RED BANK REGISTER 7? VOUUMI UOCXIl NO. 1 BED BANK, N. J- THURSDAY. JUNE 39, !«• 19c FEX COPY PAGE ONI Opinion Is Sought Chairman Steps MM* On$300Donations Down Pending - CM (he Tko pair MM tat vaaa«, «M». ml[mm m mInvestigation

mWm JMW|F 809 Mai M M *VHK Miwmioim - •M Dta«a MaH aVaaoL Chief Noysfor asstatdf hhakaipMe bal ) Mtua fan am f«. Ma> Ask Help • ^^» a la n> MMMVOVN «— Hi Tke flaato an

an let MM e» at Ma I Bt to tho I $65,000 mm** M-*aaWTVflM ••»• m iMfhULaala i M aiBMo tor M4rirtoks dm Mi Ml ary acttoa • wanmtoi ther* akaat Ma. ai. Th* Awarded Mr. Heese. who was wt* IgtsaMped at • fjatog Ufco har, McCama baton m aotkH ItoaMtor. itobooMikai Widow arable puhUdty given the ta WMi Mr. IbiM Mi M . 1 dent H was ealy Mr that he bo be naorted. ho to Aa I A be made to fte f mniOLD - lira. relieved of his Arties as casual* talag alleyll , wheh n he aaa af nloalMMa Ian aw cfuirma Mill ttia auttar to Walts, leavlag |wt hatofa i WIM Mkbaol HaaaalMiU PMMM Cat i. • . . . ••OTVOT M> wj*mmm mm^mmm MSM MflMM MflM 19 PMHI ft DM araj wa)VBrHravHaB"avvB^ aAVvwa^aa^pai*V| > ^^n*ajv^B"W' Wlv VHVwVJ wlMW PR? OTwVP«f ported, at* he (*t. MeCanw4 t4M iflu MaJh IBMMT Mf> JWMat MMMB caaMaaiMa. «BMIM_| II* said he sat aai tdtoi M to «to p« loafer hot IMH" the peUca ^ jrM hJBlaf JM JMMTV Daffy aartM DaaM M. chalnaM for llafte MMNttMg MMr IV. OMN BMM aft • MjMAm.1 of tko probe to Find Body; afioaar lanwayaataMMtt." Bandits Rob Loan Mayor Fnak F. BlalsdeU. t ta ^______a______'______." AHH^L aWMI oro awWfw MM* ^ould Be COM said, to Ma Mta Caatni Ralnai trahi at OM Office, Get $400 to itor car t paiktag. I. Youth

**¥M WM I Army-C Hi km it ONkAaonwO. Becker aald fnat of bha aai fcatwana i M salt paahad I P P ____> a^_U M. Ma a__lrl 1_a nikiM______l thaMaMMj] back to try to en IM . Jdlmoott 2ft °SR •t at mm to to>|Mt to i iM • Ufa Mi af me aar. aai to fMlag to aai out, So ball i at the BiMpodHtoglhe11" » i»s££flsST 'mm', tAa IMMI "TUm la a MM." Vmm ••• ••• *^aB_^p^""W m^^^m ear •_•. *^^^^^_^^M l_a^» * * - _._• ^a- nfllM^ MB aBMB^* *•* *f •» urosnat -MMBW MNM ^ Vknmf a M ZlfTto SI MOMOt

Actoitty. Mr. war* IT. warn WMM to Mr( BOM oaaaMi OMM? 'v* nad at MQT WMHt M «w MBa Ika attonty

Tha wonJMI _ha aiai WM dalMt ft BML ft MMM%BMV a-a-tl-amua-A ' •*•«••••> taM «^^a^Bk«afl "~ B^aaaj OM Bari N. Hogfor won a aktoaiaato abht Ifea a Ml nport •* If' kaariag of tk* *^"a>o off -aw___aauBjpa_B_a_. w&m% . ^ tog a aporta afirt Womtn Found barg. who aaht skf had ttoppai PoUcTlott then hCar Sgt MeOama. offlcerMVl by buy aad MO to- AMaiy Put < ar^nr^voewa_|^^ *aw/ BTaaaejBJVWffaj^^l tot Ms car ao Mt tan lator MMdajr atfit. Than a kto pelico. aad Sgt KM- r VM » toto pcaettet teryaan . na gaaawa MM two, wi taa ofHca MMIOMM at fbt oaMttoa laatto Am to faeUtototliatncintbttoT«iwihtoGoa»- ^ -.* - *• • •at »o ^ a__a mtttM BUM a rovtota of ttoftotwa. W croft leafleruii t accMiato. eofatt o a, Mi that tha aubdMilM orJtoMM MM that dtoi Mn> Martonw B. Ward, scooped fioto ^ ca_|k drawer. Poiico said a hon Ud bwa Sgt MoCama reportsd ttat fi''ue i eaaMto wu to)«di' ' l'a' •tata kM ptaM toto whkWMMa BroaBnaddMd i aot pnvida kr aav pay- BWaWaf' MMaWawT *MMMMl BWHMBMBI WaWatCHB** Local aai ooMflr INkN) an a> a had hoi a total of abi 4 ft, Iroa Wy+* M. to Hw-•Mat of ON tomvi admi faadi TMehsr otths iantwak Am, M watt aa to it la w WAaVMOTON - IT. of HH Wvor IUL. toaailit Young G>U]deV Mr. Coea Mid tf tha javantof N. 1., , a jMtoj r at INDEX i Walkag, _ Mia an aaaactad to ha n-body dMat ooUoet tha MO HlgB KaON, WM aoh-ji Jaly U bbyy tao fm tto Timor Hill < WOKMOMOfthrW tSSGiEnda in Murder-Suicide ~ w« wrlto tod w ttmiihttiamdlfllcalty have of n mat ouwr DDMO oowQr W J A. Tot-., HOW^_TOWN«HIP-Mw_Ud)thc-g« the drtnr kai today ruled the R. Nagle. 31. appanattr onpoa- M. Cause of doath wasant over Mhna to effect a n- to look la Che car "1 oaly waat aaek to taachtog ceocOlatlon. shot aai UOad Ma oatbeoccum iMhoiwatknotlvadflMl pay. both Rkcarttt aad MaaaM aaH to halp thom oat Ma tkay got wile Diane, 17. first aliM4i H aMat of H.79I from tho atato for they would be fjad to oo-oparata. 9B0mmT tHMafMt flafl tiftlA it tfM was aot himself. Mr. aad Mrs. HH«aiT •nperty it took ovtr during tha But obviously then la aojMMa Oril- The muroer^uidde took place to ntkla Hospitirby da IwhaaaiaooMtrBctiaa, rriiwhyr Wintheyr shoulihmildi Ift thittilsi rirrokaidevelop- 4 ttia body was de-te aat___nisl ca__at____L _r• o______n• a___a loaeoaa^^hi^A___ra flaa______inao-ae ^______n_ ment is going to be m " enaposed. aad a neighbor Midyesterday. Aid M_rs. Nagle Jo. car had bow parked then ported" (had ___•••!••_____• ' *ft__f___t ' Mr. Cone reiterated: At approximately U:M p. m., on arrival. Mr. br two WMka. Another neigh- __, Security repreeenta. "Sun you can't toco oontri- Otia WiUKord, IM4 Lorraine Ave.. NJOtf af 3:31 p. m bor reported having talked to «VM wU be oa haad to discuss buttons, but you can make things Tuuwck.' WM ,dr}viB9 on Hufwy AccordhiK to sttte polfcoortkia Mn. Tumor last Friday, how- aajMOto of Ae pragram oa tho drag out forquit e a spell." Pond Rd., between Rt M aadHowett Barracks, a baby botdo flnt aad ttbd Thursdays la the He added: Farmingdale, whea he saw a carwas found in the car. For a ^_____i_Li %M^^^F^ _—.. • fli'LaWwito dtocovend by MRod MB_B MemawK unrrcah "Myy wggeitioigg i it that If you with the motor namlag, stopped'One ^, Mthe.J..n. WM^^ cence^ n-- ovor —r fta -*- ___U______. •1 ftl •_-" - *______L • _h' ™ ftoa I to l\:» a. in., sod oa an williwillinn gto to llett ththiis money ffor ** OVBM Hinv th«an^e ati^i_iB_v^middle« **mof wm*^the ' i^navroada witniMhi ~^^fj - ~ - *•»* !?••** btlt the aeoood aad fdurth Wednes- the school go by me boards you a figure slumped over the wheel. meen ta the ear day In tho coaadl room ofm me dig down in youy r own panp s aad Mr. Willltortl Kid police he SeMratsa to FnaWFWdd BoroogBoghh HlHalll ffro m 1pu t it up. I kknoww you won't't, I MM Mn. Tuner's bus- According to Chtof of to *• p. m. but morally you should.' la WO. She hoi Detectives John ______Mead •200,000 Soil Filed eoaalo had stpantad itaco F»a> M sayiag Mrs. Tanor had banAgainat Jeraey Central ruary.' Nagle. leM far A. a> Car Forces Cop to Dive . FREEHOLD - A suit for UM. In Betmsr. ha<1 been I Tho body WM reaioved to the 000 was filed ta Superior Court Ms parents. Mr. aad I Rpd yesterday by Mrs. IMMG. Mo uel Naels of _.„. . .._, To Ground; Driver Held Mullen against the, Central Rail- Nagle, with the couple's "mnath id of New Jersey for the death old daughter, was sttvto* wA MDOUnOWN - A FreehoM raticaUy on Xt IS. stgned a reek. of her husband, Edward J. Mc-her parente, Mr. aad Mn. Da* driver WM arrested hen yester. !«• ovtrnlnhl. Brln» In * minimum o( l(»iand Walter- Decker, who also In* with bald Urea and inspection de- for Camp Drum, N. Y. Tho main body of tho 2d Medium Tank lattallon, SOth Ar- St. (Snd floor), lt»4 Bank. SH IMCL at a tlm* and havn your nama and linquency was Charles R. Loichle, man Collins charged inspection —AdMrtlitmtnt addri>ia printed nirarly on ench Jnr satrl «hot Ws mor, N#w Jersey National Guard, leaves tonight for two weeks' Army field training ThTh a WthlWorthlnilot n BihiBiochemical l CCorpora JO, of 21 Stokes St., Freehold. delinquency and driving with un- tlon la loeatirl •• . .p . wife'in the left cheek with a .M safe tires. at Drum. Formerly known as tha 644th Battalion, tho unit is commanded by Lt. Col. mils wpm of the Police records showed three P»ld ilne. 1MT, Ptumt HID 3PIH. 10 Broid m, picked up by police and he was rud Bank.—Advcrtlitmmt, the car. Arthur J. Donato, Red J. DeBonii, Long Branch, and M/Sgt. Leonard J. Porcolll and First Sgt. Vincent Bel- m3SrSSr.?S$r jms(.,f ,„ ,he forfhMd_ Bank, who called at 8:35 p. m,released on ball pending hearing DrlvK la 3SrSSr.?S$r ^ a. The h^6k» have 'heen tt.rned deuari, both of Red Bank. FlntM In food, anaekf, faunMln Mrv Plcoi. 101 Mra to report the car traveling er- today. lea. Rt 35, XaWntown.—AdvtrtUimin K».m.—A4v«rtHam«n nu>ritnti>odt . t»y inrm». Her-ove'US rTOren to Count. y Physician D. Jul- Plco'i. 101 Monraoulh St. Bll 7 0189.' ,„. T__.. I A4tHt 'US TOren m

Wo Voter Okay, No '"'' . *'J'V^ * Township Grants School Funds*: Stale Tract for School Site Keyport Ruling Affect* Entire State; Shortage* Loom Church Denied hool Raritan Board Affirms Stand; To Study Policy ttabeel aM af BBVOMI Mafeat keedea ta he-Mad at

af MBBBBBB Frbfew aWtt da> PlMMMi MM! VM M) M •e* ftt pat* kMO-at teat IBBBjB W^pei— BBBWMB aBJBJ M eaMMerlb aab)ftet to

To Abandon ^^^» ^^^^^r ^^^^^^ ^B^W W ^B^P

Office • ecmtorjilMaebjataf Annomiee SSO-Hoate Raritan aiM fte wbato ajekjjejB •

MBMBB treai ftt flair HMJ £ Delay Church beard awda It dear ftat ftoajBta- Hm "BPM fteft BtlUftJ SlB

taftaMam taftabttrdwPJb* ••• ki i—111 " Mr. V* fata Mid dNt bt • w^ mpm BH et OH acmei had ben daaled. fta> taM ftebe bad taftad wHk Father Maa- beard ftat bo ta ata laat alfbt aad arid ftat fte of "If wo tot eat tech graap to.1 yd •aaabir Wreada A. tad- •"•aj a^PJfee^RBJi aavaw war HPJK IM tR grape to. Where weeM we draw fta bat aad baa could aa iesMiy ' to any groepr MM ftat to ftt paat two tl» hoard bM bMa Be Filled Soon 9 Boys Suspended ior reaaato to am iTiMparlehtBM ••"" *M porrwni* g a »L»"«"ATLAtrn«c wmtm+imm — fte attaol, -by/t^eajetl».*«» tract oftoad lead ofof ff HBIcnel»*• toe* • jLakm Vai «*?££& ***** SSL.,Jsy»i-*i*^*->i«gp at a Keansburg Oaart daaa to atop fta pnfeet" ifttFaWil •BBBtaae ej^aeaBBB^a'e^BpBBB' s^^a^^^^a ^FO^BM —m^pa^* * ^^^^^ SHB • l**aaxanap (^awaaM faVa . VMS OXS IkeBMid of BaBMHMiMa»Tft lip AiWdl wTwBl n*av nW eMMMp Ml ay abftt veto*to aaettfta o > *** Uv rUXVJU JWe* eel oa laeal ebmhaa bl ai wtth aw acheal •totor'troL Hany X. Uaaart. board | at4- |a. arfBmataaa wtaaV* auajaa** tj* dtctoiad, "Why Meatbat, aald me board wouk ew 9 ^ mm VMB«M MMwvvwfv •W IS HaaalSai laMI kW| M webatpa M 4^aft AIIMaBlafkajt^laappMcatloam Abafori tf..—. MickM, wbo atod bee ebeee aai, -on the dtvelopar awet a* Mr. Taep laMlHi toptdftrt tea? wtt) Ht f«Bday • toe at a later date wbM ebarch"ttouad arar* m ttar ftt •.— taBB*fa«aBal fujw ^Beaa»aBuL i>H irafttaaaar offjctolffltol t coaM prMMt dttoJto of' M MMM BBBB. M9MnD Mil fM MIMJM)MI MHOI will ttoe of cMMree.' the requeat, •""» •» M* ptraltowewoeM " aaaaaB* ik* aaaaaaMl *H^A a^^Ba-aa^ajdafa-fJ-l-^M tm flaatJl MVt V Ml flsML ^ . _amaiatt aM Maww t«J HM fjk«dl fotatfaV aafllJkft •••a't Nerft OttairvUto Bra baava IBI *aS) ^M^^MA . faVkft fJaaWn Mft BBe^Bfe^a^^^M -aa^aM-aaajaOka* jjev^ «r eeaU taBMtfaWy pja lato eant aad flarea tta ne bond wm pay the Tbe Rerltoa Board of allowodtoi balaawd,eant aad" flareaka B ttaM pamlta *» VQf WlflM Mt tOMMM ftMbjraat bld" k M M wamafjenaygiy. "01 , ha addai It ton Uv MHtHyt MHp by fte M BBB TBtveemwM •ffaaBBVkfaaaWai lMaaaaWl •«••**»«••>««» a^ MTe VNIaM1 SOM «MBMk, m wffl an at fteIVvnaaaaVSj MaMaTJIaet MJM||| Jeatoa A aaaafe aak aaWa. -*- ta dS A^^^ ft faMfl naaa aBaBaaaaailTl Z»^ wm*w * •*•»• aw fJaW aPJOBBJBel am YtwMMp poaoe. Me> waaiy Wef^aaieBl aaW aanvaHlia a^BV^Nnl g^lM 4W Safl^aUlg^^^^M — —,_ Mebrejeettoe toto a a perio aeriodd o of fU B1^* +£ * »"•"'* aii atrkt ri M< ^. _^ "" "ioaf ' W to M, mare aja«mil by At Oordta M. Ibe aavoaopaaeat, « Mmplet togftaeettoitataaMotoooarl waJd be ***2f*e> *•»» -J^^aa^BBat a-^LaRa a-atBaM^B^MB -^ ^^Bk^tj ad, woaM laat ajaoag fta ftm fr planaaw todteeted ftat to towr^iMBa* drjaajuj fraai «M BbJU at flit laeal aaaBBBBBBaa wRwaft* ' ^. -"-• tht poMtbONy tatZm JL rtb?& w^a^Beawaaj tTaaT aMBJ «VaVt aaaara"JMIall CtftoUritee pariah "i* tl» Hkelycafodfto3 ttoa • tletaate bei apbteji tad rooetrt toctamd.Md at a^aBBBj^a ™^# Ivaaj i. »f i ^• ^^^^»^ • p » ^M M • —» ftt eipaaoo of the taxpeyen," Mitoady hhutag fMr am The am ba«ia aalr wniebjaliqr Refentoc to fte fact ftat no other toftagb. mey held, waa MP)J5»Mg; wtlfc Mi aaU KaOH ffT/lth lyaajHgaetta two JgSl- lims-n--**" The Reformed Cbarch bad irk , fljf ita MMIlttalM Md aMMan aought oat of tbe tebtel from • S ? * •*»**•»» Approved fte - _ .— "to groap bet

—a^ — — •• - - « — T — ^^ » ^— ^ ^^^r^1^ for el groaaa. toe wry big ataittmaBmlakeMtb »*>Mr— . Btt—a——-BL_*MajarcMK- . Jaaj». * e to pay rent for UM of the achool taomailiagotl.lM faatjaAa^BkaMk aSlaBBBteta^Ba^ aBVa> a^^bfe andaname.H^Uty for web we. MOT**savaan wanTtaaeNi nw Mf eamtdtalef ttudy. vtton la/fte bar* •lalMtAa boraaChaii ougn —r^tifflh)g tbt ftakmal tthah t hthin tn no proof mention of ftaaacaa, tehool dhtriet etocttaa JeTaT Cbaitoe W. Labe, board i offldali noted after the ihoottag. .____ —T— — -• • ••»» •••••• •aar*a«^ «OW^ pp Till apajsjusjls; COttft* IOWWWI to pay "whatever tht new ovatem of tinnMnttnlai ad fte matter lightly.» the board feeti to nqirired." Paflet Cbiat Bdwtrd "We have dacawid ftH anea- rd. pracrlbed by the Stot Sd Fadjer Blaafta ate tadte tka ever aad ever eftta," ba tadteatodotBtfucettoiVfteadtpSoe MM. •Xftett arriving at a de- that If may bo pottlbto that the Mwadtd bodeat t^t ck**. Aa a matter of fact, we parlth will require larger faeili- accounn)ccounn).. ducuieed the problem for twottet than would be afforded wlft AAndd accepted ftt bid of Irod- to at « or One boon hut the otter the Holmdel School auditorium . W«rrXCVmUnd. oSo, Bight- In other builnen at the brief >» the purchtM of Induetrial 1 p •dlourned aeulon, the board trU equipment at tlJUN p up , 2? iP. fppy*» Mr. Vaa Rotoa tad Rev. Theo- dore MuMer, pattor of the church, awarded a «,W» c^n^ to Pollc* MM tht boys bought dotlM at a BM> ttnicted In hit atld that the church hu already •Rarttan Oarage, Keyport. for t fte beer In RirlUn Townthlp cial officer. purcbued a building alto. The new achool but. Two other bid., Kevport Day and Keutburg, but would not poup haa boon utlng North Cen- one lower, were rejected for fall- ««cK« the luwiM of ft* ftotw. 1 torvint fire hotuo for moetJngi. ure to meet the board ! tptclfl- KEYPORT - ThSeet amwal Key- Sppkennep lor tha fUta Ako- A epectator told achool of- rt D bollc Beverage Control «VMOB P° *y celebraOon wffl be heM ratttw fletali ftat "It would ba fine If The board currently operate! Saturday, Aug. 15. aceordki to 2W • ^ the boerd could help ttli church three bujM and contraeta fbr aa plini reieued by SSTSSport and Mn. Lewis PP.. . towry, 1 group but you muit contlder fourth. The new bua will SII Civic Affaire Committee. T DUninUTB CATAUOUB }}*$* Tw > ™™» M Muyikek m hat what proMemi K will cntte." Th* Khedule of event* tor tht "•8B " 'n«mber of tht Oniid "It b quite poeilble," the iald, The board alio authorited thecelebration will include crown- 'that the Catholic parlih now purchaM of 102 doik and chair JUnCU0" JunlOT Ing of the winner rtl tta ^JSe« being organized in Htxlet will comblnationa at a coet of I23.W contett, • baby parade .MD reqaeit UM of Middle Road each from the American Seating box derby, grand parade block School." Company. The equipment Ii need- dance and firework!. '" «0« INDIANS - Thraa mambaT. ^fl.li515«7tHfc. off Arb».. laak .va .var Five Hoar* ed for the three additional claiiei Eventt are alated to begin at to ba offered In September. Other Joe Venutl, compoter-vlollnlit MmPl#» •* •"• •'*•'• «Hfi and arafti being dliplayed at tha Middlotown Shepplna The new Catholic parlih hai planned In September. 10 a. m., and vrtU be concluded 11 whltem nI c applied to the Holmdel Townthlp fi! JM « » " ^« CtjHr ,thli waak. le.lde. the,, exhibit,, . film f fhetrlba'a caromanlal daneai It wis alto reported that there at 11 p. m. with the firework* acaled itudent activities fee and int mtahi 1. "... — , ""'""" '""•" «»»'»»»i • nim Q oT me inoe I ceremoniei atncei board for u*e of the Holmdel are Kill icven. vacanclei on the b n9 ih Wn fwn from ilm diiplay. a Khedule of two lummcr' ICI- S)|n- Bad Doin''NoThC•• He' *' . ° ' , *> *"• * . 'Loit Ceromoniei of the Hop! Cliff Dwell- Elementary School for muses be- teaching staff to be filled. Rich- —__ wi frlb •long, now In effect, instead of can't Rive a birthplace addrew *"' " «• ° •• "• «'» •dueatlonaonal l fund. Memberi ihown, left to right, era tween 7 a. m. and noon on Sun-ard M. Ford, superintendent of Nearly two-fifthi of the entire efore. day*. line session ai before, becauia ha wai hnm at tea••.• LomtlcemaLumakama., SewehoongkSawakAHitnLa aan*mAn d Davevan*u.u.. schools, said he ID reviewing eight South American continent^ llr» The Faith Reformed Churci periont for the ponti within the Anuuou River b^in. I • 9,000 MM|

In RariUn AtlBppictPWp « few HM ivoaantoito ef had at thai atfti tm • ten geckto ef a of a at Ml

*4> LlamM* CaVdssdbA aeealbyake t. SMSBM If awards} « prtooto • ttrlwaf I *• If.

10*0 Lets wane* ^nsi OMS«V«>^ *• ana. to A_ Contracts nsaaK"i^e«J5'aeiehl

•B^ka^mgfBBi dB^kBBBBt SBBBBBB^ For $15,000 pppaiajT aaa^ ^^P> rittaaanas "aatob S. MM* Antta* (he 41* . dy. to esf' MMaWltMM lohslsl laat Tssafnalaw nhaW Carby. ^ialihratidkjrl4tk>lrtb. T««elpt»Hltk

•» PPT• aaai PHPS* ^Tnpap» H* MPPSSPII W

flBsaanat Ana^an sn\A^alBU^B>tnn\ABBBa^l ISB nnnAanam ^naa nna\ssBi' as^nnmsn^nanrai ehaaBBMAafl

. . _ mm^agnj p^"JVB*Vaf • W*F , •fWw^P"B"JP VI^PB"^SV*^^V*BBJ , anjajBanrnnj BBananBnV aanat _s\nn^Hdft flnnalv ahM^H. n^dn^n^anBBn\nn ' H ^a^es^^skeej aaaaaa nnTB^nnBn^B^Banfl * anaaaaaj n^sw a^s^BV^BB^nji0 g^aT vvf toaa^nv * e^p^™g™Tanansaj BflpOpnapaaBa onaaogs B^Ba^oVBBnaMTBjy M. CIIIII trf** net afce awrnW bar e lilllia isniltraklp Qari B. Highlands Moves To Solve to J«»51 Westminster Delegates ef abe Water Pressure Problem or tad. Leave for Cuban Seminar ntSMSMIejiiK, ef«n knMksj par- ' of Use Banri ssf ttJ(M«a*) kvcraai Is Mattempt a* NKNe Ma laptoeas Ckattoe i. An erdnr far •apjtrh) IN Mil Waterfront ttealewte a Wetoatoia, FenoaCa., Maryknoll

i of a atsXack we- SSBBBBBB Anssan^asni L'akgMiMiA^pB^e^nns anaa~ tlARYKNOli, H. Y^ In Keyport tor of te beard Itaa. Wltokl. aangktiiafklr.aa «•> Aves. totoJ»e«iitWpa*ltri fsaC lTwrti|bt ef » to *• torn J. SMIDMI, Mtpbi W. I. Pt,, tut, las) OBSSapSHsj We af et JPPl issa Hfsa as ppstPaanr PI Cn., OMon, •MM *• 4W Agatha* eaaaaa Iskata tn# ^fcyCwnv .jnai was at HPJP WHP HBW.PI a/ ief — . Most. ay a ^^ pfp^sacs is as ^NISF pfPSMttPe Carrie, ie> to«> It* an? lias wts eas pf 1 jionWaalpiyt abe ef far slatoi. "tost,to ag r opl wtiki .lie • a.- To InstoU eaaeaaial la* jam tttaaVasaaaal Aaask annul aaV ' wfPI M PP ssVayMPPP flifi PPP ^^ * 9» Group Setter line after* tnttonAct Oeean Ave. ee« ef the - D. Voles Recess WBBTUpNOBSUNCH~Th ton Mayor CoraHsai J.

P ^V^P^^^^ ^ V^'^^^v^r^V ^P^P^ LV^^P^ ——Us* wPiP PPPPPPaPP PI BaVi Mil psircbaee of the foefor taxii . I tot by Mtas HUda BssjdH foot of i CWVTUw* Conwsy Heads BoardsGet The body Butlers Return To Yankee rMtCM- St Jasaoi Foat, CatboUe War to e> Federal Aid From Europe from SL - Dr. aad Fund Drive FratKto W. UNO BRANCH WAfMNOTDN UTTtB SILVER - Dr. et fhs saw a^a^B^asa*aaaajmT. o^nja^oai of fke Under tto i Coaway. toi|bSr«Maj West Feast, potttonsneat wsBssk) ' \trn- MV-Y. OtaanpHt Bvt genk\ Branch ttt> i 'oftkeWki Foadof •nw pon JttrkSJj tkoFanulyand Ikey are. NphtwofDr. At snttni of tke The of AM a. ettho bachMnailndi et (he . Cat*, to a l »•#*• .'•• (fri**. ***" * •» Weat ST.. MM dnvato trac t ito onje 1 nmRarMan,aBdforostkel for 4ko first tkea "PPJr isiatSe with I It yam ago. Mra. tBMt; If MMMffft I at Botk Ave. aad 22?? S? t* •«» Si S-SnSrTii S?SS?S.. SMptr fan that •bit niM the offer aUgfe* *to towtte r 11M WU tm k «1*1aa«y to the •rter toMqulr a the tad; Ike (or mldtacM oaty aad SSlSS i mM IMM an trenbh to fnparty would be uted for a ih. «,•.!•• tMJJ^— Mnlilliaiil i ap PJBS isc HfU »ew road. Meamrhile. comdl to ud yPUTS He kaa beoa dtoi far waitiaf for a report .from the miter•supply m " "Thento a ( » «*ASkSnaaWaak .Mie al to how much land it hoaMowman "i •a ssrncp vHa in tha bormgh awl how a trickle; of that land reverto to ksMoffketotkeRedl The bofougk* attorney wai as> Mr. aaaiiy YMCA. Sain Aney iritod ' ' • - AaWanaiaVesT nVaaaUkal Bnad 1 and i It WM noted that the Ine pt Ch*. and Red hank •"Tn aopradnwtely tl.M* • year Fair Havaa Com-' t for tb» Wretch. a to the Board Ap^betijiefwbchb. A furvy. Mcommeadiag the* Educate •« "a defto *T*?.-"J"£T?.-J"£?? ?Metkn Metknaa*»'•"M > to who"a the board "will Of earUin ttraeto ta tthhe bobonmcbn c mohmovhve Us offices out of boromgh Upper Raritan ty lenlett te tthhe statttee fo fr ttttt hell r to fora the regtoaal duv TbB two bodite have baot to tint, thin worry about sltsa t aurvay wu developed by a ruaaia fltkt far abt Hi regional dtotrlct la form* Civic Unit Elects Orria D. Steelmaa. formemerr fire over the 4utattaitta . CouacU ajkad NORTH CEWTBRVIUE-Jobn ckjef, to providide more roomf far that tbt board move early ta Riicoiet jr.. was stoctoa prset- fire troche and tmergmcgcy venventt, me year. The board replied that ooacerniag a slu would then be dint and Cetard Reauen. Jr.. dee traveling on these atreetett. "i y ld b p il g itt would nonot be convenient until to the voters of the satirevice preaMtnt af the Upper f MMr .. SteelmtSStelml n notenttdd tha hatt manmanyy i later date. itaa Of ththe itreettte ear e to narrow thatht tCouncilma l n Robert J. Strain Rtllly wJd this would rs> at • meeting of tho executive fire trucks cannot enter or usereportep d that 44 summonsem hs ahavt the possibilities of one bor-council in home of Mr. the streets because of parked bbee n handehdd dou tb by police since rutmtog the chances for aRitchie, 7 Coach Dr., last week. June 1, moit of them by Patrol- sal because of a dispute Also appointed and approved anitMS.Hafa. No Hall Crasslas man Donald Nuss for speedlni [over the location of the school. by the council were George Hel- On the recommendatiodti n of Mr.violaUonailations. The study group then voted toler, editor of the Upper Rari- RARITAN TOWNSHIP r- The PotteJ, plans to make a crouln...... g "Very good," commented :»eve the Individual boards meet taa Press: Curtis Tinker, spe- Board of Education will get n over ththe tncktki ffro Blm Baysldde Mayor Currle. "Very good In- separately todecid e whether tocial events: Earnest Fred Fos- new administrator Wednesday se Dr. to Matthews St. were deed." Jtscuss sites before or after the . educational adviser, and Charles S. Hopla starts his du- dropped. The engineer reported Councilman Alton D. Willing regional district is decided. Kenneth Schramm, public re- es as board secretory. that Matthews St. is too narrow reportep d that the million-giUongiUn- boards, with ballot lation!. Mr. Hopla has served aa key- to permit its use as a through «-dad y artesiai n wellll hah tb been re- •ach in the group, will vote on Subjects for the coming year port board secretary since MM. •traet- paired and is in full operation he question at the next meeting, were discussed. A general meet- His starting salary here will be The ggoverning g body adjourne j d againg . Cost was 112.000. Jept. M, at I p. m. in the Ocean- ing for members will be held M,0W. aatlatli WednndaWdd y nighihgt twhe hn itit CiCounciuncil l instructei d thee policpolice A IISTOMP ALLAIII — Edward Faltui, treaiurer of the Deserted Vlllege at port School. Monday at 8:IS p. m. In thMrse . Ksthryn Phillips Is re- wililt reorganizi e ffo r a newh three- departmentt t to hhandd outt parkinki g Allaire, left, ihowt improvements in the General Store to Mrt. Earl ladell and son Final approval' of the. regional North Centervllle fire house. signing as Rarltan board sscre- yeay r term.rm. At that t timee,, newly ticket! to all persons leaving tery to take a poet as khan) p g Alen of Neptune. The stairs hove been completed In the Old Manor for the An-study report also will be con- The executive council will pre- eltelectedd CouncilmeCil n JosepJh ft f.tca n overnight in thbe busfnef m sidered at the September meet- sent its tentative program for secretory in West Keansburg. Bolter and Ernest Vaughan will district. Councilman E. Dalton tiques Show which will be held et the store, today, tomorrow and Saturday from 10 ing, prior to review by the stele's the coming year. Refreshments take office. They replacp e Alex- rahaaham and Mr. Walling itald a.m. to 6 p. m. Twenty leading deelers will exhibit. The new addition, to the build- education department. will be served. More South Africans were anded r F. Bahrhi and JameJ s Mi- street sweepera have been, unable tt p h b b ing include a rettoretion of the original elevator, which will eneblo tho Village to Earl B. Garrison, county su- killed and wounded In traffic sc- GoGoughh , whho didd no tt seek re-elec l - o cleal n thhe streetsb because ef perintendent of schools, presided Tht lUfliUlUfU r btlntlnn l)uy»r)uy»ri inrt MilMi-l cldents last year than in the six lOMtntr Heh liiu*. why not Join "oo. the cars, in the early mornings. stage antiques show., lecture., ert shews end meetings. at the meeting. 1 A etnlury.—Adytrtlitmint. yesrs of World War II. * •• f Young Drop 1 BFr^FUJ rl^^W^^ro^r _"i_ Call Charge Talk Gwea FtrSdOricr

! — Tao JWMT Caawot fowar ft LM' •Ta^BBBMatA aVjafe flM.". BBBBBBBBVJ ON l>o* Cany. Wai . . •••« Mat NaaMati •aaraa HaaaVfeto, Aaftarf Nrli fcbar? Uattoj. Mat flaaMat. aafttoar to Mr. Cora* •aoifa Ma^ *r^«J**T **£*-

B^^BJBJBJBJ^H lAvlfpi^l^ri HaB^B^B^^^r/ ^W/^BI^^w^VV'a ^*^^ B^RB^W va^aaaBB^aa^v v*ja^^aa^aw v va^v^aav vv^^aa *a~^^^^Baw ^a^« v ^ vA^^B*^^a^p v^^ar^B^va^vy W«« .W »HM »| tMiVU^raaaaaa^ UaMaaaanmli ,»»••Waa•t Baaaaa-- M• atifltffa- ~l JAIMBS.. Laaa""~»l BMBBA- •. aaa- d- iaf*»i

i'aOttt tea. Cart

BBB MflMJ BBWV WMBJMBJV H teat CMUNB'l M toj{w« fcrfw kfli w Mtf to «W BiiLM •M. at ftaMMMl VMMBMMI adU C^Mk - HOT f^Hy -'UHp raMw Mm. OaUtf taMu Mn. *« It, MM Mo* Itaa OM aal tfWHWt rate af ft.

Drive Agaiuft aiai.a ^_'_ a

•*la£w *2JHMWi *£BHfB ^NUir.jB ^-" **.| Smut Continue* ^BaBBBaBMBi a^-il^^^-^^^^-^ M}A V.aVBVBVB^Bl aMBl A ^^p^^^^^p^p^^p^ J^^B^ft a^B^A ataV B^ ncn «HN MI i* i v. n. rmm Tktv i tajpanoMto "•a7?*** ALL OAY.OHI fTO» IANWH* IM|MM«feMl MO UmiULVHt KIYK»T INMJIHTOWN xr^ OM*i CM «Mat M «a • atrafft at IMMi IMtaMaTaaariMtaS BTAH ^ • mum emeu • i^ •Ja^PJ IV I^Wavt Mi how nak. la laHYaajy—1| » «Mjr ttaWag wM SSl Mitwii a5jilfi« «l ttw apar. kM Otaftw k « Mar at r BMWMBI "eaA." -, ! . , ;* > J ...

to ^lajHapna.1


ITaietfja KMMMI Corpa Trolaiaf FOUTMONMOOni-AW-* *4d IIBUBII ' * BNt M M caMt an ar ItoMl Co Ito MMi aar Ito U. i.

allfoan taa Mi OMI ao«ahurrr.GothMt(Mi! ?• *Ss N. J. Cat U4VU1L


. • k t • BOYS... You can earn extra money ;v.t v Hm ml wm*f-$mk$ with a Red Bank Register IMP ram MM n €••/ newspaper route. Find out how easy it is to have your Mcaaadftoryoatolayookbaavyeaahteauto IBJMMMN pfotatlkm Aftrtttt*! BBBV own route and start mak- Plan lata you buy thaiaaam •aad now...and M«k» tha t»! liaflod of montliBi . And with AHatato'a low ntm, yon nay U abla to mkt aul»Uiitkl Mvtofi in ante taaur- •BOB riawly by swttehlaf to AMate, MAH. INK COUPON TO UN MOM OMMBM MViRf B110%, . ^^^^ yfJB^fc Ta^BFO^B^W^^^^^^fcJB^B^B^^'fcfMB'^'MP'^'i^ wHk ntaa of 'BMBk-aAhav loaMac-am THE RED BANK REGISTER ^^*^^v *W1^^^V ^^V OI^^PW ^B^VBBJBHv wBHBlBJVlBlBBB 3W^BM . But Mvfatti fav't your «w> advaatafa with CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT AUatato. Wharmr you driva, halp taalway a u Mar aa tha naaiwt phona. Clalma an oftan aat- 40-4J BROAD STREET, RED BANK tlad"oatlM8patN HWY. 35 Wouldn't you ba wk. to fat off to* facto about AUataU'a bnad protaction and DMaay-Mviag •••••••••••••••••••••••••••I |BJ Pnt low rates? Why not atop in or call today? II SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. BLDGS. MDDLETOWN J* WHITE STRUT • RID IANK, N. J. ITOtW LOCATlt ATi PH.! SHaaVtMa U2400 I SHadyilrfa 1-2401 Ml MAIN STUIT

ASIURY PARK, N. J. •••••••••••••••••#••••«•••! PH.! »Roiaaet 4-lfN YouTa) In flood hand* with ALLSTATE T. J. £p"Mft t«»»«»««i ttMPANII* • WaMtaiMf., Ml 1 F*un<*< by •••r», Rocbuek ind Ca, with lnd«Mn«»R« ••••«• and llabllltl**. Home Offloi »Nnhl«,yi, MJ EaW AS Naval Carter

. iafcaea, tf Ward A*e, r lade*/ tf ea* PMl M. Pea. aea tf Mr. aad earner Mn. Eiaeet L. Far, Jr. tf M BMB, MM • BBMB) Mi • MM* I Me wart tf Mar. If Iff Wash 'n Wtar SUckt | farfto: -tf m You W«nf-Jutf Nam* It YOU CAN HAVE WtVt 9ot it . . . ilaMrk >f «M> tf a» IMMMS . ftUm RtMaay, far KM to •«

at • WASH V WEAR a* Uaivanlr/tfNarta i SLACKS MMrMjffeeJIferMi


ML (.95

MMT«f I SatwMSMaf ITITI MV'/va AUf./M HTT. r -tfti«l i laMrW* flMmff MM laaaMMi * JOHN DANIELS IT. UP IJMT (fv WMdJ) Of M071


Uf •TBT O* J. YANEO have your l-of-month sale Ma tf AUTO i • — ^ Mn.

1? WI GOULD BE Kg All. Ml M Mi tf Uwtfl TWICE OLD WE ISMI women'i gloves 60 inch ropes straw handbags GOULD CORRECT ALL^f OURMSTAKEr | Poet Mr.MiMn. MHMrf aMrMJ. . lM ^P^BMM^BB ••,,.•• ' I.1IU: GtMdM H QM iHaMM MIMU •^Sa^bBi ^ aluT a^aaak ^^^^u^^T^ aaa^a^ad) aiea#aaieAaiiaiev Fine mflm etwteh JnilviBLtiM laahldM, white wHh etyml, light Mattj at. BtaalL at • ia weight. . By ATLANTIC GLASS! In far Mw.

vneHMRMrm llMejC; stretch straw belts panti-dress sets 1M MIMUMNH Of «n tf Mw. OMIM

UOAMPOtTMl-ITIMKWTOWCAS It meetlag tf aa tjMn Oh* loak atfte aaaa e efTtnTKaeMl AM • MAKE THE NIT-OUT 69* IMfi PrMR ' WBN Mk Two-inch widt atraw with at* Dacron andoottkm with organdy OMfieerconea inH with ftwoajr ON FAULTY •ri ItrjMr. Hn. Rap Rofer W. Mffi>. ftflMtft W4Wa« Mis* tractive rwrairf daapa, Whiter apron effect. Dreai and panto. lege. Solid , M»e end beige MJflMjJ •HMMW IIM ilMMMMB YP with gingnam trim. Sim T le AUTdGLASS. MM Mil black, bdia, »uk mi him. Siaea 6 MBntha to 1*^ yean. •tv aiaaal Mra VLMMMB* Unfortaiiatdjr wt an •••• aMSi Mfa\ VMMM 14. • ••-' •: all girtn only oat life ud MAKE SURE YOUR mMtokli. All »#ICI|I(WM«! nmn omr. M M MWI SVPMI IBOM KM^MMJMV tfMr, FAMILY SUMS la WMMM DattM/f ' •itfdMt which ean«MM •Maaal kaav BBWMMMIII imMnUilnm.ludtni •^iMarivtf.jM^Mr^ MBSHI km dw rigkt MM. Ntw MMM «n pleated skirts HABERDASHER DRESSES DON'T RUN AROUND MhM to • phyiWu for ntaah. ngvkr euuninatioM l .MltflltV.Md IN CIRCLES—HEAD ^i Ml MM MrMM%iAf M • IMS haflyaarty Friday. M 1f.f I Mr. Mi MraTOMtar Haa- 5 FOR 21 MAPLE AYE. iricka, (Tii aMHtahMi at a 10.9S their phfildM at leMt 65% DuPont dacron, 85% im- cttftMntftiaMyy alajaljMM lor MrMr. .a aaa d AND FOLLOW •HM tmrf yt*t for • ported cotton, permanently pleat* The ever-popular ahirt dreaa with the roll-up aleevct in • wide d& UMM would ba Mn. WWUMU I iliwlmtat, IIr .M Mr. ed, with the dim look, drippy, M4Mrtrt.WldiaaA^i*a«t.. . Jr.. aawrtment of expeniive drip-dry labrica . . . faggoted ging- THROUtHAT i MM Oary. wm Md'wn. warn* Mairjri drlea quiekly, aaeda abetaa, glaucoma or can* Kua. no ironing. Navy, hrown, red hanu, woven jacquaida, atriped voiica, faggoted potithed cot* ATLANTIC GLASS. ear. aad'daugbten, •nd green batik prinfa, Sine 10 tona and novelty eyelaah fabric*. Junior and Minea aim. to 16. Pich up your pneerip* ChrlattM aad Joan, Canvltta; Mini Ihlrtey JeHaaaa, Alleatowa, IBCONS ILOOR BXCOKD TLQOK • tion U Mopping near ua, aad Mr. aad Mra. Cherter Hen- FREE or let ui deliver prompt* [dffcht, It., Mr. aad Mra. Irvta W. without extra charge. leaver aad aoaa, Barry aad Ir- A great many people en- VH. Jr., Md Thomaa WUliami. tnitt ua with the retpontl* bedspreads white b^fh towels food umbrellas Ample bility ol fUling their pre* , New. Monmotrth •criptiom. May we com* One-of-a-kind . . . fuU tin only. Raymond Joaeph Barhuto, eon pound youn? lltf Mr. aad Mn. Anthony Bar- I wai I2.U new 7.H ,C • llbuto, Henry Dr., who recently I wai IMInewfM CHAMBERS graduated from Red Bank Cath- 3 were 14.15 now 1t.00 . ATLANTIC GLASS CO. otte High School, wu given a Netting decorated with chenille, PHARMACY party for 125 gueite. A buffet I wai 17.91 new 11.M First quality. Firm weave. White -Om Mi Mmn h Cvwy MM YM CM Biwk" Truly • Drug Ston upper wu aervtd. I wai 24.fl new 11M collapiible for itoring. Complete only. Excellent site for camp and 11 MArtl AUNUI 1111 ST. NY. 71 12 Wallace St., Red Bank Michael Carotenuto, ton of Mr. with hand-hold 4op. White, ted, at. tf Iftfc AM. md Mn. Michael Carotenuto, Cmv WIKi Wr*H Roger W. Francia, Ph. G. IJTtadill Rd.. obierved Me ninth beach. 20x40 tiie. yellow, turquoite and pink*.. MiMMtoAVMW UrUiday Monday with member? ] were I6.U Tel. SH 7*0110 of hii family. 10.00 RIDIANK •QooUllon by Buflplil.t HOMB FURNISHING! T*l. MUfMi MIM M B.C.) The third birthday of Kenneth OUT osn. M. SNMfnM* 7-2020 MM (IWI) IIM. Sadecki, aon of Mr. and Mn MOM* wvtaammm* Open /

•H aanan H aaaily t*e aa My 4th Waofcfliwtj ourDOOR

«. Cm. m af Mm ajw Mi ataw a* ft* IM awcfc af I Pint Am. Part ftaa#t NM>NlHrli M. 1, wl Almaa Kamft F. rlafcl to paai kwa latattoi la

M «M LIVIN J G JAMBOREE m Mr. Mn. * ' ' ' "* • ' — . . T • . S* J. . . ? -

Wf Hi PMpHw MM CMS BARCUTE ttteftto -


-Mr. M< Mw. Mta' It CiMltOil

i*ii Chamber Head m** aMBBBBaBEBJEBP fj ( t "aBBBF^BaaW ^^•^»» Duties LOMO BRANCH - ft* KraaMr. M VP»



TVieker. bcr «( SATTER "hli racord «f witkthtNorlk LUMMKCO. tedduHbi wptrif MMM bt M MATCHING H aid to tht Lou •ruck"

to al7.ft

MOSOUITO POOLS THE WATBTS FINE IM ORANTS fMANT 10-iOOT Mjuttowt Ughtwttaht Akm ahnlMB fraaA •'ad clMMiiy vfayi j. cam to a gay Aoral Chack thiaa eaaNamt f«a- 77 SPECIAL tarw: latafottai tnaymd autandta aotkt wall, astm

^vV^V^H^R^BW ' • BfBBJ tia« 4ntak tl

pjowmiiaqwii p wMt ytur pawtr mawarl Stm. ^ly ottach B DOUBWIOH ro^f #f (• your mew«r tnitftay your Jyarai wMh WjMy •flectlv* he m (H«ttcWa. Scf»wi on in MCOI^I I* ony 4 •acitrtttaa •• Minwii •kmVira ifur • SHOPPING Middletown Shopping Center Little Silver Shopping Center UK tnnjUta at tin. Mv«nl OIMUM Mrtm eflMalfMil and MI forth, t« tha torn is, MPDUTOWN HtOIPICT AVINUI, UTTU SILVM 'H • p. to.| rri. 'II tsN p. a.; fat 'III I p. at.) (Opaa avMy avMtaf '& •> »•; fatantoy 'Ml I p. ak) SWARTZEL'S GARDEN DOWWIM. Airport Plaza Shopping Center Sayrewood Shopping Center Ml •worn In ind (uMcrltwit ba- PAIIST and HARDWARE ton ma thli iMh ft or Juna, MAL KM. aiM I hfmhjf c.rtiry ma KOUTI 3t AT MIBOU ROAD, HAZUT lOUTI f . I in not an officer or dlrtcter *'P*" of Mn. im-

•w haarf «t aindart: Mlt gMKB Smith, Civil Dt- '

P. Dwmtra, rtnlraiw, aad Mn. Burtoa Maaic. VIM chaimaa at Mn. JacfcMtOnto. tot guitm eommittm Mn. Ed- •"•* WHr. Mn. AB- Mr V. Daalte, udiwiium ctair atfum . Mn. Mn. Edwii L. Sid Mairaww at Hacatwa, ctHy A U.I. Jr.. Mn. al towlMK to MjMjMMjMMj fjB^H MBjMrijaa MUMK A& ab^ b^a ftCaa ^^MMnA ^^M^B^. taalaM t Oar- "^•^J"""" ^7^« ^^"^"^ ^P^^ ^^ MMJA MMnj* #MMMi •MMMMP tot; Mn. . " •MMBMI IBMII aUB^BVBlBMT ^ f*a^at aM^^a^b ftMM MjHMal tow Mn. Gttnt PMtr, chair- fay. WATERMELON* WOp» CLAtl'HII

fUJw k ah* UtaUaaJa. Tka lavMBTMMMv •*• nhw

aWWuMii. Mi Mn. N. Wa»l?—T'.*» ^M ^ *^ d^Atar. OfaL I*"*", Mra> aiBBBM •••• avaaj ^Ba^a^av^wy ^paw^^Bj Ajk^^ Bkj^AA^ju^

Irani 11 haM t atr> ••i MMni wri0i h f MMMH ' liAMMMP ' a^BM •^••B PWWPf) WPMMJ «pM MBMB «M MM* • IK to I *.

