Sea Bird for the siren. Tho firefighters were engaged thread chiffon* with silk |»5 . coming eeason. J. C. Hanklrison is housed with a tops, or 7-thread service- higher priced qualities! The In playing checkers at tho time heavy cold. colors and unusual prints are Mrs. Edward T. Huylar of Keyport They put the blaze out before muc weight with mercerized top.* while' working around the kitchen Theodore N. Farmly, Jr., has com- $i*.7O In five good colors. Pufl-V the newest. In a wide variety damage was done. Checkers is "a pleted a course of studies at St of prints, plaids and dots. stove, accidentally struck her eye with tho go" among the firemen just now fashioned. Better buy plenty,^ a red hot poker, Inflicting a very James military academy in Ocean I with old such value is rarel 8VS-1O54-' - 'Weighte and there Is rarely a night when county. severe- wound. dozen or more members of the com battery Father Kano of St. Jamc3 Catholic pany arc not at the flrehouso play Allen E. Crawford is out after hav- ing been laid up with a heavy cold church read tho;banns of marriage of Ing the game. Mrs. Hardy is a pa- FINE COTTON Miss Mary Mulligan and Martin tlont at the Freehold hospital, where Jean Farley, daughter of Mr. and Others as low as 1.98 TRIMMED RAYON Moore and MIBS Jennie Sullivan and one of her eyes was removed be- Mrs. Peter Farley, has returned ho^ie Matthew Keamer, all of Red Bank. cause of an Infection. from Monmouth Memorial hospital PANTIES KereMefs William H. Shomo died at his homo at Long Branch, where she under- Trappers., throughout this sectlo went a second operation. She is im- on Borden street. Ifo was 54 years report that the present season I old. His body was buried at Leede- proving. tho worst they havo ever exper- Rev. J. R. Wainwright, pastor of vllle. I lenced. Fur bearing- animals are not tho Methodist church. Is sick with 27-29 Monmouth Street Fino quality rayon panties Ladies'soft cotton hemstitched anco pledge- was an grip. No prayer meeting service was handkerchiefs in white only. and Ico and snow. The season wl with lace and applique trim. Irs True! Look! An exceptional buy! T. Smith. For thirty years this sign- held last Thursday night. Sizes—medium and large. end Sunday, March 15. Fifteen persons attended a George Phone RED BANK 1290 er had been a drinking man and A meeting of the consistory of tin when he shut off on tho rum his ner- Washington covered dish luncheon vous system was so unstrung that he fell in a faint while walking along TUB FAST Front street, near Smith's grocery store. His head came in contact with AVENUE PRINT tho curb and a Bcvero gash was in- flicted just above tho temple. Wllliani Brown, son of Captain SCHULTE - UNITED Thomas P. Brown of Eaat Red Bank, fell from a fence near his home and WASH dislocated his shoulder. Sea Brlght's latest eoclety wfes "LUCKY LEAP YEAR" called Ashland Council, Junior Order American Mechanics. It had 32 char- FROCKS ter members. Meetings were held WINE and LIQUOR SPECIALS every Monday in Applegate's hall. Saturday Charles Drum of Colt's Neck had Friday one of his flngors badly cut with a A REPEAT SALE! saw. Vanderveer MAttTINI Henry Muhlenbrink of Colt's Neck ROSSI sustained a loss of about $1,000 by Applejack FINEST SCOTCHES the recent storm, whon part of his VAT 69 VERMOUTH mill was washed away and much of Favorite of Quality at a Price!' HAIG & HAIG Italian or his meadow was ruined by tho wash- It's hard to believe—but out. Monmouth Co. BLACK & WHITE 79 French Types. Men's Oxfords^ Miss Sarah Huyler and Kortenlus S.05 WHITE HORSE Fifth we have' them!' VanPclt, both of Keyport, were mar- J.04 I-.34 Values iti smartness, near!: ried at that place. Qt. rt made .-.-. smartly(trim- JOHNNIE WALKER 2 Stt-oi. - Miss Julia A. Williams of Fair Ha- med!."" They'll wear— ven and Georgo D. Albert of Key- they'll "tub! i You'll want $1.9$ port woro married at Fair Haven by Style, comfort, quality at"» Itev. J. T. Diet*. Millstream GILBEY'S Fleischmann's "170" several at this 'price. price you like to pay! Lea- Miss Laura Burdgo entertained a They're ' AMAZING ther where leather should bo! GIN DRY GIN DRY GIN STRAIGHT •group of friends nt. a carpet rag par- buys!,. Sizes ,14 to 44. ty at her homo on Chestnut Btrcct. A Real Quality WHISKEY Practically all of those attending Fine Flavorr I 19 sewed carpet rags and enjoyed pleas- 1.31 Fifth 1.45 Fifth 100 Troof ant conversation. Mixer. I- J..9 Samuel S. Sngucs, manager of tho Year Old Red Bank Opera House, announced ho had bookod tho funniest of all S9c COMPARE WITH OTHERS TO 1.50 FT ! Blue Chambray Men's funny plays, "Muggs' Landing." Fifth rt. 79' R. Taylor Smock, who operated a WALL ST. SPECIAL Work Shirts Shirts—Shorts dry goods store at tho corner of Blend of 25% Broad and Mechanic streets, had a Millstream Bargains in one-day sale offering fifty dozen chil- GREEN RIVER, 7-YEAR-OLD RYE 19c dren's ribbed school stbcklngn nt mental SMOOTHER - MELLOWER Applejack 35c «lght cents a pair nnd ladles' bnl- 1.80 qt. i.54 Fifiii rt. Shirts nre mnrln of fine qual- brlggan hoso nt. fourteen cents a pair. MOM'H flnr ynrn chambray ity combed ynrns. Swiss WHISKEY Well Agocl WORK ribbed. Short.i tivc. fnst color Fine Flnvnr work pnnln. Cut full for broadrloth with elastic Rlrlr MinoelliiiiroiiH .Sbnwor. "Tho Whiskey Withuui Miss May Broundpr of ICeansburg Carioca Ruir Fruit Industries comfort. Sizes It's to IT ! lnserta for lit, jcavo a miscellaneous nhowcr taut Uegroln" Cuban Type N. Y. Stale Thursday for Mrs. Miriam Compton, BRANDY PANTS who Is starting housekeeping at New- High Quality Apple. ark. Mrs. Compton received many Qt. Sprcliil Excellent! Men's Fancy uneful gifts, Tho tahlo was attrac- J.09 Men's "Ox-Hide" Men's Heavy Duty tively decorated In and white. 98 Prlco l'l. rt. Games, cards and dnnclng wore en- Sale l"t. 1)4 89° joyed and refreshments were served Overalls Bvess Socks POLICE SHOES »t a Into hour. Among those present Millstream Compare jot Prict! were Misses Mllllcent Broamlor nnd Kcoiinnilrnl Wines <>f Character Mazle Mngce of Helford, Mela Mat- STRAIGHT Wall St. Wines IOC pair thews, Loin nnd Vlvlnn Compton, LAVITA WINES $2.98 Thelmn. Stanford nnd Carrie Ilionn- Vintage* 11127 Sanforized shrunk! A fnminiii quality Mado of Rayon plnilol on culton RYE Truly Finn Cull Tomtit heavy 2:20 weight rtenim. flacJcH in nlrlpi'il.rhoc'Uodund ..unlity hits n new high! back style. Sizes 34 to plaid pnttenis. ^i/.es 10 to Purl, Hhflrry, Muwiilrl, Toki'<', • (leather nole. nibhur hooU Mm. Allen Kerr of Kennnhurg. Mixer. | for wear! Penncv priced! fA Clnrot, Sautcrnc. All 1.31 Twcnly-Fivp l'cr Cent Tjp™ Wins Hiiit or Clothes. Qt. 69 Tliomoo Irving Brown, publisher of rt. 69 A7o li (Ifil. 1.00 (int. Flftli Fifth Th« Register, on Hnturday night won tho third nwnrd of (he Thrift suit club, conducted by Anthony I'lnnenii- 32 BROAD ST. -RED BANK •ro, proprietor of Anthony's Inllor- InK establishment nn Monmouth J. C. PENNEY COMPANY, Incorporate! «tr«et. Mr. Brown'* number wn« 48. Tim fourth nwnnl will be mndo this SCHULTE 21-23 BROAD STREET RED BANK, N. Saturday nlfjht. >Paee Four RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 27,1936. the board of education know the needs of tho commun- yers would be needed to enforce the Brotherhood Service ity In this respect much better than state officials who act And who would pay (or this Testimonial For EED BANK REGISTER vast bureaucracy and the benefits to : do not live here, and it Is Impossible to believe that they Held at Temple B'n&i -, • ESTABLISHED 1878 BY JOHN a COOK. will put tills added burden on the taxpayer*, Editorial Views be conferred on th* Incompetents of George H. Roberts the business world? Why Aloyslus Fund Of $2,500 GEOKQE a HANCE, Editor. Glenn P. Wlshard, executive ssere- F. X. Public would pay for it Ha of tbe Young Men's Christian FBEOBIO S. HATES, Msmajtag Editor. -o-o-o-o-o-o- About 300 Penoni Present at Ohi oslnloni mrwitd in tie Editorial would pay In higher prices for every- association, was th* speaker Sunday For Scholarship Vlavri htr«und«r do not nMtiiarllr curry thing he buys. Tribute for the Sheriff of Mon- tight at the union service of Jewa THOMAS IBVaNO BBOWN, Two Bills That tha endorsement of 7h« Rerleter.) And what would he get In return? mouth County Last Thursday ,nd Christians held In Temple B'nal "o be Used in Providing College Publisher and Business Manager. Not a darn thing, except the pleasure rael. Rev. Edward W. Miller, pae- Should Be Passed. The Statesmanship of Two Jerseymen Night at Smoke Shop Tavern. The New Jersey Real Kstale commission and the of knowing he was providing a lot of n of the Baptist cburoh, who was Education for Girl Graduates |i THE RED BANK REGISTER There's an unique situation In joba for political heelers who would New Jersey association of Real Estate boards hai done > have spoken, waa unable to at- Washington, so far as New Jersey's starve if they had to go to work In md becaute of a levers oold. of High School—Other Mon- ;•'. Is a member of a service of large value -which should receive public- About 300 pereonB attended the tes- ; j THE ASSOCIATED PRESS representation In the upper branch of private business, Imonlal dinner last Thursday night Other clergymen who assisted were mouth County Wills. spirited support In sponsoring two measure! in the the Congress Is concerned. It per- —Newark Sunday Call. for Sheriff George H. Roberts of New ,ov. W. Carman Trembath, pastor i' Th» Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the present session of the legislature to protect buyers of tains to Senators Moore and Barbour. f the Reformed church, Rev, John Monmouth at the Smoke Shop Tav- Miss Roaa Weie, who died at her | QM for republloatlon of all news dispatches'to It or not real estate. The Red Bank Real Estate board is one A sample of .it occurred on Monday ern at Shrewsbury, sponsored by tho K. Hayes, pastor of the Presbyterian •/Ottjlrwlis credited In this paper and also the local news of the units enlisted in this movement. when a delegation of municipal of- hurch, Rabbi Arthur Hershon of lome in Red Bank recently, executed Ivie association of Mlddletown town- or will In 1933. She left $2,500 in ! published therein. The proposed bills are designed to prevent high ficials and citizens from North Hud- Social Security ship. It was a non-partisan event ar- Congregation B'nal Israel and Rev. son went to Washington to see the rlemy P. Eowen, pastor of Fair Ha- rust to the Fidelity Union Trust pressure sales of lots of questionable value and similar ranged by members of both parties ampany of Newark with the dlrec Member National Edltoral Association President about additional Federal who are friends and neighbors ol Mr. •en Methodist ohurch. exploitation through the sale of so-called cemetery plots funds for completing two bores for, Act Explained To on that the Income be used for the on .a basis of presumable speculation. Both of these Roberts. It was tbe second such The meeting was one of hundreds the Weehawken-Midtown tunnel. Af- eld throughout the nation In ob- lalntenance of her cemetery lot In Member New Jersey Press Association evils have become prevalent in some parts of New Jer- tribute to Mr. Roberts since he took ie B'nal Jeohurun cemetery at Elir- ter taking the delegation to tho Republican Club office last November, the first having lervance of Brotherhood day. sey and they will undoubtedly grow worse unless great- White House, Senator Moore enter- beth. In the event that all of the Telephone Red Bank 13. been given by a group of Monmouth The congregations of the Middle- icome was not needed for the care er supervision 6f real estate developments Is provided tained them at lunch. While the county residents at the Molly Pltch«r own and Red Bank Baptist ohuroh- Subscription Prices: for. . meal was under way, he sent for Legislative Problems of State unlted In holding a service Sun- the burial plot, when this income hotel about a month ago. 3 eachcB the isuon of $2,000 tho will i Three months . .80 Wildcat developments of this kind have in a num- Senator Barbour to present his home .ay morning at the local church. countv folk to his colleague. It was Also Discussed at Meeting of Last Thursday night's celebration rected that the Home for Aged He- One year .$2.00 ber of Instances resulted in those responsible- having was in a sense a Mlddletown town- _Xev. George Young, pastor of the rews of Now York should be paid . 1.00 been sent to jail, but in most cases the high pressure a very gracious gesture, and a aln- United Women'* Republican Mlddletown church, was the speaker. ; Six months — cere one, from tho Democratic: Sen- ship party. Folks from other places ',000, A bequest of ?B00 was made crowd have disappeared with their ill-gotten profits, ator to the Republican Senator. And Clubs at Meeting in Elks Club were present but Middletowners were < the Congregation B'nal Israel of THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1936. leaving the buyers "holding the bag." Frequently the therein lies a story of public policy more numerous than people from ed Bank and $500 was loft to the victims have been people of small means who bought on between two representatives from any other locality, Mr. Roberts Is emple of Beth Miriam of Long Assemblywoman Constance Hand of the1 first resident of the township to Morgan A. Knapp [ranch. Bequests of $500 each were the Installment plan and who found when their pay- two different political parties. Essex county and Irving Engleman, ments were completed that title was defective. hold the position of sheriff since tade to Adolph Wels, Mis. Tesslo 'Shrewsbury Avenue Should Senator Moore has not "pulled his administrative assistant to William more than fifty years ago when the Talks On Scouts tern and Carrie Mayer, children of The publlo should be Interested in tho passage of punches" In any way as a Democrat, J. Bills, commissioner of the state late John H. Patterson was chosen enry Wcls; Arthur Wels, Edna I Be a County Road. the two proposed bills. Anything which Impairs the nor has Senator Barbour done any- department of Institutions and agen- for the post. Both men were elected oodman and Rosaline We In, chil- At thiB time of the year, Just before spring, the value of real estate or destroys confidence In it as an thing of that sort as a Republican. cies, addressed members of the on the Democratic ticket, but under Assistant Scout Executive of ren of Lillie Wels; and Ruth Frei- j'jeounty board of freeholders usually arranges plans to investment Is a major misfortune which indirectly in- Senator Moore is red hot after all the United Women's Republican clubs of very different conditions because fifty Monmouth County Addressed iaum, Gertrude Rederer and Daniel • Jake over municipal roads. For this reason it would jures many more persons than those who have been vic- patronage he can get for his party, Monmouth county at their regular years ago Middletown township was Young Men's Bible Class of els, children of Albert Wels. Mortl- timized. Common, ordinary honesty, as well as sounder as the record, shows. But, unlike monthly meeting last Friday at the ner Eisner of Newark was left $500 rfeeem to be appropriate for the mayor and council of Elks club on Broad street. Democratic stronghold, whereas to- Presbyterian Church Sunday. ••Red Bank to call the attention of the board to the need economic conditions, would be promoted by the enact- Senators from other states where the day It ia the banner Republican mu- nd Fannlo E. Winner of Asbury delegation of two is divided political- Mrs. Hand led a discussion on leg- : of converting the northern end of Shrewsbury avenue ment of the proposed bills. Experience has demonstrat- nicipality of Monmouth county, al- 'ark $300. Tho Red Bank Woman's ly, there is no small time politics, islative problems, and Mr. Engle- though alone among the Democratic Thirty members of the Young lub waa bequeathed any bonds and Rector place, which is virtually In everything else ed that this legislation is necessary not only as a mat- no clashes based on political etatogy, mann explained the social security ter of justice but also to preserve legitimate property county canlldates Mr. Roberts car- Men's Bible class of the Presbyterian •hich Mloa Wels own«d at nor death. I «xcept name a continuation of Shrewsbury avenue, Into no sharp practice between the two act and the manner in which It func- hurch turned out Sunday morning lUaanno and Renlna Hohnea of Red 'a county thoroughfare. values. ried It at the last election, receiving men. tions. He displayed charU to show a majority of 225. -O hear an address by Morgan A. 3ank were each bequeathed $200 and Such a request would not be unreasonable. Red The record shows that in all mat- the progress made In the past, and Knapp, assistant scout executive of Mary Riley was left $100. Ada Samp- 1 -o-o-o-o-o-o- a plan to be followed in the future. Theodore J. Labrecquc, a Red Sank has received much less In the way of county road ters for the benefit of New Jersey, Bank attorney and a resident of Mld- Monmouth county, who talked on er of New York, cousin of Miss ' : improvements than many other municipalities; and the they work together like brothers. Senator Charles IS. Loizeaux of dletown township, wag toaetmaater. :hs subject "Scouting Relative to Vcls, was left $200 annually as ling 'two streets, acting as they do as a short cut link be- Herbert G. Hoover's Neither of them tries to score a Union county, who was ochoduled to He was introduced by John W. Ran- Young Men." is she lives. Miss Wels left 12,500 beat" by fathering something that address the cession, was unable to sley, chairman of the dinner com- Mr. Knapp said that the council i? n trust for the establishment of a "tween two sections of the state highway, are In reality Record as a Prophet. attend because of a meeting of the und to be known as tho Weis schol- Itoore than a borough thoroughfare. Shrewsbury ave- would bring personal or political mittee. John J. Quinn of Red Bank, jUBt completing 25 pears of scout Herbert C. Hoover has been making speeches fore- glory. Senator Moore could have Senate appropriations committee, of rBhip fund, the Income to bo used nue south of the Newman Springs road is a-«sbunty road county Democratic leader, paid a work In the county. The aim of the telling bad times in store as a consequence • of sins of hogged" the delegation seeking Fed- which he la a member. n paying for colloKe tuition for one and It is discrimination against Red Bank that the high tribute to Mr. Roberta and ex- Jouncil, he declared, Is to enroll every commission and omission of the national administration. eral funds for the tunnel. In a thing The club nominated the following ear of tho girl graduate of tho Red northern end is not In the same category, because It Is pressed the hope that the time was ooy twelve years of age to receive Regardless of whether or not the present regime de- ike that, two men can get more officers: not far distant before another gath- 'our years of scout training. This Bank high school selected each year •ven more largely traveled than the other portion. " the board of education, on her serves censure, perhaps Mr. Hoover will prove no more pressure than one matt Each helps President—Mrs. Howcll Woolley of Long ering would be held in celebration of training, he asserted, will enable the The mayor and council should act at the earliest ;he other. Branch. his elevation to a higher office. cholastlc record but who lacks accurate as a prophet nowadays than he did 1n the past Vice presldonts—Mr*, Lewis S. Thomp- young men to face the world well unds for such education. All the Opportunity in pressing this matter and they should when he was on the hustings. With ail reliable business But there are times when they dlf- lon of Lincroft, Mri. Emma VanSchoick, Edward F. Juska of Long Branch prepared for any exigency, business fcave the unanimous co-operation of all Red Bank citi- Mrs. Viola Jardino and Mrs. Attnes Asen- est of her estate was left in trust Indexes showing general recovery, It seems not only :er, politically or otherwise, and dorf of Red Bank. Mrs. Arthur Bates of assistant prosecutor, praised Mr. r personal. or the benefit of her sister, Bertha iens. Shrewsbury avenue and its appendage, Rector more pleasant but more logical to believe that the worst when they do they go their separate Allei\town, Mrs. Mary Bennett of Brad- Roberts for his co-operation with-the During his address Mr. Knapp !isnor, na long as she lives. After place, should be a county road as a common-sense prac- ways, though in the moBt friendly ley Beach, Mrs. Albert Berger of Anbury prosecutor's office and hia other acts is over, regardless of political developments. Park, Mrs. John Blel of Oceanport, Mrs. asked all members of the Bible class ;he death of Mrs. Eisner, $2,500 is tical proposition. The mayor and council voiced such f spirit. as sheriff. Dr. Eugene O'Rourko of ..'ho had been a Boy Scout or who When Mr. Hoover first ran for President he saw "a Carrie Brigfffl of Ocean Grove, Mrs. E. J. •o be paid to the Monmouth Memor- A claim In a motion passed last fall. This did not pro- It is uplifting to see two men Child of Avon, Mrs. Sadie Cochrane of Al- Atlantic Highlands, county comman- were still enrolled, to raise their al hospital for a memorial bed In chicken in every pot" and "two cars in every garage" working together as do Senators ienhurst, Mrs. Naomi Cook of Anbury der of the American legion, expressed duce immediate results and further action should be Park, Mrs. Lena Day of Keyport, Mrs. hands. To his surprise ninety per ho children's ward.-ltf" iuemory of itaken. in the event of his election. Later he envisioned "pros- Moore and Barbour. They present a Florence DeVlllaverde of Interlaken, Mrs. gratification over the fact that Sher- :ent of the class responded. da and Rosa. Wcla. Tho sum of perity just around the corner" and criticised those who esson for other officials to copy. They Ada Fosdick of Matawan. Mn. Hannah iff Roberts is a member of that or- 2,600 each Is to be paid to Sarann Taking over Shrewsbury avenue as a county road Greetln of Neptune, Mrs. Ada ilathaway Mr. Knapp said much of the credit ; did not see eye to eye with him in this matter as under- present a picture of statesmanship ganization and wished every success Eisner of New York, J. Lester Els- Would mean among other things that trolley tracks on of Eatontown, Mrs. Jane Johnson of Bel- tor character-building In youth should mining public confidence: Finally he predicted "grass hat is encouraging for the most part, ford, Mrs. Albert L. Lindenstruth of River for him. He said the legion had the go to the school teachers. He lauded ler, Jr., Jacques Eisner, Gerald Kia- that street would be covered as was done on Broad growing in the streets" in tho event of his defeat. None discouraging in that there is so little Plata, Mrs. Ada Mapa of Long Branch, utmost confidence that ho would Arthur Brisbane, prominent editor, ter and Robert Eisner of Red Bank Mrs. Emma Nesbitt of Spring Lake, Mrs. make good. Other speakers were •treet last fall. Nothing that the freeholders have done of these things materialized, and "maybe the public wont f that brand practiced.—Hudson Elisabeth Nobla of Leonardo. Mrs. Mar- for his interest In scouting and for nd Sigmund Eisner and Victor Els- Freeholder Arthur Pryor and Vnder- Jn recent years for Red Bank has been so beneficial to become greatly alarmed over his present forebodings. Dispatch. teret Preston of Marlboro, Mrt. Efflc Fyle his gift of land at Allaire for the icr, Jr. of California. All the rest this community as the Broad street Improvement, but of Giendola, Mrs. Eitelle Quackenbush of Sheriff Paul Kiernan. if the estate Is then to be divided Shrewsbury, Mrs. Mary Riddle of Manas- establishment of Camp Burton. Ho ^be proposed Shrewsbury avenue project would be even Prohibit Chain Stores. quan, Mrs; C. L. Steurwald of Mlddletown, A gift ol a traveling bag was pre- quoted several passages from Mr. among her three nephews, H. Ray- Wore worth while because It would extend over a much -o-o-o-o-o-o- Mrs. Charles Tata of Asbury Park, Mrs. sented to Sheriff Roberts by Egbert mond, Lester and Monroe Eisner, During 1935 there were said to Nellie Terry of Keyport, Mlse Eleanor Til- Brisbane's book, "Today and the rarger area. The whole town should be for this much W. Swackhamer of Middletown vil- Future Day." nd they were named executors of have bbeen over 200 bills introduced ton of Keansburg, Mrs, Jane Vanderhoef he will. Weeded Improvement and should lose no time In making The Edith Maxwell Case and n 48 state • legislatures to place a of Allcnhurjt, Mrs. Anna VanVUtck of lage on behalf of the committee In In conclusion the speaker declared Asbury Park and Mrs. Minnie Yarnell of chargo of tho cclobratlon, The re Jtncrwn.this fact to the freeholders. Not only the mayor special tax on chain stores. The chief Bradley Beach. that the phrase, ''Once a Scout, al- Discrimination Against Women. ciplent responded with well chosen and council but also the Chamber of Commerce and the object was, of course, to drive out ways a Scout," was a true one, as- Mrs. Adelaide W, Scllgman of Deal Service organizations of the town should unite in urging Everyone who believes in a square deal will be In Recording secretary—Mrs. Buth SIBCO of remarks. Among thoso Introduced Scout training attained early In the chains. We can hardly blame Belmar. wero Walter Went of West Lome executed her will In 1932. Sha left the freeholders to grant this justified request. symapthy with the movement started by tho National Roosevelt and tho Democratic party Assistant recording secretary—Mrs. youth remained with the young man all of her Jowelry to her daughter, Woman's party to give women the same legal rights as Adella Conklln of Little Silver. Branch, a county road official; Frank In hia later pursuits. for the action of each legislature. Br'azo, city clerk of Long Branch "ladys VanHeukulom. All her brio men through an amendment to the Constitution. Some Corresponding secretary—Mrs. Effia Mr. Knapp was Introduced by Ar- It Is possible to argue for and West of Long Branch. Councilman Victor Batter of Llttl< a-brao was left to her daughter, states have taken notable steps to remove discrimina- against any religious creed, any form thur Mayhew. JamCB Worden, presi- Rhoda Lewisohn, and all of her silver- Assistant corresponding secretary—- Silver; Joseph Schwark of Long dent of the class, called the meeting tion againBt women, but others have done little or or business, in fact anything and MTB. Elsie Decker of Shrewsbury. Branch, warden of the county jail ware to her son, Walter. The rest of Approach of Spring Not nothing. everything, for even poison can be Treasurer—Miss Jennie Sparks of Free- to order, and Dr. L, F. MacKenzle her estate was left in trust and the hold. Carl Schr'oeder, assistant to thi made the opening prayer. -Harry used to save lives as well as destroy Assistant treaaurer- -Mrs. Anna Buncslla sheriff; Clifford F. Gordon of Leon- ncomo Is to be paid to her husband, the Only Fair and Warmer Sign. A recent example of the need for the proposed re- Worden led the reading of the Scrip- Henry Seilgman, as long as he lives. form was illustrated by the case of Mias Edith Maxwell Ives, and so it is possible to berate of Freehold. ardo; Councilman Powers of Mata- As the parade of days goes by and an occasional and also to praise the chains. tures. After the death of her husband, tbe of Wise, Virginia. A verdict of second degree murder wan; Samuel Silberblatt of Atiantl niild spell of weather occurs prospects increase that In Europe the independent, the Highlands, Ed. vonKattengell of Red The next meeting of the class will residue of the estate Is to be di- spring, the magical season "just around the corner," will was brought against her by a Jury consisting entirely of chains, and the co-ops, havo existed Democratic Club Bank and Capt. William E. Dennis be held Sunday morning at ten vided among her threo children. bring about more than tho usual seasonal increase of men. Miss Maxwell had been attacked by her drunken for many years side by side. Each of Port Monmouth, president of thi 'clock when a discussion on the sub- Mrs. Adelaide V. Walnright of leal estate sales and building operations throughout this father and bad tried to defend herself by using a shoe survived according to his or its mas- Has City Outing Bayshore Shell association ject, "Joslah and the Value of As- Uanasquan left $600 to her daughter- section. Inquiries made at various reliable sources of as a weapon. The father died shortly afterwards. It tery of certain situations, the chief sociation" will be led by George in-law, Helen M, Walnright, in a will Fourteen members of the Women's hich she executed last March, At- information Indicate that only the severity of the win- impossible to believe that a guilty verdict would have of which were to give tha public Balne and Fred Williamson. Democratic club of Middletown town- Those present at last Sunday's antic View cemetery was be- ter has prevented a number of such developments from been brought In if there had not been a law in Virginia what it wanted, when It wanted It, ship and one guest enjoyed an outing denying tho right of women to serve on juries. and at the price it felt it could pay. meeting Included Ralph Eckort, Jo- queathed $100 to bo used in caring having taken place and comparison shows that despite at New York last week making the Lloyd Addresses ^ her burial plot. Each of her The battle for equal suffrage was won only after a As we understand it, the chain, trip in one of the Rollo busses. They seph Koehne, George Straus, Dr. inclement weather sales of home sites and contracts for MacKenzle, Dr. Lawrence R. Burdgo, grandchildren wero to receive $180 long, hard fight, and the same prejudiced selfish Inter- even the great A. & P., is not the had luncheon and dinner at the Hol- yew buildings are more numerous than for the same ;reat "I Am" in the food purveying Patriotic Group •hlllp, Robert and Jack Matthews, and like sums were left to her daugh- period last year. ests which opposed that measure are lined up against lywood restaurant, saw the show ers-ln-law, Helen R. and Helen M. field. It has no monopoly. In a New "Fresh Fields," with Margaret Ang- Richard Davey, Jesse Layton, Fran Spring will bring more than poetic productions for tho proposed amendment. It is not an easy battle in Jersey town a man had an insurance Is Kodama, Denlse Balrd, Frank Walnright. Anna A. Marah WIIB loft which the National Woman's party has enlisted, but the lln in tho star role, and visited Ra- County Educator Tells Members 50 and Annie B. Applcget was left this section unless all signs are misleading. Building policy mature. Banks were shaky. dio City. logers, Preston Morford, Reginald cause is founded on the rock of justice and the ultimate of Daughters of American Wolcott, Frank Ltnderoth, Philip 125. A diamond ring and a gold operations will put many unemployed persons at work What to do with the money was a Those in the party were Mrs. Ed- iracelet was left to her granddaugh- and Invigorate economic conditions generally. Through- triumph of thla reform cannot be doubted by anyone problem for a man who didn't be- ward O'Plaherty, Mrs. John H. Wer- Revolution the Need for Ballly, Arthur Mayhew, Fred Wll- who has faith In the sense of Justice of the American lamson, Albert Youmans, Georg ter, Virginia M. Wainright. All the eut the long bleak years of the depression little con- Hove In hoarding it. Surrounded byjmert, Mrs. Herman Tarnow, Mrs. Strong National Defense. est of her estate was left to her son, struction has been done, but now that the sun of pros- people. various chain stores and Independents | Charles B. Roche, Mrs. William Kel- Balne, Albert Doremus, Ernest Grif- rohn Walnright, and her daughter- perity is again beginning to cast faint gleams across he planked the entire sum Into reno-1 ly, Mrs. Robert Porter, Mrs. Frank Addressing members of the Mon- fiths, John Clark, Ernest Roff, Clark n-law, Helen M. Wainright. Mrs. vatlng and putting in new fixtures, Sherry, Mrs. Patrick Leach, Mrs. mouth chapter of Daughters of the Kennedy, Marshall West and Harry Walnright named her sons, John and the land it Is only natural that the desire for home own- and James Worden. ership should find increased expression. equipment, etc.. Into his old-fashioned | Richard Nagle, MIBS Jennie Casserly, American Revolution at a meeting Stanley, executors of the will. Tax Limitations as a store. He blossomed out as an inde-1 Miss Margaret Gorman, Miss Lucille held last Thursday in observance of Mrs. Elizabeth Joste of Asbury It is not from choice but because of economic con- pendent who looked like a chain, and i Roche, Mrs. Benjamin Haulboskey, National Defense week In tbe chape! RARITANS BUDGET. Park left all of her estate to her ditions that "doubling up" of families has been so wide- Looming Political Issue. sold specials just like the chains. He I Mrs. Rose Koveleski and Mrs. Dan- of the Presbyterian church, F. How- daughter, Myrtlo E. Poole, In a will spread. At the first favorable opportunity many of More evidence that the public is becoming increas- has prospered beyond all cxpecta- lei L. Ahearn, the last named being ard Lloyd of Matawan, educator and which she executed last March. Mrs. those forced to live in this unaccustomed way will build newspaperman, recommended the Township Will Boise *9,9O0 In Taxes ingly tax conscious is shown by the large Interest shown tions. the guest. oole was appointed executrix of the homes of their own, and this is a big factor in making creation of a department of peace to This Year. in the discussion about tax limitation sponsored by the If every chain were tomorrow pro- Annually for the past eeven years will. the spring outlook rosy. In this locality nothing else the club has been holding outings at work against the forces favoring New Jersey Taxpayers' association at Newark last night hibited by law, prices would rise and At an adjourned meeting of the John B. Careen of Burlington has been auch an accurate barometer of economic condi- •wo should bo back whero we once New York and those who made the war. Rarltan township committee Friday Representative citizens from various parts of New Jer- county mado his will In 1930 and it tions as real estate and building operations; and it is •were, at the mercy of persons who trip last week state that it was the Mr. Lloyd called for a strong stand- night the 1986 budget was adopted was probated at Freehold last week. sey took part and there waa a large attendance. gratifying that one does not have to be unduly optimis- would bluntly inform us to "Take it most delightful they ever experi- ing army and a navy second to none. on first reading. The appropriation! He left all of his estate- in trust to the Tax limitation hag been In effect in several Western or leave it; that's the brand I carry, enced. They attribute this In no Maintaining a atrongly armed force total $18,557.10, an Increase of $358.8 First National bank of Hlghtstown. tic to interpret the latest reading as fair and warmer. small degree to the efficient service and 3 i leau ta are rep rt d to be gOod and that's the price I'm asking, and does not indicate a desire for con over that of last year. The amoun He directed that $10 annually be Significant as a harbinger of better times being !£'" " . ""^r, ' , , ° " - and courtesies of the Rollo bus com- filet, he declared. paid to tho custodian of tho grave- that's the price I'm going to get!" pany and the chauffeur. to be raised by taxation Is $0,000 as wroughlight by the approach of spring is the fact that • ™e argument that "If we dont raise It, they cant spend "There are two aspects of such de- against J10.000 in 1935. The flnancla yard of ths Fresbytorlan church at tors and owners of rentable houses state that there "• *" P1™4 ™ '"^^ BlOga" ln innuencInE voters As long as American business realto strives to work efficiently, pays living fense," said tho speaker, "tanglbli condition of the township ha Perrlnovllle to be used in caring for »re perhaps not fifteen dwellings vacant at Red Bank j!? *"' '"""h Wher,0 ta* <™°n has been enacted. TITLES. and Intangible. The tangible defens- New Jcrse had a tax wages or makes a sincere effort to shown a marked Improvement the he George N. and Mary B. Car- -. _£.. JL™ i,. ..™J th. mwfc,i.,, t,m. mi. i. y limitation law while Edward C. es are the army and navy and all o: of what might be termed the middle-class type. This Is do so, and cuts costs so as to lower past two years. Last year the com- ion burial plot. He directed that the Stokes wag governor, but it "was repealed a short time George White Replies to . Inquiries the nation's Industries. The Intangi- ncomo from the residue of his es- a much better, condition than was true at this time last later. prices for consumer's goods, the poli- mitteemen were gratified with th year, or for that matter at any other similar period Made by Eatontown Resident. ble factors, and 4hese are aB Import- announcement the debt had been tate be Invented until tho principal During the depression most individuals/have learned ticians should hands off, whether the ant as the tangible forces, are edu mounts to $20,000. When the amount •ince 1030. The situation with regard to larger and product be steel, gas, electricity or To tho Editor of The Register: cation for good citizenship, loyalty o: considerably reduced, A substantial "to cut the cloth to fit tho measure," but with only a few In answer to tho questions of your reduction Is anticipated this year. reaches this sum, the Income arls- higher-priced residences Is not so satisfactory, but It is foodstuffs. Those who pass laws the young people, and a fundamental ng therefrom Is to be paid In quar- Immeasurably better than In recent years. notable exceptions there has been no such decrease in should havo at least a fair under- Eatontown correspondent regarding The debt service, according to thi public expenditures. Taxes have gono up while pur- land titles I suggest that ln any law religious belief. By the latter I do :erly Installments to the custodian or Taken all In all, the prospect with regard to real standing of what will happen to the not refer to nny particular, doctrine budget. Is $2,145.57. Classified unde chasing power has decreased and despite the fact that office ho can find some reference to committee In charge of the grave- estate recovery at Red Bank and vicinity is moBt en- owners of business and industry if a the fact that there Is a definite differ- but to a basic bcliefl In'Christian his heading, the largest amounts are various new nieana of obtaining revenue have been de- yard of the Perlrnvlllo Presbyterian couraging. Hereabouts there Is every reason lo believe law Is passed, and also the effect up- ence between title to possession of principles. unpaid balance for Laurel avenui church for the care and maintenance vised. Every time a new way of getting tnxes has been land and actual ownership of It. that spring Is going to produce more than poetry. or. the public. It Is ono thing to be "We must guard againBt Ignorance mprovement, $1,000; remitted taxe of tho graveyard. tapped there has been no resultant decrease of taxation One may own an catato In land, paid a good salary to vote on a bill of the constitution, alien representa- more than three years In arrears, Christine C. Morlcy of Loch Ar- on property because the powers-that-be found new ways and suffer no consequences if there subjoct to the state's authority. In $1,310,16; Interest on notes, $275 an o-o-o-o-o-o extreme form this is power to pos- tion in congress, misunderstanding bour mado hor will In 1927. All of of spending public funds. ia thereafter the devil to pay; It Is of tho principles of freo speech, falsi accrued interest on county taxes, B sess in perpetuity. Calling this es- her estato was left to hor sister, An- Some municipalities have, made notable decreases In another thing to see knocked to the tate a right of soil, or a fco simple propaganda, and the increasing ten- 195.72. Among the appropriation nie A. Morley, and sho was named as A Good Order and an ground what years of hard work and title does not convert It into owner- dency of groups and Individuals to are emergency relief, $000; WPA, expenditures without Impairment to public service, but ship. executrix. with regard to ntate and county expenditures the record savings have built. take the slacker's- oath." $2,000; roads, $3,200 and $100 for th. Unwise Recommendation. —Freehold Transcript, "The people, ln their right of sov- leaves much to bo desired. It waa this fact which led Mr. Lloyd said In referring to thi Kcansburg first aid squad. Several HER FABCE MADE BIG HIT. Tho Red Bank board of education has done well to ereignty, are deemed to possess the slacker's oath ho meant tho doctrim 1 to such widespread disapproval of the sales tax. Many original and ultimate property ln and weeks ago Jacob Martin, preslden take action to havo school supplies bought by contract bolng spread by pacifist organization! of the squad, made a request to th neraons who did not oppose the tax In principle were More Graft. to all lands within the Jurisdiction Audience of 200 Pleaaod With Mil. after bldB have been advertised for, as directed by tho of tho state," says Article 1, Section to promote the refusal of youth to committee for an appropriation. Hi against it because they put no stock In promises that It The granddaddy of all legislative VanVllet's Production. state inspector of accounts. ThiB procedure gives prom- 10 of the Constitution of the State bear arms for tho country In time of said at that time that the ambulanc would provide tux relief for property owners. They re- attempts to stick the state's noso In- of New York, for Instance. lie of promoting economy and both for the taxpayers to prlvato business Is Assembly 292, war. In thiB connection he cited tho had made a large number of calls In Mrs. C. Windsor VanVllct of Ellia- garded It as junt another move by the "play boys" nt As to the matter of taxation, since movement against pledging allegi- the township during 1085 and woul beth, formerly Miss Gladys Hopping and to those, who Bell such gondfl It In the fairest ami introduced by that eminont states- ownership la In the state, It Is likely : Trenton to get more money to spend, nnd ln view of ance to tho flag. continue to do so, even If an appro of Red Bank, wroto a play entitled •quirest way of making purchases. man, Assemblyman Kerncr of Union that a statute limiting the annual tax It TakeB a Thlof," which made a ; bitter experience this attitude was logical. county. Bcsldo this long clawed, rato on lands considered as unlm- "Unemployment and exploitation ol prlatlon was not forthcoming. •' In the same letter ln which the state hispeutor vii- ato on tancia considered as unim-! ., L " -,, ,-, ., great hit lost week whon presented Plausible objecllona to tho tax limitation plan have uth b jtually ordered that this policy be follojJfo It was rec- sharp-fanged monBter, known as the roved would not prevent an nddl-! y° y radical leadership," contln- by player* of tho Dramatic club of been raised, but the public will pny less heed to them trade board bill, NRA was a kitten. flonat and substantial state excific nod Mr. Lloyd, "are serious obsta- New Boy Scout Patrol. iofnmended that Insurance on school buildings be great- tax on lands according to value. The cles In tho way of our national safe ElUabeth. Mr«. VanVllot has had ly Increased. Complying with this would mean that the than ever before. Unquestionably there are many way« It would create a board empowered effect of taxes upon land values mufH ty nnd Integrity. The ideals upon A new patrol, to be Known as thi considerable euccejs an a playwright. Wolf patrol, was organized last Fr, OCSt for Insurance would be Increased from about by which county and stale government expenses could to license, regulate, aupcrvlss and bo similar In effect to that of a tax which thla country was foundei The Elizabeth Journal, In 111 Itsue upon an annuity. An annuity might day at a regular meeting of Troo 49,000 to $4,500 per year, or approximately 2 Vi times as he reduced. He who runs mny read evidence to this control every wholesalo nnd retail must ho protected from adverse in- Friday, made the following com- effect. Tax limitation offers a measure of relief which business In the state. To throe men bo taxed at tho current rate of inter- fluences. This nation must be pro- 23, Boy Scouts of America, In th ments: much n« at present, would be given tho power of life and est, say five per cent, and its market Baptist church. Raymond Gerald • Fortunately this Is a recommendation, not. an or- will grow Increasingly popular unless the present In- value would be cut in half as com- tected against war aB well ea during 'An enthusiastic audience of 200 tolerable burden of taxation In llf;ritened. At the com- death over ail commercial enterprise pared with what It would be If not war." la the lesder of the new group. An personal, many of whom pronouncid der, and it Is to be hoped the board of education will nouncement was made that Jbsep! ing primary nnil genernl elections It. wont be strange If in Now Jersey. Tho business a man taxed at all, and if taxed at ten or Mra. Bruco W. Campbell, chairman the occasion one of ths moat success- $ot carry it out. No school building nt Red Bank has has npent a lifctimo building might twenty per cent the market value of tho chapter'n committee for na- S. Byrne of Fair Haven had oftere both candidates and volea In favor of this plan am would dimply b« reduced to oor- ful of Its kind ever held here, greet- AVer been destroyed by fire and lnntiinceu of such losses bo uwopt away overnight by the tlimul defense through patriotic edu- three prizes for those placing ftrsl ed the players of the Dramatic club marshalled In considerable force. respond with the fact that tho prin- second and third In a table-tennl |s> Other municipalities are very rule. The Rchool build- board's suspension or revocation of a cipal or capital value must be re- cation, ntrcHsed the need of educe- of Elizabeth In their fifth club night ings here are as nearly fireproof an modern architec- license as the penalty for violating duced an fast as the tax is Inoreased. tlnn of citizens In their duties l> tournament to be held soon at tli presentation last night at the Eliza- ture ha* been able to devise, and at tlila tlmo when It one of Its alliy regulations. A land value tax of ten per cent their country. Both speakers weri troop rooms. beth Town and Country club, Thrae li so necessary to bring about tax relief It In almost cer- Men linvo a lot of oimmctcrintlcH that we may dis- That somo protection Is needed er annum, If nil taxon upon tangl- Introduced by Mrs. Jacob 13. Ru< one-met plays made un the> program, tain that public opinion would not approve of the pro- like, but we can overlook most of thorn In a man who agulnst unfair trade practices may EIn personalty and real entatn Im- rfgent of tho chanter. Towner* Hold Danco. tho most popular, ludRlnu by MB re- posed additional expenditure, • howfi gratitude. well be true. Out to cllmlnato these provements were abolished, would The second annual dance ol th ception, belnK tho farce, "It Takes a injustices' It Is not ncconnary to set corlalnly b« collectible. Theron Me- Farmer I/)Sfs Horn*. Red Bank Town baseball olub wai Thief," written by Mm. C. Windsor ';': Mandatory laws compel local hoards of education to up a board with powcrn so vaguely Campbell has suggested tlmt grotinil Anthony Monio of Tlnton Falls loi held Friday night at the Smoke Sho VanVllet, one of th« club members •pand Urge sums of money for various things which rent might be absorbed by taxation •Home folks object In defined they could be expunded Into a horno l»»t week. It wan kicked b tavern. The proceeds will bo use The snappy, amusing linen and ab- tl»«y would not do If left to their own judgment. It li following the footsteps of oth- altogether- If but four-flftha of It all sorts of tyrannies. Tho Federal were taken, I figure that a tax rat« another horse which Mr. Monto own to make repair* to McClaskey fief surd eltu&tlona, the coniio characters largely OB thU account that much criticism hai been Trade commission aeems to function of twenty per cent per annum would and lln log w«s brokon. Ths Injui on Newman Springs road, the horn and the admirable presentation re- itttda about "(rills and fancies" In the school). Regard- rassonably wall In Its proper field be necesiary. Juat how this would flt was Incurable and the «nlm»l wai grounds of the olub. Uuslo for dam flected credit on author, coach and |»»a of how much or how little nt thin crlllclam In wm- under very definite limitations of In with the Holmdel mnn's ttn-mlll killed by bolng .hot. The c»rc««» wai Ing waa furnished by Rocky Santa actors." rinted, action to Inrrrnnii the Innurnnce expense would power. tax limitation proposal Is not at all K*lo'a orchestra and a floor show wn • •-•>«» —-. Thnrie who are careful where they put their confi- plain to me. •old to tho Monmouth County Hun be In tbe "frills and fancies" category. The members of Thousands of snoopera, clerk presented. Bruno Maua was chal dence are not so apt to lost It George White. club and u»ed for food for dog« man of the committed Us ehar«> Boya enn m«k« extra pocket monoy •t«no|rrspheri, accountant* ani law- Waynlde, N. J. owned by the club, selling The Register.—Advertisement, RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 27,1936. t:16—Word Idea*. March on Trenton 9:80-—SUlnbach. Lawyers Favor An Shrewsbury Has 9:81—Axelesi volet of Philosophy. 0:00—Casino. Chriitian Scienctt Wanted To Buy! By Relief Clients _ 0 ;01—Things You Should Know. Extra County Judge Hospital Group High School Notes 10:80—SUinbach. J0:81—-Women'a Hour: Reading Room BOOKS Relief clients, faced with the pros- 0:46—Kew». The Monmouth County Bar associ- Address—"BOOKS," BOX fill. Mrs. Marion Stmmmel of Mon- pect of receiving food orders Instead 11:00—Resume. ation at a meeting held at Asbury Broad Strtil NalioDal Bank WJl, of cash relief after March 1 because P. M. Park Monday nl^ht adopted a reso- The entertainment committee of 7:00—News Review. 12 Broad Street, Bed Bank mouth Memorial Hospital the French club met Monday to dls- law makers have not raised the 7:U—Steinbachs. lution in favor of another common Speaks on Organization for cuas entertainment at club meetings. money, marched on New Jersey's 7:15—Bay Conklln, songa. pleas judge for the county and also OPEN DAILY The committee consists of Elizabeth state capltol at Trenton Monday 7:30—Casino. of Increasing the jurisdiction of the 11:30 A. M. to 4:30 P. U. Shrewsbury Support. 7:31—.Joan Fott«r, •, MONEY LOANED Goode and Ruth Reamer, both stu- night and "demanded" that the leg- 7.44—Carter. present district courts from $500 to Tu«vda)r and Friday Cvaslani on Jewelry, Silver, Musical Instruments, Cameras, dents of the 12-A class and mem-islature "stop fooling around and find 7:4&—Better Housing Program. $1,000. The new appointee to the 7:30 to 0:30. An afternoon tea was held Tues- 8:00—-Tha Dream Peddler. Binoculars, etc bers of the 12-A French class. It Is a plan to finance relief." common pleas court would be of the day afternoon at the borne of Mrs. New Jersey ran out of ready relief 8:14—Steinbachs opposite political faith from the Hers the Bible, th« Works of Mary t Ucented and Bond.d by 91.1. of N. J . probable that the French plays, writ- 8:15—Talk. Baker Biddy, Dlicoverar and Foundar I Lawrence Iverson of Sycamore ave- funds last fall after Governor Harold 8:30—Gypsy Ramblers. present judge, J. Edward Knight, WE PAY CASH FOB OLD GOLD AND SILVER nue, Shrewsbury, to organize a ten by the class last semester, will of Christian Scanca, and all otiat I be enacted by characters chosen G. Hoffman's sales tax was repealed. 9:00—BeBume. who ifl a Republican. A bill haa authorized Christian Selanca Liter*. Shrewsbury auxiliary for Monmouth Since then the legislature has taken P, M. Tuesday, March 3. been Introduced in the assembly by ture may b« read, borrowed or p Memorial hospital. from the French club. Miss Fulvla chased. Broadway Loan Co. Dell'Omo, graduate of ReS Bank no action on a permanent relief plan. 4:00—Musicale. Assemblyman Haydn Proctor pro- 208 Broadway,