Mr* CM IMP a* (Man Mi njaj|a | • *•*to Wa > Mn. Barbara, Ctni. Jaitat, Oratory ATUHTIC atiKMM AT 1441} Mr. tail Mn. Umi mi MMMar CyaMa at j nppj VIPHPI pir* am airif •%

•MM ttanday la Caatjr lt-

mm wJJpV HMt QWItt Mr. Ml Mn. la^Hl n ftataM Wnaiaiia J MOH) ••.» awp •p Ml, (IT*. Mil* WMPIP MM. CMria* Majtaa. Jr

liaatna at mbntwMa an

Mr. m$ Mn. rraitrldt MMMMh ' MJBtfl MMMIMiMMBV SMMBI GI Under Bail In Hold-up Caae

wwi at Part danka. Ot.. It Mr. Mi Mn. Mn. unit It-

Eajlaal MM •» laVati exterior house pa/nt PXllMPJf W1H 1 ] , AW., la Ui hsnc. GuHti mrt at TMftway Strvlca Statk». Rt. Gtorft JcaUMon. Braot Bta- M tad Pmto Av*., at I:4S ». m. ns^rJISl .*And for extra^safextrasafee vacativacatioon Mttt Haw Janty •aratra AM Cnatjr. in*. r8oc# fspaftad that tl Mr af Mr. aM MnT S Cmfc Uli 0 •MM fiMi a MMi to BrotUya. driving,make sure your car's y ui MnMnt. a Siymotiymo r KMMMTII tatt Chtrlai ItaMWcki. M. ni chil- Ha hid ba« abaMt ^^ ^LA^BBta^B^BJ^B' d_^&_^AH . JJ . * A^^B^B^Bi 'ABkB^ BkJ^BB^ •M DOOM iai Qwch, Banrn, tram Oordoa Va.. Mi Mr. ui Mn. MIa at tha MM «f tha mm*. taHh, Jr., OMmllk 90., tm- Lany »I*«MI cttt hli M wnidi th# atarrii p^n IMh Mrthwy with « partpary la an Mi, MH M avtnaa if P hto hoBte. Cuatto wtra EAEAmrdtacbd . NYLON TIMS now 0rio«d at only. It out ioi* youi*hB«vM*«* OLDS VAL.U£ HOLDS I

Milnr i!r PRECISION f'BLADED" TREAD DESIGN -h'a t ear that «il tlav to alv)a. Teal iai aav •amtoref hapartaat ajaaKty aai vatot it SAFETY-FORTIFIED CORD BODY ' , * FIRESTONE RUMM-X FOR EXTRA WEAR Start your vacation tha SAFS Way orVMnt vmvw mm MUOBHT MBB rrwt0UMaUU b aAailhr/mif. Qu< Taar Itetl fjaality itilar hi naa> mjm vaa s L fry in NOW kl thtttUB Mi itm. Camto laiS y •*!

i vaa avw

WHITE STREET and MAPLE AVE., RED BANK SH 7-5700 M TMB VALWB •*• OP TNB MRDIUM •HI0B OLAftS 1000 ASIURY AVINUI ASaURY PAtK PR 84700 MBSEU OUfSMOJW-aDltUC COMPANY. 100 Eur Newmn Sprmjs Itoad Use Our Firestone BUDGET PLAN 4 . m m mi • aw an, urn cut, m yina, HI tow uat MIWIIIID ouumiu ouun MUUI . ^^Bi^aiB^nBTBTaF^BTa^^B^B

>a_ .a1w»..5f| •Pfc GfflMM IRIPJt #ff» MJMM UUGMMPT • Mta •a •••» Hm MBPP PV PHMU*>^^M ^_^^_ w afe

UMON MMCM—A party «w Mr, Mi Mn..rtMk MfMw rf MMM AM Da P*-

^^•PBW W« PWlp™JP| WVPNP^V rvl^i M^fylMPv*

fWy f_^a*-U aaak_ tfMr .*, van Mr. . Mr. Wamr, Jr.. 3-Alarm At Sampler

af la* «a* at parly • tat Urita Mak, wia kar

AVE NOW NEW SALTHUNt PVr IQkwPrfMl •IMP* •WW •» OTI WHOUOHT IRONTWO TAlii If ION wto*mtjr a! IWy faaW HANCE&MWS U.M.- Tat IN 74IPI OMrft Maadalaad Mr. aai

Th**tmuU*difth$ world**

and htipnmtid •>


• Upfo20 Only36'~ ! •*( ' ' '4%' ' ' HaWnMB ~ rflr


MONMOUTH CONSTRUCTION CO JVTHOMZBD CADILLAC DEALER 'jHADYSIDE 1 RUSSELL OLDSMOBILE CADILLAC CO. 100 EAST NEWMAN SPRINGS ROAD SH 1-0910 M. VMi tfwi« Officer UR HAVCN - Richard D. EATOfTOWN - Wlrh of «1 ..* m.m— taWaaBBBBm BHaVaB aW m Wkkk. fl, of 47 MU Mm WMBBBBI roBB» m MATAWAN - tor. II. af » Cedar Ave., an T. CALAP«*B . J sMaaaty Saturday to River- died Setardey Mr. KeBy to. Mn. fmjt **•*'* HIM! tf^-oja^-^P^Pj-u * 4BBB1BBB1 BBBBBB. WEST AtXENNtntBT • ftow ItoajlUI after a atmb* Maaer BBJB^^^^^^Bf _ BBBFf#BT ^^*~^* r. rililili, di. af Ml vfi Mr. Towtor WM hen in Lang Hw«i. HtedrJ. after • let»» •* B-W > **l Mftaadwee * MB ef JMJ iltaeM. New Verk fir»yaam Mr. Vaa Wicklo wee bara at He WM ham hi Jeney Cay < of 8 to* ana. He had Kved to'Vair Ito-ladMaakaadwaatacieaafihewit the aaa af aa Bwut late StevM and Mary _aek %f a oar oABa For dto eatf Myean. Mr, Taw- VM Wictte. He WM • retired tali Uku. Me WM gardener. Ho lived hen * yean, ef HHy CnM Mayria |a Bjear Phiaa. ato firm atoM NO. He iteurvived ay twe Mr. KeBy wee a las Mn Travm A fcd Far*" •*> **"• - »••*» "* <*» Ferdheas Uahwnny aad attiaded ef dw •oaao agMt mt m» MM Arti.. and Mn. Hum WiMett Georg*tem UalmaM; Law lie* by hiiw«e.ehiiw«e. f Fatmlagdaleg; ; two MM,, WbV MMI.. Ha waa a memiem r «f **• Towtor. ««« • VaV a WicUWiUe eff AefcurAfc y Park)**Pak * Y«fYfcc StalS e SeotetSt y «ff CCor- Jr.. end Edward Vaa WkUaif Phee- ufM PeMfc Tmmiiiii 'H.. at eat' It of Ml p^nd aiHth Beach CMb aaad The taanl aarvlci> Ma_heU f. mm M«- aa of c tBa l Maaaaal Md Marie To* •S3"M^g* »tJ j^JL Mn. CuaJ Charca, .of J j Banal WM to Fair View HBMFwaa mwmfmmwmmt BBBWBJ i Keiy. at hamr, Me rede oat of Sh I WM aoM yeeier- d P. Betty «** m» U. Sr,, at UMa I laht B» ptft af ref Deal Off and % to aw WerdM FMaral Haas. MU.BUI.nUY tJaaflaaBPBBBB IWvaVdaWt BMBSBBBvWTW Law.* BBBBejjpBBBBaaaWBaBam a ^navBBBBBrV MIMtON - Mn. Mary A. Al- ' — • Berth* Church, Ttlf P. MW MnJCawry wae hen M|E» Mra. DMM ah-to/ Bsv. BMMI •>'- Mak> to BBS, at rett aad wa* a danBhter af th N. V.. aad I weVmeMMr ef the i wHaWB. v^BBB' |H BBBBO ^PVW^^V Li*. Tha BN , fBBiBHlePBal orBjaal

DHrMaai M* DMrlaLttotaftaadaMI.o ,M.efai I. DayFaMmll are toa aMtm red M a MdRh •erS) Mr. RyM WM ban to l» Mrs. S.L. Mala t at Ve» IBBBBBBM. Mini' ^^ WaM 'aaBS 'BBBl hare. Ska k wamaa'i dub. af ths lato Jsha J. sad r of no Mn. Eatery to survived by aUadMFi.1 Filter aape, Jr.. lea OtfNNe Oajich, Ma, Victor W, Emery of Runt- Me had Mved hen atoo yean tor. Mkw ZM C MttMIM — Mn. Mat- erview Heesttti, aRsr a lang M- m. • toraMrty Hvad to " ' •ant Createy aad Once * ore ho WM lev. Caartos If.' Beat aBaat- He WM bora to Red Bank, sea atod at the faasral ttto toanto|. flkai MBM* aWaiai lam laMWJSftaf of the- I V.I at Irv IM WM •••• M.elMBBW . llf HOTBal Mn. AUce Uorer ef WaaMagMa. Berts! WM le Pair Vtow CMN- egtoer ef tha la* Jeba Jane* CUyy,, Mn. I •*• mmA A^aae^ iM>MlUaM C. Nek lived here aR hto at*. Mr. Pat- f» MM' and eaantod 'Sat > Mary 0* Oat* Da Tele. attk at Mr HHavaa. Mn. Na- A toiam HUh Re«ifem Man k Byaa Baal 'Estato Aasaa f L I wiU be attend laturday at t» •«?»• S •an tbaa II ytara. Cotholto Charch and WM 1 all He WM a World War I •., ia Hety Croat Church. his wws. Mrs. larvtvtoi are her hathaf taag Braach. rial aader dlnctioa ef the 1M Ma w, 7. Flack FUM trdea Fvawnl HBBM wiU be la toa. m. af II Am, waatacharfeaf Surviving an hto win. Mn. Mrs. Pa- njawjimmu . WaS * • rWfMmtWmmtBaaMaMiMBBBi * BBIBWM l Ii EUMM FsttenM ef Fair Man BaVual fAaBtdiMfe^akflBM ^M BVBM Mr.UylM*M|i| FAltMAVEN - Arthw Laaa a^hm. aaaaai BaiaWi AianaBMnat te*Baam«dl ••HI IVMHMI Wmmmm ni VI* WBV ervM nmnw M BVI LONQ BBANCH - Mrs. Car- lagdalo aad ma iham*HmM mmy/n,*M Mapla Ave.diel BBBBBFa ajBBBJ MHOM fvBBBWBjy •VaTWVBBBJ NIWAIIX - Mra. Ataln Ward alaW ftfaawBaaV • 4a1t BBBMBBBBI .ad Margaret land MaadV k* It Aaa'a •^••BV bl'B^ki •••VJl atfkW Bfll III* NlW)«MI ll«yMMi O* Mi DB»> MB WITMHB ' I *' WmmmW • BttBBB%BWBa m\' M|l9l*a PUt* M ¥ m Ave. died aital • Hall a a aa a —-* —— -- faaasa Church by BBBB> He aTBHWaBBBBI MBBJ WWmmTy _j^mm* Mat a., dtod ABM M M. UyhMtHewaia SM Brtokt 1 Mary McCarthy of Prairie, Wto., FlMty ta her of a heart MM ef few waaks. Mr. Btny kaHMAjB BBII ^Saw BB^aadl uaBaaenBs ' BaOBrf BB INTEGRITY Charles Of River Fhv KMB MedhMl Cantor. mmd -4*^* MBUIBMBBBMBI "^ * enfcaBaaaapasjg eVgBBBBBBBs ^BP VrgBBa^pe J wta bara hi Fair Hive* aad wa» Mn. WrtoM WM, hen to • Hto wife, (fee Hto Mrs. F*a to Mn. Janet a aaa af Iha lata Edward aad M;, a SHJu MTt1 opv faaora at. atl I Mwt Rafeert be thel A.d today Matilda Coy Berry. Ha had lived af Red Bank, *» IOSJBBW. MMI IMC aVBpMMMr* IMH Fair HaveaM . tarettholaloChartMaHMary WMI UBBU"•W I %mm\BBBBJ I^WwJaawBiBWmmimmmm^mmm%I w-aa ' , a^rJ4BBB*H VfW Mft;k Wafd waa the ia tato in* all Me life. Ha WM ai B^*aaa^aBBa v&^i •MiUato Basil Will BBB) earn* .•an age. Mr. Uytoa WM a a retired nideaer. aad wai a g^B^^l^ga—_ : ^^^^^^^^ /''nW- 'taamnt wopaovaw* mmmm^j ^aea saw •*•!» 2^^^V'' • •*^WB^BW--'.,- M ^- ^pM ATUNTK Chapel, hjMoriew at I a. m. BhB^V ) Ba«ml WaaBlWVBJBi* AT Rt timeVweas ereaeJ aarvived by Mswift. ' • ' ft ' _aayaa) M. i Church. Burial wtt be to , He was a aiia«w> af>Bwlat * '^PTvblu W gMJUPWW»PA ABwilMy a^flaanBaVeVdnaBBnwITC^V^PJP^Pi • Mwin i Mt ONv«t CesMtery W Baa* nBaaati *4»1BJAJMW M* at tha lata 00* of th Mary «yw Ward, MM, Goarta L. Md Arthur L. ssuec af Sit my, Jr., both of Pair Haves; to ear IBM IIM inadtalMiM. aad a nlin aw. Uatar Fawiar at The funeral will he held je- HOLMDEL - Mr*. •WEB* ft' BMMni Pin* torraw at 1 p. m. to Ftaha lotoai. 77. dtod taaday to Becker at BaaaqNUtar fodoty of Oui „.. with Rev. Thomu MM of her daughter. Mn. I Good Couuei Catholic Hmmu. paster, offlctotiag. Bur- Hofacas. M Etas Rd. Tha and CeL Edward Brirtataaa ial, under dlrecttoa of the War* Sao wu born to E. Day V*; a sl*r. Mrs. den Funeral Home, will be to toe, daughter of the RM af Janey vKys id JoMphlM Obsrl Funeral Home Iraa. aad two n husband was ths•!__, MM. WILLIAM A. SNYDER Nulsal. Mrs. NutM aat'tvai Mrs. Elisabeth R. Snyder. ei here six yean. died Tuesday to her home, tf ans w$$ a ajember af flt areHjeaa as ^•^sBaaaajHjVBj* v^BBaBa veif av'R^^^a^ mm a**awaa* inWaanlnMw w« heWJf t. Red Beak, after a If aVI«K nVVBBflp 10 MlFVIVng kMLf !1BBBM. At ni Lady af Good !? _ __ Mrs. H. CawMai Cbjrcb. where t reouien Mn. Snyder wu .bom hi daughnm, Edgar Brooklyn, and wu. a daughter J"** W**. *••••.•; MIS* SOI^^BJHI WM DOfi M"IVB* WI $• of Mn. Julia Rohmu aad the * Freehold, aad Mrs.J. MM* M»B MM WNM M UMMMl r WILLIAM*. TOW late Anlhaay Rohmut She had Jf" ,°'Jf«l »«?*• • ««f. '• HyMrtM — •—*- MOBERT I>I Red Bank mMett 4s"-- «jB-•g BdBBB'- l,gFJBB^pglBVJV——^ ^- -^—_^_^—T LEONARDO-WUliun J. : % and wu a member of StMn. H. DofkMy of ElUabeth: M, ef m Center Ave.. died Sit- and four other aMon and B%SasaM••fuMa« UjMotaeakl James Catholic Church. iefUttl*Falb;abreth- to fuvBTvlVw fMRBypJIeV* Besides her mother, who livee la Germaay, aad eight •If MlpMB -O^feMf M FlwW • OHsf OertrudeB. QMatthecmaty'iaMet !«•'*«• «mpioytd u a mi la Freehold, she Is survived by trandchildroa. •"IttwfirMddilMrM^ aal*Caars Nock Rd.. dtod a weak , Wllllrat A Snyflifs High las funeral asrvtoa was heM age yesterday at her heaM. MH Ml* m\ yMfg MVMg iMMfl of fftiw aaa, Atfnd t. BVCIBfJ . 1 bora la New York, aad tsrouri Shrawibury: two grandeMj, udCathoUe Church by alto Church. Lvndnunt, when a WM the widow ef JeJm M.' far Uyaan. Mrs. Anna Taylor of nelius J. Kane. Burial WM pri- WeehawkM, ho hadNewark. vate. The Day Funeral HMM. lived here for U yean. Mr. Sam Mn. RasjchM WM B BML The Rooary will be recited to- Keyport, wu In charge of ar ef ditto Point Lodge. Order of membeb r of StS . AAgneg t night at S o'clock la the Wor- MfODLETOWN - Mn. Once FeraMdyetButOnaie Church, g r.».ofMPtohltowkRd.. Euora Star, Hcbofci AtlaatiAli c HiHie>> d m FuneraFl l HHome 1U Holy •Mi M MffwiVlM ky w Nun p. Emmett A. Monahin, M.«WOBLES, BB, Mrs. TMidsn N. Panaly. Jr.. at Hoaleo wu a will bo the celebrant of WEST LONG BRANCH-Fred- Sao WM hen to eMMf{ al Nat afHNI M*t rMfWwKi Ueaardo Deemoci n«Ue Out hifh roquieq m maaa tonormw erick M. Worm. FirTCompany. M i StJaaa Chuh r ' WM a aMBjher at the: an all wife. Mn. •t Mi. m. in St.Jaawa Church, Nolai Dr.. died JUM H to Maa> J" ARTCRAFT MD40RIALS Btriil will be la Mt OUvet Cem-mouth Medkal Center, Creator Red 1 held 1st- etery. He wu horn In Waytlda, aoa DISTINCTIVE ma, Jr., at of Mn. Catherine Covert Worlea, L "«y at the VM lent Peaaral Mn. Jack D. FBUfFTEB thU place, aad tha late EUeha HZ Heaw. with ths Rev. Samuel La- thlipUce; a brother, Chartos (. Plata af the Cost's Nock Reform- M of Feojuannock; a st ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Worles. Ho wai 1 retired car-to; two brothon. Ratoh Mcctotto •< Owrch offtetatJig. . Regjaa Desel of BuUer Mra. EUiabeth H. Frimpter. M. penter ind a veteran of aad Edgar Pic- Interment wu Ii the fi died Sunday in her home, Var I. dutiful grandchildren. Mr. World wu a member af ctottoef Weahiagtoa. sad a tis- plot la Fair View Cemetery, high requiem man wu of-Oarfield Ave. She WM bora in lor, Mn. Yvatte Dovak of Guate- NV BnMfB VBTfy I W*BI BBIBB* fered yesterday to St. AgMi Newark, aad hid lived h«re 35 *• Red Bank local of the Mon- MlS. VM Bv BBBBMRMM BHB HBVBWB Catholic Church by Rev. Michael yean. mouth County Carpoaten Union. ThafttBeral wu 'T.I • member of the Ho IIM WU a tty CWML Ml Sft MBVIBV nctondhyaUlladirtitaM J. Lcue. Burial wu to Mt Oli- She WM Ulej WUIIBIal B* ABM CUFFWOO..,»,„D_ - -T-Rober- --t- T-•. Ma——- ia our wall ovdppad.plaat vet Cemetery, Middlotown. Monmoutli Chapter. Orde— r rt""t Melhodlit Church, Ckemi Home. Red Bank, with Rabbi Oil- die. «. of CamdeB,di*d Satw |der direction of the CM Eutern Star7 and a member iieand Truck Co., Cedar Sports- at Waet Laas Braach. M bert 8. Raiiathil. assMto/le no- day while visionrr~->.s Ms SM, Mel- Home, Atlantic High- the Christian Science Church ™ » Ctab and Amerfcu Legloa, Ierael. vm J. Hladto, M Woodmsn Dr. here. ill of West Long Branch. M ef CMgrogattoa Baal . Surviving are. her huapand. El- besides his mother to Rod Abo surviving ire his wife. Mn, Bank Jewish CM mn. norenco noover itinoie; LONG MMNCN PJWUWOT CO. lie. HILTON INFAVT bert A. Frimpter; a Shrewsbury. A. Frimpter, and 1 daughter. Worlu; two MM, Frederick three ether MM. Robert ud Rus- Wdl 8t, CApiUl 24M00, WeH Long Bnaeh BUMSON - The infant diuah- Mn. Martin Mortenaon, aK M. Wortes, Jr., of Brentwood, soil Hladto ef Spring City. Pa., * of Norman and Cmutanc* v F w r Md Wesley Hindis ef Nsw York this place; a brother, CWfcrd »*••••«• ««w» ;. » if» HAZLET - A solemn 1 City; two dsugbtsn, Mrs. Doris iHUtoa of I Brobdmoor Dr., died C. Ximmerle of Maplewood i*dthi s place: a .•rtter. Mn". Naonl requiem man wu offered ._ JOHN VAN KMKft SON •RANCH OFFICE and DISPLAY •Saturday at birth in Riverview five grandchildren. Woolloy of tthil s pUce, and four . Ittref CMJdM.jMdJln. « Onatt ft, MMMna •« fifil' iHoopital. Moaday to St George'i Catholic The funeral wu yesterday ... CMrch. caan Oala, MONMOUTH MONUMENT CO. Ado aurviving an three JbrothJb - the Posten Funeral Homo,with The John W. Flock Funeral tvo brothen, Johs Htodk ef Caav |en. Normn, Mn. Ftonaos M. en N AAlexandel r _ eflfaj* IBVJJvre aif« Woaw HWVB I '•; aad Thudiro Htodto af Pate. ua Hilton; a iliter, Uura ange offlciitlng. Burial wu u charge of arrugemMU. low, end 14 grMdchddna. HMHWAYII •Hilton, all at « Bethsny Rd.. died JMO 11 home; paternal Fiirview Cemetery, Middletown, " 'ledMal Coator. ~~ Ths Day PaMral Home. Key- grandparenti. MrM . and Mn BLMBBJ h VAN "BRUNT port, WM to chugs af total ar> lAlexander Hilton of Deal, n HUGO O. SCHROEDER RUMSON — Elmer James Van faughter of the late t>eorge 1 maternal grandparents, Mr. an( BELLEVILLE — Hugo G, Brunt. 71, of « East River Rd. Miry CUIMB Hoffman. Mn. Thomti Careni df .Wellet dled Surviving ii her husband, Har- ley, Mass. Schroeder, 56, of 30] Belleville Saturday In Riverview Hoe- Ave., died June 17 after a long pitil after a short illness. old J. Heyer. The funeral service and burl, Burial wu la Cilviry. Ceme- were held yesterday in Mt. Olive illness. Mr. Van Brunt wu bom His brother is Harold Schroeder Fair Haven and wu a am of th tery, CiBcuuistl under direction Cemetery, under .direction of thi of the Reidllnmr Funenl Homo WordeiiFuneral Hdniel John E. Day Funeral Home. of Laurence' Harbor. lite Jamei and Susan RR.. S Tht Adams Mtmorial Homt der Van Brunt. He had livei d there. The Bedle Funenl Home, Mr. Schroeder wai born In Keyport, wu in charge of'local CHARLES P. CUMBERSON Newark and hid lived here «this mi all hit life. He wu Ml. N0NT 1TIBT UD lANIT years. He was employed for sev- retired mason contractort , •rranitments. Charlet P. Cumbersbn, fq eral years by the Boro Laun- He Ip survived bby his wif Successor te Meunt Memerlsl Homo mcrly o( Red Bank, diedSunda dry and Linen Supply Company, Mrs. Loii Souli Van Brunt MBS. EDITH BOYD SHfNfyttfk 7-0IS7 in hit home in Weit WinlleN Newark. He was a World War II Redwood City, ClCalif,i : thi Mrs. Edith loyd. II, of • Cen- N. Y. veteran. brothers, Arthur and Edgar Vai tral Ave., died Sunday In her Mr. Cumbenon was vice preil He also is survived by two Brunt, both of Rtimam, and Irvhome. Surviving an a ion, Wil- A MW, modern funeral homo and chapel ii now under con-' dent of the Oneida National Ban •liters, Mrs. Adelaide McGinty ing Van Brunt of Red Bank Him Wormlay; a brother, Fred PUHRAL MRICTORS and Truit Company of Utica, N of North Arlington and Mrs. Jean and severat nieces and nephews, Morris, and two grandchildren, atruction for your comfort and convenience. Your aeeu Y. LLewii s off Koarny. and three The funeral service wu all of Red Bank, will bo eased during thii period u conilderately and Surviving are his wife, Mn brothers. Arch Schroeder of Tuesday it the Worden Funeri Thi funeral wu yesterday v Blanche Cumbernon, and two s Maplewood and George and Ran-Home with Rev. Roger J. Squire from the F. Leon Harris Funeral efficiently. si In the put 41 years. 310 Sfwwl Street Rod] leak, N. J. Mrs, Mra. T. H. Letson of Po dolph Schroeder, both of Belle- nastor of the Red Bank Metho Home, Red Bank, with Rev land, Maine, and Mrs. Arlh ville, (list Church, nflkitlina, Burli Charles E. Bourne, pastor of the L. Warrlck, Plainflclcl. The funeral sorvico was held wifs in Fair View Cemeterj AME Zion Church, Red Bank, HARRY C. F. JAMES A. ROIERT P. Tht funeral' service was lie Friday in the William V. Jrvinr wern Elmer Pryor, H11 officiating. Burial wu in White yc»lcrd»y. and Son I'uneral Home, hprc.|nld, Jnhn and Vemon Van Brun Ridge Cemetery. Board Ottkm;

Brixite IrlMR^^^^^^^B


<>//«*•( Oraafar Bunitidc


twt *•«• but ttal Iw ««1 ilN Ik MM MM «metali tawcrfr


fuLJ Ctf^M^

CONDITIONID aommnmyfae* M. t A. M.TM>.«4 5TS •» t A. M..

TM&, U, SAT. ft MM. •MiMBTtuurn S S £ S ^ $ ^ 5 S $ $lJf COTTON COIF CUT WVfti* : $ MOT IMIWHTt . 8S3F •W WNMuHill I! •Ml (••If S S S $ 5 $ s s $ > I! \ \ \ $ s s

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5 5 5 i $5$SS $lt.MMLWE tMOMUART otciLUTma n $SS.MIUC. CrfhT |$M8 UmR SUNBEAM R Cifa MiM Nnihtor gfor CAMBtAH LOUNtf iKE BUCKET lUtSMrts


IIW ^VmlanlNni' ptVIvn nil bWII Wlr

In fha nawatt, most popular tfcadla, oltvt HARI ft nONT MD SWUQI _ amaawaaaaamaaaaaaaaaaaaai a rafraining, qufetly dliflndtv* tona HIRE'S WHAT WE'LL DO FOR •• ' .' •• •••••'.• idat balongt wfth natural •houldfr ''

ttyling and plain front trouttrt. .

Crisp cool dacron and cotton, 39.95 Tokt up to 6 You'll ba fating mora graan . - mofittit fo In mtntwaar during tha months ahaad.

Accttiorlat to wafr with oliva graan in , i '' " '• !'i ' •*;'•'. • • . • • • - ... • • / • , •,.-

ir,'- •.- lu'.i'C -8' '< . l our furnliMngi dapartmant.

Chargt purehaiti may b« budfgatad ' ,

ovar a thraa-month pariod. No larviet eharga.

STORES Maalt Avt. at Whita St., dad lank SH 7.1700 1000 ASIURY AVI. Aibwy Park PM M700 -j - Directs New ble 'Doctor' Retires THE OAKS Air Force Census Set Program COCKTAH LOUNGE AND BAR In Red Bankl WIN HMLYTO 1 W ItMJC n M MM MM MM MMoTofMi * — McGUIRE S GROVE , IMM. M. V. Mr. Bl 0 NMNWAVM, )0JM4I M of Mr. md MM. I 01 OMMM, MNI M

to • ««* T» WALL-TO-WALL CAMim* <«*• MAU1VULLY


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CALL ro^MMjoroJ «* IU 5

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MMtprafaetia • Mi MWM UJ Mr SMI MQIS smviyt.

M ISwl flMMS wwpfltfcfwl C NJ ptr MM. Mi AtlMtkltM«.UJ


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STElNBAdTS CORSET SALON, Street Floor and Atbury Park STEIIVBACH'S SPORTSWEAR, Street Floor and Aibury Park i RED BANK REGISTER Jmm % MW-ff 1 Zoning Contests Keep 9Em Guessing Measure About What to Do In Jersey

Delayed TRENTON (AP) — "Send in admits, is that each county Red Bewifc Foil f///ir«> /our name and address and win ecutor has a different Una af lattery, aad NEW SHREWSBURY - This To Be Open July 3 million dollars " what makes a baraaga'i tag awaited zoning or- The housewife sees the adver- contest legag l la oaa ppart dteaaee, thrice-revised, coulda't The Bad Baak Peat OMca sompnt in a magazine. Ah, she tha stite might be ruleldd ant get aft the ground thia wack. lays, a fortune easily had. elsewhere. Then she notices the asterisk All prosecutors Had at Mrly HM ardiaaaca, Introduced for heere Friday, July I, Fred A. tte MCM4 ttet fey CflBaVitiHiii nd looks to the bottom of the easy to rule out Herbert WUMt, Id. failed to he Crlaa. la Ma i •acoadsd at a special edioursted "Not gnod in New Jersey," It the wtnaer'a aUp la awotfag at Mayor and com AI dettverUs will a says. of a barrel to gat a prise. Ha*! km Tattday aight. Mr. Craw said, iaehdiag tw« That simple little notation a lottery, they say. But what about aa Tentative date (or introduction tries to the builatM area. Cal- makes the blood of many I of the ordiauice bu been mat New Jersey resident percolate. test? If it meets me for next Thunday at t p. m. lactleaa aad ditpatch wtl be ea Why is it. they want to know ards in the IMS "lucky Tneeaaj a MfoaacQaa preceoa- a ngatar week-day basis. that you can bet on a hone case" it generally Will ha gr«aa last raa Into a snag when Mayor The aMee will bt dated lat- race in this state and you can't the green light. Karl K. Baroa voiced objectiea wort oat in fore* at Tuetday nlfM's f 100 par plate dlMar in tha lerkeley Carieret Hotel, Ai- •tear, Jaiy 4, air. Crto. saM. participate in a sales promo- Yet In one county recently, the to QW CnMfti fal teW OfQBUCC S bury Park. If aatteeJ HM comfy RopvWlcaa flnanco commiHao 110.000. Among fW faithful, loft fa right, waro tion, even if held out of state. prosecutor axed a at a rtquirtments for HVl and ft-S Angry housewife daihes off aimers' market whan I pa- J. Marshal looker of MieMletewn, •aastmaster; State San. Richard R. Stout, Wott Allenhurst; Freeholder Direc- missive to N. J. Attorney Gen- trons were Mayor Baroa maintained that tor Joseph C. Irwht, Rod lank; Comfy Clark J. Russell Woolloy, Wast Long Iranch, county Republican chair- To Review ral. What (:<*'*''. she asks. words or lets. tha iacrtated flexibility of tht man; J. Raymond OoKlddar, Fair Have*, chairman af the finance committee, and Van R. Haltoy, Rumten, traaiurar. UMertef Are Out The law department Attorney General c«n only re- been askod to rule aa a would tend to encourage reeidta- Zoning Law fpr her tn th« state Constitution, whera a perm gMaaai tial growth here, at the which says any form of gam- many beans are la a Jar, At tha hoaroTa Dinner at $100 Per Officers Are Objections blinR not approved by the voters prize to the dossat one. "Under normal circumitaa day night, Mr. Carting aald is out, and N. 3. Supreme Court, Isn't that skill?, this would be good," be MidEatontow, a has received only EATONTOWN — The Planning in 1955, said sales promotion con sit. "but New Shrewsbury Is In a "fragmentary" Information con- Elected by Board will hold a special meet- tests often turn Into illegal lot It isn't, aocordlag period of runaway growth and wecerning tha new irdJaanrs, Nets GOP $20,000 ing July • to review and discuss teriet—even if the operator gets County Prosecutor don't want to encourage further Mr. Carting stated that the two the "three or four major points' no benefit. Smith. residential development." pluming boards had met la April. New Temple of objection mads at a recent The court sets down three Last month ha Mr. Willett had previously de- At that time, Eatoatown protest- ASBURY PARK - Mora than most to win newcomera to tha SHREWSBURY - Tha Moa- standards for a legitimate con< air store In ecribed the aew ordinance as ed New Shrewsbury's proposal MHapahUcaaa were oa hand for party. He cited the vast influx public haarlag oa tha proposed test—but contests which meet planned mouth Reform Temple elected ita aonlag ordinaace for thla borough. "essentially a consolidation to create aa industrial zone oa Tueadey aighfa s SMtper-plat... e of new residents throughoug t tha office™ and board of tnuteea at these standards can even be fered food prize* la flw our old toning ordinances and Hope Rd. Eatoatowa'a aide of uaAfaJiku d id h ih Summarlei of the hearing ruled illegal: en who came Hope Rd. is zoned residential. in tha Berke- county, aad said those with a its first congregatwMl meeting amendments." ley-Carter* Hotel, different political persuasion i Ihadowbraok Sunday Bight which wai tape-recorded, have 1. Standards of Judging the number of But ha contimiad, certain pro- Mr. Carliag aald Hew Shrewe- tpoaaorad by the county Re- should be brought Into thha partty New ofnctn cfti been distributed to board be adequate. In general. Judges display, cedural and requirements have bury planners at that tia» laadaV publicaa flaaaca committae. tha through friendliness. Kenneth R. Heymaa, Uttle Sil- MM* must know the topic of the con- The been strengthened, definitions of cated they would affair netted about f».«W, ac- Mr. Woolley, who also la a ver, president; Jules Haber, Uttle From comments at Monday teat and every entry must get ager Andrew •uch Items as "split-level," "ar- town Informed cording to County Clerk J. Rus- dldite for re-election, Mid thaSilver, senior nlght'a board meeting, at least equal consideration. vised terial roads," and "non-residen- changes, but tha only word he sell Woolloy, who also la county party has a Job cut out for ItAaron Hoffman, New' ttrewe- two board members have reser- 2. Duplicate prizes must be office that tial use" have been formulated, received was a GOP chairman. stir, with eight county offices at bury. vice president; vations about some of the pro- awarded in case of ties. tha contest and ha akaatf atlect stake in November. Edwin and performance standards have that New Shrewsbury's Mayor Besides the filet mignon dinner, Jacobs, Middletown, treasurer; posed zoning changes: Counci 3. The contestants must get IM WlffcfWrSi lit 4M« Something which could hardly been added. and Council will Introduce a aew th - guests received strong warn- Mrs. Richard Dahlmaa, Fair Ha- man Ralph L. Lewis and Bruci enough information about the Fltt It Uttt and consolidation Codification riling ordinance. ing mat lisa |i an Important year be expected to happen at a Re- ven, financial secretary; Mrs. Al- J. Mangan. contest and how it will run of the new ordinance has taken Na fer Republicanism in the county. publican function did. It came But after Smith p* ft kaT bert Goldstein, New Shrewsbury, A legal department spokesman AMJMIAM AM **-- JMaanma^m* ef^aaeat ASL. "four or five months of hard Board member Clifford N. Cad- The warnings came from Mr. during Mr. Haskell's talk when Mr. Lewis said he isn't con- recording secretary, and Mrs. vinced that property along Rt. says: opinion on DM emm Tim J»Qr work,- he Mid. man said Eatontown requested a Wodley; J. Marshall Booker, ha said New Jersey has "a great John Welssman, Middletown, cor- "We can't tell people in ad- Gen. David D. Furaaa, *r copy of the proposed New toastmaiter; Amory L. Haskell, governor." He didn't dwell long M should be zoned "residential- responding secretary. He said it ahould remain business vance whether they've violated chain pleaded aa dafeaaa to vto After council decided to delay Shrewibury ordinance, but none honorary finance committee oa the theme, however, adding the law or not." Trustees are: because of what's there." He larlng the lottery lawa and wti Introduction, Mr. Willett placed was received. He asked that an- chairman; State Sen. Richard R. that Monmouth has the best coun- "Each contest has to be Judg- partial blame for the council's other request be written New Stout; Freeholder Director Jos- ty government in the state. Ha Richard Steiner and M. Fred- added be thinks "the tendency is fined Sl,aW by Jadga AMa K. eric Simon, both Rumson, and more to business than to resi- ed on the facts. There are few failure to Introduce the ordinance Shrewsbury's planners. eph C. Irwln; Walter T. Mar- also said Monmouth waa com- black and white areas here it week no appeal la planned on an article printed last week Bruce J. Mangan, Eatontown getts, chairman of the state GOP pletely Democratic governed Mr. Golstein for three-year dential" In that area. Mr. Man- terms; Arthur Greenbaum and gan agreed. mostly gray." Smith hac bean naked te set* In The Register concerning a board member, suggested that finance committee, and J. Ray- when he first Joined the Repub- Monroe Edelstoin. both New details to Trenton, * state Supreme Court decision. New Shrewsbury planners be in- mond DeRidder, county finance lican committee, and said It will Shrewsbury, and Milton Aronoff, la addition. Mr. Mangan uk Adding to the confusion, ha How can me The decision upheld a court vited to a return meeting with chairman. take work this year to make aura Fair Haven, for two-year terms, he thought Magistrate Peter J. Jeroayane from ruling against a New Shrewsbury the Eatontown board. He said 'Homey' Party the county doesn't revert to Ita and Julian Hen, Middletown, Edwardsen's remarks at the other statee for variant osa- developer when it ruled that the New Shrewibury had "a very Mr. Booker described the coun- former political status. Mrs. Stanley Lenox, New Shrews- public hearing had merit. Mr. Ed- tests? borough had legally changed its cultured argument" at the time wardsen complained that the pro- First Band ty Republican party as a The program ended with a per- bury, and Mrs. Heyman for one- The legal zoning ordinance two years ago the two boards met. "homey" organization, and said formance by Shelly Berman, tel- year terms. posed ordinance would create too to Increase the minimum lot area Mr. Carllng said that might be Republicans should do their ut- evision comedian. many "non-conforming uses," and man said tha from 23,000 to 49.0C9 square feet so, but Eatontown does not know Caaatitattaa Prsisatid that it did not absolutely define Concert Set have some New (Tha newspaper story, filed enough about the New Shrews- Mr. Greenbaum, chairman of zoning boundaries for eeach lot. The first of a series of Wed- tion which caa be flaai'Thr from Trenton by the Associated bury ordinance, He added he the legal committee'! steering nesday night band concerto by New Jersey Preaa. quoted Edward F. Juska wants to get "complete pic Calls Erosion Chief group, presented the constitution la Ml the Red Bank Municipal Band torto a nationai l Long Branch attorney, as telling ture" to determine if Eatontown It was accepted by the members. Leo J. Carllng, board chair will be given Wednesday at 6:H pany waa a newsman that New Shrewsbury is "being hurt now, or potential- William Bell, Shrewsbury, nom man, explained that Rt. M was o'clock in Marine Park. mil state m a MS and la going to pan a new zoning or ly." inating committee chairman, pre- zoned residential until 1953. when John W. Luckenbill will direct it did. dtaance which will give the firm Yesterday Mr. Carting aid Problem at Shore sented the atite of officers. a business strip of 900-foot depth the band. The concerto have Abo. fee was created. At that time, he opwata under —Swimming River Golf and Coun- that a letter requesting more in- SEA BRIGHT - Erosion Is said they involve the floating of Mr. Heymaa gave a progress been arranged by the Red ; try Club, Inc.—what It wanted in formation concerning the ordi much more of a problem here bonda which would mean new report oa tha temple's activities aald, affected property owners Parks and Recreation Committee Lvttoiy itvuYe its lawsuit.) nance has been sent to Mayor than parking, and it la towardth eindebtedness. since itItas founding. protested the change. He added ^u, me co-operation of the Some ether otataa, MM Coa "The Register story," Mr. Wil- Baron. beach-wear fight that Sea Bright Council adopted an ordinance Edward Elman. president of that the same people who object American Federation of Musi- ntcticut, «wt Jntt it tw0i in lett claimed, "gives an Improper In other business, the New must concentrate its financial ef- vacating borough rights to an Union Temple, Brooklyn, was ed in 1953 are now objecting to cians. NflW •TtfaNQTo Impression of the new ordinance Shrewibury council: forts, Mayor Thomas Farrell said "on paper" street plans tor which the installing officer. He Is a change back to residential. The program The when it quotes Juska. We have Appointed Getchel McCall. Tuesday night once were accepted, but construc- member of the New York Bar Mr. Carllng Mid the borough'i "His Honor," by Flllmore: made the new requirements a Squankum Rd., as a probation- This was in response to a sug- tion of which never waa under Association, president of the Syra- planning consultants-Community "Morning, Noon and Night," by ply In eontoate from New Yor' little more flexible, but we are ary patrolman, effective July 1. gestion by Marvin Fowler, that taken. It is a 25-foot strip along cuse University Alumni Associ- Planning Associates-advised that VonSuppe; Trumpet solo by Gil ar* certainly not backing off our or- Accepted with regret the resig- the borough should try to get the Shrewsbury River between ation, and a director of the New "strip toning" has proved not the Johnson; "Sleigh Ride," by An- draaaea are "hard to catch" aa iginal stand." nation of Douglas Downs, River- government aid, purchase more Shrewsbury Way and Willow Way York Federation of Reform Syn- best for the community or the derson; "Ampraita Roca," by could only be fiaad aa dteorder "The Impression of the article dale Ave., from the Planning property and broaden off-street and was designated ai Bellevue agogues. property owner. After extended Rexodor; "Salutation," by Seta; for of tot ahould be corrected," he added. Board, of which he was a mem- parking facilities here. He said PI. Mr. Elman la also a director discussion and study, he said, the music from "My Fair Lady," by tery attpe If they were caught The new zoning ordinance has ber since 1951. he believed the expense would of the United Jewish Appeal, the planning experts advised that the Lerner; "II Baclo," by Ardltl; The law department gets let also become a matter of con And announced that the Tinton be self-liquidating. The property reverted to the New York Federation of Jewish best interest of the borough would "Officer of the Day," by Hall; AWmai msun^Hu ana^^aaV M^^^^~ ^^aia^^. ttematlon to Eatontown, accord- wi» wvwy wvess iraan cmier Falls Fire Company's new engine However, Mr. Fowler agreed ownership of George Ziegler, 25 Philanthropies, and a trustee of be served by having Rt. 36 re- "Joshua," by Yoder; "Liberty who aaa nothing wrong m dl tag to Leo J. Carllng, chairman is in operation. with the mayor that, indeed, Willow Way, aad Lea McGuineas, the Jewish Youth Service. He andvert to residential use. Bell," by Sousa, and the "Na- cussing the virtual of a aoap ) when it comes to financing, local his neighbor, and will be used as his wife are Deal summer resi- As he did at the public hear- tional Anthem." 25 words or leu, of compietir dents. ing, Maurice Enright said he has a four-Una Jingle on aa atom' money is most needed for the a waterfront lawn- .v Mrw-w v . WWW^mmiwZiegle '^ r• Youths Who Let Air Out battle against the sea. says he will put in a new bulk- The dinner-meeting was in a contractor willing to erect ACADEMY APPOINTEE cereal, or filling out a Mayor Farrell recalled how, head there next fall. Had thcharge e of Mrs. BeU and Mrs12 million structure on his land, MONMOUTH BEACH - Den- eated anagram in hopes of a last year, the borough entered land continued to be held aa a Dahlman. if Rt. M remains business. nis Fendelander, 12 Shrewsbury new car. Of Tires Get Stiff Justice into a $100,000 program to build street, It would have been neces- Mr. Carling said the Rt. 36 ton Dr., received official notice Sat- Publicity la the laWa bsat up a South Beach rock jetty and sary for the borough to build SUPPED TOLL, FINED ing question is the "thorniest urday of his appointment to the weapon in ita fight against the Two youths who graduated Shrewsbury Ave., New Shrews- repair the North Beach sea wall. and maintain the bulkhead. MIDDLETOWN-MN. Roberta faced by the planners. He suggest- Air Force Academy at Colorado lottery contests. from Red Bank High School June bury, was fined $105 for driving The cost, he said, was $50,000 Approval wai given for the oiga Fox. 38, of Bingham Ave., ed that board members be ready Springs. Recommended by Rep. In fact, tha compaaiaa ofter 16 and returned on the 18th to while on the revoked list. Walter each to the state and borough holding of ii« concerts on the RumMlli WM filied $5 |Mt Thurs- to express their views on all the James C. Auchincloss (R-N.J.), exempt New Jersey when may let air out of car tires, ran into S. Davia, 122 Peach St., New and $10,000 to the county. borough parking tot this summer. day for failing to pay a 10-cent major objections when the board the appointee is a second lieu- don't need to. to avoid any aa Shrewsbury, waa fined |SS for *Chencee Leak Goad9 Edward F. Dillon, Jr., wrote In •tiff justice yesterday in Munici- toll April 8 at the Red Bank toll meets July (, so that the Mayor tenant in the Monmouth Com- favorable publicity frombeiar allowing an unlicensed driver to This year, said the mayor, the for the Chamber of Commerce and Council will have all sides of pal Court. area. Magistrate W. Gilbert Man- posite Squadron, Civil Air Pa- hauled into court, tha apnkag- operate his car. borough la asking the state to that money from the Musician son imposed the fine. the question at their disposal. trol. man said. Magistrate John V. Crowell A charge of reckless driving put up $150,000 toward a $300,000 Transcription Fund would pay fined Ted Weiland, 18, of Syca- against Harry Kirby, 38, of 85 project to extend beach defenses. union musicians for their serv- more Ave., Shrewsbury, and Springdale Ave., New Shrews- Of this, he added, he considers ices. Wade Turnock, 17, of 82 Little bury, cost him $30. Hia license that chances look good for Sea Edward Shay, president of tinFather Patterson Offers First Mass Silver Pkwy., Little Silver, $15 was revoked for » days. Police Bright to get at least $100,000 in chamber, wrote council that this each for tampering with an auto- apt. Frank J. Mazza testified state money. While Monmouth would be the fifth year such con- FAIR HAVEN-Rev. E. Pat- mobile. In addition, he revoked Kirby fen asleep while driving county ii being urged to contrib- certo have been held and, again. rick Patterson, who was ordain- Turnock's license for 30 days, and had an accident. ute a large share of the man- would have the crowning of Miss ed a priest of the Catholic For- and placed Weiland—who has no Ronald S. DeBree, Monmouth datory equal local portion of the Sea Bright as a key feature. He license-on the prohibited list for Hills. Middletown, was fined $15 cost, Mayor Farrell noted that said in Mi letter he wanted to eign Mission Society of America 10 days. for careless driving. to get this Job done, the borough thank the governing body for June 13 at Maryknoll Major Ivan Falk, a high school teach- A $30 fine and 60-day license 'may have to lift its debt limit." past cooperation with the enter- Seminary, celebrated his first er who signed the complaint, told revocation was meted out to Considering ways to launch tainment series. solemn high mail Sunday in Magistrate Crowell the* pair had Robert L. Berendt, 27, Newark, parking projects, such aa the one Another letter of thanks came Nativity Catholic Church. He is apologized for their actions. for failure to stop after an ac-planned in Long Branch, A. Hen-from Mrs. Alice Welch for the Joseph W. Williams, 32, of 530 cident, Giordano, borough attorney, w_y council arranged a party the son of Mr. and Mrs. Aloys- with refreshments for graduates ius J. Patterson of 75 Lake Ave. i of the Sea Bright School in the Participating In the ceremony recreation center. "Few towns, were Rev. Donald E. Hlckey. she said, "do aa much at ours for our children." pastor of Nativity Church, who Mayor Farrell asked that let served as arch priest; Msgr. ten of appreciation be sent in Emmett A. Monahan, pastor of reply. St. James, Red Bank, deacon; Renew Lleeaiss Rev. Mr. Alfred J. Fleming, Council provisionally approved M.M., subdeacon; Pierre Leroy, renewal of all IS tavern, two re- master of ceremonies, and Msgr tell and one club liquor licenses Joseph T. Gwey, pastor of Sa- These permits become renewable June 30 and the provision for cred Heart, Bay Head, and for- granting the renewal is that there mer pastor of St. James, who are no objections on file before delivered the sermon. that date. In the sanctuary were Rev. Approval waa given to the ap- Ambrose MacAdams, Rev. Law- pointment of Alfred Weit and rence Burke, Rev. Robert Fix, Frederick Deitrlch, lifeguards on Rev. Francis Crine, Rev. John the municipal beach, as special Relss and Rev. Thomas P. police. The requirement Is that Hopkins. they are fingerprinted ai pro- Father Patterson It the first vided by a new ordinance. member of Nativity parish to be' The governing body also grant' ordained a priest. ed permission to Drlftwood-by- ORDAINID — Rev. E. Patrick Patterson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Aloysiut J. Fattened the-Sea beach club to operate a More than 1,000 persons at- tended the mass, including Fa- of 75 Lake Ave., Fair Haven, who wai ordained a Maryknoll priest Juna 13, eele« NIW ROTARY OFPICHS — Officer, of the Red lank Rotary Club were installed at public fireworks display on the evening of Friday, July 3. ther Patterson's former class- bratad hit firit tolemn high man Sunday in Nativity Catholic Church, Fair Haven. a meeting in Molly Pitcher Hotel la it Thursday. Fred Trablley, district governor, wai mates at Red Bank Catholic Above seated, ara hit mother, left, and hia litter, Mrs. Alphonse B. Norbarf, fha installing officer. Seated, left to right, are Herman Hubar, vice president; Peter Trtwwrllur lUriatni High School and several nuns Alll m»kM naw,or_iiurtor inert. LoLoww ... who served on Red Bank Ca tho- standing, left to right, Jamai McCarron, tha priest's uncle; Mr. Patterson, Fan* Ganoveie, outgoing president, and Morris Weiterman, new preiident. Standing, left KII.60I60 . ClimrinlFFi). tiny Icrmn. R»r- len'i. 101 Monmouth Bt. All 7-O4M. le Hlph School's faculty when -A'lvertl»nm»nt. Patterson, and Mr. Norbart. • to right, are Edmund J. Canton*, David Ellis, Edward M. Kelly, and James Daviton, ic wn.i a student there, ttrm Vurk Tnmpllift KMTrM all director!, and Leo Levin, leeratary. Mining ara Jamss VanPalt, traaiurar, and IJ.OU rnuml trip. l'ri'!|ilrnt norvlif. No A reception and luncheon for terson, his parents, and his received tho guests. Mn. Nor- Father Patterson will leave far parking problnm, Roonomlcal, Kor llmo more than 1,700 guests followed bro(her-ln-law and sister, Mr. bart is the former Rodney Hibnor and Seymour Corwin, iergsanti-at-armi. mill ichoilulll, BU 1-om—Adv«rtlu< Jean Pat- his new assignment In Seoul men!, > n ths church hall, Father Pat- and Mrs. Alphonse B. Norbart, terson. Korea, the end of July. A 'V M to Demonstrate f n Beauty ^MftvV W^* ^Wr

Vole Machine* in Moscow >u*en Raee Mamyn MiM Nancy Walsh. HI Bark- moum. "MiM New A Ukraaiaa refugee - whose * Ave, Shrewabury Tewn panets, two sisters aad New Member* w •a ll-yetr-eid eecretary. ^v •^^^^•••^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ w ' "—' "^—^— ^—w — brother were killed in Work «u BABY II — is a member of e group Men selTTtiil as one of the R- Richard Caraacffi. Freehold, ap- which ii (ring » MOKQW to par Are Oriented »Httt in Be "MiM Mayfair" itor flf s CWBI w BOtufjF ticipett ia the American National LITTLE SILVER — Mn. Wai Neuty contest lent « Now Jersey and Fieri Exhibit ia the Soviet capital. tor Schwsn. Satan U. recently The mayara af the II a ntr Ruth WaWfarth, M Net- weities kt which Mayfair Mar twaaap Rd.. Middienwt Tewn- kett are Heated jHM he gw tak*. by ttversl huadred vetei QM snvJanw^e ml% B H^n^anmmmmj mnimn^Mnj Vatan. ia one of AM closest races re the final tudgwg corded M nay af Msyfsir's 1 Mayer Oeergt A. Grey of ft« Central Jereey ntarfcets. Buk ef hit npfMtetaitniit wll chair- la all, ever M.SN vette wore ammd the affair^ tW Vat Pel CMC M W HaW*. nBmnmmaat MfiaM. jmnoaM* *J Mam) am? MM Walsh is e former hi catt ia the Red •ask oa majertttt at Red Bonk BJ

wen tw nja to parMripaai kt m ma m*» lenat. snaanom. •o CM ptana

A ^^an%l amV II fmwjgMjaV •aM«H*H«nk •smaSa OkBMnwnmmOmnsmmdB • inimjOJmmJ* I I^BBBJojBJBBBBBamp BJ BBBBJB/BBJH s> wMvto tor m tap east w$ PnMS Hit W^ VNB !!*>

Something New In Sfth Birthday CONSUMIR FINANCING Joseph Grostmaa. ForDAR of Mr. aad Mn. Samuel Zimsr- but, M Mechaak St., Red Bonk, : left with the group June IS. They Impair. Oeughten of me Aner- will demonstrate at the Buselena M Revohjtisn, marked Ma Mm BELL'S btimJay jest Thursday at a birth- bow Americans cast eecret lots by use of voting ley hmfhenn hi Alpine Manor. III Mil, R.I •PAiriBUT guldM for the Shoup Voting Me- ' waa Mra.; Co. Mr. Grammaa,

^HMHk «•_•» ^av dnmak ^atmmMsi <•# asaMk amf) mmBS hi fertiga ntatioM tnm a MMMy ef the aotkmal Md an orphan at ago The etatt while IMag la the UkrahM. Ho la NlllnTran. came la the United Stataa whea SALE ho was II yean old, aad was en- MOW MIKN MONIf CAM I Miff rolled • eehoel • Bayoaat. Hi "nal OMM not apeak »»|"«i at tkat RDS time. Now he speaks Potiah. R«s- lettvaalmo *fae»em|Uitoea I WjNaa«ae«JBt«Ml ir to grvs •tMiiiTfNmum I wwjiiwtPiMiim •ad a Uttle French. sreat spirit af Amerleaa Nytai aklffaa •wettow" He came to Red Beak High •dsnee and the PMONI • WIITI • ar VISIf School ui n freshman, and re- af Ms." / ceived hit Army draft notice on am lacledtd Mn. Ernest the day of his graduation from i Mfl* nOwVf HftVMMf MlVi IELLA Ml*?." high achoot. While ia the Army Oeorgo A. Fischer and Mka LOOM, memben of Ten- Nylaa %9KSP he became a naturalised dttsea. una-tatusa *» Ho mi discharged from the _. Fnokold^ Mn. C. t 77 IIOAD STMIT Army in November. 1M», Frank Bordaa. Mn. Horem B. Mr. Grossman than enrolled hi Oarrisea end Mn. Sherstan I. I ItrnjBi M SMf enm enan * ^^HI n vivsi Monmeuth College. At the end r*HH»)OjMiM of one semester he transfersd Chapter, Mn. Ftonaet BMMT fantfoal MMML Rtf. ffe TdoTi maiMatan. » we* in to George Washington. During hia atsr. Get. Hugh Mercer college career he waa employed t Ofovt City, PI; MM by the Institute of Biological amal I* UaMMloifrftmranliM dmf BOMI Sciences in Washington. Bank. Mra. C. W. DickhtsM. ef Fair Haves. Mrs. Myrtle A. He will enroll m Uw school HOfSACKMw —-——- •• ""—•• —" 11 IB ••• II •"« •*••§ •BOaOt in September to study interne- Ptocknty of Runuoa. Mrs. E. A. Jjwy'nAiitcenaticWash^Wear-^taey^nessrou* Uonal law. Ha plans a career Palm of Matawaa, Mn. Edward ObtrUadtr of Mlddlatewa. Mrs. ™ *"•••»* 1MR yMt MeM tOaHama fAamW 9V* ttnffdmt lam Mm) with the State Department when t_U__#» IU anja-faa a_«-O-f# a-^HMj • . *f J __* A mmm_ • « m ^^^ he finishes tew school. James A. Compton of Porn Am- VOJBBBJBW om VVVaBaT emmewtv anmnrnvwoe boy. aad MiM Evelyn Fetenoi m*m*lewtm\mmA4iym.'n*Tmi*iml*yaal Start Planning of Kensington, Md. pwtam«m4v«bockiaMaotaM...iaMmthMaa Also. Mrs. Jacob B. Rue. a taoan < For Keyport Day of Monmouth Chapter_r , IMPOtne MMUSH Wo have KetthMol Autsmetk Weak la Want Oorde KEYPORT-PreUmlnsry ptaaa «»* librarian for the etate a» fnai «ke vary KgbM la taa very etefcs-aad at NV for the ennual Keyport Day c«le-c<«ty; nd the followiag Moa- uka.IfmiyMvlaMtMateatfi _ Mrs. PLAIDS Haari Haaaaa and Charlet Appw- . _ andMn. gata, c«

to to MUM kF IMim HUM —SSMtMl tOTAI. ASimnD BWBNDmnUB •, mtMt.U DoenaiSBrordi an wider Folds have useable swlmg -«p teate d apace for ila big people. The drivMbait tvnaol Is lower and rear teats ire tnd out of a Ford with ^I ^d I l way acrojM. This means Tht gkferasl QOOfB e a a Me? gen... eeMclany fertile hthriddk

dividends yoa gat la a Ford. Taa gat taa WorkTt Most •eaaMfaBy PinjaHluaa Ctr. Yoa got a Mg dividend . FcrdprloM... the aa* tewamm ____.. WIM.n S1TT,TM.» 4 UMH llM^vabl. ««.„«..„„„._. . , lowest of the best-tolng three. Aad wa got ; (.235.31 OkwtM to Sii^iiiii>^ rHV«iiu.T™'.M M.0M.0O living dividend! that eat eon ovary masyon TOTAL. ASCCTt .MlT.Ml.ti drive. See and AcUaaTtstsnew Ford at year mm. MBURVBS AMD SUlll'LUS FordDeakr't.SMl»wyouoingolaor...wla IUMTTM andd OUcOU r LMMUULM M . " more osaaon,.. tor MM • • • • a now Fordl row MviiioN, MR^(a>%Ba|MeW«

Trar 19*7 costs so little... 110606 M means so much MOUNT-ENGLISH SALES CO. AUMTMm, TOTAb 90 Monmouth Stroot R«d Rank, N. i. sunoBT axraNvrruiuis I ml*. il<«m Mi f (tm »ikw> Pirk SHodyiid* 1-6000 eflwi'MMtXlllMM TOTAL S3IS,IM.H Check your car * Check your driving * CHECK ACCIDENTS' Liquor Tftkctt forth Day B^BMVMMBBT JMtv fa

T fii Draws 500 IW^^Pp WWw ^Ws^r W^»^^"Wr|P' a^Pr^PFBaa^BF HB^an^ f^B^HpBB> •••••T* ^F^^P r^^^"^^^^"ff • Mi OHt Halt. NMH; rAJaaiar girls, Teny •teak amtlag at 6m In Raritan MM. Balpk Uytoa. Nwanaa Mhry. «• Dsyls sarf las Maf- aal Katalaca Dnylc aal Mary B4., Monday Bight. Corn- »a DOHTFSRfff KAMTAN ^BM^BV CMMVMC; juaiar «, DaasM were aooUaated I at Ike Lag Calsi Tag) Haw*, ftt Pat Raw aa4 Janet Scully; f«ai«r projects outlined lor tke year. KeaaMiiaas ear* Friday fee fint UHII Yen* Day a#a» girli, VicSi Row** ami Kubya Pretent were Mrs. td*«rd at saaBsatad ky »e Csaway •aarsc and Barbara Wads mt Boylaa. Mn. Jack Fowler, Mrt. | aa4 Bkftaitf Dsaas. G dM Pcrao. Waodrow Ul»s, Mrt. Garrett Cor- -liaCsrl To Street Alas iatermtSMto heyt, Eiiw Mr*. Nicholai Tortorell*, costs solittki.. lit aaid entry was gaiaad kg HH Fint Army lead, lad ky LoPactj u4 Jflha Hutttr; ialar- Mrs. Jgha Jotuuon. Mn. Josepn HMUas caatest. Coiao, Mrs. Jack Morgaa, Mrs. Mktag a viaasoT ia a aids «aat i eater sjasitf frsat t» Sekeef- V girit. Patricia means so much aai tata CsMate. d FraacM Mi , Wiiliam Hejht, Mn. John Flock Wars. mt DavM Hy iisr aeyk. Joha •anatt bait, Mrs. William Diem, Mn . flu kMacatiaa was at** Joha Banker; saalar girls, Car- Harry Seylu. Mn. Edward Bail- • ky Rev. NOTJM ft. May. sly t Kaftlaca Mtkr. bay sad Mn. Arthur Paulini. S^UAU si St Ma's ~ FWiTssai No problem nndmi lantnU whtn you DANCM6 SNINB, aai awds si MnHIH Th« KrfUI ••)-Ad V top* Harry fc iar kays, Bsny Hymu, Dwglas TaMa aad BUly BichaMad; wk- Jsatar girl., Diw Wsiakrat. ran* Day ejssaa aad ks« ty Uada BABST aad CMstis Briar; HasaM f. 4HNPV SflMMB* ifeflV NM ^s^BaV I*** keyt, David Hyaua. Ed- ward LaPacki aad BMCS Wart*- ACBURY PARK - Hareid I Cttyata, EsvfoBktawa, ass ki «aia; juaior girli, Darts Makaa; SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT iatcnMdiata koyt. Bokart Bstt- sd ky Jersey Cantral t»; Beraie Bmidi aad Timaoty a. tight fampsay ss ftaHtag; aniar kays, Wspy ttuter. Joha Bumber aad Jiai He kas Ms afflca ia tke utility's TUNE IN Aakary Far* buildlag. Ml Graad Ave. itandiaf broad jiiBh>.s>ik|ao> A WHTG-SUNDAY, JUNE 18 Tatar aad * boys. Billy Rkaaaaad aad af Ea|liaka»wa, Mr. Osytea is law," aad ay tks tat Jeff Lader; aub-Junier ajris, s graduate ef Mahnraa Mali Msrtam Pelleeriaa. Diaas Weis- COAL Irene ea "HMsrv at lease!. Ha is a veteran ef WerK Hit PN YOU« IAMO MM. ftwaship aad (fee kret and Eileen Murdy; Junior War II, aad served as a Iraa." keys. Braes Wertfnreia, David sergeant wMh tka U.i. Air Wianarafths Hyman and Richard Repsr; Jm- in Paleetia*. Nsflk Africa, We- H)K AN IMPOKT4MT MESSAGE FROM iar girli, Nancy Beehler and PRICES a tUt U. I. lly, Italy, Cerate*, Egypt and Deris Mahoa; intermediate keys,Libya. Ha is a member ef the Rahert Bottger, Rill Christian- Marlboro Fire Caasnany, sen, Gregory Tarts sad Ed A. S. MILLER Grant; senior keys. Ma Bar- •wtt, Bob CiaadaHl aad Joha IPPBM HMv^V OV —SHOI COMPANY— Bumber. wksa chlRsd; serve as a' first Chairman el Venn Dey was 1INOA9ST. Bernard Imita, assisted ky Mrs. Chads Morgan. Mr. aad Mrs.

Warraa Ment- M baas various

Rsfrsshmsnts were soid by *s Coundl of Parsat-Tsaehsr Asss> datkma with profits to ba divM- sd aasoag ths fsar kMraaMs NANCE ft DAVIS Paraat-Tsacber gnues. Tbs . tint sld ssjaad was a* all dty to *

Infant Baptised At Union Bead. UNION BEACH - Laarie Ora- tory. Infant dtvjhMr af Mr. aad Mrs. Edwia Orsaary. Center St., wu baptissd luadsy ia Holy Family Catholic Cbarch by Rev. Joseph 0. Fox. Godparents ware Mr. aad Mrs. Vincent Tassitiaao, Jfrllsilstphla • ^"tUfffHuakHahjBjgvi •OTtlfjnfBRda^JlaosmoaaJl aeAamyVWVr WII|SJBJWf^am^BaBfeaaeoi| ^kT|•asttnl kKPJ AAaaWi TvMst^BAaa^I TwnffSVoTalTawVa)AaBBiSBiA0AaMAai^^v a>aaatBi ImomV t IV Vft tome of bsr parents. M eeyij air sene'rHealaf werb mere effestively; laralsKiais are ereteeiesi treat Guests were Mr. aad Mrs. Fred CuoMoro and children. Oar leaf esaariaiwa as manNftctwrers af Una swnlnts will kelp yea theese tka rifht ttyla Mr. aad Mrs. Richard Nebus, and eater semelnarlaai tar yew keese. All ef the materials asea In ear awalasjs are Ida Ksyport; Mr. aad Mrs. Ttoaus bait available, anal aeraaMliy trainaeJ Bersenasl make and lusted tkem, Molcahsy. Jersey City; Mr. aad •- Rabstt HoMea sad an, CALL TODAY POt A Mil BTIMATI flBVaftaWa; Mfl%Mmma imij.WlaUUa_ t ONsTfc.l- Jfekul BamataVA ltamliB>sl mmi lea* Assboy: Mn. An ffsnfj fiMiaiv.ywri vn . kJa aad sea, Mrs. William Gregory, Mr. aad Mrs. Jobs Fa- aaa, Mr. aad Mrs. Jack Cook, STANDARD AWNINO CO. iMr. aadMrs. Aadrsw Msstacs Charles Manlier. Pro.. • fatablftM IMT CMtwMt MaV* rfM'BVIfMal a>l§ MVRIOAB SH 1-0414 Um HAWM money sad Mrs. EdwmV ItUss, Ualea Don't Miss LAWRENCE WELK'S SPECIAL ANNIVER3ARY SHOW! Celebrating the Start of His 5th Year with Dodge Coming Junt 27th on ABC-TV... Check Your Nrwifxperfv Tim Mi Sutim


BORROW YOU f AY MONTHLY YOM It MO. It MO. MMO. tut %UM $11.71 ttt 41.71 tun UM •M TtJi 47.71 UM •7Jt IV.7I 4M4 I INI 1I1JI tfJt M.7I 1 MM 111.71 14IJ1 114Jt

• Tutfien, taxes, meaileil and dental bills, vaeatlaa axpenses ... jutt abavt any werrhwhlla aaad yav have far manay M» ba mat with a maatMy rapaymant loan . • QUICKLY and In a btiijneisllke way. And, remember.. only at Merthanft Trust y«i nave LIFi INSURANCI •rotaeflan with The Motreaalltan LHe Iniuranea Ca. The insurance will be applied avtamatleally ta tha unpaid balanca of your loan, reliavina yeur family ar attata af financial abllfatian. A Whole PFagonload of Exciting Features! Your family will just love a. Dodge Sierra. It's so big and roll-down rear window.) And it's so economical to operatal roomy and so much fun. (Hint: Perfect for your summer vaca- • (Dodge delivered 21.7 m.p.g. in the Mobilgas Economy Ran, tion!) It's loaded with the newest advances, topped all can from the low-price V-8 clan on up.) RaaUy, too. (Rear-facing Observation Lounge with fold-down rear it pays to own a Dodge. sWhy not stop in and drive a Sierra seat, locked luggage compartment, bne-pieca tailgate with Station Wagon this week? VS. Be sun to bring the family. IT PAYS TO OWN A '59 DODGE i\'» Madam . .. It's A DIVISION OF CHMSLEK COKPOUrtOtt i DODOS DBUVIRSJ SM.7 M.P.* TO •COM VICTORY IN MOBIL4A* BCONOMY RUN MM

, ISO IROAD STREET, RED IANK FRANK VAN SYCKLE, INC • 149-153 W. Front St H«nb*r F«Unl DtvMl! Inturucb Corporatism a Meakor fodtret BOMTVO „ JBatinJl- *•»•• *» *"* ****** [Graduate AUor^Romry CIVE OR HND Given Party Season Ends WEST KEANSBURG — Ray- IHYBEErKIIBB Froa Drag Store mond Vaccarells, son of Mr. aad T. HODKISS

llWi-l Mn. Raymond VaccareUa, Essex ATLANTIC] St., recently gradusted from Key- at n.mmm port high school aad was give* at the AMar- a party ia his home. O»r Lady at SH 1-4010 ef W fmae VWu'i Dg Gueeta were Mr. aad Mrs. Roy rint Aw.. Thursday aajht fitiiMt Chawh. 0 wm Kolb. Jr., aad family. Mr. Accerdiag « P"" *- '•"I' Mm. Roy Kolb, Sr. Mrs. Edith gaiatd through • «•»•* •**•• Westeadorf, Mr. and Mrs. Ar- The theft «M discovered vhea thur Heaningsea and family, Mr. Patrolman RJchsrd Davis heard OM (lore's burglar aUrm rto| and Mrs. Eliworth Sheppsrd, Mr. chainaaa, Mrs. Jsntes Mowery tag at about M:4S p. m. was has llowan they B"r ^*BV -^BP^ "^B*-- -^BBPF- ^ -^^ •« "^ Pstmtmaa Davis and Sgt. Nel- Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Veccanl- am Morriay Investigated but re Is, Jr., Mr. and Mn. Anthony mm wai found ia the store. The Vaeearella. Ir. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Di ta cash taduded IU hi bilk aaBKBaMBb ga^BkjSkjh^^s^gajs^sB^Rdaaf U# Al._ Morey LaRue d IN toquarter s and skteli Fritco, Mr .and Mrs. Chester TWO PaTOBSOIIBIBB — W. MM . . . _ _ drugs were ssisstog Pullman. Mr. snd Mrs. Joseph UVeglio. Mr. aad Mn. Wallace rational director of EISCO laeWriee, ho* 71 Woe* McPheraoa, Mr. and Mn. Cart St., Rt4 lank. conn.reflates Deaejei C. ROBOT. erica. Mr. aad Mn. Tea* AaWRY PARK - Richard fet WVoraieri. both of River Rosa, on faok roi Malay aad Me head win appear Sally AM Felder, Roger Tho- motions. Mr. Roper wss pnmtHi H fanorol „_. hi the Ceaveatioa HaB Saturday mss, Mr. and Mn. Gus Baljoch, from office maaafor, iastera reflon, one) Mr. MVoratorl from I p. m. ta 1 a. m. Betty Mr. aad Mn. Jack Lynch. Mr. wet promote* to leivara Aaae Stash) Is the featured vo- snd Mrs. Henry Urban. Mr. aad calist. Silled as tha "stand the Mrs. Arthur Stover, Mr. aad Mn. iestara reflonel aeewwtent. Dancers Demand.' the Maltby Arthur Rabufta aad daughter. •p has II lamhirs. Msttby ash* William SuUivaa, Mr. aad Mm.Frottat Actions Worn OB, tkf • tANITOtwl NY CUANtt • television Arthur Rodriquez. Mr. aad Mn. of IMS, Pat Hillsron, Mr. aad Mn. Ed-Of Argentina TMHTON -The HMbOT*|| •to bit appeared oa severs wsrd Swsnker. Mn. Helen Goa- The Red Beak Congregation! of TV shows with hia band. clon, Misses Msry Barba, Marie ! 4f IACH Tucker, Patricia Muaamg. Uadn Jehovah's Witnesses wen told •day algtit that Jehovsh's Wit- Ebd part ef Sto New Jersey Mete L Vaccarella, Gloria Rodriquet __nao la Argeatiaa have been Isijliyieiel fanrlm gajd Wp Ronald Wilsoa, Daniel Jacfcaoa, denied their constitutional rigate Joka weak. The crop sad < 3 Motorists Thomat Leonard, Robert of free assembly and worship. naaSalt daVMaaaaal ^u-y^jut^-^A ^_f SdMMaaW flgaaaaaal anaaaa^BBaaV BaWaaJ nsdy, Robert Mulrooaey, Robert • VKBjBjw talVBW wBjpiMBBJf BBBBJaM no Caatral Jane? MM fc> Chrony, Jsy Phillips, James aad A vote of protest wu taken Are Fined sad plans discussed to petition CQBMI AIMMI mk OH Tnomai Jsnnsrone, James Potto, the Argentine Republic to cornet Hum SEA BRIGHT - Three mo-Ben Ochineeo, Ace Cottretl torMa wen fiaed Thunday night John Mehler. the restrictions laid on the C. ia municipal court by Magistrate group's activities. Morris, 41 OaUewa Rd.. Pair Job* P. Weir. Deaais Bennett, presiding g*a> Tfeqr were Paul T. Bloods Mar ban, said that in spaa ooff P. UMa, IT worth, M Stratford Rd, NewMr* U atada byy thHIWeJ »*, New Shrawibunr. aad R. E. Salmeri ind children of luaayslde Rd. atasy liberal •at JaMa T. Date. 41 141 North Lavett Ave., Uttle attended a diaaar hi tha ft. Adal-•ado by the , ArgMttaiPaiik Am. • Silm. oath II) for delinquent—bert -ChurcSi la Elisabeth Sunday. government that ousted the Pe» ». The Ant ~ diaaar wu la hour at Mr.T • m^— mnm i*mAnUm fawaAwa* Mflaa^dM awaMhaa aaawfti aaal vaa^at Inipipttoa. aad) Nicholas Porte- ™ Ml fMUMt • Ifw aWXB*a*«MwR*w) WW WB OTPWV JHw Waal •• Sipi' rella. M Jolioa Aw., Long Gibeon't stint. Hater Amelia, who nUHoua groups that wewenn da. H. aad ttw tilt BMW afWr will Branch. Ill for not havtai a ceMoraiag atr mw jaawM. camd illegal by Prrea hava yat ha tajt P driver's ttoease la" Mn. Cbarlaf Coot tt ftOwaa Rd. llmouth Madietl Caatar. iraan aka llwaa • wrgtctl patteat Mlaa Linda Hi—oad. du liter of Mr. aad Mn. Victor Haav mond of StilwtU Rd., hai return- Mortgage lied from a viilt with her brother Dand aMer-la-law. Mr. aad Mn. llJoaeph Huimoad, to Tnu. Mr. aad Mn. Joaapb Caprioal, Money Available llPriciUa Dr., entertalaad waek at dinner for Mr. aad Mn. • PROMPT IMVJCI Pnak C. Cook aad childna Dta> • WatlWIATl ClOWt M. Norma aad MtehaaJ of taat- ||da. V/aib, • MO MMAYMtMT PR Graduatta la thla ant tro Bat- |ty Jane Coi, Centervitle School, tmttt: Douglaa WUUanw. Lw> MODERNIZATION LOANS llMrdo Grade School, and Joseph TUMI. Red Bank Catholic High llfchooL Mr. and Mn. Joaeph Capital MARINE VIEW SAVUIGS llaad aono Michael and JoHp\«t- Ntended a family get.together at II Sand Piper Beach Sunday at the AND LOAN win homo of Mr. aad Mn. Milton URiktr. It aleo waa the birthday of MioDLnowN omci iMn. Norma Cook, BetfonJ. Mn. IIM HMHWAY II HCiprioal'a grandmother. Others preaent ware Mr. and Mn. Mar- Oil-Mil IPNa Cm«n, otUa Clark and aona Larry aad liOany of Bottord, Mr. and Mn. Matthew Barrab and son Alex ander of Oakhurat and Mr. aad ATLANTIC HKtHLANDS Mn. Frank Cook aad children of |IS iUfff AVaMIM ATLANTIC HWHUSJIMI nSeattle, Wash. AT 141M K revolution was Bided In Venezuela In 1112 I watt aa earthquake destroyed aU lammun!tk» of the rebels.

Get two NORGE APPLIANCES IN ONE "Show me a Rambler owner and

AaOVI I'll show you a Rambler salesman" ... to put most used Items .dr^ within omy reochl •?•>. "YM can fat hi and

Ownen know that Rambler fivta them bask excel* IVBVBJ m WIMSff WS) ROMBMf OWfNJIS kwa iht but buflt, flosat quality car to America. Tt^^wbymwtrfuswilevorvbodv-kKkjdlnttha Mks from Hplm M*tkmkt-bow happy we an bring wed right out w ywl Evary *Btylln|BJ smart snd but nott SWdy."|eady.w— with our I9S19999 Ramblers. And you can bett that thist AUTOMATN MPMtlwM Vkt*Sw ''wordornouth"d f h"" sellin lli g is oneb bii g reason why "Anaas I959leauatlmnported: outsells all but two Amtricu msJcet ia "RAMBLBk dmnntl sjg from Maine to California. M1/62 fa. ttwRnrianrSbianl If the 1M9 models of die make you'n driving now Six rates hb car 'poor*. asDdrtm"-Malae have gted nnd priced themselves oot of all mson. •Very good readability. Von sttbb) on why don't you doUke I did? See your Rambler Dealer. Mtt Rscofd by cmy Aincfkflfi Ccw You'll noon bo one of Rambk/a best salesmen, too. "Actually. I •Ihe V< has teal power and pick aa, M «• cJat) of all Rambler owmn givo p aatrwaB^Ll a^aat aaf Baaaaat aaaV.^'^^taBaaaBaV afWalaBnaB tBaieMHaM AMERICAN MOTORS CORPORATION EASY TERMS NO DOWN PAYMENT rating. nmtthibtstrttordachltndbymyAmtrkm RAMBLER • ULV1NAT0R • METROPOLITAN ear tine* our Owmn Ktporl mkt btgm ii I9SO... "DOUBLE VALUE" TRADE-INS AU THIS WEEK! uaually four ot five percent rato their aua*poor.'Oo> eaiionally, u many at 10 percent" IOLD, HRVICfO AND OUAIAMTRD IY YOUR QUA1ITY NORM MAIM Read thaw excerpts from Topvkr Medmki and ON what we owners like bait about our Ramblem: "We an arersging 19 SJOCS per gaBoa onr<«l aad fed that thla Six wfl get fraas 23 to ISjalse oa loaj trlpi."-New Mexico onto sataager. The ride is a pleasant aitonishment to us sJL"—(Nils BETTER HOUSEKEEPING SHOP school supervisor. "Body Is very tight UsaaUy by chtckap thaa SALIS AND smviei then an rsrtles to be tskea cam of. Raaridsr has none."-Malne boasiwtfe. M MONHOilTH STREET RED BANK "Gasoline and oil bilU we almost half what they wan SHodyiide M310 • Mdny Nlfbr 'HI «:I0—Preo Perking dadBV dn# ConamajA %aVaal#a» R•#•• wT dJIVJIfJ «"BBB Y/vHITw The Compact Rambler...America's No.l Success Car B mfc Btafawf ^a_^B__«B_t_- | •aaaaal ** ' " ' aaammaV

Need BB^G'r ^B^B^B"BBB" BBBB* BPBBB^r BBBBWB^BB* WrBpv' eFaW affl M fa MM MN^f 25Eff llFor Him fc Thone Books oV Freehold area aad book*. IIOaMrooini i tacmtiet auto it it* Wednesday ia Red Bank and tur ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS-AC ilar Ito giftad rounding communities. SUNDAY to Dr. James S. Can- child. Out Saturday The directory in the Asbury KM, priaeJail ef the Hi(h School,1 Lack Approximately Ul,7sa copies ofip«rk area will have a drawing FIAR HAVEN 4 Tha Haty MM ptapiiaid iwlocMmior region- cmtre •aid; ha* ranaritl tkm Monmouth County tele- of Convention Hall in Aithury Name at Mrtviry ~ al echanf will enable school ef- ntny pUns !w expending the phone directory will be diMrih- Park on the eov*r while a draw- Uc Church will I buffet i sMass to provide aa aipaaded curriculum te toshelved , uted beginning Saturday, the ii>4'•", o"f* Sandcan^y» HooUA^k L Lighthouse!peI ir.u*k»..eAl r Sunday from 9 la T a. m. ia aantashiai. it wat aba anted that the New Jersey Bell Telephone Com- will be on the cover of the Redthe church hall, Kaily to the proposed »roasa eepted pdadpie ia edwettian to-pany aaaounced today. This rep- Bank area directory. The direc- general chairman, be aetad that uaprave- day io wat esjual edycetioaal ep> tory for the Freehold area will and hit committee ceuld to awdt la tan- portMHiaa to previdet far aU retain the drawing of Old Teath- e nkeeu featuriagjehichaa sal- mathaiaatict. ait —. (hildrn. Aa Initial diatributioa of the dinen- t Church oa its cover. ad, aad akw aerve BAMBOO SALE! FOLDING .___ MATCHSTICUATa*U€nraKf t*A« Hn. Iwt I. Mnmto, all at CURTAINS-NA^ DOORS TWK». 1VLA1 SplaHar aolofti Wliito, cecee, turejuaise. SATURDAY Site Natural Mf 1.|f 2.4f

NATUtAL MATCHSTICK J MAPfKIU « Ttowawrtml MC sairmm toad aad a trophy. Tto ^CHANNIL Reedy t* hana; *eaaaj far tj For Contest aWav* 4VM MOMM NHMfaMMk Wlu TUT ACTION dVaaary pint, Wide ear, wil ha meaftr a| M" long 72" long to or. M" hmi lar Ito HMte Haw }m> Paaewtag tto mitM ft scam r there walto ito sir a.ff 4i ^*^ Problem mg fttta Water W Quaaa" toa»- ty caaaM J^r I *t • •• P.* 4.4t n" UTTU SUV** -" The head & CW«M TbMHf . Mtf lajk, il 4 49 1.99 "" at mi toraagat Cr*U " aiga Plctare at tto Year" by §'.49 7.19 >»" Maw York Pma Crttca aad 1.99 Than Mat twanad a aaadal •rlat at tto 1.49 11.49 lUesme - part of (to CD-DC Ptta PaaHval. Tto film group-to do. la pnatatad aattnty ta EagUa. 9.79 1349 Comatimrty, tat/re •* aafr Jaycee Edward OJbadla it gea- Hag me ajaaftaaoi 4fW CMatnataM if tfet avMMtV CftaV 71 Pf. • I Vr. a^4 ttMff B^HMIB BI That, la effect, a) what Jay OaJa|y4aaIadapaadaaeeOey OARNN HOSE IAMIOO I0U.UM toad at tto CD-DC or- panda wil togta at I:M p. m. Far uta airJelooft told Ito Mayor 4' lan , V wide I at TaaaJay aigbt'i i Mew at • » •.ta laatta t ftark. 199 9 U" tlaU, compWa with lag- ; SPECIAL SALE! Mr. B*rger. ia a letter ta AUL AltftrHHUM CAR RODS hardware. aovtralag tody, said to woaM To Decide IV. l,0f *' ilia tto Fatoa Ktmnwt ta to COMIINATION aeed far traftlc daty and ta tova 34V r .:.,wt r aa appottMisty fa rtde oa iaa> Ua# psWaJ WB»—"" ~- On New Job 4' -|.1f. •' The Red leak Board of Ed* Storm & Screen Shower Tub laaV Mr. BaiL catta* win have a epecial meet- r -tit io' to ef cmt help to tto Reeervat | Enelosurts « i,^, ,7»h»7s» g Mm VT w »" wide ayM" hag. C atg»m. latto boroagh hall Mb Adversary Stow. Mr. Won- STbokJe t^baetotoStreer t School, elor of art da- ^^ ^^^^r^^ aaaW aaaamammje OMW aamaw WaW H aUaBHaWaWT Watrei BPMt Bfrom iMfln BaaveBMSBWAr P CollageCfll . Her toMr.Caa*. "Taught" SLEEP LATER aat wtl to Edward leriea. Edward M. SosiJt, F. Tana, Caarta* B. will teach haadictpped children duvlaaal aV •djaajkaaa WINDOW SHADES lMMaaa< We ^PMBaavaaaq IN STOCK-NO WAITING aai warn aha BBB. Lat Chtaf FnMZiaflar. At H»JaycM Carnival . BBAA degree from Bait Stroudt- VIV Wwvwl VtW MOT* Mv ta "" »* C College tad la to tatoa Water Carnivalal through tto weakak- IS9UIRI tip at tto'mattlat hi *at of tad ef Jaiy IS and It. will 11 Hsfa ma namag at huge. Ner w Jene~ y Water M Cnaiwawa bo HJN. ALUMINUM COMIINATION aaal faal Chais* af aaaara- MM It ftdr faaV emm an told oa tto Navtsmk Ttoboar totd voted to get tatur- Mn. River. aace oa all aehool articleartklet, worth WINDOWS 2" »,'m Pmaaet Ava. .O^wtatraneldeatoefMaw|iajoraion. Twice ia thepeat TO FIT MOff WINDOWS! SKBI ' ^Aammmmi A vlfaaml fm^hfal ^ m late ClOOVfT NTS .a^aBPBI a^B^B^B^BBBBB^ * W TaWBBm W^BBJ^^ ^^H iWJ* *%*5 ••"J* "•" «**""l valued atmore NHM wha Yaa-er Wei Deliver ^a-"'art-US!!L!?YACHT CHAIR al 9 kinds of ITCH ralftrbMbicw ant, far pail, firdrm> m wty, for mtie ttttinU «•» a brhM f ito aild Ptarco Ava. aad South ALUMINUM LAWNUTE Mber torch flute. Ttm gt, fro* tto Juugg beadle toCor - be tch urti«, aftor S | Itaf Aw., will toto ready toac - way dictors do! YACHT CHAIR 6" Alawliwaiflwttlitomjiittt tioiitl Mtck, tele, an At Ito BUM time, Mr. Van i! SCALLOPID AND FRINGED AM ALUMINUM frtet/WIOttlShl Xauna taU 111 permlta have tow lamed to date while pay- POLMN* CHAIH ftVycwfcn? •tat hat beta received for m. flnea Tweed / Wahe Ito ooaaoettoa fee It ITS, the ]; runic atcrotary taid. HAMPDEN He ttatad tha tyitom weal tato WINDOW UMNHIA TAJIK tl tt titf • Ntrvowbch hat bamgolag well." WHITI ONLY 42" 14 Mr. Vaa Kourea added SHADES "BabMtowa people team WHITI ONLY 4T' aaa tomato i Al •w #• fek

MACH UMMUUAS DUUM rutwiMt 4 Gencratioiu Attend with AlvnlMM 4th Birthday Party L^. 00 INSUUTIO RAM ATLANHC HIOHLANQS-Mr. 1 SWIM RINt>S aad Mn. Nlcnolai Oiguo, Sean WINDOW 00 FULL LENGTH Ava., entertained at a party Tuet- 1 TORCHES 1 day to celebrate tto fourth birth- DOOR MIRRORS day of their eon, Nicholas. AWNINGS 1 FOINT Naw formula contains 6 antMtch Ingredients HAMMOCKS Four generations were repre- DELTOX FUEL 89, aented. Gueitt were hit. mater- to soothe pain, spted healing, stop itch fasti aal greit-grandmother, Mrs. El- 3OORA CLOUTS eanor Smith of Old Bridge, and 7* If yow hov q chary accomt > hit maternal grandmother, Mn. CRAWFORD Thomas Fowler, thit place. SBSSSB JOHNSON portnent %ton in fhtj IMITSO ! •""riikofinfsctionfromKrtich. IACR RUTS Other guestt were Mr. i L£^IlavLSW I? "* *!?• l*eiuli CALAMATUM CHAIM PADS Mrs. Edward Kelch and daugh- ^u^!rcV*i,enm **"' ""•"* llUo '"owl > Pi** banian havt a chara* account of I ter, Karen, and Misses Linda and ystopsitehingandbura- -won't rub off untilyou CANVAS DOOR CANOPY SUN LOAPIRS Evelyn White and Ruth Stryker, ^ Inioneootsct-ioothes wash it off! Get cooling, soothlnt 12H ^ painandti«bealln CAUMATUM Ointotnt 42" wMtfca • BUDGET TEHMS • FREE Port Monmouth; Mr. an dMrt. S DAILY and SAT. S A. M. it I F. M. Harry Patterson, Naveslnk; Mr, me, Elective evtr ' without pntnipikm. CHUT MITAL FRIDAY I A. M. te I P. M. and Mn. Melvla Card and daugh- OHi iff oiwi mm IANOAM CHAIR PAPS ter, Linda; Mn. Frederick Cook 7 DRAWIRS and Mn. Thomas Lewis and son,OI95» bbdlaa rhtrnaeat Coiaonnaa, fiaytm Fart, Davtr, Del. Jamas, of Atlantic Highlands. FOLDING CHAIR fun Rail Drugs SCRIMS RICOVIR KITS Noted composer Cole Porter JCINCH 3 PANIL WADINO POOLS «M» SHawytMe 1-7IM atudled law In hit first year at CORNIR IROAD AND WHITI ST. WIDI Harvard. He quickly switched to Harvard School of Music. RED IANK, NIW JIRSIY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••#••••••••••••••• River House Inn Sarvaal Daily 5 P. M. io 10 P. M. Sun. 12 tot- BUY WRECT Fr« The

AU MAM Of r CLEAR R»WOOt LfJNOJIONS NOW IEIN6 SiRVEO II te 1 P. M. The Ariitacrat af Sea Feed >ec*a*aal|

moral create** M • aet«ra project »y bar avails in tfce Sbrawtaufy 6f CRABGRASS BLUES? TIM e*iMre« maldac) tf.* Mrefc af aepw-Maehe ana paiftraa them. PaWaej tba otriaft ta maaiawlate tfce •*•• ««4 •»••• them "fly" fram tka aasts ara, left te rifM, Kail Obsa*, Shirley KMWH, fleeffray M«N«Ny, Nancy Caran, Mary Sfcarp, 61CM Ira. OINKAL ton aac) Daniel Skew (pwtiY vWWcl. The nwrel wet a calmiiMtiea «f • MM •# werk ekeut kirah. The iWy laclweea1 a trip te a tiro] farm in laftliktawii. Other aaeilt wke warae*) M the »w|ect were rVeak Clark, lyaaa ReM, Ways* Se*t»»lch, Oeaite fentta. leraerai Aikan. Irnca SakaiMan, Rabart OHa. Mlakaal Ma««ira, Haloa Zamr* ana* Jalm aM Stttan Skimalii.

OSUSWAINN PAarr lATONTOWN-BsMa AM H* Out Again, emujMer afMf.aaiMn.RJV> Group Fetes •Otbfrau Coalral •Mad Mill. Wyckafl Ret. eat •WM4 Caatnl •Fnt Control Uined same of her eighth grads In Again Frank Smith gradaala dsssmatca at a party Mrs. Atlee Peay, IT^af Lang FOUT MONMOUTH - Pnas la her home Friday aigp. (reach, wke was ssntaacea ta tj •ttb,^ OartklavOrMt Hajal. IN ays la the county Jan April IT ad b ythe guests, Msry LM La-by Red Be* Magistrate Johe V. sfadal cartMcttoof FOUR PIECE GROUP GMMALSMAY den. Gloria Myers. Carol Back- Crowed for betas drank aad die- his "Hag. faithful aad dis- er, Judy Caiafale, Jsaaaa orderly was back Maadsy oa the tiae>labeer service ta the Mssv a CuaMI T«He • N.J. Goazalss. Rodasy TnmmeU, same chare* and received a M- moutk Ckaatar. foclety of Tammy Stesaham, Jimmy Brh> dsy Jsil grapbie IcwaHsU and EagtaMtra. i sad Douglas Label. Police Sgt William F. Patter- IMI, «t a dtaMr Ava., little lirvtr. Dr. _JSt Carl , Watea r St.,, TlakkM Ernest Fruier, V, of IN Baak Falte. aad Barnard Mailow, » WE WELCOME COMPARISON WITH ANY OTHER SETS St.. Red Baak, wu Weed IN aad Obra PI., Shnwabury. a 9May suspended sen* Jaaiph Mafjaraclaa. M leaca ancr nemg rauno guiiiy av Avfi| URN W & C assault snd battery on Ms wife, that Dr. Rickv an Mn. Grace Frailer. It wasnrdW. II Edison Ava., niath appasrsnee hi ^j^wlU be tba abw MaasWpal Cosrt. p p HWY.71 CA 3-4143 Others fined were William Cote- aatioaal board af directors. AT TKB I man. 45, of II Lelghtoa Ave., fit, V. Q. Kelly. II Seventh Ava.. drunk and disorderly en Shrews- Atlantic Higklaadi. wu comoUt- OpmlMty 10 4. Af. tm 10 P. M*S**d*y$ VntU * P. Af. bury Ave., Red Bank; Lynn Car- Ma chairman of tin diaaardaaea, ter. 47, of IM Leishton Ave., Redheld to commemorate the N Baak. tU, drunk and disorderly. aaahwraary af tka nuadiag ••^•'T • W*W -. 4™e™s1p™r%^^"^™r™s™lw ' WT%1W»™T«T^B™SJIIB WMB™S™J and Mn. Juliet Hamilton, 31, of H Winchester Dr.. New Shrews- bury. US for stealing *M3 worth ^KiS/ ^•A^hM^lfeiA ^h^BiliBl^h aT^^Bft^BB ^Sj^hBAiaW^^-^•••f ^ N nlvrCneUHUaW HOrH.NVWDCrTyf store. Mrs. Kendrick Heads WSCS HIGKLANDS-Mrs. William B Kendrfck wu kMtallad as prcsi dent of the Women'! Society nf Christian Service of the Methodist Church at. a meeting la the rec veation room* Mn. Frederick W. Krill Kivenicie Ifeijthts, new president af the fww Brunswick district, wu iaatalUaa officer. Onara butaDed were Mn. O. L. WhltfMd. vka pnaidnt; Mn. Ralph Newman, treasurer; Mn. Robert Robertson, recording sec retary; Mn. Robert M. Johnson, MnotkM secretary; Mrs. Edwin LaRue, supply secretary; Mn. Retina Hurden. secretary of mis- try educatkMdi . and MMn . EdEd- ward Duncan, secretary of spir- itual life. Pive secret pats cewbnted their'birthdays with Mn. Joseph Patterson, polr/aima chairman, la charge and Mn. Kenorick aad iMn. Ivins Voorhtcs as co-hos- tesses. Celebrants were Mn. Ed- ward Duncan, Mn. Robert John- Mn. Robert HenM, Mn. Ralph Newman and Mn. Robert

Mn. Kendrick was la charge of the recent clam chowder sale. About 20 attended. The meeting will be Tuesday, 100% NYLON TWIIO fttftUUttY tf.fl Mrmculeui w»»r and «*»y nwlnttnanw. th«d* •Uins Uk« m|(e. Gold TWM4, Betga Twatd, B«iga tod EAI Product Black and Whit*. 12'. IS' widths. Receives Award WOOL AND NYLON TWIST LONG BRANCH - Electronic G'uaraatMd doubl* th« waar of comparable wool Associstei. Inc., this week, re- •arprt. 13* widths in Nutria, Orcy. ceived the "Product of the Month" award from Space Aero- nautics Magatine (formerly AvI- ALL-WOOL TWIID MOADLOOM ation Age) for iU new transis- Colorful, practical tweed* In permanently moth- torised analog computer. Mtefed 100% wool. laiy to elttn, no footprints •' The plaque wu presented by Mtf IS* widths In Wheat, Forest Floor, Sand. G. Peter O'Neill, Space-Aeronsu- tics representative.. ALL-WOOL TREE IARK TWEED The new computer, called the 4 hmndaems tweed texture loomed of permanently PACE TR-lt, wu selected by •MUt-proofed wool. A most exciting effect. 12' widths MeMHAtLT Space-Aeronautics from many la Golden Wheat, Honey Belie, Forest Floor, Choco- new products. wte Chip, Forett Brown. The award m» .presented Lloyd P. Christianson. Presldsat ALL-WOOL SCULPTURED WILTON of EAI. " - Oat- very heaviest sculptured Wilton, closing out FIRST BBXTHDAY betow wholeaale. Exceptional pile helfht and density. WEST KEANSBURC-Mr. UmHed stock, 12' In Gold, Nutria; 12' and U' II Mrs. John L. Zack, Jr., I OUve PI., entertained at a barbecue and party Sunday la the first 100% NYLON TWIST birthday of their daughter, Jac- WawttrfMl Wear . . . Beautiful appearance , . . and queline. Guesta were June Igjay, twrantaed to wear at lust 7 years - In writing! Gregory and William SchwtiUer, Cetera: Sandalwoed, Autumn Btift, Desert Belce, DekMe Lowden, Kenneth John- doll, II* arid IS' widths nc, Carolyn Brodsrick, Evelyn Zack and Marie Tyndall. Also, Stanley Bauder, Mr. and Mn, •'•...., BUDGET TERMS Russell Iglay, Mr. and Mn, by Charles V. Carroll, Jr. and Mr, *M»t far HOMI SHOffINft ... our man will bring lamplai and Mrs. William Schweiter, to your homo, will meeiure and aitlmata, withaut obligation. Middletown; Mr. nd Mn. Ken- phonet neth Johnstons snd Robert John- stone, Port Monmouth; Mr. snd SANDLER & 1VORTH Mn. William Young, Neptune; When the temparatun loari—Bmart homemtk«f«r«lyonthephoiMto|tt Mr. and Mn. Charles Lowden, fjhiri4P dona — to giva tham more time to relax and'enjoy the summer. HOUn 35, CATONTOWN THAFFIC OKU East Keansburg; Mr. and Mn. John L. Zack, Sr., Mr. and Mn. Sensible idea, iin't it? And ao typical of the many wgyi low-coat phone Frank Werner and Mn. Fnnk UbMty 2-2200 Concran, Belford snd Victor aervioe makea life eaaier, more plauant in thia faat-paced day and age. HOURSl Man., Waa*., W. II a.m. t» • a.m., Tuei., Thun., S«t. «i30 a.m. •• l:!0 Bayers, of this plsce. ...good tohphont BwvioiAow *o Ever add grated orange rind to (Mttar Steraa: "euta aa,.8prlnoflatd! Houta 4, Paramua. packaged lemon pudding-and-pie M English Plus. Rad Buk filling mix? Nice flavor change' He*df State Press Group Celebrates The GRAND OPENINQ - A. Wo haws — CM primary'role atiM." A brief tak wu given by State t of *o New Jar on. Wesley L. Loan. Republi- OF OUR NEW lOtliaor- can, Huatcrdoa County. of tHa oasadation an Hotel. et MsHMMtn Park Race track at there Friday. RED BANK ftlaMBMBLataBBMBMi ft« BBBl •MBMBVMM* BMMBK- Meat ^^ _^ Robertson • of Iks wmttve h Named Ms A. STORE tot fte MONMOVTH HI1X1 - Stuart ratirtssn. MiddMowa, WM re-

^^^4 aMBkfli IABVBI **• ^LtMaaBSaftaVsR >«M««BV^ MWRON.T PW| MMV otsaTsTsTI I • •OMVMMJU • 69 NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. RED BANK aMiMir af ft* Md •M* fimTat fte mart K OMN DAILY I A. ML TO • P.M. - HHDAY TH1 9 P.H ' U LOADS Of KM PAUUM PsWAV TIU 9 PJ1

*?****"*'** '•Uta ST!8SB?^B« %j% ULN PAIN! FACTORY Ision. esd TkMMS A. BOMB. WALLPAPER at KMi in fte wMkfc/ ONLY! Buy Direct fiM hdori Stoves FRE• 9JIIN COPY OEf tMtt AD VIM COW OP U B i ScUk/. as* ™^F PVJ^W*J^V II "at^rwW e • e ? the New . Co.. a» Save...4 ir. aad JSMBS J. 2 -^BRUSH- oTTW Ko|M I +AL OlDtN PAIHT PAINT WALLfAft* aiihlliksr et the Usalt'lilr TMOS. and Cart H. JokasM. Mkisftsr WELCOME MMNt MAT WALL k FLOOR COVHUNOS to ttt WITH 2 «AL OLOIN PAINT •••all sold direct'to-you SAK:M% by EiMst W. IMS. • Mst prssl- C •sat, aad pahHsbsr efThe As- fcury pirk Press. in t inaty SAii pRKif IN tmct UNI wm ONLY. • At tlM ASMCtetiM'S kMMIMt M. Fitad*. RumsM, 29 «• M!? Mrs. BUUe Fans- AT AU OiNN STORB Friday sUiftt. Sow. Clilford P. o-- ~*ai JaWaa—iai Wrt mmmmWfmUt , _ wefveuyp Mrs* • avw HCsMiya STEPLADDER of thi filver. raMnJiag..*aer» itMl Mn* WHh 3 6iL OlDEN fM CLIP SHOP AND SAVE FREE Hi MM MfclM ajMttdM Mi i km tMr -MM ki Wdtpoptr Kit

"Att af M roMgalM that our Mr. •MMCMIIB* BMtJ^PaMsaassMt !• — WHhEviry wB»s*MP%aMBjB% pWfTflHsrMI W 9flsr with n" gavel Bated In a straggle for Its wr- Mastsr of oeronMoles wu Bob fivsl. OaodniM. Nsveeink. Mrs. Good. 'To nun aw chairman of the af- fair. Up to $3.00 plK Ml Ovtr A musical review wu present- •4 to It dNkt iiiwrtlnsisi Ifaisiais ed. Taking part were Mr. and MSy SWjMvajliMaJM BjraBBBJB Mn. Allan Wallace, Chanel Hill; toctho Mit at koone. Md abroad Mr. and Mn. Goodman; Mr. rONn Of PSCIOry^O"!Ml it must auks in hNtituuMs rel- Floor & Wall Coverings aad Mn. William Barnes, West ovant to fto rhsllsMS of tumO- Long Branch; Mn. Robertson; Africa ff Pi*; DM GordM. MiddMmn. I PLASTIC WALL TILE 5 Mrs*••".• **»*»» *srt. Fair Ha- PAIHT & VARNISH von; Mn. Robert Nagle, Rum- WALL-KOTE itku th« Ma; Mn. Poter ConHhard. At- OftM untie Highlands; William Trey. Km REMOVER AI asjars.. raeya Oeseaport; Michael Btvona, Mf. 2.91 fnl. bie a Rumson; Mm. Hendry; Hadley TketMlMtke TUCCtlU. fd to King, OcMnport; DM Davis and William Eitaer. both MMmwft LIMIT ONI TO A CUITOMU! 4V414V4 HHM HIIU; Mn. Vsn R. Greene. Fair YOU Tit pUa tor Haven, and Mrs. William Cooeas, ' U9 •/. Now Sfcrowsbuiy. 1W. State May Have ''UsMiIsi PSBTCA^BSI*1 PLASTIC Low TraffiiTToll WHITI ROLLER ASPHALT Tli ATLANTI CCITY (AP) - At torney Gen. David D. Furman & TRAY said Monday that New Jersey ENAMEL Qvelity RaHtr *> TM* hM a "good chance" of reiui- Uring the lowest traffic death LIMIT ONI TO A CUSTOMIR! rate per mile In the nation, it YOU MUST NINO THIS COUPON! the present trend continues. 7Vat Tit Mr. Furmu told the 4Tth an- 9l9TRt nual conference of the New Jer- nas^aj^B^^BBBBB^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB^^^^B^B^^B^BBB^^B^B^^P^^^^^^^^^a^^^a^^^^^^M sey Stato AmociatiM of Chiefs of Police that the state's present DO.1 specialist traffic death rate is 24 fatalities 19x12 PLASTIC per IN million miles driven This is the rate whkh last Ut 9'xir Linoleum RUGS in stontgel year put Rhode Island on the ROmOT bottom of the list In traffic deaths MMO to 10N fof /«*•: per mile. •Rtf. 1.49 •ach The attorney general credited LIMIT ONI TO A CUITOMU! the state's new poUcy of re- YOU MUST MING THIS COUPON! voking the licenses of speeders «h keeping the death rate down At the same time, he note! that pedestrian deaths have risen that IN of the »S persons 1 m traffic accidents in New JntUt*. Jersey this year have been pe- CAULKING TUBES destrians. SANDRAN-AI Potrerm Ho Mid pedsstriM safety re- 1 6 ft., 9 ft., md 12 ft. WidihM quires "more attention" on the QUALITY Aforl RMM SIM Rip A WdNvWrf TMI part of law enforcement agencies. Rtfl. 49c k«h . . ."»Iwr I i*HH*l FETE LIMIT 4 TO A CUiTOMM! MTODLETOWN - A double || Shingle PAINT YOU MUST MIMt> THIS COUPON! ILUMIIIIHII ft. IMI tal VINYL birthday coMbrattM wu held Saturday night for Jennie Huge- |m SH 1-0030 ler, who is observing her fifth ASBESTOS THE birthday today, and her brother. WayM. who WM three years oUI •W. 1.M AU MfTAL JUM 13. Promt at their homel M Robin a wan their parents,! Mr. and Mrs. KoMsth HuggwrJ CAUMCING OUM Mn. JOM »- — ^srr " NTS ALL eARTRIOOIS Watt aad MM PtOOt mi t*OtCH LIMIT ONI TO A CUSTOM!*! YOU MUST SHIN* THIS COUPON!

OtfMWMd aad i TRAVa AGENCY II MCKUSt PL >'• COOKMAN AW. RIO RANK ASIURVPARR THIS WUK ONLY 69 N«wmcm Springs W. . a (OppoiiU Mayfair Market) Ytu tan rcitrvt and pick up airline, Itaamihlp, ! ECONOMY PAINTS OWN WEDNESDAY, INTWIOR PLAT WHITI l.H gd. RIDIANK bus and faur, tlakeii, hetel end rasorf area THURSDAY AND LCOAT INAMIL 2.M *}d. OpM Daily I A.M.4 PJf. T-J CU 7.1441 reservations at our offices. PORCH and DICK PAINT 2.91 ad. FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. Fridays TIB I P.M. ••* •" *••••• IT COSTS NO MORI TO IOOK OUTSIDE WHITI 2.91 tjal. —OTHER STORES— ^/Vo fr« Spedalt with Economy Paints) THROUGH YOUR LOCAL TtAVIL AOINT o TRINTON UVmOWN •CAMOIN • HIOHLArJD PARK • AMURY PARR *1

Curtis, PrieeUlaDi I by Mvaa« Msae, ant ii»bsReyCur*,! by Gale Rose and Vicki •utt*»a%M*l LtecraftUacroft,. last week. Mn. Ed- ward Meyea, Mr.. Raymond HiU. farmed by Louise Irving aad Mis. Ellen Tomaiaa and Mn. Lynn Shugard, end Vicki Heck Vlnew.t Moves were birthday a^d Gale Row. celebrants, with Mr.. Richard Widridi in diarf* «f gtmet. Re- Piaaa soioirt. were Rocc Marie OtttlUCUlTT frMhmenli were »ervM *•' tVie and Mary Beth MaUoy. Marilyn CMan, oaltnM «•**• «f hattee.. Pbaa*. Jobs, Joseph aad Katb- .,7-1^ -gaV Laskai* lean McNet. Darothea Low, Alw etteadiag were Mrt, chad Logan, Yvonne Walsh. Douflli Burk.. ... Vkrgiaia Otoea, Jerry Roano, Ter- While, Mrt. Gaorge Fary, Mr.. rance GUIen, Donna Cook, Brace uiirs Eugene Hacsaua, Mrt. Italy PaNack. Judy Miles, Lyaa ghe- Sayder, Mrs. Alida Zingale and gard. Vicki Heck, Gale Rose and sa iM* at, a*t Mrt. Robert Hayes. The next Lssuet Irving. Toal«aattal U *IMf meeting will be Tueadiy, July T, at the peat haw*. Mroit was caaosnd tempo- rarily by the British ta the War nil af 1IU.


PAMSfTIT Aerial view thaw* rho af Sandy Haafc paaJimaia ffaaaiaa! a* « WWntnT^AAA4ha\t/f pSiABhAathBw Wra^^My AnVnii i VVVnB^T^haaaad)iy^ y | wiN nw«t wlfh raa#aian(ativai •( tin Oafama Im Wathbiftoii «a«« to VtvMHv lit pCwp^Bef't I *)• C9*Wffj**v*awtj •tW racraatiantl araai, if it it abla ta HM ixrtfcaraj BtftiM af Study HMfc far 4U park. aTOOfCffOft SllOCf good, Georgiana Beam, Francis Pries. Susaa Hager, Jeanne Phil- lurch Has Pennucd, Diana Mathsws, Lia- Hat. Carol Bruno, Michael Dod- ds Van Note. Patty MarccUa, ger, Dick KnybUI, Paul Schis- It. TeJ. IN 14191 Ui Ml Darieno Debrowtki, Sandy Her, Bob Kocen, Jabs Potia, 4th Meeting Adams. Barbara Brown, Heidi Sandy Darnell, Jim MeOrteh, TWTON FALLS - Rev. DrHdnteia, Caroliae Snanger, Ro- my Brown and Matt Hewn. berta Walker, Marios Apptegate, CENTER Warn R. Gufftck. superintend- GIRLS! a awanaoa, Barbara and Nevada la UN was b Payi to Use QmM Branawick district, delivered Jasn Daaghtry, Cotaariaa Waaaoa fr. Calif. nsrman Sunday at the TinTin-- Totartc*. Carol Saaack, Lanra Pans MsthadM Church and ns. Cordio Msoks, the tour* Quarterly nee. Rev. R. L. Mewbray, pastor at the church, Introduced Dr. on UVnCSt n# MBOWCeQ tMt cJMfct) tnutctt will bt tl«ct«d Mlowiif tfw^yto July 8 IWB) fBUWMf OfnCMll ' Two Attend iMMfl » Vo0 conference! J. Lester Rlgby, certified lay •dar; Mn. Sarah Scott, Com- Workshop awiaa stsward; Henon I. Cone, PHILADELPHIA - CHfrord H. nordiag steward; Arle Dye, Warriek. Ltacroft. (U. and John at record. POPULAR ICIXNCB «aaanr, and Robert Ptrkant, O, JxTTQT MMQIMDWB| N. ], lay reproseaUtive to the annual t t ausaa «n Chavy'a oaalatahablr who art tuptrvitort In the On- BMaanatytothh) way: "The fact Also elected were the follow trtl Mtw Jcficjr AfjMcy of Pit** to, toM a price dgaa CWvy tog commission chairmen: vident Mutual Ufa laauraaee Compaay of Philadelphia, at- lamas a aaw high todata * otytof Mra. J. Lester Rlgby. educa- tended • workahop far tha coin- • a* 1 Um • ••JB BBSJIV IVjel |VJaT FtlSStt tion; Mn. Raymond B. Lippia- pany'a eastern auparviaan ro- new wiUWac a hkihor cenV Jr., missions; Joseph Over- eently. man, membership and evangel- aUowaaea at traoVto teat, as ism, and John O'Brien, steward- Since becoming attoclated with Chevy has over tha yean. A leak ship and finance. Provident Mutual in 1H4, Mr. Church stewards elected weire Wirrlck hat qualified for every WlOWt CSMWOM^ AVWonfJMa UP •• Mn- that Halvoreen, Mrs. Nel-. meeting of tha Provident Round $128 more than comparable Table, butinett conference for son Hokten, Sr., Mr. Cone, Mn. modok of tho other tondtog tow* leading underwriten of hit com- priced two. Harry Mayberry, Mrs. Scott, pany. He it a member ot the Mr. and Mn. Dye, Mr. aad Mn,board of ttewarda of tha Red FOR W. Edward Hill. Mr. and Mn. Bank Presbyterian Church; tha Rlgby, Mn. Joseph Overman, board of director, of tha Com- Mr. and Mn. Howard Wadded, • i munity Appeal; and a member ot PLUS 5 MORE BIG BESTS Mn. Uppincott, Mn. Robertht e Red Bank Lion. Club and of Parkans and Normaa Htlvonen. the Root Beer and Checker Club. %W&M OVER ANY OTHER CAR IN Named to serve on the nont Mr. Zerrer, a graduate of Ha- aating committee for the converfor- d College. It a former one CHEVROLET'S FIELD! ference year were Hie Rev. Mow-Meat of die New Brunnrlck Jun- ray. Mn. Holden and Mr. Par- ior Chamber ot Commerce. He WIUIUmEltMEILtTI Services will be held Sunday It a member of the Monmouth ther^brakaaottiMUadkgtow. at 11 a. m. Anoelation of Life Underwriten. priced three to repeated highway Tdday... d i b Abl h TROOP HAS COOKOUT VAN BRUNTS ENTERTAIN BATONTOWN - Girl Scout SHREWSBURY-A gnduattoa rolet^bnkan,b«tttraTtn>totw«. FAST4KPMDAU Troop IN attended a cookout at party wu held Friday night by thirda kwgar Itotoc Ma, are the ttw homo of Hia leader, Mn.Carol Van Brent, daughter of bluest to the low-price field Fraud! Bruoe, Mapte Ave., Mr. and Mn. John W. Vaa Toeaday. Mn. Bruca wat aatlrt- Brunt, neechwood Dr. Oueeta ad la prapanlfcna by Mn. I. W. were Claire SulHvan, Susan For- ONE DAY Mathawi. High St Attam dno, Beth Raatat, Carole Sal- ware Charltaa KaUy, Jaaet Ot- derman, Joyce Keiper, Mtrgaa •taH DRY CUANING SWMCE •MMBfsr ear and Corvetta Vfg •Mttotad praise. A* SPORTS CABS ILLUSTRATED pvto Hi NO DCTRA CHARGE becator't PubRc Aacriea Sofa "Indeed, thhi device 'a ajraly «he •Mat wondarfuUy rjpoaMva ««. gtoe available tod^/ at any priea."