AISTOH BBBKMAN, AMUSEMENTS. Two features, "Muss 'Em Up" with Hospital Workers' Heettnf. o'clock In the morning and will bring Day or Low COUUMLXOB AT LAW. Preston Foster and Margaret Call*- Nlaht OflUM, 10 Broad 8U BSD BANK. H. 1. The regular all-day March meeting box luncheons with thim. Most of TAXI Rates Carlton Theater. ban, and "Moonlight on the Prairie" •It Belongs Where It Is' of the Red Bank auxiliary of Fltkln the day will be spent In sewing for Coll QUDJN, PABSONS * D0REMU8, "Chatterbox," an R. K. O.-Badlo with Dick Foran In the role of a hospital of Asbury Park will be held the hospital. COUNSELLORS AT LAW. picture with Anne Shirley In the fea- singing cowboy, will be shown on WMtfUW Building, R.d Bask Friday and Saturday. Monday at the home of Mrs. Howard Tha road to better and bigger busl- WESSON tured role, will be the main attrac- S. Higglnson of Fair Haven road. 1 John 1. Quinn. Thsodori 0. Panons, "Muss 'Em Up," an R. K. O-Radlo nesi leads through The Register ! ad- Tel. •£ 1212 Tbgma* P. Dorumu :lon today and tomorrow (Thursday The members will be present at ten vertising columns.—Advertisement. ,nd Friday) at the Carlton theater. picture, deals with crime and crlm- BED BANK BUSINESS INSTITUTE Others In the cast Include Phillip' nals. Foster Is cast as a detective. Secretarial CourM. Holmes, Edward Ellle, Erik Rhodes AIBO In the picture, supporting Fos- DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL. and Margaret Hamilton. er and Miss Callahan, are Alan Cows and Horses FLORENCE NORTON O'SHEAPhon., 128 Broad Strut. The etory ot "Chatterbox" moves Mowbray, Ralph Morgan, "Big Boy" Auction and Private Sale from the ruistlo beauty of the Ver- Williams and Maxle Rosenbloom. DR. L W. CARLBON mont hills to the confusing din of ZLOTKIN'S STABLES 8DBOEON CHIROPODIST Broadway and environs. Onphaned, FREEHOLD, N. J. FOOT AILMENTS living under the hidebound super- OfRca Hourii Dallr 10 «. m. Co ti, m. vision of a grandparent, Jenny Your Evtnlnaii Tuaiaay and Thuraoi)r. Tatcs, Miss Shirley's character, 1B Sale Every Thursday Pol appolntrnvnt pbona 2442. smitten with an ambition to be a 60 BBOAO 8T. BED BANK. N. J. stage star. Her engaging Innocence nd: endless chatter nut her in con- tact with a sensitive artist, a hard- Financial boiled producer and a group of mock- JOHN E. DAY ing actors. Her experiences with theBe persons whose methods are Funeral Home totally alien to her brfnR her suc- cessively hapiDlness, pathos, heart- 1 Problems PHONE 332. break and enlightenment. - 141 Broad St., Red Bank "King of Burlesque," Twenty-Cen- «bii> lL| i,nmj |M* 1 fresh cows and clow springers ury Fox feature, with a cast th_at In- always on band to select from. cludes Warner Baxter, Alice Faye, Many residents of Monmouth County Cholco Guernseys, Holstalna and Now You Can Wear Jack OaWe, Arllne Judge, Mona Bar- Jerseys, tuberculin and blood teated. rlc, GroRory Ratoff, Dixie Dunbar, l«—-*J have availed themselves of our sincere 40 head Iowa horses and mulei, Fats Waller, Nick Long, Jr., and acclimated mated teams and tingles, FALSE TEETH Kenny Baker, will ba the feature at- H* 1 #' invitation to talk matters over with us. those real farm chunks, horses avery Without Embmrraument traction on Saturday, Sunday and farmer will be proud to own. Sea Eat. talk, Uush or MHM, without fear of taut U«th dropping or •lipplntr. Monday. Perhaps we can help you in the same this Beleotlon of horses and cows FABTEETH holds th»m firmly and com- •••MMi anytime. Exchanges made. fortably. Tfali ntw, fin* powder has no (tummy, gooey, pasty taste or fsellns. way we have helped them. JACOB ZLOTKIN & SON Makes breath pleaiant. Newer and bet- A house that "seems to belong Just The plan Is a flexible one, its de- ter than anything you've ever used. Gat Margaret Sullavan in freehold, N. J. FASTEETH today at Whelan'i or" i where it is" 1» shown today. signer points out. If tha, first floor Phones: Reg. 830-Stables BOS. other drug itore. "Next Time We Love" Its lines are full of grace and quiet of the main part only Is finished Universal Production dignity. there are three rooms and a bath to The roof Is of cedar shingles, with start with. Thereafter, one bedroom walls of hand-epllt cypress shingles, and a bath may be finished upst&in "Moonlight on the Prairie" is the ,11 left to weather. Trim Is white, then another bedroom, and last of Personal Loan first of the new Warner Brothers shutters dark green. all, the dining room wing may be westerns. Sheila Marmora has the In the living room, the walls and added. feminine lead, and others In the panelling are painted a dark green- Charles S. Keefe is the architect, cast include George E. - Stone, Jo- ish blue, with hangings of white seph Sawyer and Robert Barrat. and the house is one of a series of Department hlntz with pink flowers. Wide The plot centers about the attempt spruce boards for the floor are palnt- distinguished small homes appear- of a band of cut-throat cattle rust- id a dark brown. ing in "Architecture." lers to murder a widow and her small son in order to cheat them out of their Inheritance of a large Warren Messier, who Is to act as -'A .... i FINAL CLEARANCE and prosperous ranch. The thrill- Modernizing The superintendent of the place and wh ing action includes a terrifying wild Is now living on the Broderson farm horBe stampede, many hand fights at Shrewsbury. At or Below Cost for Quick Sale and gun battles and the burning of Cristiani House Mr. Ueland formerly lived in the The First National Bank the bandit hide-out In a smashing Ready (or You Thursday, Feb. 27th. climax. West on a farm and he bought the Trovard Ueland Making Many Cristiani property to satisfy a hank- No Refunds, Credits or Exchanges on Sale Goods. "Next Time We Love," a Univer- Alterations to Nutswamp Resi- ering to get back to the soil. Mr. sal picture with Margaret Sullavan of Eatontown, New Jersey dence Which He Will use as Zimmerman's contract calls for twi in the main role, will be the feature new dormers, a new roof, new out- attraction for three days beginning His Home. side chimneys, two new bathrooms, Linen Sets I Bags ' Scarfs on Sunday. James Stewart plays op- Member Federal Reserve System C posite Miss Sullavan and others in colonial plank floors in the living and -1.69 the cast are Kay MUland, Grant Trovard Ueland, a flour broker dining rooms, alr-condltloned heating 54 19 at New York, Is having the Cristiani and new plumbing. A number of al- Values to 1.00 Mitchell, Robert McWade and Anna Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Were 2.08 Values to 69o Demetrlo. homestead at Nutswamp remodeled terations will also be made to the In- cloth, 6 nap- Muff, leather and fab- Dollies, 8-pc. -vanity "King of Burlesque," the 'nrs! and modernized for his own UBe. He terior of the house but outwardl; The story concerns a young cou kins; white or col- ricated; good styles sets, guest towels, Fox picture, offers human drami bought this property last fall. The the old-time colonial aspect of th Approved Mortgagee ored . and colon. etc ple, Impulsively married, who try to contract has been awarded to Walter residence will be little changed. The) glorified by stars, songs and specialpursue Individual careers. The hus-W. Zimmerman of Mlddletown village band's wanderings around the world, work Is to be completed early in Federal Housing Administration clt. iVARNER BAXTER and, and it was started last week. Mr. April. Toweling Blankets Drapes the wife's longing, the love of Zimmerman Is completing a house on .C set ALICE FAYE headjhe cast, other man for the wife, the tempest the property for the occupancy of d9 nous conflict of emotions against a It pays to advertise in The Register. 5 69° 2-98 79' Tlie picture is based on a story by background of threatening world up- Keg. 3.98 Wero 2.98 Vina Delmar. The dance ensembles licaval combine to make the narra- Reg. Wo Yd. Brocade damask, l'art linen, 18ln.| Furo wool, plain col- wcro otf>Kod by Snmmy Lee and the tlve a stirring recital. ors; 70x80 size. green; with valance. music and lyrics, which Include "I'm There Is a play within a play.por- «-hlta or unbleached. Shootin' High," "Lovely Lady" and traying Miss Sullavan as the star o "I Love to'Ride the Horees on the a hit on Broadway.1 The dialogue, MAKE YOUR BATHROOM Cloths Merry-Go-Round" were written by preserving the rich qualities of th Spreads Comforts the teams of Jimmy McHugh and novel by Ursula Parrott, has bee J39 39 Ted Koehler and Jack Yellea and erlven new treatment by the director 59° I' Lew Pollack. Edward H. Griffith, according to ad- Wero 1.98 Reg. 79o Reg. 2.00 vance Hollywood bulletins. 81x105, rayon of cot- The picture tells an absorbing love 18x48, an linen, tan Full size, chlnts cov- story of tho people who make the ton; all colors. ered, white filling. ground plaids. nation's entertainment. B" s. V 1- KT Bright and It follows Baxter's rise from the daSt Heail8DUrg iNCVVS. shows of 14th Street to the glittering' Blankets Comforts Cottons palaces of Broadway. It traces his (Ths Red Bank Register ean be bought .98 d decline under the spiteful control of In East Keanabun from Iisdori Willing.) 59" s hia society wife, played by Mona A new Phllco radio was placed In Reg. 8.9S 29° Barrie. the schoolhouse last week. It was Reg. 89o Cheerful Values to 49o Satin covered, wool In the climax, the picture shows purchased as the result of a very Full 70x80 size, well filled; 72x81 size. Crinkles, waffles, soer- how this master of entertainment re- fleeced plaids. suckern, cither prints. successful card party which was re- turns to hia must spectacular success cently held by a group of mothers. . for only and to the realisation that; he had The party netted $31.75, and the Remnants Curtains Pajamas loved Alice Fayo all the time. mothers maje a cash gift to the fire yd Strand Theater. company In appreciation of having - been allowed to use the fire house. 49°" 47° "Navy Wife," Twentieth Century- The Totsy Doerr association held a Values to 39o Wore 79o to 1.00 Fox's adaptation of the novel by Cretonnes, percales, Reg. 69o largely attended and successful card Rufflo or flat, full Children's 4 to 12; Kathleen Norrls with Claire Trevor party Saturday evening at Bay View ginghams; others to lengths; plain or fan- In tho title role, will be shown for 3 yards. one-piece striped flan- hotel. The "dark horse" prize w&a cy. nel. the last times today at the Strand awarded to Mrs. May Kupp. theater. Ralph Bellamy heads the Goodbye to dingy, walls! Let a fresh coat of Seroco enamel supporting cast which includes Jano The Geraldlne Thompson Republi- give your bathroom new beauty and save you money. Price in- Scarfs Silks Darwell, Warren Hyriier, Ben Lyon can unit will hold a card party at the Woolens and Kathleen Burke. fire house today, with Miss Edna Bal- cludes 'A gallon Gloss Enamel (for walls and'ceiling); 1 pint lantlne and Mrs. August H. Lleder- Miss Trevor, a naval nurse, mar- haus as hostesses. 4-Hour Enamel (for woodwork); 1 pint turpentine; and 254- 39° 49° ries Bellamy, In the role of a navy 59° Values to l'.OO Next Tuesday the ladles' auxiliary inch enamel brush. Valuos to 1.00 Were 1.00 doctor, knowlng^that he docs not of tho fire company will hold a card Wool bouclo and rab- 30-ln. prints; also love her and wants only a home and SUPER-SERVICE M and 88-tnoh; plain plain In various a mother for his crippled daughter. party at the fire house. The hos- bits' hair; good col- or fancy weaves. tesses will be Mrs. Kriftner and Mrs. ors. weaves. She soon discovers that tho memory FLAT FINISH PAINT of a dead wife Is an almost unsur- Anna Zimmerman. Losterless soft tone flnlslu The members of the first aid squad SEARS SEROCO mountnble bar to a happy marriage. are encouraged over the large Will not cUp or Ulster. Gloves Gowns. Another woman Intrudes Into their amount of Interest shown In the leap Washable. get. Bath Towels lives. She Is convinced that hor husband will never love her. Just year novelty dance to be held at the as MIBS Trevor Is about to call her fire house Saturday night. A large 29° «•" 19° 59° attendanco 13 looked for. SEROTONE PAINT Values to 6Bc Were S5o Reg. T9c marriage a complete falluro and Ladles'pink or white, leave her husband, a surprise climax Edward Voorhees and hlj children Lovely colors—popular finish. Children's wool; Also 20x40, plain colors; Ethel and Rowland havo recovered leather mittens. flannelette. brings a happy ending to this ro- Don't miss this big value ?A.8O heavy weight. mantlo story. from grip after having been laid up a week. at Sean. . gat & Ned Hammond underwent an oper- attlon for appendicitis last week at Hozard hospital at Long Branch. He 4-HOUR ENAMEL is Improving. Use indoors or out...on any Charles Ruhlman Is a patient for PAINT ibservation at Hazard hospital. The cost of materials in a gallon of Seroco Paint is just as high as any surface. Won't crack, f M ,09 James H. Redfleld, Jr., continues chip or fade. Washable. JL 11 Improve from an Injured leg which paint sold—no finer quality can be made. qt. IL' received as the result of a fall on .lie Ice. You save money because Seroco is made in our own factories and sold Last wook the Hast Kcansburg In- exclusively in our own stores throughout the country, thereby cutting GLOSS ENAMEL dians won their eleventh basketball victory of the season by defeating out costly steps which add nothing to the quality. As ea»y. to apply as paint. Dries REMNANT SALE the Port Monmouth Phantoms by ths hard overnight. Thirteen IA..0S score of 41 to SO. Lecklo scored 10 colors. gi OF MISCELLANEOUS RUGS points for the Indians and Rcardon Last Chance to Borrow From F. H. A. ! End« April l»t ! scored 17 for the Phantoms. Other SCATTER RUGS Indian players beside Lcckle were •••••»•••••»••«•••»••»»»•••»••••••• REMNANTS Tredoau, Cruse, Fitzgerald, Franz, SUPER-SERVICE All Sin* and Patterns Yard and One-Hnlf Hansen and MacLannan. Tlila Coupon and lie Will Purchase Enough This Coupon FLOOR ENAMEL Salesmen's $A CQ Rudolph Kengetter visited Walter Ideal for Inside or outside floor*. $|.00 to Samples **£•"" VanNortwIek Sunday. Seroco 4-Hour Enamel The first aid squad was called out is Worth Weather resisting. Dries last week to transport three patients ] To Do a Breakfast Table Top or on End Table, bard overnight. qt 85' to hospitals. or Two Chairs or Many Small Jobs YARD SQUARES A number of the residents of this place will go to Newark today when Money to You 4-HOUR VARNISH MOLLY PITCHER NAMK a hearing will be held before the Transparent, (lossy, extra Publlo Utilities commission on tho A bigger money's worth! Bring this dur- able, Drle* dust froe In matter of oompelllng the Ideal Beach ! ADDRESS coupon along! Take advantage of IJ.10 HOOK RUGS' Wator company to rcduco Its rates an hour. Waterproof. BATH MATS $1.50 to $4.751 and provide bolter service. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••«•••••••• this offer NOW! Act quickly! qt. $£» 00 to $0.00 A number of children urn unable Oval Mat Rugs $ 1.35 to $2.00 to Attend school becauno of colds. Tho C. I. IB. club of the Methodist RAW LINSEED OIL 89 gal. SUPER-SERVICE church of Keansburg will liokl GOLDEN STEAM DIST. WOOD TURPENTINE . 1.00 gal. FLOOR VARNISH FAMILIAR NAMES ! party tomorrow afternoon nt tha homo of Mrs. Clmrlca Knhn. JUBIlfE Easy flowing, quick dry- I Mr. nnd Mrn. Louis Dlttlor nml Mr. SPECIAL SEROCO SELF-POLISHING WAX . . 69 qt. Ing. Transparent high OF RUGS and Mrs. Herbert Dlttlor of Plnlndold spent Sunday at their bungalows STURDY 5-FT. STEP LADDER ... .89 gtos*. gat Included In This Sale here. Many r«sldonta of thin plnce are In- FENMOItK OUU8TAN convenienced because of water'mains SUPER-SERVICE HIHTTANY FEIU8TAN and laterals being clogged with led. COLOR VARNISH Sears, Roebuck and Co. Tor furniture, woodnwk WH-TON NEWTONE Jnsch* Helfots, one of tha great floor*. Varnishes and HINDUSTAN violinists of all time, has become sn enthusiastic sailor, Hl« boat la • •tains. Drl«a fast, , and Its homo Is In California 27-29 Monmouth Si Red Bank Phone 1290 wt Paee Eieht RED BANK BEGISTER, FEBRUARY 27, 1986. brown mushrooms and Modem Ranges onloni In butter. Stir In cracker* Woman'* Exchange BOOKLETS mentioned on thU pt Food, of course, must be well and remove from fire. Blend with Open BsSU A. M. to I p, M. and announced as tree to reader* seasoned to be worthy of Would Startle cream and season. Stuff chops with Children'* and Infants Clothlnu may be obtained by addressing its piquancy. this mixture. Skewer, «euon with knitted wear, anortroent of otct* SIDNEY SNOW, care of this paper. Three Meals a Day •alt and pepper and bake 25 to 80 sary and lovely articles; also cakes Old Generation minutes In » hot oven (478 F,>. Serve cookies and rolls. ' Copyright BY SIDNEY SNOW IBM garnished with mint Jelly on thin Something for everybody. slices of unpeeled oranges. New Gadgets That Appear Al- U LINDEN PLACE AND WITH ALL THOSE GADGETS ! most "Spooky" Yet KDeUvw Godd Food Quite Often Pot Roast By the Goods," French Method Talk about houses being haunted— yea, verily, there are "spooks" In th« newer electric ranges which are be- J Varies With Locality May Be Small ing moved Into the modern kitchens. j when one can be awakened In this BY SIDNEY SNOW A Delightful Meat For Four day and age by the delicious odors of frcah-baltlng biscuits and stalling A family of four from a nice neigh- mixed in with glycerine. We know Person* May b« Prepared LEON'S sausages that call cheerily to corns borhood In Vienna were in New xoik what rose water is or what It la tup- Successfully. down to breakfast, that—as the Idi- on their first visit.. At one of the posed to be. But I asked a dozen om goes, "Is somethln'." And It Is better hotel dining rooms, the litUe people in a row what glycerine might A Fot Roast for four persons has vetlrably "spooky." But still It Is BO. boy of six almost jumped from his be. 1 didn't knofy myself so I asked alwayB been one of the dishes that One used to go to the World's Fair seat aa he saw a lordly old gentle- a chap just out of Harvard. He did- has been declared an Impossibility— In Chicago or St. Louis or some oth- An Institution For Quality man at an adjoining table, raise with n't know, so we asked some people yet the following recipe (a Norman- er distant point and see those "gad- two hands a generous ear of corn to, ,t the next table in a restaurant. dy one) not only disproves that the- gets" on exhibition and the old folks bia jnouth and attack with gusto. ley didn't know and then the mer- ory but is a distinct Improvement ' would shake their heads and vow And the cultured mother hurried- cha.»e started—much like an old over some of the recipes we use here that no good could come to the land ly put him back into his place while time moving picture "chase". In a as American Pot Roast. In which the rising generation did the father, as a preventative meas- few minutes, a dozen of us were ask- To make this dish, purchase a I not have to break the lot In the por- Laundry-Dry Cleaning-Dyeing ure, laid a restraining hand upon the ing the same question. Then a man chunky piece of lean beef from the celain pitcher and wash In shivering small daughter. "Pay no attention," who, it turned out, had a candy fac- rump, weighing two or two and one- aemi-darkness and then kindle a fire bs whispered, "it Is just one of those tory some place in California, saved half pounds. Sear and brown the and pray for the coffee to get hot be- crude, uncivilized American cus- the day. "It's a very tine oil made meat In bacon fat on a very hot, deep fore the sufferer froze to death. toms !" out of very pure fat. We use It a little at a time to help make some skillet. When meat Is browned, All one does these days Is to stroll But had that wheat king from Chi- kinds of expensive chocolate candies dredge with two tablespoons of flour down to the electric supply man and cago been asked to enjoy a dish of a little better than ordinary." mixed with two teaspoons salt, one- let him cajole the modern Joy Into snails for which that same hotel is half teaspoon pepper, and a mere the kitchen. Then, after breakfast well known, he, In turn, would have And we all said "Oh," and he went pinch of cayenne. Surround the and the morning's work, there Is raised hia handa in holy horror. The on to say that maybe one of these meat with two bunches of leeks, cut nothing left to do but put the com- thought of snails would have been re- days we'd 'all of us have some in our into Inch pieces, and one cup diced plete dinner Into the oven, set the pulsive. But he had only a few min- kitchens. And then he told us the carrots, one cup of celery cut in dials at the desired spot and then utes before relished half a dozen very "pay off" for the day: "I Just came ehort pieces. Over the whole spread go out for an afternoon, knowing large and very plump oysters. back from Italy," he said. "In the one cup of "well washed dried apri- that by beating "hubby" home from We laugh at some of tlie Chinese mountain village from which my cots. Add three cups of hot water or his work by the slim margin of fif- food customs and the Chinese laugh people came, I found the people eat- stock, cover closely, and cook over teen minutes, a grand home cooked at some of ours. Once we heard a ing thistles. They say they are good very low flame three to four hours. dinner which has been bubbling and serious-voiced Chinese cook in Cali- for them and the proof lies in the The addition of the fruit does away boiling and baking for the necessary fornia shake his head and mumble: fact that their little donkeys all eat with the flavor of the shut-In steam number of hours. TO SEE WHT "Amelicans, allee same clazy. Make the thistles that grow by the road. that so many persons object to In pot em tea velly hot. Put in plenty ice, And the donkeys are healthy. It roasts. make 'em plenty cold. Put in lem- must be the thistles." SANITONE CLEANING on, make 'em sour. Put in plenty Everybody laughed over the silly Serve with Its own gravy, which Is Vegetable Salad in sugar, make 'em velly sweet. Allee peasants. But the Californian of particularly good. IS BETTER CLEANING same allee time Amelicans clazy." A salad of mixed greens best fol- Very Good Company Italian ancestry said: "All the same, lows this dinner. Not so many years ago. scientific they get the thistles for nothing and And for a dessert, sliced bananas Salads, salads, salads and salads. papers printed articles on the'magic here 1 am eating artichoke for which Have you ever been "behind th« this restaurant is charging me forty which have been sprinkled with lem- Oh my goodness, there are hundreds of a new fangled product known as on Juice and then covered with a of them. Big ones, little ones, cooked •cenea" in a modem cleaning pactln. Now we buy It In bottles at cents. And this artichoke Is nothing thick, rich syrup left over from the corner grocer's and use a little but a thistle llower that hasn't popped ones and raw ones, plain ones, and plant? If you haven't, you'U into bloom. Now what do you say?" canned fruit,' fancy ones. And there are all sorts ln making jelly. We know it is only of combinations to be built around a the jelly-forming substance from in- And we said: "Derned If we know." •urely find it Interesting. Come side apple peelings, among other Mayho we'll go the Chinese one bet- salad. For lunch what Is nicer than things. Lenten Cooking Success the aoup, salad and dessert combina- •nd vlalt us at any time. We'll ter and say. "I don't know, whole tion and most people like It too. On. our dressing tables we probably world clazy but China, and maybe be glad to »how you all the have a dainty bottle of rose water China clazy, too." Award Prize Cream of tomato soup Rests Upon Cooked vegetable salad operations that go into a quality Combinations For Chicken Hot buttered toast Gingerbread with marshmallow cleaning job. •••>•••<•»•«•»•»•••»•»»»• Fasting May be Turned to Feast- Tea. Use European Dinner Menu Just ln case you don't know how When you have aetn the skil- ing; by Ready Made Plans of to prepare It, here Is the recipe for Hot Off the Griddle • Don't Hesitate To ful attention given to every Cole Slaw For Meals. Mrs. B. I* Strang, a reader of the COOKED VEGETABLE SALAD Bj Serve Gelatines Highland, N. Y., Democrat, and a 1 cup celery root, cooked and diced item entrusted to our care, we Lent offers the thoughtful meal When in doubt, serve a gelatine resident of Peekskill, N. Y., Is the 1 cup beets, diced ESTHER DONLAN Plain Meat Dishes planner an endless opportunity to dessert. They are always pleasing winner of a Senecl Hand-Made, 1 cup cauliflower, cut ln small are sure you will understand •»»••»••••••••••»•»»•••• express individuality and originality. both to the taste and eye, They are Hand-Palntcd Salad Bowl. pieces why fastidious people specify Turning out a good sea-food dinner, simple to make and so easy to eat. Fruit Cocktail._ ,.. $ .17 1 cup peas Waffle shortcakes are delicious for This Sour Cabbage Recipe Hal appropriate for Lent, calls for two CREAM CHOCCTLATE SPONGE Chicken Fricassee with gravy 1.10 Mix all the above Ingredients well, pur Sanltone service for all their breakfast. If you have an electric Gained Great Favor in Amer- elements—fist, the selection of the 2 tablespoons gelatine Mash Potatoes i 07 dress with'French dressing and servo main dish and the use of a good ]i cup sugar on crisp lettuce leaves. Serves eight cleaning needs. waffle Iron, make- them at the table 1 Buttered Carrots ..-_ .08 people. and serve them hot with crushed and ica. recipe, second, well planned accom- I -; squares sweet chocolate, grated Cranberry Sauce 1 .09 sugared berries. panying dishes among the potatoes, Hi cups milk Celery i .08 So often when the simpler types of vegetables and so on. 1_ egg, beaten Home-Made.Ice Cream " .20 Southern Method meat dishes appear on the dinner Here are a few combinations that \i teaspoon vanilla extract Season sparingly. Remember ev- Rolls and Butter (A&P) .11 menu there arises a genuine need for are sure to please and which will Ji cup thick cream, whipped Coffee and Cream .10 Chocolate Cream eryone's taste is different. More sea- a slightly tart salad. Here is when bring you credit as a hostess: Into a saucepan put milk, gelatine soning can readily be added if nec- our old friend from the farm, cab- sugar and chocolate. Stir over the essary. Frequently too, your guest bage, steps into the picture and pro- J, For a Sunday or party supper or • $2.00 In the days before they had the lire until molted and smooth then A llee ball and a box of All Comet ready prepared Chocolate Desserts Is restricted as to high seasoning by vides as delicious a salad as one luncheon: Cold sea-food burtet:' Sal- stmin over egg, beat well, cool, and his physician. could want. Most men like cabbage mon salad In Jellied cucumber rings, Rice Products Is won by Mrs. E. K. which come from your grocer's shelf, add'vanilla and cream. Pour Into a Brown of Belleville, N. J., and Mrs. here Is how Carolina cooks made in any form, and cole SIHW, with a tomatoes stuffed with crab meat, an- wet mold and turn out when firm. A pinch of cream of tartar added sour cream, or plain vinegar dress- chovy or sardine canapaes. A. M. Ilodgeson of New Canaan, CHOCOLATE CREAM to the whites of eggs when beating ing, Is sure to kindle a sparkle of ap- 2. Hot sea-food dinner: Fried scal- Conn., is the winner of a case of 1 quart milk will make them froth more qiuckly preciation In masucline eyes. Aa for lops, fried smelts, curried shrimp, Russian Dressing ! Ruppert's beer. ,2 ounces chocolate and stand up better. the ladies, cabbage with vinegar boiled rice. Mrs. Florence Mergott of Pearl 1 small spoonful butter YOU, TOO, WILL BE DELIGHTED dressing is a bulky dish, ideal for re- So many people seem to think that River, New York, will receive a 3. For a Lenten breakfast: Creamed Russion Dressing is just a mixture 3 egg yolks To prevent old potatoes from turn- stricted appetitles that are necessary flnan haddie on fried mush. cheese tray with an assortment of 1 large spoon corn starch when slenderizing is going on. of mayonnaise and Chili -sauce but seven kinds of Borden's cheese. A WITH OUR LAUNDRY WORK ing black when boiling, add a tea- 4. Baked stuffed haddock, rice Cre- here Is what It really Is: 1 tablespoon sugar spoon of vinegar to the water. ole; baked potato, buttered aspara- case of Trommer's White Label Beer Boll milk and butter and mix However, the sour cabbage recipe 3 tablespoons French dressing has been won by Mrs. E. D. Brady below, scorns conversation of the cal- gus tips. 1 cup mayonnaise thechocolate and eggs, sugar and When cleaning copper, brass' and ories, but never-the-less It la delight- 5. Poached salmon steak, creamed of Southampton, L. I. corn starch together and pour into BECAUSE 2 tablespoons Chill sauce If you are Interested In trying to pewter, use a paste made of equal ful. It is of European origin, out new potatoes and peas, buttered car- 2 tablespoons chopped pimientos the milk and stir until It thickens. quantities of flour, vinegar and salt. has long been a favorite in many rots. 1 tablespoon chopped green olivea win one of these lovely prizes, send I Take off the fire and beat Until cool. WE WASH EVERYTHING WITH Let the paste stay on the metal for American homes where plain, but ap- 6. Codfish cakes, poached egg, to- 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce your favorite Sunday Dinner Menu I Beat whites and add just before serv- an hour; rub off and wash with - petizing foods are the rule. mato sauce, buttered spinach. Salt and pepper to taste for four people and costing not more ing. ^^ ter, then polish. 7. Devilled crab meat, cole slaw, Mix well and serve with plain let- than two dollars to Sidney Snow In IVORY SOAP—99.44% PURE. SOUR CABBAGE French fried potatoes, tuce. care of this paper. Salt Js a good kitchen deodorant. 2 apples 8. Broiled scallops, tartar sauce, Stuffed Lamb Chops 1 onion To quickly eliminate strong odors hashed in cream potatoes, broccoli 8 loin lamb chops (1% In, thick) such as fish and onion, try scouring 2 tablespoons of melted fat with hollandaise. Vi medium sized head of cabbage 'i cup diced mushrooms GUARANTEEING LONGER LIFE knives with salt (before washing). 9. Creamed crab meat on toast, 1 tablespoon minced onion —o— 2 cups water Waldorf salad, baked potato. 1/3 cup brown sugar 1 tablespoon butter TO YOUR- LINENS If you like the flavor of oranges In ] 10. Baked haddock, egg sauce, Cracker crumbs cooking—here's a tip. Every time /4 .cup vinegar hash-brown potatoes, buttered beets. 1 tablespoon butter NORTH POLE WEATHER: — Salt and pepper you get a clean, clear skin, grate off, 11. Fillet of sole, lemon butter, 8 tablespoons cieam the yellow part with a fine grater. Salt and pepper parsley potatoes! pickled beets. Put Into a little jar that has a cover, Chop the apples and the onion fine. 12. Baked tomato, stuffed with Have pockets cut in each chop. SEND US A TRIAL BUNDLE TODAY. along with a sprinkle of sugar. Add Put them into a skillet with melted tuna, German fried potatoes, sliced Is really healthy weather if we keep to It from time to time and store in fat and fry for ten minutes. Add the cucumbers. refrigerator. Use for flavoring in cabbage, which has been shredded, 13. Lobster patties, fried pineapple, up o,ur vitality and strength by using foods pies, puddings, cakea, cookies, etc. and then add water, a little at a time brown rice. —o— to keep the mixture steaming. Cook 14. Oyster chowder, macaroni and which supply necessary vitamins... MILK For sensible maintenance of prop- for twenty minutes. When it Is ten- cheese cole slaw with boiled dress- er weight, the cup of freshly made der add the sugar and vinegar. Be- ing especially. tea the first thing in the morning fore serving, add the salt, pepper and 15. Clam fritters, baited onions, Office and Plant: comes as an excellent suggestion, ac- butter. French fried potatoes. cording to many men whose business Sour cabbage goes well with a engagements require the eating of fresh pork roast, sweet potatoes and 70-76 White Street, Red Bank, N. J. larger luncheons than they might carrot strips. Let The Children normally enjoy. Drink Your Quart of Milk a Day Try Salad Making Telephone 2800. A good cup of tea upon arising has A White Lily Cake a satisfying influence which starts Children love to cook and then eat one off with a clean and respectable For That Occasion what they cook. It is usually candy feeling. There Is something about and you wonder if it will make them Call and Delivery Service. cup of tea which not. only refreshes For that very extra special occa- Jick. and invigorates physically but men- sion, when you want the cake to be For a change try letting them SHREWSBURY DAIRY CO., INC. tally as well. the main point of the entertainment, make a jellied salad. They will have —o— whether It be birthday or anniver- such fun coloring the gelatine and Ever try Pears an Gratln? Dip th sary, prepare a White Lily Cake. preparing the vegetables and you will Serving You 15 Years With Milk Produced Solely pears in rolled corn flake rrumb.s, Not only is it delicious to taste, but feel so much better because you dot with butter and brown in ovon. it ha.s such an almost "regal" ap- know that no matter how much of in Monmouth County. They nre delicious served with pearance that guests and family are It they eat, there won't be any after- craem chees which has been whipped impre.-e^d. ffects. with a small amount of pear juice. 2 tablespoons gelatine —o— WHITE LILY CAKE lied Bank 1455. Broad Street, Shrewsbury, N. J. 1 cup egg whites 2 cups water Next time you make an ITpsidp ;l 1 tablespoon sugar or hnm y Down Cake, instead of the usual i teaspoon cream of tartar I1- dips powdered sugar '* 1 can sliced pineapple pineapple, try usink apple rinfs for 1, bunch celery, chopped a change. 1 cup pastry flour, sifted four times Lettuce leaves !i teaspoon salt Mayonnaise ^i ten.spoon lemon or Dissolve gelatine nnd .sugar In wa- Menus for the Week Breakfast Can Vj teaspoon almond extract ter, add pineapple juice and cook the I'nur egg whites Into large bowl; mixture. Add pineapple ami celery. BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER whip until nrm, then add cream of Whon firm, serve on lettunn with Start The Day tartar and continue heating until dressing. MONDAY whites are stiff enough to stand in 'l Ap|.lc Creamed String Beam Lamb Pie—Cheese Pastry Cheery And Gaypoints, hut do not dry. Fold in sug- II,,Mcil KK;. on Toast with Drolled Steamed Rica ar, a little at a time; add flavoring; A Real "Different" Hominy Ilacon IMckled Beeta ii or Milk Apple Hetty-Foamy Rupberry Ice fold In Hour In same manner as sug- Dinner For Eight Sauca Small Cakei The Many Delightful Combina- ar. Pour into ungreased tube cake Tea or Coco* CoflM pan. Hake one hour at 325 P. Re- tions for Chilly Weather Are vo from oven, invert on cake cnol- Dinner for eight—or eight for din- TUESDAY ner! Whichever It ia, it mny mean Calling. untii cool; cake should then slip that you ore Rolng to have the pienK- Sllrr.l Iliinnnn. In Vegetable Soup Minute Steak from p.m. If not, then remove wltn .. O,,,,,k.« J,,lro Whltowhcat Cracker! French Fried Potatoes ure of a few selected friends and a CiiKtnrtl Bread Pudding fluttered Limn Beftni By Helen Gwetholyn Rc-cs broad hliided knife. few well chosen dishes. And nfter all p lie SUMS to use powdered sugar lint O,rn Mufllm Tea or Cocoa Watetcren Salad Isn't that the wny entertaining should (.'offco or Milk Btrawbewr Tarti "Start the day right" Is a goiM (not confectioners). If granulated be—delightful and Intimate— Coffee sugar inuat bo used, alft It twice. WEDNESDAY adago Implying a gay disposition and For a mote economical cake sub- When just an occasion arlann for a pleasant amilo with which to grei't stitute! two tal>lespounn cold water you to be tbo hontons at a dinner, '•fiow-Melrt Corned Beef the world, and thrre'n ju^t , nothing for two egg whiles. •y tiie menu ^ivon below, it'H mich Ml.imlMh Omelet. Hlce CJnket IJoll.d New Potntoti like a satisfying breakfast to make ar cany menu to prepare, and yet so Tnnttt Lemon Snow Pudding Cabbage only a symbol of nioe that smllo break through. different to nerve. Ten or Cocoa Rill Plcklei BrcakfnBl of orange Juice, tonal Collte »r Milk Heep-Dlah A Mile Pie nnd coffee nre good Himirnrr begin- Baby Cabbages Let Tomnto Juice Cocktail Beer or Coffee living -it is a part of good living nings but far too Intangible for tin™ liuttpr Pretzels niURSDAT winter days when nil kinds of cxrcsi; Their Minds Wander Stuffed Lnmb Chops Ornnno .Tnire Chopped Deaf Randwlch Baked Hugar Cured Ham- ballast !fl needed to ward off the low reamed Potatoes Broccoli Cornell Utet Mm.li on Toait.—ftravy Clder-Ralaln Sauce Don't saif tier-say RUPPERT'S temperature!, the extra phyulrnl cx- It ia mild that BniBaols Sprouts an. Endive, French DrcnHlnK with Poiirncl Annarairua Tip Salad Kralied Red Cabbage erclne. the roHull of a cabbage plant that Touated Whole When! Wafers Hnt lllie.lllx I'runa Whip Candled Sweet Potatoei Maple Nut Charlotte Coffee or Milk Tea or Cocoa Romalne Lettuce L*t the bronkfant be hot, fllllnr. and didn't keep its mind on Its work am Boiton Cream Pie thoroughly noul satisfying with Ita scattered Its efforts. CofTeo Co (Tea dellcloun llnvorn. Now H Iho time to Whether thin bo true or not, th. For serving eight. FBIDAY NO MEAL IS COMPLETE WITHOUT A GLASS OF add crisp bnnnn, taniry little (iaim- fact remains that It would take Prowrvcil ri r.lam Chowii.r dam Juice Cocktail nges, dollcloun filed au-nipple, goml many dozens of these mlnlatun B1 naked Haddock creamed dried beof or platter of ciibbageletH to make one real grown Chocolate-Bread Pudding Uacaront and Cheeie up cabbage. But for sheer dollcac 'Creimioil Hrmnn-Hnd. Crnckflr* New Atparaarui browned corned beef hash with Cole Maw poached egga resting on top, to thp of lluvor and rare goodness, even L acupimllk Fruit Corapot« RUPPERT'S BEER regular broakfnnt fare. whole, big cabbage can hardly com- Coffee If you don't begrudge n fow extra pete with the dainty sprout. Eapo- '«««" BllRhtly beaten Tea or Cocoa moments In bed you can make moro dally In this true whon the froet has Ji cup sugar It Aids Digestion attractivttti e dlnliea for Ihene winter had a chanco to touch up the penopenis- Ji teaspoon salt ftoaat Shoulder of Veal tnitlng lluvor of tbo sprout 1 teaspoon vunllln. SATURDAY Haihed llrown Potatoea morning", Try creamed dried href ...... Then, Draliad Celery and hard cooked vy,m over toant, th« iii'leot tins small, compact nproutn 2 cupa cubed ntalo bread lionoyrfow Melon 0r«o1« Corn Scallop Cucumber and Kadlih —in pick off tbo outnlde lcnvcii, wnBh aaddition of maple glazed apple you pic ','.','".",!""' ''""•" HIiiatMad Caliliaga Salad (oant Wllll ' ' In water to which u pinch o H. G. DEGENRING blanch Wnlll... ||ot (]|riH«ri.r»aJ Cherry Cobbler ttho e tlibaconn , or a delicious omelet to for Hoda bun boon ndded nnd a littllltt e Hal Coffee 1 a change. Included for lluvor-nnd, who Tea or CocoSUNDAa Y DISTRIBUTOR for RUPPERT'S BEER Frulta or fruit julcon. an occtinlon cooked lender, Xtraln, nienn dry SUPPER al ontvlng of corcul, wnfllra, frr-nli muite In butter for five minutes an' rjraiwfrult Tomato Doiillton CaMarol* of Cral>m«at, toaot or grlddln oaken— wllh hut rof- then nenaon with nalt, cnyennis an Ilomit I**H of Lamb- Ilardhollad Esei and and Manufacturer of t»* for adultfi and gooil Men in I rig co- u lltt In lomomon Juice' ' . Bcrvo, gar- Hrnili!il'Hn"in>Hllrrli Mint J.U, Munhroomi and Graan coa for the yoiinuntdrn Illln out n. nlHllcd withi a spring or two of grcon <>rn)inin-llnl>ln Hak..l Potato.. Pappara CLUB ROYAL CARBONATED BEVERAGES , menu that renlly KIV«» Impel tin lo n or fried pa iBlcy and let nature take K«catlop«rf JJaKplant Tomato nnd Lattuea CnlT.ii or Milk s> I'omt.lii.llon tfalad 8a!amon liarnr Oak* ; .Rear 16 West Front St. PHONE 1051 Red Bank N. J. winter brtakfusta. liot with T«« It i>ay» to advortlio In The tteglatw. «iaS, or cold will lor In •y ba dad fraa far wrlllol la ow, c«la til lhl» p,p,r. RED BAttK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 27,1936. Page Nine The Ethel Mount IVCazar School* of Dancing memben of the fraternity living In vide meals for members. It Is ex- Brown, Fred C. VanVllet, John P. Johnson, Harry M. Velx, Frank Les- Local Elks Lodge R«d Bank and vicinity decided that pected that the rooms will be a gen- Muivlhill, Peter J. Elchele, Harold A. lie, Major Cecil O. TToungf, Jsmes SAIL AWAY .-... 43-45 Monmouth St., Red Bank, N. J. Red Bunk should have an Elks lodge, eral meeting place and lounging Giblln, Charles Redfern, John W. flickey,y , Harry S. Roberts, Joseph 8. and a new charter was applied for. place for the business men of the Cantllllon, John P. O'Nell, Fred A. Crane, Leon F. Kaiemler»kl, Harry from wtnto cold tno' snow CLASSES IN AIX TYFES OF DANCING FOR Celebrating 25th town, where they can take visiting Slllson, John D. Hughes, Augustus CHILDHEN AND ADULTS. Ths following story was printed In I. Caesar, Alexander Rae Baldwin, to Summer Suruhin* th« iMUe of the Red JBcnk Register friends to lunch and where they can M. Mlnton, Morris Miller, Thomas Herman J. Black, Richard Steppan- A phon* call brlnga you lltarattir* RESTRICTED PRIVATE CLASSES FORMED UPON REQUEST. while away their off hours. McVey and William J. Dowd. Registration: Thurs, Eves, or Fri. Afternoons or Tel. R. B, 2220. Birthday Tonight twenty-five years ago this week and skl, Michael ChrlBto, Benjamin El- and rataa rives a very descriptive story of the Among the visitors in town yester- Other life members of Red Bank fant, Jr., Edward A. Collins, Al- Latest Information on Cruises) nitltutlon ot the present lodge. day was Arthur E. Moreland, who odge are Charles K. Straus, Thomas phonzo Pelham, Thomas Irving All Trans-Atlantic Sailings Mirutrel Show and Dance Satur- has been totally blind eighteen yean, Williams, Charles P. Irwln, Herbert Brown, Joseph Mahawash, Charles A. Weeks, Borden H. Wolcott, Lester E. HELEN LEE GETTY day Night Also Part of Silver The Red Bank Lodge of Elks wflj but he has not missed a meeting of R. Leonard, William B. Waters, Jos- Travel Sarvtea hla lodge In eeventeen years. He 1B eph P. Mack, Jonathan H. Jones, Dr. McQueen, Maurice Schwartz and IS Machanl* St~ Phona 1744 Anniversary Program—Insti- 'ormed last night. The work ot Clarence A. Legg. forming the lodge was started sev- the editor of the Antler, the organ Fred T. Newman, Thomas B. Hauler, BED BANK, N. J. tuted in 1911. of the Elka, and he is a candidate John F. Pope, Ralph Soper Smith, eral months ago and a charter lljt for the position of grand exalted Uex W. Chappell, Vincent M. Pow- Alt Tlcketa Sold at Companta* of about 130 members was secured. Boys can make extra pocket money Fubilthad Rstea ruler, at the next national conven- srs, Benjamin C. Fincke, J. Ford selling The Register.—Advertisement The Bed Bank Dodge ol Elks Is Since the charter Hat closed nearly tion of the order, which will be held celebrating this week-end lta 26th an- fifty additional persons have snade In Atlantic City' in July. The Red niversary. The anniversary program application for membership and the Bank, Long Branch and Asbury consists or a Charter Members' Indications are that within a few Park lodges have already arranged Night, to be observed tonight months a membership of at leaat 260 for a special train to Atlantic City and s. Leap Year dance Saturday will be obtained. on that occasion, in order to provide night, which will be preceded by the The organization of the lodge last an outing for the members and wives repeating of the successful minstrel night was made one of tho greatest of members of the Elks lodges, of show held two weeks ago. The fea- celebrations Red Bank has ever seen. these places. tures of tonifiht'e program will It was by far the greatest celebration be the bringing together of as ever held In ;own by any lodge or many charter members of the lodge fraternal organization. The charter The charter members of Red Bank aa possible and an Initiation cere- members ot the lodge Include many lodge were Marcus M. Davidson, mony, when several candidates will of the bualnesa men of Red Bank and Charlea A. Hfiwklns, Jacob Cornwell, Dressing up your kitchen bo Bhown tho mysteries of the organ- about a score of pereons who were 'homaa Irving Brown, Joseph'Bray, will pay handsome dlvi- ization, affectionately known as the former members of the Long Branch arrett Morford, John A. Farrell, deads In happiness and "Beat People on Earth." lodge of Elku. Foremost In the or- Frank Plttenger, Louie Sobei, R. V. 3 Days Only—Friday, Saturday & Monday ! contentment. We nro fea- ganization of the lodge were Dr. Ed- R. H. Stout, Clinton F. Elliott, Charles Due to countless requests the Red win Field and Mort V. Pach, both of Dank Elks Old-time Minstrel show K. Straus, Sering Skokos, Frank W. turing five new kitchen whom were members of other lodges Price, Charles P. Irwln, Walter J. plans to show you Just how that made such a big hit a week ago of Elks. will bo repeated on Saturday night, Roberts, D. Clarence Walling. Richard Save $12.00 attractive kitchens really February 29 for the benefit of those In the celebration of the organiza- A, Applegate, Abraham Benjamin, on this can be. who, due to the inclement weather tion of the lodge the town was gaily .ester E. McQueen, H. Delford Little, were unnble to attend the previous decorated. Host of the decorations Thomas Williams, H. Raymond Eis- We luivo just Installed ner, Samuel Craig, Frank T. Bloom, our Model 1030. Drenm performance, uuu" uleo for many who were by Laggren Brothers Company have expressed their desire to see the of Elizabeth. As early aa last Thurs- William Oakes, William A. Sweeney, Kitchen, Como In and How again. Harold A. Giblln, direc- day'the decorations of flags, bunting en H. Wolcott, John A. Ken- New 1936 SilvertoneRadio It... you will be surprised tor of tho minstrel, states that new and Elks Lodge emblems, began to nedy, Thomas Lewis, Arthur Shutts specialty numbers, as well as new Ko up, and by Monday niRht the bus- Mort V. Pach, Joseph Eschelbach at tli» muny nciv tvaiurcn. Joseph Applegate, J. Oakley Cooper, Original Price 39.95 We will gladly glvo you es- Jokes and Bongs will be introduced iness streets of the town and many and that It will bo worth many trrnea private realdencea were handsomely Harry G. Degenring, Harry C. Bur- FOREIGN RECEPTION GUARANTEED timates and suggestions for tho prico of admission which has embellished,. The colors of the Elks rowes, Augustus M. Mlnton, Charlea your own Utohen. Tho low been reduced to half the oriRlnal fee are purple and white, and these colors E, Johnson, William B. Conover, Wil- NOW liam B. Waters, John S. Applegate The last word In radio achieve- oo«t will surprise and de This will be a doublo feature night were prominent in many of the dec> for the Elks as the show will be fol- orations. Jr., William H. Little, LeOn de la light ymi. Reussille, Fred Magee, Wlllllam ment. Gives everything possi- 27-95 lowed by a dance to celebrate the The Red Bank lodge had made big 25th anniversary of the Red Bank Weed Brown and Thomas S. Field. ble In radio performance. ^" • Cash Dellv. preparations for the event. The $5.00 down—$6.00 month » Lodge of Elks which was Instituted Jyceum had been leased and Benja- The lyceum referred to in the Now On Display! on February 28, 1911. The Elks audi- min Blom. who had a delicatessen above story wa/s located on the river- torium will be arranged In night club EXTRA SPECIAL—SAVE $55.00 Norge 1936 Refrigerators store on Front street, was In charge front at the foot of Broad street. fashion and the minstrel ehow wll of the food, department. Mr. Blom The building was originally erected on this 1935 12-Tube SILVERTONE. Norge 1936 Gas Ranges bo witnessed by the audience while engaged an army of cooks and help- by the late John W. Stout, and con seated at their tables. The reserva- era. He set up a kitchen at the ducted by him for many years as one Original Price 124.50—Now $gQ.5O Armstrong and Sealex Linoleum tions already pouring in to Harold lyceum. Ham, cheese and beef sand- of the most prosperous canning in A. Glblin at the Elks club foreshadow wiches, chicken and potato salad, dustrlee In Monmouth county. Hoosier "Kitchen Equipment" a record crowd. Those who do not and all eorts of viands were provided wish to reserve a table or dance will After Mr. Stout gave up the bus- for all visiting members and the iness, the property remained unoccu- We have two models of this radio, the only be accommodated by seats in the bal- members of the new lodge. Arrange- cony. pied many years. Later, a corpor- ments were made for serving: supper ation with the late Fred Frick as difference being in the number of tubes. Both to a host and upwards of fifteen hun- Elkdom was introduced In Red promoter, acquired possession of the are guaranteed instruments and ideal for that dred persons partook of the refresh- Stout canning factory 'premises. The Bank fifty years ago.when a «aall ments provided. Even at that there STERLING group received a charter and con- large canning factory building wai extra radio that every home needs. Can be eas- wa3 a great quantity of food left over remodeled and reopened under thi 21 ducted lodge meetings for. a short and this will be given to the King's time on tho third floor of a building name of Frick Lyceum, which at thai ily carried from room to room. FURNITURE ^ Daughters for distribution among time was the largest assembly hal STREET on the east side of Broad street near the needy of the neighborhood. WHITE Front street. Dissenters arose with- in Monmouth county. 5-Tube All Wave reg. price 24.95 Now-i Q.95 in the ranks and the Grand Lodge Tho lyceum was thronged the The building was so designed thai SHOP RED BANK.N.J. revoked the charter. greater part of the afternoon. Tables it could be used for dances, roller TEUEPHONE 291 When this group disbanded, most had been eet up In the form of a skating, etc. By the removal of por- 6-Tube All Wave reg. price 27.95 Now 99-95 square, and the food was set out on table seats, arranged on elevated sec- OPEN EVENINGS TILL, 0 P. M. of the members became affiliated with lodges in other parts of the these tables, ready at hand for all tions, roller skating -races, marathon state. It was not until some years who wiebed to partake. A vast quan- races. Indoor track meete. and pug- Sold on Easy Payments. later when Elkdom began to grow tity of reserved food was on tables ilistic contests held sway when the very rapidly In New Jersey, with o place was not being ueed as a the- f in the center of the square. fast 20 ,o DISCOUNT ON ALL OTHER MODELS thriving lodges in existence in Long as the Ulshes on the serving tables ater or other gatherings. The late It Pays to Advertise in The Register Branch and Asbury Park, that the wereh emptied they were again piled Woodrow Wilson was first suggested high with food. Visiting Elks and for Governor of New Jersey at their friends were taken there and meeting; in the lyceum. Sears, Roebuck and Co there were many reunions of mem- The Red Bank Elks soon outgrew bers who had not met each other their quarters referred to in the a long time. Asbury Park and Long above description, which was located 27-29 Monmouth St. RED BANK Red Bank 1290 Branch Elks were especially in evi- on the third floor of the Davidson dence. There was also large delega- building on Broad street, and ac- tion from the New York Lodge of quired the pretentious dwelling on ""-Iks, which was the first lodge insti- the south side of Front street, be- tuted. A lodge of Elks Was formed tween Globe Court and Washlngto In Red Bank about twenty years ago street, which was owned and occupid tho meeting place of which was In for many years by the family ol one of the buildings on the east side the late James Holmes Hendrlekson One Lour Priced Car of Broad street, but the lodge could one of Red Bank's pioneer business- not be kept up and It dissolved af- men. ter two or three yeara of existence. Several members of the present lodge A largo three-story addition wa is FIRST in Everything That Counts were members of the former Red built, and the remodeling of the home Bank lodge. The number of the Red for lodge purposes gave Red Bank Bank lodge is 1.225, there being 1,224 lodge one of the most attractive lodge homes in New Jersey. It really ither lodges of Elks In existence in had the appearance of a home, both he country. exterior and interior, instead of an Institution, like most fraternity ...TERRAPUNE There was very little business done n Red Bank yesterday, most of the homes look like. usiness men being engaged in the The lodge moved Its belongings JUST COMPARE ecaptlon of visiting Elks, or in en- from the original quarters in the :ertalni^K visitors or helping in the I Davidson building to the new home lodge work. Delegations of charter ! on East Front street the latter part members of the Red Bank lodge met j of April, 1914 and on May 13, 1914 the THIS witk THIS delegations of visiting ' Elks at the \ lodge held ite first official meeting In railroad station and escorted them to , the pretentious setting on East Front 'i'erzaplane alone among all popn- ' In evexy other popular low priced tho lyceum, where they were served I street.. lar low priced curs gives yon thill car this fa what you get: the food. The Asbury Park band and The officers at that time were: • Full 115-Inch wheelbase. • 2 to 6 inches lets wheelbase. VOBS'S band of Newark had been en- Exalted Ruler^—Richard A. Applegate. gaged and these bands were In all the Esteemed Leading Knight—William processions that went to and from Weed Brown. • 195 inches over-all length. • 5 to 12H laches less over-all length. Esteemed Loyal Xnljrht—Dr. Frank 8. the Bt at Ion. The Red Bank mem- Wrlnht. • Most power—88 or 100 horsepower— • 3 to 18 less horsepower than Terra- bers wore white hats with purple Esteemed Lecturing Knight—J, Lester bands, and most of them carried Eluccr. -with freedom from vibration at all speeds. plane's 88—and not nearly as smooth. Secretary—Andrew It. Coleman. nes and Elks banners. James's Esquire—Clinton F. Elliott, pro t«m. • Body all of steel, with seamless roof • Body only partly of steel—or steel military band of Elizabeth furnished Chaplain—Joseph Swannell. music at the lyceum all afternoon. Inner Guard—Benjnmln, H. Ford. of solid steel. body with "soft-top." Tyler--John Schiekllng, pro tem. At night, before the work of insti- • Less inside room—less shoulder and tuting the lodge was begun, there Elkdom continued to grow In Red • Most inside" room—145 cubic feet— was a parade through the priRclpal Bank- to such an extent that in a more leg and shoulder room, and widest leg room—nairojrft tear seats. business streets of the town. Nearly few years a largo portion of the rear seat. a thousand men were in line. Many members felt that a more modern banners were carried and red fire home, situated on one of the main • Completely new style—best insurance • 1935 styling, changed only in details. was burned along the whole line of arteries leading into Red Bank, of the invtitment value of your car. Far more likely to be out of date by 1937. march. It was a great night for Red would be not only a credit to the Bank and it was especially a great lodge but to the community. After • The only rear opening baggage and • No rear opening baggage and tire night for the small boys of the town. quite some discussion, the lodge tire compartment on 5 and 6-passenger compartment, except in cars where trunk They followed the procession the full made a deal with Monroe Eisner to models that can be had in any low priced models are available—atconsiderahU extra length of the route and they were take over his property holdings at car without extra cost. Spare tire lies flat cost. Sparc tire mounted outside on all more enthusiastic than the members the corner of Broad street and inside. other models. You take no chances with of the lodge themselves. J. B. Rue Pinckney road, and a new home was marshal of tho parade and Dr. proposition was launched In 1929, • Duo-Automatic Hydraulic Brakes • Single main braking system—eithei Field was In general charge. and culminated In 1830, with a ded- (patent applied lor), two braking systems hydraulic or mechanical — without com- The formal proceedings of the or- ication and reopening of the present plete reserve braking system and with- "COLD ANKLE" TEST PROVES ganisation of the lodge began about home. Tho present beautiful home operating automatically from one brake eight o'clock. On account of the was designed nnd constructed under pedal. And a third braking system from out Terraplane's type of easy acting ANTHRACITE BESTHOME FUEL large number of members, they were the supervision, of Vincent J. Eck the easiest operating parking brake in parking brakes. Have you noticed, in a homo 'blue coal' nltlatcd In aectlonn, the work of the of Shrewsbury, a member of the Red the world. heated by substitute luela, that Initiation being In charge of tho Long Bank lodge. at times your ankles ore cold Branch lodge. At the CIOBO of the An historical feature of tho Red • Extra deep "V-typo" windshield—for • Nothing like Terraplane's deep while tho upper part of youf AMERICA'S FINEST ANTHRACITE exercises the oftlcers of the lodge Bank lodgo of Elks was the now added beauty and wider vision. "V-typc" windshield in any other low body is wnrm? This is duo lo wore elected, theao officers being ae home dedication banquet In honor priced car. cold nlr piling up on «ho (loot T TAKES nerve to face a charging bull. A split-second too follows: of Lawrence U. Rupp, grand exalted Exulted niton--Dr. Edwin Field. ruler, which was hold in the l;uge during the tlmo when tho burner I slow in (lodging and there's n l)ig chance of being tossed Hnteemei] leading k'nlahl - Dr. l'etor T. Is ihut off liy tho tVrtnostntic ItafTfrty. auditorium of the new home Satur- Thhe list ofTerraplane advantages doesn't stop Terraplane averaged 23-95 officially certified nnd pored by death-dealing horns. But. it's fun for the day, May 30, i'Ml. The affair at- control. Willi funh of lhi» lype K»te«?rntd loyal knluht—William II. witi h those listed here. There's greater rugged- miles per gallon over a tough 352 mile stretch the heal mini lie all on or all off. toreador—taking chances i» in bin blood. tracted not only a largo percrmtnye Lecturing knight—Louis Y. Mnnninir. of the members of Red Bunk lodfje ness, proved by owner mileages of 125,000, on mountain roads. But with anthracite llio firo Pprretnry—Andrew H. ('oilman. II'B thrilling to tukc chuncca—but not when buying fuel. Treaaursr— Morllmer V. I'Molt. but also representatives of almost 150,000 and more. Greater economy, too, cer- can bo regulated — speeded up Enquire—Cliarlpn K. .Strnus, cvery^Elka lodgo In the state of Now tified by thousands of sworn owner statements And dozens of other features. ..all at a price or slowed down grad- Tyler—Joel E. McQueen, There'* one fuel you can buy without risk—'blue coal'. Its Inner Guard — Fni II. VanDiirn. Jersey. . .. emphasized again just the other day in the down with the lowest for the model you ually—io that you rianlit—Frank C. Slorck. Tho dedication committee consist- want. Come in and tee sod drive aTerraplant. tan have lome heal blue color tells you thnt you're getting tho finest Pennsyl- Los Angelcs-Yosemite Economy Run when a vania Hard Coal.. . cleaned, screened and sized by up-to- The election of trustees whs post- ed of nearly eighty mcmbera'of the at all times—juit ai poned until tha next meoling. lodge, with Morris Miller general murh or.in little ai chairman, AugustUB M. Mlnton vice Dt Lunt date methoda, to give you warm, cozy rooms all winter at Tho rooms of the new lodgo are In 88 or 100 H. P.