No ga^B^aaii^MAal aiaaiaA^ai B^ARA^^iE^h^ a^K ^A§- m — ->aM J^^^j^ai .. •awaaani prapany aeieagaMj. atiaa MM axoaoani an . « • abort this: a pair of Chevrolet aiias came tonu t aad weid to their dass in this year's MobikM SATURDAY. JUNE 27th Economy Rua-getttog tha ban) SHIRTS -lt:N A. M.- nikafa af any fufraiaa ear. Sth) ta be held at the late • Perfectly Laundarad Omelal ' . naldeaee at Mary A. Evaaa. at ^ i reported to tha AvtaaaobQa • Cellophane Wrappad WAINWMGHT PL MIILU, N. J. Ifanufaeturon Aasoetottoa njaka • Starched ar Salt It dear. Chevy's front seat hip JUST BEFORE BRIELLE BRIDGE (tBghway 71) room, for example, la up to1. 1 Out Day Strvtct Tan Eatt at Traffla UgM

Three drop-lear Uble. in pine and cherry (Circa 17SI), J A law L__ No Extra Char* Orandtamer'a clock (Circa UM), cuckoo clock (German), kind the wheel will leave a* da«bt buffet (Circa 1813), Currier ft Ivet prints, slant-top desk aboat this. MOTOR TRIND (area 1715), mantel clock, thip'a model, colonial wall mir- ror in mahogany and gold-leaf frame (Circa ITU), oil paint- tan (Americana), tilt-top table (Circa IM). coilectioa of mounted bird, under glatt-a most unusual collection; oM picture frame. (Circa 17HM8S). cedar chert, white marble "SHEETS" top drawn (Circa MB), plank atat chain (Circa 1TM), arrow-badt ruth bottom chain, slat-back chain, Unena nONfSIONAUY WAIHtO AND MOMD (bed and table), fine old china and glassware, ptee wash- stand (Circa 1715), pine tablet, pine chest of drawen (Circa 17M), double maple rope bed (Circa IBM), dressers, bu- c urn. reaus, tingle and double beat, rugs (room and scatter sizei), hooked rugs, tix ruth-bottom Hitchcock chain, fooKneck platform rocker, floor and table lamps, vanities, 18 two plank seat rocking chalrt (Circa IT*)), refrigerator (Frlgjdalre), 11 cubic feet; electric washing machine, Utah- enware, cedar blanket chest, bric-a-brac, books, schoolmas- •-%> •, -v NO WONDER MORE PEOPLE PILLOW CASES «*.*r tar*, detk (Circa 1800), bran fireplace equipment, books, branee and bronies, occasional tables and chain, ftfe-pc. ARE BUYING IN double bedroom set (mahogany), hand painted china, cob- RID IANK bler's bench (Circa 1710). Everything from basement to '59 THAN ANY OTHER CARI 12 WHIfl IT. (Ntit to SMIB iMbwk) attic and contents of sll outbuildings. Urge lot of garden 12 MONMOUTH ST. (Near tract) St.) tooli, porch and lawn furniture. / Sale will be held la the shade of the spresding maple, on the front lawn overlook- IAST KEANSIURe ing the river. Come early and atay late at the ale wilt HttHWAY 14 (Mart to f>ra*d URIM) be held regardlei. of weather conditions.' Lunch served. Seating accommodations, KIYPORT UWESTntQfn'BTREET H.ATAWAN By order of: FRANK M. EVANS Eiecutor See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer for the best buy on the best seller! 111 MAM STREET LONABRANCH Bsrkalow, McGowan ft Krusen, Attorneys &t BROADWAY B. G. Coatt, Auctioneer-Phone CAnltal 2-ISN 171 BROADWAY CIRCLE CHEVROLET COMPANY 3» MAPU AVE. MD IANK SHADYSIDI I41N VITAMIN

2J by ftistmp Ganyt W. Ahr ai raciui will b* pre-lKHMaey. W\ _ C » ""' (*(ho'ic diocese of Trenton hw Mr. Burtis ead Mr. GuesU were Mra. Andrew Ho-f/tf]f(>£ tiff has been assigned to St. Jamea PartaJtOya. They will be heard «lak, Jr., Mra. George K. Haub- Hiru, 4™___ church. Red Bank. to a pregrsss ef music tor orgaa er, Mrs. Rsymoad Desaawey, Jr..I "KjHLANUi-The annual lair O)her nvv/ pr,esi$ assigned to 1 1 1 'Mrs. Robert DiehaM, Mrs. Iheo-!* " *""" °* *• Women ' Aux rolinly ,.tlur(hes inei[ilie RCV. SUMMER SWIMMING s Andr Mr. Burtit aad Mr. Ferris are dore CbodBicki. Mrs. Alton Park-!'!'•'>•" | *«« Fpucopul Viu] T G|ul], sti Mary's, New WON'T IOTHER YOUR waning aa dsetsrates la sacred er. Mn. Esther Tomplnni. Mrt.t™11"*11 *'" *•* held Julv • "nd Monmoulh, »nd Rev. Herbert J. mask at me School of Sacred Brittoa, Mrs. Fraacisj ;.__ t,._,_, ...... Slab, St. Catherine's, Spring Lake 1MTAMJTS . Aufieri, president. ia New York City. Mr. Shaughneuy. Mn. James P. Me- "" 1 bfef dinner will be FEATHER FLUFF CUT organist at CraM. ST.. Mra. Hubert Duncan." * • HONORARY DEGREE Mra. WuTtani Matthews, - Dr. PROfESSlOMAL .Unjawaach; Cmuth ef the Aactaskm. New Harry V. Onacaa. Mrs. Yen, repiaciag Vcraaa de Tarm. w aVown, Mn. William Brown, his teacher who ia la Csltlamla Klein. Mn. Chri. church grounds, and will PHARMACY fer the Mn. George King, elephant table, children's table, Princeton University at com SH 1-S2N PERMANENT Mra. W Path, Mrs. Robert mrncrment exercises June It, Mr. Ferris, whs also ia a) aw> cake dart of Mr. de Tar. aad Mr. Bar* P. Hair Shape r^Jn^Cw^Selahl^^L*booth. Girla ^ ai- hlltlt t« UM IM RROAO IT^ BED IANK • tto will sssch aiaiiltr Newtnan, Mra. Helen Tl>« Ke| la flit IMOJM track ftamnae so will feature a buolli. hhnary at Music" caaram ia Mn. Marge Asselborn tlliM. Hair Stylo N. c. at the MM Attending were Mrs. Andrew Anderson, Mrt. George Ander- track Hair Mr«, Walter Hrhrent, Sr, j nit. f Accepts Proposal from Mrs, Patricia Mrs. Ceceile Catherine, Mrs Harty B. Frank Herahauser. Mrs, IsBtta. Mn. B. As4rtws, Marl Mra. CharleCkt s Qaaat. Mn. Keagare- t Mohr, Mrs. Alton Parker,! Local Mercury Dealer St. Leo Unit ; Mra. Cathy Lewis, Mrs. Gilbert Parker, Mrs. Wil Mn. Andrew White. Mn. Ed- liam Pels, Mrs. Joha L. Opfer Set* Picnic ward A. KwhX Mra. Carl Maria, mann, Mrs. Hubbard Stiles, Mrs il Kaflnrine Beauty Salon Mn. John Baacaa. Mn. Arthur Fredtrick Voorhces, Mra. Rebec- UNCROFT-Ct Lea tfca Onat Rsike, Mn. Edward Duncan, en Wright, Mrs. Alfred W. Wright wiU Mra. Msx Oeldtclunidt. Mrs. VIand Mrt. Aufieri. . Park. bally ppicalc at viaa Sanborn, Mra. Gilbert Ven VISIT BROOKLYN •\ 44 MOfeMOUTH It. MO IANK FiFairviawi , JulJly » Iran 1 ta • UmigUam, Mrs. Helen J. Shea, HIGHLANDS — Mr. and Mrs. Mra. William Little, Mrs. Harry Arthur F, McMahon, IM Nave- IN 74471 James Daly, president, said Dilger, Mn, Hsrriet Morton, sink Ave., attended the grad- "The purpose of the affair is to Mrs. Earl Morse. Mrt. C. Meluation nf their grandson, Dennis p, Gerrily, from S«. Patnck't "TLXJ!?*!L* ^^j*s.ri»> Hen^;; QU.;,; to get better acquainted at an Mrs. Michael J. Monahan, rs Grammar School, Fort Hamilton, informal gathering." There will Elizabeth Heliker, Mrs. Hubbard Brooklyn, and their granddaugh- ba refreshments, and gMtes for Stiles, Mrs. Charles Yeingst, ter Virginia Oerrity, from St. adults as well as ckUdraa. Mra. Anns Mse Light, Mrs. Rich- John's Villa Academy of Staten W. H. Davis, gt ard Parker, Mn. Ida Sabella, Island. Hoth graduates ara chil- has aaaouaced tbs WJowiag Mra. Margaret Hartman, Mrs. dren of their son-in-law and ltt Kyril Parker, Mrs. Roger Bills, daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James Eatartaiaaett. Rabart NUnaa, Mra. Winston D. Mugg. Mn. Jo-Gerrily of Brooklyn. A celebra- Unui, Maapk Catea aai Manseph Bellevaace, Sr., Miss Alice tion followed the graduation ei- Sprlggs aad Miss Gertrude Lim ercises at the Tavern on the "Best offer I've had In yean," aays prominent total claav teas, chairman, Chester lag, Highlands. Green, Staten Island, Others at- woman. "And the Mercury Is so much easier for t» Urtl Id, Thomas McGee aad Joha Also, Mn. Andrew Homitk, tending were Mra. William E. to drive and to step In and out of. When that ntoe 1 Mtdhena; ttcken, CentwM Mat- u^uiir, sa dMr Mraa . Arthur Jsnus. At- Kornek and son*. William and offered ma that TMFLR BONUS deal I couldn't lay, chairman. Jsmet Daly, Pat* lanti)u^c e HighlandsHlihla ; Mrs. John L. Kevin, Mrs. Robert McMshon ir Fraai and A. L. Flsadsn. Hilton Park; Mra. and Michael Ciamecki of High English Motors, 14-14 Maple Avenye. Ret) lanky N. J,

Etaty will hold until ieptembtf. Pragrame far ths camiag yaar •era discussed. Highlaada Harvsy PurceU, Jr., ud laha aad Wayaa. of Nsw VaDay, tvew/ Calif., sra visiting Mr. PtutaTa WES' SBMMT NytiM talbtr-Maw and motber-ta4BW, Mr. aad Mn. Joha X. WhMa, 41 Iseoa4 St. Joha aad Wsyaa wW stay with their iraadpamiti otv DRESSES til August. Mr. aad Mn. Joha Zeiglcr of Jersey City ara spending the summer at their bungalow col- ony, "The Shady Rest Cottages," wtVlwsV SHM Vwt* leWewn T 10 l«?i on Valley Ave. 1 Mn. Mary Steclmsn. Bay Ave., 10 H 20. WMMft't 14Vi t* !4Va. is confined home by lUaess. Mr. nd Mn. Orris Steelmsn at Highhud Ave. had as recent $ weak-aad guests Mn. Steriman's parents, Mr. aad Mn. Harry Watraw and Mr. awl Mra. Rob- vrt latydtf of nlriiwn. 2«r 7 Mr. aad Mn. Gene Randal) aad chUdrsa, Orsajory aad April, d flSMt • • ef Mn. lUsMlall's parents, Mr. aad Mn. George xTwhKe LAMES' Jomoica Shorh«^ <•* of tfftonadlt Mil t plsmm. aim I *a II Mr. aad Mn. Kaymoad Ante- •er aad daughter Audrey of Ma- rnaoa wtra racoat ihHn of Mr. MY SHEETS, TABLE CLOTHS, WLLOW CASIS. IN FACT •ad Mrs. Joha Zetlger of "The Slttvtless Blouses anad/ Xaat Cottages." They alas m rWtsd Mr. aad Mn. Theodo -ALL MY UNENS CAN BE DONE THE SAMI DAY At.. 1 Mtontra of W Hlghlatd Ave, Mrs. Ocorge Amaro of IM NovtHy Sailor Hah Ave. eetsbnted her OajHk iJaW Mwsa>Clsa>Ckaf' "lift b Jwat • 'aWarf ad) £fcMiW Cash, Rt n, HJdlKpTl ofS caaaJMaa In ctaiga ara Lain OatOartaa 3SST Jn& JL •Ie

MRtainmT Mr. aad Mrs. WOoam *. Craig m BwtfsnnnaBanai dhm iss 11 *- - ' - - Craasaa•vnnit DrM. altawt fMnrr „, MMM OB nays m Boston. Mam. Wimaat ttoddard It oa a bosi- STYUB aamtrlp ta Datratt, Mich. Oostara Vaaftsr has returned PRMTID COTTON "PAN wvnr COITONS to his name on Park Ave. after Mag a medfcal patieat hi the YES. NOW UNEXPECTED COMPANY Oil SWIM SUITS Perth Amboy Geaaral Hospital. HEAVY LINEN USAGE DURING HOT SUMMER SWIM TRUNKS Mr. and Mra. Paai A. Bgaa and Mn. Anna M. O'Nefliat- MONTHS, NEED NO LONGER IE A PROILEM. ot HMwHim ^LsawManmmfM BMsataim OUR CALL OFFICE QUICK-SERVICE DEPART- tt i'aRI|hleheal.Ycak- gfcgfjjl w^kaai taiakadii* •• ifc I • 1 MENT FOR SHIRTS AND DRY CLEANING HAS era-'• , M--- --> mmpm Hwl WIIJ WBKII ftotlowedatmehoass'etfherparO - IEEN EXPANDED TO TAKE CARE OF ISD AND 1ft 86 cam. Mr. aad Mrs. wofrod Me- TABLE UNENS TOO. Mr and Mrs. Richard Haurt- Jja have iMKhasad me home of Mr. aad Mrs. William mum MAKE ONE CALL DO IT ALL! , VINYL RAINCOYIRS 3+Ca SARAN CHAIR Ziegter Mrs. Elmer Apptogata has opened hee r cottagtt e la ShShiip Bot- PUN NOW TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ONE •I n tom andpUns to apsnd the sura- Mte Peggie R*sd bat returned OR ALL OF THESE FEATURED SERVICES RUI to herlhont on Weidoa Rd. after •pending a week as the guest of GRILL ,99 Mr. amVMn. Jtcksea L Hn> mitt, 3d, McKaaspmt, Pa. CALL SH 7-2800 TODAY COVER CHAIR '4 Mn. Edwin H. Demlakk, Park Ava., and Miss Mary Stack Perth Amboy. win tan for

1MNCH ..»»»«• E. Lent la attending th. medical convtntfcm in Maine KITCHEN 24* this week. GRILL Michael Eastmond is a patient in Manmouth Medical Center. Mr. and Mra. Louis Patlenu LEON'S and daughter, Janice, returned SINCE 1912 Monday to Michigan with their am tad daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mn. Louis PazJenit, and infant • DRY CLEANING • RUG CLEANING • LAUNDRY SHOPPERS DISCOUNT CENTER daughter. Mr. and Mn. Robert Llppert • DYEING • Va HOUR QUIK WASH • PILLOW RENOVATION • OF RED BANK havs returned to their home in Port Jervit, N. Y., after spend- • FUR CLEANING AND REPAIRING • 24-HOUR SHOE REPAIRING Bridge Avc. and W. Front St. ing several days at guests of Red Bank Mn. William Helms. 64 - 76 WHITE STREET Aimy, AmpU F«* Parking RED BANK Mali* It • •nntabla habit to tilt TM Rasltur's alutlflid w mi rour • wanti,—Adv«tllMm«nt. Bi 'if ^*%VA;MM-A' Murk Golden i 4 lo the field fry a Red BankAnniversary KEYPORT - Mr. and Mrs.j of a l» Daaiel A. VaaPelt, Third St.,! _^_ trophy and cuff celebrated their golden wedding Mat-tie dasp act George Blair, anniversary at a party given by of the Hospital their daughters, Mrs. Jerome C. Service, Red Bank, uirich »nd Mrs- Joseph M. the award available. Fekele, at Mrs. Fekete's home, Third St. 5(0 1* TOWING POLAND Mrs. Van Pelt, the former Mill KEYPOstT — John Orzechow- Clara Kelsey, and Mr. Vaa Pelt Ski, US Main St., left by plane were both born in Keyport. They lACeatly for a tour of Poland were married June 10, 1IM, ia •as to visit hit brother, Walter the Methodis"t parsonage. Attend- OnedMMraki, aitd his aunt, Mrs. ants were Mrs. Edna (Kelsey) Koastancya Poniatowski, and Wailing and the late Chester other relative! for tho first time Wailing, Keyport since ho Ml Poland, M years The couple are members of the •aspb I. Mart Calvary Methodist Church. Mr. •I*. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — He will tour with a party spon- VanPelt is a former police chief and fire chief and was a member RalpI . h J. Martia, son of Mr GRLCi sored by tho Polish-American Catholic Travelers Association to of the Borough Council lor II Mn. Ralph E. Martin, X East Warsaw. Krakevk , WiellckaWillk , yean. Washington Ave., received a Czeetochows and Poinan, and GuesU Included relatives fn bachelor of wil return Aug. 2. • Red Bank, Metuchen Key- secondary education from Ford- m Uaivenity at the 114th an- port. nusl Ommencemeat June M. • f * While la college, Mr. Martin waa Hold Farewell Party member of the History Philosophy Clubs. He is a gradu- For Seoul Leader ate of Red Bank Catholic High •ASSORTED COLOUR NEW MONMOUTH - Oiri School, and expects to teach ia Scouts of troop IN, of Si Mary's the Hew York City public echosJ stMOPRMTSI HEALTHY HAW parish, and their mothers had system la September. '•ASSORTED What you eat affects the con- buffet "farewell and apprecia- "•"• el your hair as much tion" party for Mn. John J. PANICS as it does the Maloney, 5 Donald PI., for her rest of your ive years of leadership with Gleaners • body. A well them. balanced diet The party wss held last week Is of the; End Season utmost import in the home of Mrs. Mitchell Reno, N Mspiewood Dr. Those EATONTOWN - Mn. Robert aace. The Ayem led devotions at last scalp should rtidpsting included Mn. Ma • . clean rie Stemen and daughter, Marie; reek's meeting of the Cleaaen bo kept 1 n the chapel of the Presbyterian aad tnQfreo front Mn. Herbert Whalen and daugh- dandruffdff . Hair' ter, Virginia; Mn. Fred Whit- be shampooed as of- tles and daughter, Elluheth; Mn. Herbert Anthony, an ton as necesaary-lhia is par- Mrs, James Meehan and daugh- lent, announced that a ui ocularly important ia hot ter, Elizabeth; Mn. Henry doming sale will bo held weather. Thehead should be October. Chalrmea have H kept covered when outdoors KliUch and daughter, Leigh; Mn. Russell Sanderson and from two of the three lor aay length of time in sum- circles: From circle one, Mn. as direct sunlight can daughter, Pamela; Mrs. C. T, da much damage to your hair. Jereny and daughter, Andrea Ralph Keevil, and from drew M Mtttar pnautt cu duun three, -Mn. Eustace White. mr hUr, too. Put tak« chuion. Carolyn and Georgeanne Reno, Ot r*ur MM W»T» from an *•- and Mrs. Maloney's daughter, Mn. Walter Manna and Mn. hmiimna Ton mil lit* White, co-chairman, anted that COLORS m CaM W«' Kaaren. READY Tho girls presented Mn. Ma their committee will meat this AND OtU toney a gift summer to prepare for the "cal- endar project.", The Gleaners have decided to take charge the nursery each Sunday, i Mn. Harvey Weiss has been del- BUISDfcU CO. egated general chairman. Pool party dates for me cir- cles have been set: circle me, Saturday; circle two, July 2S, aad circle three, Aug. 22, all at the home of Mn. Thomas Erb, Reynolds Or. Mn. Ralph Keevil showed col- ored slides of activities at the Steelmin School during the yeah She also showed pictures of her trips throughout the country. IH Refreshments were served by Mn. Rsy Tupper, Mn. Benja- min Vsn Keuren, Miss Lillian SAL Dangler and Miss Alberta Smock of circle three. Both circle and general meet- :••,•. 3 pc KNOm REDWOOD ings sre being disbanded until Sept. 2. when the circles will OUTDOOR SIT meet as follows: Circle one, 2"TMcfc ..ft.U»ftfc home of Mn. George Smith, Jr., Walt St. aad Whalepond Rd.; circle two. home of Mn. Albert Wolcott, South St., and circle three, home of Mrs. Harvey Weiss, Capahart. Picnic Set By Auxiliary LITTLE SILVER - A picnic mm will be featured at the Marlboro Hospital Auxiliary summer mem- benhip meeting Wednesday at .EXTRA 10 a. m. at the home of Mn. ALSO IN STOCK William auger, 1JJ Sltvenlde ~1M nsraililaieat SIZE. CUAR RIDWOOD Memben and guesta will bring sandwiches. Dessert and punch r - 4* - r will be served by Mrs. Henry Van ideretJne, Jr., Red Bank, KNOTTY •' aad her hospitality committee. For those who would like to be- .me better informed as to the DOIT (MUM Rttd opportunltlM of Rn •udllaiy member, a program hu been arranged by Mn. M. Stew- YOURSELF art whaley. Holmdel, program chairmen. Mn. Morton Winer. Red Bank, • ASTD. COLORS patient service chairman, will lead a panel discussion on the WE CARRY type and acope of work of aux- iliary memben. who deal direct- ly with patients and act as liaison A COMPLETE for the auxiliary and the direc- ton of therapies in the hospital LINE OF program. Panelists wiU be Mn. Charles • FLAGSTONE V. Tbackara, Shrewsbury, bib- lkKhenpy chairman, and Mn. O A. Klady, Little Silver, occtipa tional therapy chairman. FULL • PATIO Also, Mrs. John Hemleb. Rum- son, will report on music and •LOCKS dancing thenpy. and Harry ASTD. Roede, Fair Haven, on recrea- tion. COLORS Mn. James McCosker, vice • SIDEWALKS president, and Mn. Harry A. Pu- late, public.relations chairman, both of Rumson, will welcome • TERRACE those interested In volunteer Imported noon* thwHert tilth miJmrtM* IMMWM • • BEAUTIFY YOUR Smoothly samba! /«r mty Episcopal Group Haa Closing Meeting HOME NOW ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - •GOOD FOR FOR EASY 4" 110" Members of the Girls Friendly Sponsors of St. Andrews Epis- BEACH OR SUMMER copal Church, Highlands, held AS LOW AS their final meeting of the season PICNICS! LIVING I Friday at Doppelt's Hofbrauhaus own sins IN STOCK at a dinner. They will resume meetings in September. Attending were Miss Violette LIMITED QUANTITIES MUNI Y | SMVICI • QUALITY SINCI 1 f 10 Murray, president, Mrs. Helen J. Shea, Mrs. Elizabeth Heliker, : Mn. John P. Adair, Mrs. Emiel Aufierl, Mrs. Millie Blair, Mrs. Harry Dilger, Mn. John 11. King, BLAISDELL Mn. Andrew J. Kornek, Mrs. Richard A. Lucas, Mrs. Margaret Mohr, Mrs. Earl Morse, Mrs. LUMKR CO. Paul Muir, Mn. Hubbard Stiles, JOHNS BA rs. Fred Teuschler, Mrs. Er- 15 S. MIDGE AVE. RED RANK nest Vaughsn, Mrs. Frederick SH 1-2121 Voorheei and Mrs. Alfred W Wright, 12 BROAD ST. Will Start Monday baa* at at aa> as>joont««»j. EATONTOWN - Mr. ley, award- « eentract far iastaJling •• SaMCk, it., chairaua af "HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW caatracta far painting huUd- it JBW la part of the eU tat «ovaraia« •••>'» '•"is •a* wishing «• ragttcr •* iBBflal Mai IBBT Isianda^nnnnflBBBl at naontV- af ft» Ug- h sehsol was tfc* pragraa. may 4o so at any 3»ad " ~ nwarial to the Eastern Tile Co.. YOUR BIBLE? ti teeny tat WMWRcr ataytnyai tiaae aa or «ft«r Moaaby «t eishaeishr Btaygrawadtd. Tne heard aiso sided a kin- feint Weasaatmweet . ofaf sighr «.!»t bids. VP vflSPBfll nPfl vH0y %s*MpTS# CW atrgartra teacher la the atari Tat pragrag m at tfi* Lewis bmrtaaA U.mi IMTcaatracW t al»a tkpaina tataf laT* *•Th• •#e »Cardan State Rotrigcra- Yew Mb *• enly •eHWofc. Mo Mfe Street Playground will bt •* Interiors at ate Breed Street and i Co., Freehold, was award- OfW ^ (*• Red leak Caw* «f Orla»- by Francia 1. Fiaui, Street Sehaata with fire a contract ta install seven air a teacher In the Eatontawn rcuriaat paint wai awarded te saditioning unite la the aantia- a fwteiemoatal dumb. eyetem, who wti ia itration offices of the high Pal la tfce MIMIB «*d mail ft: charge last year. Mr. Finnan A tl,IM eaatract was award- chom for n,m wi'I he assist** by Carol Peter- ed t* W. H. Caaevtf, lei Baak, Tha board hired George A. HOME STUDY COURSE aoa. ta pave a partis* af the play- hatton. Holmes Ter, Freehold, Donald Cotgraavc will suawr- the Hitdaaa Street a custodian at a salary af far. 311 vise the program at the Meadow- IMS brook Playground. Ilia Friedanaa, New York City, IUJ lank, Now Jaraoy Tfcii year the Fort Mmmevth It HI* i. XvwtlM » Tlu SUgiaut. waa hired at a kindergarten A you may be interested i nk know Guild U the Methodist Church at «IfOMIOVTH STBJKT wlU ha saaiamtd fi— t a the home of Mra. Robert Cant, EST STYLES, •HMANINTS ing that this is the laXh year 4 p. m. each week-day until the borough has apoaaorei euch Lafetra Ave. Mrs. Hacker Mr. Cass's aister. ANO TWO NIWEST METHODS a aummer recreational program It af twiaming, for the children. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond aaaaball, Madicraftt. art craft*, "It has Wyckoff Rd.. entertained Thurs IN HAIR OYEIN6. grown steadily over •ai atber apart ovaatt and craft the years aad within the patt day aight Mtowiag (be graduation of their daughter, Bette year additionail l playgrounld d faf - 0 * * PW Wwajrynaja^pa/ B^vntf cilities have been added an WyuOHSSU were Mr. aad Mrs. Tba wUt be open It ckoff Rd. to serve the eaaterty 0. Hill of Vonice. Fla., and Mrs. •Se'i whs H but ¥k art Ma» JOHN'S BEAUTY SALON •U •ection oT town. Each auMBar Plorence Knight, Miss Gloria My- It MONMOUTH ST. REDIANK af ae* H wfca Hvv la Eat-the program has expanded aai and Miss Mary Mohler af M nwi si tta cbjidraa it Is anticipated that this year SN.I.IIII af jailttary pwaaaaai wk« atteai will be one of the moat success- Mn. Clifford Brawer, Mra, Eu- ful to date" Viereck and Mrs. Claude attended a card party iy night at the home of iCierHinakia KnlerUin Mn. Allan Knspp, South St. 1 After Graduation Mr. aai Mn. Thomas Roggio of ARTIBTV MATBRUU, PAINT, WALLPAHM Now York City arrive today to SHREWSBURY - A graduattaa apead the weekend with Mr. and FOGGING UMOADtT.KBOkUMK • •party waa held Sunday at theMn. John Kavchak, Broad St. Ehame of Mr. and Mn. Wataon Mn. Jean Craig and Mn. Rob- UNUMITEO HCaarwinjki, Betchwmi Dr., forert McCormtek of Brooklyn spent Ikair KM, Watton. Jr., who grad- Tuesday visiting Mr. and Mn. 1 last week from Rod Baak Clifford N. Caiman. Elisabeth SH ' School. Pkwy. II Attending were Mr. aad Mn. Staples. Mrs. James iHaha. Miss Holly Staples, and (Mrs. Louis Ballard, Newark; Mr. -i Mra. Stanley Cieciwlcx ONLY YOUR ESSO DEALER HAS THEM! i. Ana Cierwlnskl Orange; Mr. Mrs. Ralph Parker aad Mr. lead Mrs. Fred Borger. BsKord; I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bach and I son. Robert, Jr.. Cotonia; Mr. I Mrs. Josaph Htnllcky aad Miss II Joan Hiattcky, Keansburg; Mi land Mrs. Jostph Barbaio, East VKaansburg; Mr. aad Mrs. Joseph ICasrwHsU, Elisabeth; Mr. 1 Mrs. William Van Pa* I daughters Yvette and Yvonne, I Batoatown; Mr. aad Mrs. Richard [Terrenes and Mr. aad Mrs. Aa- Barbutoaadaetti, Rayi I Robert. MMdletown, and Mr. i Mrs. William Bound, Mr. i I Mrs. Arthur Bauer and son, Ar |thur, Irvingtoa.

Poach fresh paara; put a I acoop of vanilla ice cream ia the I cavity of each pear half; Sur These are the I round with chocolate sauce. Serve OLDSMOBILES Itoguettst sensational tires caunram u. urn DYNArV\lC86. SUPER80 98 itcamvK DMrnjcr NO. •

I. Caak, Mum «Hk «k- look, and last •r tonka, Indiatlng ra- a»rr» btlaaet, aaa «uk BUY WITH CQNFIDENCI ' imaait col- like no others!

IVI -~. «,msr P- .'I the rfmarkable nsw tires of miracle rubber • • • Atlas Bucrot) No natter where you tWfO tbea, tha- dlff«wic«inri(toUnottoeableatonoo.: In turnpike drivint, road noise and car % rattles virtually disapRsar. For this nsw f USED CAR mas SMSNfP tire flow$ over uneven spots, instead of- MaVCAOOLLACaCOUPE IMItMO PAIsUANl MS bouneinf over them. _ i A ejerty Metk aad yeNow < And this revolutionary rubber grips! HBaWei BsrsnVB HnVaTWara - Llw ! HSafto BnBwwW f MTMnvBrmVMHwff pWVaT BrjVVfaaMJ* roads so well that you ean't make AtlM: IM fBJMBBOBULE SUPER SI apaaw^a* ^aaaanan^^Bava^n^a^nn'apanaW'B' saF^pni annnav ^s^" ^ Bucron Tires squeal oven with tight • a^nwajBBj^aanB^agaaj s^Bn^s^BJBBBa ajsiw^BBiBTSJnwannn'eja^ave * Mr CADILLAC DEVUXE Oovarnmcnl (UwiMMg turns and panic stops. In fact, they atop • *•• '••• a\M annBnmtA altanoinr -»• anatkbo, tmlaglaaar ^,' Ami WMl* MKR ••• WHIW MWrBWaTo ISH POmiAC STAR CHIEF ^.rrsWiH-is • "••"'" shorter on wet surfaces than others on" *. 1s , ' ^h aaaa^Bas aBaaVkSanh nhB^BtaBgaaBSaB^anah Sw B^BnJBJ en^BjnijBBj flBj|BjBBnnnjan7njajBJv/f Twa dear . Radss and heater. awl uahMr'S . «h««ta. dry... 30% shorter than too bast ordi- || a-ajgfJ VJfl •llAldHBAmaaannTlt BfanMalL 1 •te.> » rt> M.SKi? nary rubber tires! Yet they oost Was \' .. ikiBSABb ^k^^au^k^ B^anakaWjaaM than most premium tires. : \ Wtn pvWCf WtmMmB I* ?gS&V arl.u ' wMM PVWIf a^99famnf* Ata4§BnMQC tfMav* In. OUwr UabllltMl Now that tha jdesjura^irlvinff season |M. TOTAL UAalLRIM , i annvsnnappBnBM apn^najB] anajnaaj wv no^nvaaj «•• n^aaj BBWSBPBV'SBJ is here, we earnestly sunrost that you" ; and nibJU mterlsr. A real sporty ISM PONTIAC STATION WAGON . ct»ntl Muck: •NTKMMSIWai tMM wMWo m9m, IMBflnl (al Cammon atook, fatal trip nirii M wn visit your Esso Dealer's and fit a full: I, B^SSrSW/w^njnvnno BTV ^vB^snBHOB *4pan)a} # par fli.ooooi) nUCMTTiMITIEM LMat Uft Ia osaart s«a W and ajeantalnseM. tires ef aat of "No Squeal" Atlas Bueroa Tires, ' MCAOUiAC iJa'S'S Tkafs a unique •MITMIitinTIKt 2 IMS CAMIXAC « (eatwe tf thU ntw kind CM Ml HY. Tsst afUr Batjrl atoy inlble, dent made of Butyl, a product of Biso Wlmn with Mack tap. Black and Wit prom that these tlrn dry er crack like ether A |» TOTAL CAPITAL Aft ":5S of tin. Anethar - thsjr •aaaSVEaiA ^— —jalaa— All aiBak^ibUKAB wWaka)*AafeafeaB rubber. Thair withstand da- Research. Sea how much enjoyment, COUNTS .„ -..*.«„ soak us read shock ia atsp 80% fwter tkan ordi- WnWv smnirMro AN piwlr fNDUW* nary rabbsr Una. Baeeial Urieratten, a mime cen> luxury, and extra ati/aty they add to II. -tOTTM. t.lAFlt.lTIM eflciantfr that you ««t a tribtttlea ta laager life. AND CAPITAL AC- brand nsw kind «f rldt. duia~n puts mere rubber your "Happy Motoring 1" COUNTS in contact with tha read. ASK ABOUT EASY GMAC TERMS ...SI..W.WI.H „ MEMORANDA 131. Aaacla pladiad or aa< alrncrt to aecura liabil- ltl«i and for athar >ur- poa'jl „,..», M,MS.OO "NEW ATLAS BUCRON ,i I, nnbert a. Lockwoad, csahlar H I the above-nimtd bank, in Mltmnlr TIRES ARE MADE OF BUTYL- I (Wear thai tha «bov« - - - '—• 1 tha kaat •» mjr A PRODUCT OF E88O RESEARCH. ROBBRT I. LOCKWOOD, .o.Al...!: UMh' QET A SET WHERE YOU SEE THIS SIGN" WILLIAM T. «AN PI, ASI, VICTOR W. BMBRr, WILLIAM n. roWLBR. (plrci March 37, 198.1. |]J •» |1IJ4 Local hhrthant Flip* Wit Mtrtury Showroom


AMNUAl UINCNSON — The Atteciatien will hole' ifi eiffcrh «MNMI kieckeee bridee ead fettle* ibow WeeW Dandy CM day, July I, in the Sfcedewbreek, IKrewtbvry to reiie feadt for MM caMofo Mbrery L»aa War buiUinf fund. CemmiMae eidot thewn, left *• rifhr. Mn. Jemet •• Hem, Jr.. Mrt, David 6. Heenefcaa, Mrt. Frank J. C*mm*%%, Jr.. end Mra. ivea H. Baker. Mrt. laker it benefit akeifman. fSaaaaflal aaaHBa M*J^BW tf*BlaW ** ftaaA flMikadkB eaaMB Bi •miFLB nbaTW waTI gin y— that aaaaOi« , _ . Sanatorium Executive Posts West Keanshirg to* aka gat a cbotee of free extra e*«apaaent Oaaaa te- LONO •ai he reae> to hey. hecaeea »eYa feHC an eat te aA lafUeh Me4ert, 14-14 Meale Aveaee, Ui leak, K J Chapter Formed Hied by PTA Retires Trophy lef M4 RARITAN TOWNSHIP - E* PORT MONMOUTH-The Wtatl! SHREWSBURY-* Had Bask aaaalaaataaaS aaaaSaaaaaaaaaiaaaaMA SiM REG. 9* to •IIRBSJ awMfBlBWr* IW Chapter at the Debars* torium and Heapitai. efts*! ysj«r wtrtM- Caiuali • Drtis • Hats • martlag of *• year ia tha Ma Mills, wit orgtaiied laat —- Uddle Bead Sthaei Parent- dty at a luaeaeaa held la the (Md day i Manas Are you ovcrloewUng your pres- "aaetar AaMdattoa la the teat w«chweek.. NOW MtM Paartaaa lira Mr. and Mra. William A. FliAr New efflcan of the PTA are ~l 00 YOU ent outlets? Need extra outleU at Hotmdel «tra laatrwRMlal la short Vaa Ratea. aiaHdiat; arraaiiag ne affair, voicfc wu Aa for nil the convenient appli- attended* by 14 awe* will take 90 vlca anaMaat; Mn. Oaaqa 0a> - - - i-_ -m af. . aVanaaaagfcM aaaaaaWiaaaaVii The priaetpsl i,|»J»«.Hii iaaataal 1*.' MM I Mr*. Clara Franks. WH SjnfSMliy fMSJBJBBBJ BJI IWaVI ances you want? Let us install aat of as feMpttal 7 aai Mm. HaiaM RvMa, near*. It an Martbon. Mat; OUTLETS director ef eaaMan. Mn. them, quickly, professionally. Fraakf r Bl Matt* H§B^Bjyaa 90 rfSJMaf BW VBV SJBJBJSBJBJVV tJBJ iw'aai CUffwaad. UN. mHtoo «ere: Mrs. Edward Barm Watt Knmmirg ¥*| atittttfaa la «aa flaM ef Mart aai -—J Adlaai UmailJa BaSiMi^M SMSI •• |Bina orVWIBJH BJvVBJBWBIt ^raj dg aaiaati. laMtiiHan 11. SHodyiMo 7-0H2 ^^ MSeesJ. 8 tha tnataMat at ted, clteiraiai aMhen; ps eveatit IfH*! OUR SUM-ANNUAL SAU Hta aiM as chert* !• »t DeBaaia and Mn. Ga i IMUMU thai*. Mr la warge Marvel, pvagrami tic i lamlllea. Moviai w*ra adorn MnL Of JOYCI QUALITY Karburt Coaler sad Mn. An- atervteel tha laattwioa which U mala- drew taMk, keattaUty: Many It WNJIIff. thrauak whiataar Tahy, batgaf SNOB IS KMI Mn. AB»Mt Ouactt wan Mra. Mary PaUar, IIACK-WHITI.NATURAL BMM. Laag Braaeh. fsuadar <* thaAlto Mrt. Wanda. Omuua aad Naw Janey than Chiatcr; Mr. ffsiaf ViSaiaeBaal Uaftiaaaaaaflaf*J>aft OMaa^laaV. TAN.MOOt NAVT tad Mn. laUg 1 Ttaimu. long aTa,s Sri aHp^s>vv ot a^as SJveaa^rWaT avvS^'va savw^iwB^ Bnach .chairmaa ef tht ti berehlp; Mrs. toetrt SlmpUat, IIATHERS Oft STRAWS Braach area, tad Mn. EMhar itfery: Mrt. A. W. SMbar aad CahM, Hrrichtttewa. Alw, MnMn. . Ootter, puaUetty; Mrs. WIN SKICTION OF STYLES Edward BaikMrttt, Mn. MaRoberi t Eatt. kaalth: Mn. Ct> Coda, Mra. Mix M. Prawn; iMrn, flyen; Mn. Edward A. Mn. Erncat F. tteymaa, Mn. Courter, Jr.. editw of sewtlet- SIZES 4 TO 10 Emttt Stark, Mra. Mai ter, and Mn. Bert A. leder, wltt tad Mn. Sophia It. Berk, publleatkM. AAAA -1 WIDTHS IN GROUP all of Red Baak; Mn. Ellti The «hemefor th e aew tehee) Kamraw, Little Slim; Mra, H.year wta aaaMnead at "Enrteh- Row Nappa, Shrtwibury. meat of tha School Prognm." The program lor the eomlag Aay maple tugtr ia the home year, prepared by Mn. Detonit lift wonderful grated fine and and Mn. Marvel, program chal^ It Pays to Use Classified Display luted ia a hutlenrich hard atu< men, wtt apenved. lto atrva wMh apple ewaaUagt. It mi awwiiaared the PTA wiU fautituto Saturday morning clamaa far children latereatoi la mmlcel laatfumeatt, daadng or choral tiaglai- Mra. Robert mowed wu to- polated rapraeenutira to attend Board of Education meetta|i to may laMnutiea to «m mm- VMS* A wB1Tsjf\"jB)t fwpCMMstatnW

wen urged to vote ea the high school lud puidttie twrattdum Aug. 4.

The PeaarsHea of "Maltyt't nw jninQ Stttee. Date' Nik Ahmad Ktmll, ialLI Bftaaamtafa^a4> —• e^ on PUB, rnMM_ hii tfiitOaUwwcr cradaattala thaont |*I Mt aacoyagahyg d byy ...h the e •ttott i flmflOfl H MQ democracy thla comtry."

SvHeM Sw*B An) Hrtte purcta n

U te la the 4w«ml- &i.-

sad asp<«mbcr

n«M MM* In Owlr mv OM nil ef luterett tMmlat • a MM) Ik* Mate «• M kMr. a* «• ••HIM Mi »er eettum >er umum, t i» «f oii •r «M4wmUe0i ef MM p»t He irifem will te ta bark uittlt Only 7.5 Aiapi.Operate* ON IIS "Oh for the good oU doy$ .. ." ma* M UM MM«f a» kMdtra effirtni

How often we hear that expression today! Aad everytime we do fDtrff* wea^aUttkI»atsifi<...ItbriJjnrjeckmemorietofthadaytwhen... VMMS i tt aatsftivfi #thm tttsss flnt Aaw HUUAM Mk ••••Hi tM imtMMg. tM If lw« «r mwe kMdtra Wwm HTHIMI nvnciiw rwai •Mofpjrf 1te0 MeepHMlR 1 m e. Mme ICM i There were fences to climb,,. open fields to choose up sides,.. quiet ol IhItWll urn., t ran of streets to slay one-ocat... we thrilled at following; Nick the lamplighter, Ml wtll be KM _ _ __ Idwrt drvrlii sj to who moved silently from* lsmp to lamp before dusk with his torch. pa* tMNfar Ow hlihttl UaltlMal mttol. wMeh nja* Ulan Ml tiettii bjr Mate Ihaa Itew Oie par value of tha As wo recall these days we have to light back a lump in our throat* MM herii* offeml fir ialt. Kath ytopaeal mutt te aeeomiun. ... because the iaa light symbolises a by-gone era. Now, Natural Gas, lid by a ctrtlfltd, cuhlai'i or ircaa- urer'i ehcek far two par ctnlum of the modern wonder fuel, has brought back the enchantment of the gas me amount at Mi bonM htrtby of. light This is the same Natural Gas that heats our homes, cooks our 3 Years to Pay fired, drawn upon a tank or Iruat rompanr to thi order of the Roird of meals, heats our water, gives us sir conditioning, dries our clothes... and education of tha Borou«!! ef Little all- v»r. In thi County of Monmouth, N*w once again gives us the charm of gas lights. Jtraar. partlallr to aeetin laid nit- trlet from WK> IOM raiulllna: from lull- un of thi bldritr to cempljr with tht For information about the NEW gas lights, contact your plumber or ttrmi of hit bid. No Inttriit will bt wd on tcttuclii aptaapoaltt . In Mdittot nto to ih« prlet Mil the purehanr mun pay aecrutd tnttraal at Iht rtt* borne by tha bondi from Much 1, 1*S». to the data of paymtnl of tht pureMia pilee. The rlaht It rcatrvtd to reject anv or all bWi and any Bid not csm«iylna with thi provliloit htrtof or offurlna NEW JERSEY NATURAL GAS Cl to Btv a tirtmlum In Mean of n.MA BETTER HOUSEKEEPING SHOP will M raltetid, lltda ara daalrad on forma which will hi fiirnlahoil hy lh« SAUt AHft M1VICI Menlary, and meh bid mull be Hoard of Rdueatmn of the Boroiuh uf Minn gltvtr, In tha OfMa PrMay Nleht 'tK t :30—free Perking. County of Mnnmouth, Ntw Jaratv. niciiAnn w w/rmfcrt, aterttiry, June lia iMt4 Sew and So 118 Enrolled _ Children'* Academy |BgS 2.TT.I* HOUOTMI Program Held Club Dine§ Davidm. EATONTOWN - Mn. Hubert KEYPOBT-A ChUdrea'a Day] GRAMAN'S UNCROPT Mn. Woodtiae, Byraee U.. m at» held Suaday at «I Mn. McGaift, Jr, William Keav- ate of Mr. aad Mrt. William a y p. at. ia the Retained Churdi.j VACfcHMi AND AmiAMCI Miff 60. Mia. Jerry Ber a MCtkM the Wcaieyaa Guild of ffct The naden far Hie prograal Mn. Jeeeah Ketvcay, Atlantic Highland*: M MOHMOMTH tltDJf. MD DAft*. N. * Coaaty with Robert K**«r ton of Mr. aadHetaodttt Ckurck last week at wen Betty AM Boniatefl Clara PMOMt M 7-1411 Keyjiort to Point Pteetaat reprc- Mrt. WUUam Kemp, Littie Silver. the homo of Mrt fUytktad aa, Judith Wallace, Garry Port, I Daytaa. QUa. Caaw Ragtetntfaae total 111, Can. Jr., vie* arvjMei Robtrt Caateraa, Jaaa l wart Mrt. McOatre, Jr Jeffrey Korbln, toa of Mrt. leaving » placet to he Evelyn Kerbia, Kcyport; John Attending were Mn. RJdaud Wiltaa aad Uoyd Rtya.f Mn. ••» onawJag day, ttpt VoorbtM, Mn. Freak Often fret, fciaday-echool] AUTHOtlZID Mm. Craig. Mra. Croddick, too of Mr. and Mn. Brother Anthony John, head of Eugene Croddick, Wickatunk; Mn. Robert HitjcUey. Mrt. Reb-claim who rt HOOVER—SALES AND SERVICE the New York Province of the ert Hacker. Mn. Robert Riahl- Mn. Hone* Btmford, Mittl Robert Lamb, en of Mr. and NEW AND REBUILT CLEANERS Chrtatiaa Brothtrt, received a Mrt. Robert Lamb, and Lawman- , Mrt. Rweell Davis, Mint Odette Hertie, Merrill Wallace, report OB hit vMt here rence Vetrula, aoa of Mr. andSara Bowater, Mia* Henrietta Mn. John Ackenom, Mitt Rita • UP AMI ON • K#fi that week-end. Mrt. Joeeph Petrula, Freehold; Harrmaaa aad Mian Marilyn PeUegrlao, Robert WilkenloM 6E . HOOVER • atCTROLUX, •*. Miller. MnM . ainM Coaover, Robert I John Ptladiao, ton of Mr. and IRONS • VACUUMS - TOASTERS Mn. John Paladjoo, Long After the Mn. Albeit RaniRMgnaJ Branch; William Jenkiai. ton of Robiatoa ud WiUiaaJ PERCOLATORS - MIXERS, ate. Mr. and Mrt. Wilbur Jeakint; AckaraM. »AITSPOIs Joeeph MiHeaberger. ton of Mr. of the After MM pragnn, tttcadascel Mn. Joseph Miltvsbtrgtr coaualttea dial Mn.Caei, •iat werve idiatributad by Warnal VACUUMS - WASHERS • DRYERS • IRONS larahar*. SMday-achaai l RANGES • TOASTERS. MIXERS • LAMPS, wte. Mn. Peter Ikouraa, Weet HamMM, WMMfHBt Mff> WiUiani VHal paMM* Ml lo- cal ekmh eetfvtfat; Mn. Of- Andrew AngUn. an ef Mn. kgaoe Aaglim, and John Mac- Party far CMM4M ^ Cowan, ton of Mr. and Mn. Wai- ttr MaeGowan, Spring Lake; Ed- EATONTOWN - A dMhla grad- ward Noumair, ton of Mr. wat kaU lat- Mn. Edward Noumair, Attwry Park: Junta Black, aoa of Mr. •f Mr. Md Mn. Jamei Black, aad M af^MSBVMM M*M .in, ton of Mr. and .. Ml RJc*ard Cad- Mn. Prank Regan, lea Oirt: •aa. «• of Mr. Mi Mn. ATOM* Jack McKeiuie, ton of Mr. aad at DM CNf- Mn. Jack McKeniie, Neptnae, (Ma year. Eoc aad N. Donald Tortoretla. toe ofWMfctiMM OMM «M* Mr. Mi Mn. RBV] SEMI-ANNUAL Mn. Athelean Tortortlla. Lav tar M*Mactal pnjtct Mi U- Mr. croft. Mte aTJeMt lite *a taiMk« Mn.RMartL. aadcMI-1 Brother John lntpectod the coa-IWd. dna. JaeUe Ml Robert. Ml Mr. vertioo of the tUble now 1m wta to m nrttor Ml Mn. Anhar CMM* Ml childna, BMBK, UdMUtf Ml the direction of Frank Patotk. a of aw The building fund committee re- Larry, an ef Red Baak; Mr. Ml SHOE porn that M per cent of the Mrt.a William Faaata« Mi efcil- pledged over three yean, r AMH.Y RAMMN Int. VlrgUi. IWMo. Pa«y Ml received. •HRBWIBURY-AfM^yn- Billy. RMNim, Mi Mn. UN •JOB waa MM wadty at tka MBM Ftlkm, Hartford. ~ •f Mr. wd Mn. UWMJ j. Taa- Party Given aeia, Obra PL CLEARANCE Mn. Toaaela'a awaav, Mr. aad Mn. Freak Bagtoi Mr. aad Mn. For Graduate BaaJaaMa fry aad aoa, Btaja- UNION BEACH - BHBI *r.| Mr, aad Mra, Joha Ruby wai given a party la theOottehall and chUdren, Larry, ot Mi parenta. Mr. and Jeaa, BMtera, aad Uoyd; ttftstl' TH« BHOf WITH

Charlet Ruby. Sr., Mr. and Mn. REGULARLY Chatter, Pa., and Mln Mary Ton- Mrp. Martin McCoy, Mata- attoofObroPL [wan; Mr, aad Mn. Jamet Ander- NOW aoa, Mr. and Mn. George Ruby, CARIBBEAN CRUISE Jeney City; Mr. and Mn. Jtmet LITTLE SILVER - Lt Colonel O'Brien, Keaaibnrg; Mr. and Mm. Thomas Mtguin of Mn. Louit FiUmiller. Old White Rd., Utdt Silver, km re- TAKE HOME A i; Mr. and Mn. WUUam turned from u citended Carib- Amngutrn ud children, Mitt bean cruli*. Uaddiboatotitltt Jo ABB Arnaguarn, Rudolph to Porto Bloo ui Cuba, CoL Cherney, Styreville; Mr. Maguin opent three OUTtTANMN* VAIMt Mn. Htrold EDit, Mr. and Mrt.weekt at Fort Amadord , PPanama ROM OUR RtWHAt tTOCK NEW PORTABLE Fred Pohlke «nd m, Mr. Canal Zone, with fltelr ton-ta-law Mn. John Mtclnaat, Mr. and daughterg, , Lt Col. and Mn. Mn. Benjamin Young, Mr. t Mn. Alfred Hoffman and McClith aad family. Cot. Mr. and Mn. Loult LoOile aad McCltah Is atalgntd to the com©- AIR CONDITIONER! children, Mn. Albert Klngeter, trollcr divlalm, Ctrlb r Mitl lam 4-it wMn»4AMC Mr. and Mn. John McArthur. Mr. and Mn. Walter Mamatt, Mr. Best value waVra arar af and. h't • i a^acp!Wd^)tlaattkan60poan

July let. ittt al ~«£tern Daylldit The receipt and ... ibject ta the proper Ik* bldaer In

ITS COOL! HYIIID TIAS, rtOWtUNOAS, CUMINS •OOO StUCTION Of COLOM J«rt«_butlnen.lioun. KA«m win IM furnlihed wKk • copy or MM plan* mi STIU AVAHAMJ IH CONTAIN!*. DEHUMIDIHES GRASS SMARS WHEN IT'S rawtas 99c BMi nun b* mil* aa auaAuJ Ke- »u tormj lit IM manner d*ttciMt*4 ONLY A HW UPT 50' SPRINKLER HOSE IMMIB and rtqulml By UM tpteini!*. Ikma; mutt b* «

Notice li hereby airen that Mated bid! wffl be retelrtd br OH BttHlS MclNTOSH APPU - 1TAN0AID ft SWAM Choaen Preeholdera of th« County at MonmoiiUi for the ft«maatr«ettn *f th Rikhd d l w tt B MAPMI S •RAPfS AND

The receipt and opeataa; at bMt «e taWeet to th* proper quaUfleatloni of the blddera In acoordane* wnk the *r» rHloni of the PreauiMHeatton taw *MI the retuiallont adoMed by ttw ~ * FLOWERING SHRUBS of Choeen Vreeboldert of the County of MonmmiUi. I Rpeeineatlone and farm «f bid. can- Irnrt and hmd for the prapottd warh. ^reparfd bv Len K. McKee. Count" IN POTS Rnitneer, ht*« been filed In the of- r firp nnil on th" hnur »hnv* n»mi«fi. in HtnnilnM prnpnniit fnrmi will he Turn in at Klnney Shoes contin- Turn in at new A&P on (Rt. 361 deUUt on new CARRIER unlU to: J irnlilicd upon appllcallon to the Bn UlMf Slhrtr-SH 1-3454 ! . .„ lnrer. uing down Cherry Tree Farm Wilton Ave., and left on Cherry Plt M lwd Tho rlftrit l« r'unrved lo r«)ffl tnv ^nrt or all bMR If d«emed to the In- Tree Farm Rd., I Keyport Rd.) OR MAIL THIS COUPON -> .Name nf (ho Counlv an la do. Rd. (Keyport Rd.) ny orr1,r of tlm nnard of Chnien OAUUBB Man yw 1f*ek-a»t ltalfle IU. lAddKM __— "ri-rti'ililnm of thn Rminty of Mnn- BBBBlBjai aVa^^B,^^^^a^kK^a.4^ai I ^ Bk^laf B^_| A*a^B** BW^^H^ BJ -nouth. A COMPLETE UNDSCAPE PUNNING AND MAINTENANCE PROGRAM •••• BBJ •* BBB"JraniniBtBBj|w BBJIII am WwtiTW Bfawif j Phono JOflBPH C. mwitf. nimetor. — Vft.«*a.i WVNf — mm rour rmdio tlal, • City ...^ —• RBH ess inVINtt ». HBNNBTT, Cl»rK J*M Xi 11114 Events Of Year* Ago laa* M. ttttl