- I, you want. the Davidson building, occupying the chairman and Harold A. Giblln sec- lowest Cost. Play safe! Always order 'blue conl' . . . Ask for retary. Standard group ol entire third boor. The rooms were •OMIiorlai »xt» it by name... and look for tho blue color. fitted U|> especially for tha use of the The officers of the lodge at that Elks, and their lease runs for flve time wore John p. Hughes exalted 595 years, by which time It U expected ruler, Morris Miller esteemed lead- SAVE .. . with th« n«w HUDSON-C. 1. T, 6% Tim. P«T°»«nt I'l.n... low monthly ptymtPM that tho Elkn will havi bought a lot Ing knight, Thomas C. Mr.Vey es- find erected a building for their own teemed loyal knight, William J. use. Tho furniture of tho lodge was Dowd esteemed lecturing knight, Ed furnished by Hcndrlckuun and Ap- wiird Welnhelmer esquire, Harold A. plegate. Some of th* paraphernalia Giblln P. K. R., socretnry; Thomau WILKINS MOTOR SALES 'blue coal' ot the lodge wat not received until Voorhta treasurer, William Woodi A PRODUCT OF THE n. I,. * W. COM, CO. Yenterdty and this led to nome llttla Inner guard, Charles Uegavre clinp- UPPER BROAD ST., RED BANK, N. J. MINKH BY THE O1.KN ALDEN COAI. CO. delay In arranging for the Institution laln, John H. Fix tiler, Frank Hoff- of the Io ILONQ BHANCII ...H. B?ShJ,m.n °* •,'„",. ciTZj to mtmbtra »t ill tlmea. It la In- Richard A. Applcgate, William Weed fetttii).» flM UA to Btti mm, Vh 1mm & M*ntiD, Page Ten RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 27, 1936. Alex Denby was held in ?l,000 ball Fort Monmouth, for motor garages «r«l Electric program over station Passes Beautician Sums. Chanc.rv 1/1M on a charge of fraudulent voting at WBAF Sunday night. Miss Hose Accloano of Freehold TIMOTHY R. HOUNIHAN SHEMiTHEMTS SAE Here and There and telephones l a Writ ol L. ._ . Rumson. Koadstand on Fire. Free Meals. was among the seventy who recently reeled. Issued ouft. i of the Court it I The Ratti Sweet shop at Freehold passed examinations lor beautician!. Contractor and Builder eefi ol the StatHee of KeNeWw 'twin", wu in the County Injury Causes Death. A roadstand near Freehold, owned exposed to sale at public »endue <,„ Mrs. Catherine Vitale of Long by C. W. VanSchoick, was damaged has put into effect a plan for furnish- This is the first group to pass on ing free meab for rug mill workers. examination since the law went Into SPECIALIZING IN JOBBING MONDAY. THE td DAY OP MA Branch died in the Momnouth Me- by fire to the extent of $300 Thurs- effect last July. Pertonal Notes, Sales of Prop morial hospital last Wednesday. Her day night. The fire started shortly Albert Barber, head of the mill re- SCREEN AND STORM ENCLOSUBE8 belwe*n the Hours of'lliOQ o'elosk lief committee, -will distribute tickets Telephone 940-M. 160 Bridge Avenue, Bed Bank', N. J.1(0 I o'clock (at HOO o'clock) la fil, erty, Building Operations, death was dun to a fractured hip, after the owner had closed for thefor the meals. noon of eald day, at the Court VtH» Lodge Doings, Births. Mar-which she suffered in a fall on ice innight. the Borough of Freehold. Cou"- - riages and Deaths. tho rear of her home. She was 76Death of Young Man. Sewer Dispute Settled. years old. Franklyn J. Foster of Neptune City Ocean township has'settled Ihc dis- fcamden H. Cobi-rn, a former res- pute of the sewage operator by pay- Superintendent of Courthouse. died in tho Fitkin hospital last Ing John Jackson, Sr., who had been ident ol Asbury Park, ivas sentenced Fred Davidson of Freehold hag Wednesday. He was twenty years to a federal penitentiary with two displaced, $500 plus $250 salary for been appointed building superintend- old and is survived by his parents,two months of work previous to tho Farcil 1—All thoia loti Noi 1 A . other men last Wednesday for alleged ent! for the courthouse at an annual Mr. and Mre. Joseph W. Foster, with conspiracy In securities and mail 1 time the position was abolished. :a, s«. it, 87. as. «J, «•-si ii'.r salary of $1,200 a year. Davidson is whom ho lived. 41, 42. 49, 45. 47. 48 4». 6J iV Si' fraud. Cobern was given six years, a Republican and in a World war vet-Gift of an Organ. Fire In Freehold Home. 88, 80, 90, 01, 93, t|V||''„"• John F. Ford received live and one-eran. For many years he worked in George McChesney, manager of the Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Read, Jr., hxll years and Austin H.' Montgom- the rug mill. Strand theater at Freehold, has pre-of Freehold, returned to' their home ery seven years. • &. Found Unconscious on Sidewalk. flented a pipe organ, formerly used Sunday afternoon of last week, to Mistrial Granted. in tho theater, to the Farmlngdaie find It on fire. Most of the fire was A mistrial was declared Thursday Richard Wilson, a Long Branch 11 ln colored man, was found unconscious Catholic "church. The organ Is Inlocated around the kitchen stove. thTVilterV*'*; ''"B&m j.™ " in the $50,000 suit brought by Fritz good condition. , Otto of Asbury Park, against the on tho sidewalk last Wednesday j Long Branch Merchant Dead. , Jersey. Central Power and LlRht com- Slight. He was taken to the Mon- j Former Sheriff Leaves Hospital. Isaac Kamrass, 67, a Long: Branch pany. The mistrial wae granted af- mouth Memorial hospital where he j Howard Height, former sheriff, was merchant for many years,.died in a ter one of the jurors had been seen died a short time later. Death was discharged from the Point Pleaeant New York hospital Holiday of last attributed to heart disease. hospital Thursday. He had been con- week. He was ,born in Russia and talking -with tho plaintiff. The 6">t lined to the hospital about a week, was the outcome of an automobile Wllloughby—Mahar. Is survived by two children. due to injuries suffered in an au-Petition In Bankruiitcy. accident. Miss Catherine Willoughby. daugh- tomobjjc accident. axt.ndad 787 fa.t to a stak.; th-nel ?«? Held on Serious CharRcs. B g hb Moses Evans, proprietor of a bak- a A long word for In a wt.tartr direction along thl"V!J,V Alvin Norton and Joseph Duffey, ter of Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Willoujrhby ery at West End for more than 35 both about eighteen, of Manasquan, of Trenton, was married to Thomas | CiviThl e Secivin Icel _service EW»mlnatton.- commissio_ n has years, has tlied 'a voluntary petition were arrested by county detectives weekMaha. r Thofe grooFreeholm ids engagelast Saturdad in thy eannounced examinations for male in bankruptcy. He lists his assets the shortest way Home last week and held for the grand; title searching business at Freehold, stenographers to be held at Asbury at $5,000 and his "liabilities at $8,500. jury on charges of arson and laivcny. iwhere the couple will reside. Park at a date to be fixed later. All Anyone with an initial 20 per cent invesj- p4,.fe«?Mt7.rra-orr applications muet be on file at Wash- Long Branch Woman Dead. a point or pl.ca of Bsglnnlr,,. A series of fires believed to be of Mre. Adelines W. Paulson, wife of . ' ment and a regular income can own hit Bxcipting and raiarvlng out of t incendiary origin recently took plnce ftlarricd Sixty Years. ington by March 31. Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace of Key- Married at Freehold. James A. Paulson of Long Branch, own home. in Manasquan and vicinity. port celebrated their sixtieth wedding died Friday night after a slcknrfis of W. «?. A. Offers Building. anniversary last Saturday. ' The cou- Miss Harriet E. Hartman of Allen- four weeks. Besides her husband she The Works Progress Administra- ple were married at South Aniboy. wood and -Chester Ivins of Clarks- is survived by one daughter. lVlortgage money up to 80 per cent cover- tion will build a 528,000 community Mr. Wallace Is 86 years old and hisburg wore married Sunday of last Celebrates 94th Birthday. age is available (or building, buying, or re- center building at Ixing Branch If the wife is eighty. Both enjoy good week at tho Freehold Reformed Mrs. Kose Little, a Freehold col- financing. city will contribute $4,000 arid tile health. church. The couple will make their ored woman, celebrated her 94 th land on -which to erect the building. I home a,t, Clarksburg. birthday recently. Mrs. Little was Mayor Dorman McFaddin announced Testimonial For Fireman. Engagement Announced. V/wn your home debt-free. We'll ahow ss; ass • v> wjiss?/ William Maurer, a charter mem- born at Tennent and has always lived that the. city would co-oprmte in The engagement of Miss Elsie Van- in and around Freehold. you how it can be done the modern way. point In tho eutalr Una of ghiS A' every way with the \V. F. A ber of the Keyport engine company and who has been an active member denbergh of Jamesburg, and John S. Teaching In Night School. "5 Long Branch Woman Dead. of thp Keyport fire department for Lewis of Engliehtown was announced Miss Helen Herbert, Miss Claire t\ cnt receipts never built a home. But a Mrs. Ella W. Martin, wife of Dal-47 years, was given a testimonial din- at a party last week. Mr. Lewis is Spackner and Charles Gelber of Eng- employed as a special teacher in the . similar* sum each month can make you a lishtown have positions aa tenchera B ton A. Martin of Long Branch, died ner in the Raritan Inn last Thursday '•'"• home owner in 10, IS or 20 year*. >i BeginningBl 1 - hlat a point In the easterly week. state home for boys at Jaaiesburg. in the night school at New Bruns- I'M" °! ! !! "? Manila, said point beta* in the Monmouth Memorial hospital dl.ta-...*nv t eoulb.rly 274 feet from the south at Long Branch last Wednesday. She Mrs. Sarah Layton Dead. wick. westerly corner of said Lot N™ lA aa Claims lie Was Robbed. * oday home ownership ii within reach of shown on said map of Parmly Park gee was admitted to the hospital early Rocco DeGeorge of Asbury Park Mrs. Sarah Layton died Sunday of Surprise Shower. Monday morning suffering from a last week at the home of her daugh- the family of average means. to; 1. and from thence ninnlninii « mado a compaint to the police that A surprise miscellaneous shower hrigh t Aangleus to the easterly line of Bin! nose hemorrhage. She was 45 years ho had been robbed of $110 in a sa-ter, Mrs. Bertram..,Burdi»e of Lower ;P ™; V 1" f"t to a point: theSfi old. was given la^t Friday week for Miss ft) , •outherlT parallel with the easterlJ loon on Springwood avenue. He ac-Squankum. She was 76 years old. Verna Boyce of Freehold, whose en- Interetl, part of principal—everything—is in- line of Blnghim Avenue Ho f,,t& "I Consecrated as Bishop. Besides her daughter she leaves a <8> WMt cused Miss Mary Albright with com- gagement to Edward Kelly of South cluded in monthly installments scaled to 'h fV artT Parallel with Rev. Benjamin B. Daffwell, whose mitting the robbery and she wasons , Robert C. Layton. Orange was recently announced. first charge was St. Mary's Episcopal held under $1,000 bail. Dies at 95. your income. church at Keyport, has been conse- Died In Hospital. HfTO*1l as TW JaV VafttltiA 1iA M L A. x( Is lie" DE Honored by College. David Lokorson of Howell town- crated as the fifteenth bishop of the ship died last Wednesday at the age John C. Strattoh of Long Branch ^ igzag financing—with two and three rnort- Episcopal diocese of Oregon. Rev. William G. Leary of Ocean Grove died Friday night in the Monmouth has been awarded a gold klng'a of 95 years. He Is survived by a son, Memorial hospital. He was 61 years , gages—is now replaced by a straight road t«.?.^b;yi.;d\nn^L •Mr. Dagwell went to Oregon, from John, with whom he lived and by a thos. loU. tr«ta or p.ra.1. of uid \ Colorado, where he was dean of thecrown for his.-work on The Jester, old and is survived by a widow. to actual ownership. irsmliss sltuaU. lying and bslngln oathcdral at Denver. the Columbia University humor mag- daughter, Mrs. Jennie Conover of J>rough of Rumion, In tha Cjunty azine. This is the highest recognition Long Branch. Breaks l>g In rail. Monrnouth and StaU of Haw J.rsa^ Held For Assault and Bohbory. accorded to a student for extra- cur- Is 79 Years Old, Charles J. Matz of Matawan fell on £ hlblt to ' the subscribers, executors as aforesaid, their debts and demands against the said estate, under oath, within six months from the date of the aioreiald • .1 order, or they will be forever barred ;of their actions therefor against, tho said suhficribers. Dated Freehold, N, J., Feb. 17. 19(1, :YOU GET MORE COMFORT H. RAYMOND EISNER." Broad Street. Red B>nk, N. J* J. LESTER EISNER, Broad Street. Red Bunk. N. J, MONROE EISNER, FOR YOUR MONEY IN AN Proipect Avenue, Red Bank, N. J, „ „ Executori. clearance sale Mortimer Elaner, Em.. Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Nswark, N. J., Proctor. Monmouth County Surrofate'a Office. up-to-date gas range OLDS MOBILE In the matter of the estate of Cecil' S. Conover. deceaaed. ' , » Notice to creditors to preunt clilms against estate. bargains Pursuant to the order of Joieph L. Donahsy. Surrogate of the County^of Mon- mouth, made on the thirtieth day of Jan- uary, 1086, on the application of Bertha H. Conover, executrix of the estate of Cecil 3. Conover. deceased, notice Is .here- by slven to the creditors of said dso'eued to exhibit to the subscriber, executrix as atoresaid, their debts and demande against the said estate, under oath, within six months from the date of the aforesaid or- der, or they will be forever barred of their lctlons therefor against the ssld sue- /-.r -1 icriber. Dated Freehold, N. J., Jan. ID, 1911. BERTHA H. CONOVER, Mlddlstown. N. J.. Executrix. Alfred A. Franck, En., 147 Summit Avenue, Union City. N. J.. Proctor. NOTICE OP SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT Estate of Clancy O. Boyhton, deceased.' Notice Is hereby given that the ae- counts of tha subscribers, substituted trus- tees of the sstste of ssld decessad, will b* audited and stated by tho Surrogate ol the County of Monmouth and reported for set- tlement to the Orphans Court of ssld County, on Thursday, the nlnstsenth day of March, A. I). 10B«, at 10:00 o'clock A. M,. at which t|ma application will be made for the allowance of commissions' and cotimsl fees, , Puled January 27, A. D. 10!!. , THE PLA1NPIEI.D TB.U8T COM PANT, Byi John V. Trumpora, ! Asslstsnt Trust Offle.r. 202 Psrk Ave.,' VlalnflsTd, rN. J. MAI1II B. HAMlI,T0k \ P. O. Box 276, Bummervllle. fl.-CU Substituted Truititl. John B. Toolan, ESQ., I OlDSMOftlLi hos FirKt National Bank nldf,, every comfort feature rerth Amboy. N. J., , OU can Ret right down to Proctor. ' structed floors. All these com- . . . non« left out last chance ... we still have braas tacks when you con- fort features and many more NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT Y Sstate of Eleasar Parmly. deceased. a very few close-outs. Come and Ttam sider Oldsmobile comfort. You are yours in Oldsmobile. And KNII-ACTION WHlltS tU>ll- HYDRAULIC Notice Is htretfy given that tba aeeounta can count up the features that for«restful, gliding rid» MAMS for nrtrvalMt, of'the subiorlber. surviving; executor .and see if amongst hem is the model you get them at a price but •mooUi, quick ttopt. trustee of the estate of said deceased, w)ll 5 0 contribute to Oldsmobile's rest- In front tut and rear. be audited and stated by the' Hurrotata you need. Our sales people will a little above the lowest 1 • • ot the County of Honmouth and retorted ful, gliding ride. You can deter- for settlement to the Orphans CooU of nelp you find what you want 49 . KID! STABlllZI* for SOLID •inn. "Tuun- ssld County, on Thursday, the twelfth day mine, by actual comparison, the THI SIX THI IIQHT loval riding without TOP"for(T««Mr protec- of March, A. t).. 1911, at IOIOO o'clock A. M., at which time appllcatleffochans'e with' • tiiShtQUtdyd»Qttipm«nd t • Ked Dsnk. N. J., you want to save money, huy now! that Oldsmobile gives you bal- mltMioanti. Spedtl accmtaory groupw exftr*. NO DKAFT VINIILA- SYNCRO-MISH TMNS> Proctor. .84? Car illuitriled U 111. SU-Cylinder 4Dnoi anced weight distribution, e^trn- TION for frt«h «Ir wlth- MISSION fot aarr, all- IrTciHANCERY OF NEVV^._. CASH PRICE Stdmn, $793 IIW. A Gtntr.l Motor. Vain*. out annoying drafti. illtnt shifting of g«ra. To EDITH NARU1N IIOI.MES, roomy interiors and level, unob- By virtue of sn ordsr of the Court of NIW 6ft O. M. A.C.TIMIPAYMINT PLAN • • Chancery of New Jersey, made on the dsy BfeINC YOUR KITCHEN UP TO DATE AT THE SAI1TY MASS for •*- of the date hereof, m a certain eauM tODIIS IT MHM with wherein Arthur 1>. Holmes Is the petition- • LEAST POSSIBLE EXPENSE RIGHT NOW. 'All or- roomy Inudora «nd ln»- Us Mcniirr all aroond er and you are the defendant, you. are re- lite. Car tltat tear iiUta utioaa appointments. at no additional coit quired to answer the petitioner's petition ykn taken subject to prior iali> if itolh is exhausted. ort or before ths fourteenth day of April, next, or In default thereof such decree wilt !>• taken agslnit you ae the Chancellor CONVENIENT TERMS •haul think oiiuitaule and just. Li..- - The object of said suit Is to obtain a duree of divorce, dissolving the marriage between you and the said petitioner, for HOWLAND B. JONES MOTOR CO. the cause of deeertlon. >. JERSEY CENTRAL POWER & LIGHT COMPANY n«ted rebruary II, mil. / 36 MAPLE AVENUE, APPUH1ATB. HTEVENB. FOSTBR RED BANK, NEW JERSEY * RBUBlJltL* RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 27,1936. Page Eleven tory on Mechanic street and mov- | Methodist hospital In Brooklyn, and Fire At Long Branch. Did You Know ing It off the premise* the barn on the other half to tho city of Cbarlej- Outulde of the color change, the stamp is Identical with'the old One, Fire badly damaged the old Rock- the rear of tho lot was moved south- (ton, which at r.hat time Just passed ward to the factory site and this was ' through the throes of an earthquake, which was first put Into use in 1934.well hotel building on Broadway, at Red Bank Had A also converted into a dwelling. I Two weeks before General Grant The coat of arms in the center Is Long Branch early Thursday morn- Mr. Twiford did not remain out of died Mr. Wood had the pleasure of In blul surrounded by a halo of light. Ing. Benjamin Frcas and Jame3 Brush Factory ? the brush manufacturing business seeing him. Although voiceless, the This shades off into the roselike red Vanderveer, who occupy rooms on very long, for a short time later he stricken commander wrote on a piece border. the second floor of the building, es- formed a partnership with a New \oi paper that he did not consider re- The change of color was put into caped ehortly after the fire was dis- The Late Owlet Twiford Con- York party and again began the | publics ungrateful, effect because the old .stamp wne con-covered. Chief damage was to the By QUINTON JAMES. fusing and did not givo an eye-quick shoe repairing shop of Barnet Hirech. ducted One on Mechanic manufacturing of brushes In the When General Grant returned the framo building on West Front street loan he wrote the following to Mr. The coat of arms, in a new phil- Indication of its .special purpose. The Rockwell diner, next to Hlrsch'e .shop, was badly damaged by water. Street Many Years — How now occupied by William P. Scott, Wood: atelic netting, adoraa the latest Slogan Cancellations. stamps from Belgium. carpenter and builder. This partner- My dear Mr. Wood: Genera) Grant Wai Helped. ship existed but about two years and Thin makea the Slogan cancellations, so termed be- the business was again discontinued. I take profund pleasure In Inclos- seventh time that cause they call particular attention ing toi yoy u the check which you will to Home objective, lonj,' have been ECZEMA That Red Bank wan once a thriv- In the mean time Mr. Elliott had find witvith this. I wish to state to a variation of thia ing manufacturing village and num- given up brush making, had success- you how great was the relief afford- design has been familiar to the user of United States and Itching Piles bered among Its commercial activi- fully passed the civil service exami- ed by your timely loan. At the time used by the stamp mail. can be relieved by using ties one of the largest brush raanu- nation and had become one of Red of the failure of Grant & Ward I had pngravfr. The One of the latest novelties in this MUBFITT'S fa'ctorlei In this country la not Hank's early mall carriers. He took not $100 in my pocket. I had paid first was the Issue line- comes, from Egypt, where^the my bills for the pervious months with telephone known to many o( the present day up his residence on Wallace street, checks on the flrm. Host of them of 1866-67. It ap- ystem Kovernmentally EX-E-MO Inhabitant!. near Spring street, and Mr. Twiford were not presented until after the peared again oh operated, It reads: "You are wanted Sold by Druigiiti. This thought was brought to mind stored all of his brush making equip- failure. Your checks enabled me to tertain values in on the telephone." PRICE 50c a few days ago when a Reglator re- ment in Mr. Elliott's cellar. meet the second call, and gave me 1803, 1894, 1005 porter! In passing through Throck- Later on the late George Twiford something to go upon until another and 1912. The most recent appear- turn could be made. MrB. Grant was ance waa on stamps of 1929-32 in mDrton avenuo between McLaren and having a desire to continue the brush fortunate enough to own a couple of Mechanic streets, happened to notice manufacturing under the Twiford small houses In Washington, one ot which an enlarged reproduction of a dwelling of peculiar architecture on name and design, erected a Bmall which she sold for the sum of 56,500, the Belgian lion was the predomin- the west side of the Btreet. building In the rear of his residential since which we have been comfort- ant figure. To see, a dwelling with a .cupola on property on the west side of Spring able In means to live upon, but with Btroet, noir Tower Hill avenue, nothing to pay past debts. In tho new stamps, the coa4 of It In a newly developed section of a 1 return you with the greatest Dollarful Coal community.' today 1B an unusual sigh moved the original Twiford equip- •n yoi arms is superimposed upon a back- and the reporter at onoe began to ment to this place of operation and pleasure $1,000 of the $1,500 which ground comprising a royal robe of g ermine. The entire set of eight Every dollar you pay for PHILADELPHIA geek ' information continued the business alone several you so kindly, and without solicita- structure.. concerning the years. tion or claim upon you, sent me. It values is identical except for the & READING COAL is represented by a dollar's ttuTh bl. l In talking with Mr. Elliott a few affords me greater pleaaure from the color distinctions, which are enum- The bullying was formerly a brush days ago about tho Twiford factory fact that I have earned this by my erated an: 5-centime red orange, 10-c worth of coal in your bin. Not ninety or eighty factory and was orglnally located on a Register reporter was Informed own work. I hope In the near future slate, 15-c gray blue, 20-c violet, 25-c the north side of Mechanic street, to send you the other $500. carmine, 30-c brown, 35-c green and that there are many families In Red With my best -wishes to you and cent's worth, but one full dollar's worth. That's between Washington and Spring Bank and vicinity who are still using 50-c blue. streets. It was built and operated yours, I am, very truly, why it pays to buy here. Twiford brushes, In fact he said that U. S. Grant. New King Gcoigo Set, hi the iate Charles Twiford, who he has one of them that is as good Some years ago, when Charles some sixty to forty years ago con- today as it waa when first put in use Wood and his family were summer- Another of the ects of British col- ducted a moat profitable hand-made and it has had almost daily service Ing In Asbury Park, Mr. Bradley onial stamps, prepared before the custom brush business. John K. since the day it was made. gave a dinner In his honor, in re- death of Kjng George and bearing We also have a competitive Chamberlain of Branch avenue was The late William A. Colo, who for membrance of what he had done for his portrait, has a' polisher and tlio late Frank R. many years lived on Wallace street one of the greatest generals that has only now come Rogora pf 'Washington street was a where the Wallace apartment build- ever lived. within .the ken of finisher on Mr. Twlford'a early force. Ing Is now located, was proud of the American collec- Mr., Qharhberlaln's brother Hiram al- fact that as late -as 1911 he had a tors. These are 12 so worked at the factory In the Twiford hair brush that his father Rug Mill Workers values ranging up early days. Mr. Twlford's Bon, the to 1-pound for the late George Twiford, and William H. had bought for him. 46 years previ- COAL G Elliott,' the present, senior member ous and that he had recently taken To Return To Work African colony of of Red i Bank's force of roall car- the brush to Mr. Twiford and had Nigeria. riers, were his principal assistants the brush taken apart, the worn bris- Members of the freehold Carpet In addition to Stove $11.25, Nut $11, Pea $9 per ton In the factory In more recent years. tles withdrawn, then robrlstled and Workers' union voted on Sunday to the king's picture, preserved in Its original form. return to work at- the rus mill at a various scenes For the past year we have tried out various In addition ti> the proprietor, hlB native activities son and Mr. Elliott, there were em- The elder Thomas Davis, father of reduced wage scale while arbitration centering around ts lower price coals, and at last we have one that ployed some six ladles at tho fac- the late Thomas Davis, Jr., one of measures are carried drr, At the same arc Illustrated. The denominations tory proper who did what was then Red Bank's early realtors and insur- meeting the workers voted to work run: %-penny green, 1-p carmine, we can recommend as the best buy in Red Bank itnoWn as "drawing'," that Is, to pull ance men, bought a clothes brush at only on" yarn made at the Rcwelle 1%-p brown, 2-p black, 3-p blue, 4-j) th'o bristles through the openihgB in the Twiford factory when ho went to spinning plant of the A. & M. Karag- red brown, C-p light violet, 1-shilllng and vicinity today. the brush frame. In addition to thin normal school and It was in excellent heusein corporation. The same firm olive green, 2.6-« -ultramarine and factory force there was much home condition at tho time of his death, operates the Freehold rug mill. Tho black, 6-c olive green and black, 10-s drawing done, by the. women of the and he lived to a rips old age. workers In the Rcwelle plant have blue and black, and 1-pound orange This Coal is sold C. 0. D. only! community, much the same as gold When the late John H. Cook be- been on strike several weeks but it and black. The higher values, from leaf cutting la done today for tho gan teaching school 'way back in Is expected..this situation will be 2.6-s up,, are of the upright fonnat, gold beaters ,nnd home sewing for 1874 his aunt bought a Twiford brush cleared up in a few days. The newwhile all of the others are oblong. local clothing factories. for him and as late as 1911 the brush wage scale provides for reductions Bl-Color Airmail. was still In excellent condition. from five to fifteen per cent. The. original brush factory WEB a Reissue of Uncle Sam's 16-cent air William Leddy & Son two-Btory affair with a zood sized The late James A. Bradley, of tho mail special delivery in two colors basement and Bteps led up to the Tho Red Bank Register travels has had the.effect of Introducing a Coal Ice "Masons' Materials main entrance, much the same as at flrm of Bradley & Smith, 251 Pearl street, Now York, told ita Interesting over every street In town and every new philatelic beauty. The old color the old time basement dwellings. The road In the county. Let It carry your was dark blue, The new shadows 53 Morford Place building was well equipped with story of the part played by a brush message to those who live on these Phone 1721 Red Bank manufacturer In tiding General Ulys- are dark blue and a red that borders what at that time was the last word thorouKhfares.—Advertisement. th d in brush making machinery needed seB S, Grant over a financial crisis, on the deep rose. lor the manufacture of brush backs, when even the country he had so but trip. .Twiford product was made gallantly fought for Ignored him. of all1 hand drawn bristles, with an The story concerns Charles Wood, of extra back screwed thereon to hold the firm of E. & C. Wood, brush the bristles firm. Tho finished prod- manufacturers of Troy, N. Y. uct was one of eipert workmanship On the evening of May 10. 1884, Mr. throughout; Wood read In the newspapers that A Twiford brush -with Its well var- the general, who had earned some nished and highly polished frame $50,000,000 for his country In the was an ornament in those days on Vlcksburg campaign, and perhaps as any lady's dresBer and If a patron much more In the Chattanooga cam- at the local barber shops sported his paign, had lost all MB property. Ig- own hair brush it was safe to say it noring the action of other countries, was a Twiford product. this country had offered Grant noth- ing more than his pay. Mr. Wood, B?" 'tio'weve'r,'ds time wont on there entered into the American market however, In hlB patriotism, sent Gen- the product) of foreign labDr< and the eral Grant a check for $500, with a imported brushes, although not made letter offering to loan him $1,000 anywhere near as durably nor as at- more, the loan to be paid one year tractive as the Twiford brush, were from date without Interest or secur- produced BO cheaply that even with ity. To this the general replied: import duty they were retailed on the 3 East 66th Street, O.SOCLOVf American market for much less than New York City, the (ocal product. The Twiford bus- May 12, 1884. iness began to drop off and the bus-Dear Sir: iness which'had been In the Twiford Your more than kind letter on Sat- family for several generations (the urday, inclosing check for $500 and proposing to send like amount on my originator of tho Red Bank business note, payable in one year without in- having learned his trade with his Your car needs terest, la received. The money at forebears) began to dwindle. this time would be of exceeding use The Red Bank factory wna at one to me, having not enough to pay one time so filled up with orders from month's servant hire, or room, if I were to leave my house, and nothing city department stores and from pri- coming in till the 1st of August. I vate trade that It did not know what therefore accept the check just re- lubricated Starting a slack period meant. Om of its ceived, and thia is my acknowledge- best customers was tho firm of Brad ment of a debt of J50O, one year from OW can your car start fast in winter ley * Smith of New York city, job- this date on the terms of your let- bers to the trade, and who sent ter. H weather when oil-dry motor parts are brushes to all parts of tho United Very truly yours, States. James A. Bradley, the found- U. S. Grant. stiff from cold ? There is only one answer. er of Asbury Park and Ocean Grove, Charles Wood, Esq., was the senior member of the flrm Lanslngburg, N. x. ...lubricated starting! And Tydol Gasoline of Bradley & Smith, nnd he alwnys On receipt of this letter, Mr. Wood prided himself on tho fact that his at once sent $1,000 to the general, gives it to you at no extra cost. firm was the principal outlet for the which elicited the following letter: Twiford brushes. New York City, Tydol contains a special top^cylinder oil Advancing years and the drop off May 19, 1884. Charles Wood, Esq. of business caused Charles Twiford My dear Sir: and carbon-solvent. The instant the gaso- to reallpe that he did not need such a large factory. Ho decided to give I am in receipt of your very kind line flashes into action this oil is sprayed on, up tho factory on Mechanic street letter of the 17th Inst, with two and the building was moved to Its checks of $600 each. You havo con- The newGMAC 6 % TIME PAY- upper cylinders. Valves do not stick. Cylin- present location on Throckmorton ferred an obligation more than I can MENT PIAN reduces the cost avenue, which at that time was ever repay. The money, of course, I dersJure instantly, steadily. Tydol's famous do not doubt I can return. But, be- of financing a new car new street cut through tho pasture ing caught without $100 In my pock- fast-starting qualities do their stuff. You get fields of the property owned by tho.et, and nothing coming; In until Au- purchase. Use these late Joseph A. Throckmorton and hli gust, it became a Berlous question savings to get a better away to a split-second start. You keep rolling brother, the Into Tyleo W. Throck- what to do. You, In the generosity morton. Tho structure was remod- of your heart, hayq relieved that car—a car that's a joy to with full summer power. |*XTRA. special news it was —when for thrift, for prolonged resistance to eled nnd made Into an nttractlve anxiety. Every precaution was at own, a thrill to drive—a dwelling for his own occupancy. once made to reduce expenses to a E"Buick wrapped up 3500 pounds of wear, tear and abuse. It will write Buy Tydol today! Some six to eight years later he sold minimum. My house at Long safe, smart, new Buick Branch—Mrs, Grant's—Is offered for live-wire power-thrill in sixteen feet of family history in the new sort of satis- the dwelling to a Mr. Johnson, a ro- ront, and the ono we occupy hero that packs pleasure in lido Water Oil Company tlrod sea captain. will be In the fall, If prospects arc eye-stopping smartness—and named it faction it gives you and yours. Iiutonlmvn, N. J. Boforo vacating the Throckmorton no brighter than nt presont. Hoplnsr the Special. every mile. We'll gladly avenue house, Mr. Twiford built that prosperity will attend you and show you the exact for his own occupany the bun- yourB, I remain faithfully yours, But highlight of the news is that you U. 3. Grant Extra special news it was—when buy- figures and how much galow on tho north side of Wal- ers put foot to treadle on the open road, can buy the Buick Special for a mere lace street, at tho junction of Mc- Tho first check for $500, which Mr. two or tlircc dollars a week more than you save. Laren street, which Is now occupied Wood Intended aa a gift, was recog- and found the Buick Special nimble, TYDOLI by Dr, Francos R. Cooko Oanler. Mr. nized by tho general nH only a loan, the lowest-priced cars. The new eager, steady, smooth — as no car ever L I (mount £ Twlfpid lived In this bungalow until and ho promptly roturned It when he GMAG 6% Time Payment Plan brings his death. ropald the loan of $1,000. Mr. Wood was before at $765* list price ot the After discontinuing the brush fae- presented half of the $300 to the factory. down the cost of buying "on time," makes payments easy, removes the last Extra special news you'll find it, when cause forwaiting to "step-up" to a Buick. , YOU GET you pile up the miles, roll the weeks A BETTER into months, and see how meager are We'd like to show you the phenomenal NEW WAYS its demands for gas nnd oil—how stub- Special, let you drive it, figure out the USED CAR bornly it resists the siren call of the arithmetic on it. It's worth your while FROM A TO SAVE repair shop. just to find out how little it costs to get . BUICK DEALER It's newsworthy for style, for power, a enr that's big in more ways than its 4 ON RAIL FARES! for comfort, for safety. It's a headiincr inches! When may we see you? Effective aa of Jan. 1, the Pennsylvania *$ $10iS arc Ilia list Knilroiul announces , .. LOW FARE priccsoftlwnewBukka | Monthly commutitloa tloknu at th* iamt 765 £ot Flint, Michigan, prlo»«ich month"* no mon gridualedfarfli. EXCURSIONS subject to change without notice. Standard and special accetaorict *\ A ntw cilendar weekly commutation tlokit TO NEW YORK "™* — |r«rtd for part-tlttin tvnrkira «nd thoia HOUND group* on all models at extra «QS(. who muil uit cfieiper fonm of fnnfporfe $' All Buick prices include safety glass CONTAINS TOP-CYLINDER OIL throughout a* standard equipment. tlcio. 1'tM.BIa.) 3(« 10-tflp biirir ticket* food for ill moot hi. nnionii nun omii NO EXTRA COST Am SO ami 100 trip lickel. food lor »!x lrxmihi. wnrtiN KM Of course (lie popular one day round-trip <*• Tick* H»«lt. riiun Sir Ctftffi) , "tlitift tickets" stilt remain in effect. H. L* ZOBEL Cor. Harding Rd.& Broad St., Telephone 955. Red Bank, N. J. Shrewd, careful buyers read The Register'* CltM* PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAt Ucean Avenue, Telephone 90. Sea Bright. N. J. ' ified Advertisements. Here you find the seller who • • WHEN BETTER: AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THE!* * • * -k wants to tell and the buyer who w*nt» to Page Twelve RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 27,1933. boilers," was chosen for future pro- Raise $65 For School Butler Co. Starts duction. Raymond J. Davey and Charles E. CENTRAL GARAGE Fund At Church Party White of Fordham, New York, wire Voluntary Cham Sunday guests of Misses Dorothy STEINBACH KRESGE Canal St., rear of Post Office Red Bank Sixty persons attended a card party Holllday and Connie B. Tremper. . Announces the addition of a and dance, held Friday night by St. P. E. Law of Toronto, Canada, was Asbury Pork Catherine's Catholic church, Everett, Of Retail Stores a guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. Frank at Pleasant Valley Inn, Holmdel, for Mason, Jr., Wednesday and Thurs- COMPLETE MACHINE SHOP the benefit of the school fund. The Independent Stores Invited to day. PARTS FOB MACHINERY MADE AT SHORT N0T1CK. net proceeds were $65. ACETYEENE WELDING—GENERAL REPAIRS Edward Rowe of Everett won first Join the Organization—Store LATHE WORK—TOOL MAKING—FORGING—ETC. prize at cards, and Gerald Warneker Managers Will be Permitted Everett News. A New Half-Yearly Sale Feature! EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES of Everett won the door prize. Mar- tin J. Kelly of Llncrpft' won $2.50, to Buy Their Storei. Edward SUlwell, manager of the Telephone Red Bank 3709-W. which was disposed of on the co- village general store, was operated operative plan. Anticipating trends In retail gro- on Monday of last week at Mon- Other Winners at cards were Mrs. cery merchandising,'the James raouth Memorial hospital for hernia. Frank Haley, Mrs. Frank Kuhl, Mrs. ler Grocery company of LonR I Mr. Stilwell is reported Improving Bernard Warnekor, Mrs. John F. City announces the Immediate inau- and is expected to return home with- Gar Wood Sales & Service McNeil, Mrs. Bernard Hlcltey, Miss guration of a voluntary chain of re-in a week or ten days. Mrs. Stllwell cs Jessie Harvey, Margaret M. Mur-tall stores. is residing with her son and daugh- ray, Catherine Mahcr and Ethel Wat- Tills inauguration takes place In ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley OIL BURNERS, BOILER BURNER UNITS, kins and Richard Murray, Thomas two distinctly different ways. The Stilwell, during his absence. AIR CONDITIONING B. Kelly, William Gaffnoy, William first involves the selection of inde- Norman Long is able ,to be out af- onovcr, Joseph Mahoney, Joseph pendent grocery stores at present op- ter being confined to his home for the SERVICE CONT; ACTS ACCEPTED ON ALL TYPES O'Brien and Charles McCloskey. erated by owners. These merchants past four weeks by Illness. OIL-BURNING EQUIPMENT. A card party and dance will be will be invited to join the new organ- Albert Perrln of Brooklyn was a eld on St. Patrick's night at St.ization now being developed by But-week-end visitor In the village. John's hall, Marlboro, the card lers. The second phase of the in- Mr. and Mrs. Cosmo Falcone and Quackenbush & Nevius, Inc. games starting at 8 o'clock. Kev. auguration concerns approximately eon of Brooklyn spent the week-end TEL. 1811. Louis F. Cognn of Bradevelt is pas-500 stores now operated under the at their summer home here. of both St. Catherine's and St.sole ownership of the Butler com- Miss Amelia Carton, who has been 183 RIVERSIDE AVE. John's churches, and also St. Gapany- . The present managers of these staying in Red Bank the- past few riel's church, Bl-adevelt. stores will be permitted to purchase weeks because of bad traveling con- their stores as a reward lor their ditions, spent the week-end here. long service. Miss Carton is employed by Sigmund Eisner company. The announcement of this revolut- Joseph Bishop of Red Bank spent ionary change has been received with Sunday visiting at his summer home tremendous Interest by both groups here. involved. The first, those merchants Distribution of Ashes took place F-L-A-S-H-E-S : now operating in competition to theyesterday at St. Catherine's church chains realize this means they can with Rev. Louis Cogan officiating. now earn every discount accorded Lenten devotions start tomorrow ' volume buying and at the same time night at 7:30 o'clock. from receive the benefits of expert advice Theodore Stilwell of Caldwell air- 1 and co-operation in the vital depart- port was a Tuesday visitor at his ments of their business, viz., adver- home here. tising, accounting and modern mer- Harriet Hawxhurat is able to be j ctundisins. The second group—those out after being confined to her home present managers of Butler stores— for the past week with mumps. have presented to them a most un- John Dziezyc, who Is living with usual opportunity to buy at cost their his sister at Brooklyn, spent the week-end here; Our Mid-Winter Sale present store. This allows them to Mrs. Oakes has been con- gain, in place of a fixed salary, the profits their stores have heretofore fined to her home with a slight cold. Newest Styles in Furniture... earned the parent company. The Miss Elizabeth Haley has returned service, advice and co-operation ac- to her duties in the out-patient de- i corded the group of new stores willpartment of Monmouth Memorial New Home Furnishing Suggestions be Identical in the case of this see- hospital after doinpr

(The Red Bank Register can be bounht Matawan from M. J. O'Connel, 124 Main itreet and J. £ J. Taiilni.) Innerspring Mrs. William H. Tichenor spent Wednesday at Newark. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Makln of All Standard Sizes Glen Rock spent the week-end as The lid is off- the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Both old and new customers, from all corners of the state, marvel Baler. at our display of Quality Furniture and Gorgeous Rugs ... but Mr. and Mrs. Garrett McKeen were spring Hats are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. :heir real enthusiasm is shown when they read the Mid-Winter Herrick of New York over the week- stepping out— Sale Tags. Reductions of 10% - 50% from our well known low end. 14.95 Miss Pauline Wartel of German- cash prices, stir enthusiasm into spectacular buys that mean true A hat on the head town, Pennsylvania, is making an Value 19.75 extended stay at the home of Miss is worth two .in savings for hundreds of people. Laura E. Gesswein. George Barrett, who was gradu- the box ... you're ated from Red Bank high school in tired of Winter One of the sale's sensations! Fine mat- Grasp This Opportunity to Secure Your Sensational the February class, is working for and probably tresses made with premier steel coils, topped his father at the Mount-Barrett Co. with layers of heavy felt for comfort and Mid-Winter Buy! William Shepherd, Jr., Is a patient Winter's tired of. at the Presbyterian hospital at New- you. covered in'fine 8-ounce ticking in attractive ark, where he underwent an opera- patterns. Finished with roll edges and strap $100 5 Pc. Modern Maple Bed Room Group—Shown Above 22 Twin Studio Couch—Innerspring Mattress (M^f QC Keansburg held high score and Mrs. there's no use $15 Paul Royer low. waiting.until lat- 500 Square Yards... Innerspring Mattress—All Standard Sizes Cft QC Mrs. John Lylo has returned with her son, Robert VandorVeer Lyle, er, for there is $6 9x12 Heavy Waffle Top Rug Pads from the Middlesex General hospital nothing later to at New Brunswick. 1 wait for. $20 Large Club Chairs —Choice of Covering • Se cond-Clasi Matter at the Foat- Subscription Price: One Year $2.00. VOLUME LVIII, NO. 36. efflce at Bed Bank. N. J,, un der the Act of March !, 1979. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1936. Sit Months $1.00. Single Copy 4e. PAGES 13 TO 26.

posters In tho corridor of the school Chief Army Engineer Women Of Three The Many-Sided jnade by the pupils and illustrating $23,000 Addition To subjects in which they had received Promises River Fund lessons. Thoso posters, although Changed Location Counties To Meet New Night School; executed on oilcloth and other ma- •William A. Stevens, former attor- terial obtained at little of, no cost, St. James's Convent ney general, made public yesterday a showed large talent in artistry, as For Two Businesses etter from Major General E. M. Here On Saturday How It Functions well as an intelligent interest in tho Markham, chief- of army engineers, subject matter. As' Mr. Heim-ex-j that an allotment for dredging tho pressed It, the posters, "tied in" with , Plans Have Been Completed by Architect Vincent J. Shrewsbury river would bo made in Conference of the Reporter Plan Enrollment at Red Bank's Latest Berk's Shoe Business. Will Move to Building at thd to be Held at the Elks Home what, the pupils learned in books the army appropriations bill now be- Place of Education Now To-and 'increased their interest and ^ Eck and Contracts Will Be Awarded Within fore congress for approval. u —New Deal Speakers—Don- Corner of Broad and White Streets and Berge's Tho department Gen. Markham key Banks to be Opened. tals 165—Wide Range of In- Next Ten Days—Work to Start April 1. wrote, appreciated the need for the Not the least interesting thing in Market Will Move to No. 3 Broad Street. improvement. An allotment of $393,- structipn and of Pupils. the corridor is a plaque of-Alu-a- ham Lincoln. About a year or .=o A building program launched sev- which Uie school now stands. The 000 waa originally made but diverted A conference of the Reporter Plan, to relief needs by President Roosc- of which Mrs. Arthur J. White of The WPA night school at Red ago it was knocked from the wall Changed locations for two Kefl eral yours ago, and which has al- school was started in April, 1026, and and broken. Thanks to Mr. Heim, Bank businesses will occur shortly ready run Into more than a quar- tho corner stone was laid on July 4, volt. Harding road, Red Bank, Is state Bank for adults how has an enroll- U. S. • Senator W. Warren Barbour -chairman, will be held Saturday af- it is back in its original placo with Lions Addressed us a result of two leases "made tha ter of a million dollars Is still being 1027. The echool was opened that ment o£ 165 pupils. It was started scarcely a mark to shew where it pursued by Rev. John B. McCloskey, pointing out that Gen. Markham's ternoon, February 29, at the Elks three weeks ago and it is growing pa.st week. Berge's food otiarket and fall. The old St, Jamee convent at letter "at least puts the department was damaged. Mr. Heim did a, Inl Berk's shoe business are the outer* pastor of St. James's Catholic church. Monmouth and Pearl streets having home on Broad street. The meeting by leaps and bounds. ~ Several classes of experimenting nnd painstaking By Ross E. King The latest development la a $23,000 on record to Include the Shrewsbury ia for women of Monmouth, Middle- have become so large that they are prises affected. been sold, Father McCloskey very river dredging in the new appropria- | work to restore the j>!;H|iirv r>i- Christian U Berge has leased thai addition to tho convent of the Red generously gave up the occupancy of sex and Ocean counties, and although unwieldy, and unless more instruc- j rectly opposite it is one or George, Speaker Discusses PyschoIoRy, Bank Catholic high school, plans for tion bill." He would continue to the object is to enlighten the women tors are provided it may become nec- building at No, 3 Broad street from the rectory, and turned It .over to work for passage of the measure, Washington. Philosophy and Character the Mainstay Building and Loan as- which have been drawn by Vincent tho . Sisters of Mercy, who have on New Deal policies, the meeting essary in some groups to restrict the J. Eel! of Broad ntreet, architect of Senator Barbour said. is open to anyone regardless of po- pupils to no more than the present Analysis — Charter Members sociation and he will move hla food charge of instruction at the school, market there from its present loca- the Catholic school and parish rec- Tho teaching staff was Increased in litical atliliations. number. Awarded Gold Chevrons. tory. Bids for the construction work Three Democratic state committee- tion at No. 61 Broad street. Ho plan* order to fulfill the .requirements of Tho night .school sessions take Forum Speaker to announce a closing sale of hi* will be asked for within the next ten .women, MTs. Adeline Y. Lawrence place four nights each yeek, on Mon- the state board of education for an Exhibit, Silver : Uoriri hZ. Kin£ of Brown place, ;m lock within a fchort time. A report days, work on the addition will be of Freehold, Mrs. Ethel KirkpalricU day Tuesday, Wednesday and Thuib- aturtcd April 1st, and by the time accredited high Bchool, and it now Lauds Triple A! investment securities counsellor, and ias been prevalent that the quartess embraces sixteen sisters. While the of New Brunswick and Mrs. Caro- day, between seven and nine o'clock, school closes In June, and the sisters Tea Arid Concert line Johnson of Point Pleasant, arc j a member of the Lions club, ad- which he now occupies have been leave for the summer, the old and present convent was sumclently large at the River street schoolhouse. Any ,, ' tU1 eased members of that organiza.- leaded by John Morris and William for the teaching community of six sponsoring the conference. In con- Monmouth cotmty resident beyond [' >r. Henry Keller of Rutgers Uni- iVoglows to enlarge their Strand res- new parts of the building will be junction with the meeting the na- j tiuu Tuesday night at the Klk^ club. ready for joining together. The In- sisters In 1926, It reached the satur- Girls' Glee Club of Rumson school age may enroll as a student | sity Praises Roosevelt Farm ! Jii.s bubjuct was "Aludtm and Appliuu taurant, but The Register la informed ation point several years ago, and tional round-up of donkey banks will and receive instruction free of charge ' that the transaction has not been terior construction work will be done School to Sing—Corned Beef k Policy—Contrasts Local Prob- Priychulo^y." take place. Funds from these bank in a wide range of subjects, both j : consummated, alt hough negotiations during the summer, and the convent tho new addition became a necessity Mr. Koas in hin talk di^cu^ed p;ty- and Cabbage Luncheon on St. will be used in the furtherance of recreational and vocational^\ { lems With Those of Mid-West tj mis enti are said to be under way, will be ready for occupancy several for relief of the overcrowded con- h a lysis, philosophy and char- dition. women's work and will be spent The school iti under the supervision weeks before school opens In the fall. Patrick's Day. analys illustrating his oinis The place which- Mr. Berge will oo • Father McCloskey came to Red Father McCloskey has been con- throughout the county and the rest of Edwin C. Gilland, supervising Taking as his topic, "Wbat'tan Be o! the state. with s'Jvtial humorous stories. He cupv is often known as the French Bank December 17, 1925, from Sacred templating tho move for some time, An exhibit, silver tea and concert principal of the schools of Red Bank? Done for the Karnier Now," Dr. Hen- averted that humans al tinier enter- building because it was for many Heart parish, Camden, where he had but ho waited until the parish debt A luncheon will be served at 12:30 He has the power to "tire" but only ry Keller of Rutgers university in an years occupied by W. A. French and will be held by thc Presbyterian la- o'clock, to be following by speech- positive quality of thought, built u $75,000 school and new con- was well In hand. Last year It was dies' aid society of Rumson next to a limited extent to "hire a teacher address at the weekly meeting of the ; i declared that what was' needed company, dealers in alcoholic bever- making. Among tile speakers are for thc night school. He must select am J vent. He left the pariah clear of all reduced to $39,000, which means that Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock Men's forum Sunday afternoon in the more today was not more moral ages. Later it was owned by Kat debt, and with a sizable balance on Louis Compton, assistant WPA ad- for teachers applicants approved by $226,000 waa paid off since 1926. Bis-at the parish house oh Bingham Elks club lauded President Roose- timates but a greater amount of sin & Green and used by them *Wl the rluht aide of the ledger. This ministrator of the state; Thomaa the WPA. He cannot go outside of hop Moses E. Kiley suggested to avenue. velt's farm policy, and predicted thai know 1 fid Re. a dru£ store. Mr. Berge will hav« was not a new feat for him, as he Underwood of the Federal Housing this list. However, if their work is Father McCloskey almost a year ago The exhibit will include quilts, his program of farm relief may be During a part of his address, Mr. work started within a short time on had already won the admiration of Administration; Mrs. Harriman M. unsatisfactory' he may discharge that ho consider a convent addition. hooked rugs, afghans, bed spreads, pursued to a much greater extent King illustrated his remarks with making alterations to equip it for it* hla superiors for his work In estab- Simmons of Elizabeth, who will them. No teacher is eligible to be new purpose. The plana for the building were ap- antiques and oddities, and will not since the agricultural adjustment act drawings on. a blackboard. 'He. car- lishing the parish of Holy Spirit at proved late last week by Bishop be restricted to any particular per- speak on thc Social Security plan; employed who has not been on the waa declared unconstitutional by the Atlantic City. At that place he Mrs. Sarah L. Kearns of Newark. icatured various shapes of faces, Mr. Bcrge'a business i9 tho eJdeM Klley. sons or organizations. The exhibits emergency relief roll. Supreme Court. food market on Broad etreek For bought a $35,000 church site, built a atl na ut namely those that belonged to dream- may be left at the parish house the n " l y° .h administrator; Tilford Assisting Mr. Gilland as supervisor "The farmers' trouble really be- six years it wae in one of tha True* $25,000 basement church, a $25,000 The addition will allow each sister Uw ers, "Go-getters and "lixers." He previous day, and thohey •will be cared ^ dley of the resettlement ad- of the night school its J. William gan in 1920," hn said, "At that'tirm; stores on the east side of Broad rectory, purchased several pieces of a private apartment. The re-modeled ministration, who will talk about the made, a personal reference to several property for future expansion, and for until after the show. First, sec- Heim, principal of the River street the loss of foreign markets was bo-1 members of the club, which created street and Mr. Berge moved Jt to iU building will contain twenty bed- Bound Brook project, and Mrs. Har- present location nine years ago be- left the parish with the receipts for ond and third prizes will be award- school. Both serve without salaries. ginning to be felt since the close of |a c,.eat dCflj of amusement; rooms. It will also provido a library, .old ButterfleUl of East Orange. Con- cause of a fire which damaged tha all bills in. the church safe. ed. Old and new articles will bo cx- Ordinarily they take turns as super- the war. European countries were in | jjr. King dwelled particularly on 12x27 feet, on tho first floor, two of- giesswoman Mary T. Norton of Jer- visors, serving on alternate nights, Truex building. Prior to opening hU ., He,ha« been a priest 39 years, and fices, and a dining room. 18x22 feet, hlfilted. process of rehabilitation, aim the personal adequacy of individuals. sey City and Mrs. James Billington, hut this week Mr. Heim i« doing the were attempting to raise their own food market'business Mr. Berge wa# recently celebrated the tenth anni- A chapel, 18x22 feet, will be located Tho concert will be by the Girls' referring to their ability to face all Democratic national committeewom- whole job alone, as Mr. Gilland is at- crops . through extensive cultivation employed fifteen yeara in the grocery versary of hla coming to Red Bark. on tho second floor. Tho building glee club of the school with musiic circumstances with poi^e, energy and an, also of Jersey City, have been tending the convention of the Na- EO as to import as little as possible." .store of Ensley E. Morris and late* Tho present convent was a rectory, will have a second-floor eun parloi, Miss Elizabeth Connolly will direct. purpose or, to combine the first let- Mrs. Harry Thiesmeyer will sing and invited to attend the conference. tional Education association at St. Decrease in the demand for grains he worked for a abort time for Ab- purchased by the late Rev. James A. and BIX bath and shower rooms. ters of these three words, with "pep." . Reynolds, and used as a rectory un- Mrs. Alhert Lauber will be accom- Louis. Last night Mr. Heim piloted as the result of prohibition was al- bott Worthley when the latter wa* He said that internal success in engaged in business in the French til the arrival of Father McCloskey, Father McCloskey expects to raise panist. Mrs. William Ward is chair- a Register reporter through the va- so given by the speaker as a cause ernal success in thought was more It formerly occupied the site upon the money for the building by a spe- man of the exhibit committee and rious classrooms and through re- for the surplus of middle West farm- building which Mr. Bergfc ftaft Just Fair View Parent desirable than external success. Af- leased. cial campaign. her assistants will be ,Mrs. Mary marks made by himself and by thc ers. ter his address, Mr, King wae ten- Lafon, Mrs. Ralph Johnson and Miss teachere showed what was taking 1 Dr. Keller compared conditions in dered a reception, and was asked to Irving Berk, proprietor of the rfiod Eva. Bruce. Teacher Meeting place. ! New Jersey with those in the middle give another talk soon. store at Broad and Monmouth street% Pre-Lenten Social Baptist Church To Tho committee in charge of the The first thing which the reporter I West. Potatoes and peaches, two of Through the courtesy of the Inter- has leased the store* now occupied NGW tea comprises Mrs. Edwin M. Far- Commemoration of the 39th An-' t•aaw was a class in fencing, or in oth- Jersey's main crops, are spe- national association, gold chevrons, by the Kay millinery chop ct Broa*l Held By Local PTA Discuss New Budget rier, Mrs. Harry Kettci, Mrs. Charles ! niversary of the National Con-1 er words a group of pupils receiving cialized farm products, he said, and carrying a replica of the club's char- and White streets and will take pos- session on March 1. Mr. Berk's prea* Rue, Mrs. Charles Wolbach and . gress of Parents and Teacheri instruction in duelling with rapiers. the market for them is an clastic ter, were distributed to those who The Parent-Teacher association of The Baptist church budget, total- Miss Isabelle Kcttel. j ; Liml night was the itvai night that Such farms, he added, would were charter members in February, ent storo will bo vacated and it if tho Red Bank Catholic high school ing $7,000, will be submitted to the The society will hold a corned : Observed Last Week. this class met. Darius Garbarini is naturally be harder hit than the 11122, and who are etill active mem- expected that his new placQ o£ bi^ congregation at a special church beef and cabbage luncheon at the I farms on which a general line of pro- bers of the club. The presentations iness will be ready by March 15, held a Pre-Lenten social Tuesday af- I the instructor. That Mr. Garbarini : ternoon at the Catholic hiRh school meeting Wednesday night, March 4, parish house at noon on St. Pat- Commemoration^ of the 39th anni- \ is versatile is indicated by the fact duce was raised. * were made by M. VanBuren Smock, Mr. Berk has been in tho shoe bu*- nuditorium. The students of the at 7:40 o'clock. Thu budget won rc- rick's day. Mrs. Ralph Johnson will versary of the founding of the Na- ithat at the night school he acts not A general discussion followed the state- director, and Lester B. Ross. iness at Eed Bank for 22 year* Hq :ently approved by the advisory be in charge. tional Congress of Parents and professor's add leys. Dr. Keller was has occupied his present store for £ha * Freshman-A class Rave a one-act only as a teacher of fencing but also Those who received the chevrons are l M play, "School Daze." board. Teachers was observed In a simple of Italian and Spanish. The Italian introduced by Councilman Joseph C. George W. Bray, past district gover- past tw0 ' **^ -*—»•»• - •- Thc entertainment was supple- The church will seek to raiso $1.- but |rttgyflrtitj.riK 7y\nnn^r .by tlic nicrii- class has an average attendancE'1oT^rwin"ws"^n'="'''r~hfeT>ro£cs!30rs wnen nor; Leon Keussille, Jr., president Beverage Ordinance bera of the Fair View Parent-Teach- mented with several vocal offerings 500 for benevolences. The budget 35 to '10. The Spanish class will re- ho attended Rutgers. of the local club; Theodore D. Pat- tho one to which Mr. Berk will Otftyf by Roy Bauor, LaVerno Sandu, Thom- ollows: Pastor's salary $3,000, Jani- er association at their regular month- ceive its first instruction tonight. sons, J. Daniel Tuller, Edwin H. Con- is owned by the Eliaa company. , For At. Highlands ly meeting at the school at that place The speaker next Sunday after- as Dunne, Peter Marchetti, Paul tor's salary $600, organist and music Thc fencing class has eighteen pu- noon will be Professor H. L. Childs over and Albert W. Worden, former All of the fixtures ia tho prpsenl Kennedy and selections by the entire >810, light and water $250, coal ?350, last week. pils of whom fifteen are males and presidents, and Thomas Cook, Ensley store will be disposed of and new An ordinance prohibiting the is- A treatise on "Founders Day" wap of the department of politics at class. The cast In the play Included nsurance $340, maintenance, repairs, three are females. Mostly thoHC who Princeton university. • His subject E. Morris, R. V. R. H. Stout, Joseph fixtures, aa well as a now and com-* miscellaneous $400, calendar $120, suance of seasonal licenses for the compiled and read by the president, Applegate, Abrain M, Kridel and Mr. plete stock,, will be installed in thqi Paul Kennedy, James and Patricia sale of alcoholic beverages, and receive instruction are graduates of will be "Propaganda and Pressure Cahlll, LaVerno Sands, Peter Mar- postage, stationery and envelopes Mrs. James Glendinning, in which the high school who are employed. Smock. new store, A special sale at w limiting the number of licenses to it was explained that what is now Groups." An open discussion will fol- chetti, William Ryder, Roy Bauer, $130, mortgage Interest $420, deficit Thc same is true of most of thc oth- low his address. Women, as well as Guests at the meeting included En- the stock of the present fitora 1935-36 $580. be issued by the borough to four-!a great national organization with a e\ey M. White, borough water depart- be sold will be held. Jamea Alvator, Eugenia O'Heain, tern passed Ha first reading Tues-[membership of nearly 2,000,000 er classes except those in elementary men, are invited to attend. There Josephine Lorenz, Frances Carton. Homer Methot, church treasurer, subjects. In some instances the pu- will be no admission charge. ment engineer. Dr. M. M. Rudnick The Kay millinery sliop "will dis- and J. William Helm, chairman of day night at, a meeting of tho At- evolved through the interest of its been continue business at Bed BanlCi . Margaret Kelly, Margaret Lange, lantic Highlands mayor and council. pils are desirous of finding new sport Dr. Childs this season has and Charles Gottschalk. After the L- Jack Hogan, Raymond Hardy, Thom- the finance committee, will submit founders, Mrs. Theodore Birney and of' recreation; in others of increasing conducting a seminar for students of meeting a number of the members William Dowd, water department Mrs. Phoebe Hearst in bringing the politics at Princeton on tho sub- as Dunne and John Konowitz. reports covering the financial glanci- engineer for the past ten years, was their earning ability or of being of indulged in bowling on the Elks club The hostesfies were Mrs. John Gaul, ng of tho church for the first three home nnd school into clkse co-oper- larger value in the home. The range ject of propaganda. He feels that the alleys. Hebrew Women To requested to appear before the myy- ation irrespective of race or creed, general public is being propagandized I Mrs. John Hogan, Mre. David Noo- quarters of tho present church year, or and council at the next meeting of age runs from those who arc not nan, Mrs. Joseph Laurlho and Mrs. and tho month of February. with the promotion of Child Welfare yet old enough to vote to those of to an extent few realize and that Hold Annual Dariccj in reference to a change in hia de- its fundamental principle, The William Cogan. Those who served re- Plans will also be presented by thc pa^jaiont. New Diesel engines have middle age and even beyond. high-pressure groups of all sorls are Eatontown Club freshments were Elizabeth Long, flnanco committee for the underwrit- observance of this day encourages in- at work insiduously in and out of The Ladies' Hebrew society Wil| boon installed at the water plant, terest in the high ideals of its found- Most numerous of all the pupils arc Mary Jane Fleming, Ann Little, ing of the budget on Loyalty Sunday, and the council la considornVg cm- ! (ho^e who receive instruction in congress. To Hold Election hold their fourteenth annual danca Edna Wlckham, Mary Heath, Jane April 5. ploying an engineer, trained in the ers and the unlimited possibilities for at the Smoke Shop tavern Wednes- co-operative work among parents and dancing. They get lessons of fA'o Reyton, Helen Kaiser, Rita Lalng, handling of Diesel engines. ; kindri, tap and ballroom dancing, Thc annual election of officers of day, March 11. Two floor shows will Margaret Bolln, Josephine Sagurton NEW BED BANK TEA ROOM. teachers. Monmouih County Country club at feature the entertainment. Doo# A request from the board of edu- Monmouth county now has 47 local with fifty enrolled in thc former and Social Justice and Martf and Elizabeth Cotter. cation for $3,500 for salaries was j eighty in the other. Mrs. Marcia J Eatontown will be held Sunday, prizes will be awarded. "J'ho Maryland" Will be -Opened on units. Durinff the past year many Arendes is thc teacherand she also March 1, at the clubhouse. The Mra, Harry Melstrich and Mrs. complied with, and bills of $2,115.15 projects were carried out by the va- ' Unit Formed Here Riverside Avenue April 1. .*, , , , : ]ms a elass present blllcers arc expected to be Harry, Sacks ere co-chairman of th» Minister Has 30th • i were ordered paid. rious associations in their respective '" dramatics, including schools ard funds were raised that !5inKlnK wlUl twenlv members, Franklin C. Moyan states that the re-elected, They are J. Paul Carey, dance and arc being assisted by Mrs. Mrs. Helen M. Higgenbothun of A first meeting of the Red Bank CLAM BAX OFF. they might finance .welfare work. ! dressmaking class with ten mem- president; Paul P. Lee, vice presi- Samuel Cohen, Mrs. Harry Rich* Anniversary Sunday Broad street and Mra. Grace Mar- bl dent; VV. W. Willard, treasurer, and mond, Mrs. Morris Westerman, Mrs. The president concluded her dis- i bers is an interesting feature of the I ^nch of Father Coughlin'a National tens of Newark have leased the for- Social Justice will be held Harold P. James, secretary. The Harry Feldt, Mrs. Samuel Green* Bill Jco in RariUin Bay Still Tre- course with an excerpt from a sup- j school. Thc teacher of this group Rev. Howard N. Amcr, pastor of meRiversidr Archibale avenud oL . anMilled Aller housn place aet next Wednesday evening at eight advisory board consists of Ira L. biatt, Mrs. Max Rueckhaus, Mrs« vents Clamming. plication made by Mrs. Howard Hail- I is sick and her place, is tempoi-aiiiy thc tica Bright Methodist church, from tho Merchants Trust company o'clock at tlie town hall, permission Grouse, Hubert M. Farrow, Charles Max Grand, Mrs. Samuel Bcrkowita, will have a special service Sunday bcillK nHed bv Mra l<:uilh M Schoen, for a tea room to be known as "Thc Thc New York board of health kamp, state vice'president of the N;i- - - for the use of the buildiiig having R. Leach, K. A. Weascll.'B. A. Seiple, .Mrs. Lena Holler, Mra Arthur H. in celebration of hia thirtieth anni- ional Congress of Parents and i olcrk °,f U,1C nijrht ^chon1-. TTht e mem- Maryland." Tho house, which wa3 last week removed thc ban which bers of this class use sewing ma- been obtained from Mayor Charles George A. Stevens, Leon W. Conrow, Hershon, Mrs. Bernard Katain, Mr* versary as a minister. His text formerly occupied by Mrs. Jano Wil- Teachers, during the state conven- had been enforced several weeks to chines in the domestic science de- R. English and Councilman Thomas A D. Polhonuifl, C. M. D. Heim, F. Isaac Kerber, Mra, Benjamin Adleri Sunday morning will bo "My God liams, proprietor of an antique shop, tion last year. prevent the sale of Rnritan bay partment of the school. They have M. Gopsill, chairman of tho police O. Wodchouse, James A. Mattcnlee, Mrs. Harry Madansky, Mrs. Willlaui Shall Supply All Your Needs Accord- s being renovated preparatory to the Plane are well under way for a ing to His Richea in Glory." A mus- clunis In that city. The ban was turned out many fine products. committee. Mr. Moyan says that the John J. \V;trreJI, ThofiKta }•[. Lafon Ostrov and Mra. Harry Sprung. opening on April 1. Mrs. Williams lifted as a consequence of the recent covered dish luncheon to be held at Red Bank unit of Father Coughlin's and 11 r>hort Badenhop. ical program and song service will has moved to 17 Oakland street. the school Thursday, March 12. A Mr. 1-lPim, in conducting the re- be presented. action of the New Jersey state board porter through thc various class- movement has. lo'l members and During the past year the Eaton- Tho new establishment will feature large attendance is anticipated. This uf health nnd of the Uniteil Stales rooms, called attention to the fact that it waa organized by himself anil town club made rapid progress un- FASHION SHOW TUESDAY NIGH* Ho was born In Cnmden, and nftor home-cooked food. They will ninke affair is being arranged in order that Health Service in recertifying New that t\i Ica.st three-foill'tlis of the pu- William H. O'Borne of'while street. der the presidency of Mr. Carey. Last completing his studies In tho public special concessions for card particR, the fund, which is being raised for Jersey shellfish, However, It wil be pil.s had formerly been pupils of the OfHccrs are to be elected at the ment- summer Ihe Country club was the Living .Ilixlds to Display Spring schools beenmo Interested In evan- receptions and club meetings. Mrs. necessary for thc Raritan bay clam- the purchase of a scale far the school, Modi's ut Svhulle-Unltcd. gelistic work. Ho" was trained for high echool. This percentage, he ing at the town hall. At present Mr. j scr'no of the Now Jersey Open golf Hlggcnbothan was proprietor of tho mers to obtain new permits from the may be completed. The health co:n- Moyan i.s net ing as pre.-'iilent and I the ministry by a retired professor "Green Iloom" at Bradley Beach for mittec, comprising Mrs, John B. Con- said, was perhaps even higher in the championship, many outstanding Choice selcL-tions of milady's spring of a western college, and his first New York board of health. They business KngUsh chifM, wliicli has iin secretary of tho. unit. j polo matches, and ol her entertaining wardrobe will be paraded by living five yeara. The rentals of the River- may apply for the permit^ by mail. over, MITH. John Hartley and Mrs. charge was nt Magnolia. In 1019 he side avenue house and Mrs. Wll- Arthur Tunis, has been assigned tlie average attendance of 32. The teach- Mr. Moyan sayri tlmt lie is al.-o en- i features. models before the quests of Schuite- was mado a member of tho New A: picsent there is so much ice In er i>! Miss Kathryn Lynch-' gaged in gaining members for the j Plans arc being arranged for a United in their store in tho David- liams's new residence were made thc bay that clamming is impossible. taak of making tentative arrange- Jersey conference, and waa appoint- through thc Constance Smith Agoncy ments for the purchase of the scale, A clat-tj in Kre.neh, with an average Dr. TowriHond uld-uge peiniiun plan ' spoi t-s carnival and a North Jersey son huildlns Tuesday ni^ht, March ed pastor of tho Beach Haven of Fair Haven. A meeting of thc Raritan Bayshore which it Is hoped nwy bo plai'od in aUfiulaiice of -0, ia taught by among Italian-Anieririin and colored | shore golf tournament this summer S, at eiiiht o'clock. Of particular In- church, where ho served until 1921. Shell_ Fishermen's association will bo the school before thc end of March. Madame Marguerite Duprcs, a native j residents of Rod Unit. A meeting of A large silver trophy arid Sl.fiOO in terest to ihe average woman is th# Ho was pastor of tho Sea Bright held this evening nt eight o'clock at The study group committee for this of Kranee. She also has an nrt the TownsenditoH is to be held Tues- cash will he awarded in Hie golf fad that this exhibition will bo mad* church from 11122 to 1927, nnd then l'KACK POSTER C'ONTKST. fl Independent hall at Belford. cneeting was under the loadeinhip of clfitjs, with an average attendance of day evening, March l , nt St. Jjnnes' tournament. up of advance slunvinKs of garment* went successively to Brldgeton, Pen- hall. that will W carried in regular atoclf ning! on nnd Knlrton. List full he The l' durst* ni Masonic . various books which might hv used Kaiinic Wlsnik, nnd Mtw. Isabelle Ihoiuas ShilN'll of Ashury I'arlt at Holimlcl Auction. cveiiini: frocks will be shown, as well 1(131 HACK TAXES PAID. club of lied Bank, will close Thurs- to equip a pa re ills' bookshelf in the Keiiiiicy. The Hgea of thc puplLs cov- '1'jiik^ in Kiiiiisim (ironp. as the new mannish and other typ« The Eat on town Order of Kaetcrn 1 dayy, March [>. Tho judgej s will bb er a wide rangi1, but fur the most A liMlel KaKi' sale f lilt suits. There will also bo a showing Star entertained at u Muster Maaons chool. During I be open dlsiMifj.sinu Sixty i)0i-snns ail ended a meeting Kcv. John B. McClosliey, Mrs. George piU't the iitinleiit.'i arc pei'tjona o[ farm impliMnents and live i-k of nf Ihe laic spring coats. Appropri- Kiitiinlown C'oumll l'liys Biielt School night Tuesday when more- than 200 Mrd. Puul H. Axtcll suggests! lhat of tlie Rumson Kopubliean club lnnt T»xe» uf *1,2«». It. Hunt and Glenn P. Wlshard. All a loading group be formed. Various middle age or beyonil. The Ha mo i.s ISilwiii-il M. Johnson of llolindd was ate hals, shoes and accessories front persoibi gathered at tho Eatontown night nt Hod Men's hiill. .Sheldon T. ; powtera are (o b« turned in on Tlinrs- Pnvont teacher bulJrtins /im! inaKii- true of tlie knitting Hasd which ha.s held > ('slenlay at Ihe : uit of Nathan ster.' stock will round out each cos- A short mcctliiK of the Kiitontown Masonic hall. Nchum Sowers and hla 1 Colcmmi, president, who him jti.st re- dny, March 5. RpjncHei\tntlve;i of the zlnca were distributed among the veniKt nUt-ndaiicc of furly* and Marx' of Khrew lmiy. Wnlter I> Illllle. mayor nnd council wan held last HtafT of otllcera of the; Washington turned fnun a month's vat/alum in Girls' Progrcso club will lie at each parents. These, in turn, will lm cir- which in taught by MIH. Kearney. KicMi ul' I jilt's Neclt wiin Ihe aur- Selected to limilel on tills occnMlon night with Mayor Ira K. Wolcotl pie. lodge, No. D, were present im were 1 pic.-iilcil. The primMiml Hchool building to receive tho posters culated among other piuinhi ul fu- Mr. Heim .said in liilUIng with the Havana, tiuneiM nnd tlii' elt'iks were Lconnni are Miss Constance, Knlisnn of l.lttl* siding. A resolution wim piissed puy- noveral othc^ Master Masons from a.'i TlHUiia-s Slifliell of A:;- between Ihreo and four o'clock on ture meeting. reporter t hat moi c H 1(lnkrr Wili M01111I an.I Alex I,. MeClees of Holm iSilver and Minn Helen Crnle, Mvt. ing $8,000 to the board of education various lodgetf. night ! ' aeeretuiy uf tlie stale the afternoon In question. Two llrjt be added if the ilcnm rut firiiM', in- te, who H|itiUt- about tho forma- del. Alum! !.">!> pvi^nn- wer • in-vi^m Anne nePli-ftn and Ml.m Margsro* for siilnilcs nil to July 1, 1038. Following the nutting a roatit^ecf SATURDAY NUJIIT SPKCIAL. who prizes of $3 and two nccond prizes of ('huliug commercial law and su'roiul- J tion of an Italian-American Kcpuhll- and ailieh", solil at,. »n ! prices Sickles, all of Ited Hank. A motion wan ';nade to pay Mon- supper wan served utter which enter- :»M-y. A $U will bo nwnrded. Tho prize win- year atenugrapliy, Tht; irimitcr was ean club at llum:on. lit: ;IIM> t nit - c-prci.tlly Hi. ian n in.u'l There vviil itlsn tie a nhdWlllK of mouth county Vt.13il.7li, and Interest tainment WJIH provided by tho Te.n- Ipughcttf n la Murlo to hr Served by linpiiviMcd liy tho roHii]U[K)litjin ap- j noi'B will be announced hi the Bchooh< lined Huini* of tilt! bill;' nuw hefoiV MUinlM'r ol co I inn- Inns children's clothes by niiidnl.i from of $2(18.51 for 1IW-1 tuxes. Tliroti oth- nprfripf? Mounlainrem of Lonp Branch. I'ruprletorH ut tho Uncroft Inn. ' pejuam-o of" tho fthiili'»1.-i. Alniu.sL i an soon aa they' havo been awarded (lie leglsl;i( me. .-stnirk ill 1 -..ii.ii- alfalfa hay <»M ut f er llemn amounting to $129.51 with in- Other entertainment wna provided by Moat everyone liken .spaghetti, pro- Tony Hiintln;, 'M iljini-jn^ 'ichool. nnd tho prlze-wlnnlng ponterrt will every race, eolnr ami citi'tl WHS icp- j Sllir.n : tnn and terest of $31 were paid for taxes due ningeM and dancpiH. vided It 1B oooke.d right nnd served resented and all neemed to he en- j Ttie style show is open to tho In* ho displayed In nomn Ucd Hank right. Thin being the I-HHC there December 1!>, H'3-l, and $-1,2M).('I8 plus tcresled public nnd no upr-clnl lnvl# nloro no that tho public may urc .'ihould lio un exreplloniilly largo, groused in their -"tuillcn. Smne *if j Allendt'd Kcfrlm'intur l>is|ihi>. nil to ill,) llornes! ! Mr. move tal ion or .MMI ii neeiieil to hn n guent Intermit for buck school laxcn, clou- them. HIIIM-H! gathering fit tho Lineioft Inn next thcin cur in; from plnt'CH (|iiit(> ill i- Mr. nnd Mrs, II. S., McCm•mick it' ('ainplirll tin in tn Atlantic township, We invite your l (111 thl-l iieeasi.in. Ing »ll 19M back tux™. Wllu amount- cctinn of forty Saturdny night when the proprietors, tant from Red Hank. Tim range Urtl Hank attrnuVd n dlsplny ' when- he will engage hi poultry d tInn mulct! at tthhe EElly KKu- Danto nnd Muiie Duverio, will nerve of yearsi wan aliui reninrUtililc, ing to (-110.03 were ordered pnlrt 1 CooliUiiloi- ni r-c( null Honed ri'frigci farming, I If In now "on MIH. Kloru when funds were nvallable. Dunce ai Community Houm . iitnto Htabloii, Holmdol. They i with their compliment:) real Italian Notice. priced right and they nro In Hi: In addition to t)u> teachcru men- lorn Tuesday mill yes! er day at t Holme.'i's place am! thh will be oper- Tho Ciumnovlnn club will hold n Hpnghcttl with nu'itt Niiur.n a lu Bnliii Iny, Ii himiry 20, In tho luot unit eoloiM to milt any HPIMI or fancy. Miulc. tioned lh(M(! are thntr ollnr.'i wlinjn! Wiiklni-r-AHtnrlji hotel ut New Yoi ateil t lie L'oanii):' KcuMon hy Hculthnrpi* l!ui;iilii» for lililav nml Saturday. dnncn at (ho Klvor Plnza Commun- day you can et -O'.i. iiff on nil nur» A frotili ('onHlgninent of ntock In addition to thin npi-clii! Ireiit work l:i done, niiUidc of tin; ni}',ht with BlullH'tM of OlltlhlHHt. (-tia.seH of ii it'rwciir, lutttlpiy, Ul§ Ill Inch tahli! oilcloth 19c, clothen ity houao Saturday night, March LM, Mr, McCoiinlck IM aMiidclntcil celvt'd every WIH'U. Tlie mums old thoro will be dancing to (lit! utrahiH Mclionl. Tlioy vinit \ni UHIM lioineii Mini gloves, hai4'(ai4,, vvilHlmliln dlflMlllltf. ii.liild'ts Wlc, window nhnilea 2I>«, beginning at half-punt night o'clock Kly Kimruntei' nocii with pitch HUIC the Sea lloiird Ice compny in .'Ia/.da Inltbii Uie, bruonid 2!lc, toilet of liUkenVt celebrated orchestra in and j;lve lnntruction't(i pariMilii with nwiatein, rolinal , corrniln, foundntlonil Boden's orchestra will furnlHh munlr. ICvrry nnlinnl muni bt- an YoprcHont- mouth cminty ,'iaU'.'i]iiaim,;i'r l';( rat will (otfi relating lo ttm w^ldm* oi' eliil- bou^llt nnd ,'iold Hentalii. U(S will find it worth wlilk to make your There will bo no cover churgp,, no Aitvi'itimmonl. lump titiuden 19c. Latent numhoni in bo held ut tlio Community houmi next dion. Thetie, teachei'M nvo. Mt;i. Omee fll|;.-i toi KxrhaliKC, II White ntieet, 1 piirelmiu! now bororp tho buying rush minimum charge, no lint check ollvery . National Wednesday night. phone Ited llnnlt HIIK.-Advcrtlno- — »-,^..«»— — sheet imitilo. iiptrt In. Tho Wlllliim C. Ely ICfttato, charge. Juat romn mid niukn your- Cole, Mrn. Caroline Kultoii nnd MIH. ltcd Hank Iliiuer Stilclicn Uurgulnii for Ifrlrtny BJ«I Haturday, tm, 10c. nnd $1.00 Store. Phnnn 2080. Holmdel, N. J, Telephone Holnulcl 6\ Anna Kelly, IlllMlt, «elf nt home. Havo a real good time Jmiii'ii VVnlcutt nr Wlllinni iitiect is CIIVVHIIIUMI K»lbaH« 'n;i vanlzed pnlln 17c, whil" coffeo « Any ninlio denned, oiled nnd ml r Mr. llflin Jihnwrtl every eoui'toHV ...f-rloiuilv III. II" WIIH Hirlclien Sut- Hiiprmne. I'Honn Hcri Hank ;il»7. i for 1 Tln> Heil Il.'ink Itchier ti'JiVnl« fM), mhil'ii h(iim (ic pulr, I'ymx cii»ti Ono ol tbo <|iilckrat wnyn to find « Justed, neiw rollci Included. $3 7.'). Never Ili'fnrp, 1 lift 11 Se. trtiprviitlon to mnUe mire i»f being and c( m Hide nit Ion (<• tiin irpurtt'i urday as he wn» pii-piirlni: In i:n I" (tvei I'VI'I v iMn*r 1 in hiwii and uvm y cups 4c each VVInthrop floor III) tob In to advcrllno In Tho linglo Adding machines reixtlnul. Buiinrlor Never »k Wo f"i good iicrunimndated- Irfito cometM hint vli'ltor In conducting him tliroiiKh wink it I JehlluiU!i';i liaUc*V at Atlan- i o.ul iii tins ciiunty. lirt It curiy your um 5U(!B(inii« y»id, Ki«» f t«r'» Want DopurtmonW-Artvcrtliift- Typowrlter Bervlca, Koyportt, N. J., Hntuirtny. K«yn, 41 Droad etreat — Haturday night worn unnbln to tho night ochoul. With pfti-Oonabln tic, lllKhlnmln. Ho in ir|»'il''(l ua mivH:umn to t.hoNn wliu IIvo oti Nutle.nnl to, ' 10a nnrt »l,00 pnun« «S<.—AdvorUnemeat, Advertisement," went. nt ' choice locaUonn^—Advertlncment. piida Jlo pointed out a number oC Bt«adlly. improvlnc tills niornlnK. thuroughlarofl,—AilvtuUnomonU {•bout aoau.-Auv«rtu«ni«iiu Fourteen RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 27,1936. Peace Movement Y. M. C. A. Secretary' Anniversary For Handicraft Class Pancake Luncheon Little Silver Woman Red Bank High Members Are Guests Firemen's Ball Group Formed Speaks At Temple Red Bank Couple And Bridge Party Has 86th Birthday Boxing Tourney Glen P. Wtohard, executive secre Mrs. Herman Asendorf of Hubbard Mrs. Josephine Curtis of UtUe Sil- Attended By 300 tary of the Y, M. C. A., was the prln Mr. and Mra. John Galatro of Purk entertained members of, the A Very Successful Double Event ver celebrated her 86th birthday yes- School Athletic Director Willard Here Monday clpal speaker Sunday night at a union handicraft class of Red Bank Wom- 1 terday. A dinner party waa held at Sheriff George H. Roberts Win* church service in observance c Washington Street Surprised an's club last Thursday afternoon at Held by the Woman . Guild seven o'clock with all her children Rinehart Hope* to Have Box- Door Prke of Cordial Set Sat- Nearby Localities to Have Own brotherhood day at Temple B'nal 1- on Silver Wedding Anniver- her home. The next meeting will of Trinity Church at the Par-and their families present She la ing and Wreitling at School urday Night at Elk* Club- reel. One of the frueata was Rev. P. sary—Only Forty Years Old. bo held In the clubhouse, on Broad i»h House. tho mother of eight children, Mrs. Within Two Weeki. Chairman to Form Smaller C. Schroeder of Fort Monmouth, street with Mrs. H. R. Weilbacher, William H. Borden and Mrs. William Walter A. Hamilton Chairman Mrs. Waiter Bruycro and Mrs. Cor- Groups in Their Home Dis- captain of the army chaplain corps. The parish house of Trinity church H, Pope of Red Bank; Mrs. Joseph Music for the service was in charge Mr. and Mrs. John Galatro of nelius Aller as hostesses. C. Fisher, Joseph E. Curti* and Rob- Plans are already underway for The eleventh annual firemen's ball Washington street were tendered a Attending last week's session were of Red Bank wan thronged with a ert A. Curtis of Little Silver; Frank tho 1938 boxing and wrestling tour- tricts. of Miss Eetelle Hosln. The program largo gathering Tuesday afternoon held Saturday night at the Elks club appears In the first section of this is- surprise anniversary party Saturday Mrs. Weilbacher, Mrs. Aller, Mrs. W, Curtis of New York, Mrs. Charlea naments, which in th» past two was one of the moat successful ever sue. night by their children In celebra- Bruyere, Mrs. Vernon W. Rose, Mrs. when a pancake luncheon and bridge K. Kuppler of Brooklyn and Horace years, have proved successful at Red held by the executive council of tho An informal meeting was held party was held by the Woman's Bank high school. Mri Wishard In his address said tion of their silver wedding annivers- Walter MacDougnl, Mra. Thomas Curtis of Chappaqua, New York. She are department. Walter A. Hamil- Monday night at the Bed Bank Elks Voorhis, Mrs. Mart Havlland, Mrs. guild of the church. Tho luncheon club by a group of people Interested that we must work for brotherhood ary. also haa two brothers, George W, The tournament will be under the ton of Union Hose company, general The home was attractively deco- I-.ymnn Vanlnwegen, Mrs. Hosca was largely patronized 'by business Ijongotroct of Rumaon, and Frank supervision of Willard Hinehart, di- chairman, oxpects returns from all In starting a peace movement In this first in the realm of religion. Lack men and women who did not par- of brotherhood Is understandable rated in'silver and blue crepe paper Cliark, Mrs. C. M. Helm, Mra. G. A. Lcngstrect of Bermuda. <. rector of athletics at the high school, tloketg this week to enable him to vicinity. The meeting was attended Boatty, .Mrs. Horace G. Fowler and ticipate In the games. The double make a complete report at tho next by about fifty persons and was ad- among athlests and materialists but with a large 25 outlined with crepe j Mrs. Curtis received many cards, and William G. Sherwood, basketball not among theiats, ho said. Since paper on one of the walls. A six-piece Frank Warner. event was successful beyond the ex- bouquets and useful gifts. Relatives coach. Rinehart stated yesterday mooting of tho council, dressed by Glenn P. Wlshard, execu- pectations of the committee which tive secretary of the Red Bank Y. M. thelsts believe in God, the father of orchestra played for dancing. After nd friends within a radius of oev- that he hopod tho tournament would Tho auditorium was decorated In all men, it follows that all men are the couple had entered they un- managed it. Small cactus plants in|eral miles of her home called during get underway In about two weeks. lte and bluo ln C. A., and Warren Healy of the Na- green pots were given as prizes. ui. T» u. accordance tional Council for Prevention of War. brothers and should be treated aa wrapped the many beautiful and use- Riverview Group ] the day to offqr. their congratula- Entries have been coming in slowly, with Washington's birthday, and fa- The committee comprised Mrs. tions. Others present at the party The purpose of the movement is to such. Even though many men do ful gifts received from many of their but It is expected that mora will vors and noise makers wore dletrib- not acknowledge the Fatherhood of friends and relatives. Later Harrison Bance, Mrs. W. R. John- were George Longstreet and family sign up each day. Forty entries are utod by the committee, which ex- aroiiae interest In the cause of peace Has Fashion Show sbn, Mrs. William Patterson, Mrs. of Rumson, Mr. and Mrs. M. Van- through the distribution of Informa- iod etlll that does not relieve any were sung and dancing enjoyed. A hoped for In each tournament. tended the closing time an hour up- man of faith from the responsibly large cake decorated the table. A Ralph Slckcla, Mrs. F. W. Opper, Buren Smock, Mrs. Margaret Ma- on tho request of the guestB. Torn tive literature concerning the foreign lone and Mins Anna Malone of Red policies of this and other nations and ity of treating such prodigals a: buffet supper was served. Show and Bridge Tea Attended Mrs. Frank Haviland, Mrs. Thomas Hackett's orchestra played for danc- brothers. Paul, Mrs. Alan Frost, Mi's. Ormond Bank, and Miss Margaret Woolley of ing. to demand action from our national Mr. and Mrs. Galatro were mar- by More Than 275 Persont- Little Silver. senators,and congressmen to prevent Mlnton, Mrs. William Llpplncott, A door prize of a cordial sot do- ried at Bayonne and moved here 61 Tables of Bridge in Play— nated by Reussllle's, was won by war. following their marriage. Both were Miss Marguerite Planltz, Mrs. James t $180 Cleared. Hunter, Mrs. Horton Garrison, Mrs. Sheriff George H. Roberts, holder of On motion by George Ford Morris educated In Europe and came here . Verifies Ruling On the lucky number 2. of Shrewsbury and unanimously car- Fred Munden. Mrs. Mart Haviland, when children. Mr. Galatro. who : Mr. Hamilton's assistants wero ried, It was decided that each person has been running the produce mar-1 More than 275 persons attended Mrs. James R. Wolcott, Mrs. Wil- Gasoline Tax Rebates present pledge their support of the liam Longstreet, Mrs. O. F. Stryker. George Moody of Relief Engine com- Ket on Wharf avenue for the past the fashion show and bridge tea held pany, Jerry McConvoy of Independ- movement by subscribing for at least fourteen years, came to Red Bank , l uesduy afternoon at the Mojly Mrs. Benjamin Covert, Mrs. A. H. Barrow, Mrs. H. F. Bartlett, Mra. Joseph McLaughlin, director of tho ent Engine company, Reginald Van- one Peace bond. The Peace bonds at the age of eleven. For three years Pitcher hotel by the Red Bank auxil- division of motor fuels of the state ol Jay Williams, Mrs. Walter Bruyere, Brunt of Hook nnd Ladder, Fred sell for $1 each, thirty cents of which previous to opening his market oil . ""Y Riverview hospital. It is tax department, in a letter received serves as a subscription to a month- Mrs. J. O. Davis and Miss Dorothy Wllman of Liberty Hoso company Wharf avenue he waa located near thought that the affair will bring In by Martin Wlgdortz of Drummond j Kenneth Woodward of Westslda ly magazine entitled "Peace Action," proceeds amounting to about $180. Brown. the Red Bank railroad station. Mr: m. , , , , ,, -, tplace, states that Monmouth county Hose company and Daniel Hopkins, a news bulletin published in Wash- The Town and Country shop of Galatro was formerly from Bayonne. Those who played bridge were Mr. JarmerB whose appIlcatlon8 for gaP Jr., of Union H,ose company. ington by tho National Council for Red Bank staged the fashion show Mabel F.. Young Mrs. B. W. Covert. re rejecteiject d on tin Prevention of War. Forty cents of Mrs. Galatro wag married at the ta][ rcfunds we ago of fifteen and Mr. Galatro ai with the Spanish Beauty salon fur- Mrs. Warren Bookwalter, Mrs. Frank grounds that they were filed nfter each dollar subscribed may be des- nishing the hair dressing for all mod- fourteen. They have six children S, Haviland, Miss Adelaide Gerbrach tno expiration of the time limit al- ignated for any peace' organization els taking part. Miss Viola Pinga- Seven Cars Figure Marlon, John, Prances, Peter, VVil Miss Minnie Conners, Mrs. Clark. ; iowed by law wln be granted exten- desired, and It was recommended at tore of the Beauty salon was behind Mrs. J. H. White, Mrs. Harold Rid- j applications for such are the meeting that those present dee- liam and Annette. Mrs. Galatro's stage resetting and fixing the models' alon 3 if In Three Accidents die, Mrs. Lester Sherman, Mrs. R. ' mnde to tho director. This verifies lgnate the forty cents -for support of parents Mr. and Mrs. Peter DeLucn, ha,r betwcen shows __ of Herbert street, and her grand- , A. Cooper, Mrs. J. H. Taylor, Mr3. the oral statement to this effect made the local movement to take care of shubert 0 New York announced the Thomas Paul, Mrs. Ray Cole, Mra. by Commissioner J. Thayer'Martin Seven cars figured in thrco nuto- current expenses of mailing liter- mother, Mrs. Frances Galatro of 3fiow mobllo accidents Sunday afternoon E. H. Scattcrgood, Mrs. J. F. See- last week. ature,* etc. The balance is given to Staten Island, are still living. The Sport sulta afternoon wear and land, Mrs. W. Helm, Mrs. H. Bene- on Broad street, Shrewsbury. Police the National Council for Prevention grandmother was unable to attend, evening attire were featured. The dict, Mrs. W. C. Longstreet, Mrs. T. Officer, Otto Herdon attributed tho of War for overhead charges of print- the party due to illness, but wired outstanding fentura of the show .» Slattery Honored Ey accidents to riding at a high rate of ing, mailing, etc. Meade, Mrs. O. Phillips, Mrs. G. speed on tho slippery streets. These best regards on their anniversary. I worn by Mrs. Joseph C. Williams, Gramman, Mrs. H. B. Sickels, Mrs. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. are tho first accidents of any im- : who wore one of the latest gun club F. S. Curtis, Mrs. George Voorhis, State Mail Carriers It is aimed to form small groups J Pctor DeLuca and family, Mr. and check suits and "Rose of the Ran- WILLARD RINEHART portance that Officer Hcrden has re- In each vicinity to interest the | Mrs. Frank Galatro and family, Mr Mrs. William Gaughan, Mrs. C. A. ported. cho" hat. A soft gray shirt with red Thompson, Mrs. Arthur C. Swift, Arthur E. Slattery of Broad street, friends of peace and temporary chair- j and Mrs. James Galatro and family, accessories was another outstanding The tornaments wero started two Tho flrBt accident occurred when men were elected for the various lo- j Mrs. E. F. Brooks, Miss Marguerite an employee of the Red Bank post- Mr. and Mrs. Daverio Garbarlni, Mr. feature of the sporta wear. The af- office, .was named to the executive years ago by the two coaches under tho car of James V. Gallagher, Jr., of calltlea. They are Joseph Becker, | and Mrs. Patrick Carlucci, Mr. and , ternoon suits had loose, flowing coats Planitz, Mrs. J. Lee Bnrlght, Mrs. the supervision of what was then Neptune, was struck on Broad street Red Bank; Mrs. Harold Johnson, Fair g Walter French, Mrs. Horton Garri- board of the New Jersey State As- called tho Varsity R club. The first by anothor driven by Robert Butch- Mrs. Carmen Barasso and family. of longer lengtha than the sport sociation of Letter Carriers at Its an- Haven; Mrs. Paul Axtell, Middle- GLENN P. WISHARD Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Natale, Mr. son, Mrs. Edward Magee, Mrs. James year It proved such a success that er of Manasquan. Lnter that after- town; Mrs. Harold Clark. Riraaon; ' suits. R. Wolcott, Jr., Mrs. Stanley Havl- nual meeting Sunday at ABbury and Mrs. John Layton, Mr. and Mrs, Mrs. J. Daniel Tuller modeled an the coaches thought they would eot noon tho cars of John H. Bishop of Mrs. Morgan Knapp, Shrewsbury; Thero is another even stronger land, Mrs. Harry Thelsmeyer, Mrs. Park. Mr. Slattery eucceeds William up a ring, and with tho assistance Point Plcnsant, Gcorgo A. Rcllly of Anthony Biacamano, Mr. and Mrs.' original 1910 costume of gray taffeta A. Ehrlg of Aabury Park. Herbert Gaskill, Oceanport; Edward reason why all theists should stand Nicholas Pizzo, Mr. and Mrs. Felix ' striped in green that had, been part Watson Wetherbie, Mrs. William of tho board of education purchased Newark and Harold Whittle of An- Barlow, Little Silver, and Mrs. Anna together and that is because they all, Trlzza, Mr. and Mrs. Donato Annese, I of her trousseau. She also wore her Curchln, Mrs. Chris Berge, Mrs. The session was addressed by Gov- a full-sized ring. Last year's gate re- bury Park collided at tho intersec- Morford, River Plaza. ernor Harold G. Hoffman. Judgo J. Jewish, Catholic, and Protestant wedding gown, which was of white Charles English, Mrs. Robert Dean, ceipts paid off a debt to the board tion of Broad street nnd Sycamoro The group voted to ndopt the name I alike, face a common foe, atheism; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Saggese, Mr. and Mrs. William. Armstrong, Mrs. C. W. Edwnrd KnlRht. was toastmnster. The of education, and this year's profits avenue, after Bishop had attempted Mrs. Anthony Talarico, Mr. and Mrs ilk, trimmed with lace and satin. officers of the association were re- of "Peace Action Movement-Red they face a common danger, the se- Mrs. Tuller also figured in the mod- Humphreys, Mrs. Ed Vomsteeg, Mrs. will bo used to carry on school ath- a right hand turn off Broad street. Bank Region." The next meeting cularlzation of all of life. The thelsta Jacob Bloom, Mr. and Mrs.' Alberl J. A. Kennedy, Mrs. J. C. Muller, olcctcd. letics. Fifteen minutes later a car driven Bloom, Mr. and Mrs. Schessane and eling of afternoon and evening will be held at the Molly Pitcher ho- :an .not afford to weaken themselves gowns. Mrs. Nina Dey, Mrs. R. Fields, Mrs. Both tho wrestlers and boxers will by Charles H. Mulford of White tel on Tuesday evening, March 3, at by quarreling with each other. They family, Mrs. Thomas Cleary, An- F. Opper, Mrs. H. L. Renne, Mrs. SHOWS NATURE SCENES. Horse plko skidded while trying to thony GalatrQ and family, Misies Mrs. Neal Aller in her feature be classed according to their weight. eight,o'clock. All Interested In pro- must present common and united showed a pink brocade dress over Allan Frost, Mrs. C. E. Bremer and Male faculty members or outside make a right hand turn nnd was moting the cause of peace are cor- front to all those forces which tend Anna and Angle Garutto, Lucy Zi Mrs. Edwin S. Close. Harry Y. Smith Entertains With Mo- run Into by James G. Pappas of East poro and Marie Costello and one hundred years old and also a prominent sport fans will act as dially Invited to attend. destroy belief in spiritual forces, lace evening gown worn by her tion Pictures at Llncroft. judges. The referee as yet haa not Orange. No one was Injured. belief in God, Clemente Mazza, Leo LaBionda, Roc- co Zipbro, Albert Fazzone, Irving grandmother at a Colonial ball at DOUBLE CELEBRATION. Harry Y. Smith of Red Bank en- been selected. We must strive for brotherhood Lcvlnsky, William ' Bloom, Harry West Point. Other models included tertained guests of the Llncroft Inn Among those who already have BIRTHS AT RIVERVIEW, Local Dentist To not only among various religious Lake, Joseph Tober, Victor Costello, Mrs. Ronald Mulliken, Mrs. Joseph Friends RrlnS Cheer to Home of Tuesday night by showing several signed up for boxing are Ray Clark, [roups but among the different racoo TooUe Fantona and William Can- Laird, 3rd, Mrs. John Elliott, Mrs. Sick Woman on Her Birthday. reels of nature pictures. The exhi- Benny Nicosia, Pete MacDonald, Two Girls and a Boy See First tight Take Extra Course of the world. Friendship with mem- O. M. Succop, Mrs. F. A, Hoadley and bition was given In behalf of Dante Ralph Schwartz, James Bennett, of Day at Red Bank Hospital. navo, all of Red Bank, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Maurice Earle, and they showed Although born on -, Washington's bers of other races expands and en- William Krome and children of Daverto, the proprietor, who Is prob- Larry Holmes, Carley Garofola, Joe riches one's life. It would be a dull evening gowns of the ever-popular birthday, but having been suffering Allen, Emerson Williams, Slguard Children were born to threo local Dr. Douglas A. Edwards of Mon- Fort Monmouth, Mr. and Mrs. John ably one of the beet out-door sports- families this week at Riverview hoB- mouth street has enrolled in & class and coloress world were all men the lane, simply styled. from heart troiible ..for two years, men In this section, Thompson, Marston Shearer, Art same color, and the same race. There DeLuca, Mr. p and Mrs. Peter Cam- Mrs. William D. Layton, Sr., of pltal. Tho mothers and babies are that will take a post graduate course marano and family, Ray Suzzo and Mrs. C. V. B. Cushman waa the Mr. Smith, who Is connected with Cummins, Emillo Summonte, Um- is richness in variety. Each'race has winner of the five dollars disposed of Shrewsbury, had no special reason berto DeGano, Caesar Marshall, doing well. in oral eurgery offered by the post the State Fish and Game commis- Mrs. Frank Warner, Jr., of Broai graduate committee of the Medical something unique to contribute to Robert Blalsdell, all of Long Branch, [ on the co-operative plan. for rejoicing on Saturday. Neverthe- George Wilde and ErneBt Krahnert. the whole of life. and Anthony Galatro of Staten Is- sion, exhibited pictures pertaining to street, formerly Miss Helen Massey, Center at Jersey City. The courje Following the show 61 tables of less, her friends didn't forget, and a animal life In Yellowstone Park, the Those who have registered for Mr. Wlshard said that the most en- land. bridge were in play. Prizes were surprise party was arranged by Mlas wrestling Include Jack Morrow, Lar- gave birth to a con yesterday morn- covers a ^period of eight weeks, and mackerel industry and the ing, Mrs. William Schultz of West consists of 62 hours of intensive larging, enriching experiences of his awarded at each table, after which Doris Applegate of Avon. ry Holmes, Jack McHugh, Vincent tea was served; habits of tho raccoon and beaver. Front streot gave birth to a daugh- study of lectures and actual oper- life had been his. intimate contacts The gueste arrived In couples to There was also a short reel showing Sovlero, Harold pollacek, Peto Ga- with young men of many different Braillists Meet At create the least possible excitement, latro, Tom McKnlght and Irving ter, born yesterday morning, an* ations. scenes In the deer hunting district Mrs. Saverlo PelUBO of Herbert street races—Tamils, Telegus, Bengalis, and did their best to brighten the oc- of South Jersey. Levlnsky. The earlier days of dental history Punjabis, Burmans, Slngalese, and Red Bank Residence Luncheon Given gave birth to a daughter Tuesday- offered iew opportunities for in- casion. The house was decorated In Those who were fortunate enough morning. other races of India. He said that red, white and blue, and favors struction of a special character. Or- h to see the pictures gave Mr. Smith the place ho cnjoye"d most visiting More than fifty persons engaged In At Woman's Club wore distributed. Refreshments wero Auto Slddg Into Hydrant. ganized denlBtry has been the chief was International House in New Braille work in Monmouth county much praise, not only for his connec- Issues Rummy Challenge. factor in affording opportunities served from a decorated table, the tion with tha preservation of game An automobile, owned and driven York city, where students of every and their friends attended a tea • The hospitality committee of the centerpiece for which was a large by Stephen Itrl of Allen place, Irving Targone, manager of tho such as those now being offered la color and race gather. There, ho so- but also for the manner in which he the Jersey City medical center under given Monday afternoon at the home Red Bank Woman's club gave a birthday cake. sklddod Into a fire hydrant Thursday fruit department in the Crown Mar- cial lines are drawn, no racial pre- of Mrs. H. D. Wright of Broad luncheon Monday in the clubhouse described the pictures w,hcn they municipal supervision. Various gameB were played, and the were being shown on the screen. morning near Borden's garage on ket on Broad street, having played judice exists. street, chairman of county Braille on Broad street. Miss Elizabeth games and winners were pinochle, River road, Rumson. Mr. Itrl agreed and' defeated all rummy players at Dr. Edwards, a native son of Mon- work. Scowcroft was chairman of the com- mouth county, is a member of the , The third realm where we must William D. Layton, Sr., five-hundred, Boys can make extra pocket money to pay for the damage to tho hydrant, the market, hao issued a challenge t» work to create the spirit of brother- Mrs. J. A. - Mohn of Long Branch mittee in charge, which consisted of Sherman Applegate, bunco, Jesse lelling The Register.—Advertisement and no charges were made. all rummy players in thlB vicinity. Monmouth county dental association, and Mrs J J the New Jersey state dental associ- hood is among the nations. Here un- ] - - - Mattenlee poured. The Mrs. Myron V. Brown, Mrs. A. M. Leighton, and monopoly, Mrs. Paul deretandlng and good will is not just! dining table was adorned with a sll- VanNostrand, Mrs. Arthur Baker, Reynolds. ation and the American dental asso- ver ciation. He is also a member of the desirable—it is an absolute necessity. | bowl containing American Beau- Mrs. Walter Bruyere, Mrs. W. C. Van- Others present -wore Mrs. Jeeso membership committee of the state Modern inventions have made the ty roses. Upon each side were silver Horn, Mrs. H. R. Weilbacher and Leighton and aon, Paul Reynolds and organization as well as the member- world a neighborhood. It now te- candle holders with tall white tapers. Mrs. Wellington Wilkins. aon, and Miss Pegsry McDonough of ship committee of the county associ- mains for men of good will to make Mrs. A. V. Taylor, chairman of Those present were Mrs. Frank Red Bank; Mr. and Mrs. Theodore ation. He haB taken an active inter- it a brotherhood. We now live so Braille work in Essex county and Kuhl, Mrs. A. F. Neilson, Mrs. Irv- Schenck of Freehold, Mrs. Ella Drum All Sizes est in affairs of his chosen profession. close together, and we have developed instructor of a class that launched ing Dorcmus, Mrs. George Conrad, and son Albert of Middletown, Mr. such efficient machines for destroy- the work in this county, came to Mrs. John Milan, Mrs. Howard G. and Mrs. Sherman Applegate of Nep- ing each other that we must develop Red Bank to greet her pupils, one Higginson, Mrs. Louis Gartz, Mrs. N. tune City, Mr. and Mrs. George Pit- Fowl Four Injured the skill to live at peace with each of whom was the hostess. K. Vanderbeek, Mrs. J. W. Stewart, man and Frank Applegate of Avon, other or we shall destroy ourselves, Mrs. John Knodel, Mrs. Vincent and Mr. and Mrs. femil Jepson of Fancy Young Tom and our boosted civilization by sui- Mrs. M. J. Connelly of Portaupeck demonstrated the operation of the Fin.in, Mrs. John Mulvihlll, Mrs. J. Perth Amboy. Top Round Steak 27?b When Cars Crash cidal war. It is utterly Impossible W. Ivins, Mrs. Werner Benning, Mrs. for the United States to pursuo a Braille typewriter. All of the work done for the blind William Penn Strode, Mrs, Thomas SURPRISED ON BIHTHDAY. TURKEYS Cars driven by William B. Conover policy of Isolation, of aloofness from Is voluntary, there being no salaries Voorhis, Mrs. R. A. Walker, Mrs. Bottom Round Roast (IS to 15-H>. average) Ib of Middletown and Jamea J. Hogan the rest of the world unless we can Harrison Bance, Mrs. Walter Mc- go back to the days of the ealling for the workers. Enthusiasm for Mlilnffd Aumack, ST., of Marlon Street of Red Bank collided Sunday morn- Dougal, Mrs. G. A. Beatty, Mrs. Sam- Honored By Bowling Club. ing on the Red Bank-Llncroft road, a ship and the stage coach. helping the sightless has spread uel Yates, Mrs. J. R. Morris, Mrs. short distance west of the Half-Mile The last realm in which we must through the county and there are Kan Eduardc, Mrs. Joseph McLean, Millard F. Aumack, Sr., of the Jer- SPRING LAMB! road. Mr. Conover and another og- now 63 pupils and six instructors, Mm. Blanche Melville, Mrs. Frank sey Central Power & Light company, work for brotherhood is among the Plans for benefit bridge to.be cupant of his car, Mrs. Francis Ha- various economi...... c uuu „ u..,,u..fi luC| pians for a benefit bridge to.be anter, Mrs. Lyman Vanlnwego,n, was given a surprise birthday party Rib Chops 23J, vens of Red Bank are in Rlvervlew the "haves" animid c classes, between ; hcid hy the Monmouthth countco y Braille Mrs. Herman Asendorf, Mrs. Frank Monday night by members of tho LEGS 3d the "have-nots," be- lme in MaMayy wore made. hospital. Mr, Conover ha3 a com- tween the over-privileged and tho un- t group somot Curtis, Mrs. A. F. Llndenstruth, Mrs. company's bowling club at his home pound fracture of the right leg and Horace G. Fowler, Mrs. Hosea Chark, on Marlon street. Mr. Aumack, who der-privileged. Heie in recent yearn BREAST 10S, lacerations of the right wrist, and Mrs. Archie Mosby, Mrs. Ada Nafew Is a member of the club, received a Loin Chops 25Ib friction and hatreds had increased Mrs. Havens has a dislocated right rather than lessened. Many felt that Bean Contest To and Mrs. John L. Hubbard. smoking stand from the club, and hip and faco lacerationns. They were racial and national hatreds wero at • ' ^ , m was tho recipient of a number of oth- Frankfurters 25c Ib. Boneless Rump Corned Beef 27c ft. brought to the hospital in tho Red bottom due to economic conflicts. End on March 7 er useful gifts. Monopoly and brldgo Sliced Bacon V -ft.pkg. 18c Bank ambulance. RUMSON ALt'MM DANCE. HSauer"Kraut 3 tbs. 10c 2 Therefore the road to brotherhood were played, and singing and danc- Smoked Cali Hams 19c ft. Riding with Mr. Hogan were Wil- lies along the road of,social and eco- The bean-guessing contest at the ing Wero enjoyed. Refreshments Smoked ^Tongue 25c ft. liam Clalr of Shrewsbury and Wil- nomic justice for. nil. Talk of broth- Jirge Gathering Attends First So- wore served. Monmouth waiting room on East cuil Function of New Organization. liam Clare and Arthur Payne of erhood on any other basis waa a Front street, conducted by Charles Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Lenten Food Specials! Brooklyn. Mr. Hogan suffered an in- waste of time and effort. Cohen, which was to have ended last The organization of a Rumson Russell Hagerman, Mr. and Mre. jury to his knee and cuts on the nose This economic justice will riot just Saturday, ha« been extended until alumni group was a success Satur- Charles Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Pork & Beans 3 cans 17c and chin. William Clare of Brook- Codfish 2 tins 25c happen. We shall have to labor for Saturday, March 7. The extension day when the sponsors held their Frank Lovcrsldge, Mr. and Mrs. (Campbell's) lyn was cut on the nose. After re- it, vote for it, sncritlee for it, uR was decided upon In ordertoglve pa- first social get-together at tho new Charles LaMaistre, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gorton's—Ready-to-Fry ceiving medical treatment ai^ the Cheese, Borden's 2 >/ -ft. pkgs. 33c tate for it, We middle clans people trons who wcro unable to get to the Rumson high school auditorium. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jeffrey Crab Meat !/ -ft. tin 25c 2 Rlvorvlcw hoapltul they were ' re- will have to identify ouri^lvo.s with store because of bad weather con- More than 150 persons danced to tho and daughter Marjorle, Mr. and Mrs. 2 Pancake Flour pkg. 10c leased. The other two were bruised! the under-dofj. Then we shall have ditions a chance lo view the beans music of Allan It. Wolley'a orchestra. Harry Aumack, Mr. and Mrs. Millard Herrings 1-ft.tin 23c but medical treatment was not neces- nnd hazard a Rllcsw as to the num. Proceeds will be used for furnishing F. Aumack, Sr., and Millard Aumack, (Aunt Jemima) sary. renl brotherhood, what the famous (Marshall'*) Kippered) Peaches in Africa, Dr. Schweitzer her Jn tho window. Four prizes wifl ~ cafeteria In the school. ,Ir., oil of Red Bank, Miss Dorothy Chocolate, Baker's ....VSs-tb.bar 14c 2 large cans 25c Both cars were wrecked and were calls, "the fellowship of thran who he awarded. Tho first will be four Entertainment was furnished by Zlcglcr of Rumflon, nnd Mr. and Mrs. i (Iruvorlte) towed to Qulnn'e garage, at Red bear the marlitj of pain" quarts of Dolly Madison len crenm. Misses Helen and Marlon Pilling, Wilbur McConnell of Kcansburg. Martini (Butter Crackers) .. 14c ft. Pears Bank. State police of Kcyport Inves- In conclusion Mr Wishurd ad- Second prize will be three quarts, who rendered piano and violin selcc- 2 large cans 37c tigated. third pike two quarts and four:!1 tion.i. Miss Peggy Rankln gave a Sardines, Imported 10c can mitted that what lm pleaded for, Ibis rABENT-TEACIIEB MEETING. (Favorite—Bartlett) enlnrgpniflril an.I docpeninK brother- prize one quart, Tho namex of the tup dnnne, nnd Ernest Grlllithii nnd hood between raoi-s, Tuitions, clmtscH winners will be posted In tho window Harold Kcrr entertained with nnngsg . To Address IlotarlaiiH. nnd will he uiimmnccd In The Reg. Arthur Kcir cted t f A Talk on Education In by Country Roll BUTTER Tile speaker at today's meeting of and rellKioiiH, in.nht be culled cted nil mnntcr of cern- Mrs. Augo Mclaoii. drenmi!, vinlon«; but if «jo they arc ialer. monle.i. tho Red Bank Rotary club will be Tho regular meeting of tho River Rev. F. Russell Purdy, pastor of the God's dreamy and Fresh Sea Food Daily During Lent! "Because they arc Ood";i drfiatMK, r.aiA.KOK DI;AN TO HI-KAK. Plaza Parent-Teacher association First Baptlot church of Asbury Park. HOSPITAL I'ATIKNTS. wan held on Tuesday afternoon with Fresh Fillet Smoked Fillet He cornea to Red Bank at the invi- Afl God liven they nhall come true." 1 Bonton Largo I'TA Foiindere Dny l'roKram in tho preHldent, Mra. George R. Decker, HADDOCK tation of Dr. Samuel W. Hauiman MAOKICHKIi HADDOCK SMELTS 32!,. Louis l.oiiR«trc«.t of Worthlry Street •'"•'lor High Auditorium Tonight. prcnldlng. Mm. Charles Meeker, aeo- 11 Ib 25:, and Thorana W. Head, representing Suffering from Pneiunui'iln. n;taiy. gave her roport. Mrs. Hornco the International committee of tho Neighborhood Garden Thn Mechanic utiniit I'arcnt-Teach- Young reported $7.10 profit from a club. Ho will talk on "Intorcatinn Loilln Longiilreet of Wollhlcy cr a.f.'iocMatkin will iirciicnt a I''i>und- Fresh Fruits & Vegetables! street was admitted lit RlverviiiW card party held for tho benefit of the Sidelights on the Ethiopian situ- Club Holds Meeting i' I'nv progrnin tonight |n thn Jun- Cafeteria Fund. 4 for *0o WHITK - YELLOW 8QUAHH 3 Itw. 2«0 atlon." hospital Friday suffer fr ior high mihnul nurlltiirlum, Thn pro- AKTIC'HOKICS . Irnnnla. Mra. Hudo Iiur.illu of Sliri.wii. An article on "Founders Day" writ- LIMA DEANH . * lbs. *6o 8WEKT POTATOES * N>«- Wo Tho talk laat week by Albert D. A* meeting of thn Neighborhood Kiam in In chargn of MrH. Irving fur OHANOICB — 33c dew. Unrdon clul) wi)n held Monday after- bury avenue win ail.nltlnil flu a incd- DoiiTnuii, whf> IH lining ten by Mr«. Lydla Hhafor woo read. OAIIHOTS Large bunches Hermann of Mllltown, clerk of tho by The principal upeoker wan Mrs. Aago (Natural Color, Trco Illucncd) board of iiardons of New Jcrflpy, was noon nt the homo of Mrs. Jdiinph K Iciil imtlnnl Monday, an win Kdwanl Mm. Hubert (;. lirown. IIKETM -3 19° Honlgman of Ilcrgon iiliicn. A . . lrord of Long Hrnnoh Tumidny night. Nollaon, who gave a talk on "EEd NEW POTATOK8 S lh«. !So OKArKFUUlT, Scedlpss -4 for 28o most Interesting. lie gave a very K( n Dr. Maijurli. Hnnkln of Mur milh ALLIOATOIl FKAKB 23o each oral discussion on nnnmihi wan held. Mm. Clhnon Veimblo of Under .Tunli.i- cullogi. will he gin-si, x Itlon In Norway." Mlua Hnrrlot Wool WHITK BOILING ONIONS 3 Ibl. Bo clear drncrlptlnn of thn work of the cr „_» hendi lBo COOKING APPLES 5 Inn. Mo court and the ntute's parole nyntimi. A paper, prepared by Turner broth- nlnci", Mm. Kdwurd CuvnnniiKh of HetrcHhineriiB will bo ncrvtd. ' of Hhrewnbury Rave two recitations BOSTON ICEBERG LKTTUOB . ers of I^inj; Ilrnmih, wnn rend. Ko- Oakland ntront nml NIci.lriH Karolimn. entitled "Huylng Her Husband a frciihmcnta were nerved nfler tho Kim of Kair ,Hnvnn havo been ad- Ulrthdny I'rwicnt" null "A Cjulet Thursday, Friday and Saturday Specials Card Inrty Tonight. meeting. mlttcd n,i BUiRlrul pntlents. Chut." Thonci prenont wero Mm, Henry Mr. nnd Mm. A. II, Went of Wunh- All Interested parents nro Invltod Tho ladles' auxiliary of the Handy Ingior Hook bay post of thit Amnrlcnn Cole, Minn Marlon Forro, Mm. Julin havij thn to a child ntudy K'oup mooting to Phone Legion will hold a card party to- Osborno, Mm. John Warren, Mra. Two Iuii,i,.rw („ IHOVO. niiKuKninnnt of their iliiUKht«r, Mlm ho held lit thn homn of Mm, Harry Free Walter (iuplll, Mm. Herman Aapn- Iluchpl Moll WfiDt, t(i WHnnn T. Me»- (liMtiunl 'it Went Front utreot, River OWLER' 3334 night In JohnKon'it restaurant at At- The Cluule,, E. Conover farm rinar llorf, Mix. I.C011 Conrnw, Mm. Allied uliir, Jr., son of Wurriwi T. Mostlur I'law, next Wednesday; afternoon at lantic Highlands. Mrs. Rohnrt Han Wl.ki.lunk will |,0 operated the cirri- Delivery field and Mm, Orandln J. ChApmnn and Mrs. IlnmiUnn tl. Ing Hoason by Aiuitln Wilson of of Hhriiwiiliiiry. No .Into |,ta lice.i holf-imut two o'clock. 3335 DatUn. Jiininnbuix John Molrui, who him net for -the wedding. After th« matting rofreahmenls MARKET will bo In charge A prize of $5 will b* dl«ptnod of on tha co-operative IITOII mi tt,(. fn,.,n, W|u moVt, ,„ «•»—~™—. m< ««ryed l/v Mr*. Randolph Jacob M b0UKht n ar IOnttlUl Tho toad to nutter UIIU'MKIKI hunt- •on, Mix. OentK" Hoffmlre, Mm, F n«»s loads through Th- "" s avoSZiat to""* " "- TertUlng ' ChatlM U«*h»r, Mm. I. Wood nun 7 Broad Street Red Bank MM, HOWUO, HEP BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 27,