Jabs B^MBI 1 From Register file* M 9mm lfr.aB4 Un. Ralph Sacea, Mn. •my. The Mn. 2S Break Av«^ hard, treasurer; Mn. Sarah Iv-H . Little Siher. S. J-, At* Mra. 9 Llsn^^a an^ananaa ann^aBldB^at aanianaHdl* art Iwviag their oad William H. Witom "urt namM HiH^. ^m^v pvavv, Red Beak were sppoiated ps- Dr. R. W. Jewett'f dental tt- Susan Lee, BBlside gaard; ffc*M the Second National »ot the Eta Cats tntstae; Mra.|| library af Fi The graduates at St. J tuiidtag M catered F|JTf|fffh • BI the fin live, oad Mn. Jtaai* bythe . St. The sha atteraate it Gaul, Jr. EU Beatrice Quit- Offioen of America were A. Ubrary*t npraeeatative Officen deded by the ley, Muy Cafheriet - - - victaity. Bright Lawn Ttaait and Crickat] ]££ Thamaa Veerhit, . Club gem Woodt, vice president; CUf- aw rkdcosBbe Word, vicol graduating dan of **' aa the road kt BJMOMOB mmtmHcmmamm Chtadkr aad William P. wm04 ha^ pwaidtat; 'Jaatct C. AucaiackMi, Scott. Jr., matter of anughter at Mn. Cecila Lataard M a Mfc •acretary, aad C. Mtury Joan, CALL Charlee City, conductor, nad Fred party ia her •Mfevetiak, aad Fred Gealhnat wen EMa Maida, Fitronce Bar place to travel. af Atlantic Highlands, wen mar Mstte, gusrd. Mn. Beajsmia VaaKcurear of %fVaj •»•• Miss Maud Lohaea, daughter of Ruth Herbert, Hetta High, . occur aad bow many more per South St.. Eataalown. ried by Rev. Mrs. Catherine Lohsca of BeMord. :atheriae Murphy. Jena Lanem J. B. WhMtaa of sons must be auimed ar other- at a ajuiHwg party at her M70I Navasiak. Charlee E. Woolley of Key sssa, Edward Rynn, wise iapired before thia Those who tltsidtd were Mn.f were married ia the BeMord Frederick Hurley. Normar Meier, Bobby Berry, Florence VaaNate sivo meaaura af safety it adapted John Read, Mn.gsfjnrd Id lunch counter frtas W. J. by R far the - S. T. Homer. id Louies Caaevari. 1M. pnp Mn. Eva SeheAtld af Newman Tba east would ba only a Mary Oadanai, Mn. One of D. R Crate'a tWvary fractiaa at\ that apaat far ~ Mn. Maurice Mr. daiay waa «o tint em- heavily Re.. Uacnft. •taw of Tan Rod Bask Ratjlatar ways tar ataaMa to acast ovor Mn. WiMam Fssmsas aad Mn.| hmtriaas have ta pay tsnoa»«J. M^AiawyFParki .

taaseflBolBVraayotatasase.Mr0 -ll "* t""t iS^ car wan. The very awaoy *1 '~"? .* J|?i*"*' FREE.. a*t. djt^ajBj gpjhjfajjg) ^^m gpaa^-JJ tjaB^BAfga ManM DSfVOHT HHBBUM at a, tarn A4. -«d. aad Mr p Uaeraft; Mn. Hmyy { |Ckttaya wark woe aaactty The coating caraival at Ri they ever receive a tojuire ddeal. let ia Atomy Park. 1 lanfShfrW ttntaB^^hftatanfaal mafp anannfll I af when hit Baak «nl to a h% •MeoH. That McClaieMra. R.. HwirlrtiMn. Willia, Mnm. ^m WlM *«•• HPy pWVwv alaMka^nW aMnamaauft^ aaaataV baaw dnm* SUMMER STORAGE WffltMj HaWMi wmm wf law BBOBI OBuroiy lor, DM aaaani Mrs. Charts! Smith. Mn. Don- —» - ^^^Iditkl BBBBIA salaama* Z Kaaey. Mn. fleergo Kaaey, Mn. _ _u... . , •=3, Clark. Mn Beajamia aatalata wtthaat a al Cttftord Brewer. I piano racHH was grwa _ Offlcen elected at the apihi of Matthew J. Holly- Mn. Gaorgo Palawr. Mn. aw the wottaro of Pick Un & CMivrv S'irvict' STORES McPhec, Mrs. Charles could be faMaol at a meattag «t tht Mlddlrtowa Town-1 at nil ttedie oa Ptttn PI. •hip Democratic OrgaaliattoB whe took part la the pro- Mn. L. SoiHh, Mn. Ed- ignat wen Marie Caaover, Mn. HsfoM Perry J. Cnwferd ~mjlf Wans. aad Mn. Edgar AVeisadtr. Rlv-Craig Fiaaagaa af Bet* Gaorpe H. SkaBy.Ma ar Plaia: Mn. O0.. FltSMtrlckFltsfatrlck.. wore the owntn of the pnaldaat; Jaoa>| Vaaater, Fraacea Trou, Ethel Fttcpatrkk, Mn. Davit, Doreiqr Caaover, Agooj to build an mat **"- Dora Taraow, Wrdvioi| Whjla the river la tat Ucttty Taylor. Mn. William 9x12 Hackett. E. Broctdatnt, Cater- Mrs. H. Clay. Red tract •aha Mayatrd Can. treaa- ackaawtodgei at ba lha grea Mary GUI. aacretary; Mn. aad Mn. Prod Aycn aad told at prieoi from O,Nt to », Csyae. Manjuot aataralattractkaaflhelewa.aad "-"- ar" »-ww» wt*n »» v>i •Jg-ajgk VlHMlalBBBtdMf dBnWdB at tha aatira car- E. Kenaady. Little SUvtr. Mat, Myra ABso. Mr. aad Mrs. Herbert G. Row- Coin I. BayUad. tSftar-old -en***. •* riuk McCarna. Eearoty. O. Rta^E gtfgf ft*** rai«latml fMasAgggf tajIM ftntt ••»• MrmU», sa•"•d 'Mn. Irving Roop, •oa ot Mr. aad Mn. Jeba W. •argaaat-aUmi. WIOT • ••aujvaaf W^tWJ WW aW mjl mmA MnUM . Joaepti Laker. Mr. Boytaad of River Ptaaa. tailed GrooaGround wu brokea aatt Uttto ^•FT^"^PW %W B^WIW *^B1 Boaw^aTaTWBej H ^ ^ mat • *"*' Ntas Bloom. ESM Oral, — Jama Gnaley. Mr. ataao for Europe u a SUvtr for a BOW pubUe hi amssdar that there hi aot m **• *"** •awi Hobbi, Mr. ihlaWkHMCCouBty. bvlmmfl which wu to MIDDLETOWN uto ttorct, Hriea ttmA, Aaaa ** TU^"** ?*!*••-* •ta*h ntA^Ham1 MiM Wahaettah Crate, daugb- ate roomt aad a gymaatium. aad DOfOQQf HlDa tor of Mr. aad Mn. Betfcuaia be coaatructtd ot brick aad ca> ank caa nan tha ttoer enralvnl **fordd , Georgattendee d a tettimonial din- H. Crate. Jr. of Rim Plaia, der block. Ford, Dorothy Uwraaee, aer at tto Molly Pitcher Hotel graduated from State Tteeheri Otoaa Fire Comptay of fee RUGOEANERS Han, Constance Daahai oa privste property town has aot a single bit ol at Red Bank la of Herbert College at HiUwood Lakai. Traa- Bright wu to hold iU trko Rafferty, Ruth Scott. May • tTl»aHBBB|, canlvaJ oa Sue f bathing amvUkm McMahoa, Rat Berttr. Harry ad on tha river front Tea Rumson couples enjoyed a Oflicvfi elected by the Rod grouads. The carnival Jackson, Edward 0-Brlen. Ahner i whole beauty where tto river —M a OSbome 1-1318 progrtttivt dinner party, la tha 01 Wast, Fnak Mont Wlttam Say- an to take place. wen Mr. aad Mn. Al Lodge were Mn. lona Cook, put chairman; Jamas P. Thortan. Hurley, WiUam la the whole towa of Red Bank map , p Mr. and Mn. Lewin Mn. Mina tuttoa WIlBam Dtvenaux. Harry Pokw Wilton, Mr. aad Mn. Joha d At J ~ Ibart OahMdBtff. of WMOB, Mr. aad Mrs. Ralph Long- Itaaa whe bai parti ia i'a i TIL a etrl» of l«d about UU. Mr. aad Mn. Ralph Pearl tha >*•• j0BMM> Mr. and Mrs. Aadr abMh>li to aa ta tth Mr aad Mrs. WIU Ward, Mr. and Mn. Albert Kerr. Mn. Ehna McKay and Latham MH HtyiM. Katie Schkk. Ethti Pmpact It to liabla to bi - Peanall. mi Ptwi BdMMx. Caorn wU K» bed at any tlma by tome penoa bal Moaby, Ralpb Morrii, Rob- who thinki ba would like to have Among tha boys of Red Bank ert WijkMoa, Everett CarUta i «% ptiCQ of nvQT (raot proptfty. •ad vicinity, who wen to attend Afam Htadriduoa. The idea of a river carnivsl, with Cnmp Undenmera at Womchv Tba ot tha Oceanic "» *"• *» *• *«™ * «•* Bamk dsrf, Pa., wen Barney Taylor, K'"fro» m wbieh tha piibUe miy view Henry aad William Hagarmsn, ery, Helen N. Earigbt, Mitlhew it without encroaching on private Preston Morford, Jack Schooley highly and Pate MacDaaald. Red Bank; Mala. Elisabeth M. Murphy. El- for the public opirtt of the Marshall Algor, Fair Haven, and Ha A. ObJaadt. EUa C. Rya* and of Red Baak. not does It'ihow William Psiicky, Rumtoa. The B. VaaNaat. any sincere faith ia the value enmp wu under the direction of no Shnwabary Fire Cooptny the river u aa attraction of the George W. Strauss, a member waa to giva a bam dance hi Al ot tha Red Bank High School H_----j- . _. _ f_ ..__ _* «r" faculty. ItnOTOr S MW Mfal w S 'arrange- probably make ao effort to ex As part of a '''TPIWIIW* to sup- bvy. Tba eommlttaa of ai fc people fro* their propery port the activate of Moamouth Harry MeOonBlek aad Ralph WM- the toot of Wharf Ave. Mr. council. Sea Scout division. Boy Priek has always iavitad the pub- Scouts ot America, a valuable Hw Gnat Whtte Way Palace lic to use the river froat of Ms water color painting, the work US tM BaVLW (kVM It tot MW pwpwgral: FrkkjLyceum, aad ha of Mrs. Hii^eS"uejdeU Hanv pfctava ptaef which wu ."f. »2py ^ *" " £&.**g i«« "I »>tpgM it., BOtod. nagag - loaNtvietakAve.iaHia> year. Neither J. Traftord AUon itaa Uhutntor, waa to ba db> nor tto catato of Joha Abbott poaad ot oa tto oopentivo pita. af tho Bura»aBri« light. Worthily la likely to try to abut Tto palatttg, which wu donated A •Math r*1** at cbacken be» poplo off from tto river fronts by Mn. HUBUMU, wu oa twaaa Red Baak aad LoagBnaeb Maple Ave. aad Wuhington plapu y ia fto wiadow ot teRe d atthi ChHe-»t TlUa will ajve the people Pi Dan AwodaMoa roomi. Red Bank toieethe Ia tto office wiadow of Tto woa by • aeon of 41 to Place* RegUter wu a veat pockot plttol •VM if they have ao land of theii by Constable Fraaklla PAINT OFFEI! Carcbia. Joha Bast hih th eaaitand Pierce Strykery, . Tto p wu VsnVUet, Clarke Worthily, ttMrpwIic outfit not to beto tmat! ttat H looked liko a toy,y, no BlaHdm. WaRor L. I oa thhe generosity but tad illl tto dum-dtalinddli g aad Charltt Croft. The pstyon on ea of private fndfvi of a regular platoL It unto for a chaaco to get to the was OM ALL PAINT PURCHASES tha Long Branch team wan 3, givea to Mr. Stryker " - . " Waltt. river. The towa aughg t to own the yetri previoua by too late Wil- Hotf, E. rivei r froaft t off ovary street Fu liam Appiento, who at that time Lane aad A. W. Warwick. ther tkaa that, It oughgt toow onw wu tto owner of tto Headrkk- MjssOBveWUte, daughter a rivei r nodd, ffrontini g kakng the ton k Applegate botlnett on East sum un j'sif ur m our i G80C|8 WUtV Iff InaaMMMBa . I oatJiatowa. Front St Leroy Comptaa. soa ot Stout Tto Conpton of Botford, won married S Yean Age duce of tto Young Woman's I now have hundreds of blanches from New at the Matawaa Mot Hetaa Taylor, daughter of Mn, Club ot Red Bank wu to to FRIDAY soasge by Rev. B. C. dgtr Taylor of Suniet Ave., held at tto Monmouth County England to Texas selling my famous formula Jr. Tha couplp e wore atteadas by «u a birthday party Country Club, Eatoatowa. The Miai Lealie Bailey aad Ooarg* la ctMbratioa of her fourth birth- affair wu to to held outside in paints. Visit my local branch and leam how you White, both ot Matawaawaa. day. Thott whe attended were the nature of a garden party Fred Tettey of Worthty tt wwuu MUUcant Brown,, Dorit VwiNote with Japanese lanterns providing deUverinUi g newipapen att LitLittlle Anaa MaM e Applegate, Buddy illumiiiatiim. Mn. Jtmet Van- too can save the Mary Carter way. JULY 3 BUl I Sttvar Point wbaa bJs hone raa Wama, Nottrand wu ctolrmaa aad her EVERY 35 FREE IfelEVERY S5 FREE! SPECIAL U9WD «U» SATM AUYO PUT WAU PAMT A vanriih. of swporier durability that Amasiafj porformaneo ia this oil TMs beautiful, oaiy-NHtso paint h avaflabla in haadrods ol pofflf. imoBto maiaojt Boaamw tinisn, VALUES Vfewvaj TO w 9 Ml HI 4>Tf Oo OT R4>afw*fWPBfwV colon. Brushes or rolls osilry. Aa am oaty brmMafl, ond loaf woarino. Mil. Mfla boawry. axtra lltjM—extra «ar> •Mlol WON pOlvev TnOv ROS OXtTO WOllW i TERMITES? dow raaistaitfl aaffity aad long Mo. mm m* tMt par ¥• fai 15.98 Wtm* AMIS MAY K TERMITISI tMt par ««. ajaj 9O.TO Starting A now Balat OMRorlanoa on imldk or TIAI THIS Like a kaiid^aabod MHR flnlth. Idetl owhld* lurfieet. Suaorlor for walk, AS Otff At for fort fool-proof brathiitg. Rtpld can bi very aolliaajti naiaiiry of all typoi* DoaaBt TOURPtlCI dry—yellow resistant paint far tma- 6 p.m. lad * ** • MOTH* a SILVaHMH • CA«MT ItmtS, Ht. «oi. Easy appHaaNoR. ** M iaj. Drlot rapidly. y* #0*70 UM par ajt. —.. ajal #9t7O w ,* $5.91 CLOSED AND tnCIAUZMt} IN I TIRMITI CONTROL ALL DAY A Complete line Or Paints for fvery Purpose CHESAPEAKE EXTERMMATtfMS MARY CARTER PAINT FACTORIES SATURDAY COMPANY WORLD'S LARGEST OPERATION OF ITS KIND BANK JULY 4 SH M343 RT. M, MIDDLETOWN (RED BA>OC); RT. M, MATAWAN, LOWELL «-MM; 113 BRIOHTEN AVENUE, LONG BRANCHf III HWY. U, WANAMAMAJ RT. al AT UNION AVE., UNION BEACH; STATE HWY. II, SOUTH AMBOYi Ml tOUTH WOOD AVE., LINDEN. Alto: Perth Amboy, Newark, Plata field, Rotelle Park, CllfhMt Park, West Orange aid otben. Awitvmtry UNION -IWhcH Station to Open •rat aid aauad and auxiliary re- cently celebrated Hs MB aa- In Red Bank adversary ia the aauad sirri" a. Mn. George Sappaa, auxiliary ASaWRY PARK — Greater Red resident, prrstatod a BM check dram the auxiliary to the aauad president, George Aaer. Mr. Ad- tka cmiee er told members that the money would be used to bete defray the The U. S. Navy Recruiting Sub- cost of a two-way radio to be ia- COMsPARI OUR LOW atim here aaasusrsi today the staUed in its new ambulance of anew recruiting A buffe| supper was served by effective next the auxiliary, followed by danc- ing aad games. of Senior Attending were Mr. and Mrs. George Ader, Mr. and Mrs. Tsrea. «H Bad Rank office will irge Andenon, Mn. Harry la ktcaaadto th e paat office base- Chandler, Mr. aad Mrs. Walter •sat. aad «• be opaa from t n. Chomic. Albert Cowling. Mr. and av te • gv ». Mnaday through Mn. William Craig, Mr. and fitJaf: mi Inw I a. aooa i. Calvin Garriaoa, Mr. end gaaaiaam Summer Mrs. Gerald Havens, Mr. aad AaaeaaaaJleCMBtTana ike a Navy pHpjaB Os jaBIBae waj Manga Mrs. Nenaaa Uettcaau, Mr. aad A Mn. Clarence. McQueen, Mr. end Mn. Assert Niato, Mr. aad Mn. Md., Chief Tereo spent ate lest Robert Orr, Mr. aad Mn. Frank four yaen to HawaUas head af Phillipa. Mr. and Mn. Edward fataa, • the Submiriao Beet Career Aa- Tkemaa Ward, aai asaTaaaaaaal anaaUBt t on George Wirth. Robert Brewa. Al- asoafci sasofBoato toesnetsd Ia World War II, hs FaMuti, Mr. and Mn. Coders lagainHi i lar the WAVES aa aboard destroyers aad cruisers EWBERRYS HELPS YOU TAKE THE SIMMER OUT OF SUMMER and pertieipeted ia the Mn. of North Attica. Italy eat Mn. Walter Fenrose^. MnMn. RitRitae) era France. PUOW Chief Teno resides with Msert aappah and Mr2**1. aa d SrMn i MNCH STATIONARY »O PAN wifOfAM.aadsrAaa,aadaaeo . William Havens. Excellent quality fan far 1 MNWATON ert, ITHiptiMI. on table, desk. Sagegi fat Vitro Names chrome " " Underwriters ta+IN Selects Aides PORTABU For Card Party Schumann VP 10" HICTftiCAUY IttmSIMf FAN NEW YORK CITY - IMS L. Tops for ejuallty, with Feece l*enesd sneter. QUIET COOUJt EATONTOWN - Mr*. IB) Quaaaa Drive Easy to carry, or use as window fan. Enwinettd steel cabinet. U.L. approved. AC. Reg. SMI. mhteaa for me tamU card party of the Auxiliary of Rivervlow Hoi COOUIIWNJ pttal at last Thursday afternoon MftlD rORTAMf HfATtl meeting ia the ambulance reoa Famous "TravaUin" "Cod-R^eater" - has Mn. Gary Worthley wiU be ia built-in thermal safety switch, adjuatabto grilles, charge of tickets; Mn, Henry " vinyl coated No-Mar steel cabinet. Three speeds. 34.95 jam gUfJ MfBJ, HfltCW prises; Mn. Clifford N. irab bag; aad Mrs. Elmer B. M* ZafPIMD FUSTIC MACH IAGS Sharp and Mn. R. B. HatfiakL Approximately MU" long with boxed aides, long refreshments. top sJpper-wlll hold all your beech toga. Sturdy The card party wiU take place washable plsstlc in choice of patterns, colon. at the first meeting of the year. Sept. IT, ia the ambulance room. There will be no meetings during the summer, except those c ITS EASY TO CHAkGE IT by the card party committee. Buy the fan or air cooler you need NOW ... » Mn. Meloae, who also ia preei- open a Ncwberry regular or revohrinf Charge j dent of the autUlary, aaaouoced that a pmldeBt'a pui will be pur- Account—and pay while you UM it. > chaaed to be worn by aeach prea> dent during her term of office. Adjustable 24" Bronze Finish Jwtt 2f - Aif. 12 Vitro designs, builds, and opar- ates atomic, chemical process- Riiimoti and Sea Girt ing aad metallurgical and mili- tary faculties. Mr. Schumann has BRAZIER bom sales manager of Vitro En-

h School ami Cetefo t Graduated from the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale Univer- IUMNf> AND INfHIfN sity in MM. Mr. Schumann waa Readlag. Wrlttog. SWdy tUh previously associated win Bueli OWLS' SUITS aatona Each Week, Day *r Bvaaha) Engineering Company of New DMNDL COTTON TWa eeune ii offered at all leveli from wventh trade York City, Dyer Engineers, Inc., 14* MANYSTUIS through college, with studenti grouped homopeneouily ac- of Cleveland, Ohio, and Rock- cording to ability. It helos students to read with loeed well Manufacturing Company of Rat. llti PUT suns MOiSON aad comprehension, to write grammatically[anlJojically, Pittaburgh, Electric rotiseerie unit, re- aad to increafe their knowledge of vocabulary. This eo«r>e From 1M1 to MM. hs served L97f3.87 la vary popular with serious studenti who are anxious to volving chroma grill, gear re- SB, fO>- with the U. S. Navy in anti-sub- Frlated and solid eeler liaa, woven Improve their school trade* and to obtain maximum prena- marine warfare in the Atlantic, duction motor, detachable ratHM for college nosrn 8ml other tvoes of efllrance exams. •Istiliama. Caribbean, and Pacific theaters, legs. Rust-resistant steel fire t/lB loirda and ts faiUes. AasartAasartaa i MMINTARY MANN* far cUMra* ta ojnehi 14 being released to inactive duty bowl. prtals. S4X with the rank.of commander, colera. Mi aadd 71 7.144 , end Mi. •eg. He USNR. 97 This course emohssiie* phonicR and sight vocabulary and other methods of word oerceotion, fMifs^nph ffomnrfflen* Mr. Schumann is a member aim, phrase readlne, vocahniary building. The children of the Engineers' Club of New t III ifitRu jfwim scrordin^ to df York, Yale Engineering Associ- WOMIN'S TORY MACH JACKITS ation, Armed Forces Chemical As- PUtUC SHAKING AND DRAMATICS sociation. Air Pollution Control Thick, fluffy cotton terry do* Jachate ia wide I Tiweo-Hoar SCMIOM Each Week, Everiags Oaly Association, American Ordnance selection of stylea-f rom one button to S-battoa This course Is desisnml to me^t the r*«1s of stht«. The Club of Sea Bright, aad the lint half of each r'»>n Is devote ft ttoAv t>«<\ rtH'1 In f*t*x*d wM'» Storms of Msnasquan, and son, Heavy quality rubber with attractive molded fwwformlrif In the nttfnr- n' or»«<»* Robert, having moved hen from designs. Chin strap, patented inside triple asal The course Instructor Is PAUL ANDERSON, professional actor and director for tnanv vei>rs. unrf former!" Inntrurfor New York City in 1*51. to protect hair from water. White only. at the AmMirmi Ar»i*emv of Timmntic Art, Hunter Col- lege, and Highland M*»«-. Seminarians BIG 10' RIGID POOL WOMIN'S and GNUS' lATHING SNOB t Twallaai aesekm K*<**« W«*>*—Ciwehma; CtasM* To Teach Super-sturdy bathing shoes molded design in fl*** h tafto, Frew*. •-•« •—•-•• -• V«rtens levels TRENTON - Bishop George W. BIG VALUE! Keep amall fry cool KOOKOUT textured, natural rubber, with thick corrugated 3 __ Ahr of the Catholic diocese of and happy right in their own yard. soles to protect feet. White only. 11-3 aad M. to |* * MATHIMATteS Trenton last week assigned 32 99 Big W aquamarine color, super- W* VMeve that all stt«<<>nt« should develoo a high degree seminarians to Religious Vacation of akin tn applyinp arithmetic to a w''•••% adjustable tractive printed cottons. All styles with skirts. f up some •rlmmetic. All counes an planned to develon a hl'lo chronic logical aopraach to nmW-m-noivIni' ant wf«h can t*v* *«"< mirges. St. James, Basking Ridge; An- drew P. Cogan, St Catherine's, JUNIOR MMM ARITHMITie East Keansburg, to Our Lady of I Twe.»«"« ««--•—. w.«i« Week the Mount, Mount Bethel, and JAMAICA SHORTS Stephen H. Congdon, Precious TRAVEL IRON MATH SURVRY 1 It to It. Leree Blood, Monmouth Beach, to St ASSORTED COLORED aaaalaaatwIaW aaJ « jnrae*riaQr Seaslonf Each Week Michael's Children's Home, Hope- IMandad primarily for ninth and tenth trade math students, well. HANDLES. Ref-l^f ftla course reviews arMhmoHr f"<1 f""t year algebra. Catholic churches in the com- - 1" MATH SURVRY II y to receive seminarians are Prectoua Blood, Monmouth Beach IMPORTED SUEVIUSS ILOUSIS ITki le-Hear SeaHsm Each Waek William P. Gardner of Our La- RAID Umtted to Juniors and seniors, this course reviews the three dy of Good Counsel. West Tren- yean of tilth school msth anrf Include* sor»* of the more ton; St. Agnes, Atlantic High- C dMIcufttnplct in arithmetic. Mo«t of the effort Is devoted lands, Joseph M. Holun nf **"'« JR. TABLE AND BENCHES ref. 1.00 »HM 32t« 38T to aigebra, Trinity, Perth Amboy; Our Lady 17 83 MATH SURVEY III of Mercy, Englishtown, Cast- Weather-reaiatant genuine natural IUO) BOMB I 3 Three-Hour Sessions Each Week mir H, Lsdiinski of St. Casimlr's, Northwest red radar with 22" high This coane Is intended to Rive extra help to competent Riverside, and St. Msrv's, New table, 19x36% and attached benches 99 MISSES' BITTER QUALITY aenton who are planning to take college math. It includes Monmouth, Joseph A. Rsdomski of Christ the King, Manville. 74x36*, all extra sturdy. Make* 45 RPM many of the topics taught In college aisebra, reviews trigo- mealtimes a picnic for the .young- WHITE TENNIS SHOIS nometry, and Introduces analytic geometry. 5 BRAND NEW ACCORDION CONCERT aten indoors and outside! Ref. 7.91 1 Sttea4re« Re#.1.7f Director RUSSELL 9. RANNEY HAZLET—"Accordiorsms," an accordion concert, will be pre- RECORDS Associate Director NYU Reading InsHute sented by the Hlway Accordion for! Tenter Saturday at 8 p. m. In OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT TODAY! SPECIAL PURCHASE the Mlddletown Township High 5 for 1" 73 School, Rumion R«oding ln*t


noccoN wmomy ___ • MOttM lOTI ••OJBMI OP PATTMNS




IARKCUE UTINSHS McCLOSKIY MAGIC SIAIA Jacobsen TURBO-VAC Flagstone Patios Oraas Catching Rotary • MOM-miOWtM* rdwtkwM f yew Uwn tpic-'n-ipui >^r/



I ?Niyi REG. 15.50 GIANT TUIE ALL PURPOSE CAULKING 39c TUN TYPE CAULKING GUN 1.29 UWN EDGE* (Long Hondlt) 2.7? riOM PHtliNjt of AH Dcicnptioiii OPEN SATURDAYS •TUROY HANDLE AXE . 4.49 CLOSED SUNDAYS SH 1-7800 DAILY H .RED BANK REGISTER TWitier, faae », Waf-» Weddings, Engagements and Other Social News of Community Interest

Married in R The Former Ann Hnbbard Elisabeth Mitchell Wed* Bayihore Bride

Retort Ue Boyd f*a.A.Pht}»1otaal INMBON-aSt George's Eats-atom, FaiMr HimHave* : Martaa RUMSON-u St OaonVe By. r of A. Phiap Tofaal, MI at Mr.and WUUam Smart Faraaa, M g, MA. Rev. CMM of aad Mrs. Joseph Tonal of Farm- But Orange. it SM of Mr* Ms .Mil* otylad gowa at tto > x A*o., won aurrled Saturday m tar, tad Susaa Kaapp, both op^Mfc mf-i n-j a^ j rlWam nswCMB V aat, with gnMMtte uxr It. Aaa'a CattaUe Cfcwth. Rev. Joieph Kaetott of George A. Robortshew, nctar( of* uauea, wan me flower girls. COM. Caaoa Oeorge A. A recepttoa WM told m tte i BMHTMO WWBHWBT «H Mai fmmwt Vaumwl mmff amml Richard Boyd of saw officiated at (to fapphln Room af CHbto Halt. aoomt They wan MkaCtorli Aaany I. UWal. Escorted ay ter fatter, WBBW/ W Mw*Pe> jlmaaluW —*— — jMMMaaauMM* MrtMoai Nativity CathoHa Ctarch. Koaa. WoitMd, aad hwa fidatai at tho daw Tto Mton wan Aamew tMatoy. Tto IBHHIWWJ nsBm sjaw^aaaOBiyi 1• wtfaMa) IPAAaMmMM. fa^gt^H Zj bride won a gown of white cm- Carter Boydy.. Carttr Boyd, U Oa their Mifr. Ooorw C. OM ifia» N. Y. •••f WWH broidsred sUk orgaua, styled and David LuteLte, atttt of f" " Mr. Hubtard gave hie wtor of tha todal AcUoa Do> Aadrada etRlowJe- & tto bride; win hag atom aad a cathedral- ta marriage. She wan a gowa tengmtnlaJHerftageMipleagth gptlag , Fta.: O.J. Balm, of Chaatuy lace designed wlm a at Frederick. Md tt bride WM ma LoutoMatrito,bemaf l UWI Mi Beach. Fta. LaoiabfM' i aachttM, fitted tadtoa Tte bride to a mdaate of Imhoraxy m Weak- aad Richard &A £d%bo»c^ mi MortL New York City. Herdr- RMMM High School aad D. C, WM beat wttha aadaetopaV AJ 1 *Paataa* , Jr., Faawood. calar vtU of Imported taito adPoMttataUahronttItalaUahronttyfortwy o WM held ^ magm m nor vow WM _ Tto bride'e and variegated Ivy. After a ncapttoa aad dtaaar att trimmed wtm lace, WM attached yaan. ada-at Ootf aad Caaatry Cam. atoo at Brull. aad WlUtom Me pato bhw aMk argaaia gawa aai Ut Berg of Rum-Deal Ootf Can, tto couple toft to a canaat at tofle. aad ate car* Secretory MHctoM gave U. Y. a conaga af ptak iam Tte aoa WM maid of toaor for tor tor their waddtag trip to Upper orchids M a white prayer aaag taatractor, aad ta a mem- daughteg r ta aMfTiase*g . Her attk Ttee bride' toideas motheaiothor won a roroiwo a prayepy r book* maamwrnT HaW MmwBHm wMm a^Baa^amBUBll York State. They wU live ber of Alpha » Delta aonrtty. orgaan gowa waa Mauaadwlth eolered embroldirad ttMa atoath MIM Joaa Dictoy of W«at bhte embroMand silk orgaaxa la Oeveiud. Obto. _ w r, Colo., Tto briaegnom received Wa Aleaooa laea oa tto aacUaa. ttyied aowa. Tto brlaagroom' 'Kaaaeburg, who WM tor atoof i white roaaa. Bar Tto bride UM gndaatsdfrom of tto bridegroom, WM maatar*a a«sM at Oahmbta Vat- bamwaiabasm watott aad pria«aMatyteertacoM d mother wMdroiM4M|HBk. maM of honorboaar,. wan a whMwhHa aaaa>> After • naigvM at tto IM KttHtfOlt*r»1fr fvMRM RtftaMt maid of toaor. ventty*s School baattmbWrtt skirUrt HeHer ftthHa I Attar >bld. —* * d * mutjim MMfc I «... tah-<-•- — *• Hiia ajMiao **-"- ABMMBW UtWUlllB BlJIUal ffOwal wtwW PaaW aMBaVOQUfly Hlv,aavaa*«t taw COUylV 1^ School, eed toattaadta g ttae waaa Btaaderd aad Poontchol-taagth vail feB fnm a enwa UHto Silver,, tha p •»» «... . _«J . ^^ pkaM^ava^—— —™* mi MBMMM> Jmf MMBS aBm^nBam• t ataee* aad ate carried a bombows.* the tod a bow anted Flo. They wal mho ewtr hamt uguvvnny w MNaWtja** Thedn m How Yarh CKf. Ifca bride WM • SJVfDBY UIHKUUOta fN MaBHSrmwL amw^BlmflB? amf degree at book COVaWH Wtfll •TIMWHIII irOIB WH1* aWflW MQIO bdheadpiecel , aadd carrierid a btbaskeot att II ULmaamCt C , r blue, yg to, Pa.:~LyM Mehria, WeatoyM IMventa/,. aad la a Camat af tto Sacrod Heart • of blue a»d white Tto bride to for Ma router's degrot at tha HID, Pa., aad DM HM> former prewdaat af Sigma CM Haw) Aaa Mnmt of Waabma- RochrOt. Md.. thto year. Tto Tto at ArmySigaaJ University of Mlchigaa. Haiaoa Pa. AH tto at-fraternttyT Mr. TeraaJ is toa, D. C. wu maid of * * lew Hachett, tto bridegroom'! Agoacy at Fort canattaM sal tato/a breath! lam from tho Sqwra D ~ of Dtortotoi tto actaattfto aad prc HOT UllertM-laafth . . ithla t OBw Mil* HKIaWV IIMBP iWIMBIvBwal • at ma Tfty wan aBaaja Jaa HumHum* pea- y of Detroit. Mkh. PHMMCI pngnm fswa WM tied at tto waa* m aViar. aar. both of Keaaobarg: Mb* btotogkal warfan at Fort Da- DDeckerk , PPtae CeatwrnUaaaa, trick* Md* Receive Papal Blessing Tto bride's tutor to chief ea- Bride of David Burnett maidi> carried yellow daisies aad gtaeer attteArmy gigaal Equip- RusAo-^Antinooi Nuptials ment Support AgMcy, Coles

U WUUam Wollaabarg of Fort Cooke—Ronan Nuptials

aad Mn. lato taaph OVrin

MM SaUy Ana Walltag. daugh» ond dttotea, aad te bridaanaldi. MILLTOWN-MiM Vtata bouquet waa Amaraa Wiles ter of Mr. and Mn. Daniel Cook daughter of Mr. aadMd orchids. Mlu Mary Lou Russo, daugh- Uttto SUver WM flowar giri Sa> Walllag of Mohawk Ave., Middle. Mrs. Harold Chesner of US Oak Tto matron of honor won a ter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. ter lister. Ave., and David WyUe Burnett, sunset yellow taffeta gown, a Russo, Sr.. of 28 Silverwhite Rd., All tto attendants won son of Mr. ud Mrs. John How. matching veiled headpiece, and Uttto SUver. and John Aatlnoui, styled like tto oae won by aw ard Burnett of Rlverhoim, Lo- she carried a bouquet of daisies. son of Mn. Angelina Antraoul of nonor nennant. in pastel ytDew. cust Ave., Red Bank, wen mar'Tte Mowmalda wen drcued la Oakland St., and tto tote John lime greea, light blue aad or. tied Saturday ta tto MettodM Antlnoul, wen married Sunday chide. Tto flower girl's frock WM and datoy bouqueta. pink. The bridesmaids had or- HOBOKEN - Our Udy of Mrs. John Stephen Cooke, Jr., Church. Rev. Fnnklla T. Buck in St Anthony's Catholic Church. When tto couple return from chid bouquets. The flower gjrt'a Once Catholic Church ton matron of honor. Mlu at tto idouUe-riog cere- wu wu a wedding trip to Mew England, garet Gulder wu maid of honor. mony. tto setting Saturday for tto mar- they will live at M» Wolff Ave., spring flowers. Bleuing which was bestowed up- Mddetown. JJJ" ** "*«" Mrs. Serge J. Fedoroff and Mrs. Robert Cubbego of Middle- The bride was given in mar from their wedding trip to tto riage of Miss Anne Marie Cooke, Orchard Heights, New Bruns- on tto couple. Robert J. McGohey wen brides- town wu the organist. Miss riage by her father. Her princess Louis Vaitl of Lincroft wu beet daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John wick. Tto bride la secretary to The bride, eecorted by her Poconos, the couple will live In maids. Carolyn Coblens, also of Middle- line gown of silk organza was man. The ushers were Ralph Sol* Stephen Cooke of this city ud tto personnel manager of Oko- father, wore a go»m of illk or- Atlantic Highland!. dletown, wu the soloist. A re- trimmed with re-embroidered Al- do and Daniel Dowd, Red Bank; summer residents of Paul Ronan wa> his brother*! nite Company. The bridegroom sanca stvleldd witithh »* chapell The bride la a member of tto Lafayette best ception for the Imedlate fami- encon lace. Her triple-tier veil Andrew F. Russo, Jr., Little &!• St., Rumson, to James Joseph man. was graduated from Middlctown ver, the bride's brother, and toneto train. Her veil was finger- nursing staff at Monmouth Med-Ronan, son of Mrs. James Ronan lies and the wedding party fol- fell from a culpture styled cap of itUched to a crown of l««l Center and It a graduate of The bride, whose family have Township High School and at Thomas Jacoubs, Keyport. of Jersey City and. the tote Mr. lowed at Candlto's Restaurant Alencon lace and seed pearls, and end sequins, and she Monmouth Memorial Hospital, been Rumson residents for more tended Stevens. Institute of Tech- The bride's mother wore a Ronan. Rev. Edward Thomas Mr. Chesner gave bia daugh- her bouquet was orchids, baby's •""""• '- • school of Nursing. The than SO years, Is a graduate of ter In marriage. Her attendants nology for two yean. He is an aheath styled gown of seagreen Cooke, the bride's brother, of- Seton Hall University. Mr. Ro- breath and ivy leaves. en of roses and valley lilies. groom Is a graduate of Mon- wire. Mrs. Robert Hulse of Mill assistant process. engineer, em- silk organza and lace, with a ficiated at tto ceremony and cele-nan also was graduated from ployed by Otonlte Company. Miss Marina Barone of Necomt, • Mlu Joyce Stefanaccl, Clifton, mouth College, served In the town, matron of honor, and Mrs. L. I., the bride's cousin, was matching hat and an orchid cor* Navy and Is employed by thebrated the nuptial, mass that fol- Seton Hall University, and Is em-Wayne Brenner, North Bruns- sage. The bridegroom's mother was her cousin's maid of honor. lowed, He wu assisted by Rev.ployed by Chase National Bank maid of honor. Her full-length The bridesmaids were Miss Judith Armed Service Electro-Standards wick, and Miss Bette Kolb. MARRIAGE BANNS gown was pink nylon, styled with woere a gown of blue Italian silk, Agency at Port Monmouth. Lester Quinn and Rev.'Raymond in New York City. Sayreville, the bride's cousin, embroidered in white flowers, and Ann Behr, Atlantic Hlphlnnds, Qulnn, Banns of marriage were an a bustle buck. She had a head' and Patricia Mao Russo, Clifton, bridesmaids. nounced for the first time Sun piece of matching bow*, and heran orchid corsage. GET HONORABLE MENTION After a reception In Sn Cltt the'bride's cousins, nnd Mrs. WED tt YEARS Mr. Cooke escorted his daugh Michael H. Burnett of Red day In St. James Catholic Church flowers were orchids and baby'.s Charles Allen, Leonardo. ter. Her princess styled gown of Two high school students from Bank was belt man for his broth- between Richard King and Pyhl breath. Inn, the couple left for a wedding All wore princess styled Rowns RUMSON-Mr. and Mrs. Royal pure silk organza was trimmed the Asbury Park area received er. Peter B. M. Burnett, Red Us Onorstl. The bridesmaids were Miss trip to New England. Upon their of embroidered organdy. The Mo*:, second St., were honored on the portrait neckline and front honorable mention for their shoe Bank, also the bridegroom's Barbara Antlnozzl, the bride- return, they will live at 48 Wash- honor attendant had an tmdcrslip for their 38th wedding anniver- panel of the skirt with hand- design entries In tho 1959 A. S. brother, and Harold Chesner, the A new repair, kit containing a groom's slater, Miss Teresa Lu ington St., Red Bank. of aqua taffeta, nnd Hi1' Kiry — whlcii was Monday clipped sccdpearl and sequin Deck "Designer of Tomorrow" bride's brother, were tho ushers.metal tube of porcelain paste cancisano, the bride's cousin, and with a dinner party Sunday In maids' gowns were wnrii over studded Chantllly lace. She also scholarship competition. They The bride's gown was Chnntllly be used to restore chipped areas Mrs, Rocco Marswillo, all of Red Action I Tlmi what Tha Ri|lit«r pink. All had picture hills. Tin; tin! liwne of Mr. and Mrs. Sam- are Judy Brovver, Long Branch, I'l.iumM till liava liten (oltlni lot Nc.vman, Allen St. worn a Belfjlan hand embrol- lace, styled with- a_iiliOrt_iraJn, in.Porcelain. The paste Is heat, Bank, and Miss Patricia D'Ono- honor altcndnnt cnrriiii uquii and Uarbara ChaciwiclA liclnmr. and her veil fell Irum it lace C3p (rio, Lli'.le Silver. Susan Russo I dciiid lauj munlilla. cljlp and water resistant, lert «I t ctntury.-'BjilvertlMmint, 1—g.tit •tPtAJHCWBCWTEI Keamfarg Nnptlsb Ifei B*ak Brtfal Married in St.

YM of Mr. Mi Mm. •niMI NMM|MMmMMl M IBi JBBOT MMH ••» •Ilita. Ik^M

SwOkt 3? M •TNTM! Mr*.

MB. 1MI M Illlll I Qr*w j MMotatoki •r. flw bfMi wi a ditoi trto to Now tkty wM Hva at m ' rr^^^y _TT^ kva., LBM Bn AM wfcfcfc Mi • Into. MM toflHto- SWIMSUITS MR M ft VIMsM| tri|p to HP) laMOr- to a law late, Mto*. VMMI •VBMWMMMI ftonaa MM of beaor nora a Mi fallijjr HHw. Ito MI at ptok, «Mk a Mw. f"«g« M. ofAftMl tat MOB-

bfwMiMMa Booi won cock* Mtoi Prtocflto A. Ntotow. •mEwnvKY iMattor of Mr. BBi Mn. BtoMT will ka taataltoi at a amttof A. NtotoM of It Wonwooi R4. af tta VOMBI ItoMMtoM Ctub Utda Him. BBi DOMM R. Atow- M«B«toyaria,atatMlwiia at M> Chrto* riot a cnaoM BMJW MHOMI of Mn. WUUaai Louy, on*)- if • Mr Ml to of Mto ptoB MM Mi MM toot Satariayto hkON. IUv.||MMMMMMMMMMMMMl oopal Chuck, Rav. Ckartaa R Mm of HMt St.. «m afltototoi. A IVOM* itoi SMMtoyto St. tottaparliktoia. Es COMING SOON!! |0M ^MMB Ida «•• 4*^1 Ml VH IMP oMBttoato tf» V o•M our warn, mm mw lm wm Mytoi wHk a F Mntol «m Ml I IMIM^I^ flbat waUfllfJMMi M l SHAK aacMtoa. Hat kalartoa' I, to ma* Mt far rto» * tow tottar. aai car MMtaptaet by a Ethel Krauss -*-^ m ayy. AMMMMMI MMk M «O ba MBtoCaaaia. TM .Ml • ••••• WIWIV wlMl "T MMmonai of«Utofav MB CotftlM WMw V0M8 Md IMS* tamimmmmA nmrnmrnAtt •maul* «wl*k A at Ui» a. a. aai I». .kin MM* of CM am aai »:« a. M. Dress Tkakntoto torn, M brio*? Mea, ma MlMTMMltoriUlt SMMiM « h m. fMinr. IMOf MMI CUIMO • toe, N. Y.. was MM of cMaaylM.. HOT MWB of wfcHa SEA MUOBT- Iby UN Arckttactoral Tfitog CM livyl N. Falrlla- •Nkaiobtaaph SSB iMMMMMl IBIBMI iMM^BMM MbrloVf JANE MB/ TnaVMowwC 01 IWw TOTR atjr, tka bridHmoi't OMto, w TUCKER'S toAMM%M» AMMMM 4FeMMMMM# T~ HENESY'S JPJ VJPJVT* UVUfl t PSWJaVJffVli| j ,_ otoeaotM York City, ake a eowta, Charm i Model Eari JtMtooa. Wktto PU Ma* Ma N. Y., mn Ik* waan. BE FITTED BY EXPERTS in PLAYTEX BRAS STUDIO WM 1M7 cwn nw VMT JMM woMtos MB, 0M waato wffl «w STRAPS or STRAPLESS-SHORT or LONG for i of M knto, ma ton Adults, Praak Danma, Naphia A-I-CD CUPS—CONTOUR PADDED TO BUILD YOU UP Tttnagtrs and Children DM 9M ovor wtob a Mnr BMJML aiktoMP* mt toto* «*« T wfl Itr* at IN M wMVeWaWgr* Ho HD M81 TIACMNft THi CORRKT WAY TO Am,UMettwr. VAiJrwOT/ffAra/MADaup/HAm tnrum Taw bfloit Vto MM MM tMnh Nivy M«i Alf Fbvot KejvTft. Hi tog at tka «j la BVBMMMMMMI KBT WMA 1RB AIT OF MONO nOTOORARilD nweaoBto«fllhf«taNiPtMi lav VSHPITVS 117 •>*> TMtofcto to iMlnyii te/Swol wMtoatkto taMMacktoMh . _ _.__•— •* BlawaMaiailllai DSIMBBTMB OT aVjM^MWIleV* M Mama by Cott B playtex* MOANING I IVININ6 CLASSIS EOF JULY • Ttol swim cap ikalMMf War Hopktoa U 2-0912 awkktoofataMwMK whtrabtwatai Atoka Data FM FratoraHy. n i (kna yarnto Nfln flat* So MHM oftta Anajr, Mi to So much ftm • • *


SSTfwm I la ft* rttoefc to BALLET ART SCHOOL Mctouck. parity brl«fs FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 26, 1959 KOOS for an 8:00 P. M. , •yo-stopplng flguro undtr «I«CKS AV« MIDDLETOWN HIGH SCHOOL •horto...«wlmtuttt TINDALL ROAD MIDDLI7OWN CHAIR .. • NOW A PKft* 0 MCMi ikto far bwbflw Hela Slavinska T KOOS LOW Arrange for a Inv Mfl wl^R nN Mm From Ballet De Monte Cario Home Oemoattratioa j rMyWIt |NMf|r BfWf* fv M tnv IP PR 5-9300 OTttw woM f M felly 99 yowf SUMMER CLASSES IN SESSION MMIHI^ mitt Dfy In • wwk* aleymx IMng• eenfy brtof |4M. Shop-At-Home Only HAMMOND BMet • Toe > Modern « Tap xi l/^l/Cn •liONI m M321 Organ Studio | ULKtK l^ OM woliN¥ifiltinn9 6 BROAD STREET RED BANK $5 KCX)S BROS. of Aibury Park Girseta and Lingerie non-roll top $4.95. 1 It IROADWAY LONO RRANCH W'S' ^ L mftt" pkk SHU 13S2^HOME SH 1-9728—STUDIO Route 71, Sea Girt Cookman Av«. and Miln 8t, | • Mil RIAR PARKINS • Route 9, Freehold Aibury Park L • 1 PIBWFWP P wPP* P t^P^^P^Pwf #P^PP dp»#

* Parking Problem asst Thursday sighs to Pat* c aatEmtamv-.ur.miMn.•ad Mrs. O Ift Rum$on UNMN! Alrsd Barf WUn Wright «w •apaei PNT-1 IT to ha held Js*> B) li fcW af Mr. aad Mrs, (Mkr A. Goes Under Study •f Part Ms* Sin County MV9SIDE MOTB. B^B^B^BBBBBB* MfftBhaB) VPP Lope Iieentts , Mw M, tam •BMHUATA fcr dag at IMP, aad Oml-

tt^^^M^^A ' ^^^^M M -w fl^M ^^^M ^^m ^^^LM« aiaBa* aMiB^aiafli ial v avf uu BjaT VHPW *BBYV IHM aw

T*SA , assava^ibal g^asstaBSBSBSBSBi} BB^p T asfajv> agssBBBBBsafBsfiass^hM%i

aalsa Bd. is aa scceas aMat""* rr.W" wm mm^!m..rr- Ava* ek A. taaar, Jr., Wl «i-« a^^^^^^^i^ dared hy leaaah L Nats. SX Pa. asd Mr. aad Mrs. CM B> BBBS. nsaansia. BUM Mr. aai Mrs. Jaba at aa Uwis La. to the rh«r«aia* I. «. Oak.

••VBBBBIBST BBJIVSJI urn Mm. aad at BdjadMaht'

aaitsagtocan. Frssa there Is OIMMOMUI Jeraf the laja^Mr. aa •ertvar. aatte east side at eht ataaaailM M dale. N. if., was flANmP Alrbaras DrrtakM. Up. IMKBt BBAOI -Psaw far • Chaich la Hsary MorUaaears Ma ta Aflaathi Chy ia^ ega> •sa-^B- ^M \mm — J ftaTe^ ot sis MftppMTi Pftft PI PJir. ftPJft PHfte service be Csaacsaaaa Jease J. Mclsray m ess. m"t •M^A m aMiBa sa have Baa abase STATP Saasal Ch* last waakH HaaryS. Gattaae. where be is SM- BJSBBBBBP BB BeaVBPVBBBBBi «••? SjBSB>Wv aSBBBB* BSBSBBBBBB1 ^ A asaMMBBAa^aai dbBft^sjjaagasl AW _« -fk. a^__- ^ •diajBB ARsMldamMBBBI H aa>faajB^MBB^B^Bt At SBVBBBI BW BBlflr dsi • VftP aWftw P¥ iBBwft* Mpnftfti_ftH • SVHBIBWWVSB^^^BBBISJ BB falBBBj BBV BBPBBB> vM WtBsjgML|__ . f^-^-^-m* i-Mua* fis^aai IS^BBBBBI ftJ XIV Mte of the It PBnftV PWPPaal tiPJ* *m» efl|>MMI| The bride was givea ia «ar> \ Me^.Vtafiftftt IBWP* Pftfls) ieBB_salsit !Mga|«apljita»V. riage by Daraad Taylor. Mn. Mn. Atwaad, aad of Mra. reoBsassasMsa thaassti therawne b••e as B^BahB^sfeBfe. BB a^BBfe^s^ss^B^sMBSSj fas BBBBBSBI BBBMB^SI B. sMehjaa M Ua Aa> parkJag aa Ike east atfe af Fair taa ef aoaor. Ike otter attaaeV •BLPOWMain. ABM B. Wa* CaaY., aad aha tote Mr. Havea Rd., frasa Ckqr St. ta tht aata were Miss Coastai )w at M Haaatag RA. BM aa> rVTe MtelMfKiatsyior. Miss Mar- As It N aMrW tnuaun OBAPIMW H WIST 1BBWWN — Osargs _ then la ao parktog from River- thur Otttstoa aad Mrs, i Watf. to Hoiheit ttMaahar. aaa SWasry, II S. Jachasa Ava,| lam Dr. to the river ea bath wUheaaMa*arat| Mr. Rkhardsoa, Jr., was bast varMPftfaYJQfi HO OOfYftft ftVftkT* Baat Ave., aai tha Has Jaha A. • wall d» Arasad Porose. aad tdaatssg dm ef *e| Vahsra ware Itoger M. I. by W. E. __ M. C«ai. Ill Tnsaper Flak, Bdmrd Kan>, Itanaa Ajha&il OLDSMOIILE Mam. Cartaa RMy, it.. Mr. lit- far the IS bMFowsiers'agasa at hnaJDTl lletoa aad Mr. Kebarti. Mn. Mlaatar ma •radaatad Iran taa Maatar'f Scboa) aad farts of the coaad hi ttyjagj a> VOUPft. Mr. la Watod fraoi Ito- would -be acted aa lavarahJy." I alty, aad did jgaduata atita> at Bat ha aad Ma greua were sail VW WMfPM pCfcOOI. Ho PtfVOQ agamst the"ao parktag" algal AVENUE wtth tta Arajqr to Fraaca. aad it stsTtagapaaBattaiRd. Me aatd aaMea have beea aJie. • manhar «llha Brjem dub «| L-_ ^^u- sBrfaAskss jBsm jaatakaa assaiiaBissdi I Hew York Cftr, •BM WJlMsl ••••• SJBJ SBW IWlSfl I LOW m Sawn?... CAJX US Ift tnft ftlftft WMfft Ihft ftiftpS ftfOe I S^a^ Sk^^_^aHkaBJk ^kakg)«t^BflBm ^BVemaaseakaai a^fcealt am m sstsw Agraasag wtth haa was Jtaal •fPJP> mWWmJJ* oPMMftftv WftJftJUftl IrTUTvTJ BurmtGRiisr BAKERY VHt. Parker Ave, who ahawsil -Miss Bath SANTANGELO'S Sandra WanleU, dsagbtar of Mr. that, he saM. and Mrs. Raymond WardsU at aa Ms car by i BM mnrnAt. B) Tbocnu km., Shrawsbory, "Caa we pa Hie People's liquor Store was am-rled ftatdsy ia the Pree- Rd.» Mr. VHt runrcum. bvterUa Church to Coy Lstchsr "Ye* caa aad yoa waat •VI MHpftwF^B^svWp Avli) IVPTI VBNBIHM dW«l Snow, soa of Mr. aad Mrs. CIsr- aMti«si flautaaf di# TauB^aWkakaMlaaskMek ^ Actiatty. a source a»__ SH 7-2214 vnco dHBipp or JMMspBijiQCp, i Mto> Canto & Wattes Rev. Joba K. CoWas, pastor, 1 fMsW QV nw SKjcaasi sifims ssssi asw*| Miss Wetjai la else tao t aad Cosaaaay. He hi the grsad- aaa MIM Dorla Frma, ortaaM. tor at Ike tote Water C. Wetjee. ssa of *e late Mr. aad Mrs. L. MIRKI & laiRRY H" JQIPI 1_ faeapMaaj fnllOMd la Charles H. PW of New York towa Thwaaato High Icbool. Mr. •C dW bfttp*P pttfMtl* CMy. sad of tha late Mr. aad Mrs. its said Hi 'slto^_v_}iB9aB> g^a_v_af___gk f-BgBJ-t-^B^--- . CHvai ia aMrrlaga by har to- Gallagher la owaar at taa Jersey 112 - IM SHMVYSPUtY AYl •Vjkai ABA a^ari^A t^^^^ a ^Ia\ nm CoaMetw l^i^a^ ta su. New York CMy. ifVAtT «MT, VPJ PIMP PW ft v sRiiw ^MSvBRseiesswvapa eivaMBBsiajBj aai ^war" aad Had at DM wadat ford. MIL iOSTON VODKA H" SH 14H1 Kelly, County Legion said hi. too was aad a what ha eaBsd the "trafllc eaa>| limoudttuimun abort vail, aad bar bauqa* mi Riehard Kirk dWoa- at the atHTet the roai . KEYPORT-Mrs. Mary KaUjr Women InstRll "I doa't tasak we should wattl C AnO$ Scotdi Wfciiky •» Miat Diane Praadtrgatt, Waat of Broad St., announces As en- for aa acddaat to toai •raaeh, was maid of boa- AMU* Y PARK - lastaUatka there." ha said. JOHNNYS MARKET •r. Itor draai of piak aykm tall of officers of the » 1 Maryaaa Kelly, to Richard Kirk, Mr. Cala obJecsM ta Mr.| wevft) evPVIsjaV^VdBft^BWajW, aWWftB^a^aw** • •var matohiag taffola. She had Conor/ Asaericaa Lag! aoa of Mn. Dorothy KM of « ' try took place Friday at the Jakubecy'a rwamsats aboat I TOP BUYS ON SH 74IS* HI • rial haadptaot aad carried Broad St fie oa Batthi Rd. pUc i^raatiflwi atag msstsag of the MlssKeDyi "You're a raaMaat than aad 1| TOP GRADE MEATS H. Oaaa 8ao» of VinJala «u hare. • • don't thiak ftaat maa for hli brother. Alaa aad Keypott acaools, aad to ea> AUTOMOBILE Wt SMCSWSW aVi HoRttmdi Rlcbeal, ployed by Funaaaa aad Oaa> paay. Mr. Kirk, who Mrs. Walter Woods, Navesiak, nad toe puaNc oat, paid far aadl WEN SUNDAYS *TIL 1 P. M. both of Red Baak. ushered. saaiatalMd by the pubHe aai ll Par Bar weddiag ttp to Vlr- Keyport High School, Is POLISH! bytasReJtoTnasst Mrs. Maa Xemy. Boillagem tab* the pejaHe ahoald he at-] gUie, *»>Me wore a hhse towed to use it" traTSliag eBaseable. Tbeeouple at the iastoilatlea, asatoM by Ia other bassaa wiU Uvs at M Bridge Ave.. Seaman Sworn Wrs. Harry Evans, Naptaae; ddsd ta seek a i A. Scotti Super Market Jtad Baak. Mrs. Ote> Deedmeyer, Freehold; batag Board of The bride attended Red Baak Into Office Mrs. William Johaes, Unka IwMfaT IBU wPPK QCI IODY SHUN 140 wummmAVWOI achools. TRENTON (AP) - Joseph J. Beach; Mn. Effle Leach, Bel- Mr. MfaMa asM aaa'af thai graduated tran Fries, Vs., High •Him Rumam M. Barnaa atari Mn. Norman Lewis, Nap. matters scheduled to eome op is was yesterday for hia toe; Mrs. George Schneider, the variaaee bemg sought by Sm-\ woto Ststft Hoppwftie eignia cottsecunve tam Bradley Beach, aad. MrYoeorge asy Ceatral Power k Ugkt Com- I.alf FUEE DEUVEHY term on the state Board of Rlaear, Keyport pany for a substatiea oa Ridge | I mVmOH Fred DunneU Cited He Acconatsats. installed war* Mas 1teaoBJagboardisa>»ectsdto| By New York Fund He ia secretary of Ow board. chraae,OeaaaOw»ehO . The oath of ofBee was Mn. Joaa Mans, take tha matter up at Its UNIT STARCH RUMSON - Fred 0. DnaasK. Mend by Attorney Oaa. tag aaat Ttandqr flight II South Cherry La., has been iv"~ir J'""* ^°** prasMaatMt; D. Parana. Mrs. Basil Sfcmtm, Wast Loaf VISTA $125 2 — I* WUBOO tM flflt lv^fPRf VfttOfslB Mr* BPBUBO&I flint oppoiirtw by ?«»«». "2«d vice pneMent ...... Ipsa staff member of the Great- the tato Gov. Harold O. Heft Mn. Dorothy Dennis. Sl the borottgh's Crvil De-1 er New York Fond, according to in 1«7. maiataiaa Iris law L^HH^tr.Trdvke^f. ClM«0 W«fcM HOMIMA0I this month's issue of the fund's office aad tha board's daaU Mn. Nettle Spero, Nep- HOB was able to pttfchato neeat-l POTATO SAUO sjal COU SUW ten in Perth Amboy, when he tune, traamnri Mrs, Mia Feld- r/ a gaaentor which woald be Mr. Dunnell, who retired 10 BOffll* man, Oeeaa Grove, secretary; tostaUad to the asw borough hatt. yean ago u u executive of the Mrs. Robert Smith, Matewaa, He aaM its value is tMM, but fccony Mobile Oil Co., New tha borough bought It for «N. •UNTSBI SCOUT MOTHERS DBA historian; Mn. Harold Cham: WE FILL HOME FREEZERS York, hM helped organlie em- UNION BEACH-Tba Mothers' ben, Bradley Beach, chaplain, la Una of emergency, ha said, II ployee camptlgM in hoepltale. aad Mrs. Arthur Sllva, Long the borough hall "would bo com-1 WITH PRIME MEATS Club of Boy Scout Troop M pietery iratlve." SPONGI muaeuim, libraries.'cojleges and mmA i#g seasmi WMfaiiad Branch, sergeant-storms. universities night of last week with a dinner Mn. Harry Evans. Neptune, Toay E. The fund's OB agencies reach in Cedar Mn, Highlands. Attend- department vice president, also said bids for the borough's aa. $ Si an estimated four million New ing were Mn. James Haggerty, attended. nual road repair work would FOR THE BEST IN Yorkers yearly. Mn. Theodora Trembley, Mn, Mn. Msrus and Mn. Woods probably be received at coun- AIR COOLER 29 ITALIAN end AMERICAN FOt)DS Harry Brell, Mrs. Thomas Marat- cil's next meeting. y received Sunbeam pins from the He said, too, sdrsinsge prob- ^ ft UP Dr*ppndcnl« Guests U, Mrs. Edward Griswoid, Mn. department for rreaching the Robert Holland, Mn. John Coo- membershimebhi p quotat . •vtll IMeS D060 COaTPCtOQ Ml LvWU CHARCOAL BENNY'S GROCERY On Navy Cruise La. nay, Mn. Raymond Menges, Mn, Miss Mary Cochrane, Ocean IM SHilWStUftV AW. SW I-U4I UNION BEACH—Mr. and Mrs John BecMund, Mn. Robert Council took no action on two Grove, rehabilitation chairmen, offers to purchase a borough- owns Joseph KolodtieJ and sons, Wit Schalble and Mn. Frank Kane. OUR FAMOUS 1i«m and David, Park Ave., and In her annual report that the owned Chestnut St. lot. They county donated $1,MO in money came from Harry Lyons, Chest- ITALIAN SAUSAM MIM Betty Ann Folicher. Key- ON DEAN'S URT port, spent a two-day visit with and articles to veterans in New nut St,, who bid KM, and Charles CHARCOAL « MIQUITTS Miss Lynn Joann Lawrence, Jersey hospitals. Piscentino, Poplar Ave., who bid RWBBTOm Mr. and Mrs. Kolodiltj's son, 10 djMl 100 Jh. Mjt AvoHobto HOT Piul, U. S. Navy radio operator, daughter of Dr. and Mn. T. M. The auxiliary voted to donate $225. . ttt. In Newport, R. I. . Lawrence of MS Broad St., hai IM to the nurses' scholarship Mr. Mcllray recommended been named on the dean's list sponsored by past presidents of that the offer be turned down. MCOHA BOtTOUl NAN0 While there they were among for her freshman year at Immac- the county. The auxiliary reject- the m guests aboard the U. S. George W. Curchln, borough OLIVI OIL ulatk college In Pennsylvania ed sn amendment for bi-monthly treasurer, said the lot Is about ». Lloyd Thomas on a "depend- 1 where she Is a pre-med "honor- executive meetings, '. 50x130 In size. He said the bor- ents' Day" cruise. ary" scholarship student. Mrs. Woods announced that ough obtained It recently through Packed la Italy The purpose of the day-long Miss Lawrence was appointed William Mather, Highlands, won a foreclosure. cruise through Narraganset Bay entertainment chairman of the the county poppy poster contest Turned over to the Streets and and Into the Atlantic Ocean was annual freshman banquet, and re- In class three. The Sandy Hook AIMNTINA SAROO Mssa^wtM^ BiHleh to acquaint the dependents of Walks Committee was a letter cently elected sophomore dele- Bay unit sponsored the youth from Mr. Vltt, who recommended CHIISI HAM .sailors' dally duties. I'nul Knlo- Rale from Immaculata to Amer- feij is a manbci of tl"« that the "condition toe pedes- can Chemical Society Affiliates, Full name of symphonic con- trlnn wnlkine from th» corner wm T She nlsn In n member of the ductor Leopold Stokowskl Is I.eo- of Format! St. and Cedar Ave. OT'ib, BXICKD 'I Th* rft"ll«t»r'ii "'* I^ l« Mnmmmtli rimnlVii I. Glee Club, Albertus Magnus Club «f)ld Antmil Stnnlslaw Bolcs- to River Rd. he reaYewed as s ^I Inrfl ! «lli and Athletic Association. Iwowlcr. Stokowskl. possible hazard to tly public." . 1— «. WW HEP BANK REGISTER Married in Fair Harca To lire in White Santo Shore Couple Wedf Navy Man and Bride

• 1NVBM PAIR HAVIH - la HaNvM/ in i Mana\ A. lliflnkav Tfea CM) WSA JJT IM) MJMJf swasoBBBB' CTO o^^B^SB^sHn^PB"J , aad mair spray bsu- Mr. Mi Mm. Lawk MoOakoy RMS fead a anak of annX aad af Walter P. Trovers,fttlriJi asa af Tko asa at Mr. and Mn. aw af Mr. aad Mrs. Ed- M el Mr. «l MM. Mi IN. V* TTVMJfw M at at lea at Nss* it«f niMMiM, •* MI*, Atfaatte It. Rev Calf* wan ssantod JBMU to a MfcaHDaaaU B. Hickey. It Oaarta Trevors. «. I. Nn> to Oar lady at Parna wW VJJBMI BBBamt BBBMBV BBBB> BBIBI BBBBBBBBV BT^BBBBBBBVI CIBBBVBMH. BUBY W*ff0 wTBjBBj BBBBB) BBBBBBB fjBBj amw# .BvVWIr ^s^svRBmjav •JBBBBBW"JBBM epaVV

Patr HSMB. MB MdoM af ow Thabrlds, wat war ajvaa to and JaaMa CassMy. to* aooldFriisisj, ••*>!«. ptojfti at a laotpt 11 iTini IM R»M» a^a^M^^^M * was bast asaa. Tha asfr anwiwBJV wg mm BwMbwVTt W""Jw V ed wan sprays af futt skirt WM edged to JSir&AAS fran i ciwni cC Mid yiwii Ml coanto wM Mn m U •prtogTor., Red tat •. The brida to liyil to *s

braatt. Mn. lakart Utt of BWJ^M anslsV liasM Vmwf wll •?•* is a atadaat at So> M from n

ssssBssnt WSHMI sihf WVBBBBSI IMBSBBBV MM) MM iwjo Comona Yew* dab. I*, CSMJ MwsMarian Ckn the Onat HaM. t*Bla,BMJdOt To Meet in OUrlm Onimm IIWMIIBMSMMIsrtoBaI IsagtMaWl^Mai^Htb gown or i NEW MUNSWICX - to ft. ^^j—— afcyjg—* §m\am\\ a^afc Asbury ParkS-^TZ***** 9 Miaa Juno AHWRYFARE*mm*ammm aumt _- ' •" - •*- MswIBMK %mWXmU wsaVaVsT mm) Wr dauihtar of Mr. aad Mn. Oyas Mrs. Palmer Plan Woman ! nctiom af Joha Panw, aBtvaraky BOWM at CottnB Rsl, tot. Harvard Uaftaratt) qaakeq, , baeaao Iko brida of Rob- Demo Unit Oosiag ovont of BM BAIT OANOUM - MM "» F' Uwldd' «• •» Mr. asl Entertain* MvoBtton wa bo aa Fnada UwtaU of tor at Mr. aad Mrs. to SM«ky. Attoatfe WgMsads. A, kstoy Cartarot ' i Mala SUB* atlka to> ForWSeS afa son* the bftta of WO- raw *e LOCUfT-«tn. Hsaiy J. PaV N Md frMB Nsw .Mswy. Naw saa af nuptial BUM that foUowad. mar, iissllsnt of tho Woam's mat at Mrs. Teller Mn. r-fiB rrsiisBBB sf The Escorted by her father, •odety of Ckststtoa Sarvtoa at af Mn. A. Msria Ipltt, wlatom Am, laat by the wtkaPml. brite won e floor laagm gown of tka Rod Baak MMhsdtot Ckarek, "A- SatwtfayialtCMiariaa'at of Civil white oyelot She had a ~ Tosadsy was fcoatsss at aa out- Entertains RtoJMa. She aorvod M secrotaiy ha a •lie dank. Rev. tip length veil aad her door asapar party for aaw orfl- ANM-Mrs. to Rap. Peter FnUagbuyson. Jr.. osn aad ditto taaden at kar Nl won Mrs. Anna W. af tko FWk District, aad WM a leaatmaHy if. Fattor. M Wsstlagtoa Aw., at a swats rag bases ona UenaL t Patat ML LelchUittr, Mn. JQM) Ovlfto. of Baeortad by tar member of the Congressional OMJM WM bar aMar*a oary at> Podowksg Mrs. Ed- aowa waa orckJd oriandy. tta ward H. Coawny, Ir. WMMF eHMMt MCVo KODWt erYMaj , _- J Ml rSII aflMMMIi VM Mrs, Etfwtrd Kojeto, Mm. and lav. Dadtoy L Raw, ne-Udlas' AuiUary of TwMsjht b Osoras Faker. Its. Aattan a Junior at win bo bold Thanday. Nov. I f MfeVo UM-t awaMj Mrs. EUsnbssji IMkar WM aatioM. Mchard Lawiekl of Ma. aadtnata roast bast aadMn. mm. aarvad ia tko Mariaa lawan WM boat BNU far kk) brain* M) MfVHf WHf tM) Coraa Ikna jpaan. Ha la cm> The group hopM to hold an tote stoeo to ma hotel, with ad- Mrs. Honitotto Etoasy. Olton tr. of Mrs. William Alexander. The orgnitattoa la ma i drams by Ut, Rstok Barrett, stoctod won Mn. Aainw Ha> Altar a raeapdoa at Ika Mata- pnsidsat nk» saaduslia a trato> VJ^^SBBB^P^BJSBBOO BP^^B^BB) B^BBrBBBBW B.S S^B^BBB^PwRBi aaBaBSBVp' ^^V ea WfRnBaT BBWBBJB^^WVHnj BBBBTBBV for her aaw staff. H. Taaley, najonalI Harry B. ooapla iaft for a wadding trip to for a trip to tha NaytoM Masks urns tuvBR-Misa Qreas Jar/ ». eMlrmaa. aad Mrs. Everett H. Ctandla Haw England, lha brida'a ' tya E. Etag. Ones ADon. Mn. John B. Bod, Mn. Falter, ktotortoa. 91" WON m MM MNI and Mn. Bass Jr., Mrs. John B. Bell. Ir.. Mrs. Vl f MsMn Bardahl. Mrs. Kaaasm Bubectw Parly ondwWta Pnapact Avo., noslvod a I me M M aw aariaa of daaiaa and wo* n,. Mdamoa'i notkir tor of am dagne from Oberlto ^__ . mJ m. flBTfBB) apBMit wtf BktBB WadBMday In Studio 8T. bSUTaoaT Coiton, Obanm, Okto, last DIWMVDIMIKJ WWW. rllU W» Ghsja for Grasliurtc New York. f 4n> The couple wm Hvo to New Boyd. Mrt* JOMBII M Bccktr. MIDDLBTOWN-WsyBs lnss.|! jostobn»thackBVi Mrs. Clarence Cookyy,, Mrs. Har- PreibyteriM^.bybaviat BfMRlWlck* TM BflM) IS a\ MaV Miss King wU IMVO Tuesday SOB of Mr. aad Mrs. Cles 4U MfV* rNfl Ha Laadtag Jidy I. I the aantag staff at Mid* European tour for me ^^•^^^^^P^ ^" B)e)^^^PBwesei BWep 9*099 . •wtonMtoMfsotond i General HoapHal, and ma r. In tka faU abs wU fonssl nsttol later tans A btoek BBMS WSJ bo MM hi August The btodk ' " * mm " Ltown. L.L for BM " JulUa JBjIWs jnW«B*aBB' •»• Asnwaisff j .<__ to Mrs. Walter A. MeCoach, Mrs. "*»• forftstaST ^ BAlTfWIRR Oordon I. Morlsoa, Mrs. Coopsr OaastowonMrvaadMm. Mrs. StsHTlBBM MATAWAN - Mrs. Vaalaat, Mrs. Into M. SebaHaa. IWJfM I - Mr. aad Mrs. Vnaland aad tofaat aaa, "We* -Mn. Beyer wtt Maar, » Central Wasdey, wan konond at a bo- to Mnal group at her homo. M I lidnsy Tampto bury Avo., Monday, IT. I their Mm wedding Mondaytomair • •••••• mm^m «Taaa«Ba^^B e»^«Beseoo •»•*•• ——^ — — — —•—^.WT» "••- — anniversary Friday. OB Ravma Dr. Beth-ElI, AsburAb y Park; Dr. AlfreAtfdd RWMU Rsger Wahnrk, Mrs. Harry Wll- cadamo. Nswark: Mta Christian Science has helped others Mr. and M"n " Bnodwlwmar *•"• Wilson and Mrs. liamsoa aad Mrs. Donald Wright rDork ^ . East Oraar; Mr" . and Mn. Dinner wm both trfffi iv Hftntittij bvt A*R1*B WW wtrt noitMMf• At* WlWam Krysiak aad daughter, dM not most umi they came to JJ^jM ••«• toUHV ORADUATEI DANCE Doloros, Union; Mrs. Donald Pa. _•. Mt Any, AuxllUry'a 1 America. Thsy won married to J^jJjL*"!^ HIGHLANDS - Graduates of Dsbra Bl- Pa., aad Rev. Richard B. Cur- MATAWAN-Tko IMJMMOT IB *J"« *Hey »™ i*__ HHHIUj . I jBonnor, the Grammar School hsM a din- and Mm. on. ft. Jowph's lesamsry. Yonk- Biary of tha Hook sad Ladder Can it help me? WUUam lowto. Mrs. Wtt> ^nwBTBJ ^^^V B^P^BBHBBBVOj^Pe d * SlPSa then untfl UN, ndcame nsf4anco las—.t weak a—t Bahn' Eagsna Aamroatok aad chfldna, fi sttsadsd a B Jta Robart Fit-. Attending won Gar- Eugene, Chris and Mark, MMdto. A fasten evaat to n Handel Monday night at mo This honest question is answered daily in suimmm'han, after ha rsSifA Mn. Frank Gray, Ir., MrsM . JohJbn ret Bonhardtdt, Richard Bodnar, town, aad Wayne's brother. Roa> Mb* Mini, MOST tho diroMBn. Haslet. puny Qiristlsn Science Reading Rooms like Mr. Bioodwhrmtr WM an ton-»OMmaa, Mrs. JMattian Hadf Gaorgo BottIt,. Shanon Bradley. aJd Enss. Mrs. Clro Nappi . those listed below. The answer is: "Yes, if you keeper in Itobokon before his n- •*.»*» J^f» MarahaU, Mn. Jamee CapUngerpg . Robert Card. - function of the will do your part" drement. Mrs. Bnodwiwtosr. Jsha O'Rstlly. Mrs. John Ralako, Patricia OM REPAIR PJCIUREf m "**£ P"*!^** »«*, Meetings will to Ispt stiUadivo at the ago of M. at Mrs. Ooorgo Wilson and Mrs. Ste- Alfred Cohan, "What is my Btoss, Dorothy Doll. Richard MATAWAN-Mn. organist aad terpslcbordist; Vfr A donation one time lived in Africa, aad vn Womb. Di P P Waktoa Rd,, astertatead ^H^ftot«OM for the. Fi« partT Read thought- WU Qirw Wntn low BN" W4W Dorris, PnncM Parma, Wtttlam ._ Roy, Hartsgrove, Suaan Hobby. Jo-of tha art of OM Dspartmant Juator aad fully the Christian broke out to UN. Mn. Brood- TO AD BXnUMrW FUND Mph Edward HofuMfi Bthn tsaor; William ShoppsU, bass, a Science textbook Sri- wiwlner Is the former Helen Lon- MATAWAN - Tha Woman's Morton, Richard Ytnance, Da- homo. strtag sjuaitot sad festival cho- Mrs. don. The couple bad two chil- " ence and Health with Club of Matawaa havo alatad a vid MeCaaa, George McDormott. PfCtOfa) ffsUlM) rea. Clifford Brewer, dren: a. son William, deceased, buffet supper tfaaeo for Sept II Paul Mandes, Francis Monahan, and reflnlshed and Mn. Rend Tha organ to Asbury Park Con Formon, Mn. Prod Foratoa, Key to the Scriptures and a married daughter, Wllhelm- vsattoa Man will bo by Mary Baker Eddy. in Peterson's Buttomvood Manor, Richard Newman, Ana Rshm, showed how to "antloue" frames at Mn. Rhea Loogstnst, Mrs. Sal- Ins, who lives In Hohoken. i yer Hughes, Mn. JosepJoooph Rank), See for yourself how it for the benefit of the building Richard Rslke, Elisno Rosen- ano mow ossigM sno IWWOIS fsatnriag.Rock fund. Dave Muggins orchestra berg, Tonya Semchsssen, John with spackllng conpovad. munbors and oktttmt Mn. Nlcholu Fnwtoeo, Mn. awakens spiritual un- Throw torn* ieo cubai into the will play for dancing. Ichwind. Msrjorio Sivorson. Attending were Mrs. Johnson sto John Hinds. Mrs. CharteaHauser. derstanding with iu water in which radish rose* are hchldt Mn< BtrMrd reposing to the refrigerator; helps Co-sponsors of the affair an tha Sandra lamlllnK, Thomas Small-Csiton. Mrs. Peter TenEyek, Mrs. u.P5 W* •* Tuekeraoa. Mn. healing power. Matawan Junior Woman's Club Ing, Charlotte Smith, Gait Tsy- Robert Butler~ "" , Mrs. Attaa Mor- dtala Thomu John Barber and Mn. Veraon make the rtdiihes deUckmsly ', hen, Dr. Ellison. ' For a thankful crlip. and the Contemporary League. lor and Shirley Thomas. rlson aad Mn. Thurman Nealto. multitude, study of In chargo of tickets m Mn. Science and Health You'll need a 10-ounce Jar otThurmsn C. Neslls, president; jelly to spread over a sponge-cake Mrs. Edw.'rd Currle and Mrs. I has restored the long- made in a jelly-roll pan. F. f. RISTINE & COMPANY COMPLETI--AU YIAR lost key to Christian healing, bringing health < . Members of and freedom, overcoming sorrow and lack. ' It can do exactly the same for you if you Now York Stock Eichango • American Stock Exchange AIR CONDITIONING will put it to the test PhUadclphla-Baltlmon Stock Exchange Stinut mtf Hulth moy bi rttd, bontmid, ir pur- thuid M my ChrinUn Scitnci Riaiing Room, 19 lAir MONT ST. RID BANK, NIW JHIIIY| Carrier -sf Mail If ni * it ft Witt bi mailii poiip ' Christian Science JZeaiinfj Room STOCKS - BONDS • MUTUAL FUNDS COOUNw • HIATttt* . HUMIMHCATION HOMM . COMMHCIAI . INOUSTMAL 209 BROAD STREET HKD BANK Telcphone—SHadyside 7U14-WX-1200 OPEN DAILY 12- 4:,K) LUTIR R. ROSS, Manafor PRJDAY EVF.NJNGS, 7:30 to 9:3O-SUNDAY, 2 (o 4 P. M. NOEL R. NILSON PU1MDELPIIIA • NEW YORK • ELIZABETH IMn | (r»« puMIc Js>('tiii«i, cliuruli *>«irv|rffl «.n<1 140 IIRCH AVI. 1ILVIR, N. \ RIIKiKWOOn • WKSIT'li:f.D SH 1.3454 Good Humor PPIfM^^Nv V HlPVF^^^^HI^W^y^ y^ffW* MW/y wW^^J Man

Gold Bond Stamps amunm mmsi mmmumm vum n sitmrt

-^•L - « - _ - MM "A ... -A- ^^ •_#_— ajflftf AMU MMMM! MMMMM MMM# •M pIBBBMBt *B§B BJJaTBBJ •• **"* J"^"J www ,«•« «•••* WWIWMMJ —«#

PtidfeHome Part? Rerfcved Look At Thk Lineup of Value*! Far Extra Savings... AU You Heed Remember is Safeway! Dixie Cups «?,££ 2**6V Apricot Noder **£? *2A9* 3£2?< White Rice ^79* Super Coolo flf '^WBHy HHBBHV Bf^W^^^y j Dugm'sCeko £»£&* -»6S Royel Puddings.«- 4**3* taper Napkins •,'?£&. * 10 Fiend's Dog Food 12 3*241* Umagr.nds «£ 2£31« Vets Dog Food fiSS 3«i27« Peanut White Onions At. '.SI* festel Notes *JXZ** 2«*25. taorBlodes S? 10tt59* BekedPotatoes ^T^ VT39. Metro Ammonia 2=29< Fcr M« final PRODUCE... Al You NM. l«MMbfr . S#MMVI

- FAIR HAVE* - VMM OM FRESH Cui I. UtaiMf It FRYERS Ml of 1059 BMMII DBun#liM%« Lettuce A*~rZLj ^10 •^•TO" i"Cllt5nf» H,^- N.MITMMT ^A

^J #rflJ|jMlff Tondor, rip* ond orchid two*. DTOGCOII NOIMMVMM* """Zy* «•. Mi MM tf l|t Mi >fc». IBBBB ^BW WJPJB^B^BI i11*!*1 Seedless Grapes^O^

M M KMMB IMBMOT Bid FrtfttBi MM WM Mr. Mi Mn. OHMDNMof Canned Hams chicken Legs ^/4s WM- ' •nil OJOMI IMB Mr. Ml Mn. • WrtMai of EOMI Chicken Breasts **•»*» ^59* Crlsce Slerttilng Frying Chickens ill ^35 OHerfc O R f*.«n AMftarHMMl'» OMT 'Mfe Swift's Ceried leef Corned Beef ti Ground Chuck •»*£ ^65* rdHS •JM lit Ml Mn. An Col- Swift's f rea Fr^nkfurtors at Sawway'i Uw Me* MR Mr. OBJVO MB/ e Cooked Ham S.n S AM]rlAM]rlW M HMTt MMI M> 1M IMiMrMiMrMvv «( Altar MM. Jr.J . «M n HMJ nfJM ffl) HHlif f^MUffflM* HIM f#W WT rwala\ Ml MM. Jota OHM, • !•• f^*T nWVtf MMIWMM WM" *f far Mr. Md Mn. Clarence Je iMfrMf BN efftfe BQ MIVi MQeB. T||M|' CMHMMMI' AMIBI1 KM* HH COMWI GMd far *»M» MMMJII VPMMMJ fMJT , 25kffra 25 Ixtra

WM flMkeeief 0MCeaet4MMNiy

UM 1-^MU Mr «• MMNV SM^ MntMiMhtM GQMI« «• • I X iil « « Bt MMMB^ CMMBBMT of vi?m* I KM wrai Urn Mil KM Itw CMWM 0M4 Nr IW •CM. 0. McCuUy Ghapur. Ttto- 23 Ixtra •So U • tnutw of IM Pint I Church. WM *• AWMM «f • ttk Ot; CM WM *• **+—1» OM Ma. M*f Keeeirea Degrees SM?-IMLI|MIIM1TIM At Rutgen University UMI-WMJ A* •>•*** IMI-VaM Only « fahwf RUMSON-Frank J. Kelly, aoa * "MMJ AJPMiy ^VMV MJI^ . VWAkidaik •I Mr. and Mn. Frank J. Kelly of Park Ave., received hie bach- •lor of acleoce and bachelor ol aria detrete toar U and Kleacei at KM rectat Rut§en Ualvenlly iraduattM. Ha majored In elec- Tl* Cawt« GMd For This Coupon Good For trical MftaMfiag, and l« now employed by the Sttvid Engln- •en o' Watchung. 50 Ixtra SO Ixtra A Red Bank Catholic High School graduate, he wai a ier- CeMiendStMtt geant In the Army, serving be- ******** 4 OmNt,*,Um vfwi M rVfOMM et Hi BWM ceWM Wwl Wt$ rVfVMM eff S MfWrt rPMWMI tween 1993-99. He In married to Ihj former Joan Rapson ol nwtr Pm tMkM Nrk thnMir litt imfitM cwMrii i Stroudiburg, pa. U>k 1 -V«IW Only .4 Mnq UMH 1-VOIM Only •• Mnm V«W Altar JHM Mlti. VtM Ahw i«M 1Mb. H nitua uoi Morn mil mntt i*|i «M RiiMar Kit Moh IIIII. l)»c»uf S Iliultf cJj^u luttr.—AilvorllMtmml tPkm~tf. l-e H. HMjRecent Monmouth College Graduate* MM Car to Afuiti Speaker Heard Tk0 Stmty AktoniMmtd By 144 Club AYM lATOWTOWIWl W» d» tat MM vw Fridtoy •JOHNN Satariar •Y SM*BONr I«* W« HM to JOB* AND THE TRIUMPHS

ttr •Ml • MM We* uat

r. at***. CARLTON

NOW-SATURDAY itorfttTowa- __ mmtnm --.a •»_ fB^kMt BB^^^Lonft fMRdt RMBM

aBB^Makot flat ViMMMi floBMBBl feVafofJaf. •JJ.EBjJoV *OT BBBBBBk " VkaMMBBMal BBRMMBBI

iHifaaMMMB wBfa avnra* a** tor the MMMMjbjHtitfcNtoMaa, Mn, R. C. ttMtWaad, Mn.

*4»W*#it R. Co* SUffOAY-TUISDAY in Rivtrvitjw otafttladtoi detr. Cktrltt Harding, MTN Double Academy Award Show V 'Hawwai «• P. M. wag thnt tnattd to River- ftirview dob BBBBBBVRMtel MM WHUBj gRossst Mary Itirawelaa, 1, of 4H ayi

F«MsPicak Ra MJfAMBVPBIBBMUBRWBTMWaK KMHMHTIp bnkea log la fan oft Weycj tiHRay Dackai** l« af dUaKatal Mil rrowM - Otttbttf. a Mead Dr.. Union Beach, head bnittd Mtoa Dr.. Wttt KtaM Ms oeUvHtoj torth t BOMMOT I to toll tot of bod; Leigh Meltoa, aV-BanMlat BBBB^MBBW Mat inaViTBMlM^Sl brokea, caught it to 1. of IU Ctovontoto Cir.. Now rJaocy MtteheU. a a Rtnwtbory, cut over eye to faU ALL TOE , • BVBAAJ aW aBB^a*** BBaBB> «BUBaBBl aoi Wusta Or.. Middk off btoycto, tad Madttotot Lua- [HnHtl W IffJaRH BWC V»TBP n bnittd, caagat ted to dy. M Ladnrood PL. Fair Ha- KING'S MEN rSaoMataigMMl tr, Margant MUtor. I Cir-von, leg cut la faU ta stoko, Mm. tor Btovto Date Aod CaatoatlMI

UA2SS For Lippman iNOTIt Dot w> fMhtn«kaMaalaaaiaitaat —, »,r , , • BBBBM t«a) BBBO aBBf BJBBMBT MM TO toek Mat ltd.. NEWARK (AP) - Stparatt ^BB^BB^MBJBBBJMf K BBJ BBRJwBI ^^^^^V ^^^^^W^P ^n^Wfl|g^ ^^^^^^VW^BVBgT ^^^^^H ^ ^* eat to fall oft Mala havt boaa ordtfod for nit- WTtotV )|*Ala^lOBt Among the surgical patieats ia Ketatburg, cut to (aadaau la aa aUofOl bribe livorview Jtoaplt^l Ms weak an Under fay Here VACATION MH'ttv A aMMBOMh flat 4U W ^1 •• Hwl fa PM ; toR off bteycw; OonM Riity, 7, 99teto« C Mrs. Ftonaoo Brooka. I avtoto" 1 " 'dM flja^J^^^ «^i BBB^aa* ma- wmf wiwut AT t f, M. IP JafaffeffJaPl J|W>t oTfffl Ml Lyaao last wotk id Dr., aartwibufy; Mn, Lou- CbafettlfwataMtaM Avo., It curnatly •tk. head cut la faU oft Wtria- l tor Itot M. No it Damtorph, 1M Ocaaa Avo, Mt tor lerratetti's trial. East KetMburg; Henaaa Ebtrt, 12 - SHOWS - $1^0 SHMMB Bt.. Wttt Ktaatburg, ia Pui gaa at no N. J. Atnclattoal I cat to toll; FnakWhttt. of garhage roUocttog Am of Fen- ana MH» * wctreimionIAU Ghtrlta •#«• HUtoMa It, latyroved Benevolent Protee-I IY ATI P.M. day A Meyen aad of Dttpaaal KUagg.. M both rot Mlddletowaj WUWUlial a tivo Ortor at Elks o( the WorkLl •MTMBCHtiHlAHOW T to faH; Doaald Vttalto, ttTotArena jac., a Unkw Couaty Mldd aWd* tHatlkaWOBdl AW* »kam flMnMBkaBnaBll 1 Avo., Eatootown, ftoger cut Frailer. 17 Manoriall Parkway. OBVS*| BJRBJBBBJfMMj BBJT UBB) HfBnfjMWBJ TiR«M IUb GW Paul d Mn. u *» '••-.-« ^ - . Ml 1 Ha it chsrgod with payiag Str- Joha Itottoid. Wait ctavoMtoa wMck began ban ytt-l i Tneckta. Jr., 1, of 11 Valley Dr., both ot tAt Attackk HiHig>> rateW MAN to ketp labor pence, Tbo •jw Ava«t Naw 1 MHI ternttnt to charged win laadi; Mrs. Arthur IHiillwiT»l oottoa will wto Bast End Ave.. and Mn. JoNfb Saturday tight and 1 oat to fall; Mark HHIMMW, 1, •Bit Thoopeoo, « CanwbeU Ave., " "uaday start- Mr. aad aTta^BB^B^UM Vl^ I^I^^I ^BU^ MU to business agent «' STARTS Wl©.-^ DAYS WffJnBB mm*t nDUBOIIt Wwmr the Teamster total which repr- both of BtUord; Carl Ktptoap . I iag at 2 p. m. pat Mtto of baby aaalrta; C L d M M HoweU Harris, exalted ruler af AT NEW RHBaaal II rlecktimaB, leats garbage truck driven aad Cooper , Mn. Mary rtot kwAd ."St ft." KJ II Hllheels helper to North Jenty. Ht ku Gordon Park Tralltr lite, OBi BHBBJBMOJ BVBBBMBB/f aBBMnBt VHMI MOMBOB" of Hailat; Howard Ltad- fttta will bt wokoMtd today at ply aa w> twaltaaaWi to toR tran IMaot roof; P ttoet laat Ftbraaiy. f Hl Hd Ld •WaBBBBBBlaf ^A aB# WJai BBBBalBWa> Mutubtater. Ml Wyckoff Rd., Eaton- DM AME Ztoa ChyrcB, Ctrtwt- ow^PJf wwJB'Bv^aaVJIBaV wVo>,B WtJaHRVi dWt VK 0V BBwTB«gT> Hto tttraaftd wife. Ndta.wat 'w*" ">* reporttd to too n a trip. Dtp* •"»« *«*"*<* Maaon.MHow- bury Ave., by tht mayor aod COMfORTftB •M by b^ BBfoaa ot • ~ " aakk i OUver. council. Orovo Maaor, Lang Bnach, Prl- —^-^-r VaaBnatiAttorney Gca. John J. Bergta «***•? •«• « Dr., Shrews- said Mrs. Semtell wiU bt called Ll a. both ot New Tomorrow the delegates will at- day.' ••' . , - ; • ».«M1mptd OB bicycle; aa a witatn to the Uppmaa trial. Ihrewsburyy. aod Mrs. Matthew itad Moaaouth Park to vtow a HOT gotatt i 1, > Mdnte Tor., She caa net toarUfy agtintt her Wttoganor. tS Ateuader Dr. Walat, QtoJ Btalr, hbook to ttogor; Rivtr Plan. 1 FMttapr. U. of 41 Clay the mtdkil p Tho aaautl eJociioa ot atato of- Dm*. an WiUtom Coward, M cert is also acbedultdtor to- Daacay, a Pttttnoa To Attend Hid Rd.. Mn. UlUaa . wiU be btM ia the SUhaaetu 'J7 Aw.. Shrewsbury, btnd cut, hH MMilh HiUs, Thomas Hodg- day aight at tht Matt baU which ** with brick; Fnak Sharabba, HI Convention kiss, tl Moaroo It, aad T. Gall- wiU bt held ia the Fnak Maetovtoi, lack Caan* St.. Rod Baak, About M Jehovah'a Witnesies lard Navoitok River BaUnom, MounoBth It. TS£ kntotd. htt with baseball; John Rd.. oil of MkkDetawa; Edward A beauty< I will be haM at frcoa the Rod Baak congregatioa the ball. iJ2r Mantaua, 4. ot IM Maaor Dr.. will tttond • district conveatioa Eicher, 171 Forest Ave.. and Rod Btak, ftoger cut on knife Mrs. William O'Brien, SI Fourth Tht Sunday parade will wlkw loMk, to PMladttohto today through Mrs. Shrowlbury Ave., Moaaauth. It, IWIIaVt Ctchta, ». of II ForSaaday- . of Kcanaburg; Ave.. Fair Havaa. bitten by St., tod Brood St. dinptnlag at Wus Dauato M Dtanis Bennett, presiding min- Raymond Ftiy, » - MM; Frederick Mayer. 1, ofister, to announcing plus of theThomas Gudmestad. 124 Ocean gen PI. •tea. •II link St. Union Bench, ton-local delegates, said that it hasAve.. and Mrs. Butler Swldon. arm burned by hot coffee; Ten-beta necessary to cancel all local •M Ocean Avo.. allot Sea Bright; HONORED AT SHOWER HUD AY ANO SATURDAY Adolta attaadtot won Mr. aadmm IB/a.,* gk —»i_ -•-- _ _ J m • Mra.Goatltaaato.aadMn.Aaa •P wYBBJif B> BjlTCaMjajgJgj |*lff aVPBJoW* meetings during that time. How- Mri Thomas GiD. Willow Dr., UNION BEACH - A surprise ORSON W«1B • WAIH VAtSI SATURDAY ardo, finger cut white opening over, regular Bible studies wUI William M bridal shower was gives aa. oe held Tuesday at I:1J p. m. toBroach Ave. ot Uttto 111- ly for MUsFlorence Reiaicke, Kathrya Walsh. II. ot 271 First AflaJJamPlBjaB-kaMjAaWfala ••••lifli • oHffte.F M It Marya PI., and HI Paul vtr; Edward Ghaoo, « Avoaut Union Ave.,by Mn. Margant VM LaoaU^af aai lira. Qaona It. Keyport wrist brokea ia fanSt. both Rod Bank, aad«Ua-of Two Rivtn, Ruansoo; AHrtd Chanbarlato and Miss T.Davti. lai.taiL down flight of stairsiRjcbaid eoto It, Fairvtow. Indtco, M Harmoay Rd., East Mao Loan ia the bant af Mn. KoBBtdy,.4. of H TraalaTrot a Pl«a Keansburg; Mrs. RusaeU Jaek-FraokM .. head cat ta BINt study wiU bo held also aBa^aff* ^a^a^^hla^B IK Naw MeTawHiiiyt Mao * KlagdoM HalL M Broad It. son. « Hoary It, ttrtwabwy par waa lervtd. flttwillai wan i pmp i •pvanop v n faB from fence; Jottah latHo. at . Mn. Hendrkkton. Mrs. Helen • tawy MMto; etvatv t «MMi Jr.. 1, of IM Linden PI., ReP.Md . Atlantic Highland!- _*"; • *M»OU*m, Mn. BoaJaMta Mac- uatUtteriw Bank, chia cut la faU with ggum: Ktoln. ID CMPW" . » -**.»* Ltaa, Mrs. Floyd OunoeO. M» Mka BBowtn , NtaNavtatakk AAve., 9 ford;rd; Waltor Laytoa^,. alMata j^e. eo nail; ' Is St., and Mn. Carl Spanspans, XIXIWuaach, Union Beach. aflMrtaW HM MfjMfif OtaaM, I. of SIT Weit Froat Little) St.. both of Matawaa; Mn. SUNDAY THRU TWSD AY It. Rivtr Plait, flagtr bnkaa. Due at Mayfair OoorgeMcOuire, Nltthlt, Mn. Jerome Buragis, I CUrk AIBURY PARK - The tint Dr., and Maaitr Gary Tucker, II H"Ciiiemlr«ele" presentation 117 Eisex Ave., all of West THEATRE Louil dt Rochtmoqt's productloo Ktansburg, and Mra. Jtmti Me- BXTBA l»L-CA»TO0N CAR1BVA1. TLANTIC HlfJNLANDt, N. J. "Windjammer." July Kittrick, 710 Beachview Ave., and raiH MT. s«t MM the St. Jnmes. theater torRobert Sharp, N7 Edmonds Ave. STARTS SUNDAY m. — MT.—an LANA TURNER what hai been called an exdu- both of Union Boach. BICHARDWIDMARtt JOHN GAVM livt Nortfiern New Jersey en- HSNRT FONDA MNDRA DEE gagement. BAZAR PLANNED WIDNISDAY DOROTHY MALONE 1 Ptrformanets will be twice MATAWAN - The stecrlm "IMITATION OP UN" dally at 2:30 and 1:30 p. m. SMOMl OAT. OUT. committee for the "County Fair" "Here COMB the Nthoni" The act drama was photo- "WARLOCK" graphed by the "Cinemiracle" baztr planned by Trinity Epis< R&IIJ MROHI '' B%BBM IMMI gfMfOVlf MVMrBVt B^VRBv MWl cameras on a 17,301 mile vbyagt copal Church will meet nex DEBORAH KERR of the Norwegian thrte-maittd Wedneiday in the parish hall a ROMANO BRAZZI wiling ship. Christian Radlck. MMNWULEI MAURICE CHEVALIER • p. m. nun wto. JULY lot OMNEVARH Plus "WATUII" "THE MVlrERlANI" • DEAN BTOCKWELL "COUNT YOUR BRADFORD DILLMAN HISSINGS" CHOICE POODLES FOR SALE TVBI., w». ONLY 2 LIFT! "COMPULSION" ELIZABETH TAYLOR PAUL NEWMAN SMALL, STANDARD ILACK MALES SHAKE HANDS WIMItMT OM 0» "CAT "ON A WITHTHE DEVIL AKC Reglsttrod Sire. champlM Mood linos. Inocu- "THI lated, wermed, htatt Iratotd, HOT TIN HOOP' Dam ALANLADD SPIDIR" TMOMOAV On Bay French Kennel iOfl'N COTTIN nnd MARK DAMON OIBMA ^AOIT MAH eiOHH IANOIRI American Kennel •ISO* -In- Club* "UFE HwJNS AT 17" "From Eirlh In the Moon" 9( Phone PR 5-9126 MIDQF.T RAILROAD 'CnH90ft, Mtffbraftrf, IIM»

ptomM MM! ROTM% ••VaWnB

*»fj aaw *MW«W« w abtata awl MMJIII •#)""" Tha

_ww VOBJ» JAW y Mmk c MBM; Mnw MM. Mmvai M W • • jr\wr% _i tHSNEYS May ». mt. MMBV Mtoi M) ATUWIC MIOHUHW - wtt tehMMi « Mr>

AtaarM Ca.,few., M tka M» TMMV aujht. ^^M AM Aa (111 IM4 kaa> Aa^k^ ^H*l^ W ^MMM1 ) MB MMMBt al Wt ?MM WM tMnVM1 MNV •W^A^, .f^W^^ak '!^^^^^ l^rV«W— l ^H^Pa^^^^^^^—S * Ma^ah^HB^ Mh£a^HMM^ ™M*H ^M^BM^BkaiaW*»^^B3V » BMMhAft*•*" AMB•»•\ Bl•*f• OTB^^Bl to MI iw can-to M» imtne amaaj a aw«ty atraat T, MJMJ at It Mi KM MDGEWOOD •Jl WflPI H VVAI. MVaWJi •vVPJIlal WHI VJ VWWVy


OChVIN MUUVAB* * •C Mfa PNM\ WVIMt la affect Mth am HifMaaw Mill, I-Illt mm ftatoar. II? v*. D to »> ' • ' «Z«J«MWMa MM PI K -««;••-*• *-» -»•»«• Jr.. ( "aa paridas ako win be Mr, VIC T OR .,i- ' Iwavmly rlfK* h*ral _. • ' - m U iaya M toil Acttaa aa tha MARKIT - RID BANK ShOWer GlVeB awaianM^MnMlayaiMai. Our IMMJIM* Facllitlai k H—m «ra UMM«N«4 to| state approval af Mi pra> ONN ftoBAY Ml •>.«. For Mn. Dinii r.v«-.T-. ^ 11 WIST WONT $T.-DBJVWIY -Ta. SHodyticte 7-O5Ot M Mmbtr Dtotr'i Cm UN1ON BEACH - Mr*. la- W., Mt . MM VtlM AMMCM'EspTMl MMB HMKI. ItelM AMB * «|| ^^^". jMmjMM .• fiM^rj nffJi| WM MWMWIWBV' BJS' Bi - pBJflBjIB^Bj flUfVMt wa*af mtliSFAi^m^. •WBw^T^ JW(Bj H, MaT.' BMR9 'MBat tMMMthaf Maay Mtai eas« MaVCiM RIBS BEEF '" EGS LAMB DRIFTWOOD BY THE SEA

k COCKTAIL LOUNCE •rrSriT. MnTSaaJa. Farry, '£&£&.*}!!*}'?!*»* mU%k »^« MM»B HOT/ ^MWMI wvR>Mi X RIB DOOM AMMMNCM0 TO TMB M«C OF " M£2*?«*P*.w»o«Mi<; JOHNNY WrUTBMAN AN* MBMOOBTV BAND Mn. Ji tract vat swvrs saicno susom fvmAYAwsuNpMYNrrn kaVlBMM fc». 1:11A.M. IF.M.-MF. M. FATUNT |,liH?Mffb)«?2M5 uTutBAY mm, tack «f « HVdM la tb» iliwIiMtot at the ahaM. FATCAFBioupmnr EYE ROUND TOP SIRLOIN MMMMMMMMMMMMB %L Chicken 331 :hopi 59f

MNtias attftt ai cttlai Chuck Steakf 591

aad thna^Mr. .^ TURKEYS 49i Cold Cuti 691 don E. Spare Ribs 591 CjMea Pmddtat EAnri O. Wahhr. acttag «ayor ia MI ak. 4 iT Mayor Wald*. p. GGS FRA 491 m it la p—^ •• for hop &BACON t Whit* Mr. Walder, who urvei on the Dmmistioa with Cnmcllmaii Al- Ot. S?'* MAYONNAISE 69* ROM ml. Tracy ai repreanuUvavaai jt,*«"«™ta«ta«ly. width, lAfkW* m—- MBB 3 CM aelllty hid been in UM before but viadtb had rnderedtt M > whit* Mo«t i una 7 ot. tow. Council Mcoadid hit coT mendaUon Of tlw Harbor Com-

-».'-- "* I0*** Urn la MelNTOSH eltiteni to cooporita in win e«« of the atatm, whfclTof- SHEEN BEANS 2 • 29° or mm 2 29* fera toilet and ahower facillUea. The coffloiiulort (a proviiiai DELICIOUS Excltutve New &er*e$ Engagement daily janitorial aarvlca. " CMEMIRACLE SWHT PLUMS or STARTS WED.. JULY 1 APPLES With iti 3 Projector, •TEAK BOAST POSTPONED,, AIR-CO^ITIONED SHREWSBURY - The iteak II NECTABriS TOMATOES "lr Giant Wall-to-Wail rout adheduled for Saturday, L SUNKIST Screen . . . under the sponsorship of the IICIH10) ST JAMES Shrewsbury Presbyterian Church, I . • wilAP Stereophonic Sound! has been postponed, .lared Hal-1 I LTTI||"L versnn, chairman, wili ie-sched-l| LLI I UUL 2-25' ORMKES ula tha event at a lavr date. I ^BFWr aWW* 9WW* PPBMF ^f^^^^^^S££5£mim^Sm' UmA* Mm AMdbi „MamMamee Show Lfam dob THL SWEATLR HGUSf Board Dented Church U§e, Ends School Endonea .,, t . ,| v III May Hike Split Sesriona Setmion 7-12 Plan •ffldak fari Iba . ikt nm M *a feari af EM-

her*. Mn. Maria V •cMer ia ataMkjr. OB MM attl with umtf IiairhUiUiit Ear r te B. C«tt— I* tkM af tMy»ora acted •Writt. Hit wiH b* the Duriag dw IMMt Kkaal year i« th« first gnat riaitw «ar» aa a nut* UasMky aatl Jaa> mm ••Ml) MBni i^nsHMf

teal baar* by Ja|y I. *e aaari

VjB a> MW^V ^^^^^ w •••» " •• ^ "i • • •• » ^M* CTMB, it., vfcar at ft. ttmk't tMcfcar. mm

•SMAVMS.MItnU MASS MUMS la Mar.•Mia. am af Mr. Mi Mra. Al- HAT rty Hin. bari BMX niiba* A. HM Tiny «« Dtvw K. CarkM BBi •AITOX.OOUT ——— -T—-_ . gJPJJf^A-M C •ftWINKlltS-HOStS Mr. CamMto a ITIMIM af


UOaLHaUiC.Lairtl.aia> •a** aMaar. «ba ataMaM

SnS# IMI lAaol Friday, wasflnNa a ptny* PftMat WMV Mr. aad Mn. Jay Wwa M4 ^BIIW Mr Md IfM Att^a* •••^i MHMi tmiif.. ••• Mrimra. M. i UMIMn.I MMMMMBHJ IIBJ , V VajMBMMM MW^PaVWa ' Mn»; • • I"IMMOV ItJl. PMTlWWtl, Mr. MJ MM.