•trtet, history teacher at Red Bank ternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Uniting la seven, eight, nine, ten and eleven will be, "The Lord's Prayer and Its . Elected to Zsttni Ctnbt. \ Personals. high school, has been confined to his Church Notes. this service will be the Presbyterian, o'clock. On Sunday evenings devo- Meaning." Democrats to Meet home by, Illness. Mrs. Robert C. Baptist, Reformed, Lutheran and tions for Jhe Little Flower will be The subject of the Bermon to be Thomas S. Been and P«Ur, B«nU Mlsa Betty Wlllgua, daughter of Brown of Peters place, former high Holy communion will be adminis- Methodist churches of Bed Bank and held at eight o'clock. given at the Sunday morning service At West End Tavern ley, 4th, are Red Bank itudunti tt ' Mr. and Mm, Ralph 0. WHlgus of school teacher, has been substituting tered Bunday morning at elev.en the Presbyterian church of Rumeon. will be "Temptation?" The Sunday- Princeton university who h»v« b**n Kim place, Is visiting the Va»sar club for Mr. SfoUtandy. o'clock at the Baptist church. The school will meet at 9:45 o'clock with The Fifth District Democratic club elected to the eighteen upperclaM in the New Wenton hotel at New The Lutheran church will begin eating clubs. Bcera was choson for Mrs. It. Theodore Bixler el Harrison program will be as follows: Prelude, "Jesus Receives a Sinner" will be Theodore Blxler in charge. will hold a regular meeting Monday York city. "Beside the Still Watere;" offertory, the observance of Lent tonight when night, March 2, at eight o'clock In the Campus club and Bentley for tii( avenue has been substituting at Red the BUblect of the sermon to be giv- Cannon club. Edwin C. GlUand of Harding road, Bank high school in the absence of "Romance;" anthem, "O Give en Sunday morning In the Reformed a Holy Communion service will be The Presbyterian church will hold the West End tavern at West Front supervising principal of tho schools Mls» Mae Throckmorton, librarian, Thanke;" and postludc, "March In church by the pastor, Rev. W. Car-held In the church liall on Broad its quarterly communion service Sun- street and Morford place. John J. ol P.ed Hank, la attending tho an- whose father died last week. P." man Trenibath. The Sunday-school street. Each member of, the congre- day morning at eleven o'clock, rtcv. Quinn, Btate comroltteeman, will be nual convention of National Educa- Georgo Regan of Prospect avenue A meeting of the Women's mission- will meet at 9:30 o'clock In the morn- gation will receive a Lenten devo- John A. Hayes, pastor of the church, the speaker. The twenty Red Bank tion association ut St. Louis, He 1« returned to his duties last Friday at ary Boclety will bo held next Thurs- ing and the church (school at 10:45 tional folder, containing Bible read- will ofiiciate. Democratic commltteemen have been expected home next Week. JoneB filling station at Spring and day at the home of Mrs. Randolph o'clock. ings for each day in the season. At the vesper service at four o'clock invited to attend. Refreshments of VOGUE Mrs. Catherine Matter Is spending Eront streets after enjoying a month's Stryker of Harding road. The Sunday evening club, an Or- The regular Lenten service will be the subject by the pastor will be "The meat balls and spaghetti will be a low daya In Maryland. vacation at West Palm Beach, Flor- A church membership training ganization of all young peoples' held every' Sunday night during Third Word from the Cross," an- served. The meeting was called by Beauty Parlor M™. Olivia White of Oakland street ida. class will be conducted every Sunday groups, -formed for the purpose of March and April with the pastor, other in a scries of sermons on the George Roopt Democratic committee- man from the fifth district. in confined to tho houao with sick- Kenneth Altreuter of Little Silver moraine from now until Eaater Sun- taking chargo of the evening services Rev. Walter Cnwen, in charge. The even's in the life of Christ leading to 16 While- St., Red Bonk, N. J. ness, has returned to his studies at Red day. Tho claw will meet In the during March, April and May, will topics for the sermons will be as fol- the crucifixion. Mm, Charlca Wcnnlu of Chestnut Bank high school after recovering Junior department room at 11:15 present its .first program on Sunday, lows: " At a meeting of the Women's Im- Attend Junior'Prom. Phone 646 o'clock in the mornlns with the Miss Jane Hatnmell, daughter of street is lmprovlnK from Illness. from Injuries received five weeks ago March 1. Braxton Rounutreo will be March 1—"Holiness of Heart" provement Society Tuesday it was Ma* Dlstol of Babylon, Long Ifl- whllo sleigh riding. tor, Kev. Edward W. Miller, In the vocal soloist and John Zagaja March 8—"Humility ami C/enlnes*." decided to hold its annual chicken Mr. and Mrs. William Hammell of charge. will bo the violin soloist. On Sunday, Mmrh U,—"Thy Will llo n,,nc." Spring street, attended the junior land, who six youra aj,'o, made a trip Misses O. Bertha, May and Eva March 22—"KollowinK Chri»t Afnr Oft." salad supper on Welnesday night, to Peru with the aiilppce-Johnson ex- Reiss of Washington, D. C, spent The Life Purpose league will meet March 8, the organization will pre- March Zntat«d by the SurroBiite of 1935, on Willow drive at Little Silver. tate In Shrewsbury had been leased tii* County of Monmouth and reported for The action waji brought against Wil- as a trnlnlns camp for Joe Louto, settlement to the Orphans Court of said liam L. Siebert of Markham place, County, on Thursday, the sixteenth day of Little Silver, whose car while being who In September will Beek to wrest Atirtl, A, D. 1936, mi 10:00 A. M.. at which theD heavyweight boxing title from tirat application will be made for the al- driven In a northerly direction upon ' V' "*"*«" lowance of commit Moris end counsel fees. Willow drive, loti'uck Mr. Herbert. ui " addock, were confirmed Dat#d February 2fi. A. 1>. 1936. Jr.. as ho wals crossing the read. by the former welter THE SECOND NATIONAL HANK AND ,__ , ..|J_ „,.„„„,„„ »Un ^nari j anMondad middleweighy nij; t champion. TRUST COMPANY OF RED BANK, With Mr. Heriiert at the tlmo were By Ralj'h S. PearPearrc Trusr t Officer, Reporters for The Register found KKcdd BankBk . N. J.J . four other people, John Foster, Fred Walker at his bar at Eighth avenue ubstituted Trustee. and Charles prrickeon and Fred and'Forty-nlnth street, opposite Mad- lrgflto, Stev Foster Robinson. & R«usalllc, g, ison Square Garden, which he opened Red Dank, N. J., At the trlaf of the case before a week ago. The former champ de- Proctore. Judge Klatskyjj the attorney for tho j clared that pnpers would bo signed Chancery 1 /230 insurance company representing Mr. ' as soon as Mike Jacobs, well known SHERIFF'S SALE. Siebert did nqt contest the action, fight promoter, returns from Florida, By virtu© of a writ of ii. fa. to me di- rected, issued out. of tho Court, of Chan- and the judgment entered in favor jwher o he u v'acationtng- He7s*ex- cery of the State of New Jersey, will be of Mr. Herberf was without opposl- |pectcd back 3hortly. exposed to sale at public vendue, on MONDAY, THE 23d UAV OF MARCH, tlon. Mr. Herbert was represented! Mickey.fl bat. was doinj; a thriving • 193ti. by Quinn, Parsons and Doremus of businesH on Monday night. The six- bttwesn tho hours of 12:00 o'clock and Red Bank, I day bike race at the Garden had Just ANNIVERSARY SALE 6:00 o'clock (at 2:00 o'clock) In tho after- noon of said day at tho Court House, in • "• ~ gotten underway and bike fans QS Third week of Smashing Specials. Ths greatest opportunity Jersey Homemakers have ever the Borough of Freehold, County of Mon- j well as many members of M.lckey'3 mouth. New Jersey, to satisfy a decree of flpht public had dropped in to wish had to save money on highest quality Foods and Household Needs. Our 45th Anniversary said court amounting to approximately f£7300f0 the "Toy Bulldog" pood luck in his Sale is an event no thrifty shopper will want to miss. ' , All the following trncls or parcels of new enterprise. land and premises hereinafter particularly "We're dolnu pretty Rood," Walker described, situate, lying and being in the Borough of Shrewsbury and Township of told The Register representatives, Lenten Suggestions • Week-End Potato Sale! ,Sht-flwabury, in the County of Monmouth, "We opened the b:ir a week ago with- *nd State of New Jersey. out any publicity, and you can see FIRST TRACT: BEGINNING at the at "Anniversary Prices" Thursday, Friday and Saturday only I \ northeasterly corner of lands of Jerushn for youtbclf how it's going. Now Shoemaker, in tho westerly side of the we're Roing to install a grill and Eatontown-Red Bank Road; thence noith 'He ii'ho laughs HI his own jokf spoilt . twenty-Bix degrees thirty-nine minutos dunce floor." U. S. No. 1-WHITE east along tho westerly side of suid road • all the sponbf it for others." Mickey has as his head-waiter Ben five hundred and eighty-nine and uix- FEBRUARY Slevln, former proprietor of the tcntha fft#t; thence north twenty-six de- ^ 26-l-Victor Hugo, treat French Smoke shop tavern at Shrewsbury. Breea thlrty-gix minutes cunt lit ill iilonK ! writer, born. !S0£ Regular 7c the westerly side of aiiid road four hun- Sievin wished to be remembered to dred and fifty-fivo and three-tenths ft'ut; his Red Bank friends.. thence north Bixteen deKrees thirty-nine Standard Quality POTATOES minutea east still alon^ the westerly side ", 27— Yumi, Ariiotu. destroyed Walker Waxed enthusiastic over a of said road four hundred and twenty- by flooj. 1891. Pittsburgh amateur whom he is three and eight . ont'-liundiedtlis foul tn 10-lbs. 100-lbi. bulk tho middle of a brook; thence westerly grooming as a white hope ' to beat along eaitl brook und • landd of Seymour, q 25—Spanish explorer Pinion Louie, should the Brown Bomber bulk Inc., one hundred nnd twenty-five ami live- • tfc'l?*^ diicovers iht Amazon usurp Braddock's throne in Septem- 1 " Fersey City, Democratlq Icador of the state, $1.85 tenths feet, to a coiner of a blone abut- **?' 'i Ri«r. 1500. j~~.. ., * . ate Senator William H. Smathera of Atlantic 19 ber. His name is Lou Berg", 1 1 TOMATOES ment used as a dam; thence northwest- MARCH county woulld be thhe "regulal r Democratic'Dti' candidatidte for the United States erly along the northerly edjje of a Jake 14-Ntbraska, the 37th itate, "This fellow'il blast Louis uncon- and lamln of said Seynu.ur, Inc., two hun- ! scious if the two ever meet," declared senatorial nomination at tho spring primaries. dred and five and three-tenths feet to ! ' admitted to the Union. Bunch Carrots or Lettuce 5c monument; thence westerly nloriK the |i 1S67. Walker. "He can lick his weight in If Smathers wins the nomination, he will oppose the Republican In- ( northerly edge of unid lake and lands of wildcats,"* tie yaid his charge is 6 cumbent, Senator \V. Warren Earbour, at the fall election, Barbour'a •>§P cans Ma ^0 FRESH GREEN PEAS . . . . . 3ib>25e Seymour, Inc., two hundred and three feet -French coloniits itttle Ifi I feet -l2 Inchot 'tall and weighs 215 nomination Is assured. to a monument j thence south seventy-one l| Miisisaippi. 1699. LARGE GRAPEFRUIT 3 for 19= degrees fifty-six minutes west nlonK lands | pounds. of tald Seymour, Inc., DcCoppct nnd Brown, one thousand five hundred and : J-ii- Ponce de Leon Mill, seek* Cenuino Tr«e-Ripened-Florida eithty-five feet.more or ICHR to the east- | I inf the fountain of youth, erly aide of the County Hoad (known us i Weddings. Shrewsbury Avenue; the rue ynuthca-teily "Butter Made Is Better Made" 25B Horse Shoe Alaska alone the easterly side of said County ; 4-ilConititution becomes th« ORANGES Road the several courses thereof one ! 3Iurphy^—Darby. * thousand four hundred and twenty feet I law of the Und in'thi more or less to the westerly corner of United Sute». 1789. Airrt "MUs Kathleen Murphy, daughter Remains Slogan Of Good Cooks RED SALMOH lands of Shoemaker; thence north seventy- of Mr. and Mrs. Luke N. Murphy of three degrees forty-two minutea east along Catherine street and Joseph Darby, Meat and Sea Food Values! northerly line of lands of said Shoemaker Value of Liberal Use of Butler Is Confirmed By All BIX hundred and twenty-eicht feet more ' Cb«ncery 1 ,.'221 son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Darby or Ie9B to the westerly elite of the Eaton- SHERIFF'S SALE. of Highlands, were married Sunday Nutrition Authorities town-Red Bank Road, the pi are of be- Cold Seal Brand ginning. By virtue of a writ of fi. fa, to me di- afternoon at 4:30 o'clock at St. rected, issued out of the Court of Chan- James's rectory by Rev. Thomas E. By FRED W. JACK8ON EXCEPTING out of the above described cery of the State of New Jersey, will be Dlroctor, Division of Consumer Information Finest Quality PORK LOINS tract the land occupied by the Central exposed to sale lit public vendue, on Carney. Miss Elizabeth Murphy, a Railroad of New Jensey as a right of sister of the bride, and Mr. Darby's Department of Agriculture, Trenton, N. J. Lean-Jersey ,. • way, where same crosses the northwester- MONDAY, THEli23d DAY OP MARCH. lb ly comer, being a strip of land Bixty feet j 1936, nephew, William, were the attend- UTTER made Is better made' Rib End - In width, fifty-five feet more or lesa in between the hoiiira of 12:00 o'clock and ants. laws require that butter contain not length on the westerly Bide and one hun- 5:00 o'clock (at 8:00 o'clock) in the after- JO Is the old-time slogan of loss than 80 per cent of buttor fat. dred and forty feet more or less In length noon of said day at the Court House, in The bride wore a turquoise blue housewives who take pride in tho MACARONI The coloring of butter Is permit- on the easterly side of same. the Borough of Freehold, County of Mon- dress with hat and accessories to products of their culinary art. ted, but the consumer demand la SECOND TRACT: BEGINNING at a mouth, New Jeney, to satisfy a decree of match and a corsage of gardenias. point In the westerly side of the County said court amounting to approximately The role of butter is recognized for butter of rather light and na- CHUCK ROAST Road known aa Shrewsbury Avenue, Bald §6,907.01). | The bridesmaid was attired in an old by every good cook. The difference tural color. or SPAGHETTI beginning point being In the northerly All thoso tract* or parcel! of land and rose colored -drdea and brown acces- between an ordinary dish and an Prime Hne of Shoemaker land extended south- premises, hereinafter particularly de- .| sories and carried a bouquet of sweet At present a number of brands lb. westerly across the said County Road, pcribed, situate, plying and being in the outstanding one is often in direct of superior butter are being sold Best Cuts th&nce northwesterly filnnir the westerly Township of Mldilletown, in the County of peas. proportion to tho quantity and under federal grades, ench paekngo nide of said County Road one thousand Monmouth and State of New Jersey. A reception for the immediate fam- quaJlty of the butter used. More containing a grade certificate stat- two hundred and ten feet more or less I U) BEST QJTS-BONELESS to the westerly right of way line of the Beginning at |he northwest corner of ilies and close friends was held at recently, nutrition authorities have ing the score, but the majority of Central Railroad of New Jersey: thence the Robert FatUrson farm In the center the home of the bride's parents. Im- found butter to be one of the butter purchased by consumers Is northwesterly still along the westerly side of tha public road leading from Morrls- mediately afterward the couple left richest sources of vitamin A, a fac- bought under brand or trade names. POT ROAST lb 2$c of the Bald County Road four hundred and vilie to Red Baiik, thence north eighty- tor important to the health of 4S€0 Finest Quality-Solid Pack twenty-one feet; thence north thirty-fi!x eight degrees cajt seven chains and thir- for New York. They are now re- TENDER-JUICY ' n **k at degrees twenty-nine minutes west still ty-four linka alii>nK the centre of said siding at 57 Fourth street, High- adults and essential to the growth Watch tho Flavor along tho westerly side of Bald County road: thence eOuth fifty-seven degreeo . and health of children. lb c Road six hundred nnd thirty feet mora or thirty minutea feast eight chains and lands. Generally speaking, tho whulo- TOMATOES Jess: thence northwesterly and northerly thlrty-Beven link* alone the center of said Mrs. Darby is a graduate of Red Butter 8corlng • sale and retail margin of profit on SIRLOIN STEAK 35 along westerly side of said County Road, road; thence so'iith sixteen dezreea and Bank high school and Monmouth butter sales 1B a very narrow one. VOGT'S SAUSAGE PURE PORK ib. 29C curving to the right on n. curve whose thirty minutea vest twenty-threo chains Quality in butter depends upon Ponding the moro general use of radius Is six hundred and three and sev- and ten linka U> a Btake; thence south Memorial hospital nursing school. flavor, body or texture, color, salt SCRAPPLE VOCT'S-PHILADELPHIA Ib. 1 5c en-tenths f«Bt, for a distance of three fifty-nine degrees and forty-five minuteB Mr. Darby attended Middletown retail grades, consumers are ad- hundred and ten feet moro or lesa; thenco cast three/chains and twenty UnkB to the and the package. These servo aa vised when buying butter to pay 14c Raycnal LOAF CHEESE ASSORTED , Beprinninff nt jit he north west mrner of the clogged holes with a darning two thousand one humlrrd ami pitrhty fret • !he trurt uf laniil hereby conveyed in tlie M. ' Victor Bread loaf 6c more or tens to tho place nf hpginninc. rente!- of salrl public iuad Icndtni; from needle or a woman's first aid, "the 8-oz. EXCEPTINf; out nf the abnvn de-.rril,p.l Fted Bank to MotrlBville ; thenrc (1) south Cnniphell—Whiting, STEPHENS0N hair pin." The modern aluminum Fruited Raisin load5c 11 fly -PC ven deu rises thirty minuses' ea-*t trsct the Und or--,,ri0,l by the Contnil 'Mids .Josephine Campbell of Holm- gas burner is much more simple to v l pkgs. RaHroad of Ne^1" Jersey an n rlpht. oT vny thirteen ,'hninn jjfifty-five itnkB nlnnp ihe Home Service 2 clean. I find washing these as you Bixty fpei In vidtli, one thnunnml two (•enter of snld roftd ; thenre (2) nnuth fifty- del township, and .Sheldon G. Whit- Director Borden's-Eagle Brand-Cream hundred nnd fifteen feet morp or lrss In eight 'decrees flftern minute* ea.it four inp, son of Mr. and Mrs. George would any cooking utensil is suffic- length mi the vi'«terl>* sitlp and one £' Whiting of Bassott place, woro mar- ient. Fine steel wool may be used New Low Prices for Lent! thousflttd nnc fi indrpd imrl ci^htppn feet ."aid mini ; Uien'j-u (3) pontli eighty (1 JERSEY CENTRAL CHEESE 23 In l«nfrth on tin' rn.terly pidr. , K/eoi thirty niimites en»t • four r ti,^ Jied Saturday afternoon at tho Re- POWER & LJCHT, with good results. Wash enameled EXCEPTINii M.'-'O f.'om tho nhnve Ao- lifiy-twf) links iklong tho center nf iaid , formed church manse by the pastor, burners, but do not boil them in HOME-DELITE scribed tract tli- liinds ptnivrycl tn Jullii roiirl to the re-Jitrr of Jumping H ol^; Rev. W. Carman Trcmbrith. The at- Co. washing soda, as this destroys the 9e—Norwegian Imported Sickles by ChriftlRn niodcmon bv dep.l thenre (4) nlonu; the rente1r of ?nid h dat«d Nov. Ifi, 1*132. dpwrihpil n^ fnll-iw;: 'l courlerTheronf. Rbout*"miihrr- tonclants wore Miss Virginia Clark of luster of the finish. Some of the MAYONNAISE - BEfilNNINf, nt a mnnunifnt in the ly nnd westerly jjnnout thirty-seve Long Branch and Alvln HarUier of CARE OF YOUR GAS RANGE new burners have cast aluminum •westerly «lde nf the County Itnad known fifty links; thehre (.I) north flfty-nlnr White street. alloy and are very easy to remove. 8-oz.|ar13c ; quart|ar39c aj Shrewsbury Avenue, r-nld nmnumct.t OUR gas range Take the burner out and wash as SARDINES being dletant three hnndrod i\ml oi^hty- rhuins nnd twenty links to n F'.-ikp; Tho bridge was attired In a navy automatically four feet more or IGBH In a nortliwfstcily thcuro (6) nnrjh six teen deprree1! thirty blue suit with accessories to match, Y saves yyo u hours in tiinp and you would your dishes. HOME-DE-LITE direction from the bee-Innini? pnint of the inhiu'cH east, twijnty-three '•tmhiH ten links abov« described tract No, 2; thence nnrth- tn tho pi nee '(if Bun inning, con tain inn and wore n corsage of sweet pens. labor and, likike all mechanical equip- I know that the best laid plans of SALAD DRESSING pm thirty nnH thirty-BW ono hnndredtha nere.-t Miss Clark wore a platinum blue 1 i/4'» can weiterly filons the vc-tcrly Pl dt'Krecn i'wo miimtcf fiict washed while warm* because water and 1ft the oven cool to room tem- CRAB MEAT CEISHA «n25c In th« arranRPineiit made by Jehu Pctttor- fUty-Ht'vrn llrikjj; Ihcnro ('-) Vonlh HOVML will cool the enamel faster than it perature, Then and then only, wet DRIED LIMA BEANS 2 19c flfty-fiU'o nilnntcK «THt one ihnln fitk'ltpii l'attlo IJinehton. »on, Kdwnrd Taylor nnd Jnrob Cnrlirn, Jr., l iron ur Met! lo which a tlnifi i in suds and place it SHRIMP FANCY 2»n.25c OommlitiiloncrB npnoluteri by the Ondmn» twenty.two llnkh; thnwp CD Honth r-ii-lity- tlocs the VEGETABLE SHORTENING 2 > 27, Court of tho Counly of Monmnutli to nell itne deirn-fB thirty mlnuirfi west tifiv-nlno Fifty-live poisons attended a cltlck- tiic enamel is fused nnd may cause on the obstinate spill which may PINK SALMON <•» 12« lh« ronl CBtute Into of EJamttrl W. Tcn- llnVn tn tho i riirr-mi-l uinrl lot nf i>«ltl pattlo luiK-hPon yoiiterday nftcr- it to crack. take a few minutes to soak, but will CHOCOLATE BAKER'S-PREMIUM ^-ib.cai»i 5« lirook and Mary, hU wife, decr>anc Of sists nf Mr;. 1'Yril Dunncll, Mra. My- always rcmrtnlirr to remove your importance of leaving the oven ilnof ftavanteen (17) to TIIIIIH Vandcrveer, *lt- nil fl'TC. 'Iho Vorllnn ->F HHIII Inml wlili-h ron I,, t'junpbpll, .MIM. V). S, Jnrlt.suil, open until the oven has cooled. 1'hii MACKEREL EATWELI »» 9c COLDEN BLOSSOM HONEY <«<23c tiate in the Township (now or formerly) lion in nnirl ;mlillc i''>!ul i' mi.Vfvr'l MIM- enameled broiler pan front the enm- of Shrewsbury. jorl to the pn^mpnt of Ihc pulille In the Mr.;. I-'trd"nr|c 1^'ldy, Mr:i. Krank partment whrn ytmr oven in Win;' t only prolongs the life of your RICH CHEESE .... H> 25< nEfiINNIN<; nt a atoiifl rirntod In HIP iml.lr hlKliwiiy. flilct,, Sim. II. K. Ile'niiln and Mrs. used, hecaiise tlic routinurd applica- en, but will retain the nice clean PANCAKE FLOUR 3 P*V.23« northwest corner of Dnniel Williams' tcn- .. .„ .- ixirlirtii of !hr Inm] dr-'cilmd Lnulii fJllboiiKh. nrre lot that ha purrhaned fioni hin ion In a deed inndil by Delminh II. Hull*-v. < •• tion of e all that ranges are so attractive that I am CLAM CHOWDER GUN COVE can 10C naid Daniel WI'llBmn the younger'* line I^HNCII by lUUiiaa of Purl of MnrU'iif-'fd Trenton heiidftuartern of tho ntato sure, you will take as much pride rremlHen tnndojliy Ilnrtnn U Ttnnrli dulrd is necessary to keep the cuauirl Household Necessities! th«nci ntonI|( s his lino unuth elKhty-Hovei lifilice, wlio I did of the operations of in their care as you would your best PEA SOUP CLEN COVE 3 cam 25c d«ffrM> » 1 eighteen tnlnuten weal clitht Sci.|.r»niher «, ttmil, nnd recorded In Mook spotless, If you have a modern ^ar» rhalni and nlxtynlna linkn to nnnlrl At- (IB of ItHenicii «f Part of Morticed Vn-ui- tlic ntato nollcn. piece of furniture. VEGETABLE SOUP GLEN COVE en 5c l«n'« toil then at corner ; t hen re nlniut hin iM:«, luu--.- 271,;|otr. range, it should be unnecessary for (Write Mrs. Strphrnson care of tho OXYDOL igt Pts 19' 2«ni .pko« 17c )In» and tha line of Wllll'un I,nf<

was passed on first reading to author- ter part of March, which is about H. E. Sayre of Falrton spent the WiU Quit Farming. tioneer. There was a good •tttjtfe Oceanport News. Keyport Newt. week-end with Rev. Howard N. anco and fair prices wore paM. Mr. Many Attend In the borough to sell water to Mat- two weeks later than usual. Lauren Lefferson of East Free- awan township. A contract will be The supper-meeting of the Metho- Amer and family. Lefferson will discontinue farming (The Red Bank Rcglitar can b* bought • R«d Bank B«ilit«r can b< bonifet drawn between the two municipali- hold had an auction of his house- and movo to Colt's Neck, where be In Oeeinport at tb« atora of Oulo Masaa.) In Ktrport from Coita Brotktn, an. dist church will be held at Hie pai- The road to better and bigger busi- Hebrew Bazar Flortne. M«l««. Gut Sen.on and Mn. Clan ties and a master meter Installed. ionage tonight Mrs. Oscar Ander- hold goods Tuesday, with Walter D. will make his home with hla brother! Announcement has been made by ness leads through The Register's ad- Joseph Lefferson. Susimin.) The final passage of the ordinance son will be in general charge. vertising columns.—Advertisement Fields of Colt's Neck as the auc- Three Hundred Persons Attend Walter Gaul, Oceanport postmaster, MIM Betty C. Hendrlctuon waa the will be at the next regular meeting Entertainment Given by La- hat a government contract for mall week-end gueit of friends at of the council. Bills in excess of dies' Hebrew Society at Syn- messenger service has been awarded York. $38,000 were ordered paid. o Fred Zlto of Wolf Hill avenue. The Keyport Exempt firemen are Mrs. Jane Schneider and daughter agogue. This contract covers the Oceanport arranging for a benefit card party at have returned from a visit at Wood- and Little Silver postoffices. Red Men'a hall on March 19. Fred bridge. More- than 300 persons attended a Mr. and Mrs. Rensler of Main Kruser Is chairman of the committee bazar and entertainment, Riven Tues- street are taking a. three weeks' In charge of arrangements. Sea Bright News. day night at the B'Nal Israel Syn- crulso to the West Indies. J. C. Brown has returned from a Founder's day v/as celebrated re- agogue by the Ladles' Hebrew so- vacation In Florida. lanned to leave last week to flsh for tendants were attired In Chinese cos- son, a Boy Scout. Rev. Sidney H. Harry Young of Jersey City has itriped bass up the Hudson are still tioies with (lowers In their hair. Davles gave the invocation and been visiting his brother, William it home. They had to give up the The dancing clasB of the. Arendea Mayor H. Whitney Conrow welcomed Young. rip due to the Ice floea in the Hud- studio performed specialty numbers tho guests. Mrs. Jerome V. Dynan Miss Jewell Cahlll has returned son river. For the same reason tho and wan enthuslatlcally received. A presented corsages to Mrs. Rondo C. from a vlalt with relatives at New men who1 fish for Bhad there do not professional fortune teller was pres- DeNyBe, past president and county Brunswick. expect to begin fishing until the lat- ent and waa much In demand. vice president; Mra. Martin J. Con- Mrs. Thomas Morrison, Jr., who A variety of merchandise was sold, nelly, first president of the associa- was a recent patient In the River- and the firms ot Acme furniture tion and Mrs. Loulg West, president view hospital in Red Bank, Is con- company and Oglensky's dairy gave Mies Vera Krome, an eighth-grade valescing at the home of her sister, demonstrations. Leon's donated pupil, rendered several piano solos. Mrs. Harold Smith of Llnwopd. door prlzo, which was won by Mrs. Mrs. Gertrude Davis, one of tne Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hardy have Every Cloud Has Murflt of Oakland street, and the teachers, gave a reading, "At the moved from Brooklyn to the Post Harold Coal company donated a bait Matinee." Mrs. Thomas ROSB, Jr., house on Second street. ton of coal, sold on the co-operative sang "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere" The Junior class of the local high A Silver Lining plan, and won by Mre, Harry Sprung and "Perfect Day," accompanied by school has started rehearsals for a of Llncroft. Cheer up, frieodn, this mean weath- Mrs. Lloyd N. Sickles at the piano. play entitled "Never Say Die" to be er will let up some day—it always Mra. Samuol Greenblatt was cliali- A Founder's day pageant was pre- given the latter part of next month. has. And,, when It does, "Rowdy- man of the affair and was assisted sented In which the following took Although the voters authorized the Dow," won't the ladies who have been confined to their horoeB come by Mrs. Harry Mclstrlch and Mrs part: Mrs. Jerome V. Dynan, repre- purchase of the Bade building on out and do some real shopping! Harry Sacks. Mrfe Isaac Richmond senting the national association; Mrs. Broad street to be used by the board But, ladies, let us help you do more was treasurer and Mw. Samue Martin J. Connelly, the state; Mn of -education, after alterations, foi shopping when you do come out. Cohen, secretary^ _ Weather like this Is an ideal time to. Thomas ROBS, Jr., the district; Mrs. manual training and domestic science rummage around tha house—through 7; «^., Cyril W. Hayhurst, the council and courses, the board has under consid- old drawers, trunks, jewel boxes, etc. Mrs. Louis West, the local organiza- eratlon the erection of a new building for your old discarded jewelry which Little Silver News. can be turned into real caBh at tion. Betsy Ross was the child. All on the school lot to house these activ- HILLS' DItUG STORE. held lighted candles and following ities. The question came up at a A1UCUER (The Red Dank Register on bo bough We have paid out nearly $30,000 for In Little Silver from Union Ncwi Stand tho pageant lighted a large birth- meeting of the board last week when Old Gold and Silver to your friends Bt the depot and George Quackenbuib** day cake, while a song, "My Tribute" it was found that P. W. A. money and neighbors. Why not get your would very likely be available for th share of this easy money? We also The regular meeting of. the mayor was sung. Jerome V. Dynan sang buy Old Coins, Stamps and Gold and council was not held Tuesday "Just For Today" and "Smllln1 construction of such a building. It Is Coins. Hours daily, 0 A. M. to S night. The next meeting will take Thru", accompanied by George said that there will be no additional P. M,, 'phone A. P. 60. 700 Mat- placo March 11. .Woodward. Mra. Rondo C. DeNyse cost to taxpayers over the previous tison avenue, Asbury Park. Mrs. Albert P. Taylor, president oi was tho speaker of the evening. She plan, as a: portion of the aioney will the Red Bank, parent-teacher asuocl discussed the need for vocational be a direct gift from the P. W. A, atlon, will speak at a meeting of the schools for Monmouth county, where The plan would place the new build- local association Monday afternoon, ha backward child might be trained ing on the rear of the present school March 2, at 3 o'clock. Mrs. J. Wil- for vocational work. She also traced lot, on the Atlantic street side. While liam Helm of Red Bank will elng. the history of the Parent-Teacher no definite plan has been made, it is DEL . Mrs. Fred .Conovor of MIddletown association. Gifts were presented for likely that the new proposition will WHOLE KERNEL will bo In charges of entertainment.. Founder's day to state and county bo placed before the voters shortly SANITARY Floyd A. Coward and family have organizations. George Woodward en- In the event of the disapproval of MONTE VACUUM PACKED cnovod from Chatham, New Jersey, tertained with several piano selec- the voters, it is understood that the to Sllverton avenuo. Mr. Cow- tions and a sociable hour and re- Plan to purchase the Bade building PROTECTION CORN ard Is Btato representative for tho freshments were enjoyed. would still hold good. District Clerk Completely Invis- Rufus O. Walling, and a member of ible in URA .... no Income Foundation company. napkins, pads or About $21 was cleared at a clam the board of education, has the mat- belts. Modern Fay Coreale, daughter of Mr. and chowder sale held last Friday by the ter In charge and will investigate women agree that STANDARD QUALITY SHRIMP No. 1 can10. Mrs. Ralph Coreale of Mount street, Ladles' Aid society of the Oceanport this safe, hygienic the costs Involved and report ,to th new method is tho celebrated her twelfth birthday last church at tho church ball. On Tues- most comfortable week with a party at the Jack Ma- day the society will hold an all-day board members. DOXM or IX protection ever son studio. Miss Coreale and Mr. meeting at the home of Mrs. John B. The Keyport Klwanls club preeent- aDdbu Packet, devised! Maaon gave a dance to the piano ac- ulse of Main street. ed a musical comedy at tha high C. K. BRAND CRABMEAT FLAKES No. can 15. tJoxei at 12. 30c companiment of Mrs. Mason. Prizes Mrs. Lloyd N. Sickles of Main school auditorium on Monday a™ were won by Virginia Fitzgerald of Mffd. by Tho B-ettei Co., DuBols. Pa. street celebrated her birthday on Tuesday nights entitled "Sunny H. T. YOUNG PHARMACY, Long Branch and Margaret Duncan Monday at her home. Her guests Skies," the entire cast being local 35 Broad Street, Red Bank of Red Bank. Other guests included were Mr. and Mrs. George C. D. Hur- but directed and staged by the John Mrs, W. H. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Cor-ley, Mrs, Fred Kneer, Mrs. Joseph Rogors producing company, Those BRANCH BROOK TUNA FISH 2 ":'.- 25c eale and son Ralph, Catherine Fitz- Withers, Misses Ruth Sickles and having parts In the play were Mrs. • •••••* gerald, Elizabeth Rogers, Virginia Shirley Riddle, J. Orrin Sickles, Bessie Kuarloyg, Helen Banks, Wi Haviland, Audrey Estello, Elizabeth James Karl and Lloyd N. Sickles. FORA Carton, Catherine Laurlno and Jo- liam C. M. Anderson. Peter Kuara- Mrs. C. Kenneth Riddle of Main loyg, Florence Cotton, - Cyrus Roes MILD o,,J MELLOW seph Barberlo of Red Bank; Mr. and street was hostess to members of the PERSONAL LOAN or MR. GOODBAR Mrs. Daniel Vacarr and daughter Norma Longhi, Stockton Hopkins PHILLIPS TOMATO SOUP 4 19c I HERSHEY'S cakes JLwC Oceanport Young Women's club at Jr., Clyde Egglngon, George Tice Barbara of Long Branch, Esther her home on Wednesday. Luncheon COME TO Lane of Point Pleasant and E. H. Alice Gildersleeve and San Margov- was served and during the business sky. Profits will be used by the clul 2 Llttrell of San Antonio, Texas. session which followed plans were PERSONAL FINANCE CO, HITTER'S SPAGHETTI WITH TOMATO SAUCE 3 Aa> 25c r Two elderly residents of, this bor- for its school dental clinic. completed for a cake Bale to be held Harry Goldsmith, a former res] ough observed their birthdays Tues- at the Monmouth market on Satur- Single and married people come GOOD OLD STORE CHEESE AGED . ib 25c day. Mrs. Josephine Curtis was 86 day, March 7. Those present were dent here, now of Brooklyn, wai to ui every day rather than visitor here last week. bother relatives or friends about ...... r Dinvcnnni BEANS,CARROTS,CEREALS.PEAS, Henten IsmggestlOHS years' old and William Bennett Mrs. Charles VanBrackle, Mrs. Fred- money. They like our service , passed the seventieth milestone of erick A,-Wood, Mrs. Sidney H. Da- Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Westreich and because It !• ia personal. They GERBER 5 BABY FOODS SPINACH AND VEGETABLE SOUP 1 life. Both had a ftumbor of callers children aro visiting at Miami, Flor- know if they're working: steadily IDEAL BRAND SHRIMP ^ 15c *&' 22c vies, Misses' Ruth Scarsi, Jean Mor- they can get up to $300 In cash GORTON'S CODFISH HAND-PICKED . 5-02. pkg. 14c and they received many cards. row, Ruth Sickles, Dorothy West, ida. on their own signatures and take Mr. and MrB. V, Parker Wilkinson Shirley Riddle, Carol VanBrackle .Mr. and Mra. William A. Gill and as Ions as 15 months to repay. 40-h. roll — GEISHA BRAND CRABMEAT No. \i can 25c havo returned from a three weeks' and Donald Wood. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Weseman, Do you need money? Will a KITCHEN CHARM WAX PAPER with cutcuttet r 3C who have been spending, the wlntei hundred dollars help you? If it IDEAL BRAND LOBSTER . No. 'A can 35c trip to the West Indies. Arthur Boross, son of Mr. and Mrs. at West Palm Beach, Florida, recent- will come in and see us TODAY. Claude Wright was removed to the Alexander Boross of Center street, M. & C. SPAGHETTI DINNER . , package XOC ly took a ten days' trip to New Or- Average monthly cott each $100 IDEAL SALMON COLUMBIA RIVER . No. M can 23c Monmouth Memorial hospital at has returned from a year's stay In leans, La. only $1.33, or 2Va% monthly on Long Branch Tuesday for treatment Europe and Is now In Hollywood unpaid balance, for exact time PABST-ETT CHEESE SPREAD . for mastold trouble. where ho has been engaged to pro- A young doe made Its appearanc used. DEL MONTE SARDINES IN TOMATO SAUCE T'lOc • Mrs. Edward McClellan, Jr., who duce films. While In Europe Mr. in the borough on Sunday. It wai HEINZ BEANS VEGETARIAN-WITH TOMATO SAUCE 2".™ 25C was visiting her aunt, Mra. Herbert Borosa studied and produced under drat seen In tho vicinity of Peter PERSONAL GORTON'S CODFISH READY-TO-FRY ioo .caal3c Sondergaard's residence. It then Z Wright of Red Bank, has returned the supervision of a large European FINANCE COMPANY BAKER'S BREAKFAST COCOA ;.Jb Pure Eichfeen RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 27,1986. Brooklyn spent the week-end with street gave birth to a son Saturday day night at the Smoke Shop tavern. SETTLED OUT OF COCBT. Shore Clergyman . Mr. and Mrs. Michael Menoaky. at Fltkln hospital. Mr, Gaffney is secretary of the Lin. (Douglas Johnston Mlsi Nlcolette Stranlero, who was Roy Jollne, Jr, of North Long croft Progressive Democratic club. Butt Brought By Fted JohMon'i To Speak Sunday employed at Red Bank, has returned Branch has accepted a position as The pageant, "Harpers of Jerusa- Estate Discontinued. Captains College to ber home. clerk at the Atlantic & Pacific store lem," will be presented tonight at RED Hev. Russell Purdy, pastor of the John DenOuden and Robert Ar- on Main street Lincroft chapel at 7:45 o'clock. The The suit brought agalnat &• Penn- Asbury Park Methodist Episcopal leth received several cuts on their cast la made up of 82 persona, and sylvania railroad company and the Football Team The automobile of Jury Commis- New York and Long Branch Rail- BANK church, will be the speaker at the faces while sled coasting on Sunday. sioner Charles Miller was slightly Superintendent Stanley Stllwell of STRAND weekly vesper service to be held Sun- Miss Harriet Coolte of Red Bank damaged last week in an accident the Lincroft Sunday-school, chair- road company, as a consequence of New Monmouth Youth Elected day afternoon at four o'clock in the was a school visitor last Thursday. on Main sUeet man of the ticket committee, reports the death of Fred Johnson of Red Baptist church. Frederick K. Boll Mr, and Mrs. Frank DePalma a large advance sale. The program Bank last April haa bsen settled out Hud of Grid Eleven of Whea- Mrs. William Davis of Clinton of court. Thla wan done lait week LAST TIMES TODAY ! will be the organist. spent the week-end at New York. street waa hostess yesterday after- will be made up of tnuslo and sing- toa College, IUinoia—Excela Mrs. Gustav Albreck and son Paul ing. aa a result of an agreement reached noon to members of the W. C. T. U. to pay a sum of money to th« e.ataU CLAIRE TREVOR —RALPH BELLAMY m Wrestling and Baseball. of Keansburg spent several days re- The Daughters of America will Robert Daly returned to school cently with Mrs. Albrech's parents, Monday after being confined to his of Mr. Johnson, The amount of the meet tomorrow night at Crescent settlement has not been announced. -IN- Douglas Carey Johnston, son of Mr. and Mrs. Westley Mason. hall. home by Illness. Antonio Granato Is a patient In Qeorge Thompson la reported to be Mr. Johnson and Mr. Matthews v 11 Rev. and Mrs. Samuel Johnston of R«v. J. Wesley Wainwright of tho were Injured last April when an au- Monmouth Memorial hospital at Methodist church has been confined much improved from his recent Ill- "NAVY WIFE New Monmouth, haa been made cap- Long Branch. lie is suffering from ness. He Is now able to sit up. tomobile In which thex were riding tain of the Wheaton college football to his home on Broad street with was hit by a locomotive. The train FREE CHINA TO THE LADIES 1 appendicitis. lumbago. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Nussenfeld and team of Wheaton, Illinois. He was Mary Sciano, daughter of Mr. and son Bernard of New York city were was operated by the Pennsylvania elected to this position at the an- Mrs. Albert Sciano, celebrated her William Ayres of South Eaton- week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs.company and the croflslrii? wu main- nual banquet of the team last week. twelfth birthday with a party Sat- town haa returned homo from Mon- Harry Sprung and family. tained by the New York and Long FRIDAY, SATURDAY, FEB. 28 - 29 He also excels at wrestling and at urday night. Those who attended mouth Memorial hospital, where he Rev. David Povey will preach on Branch company, Mr. Johnson died his home at New Monmouth Is a were Mr. and Mrs. Tony Mallconlca, was treated for on Injured left thisrh. the topic, "Four Great Mysteries," from his Injuries several weeks later TWO BIG FEATURES! gold medal which ha received for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allocco, Mrs. Tha Junior Order of American Me- next Sunday morning at the chapel. and Mr. Matthews was laid up a long Winning the collegiate heavyweight Mary Genovese and James, Harry chanics will meet tonight at Cjles- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Owena and time. Suits were started against the wrestling championship. He made a and Peter Genovese. Mary received cent hall. -« daughter Lois of the Main road were two railroad companies by the estate flno record as a baseball player last many gifts. Refreshments were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fkrtaner of Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Har- of Mr. Johnson and by Mr. Matthews, PRESTON FOSTER year. His standing Is excellent as a served. Lewis street are tho parents of a son old Perry of River Plaza. the action on behalf of the estate be- IN THE MOST VIVID DRAMA OB1 THE YEAR student born Sunday morning at Hazard The Lincroft Progressive Demo- ing taken by Ernest Oliver, admin- Douglas Is in his twentieth year | hospital. Both mother and son are cratic club has postponed a meeting istrator. The estate was represented He Is six feet five inches In height Eatontown News. doing well. fi1 which was scheduled for last Thurs- In the matter by Qulnn, Parsons & "MUSS 'EM UP" and he welgha 100 pounds. This Is A World day of prayer service will day night. A committee of Miss An- Doreius. his third year at Wheaton. Ho at- (The Red Dank Register can be boutfltt bs held tomorow at St. James's glo Morris, John Fowler and Charles tended the grammar school and In Eutontown at the itores of William Q. Kelly, will set the next meeting date. WARNER BROS. FIRST MUSICAL WESTERN Davis. G. Edward Smock and Yellen'B.) church by the churches of the bor- Junior high school of Fltchburg, ough. Services will start at 2:30 Peter VanGerblg and his nurse, Come and Worship Massachusetts, where his father waa Twcnty-slx persons attended a o'clock. Mrs. Elizabeth Goode, left Tuesday a clergyman flva years. He gradu- birthday supper given Monday night for a visit with Peter's aunt, Mrs. In tbe Little Church "Moonlight On The Prairie" ated from the Mlddletown township by -the Sons and Daughters of Liber- Richard Babcock of Woodbury, Long On The Avenue WITH high school at Leonardo, where he ty, at Crescent hall. Decorations Lincroft News. Island. TOPICS FOR SUNDAY waB a student two years. At school were In red, white and Blue. Fol- Mrs. Joseph Mullln and daughter, 10:45 A. M. DICK FORAN — SHEILA MANNERS he was not especially active In ath- lowing a short business session, a (The Red Bank Register can be bought Dolores Irene, of Interlaken, re- "Christ Receives A Sinner" letic events, but he has done much covered dish supper was served after at Lincroft from George' , who hsi REV. RUSSELL PURDY. turned home Friday from Monmouth 7:30 P. M. since going to Wheaton to enhance which games were played. Guests delivery route.) Memorial hospital. ^ Young People's Church SAT. MAT., CHAPTER TWO—"FIGHTING MARINES" the sporting record of that Institu- attended from Red Bank, Belford, County roadmen were busy Mon- EVERYONE INVITED tion. The program will include opening North Long Branch and Eatontown. day morning with an electric drill Circulation That Counts. "Afraid of the Heights !" hymn; organ; "Andante" and "The Mr. and Mrs. Milton Smith of Col- A bonaflde newspaper circulation Braxton RounUM, Barltona The Wheaton Record made the Bells of St. Anno do Uraupre;" re- clearing the road of ice near Cono- —the kind The Register haa—Is the SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY following comments about him a few sponsive reading, "The Gloria;" quar- lege avenue and Mrs. Carl Whlte- ver's store. only kind that counts with the ad- REFORMED CHURCH days ago: hurst of Broad streat attended an William B. Gaffney, postmaster, PREVIEW SATURDAY NIGHT AT 11:18. ;et, "Festival Te Dcum," Mrs. licniy vertiser. No premiums or other in- Shrewsbury Ave. at' Leonard 3tH "When the Wheaton college grid Dangler soprano, Mrs. Charles Free- Eastern Star reception given Mon- attended the testimonial dinner giv- ducements have ever been offered to Rov. W. Carman Trcmbath, Minister team trots onto the field next fall, man contralto, Raymond K. Holcomb day night to the past matrons ol the en Sheriff George H. Roberts Thurs- secure circulation.—Advertisement. A RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL HIT! 'Doug' Garey Johnston, stalwart tenor, Paul Odenwolder baritone; of- Spring Lake lodge. Crusader tackle for the past two fering, "Aria;" BOIO, "The Voice in Mrs. Kenneth VanBrunt returned MARGARET years, will lead them. Ho was elected the Wilderness," Mrs. Henry Dang- home Sunday from Monmouth Me- by the 1935 letter winners at the an-ler; sermon, Rev. Russell Purdy; an- morial hospital witb her daughter, SULLA VAN'S nual football banquet held Thursday them, "Hark, Hark My Soul;" bene- Janet May. Both are doing fine. In lower chapel. Mrs. VanBrunt, formerly Miss Agnes It Will Pay You to Shop in diction; postlude, "Grand Chorus." Cotgreave, Is .temporarily residing "Johnston haa shown marked ath- with her parents on Corllea avenue. letic ability in college where he be- Mr. and Mrs. VanBrunt will move gan hla competition In organized Centerville News. March 1 from the house they now oc- sports. His rapid development in cupy on Maple avenue to a house on football circles has been remarkable. Miss Emma DeLuca spent Sunday Lewis street formerly occupied by Ho is the present 'Little 19' heavy- at New York. Mr. and Mrs. Kussell Elgrlm. Thom- weight wrestling champion, and last Peter Leplck has purchased a new as SSIngale is cementing a cellar in flCHNEIDERfl spring was a member of Coach Ed- Willys-Knight automobile. the former Elgrlm home. ward A. Coray's baseball squad. The Michael Lesousky of New York Mrs. James B. Hathaway of Main itit triumph best place kicker Wheaton haa had spent Sunday at the home of Mr. UHSULA PARROTT in several years, Johnston handled and Mrs. Ignatz Potosky. otroot, who is vacationing In Florida, all the klcking-off jobs this season. The Russian Mutual Aid society has been a medical patient in a Flor- held a dance at Harmony hall Sun- ida hospital. y MARKET y "The captain-elect, whose homo A covered dish supper will be held town Is New Monmouth, possesses day evening. About 150 persons at- by the official board of the Metho- good Judgment and the cool-headed- tended. It was a very successful dist church tomorrow night In the ness necessary for his position. There event. social hall at 6:30 o'clock. Games 21 W. Front St., Red Bank, N. J. is, however, no danger of his yield- Harry DenOuden, who has been will follow the supper. Mrs. Arthur ing easily on a debatable decision. spending several weeks with his Taylor Is chairman and Is being as- Phone 2653 |Prices in Effect February 27 - 28 - 29th. | Phone 2654 Johnston has a high scholastic aver-' brother, Robert DenOuden, returned sisted by Mrs. Richard Roberts and age, so that It is not likely he will to his home in Michigan Monday. Miss Isabelle Kenna. miss any competition because of low Mrs. Edward Cerlioue fell on the Best Sirloin, Round grades, Ice last week and her ankle was Mrs. Charles Pla of Tlnton avenue WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY sprained. Is confined to her home by illness. Legs "In his acknowledgment Bpeech at Mrs. Robert Aumack of Lewis Sausage the banquet he enthusiastically Mrs. Poluhovlck and daughter of Porterhouse EDWARD EVERETT HORTON pointed toward the coming season or Hind £ Spring Meat and threatened some tough sledding for Wheaton rivals." in "HER MASTER'S VOICE" READE'S THEATRE Lamb Steaks Keansburg News. MAYFAIR FREE CHINA TO THE LADIES 1 (The Red Bank Register can be bought In Keansburff at the stores of E. L. Miller, ASBURY PARK C0MINO!' N. Snntn Lucia, Philip Keller, Charles Vogel and I. Zuckerman.) MATINEE DAILY Z:30 EVENING 7 & 9 VICTOR McLAGLEN — FREDDIE BARTHOLOMEW The purchaso of tho West Keans- CONTINUOUS SATURDAY & SljNDAY_ 11 lb. burg Water company, which has been "PROFESSIONAL SOLDIER" hanging fire for several months, was ENTIRE Starting Saturday WEEK n again postponed at the meeting of Lamb Loin Roast "* 23c Blade Rib Roast 23c the borough council last week. The FEBRUARY 29th borough hae furnished water to this FREVUE FRIDAY NITE—11 P. M. company for several years. During part of this time the company was Finest Quality Armour's Armour's Star or unable to make payment to the bor- ough, which resulted In steps being Chuck Pot Star Felin's Sliced taken to take over the company's HOT SHOTS plant. The ordinance providing for the purchaso of the plant Is sched- . uled to come up at the next meeting. —m— Tho ordinance providing that water Eoast Hams Bacon bill are payable on July 1 of each year, Instead of Juno 1, was passed on third reading. The Rollo bus line CCHNEIDERC made a franchise tax payment of $9.99 for December. Louis Ruhmann „ with a dancing lb was appointed a"reservo policeman. 25 Borough Attorney Howard W. Rob- flotilla of beauti- 17 erts said that he had filed an appeal Fresh Chopped Beef ...» 14c (Whole) O MARKET O with the Federal Rivera and Harbors ful girls, and a Dixie Bacon ...."> 19c comcnleslon for the improvement of 21 WEST FRONT ST., RED BANK Waackaack creek and that a hearing /go-getting gob will be held In Washington BOme Armour's Fancy Cloverbloom Fowl AH site. ,b. 29c Prices in Effect Feb. 27 - March 4th Inclusive. time In April. The appeal was made for each maiden! after the project had been rejected Royal Scarlet Coffee ft. 24c by district engineers after a hearing Corned Brisket . it,. 24c | Pride Shortening . ib. 19c held at Keansburg several weeks ago. Mr. Roberts, who originated the idea Evaporated Milk, large can 3 for 20c of tho creek's improvement, will rep- Fancy Large, Celery Hearts sm bunch 4 2 - 25c resent the borough at the hearing. Libby's Pineapple, large cans 2 for 37c Plans have been completed for a Libby's Best Peas 2 cans 3Sc cabaret-dance, sponsored by Golden 3 Leading Brands Extra Large Large Head Chapter, Order of Eastern Star Sat- Libby's Best Corn 2 cans 25c urday night in the Manning place fire ROLL Tree house. John Spencer will net as mas- ICEBERG ter of ceremonies. A feature of the Ripened affair will IJQ a dance for a cash prize. Large No. 3 Can Mrs. William Turner, Jr., is general No. 2 Can chairman of the affair. Butter Lettuce Mi Choice Jersey John Englchorn, Jr., a summer res- Oranges ident, who haa been seriously sick Packed Jersey Packed for several weeks at his winter home ot Ea Spinach at o luncheon for the benefit of the Cut hollo Dnufrhtora of America Korean Crab Meat can 15c Thursday afternoon at her home on Maple avenue. Assisting hostetificB White Meat Tuna Fish large can 25c were Mm. Nclnon Raul), Mm. John bunches I Boatty and Mia. George McDonald. 3 ibs 19 Those who attended were Mifin M. Libby's Best Red Salmon can 22c Tumbetly, Mra. John O'Rorko, Mm. William A. Haag, Mm. Fred Night- Cali Asparagus Florida Strawberries ingale, MtflHOB Cnrrlo and Agnes Me- Fancy Daisy Large Can Mnnua, Mm. Frank Johnson, Mm. C«th«rln« Bmlth, Mra. Mary Kurtz, Halibut DAILY FRESH SEA FOOD Cod ARMOUR'S Mra. Jamea V. Papa, Mra. William or Muenster Hiuteadt, Mm. Clinton Krauns, Mra. BAKED PORK & William Turner. Jr., Mlsa Ann Illley, Swordfish Steak ib. 21c Mra. Arthur Robinson. Mrn. Patrick Steaks Steaks Klalan, Mr«. Edward J, Davl«, Mra. Thoma» Gllmour, Mr«, Florence Boston Mackerel lb. 14c CHEESE BEANS Kromnbsrgor, Mr«. Walter Conroy. Mr*. Julia. Day, Mra. John KUmelln, lb. Mra. Jamo* aiUlgan, Mra. Benjamin lb. Fresh Bluefish ib. 24c Andreach, Mra. Katheryn llulinr, Mr*. Chart*! M»h«r, Mayor William 27 Ttirn»r tad CnUf of Folloa Charliw Extra Large Smelts lb 19c cans MoOulro. Th« AthUHo club will hold a oord Mrty and dance at Mutphy'a tavern Awarded "4 XXXX"-N. Y. Daily News PLEASE DONT FORGET THE BIRDS! SODUS POT CHEESE „...;..... lb. lie MMwr mfiim MM* ». f* • s». H, RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 27,1986.