LM HafaMa. Mr. aji*Mn. MM» •fi MB, Mr. Mi Mn. MkkMl WMHB* IMNBTMNB BTBTHRMV • •••# M Art., QaartanNr. „ Put Dtr. M FaMaa Aw EATONTOWN - A tewwaB

TMYCMMMWIM A9* Nfii MQMfS tad har family willtar* Ma t *a* far ArUafM), Va. AMMV

Mn. Hwvay WalM, Mn. Anhar LMM 1MM PrMa, a l»w*r< 0. MMM, 1 BMM! MMMV MMM * BVMMIMMMM Itff W Mn i .^Ma. CWterd MtawarkranooidbypradudM BfOWWi MfV* IttfjMfV AlRmlOttJ$ UmLIB MMPMMI* atftaMtr ' tat '-•"""*-a i nai•l Mn. JannaWMta Mi Mn* lu> MHWpMMbaf aJklalH < laaijfawra. all mamban af dr> «DPi. nal latentfear teaitfw da MJM af MI OkMaan af CMTCB. LEWMIL'S "WHERE THE SAVINGS ARE GREATEST WORTH OF PRIZES NOW AT 10,000 21 BROAD ST. RED BANK FEATURING famous namt brand Refrigarators Washtrs & Dryers Hi-Fi & Sttreo-TV EUc+.A Gas Ranges * AND (araa awM MUh. a* «afas ap'sBBMMl ia> Photographic Supplies BN MSllaiMawMiaik >iiiiiMMiiwralM> g tgfc i0WWI i ff - r- H M. >w m M> M«MJ li M) kW. «w M> IfMr m SflCIAU 'M *• MM MM b a>. MIUSI

^^^^•^^B^^^^^W r^v B^^B^^B^UBBB/ BB* WWB^^^BJ . . HN) HIMCRl DUNHSTOIt RADIO Moaai. TC4H al*^f» fatten «TUM

to turn —4i » CC«M« , MMaill* tTdl MUlrrr A MM MtW M* ««• MJ • Mb pitti II hm, I InMMIalm H« «to«. •M MwntMi. htaM rukpall MM* MMMMM^ I MB ^MMM MM> MMJ MM*k elrdl. AM|*M»JMk?r. %•**•• ^•aj^WBMWtaSTll/riHI HAW" MT^MMMMMI LCMBI^M^^MV MM) •MBB^A ' VMBVM^M^MMBM^MV4HBB9 ^M»MTJMMM^^B~*J c«Nnl kr BJTACTn, 11 INCLVDIMO CASE MMHtag AND BATTBHIES uet rree tntry <-**..***+* i^ ."v -^»- M^ |WB» t» fa fa ACMI MAtKIT SMM Blank Now At 'J53& ~" Chaafca* IMK MMI* LEWMIL'S ATUNTIC AGENCY #• %^M^HBJBJjBJrB^ ^^WMJ MVMMJ^

-'-.'• ' • ' ' ', All Acmes MVM4BL MI ^^—a———^. ^JB _*. MMM a MMM FJJMMM* M MTL-SMSHMB' (MMMMMMMB) -*-^^- '- -» B Vaeauai ClaaBtn • • RMIIM - Clocks a Typcwrilen . a Tape Rccarian ^^™maj VMBF MMMraBM VBBM BMJ MMBJ 0 MW/ MMMJ " MB* rMJB^MFf ^^^^^^HH^Mf V^MMI IWIfMJ . •f MMMBVMMMMMMMY WA ^^^^^^ |^^ ^faMs) Mfe i^^^A MWMVMI MBI MMl ^a^Msi attM^i M^H ^^^^L^ ^MM^A ,« ABplkaeai • Mala SuppIlM a HI-FI aai litre* a Film Dmloaini Z'tfl fWfH arlfly •• aMf_^B) flk ^B £^^ aj ^B BMTW^^^TPMM'BJB'Myj W/w BB^^B^^MJ MM) fB^^B^ ^BJ.^^^^BJ M^F 14. ^P| B^B^ BBMMJ M/MM BMJf^ MHM^y vV^Qf Ttlli AO rOrUBjTAItJIrM «*• r>*— ki «*wiaf «M. hi MM «f • •*• #•» , h—J2!S ^ .. ^ - IMMI APBW S-Bta, li- Mfj Mwi lal U, by 1Mb* RUDGR1' TERMS ARRANGED «%M to «i4 pukll


iPtWP* PtMnvfCV

Tht NMoliiint «Nff of o Lancaster Brand ten* baking to a IOU0r) 10 vfwIQ Ofll Or) IHO fUR* All ACVHO< 100 Of ,. tnofm bono oiM oxcoit* Ml fomovod bofofo welj yOU * fllOrw IWOOi TOT VKIfr IHQnOy* '.w w . * / Chuck Roast - 45 •orw-K Only Acmt M«t fomOui LaneWtr •rand b*tf. You'll tmH tnt Cross-OilRoast 89 roast of Lamb Rib Roast Boot eck or Shank Lamb >ftaatf»No»lf«*r Ytvr Bacon BoefStedu

I|E^P|EB^BJI InCM I Spiwd 5f#ok#ft#i MaHf Ml

FiitoK IV MmyVdvm w H ^aWa^B^^^a^'^EEWaT •••RaaT^BWB'^^^B' .. • .•. GRAPES n-m. ChHfonCake 49*

{Peaches^ Wh«at Bread 21V iJello-*^- 12 17* The Mat Fabulous Record Offer Evor! 6 j Philharmofik Cucumbers 5-25*! AUUM Jw h Dury Month -2 14-ot. i Great Musk margarine **** «* •""V w" »*i»t »»•* !»*»• Yow . Somhln* Cup CuaJafo' Cfcotao 49c Explore the World in Which We Live! Cheese Food .a 69' frozen Food Feature* Nataral Senates Illustrate! •fjoT"JfJ Wj f^fflvnviVJal fvlaimiH Vf l^wfffjfffjl Cheese Slices ^ 35(

RED IANK —Op»n TUM. fffiru Thun. 'til 9 P.M.—Friday 'HI 10 P.M. FAIR HAVEN —Optn TUM. Mini Thun. 'til 9 P.M.—Ffiday 'til 10 P.M. r, hum %, WWHIP JAW "Id** Oar" nfrl

Mt09f oMfMf/ 99M| MHaW 19 N|V*| YorktHlosoali ai startiag Juty 3 to lad GROVER S N.I. New York I MM* IPWwWi .. _.

day to Ami. UUm lU/^rt Our Sp*ei+y MCBNTOAVE. KCANSMJIGi If• !• •*•<< totli §0 Mttto THE SURPRISE STORE "*$"

arotitn'i rocontty-porchaMd 9f99 9§ 9vMn 7|V ft 99# *J9MI _W VVtMMfl l^yt T9 ^ FeU 56 Junior VolunteersUSO Beach MBTS SUCIS-WASH lilt Moitmoulh Medical Is Opened LOLONNG MMUNCH - Nam *m VMtt •wmmvmma lie, Judy Deft Fcuberg and 1 West LMS BrtMCni dUh Avery. New Moamouth; Bar* Ann Maria Murphy and Betsy Murphy, East Kaon* burg; ghoiasi Lindner, New Yes* •bio Hall, Oceanport; I,-OB o^ae^ v^oBa o oooswova OHJBJBBBTOJVOBBQ have a UK) Carolyn P. Christian. Keanshsjrg; h •PjMtaBBBi ^ oW^ BB99* MMKak^hnmonnnakalM' WBBBI Barbara I. Davis. Uttle Ittver: the Eisate. Rod Bank; fluri L. ktg lasosd at tfst Laog ghrewsbury UIO. m CaHsea Ave. Pal Patterson aad Julia tumaon; Trade A. new* jss BBWOT ni Wwmww SaWtf 99 BM MM* 999 M9V9 spas wnNiBjensj am* n* 'W Leonardo; Kathlsan Taa» an award otal aad Betty Sans, tha Baoeh tvary haw an the ka* for m hours. Caroly M. Casey, Carmda hoe, Lynn Ann Lord. Si the Asbury Park UIO was at-! Kayo Phillips. Marilyn tonwino, tended by N USO Junior boa- Patricia V. Yepello. Ekanor T. Garry, Carolyn R. Monaco, Mary tesm. Music mi pfwMM wW\ Alteadorf and Janet Bruno, Long the Bun A Jesse Combo from Branch. MB M haws were Fraa- p y QsHairg tad Cant Patwtca, Coagregntien Sons of Israel. As- bury Park; with Mrs/Jack Oreas- •OYS' POLHNO COTTON Wail SclaMhiled Aug. 15 maa and Mrs. PaMto Green as- RARITAN TOWNSHlP-Satur- evening were Mrs. Ida CHINO PANTS JOUM Ave day, Aug. 11, waa set as the date Neptune, and Miss Lottie DaUkat, W. J. Wilkiaf. director for a testimonial dinner honoring Asbary Park, genior hosa won tarvicaa at the bof Thomas P. Brennw, retiring tax WUHam Carriek u4 Hoary Cait- •t a moetlag of the ley. - Oeotecratic OrsBniiatkn In the ||la.U naiQ-ai - ---• M. » - ••ui^w,, Twin Gables, Rt. «, Tuesday. MUSIC WU pPOVMN rfWsiy tada at ike boepltal for the serv- night by Tommy Ctapu's •rciwi Tha affair will be held att ThThee _,,. - kea |hw by the Juakwa. Awarti wtrMua thraui M k tecowtMry 9f tfct td by Mlw Rth Oaks, McGuire'a Grove, Middle- * * PHrBflsUSM IliMI FOR INPORMAIION CAU at Iowa, nod to opea to everyone AlMnC9R F90lf9uQ9 91 ~ Of party affiliation. WMIKIliW* Paw for IN noun - Ariena Greene, chairman, has provided by tha the affair Is " Mrs. Elhn Heyea, vSURP OIL DELIVERY, Inc. avHMnOO ' Jl9*r«tt9IS - 9 litical and has extended ante- Lota Palmer. Kaaasburg; Conale vitoUoa for member of tha op- othy Gaodea. Mrs. Iris gkakas 8 sUIOAD ST. KSO BAISK Boakel and Margie Henley, Port position party to serve on his and Mrs. Marlon BwtMy la SH 14410 Rhoda M. Cagltatra chary. , . ,; STORI Of 1001 IAft«MINS , IT. ghormao. West Lou Fatal raadiag of the revised Na rod tap* la by-laws was made and approved CHURCH BENEFIT oa"*£"Jaj|amm Bow •^•••'••^••a —- • —— by the membership. Yearly re- WEIT LONG BRANCH-Mta,f ., Me Rush, Rurasoo; Lor.ports wero made by the chair- Eugene Braaaaa aad Mrs. Fron-I, h f tyg to Uflc dMafied Phplay Jrakw ai lloWMsmTA kJ ^P"«TrE?*o^nTaToTaTJ^P^r^^B^Wwoi1^BT«lT#v *alo> •BBBfl^Bj^wnBBja^nwnBBBBB'

^ HASPEL . . . Tht Uritr In EYE ROUND ROAST WASH AND WEAR Hatpel HIM Dacran and cotton in various farms OINUINi SMHNO 5 to • NV SOB H IMU a'coct, «*mfnrr«Ua suit that has •** «*Ha«t ikapa ratantian and practical wash- •bilify. No irtninf nacMMry. LEGS of LAMB 39.95

WORSTED-TEX... For Drtsttej-up SUMMW COMFORT FRYING Tropi-Tox by tho House of Worste^-Tex cam- hmoa Daaron and wool into o ttejttf woifht wit i that Is drossy anough lor any occasion. I waif ht. cool, with "IUpM.WrlitHo.Shod." 5S.00 CHARGE ACCOUNTS INVITED %**. MA0Y CkWpiMMl CHUCK CHOP 1 Men'i I loy»' OuffiHers Since 1924 69! 49! SKINLESS CISAVARIN COFFEE 69& It IKOAD STREET RED BANK FRANKS 1.12 ibs. Economical Bacon 89* Opert Friday Til! • P.M. 49 Closed All Day Saturday, July 4th If Pays To Advertist In Tht R«gist«r •t *• \v «' ,-w ,, '<••' " SPAGHETTI FRESH KI L I E D - O V F N P f AC Y DEL MONTE 4 TO 8 POUNDS DRINK HOUSE SODA €MMK I1YII M M m UMMN NOfM C WfH ;-.U9UTD DETERMENT SUIT COCKTAIL lYONtOlSI T4te ««AMJBXr 2-£Me SWUTNAS i'i TJH ftAHJCNdlir "tile cCcehte Syr^ •£< •AUS "V3H K&SilYHACTS.lSe SALMON STIAK « m JUKI ^ Ik WSCHAM r»e

1.»v tlsT- •«• CHUCK ^S»e

' ', " V < ' '" '<• • CUBE STEAK ^ff| SHORT RIBS w4f| »«m* MWIW «MT? ORANGE DRINK XL 29c ^fJ:'

' iik'liMMH' »-*•*"* CANNDHAM S^V 2^B9e iSYMIMNSTM M4fc WHILE THEY HfCXOlY SMOKID ' - ' '- ' -" ' ' • L4ST 1A. LTM65RWT SLICED BACON ^ 49c ••J.f7''-" IN K)()ij YOU SAVf (VK'Rf



97 Brood Si. Red Bonk f56 Newman Spring* toL* Red Bank 506 Prosptet Ave., Utfle Slvfr 1126 Ocean Avenue. Sea Bright Route 35. Eotontown Shrewsbury Ave., Ri 35, New Shrewsbury 1 •FOOOTOWN MAKKITS OPEN SUNDAYS r* hm Oar Port Office' Hn. ft*Court Rule* UBMM BMVIICU. On Shots Resort AA* Congrewmcn Wm MW^P 9 ^ IMION KACH > Ike keel TRENTON waikCkbdMed Income Data ASKRY PAMC-TM kMrd ft •jMiirii Mi *|MM Ited* awili ghw w My •ratten ef as Mw Jemy Nat V* ••••^••••1 ""IMMaW aw ftM flBMInflKVa y Ua* a( AMerke km. •ml Gw Coopwy vami yetter- aflBW* HBV H|PMM» HBBVB fl| DM MCH BMB flnlDB. wy to tocraaii ita Quarterly •d. «HvidMf f ran « to « ceato perlM«y. 0. & BMt. Ctntrd P. CM* < NBD A mti nrewN? MsTS* JfJKPB •tan. It wlH to Myebfe July •HMIMM • Mt*. • Ml* Mrtfc rf I II to MKUuMera ef record u TMMMI«MIMM HttjMM C. WVMMMtal MMMMMIAM*aMMJIV* MMMMMMMMMMI1i mmWwmMMM JM«VVJMMMWef My I. v ejBj MMMJMM* MM MMMMW MTMMMM! tttr kMMd «MWJR«TV Mil. mmmWJ RM^MI _ H Md 4O.II* mm*. Mn. OMOMMB, Mra.kUry M efMiy si, Aa4 it Mid tket He Meya KlkM. MM) EM> MMMa. Mn. dqraisktvl MerHtMW, Mn. Oeane Be rMMt MM MMB pfWMtJll t JmM tt MM

«• MM>TMMffMviM7nam '< mmjto IMMMMUMOMMI M.. „ BMV« VMWW . MWMNMMrfv It MS* I* MI • hat


At M Story Hour Net M. MM Ha MMI atoiy ksar a» tts MM ml ke MM at *a I

Nftncf IWMINMI s_«___Mms. PW s^^^^aw^^^r 4^^^ vsj CM IMMT. ""'•TfiSTi??1 *"* * TM MM MM ft* II ~ •JMtMtfel

it MM la* PRMMM MM m-


UtawMlalMT aiyBiktrE

Finely tailored Miss fnunncs TROPICAL Given Shower SLACKS ENRT

M VM l «f IM Ate Mrs. Uwte Lama, HlgMMb, md Mn. MNM Md Mn. lawMMi pt BtMraV MiH FruMM wffl bM bridt of MtMa KaalDrd «t KB- gate, TM.*.. , StpLt U k tM CMKk. WINIS 4 LIQUORS AtteadiBS mn Mn. Edgar «• M, RMMM:. kte Alfred OK 4l% taytml OMITI atWMOAbn. RIDIANK Bnaeb;Mn.iM Md Mn. Adolf SeW DAVIDSON'S Cbol tteftaaliOa t keep their crisp good bob fatlord: Mrs. FMak Mn. Pad VOKM. iBUl *»h«t«lwe«th«r...'»t2ptirsfor|7,ifit Mn. Mutki MM Md fd» not toUntoedJTtflored with color- • j »• -' •*-'• Mn.1 Mn. HMI Oilto. Oamaod: Mn. Maitla Num, statM blaai; Mrt. wmian ReienM, Mn. Je- MM JMl Iftfc low prlet it for CM dif onlyf n. Mn. HaahM Mn. Mrldal Matki- MB, Mn. Eintr HeMg aad Mn. DAVIDSON'S TorMf JtkobMB, RT. tltAWNT Mff« Bradley VM Bnmt,. MraMrs.. StuMy WMt, Mn. Alt WotdHk1 , Mn. SOTMNB, Mn. Jem t Mil* JUCQtfQ lOWnL Mn. OUt Okm, Mn. AadnM a«iMRMn. Mn. Hwiy Rka Get an and tM MIMM Lais LKM, JMB SPORT SHIRTS WMt. JUM NMMB Md Vtnwn Rkth. all of tfcto ptae*.


MMcft • jwo nit fino nort ihliti...DONTMISS GGIN DISHWASHER THIS SENSATIONAL MPlMPl l Th*nkl«t8, tedioua drudgery! That's diahwaahing! Yet you ipenddof* VALUE! Cbooie eaiy-cu» CJ, • to three weeks every year with your hands in a dishpan. Why not WASHNWEAR cottons newest colon «nd PftflHW U ROI get off the scrub team now? Drop by your Reddy Kilowatt Dealer*! Mttefns... in checks, for an automatic dishwasher demonstration. You'll see how an auto- stripes, novelty trimi, lolldi. CORDIALS 1.99 morel BnttasKbwn and • Craaia Da> Maartn matic dishwasher gets dishes cleaner - removes hidden bacteria - spread collar models... • Awkat* Ckarry* Paaab HFTH leaves them sparkling without water-spotting. And, whether it's a tizesS.M.L. built-in or portable model, you'll be surprised at how little it coat* to WYCUFK DAVIDSON'S get out from under dishwashing for good. ' IMPORTID .95 UVE Rnditfsjft VODKA 4S 8M Yoar Reddy Kiwwatt Dtawr III nM ItorM 0PM SIM. IS A.M. to I P.M; Open Every Nlfht 'til S P.M. YEU0NVRMX8 AHURYPAIKt ftevta JS—Aibwy Pork Traffic Clrcl* ™£? DAVIDSON'S JCP&L PERTH AMBOV, XI Smith Street J Jwiey Central Power A Light 1SEL1N, U. S. Hlftliivny 1 at Greeu Street Tiullk Clrtle Vetlow Puet Ml you aad 3f Va IROAD ST. AMPLE PARKING AT ALL STORES to7' ^S' P«rki>M RED BANK 3334 New Store*, VanBradde | Pott Office Quit* Council Dae in Sept AtMatawan



Hjlltlh m II MIMl MM* cjr wMfti two to loar' lMMa> FMtjr. M. of « DUCKS 37

teaiacklaoHeo. Thai l JtftRaMh MM •# Mil Fruits ^ Vegetables! GROCERY VALUES!

no ntMtog Board far eotatr ttoa tfptomo off Uoaot M., the toMO ait astwtadto to la tto HUHto $*to» pttot m_- FRESH BUn« «65£ -63 Maitv CtoJncttof Co., be., nmrcoamui >.* •rid ofi^fii IMA U aad IAIIQ' aitoi't off Attottic Avtv to cir (he Attatte TRf MtMftir^-* Co.., fertMM.tM lto Unaf to OM Ito *• for none* »• fmMm PEACHES *& 2-57< ^1 Mr. Mm nportodflMt "to ^ MOB" toa toa totoT«iii«N PKS Thrifty Frozen Foods! JANTZEH STYLES ...... JiMf'W-1 TUNA as "-29« Mtttod to tto Roard of HtaMb. •HlMif •Mfi Deniie Dinner ORANGE JUKE -~ - 39« Is Wednesday BEETS - 2-29< 4»43< KITCHEN CHARM VS 2»3* MM,'HO7 MRJi WWUf eh*. ..;•/•/

•ny of mm. Mr. MMM NU. or f " Mr. Doalio A • rOTtt#P MHCGCf WOOCfS I Tboodon & Panoof. totmr f—. Want WMtttr UttttHtml _ AHfYMWS Y VMM HER tWWntjIS APPIE PR! - 43- *K0d Ot ttOLOBiOta M I a a. «-•__ Expootttoa ot tlM ft. Lmdo hjakr. •rotor* Wortft Fair h MM. Ito «ot- • IH7.f7H • nran oat of platwto nwo II tot* It. leo croan, to H wrappad llw let NMan^viiV4lti KAIMtaisiiWTTHTIIWAW i/MHSU MTTB MKC 3535Cc ftto paalry IYI Nttl «•-— tr lie TWIN-PACK COOKIES SU tt 4fc LAWN MOWERS iwit Is Dairy Moftffc of A6H Y«iMr«r SAVAGE - JACOBSEN •••itj MfM VMMy WloMMlt MOWERS — m—M AIUNIC 4 rMING 1IA MEL-O-ilT SLICES 2 £ 89* MILD CHEDDAR CHEESE

SAVAGE tack rat MIMOfetOJH JUKhcat • JACOMEN. ««. •ce the fritM offfooHvo thru Saturdayy , Juno 27th INS TIOH "450" THACTOt Mll NNtw Jtmy and UtHn fi DIIMI'I Yigart 2 L; t5» KnftVParty SiMks A»V.,. ... i ^ 41* TRAN8MIMION

INTttNATIONAL CHI LO IOY 121 MONMOUTH STREET HIGHWAY 34 HIGHWAY 36 PROSPECT AVE. ft CHURCH STRUT WITH W-INCH ROTARV MOWER MOTT HAMMER KNIVES • ROXY GANG MOWERS RED SANK PORT MONMOUTH KEANSIURG UTTLE SILVER • PARTS - SALES - SERVICE • Mtafeto LhRmr Btftwtmtnt In thb Store . a ^trBp^t^ajtav afv wtv^ovV v^rtJ V^tTW^v tjtjttv^l v^aja^RT vtv lit*avi a^^t^Ht^aaa aaa^av avaw . Oa«a) TtoidaTt and Thitridoyi Until 9 P.M. Until V P.M. rfIVJRlfJRiyRtIdialRla^AtM | Ytaaaai^amM•••vWiyoTti %aVaftdtW«a^^MaWvTJR|RnalVyvi | TfctfI IMHTt>WVyaR RlaWM> UtBftRWNTWJl Or j ' BAIRD DAVISON CO., INC. Fridays Until 10 P.M. Friday* UitH 10 P.M. Prldt^a UiH) 10 P.M. SH 1-230O-1 17* Wr MONT ST. RIO IANK AIR COriPITIONED - FOR YOtirR SHOPPING COMFORT -fPtayground Eiumim Set SAUSAGIKITCHIN Moimoimi IT. IN I<4«M Mi um Old World Quality Products FULL UNE OF QUAUTY MEATS AND MEAT PRODUCTS

• a. •. to U 4 p. aj. aa sh*

ViAMCS • *p far ''if. it. Jmm Cittiilti &mm\ U LAMGE SELECTION OF SWISS sVMl fcf NM TfMlaa) aHMajaa. LMHM M»l AND CEKMAN mPOKTED DELICACIES at aa* watt WITNJMIAT mm PAWON* AT MAI OP STORJ nn DEurunr ON runt* Ettor '2^27* 2-* 672 rMBaWy flfaV taaa to fearMM ) warn 1 sw "aW ktta Or** W*ar at a jM ai ton Isattk, Jtraay JCi^. TOMATO .CtM.KC< AaM^iaw— TMsMM* SMMBl tfei. SAUCI Qmm9a9 1 JavOaMjT•"Wsassjfi nama av B*m 'flif^aeHlfajWr WJaWaksFasaSif ^MBSJSBJV sssfsradaMMati a : : BMlaMaMl^BMMMaMMf aMMsMMMf ftaV j*-:w riVBjg«*MfBsraBBa]sra aarvassy as* •cttea; EwnffM, UM Mac Eaat Kaaaawrg, paaaat Mats int torn. mm It JMMt Calhalie Oraa> Extradition ARMY ORABUATB ««• W aarfJMd ta'fta FOstT LEAVBNVOMH. KaaX ma. XMcfeaaida aa d a 26 Bro*d Street af| WMM| i flat* «M ba atflstad hi fcv VMM V/lfsff aFaaaa)ISa» A Mr. aadMn. i •tt. Mr. aai Mn. I. BrOsck- Wednesday, July 1 M«jar. Uwatair Maa* UM laafeaaN littfa Laini wU %^V*t SMMSSJIBWIB Me dJ»a _ Mid M attatar aaata lalarday atai Friday AMI OB kmfi CMMMi Mt Oaaaral Mall OaV taarfcara. fsMaM t> aat iajfta parlala. My ST-AM. 1 aad Aaa. IM1. Scot TUsue LITUI SILVER Cft.. Ivsanaaa SH 7.1111 iagaolledta Canto aai KA, Mi aw*. Mi «Mk 1M Mtlea Ha «ara MHa at a Paflwf• Day Mdtok to k ta REDIANK Aliqr ia their la far tk* 141 Irtad St. uasjsjoi ISBJM) ssTeBam BJUSJ, IMW4F» lisarto SH 1.7119 aKt^Vp' SSKP VH^SSs)" SM^.' VS^MSW. ^^NT' SSHW Mn. Laa Merrla. Rai laak. aad afaoMHtalkf potato MM kr• Mr. aad Mn. PMHp Morris aad ^ IM COCnCt MM WM Mt by tht baak la anai Dart M liistart Coffee-T ^^A Si '

of THN» awiflJoa. w. Afptapto. jtiar tor a «a«Vi atayi •VA KETCHUP

nMIII HOTC| Boby Food tr.0*r 95' My Food -r • • • SALE! GULISTAN ALL WOOL CARPET IN A CHOICE OF PAHERNS AND COLORS EVAPORATED Rtg, $14.95 R«g. $10.95 Sq. Yd.—Now Sq. Yd.—Now

. $1.95 rxir AH Wool Rugs fnW OtaMTAl, PATTBIM MldM (Ml IA. If*!!" 1— aj Tldo Detoromt i 31' a^w^B'B' S/^^^t^^a Star- SaS^V 4SSSSB) ,«^ l r»ir wm RMjaSNMM) • WMI MMB) Canat tt.MM.vti Post Alpha Bits^" SffCIAU ON MMMONS ANt HALT MAITtlSlIf AMD SOX SMINOS 4 NIW SHWMINT 0» DAYSTtOM Hi-ProCerod r W« wrry rtt vary f«m«ys KlJnf IOIW S»YtaT VhilvM MIARPAST SSTS ARRIVIO mahafany, cherry and mapla bad* MM ••pc. cherry dining suite. Was HS3.M; ap» KoHo99$"K" X dtt-$M5.M. 4-pe. walnut bedroom suit*, ream fumltura alia KJInaj wild ehatry was $M9,9O; special HM.W. dlninf raom wWai. Opan iteelc. luy Gold Medd Flours usr Pennsybnuiia House solid cherry or maple any ptaca. - -. . dining and bedroom suites. All opan stock. AttMhto B ivMNMAl lift SIUCTION O OUDttt, CHAIRS. CHAWf. TAtUS. ITC ••of frW Hoof and tock* Cool Saving* ky QreWwgNowof— IUDGET TERMS- GLADLY ARRANGED OR YOU MAY USE YOUR EASY CHARGE ACCOUNT Remember—Alwsys Bring Room Measurements MIDDLETOWN SONS. INC. McKelvey of Freehold GEO. C. KOEPPa« FREEHOLD SHOPPING CENTER Salesrooms for Gulistan's Famous Rugs Mhdt in Freehold GULISTAN MILL NEAR OUR STORE 141 NRST AVENUE ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS And for Fine Furniture from America's Best Makers frtu tr I).ll»«nr W M Mlln ROUTE 35 PHONE DAY OR NIGHT AT 1-0890 21 WEST MAIN STREET, FREEHOJ.D, IM. J. Whip Store J/onn: Monday thru Saturday 8:00 A. M. to 5;,J0 /'. M, nn MIDDLETOWN, N. J. i^BMBBMaaHMMM^MmBttfi" «*"> Friday I. S P.M.^^HB^H 110 fMK M6MVRI tkmdm.Um M^llil IT

rowinnnmar stum OuntalUitor $ MB) • * Rouiid^Clock Blends 3 - 1 We tap Ibpemr 2^49*



nuKtMwiff IHII 49 Ehlers 4s*! Instant ROAST Coffee F.F. DELUXE Tea Bags FitM FTOIMI

Staley StaPuf SWEET Ib Rinse CALIF. SEEDLESS GRAPES 25 ChidiMi FIRM RIPE GARDEN or ROMAINI SfaleySta-Flo Sftrch TOMATOES LEnUCE 2-15 >•* &.176 CHICORY orESCAROU 2- HALIBUT STEAK Ferns drton RAMSHIS-SCALUONS «r FRESHLY „ Sanitary SUCED Ib.59* Napkins Handy Andy lux US* MnndlMw Cott's 9 Lives All Tuna Minute Rice Liquid Cleanser liquid Detergent Cat Food Pepper SET V Kleenei Kotex Quality repper M B«v»r«get Seuon-AII PiiKihes <*C 39° tail 41 1*39° Wlfflet Ts Coft to b« Good" Spry All Lux Soap Wisk Surf Silver Dust Blue for Automatic Washers Assorted Colors Liquid Detergent Detergent kFrM Shortening PIlM ST35C 3231°-' If* Rnwvt Thi Right To Umtt QiwnWiw. Al Prfen ENKH* JUM 21,21, a? Only, 4»_TW4f. f— », \*» MWWTEt cwaty m* af ffca »tow Jar- PWbp Lyajrf. *HrM«HMl MW It^r Patioi LM4CT •( the Krauat. Jaaa latto, Ji MH fin. A SW AaMMiMWal M4T KOtaVMNl J«B- Lawn Party umt 1650 Gift Ha MM af «w pragraai Summer Puns kiaa aa« Chariaa laffiaak. Mn. Ridtofi k:Mr.SB4 carriat aa ia MOMMM* Caaaly. tor *• July brite of HamM Daaatg at UNCSOPT Mn. V •TBVBMHMBW ff^BBkBl For Service •am Mn. laha Cm- M-M vtatt ( tor af Mr. aatf Mn. lUdaW Oi K lia, Mn. Gaaraa Hattain. Mn. ttJa »•* at a Maal MTOPLETOWN - Utmhtn « (N.Y.) leant Reicrvatiaa Erie K. lUtcktr. Lt ••! Mn. JoM*h •*••, II Mrvtov Dr.. gtw • ; Mr. aai Mn. Jany Philip Jacobs aai Mn. Mutia M4 at tm ntaaa* 9f MM sMt MMVIBBMSSMMIII AuilHfy ol y, IMtrt ichat I* hava MMI to PiM fcook Wap*; Mr. aaJ Canaat. HI Hall in; Mn. j Paraatf NUM af «9 a* tot awfe tor a gm tf ft* Paatily aai CatUraa'a law- DUtaa, ttM*uy; MmMn. . ArttaAnter tar. Jata Dmrio. Mlny M» Ika kaataM vfll aa In am *• argaataatioa MN ^ VI— Uayk aa^ tV—1.14 £». tar«a •utt af at** Fay. Uaeraft. Mn. Harry OUkr- AttoaaMl by «• aetata. Wrl ha* ratenai froai a back, Ma. If—tar Cam. tin. MM trt» toCaaala. aaiMra.Fiii Mn. Aha, lint daai. Stmw Eadito Maaa of ftnwiak Mr. aa4Mn.Pator Mn, nawaea Kia». Mn. Urn M. li a aatfatt ai W Mr. aai Mn. Pnada aanca, Dawatraf Mn. laajraaca BL ap. Mn. Mr. aai Mn. OanU Qmtm Mfa.OaanaB. ^VJapa IVBBOTMI VPJM ^BV VJI BBi Mn. avartt.,kM Mvwvlav llaaaHal.






FRUITS AaaltMiica ar ApaltMuca A AprJcan RIVAL •NM dttwhuf 2 ftr 29t FOR 79» 3 FOR 34» WE OASN ONEOKS - WE (ESERVE THE RlflHT TO LIMIT SOLD IUIWHIRI J/45< QUANTITIES. WHILE THEY UST! t PrieN EffHHvi TlniiHy Him Snity, JIM 2M - WHk Want Ad Section RED BANK REGISTER Li I Fella, 4-1 Wins $16,900 Salvator Mile Dr. Leon Levy's Colt Staging Comeback After Long Layoff

By Hy dnuilfifr OCEANTORT-Lii Fails, rid- risk brad nur-yeer-eid Tharp a* Red Bank daa hy Jockey Bill Hartack. bold ell a fhillrsnt catntog toth * 10XW0 DtAD IN THE AREA? Not to Hlfk- UtVm Turf Haaweap at ana mile little League win to win me tll.NS Addad an Fourth of Jety. Thaip. owiiti n* AMI* •oyt' Club there has thnt active iahrator Mile here yesterday. by Cartton H. Palmer and they an ffttlag aetkm thlf week tad Staging n comeback after a five races abroad hut yeay r y I, •g layoff due tolahirles . DrH. e wu shippehdd toAmeric a for iMKt to Met. oat slugger to In ttw pro ranks. The Leon Levy's brown four-year-old Washington latornattoMtl tthar two art to ttw amateur bracket a« eeit waa Ms first stake race to •fjs IS. Fwe Daat I fatten ladva stable's same hy •IMM, which waa ttwne t of r*k tart ait*las BtmS.LtoMS SM.MS grass tor the Added far Ska afHa rise Dapt I, Man. C*. Bfe. f Maylak 11. Raton I LH FeUa left O» gate a 4-1 paw •f Matawaa« wka shot topa y hla backers s INM day, ttatCtobl, ' wta price, «• for sUct, aad • l.M for show. Gnantree Sto* tog gatog Into me far am bj bla'a Cohoas. with Joho awl wBBMaBBh stoB^ak ^ - * Cookw has bam training in Highlands under ttw wm watchful eyes of Adrian Bailey and Art ftdeso for the saddte. . WKm IBM TBiMtt. : oaotelf Jeastt ahead of Talent CMAIsVtlfcaL_Jlai CIHM IMMSI 4MB rLafct «MM»I Mai MBAW S. two month*. He is a student at St John's University, Shaw, owned by Ada L. ^B^VVBBBJBJBBBBJ wajTW^^^^e/vw* wswvW4W«Q W^PWW vvv^^ev "*^P^w* p we^RBiBvv---*** «•>--w fw* Ae Jv v^B^s^pv wa iivni tfim Brooklyn, sad was the manager of the varsity cage M1 * « AV* with Joe Caiman* rktag. N. J. State UfM Cohseo paid UN aad -«-t- -_ |L. fcj T.a-i- ata whae Talent ^#tjva"4ptf a? I •Vftnar M waa a H.» •BHV tjmj wejaa arfjaiwfjmpjavi mtavajvj« Bj^^Bjaj . ^ aVa^asV asJ^BiA^ ^^ak^H e^a^a^bi' s^k It waaal a day lor aha* la» M • IWIf pWVP WVBJ TWV Stj BVff|| Midi **f eaamai ton. whU al iHBrtbtolaLZ 4 jk *********** TAL gaflaf aaBjoam flea setwat OBBM* of me heel ehaV, was Mrfrd with 28 M BBB* BRBJWfJ aa* fjajaj BJBJT m _^ : has yet tea* Rumson's Swim aad I ealytot Ma s raa «M tost Program Starts aMartoraf a a**." > big pro of this boring stable IB Jofcnoy StagJim Carson Retains State toJkattve. hat Ue, a fast welterweight Johnny will appear in a Tuesday A.M. ' ' to OBW^^aV Jk^kssVi^k^ tk^^K^kMaV aif*iai— dkhtm OYBVA e^AMsamVmiBRl Fern ASWOW Donem snow rorus e ic—i Lightning Crown BuUdiag Fund Monday at MtcWUltam Stadium. Ul PaHa eaaw oat of yastofday that the pmm m In MM I) CBS I ttm Car* aaMlasl] •Xsam to Swim" pregrsm wM it? JUS* BMBM am? liver Yacht la Canaa's home ha the last Aftor ttwaeriet , Urn Woleott, start Tseaday aad win conetade f Jersey Shore Jahf H. Maw etOwresmfl " ajkgV^ ^^^*1a>s^BBiJ^Biav 4ea^a)eB*aJsft4iSaa KsH Aaiak aasaaaia^na^^ a)tkA BtMaBSk Aa^aSaaaHf h ejSBap a^evHaViaiBwBaaB •aBsaaT^Bwaa^pal at vBV* , ^VRBHtV HW aBawV llfJBHay to Canea, ee waH es omerprlsai MfVMaj shot on a card at BOMB • • charg* hy tto fmaalty YM- he teat a teat toTM a Vi MBM as ass I CA, Dad Crass aad tho Rumtoa hadTaleat ky wtMMc tha at ttwstart , a Moms and Dads who dread to see Junior with a ttw Bmm> aW fceVl Charles AUalra waa ttwow * aaatfl gam«l«Bl Wall VfrllgB KWt B^H BBV BBBw cauliflower ears and so on, stop a tha way fromiM» of tho of 11:11 a. la the thick of tto Jr.. Mr.'WoV dw hews ». and Dads and moms who dream of Junior as a boring tt:» p. m. eachh day of GDsBDDBjQIla aTfjgjgj UII* Jaly 4. T saai amnas to_ _ MTM0 M MMM MM fhffv 9pCt$$ MS MOffaa* WlHWOOOa IlMC am^auksam A*BI drnV^ak tto^B^BMBsSt kA\A«§uV4 B^—^^^p^p^pjjj^bJ YoBBgaton (ma six yean toSonny Daa had ttw toada t tto Bsvya SB nse saatw arvai nsioswaiBi IT yean of age « aUdUe torhalf mark, hat Mas MMhot, of tta have the effottaanty of getting a atart wkh this he dropped hack to third. e«Mflt If o^thU they are real hot thtagertweto sattog trieks to til Fetla esntod only 111 ttteltaal race when she aall —-•- - dtt * fhajrV Had oat now good they eta, af m Dr. U»y had a qwtoMwaa had whsa she Union Beach ealt. w* imtfl vastorda< Training quarters are at 78 Miller Si, and all onhr W.S7T. bat his aaastona an held aariy In the evening, b fact, they Boat ChnVe amber Regatta Sunday which started to ttw Canon Tap. hoostod Ms , start at fcSO p. m. Several amateur ihbwt art ached- WHOM BEACH -Iws tn.W for abort it oled this aummer and, with proper training, local boys SMMI regatta, sponsored by the may participate. Hit club has a complete ring, punch' \ Roy Central Jaraay Bi i MBC mi thraa poiats Lou Acerra Is sdMdslad Ing bags, enrdse bikes and other equipment to debah- M «rHk hh) Mfoiat total. i oa Raritan Bay. promising fighters. Dr. Charles , wtt be held for eight OMwi, was raonn n na ovar- Wins Pro-Am botldty for a day of ractog. na Floyd Vvv OWBia^^Ba * vvvS aav^twjH nma'p tmef one other raca was a* fasten all rtaadtas with M potato, and NEPTUNE-Lo•.tMw Aesna'Aearn'es Ti71i AU, BU, CU and DU • stocky Mardano. Jaaaea J. fnr Lmrtf. eat of Raritaa Yacht Seaboard Loop topped the prorwlsatilnmasyatns i Ahn m A. B. C aadnee. ^^Bvaap^ ifl^t^Bv aasvjSS sja^Pv'Svvv^va ^vsus aaji ak Ceaatry CWato D 4ns. Two heats wiU 1 Standings BitBk^l aasAeMBja^tB^BfesaatBflm jk^ls^SBse BtB^saie^lB^Bnsa sBjeB^Swa^Sin^BtB^ssss.' la tto arnaK Ac* of 11 craft. the Jersey bo held to'each chut. Mi nWgeMVvV* OUHT MVIgaaW VWHIgyangi Canea oataaltod all aWppera in w Ootf Tbaraamsat, BobAns- saa la an classes got started ta the field v/ttfa the the fim raca Saturday moraiai, u Lea Barters, alao of Bally- tta, Ramsoa; Ait Bennett, Fair Knapp M in tha early stage*. BBW»«I» am.-aa help of ejajbs sach as tha Shore Boys* Ctaav wvOQa BOHIM VW IPO MIWBWV* JW Rumson As Rally to Nip but iptanaker tmibla coat Mm carded JMT-71 Acerra pat to- rfHUI ruiHT,Jr^Esy- ' SHORT SNORTS — Baseball scouts have been tha lead. Canon, ulliac "Tri- oflT-MtorhiaTl. portsndAathoay knocking on the door and ringing the phono of thedent," caught a good breeu near Bartan had the land altar tha ntjFpovte Red Bank Towners, 6-5 Denman Smith family In Little Silver, like never-say' the shoreline, and won with eaaa. tint ntoe, bat ran late lioitd MiM Methot was sacond In Qa the llth. hi bowed toAcerr a Richard OVaa of Patorsoa, whano RUMSON -' Tnfltef. M, go> die salesmen. Scouts representing the Giants, Wash- "Chantey." Dave Shay. Metede- when ha triple bogtod. Aearra C and D stock tog toto their ftoal Ucks. the an ington Senators, Dodgers and other clubs have been conk, wai third, and Knapp sal- Mrdted both par three bolts. 1MB evwtotasisti year, Chsrias Ptotr, na Aa cams ap with Km working hard trying toge t young Denman signed tovaged a fourth. aad 18th. Chatham•!, DicI k I to edge Red Bank Townen. Knapp took the aecond race, Fred Amerti of Jumping Brook Pn.; Jaaa Smtth. Rldtoy Park, M. in a Jersey Shore Lsagaa a contract In fact Chick Genovese, San Francisco with Canon tailiat tato die aec- Camay Oatto rttgh School's Giants acout, stated, "This boy Is going to be a major ond slot and Miss Methot, third. to winth tha proa pro«- m di-and Rasa WmV, AmityvUe, L I. Sunday. SSTMT » 1 4 league pitcher." Dr. Charles Shoemaker finished vision with 8-&-S9. Boggt n chairman of the re- gal j vH U vaav ^^% ve> JBV fourth, and Lewis was fifth. gatta, atolstad by Goons Aa> an, the As earned a share of Tho Smith fanUy to In the final race, It again an Matawan. aad Lons Let- a ttree-way tto _wtth_0eita* fJon, bat win not (amp into the Mitt Methot, Knapp and Canon waatki. Union Ssaton sad Fnaaold battkag for top potttfca. Caran last year's for aecond place. had tosta y In the thick of this LAST wears MSULTJ IAIIA leads the drcoit with a thriller in order to retain MsR.P. U.U*. record, whue tha other three VV PtvCK (sWcaT «• champkmihip. He was trimmed L. t. lavona 1, L. S. Raton I Hance, Colyer an 3-1. Bkfcfldi fl^kAASB^BiWA^k^ll ^•^^•k^Bk ^B^BK^kiB] SBHBjA^p. MOUMB^^A •9jBkfcB^lh I by the female sailor, but his aec-F. H. Hiwks M, Shr. M IIM MvUBDVa) VBBw BVBsle B>QV BVMMOTV WWV Red Bank broke the Ice after ond place lead tha title. •Jm. WBants 1FI.F.H.0rWM. H 4 In Sail Duel four sconkus innings with a fhce> might Just be a major league contract and Carson held the lead for theF.H. 7.IM rat outburst is the fifth Denman win enter the University of Delaware hi tint twn taps Mfora tM flMt FAIR HAVEN-Breb Haaee, In the rally, John Bland and the fafl. caught uf. Misa Methot wu thaR.P.Tkjmtt,SL nattoasl Wood-Putty aailing Jackie Lewis hit timely singlet only aallor toac t fast enough to ehnmptoB, and Don Cdyer en- witti Bruce Phillips, Towner : Papa Jackie Lewis, former speedster for Red Bank take advantage of a spinnaker thr. WetMrhMa I, I gaged in a tight aaniag dud incatcher, highlighting the rally High School, both on the gridiron and baseball field, me Naveeink SaiHag Society with a blow over Terry's head first place. Sna caught the wind F.H. M, ft. P. Tljsn I summer sattos with each ikh> still obtains his old speed form playing for Red Bank in left field, which went across puff at tha exact right tone,aa d MS t, SMB. WmV per getting a first place m Sun-tha road into Forrestdale School's Towners in the Jersey Shore Baseball League. Jackie it put bar far ahead* the fleet. cato4 dajTs conpadttsa. property. The clout, despite be- haunts pitchers when on the base paths and la noaad a ojaartoMnOe distance t, Shr. Hance won the tint nee when ing high, had the dtotaace. ahead of Canon st tho finish. slouch with a bat, either . . . Jackie and Bruce Phil' he took over the lead from Col- The bases were loaded in the Trailing Canea over the UnaF. H. Hawks «, Sat. lisas • yer on tho last lap. Cdyer then lips, another former star Buc athlete, are tho power ninth when Charlie Cook and Knapp to third position. F. H. Oriatea IS, E..F. Like WUrlaway ta 1M1, Royal came back strong in the second John Bowers hit singles and hirers for the Towners. We watched Bruce belt a shay wwuetooka tvUnilt and Lewis won Orbit came from last place torace to outsail me nationaBrucl e Fitchbeln walked. George homer over the leftfielder's head for a homo run athestttt h RMS. Iwrhn S, F. H. wu the IMS Pnakntas at Mmchampto- a with ease. In the twoGUI got Us first hit of the day. Knapp waa nmnerop toCarto n S llco. noes, Cotyer had a first and and it was a good one, a bases- Rumson Sunday. Even though it was plenty high, it second, whoa haaee had a first clearing thre*bogger. Joe Lee, hit the road and went flying down tho driveway of and third place. Rumson slugger, was walked in- Forrestdale School. Still another star Buc athlete, now m the first race, after Hsnce tentionally, and George SpiUane aad Cernr, were Mike Colyer. followed with a walk toloa d the beaming on the basketball court for Rutgera, is the Howard Hathaway. Rip Urttud, Towners first baseman. He la Doug Patton, who is Frank Konay, Ed Shefler. Ken Gill stole home, and when Phil- expected to be a big gun for Rutgers* cage team in AHrouter, Bill Russsfl. Jr.. Ruff lips' throw to second hit frank Cook, Kit Hills, Byron Seider Sharabba in the back of the head, TowMnwa __ 1950-60. and Chris Colyer. Doublti — Lee scored the winning run. Cuhloa. Ha Charlie Allaire, former state Ughtolng chaw- Second race order of finish 'in BCWM. ami waa Colyer, Urttud, Hance, The Mow knocked the Towner w^iWs&fr* pJonehtp sailor, missed the sail for the title last Hathaway, Mike Colyer, Sheffer, pitcher unconclous and he wOsUariu l taken to Rivervlew Hospital A3 RH AIRI Russell, Hills, Altreuter. Seider, UcBv'y H weekend. Charlie had no craft to salL Ho sold his where he was later released. WtM'tr e Chris Colyer, Kenny, Cook and Hunr'k rl 18 minutes before race time. Charlie Bababick, Monmoulh M»mn II Hsiwr'n tt « Stokotowskl. o 6 miiM u> 4 College chucker, started for Rum- ,--OO Tenot* 3b I r Red Bank High School Board of Education has son, but had to be taken outKur m 3b 4 0 1 WlllOB it I &•»? f.cff ? i 2Blalxr a. J decided to present jackets to the Buccaneers' Shore Nepp Heads when he injured his rightle g ef o a Knm rf 1 Oa'nte rf 0 0 o Wl|ten p i Conference baseball champions. The board will follow sliding into second hue. John K««nui p Lambertson took over the hill, this procedure for future championship teams. Maybe Marine Club J3 1 J and although he wu the victim , mooioc RUMSON-John W. Nepp wu of the Towner rally, he still wu Muliion PBA the Faculty-Senior basketball game gave board mem Double* — H»(Mrrntn. Trt berg a jar. The game was played to raise money for elected commodore of the Rumth. e winner. Mamrocn. MrtKk out bf —, son Marine Club it a recent Don Sltte's As had a rally un- 13 Wiilfn 4. Wtlkj bf - X* jacketa for the basketball champs. meeting of the new orRtnlzttion. der way in the early Innings, David MacDowell, Elks Club chucker In Little John Chris Brockstedt was te-but a triple play ended the Clara Htnsen, one of Omtha'e lected vice commodore, and An-threat. Tony Chrlstlano, Towner leading bowlers, says she got h«f League play, pitched a no-hltter If st week while thony J. Durstewltz, recorder an second baseman, stabbed a lowbiggest thrill when her 14-yetr* defeating the Lions Club, 8-0. He fanned 15, and finance officer, Both yachtsmen blow on the fly, and tossed to old son, Tony, scored 226, lit JAYCIIS INSTALL — Ernest Seattle, second from right, outgoing preiident of the and 269 fur a sensational 742. •polled a perfect game by giving up one walk. an Rumson residents. Christo- Doug Patton at first. Patton then Greater Red lank Junior Chamber of Commerce, hands tha gevol of office to Jack pher N. BlaRdan, East Keans- fired to Ken Ralph, shortstop, That It an all-time record for juniors in Omaha. Red Bank Towners had a triple play against Fanton during installation ceremonies at Cabin In The Sky Saturday night. Looking on burg, was elected sergeant-at who was covering second. arms. ; Rumson As Sunday. The As had a rally going, but the In other games, Oakhurst Sen- Winning Rocky Mountain Con- are Robert Dawion, left, trtaiurer, and Robert Jones, far right, executive vice presi- Ah Installation of officers at th Tony Chrlstlano to Doug Patton to Ken Ralph play iors nipped Madison Township ference wrestling championshipmponships dent. Others Installed wert Lawrence White, adminiitrative vice preiident; Harry change of the wntch rendezvousPBA Club, 2-1. while Freehold anuffed It out. A five-run rally in tho ninth, however, is a habihbitt witithh ColoradCldo SSttto DaSampttr, field vice preiident; Louis Kaufmann, secretary, and Mr. Btattie, James will take place Sunday at Mur-Townsmen tagged Neptune City, Tho Bears 1959 crown beat fhe Towners, fi-5. Patterson and Gregory Schilling, direcfeis. pbv'a-TaveMiT Wart- Laif-«t~l8=2r Long Branch IAMA handed was their 23rd cMifercncn title in KcyporjfArrows an 8-2 trimming.'succession, \ , 1mm Kelly Cnukt p AlWttn War "^PWW a^^^^P •^'••V Denni* Lynch, Wag Merrill 7-Minute Heady for Saturday*! Contort ZOBEL'S Cop Jaycee Tennis Titles Wall Mark ••*.. faky lists i Aw., Friday •* by ofao id Richard Qekat taa. Pa., taewdar otaht hn harriat at Wai at M. tl. lianM BM 12 Trotters eiday at t a. at tar * Idkg k *a «nt oat, Al Soy. aHMMr of ae • MW aai USD Tvaaday he a* which waa carried la M gaat At Raceway toolod Richard NieeMtf, M. MIa Ow aaat eat be dropped I BOATS flnt gaaM. hot ranmnd a aid k M Mattoo Park eaarta. lay want aa towta ok atraight BJM kg •:•).« to AUTTPatam Tha kaal Jeyeaaa apwor I mocMNAvr. ei Lotry Biialu, HMNka NOW ON - Man *«BM Aafee WeaeWe** riffct, „ lie Mai ktok toot to ae Mak •M of Mr. aae* Mn. A*IM WaeaWol, tl la* Wai*. W. PROMT IT* ireaiaa WeaeV "3L .„_ wave It eteHeaed a* Mel Met fart ia e ™ *~ ktmABMkMI MIM A •JWWfl •MMJJB/MJMj WfMJ* *^ mmm «.••«.« ••••••» PIB-WB^"^^— Afk..Aaf.ML fM Of Ravto ftdBvaa, MMB Sa»l |0li A YAGMT Airmen Edge Signaken Loaona, MM Tonton, oaf I SaaaaiMiw MS. Ml rrtotrkh, at JM i ae aie-fMt anottoa aadni _# D__— V ^»«2«« Cg_t-1. .^a^ M ^^_ g*^i** «ii_ tfBMWtOtl •aiaMM Cov CC IMMUlg OlTClK aMtoaMnate fnHBMftef MrPaMlMn: Ray - Bjg »IM. It P. TW atoa.l-T.taa aktot gaaw ket - °" •? POUT BWICBJH |_L^T_ '••"• ••* "*•" gan: na ThaaoHoa aad Cb IOAT Ha ^^BMV frMMwVWt B*M* toaai Mai Mi Ma CM*. COVERS a«KM ThoBntataal md "7*l*» *T •toa twMNof ae ah. VACHI Canvaa Topa M) of water ktoarda. The aaa> MBMtoft. BedM latoetoiHMtatoo Mf«B)*MMMI

D» YOU KNOW a M THAT 30%0fF BMMBWM ojerwaw-M** s^aMva MOW OJO w« Uli I Ha ant P6»fTAITAT ANGUR-ANGU S MARINA ,5 Crack Down PMOM al S4MM aad Ait Thartoa'a Mt l.a) to boat the noard prafkaali 1345. MOT ay Hftodtor^Qn Poachers m IT TO1AVI TRErlTON - BkeM Boh pMCh>| M fte gjrMi thk i »en ta ttw (Mai wattn a! the aaa. I. It MAMA Oreak Star Attaatfe Ceaot eaettoa wM be tDowaaiMHaa-