Rumson Girl Engaged Belford News. George Keefer, who Is on the lick Bank were wetk-and gueitg s of Mr. Sunday with hit fartotif,, Mr. Noted Artist On and Mrs. Arthur Koelach. Mrs, Albert J. Hendrlckion. Mrs. Anthony Gibson is HI with To Boston ftesident (Tli» Rw) Bank Btiiattr ein b« bought Mlsa Margaret Landmann of Ber- Miss Ida Cornish ot Philadelphia Choral Program Bcifcrtl from H. Clajr Bair, Vinctnt rip. gen county spent Saturday at her visited Mrs. Thorn** Morford Saturn Atlantic Walling. Hmrrr WuHtman and John The date for tho bunco party^ to day and Sunday. The engagement hai been an- O'Nalll'a tten). former home here. B held In the annex of the Ro- John T. Hendrlckson, who Is a stu- A daughter waa bora lait Thurs- - THEATRE - PUR^-TCNC nounced of Ml«5 Jean Cornelia Por- Thursday Morning Choral to lormed church has been changed ter, daughter ot MM, Alfred Haynes Mr. and Mr«. Harry Dean of Red dent at Rutgers, spent Saturday and day to Mr. and Mrs. James Catkin. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Porter of River road, Runwon, to Ed- Celebrate First Anniversary— Bank were Sunday callers at the from Monday, March 9, to Tuesday, win Thuraton Green, son of Mri. Mer- Shura Cherkauky to Give home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry March 10. Telephone A. H. 118 Schanck. Mrs. Eleanor Lewis of Bayvllle has rill Holden Green of Boston. Miss Program. Porter wag graduated from Crispin Miss Katharine Fort Is confined been spending some time at the rr COSTS NO MORE TO BUY THE BEST AT to the house with grip. Methodist parsonage visiting Mrs. Today-TOURS, Feb. *7 school In 1931, and from Vaigar col- lege In 1935. On the maternal side The second concert of tho 1035-38 Miss Lillian Zllly, Joseph Munch Nelson Moore. Osry Cooper — Ann Harding eho It descended from Lechlan Mao- season will celebrate the first anni- and James Connolly spent Sunday Misses Mazle Wright and Mllll- Dougall of Kentucky, and on her versary of the Thursday Mornln? with Mr. and Mra. William Schuster :ent Broander accompanied Rev. "PETER IBBETSON" father's aide from John Haynes, first Choral, musically and socially, next of Union. kelson Moore to the New Jersey colonial governor of Connecticut. Thursday evening, when a program Mrs. Joseph Havens bas been con- tonference Council of Methodist FBI., SAT., FEB. 28 - 29 She 1B a member of the Junior league. of unusual appeal to the music lov- fined to bed with grip. Youth held at Palmyra. Rev. Mr. ers of Monmouth county will bo pre- Moore was leader of the group plan- 2—FEATURES—a Mr. Green wan graduated from the Miss Norma Jean Jaeger and Rob- sented at tho Red Bank Elks audi- ert Otten attended a birthday party ing peace action. MARKET new preparatory school at Cam- torium. The concert will begin at "MILLIONS IN THE AIR" bridge, Massachusetts, and attended at Red Bank Saturday at the homa The Methodist Sunday-school at- EST. 19O2 Harvard university. Hte mother i» 8:30 o'clock. i of Buddy Woodward. endanco Sunday showed a Bubstan- Shura Chcrkassky, young pianist, Mrs. Muriel Everett Is housed -with lal gain over the same date last 123 WEST FRONT STREET "Moonlight on the Prairie" the former Miss Olive Mead, daugh- ter of the late Charles Williams known as tho "Little Hofmann," will grip. ear. The Sunday-school officers and SUN., MON., TUES., Mead, honorary curator of anthro- bo the guest artist. Having given Miss Laura Runyon and Mlsa teachers are gratified over the sup- PHONE: Red Bank 678. port which the "fishing" contest Is March 1-2-8 pology at the American Museum of recitals throughout the world his Jane Runyn spent part of last week FKEE DEUVEEX. ALL Meats Protected by G-M Frlgidalre. Natural History, who was a descend- fame is International. European at New York. receiving. (. 3—FINE FEATURES—2 ant of Roger Williams. critics have described him as "The Mr. and Mrs. Gut-don Rudolph and The Epworth league members were SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY & SATURDAY ! Myrna I*>y — Spencer Tracy in greatest musical find of the genera- daughter Verta Mae of Belleville in charge of the Sunday evening tion," and as "using the piano like spent the week-end with Mr. and service at tha Methodist church. C "WHIPSAW" Marlboro News. an orchestra." Mrs, Chris Jaeger. Hereafter the league will fill a simi- and Cherkassky will play to a full Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Salmon and lar function at the last Sunday even- Legs Spring Lamb * 25 Walter O. Kelly In houee, therefore tickets should be daughter Lois have returned home ng service of each month. (All Sizes) Mra. A. J. Holland entertained her secured as earlly as possiblible In order Ash Wednesday was observed at card club on Thursday afternoon. after having spent several weekn "THE VIRGINIA JUDGE" to avoid disappointment. Seats may with relatives at New Brunswick. St. Clement's church yesterday. Holy Mra. William Darby vlelted her ba reserved for teachers and a group Communion will be celebrated each C aunts, Elizabeth and Catherine Hay- Mrs. Wallace Miller, Jr., and son WED., THTJRS., MAItCH 4 . 5 of students. Bruce and Mrs. Chris Jaeger and Wednesday morning during Lent at ward, Thursday. nine o'clock. Every Friday evening Rib Lamb Chops • » 23 Jas. Cagney — Fat O'Brien At the close of the conoert the of- daughter Norma Jean spent Friday (All Trimmed) Mrs. Grace Smith was taken to the ficers of the choral, with tho guest afternoon with Mrs. William Myer a Lenten service will be held at "CEILING ZERO" Monmouth Memorial hospital at Long artist and advisory board, will re- of Leonardo. eight o'clock. Sunday morning Holy LawesCoalCo. Branch on Wednesday. a C ceive while the auditorium Is being 'ommunlon will be celebrated at John R. Conover of South Amboy Judson Bennett Is spending two EVERY WED. NIGHT "LUCKY" cleared for dancing. Allan Woolley's weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Edward nine o'clock, the church school will Dietz*s Special Coffee - 21 Shrewsbury, N. J. was a visitor here on Saturday. meet at ten o'clock and the church Mora Popular Than Evir orchestra will play. Miss Gladys L. McNally of Lynnbrook. The best you've ever tasted. The firemen held a dance In the Shropshire, the organizer of the - Harvey Johnson has moved back service will be held at eleven o'clock. fire house on Friday evening. — SPECIAL — Phone Red Bank 1251 choral, will present the artlBt to the Into his house, which was damaged Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Voorhees and officers. several weeks ago by flre. Tho dam- Ib FRIDAY, 0:00 P. M. . children of Jersey City visited Mr, Middletown Village. The Red Bank Register travels The organization has won for It- age has been repaired. Fresh Chooioed Beef 19c "PROSPERITY NIGHT' over every street In town and every and Mrs. J. J. Klngman on Saturday. self a place of recognition a an ex- Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Runyon and road In the county. Let It carry your Mr. and Mrs. William Barkalow of a (The Red Bank Remitter can be bought The Talk of the Town. FREE—»25.0» IN CASH—FREE cellent ensemble unit under the di- daughter Jane of Red Bank and In Middletown from J. C. Knight and message to those who live on these Red Bank were recent guests of Mr. rection of W. A. Goldsworthy, well- Miss Laura Runyon of Belford at- thoroughfares.—Advertisement and Mra. B. Quackenbush. William 13. Waters.) known New York director. Mr. tended the minstrel show of the Raymond Bohn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Storm Is on the Goldsworthy Is also an organist and American legion at Matawan Friday sick list Mrs. William Bohn, continues to im- Bottom Round Roast ^ 29c ranks high as a composer of choral evening. Miss Laura Runyon and prove at Monmouth Memorial hospl- James Montgomery of Ocean Grove music. Jane Runyon took part In the show, RUMP ROAST—25c » was a visitor at the Conover home on tal at Long Branch, where he under- Two choral members, Mrs. Mar- Mr. and Mrs. Lawreneo Scott are went an operation. SPANISH Beauty Salon Thursday. Jorle King of Oakhurst and Mrs. confined Indoors with sickness. C Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Stryk- Mrs. James C. Hendrlckson Is out, 86 BROAD ST.. John «, Osborn of Red Bank, win Edward Neff of East Orange has after having been confined to the • Frankfurters & Bologna «>. 25 er and daughter Jane were guests of bo heard In solo parts during the returned homo after spending two Mrs. Lizzie Stryker on Thursday. house two weeks with a cold. Tel. Red Bank 2342 choral program, and will be accom- weeks with his mother, Mrs. Mary Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shlndle of Red Harvey Holland has a new Chev- panied by Mrs. Dorothy Gravatt Neff. A SMART PLACE erolet car. Winterstella. Miss Angelica Osten- Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Miller, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. James Fleming of dorff of the Ostendorff studios of are spending a few months at St. FOR THE SMART South Amboy were visitors at the Red Bank and New York, will play Petersburg, Florida. Meyer home on Saturday. the solo to ono of the feature num- Julius Kovarlk Is confined to his AND THRIFTY Ralph Artighere has moved with bers, house with a severe cold. WOMAN! his family to their former home at Mrs. Emily N. Taylor of Red Bank Albert Seeley la suffering with Madison. Is president of the Thursday Morn- blood poisoning in his hand. Prevue Prevue A Place for Relaxation. Lux- Ing Choral, Mrs. Theresa McCIIntock Mrs. Henry Knochel and son of urious New Waiting Boom and State Hospital News. of Long Branch vice president and Leonardo spent Saturday with Mrs. Wednesday Wednesday Booths with the latest Furniture Miss Gladys Shropshire of Red Bank Knochel's parents, Mr. and Mr«. C. secretary and treasurer. B Roche. Night and Equipment. Miss Fernanda J. Stroebele, clerk- Night stenographer, has resigned to accept Donald English Is chairman of the Harold EistmonJ has returned a position In the Hudson County hos- ushers and Is being assisted by War- home after spending two weekss with pital for mental diseases at Secaucua ren S. Ayres, Harry C. Bradley, John friends at Teaneck. DAILY SPECIALS ! Our Famous Permanent Miss Marlon L. Baldwin spent the W. Flock, Jr., John Glblon, Jr., Avery Charles Hoose has returned to his Wave Croquignole or week-end at the home of her parents I* Giles, Edwin C. Gllland, Jr., Eu- position with the Pennsylvania rail- 2—390 Items at Newark. gene Magee, Dudley J. Ramsden, road company after two yearB' leave THURSDAY — FRIDAY and 1 60a Combination from There will be a meeting ot the Em- William V. Smith, Walter F. Thomp- of absence. Item ployees' association for the election son and Vollln B. WellB. Tickets are Sergeant and Mrs. R. H. Green and $2-50 to $>7.50 of officers in the recreation room ot in charge of Mrs. Edward Borden, son Kenneth of Shrewsbury were r\NNE SHIRLEY - PHILLIPS HOLMES (Mint 01 Tar) the Nurses's home on Thursday even- chairman, Mrs. E. W. Estes and Har- Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Water Waving Ing, February 27, at 8:00 P. M. old A. Johnson. Miss Gladys L. Douglas ,Cook. —IN- Finger Waving ' Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur S. Lannlng Shropshire Is In charge of publicity. Miss Marjorle Sutherland returned Halntuttlng Special ! spent the week-end with the former's Dean's, florist, of Little Silver, will to her position at Asbury Park on Eyebrow Arching parents at Trenton. do the decorating. Monday after having been kept home Manicuring Frederic Machine There will be a card party and The advisory board consists of Mrs, several days with a severe cold. "CHATTERBOX" dance In the Nurses' home on Tues- Emily N. Taylor, Mrs. Theresa Mc- Mrs. Elmer Compton and son OU Shampoo Spiralette day evening, March 17. CIIntock, Miss Gladys I.. Shropshire, Clifford spent part of last week at Marcelling Dr. D. W. McCrelght has been II Mrs. Harrison L. Bance, Mrs. Ed- New York. Facials $£.00 for several weeks In the personnel ward Borden, Mrs. Charles R. Eng- Mark Allen and family of Wes Harker Hot-Oven Ware Free to Ladies! Scalp Treatments 50< ward. lish, Mrs. H. F. TheUimeyer and Mrs. Brighton spent Sunday with Mr. and The regular weekly dance for the F. A. Wessell. Mrs. David Voorhees. PEDICURE 2 for $7.00 patients was held Tuesday evening. Associate members of the choral Mrs. Edward Barnes Is slowly Im- SATURDAY — SUNDAY — MONDAY OH TREATMENT ~75° Complete and Guaranteed. ThlB was followed by a short dance are the Apollo club of Asbury Park, proving from painful Injuries which foi the employees. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ballln, Mr. and she received while at her household Hair Dyeing _ tSM Ul $0.00 Also a Machinelest Wave Miss Helen T. Sheridan spent the Mrs. E. J. Batchelar, Mr. and Mrs. duties last Thursday. Bed Henna, M.J5 which we can unhesitatingly C. Byron Blalsdell, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Roop are recommend for any kind of week-end at the home of her mother White Henna . .$1.60 at Lambertvllle. Blalsdell, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. visiting friends at Brooklyn. Includlnf Shampoo and Flnirar Wav« hair. Burghard, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Mrs. Bertha Pools of Belmar has COULD The road to better and bfgger busi- Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. John W. returned homo after spending sev- FREE PARKING SPACE ness leads through The Register's ad- Flock, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W.HI11, eral days with her parents, Mr. and vertising columns.—Advertisement Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hlnman Hoyt, Mrs. Garrott A. Lee. Mr. ana Mrs. David Jones, Mr. and Capt. John W. Glass, Sr., Is at the Mrs. Theodore D. Parsons, Dr. and home of his daughter, MrB. Thomas IN NEW YORK Mrs. Walter A. Rullman, Mr. and Pettit of River Plasa. He is serious- Mrs. Charles V. Shropshire, Mr. and ly ill from acute indigestion and a Mrs. Warren Smock, Mr. and Mrs. heart attack. . .. and only then if E. Akin Starks, Mr. and Mrs. J. Dan- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cook of Point DOREMUS BROS lol Tuller and Mr. and Mrs. Julius Pleasant spent Saturday afternoon Zingg, Mrs. E. A. S. Clarke, Mrs. J. with Mrs. Jennie Trimble and Mri. you knew your way Virginia Gasklll, Mrs. J. A. Haskell, John Glass. COMPLETE FOOD MARKET SINCE 1877 Mrs. Jacob Krldel, Mrs. Ernest A. Miss Gladys Salt of New York was around! Llnburn, Mrs. Frank Maps, Mrs. a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jack 3 PHONES—1560 - 1561 - 1562 Olive Wyckoff, .Mrs. Mary Zolllnger Reid, who are residing with Mr. aid and Misses Bertha and Florence Krl- Mrs. Arthur Glass. 11 & 13 BROAD ST. -:- FREE DELIVERY^ del, Emma Jane Lafetra, Gertrude Mrs. Earl Hoyer Is gaining slowly Norman and Marie Wilby and after being a patient at Rlverview Charles E. Annett. hospital, Red Bank, the past nine Choral members Include Mrs. W. weeks. SPECIALS—FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY ! W. Armstrong, Mrs. Harrlaon Bance, Miss Minerva Euler Is confined to Mrs. John E. Bennett, Mrs. J. D. the house with grip. Blair, Mrs. Bertha S. Blanc, Mrs. Miss Helen Smith has been kept Edward Borden, Mrs. Esther ^Brit- Indoors wljh a cold LEGS of Genuine Young Lamb 25% ton, Mrs. Cecil C. Crawford, Mrs. J. Mrs. John Bade has been on the H Eigenrauch, Mrs. Charles R. Eng- sick list lish, Mrs. E. W. Estcs, Mrs. Alton Miss Euretta Foster Is confined to Fresh Jersey Fresh Jersey V Evans, Mrs. Allan Frost, Mrs. J. tho house with grip. Fresh Killed •Virginia Gasklll, Mrs. Theodore B. Mr, and Mrs. C. D. Jaeger, Sr., of Gotzlor, Mrs. Charles J. Greenflold, Jersey City spent Saturday with Mr. PORK Mrs. Janetto Hance, Mrs. Dorothy and Mrs. Chris Jaeger. PORK LOINS Hoffman, Mrs. George A. Hogan, Mrs. Mrs. Mahlon A. Grimes Is making JERSEY FOWL Harold A. Johnson, Mrs. Marjorle (Whole or Half) a stay with her daughter, Mrs. Frod KIM3 SHOULDERS King, Mrs. Albert Lauber, Jr., Mrs. Roske of Teaneck. William M. Lybarger, Mrs. Theresa David Voorhees is on the sick Hat McCIIntock, Mrs. R. W. Morgan, Mrs. David Plahn, Jr., Is spending ten MarjorJa Morris, Mrs. John H. Os- days at Lake Placid. born, Mrs. P. Broadus Powers, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kohlor spent 19*1b 29*1b 29;, Frank L. Ross, Mrs. W. Laurence Sunday with friends at Keansburg. Slebert, Mrs. C. Rogers Smith, Mra. Mr. and Mrs. Qarry Roberts of llfUV«fE Emily N. Taylor, Mrs. H. F. Thles- Keyport and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley a fox slclur* wIDi moyer, Mrs. Allen C. Thompson, Mrs. Cook sp»nt last Thursday evening Fresh Killed Jersey TURKEYS 35*ft I. J. Trubln, Mrs. J. Daniel Tullor, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith. Mr*. Dorothy Uzdllla, Mrs. Stewart Miss faunlco Mabb has returned WARNER BAXTER VanVllet, Mrs. Philip S. Walton,, to her home at Portaupeck after si (Even greater than in 42nd Strttt ) Rippled Wheat Mrs. F. A. month's stay with her sister, Mrs. Libby's Sale! SUPER SPECIALS! pkg. lOo Wesrfoll, Mrs. Harold West, Mrs. L. V. Whitneyy, Mrs. Kohlcr. Kcllogg'n Corn Clinton Wllber and Mrs. Mary ZZol- Miss Euretta Foster Is 111 with ALICE FAYE • JACK OAKIE grip. Pear. - CBn 19c CHIPSO GOLD DUST Flakes pkg. 7o linger. Also Misses Sara Armstrong, ARLINE JUDGE • MONA BARRIE Grace Beith, Edna M. Hallock, Ruby Mr*. Bruce Kohler gavg e a party l'almnllvo Soap E. Hartcorn, Angelica Ostendorff, Saturday afternoof n In honor of the GREGORY RflTOFF • DIXIE DUNBAR Pineapple M • Cnko So Pauline Plngitore, Gladys L. Shrop- olghth birthday of hor son Mlllard. 17 Onut pks;. 16o shire and Suzanne Shutts. Those present besides the celebrant FATS WALLER • NICK LONG. JR. Peache. were Jerry Richmond, Albert Cook, KENNY BAKER m MarshnnUlows James Lucker, Jr:, Robert Bowers, PICKLES Sigma Septem Girls David Foster and Burtls Scott. AiixUft PiodtiKV Jfauitlh Mitww*n DlntUj by Stf* P'eapple Juice ^ Cheese Ritz Mb. pkg;. 17o Helm Ououmber Games wore enjoyed and refre»h- from » *£FULS. shot. The scores: Bcored ten more,. Red Bank was al- P AVE HG and Methodist aggregations are slat- lowed only eight points In the last Pewockl 118 533.27 (333 ed to oppose ono another next Fri- RED BANK. half. Eaulet 113 530.11 041 day night. O F PTS. St. James Team Buttarili 101 624.33 CB6 2 0 4 Jim Parker, leading Red Bank Condort . 102 SU4.6 653 The St. James netters, champions ileero, t. . 4 scorer, topped his tearranates with Cardinal! 92 600.6 CGI of the church league for the past sev- Ayres, t. ., 2 Loses To Amboy Htwjd . ,„. 67 600.5 682 eral years, are well out of the run- Zaeer, f. .. 3 eleven points while Ken Richardson Joyblrdi 66 488.21 617 ning for this year's honors. They are Gcttls, f. .. 1 followed with eight points. Truax Cuckoo. 59 404.16 606 Egffleston, e. .... « Ecoied fourteen points to take scor- now in third place with four wins Ceronl, g. 1 Red Bank Catholic Five Out- There was no chanpo in the first and three losses. Summonti, 1 •cored by Opponents in Three ing honors for the victors. ten bowlers. Alex Curchin, Jr., la Seblasky, g 1 The scores: •till holdlnn first placo with an av- STANDING OP THE TEAMS. Tomalno, g. — 1 Periods—Lone by 29 to 16 BED BANE. erage of 187.40, and George Decker W L PC c runse 2 WcKtaido Y. M. .857 Score. O F PTS. 1* second with 186.47. Chet Ebie Is Y M. II. A. .US 22 7 SI Ojborn, f ...._....._.._ 0 8 8 third with 172.57, and Clancy Boyn- Methodist . .715 Greenwood, f. ...—...—.— . ooo St. JnmeH .671 KEYPOBT. St, Mary's basketball team of South Richardson, f. .._...... £,.. 4 0 8 ton Is fourth with 171.19. .148 , O P PTS. Savage f, ...-..—»-..H»«..«..«..H. 0 0 0 St. Anthem? Page, f. ..000 Amboy defeated tho Red Bank Cath- High individual game is being held Presbyterian .000 IU 1!IE EAST ollo high school team at South Am- Parker, o...... 4 8 11 by Arty MacDonald with 263, high Banks, f. .. ..011 Newman, g...... — 10 2 FAILEOTO PIS Leonard, c. .... - ..124 boy last Thursday by a score of 26 Individual series by Decker with 639, GAMES THW FUlDAY. Green, g...... _.».._...... -..—....^ 0 0 0 St. Anthony v». Westnlde Y. M. C. A. Letts, g. ..000 to 16. Morrow, g. .. .—...——— lls and high team game, by the Buzzards St. JnmeH va. Presbyterian. Andrew, g .. 0 0 0 Nidak, g ...... 0 0, Hed Bank was handicapped by a It lil •with 680. Tho Condors aro holding MothodlBt vs. Y. M. H. A. 0 0 high team series with 1,118. The Presbyterians, still In the cel- Occinegeld, g. .. small squad of players, while their MANASQUAN. opponents used their Junior varsity OF I>T«% INDIVIDUAL AVERAGES. lar, dropped a close decision to the 1 S S King, t ,...... —.—...—.~™..-..« 2 15 G AVE HG throughout half of the game. South awe-inspiring Westsiders, by a count Coach Plngatore'o team on their McDonald, f. . . .'. 0 0 0 Curchin CO 187.40 246 of 36 to 20. Green, N. Williams and Amboy took tho lead In the first Tmai. I. 6 2 14 Dicker 61 180.47 247 home court last Friday afternoon quarter when they scored nix points Taylor, c...... —.. .—. 4 0 8 jjbie • 60 172,67 ii\ G Williams of the Y. M. C. A. team broke the Long Branch junior high Roberta, c . . • 0 11 Boynton 60 171.19 246 each succeeded in Tolling up eight school basketball teams string of four to their opponents' two. Applegate, g, . .— -. S 2 8 •Wlndnigel 60 lco.si mo points to make 24 of their team's 36 straight victories by winning, 25-to- A sharp-shooting offense gave the Wood, g 4 2 10 Parker 54 164,14 232 St Mary's courtmen eleven more O F PTS. VonKattentrell 60 163.62 218 tallies. Marshall, alternate right for- 16. At half-time Reel Bank held a 1B- 10 8 46 JdacDonald .. 46 162.25 263, ward, was the only player on the !'Y" afternoon sailed his craft from Red to-12 lead. points In the oecond quarter, with the 8eora by quarttri: Smith 60 100.33 220 squad who failed to score during the Ice Yachtsmen Bank to the Oceanic bridge, and had half ending, 17 to 11. The Hed Bank- Itea Bank 0 10 . 8 B—21 YanDom 60 157.23 209 Quadrangle Club DeGeorge scored eight points for ers outscored their opponents In the Tomorrow night at eight o'clock on match. For the defeated five, Balne, it been possible to pass through the Manasquan 0 11 18 10—41! draw he hid hoped to sail his craft Red Bank, while Tomaino followed third period by three points. Officials: Referee, Clttndlno; scorer, Wor« alleys five and six the Eagles will at left guard, was high man with a with six. Renzo, Eaposlto and Gallo den; timer, Escholbach. count of three field goals and a single Had Great Sport up Into Clayplt creek at Locust Beats Leonardo Bauer topped Red Bank scorers with bowl the Jaybirds while on alleys scored four points each to lead the seven and eight tho Condors will free shot for a total of seven points. Point However, no one oh tho draw- six points, while Dick Attridge fol- bridge heard his signal that he want- Long Branch scorers. The scores- lowed with five. Chonsky and Dolan bottrt the Cardinals. At 9:30 o'clock ,, The scoro of the St. Jamea-Y. M. H. Over Week-End In Spirited Game "SS'SPORT on alleys five and eix tho Cuckoos A. conflict was 23 to 10. Leading In ed to go through the draw and con- RED BANK. ' shared scoring honors for the victors sequently he had to be content with p PTS cnuistiv •will bowl the Hawks while on alleys three out of the four sessions the DeGeorge, f...... a4 0 8 with five points each. The score; •even and eight the Peacocks will Hebrew boys had little difficulty In Two Races on Washington's going about at the bridge and return- Republicans Take Possession of Cicero, f '• • ' 1 1 8 RED DANKs bowl the Buzzards. ing homeward. Mr. ^White told a Ssger, f. . , , 2 a 4 0 P PT3. topping the Saints throughout the Birthday Taken by Ruppert First Place in City ^Basketball 1 i Attridge, f. .215 Register reporter thaftthat was the s Bauer, f. By winning two games, the Jay-match, although in the third period and Gillig's Entries, Eskimo third time this winter he had sailed League-—Field Club Places Surnmonti, g. ..._....._...... _... 0 l 1 ..306 birds moved up just two points be- the Catholics launched an Inspired Tomaino, ff. .— 0 6 Grause, o 10 2 and Pirate. his craft from Red Bank to the Oce- . Second. Vcrangc, g. 0 0 0 Spence, g. . 0 1 1 -MORE LUXURIOUS THAN EVER! hind the Hawks, who are In sixth attempt at a comeback and rolled anic bridge and return. VanBrunt, g. ., 10 2 place, The Condors wero given 45 up rlvo points to their opponents' one. n* S5~ MATTHEWS "3&" Ideal Ice yachting conditions over' Ice on Sunday averaged from 20 to The Red Bank Young Men's Re- 7 2 10 pins, and the Jaybirds 54. The vic- The St. Anthony cagers failed to 24 inches in thickness along the bor- LONG BRANCH. tors were forced to use a dumaiy in make much headway against the the week-end brought out one of the publican club basketball team moved p PTS SOUTH AMBOY. Aristocrat of thn Soa ough docks, some twenty Inches on a 0 P PTS G«t aboard this lupirb craft Morv«l at IU bis. com- largest number of boats ever seen on into first place last Thursday night Renia, t ...- .-_. 2 4 Chonsky. f. foVlcbU tflbln, ... in ipottout dick ... fti psiftct place of Pete Plngatorc, who did notMethodists aa the latter, led by Dick more along the Middletown shore, 0 >how up for the match. The Jay-Warner in right forward position, toe Ice here on a Washington's birth- in the City league when the Red Esposito, I 2 4 Bulman, f. ™ 0ppointm«nt|, Now on dtiploy at day and again on Sunday. In addi- 15VJ inches in the vicinity of Brown's 3B11O, C...... _.._.._...... «. 1 2 4 Jlyao, f MIW YORK'S LAROIBT birds won the opening Bame by eight copped this match by a final reckon- Bank Quadrangle club courtsters de- ^ocuzza g...... —....•——.. 0 1 1 tion to tho great fleet thero wore Dock and better than twelve inches Dwyer, t. NRMANINT iOAT SHOW' pins, the second by 63 and dropped ing of 18 to 8. Breaking oven with in the vicinity of the Oceanic bridge. ieated the Leonardo field club, 34 to farron, g...... —...... 0 1 1 Coughlln, f. ... hundreds of spectators on tho ice, 26. The Republicans defeated the Blnsl, g. ; 0 0 0 Jankownkl, e. . Whllt hti* you may olio look ovir 1P3A modtli ol the last game by 42. Roy McKnight a two-all count in the initial period Qillionc, g...... _.._...... « 1 0 rnay be credited for his team's one- and parked in cars on the borough Red Bank Towncra, 47 to 10, and tho Oloary, c , I RICHARDSON CRUISIRS the Methodists settled down In thewater front property and on proper- Leonard, o...... „,.„__„ 0 game win when ho turned In a. 223remaining quarters to lead the Saints Rumson Ramblers won trom the Red Stratton, g -„„ ." 1 KERMATH MOTORS score In his final game. The scores: ties belonging to the y?cht clubs. Bank Trojans, 27 to 18. Dolan, g 2 Sptidbaari, tallbooti, oulboardi,.canon, eowboatiW throughout the rest of the contest. There were boats oj all descrip- Many imd boot borooint. Term* end ttodtf. CONDORS. The Field club is now In second Harklns, g . 0 The latter shut out their opponents tions, from the home-made juvenile Long Branch Team McCarthy, «T. «..._.«...... „ _... 2 BRUNS KIM BALL & CO. McKnight ...- • 126 H« . 223 entirely in the second stanza by anbuilt craft to the large Class A boats place with five wins and two losses, EHe - - 169 177 137 8 to 0 tally. Warner of the Metho- ROD AND GUN and the Quadrangle club In third 15 S 29 »th *••., Cor. 11th St., N«w York VonKattenBcll _ -.. -. 170 127 147 of. expert designing and workman- Defeats Quad Five dists was high man for the evening ship. Then again thero wero visit- place with four wins and three losses. 455 444 607 with five field goals. The scores: ing boats brought here from distant The Rrcnsonltes are averaging .500 Handicap 45 ^45 45 WESTSIDE M. M. 0. A. with four wins and the same num- Tho Red Bank Quadrangle club points by their owners who fetched There are a number of men In suffered one of Its worst defeats of COO 4S9 652 ber of losses. G P PT3.their craft with them tied on to their these parts whose dally toil involves season Monday night when they lost JAYB1RD3. Green, f -——™- .. 4 0 8 automobiles. considerable cnental effort, but whose STANDING OF THE TEAMS. Mullcr 178 170 IS a N. WillinmB, 1 _ 4 0 8 W L PC to the Long Branch Anastasla phar- Hartncr - 156 202 177 Marshall, f i _. 0 0 0 There were two official races von efforts physically are scarcely more Republican club » 6 1 .857 macists, 43 to 10, at they local high ftiylor, c _ _„-..„.._ 2 8 Dummy 2. . 120 120 120 .. 8 Washington's birthday under the exerting than signing a batch of doc- Leonard field club . & 2 .714 school gymnasium. f .. 8 0 Mahon's Breeze, Reuben White's Sportsmen's show, which will close G P PTS Wlndnagle turned In a 202 game for Luu Wik'iiorowitz, f ... 2 0 Elisabeth R., Thomas Irving Brown's March 7. the victors and Leo La Blonda, one- Sergl, f _ 4 1 the Cuckoos, who were forced to usoLeon Witldorowitz, t. „ _« - 0 0 Phantom and Benjamin L. Atwater's armed star, scored the eame number Paratino, f. 5 0 10 a dummy score in place of Bill Hoff- Westcrman, c , 1 l In order to make any kind of for the Trojans. Block, f 0 0 GRAND CENTRAL PALACE Krakow.tz, u ™_ «..- 1 2 Pet, finishing In the order named. showing against Greene, competitors Pomper, I. ..— I 0 man. The scores: .. 8 0 0 The scores: Entnncn on Both Park end Uxlntton Aveniw Uboviifcy. K The afternoon race was taken by will have to be able to chop through Galatto, c. , 0 0 RUMSON. Bova, e. . 0 0 DlmilM CAMPBEU-FAIRBANB EXPOSITIONS, Int. CUCKOOS. 21 Ruppert & Gllllg's Pirate, which fin- an eight-inch square log in less than To ~i ished the ten-mile event fifty seconds f PTS. Seltzer, g. .. , 2 t Sthwenker 130 lr>3 137 ST, JAMES. AnaataBla, g — 4 1 Dummy 120 u>0 120 21 seconds. Greene has performed It Carhart, f. 3 3 0 G p PTS ahead of the Breeze In what proved ; Kaplan, g 1 9 Wlndnagle ..._ 168 109 202 in 19 !i seconds, claiming a world's Brlscese, f. ..._..«..•..»..«.—..»... 4 u a Conperthwalte, t .. 0 0 0 to be a very slow race due to lighten- Levine, c. »»»«».»«..»„. 4 i 10 Trnfarl, g 1 AttridKo. t .. 0 0 0 record. 0 0 424 44:1 459 ing of the wind. Perl, 8. . ..-..„. ._«»...... 0 SjiDm-u f. — .„„——.„ __ 0 1 1 Cunningham, IT. 0 0 0 ~i 4t Hnndlcap 39 39 39 0 When Greene starts to make the ViuiBrtint. f .. 0 0 PRIZE AND POINT RACE-COURSE. TEN chips fly with his hefty two-edged ax HttUCrt Ct i,L ,,r r -r-Ti.r .— - 8 0 MILES—STAKT, 11:01. 463 481 490 0 a 11 6 /7 1'ilTdlU' f o o Boat and Owner Finish he doesn't come up for air, so to TROJANS. THE JOSEPH OWX SAILED HEBE BUZZARDS. Comvny, g —. . .. 0 8 1 Eskimo. Rupnort and Gllllg 11:24:55 speak, until he has transformed one Kruse .._ 160 111 1 r.'.l G F PTS. McNAIR'S MARKET Pirate. Ruppert and GiUlu ll:2[i-.5ri La Blonda, J. 6 t ID Grooms ltio U;\ r.M ~4 lars'c log Into two There la ecraie- ~i To Breeze, Harry McMahon . 11:26:00 Baraaio. f. -.— 0 0 0 An Old Time Ice Boat Fays Visit to Bnynton .- 13U 120 142 METHODIST. Elisabeth,R.. Reuben Whlto 11:26:20 thlng fascinating in watching a back- Red Bank Saturday. 19 EAST FRONT ST., RED BANK. G F PTS Phantom, Thomas Irving Brown.. 11:28:06 woods expert tackle a job of that Maxza, t. , 0 0 0 "• • • 419 374.. 424 It. Winner, t. ; w _. 4 0 8 Pet, Benjamin L. Atwater 11:28:15 Fazzone, &;. . 2 0 4 Phone 372. Bnndlcsp _ _... 68 68 6H .. 0 "0 kind. Every cut counts. A most amusing Incident during Slii'iniim, f. 0 CLUB POINT RACE—COURSE, TEN Vaccarelll, ». 10 2 Schooloy. f. ™ .. —. — 1 0 2 MILES—START, 2:26. Another feature at the show, aside the Ice yachting activities laat week- 507 432 492 Ilui-lianaii c. ... 0 S Specials 1 Friday and Saturday, Feb. 28 - 29. ... a Boat and Owner Fininh from tho many elaborate exhibits of 9 9 18 end was the bringing out of an old After dropping the first game, the .. 0 0 0 r Ice boat which was a familiar craft Kullum, s „....—..„..„„,-... l 0 2 Pirate. Ruppert and Gllllir 2:. .9:10 sporting equipment, will be casting A scoring rampage In tho final Eagles came back and overwhelm- Hriulloy, K ... 0 0 0 Breeze, Harry McMahon 3:00:00 contests, with Arthur J. Neu of New- quarter gave tho Republicans an on the river here some fifty or oiore ingly took tho second and third V. Wnrner, s - .. 0 0 0 Pet, Benjamin L. Atwater ...„ 3:01:30 ark, nationally known fly and bait overwhelming victory over tho Town- years ago. The boat was built piece- .. 0 0 Elisabeth R.. Reuben Whlto 9:02:30 game3 from tho Cardinals. Thu Jeffrey, K .»..„»«».».... 0 Phantom, Thomas Irving Brown.. 3:02:35 caster, In charge. Thero is no doubt ers. At halt-time the victors were meal during the years 1876 to 1880 for" c Eagles wcro given 45 pins imd the 0 ~0 ii Eskimo, Ruppert and Olllla 3:03:40 that a number of Essex county fly leading, 16 to 1, and In tho last quar- Charles Allen of Brown's Dock by bis Cardinals 74. Phil Smith may bD Jack Frost,- Moelter and Young.. 3:03:01) ST. ANTHONY. Say Whon. Thomas Irving Brown 3:05:00 and bait castors will participate. En- ter scored 22 point!. Harold Turnock son, Charles Allen, Jr., who started Round Roast 28 credited for the Cardinals' victory in G F PTS tries for tho fly and bait casting scored seventeen points for, tho He-the construction of the boat when the opening gamo when lie turnej Clnmhrono. t .. 1 0 2 Due to the large crowd on the Ice (ROLLED) riumvn, f - .. 0 0 0 and the desire of several of tho boat events will close Wednesday. Entries publicans and Joe Gentile, four for only sixteen yeara of age. In a 212 game. George Carey of theMitmlello, f « .. 1 0 2 should bo addressed to the sports- the losers. 0 0 owners to take friends out for a Tho boat was named by the senior SMALL SHOULDER EaglcH handed in a 201 game, whilo Muniiiflo, c -»- o pleasure sail onl>> one race was held men's show headquarters, Hotel The scores: Mr. Allen tho Joe Owl, In honor of Decker turned In scores of 208 andIticri. n - - ... 1 0 2 Roosevelt, New York. Nollii Plotro, S • _ 0 1 1 Sunday, that In the afternoon. REPUBLICAN CLUB. the late Joseph Aul, a prominent Red 222 for his second and* third gameH, ToinniiiQ S •— 0 0 0 G f PT3. 1 1 This event was over the club's reg- It waa about 25 years ago when the Bank barber a halt-century or more elb respectively. The Cards won tho firs', s ular triangular course for a ten-mile last largo sportsmen's show was held Hounlhan, 1. . 5 0 10 ago. In naming the boat Mr. Allen Fowl Lamb Swtcl, f. 1 1 8 game by 47 pins nnd dropped tho in New York. Many of tho exhibits Turnock. f. 8 1 17 misspelled Mr. Aul's last name, 29 journey and it was taken by Ruppert second by 10S and the third by 01!. Rumson Victors & Gllllg's Pirate, which just nosed of llvo fish and game which were Ilondrickson, c. 2 0 4 The boat Is now owned by the or- Tho SCOTCH: out the Eskimo, her ulster craft, by displayed thia winter In Boston and Scheldt, s- • 6 0 12 KACI.KS. P. Cal&ntlrleUo, s. -/ . Oil iginal owner's grandson, Raymond Over Leonardo the narrow margin of nineteen sec- other New England cities will be Allen, and she was sailed fran Sirloin or Porterhouse Steak Illgglni __ 177 194 117 onds. presented at tho New York show. 22 i 47 Cnrey 131 lfiK 201 TOWNEBS. Brown's Dock to Red Bank by Ray- Decker ' Ili2 208 2211 Advanco publicity indicates that New Poor foul shooting proved disaBter- COURSE. TEN MILES—STARTING Q F PTS.mond's brother, Robert Allen. ful for tho Leonardo high schoool TIME, 2:30 P. M. Jersey's Flah and Gamo Corraninslon Squlllantfl, f. 10 2 470 670 570 Tho boat la a -rigged craft, SMOKED Doat and Owner I'Hn. Time will bo represented by an oxhlblt. It. Gentile. (. 0 0 0 LEAN FRESH Ilnmllrnr. 46 46 46 liud Thursday night when thoy wore carrying approximately 150 square hosts to tho Purple and White bas- Pirate. Ruppert & Ollllg 2:53:00 Tho latest In firearms for hunting N. GentlU, I. 0 0 0 REOjPLAIl Eskimo, Ruppert & Cllllg 2:53:10 Aumack, c ...... —._. 1 0 2 feet of sail and tho sail being U'ed 625 (115 618 anything from rallblrds to elephants; elb Icetball team of Rumnon, nnd loat af- Ilrfleze. Harry McMahon 2:54:00 Fltfaro, g I...... Oil now Is tho original sail which w»s CARDINALS. ter u scorlnK sprco foil short In thoPhantom, Thnman Irving Drown.. 2:55100 fishing tacklo from sunflsh to giant J. Gentile, g. 2 0 4 Clb Turnock 139 11(1 IRS Say Whon. Thomas Irvine Hrown 2:55:10 cut out and rcropod by Captain Hams 24 last fow minutes of play. Tho scoro tuna; aids, Bnownhocs, canoes, out- I'hller, g. o 1 1 Tabor .. 147 160 120 Ilnlny, Andrew Murray .... 2:r>flivrt Charles Allen, Jr. The sail was mads (Whole) Hams 29 board motors and other sporting Smith 212 160 160 wna 30 to 2S. Elisabeth It.. Reuben White 2:57l30 4 I 10 from a discarded pound boat sail and (Wbnlo) Comet, Edwardti Rullman ..._ Withdrew equipment will bo shown. 4S8 436 «4S Leonardo took tho lead In tho op A spirited team of Quad couitmen all of the stitches and ro-roplng were Ing quarter but was unablo to stop Pet. Benlamln L. Atwater Withdrew Handicap 7 1 74 74 The Plrato again showed her speed upset the Field club In tho closing done by hand. Tho tall waa origin- tho visitors from running up thirteen Thla Is the time of tho year when gamo of the evening. Tho Quads ally usod on a pound boat owned by 672. HO 610 points In tho «ccond quarter. At In the ten-mile raco hold Monday af- LOIN LAMB CHOPS Winning tho first and iim'oml games ternoon for points on the Fred D. tho oalt-water anglers usually think wore held to only ono point ,ln thoJohn Joyco of Fair Haven and at hU 32!> half-timo Humson led, 10 to 14. Tho about flounder fishing—but not thla opening quarter while tho Field club death was sold with other material tb« Peacocks wcro unable to stand Ornngo and Black quintet ecorod ten Wlkoff neanon tropy and although th« pressure of tho opposliiK Hawks gottlng off to a very poor slort she year. Thoro Is still too much snow scored nine. At half-time the Quads and property owned by him at a ven- UNITED SERVICE GROCERS. point!! In tiio lnnt quarter whilo Iluul- and lco In evidence nnd It will prob- trailed, 13 to 11, In tho final halt duu sale. The Jos Owl was built In tho last gamo and loot by 'XI pins. uon wan nllowcd only BU. came through by lapping all but two of the ntarters. ably bo late in March ore we hear the Quads hit their utrldo and scored not no much for speed as It waa for Granulated SUGAR 5 tb§. 24c The Hawks were given 52 pins and Hurold Patterson led Humoon with comfort, tho body having ntoncwhat the Peacocks 44, VnnDnni assisted Tho race was sailed in n modernto tho first news of a flounder having 23 points, while holding their oppon- Flagstaff PRESERVES r.....2>tb. jar« 29c eleven points, and Hennott was high to light south to enuthcant breeze been caught. ents to thirteen. Chic Forbcn scored of a rectangular ehupo and the ap- ; tba Peacocks In wlnnlnir their opener uenrer fnr Leonardo with the same twolve points for the victors and pearanco of an open box. The boat when he turned In a 207 score, while that at times had tho skippers guess- Flagstaff APPLESAUCE 1.3 can. 25c number. The scores: ing "to find tho wind." Tho rnco Ijir.ky Conover thirteen for tho Field was built and sailed before the late Alex Curchin, Jr., handed in a 2St> l.EONAHDO. club. Commodore Jamea B. Weaver of Red Flagstaff Green Stringiest Beans 2,can» 23c •cor* to win the second game. The would no doubt have boon takon by Red Bank Loses V PT8 the Pirate's sailing mate Eskimo had The scores: Bank built the original Scud, which Peacocks won the opening game by Jlnlnry, f. a 0 2 waa renamed Kitty, and long before Flagstaff TOMATOES 2 cant 25c 1 06 pins and tho second by 73. ThoMnhlil en, f I 0 Ita skipper not b«nn forced to with- QUADI1ANGLE 0I.UD. Adllluilii r 2 0 To Neptune Five tho Into Thomas Hubbard and the Flagstaff TOMATO JUICE large can 10c •cores I draw hla boat due to a most imuiiml O K I'TB. . 2 l 5 Incident, which In told In di-tnll In Osborn, f. _. o 0 0 Into Charles Hondrlcli/ion brought out HAWKS. •it Mil 1 1 f 0 2 Nvplunn hlh'li fichool'n bankotball Beardsley's Shredded CODFISH ...2 pkgs. 28c 1 anothor article In Dili Isuiio. l-'urmr. f. ..._ _... 12 4. tho well known boat Undo Bob. ; M.ttlrtwi laa rid ir.o Wllnnn. r _ - 0 a 0 team bunded Conch Hill Hhcrwood'ii Wortliify, f. - , 2 1! 0 la0 Ul) lai> lleniiill u is l 11 Turnoek, c. n :i K Pink SALMON 2 tell can* 23c Darnmr • • VaiiNiulvtlik. 0 0 0 COUIlllE. TEN MIM3H-STARTING Moormen their iiecond defeat of tho In 1H8I1 Oiplnln Chnrlnn Allen, Jr., TIME, 2:30 »'. M. Heaoon latit week when they won, 30 Muller, u. — _ 2 0 4 who still resides near Brown's Dock, l CMI 12c Farktr....,——.— mi inn 1112 HIIKHII X l 0 2 Forbes, g. ^._ d o 12 Green Circle TUNA FISH ..... /f^' in ill 4r,n Knslir it 0 0 0 Boat *nl Ownot Fin. Tlm« to IB, at Nnnttino. Earlier In tho built and launched a speedy craft of Pirate, Ituppert & filing ... 2i5l)iZ0 Handle... ;« >! r,s IS 2 28 v noanon Nuptuna was victorious 13 14 fit tho present class A size which he (light Moot) , ", rt 11UMS0N. llreeie, Harry McMahon 3:03:0.1 WONAIIDO Green Mountain POTATOES ....16qt. BBS 478 52(1 Bllsab.th It., ltenih.ii Whit. miniilH to 12. named the Edna M. PSACOOKS. MB F I'TB Green Mountain POTATOES ....16-qt. bsktor. 55c6 K»rr. 1 a r2 8 Hay When, Thomm Irvlns Brown ailniOO Noptuno held tho lead throughout Mllkr. r ., -. 2 B VsoDorn ...... •»•••• 207 Ms 137 .... s I>al»y, Amlraw Mui-my 3il«s00 Thn Joe Owl, when she was ntUlnl or 6 SttklMltB ... •••- I"1 ""' '-1 ltilmrk. f .... 0 0 0 tho H»"»\ nnd nt Imlt limn led, 20U. Mlln, { I) 0 0 Florida GkAPEFRUIT £ £ S rntt^rMitii, f. „, .._ ..'^ ... 4 g It Vet, n.nlHmln 1,. Atwater 3-17ino r.mnvfir r. ,1 1.1 lo Hod Bank n few dnyo ago, at- Flid GkAPEFRUIT£ £ S 90l Phantom, Thnmii. Irvlnir llruwn Wllinli.w to 13, Don Onboin nnd Jim Parker r, SuKhln r-.i!! J ™ Wnllinch, c .. ,..,M ...... J 2 4 Kulllln, * I 0 1 Iractrd much attention by virtue of Ksklnm, Ilii|i|>«it 4 ollllti WIIIUII.K nhni'fld HCOI'IIIK hunmn for Hod Hank Klryker, B Fresh Green STRING BEANS ,-...2 »•• 2§c Mnrlnnl, B ... 1 g I 1 3 her nnl|r|Uo appearance and also be- 407 Hi m Davlson, g, ,.~ ».....«... .." .... 1 I 4 Iloubem Whlto, In hid clinmplon with nU pnlntR n»ch. Vlo Furclllo KllilulT, g. 0 1) 0 1* !« II CS.M A v«oht, Elisabeth n., Sunday scored (levnin jioiaU for Uw victor* cause of her unusual construction Fresh PEAS ••••?* *•• «£ -*«**•*'- .if .ii m It • It compared, to th» prMimt^day BROCCOLI :.. 2 *>««<*« ed the Loddy t% BOB twa three more BUBSON. Shrewsbury Pin defeat*. Bay Shore Team Squash Tournament Diner Bowlers Republicans Win The Shrewsbury pinmen rolled M0, Junior High Five 858 and 986 for 4n »verago of MS for Reaches Finals In Shore Tourney Stars Pressing thi set Tbe Niveilnker*. averaged Loses To Locals In Second Place Loses To Keyport I The Bad Bank squish racquets Fritchar'd, f. ~..Z~.7.Z^Z , 1 only 915 (or th* three matche. but The Red Bank Republican club DrleUnbach, e. „ , 0 tournament reached Its- semi-final I,eon, g, ..„.„..,„... rolled 1,008 ID the final contest to Red Bank Plays Hard to Win Hill's Diner Displace* Broad basketball team won 1U initial game Coach Frank Plngatore'a Junior Lemlg-, g „.„..„.. . 3 Market Bowlers take this game by 72 pine. The BUge last Friday night when T. En- In the Paramount-Press tournament, Cluing Home G»une>—Red tea won two matches to take the Street Garage in Eatontown high school varsity team suffered an Murphy, g Shrewsburyltei won their matches being staged at the Asbury Park upset yesterday afternoon when by 70 and 81 pint, respectively. Bank Seconds Triumph, 16- lead. E«te» defeated both VV. League Standing — Garage- •sraoiount theater, last Friday night Farm* Teun Gain* on Schneider Thompson and P. Cummlngs. they traveled to Keyport, and were Chaeey of the Farms team made 15—Play Keyport Tomorrow. men Lose. rom the Wolverine A. C. of Asbury turned away In the final game of the Pinmen at Result of Three he best tcore of tbe let when In the Other matches were won by C. ?ark, 30 to 18. Bluth and Sweel each Clay Crawford and Louis Carton in season, 28 to 22. In the preliminary Victories on Monday—Cloth- third he eraahed tbe maples for 288. Cored six points to share scoring game tho Red Bankers won by a Grade Teams Play Haneen was high for tha N«ve»lnk The Bed Bank high school basket- tho upper brackets. In the lower Hill's Dlnor moved Into second brackets the winners were Bud Bry, lonors for Red Bank. The Bcore: score of 14 to 4. ier* and Insurance Team Third group with 223 in the third. Btryker ball team completed Its home basket- place In front of the Broad Street The Junior high varsity courtmen At High School Gym and Bahr, also of Naveslnk, rolled ball season Tuesday night when they Marshall Qreer, David Russell, John Oarage team this week In the Eaton- RED BANK. Conklln and P. Cummlngs. The G P PTS. played the Rumson juniors Monday The Schneider Market team, hold- 221 and 211 respectively in tbe same won from tho visiting Atlantic High- town bowling league standing at the Scheldt, f, ...... 1 1 at the River street school gymnasi- The Hawks and Antelopes fought Ing on to first place in the Redmatch. lands team. The varsity five won scores; Taylor alleys on Broad street, Eatoa- {ounlhan, f. 1 0 nlp-and-tuck battle at the Red iherer, i um and won 38 to 8. Bank bowling league, Is closely Tho Clothiers' victories over the by a 22-to-lR score, while Charlie Bites defeated ThompsonThompson,, 15-5, IE-IS. town when last Thursday night they Red Bank held a 16 (o 10 lead over Bank high school gymnasium In the Kollum won tho junior varsity game won two out of three games from aiuth, f...... a preasefl by the Shrewsbury Farm» Leonardo Field club were decisive. defeatsd Curamlnts, 15-3. Hendrlcksont c ._„..„.«„... 2 the Keyport team, but the hosts Saturday afternoon league fo* pinmen, aa the result of the latter's They rolled 814, 080 and 1,005 for anfor the lied and Gray, 16 to 15. 15*2. the Broad Street Garagemen. Last Montgomery, c. ..„..„„.„ 1 tightened in their second half when seventh and eighth places. In tho early-season game Red Crawford defeated HoytHoyt,, l!-9, 16-7, Sweel, g. threo victories over the Gardeners .verage of better than 062 to win by night they won one game from the . .n. g they came back and Bcored nine The Antelopes beat tho Hawks by on Monday. The Shrewsbury pinmen margins of 69, 107 and 128. Joe Bank won, ID to-12, and again re- Ca'rton defeated Crawford. lS-T. 1T-16. Arcade team. MclJsle, points In each of the closing periods. a B-to-8 score, while the LIOHB went have won one same more than the Menzzopane, anchor man of tho peated, through the efforts of Kenny 16-8. STANDING OF THE TEAMS. The visitors were only able to score down to defeat at the handa of tha Richardson, star forward for the Ilry deflated Souls, 9-U, 9-15, 15-10, Markotmen but have suffered two Clothiers, was the star of tbe set 11.9,11-3. W L PC slxpolnts in tho last half. Tho score Tigers by a 28-to-10 score. Tho Colts with scores of 336, 318 and 202, Ken- Rod and Gray setters. Red Bank Second National Bank 36 27 .570 ASBURY PARK. wan tied at the end of the third per- more defeats than thel* rlvalB. The Greer defeated Isaacs, 15-6, 18-16, IE- G F PTS. In tho final game overwhelmed tho Clothiers and Insurance bowlera are nedy rolled 232 for the Clothiers, and held a 10-to-5 lead at half time. Hill's Diner SI 29 .516 ,attardl, f „ 0 0 0 iod. Eagles, 17 to 5. Tho scores: Woodward, AIBO a member of that Russell defeated Hlgglne, 18-13, 9-16, Broad Street Garage l'.i 28 .509 In third place, throe games behind During the third period both teams 16-13, 16.U. Taylor'e Arcade 27 80 .478 . Slclllano, f. 1 Cicero led Red Bank in scoring of HAWKS. team, made 227 and 204 In two tallied nine points, while In the clos- Conklln defeated Sickles, 16-19, 18-13, Morris and VanKouren .....28 32 .469 !uccurullo, c -.. o O F1 PTS the Farms team. The. Recreations 'jlndolfe, B 0 nine points while DeGeorge followed are fourth and the Acerra Bakery games. VanNess made the best aver- ing quarter Red Bank scored three 15-16. Pine Tree Inn 28 32 .468 with seven. Genoveee scored nine Nero, f 1 0 2 age and the highest scores for the polnta, whllo their opponents ac- Cumminga defeated Parker, 16-18, 12- urto, g. - „ 1 DeChlkio, I. _ team Is in fifth place. II, 7-15, 16-8, 16-5. The Broad Street Garagemen Buf- G. SIclliano, g 0 for Keyport whllo Boyto followed CConkk . ; Mlddletowners. He eraahed the ma-counted for four. VanVllet, g, STANDING OP TUB TEAMS. " pleo for 2S2, 200 and 208, giving him fered a loss of four games and won with eight. Tho scores: Harrison, K. ...-.. W L PA US Ken Richardson scored nine points two. They lost to Hill's Diner and RED BANK. FftlTell, g an agerage of 216. Quackenbush, to lead all scores, while Osborn fol- BchneWer'a Market ....48 12 061.1 1.006tbe Clubbers' anchor man, rolled 222 the Second National Bank & Trust G K PTSConnors, c. Shrewsbury Farme ....40 047.1 1,184 lowed with five. Poppa scored seven St. James Five company teams. Taylor's Arcadians A FAST ICE BOAT. f ..... 3 1 7 Clothiers & Ineuranc« .48 0<9.4 1,047 and 201 in two games. Zairer, f. 4 0 8 Red Bank Recreations.42 1)30.S 1,154 points for the visitors and Cassone al*o moved up from next to last po-, Cicero, /, The Acerra Bakery team did a bit of the same team had five. Isltlne; Craft Trims Local Boats in ANTELOPES. Acerra Oakery 42 005.8 1.1BU of consistent bowling, making scores Defeats Belmar sition and are now occupying fourth nmonte, G V PT9 Hainan DoboyB 88 007.4 1,088 Tomorrow night the Red Bank place. Saturday Kace. Stewart, f „. i 1 6 Boynton & Boynton..82 004.8 1,061 of 1,001, 941 and 933 for an average of team will close Its season at Keyport. Red Bank Catholic Cagers KKgleston. Mount, f _ 0 0 0 Max'a Tavarn 84 901.1 1,121 988 for the sot. Tbe Bakers' highest The bank team Is still holding the The Jack Frost, the small Ice boat Arnold, g. McQueen, c ,— , 2 O < Naveslnk Team 28 898.1 1,108 score was 1,001, made In the second The scores: Throw Off Jinx and Adminis- lead with 36 victories and 27 losses, vhlch was brought here last week Whitinj. s _...._ 0 0 O Sigmunil Elmer ._ 27 807 1.104 BED BANK. Hill's Diner ia second with 31 vic- 10 Klnlln, g. 0 0 0 AU«n Shoes 20 nss.t 1.036 games, which they took from their G F PT3 ter 24 to 16 Defeat to St. from" the Larchmont Yacht club, KEYPORT. Gardtnere >;. .,.24 861.2 1.000 opponents by a margin of 185 pins. Osborn, 1 2 16 tories and 29 defeats, while the Droved that she was the fastest thing G Professional Men 28 865.1 1.008 Richardson, f. . _ 4 19 Rose of Belmar. Broad Street Garagemen are third Kelly, f. ,_ ; o LIONS. The final encounter was the closest, of her size and sail area ever oper- Reamer, f. ... Leonardo Field club....2O 880.3 1.0JO (ireonwood,- t _ 0 with 20 victories and 28 losses. - l O P PTS Smoke Shop Tavern..l7 880.3 1,000 the Bakers winning by a difference Parker, c _ _ 2 ated on tho ice here. On Saturday Dutoit, c o 6 Schwartz, f. .. t'O 0 Leddy & Son 1 787.4 0S4 of 24 points. The opener was wonNewman, g „, . 1 The Red Bank Catholic high school Monday night, March 2, the Diner afternoon In the class B event, the lioylc, g 48 Mozia, ( "1 ."; .10 6 by 34 pins. Fisher of the Smoke Morrow, E 0 basketball team broke the jinx that bowlers will roll tho Morris & Van-Jack Frost was permitted to enter (Jenovesc, g. Blnke. c 0 0 0 COMING GAMES, Savngo, (T _ „ 0 has been haunting It for the past Walling 0 2 Trubln, E. „. ,„ .000 Monday—Allen Shoes vs. Bmoke Shop. Shop team made the highest score Keuren Lumbermen, and on Tues- ;he contest, and although getting a Davey, g. . ..„. ,„ 2 0 4 Max's Tavern vs. Leonardo, Professional for a single game, a mark of 250. El- 9 4 22 two months when on Tuesday night day, March 3, the Broad Streot ioor start she coon overtook the lead- 11 6 28 Men vs. Clothiers & Insurance, Gardeners grim was tho only other member of ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS. • they defeated the 8t Rose quintet of Garagemen, will bowl the Pine Tree ira and had no difficulty jn winning, The Rumson junior varsity suffered 5 0 10 vs. Leddy ft Son, that outfit to reach the two hundred • . O F PTS Belmar, 24 to 16, in tbe lyceum at Inn. On Thursday, March 5, Tay-outclassing every class B yacht sail- TIGERS. Wednesday—Boynton ft Boynton Cansone, 1 2 16 an overwhelming setback when they O F.PTS Hanson Doboys, Shrewsbury Farma va. mark, his score m the first match Poppa, f 8 17 Long Branch. The Red Bank boys lor's Arcade will engage the Second Ing under the colors of the newly or- Forbes, f. . , 2 0 4 being an even 200. ' lost Monday, 38 to 8. At ttfilf time Recreations, Slgmund Eisner vs. Nave' Morso, c 10 2 have met defeat In the past eight National Bank & Trust company ganized Monmouth Ice Boat club, Red Rnnlc had scored twenty points, Ayioi'. f a o 12 sink, Acerra Bakery va. Schneider's Mar- Louis Acerra starred for the Bak-RIcJi. g. „ 0 0 0 contests and two of these losses wers Cai»t-ionl. c 6 0 12 ket. Richmond. 8 „... 0 0 0 team. The Jack Frost la owrird by Rich- and .scored eighteen more In the !a.stFanjul, ir. . 0 0 0 ers with scores of 236, 226 and 200, at the hands of the St Hoso team. rd H. Moeller and A. Sloan Young, Ukcrio, K ..- . _ .. 0 0 0 Louia Acerra of the Acerra Bakery an average of better than 220. All Koyen, K _ 2 0 4 Hill's Diner bowling team picked half while they held their opponents . The Belmar cagers fought gamely Her initial try out on the river here to only two points in each quarter. While, ir ; 0 0 0 team heads tho Individual standing but Dominlck Acerra rolled 200 or 8 2 18 but were unable to match the efforts up two games from the Broad Street Ouinoy, ff „ „ 0 0 0 Score by periods: Garagemen last Thursday. Aumack waa a week ago Sunday, when Mr. Jimmy Zager scored thirteen points Wingerter, e OOO with an average of 201.4 for sixty better in the second. Schneider of the smooth-running St. James Moeller and George E. Ratsey of City games. DUllDnc, also of that team, headed the list with 224, Fred Jones fed Bank 8—22 ana Roberts assisted the victors in for Red Bank while Leon scored Atlantic Highland* 4 4—18 five. Bauer, Red Bank's lanky center, Island demonstrated the craft to a four for Rumson. The scores: U 0 2g U close behind with a rating of rolled 205, Dllllone scored 301 and chalked up six points, while Catalano winning their opening game when tho COLTS. 199,33 for the same number of games. Charles Kellum was the hero of the former bowled a 210 game and Rob-number of members of the North UED HANK. O.P PT3 Louis Acerra made his 800 la this of Belmar led his team In scoring t _.,..-. In third position la Joe Menzzopane game. unlor varsity game when he dropped erts turned in a high game of the Shrewsbury Ice Boat & Yacht club. G F PT3 Hammcll, .. 2 0 4 the winning foul shot after the final three field goals. • The boat's construction was out-DeGeovRc, I Gettls, 1 -. ...2 0 4 of tho Clothiers, whose. average la By defeating the Leddy ft Son night of 267. Aumock took high Gettls. I Romono, c ... 0 0 0 ' Whistle had blown. It was Kellum The score was tied at 1 to 1 at the lined In detail In last week's Issue 199.14 for 66 games. The utanding of team in three games, the Doboys series for the night with games ol Ayree, f „ Boskey, K ..2 0 4 who scored the basket, tying the end of the first quarter, but the St. jf The Register. Zagcr, I. ._ Gentile, g...... the ton Isadora who have rolled In handed the Coalmen their fifty-sev- 201, 215 and 202. Ralph Morris may Cicero, f _ ..2 1 5 • more than thirty games follows: score. At half time tho Red Bank James netters managed to gain a be credited for the Garagemen's vic- Gcroui, f. „ enth, fifty-eighth and fifty-ninth do- 7-tp-4 lead at the half and it was 8 1 Vt econds led, 0 to 4, but loat the' lead tory, when In the closing game he Eggleaton, c „.,_ „ EAGLES. IMDlVIDUAL AVERAGES. feats. The game Leddy bowlers clear sailing from then on. • Yacht Club to Meet. Juliano, c have won but one match In sixty /hen their opponents Bcored eleven hit the maples for a 213 8ca*e. Eddie G P PT3 G AVE HS In the preliminary struggle the The Fair Haven' Yacht club will Romano, g Buchanan, f 0 0 0 I,. Acerra 60 201.4 267 starts. The Hansen team had only olnts In the third period. Matthews, Chasey and Peter Tomalno turned in Hammcll, g Rod Bank center, scored four points, junior team defeated a team of Bel- hold a regular meeting at Its club- Williams, f 113 Dllllonc _ 60 109.S3 25> to roll 867 and 886 to win the first games of 201. house Saturday night, March 7, at Summonte. g. — VanlllBe. c. . 0 0 0! Mennopane - 60 109.14 247 two, which they took by 136 and 94.while Kantarlans scored seven points mar All-Stars, 24 to 10. The scores: The victors won the opening game Jernnoe, g „.,-... Klulln, B 0 0 0 ! ; Coles - 60 199 260 ST. JAMES. eight o'clock. Edward G. Walder, Sobolenky, e - Yonks, a. o o o !; Dennis —• 50 10S.10 258 In the third they rolled up a score for Atlantic Highlands. Tho scores: by 69 pins, the second by 41 pins and Tomalno, g BED BANK G P PIS the club secretary, is urging a large Sweel, B _... . 0 0 »|( J. Acerra 61 198.42 266 of 1,003 to conquer by a margin of Spence. f „ 2 0 4 dropped tho last game by 46 pins. attendance. Jordan . . . 46 105.42 266 348 plna, something of a record. G F PTS Grause. f _ .. 2 0 4 18 2 38 I l » : Taylor 58 105.18 247 avage. f. 1 0 2 v The score: Perrl .... 48 195.2 280 Several scores of beter than 200 ,alte. f. 1 Wlchmann,' f 0 0 0 HII.VS DINER. Greenwood, Bauer, c 4 2 10 Merrill':.. 33 103.8 24S were turned In by the Hansen pin- 2 Slco. u -... 2 0 4 Aumack 201 215. 202 men. Decker, lead-on man for that Kellum, f. 1 Cavanaugh . 120 The Shrewsbury pinmen had no Matthews, c 0 Grob. s 10 2 Moore —...... —...... •«««• 165 team, made 221 and 208. Penterman, Barberio, c, VanBrunt, e : 0 0 0 difficulty In defeating tho Gardeners 0 Attrldse, 1 0 0 0 Magee 189 171 174 on Monday. They won the first anchor man and holder of the league rreen, B 0 Hill „ ..„—..„„ 100 191 170 record for an Individual score, rolled 'Igaro. s 1 Roberts 267 186 168 match by 125, the second by 135 and )eLnca, s< 1 11 2 24 the third by 107. Taylor of the vic-214 and 204. Voorhles made a mark Seigfrled, g, 0 ST. HOSE. of 207 In one game. DeFazlo, 8. a p PTS 8S7 928 860 torious group made high score of 235 Gamon, g Catalano, f _ 8 0 6 BROAD STREET GARAGE. for a single game while a toarhmate The scores of the four sets follow: Fltmer.ld. I - 1 0 2 R Morris 130 204—211 F. Morris, had tha bDst average for VanNote, c 1 2 4 K. VanBrunt 171 140 167 SHREWSBURY FARMS. 6 6 16 Jennings, g „ oil Tomalno 202 163 201 tho sot, a rating of 207, which was Taylor 16' 202 165 ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS. Comer, s 118 H. C. Runh 170 205 123 slightly higher than Taylor's aver- Morris 216 «» G F PTS onten, f «... 2 0 4 B. Chansy 145 176 201 age. Meyer, anchor man for the Roberta - 193 171 6 4 IS Aumack 210 187 Kantarlanfl, f 2 8 7 ST. JAMES JUNIOHB 818 887 005 Karms team, rolled 201 In one game Clmsey 1»1 160 2«8 'leasants, c - ~ 0 0 0 Meyer .,-• 180 210 10 'Jtts, e 0 0 0 Copperthwalte, After losing the second game by Tho Clothiers defoated the Allen ohnBon. f. jmore than 150 pins, the Pine Tree shoe team by margins of 68, 200 and Brittlngham, g Wichmann, f. 040 . 358 038 McKenna, f Inn bowlers Monday night picked up 30 pins. All but Woodward rolled NAVE31NK. Score by periods: DanowlU, c two games from the Morris and Van- over 200 In tho flret game, Joe Menz- H.naen 172 180 123 MulvlhllU. g. Stryker 190 Rod Bank 3 6 8 (—16 Keuren lumbermen. The victors won zopane, the Clothlera' anchor man, 166 221 Atlantic Hlslilandi More, g 4 0 11 0—16 >b, g the opening game by 21 pins and th mado 225, Jordan scored 211, KenPowell"-"'"!"."!!-!!.""!.'.!!!- " m 168 190 Officials-—Reforee, Klikllnki: scorer. IBS 214 Worden; timer, Hewitt. last by 55 pins. Pine Tree Inn five nedy netted 202 and Helm hit theHenry .._ 178 11 2 24 won their game by 167 pins. plna. for 201, Menzzopane end Jor-Posten .r. 101 163 160 BELMAK ALL-STARS. dan were stars of the set. Menzzopane 805 872 1,008 G P PT3 Scores of more than 200 were Fourteen Bouts On Little. /. 1 1 8 turned In by all meaibera of the loe- rolled 225, 222 and 200 for an aver- CLOTHIERS 4 INSURANCE. _ 0 0 0 age of 218. Jordan came through Farley, f 8 0 6 ng team except VIerck, Jr. Stanley He|ra 169 177 157 Shore Arena Card with 234, 211 and 207 for a rating of Kennedy 185 171 232 Corbett, c .. .. 0 0 0 VanBrunt turned In a 224 game while 217. Woodward mado a Boor o[ 224Woodward . . 204 227 DanowlU, 8°. 0 0 0 VIerck, Sr., chalked up a 232 gam Here it an important group of Specially Selected Lenten Foods. They represent real savings at o StraStrauu s -..- , - 111 0 0 0 In one match. Gattla with a score 21S Fourteen bou($ are scheduled for Donnelly, g. . 0 I 1 while In the last game he also scored well at splendid variety in wholesome food. Make Butler headquarters for your LENTEN FOODS. of 238 waa high for the Shoemen.. Menzzopane 202 the second amateur boxing show to Johnston, g. ooo 214. 014 080 1,005be held in tho Club Rendezvous at Max's tavern team defeated the Russell Elgrlm scored a 202 game KINS BIRD Alaska Pint LEONARDO FIELD CLUB. Keanaburg tomorrow night. The to assist the Inn bowlera with their Acerra bakery pinmen In two out o Macintosh 156 146 173 card will feature two special bouta three games. The Bakers Won thoVanNeaa 232 206 200 last game victory. A one-game dum- REDUCED!! Mead .. ..- 167 116 141 with four-man classes In four di- SALMON flret by 109, but lost tho second and my score was used by each team in Dummy - 135 IBS 185 visions. Atlantic Highlands their opening games. The scores: third by 106 and 13 pins. Reid o Quackenbush 156 J!01 222 IMPORTED White Leghorn— Max's tavern made the best score o The flret special will bring together Leads Ping Pong Loop PINE TREE INN. 237 for a slnglo gamo whllo Dllllone 845 862 880 Dayton Wilson, KcanBburg lad, and Marcello - - -. 164 181 IDS Medium Slit ACERRA BAKERY. Dummy .._..„.. 100 CRAB MEAT of the bakery team had the best av- holder of tho Impound .Monmouth The Atlantic Highlands team Hague 148 180 Dllllon. 102 208 160 and ' Middlesex title, and Ernie LaParre 182 228 180 erage, a rating of bettor than 210. Schneider i... .177 224 194 1 widened its lead in the Monmouth FANCY MEDIUM WET D. Acerra, - _ : 160 1«» 181 Heath, Leonardo colored battler. A. Wagner 182 142 169 Tho Professional Men defeated the bounty table tennis league last Fri- R. Elgrim - 175 146 202 j Jonea ., -... 170 206 172 Freddy Loder, Keansburg 160 pound- day night when they won a 9-to-O Smoke Shop tavern In two out o L.' Acerra".""" .J86 .JOO 226 er, who recently entered the New SHRIMP .: 25c three games. The Professionals won match from the Bijou Villagers. The 803 840 941 1,001 933 York Golden Gloves tournament, will MORRIS AND VANKEUREN. tho first two by 45 and 76 but dropped meet Sol Strano of the German box- Atlantic Highlands team have held NORWEGIAN East View White Leghorn the third by 25 pins. Minton of the SMOKE SHOP TAVEBN. ;he lead since the beginning of the Dummy _ 100 Marcello 140 146 166 club of Aflbury Park. Strano N. Marcello 204 Selected Professionals rolled 292 and 224 inA. Chaaey 171 165 2& formerly held the eastern Jersey race and are top-heavy favorite to A. Fary 178 202 SARDINES 2c...I5c two games while Fisher was high for illhuly . .- 131 18! 162 championship in tho 160-pound clasa. finish on top. S. VanBrunt _ 183 224 the Shrewsbury team with 213. The u,"lm "„ 200 146 101 Vlerck, Jr. : 173 146 C •(Jher , 2f6 171 196 The addition of a new team in VIerck, Sr _ _ 148 232 EDENVALE SANTA CLARA scores: Red O'Connor, local protege of the loop was announced by William SHREWSBURY PABMS. 807 818 809 Johnny Calannriello, will enter the M. Lybarger, league secretary. The 782 1,007 879 S 10c EGGS 43 F. Morris - 199 211 211 HANSEN DllBOYS. 135-pound division. Harold Gould of newcomer is the Bed Bank Y. M. C. The Broad Street Garagemen PRUNES Taylor . . 108 235 102 Decker 208 HO 221 Bt Keansburg is also entered in Acerra 147 HO 192 A. team with Wltman Dlckson as dropped two out of three games Aumack . 147 tho 135-pound class. Irving Klrsch- Tuesday night to tho Second Na- SALE OF COFFEES H. Morrla -..- 165 195 MMMCOO 113 HO 193 ner will represent the Imperial A, C.captain. This Is the second team B. Chasey 176 102 166 Vo"hle. ...'„•. :...... 126 207 J« from this borough In the clrcut. tional Bank & Trust company. Thi Meyer 180 204 199 Penterman - 204 160 214 of Asbury Park in the 126-pound di- Bankers won the opening game b; vision. Billy Dello of tho Gorman Second place In the league race Is Banquet A AA Maxwell House 0012 089 963 B67 886 1,003 Boxing club, who made a hit In theheld by the Bell laboratory team 124 pins, dropped the second game GARDENERS. LEDDY 80I with the Gibs of Long Branch giv- by forty and came back and won K. Turner 1175 1R1 170 Dodcl U6 111 162 aet show at the shore arena, will re- 167 185 ing them a fight for ths runner-up the last match by 34 pins. Sutherland . 109 166 172 Cooke - 102 turn to compete in thd^l26-pound dl- COFFEE L LD COFFEE c 25 ' MulvlhlU 14*1 UO ISO VonK«ttan«ell •, 123 149 121 vlsjon. Norman Neumler of Leon- position. Last week tho "Labbles" Morris of the Garagemon turned Mana 156 I S3 108 1(7 120 ardo will also see action In that class. triumphed over Eatontown by a fcMo-In a 263 score and Eddlo Chasey CALIF. BARTLETT 9 No.21/2 KIPPERED A. Turner 160 171 16S G. Minton : L~ 104 177 108 212 score to help the Garagemen in Many Keansburg lads have entered 3 score. Tha Gibs also won, beating PEARS £t Cam SNACKS 787 854 859 '. ~731 702 865 the Sea Bright five by an 8-to-l count winning their only game. Ar 29" the 118-pound division. Nino Bonomot, SOUR PITTED BEARDSLEY '1LOTHIERS ft INSURANCE. Eatontown holds tho fourth po- Chasey, Covert and Meyer turned in No. 2 C Hflm 201 164 Leonardo high school basketball and scores of over 200 to help tho Bank Can football star, will head the list. Nel- sition, with Red Bank fifth. Close CHERRIES IO CODFISH 2P.,..25° Kennedy 202 104 Girla' Teams Play on the trail of the Red Bankers are team in running up a high score o Woodward 167 224 104 son Walling, Leonard Bcllesza, and 1,032 In their closing game. The CHOICE 40/SO C RIVER BRAND Jordan - 211 284 207 Leo Clccone, all of Keansburg, will the Sea Bright five. Last placo Is 3 Lb. Menuopan* 226 2!a 200 At High School Gym occupied by tho Bijou Villagers of scores: OREGON PRUNES 25 RICE 2 Lb. Pig15. * compete In that class, along with Bill SECOND NATIONAL DANK. 90t 1,028 028 Lofton of the Gowian club. Noptune City. BUTLER am Two feature games of girls' bas- A. C)m»oy 177 167 22 C ALLEN BIIOEB. All boxers competing will receive ThU week tho Atlantlo Highlands Mornn _..._ 148 Country Gentleman CORN £i Cam Sunbrite Cleanser 3 c.m 13 Asttiettlno 200 172 161 ketball were played last Thursday team will engage the Red Bankers rioilil 187 10 J'atterson 17» 162 167 a prize dospito the result of their Covert ; 137 215 20 ESSIE 165 In the Red Bank high echool gym- at Red Bank. The "Labbles" will No.2 Reynolds — nasium when the Winners defeated bout. Some of tho prlzoa that will Whining 235 180 10 Minn IBS 142 aTso VIBU Bed Bank, where they will Meyer „ 218 102 21 TOMATOES Cam LUX Toilet SOAP Cslei 168 286 bo awarded nro gold (ovlng cups 25* (ialtls - -. 107 the Carrots, 21 to 8, and the Darta bathrobes; traveling bags and wrist meet the "5T" team In an effort to 180 015 050 1,09 ESSIE Nc2'/ defeated the Blue %Trlangloo, 21 to watcheB. shorten the gap between them and a 928 828 888 20. BROAD STREET OARAGE. TOMATOES Can KirkmanV. SOAP S c.v.. 19° The bouts nro sanctioned by tho A the Atlantic Highlands team. In R Morrla 178 2«J 24 MAX'S TAVERN. Those taking part in the ggamas other matches the Villager* will K. VanBrunt „ _... 170 180 10 17» were Elizabeth Boardman, A. U. and all officials ar0 aftlllatcd Oakfrson -. 1»1 Helen with that body. The officials for thevisit Long Branch to meet the Gibs Becker _.._ 126 153 16 228 Tllton, KatharinKathan e Kennedyey, Nancy and the Eatontown team will play Tomalno 157 178 la ^ Grob 178 Hl card arc Joo Kolley, referee; Ed E. Chasey .- - 157 212 2a Waller .'."...„ 170 172 178 Malchow, Ruth Reamer, Helen Mc- Dookey, timer; William Fobul and hosts to tho Sea Bright five. 287 115 Kee, Dorothy Bartlett, Lillian Heav ltild .- 1?S Joe Leltner, all of Perth Amboy, The STANDINQ OF THE TEAMS. 701 930 00 iftonte 109 lift SARDINES 3 .25 G. Groli 180 lland, Janet Mytlnger, Dorlo Swift, Taylor's Arcnile upset tho Hill' Jacqueline Hall, Anna Hall, Dorothy announcer will be Edward J. Phelan W IJ PC 882 992 set of Keyport. Atlantic IliaMands 67 14 .827 Diner bowlcrn last night after losing ACERRA DAKIillV. VanSauter, Viola Bottagaro, Lillian Bell Laboratories C4 27 ,66n 218 222 tho first game by forty pln3. They Butler's Fresh Produce Specials Dllllono 8S* Savage, Anna Jordan, Barbara Bupp, Lone Branch ...„____ 88 25 .608 won tho aocoiul matdi by 182 plna Bchneldtr - 1»r> 148 182 Helen Marx, Katharine Reamer, Eatontown „ 45 36 .655 U. S. No. 1 MAINE 147 1S4 Freehold Victors Sea Bright , ?r> 4B and the lant by 139 plnn. • I). Acerra. J27 Ethel Groves, Msrjorie Norcomb, .939 c 177 ltl Red Bank 2< Bob Aumack'u snum uf 228 assist- 100-lb. L. Acorra*! 195 201 111 Jennlo Bl«aro, Virginia Curtis and VlllBEtra 13 08 .160 Shirley Leon. Over RumBon High ed Hill's Dlnrr tenm In winning the BAG 091 880 opening came. All the members of POTATOES 10,.19 PROFESSIONAL MEN. Leonard Narnzonlck dropped Uio Arcado tram tilrnrd In scorns B Trinity Church SELECTED JUICY Ward - Z°0 '» NITTY WINS RACE. field goal In tho Jast second of play over 100 In Ilia second game, while FLORIDA—Large bile -g 4*. A. nag O. Minton 1«» 252 Friday night to give Freehold high ( J.,k.on 1«» 180 Beats Ramblers In tho Inat. Ranio Cook and Taylor Warntr . »« 1«I Borden's Omft Captures Ieo school a. 20-to-25 victory ovor Rum of tho Arcade team turned In guinea ORANGES 1(K 25 LEMONS 5, 1O« Elk oon high school In a basketball gam. Full of Healthful Juice I.ak. , 190 Event at Little Silver. of 191 snrl 197, respectively. The Ideal (or Hot Lemonad* Hurley - 1*8 plnyed at tho county ncatgymnnalmn, Th« Trinity church quintet nosed The nrit official Ice boat race Marlanl genred nlnn points for Rum- out the Red Bank Knmbters, 30 to FRESH CRISP SELECTED U. S. NO. I STOCK 840 084 TAYI.OIl'H AIHAHK. SMOKE SHOP TAVERN. tha Little Sliver Point Ice Boat anil son. Tho Bcoro: 36, Monday night on the Trinity BuncH 17 W. Chsso nf, HI Hush ° !•* Yacht club for this scaeon WHO hl RUM SON. church court on West Front otioot. Whalen . itilt 212 IK CELERY HEARTS YELLOW ONIONS 3,, 10° A ChM./ }27 180 111 The acore: 138 3 1 Washington's birthday over the Shal r>reyer .. no GllhuUr ...... —•• I* I* 118 K.r,.f V Cook !!2f. l»l 1114 low Point course of ten mlleo. Fou McOue. t 0 CHURCH. FANCY ih' :ino «i« F PT8 Taylor ...... 17H 220 197 M";.". :II:ZZ:IZ::::::;:Z no ieo IIIboatB, Bklrn. Nifty, Johnny-Ed an( Patterson, f. 2 llammlll, f _ Wolbach, c 1 15 BR7 1.022 795 »0t DOS Eel, went to the- line at two P. M Marlanl, ir Kroet, t _„ 0 4 Iltndrtcki, t 2 4 HILL'B D1NKH. The Nifty, piloted by her owner, Elk Davison, g . 0 Ripe BANANAS 3 u. 14« The Shrewsbury Farms team de- Iloakijr, e, ,„..„...« ...... 1 • Anmack ... 228 IM feated the Naveilnk team In two outBorden, with Jo« Healler at th 0 Htobo, B . .„.. 0 1 Moor* i«i its nheet, romped home an eo«y vlcto FREEHOLD. Matthews, g ._.- 1 I Mugee 150 of three damns last week. The Cloth- F PT8. l, and Insurance pinmen took all by five minutes, having tailed th Wllllsma, s 0 2 Cavansugli 1»2 J s n course In record time, Primr.. i, ....n ooo 5 S» Hill 179 140 three from the Leonardo Field club i o « RAHDLIRa. Robert* ... imt 184 ffff-f-| 'f T;% »nd the Acerra, nakery maple-train Urbells, f > l 7 0 F PTS Hanklns, c 0 2 2 Forbts, ( 1 1 a 007 mo l Narasonlck, if Nei-o. e- , comptny representative!, In similar a I 7 , 3 2 » The rond to bolter ami blitKii aunt ter'i Want Department.—AdvertU Daley, 11. .„• Mnunt, f, ncan leads through The Register's ad- minn«A, Th* Huiien Doboy* heal- 0 0 0 2 0 4 lYdtlt 20 BROAD ST, RED BANK PKOSPECTAVE. « m PAtre Twentv-TwS RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 27, 1986. "How Should Sunday Serve Man?" Arthur Bardewyck, who Is in South nett, Herman Tarnow, George T»r- Wednesday Lenten service at St. John W. Boyland, tu homi ov*r Obituary. bell and William Helmuth. Burial, George's Episcopal church. Rev. At tha evening preaching service tha the week-end from Peddle initltutt. America, and a brother, Otto Barde- subject will be "A Blundering States- wyck, who in In Germany. in charge of the Worden funeral Morton A, Barnes of St. James's Mrs. Frank 8. Curtis, Mri. George WE MUST MOVE OUT SATURDAY NIGHT -Kplsoppal church, Long Branch, will man." The,; World Wide guild will Voorhcea, Mr». Albert Llnaenntruth Edward W. Brown. home of Red Bank, was In Fair View meet at eight o'clock Monday «von- Edward W. Brown, a life-long resl- William B. Boss. cemetery. give a sermon at St. George's church and Mrs. Charles Thompaon. attend- RUSH next Wednesday at live o'clock.. Ing. A special meeting of those en- ed the Card party held by the Wom- flent of Fair Haven, died Saturday William Buckley Boas died on Fri- gaged in the Every Member canvass David ' Br»y Miss Josephine Wlnans will ad- an's guild of Trinity church of Red RIGHT morning at his home on Brown lane day, February 21, at the home of his will be held the same evening. A Bank Tuesday. » alter an illness of three months. He daughter, Mrs. George F. Young, at David 3. Bray of Long Branch, dress eighteen members of the new-number of the young people of the IN FOR died Friday at the Hazard hospital ly-organized Girls' Friendly society church expect to attend the mid-yeai The 60O club will meet at tho homo had been confined to bed for the past Hazlet, where ho had made his home of St. George's church.at tho rectory two weeks. for the past eighteen years. Mr. Ross where he had been a patient since meeting of the Monmouth Baptist as- ot Mrs. George Kaney next Thurs- last March. Mr, Bray was a sculp- tonight at 7:30 o'clock. Mrs. Earle sociation at Keyport next Tuesday day afternoon- BEST KAYS Mr. Brown was 66 years old. He was 01 years old and had been sick tor and for many years wa3 asso- Glerhardt Ller is advisor of tho club. The Junior Christian Endeavor so- Many water meters burst last week was born at Fair Haven and wastwo weeks. Death was due to old SELECTIONS a BHOAD ST., BED BANK age. He was a Civil war veteran. Ho ciated with Thomas Manson and Tho Parent-Teacher association ciety will meet after school Is dls aa a result of lco forming In them the son of the lato Edward and will hold a covered dish luncheon and causing expansion. Meters «t was an engineer and camo to Hazlet Sons In their Red Bank monument missed next Wednesday afternoon an Martha Patterson Brown. He was a Thursday afternoon of next week at Prayer meeting will be held Wcdnes tho curbing were especially suepec- general contractor for many years, from Brooklyn. His wife, Mary business. Ho was one of the sculp- WE MUST CLEAR OUT Woodman Ross, died a number of tors who created the Garfleld monu- one o'clock In the new Rumson high day evening at eight o'clock. Uble. When thla occurred tho users Surviving aro his wife, Mrs. Mar- school cafeteria on Ridge road. Mrs. had to obtain water from their neigh- years ago. ment, which stands in Ocean Pork, Mr. and Mrs. Al, W. Cross have re- celllne Koevey Brown, a son, Edward Long Branch. Charles Wolbach is In charge. bora. Brown, Jr., and a daughter, Mis3 Dor- Ho also leaves another daughter, turned from Richmond, Virginia, EVERY HAT& STORE Mrs. John Phillips of Hazlot, and one where htey spent Beveral weeks. Mrs. John McClaln continue! to Every ttylc for othy Brown, all of Fnir Haven, and show improvement from tho broken two step-daughters, Mrs. Hazel Liv- son, Henry W. Ross of Brooklyn. Miss Jennie Swanlck. Their return was delayed by inclem- The funeral of Mlas Jennie Swan- Holmdel News. ent weather. wrist which-ehe received two weeks Mi™, and Women. ^^C Md (£flC ingston of Fair Haven and Mrs. Tioy Funeral services were held Monday aKq aB the result^ ofa fall on the Ice. Former Price* were • Siddles of New York. morning at 10:00 o'clock, conducted lck of Keyport, who died on Wednes- William Thorne Is confined to the day of last week in Monmouth Me- Mrs. Walter H. Conover states in Tho funeral was held Tuesday ar- by Rev. William T. Hell, pastor of house with tonsilltia, On Iloud to Recovety. $1.95 to $8.00 Limited Amount at 11.00. tornoon at 1:30 o'clock at the Wor-tho Lutheran church of Keyport. In- morial hospital, Long Branch, was letters and postal cards which she Rev. Elwood Wolfe, minister of the All Head Sue* terment was mado in Mt. Olivet heW Saturday afternoon at one has sent to relatives and friends Leonardo Baptist church, la confined Capt. Albert Runyon of Bolford den funeral home on East Front o'clock at the funeral home of John street and at two o'clock at it. cemetery at Brooklyn, in charge of hereabouts that she Is having an en-to the homo wl^h influenza. continues to show steady improve- Harvey S. Bedle of Keyport. E. Day of Keyport. The body was joyable timo on her sojourn in Flor- Miss Schnoor, Miss Detmar and ment from tho fractured skull which Thomas'a Episcopal chapel at 1'all- conveyed by automobile to Eliza- Haven with the rector, Rev. Charles ida. She expects to return in April. Miss Mokray, teachers at tho Leon- he received two weeks ago when he PHONE PHONE beth, where burial was made in Ev- Charles S. Ely returned home Mon- slipped and fell on the ice whllo at W. Nelson, officiating. Rev. U. u. Rooco Briscese. arflo high school, are. housed with ItEO DANE "The House of Service" BED BANK ergreen cemetery. day from Monmouth Memorial hos- eeveTo colds. Anderson's lumber yard at Belford. Goodman, pastor of the Methodist rtocco Brisceso of Keyport died It Is expected that ho will return Zion church o£ Red Bank, and Rev.suddenly Friday morning at his pital at Long Branch, whero he un- Mildred Leonard is slowly recov- 797-W 321 Albert E. Hart. derwent an operation for appendi- ering from a tonsil operation. home next week from Monmouth Solomon Porter Hood, a retired home. He was 56 years old. Surviv- Memorial hospital at Long Branch. • clergyman, assisted. ing aro his wife, Mrs. Theresa Bris- Albert E. Hart of New York, sixty citis. He in confined to the bed, but Gornldlno Petzold spent the week- he is well on the road to recovery. James H. Kaufmann Mrs. Mary Harris was soloist, bhe cese; three sons, Dominlck, Michael years old, died Wednesday of last nd with friends at New York. HouNewarmlng Forty. 1 The farm owned by Mrs. Flora sang "Dear Lord, Forgive. lhe and Mauro Brisceso; two daughters, week. Ho spent several summers at m i «• A housewarmlng party was given Holmes and occupied by Edward 1 bearers were Herbert Johnson, How- Misses Mary and Anna Briscese, all Atlantlo Highlands, and his body Mi , and Mrs, Henry McDanlol of Plumbing and Heating ard Corlics, Robert Recvey, P. La-of Keyport, and two sisters, both was taken there for burial in Bay-Johnson will bo operated the coming River Plaza News. season by Sculthorpe Bros, of Oak- Fair Haven road last Saturday night. IN ALL ITS BRANCHES fayette Jones, Thomas Best and Au-living in Brooklyn. view., cemetery. Interment was in Fifty persons attended. Dancing, charge of A. M. Postcn & Son. hurst. Mr. Johnson will movo to the A business meeting of tho Woman's 32 Parker Ave. Phone R. B. 947-J Fair Haven gustus Smith. Burial in charge or the The funeral was held Tuesday Campbell farm in Atlantic township. club wjjl bo held Thursday, March 5, singing and cards were enjoyed, af- Worden funeral homo was in the morning at nine o'clock at his late nt tho home of Mrs. Charles Thomp- ter which refreshments were served. Have That New Bathroom Installed Now. The season of tho Holmdel Bowi- NO MONEY DOWN-S YEARS TO PAY family plot in White Ridge ceme- home, and at ten o'clock at St. Jo- Rumson News. ng league will conclude tomorrow. son. Mr. and Mrs. McDanlel wore the re- tery. seph's church, where the rector, Rev. The Farmers and tho Mountaineers Cohn Boyland, son of Mr. and Mrs. cipient of a number of useful gifts. John Thompson, celebrated-a high « Thomas Garvoy. (The Red Dank Register can bo bought are tied for first place. John Mount mass of requiem. Tho bearers wers in Rumson from Herbert Knicht. Harry has such a large lead for the high- Thomas Garvey, a resident for Angelo Rappola, Harry Bolte, Jr., Barhsn, Fred Finncrty and Walter Torberjl many years, and former proprietor and Mr. Geycr.) est average' score that it seems al- Dallas G. Young, Gus Xllas, Muron most certain he will win the prize EVERYTHING FOR THE TABLE of a thriving ice business, died'lues- VanPelt and Raymond Boyce. Burial The sacrament of the Lord's sup- day morning at the ago of 72 years of $15 offered by Taylor W. Hance. in charge of John E. Day of Redper will be administered at the Pres- Milton Bennett will probably win at Highlands police headquarters. Bank and Keyport was in Calvary byterian church Sunday morning at He complained o£ poor health the second prize, a box of cigars. Tho cemetery at Brooklyn. 11 o'clock. There will be no vespor first of a series of games between previous day, and on Monday night service on Sunday. wandered into Johnson's hotel, High- j teams bavins five members will be Free Mr. and Mrs. Michael Toomoy of lands. He sat down in a chair to Mrs. Mary Durham. played next Week. Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Durham, the Robert N. McCarter estate, and Clark Meyer is expected home Sat- rest, fell asleep nnd when it came Mr. and Mrs. William Porter of the time to close up, he refused to leave. widow of William H. Durham, died urday from Georgia, whero ho spoilt Tho police were called, and he -wasat her home on Harrison avenue on H. G. Atha estate have been sojourn- most of the winter. taken to headquarters, where ho Monday after a long illness. She was ing in Florida. .: The Ely Estate is having busy Delivery spent the night. He was sleeping, 53 years old. Charles A. Wolbach, Sr., principal times at its sales and exchange but .still alive at eight o'cloclt, and Surviving are her mother, Mrs. of the high school, gave an illustrated stables. Thifl week tho estate sold died in his sleep about an hour lat- Frances Blake; three sisters, Miss.es lecture Friday in assembly on Yel-ten horses. Phone 1353 Along Side of er. An autopsy was performed by Carrie and Fannie Blake and Mrs.lowstone National Park. He made The American Mechanics will hold Dr. Harvey W. Hartman of Key-Ethel Brandon, all of Red Bank, and an extensive tour of the West last a bunco party tomorrow night in tho or 2613. Jersey Central port, who issued the death ccrtifi- a brother, Ernest Blake of Glen August. He left Saturday by train chapel of tho Reformed church. Cove, Long Island. for St. Louis, Missouri, to attend a Mr. and Mrs, James Hammond will cate. teachers' convention, and will bo Office He had lived at Highlands the Tho funeral'will be held this af- move from the Patterson houeo and past few years, and it was custom- ternoon at three o'clock at the fu- away all,week. Charles F. Wayte is make their home with Mr. and Mrs. ary for him to spend his winters in neral parlors of R. R. Mount & Sonin charge of the school during _V.-. John Jeffrey in the Stllwagon house. FREE! Every Sat. Nite 5 FOOD BASKETS Given Away Free at 9 P. M. Florida. Tho past winter he moved on West Front street, with Rev. O.Wolbach'e abeence. Wilson Pollacek bought a Ford au- to New York, and had come, to G. Goodwin, pastor of the Methodist Th- Rumson and Leonardo basket- tomobile last week. Don't Forget to Be Here—You May Be One of the Lucky Winners. Highlands Monday on business. He Zion church, officiating. Burial will ball squads will meet tonight in the Carl Wilson will move from tho high school gymnasium. leaves no immediate relatives. be in White Ridge cemetery at South property ho ha3 been occupying on The funeral will be held Friday Eatontown. . Walter Pomphrcy, Jr., returned th» Pleasant Valley road to Mrs. Next To Strand Theatre GROCERY SPECIALS ENTIRE WEEK 77 Broad Street, Red Bank morning at nine o'clock at the home Monday from Riyerview hos- John W. Hance'a house. pital. Church of Our Lady of Perpetunl Dr. ,T. Dunbar Throckmorton. John Jeffrey Is out after having Help. Burial in charge of A. M. Misses Louise R. Ghezzl and Mary been on the sick list several days. Jack Frost Confectioner! l-Ib. Pbsten & Son will be in Mt. Olivet The funeral of J.~ Dunbar Murphy returned Thursday on the m i » Brown or Powdered cemetery, nnd the hearers will be Throckmorton, who died on Wednes- Munargo from a twelve-day trip to SUGAR Carton members of Naveslnk fire company. day of last week at his home on Nassau, Havana and Miami. Leonardo News. Broad street, was held Saturday af- Mayor and Mrs. Neilson Edwards ternoon at 2:30 o'clock at his late Mrs. Anna M. Boughton. are sojourning in the South. (The Red Bank Register can be bought Dole's No. 1 Large home with Rev. Albert L. Baner, pas- Mrs. Ludlow fell off a Leonardo from F. X. KildurT. Harry Quality No. 2 Can Mrs. Anna M. Boughton, daughter tor of the Methodist church,- officiat- chair Friday, and injured her leg. Montgomery and Albert Jereniaa.) Pineapple Juice of the late Thomas S. Nicholae of ing. Rev. John A. Hayes, pastor of "Harlem Nights," a minstrel show, Rev. Elwood Wolf is on the sick Civil war fame, and a widow of thethe Presbyterian church, assisted. will be presented Friday night at thelist and on this account the pulpit of late C. Edward Boughton, died Sun- Honorary bearers were Dr. Owen high school auditorium by the junior the Baptist church was occupied Sun- Gibbs or Assorted Reg. Size day afternoon at San Diego, Califor- Woolley, Dr. H. A.. Tilton, John J. class. day by Rev. A. H. Sutphin of River nia, where- she had been living since Phillips Flavors Tall Can 3 for He Leonard, Cornelius C. Watroug and Tho high GCliool teachers had a Plaza, whose sermon topic was "Tho SOUPS 1920. She was born at Elizabeth in John Pierce. The active bearers dinner party at the school Monday Opportunity of the Church." Albert 1S71, and would have been 65 years were Robert Proddow. G. Howard Johnson presided at the service in old next April. night, and later attended a basket- Hurff's Reg. Size Lippincott, Chester, B. Adams, Alston ball game In the gymnaeiu-n between tho evening, when the Christian En- She had been ailing for several Beekman, Stanley Brown and Dr. Rumson and Manasquan. deavor society was In charge and a Jersey Pork and Beans Tall Can months, and was in a San Diego hos- Zebulon S. Taylor. Burial, in charge special program of hymns was ren- Mrs. Margaret L. Gorman left Sun- dered. pital a week, undergoing treatment >o t R R Mount & Son of West Front day for Miami. Florida, where she COMPARE QUALITY for high blood pressure. She re-1 slrcet_ was in Falr View cemetery_ will remain until April 1. The Baptist Intermediate Chris- AS WELL AS THE PRICE turned twice, since moving to Cali- tian Endeavor society will meet at MEATS MEATS fornia, to renew old acquaintances, Mrs. Lewis T. Wilson has gone to Ralph Tlndall Maul, • racksonville to visit her parents. tho church thla evening at seven PRIME BONELESS ROLLED PRIME BEEF her last visit being about three years o'clock, when Miss Edna Woodward ago. She had many relatives and Ralph Tindall Maul of Bayview • Mr. and Mrs. William H. Schultz and Mrs.. Ralph Pease will be In friends at Red Bank and Asbury Heights, Belford, salesman and office celebrated their fiftieth wedding an- charge. A "world day of prayer" Park. Her husband waa employed manager for the J. Crawford Comp- niversary Sunday. Owing to the Ill-church night service will be held ton real estate and insurance agency ness of Mrs. Schultz no formal re- Porterhouse Roast Friday evening under the auspices Sirloin Steak in the old Second National bank for off BelfordBlfd , diedidd ThursdaThdy at Hazard ception was held. Approximately 100 of the Women's Missionary society. A Delicious Treat for Your Sunday Dinner. TENDER AND JUICY of the late Isaac B. Edwards, and al- j ^°^'ta"'^ """ ' us Branch, at the age of rientls called to wish the couple Rev. Frank Meirop, who recently re- . T^ , ,, DIAL., uc formerly lived in New ood luck. Many gifts were received, ter his retirement, under Frank Mc-ly^ j * turned from Ethiopia, will be the s ate including flowers and cash. speaker. M?hon: . . , " Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Lll- nre n- daugh tor, Mrs. The senior-A class will hold a pov- The topic of the Sunday morning Surviving nre a daughter. Mrs.1)im Hendrlckson Maul, and three rty dance at the high school Friday Beg. Special ! LOOK Special ! Helen L. Funk of Alpine, California, |children| Edward and Robcrt Maul sermon at the Baptist church will be light of next week. "The World Wide Opportunity of the 1b. Tender and . Average) bath, pastor of tho Reformed church, I3B W. FRONT STREET No. 2 Can officiating. The body wn8 yrnra old. Cooked Jnr She hnd made her home at Brooklyn Methodist church in charge. Burial Spaghetti until four year:, ago when iihe. moved in charge of A. M. Fosten & Son was to Mlddletown. Surviving arc a non, in All Sainis cemetery, Navetiink, QUANTITIES LIMITED Fresh Caught Fresh Sliced Robert. K. Gardner of Middlr-town; Prime two brothers, William nnd Chiirl™ Mrs. Ornld West. Mitchell, and FI iiinlor, Mm Clara The funeral of Mr«. Katharine Wcat, wife of tierald Wcel, and a for- Fluke Whistler, nil of Krnnnhurg. Even Though the Need FRUITS & VEGETABLES! OR Steak The funeral WIIH held Kumliiy rtf- iner ronidcnt of Atlantic Highlands, tornoon nt 3:30 o'clock at tho funeral who died on Tuesday ot last week at Arfcei Miles Away! Oysters parlors of It. ]t. Mount & Son ofhrr home in the Bronx, wan held lant Lemons - Oranges Cod Went Front utrecl with Rev. W. Car-Friday afternoon at two o'clock at Hie By phone, or by wire, we can Butter Fish man Tromhath, pastor of tins Red home of her mother, Mrs. John W make all arrangements for a fam- Bank Reformed church, olilciatlng. iion of Atlantic Highlands, with Parsnips - White. Turnips clb C clb Tho body W»H conveyed by automo- Philip Dale, pnntor of tho At- ily, should one of its members •ft 4 doz bile to Tarrylown, New York, on lantlo Hlglilandu Episcopal church pass away in some distant place, 14 Monday, where buriiil wan mule in ollieiatlng. Tile henrof« were Victor Yellow Turnips 14 Weepy Hollow cemolmy. K. flrrwHinger, .Stanley Wnat, li'rnnh and it is desired to hold,final serv- Hchryver and Claire Spratlry, Burial ices locally. Worden service Loose Carrots William IlardiH.vcli. In charge of tho Worden ftmera DAIRY DEPARTMENT meets every need. William Hanlt.'wyek, u nuiiiiur-r m,- homo of lted Bank, won in Fair View Fancy ,Table Apples Hlent of Leonardo for n number of. cemetery. yenrtf, died early Snturdnv niornlni; BUTTER 39c ib at tho Presbytfirian honpitnl, Newark, MTB. JCM-1 An<1crnoii. Fresh Garden Spinach 2 »>». 15c nftnr n nholt'Ulnetw. Mr. Unrdnwyrk Tin: funeral of Mre. Mary Ander- wau comptroller of the Central Sav- non, wife of Joel Anderson of Bolford, WORDEN TUNERALHOME Florida Tangerines 15 u>* 10c Whole Milk Store Cheese 21fb ings bank of New York. Ho w;m l>r>who died on Wmlnc/idny of last week, AIB£R.TW.V»RDEM yran old and lived nt Knat Orange wan held Sunday afternoon nt thre« H*RRYC.r.VVORDEM • MMESA-WORDtM during tha winter. o'clock at her late homo with Rev Large Ripe Bananas 7 for 10c Fancy Swiss Cheese . . . 27fb Surviving run liln wife. Mia. Kath- O. Nelson Moore, pnator of tho PHONE557 arine Bardnwyck, n daughter, Mr*. ford Methodist church, oftlclnt jnjf. «OE.FRONT ST. • • • RED BANK.N.J. J U«Wt at W«»t PjAtige, a don Tho bearerj EAwanJ 5C Ben, MAY WE SERVE YOU RED BANK REGISTER. FEBRUARY 27. 1936. /aee Twentv-Thrtsi

Chaplain to Address Men's dub. UFE ON RELIEF. Dot five cents In cash from | LEPROSARIUM. d, death usually results within eight Mimed to the ground, so great was, had, for BO ons Is going anywhere, , Rev. Peter C. Bchroeder, chaplain month to month. Prostitution Is not 'ears. he fear of leprosy. Louslana then It organizes sport among Its owsj At Fort Monmouth of Fort Uonmouth, will address tbe Condensed from Tbe American Mer- considered sufficient reason for clot- Condensed -from The American Le- Despite statements to the contrary, iecided upon Carvllle, but this time members and other patients: Vollej Men's dub of Congregation B'nal cury By an Anonymous Author. Ing a case, unless the Investigator Is gion Monthly by Sam II. Jones. leprosy Is not an incurable disease. nformed the nearby inhabitants; that ball, golf, baseball, tennis. It upon, certain that it shows profit. Adul- in ostrich farm was being started. Israel next Wednesday night at 8:30. The only leprosarium within the bout ten per cent per year of the sors entertainments for the other pa- Th« opening exerclBea for the Na- Recently I got i Job as a New tery, marijuana smoking, gambling, iarvllle patients are discharged as Vhen the truth came out, there were tients. It agitates for longer yearl] tional Guard and Reserve Officers' Mr, Schroeder was pastor of the continental limits of this country is omplaints and threats. But as no Lutheran church of Messiah at York Cit_. y. relie.. f_ Investigator, at or petty thievery do not worry the irrestcd. But just what cures them vacations from tho leprosarium, fos olass at tho Signal Corps school was 527.60 per week, My job has taught Investigator unless they upset the the United States Marine hospital at ne contracted the disease, this prej- Flushing, Long Island, for alx years. Carvllle, Louisiana, some twenty s not understood. adequate stopping places for suet hold )n Hangar No. i at Fort Mon- me that there are now two kind* of family budget. udice gradually died away, partlcu- relatives an como to visit them.-- He served as an enlisted man In tho miles south of Baton Rouge, where Strangely enough one palliative arly after the U. :S. Public Health mouth on Tuesday. army from 1616 to 1910 on the Mex- life In the United States—ordinary No home relief program Is free of But the greatest gift of the Legloi Colonel A. S. Cowan, Signal Corps life, and relief life. 532 victims of leprosy are Isolated. 'M discovered almost as soon a8 the service took over the institution in :an border, and also saw service in rackets. The main racket of course lisease Itself. According to the folk 1921. Yet there are still no close res- to these veterans la the joy of know* commandant, welcomed the student Suppose that you, the head of a )• concealing Jobs. Charwomen, taxi Leprosy Is of two general types. ing that they belong, that they have. he World war. Previous to coming The less dangerous, probably, is the ale, a Siamese prince about 1000 B. dents. officers to Fort Monmouth and con- family in New York, lost your Job drivers, actors, musicians and others . became afflicted with leprosy and comradeship, and an organization in gratulated them on their having to Fort Monmouth, he was stationed qulto a while ago, that you owe who work at night are the hardest neural type which attacks the nerves, which they can appeal. Before, they at Fort Amador In the Canal Zone beginning with the tiny nerves of tbe as cast out Into the forest where he After you go Inside the fence been selected to take the course ol money, that the grocery store has to apprehend for the Investigating tubsisted on roots, berries, fruit, and, [round the hospital grounds and past were forgotten. Now they bellevf, Instruction offered by the Signal and at Fort Sheridan In Illinois. closed out your credit, and that a staff's day ends at five o'clock. Gar- skin. Gradually the victim loses all they still belong to society. Theil sensation of touch and, of course, in particular, dried nuts of the chaul- ho administration buildlnga, you Corps school. dispossess writ lies on your living' ment workers also are elusive alnce moogra bush. To his amazement the :omc upon a narrow stone walk lined mental cloud baa lifted. Hostesses for D, A. K. room table, At this juncture a nelgb-1 their trade compels tliem to be In the pain. I have seen a patient. Inter- "Tbe Signal Corps school," said ested In a discussion, forget a cigar- disease left him. Since that time )y hedges. This walk is the "dead- Colonel Cowan, "Is also to be con- The Shrewsbury Towne chapter, bor already on relief tells you the market all day If they want to pro- ihaulmoogra oil has been widely used ne" beyond whjch no patient may The road to better and bigger bush cure occasional work, ette held between his fingers and per- iratulated In having men of your Daughters of American Revolution, location of the local station, and you mit it to burn through between them n tho fight against leprosy. o. There tho' men stand quietly ness leads through The Register's ad. type come here, men who are willing will meet Monday afternoon of next finally take the leap which leads Tha bureaus receive complaints and drop to the ground. Such Im- It Is administered daily at Carvllle. 'altlng for visitors. They do not of- vertlslne columns.—Advertisement to devote a part ol their time to- week at two o'clock at the home of from normal life to relief life. from two sources—anonymous let- munity from pain results in continual Uso, In treating leprosy, many ex- er to shake handa. They do not ward preparing themselves to serve Mrs.. Stewart VanVllet of Sycamore After waiting In line at tha sta- ters and neighborhood quarrels. Mrs. bruises and cuts. periments have been made with imilc; it Is as if they had forgotten their country In time ol need." tion, a receptionist hands you an ap- Smith quarrels with Mrs. Jones, and methylene dyes, preparations from ow. Many of them are well-edu- avenue, Shrewsbury. Mrs, VanVllet In the- effort of the body to combat WANT ADVERTISEMENTS, Colonel Cowan stressed the (act and Mrs. Frank A. Quackenbush will plication blank to take home and nil that afternoon tells the investigator arsenic and mercury, and biological ated, with good minds, yet they are out. The blank covers the essentials that Mr. Jones drives a milk wagon, the mycobacterlum leprac, vast quan- (reparations such as smallpox and II morbid because convinced they Too Late for Classification. that each year tha technical equip- be hostesses tities of white blood cells, are rushed i-ere pariahs. The relatives of many ment used for signal communication of your life and some of the questions that he has $3,000 in the bank under ither vaccines. Lately, artificially- NKAT ctjlnred woman wnnU position if THE COMPLETE FUSSER. prove' embarrassing. Under "Rela- bia wife's maiden name, and that he to the point of attack. Their very reated fever has been tried. •f them would not come to see them half tinier or dny'n work; vill do wholf purposes in a modern army Is be- number clogs tho blood stream, and i)tl no outsider ever came except a tiine also. Call at 7 1 Linden plate, R« coming more and more complicated. tives" you fall to Include an uncle owns half Interest In a grocery store. The most successful treatment has who still possesses a bank account. We receive so many of these com- small cuts that would ordinarily heal seen precisely that used for tubercu- ihysiclan or those curious about lep- He also discussed the value of mili- Condensed From "Self and Self- within a few daya remain open, not APARTMENT for rent; library building You also omit from the blank ons or plaints that we havo special em- osls (the germs of the two diseases osy. They saw the few guards, they Monmouth Htreet; three roonip and batbj tary training from the standpoint of Management" by Arnold Bennett. healing for months even with careful iaw the Sisters of Charity who cared laim' fitlic; partiKe; central location. Am two of tbe places where you have ployees ta take care^of them. •esemble each other)—strength-build- Ply Mr*. Arthur Swifl. lLM Baritea pUc« both the individual and the nation, Few of us havo not mot the gen- attention. In tho unsanitary condi- ng diets, rest, and encouragement to or them. That was all. The Public and expressed the opinion that cltl worked In the last ten. years. Information received thus is never jihfjim lie11 Hank ^^-.T. tleman who can only be described Your blank when returned Is ear- tions of ancient times, such cuts be- lental tranqullity. But It is difficult Iealth Service furnished movies, but lens who were willing to devote a ltogether correct, and never alto- came Infected and festered as open I-'OR~K\UlC"wnThiTur""marhlne S80, ree4 oa "tho complete fueser." This gen- marked for a certain investigator. gether wrong. It would be simple to to be tranquil when you are separat- here were phantom figures; a few doll eurriase ?:I.JO, j?Hteleg tahl* $4.fiO, portion of their time to fitting thom- tleman has slowly convinced himself We will say that I am the Investiga- sores, which most people picture as ed from relatives, friends and life- ationtp had radios, but theee were haby'-i bnthincUe $2, rwiuarc rosewood pit •elves to serve their country in an check the facts If the complainant part of the disease, But such sores auo jr>,- Stiumherry Thrift Shop, -WUdOi that tht proper fulfillment of hlator. I drop in to see you, call all the knew the address of her erring neigh- ime orbit disembodied voices. avenue. Port Monmouth, N. J., ntar flfsj emergency were rendering a patrlotlo destiny depends absolutely upon members of your family together, are no part of leprosy at Carvllle. Despite the fact that even conser- service of the highest order. bor's place of employment, his wife's To help them, and In particular the about 10,000 different things. a*nd and begin to ask questions. maiden nams, or the location of the The neural type of leprosy gradu- vative leprologlsts classify the dis- !3 World war veterans there, there NICELY fin-ni m for rent; dtslts The course of Instruction given he attaches a supreme and quite fa- ease as "feblv infectious over a long nble UiViilio ; tlirco minutes' walk ts The first Item is residence verifica- property he owns, but such Is seldom ally moves from the small dead akin was organized four years ago an flrrind street. Addi-ci i M. Y.. fcoz 6If, National Guard and Reserve Officers tal Importance to all 10,d0O of them. the case. Not Infrequently I have to nervea to the main trunk lines and period of intimate contact," victims American Legion Post, the strangest He

m ARE YOU PLANNING FOR MORE BUSINESS ? ARDON us for intruding on your business con- Advertising space in The Register costs you P fab, Mr. Merchant, but if you are making less ... maybe not in the initial outlay, but because plans for a banner year of business, during consumer response to advertising in this paper is so which the words "depression," "financial loss" and, much greater that the costs are completely and al- "failure" will become—if not obsolete—at least in- most' immediately absorbed by resulting dollars- frequently heard, we'd like to be in on it. There's and-cents business. no point to our being reticent about insinuating our- There's plenty more we could say, Mr. Mer- selves in your affairs: the fact is we have a definite chant, but we'll leave you to continue your planning place in your plans for more business. undisturbed. We wanted to impress upon you the The Register is the real home newspaper of this 'If fact that you'll want to figure The Register in on community. It is the most widely read newspaper in its field. Its readers include the whole family, those plans. It's to your advantage to do so. The from the boy and girl of school age, to father and advertisers who use The Register's columns every mother and even to grandfather and grandmother. week is proof enough of the truth of what we say It has features that appeal to all but most of all it here? Just phone us and a representative will gladly gives all the news of folks you know. call upon you. RED BANK STER Member Associated Prett RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 27,1936. CLASSIFIED BANK REGISTER WANT ADS

eceptlon, first and second grades. LOST AND FOUND. ARTICLES FOR SALE BUSINESS NOTICES EMPLOYMENT, RKAL ESTATE FOR RENT KE/U. ESTATE FOR SALE Engineers And Crnest Blakely recited! "Time To FOUND lady'i iho«. «lw 8. on Halt-Mlle |poWER cream .epurator and cow atsneh- CESSPOOLS cleaned, cellars duir, BCOOP- WHITE WOMAN wUhci nay's work to FOR RENT, bunjtalowt In Red Bank; flve REIl BANK vicinity--E _ Itop," and sang a song, "Tho Music road. Address Shoe, box 511. lona for dale; A-l condition. ~~J& V. Len- InK and grading; at reaKanahle rates. ddo , or woulld do laundryld , in ol outt .Cl Call rooms and batb; all Improvements; itft- to full any pockttboo! Surveyors Feast ioes Down and Around." Edward lank.* tllhon, Mldd.etown, K, J. Howard Ma.*8on, phone Atlantic Highlands _it ~27- 6 "Mechanic street, liter 6:00 P U. raKo; $25 per month. John H. Cook, Jr., looklet fre«. llaj H. t 776. phone Red Bank 1274. Sycamore avenue. Shr«wabury. N. JB phone highway, Eatontovn. N. J. Phon. 'egram recited "Nails," Joseph Scott LO3T, Elliabotothh Ardtn black antelope fitfit- IAY—HAY—HAY—Choice third cuttliia Red Bank 3425-J, town 178. lang, "I'm Sitting; High on a Hilltop," tetdd purBe StSaturdaSaturd y eveningi . FebruarFbry alfalfa, clear clover or mixed hey. For REN BAHRS. general contrac- CHAUFFEUR (white) wishcB position; !2, at Folds, MonmoutMmouthh road, Went Lone handy all around; with or without yunr- MONMOUTH COUNTY farmi; nn Meeting of Monmouth County ind Bernard Marx recited "Frogs at 2, at Fold's, Mon quality hay ate this, Hance & Davis, tors, bridge building, jetties, bulkheuda. BBICk. UUNOALOW, flva roomB on flr.t ranch. Reward._PhonPh e ReRdd Bank_2177Bk2177. phone Rod JJank_103. . 35 Barhgrieaveniie, HtehIan_da;_N!_J. tera; best of references. Please write floor: tile bath and ehower, tiled lava- !>•' of all tlui and tyi>«. ? Ichool." In concluding Ruth Lange LOST, child'Rds aye glBR»e». between Oak- John J. Clszeakl, 18 Belldatre place, Mout- Chapter Held at the Gejrfield- FOIl "BALE, 28~foot.~'0) ter skiff, two ESTELLE. DECORATING, Taper "hanBlnir. tory, fireplace, hot water heat; extra room w 1 itunOa ang, "Bunny," and orchestra BCICC- land street school and Broad atreet and B plain and decorative painting; wall pa- clalr. N. J. seconco d floor;r; doubld e attached garage, »50. ff &£2i 'Vpi^o.r'.? ' • " horae power economy hoisting machine, Ray VanHorn ' .•_••. Grant Hotel—George M. F. lons were given by the reception, tergen ulnca; Rllver rims, In red case. fully equipped; 140 lobster [>ota and Borne per, painty and varnishes for tale. Save MEN WANTED for Rawleigh routes of Ray VanHorn Agency, phono . 283 Red itreet. phone Red Bank Hi, teturn to S3 Waverly place, Red Bank. anchors; $300; or will nell separately. the surface and you save all. 20 Mount 800 families. Reliable huntler should Uank. SALE or rent, «ap*cl*IIy sttraetlva tut* Randolph New State President rut and second grades. start earning $25 weekly and Increase rap- dence In restricted Button wood, 8hrvw*. Reward.* Paul Tarnow, Main street, Belford. N. J. street, phone 2669 lied Bank. | ___^__ SkVEN roomi, all impro.einentt; nre- The Works Progress Admlnistra- JESSE J' McILRAX real cVtote a^d lnsur- idly. Writa today. IUwleltfh, Dept. NJB- iQry; three bathi, attached saran, oil LOST, three photograph proofa either on NEW wall texture renting, is very dec- 881-S, Chegter, Pa. placa; newly painted; garage. In Bid urner. Yoax agant or G. H. N.i The Monmouth county Chapter of ion orchestra under tho direction of Honmouth or Broad streets Wednesday orative for renovatlna and modernizing ance, "Fai ' r Haven, N. J., phono, Hed 3ank. Sbc room>, all Improvement*, new- Chester Arthur entertained with se- tornlnff. Finder please return to Betty walls; easily applied. Bo low In price that Bank 2704. ?1O5-$176 MONTH. Work for "UiTcTe' y dacorated; gaxago; In Long Branch. B. Professional Engineers and Land Borden, 50 Patera place. Red Bank. PAINTING, decorating, paper hanging; Sam." Men-women. Try next Red jj. Vanderveer. 40 Branch avenue. Etd 'ARM, near Liner oft, 105 acr«t, •icellent Surveyors held u regular meeting lections yesterday at the Shrewsbury every home owner can afford to tine it; 4c Bank examinations. List jobs and partic- Bank, phone U66. (oil, brook and woodland i colonial ihool. They will again present clas- pound, direct from factoryrsf.. 'Cornea in estimates aupplled on large or smalt ulars free. Write today sure., Franklin welve-room mildence. located well baek preceded by a dinner at the Gar- ilcal numbers on the following ARTICLES FOR SALE eight colors, reedy for UBC. Just mix with Jobs; interior and exterior painting; ex- Institute, Dept. 544.L, Rochester, N. Y. BBAUTIFUL «ii-roo5 bungalow, bathi rom road arid tbaded by numarooi tr**s« fleld-Grant hotel at Long Branch cold water. Cnll for samples. Atlantic cellent wall paper service. Arthur E. fornso; Areplsce, ,un parlor; rent rea- ^rge barn, wagon house, cow »t*ll, paek- Wednesday mornings between tho Paint & Wall Texture Co., lift Weat Front Boyce, painting contractor, phone Rumson WANTED, a sales representative in Red •onable; must be teen to be appreciated. last week. Among those prcseit REBUILT eecond-hand water pumpa. V. ln« house, available on five-acre plot U hour of 11:15 and 11:45 o'olock, atreet, phone Red Bank 2251-W. GOG. Bank and vltinity by Provident Mutual Inquire Owner. 12 Oak placo, Fair Haven. desired. All buildings In fine condition was Engineer George N. P. Ran- a. Hurst Ulddlatawn. Mlddletonn ENGLISH SETTERS, REMOVER of dead an.mala. Dead ani- Life Insurance company of Philadelphia. phono Red Bank 2179. and tend themeetvei readily to tmr detlnd March 11, March 25, April 1, April ETTERS, srown stock and Thorough training will be provided. If dolph of Red Bank, the new presi- puppie i R mals removed free of charge, phone you can qualify, this la your opportunity. FOR " RENT. UNFURNISHED";~eiceHen~t alterations, Price (10,500; terms. Al- 15, April 28, May 13,, "ay 27, June 10. CASH tot your old typewriter, adding oa«- Stoney Creesirk e QueenRumme, elry e StugboroBlue . , da.. _m_ Red Bank SSOl-J. Paul RlUau. eifirhborhood, short walk dent ot the State .Association of En- chlne, ebeck wrlUr or other otflca •qalp- k Q i Bl D f Write Bert H. Stowell, General Agent, 137 buai- f & Son Agency, IncH 10 Monnouth Barents and friends of the pupils Happy Valley. W. L. Bennett, Eaton- A. GO ODE, contractor and builder, will Church street, New Brunswick, New Jer-ness center and schools i living room, itreet. Red Bank, phone 8450. gineers and Surveyors. Tho princi- ment; will CRII. Joiepb U. Scrpleo, Key- town, N. J., phone 23G-J. panelled library with largo open fireplace pal speaker was Henry Landosman, re cordially Invited to attend. 'Ort, N. J., phon» 484. estimate any job on your premises, in- sey, giving Information about yourself. SIX-ROOM house, all Improvement*, in.. Mrs. Mildred Jones of the Avon FOE SALE, black walnut drnier, with cluding Interior and exterior painting and An Interview will ba arranged. dining room, kitchen, lavatory, four mas- eluding hot water heat; short distance engineer In chargo of tho New Jer- rrLfc. WHITE! HOUSE Antique Shop. marblmle e topp;: also brass bed, mattress decoiatlng; alterations and repairs a spe- ter bedrooms, two tile bathi with ehower; from high school. Lot 45x168. Will sail sey atate hospital at Greystone Park. public schools Is visiting Miss Helen Headden'Headdenii CoComerm . R«d Bank. Antiquo and box apring. 322 River road, Red cialty. Phono Red Bank 118S-J, 118 MAN AND WIFE, white, middle aned, finished attle with two rooms for recrea- at sacrifice. For further information call Lang's classes here. boughht and totdtd. Bank, phone 8703-W. Pearl street, lied Bank wlih positions: with rjuttrtcnI or ivllh- tion or servants. Efficient beatlnj plant. nt 39 East Front street, or phone 702 Bed His Bubjeet was "The Institutional out; handy, all around; bet*t. ot re fensnceB. Nice plot of ground with rock garden; Bank. Engineer." About fifty persons were $250 VALUE for tha .urn of 1182.60— FRIGID AI RE, in good condition with trade CHECK UP on your beatintf plant now. Add retis Man and Wife, box 511, two-car garage. Available at once at J7E 14x5 foot eall boat, with ten-foot var- In privilege. Make your offer. Tua- We will be glad to call and give esti- OR SALE to eettle an estate; twelve lots present. The members of the Chap- nished «klft; new, all cedar boat*. Thomp- Bank." month. Allalro & Son Agency, Inc.. 19 tlng's, 16 Monmouth utroet. Red Bank. mate on cleaning and any other repairs. WEST END Employment Agency can help Monmouth street. Red Bank, phone 8*50. Blttiate on Wlko'fT place. R«d Bank. ter expressed pleasure over the fact aon float Worka, - Center atreet. Sea WOOD for late, stove, furnace and fire- Frank Crotchfelt, Chestnut Furnact Co.. iawkins Brothers, 10 Monmouth atreit. Atlantic Highlands. BrlBbt, N. 1. phone 675. Red Bank. you Bolve your help problems. Steady FOR RENT, six-room house, all Improve- Red Bank. that a roeldent of Red Bank had place lengths: $5.00 per load, $10,00 positions open for general house workers. ments; garage; reasonable rent. 26 been chosen president of tho state BASKETS, all types; linen, caps, packing: >er cord. Kindling wood, 25a a bag. Pat BUY and sell gecond-tiand clothes, must Open Sundays also. 5S Brighton avenue, Sprine etreet. Inquire Mrs. Merrltt. 28 AT 85 CATHERINE street, eight-room (The Red Bank Register can be bought forma, etc.: In Hock. At Hendrlekion Echlpanl, 114 Weat Front atreet, Red be In good condition. L. Kerber. 209 West End, phone Long Branch 657.* houae and bath; small two-room bunga- association. Leo McKeo of Red Supply Co.. Middtetown, phone $60. Open Spring street, Red Bank. in Atlantic! Highlands from William Lett, Bank, phone 1846. ^^^ Shrewsbury 4venue. Red Bank. /Phone GIRL~'WANTEt)~for general housework, ow and a four-room house in the rear; Bank, secretary of tho Monmouth I. Lemburg and A. Katz.) ivenlnga. ' - - 468-W. •'OR KENT, completely furnished six-room ot 198x91; no reasonable offer refused. TRACTOR, Goodyear equipped. AIHB- family of three; Shrewsbury: sleep in; house; electric refrigerator, hot air heat. county chapter, la a tfustee-at-large STOVES, kltcbeo ranges, parts and re- Chalmerai only used a few hours; $B96 TRUBIN'S for typewriter bargains; rent- small wages. Telephone Red Bank Mrs. M. Sagurton, Broad street, Shrews* # Garage. R. O. Willguss, Elm place, Red Sury, phone Red Bank 3053-W. for tho state association.' WalUr Mra. William D. White of Nash- pairs ; large assortment of Perfect. delivered. Conover Bros., Maseey-HarrU, als and expert repairing:. 89 Broad I304-W. Bank, phone 3115. Thatcher, Canopy Stove Ex- Wailii. Plant Jrv "CE" and Caaa Herv- itreet, Red Bang. IUVERVIEW bargain, river privileges, ex- J. Schlvera of Freehold Is the new rillo, North Carolina, spent the wook- WHITE GIRL nted for ai ho TWO-STORY house for rent: flve rot,-,, change, opposite rauroa station. 74 Ice, Wlckatunk, N. J., phone Holmdel 9. MABEL" COLEMAN"Schooi~of"~banclng; clusive East Red Bank, six-room modo, cost $465; need permanently exterminated (guaran- GIRL or woman wanted for Kenernl house- Red Bank 1166. among thoso present. Features of GENERAL ELECTRIC refrigerator; per- work, Telephone Red Bank 2526.' HOUSE of sevenj rooms, all improvements, Lenten devotions will be held on cnnh._ Phone_ 408 Eatontown. feet condition Inside and out; guaran teed). Rat» caught with ferrets (not HALF of double house, all improvements lot B7xl45. one block from river, stores tho meeting were exhibits of ensl- FOR SALE, very attractlve~dtn!nK room teed: Sav-- e- $4.-0 tlllR- buy -a-t TUB ting's. poisoned). Phone 2848 As bury. Jack GAS STATION attendant wanted. For de- in excellent condition. AIBO two atorei and bus lines. Also near school. Inquire Wednesday and Friday nights at St. tails apply Refrigerator Exchange. & i- rent. A. T. DoremuB, 44 Reckl neorlng and equipment projects, liKhtinir fixture (dome); coat J16 new, i 16 Monmouth street. Red Bank. Kondrlck, exterminator, established 1 Clay street,. Fair Haven. N. J. Agnes's church ot 7:45 o'clock Boll foi- 53. Mrs. O. R. Meyer, Wilson ave- Whlto street. Red Bank. place or agents. »upply house, aerial mapping, new YOUR HOME completely furnished, high- 8b year*. FOR SALE or rent: Eight-room house, •&!• methods of indirect lighting and Maoaea during the week will bo at nue. Tail Mqnmouth, phono 448-R KeanB- lity, lowest prices, easiest credit FIRST CLASS domestic help wanted; ref- TWENTY acres of good ground for rent S 1.7 50. rent S16; six rooms, sale $2,300. o'clock, and on Sundays at 8 and 10 i terms; no ItInterest t chargesh . FFre e dldeliveryi . erence required. Apply nt Monmouth will rent part or all. Howard Tindal rent $20; five rooms, eale $1,750; rent niapB of stnte highways and traffic l''OR SALE, shoe Btoro fixtures, shelving, | Electric refrigerators, washers and Iron' EVERY car needa Simonliing; let us SI- Employment Agency, 107 Monmouth Lincroft, phone Red Bank 704-R-2. S14; alx rooms, sale 12,000, rent |1«. cloverlcaves. o'clock. cash clenk, wrapping counter, linoleum, ' era on F. H. A. plan; three yeai-B to pay. moniic your car; our men are experts street, phono Red Bank 3500.* RAY VANHORN Agency offers a select Small cash, balance monthly. Caleb Lu* Mrs. Grandln F. Chapman spent and our prices -well, you will like them. ker Belford, N. J.* • 2G-foot runner, fourteen opern chulrs, i Write or phone Stephen Itrl, 26 Allen Taylor's Auto Laundry, 29 Pearl street rental list of houses in Fnlr Haven, Red ( Wednesday at New York. electric bulbs, 48 reflectors, eight foot- '.place, phone Red Bank 1974-J. Red Bunk, phone 2251-J. Bank, Little Silver. Several fine homes I HAVE a farm of thirty-five accrw. Is* Sidney Plnaud, son of Mr. atools. window back panels and doors, two ROOMS FOR RENT available; $85 to $75; some on river. cated on hard surface road, near townj Shrewsbury News. fooo t mlrrormirorBs and windowindw display fixtures,fixtures, MUSICAl INSTRUMENTS, strings and re- Phono Red Bank 283. six-room houae, improvements; outbuild* Mrs. John Plnaud, Is an appendicitis Berk's Shoe Store, Broad street, corner FARM PRODUCE. palring at Price's MUBIO Store, 81 West NICJj&Y furnished room for gentleman; EAST SIDE PARK—Six rooms and sunings. Price $6,500. Act quickly. W. A. patient at Monmouth Memorial hos- Monmouth street. Red Bank, front street. Red Bank. heat, hot wnter day and night; all the porch; tiled bath with shower; steam Hopping Agency, Red Bank, phone 897.* (The Bed Bank Resistor can be bouah pital at Long Branch. Mra. Charles ELECTRIC refrigerator, seven cubic feet POULTRY mashes—Get our price on Park i'HB HIGHESGESTT prices paid for lilivve chick- comforts of home; business section; heat; garage; $35, possession March 15. In Shrewsbury from Richard Beaki at th« capacity. In first class condition, $6 5; & Pollard's Lay oi Bust feeds. Life eenan . JJoee BBakerk , 230 MhMechaniic •treat. reasonable rent. Phone 149-J, or address Good neighborhood. Ray VanHorn Agen- COMPLETE modern bungalow, large Uv« postoffico and tho Shrowabury Market.) Ely, Sr., Is recovering from a broken four-ploce wicker net $12, six-piece reed Cycle mash with Manamar, etc- Special Phone Ked Uank B809. N. F., box 511. Red Bank. cy, Fair Haven, phone Red Bank 283. ing room, dining room, kitchen, bed- wrist, suffered in a fall on the iceset, a beauty, for doctor's or dentist's of- prlcea ;ash and carry. Hance & Davis, VERY pleaBant furnished roo all 1m- room, bath; corner lot 65x100; shrubbery, Miss Jane Parker, student at New FREE CHOW MEIN every Wednesday and MODERN HOME, completely decorated, garage. Ideal for couple. Price $4,500. recently. flee, $05; nine-piece walnut dining room phone Red Bank 103. Saturday night at Atlantic hotel, 121 provomentapomenta;; hot runninngg watere, hott wa- excellent location, convenient to schools, Jersey College for Women at New it $55, three-piece overstuffed llvln ter hheat ; near statiotti n andd bub a lineli . 13139 Terms. W. A. Hopping, Agency, phona Mr. and Mrs. JameB J. Welch are CORN for aare, S00 buBhela_of ear corn Fair Haven road. Fair Haven. living room, dining room, kitchen, break- 397. Red Bank.* Brunswick, Bpent tho week-end at room Bultc, liko now, $55, drop-leaf gate- for salt). Broadmeadow Farm, phone [F ITS MUSICAL we can supply it. Bridge avenue. Red Bank. fast nook, fireplace, three bedrooms, bath, spending a month at Miami, Florida. leg table $12, porcelain top table $1, porch Red Bank 3845-J. ( garage. Further particulars, W. A. Hop-ONE-STORY- concrete building, BOxlZI her homo on Sycamore avenue. sot, five rockers and glider. 711, L. E. structiootruction on anyy winidd or atrinti a IInstru- SINGLE or double furnished room in pri- They expect to return early In WHITE LEGHORN baby chicks from two ment including accordion. , Arrangements vate fnmlly; heat, hot water. 38 Elmplng Agentiy. Red Bank, phone 897.* feet on lot 85x265 feet Ideal for ga- Mra. C. Frank Borden and daugh- Itrown, 117 Prospect-.avenue, phono Red rage, used car dealer, building materials* March. Hank 57. and three-year-oldfl. Breeders, blood can bo mode to purchase lnatrumenta. Al- place. Red Bank.* FOR RENT, five room house. 210 Mon- ter Margaret are expected to return tested, tuba agglutination method, every ao repairing Annefle, 47 Washington TWO nicely furnished rooms in private mouth street; convenient for rail road warehouse or laundry. Price 16.5001 D. A. Caruso la a new member o: BAPIO for sale, bBautlful Majestic con- e_K produced on our own farm. Hatches street, phone Red Bank 1751. man or commuter, $26 monthly. Alston terms. For further particulars write Wal- home this week after vacationing at sole, eight tubes; perfect condition, SI5. family; ail conveniences; garage; also ter Cooper, 105 West 82d street* New tho Lions club. Mr, Caruso was February 24 and March 5. Inapection in- OLD tiOLI) We puy cash ror your old B'IX room colonial house. 81 South street, Beekman, attorney, 10 Broad Btreet, Red Plnehurst, North Carolina. Mr. and Phono Red Bank 706. vited. Maple Spring Farm (formerly J. -k city.' guest at last week's meeting held gold jewelry, watches, teeth, etc. Reu* Red Bank, phone_J_3_30-M._< Bank. t Mrs. Harry G. Borden, who accom- NEED~M~ONEY~? We buy anything—the T. Wrlght'B), Chapel Hill road, Atlantic illles' 86 Broad utreet. Red Bank. FOR RENT, five-room bungalow, bath and FIVE-ROOM house on Co nip ton street. panied them to Plnehuret, will re at Johnson's restaurant. He was Btore of 10,000 items. Women's and Highlands, Sidney Hamberger, manager, FURNISHED room with" p*rivato family; Belford, N. J., hot water heat and elec- phoneRed Bank 3E29-J. SAVE twenty to thirty per cent on your centrally located. 58 Maple avenue. heat; convenient to DUB; rent $17.50. main for a short time. Initiated Monday night; children's new shoes, 7 5c pair, two pairs auto insurance. Phono Red Bank 2704. Red Bank, phone E93-W. Apply William Schloeder, corner of Wyck- .rR-; will eell very reasonable. Apply to "The Ghost Train" will be present- 31.00: new mattress $4.50. Town Furni- GREEN MOUNTAIN potatoes for sale, Insurance of a^ klndB. ofT road and Laurel place. Eatontown, N. J. Citizens Building & Loan Association, or Tho Woaien's auxiliary of Chrlsl ture Exchange, 35 Monmouth Btreot, phone Broadmeadow "Farm, phone Bed Bank ^ 10 WALLACE STREET, large rooms, with your own broker. . ed Friday night, March 20, at tho Red Bank 628.* LANICENAU SCHOOL for girla; nccredited board, very onnble: excellent table. WILL RENT modern dairy farm, main t&ehurcb will meet Monday afternoon 8845-J. highway, new hay fields and good pas- NICE four-room bungalow and bath, alt high school by the Junior class. preparutory; religion and French or Ger- all home comforts; plenty^of hot water.* improvements; one-car garage; on Wat- s'duringLent at the Parish hail. THREE larKC coffee urns and Btnnd for WHITE LEGHORN hatching egga from man In all grades; music, art, gymnasium. ture; 65 acres, modern buildings. Rent ; Miss Frances Lybarger, seven- restaurant, S39.50: 4x6 Oriental rug COMFORTABLY heated, furniahed rooms, reasonable to reliable farmer. Address nut street. Middletown Township, near Rod ; . Stewart VanVHet, Sr., of Sycamor S4/J5, new modernlHtic living room sulta two and-three-year-old breeder. Tube Individual supervision of health, studies, plenty of hot water. 16 Linden place, Dairy Farm, box 611, Red Bunk. Bunk. Citizens Building & Loan Aasorla- fitVewie, left Sunday for a visit with year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.S49, 9x12 rug JO.50, new kitchen rnngo agglutination tested for B. W. D.; egRa character; $600, Catalog. 2200 Glrard Red Bank.* __^_ tlon or your own broker. 1 from 24 to 80 ounces to the dozen in nvcnuepPhilndclnhla. Pa. his father at New Smyrna, Florloa. William Lybarger, entertained nine- 514.50. Town Furniture Exchange, Rod A BARGAIN—On the highway at Shrews- Bank.* any Quantity. Maple Spring.Farm, suc- LICENSED PLUMBER—Phone 2317 RedNEWLY furnished back room, next to REAL ESTATE FOR SALE '• Mr. and Mra. Kenneth Solt of teen frlenda at a party recently. cessor to J. T. Weight, Chapel Hill road, bath; also running hot d cold t bury, N. J., ten rooms, two baths, thre* Bank, for your plumbing, heating and SIX-ROOM house, lot £0x260; $1,200; five ."Perth juaboy were Sunday vislton Mrs. Martin Nelson had a surprise BEAUTIFUL ten-piece dining room sulto Atlantic Highlands, phone Red Bank tinninsr. A'lvicc and estimates free. Jo- In room; heated; with or without ggaragg e fireplaces, three-car garage;. lot 100x40t $38.50, worth (100; twin studio couch 8529-J, Sydney Hamberger, superintend- noxt to church; references. 1* OaklanOkl d rooms, corner property, on Route 86; feet. CltizenB Building & Loan Aaaocla- •of Mr, and Mra. George Lange ani luncheon last week in celebrated of $12.95, ITRH ranice $3.95, We buy, sell or ant. nerh W. Fox, 116 Pinckney road. Red street, Red Bank." •uitnble for any business: $2,500, small tlon. or your own broker. family of Broad street. her 75th birthday. The luncheon was exchnngo unythlng. TovPn Furniture Ex- Bnnk. cash. Calob Lutcor, Bolford, N. J.* change. 35 Monmouth atreet. Red Bank, GENERAL CONTRACTOR and cesspools HOUSE of seven rooms and bath on Rivet ;.• Miss EJdith Bentley of Jersey City held at the home of her son and - HAY for salo, baled; Green Moun- RIVER FRONT house of ten rooms, two road, Fair Haven, N. J.; corner proper* phone C28. cleaned; carting and grading; top eoll, tile baths, two-car garage; large plot ; spent the. week-end with MIBB Helen daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. B. P. tain potatoes; moderate prices. manure, fill dirt, cinders, (Travel and Band. APARTMENTS ty. 60 feet oh River road; all Improve- BUTCHER SHOP and fixtures for Bale; Estimates given, phone Red Bank 2283. of ground beautifully shrubbed. Play- ments. Citizens Building & Loan AiBO* Sanborn of Sycamore avenue. Quttormsen. owner selling on account of lllneBB. Matthew Mullln, Brookdale Farm, Oscar Becker, 47 Second street. Fair Ha- HEATED ' apartment, four rooms and room in cellar; extrra lavatorlaryy in basemenemet ciatlon, or your own broker. Price- reasonable. For particulars Inquire Llncroft, N. J-, phone 3282-W, Red bath; all Improvements; $25. Land & nd firstfit floor.fl CosCt t of housh e and lolt t IIn Rev. George H. Mikach, pastor o Mrs. Frank Guttormsen was hos- ven, N. J. 030 $36,000. Will sell for $13,000. . ; ATTRACTIVE home, good neluhborhooj./; of John DIFiore, 172-A Monmouth Btreet, Bank. Loan Co., 12 Mechanic Btreet, Red Bank. the Presbyterian church, will take ai tess Tuesday at a card party for nd Bank. NEED MONEY to meet current obllga- 10,000 firBt mortuaget . BoletoRlt n WWatert - living room, dining room, kitchen, thr«« hi» topic next Sunday, "What D( tho ladles' auxiliary of Brevent Park tiona? We loan up to $300. Quick, FURNISHED apartment, four larso rooms ury, 107 Monmouth etrcot. phono Red bed room H, tiled bathroom, hot water heat, and Leonardo fire company. The THREE-PIECE llvlnjr room »et.?10. Ice- FARMERS and track ffrovrero will flud e courteous service. Payments may extend and bath; RII conveniences: oil burner ink 3500.• oil burner, enclosed aun porch; ffarag*. You Think?" Sunday-school will b box $2, bed, mattreafl, nprlngn, pillows, ready market for their produce by ad- over a perlod_ of fifteen months. Call or heat. Southern exposure; large garage; JOT, 101X100 on good concrete road in .Priced to sell. 56,000. W. A. Hopping held at 9:4B o'clock, and the chute first round of a six-week pinochle $. A.Iflo glassware and other email Items. ertlalQa b The Raglster'i ciaasifled ool- write Shore- Loan ABs'n, 190 Broadway, occupancy March 1. Apply 50 Leroy fine section; sale price (500. Rolston Asrency, 8 Linden place, Hed Bank, phon* 106 Shrewsbury avenue, Red Bank (rear imm. Professional building, Long Branch, phone place, Red Bank. , 3S7.* . • service at 10:<5 o'clock. tournament was played. house.)' ^^^______3842. License No. 406. Vaterbury, 107 Monmouth Btreet, phone Edwin Beak has purchased a Chev Mrs. Mary Carroll and Rose Miller DAIRY FEED—Sav« money; itop in and THREE-ROOM apartment, all Improve- ted Bank 3600. 82-ACRE farm. Including dwelling and WILL SACRIFICE mortRago of $2,225 for pick up a bag or more. Special prlcea COOK and caterer—Lot me prepare your ments; reasonable rent. 72 Monmouth IARA.GE at Campbell's Junction, 40x90 barn, with usual outbuilding.?. All I» : rolet convertlblo coupe. returned last week from a three $1,700 to quick buyer. Also upright _sh and carry. Try our (pedal 20% next dinner or banquet, or vvedtling par Btreet, Red Bank. feet, on the stone road; good location. good condition. Property mortgaged fof ' The forward movement commlttei weeks' South American cruise. ilana $25. Inquire at I Clay Btreet, Fair ration for quality and price. Hance & ty; it will Batisfy your guests and savo reasonable offer will be considered. A $8,647 to Federal Land bank at 8tt% In- Haven. Davis, phone Rad Bank 108. you the worry. I guarantee satisfaction. imall payment down will be accepted, bal- terest. Selling price $12,000. RolstoA requests all members of Chrlsl Mrs. George Mordorf has been KELVINATOR electric refrigerator, por- GeoiRO Williams, 43 Harrison avenue, Red REEN MOUNTAIN potatoes for sale. Bank. REAL ESTATE WANTED. ince monthly. Citizens Building & Loan Waterbury, 107 Monmouth street, phon* . church to participate in the Corpor- confined to her home with sickness. celain Inside and out; family' size; $20 isoclation, or your own broker. Red Bank 3500. Tho Foreaf t Farm, Inc., phone Middle- ' ate Oommunlok Mjylce next Sundaj Tony Rich, son of Mr. and Mrs.takes It. Tustlng'B, 16 Monmouth street, .own m. RADIO REPAIRS, guaranteed, reasonable. FARMS wanted for rent or Bale. Have Red _Banlc._ Landau'B Radio Service, 189 Shrewsbury 100 city clients interested in renting or moaning at 10:4&?o'clock. Evenln Joseph Rich, has enlisted In the EGGS for sale. Mary Pikowski, Palmer avenue, phone Bed Bank 1909 or 2829. FOR SALE, »n upright piano and cabinet avenue, Keansburg, second house from purchasing farm, in Monmouth county. ; prayer will 'J)o' conducted every United States navy. Mr. Rich grad- vlctrola; very reasonable. Inquire lit PAINTING and paper hanging. Charles Site, one acre up. If your farm ia for Wednesday during Lent at 8 P. M. P2 Plncknoy road, Red Bank.* he_ King's Highway.* Bale or rent, send full particulars at once. uated last year from the local high HORSES for sale • eleven good H. Dennis, 107 River street. Red Ban, In the Parish hall. There will be FIREWOOD, 16 per load, $10 per cord; ORSES for sale • eleven good worork phone ljJOS- ; Eay II. Stlllman,. State Highway. Eaton- school. horseh s fof r salle cheaph . A . j . BBowman, town. N. J. oelebratlon of Holy Communion Fr Mrs. Mary A. Brown of Woodland boat ribs, oak Umbers, locust routs; 'rospect avenue, Little Silver, phone Red RADIO, technical and repair service: high day at ten A. M. in tho church. electric planing mill and sawmill for cus- Bank 3007-R.* grade materials and experienced work- HAVE BUYERS waitins for country Park is spending a few days at New tom work. Charles G. Bennett & Co.. Lim- munship; prompt satisfactory radio oerv- homes, acreage and farms of all size. Mrs. Edward Hounlhan and daugh York. ited, Nutswamp road, phone Mtddletown ORDERS taken for baby chicks, Rhode Is- ice, phone Red Bank 2802. Tubes tested For prompt satisfactory results Hit your tor Dorothy of, Broad street were E6R. land RedB and Barred RockB. Place free of chnrge. Prlcea reasonable. B. H. property with Anna F. Dieti, Main street, Dr. Peter N. Mortenson Injured your order now for Immediate delivery. Corning. 45 Riverside avenue, Red Bank.* week-end visitors of Mr. and Mrs.his back recently In an automobilo FEMALE police dog, one year old; fine 10c «ach. National 5c, 10c and 51.00 Matawan, N. 1. The Two Classes watch doff; only Rood home considered. Store, phone Red Bank 2680. SURE DEATH—Bedbugs, roaches, fleas, • Richard- Moran bf Jamaica, Long Is- accident. Phone Eatontown 539-J.* ants, moths_ _,. etc. Complete„ extcrmina_ - FARMS wanted, largo or small farms and • land. Mrs. Moran waa formorl Henry C. VanNote has resumed TYPEWRITER $5, Hamilton hair dryer t!on of (ill* household pesta. Free esti- country homes for New York clients. 1 $4.75, chest of drawere $8, restaurant mnten and Inspection given. Call 3067-J, Ray VanHorn, Fair Haven, phone Red "The human race Is divided into two classes, those Miss Katharine Hounlhan. his duties as secretary of tho Atlan- napkin holders $1, tables EOc, chairs 50c. AUTOMOBILES Red Bank. Mum, Exterminators.* Bank 283, member Now York Real Estate who go ahead and do something, and those who sit board. : Mr, and Mra. Charlea Edwards o: tic Highlands Building & Loan asso- beds. $1, etc. Tho Auction Galleries, 7.7 FRANE VAN SICKLE, I)odB« and PIT PAINTERS, decorators and pnper hnng- still and ask, 'Why wasn't It done the other way •" ! Sycamore iprenuo hav$ Joneea thi ciation after having undergone an EaBt Front street. Phono Red Hank 1693. mouth automobiles. Dodge trucks, Good' ers; reasonable prices, all work guaran- said Oliver Wendell Holmes, the poet. BEAUTIFUL RlnBSware, porcelain, china, year tlret and Prest-o-Ute batterisi. 149- teed. Erlcson nnd Wickersham, phone Red "Fowler house at Haddon Park, Re operation for the removal of his ton- Bunk 2J559 and 1881-W. ' FOR EXCHANGE. Bank, and expect to move to their sils a few weeks ago. antique furniture, paintings, tapestries, .63 West Front street, Hed Bank, phone Those two classes of folka are on earth today, just ornaments, musical Inntruments, nhoes, Ui Bank 1296 and 1297. CESSPOOLS cleaned, cellars duff, scoop- TWO-FAMILY house in Jersey City; will : new homo about March 1. Mr. Ec clothing, etc. Wo buy and "fill every- USED CARS bouffht. Bold nnd exchnnged; ing nnd grading; at reasonable rates. exchange for property or (something of as they were fifty years or more ago when old Oliver • wards Is an engineer connootod with thing! Auction Galleries, 27 East Front Pontlac aalca and service; terms G. M. Howard Maxson, phono Atlantic Highlands equal value in or around Red Bank. Ad- Wendell wrote about thorn. One fellow goes ahead • the Bell Telephone, laboratories al Btrcot, phone 1693. ______^__ A. C. RdBsaa Brothers, 10-21 Mechanic 715. dress T. F. H-, box 511. Ked Bunk. and does things and another fellow sits still and Highlands News. 200 WATCHES for Bnle, 200 unclaimed street, phone 3065. Holmdel. Tho^ay SinHorn. agencj pocket and ladles' nnd men's wrist BLOOMFIELD, N. J.. 117 Walnut street, tclla how It could havo been done. ' waa the broker In the transactreri. Watchon. Prices J2 to $8. Every one In Coiv MISCELLANEOUS (Tho Red Bank Regliter can bi bought 1 •FLINTdltio"n wftntfldno object. E-EG-6. DroE op r postu" l and I half hour from New York, faro 17 cents; • John Parker, borough road over- In Highlands from I, Greenspan, Mr. running order. RflUfmtlles , jewelers, 36 wildil icall . Arnolbjd Hanson, 9 New street, two-family houBD of ten roomn, separate One fellow has a backbone, and the other fellow ha» • goer, may be credited for good work Mulltor, BorJle'a druff itoro and Joseph Broad street. Red Bank. Sea Bright. WANTED hy roflned couple, two or three hcat«ra, every improvement; cost $13,600. Stamen}. OAK ROLL TOP desk for sale. A-l con- heuted roo In an npni'tmcni or nice Will exchange for Improved or unim- a wlahbono where the backbone ought to be. i which he haa done In the last wcel dition; a Bmall business safe, several CHRYSLER nport roadster. 70 model, in home; furnished or unfurnished for light proved property on or nenr bus line; Rum- clearing White street and- othei good shape; will sell to quirk buyer. housekeeping. Caann tdvo rerencereference. Musus t Samuel Taylor, Jr., own- The weekly benefit card party for bedroom BUHPK, also lots of odd house- Apply Rod Bank Garage. Monmouth utreet, pg ion or vicinity. Look around you and you'll see plenty of these two roads In tho borough^bf a thick ooat hold things. Inrjutro at 1 Clay street, Fair hhiiv o by MMnrrhh 15thh or flooner. PPhonh e or, 705 Parker i t, Newark. N. J. tho Roaary society of the Church of Haven. phone Red Bank 245.* kinda of people. ; Jrg of Ice. - '/' -' Our Lady of Perpetual Help will be 1988 CHEVROLET coach, all new tires; Red nDnk_2806_ . _„_____ «i .»•—*-^—- ' OAK firewood for furnace; nlno kindling. bargain. 81 Wallace Btreet. Ked Hunk. to purcliHHe, old gaa lighting REAL ESTATE FOR RENT held Monday afternoon at two o'clock banB. tl.OO, or tw -Iv.j bfi . for flxtu Wrlto Fixtures, box Ml. Red One fellow gets what he wants by going after it School NetoV In the church bWmont, with Mra. S2.nO. WUUnm Johnson, ihono 1M.J. SPRING la almost here. You t-iui HUVB Bank." and keeping everlastingly at it. C Letta and Mrs. A. Flaherty as money buying a used car rlnht now na ONE.of the bent mortftfiKcn in Red Bnnk MODERN alx-room house In good condi- Puplla of Ihe.tjhriwabuty gram A fiOOP work horse for nnlo; will work we neod room for now Podges und I'ly- for mile. $4,100: need ennh, only rcnaon tion ; enclosed porch, fireplace, vapor ' mar school this Week presented m hostesses. mouths and have cut all lined car prices to far Boljlng tnld. Address Mortgage, box heat; immediate occupancy; heated guraga The other fellow dooan't. Ho Bits still and wishes In all harneHH; alnn a two-furrow tractor the bone. 1034 Dod^o four-door sedan, n Inquire of owner on property. U. Stad- plow. Honry C. McLean, Red Bonk, phone nil, Red Bnnk.* _____ 66 for things. If you are one of tho steady sitters, get entertaining programs during tho1' The Ladles' Aid society of the real buy for tho man who wan la u neiuly Ul'J? River road, Fair Haven. 17(l-WI_Mlddlctown1» WANTED. mlc'ioHCopo of Miuidmd make; MSKnbly perloda. A Washington ! Methodist church will meot next now car, (52B[ 1033 Chevrolet two-dnor FOR RENT, Btorefl, offlcos, flntn, hounes a move on. Thore Isn't any Fortunatus purse in TRACTOR" PLOW. International two-bot- icdan, one owner, all new tiron $3ti7; 1JKI3 reiiHonnblo; in good condition. Call Ked : day program was presented Jnat Frl Thursday afternoon at tho church. Bank 1109-J, or L, W. llurrison, 5 Hold apartments; Improved: all locations these days. tom tractor plow, Little Genius, for sail Plymouth rumble seat coupe, lnokn like Juat oil' Broad street. Lund & Loan Co., Holy Communion will he observed Blieet, Red Bnnk.* __ 2 day. i , 'cry mmtaiiKblA. B. D. Wolcott Sons lew car, $375.00: 1031 OldHinolillo nimhio JL _JM?£*!'"tjc nticot, Rcd_Bnnk. Chance may bring success onco in a while, but old The prayer and flag salute waa lei at the Methodist church Sunday phone Eatontown 120-W. ient coupe, very clean and n Kuod vnlue at WOULD like to place ht-nlthy yountr cats morning at tho eleven o'clock service. winter cont of ll wool gey J2B7.G0; 1930 Plymouth four-door Hcdiin, in Rood homes; inriiHtomed to outdoorH. MOD~EUN~pix-joom houao nt B.I Church Stick-To-It beats chanco all hollow. by Anna Conzallna after which th knohhy tweed, with nil Inn squirrel with plenty of' what i•t t»ken ntlll left, ind mouBern. Telephone Red Hank street. Full* Haven, for rent, hot water Meetings of the Junior leaguo of tho mi Bcdnn, a Imr- M70." • hont, nil conveniences ganiRG. Apply M -MBombly joined In singing, "Colum nlr.o US: practically new, $R.ftO, S145; 1020 Chevrolet 1 ' (icoino II. Moxlcy, 93 Fntr Haven road, Tho Register's Want Department offers opportuni- > bla, the Oenf of the Ocean." The re-church will bo resumed nt two 84t> or at D5 Harvard rond. gain at t05. ., ; 1031 four-door nedim MONEY T6~~LOAN "on"~ flrit"bond and o'clock. Rod Unnk." model D1I, priced to move funt $l'Jri.(M)- mortfjase on Improved real oatat«, Fair Haven. N. J. ties every week for thosa who stand ready to taka ception, first and flecond grades sung, Mra. Sylvia Meade, who hua been 1028 Ford poupc juiit tho rnr for woik. worth doublo tha amount Innned. Al- TIIIRTY-ACRK farm in Keypurt, on Stnte ndvantaRO of them. Let Tho Register's Want Col- "Washington on the I'Hag," and $47.C0. We havo fifty other mm and nton Hoc km art, attornoy, 10 Oroad etn«t, highway, about ficven or olnlit acre* ot umns help you! ttoorge Washington, a song, wna confined to the houae several weeks trucks to Mtent from. Frank VanSycklo, I Dank. fine aapnvngun; iilen t«nni of good work by B.eknesB, 1B Improving steadily. • BRIIIQB PAHTY. Htt-58 Went Front nttool, Uc.l Hai,k. 1 homes for Hale. Ellxnbeth Cherry. RtRto sung by grades three nnd four fol MO ir I GA O K MO N BY—Wo havo c 11 en ts hlshway und Beera street, phono Keyport Mrs. Peroy Comer has returned JOD USED CARS. 193^ Willys Kuinht, with funde for lon« torm Investment on Get what you want. Get It in the eaalost way. loweledd by a ton**, "If Gcorgo Wash from a vlatt with relatives and Mm. Clinrlw* Thompson Kntrrtalna 1030 Willys 6. 1929 nmnll Nanh, lHi7 flrat mortaugei tip to 110.000. Must be Get it in tho cheapest way. Get It In tho qulckost -4pgton Should Only Come," by Ba Bulck udan, 1029 Pontlnn conch, lD'^O modern reiililciitlal pioportles occupied by DUNCALOW for rout, flv ftioncla nt Landadowne and Philadel- Klver Plaza VVonuxn'H Club. Ford roadster, 1928 Chevrolet imnel. Ap- j looms way. b Knapp. owner. Privilege to amortize If deal red. bnth; nil Inu'iovcmentB. J. L. Hayes, pp phia, Pennsyvanla. MomtieiR of tho River Plaza Wom- . " _ .* f)ar»ae, AtlutUlc IMBILIHIKIH, No bonus churned for renewal*. Make 46 Chinch street, Fiilr Have ;•' An original poetlo biography o Robort HonncsBey la a now mem-an's club woro entertained recently itbona 814.J. _____ written application with full imrllmlani Tlio easiest, and cheapest, nnd quickest way to get $175 CREDIT on inirrhnno. of now Ford to Allaire A Kon Agency, Inc.. 19 Mon-SIX-ROOM modern Colonial house 1 what you want lu through The Register's Want De- ^George Washington was given by ber of tile Lions club, rit a bridge party at the home of rooiith Btreet, Red Hank. SliiewMbury; nun pnilor, hot water heat, Mildred Marx after which "Wauli|nn- Tho fourth nnnunl St, Patrick's MrB. Charlea Thompson nf that car) will iBcrlflco at FuliHtiuitlnl IUH- with nil burner; tile bath nnd shower, ex partment, which will toll nearly 8,000 families whnt rount. AddroiiA Kord Cai-. box 5U. Itcd MONEY to loan on first bund and mort- tra Uvfttory; fireplace; two-car B»ia«e ton's Farowoll to HI" Mother," a dunce for tho benefit of Columbia placo. Hammered brasa vases wero Bank.* ___^ . «a«e. Hendrlcknon A Stout 'i Unden fiiti per month. Milton Berk, 8H liioad it Is you want pantomlno, was given by Nan Ivor- Hono company, No. 1, will bo held given as prizes. High acorea were 1990 HUICK, modnl 40, IIUBIIICKH UI>O. place. Red Dank. ______tt h lflJML ion, Claudia nivonburgh, Wllllnni Snturdny night, March 14, at Ahern'o hold by Mrs. F. A. Mnrchnteln, Mm, eQuippatt with nidln, lit>atcr ittul dL-fro^t- ATTKNTION, trarr«»l ..Illicit prtcai It will coat you only 25 cents. eri 4,600 mllai, perfect coTxlltlon. If In- paid for nil IdmU of raw fur*. Decker's FARM. «lxly ai'iim or land; wood outbuild Drake, Wllllnni "Ylvlsnker, Evelyn pavilion. A door prize will bo award- F. ID. Oantflr, Mra. Frank Curtla and terested nddteiH V. O. Ilox 4(17, Itcd Hardware Htora, 27 3 ShrowHlniiy iiveiiue, In^n; locntcd In Llttlo Silver; IT>0 \>c langa, EllMbath Pegram, Audrey ed, and a ton of coal will bo disposed Mrs. C. Bofger. Dcllcloim rofrosh- Hunk.* cornar Wait Ueruen place, phono KctI Hunk month. Rolaton Wnterbury, 107 Mou Iveraon, Dorothy Jackson, Patty Jar- of on the co-operative plan. Honry rnents wero aorvod. Othera present HT'RINO la jiidt nround th«"rfiiiic"i." Aro flfl27W Itikiuth Hticot, phnno iir.lMK' ___ roan, Mildred Marx and Frank Ftsohctr and his Melody Men will fur- woro MISB Florence Brand, Mrs you prepared to greet It ? Will your WANTED, antique furniture, omiurlally old EKiUT-HOOM hrnmo neiir hljth nchooU nish nniBlo for dnnolng. pranent car ntnnd the tent of nmny f.vtra horeehnlr furniture, old lion penny <)U, Hols ton Wfltei- ington »t Yorktwwn." In ooncluilon, Mrs. IBllzabeth g g lQSn-1084, IDBB-IOU'J OIICVIOMH UIM! Ma*Imiy, 107 Mtiiimoiilh HlioeL. phono "Yankes Dcodlo," waa «ung,by th» h f lux« Forde, rounen. • coarhes IUMI «ohon« 107 MonmoutlijBtiSBt. phoi -ywiterday morning. A reoltatlon, radio, and has revived n diploma voi'tladr. No premiums or other In »R7. 4BRS. Kv«nln((a hf appoliltttient. ho hetnff wdeoor. '"MIIU," WM Klven by John Jeffrey, from the National Iladlo InttltuU of duooments fciavn over been ofTered to CHRYSLER fonrh,~A-l CASH pflld fur torimt lr^e». ('Imtlrn fi. i h«nt; 105, Rot- tooil P»inMob, I7B. tlOO IWunett * Co., Ltd., phone Mlddlotuwn nton Wntet-hiiry, 107 Monmouth «tr»t, by aonff g«lftotloui by the WaahingLon, D. 0. •ecura phon* lt*a Bank IflOO, r~e Twenty-BBc RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 27,1950. tor, William Chllds of BernardsvllleHI for several weeks, Is spending the Oar* of Thanki. Economy Group and George W. Perkins of New York week with his parents In Atlantic The family of the late Mri. Thom- city as members of tho Palisades City for the benefit of his health. as Phillips of Port Monmouth thank RUMSON COAL €O. FINAL CLEARANCE their many friends for their kindness H. W. Hammond, Mfr. _ i Btaok P Interstate Park commission, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cameron of during their recent bereavement— 01 olnt To make room for our Spring Stock all— Plans To Take President Harold W. Dodds of Clay street celebrated their seven- Advertisement Kumson, N. J. Princeton as member of the State teenth wedding anniversary Tuesday We handla nothing but Pennsylvania1, fluent and <•?.. Reins In Its Hands Board of Control of Institutions andnight. Card of Thnnlta. tot gr.de quallfr Anthracite cd.l-inl ,h, b™. mono, £ Dresses — Millinery Agencies. 1 We wish to thank all friends and y The Ladles auxiliary of the volun relatives who sent flowers, loaned Sold on moneybacU (uurantee. Prompt Delivery. Sport Coats and Lapin Fur Coats teer fire company will meet tonight cars and assisted In any way during Try a ton, and you be the Judge. , They Plan to Put Through an at the fire house. our aad bereavement. Drastically Reduced ! Economy Program Next Fair Haven News. Mrs. John Feeny of Fair Haven W. F. Russell and Daughter. road Is confined to her home by Ill-—Advertisement^ t ^ Stove or Nut Week—Governor Withdraw* r* , ^ Bank Rtirliter can he bought $11.00 ton in Fair Haven from Harry Kurtli and Mr ness. One of the quickest ways to find a Opposition to Group. Kippt.) Mre. John Whalen of Elizabeth job Is to advertise In Tho Reg*- Pea o9.25 ton COOPERMAN spent the week-end with her parents, ter'a Want Department—Advertise- Yard: The fire department will hold Its C.O.D. Priced Only Night Phono: Trenton, February 26 (AP)—Floor annual dinner tonight for th'o ladles' Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Allaire of River Rum»on 1200. 24 Monmouth St. PHONE 1650 Red Bank leaders for tho Republican economy auxiliary of tho department at thoroad. Atlantic Highlands 642-R, group In the legislature prepared to fire house; Roy King is chairman Miss Georgia Allen of DcNorman- •«•»»»••»••••••»»»•»•»••••••••»*»»•»•*«»»*•••••••»» take the reins In the assembly Mon- of the commltteo In charge. dle avenue Is confined to her home day to put through a program of A second group of Scheylchbl camp by Illness Expert Repairing When you can get premium quality Jeddo- ;; economies and diversions which they fire glrla was organized last week by Thomas Glassoy, manager of the OF : Highland coal at the same price you are paying ;', say will provide $27,000,000 for re-Dorothy Little, Corlnne Hennessey, Atlantic & Pacific store here, has re- Hennessey's lief financing. Jane Bradshaw, Ila Anderson, Mar-turned to hts duties after having WATCHES, CLOCKS 22(01 MflNMnMONMOUTi ITUH ST.CT , DrnntMiRED BANK/ , ..N.. .J. ; for ordinary coal elsewhere, it is just plain good ',', Opposition to their program, which lon Cameron and Virginia Scherer. been confined to his home by Illness. and JEWELRY hlngea upon dlveralon of highway Miss Scherer was elected president, COMPARE ODH QUALITY WITH OTIUCHS. : sense to buy it. Get the most for your money. Miss Bradshaw, secretary and Miss funds, relaxed this week after two Card of Thanks. Accuracy, skill and experi- All Our Sea Food Guaranteed Fresh. No Gold Storage. days of conferences between Gover- Little treasurer. Wo wish to express our thanks to nor Hoffman and legislative ^office Wlllard E. Causbrook of] Union, our many friends and neighbors, the ence enable us to do the BUY YOUR FISH IN A FISH MARKET. When the governor failed to gain Rev. Mr. Moore, Mr. Worden, the most delicate repairine. We N. J., who formerly resided at 841pall bearers, Mr. William Bennett support for his suggestion that a River road, has been laid up someand all those who so kindly donated euarantee satisfaction. Our We Deliver wgffl gross receipts tax on business be time with a broken right wrist. their cars and services in our recent orices will please vou. Phone 1377> COAL "considered," he announced he would Rev. Ernest Howard of Whito bereavement In the death of our dear withdraw his opposition, to the Plains, who is on a furlough from wife and mother. Silverware Repaired Flounders Steak economy group program "just to the East African Inland mission, will Joel Anderson and Family. Porgies ...251. I Feed ESSO FUEL OIL Hay demonstrate to the people the falsity speak In the Methodist church here —Advertisement. and Replated Like New 16?,, Codfish .. of its (the economy group's) claims." Sunday night at half-past seven Mackerel CANNEL COAL (for Fireplace) Hoffman contended that he has al o'clock. His talk will be Illustrated Card of Thanks. Soft Clams ready diverted $7,000,000 included in with stereopticon slides, showing We wish to thank all friends and REUSSILLES' Smelu 30° * the program and that many of the the work he has been doing in thorelatives who sent flowers, loaned 36 Broad St., Red Bank Oysters items listed are impossible to effect. mission field. cars and assisted In any way during •••••• 208Ifo pt our recent bereavement. Tel. 1831. 35 LEHIGH COAL It was the governor's assembly Rev. Henry P. Bowcn, pastor of Roy, Rena and Russell Doffendorf. SPANISH MACKEKEI^-BLUE FISH—SHAD supporters, joined by Democrats, the Methodist church, who has been—Advertisement, who thrice defeated the economy Nut Size $jg "£-00 per ton group's first bill to "freeze" 1935 highway funds. It la proposefi to divert the money to relief. The Stove Size -@ -f .25 per ton group will probably move this bill the fourth time and another to di- Pea Size Q.OO per ton vert the funds they say are avail- (CASH ONLY) able. Tho governor said he would con- A special value, unequalled In Bed Bank. For proof, ask the fer Monday morning with represen- tatives of the stato grange, automo- tn>jn who lmrns It. bile clubs and other groups opposed to road fund diversion and "honest- ly urge them to withdraw their ob- DAVDSON BROS. jections so the 'economizers' can 2 PHONES—NO WAITING. PHONES: 3262 or 3263. start next Monday night." The success or failure of the pro- FREE DELIVERY. gram may have an important bear- HANCE & DAVIS Ing on the political future not only of the governor but of Dr. Lester H. Our Motto—Quality, Price, Service, Always TEL. 103. Clee, Essex county senator, and economy group leader, who has been Where quality rules. mentioned as a gubernatorial can- Relief Orders Filled. didate. Even ff the program lives up to 45 Broad Street Red Bank, N. J. »•••»»••*•>»••«•••••»»»•<>«»< Its backers' exppectation, leaders ap- pear agreed that some new form of revenue must be obtained to finance the 1036 relief bill. The governor estimated the extra amount needed to bo $30,500,000. LENTEN FOOD SPECIALS outstanding Meat Bargains Economy group leaders point to their pledge that economies and di- versions must be effected before new revenue is considered. They are not FRESH FRUIT halted for advocating a tax or bond Dairy Specials! Issue to make up the deficiency be- AND Prunes . 21&. 25c WAGNER'S tween their $27,000,000 estimate and the actual relief bill. Vegetable Specials HEART'S DELIGHT Brand Butter .... 435, FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY In addition to highway fundg the FOR economy program contemplates adop- ELMDALE ROLL tion of federal social security legis- Friday and Saturday lation, a ten per cent reduction In Only! PRIME tho state appropriations bill, divers- Fruit Cocktail 2 (or 25c CHUCK Ion of free balances, revolving fund FANCY LARGE EggS . . . . . 39C dD7.. surpluses and anticipated increased TREE-RIPENED Tall Can—Reg. 15c STRICTLY FRKSII—JERSEY state revenues. INDIAN MVKR ROAST Rib Roast A move to obtain lower relief HEART'S DELIGHT BRAND 'J f~« ^ g« costs obtained senate approval when ORANGES a resolution sponsored by Senator Reg. 27c—Largest Cans Jj lOl T'jt AAC a doz. Cheese .... 23fh Clifford R. Powell of Burlington to FANCV N. Y. STATIC—MILD Investigate relief administration was ID adopted. The measure, which re- quires house concurrence, was need- * FANCY for ed, Powell said, because of "constant INDIAN RIVER > Gruyere Cheese 15c u . 19 23 reports of chiseling and Influences P K Apricots 2 39° (8) PORTIONS—Product of Finland by higher-ups in the political world." GRAPEFRUIT; BIB The senate also approved Powell's Large Size HEART'S DELIGHT Brand—Largest Cans END 21c measure to Investigate inheritance PORK LOINS tax collection, Including the $16,000,- Tree Ripened—Reg. 25c 000 tax assessed against the estate 4 " 25° Holland Gouda Cheese of Dr. John T. Dorrance, Camden FANCY RIPE CROSS soup manufacturer. Special 29c each The House, which met only one PINEAPPLES cans C RIB ROAST 25c day, devoted much'of Its session to for C ita third debate on the highway Sardines 4 25 Liederkranz 21c PkK. "freeze" bill. Blind Assemblyman 2 25 Thomas M. Muir of Union, dean of Norwegian Imported in Pure Olive Oil—Reg. 10c Sirloin or Frying the House, led attackers of the bill, SUNKIST Muenster Cheese 23 ft, charging that economy group back- Porterhouse ers were using the movement for LEMONS E "political purposes." He defended Medium SIzs Brie Cheese . 49fu STEAK Chickens the governor as "the best I've ever .4 QC! a doz. known." Tomato Juice C> oans 2 ?« Relief clients, who go op food or- HURFF'S Jersey *-^ **t %J Fancy Danish Blue Cheese 45fi, ders instead of cash beginning next FANCY CUBAN week, demonstrated on the capltol lb. steps and sent a spokesman to the GORTON'S /*k /^ f\ assembly chamber to tell legislators LIMA BEANS Phila. Cream Cheese 2 for 15c to "stop fooling around and find a lbs c 29 29 plan to finance relief." 3 29° Kraft Old English 2 for 33c The spokesman. Bay Cooke of Shredded Codfish 3 "* 2y Trenton, an unemployed actor, EXTRA FANCY a n>. piig. FRESH warned the assemblymen that "just STRINGLESS Reg. 13c as soon as you put us on food orders you're going to havo trouble on your tal! can PLATE or NAVEL hands." GREEN BEANS RED QnifYifYrt 9 » Affc Bismark Herring • Extra policemen guarded the lbs C ALASKA CJUIIIIOII can * 1» crowd of several hundred, but there 2 ' 29 8teBSe9 c lb. was no disorder. EXTRA LARGE Smoked HAMS 25< The State Republican committee, FANCY Fancy Columbia River £i «_. ' MV 2 25 (Whole) which issued a statement widely in- terpreted as criticism of the gover- nor, sent a report to the executive ARTICHOKES 1 this week as the first move in Its CRAB MEAT BREAST-O'CHICKEN TUNA FISH Frankfurters lb. promise to tako a more active part 3 ° 25° In party affairs. TUNA FISH Fancy White Meat The report, submitted by a sub- EXTRA FANCY 4 Fancy Namco Brand committee of the Republican organ- CAUFORNIA Fancy Quality ization, endorsed the economy group C C Honeycomb TRIPE •-• program which has been opposed by CARROTS Governor Hoffman. It also reconj- Large Bunches 2 _ 29c 2 ™35 i meded that the federal government 2 - 45 A hunches *A €)C Produce Specials for Red Bank Store Only ! ! bo petitioned for return of $20,000,- 000 In federal taxes paid by New M La SHRIMP SARDINES ANCHOVIES Codfish Cakes Jersey. Specials for Week-End FANCY FANCY WET CALIFORNIA—1-H>. Can Flat or Rolled READY TO FRY Now bllln Introduced In tho sen- Plnln or with Tomato Sauce ate would define the practice of law In Pure Olive Oil Ueurdsley'a Fancy Texas Spinach , 5c tt>. nn HANK The mnals confirmed rc-appolnt- TICLRPIIONH Radishes TEXAS SO (JIIUIUIl ST., KKANH11IJRG ment of Supromo Court Justice. Jo- Oranges Honeydews Celery Hearts NEW MONMOII1II, MONMOUTII COUNTY Hjph L, Botllnn of Trenton ana Judge PEAS BEETS Rhubarb Hnrold li. Well of Bonlontown, lay Medium Him Large Bunob«« Runchca Jl FIRST AVE., ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS fl O each member of the Court, or Krrorn and bun. A i\P lor HO BAY AVK., HIGHLANDS ApponR Wllllnm A. W, Oiler was 15' 25° 25 2 "* 29" 3^10* 2 -11" 2 ~ 25" cunflrmoU ns Halem county prosocu- 2 25°