1 toa. got BM Parto M M kfloM d Ml • na unMtad. IIMHI'I tor • 14 kod. if CamtoJ Ptna'i VUimM. taair km Ml btatta a a ai worn* KM kMM at a kte Marines Defeat %£%?,* "•" HHfjiawt-wi Hi pfOoCMK Mttw (fS M Wonmouth, 11-2 • UY! THIS SPICE OjUANTICO, Va. Boortag aewa lad.. Cata Hoya BaM Eaito, Oat- U. S. COAST fMIARD AfftOW at a a toad Fana'a Aam. lad.. Canm H Pthaofa Thar* aad BoMtr RESERVED FOR IM. Priday altkt ' aaj w^wa* & a^BajeaBa^aaot v^^av^^^v Iho Wgaitoer datoat waa their 11 Lewin-Curtis r at the DMaka at Bi FIRE EXTINGUISHERS g- L?i Raritan Officials S? ""* "^ • la tha Uptote^lMlMbTtlMMsV • 2 0t 3 US. •MYCHnffCAL PlayAA riAia. It wai a doao contaat w ASBURY PARK — Mark Uwta RAMTAN TOWNSHIP1 — OfR* •w aawajaew avatjaai MBJHBJI OM Tifwo Defeat aai DM CWtk, tonaor tag tot WPWfWTi IMattnlCO 0881 R. P. fireMea, 144 cMaatoaa. wm botw the eo ma oaly ttno Uto to NOW THRU JUIY 4* toa iUhlotk! Awactotka will pfcy rvta timat. Two erron RIVER PIAZA-The OM TVbtat at "Papa" Chteano aad ( Zebra Kid ta tha auto e*i niOMBB D"f RMsnliOvlll •MVa HM pro bUattd the PlrtaMO, 144 amtiak aad wmbara at vtttoat UrtaeraUy. Thta latormaUoa awkaa k pao- Eon ta a Panar'a Day batao iVaMMp oapartBeWNB • u|jf # at PJlbthtaatr Rkhtor hailed a nid at 1 p. m. at the HatM tin coa> aMe tor tha ototrt abaU flab Uwta aad Curtto, who wonl omaNtttr and otrack oat If Uf Madoffs lo MaWdiy VaiNINKIi MJUHNE a raw that tha OM Tigan kaad- M WHITI ST. • tN 74NS Mi IANR ky. he added. od thann M av way MOB w "•»4. * Oay laodtag Ike at- tttla. Tha iHk with nm tor am. ami- qoirod to appear before tht «MHI had two hltt to two Met oat of throe talk to wta. tk tor flrat pkeo whoa tt»y «« MM Fkherko CouacU ta tho The eani-ftaal boat to why hk leaaa ahoaM bo re>I •JT Al" Tome, MedcM cat Poor Wta WAV fn MTa Ha won cm out tor aim taa wHhChrk tra baoo Wtt by Dick Lyaea aad M Rarltta RMga dafoatod Gardai ll*8 cooler at (Ae HAMOR LIGHT* ATtrott. the Greek Adonli. .•to I. Tano other bouts eonpkto the RaaervalkiM Now Bdag Aeecpted . Park trooaced Coral- nattlM abow. Tony MarttaeOi wood, I to 3. CaHhrata't Al Satltb, Split Rock edged < HARBOR LIGHT to win hm k eat with • to I M a tevoith i Aldo Bogal. aadto. th e epealagna by Al Nate. Beach and Tennis Club Bradley will atock WUh oarjr two gaaMa reaak- raopy Jack Otter- —MEMBERSHIP ONLY— kg k kague play. Raima Rkkja. r horn Freehold. "Scrap. Foxwood aad Weodkad Park are .. who k nakJag hit on 11500 Oeeaa AveM Sooth Beaeh, Sea Bright! tied tor jBBL ^__.__. wrtatltag debut here, wreatW wtna aad two lott'tt. Upper Rtr- OM nctivoa ma oiponcnco a Itu. OofduwjaMi ranwaParkwayy aaawd " faatily tht Uahrtnrty of North CaroUaa. Rockakloo an tcnnbliag Ht baa beta tralaiag dlllgeatly tpotta ttoptawm. [• OCEAN BATHING • TENNIS tor the paat ttemonthi and hot [• RESTAURANT NOW OPEN WEEKENDS] ^•^•^w*^"> g*^B ^Pveffp^Bv^^r^p^a vav aav a^vaa^B^T by hk coach at tbt Una Ctab Mn. Crane't 75 Wim XOM^BOOATMNI AT 1 ta New York. BV DAT, «•• Runuoa Ladiea* Day Md lemon Juice aod carry RUMSON - Mn. Edward M. SI 2-9484 powder to mayonaalte aad aervo CNM. 8r., topped Ladka* Oay WM a troth poor aalad. at Ramooa Country Ctab Ttote- day with a 71 medal ptay card la daaa A tiMtkoiL Mn. Manual! Bryaa't 71 waall good for tecood place ta Ike All bracket, while Mn. Walter M. Thackara had a 74 tor B dM- OMIT IS VAIIM PACKSO itoa boaon. Mn. JatoM D. Pa>|| AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR SOATt ISPT IN STOCK! Boats SEA SKIFF WORKS IOATS SINCI 1141 tmr PMI YM It Mk M Kk«. &&» BOAT SALE Cnaiwa • vaMais af FaaM tik prtodpkt of mrtM ittlaa omooth, level ride, eparkling apeed and »oa»a." And you know you can't beat a AN Prkwt en Baats, Motor* and Tralkm nimble maneuverability. Let ua explain the Thompoonfor famil y fun, apeed and tafety I extra margin of aafety you get from added DOWN WITH A BANG! Thafe why we're to proiid to announce our VelcullVakulUe Boa*BoaM* LapU»Ks SttaSetat roominesa, natural flotation, and excluaive artckiod»twimww»wltA^A ^gjkOI^^A I* -^ • •- - —*t_ —IABk- mmtta^ kI appointment ai authorind dealer for thit •nlbbVliblValcMllt-MOMtrla k Thompoon Sea-Lap* conttniction. hMlf famoualine. • When you learn how eaay it ia to be the REDUCTIONS - 40% BOM Uk FroctNt TrtM«wM So come on in and let ua tell you all about with —•— proud owner of a Thompoon Boot, you'll MtAMrarSTteiakMap~o{. • NO DOWN PAYMENT • th# 18 great Thempeon modeli from 1J to know for aura hVi the boat for you—for ' ftet.-tct uaahow you how tvtr'y FATHER'S DAY SPECIAL Fktattag Arnagil Vpto « Meothtto Pa y UlkrfrM the moat fun afloat. See uaaooo? DON! MISS THISI VALUBS •IALEI CaU for Demonttration ; NIWI •IERVICE SE 2-1101 EVINRUDE MOTORS-3 to SO H.P. COMITO • PARTI J 14 ft RUNABOUT • REPAIRl ! T1AILM anal MOTOR Outboard Boati NAVFS4ND Phono CA 2-2032 $ooc.oo A&BBOATSALES TRAILERS Marino Saloi Co. !ONLY| HWY. 1« HI «.3S3I BILFORD Ml Atlantic Avenue complete LONG BRANCH Ocetn Ave. Sea Bright Bttween Ktanibun and Atlantic Highland! Near Branehport Av«. H. J. WILSON BOAT WORKS Jack and Dick lleermim, Prep. CAM4M 47f ATLANTIC AVI. LONG IRANChJ lHdbet Item SURF, FIELD AND SIHEAM On Will Card Pistol Shoot NEW •FAMOUS MUTT. Mi. - UK uattel Air baa toon aaydriag oaeopt ***J^£J»^ aw finma t ta Race M la take eff July 4. with Mtadiag auddonaoas. Tto bottom of Sandy Hook Kuw Mat iihe fabatr-Fya crew will at TRIUMPH lay and the tidal mutt to HtanOy carpeted ftjrtac a Piscr Tri-Pacer the i|ieiinti| of tkc Red with flake. Ms o«L . „. . «. Airpert. New »rew*ury. auently towihiati-tlaltora to Homer Shoal. Then waa Mlet Fya it the tint con»e«t«nt PWt Oer< a suspidou* buildup In tto weal bhitflsh populatt ay" who Uvet ia HOI1M4. ihe lest week-end, and tehool tuna made their Mai PehMr wilt he felt out oa tto JO-fetho* cum. Fishermen's urifoa have had to display enUe fortitude » recent weeks, note FabMr-Fm creir atB be Ute bourf. The Ug beet at •flee horn Uwnace. WterdaifcliaBioadtea «at The hnk hjre which O • SMftT CM • tonootioa a couple of springs tack too bean eardiac to Kay. fluUag toth e Among tto local aighthewks who waded Into the lAVMVtUB - A*ley la Mb iff H anf BwHaaT a\aaa> —-1- Mg toot wat Art irown of Rod lank. Ha caught a to««J •wAj wl arnWal MfV.. WWm Iliounlirf—' tto We Ketchum of Atiaatie Hah. laada. Srown tonaad Into first place m tto etrtper 0%. of tto Atlantic Highlands Yacht dub's flohtoj tto oealee et a creditable 571 mat week. Ouy

two floh, S4

rw>SMa)dk> atlMjmtamt O BAnERY of • tyft* ooat of •» M TRADE4N OFFER .? an bass In the Rip at Sandy Hook, toe, ria owe tooav a but tto toad of wood In tto water then makeo troll- •atf a awto ewak tag txtremtry hasardout for email craft Cane to think of It. porgiet twarmed onto Tin Jto gnat at Oceaokmal flah em being stuck akmg tho surf at Can Orounda. Party teen nan started to tan 'em on Harding Pointt Ship Ahoy and Monmouth Beach, but alack water* Other thlngt bang enuad, email craft .for all practical purpotoa, Romor ffh/nl atHI atacto up anglen inight do boaiiMM with porgiet on the mussel at tto major port of call for atom atrtout toot buffa. belt fa)Rartta a Bay thto week-end. Meanwhile, party Schooliet an biting spasmodically in tto Shrewt- packtta from Shark Rhror and hlanaaquan Inlet an bury. Lou Kontur, Morgan, anchond at Mghlaa d^aaBtfan^^^ssi^B end^^^^^a^^^^^B ^^^^tf e)Sj^^Bk wi^h^MH ^^^K^aBja* flh^Av * anogjo Tueeoay ana proceooeo to cam awn nan a Big game fishing » on tto upgrade. Tuna wen dozen flah, half of which wen throw-baeka. Jba Fer-pmpointad precisely 45 miles southeast of Manateuan nandez of Johnny*! Landing In Highlanda aaya W» Inlet Saturday. Wed to almost willing to tot that tto name old story: tto regulan an catchtag bulk of anyone who eaUed ESE from Scotland for about three ' aaa aV ——— - •B-fcJ|A ianaiai«lpounder. . delightfully In the undertow was Island BoadL Same than la a Ms body of fish out than. Tnejrn sur- really big braea wan caught than Saturday night fedag fury early ta tto morning. Whan tto tuna show, Two 13-pounden won weighed in at tto tournament they cover acres end acrea of ocean. Cedar plugs and of flah headquarters In Seaside Park. Black drum also quarter-ounoe feathers an Juat what tto doctor or- popped up In the breakers at Normandy Beach, whandered In tto tun department HM fttaley aretteia at Oaav 12-Volf , a 75H-pound drum wat caught oa a sdagriah book, of the* oester, v«., nut m oifferaat of all things. Tuesday! •ports at Hervaid. ilm to la Pluto fishing ia really sensational Rod and reel- en aboard party, charter, u-drire and outboard bean at aaamTBadaa 'WMob pnetaay ottaaweaat tto waBe Petor to eas of tea Cra» •jh^R WM^SB? tadi^^B ^^^^^tov I^HM s^^M^Mft^k h^^^ are catching fluke like mad-at Romor, near tto pent ' ^^^* W^^^B •B^^^^BJ wv^^^vy. iwi Bwwjwjam aeve B v r of the Hook and off the Cedars. Sand eels have re- wFwVM aTsaV|^a^ia*l l w"p aW"»nw VJawaWniW •PaY* wMaf^MwW v |i| 4annwwfl wnnwh wBfBnl 'g^gkgA^Magf awBBaf awhant' anMahav an aW*a^aft- AUiatr aVihO a¥HV BU ••^••l iualnl. WwBS an^Pn^awVJ oTflal' VaWK !•«"« fl ewaWi" placed live Hllles at tto moat productive fluke batta. A ^veajw^w nnv s^w^v wsv^^ Local bait purveyort now offer froth at woO at froaan btftonr bottle by a rod and real OaMer Bean to the M.. tolheleetee'ie Saudi but plentiful are the fluke at Ocoaak bridge per. BVa w. bi Rumaon. Nkky Bellenta. Kumson. and Stewie Cold- wtll. Pair Haven, had a string of flattiee they could baroh/ lift tho other day. Tha kMt caught the flah at the bridge. Ed Levy of Sea Bright Motel eays the fluke •n pUng up on ait dock, a SUMMER GUARANTEED Plrastone tottery is unoonditfainal^rjuuaatoai agatost i fa wonBBeoalttp attfl matttuua. Hopia^sAwnt or nujaihi Mo BMoe without charn for 90 days fram date of purcnaea. Altar W aaya, if an adjustment it nsnssaary, aa aDowaato wffl PAMOU1 AM MM HACK TWO be made against tto list price of a now tottery betel ea tto tasapired portion of the origmal luuutee panod at the tana 400x14 . . . t1»mM ^^_^pjgjfl theodjiMtineit Jornada. 470x15 .. . 1 ftjr $2f.fO 710t1l . . . 2tW $2t.7O 740x15 . . . 2 ft* $12.10 Pa» T« pad Inappttlt Tho. Act today OPEN TIL 9 *eISHJ L• w*9 am^^WOJJ JM t OCUNrXMVN: J. MAR WHIIL AUONMINT f very Day it a fMnfey of Mmmuth... where you enjoy Amerfea't. tint* nting In cofflfortebfe, ipac/oui twtoutxtings.,. outdoor and USIYCXW Moot fining lerracef.... handy eafeferfd Mgh atop flie. IASY CHARM fNlflCflfOflCr ooa COfFlfOffODlt 101111009 OfHf COflVSflrvflf #SCOiOfOffe ' WHITE ST. & MAPLE AVI., REDIAHK PMtKIIM FOR 20,000 CARS FRANK PORTIR'S SH 7-5700 aTAtff JMCff... 1000 ASIURY AVINUE, ASIORY PARK Sat., June 27 MOLLY PITCNIR H'CAP $25,000 Added RED BANK TIRE Co. Wed., July I COLUIN STAKIS $2»,000 Added PR M700 IILLCHADWICK LES STEVENS (Oae MUe Soalh et Airport) •OM'I Adm. Jl.SO (Gnndttind) Clubhouse $3.60 Prices iml. tix Use Our Firesfone BUDGET PLAN SHRIWSIURY AYE. SH 7-3404 POST 2:30 • Daily Double Clo Sacead •net witk ll-ll-M. Hmn; J. IL [•eai.Deve I Taeedajr by Data at Mea Car- Aearre, 9 Boys Club Ike ecBokuahip eaesaWtaM at Ike

Troeber, a ce4d> at UN Nabs 5 Wins ha»at Sl*fcf HA l fc Maa (Mai Pkei MyT O* Ma Mi MiWM ta tlM Monmouffi County Nafl Bank

kr He KIM* "* •**«•<•• InatMe STOCK «nd W9HT$ alftj* far • ataaal t dak reoaawaav Al • MfRCHANTS TRUST COMPANY •iff J. ffartw. 11 CaeaiM fU HlaXaiaV, H. X. anal 1B*/« AifflMa Kicaafv avavaMi oaa a? a*** QRW pavav vawva •*«• WWaai Heard,«, at US Bnf> M II I jg. af SI CWBJBMI Ave., taiHIal w*» w* Kenworthy Will aaa/aaj ajw ^mw _.._. _. • -^ -» e *r«Waf «t AM, T*. AIMIM Otrlaa «« a*. It ef ts Am D. HeadHoneShow aFjp #^TjBwaa7ajpw ef'l AMI H, NHMi V. V. COLTS NKX-Hal V.K J AM fa- -J-M- *t t y| Miaj a^vaF§ ian*a| wVpvpaj a^anitfjii aw^paai ^*t«v Jf, k\ af Ikmtl aai SMaialtorf tabaai at LMUMai* kenoatorwkfckto ke - TW aaaaaaag aaawa — •w a* . «. aad Rakan T. Valw, Ml ttfMBBf Mas) awak wky sat |aal J* Secretaries IS, Mk at Ua« taaek: Olver «LU aJ|ai» ti aa^aaaHaaal aaw Baata Hurlbert L SnAai, », af Neatane; Dea- I. GEORGE WESTON & SONS •rdajr. Jeto II. BtMi etoef •Wall Bafaaava BM •••a^aa^ aa*afl WaaaaMs leads Couuntn y Jeaa C Weed. ». lattr- Banking UnitOfficers CA 1411144 MM. to la came at ttelaatM MATAVAM - ^UtmM aVtBanai B\BT af*a^^^h^M a_ -- rmg. fBHS M* O^al • Ca> Schmidt Third In Log Contest otPtratNa. orr- ie Rrwr Yacat CfcaV la Me .JokaJ.HlwhM. Mm. FkwlNM Tfmt OMpiiy* ••'•• Hilda R. Jaoaaie. Aakaiy Ferk 5r,£ CiBBjiay. SPIRIT if aaB^B^BaaaaaB^* aVtlUa\aa it Lag Caatatf lara ^aKaaaHjaaata; wiiaWUUaMn a^JfcaaBB*B^a> a IM RVaHMM Waj* .«.. ai»»» SctaaWt ajaai Ml IJ kaobL vtat mMMt' "*"* •*••• p 1 Mg. —'-«——' to-Tan Ctaatltf SaM lifS* M BMBk aviaaaav **aai •».. •** a^^_ TIEE SALE SAVXNOS • PAKTASTZO i «« SMUS. Dr. Jkytakw at tka 11 ctB Mne row l utm wnen la Oat Doloree Cor**, HIM Y ^ ^ ^^ • •i^a laaaTe Waal witfc mouth County Netfeaal, it lissjai . Mn. Coate, NMTYork AlhMk Ca* «oa M lot DOUQ fm MAPLE MOTORS, Inc. —,t_, mmt ^ UakeanfeBaatto aaVaVIH BB iHHI flVWt fla IHMW antfaai i are Jtaea P. Vaa •* Krana and Mtot " Ml MAIU AVL IN I4HI HP BANK •Ml MO. MMWUDIUJI Rjfar mnt KttioaeJ, Sprlas Late; Frank Crawford, Atlantic " ' QUALITY landa Nationel; Harry Peoato'i National, FawlWAttwd Ftafd' Santa, Flnt TMM Btaer. Vbglala WaaHaj, 0(S More Than You Expect! CpaMy Natlaaal, hergt at marvatlant. Patttt. Maaataua Ne- B^^^^^^^^^^. aF^^^e* r BBBBB BBBW^V ,BBB> OBBBBBBBT BfBBBBBBBBvy vB^BJ The ceaaty aiaKlattaB wM held AT Z.SSS THAN AOaatte . _• eiaaaiWVai l»aw^y vav aa^PaT BBB^BBBBBW VPB Fred SanBarii Flnt the Legal Aid Society at M*> Freehold, It chalrmaa of the nth Ceaaty Aug. IS for tte BLAOKWAkL Braata. bnach chanter hlgkli|hta n.jekat, "JameJca/- it the Neo- •"umo' i an Biiliialn. Al ta al, ft aMi aa'ai Mr.HiabMhaadttl tana Marie Chtne. Mhw Kafl k •raatk; Baa|amla S. Watte. M. the audit mm f*i_5? * NWebwm. Tnitt. It m charge of pubUdtr. MffO!.- rgaiwod. The flrm au n Mn. CanUaa Oncatch, Flnt Na- clilr. b the new Man dtaackw. brandi offlcce la the aortbtrattoaat BMk. Sen* Mver. It Haw, at canat, It danat taka a proh* e»d mlAfle Athatk em^ iDONT VnUT TIL YOUR TIRES SOUND THE ALARMI BUY NOWI •or tt aaa that at ar|>alaMiaa w Into at dM we ATHNM CWHWMION »ai wmmms aaa aannoa WOBM BUM indAufBitaCoroti.Mer. UACH-Mn. Jonaa pkea Mr you to ana your Wee Mute Traet,Jted Beak, to a* *ratptct Ave,, TOUGH... LONG WEARING, WI0MN6 RECEPTION, Wlas IIMJ Tourney totte wflBMa' t Ttandty and FrMay at •ANQUIT OR PARTY. cbaUraufli flff nw n^nW BWaWaVkaVanT aVaal DEAL - Wat Maria Seanlaa daoghtar, Mr. tad Mn. Fnak .•NBRAaW Day tt Oatl Csan> GET* McCartty, 8r., Wart Ortaga. |l •ad caB WhBe than tte attended kte|j SILENT GRIPS potepUotedd bab r flag ia flia 17th cup FAIR HAVEN - Richard H. Smith, tea ef Mr. and Mn. Laogradaatloa of her la tteJMrt , toarauMnt with •aa-tr. oa^batf andiCBp. H. SmMhTao WWte Rd.. ttmn- Frank McCarthy, Jr. Jy of ArUiigtoa, received a bache- ImmtcaUta Caaeepttoa High] Mit. Walter RaM. M. took neoml place on the 17th manlo. r of erti degree from the' Uni-avdaUwH VVVBVJI^B' SnV VvaW BJ«"JavJwV* to a* less versity ot North Carolina at re-ad with • trophy for pttcMaj W. RuiatU aad Mn. Row.cent commencement i tat flnt oo-hlt, mn gaae la member of Chi Phi fretaratty, tte 3S4W hUtoty -of «.T0>MJ tit* Tim* . .. Mdb U the toad FaMi* wtn la a tit la UN • •!«•) tta puttutg «rant Mr. Smith waa a member of theacheei. He atawdad St Aaa't college bud aad a member of Orttellc Idxnl, Keaaeborg, be- EVERY TIRE Air ROTC. •OT0 taWViU tO WMt BRAND NEW HAZLBT - tka Reiport iUw Molly Pitcher Hotel row* buebaO team, Had tor fifth ALL PRICES PLUS TAX AND USEABLE CASING In the Joney Shore BejebeU RivatstM Avmui ~ igat. Ii eeeUnt Satanky Have you •w with "ttmag tenme." Our Smart Cacktall LaiMfa.rWurM Mini* LONU NBMI, S« Bethany Rd.. tried Ballantine light lager OF CLEAN /V lately ?A 75 RECONDITIONED

mumsaizea • TYPES AND BRANoa NOTICE!' We have other quality General Tire§ at prices so low we dare not quote |hem in print or by phone! They're worthwhile COMPLETE INSPECTION finding out about today!

Easy Budga* Terms ... Use Your Allenhurst Easy Charge <•*

Try it BOW! BaltatlM ptovta • batr McMANUS & FISK, Inc. can be truly lifbt and itill five you dltha honest• to-goodnaM lagar bear flator you ••TOE BIG TIRE CENTER ON HIGHWAY 35 want No wonder Ballantio* is the larfeet* selling beer in the Eaat WHERE YOU GET BIG TIRE VALUES" N«xt tlm« ask lh« main for . . . Ample Parking Faellltlet for Everyone

Ballantine It. II (1/10 Mile Nee* af SWIM! Ave.) s A.M. ie A P.M. 1*2S46 and 1-2647 1 sN 'n ' n\ \.MUANONI1 tONI, NtW/LRK, N. / (Are Started May Harm Good Lawns j~ tWort you

aad ABCttM tare July U at «M lint of twimwtar. attncMa aT •• MMay wi|Ma fti. I. O. /or kaW Braacb awttoaeer. AJUajaa ex- asaa aad baste. TM Hi MM* kl MMM* W dHl BUM aba** will ha Toaaiafl eff OM . _ Barda be a fimnrka dlsftoy Mturday

#f aa4att Ibf Ids lad Baafc "MAflB MVIBS a^iAS^sJ M&BA^^i^Masi^ A sfft^MBBl BB^tf BBMMl M^BaM^BMsl Ml W^A wtvBi tPMr Ywnw*t fBPB"*wiBj a «am v" *av sauaai BJBJ IBHV pMiairJliejUtls MJ al AsU MSMMBBV' !**•••••* MMSBI IBSSM *U MBPTIMHTMI MHT MRf iWMr ffwnaL *M*M*vaW/ VMV - ffllsy a^>w

FAMOUS « New Bnii Britk Mn. Cswat Ratal, Mn. taaajb GarnCMn.JobaR.iaattk.Mn. WkM. it.. Mn. fMM BMMB M« gassisna •Plamsw BUILT.INI • • • MM) 1TIV

OK* Officers HAZLET - Carl itoaka taa Antsto 4a IV wWJ BBBW B^W^WWa™*™B™^wB arsMind Haslet kre Threateatd OMIT «ttoen uihtCB» Jack fat vJeopraalBstJ ; a WiVBBa MCfttauys WH*

IM* •*•%• te etwni e*l to MM to mHiata at M 1st ttsfs flw way fe • Strict, mmmrm Mjrtk Ifttnaar of eST1 « MTwta saMea. Rt M. MMassssMMaMMMat BssWaMsW aMsat BBM A ^^PS^^WM^^^^^MMBJ ^^PMV^P WVVV ^^V Ml to/ J» Ctoa at MtaBWfS Weaa,ffjadsy. iato MifteMs wMl be MMMkM tarf el ISM tf (fee ttob. wabtMe. obttlMi to M hi, Mi

N BMt (BM B) 4Mtnf dM MM Jack OoMMrg, RuM, Mtllily, PENNSYLYANJA MB PwnL HHnK WaBBaM BJBJ

Outmows, . MM Ms «mo» MHUM di 1M> IBMMI'I Outlasts VMMJ WPHi AMBT* mMB V


MBtnlef i *M« H apraylu •fjarttWM l toMervtoA-Clark, MUM mil »t» by tht eon- Mt Ht( a Mans pest osaMI chart

Try Aaf OM of M * flMRMMd TMM 11M catM by M 1•• ^saiwi ai anMMMM HERTS EXETER — PcM»ylvuiia> BM* BMHIU I«M% ^^m AISMJ V Ti !••• «i» ' '*- MMftr! If* r^gJb i» •wsj IISBMI •• lanjaaaaj! aaas> - /ram tM UJMIupMA Supef in itH — 'em* • fuB W cwatn, bu • powerftd I Brian I SinHM ngiw. Aad it's right Permanent cmf — «BMyou b«y it, wi ForDiffiodl Or flwe Hiir 21* MUIXI MOM. I11f.fl Sub Major to down OfIR fATUHOAY$ Hit NOON Permanent For Dyed or

Permanent V. S. to the t»m •MIMMMS> a^M JOHN'S wnavr win • Beaatjr bead, while M aad »

10 MWMBOUth St. IM CMtMt It MM » RED BANK * PERSONAL SAVINGS Md, itottiat JULY 1st, wN M d» MM MW - ^- J- ^2i ^^^^"^ wieaw^,^ v w 9m 9 'ACCOUNTS . '5i5llllJ*tr "* ConuBiw* wiU r r it JOINT SAVINGS ACCOUNTS •* v^Br ww BMMMI waF^a»V^s» M»' ej,- M 'BJM^FMMV IS*"*"* **«W* oT nets to the Among tha extra bonuses en: l»jj»ff- MajteroT earemoaJea if YOU* SAVINOI AM INSMMD Tht uvings of soeh sov«r in this mutual savings in- • CLUB FUNDS Rwitt be John Pfuuttel. nuslo w- (Business on fraternal FAU mSTALUTION nperviaor »T Middletmm schools. ititution art insured up to $10,000.00 by the Fed* associations) \TU winner will represent the iral Savings and Loon Insurance Corporation, an in- AND J Recreation Commission aa "Mlas ttrumentaliry of the United States Government. it CORPORATE SAVINGS |ldeal Beach" In the Red Bank it IXTRA DIVIHND DAYS IACH MONYH | July 4 parade. Mils Marilyn ACCOUNTS Fundi received on or before the 10th of ony month nRockafellqw, New Monmoutl if WELFARE AND PENSION SAW WITH OUR tow SUMMER PRICES 1 Miss New Jersey of Ittt, wi tarn dividends from tht 1st of that month. You re- _WI CAMY A WU UM OP. I head the lift of judges. ' ceive this bonus—not once every six months—but FUNDS twelve months eoch year. if LEGAL FOR TRUST FUNDS SISAL «MI MIR RUM DEDICATION SET * SAVINGS IY MAIL MATAWAN-Plsns were made Your nearest mail box is as far as you need qo, II for dedication Au«. 1 of the when you save with us by mail. Cad M for "At HMM flagpole memorial at the Boy * THRU COHVINHNT OMICIS MMMMJ." OmMytart Scout camp, Forestburg,. N. Y. id hto llat a meeting of the Chlngaro District commiisloner's staff the home of the. district com I A.*, «M « r.M. the WEAVE SHOP WItT SAVINGS | misiloner, James F, Plynn, Ri It. IS, Irsasj St. iiMf« II SH 14272 (vine Dr., list week. Mr. Flynn announced meetings AND LOAN ASSN. NIXT TO SHMWMURY I AM. HI * P.M. • IUDMT nRMS || will b« luipended (or the sum Olticc- llrooilwiif nnil A»r\ Ion.) OsHM SHREWSBURY • Mn PARKIN* mer. • ruom Monmruilh Knail Oakhuril U I • MMNDLY SUVICf Test kitchen note: Overheating llpopover batter decreases the vol- ume of thin good hot bread, tar Jaaa M, gtwta to tha w af Mn. Ray Veejal. Jr..

Ray Vagel. U. Mn. /aha Ward. Jr., Mn. Jeha Ward, It. Mn. •rt Ward. Mn. Martha Bnav aan. Mn. Ruatel Head, Mn. Richard Stryfcer, Mn. Jaaaab mat. Mn. Lae Howard. Mn. Jack Haward, Mn. Tad Imae eayi Mn. imm MtOn*.

CBMPJOBS PUA REIfHOtn raaaaa A. Ikm. RtX Rarttaa Taanakla. chaaa> hie ptaa darlag hie trial teat Tharadty. to aa> dafeaee et

MW Te*eW at Marina Parl. •nHB wu SIMB waa' HHPW ___. •___ «__ • all M amf If 60MNt tOIMI - rW hatitetaa Man PL. ere ba«f ofematiftW fe mafca raaM Thai beard aad «e tnH4y Vwl^peF •aTTBaw H« 0B^BIHBBI fwea^Mf* •m> , 9_L^aaaaAAti^flnlWPB^] VWHW•araB.aimJl gt^VVw_ ataarfa\ afaJWIVflMBAa ) %#eJBW«wajl»^*M9LM&XM » aKA#tau^ajBriajBile itohay •raf •alaw*, §4, a-1. IB WflHBBB ainaVt Sw W aaMv B_ B_s> W_tt) |f____fla. mmm w^V WBBBBBJ ea^ejeaBBa^Btw u^py ^B^ _ aaamBB^By^gfs^^PBBj wear- BBnpy Bw^Bvaja^v^^v^t^eaj ar^e^av^pt# * w ^w^w^ ajh) Vaw WVS* RRMBRn HI It ««MJ II Ntoro ae Fab, » ma wPj ha «a> Tha heard at* fUVB PARTT tV fripirtfpf at 1H4 »a»art H. wW h»—i at a eVrm**. At ouaWl— tytty t ______for pM PMM Mawflwafefttolwariafafftaiaw ••Mol. Tar#at B7w**Swma. •» tarn refMr.aaibkfl mplrH.adi*JI»^ •*• « Dr. Pk ••§ 1*1 MAhar- Zone Ordinance Delayed Youth Enters J* t^^fSs • * ' _*___ *_••— HI ' w mis HMHRH aw.jwaw* Guilty Plea The veto waa indefinitely in Matawan Mr. ead IN.* I To i eta to_toBpaa» arpmas iM ateaeeav Htoee. by D. A. at Mam St. LJJJ* ^f AfHMMmilal HtaMaa. Ml BaaBy, haa> ' to eapar/ baa atrviea .whaa el UatattoBiMD» W^B PMM mM • pnvi f. Canrlto, pitadaal at HLaadfaha •I CMC tofetM* af the At-

the de- M •Bawe atlamaej ^^HBBWOTf . wMaWBBBBi a wA BtZ Mn. Darla 0. VaHeii BKPmr lavaa RA. Pair Havaa, waa aa a cker that after three yean It hired ae ecrettry to the gaMaaea Urn, to ^ ^" w^aBa^p^^e^ ae^^aww^aaBBB'B ^ ^pv •••• wm im ie ready te "waehlti haaaV * tM*aad*t •V VBQfw PWHHH IN IH Joyce m. U Parker Ave.. Fair tMt Ave. Rad Baafc, wat t .. . cat aai that then it aa>aja car at at^ car waah aa Haa! revtaiaa. If aay. to can* waa chanjad. atoag Mavea. aa a atcntary k the IfMK tf MVHll i aaaanl atttot, abw at a •HBppv^Ava»j peWaa Chtrlta M. Mkt. dlnetor of the eTtMto. Ceuaty Pirn a local net We have < i aB we caa graafti thai; if < We CM is ae farmer. It it MW itobems« up la the couacit." tlHFat 37. Aimmm NmTSSm MMr . RtehardRtehdt toM Me flaUuc be i lith/ RARITAN lOajIWII" - Khx Bjaaca af Mw toetrec- that the ewaera of I Rt14^ todMtaxaateaiMtoltovetobei tjhMWi to eajtnaMrjf i Gaoifi Idattvaig * tAvt., wilUaai R. Oreeae. a Paamiai mat, aeate et which B) me pouK wajan K caawx Monroe Sta.. "have already mv flpheli to court" eaaaferg. ptoedt take aver hh) Mw paat aai dared a large dtoor toreflec t the day be* ire Jaige I : Mr. Pike hu beaa aa advlaer aftlifttatf iittlL !• AM AttMMft B% y theftl a m eaaheaid ftmetatrdtoltaartparatieBOf ^'^wa^vaavBBj vaavowf aeei aaav vaMaawaaav"•• ^^F beat the aadctottod revlelaa af the cade." aritaatby-tba "to aammei at) bte npart by Maat aaaau erdlaaara hi He atked the attorney for at Mr. MCCOMNU, «to> July 14 la IMI from Had Baa iyaanabJaaiiaahtiwBUloMaadi - *teiaa'"aa to the legottty of IMa r dtoWajoedurka iarte.f that time. tetter." Mr. fflveae eald he ICeuaeBmaMe£ma.CynaX.a Cyno X. IBrown he* ST. i tta target torcr l bulMlas permit Ie reejulrai. Dri erHit, "They can )ttat toll the old aai Baabto, aai waa a an ward off aad the BOW aae oa, tor to tht annum aai \ n.M Mr. Richer* aaM. Hotbed by Jauraa|.Me ^m mw waaaa ' »»Tna« mbtref the Fate Nttoiaaatr —. Friedman •••——-.•*• Mr. VMtomaj aafc Btwrattdaa- *^B>- dmaae**' • hat Hitcb Hiker MewtU auHttry tantoa, facahy af the Uajii ctleat aad that y ae Baara aaaa w MTOOtBTOWN - A Carmrat! far the Satoe tract one. Coal ew ifa^a^MoM iW pHVFwBVeVa QeV H man iiaa alHgead aad ratted Tbt aatttoa Ie pnpoaed at R-U Ce, Jeney City. on deatf with a praper eieeatfi tott.) A Perm Am* hen Ttieeday by a "cteaa «r Bat. he atid, whaa a dam' ktohMker ahaat N ywn tht, • Owiliijby > mai to HteRV to ptjwe peparted. • •. _•... i of eme. Jto . ' ^0^07 B*a*j^ewawg 4v*BaBBa^BBt] ^^aaaBMBBai M, wn m wat rooaoa ar BBT _, try getotoiaatthatatoMlttK' At me Board hta amaBaat. waa tnatoi at Wv- gMta haae at aaataatlea, theeothe c * ltvymgfer«to withtbaadhv wato TaatoMB SmU J '.tor con- •I pahMt vhart there to a d» *nctfc» at a Msb ;*. Cempbail, a eMUaa.iav "IUve iMka" IS raw ae mat ma att be ana by tht tw or flflas if Mam. tnol pleyeeatthe Mr. OneaewatlMah "•amateate l»e twe hedtot Haally airaed "Maay late akagRt. M are ua> rtnictfcm atte here, aald ha MMity for hualaato," Mr. Pike drtviaghomefn teg to tht teacher. Tbt aai .. e»-, lit M, aatHaea Man MaaB caild. "bocwao^then la eaty a to pick up me,, youth tp* caa mjyba the tola aftVthat Jiakm M. wtt be aiaad "«•m to UMoet death wUeh would thaahalt bw ant ponMi aoaojaaw on-Bi|nwi] After aafctas if Mr. Cam totoratctoal niidMtlal,uaf» aarkJaf. to Keaatburs. flw icVpehNad aat i TheaaMetfai g brake apae It had _ad hit mlad awl t*> " >:tol to ha about atartod. hi ai to be let eat aaar the Mb*The mediate acheeJ af Watt mm the eoimdl table aatir BO Rd.. Looaardo, I la the u •rail aliaftte net at Rt^^T ttwatltft i af dm New /ertey Ht> No dacitiont were made. At he"am"rted to leave the car,tural Gat Co. Board of Educatioa to ttart No date waa aet far'a Ait me yottti mraad aad urack Mat idtep-HeaeidBmteta Me tfrHf? huttcatoi aay with ii heavy ebtoet, the ama • I fMflleMI Wfll fea •mi:...' The boy that iravema carte __ aadal by y Sentelt Honored a nearby lane, toHtthekatook the keys aad IRBwBSURY - Richard wardW. Currle• b. yaa Attorned aae,y boarEd-d Mr. CampMI'i wallet aad fled. Beaeito. ana af Mr. aai Mn. 7-U MMHMf ArtflUf arflMBIMt WW By Kiwanis Club Whet he had partially recov- tn, MM ciWcal at the toot that «R-«tnat KEYPORT — Douglu SwittO. ered from the itoaaJag effect of • aw prawooa annwi af the Rayport. Weakly, wat hea- meUNreath»»e• bead, Mr. Camp- tutu Am. Toaaabtowwi law tram Harvard, JAMM 4. Amm*. . Jr.. MB oni at the diaaer meeting Ttm- ban aiM hatotout of ftecar . Aw.. IU< Bl _ Vemea A. EUiaoa day of the Wwaalt Club la Y*E. A. Beck. Jr.. of 11 Leotard-Cambridge. Matt.. Pta the optakm that the Mr. BonaUowm TW wnat Cottage lea. Mr. Seatott'wat dt-viBaltd.. tohii S~eff"» Bl _••_ I It wat the' tide of Rt M, from a< tor hit "untiring aftertt far and eallaf me Palrvlew Flnt presticaaBto wim tht tew Arm M^ aMm% ^t tte^iHammmAaH rwvAwl to the border, ihouldUttle League bttebej aad. maty AM of Lum, Falrte tad .Fatter of btioaed tatteacf. not naidtatial, Mr. Campbell deacribed hli at- mrk. He waft gradptei from ^,r*» Vuwr. ' abate the oppotlU tide of thefertile young paocVi of the bar- at Bf ' g Braach High School la lUn, |. wtm^A raaideatial. w. r tad MM he woreMiM«jfls«*ei •BaBBBBFva ma_r eay an^we^p^^ ™ ^^^^^^^^^^w^^^^^» 135 a tMetight, It wu noted that After the dinner aaeetiag teat tad lid ptaJdahirt verity la MM. then an only M acne of tend Upon ot hie bar tJT.M left hi AaeaWre borough tiltable MEETINO Mr. Beaelto la- for home coattructioa. XEYFORt.Mn. VictorSie. taadttoi te OM Navy. PteMtftTlM tha Bovenug hZh i tour. Urn trip I _ Red Bank, aae of the vice «hat *p» mm we an to cd from aa earlier . Idaata af the Central New Jeney Braach of tht KantMl fMAisai MII f—MaT** ta tfnt ta Dr. aai Mrg. HUaa WiMer aad »paat yean ao attempt hat been •of tfm^Wtot GUEST* AT SERVICE r to IfMMlfef M. Y. < C Betotet Beech- value) for your otollar him beaa penaJNai to heato CUatoBC^Heyer. M day" tor tf» *ltabnjw yrmmti tatlMbeneetMn.Paul wood Dr., win have at liar waak- k the taaJor chair at Chrlatl$H> ^aahafl aBaa^aaaBai * t^taatv aBa^BB^^Seai^VjaBtaae' ea^aB^al copal Ourch. South ' daughter, Mr. aad Mn. Jamai "•• .*WmV' — -•— - w - vara^aBBjpWa e^eaama) Baaaj > Sunday at the lfc» «. m of thi board an to immy, Ricky, aai Dabby, fro 9JOM. efbab«haui.Mr. tervlce in St. Thomat EpiacopaJ chlldi ea la a "raUgJoui way of Drool HID. Fa. SdaMdd,, 'TWt ordinanceChurch, Red Beak. life* aad to cany outt ththe pollpl* thauM have beta rtvitei 11 yean Rev. E. V. Kttaoa-Walten, dee et by the local, breach, pad •KB." vicar of St. Thomat Church, le>natloial orgaalMttoa. Uadtrahlp :He aided, "The altuattoa to car* vited Mr. Heyer, who diracta the court ea will be held next fall IN TIME FOR ttiiuy bad enough sow, but ifcboln to Chritt Church, to flag tadipriagt GRADUATION you let it go further, it will be- the aervice. Mlaa Patricia Horn- come iacreaatagry Impoatible to berger, Red Bank, Joined the Huigariaa compoaer $tff< DOVYN correct coaiBg nlttakei." gueet choir end played a flute LlatItzt waa the flrat to uu the jH« told council It thoutd "take aolo. aymihonlc poem In Me muilc. me bun by tbt homt." introduce the code in lit prettnt form with- MflUlp te anil a*. . out chanitt, and tee what hap- Machine Pkiccss for Ctankif l»al Cltltret Pent at die public hearing. COLD WAVES !•*• li»Ai«aU ,i"You can't pleaie all partlea," HAIR TINTS-COLOR aoU aa He wfetr. Bw VEHET1AN BLINDS OratMer tuetrl ha declared, "and it you try to OUR SPECIALTY ybii win never get the ordinance adopted/' Borough Attorney John C Hew Sarvfe* OTTO'S WIIX1AMJ. Olvena aaidthat it council "zonet 14 iarvlc* IIAUTY SALON •ech iioltted little butineu by tiaamamtkrnwMnma] IaTti • LEVINE •tacit" it win conttitute toot Mr. Slat Happy • Cell far lirlmatM M SEASSI •Wing and will certainly mean AUTO SAUS defeat o! the code in court. CUMED MONDAYS HONMOUTH VENETIAN BUND ClfANBIS 4a Oataaaart Ava. He Mid the governing body KMaejf 1-3MI can introduce the ordinance and 111 I. Rivar U. RUmwi 14IM SH 1.9622 Waat U*g Breach CA I*MU' make changes at the public hear- Offer Three Sales ItMNNiSiaiL FAIB HAVEN - Mai Brwr Bat, ajtea

Mr. art A«a, CaaWIVU ftm) mmM VfM fe# &9m% mmW aW BMMBV MB mmtwB «WHM Ma tta Ml AH CMANMIMAHM «• Tlh IMM. AC , Le«di ft Kellogg

•rat** er It Mamaaa SprJuft M, Jhrawtkwy. raeaaMy fcai A»<^ HMUMJ. hti ktM NM it> lUktrt t, HUH, Naw Yark i ft. an Merit* ana* eaterier mavtraisarie« pea- la •«tiMe« te rfce now effiae treat eWw* bat*. Mn. ^_ _J * — —^ mMto*+* m*m k*M aSAEalEEaW*^ gMMslflil |4B1 ^ Efv Dr. art Mrs. OabrW.Uvaai. tulffn *"- flraa has Bwaa at Ih praaaat eweVeas IIM* rWf IfM. Matawaa Finn Promote« Four 4l Mif •• I4MT M. 1* wwnwmmm Leal Offices Youth Gets •I IM- IMMMMfM * f» niw Am. Aiuwwe ipawuMM It IMr, ilMM* Suspended Fine mmtmum l tf Itwia *•* Ml aWOtTB) CANNBO HAMS Mate*., day raaefvaf • VI«O atANB PL. IM Si tor * •-• Mitt ' ^•W* - laavw va^a^pvaaav ^ wwvavaav aavvaaaBBH vvvvav I WB.* VMrato JUMMM V. CrawaCramB* avar- ***>. ^•!ljA!1^.**•* I***1 I tho yawtlrat ajja h*a drlv ayJIii^iyMM, «a Imar ert IMBBW 19 HV Wmmm9 §mm Ml "^***** "* *!**• «••• P*wfaV aWwHEaT

a% ^-^pt^BAal-^M^gt ^aite»^^aj BMB VEfBaaW EaBBBaaaaV gf*» 'ESiaEaBBBBBBBve ^ 1' B vflaaVEEaBMBiB ai^pOT ?JB/ •»»••••* ••^•••^••^ D0MB1IC CAHN»iUMS pi wMi Miltog a MMBH V^auy gWamavaffra^majei New Position A*AR IRANO ATI iTAMJt Mrs. Jaatp Maiuon •MUBaVMUBV WB4T • ' ' ' IM Brart B whtlt Hart IM tor i 94B. HB ..... 2a79|wk. * - 4a29


• eharga II KM, M. A«AI IRANO HI WMI B BENBUBt»ABjA0ir IB) BAT • aa^a aaaf that ; MB. Ma | ' 44B. Ma • MM1«HI«MMHMH Iftrhf MM or WM «• w% Ma- M 1 kgr Mr. iEMMM ssttBMMMMi mmdmm MBU A —- * \ i MM M pnpartyatM •W Wtp •BVUBEJ HEfi El EWE* es*Be VIM ft ^HHVAW MM or am mmm ymn to M L _ „ . pMMd «T "MS M HJ M

aacrotary to Jrtga Gerald Me- Officers laJMHIIt al the U. S. Cawt at LEONAKOO-Jeha I au ui^l^j—^ - • - jg gatoi email art W» e»l>BB^BEEEEEEtj MATAWAN - TIN HaaNfrVaa FMf to*ebara«Naw Co. hM M- •OffMT '•M SJBMB% dto> is here! to h

««*l it* Bat «*•*«. BtfttV lit appaara to a* first vita at Ha «f "tajwa." tte WMttL Kewto At tocktot mm*-* ~ H. PainMM. Daring Wortd War It. he, totaattethai Hatkl with CM U. 1 Martoa r [.ameara wfltaMa) Praaacti Corp., a Mn. Water 0. Brawn, Jr., It, lAae> 44. L *» *••<•" at IM«»»I— a to ftMfptritf WWCB) llMt Hi JOMN IM Cfl Wpf ^fjaaf anw^WWaFaa^ w«vj aTaB^BB^na^p^^Bi ^ • ftmUypwy i« 1H7 M prodttctton w cards at her home last Thursday MnHow- ^•fVlalOr Of UM .aPHMEatt PafPttl wBMaawaa**. ar4 Hanson, West Palm Wy >• Pie.; Mn. Goorga A. Campbell. to BaaTaaal laaaal «-"^ OMWaling voted to i >af Ak^arat Mn.LaMP.Garrltm.Mrs.Joba F«ui JtMtogt mealvrt ft Vote* l» ssz & Hoka, Mrs. Lloyd trail Yak* Uajwraiti grt'Ma bath tht Attoatk art Paciffc mt- wer n M a

IMra. lotm ttor to ietoiagjetov ••HfTl SiMJMMMf •» a MM v * by IMM PrMay to «Wl Koddy, Taylor Ava., E fc FffM JlM Ml Ml VEIL » EMlya Tlgb of BtvanMa *£?%. KB •alaatMA V i BwBJBJBJfl Ba* aad hM a ton.-William. *". HEM Hyvit POOH CM /M0 MMm f«/cr« You • * aaAve.a, Mrsand. i Mr. artMn. CUrenco Pedea. HebrttJ M.. spent a AND INVESTIGAtB . . . Qutge Brings day last wtak la Atlantic City. Elmer A. Bahrenburt, Hoimdel Rd.. who has ban a patient for 5-Dty Penalty several weeks m Aledaa Haapl> NEW SHRBW€BWiy-Ms tal. EHiabeth. has returnedto hi t Mr.' art Mrs. William Bitter- _ Chlof'lH. i, MMdletawn, Pa., are tptrt- NEW BBUNSWICK - Aatbaagr —-lafv n_a_1Mh_ akla«aa«^Balla* several days visiting Mr. art WlfBJ MBTVBMB mwBQmwmB s DeMaio. MT Habrtd 94., Haa- Air Conditioner to a atoar March M. Mn. Frank McCleaster, Atlantic and only ALTEX Tfco iiiiiml aptaa While here, Mr. and Mn. Bit- repraseatatlve tor jlka Mercury ttrmaa spent a few days sight- MMHI to the charge by Pant aad Chemical Co, eW njfi co^porttioi^ti i pfcsll* seeing la Naw Yark City. A nembtr of tht Raritaa GUARANTIEES Mr. art Mn. William Camp- •tat. at aa adjourned moetiai Towaahip Committee, he waa a» at tha banugh couaeU. >ll, Betf " tor a at ployed prevlautly at manager aaid Oat the aUaor tha Kayport Hafdwara Co.. whi IM wofMd for u yoEsfSo a atototoMt^atiag a oUffereat tbty atjpact to apart ttt aaH In bit new post. Mr. DeMaio TIAIIS MMOi •MIMHBBI| M E|0 OEf ItMH HV/ WOSMM VUKBM VemKtVM 094 wWMvm Mawmafe MMdtaa art part of 06MB Couaty. Tht W) pnWWm% TO* I firm narkt Ms 4M aaawanaiy POMMONMOUTH-MtMMau. thlayear. I •_ ^I*—WUMU_ « g| E- awwaaM tltMl aTWMgfl^l •*» gJEHiitllEia *JBBHMJIIvVr «f aUer >V .af Itiri * •IBEJ IH •J5**?Mrs. KayaMrt Neary, MS Mala tht *""••"!* oa i the deaa'a list at Peaa- Norman TJbman, pnattmt of pota a frw-day IIMJIBIIOI State University. A P^mouth Hamat, Ine.,todav r* . nlag at closmg tiaw, wim»- graduate of MMfletown High ported talta tip 41 par cant tor Only March 31, 1MJ. chaaL ctoM of MM. the It nw-tha lint quarter of 1M». A Hy Earjler,'council approved tht l_ mAMm» aW •• tktaaaMC rtag to todutrial ptychatogy. renewal of a plenary retail CM- Hi OTNO W •! IWW aumpUon license tor the. Grata-catton. Id, art Brart St., brier, subject to the completion RIAL nNNESSEE STONE of suggested improvements and parting tht outcome of the dis- ON ANY ciplinary action. BS11C I Km (JURE. STOUT I CO. Council also renewed licenses for: TUMI THOU teonoHumHwPAY* imp Consumption—Tally Ho Inn, Lo- NBW vaiw mati aneMawaa ainaAaa MM* ar WIN cust Drove Inn, Belmont Inn, COOL PAY** run* m/umjutm TOPAY AT,.. AftiimiAS Spirit Shoppe, Chris's Tavern, Dan's Tavern, Charlie Cluna's ' WITH Steak House. Airport Inn and amcti aa BMABWAV. NBW vaaa errt Aay AlumlatM SMtog, Cedar Shtke Luigi's Tavern. Retail — Linehan's General Or AMaraltoS Wtrk Store, Graver's Supermarket, anl Silver Liquors. 181 EAST NONT SIWHT WO IANK. N. J. | Council also renewed a license aaarlta t. ttvaf*. Mgr. for the Delmontco Cocktail FREE ESTIMATES Lounge, now under construction on Hamilton ftd., then referred STOCKS BONDS WHITI ST. It MAPLJ HID IANK UP TO I YCAM TO MY the queition of annual fees to Borough Attorney Milton Maus- AMMT MT. aua iHvitTari tut $N 7-S700 BBRVICB 6A 2*7272 1000 ASIURY AVINUI, ASIURY PARK 'Never put green-tipped ba N«mfB. R. I. daw BraMwttk. N. 4. SiatMai, L. I. nsnus in the refrigerator; they N. 4. Naw Natta. Cam. BHuktM, N..J. PR 14700 need to ripen «C room tempera M. J. M. r«l«p.harf, ri». Narnr»Hi, Can, turc. Alter the bananas are fully IMI lwa>. NVO WaUrkurr, (Jnan. fartN UmlHir. N. 4. Use Our Firestone BUDGET PLAN JODI BUILDERS, INC. ripe, however, they may b« re WI1«M (TOIX »••) m ML •« frificrulcd loi a day or two, MiddleUmn Future Holmdel Entrance Renews Bar Being Studied by Parkway Licenses MIDOLETOWN - MOUWl - Tto Ktw IKMMS tor ttl Plan Board Jury I was aa> f after •era hoard «a tto Post Goes •f liafjjrrt T«vcn,'»toto *., Hate Parkway. To English Jam A- Hurley, tto arc* of tto lor taw authority, aaid PAIR HAVEHC. O Itab. Cmmv Tar., w by Acttot Mayar RaaMl H. altor •" to Ml • va-

Mr. m» atav mgM Jatoaat at OtettaVbm* MIMi «a par- «teof a am lawfclpday i.

Utoratortei raaiwal at tto Uoaaw af Ooto% alKmUUaa net door te tto Rldgiwmdm . at Crcwterd's A. dm Avtaawa Corp. has pi i| is 11 Braack, asjsctei te tto for Lsagtersrs aa - a right At aroamt ftsre to aa w> Mr. aai Mr*. Retort •tot St., Uatea Baack, ara aato af a laa. tot

Mr. aad Mrs. Baton Ktobor of amafnSatoiuaiAw^MattoNa, SStaff 1ft aa« Mra. Rotart B, art panato at a sea, tora Sat- Ma** af OJ Nob.Nb, ONVtebte>V laTfwV :'* parents, Mr. BVIV cg-.ter. Tto waatnirttoa of aa. official Mrs. Fred VaaDom of sv. aaa Aw. Oa ttoir trip Bait, mroats to Oeeta, Pte, Oa J«y fVaftiiir ItnT tVSft aai Mrs. Mas* will teaw tor umlr. Tartoy. when Sgt ouf^^Aa •••Ml P^sk msM ast a&iaBawabamtoSl*a effisaa WIB 19 a • taiTW'ffar Caat aai Mra. LiHte D. Toek- tow Khu toon att at Port lias cork ara par* ~ Naacy Ray Hard. H Tow- sate tf a ommwar. ton teat A*., Rod Beak, tod aa •*• *"•> NaMi w ttafa vat Mr at Dr., Haatot, ait AaaAr- tar. MB Otor Mwato Moeto- great help tofts gMaV \ajJMaL . IHS»^_S_ ifta^g^WA asfc---s is--* oa^awa^hw) flak twaaw aAOal^antowJaiiH anTi wMb» Hnsa is upw tHiTwisair *v 1%* woutfslMgrwaayaa slouch savvey probably ttoboroush ftst to II¥V QwvUHJa) HRR to tete Aapit tor aai aa BWIWB *»• ww Oaths Fana. Coopor tor vtcattoo. Sto o tor VAamw iw^^M^vl^^ aBw^wwooa^wa^^ #ww ^^^^^^ JTto ftatoted traffic au> fey tto Boora\of AdJuM- Alfred Coaowr, by'Jam* Luataski, Jacksoa It. Pl» i, Mrs* us It atoa was astod ftti ftto sure- BoiWiBi Otffc Roy NHMH MM MHRNi cmscttoscttoa By lalass 7» Mapte Aw.. ., IM Koaaedy. If ly to part d aa Mr. loplaaki It SMktat two lati Nawatek Rrwr RooRd d ProtectivPti e Oakland at, Mra. Cyroa Kaackt. •t oat af oaa. JaawJ. waa wnajarawB. ii St, aad XaaBtth Mcnray voted ra> Tboaapioa. IS MoaaM t St.St... arart airai*r Mr. aad Mrs. Robert Kartteskl to Rrwrvfc A protest by Victor liftef r that akal pattoato tkto waak toto RJ R v of 31 saatori Dr.. Hailet. ara •»• •»£ Item It raestws a tegs! aptetea property to act Itotod oa orvtew HoapJtoL Mn. Aaa De- aaraato af a am, bora Satarday *• " Rasas- Architect'* — R. Btolr. Jr.." kto tax roilt t owaed by Camara. U) Bnaen An, Hen- bar wf ma UaW AwHlary «f Union Htft Ctm»«ay, I mUvBVVBBnV HsBBrnwIml. •""Bo wl Wladtof Mva Farm. toe., tto ry Elfert II Oaktaad St, Mta* Mr. aad Mrs. Aadny team. » Ewt Suaiot aratotrH a $100 tfcttk H> Harry Aamacit, mombor af tilt varlaace apalieaata. wat told lr- am af 174 Riwrbrook Aw.. Lte- Mr, aai Mrs. Fee Is Set fw w» Aw.. Ctartoa Skua, Iff Me- Ro« Bank ftfit AM Sopao), IM* affht in IMa* fir* ba«M. sm.b^g«.»«*ar Aw, ehaak St, aai George Coak, H Olld It.' $n mtUcti pa- y wniaaj is *e) B^aajOtrr fnt tajvaol a Miilw.aoj OM to for fta ratocatioa of a was rsorivsg froa Mr. aad Mn. Warrm . teRJwr^ In Matavoan proparty Rat ta Hatty U. Tto raHae] at a rwMw oara a>aHy, of WRMJI Mn> aflSIOMCMtaiAw.. Hosastal. Everettllaewft dvie Ano- "*" af I* avmJ %Mmm **» —*- eaja«B>AMA. MATAWAH-Tta Board of 1*V i >to fo r MI kl an paroats af a •*• wBmTJ sWIi tVejSrfwB tnamawffSf etettea tmtoM to • variaaeo ww awai Ttandsy aifkt afnodtot to Car Snaps »day to to sign a ccaatraet with Plate. Mr. Ut^ «D«RNT M. BRUMaY Mr. aad Mn. Harold btdt wiH to racoWadtor tJ w pra> realty office teas » Rictord T*H Hum in, Lyaua aid Ftote, Elliaton, oa Hatf-MUe Rd. at Lochner Gets ot MB) Ocean Aw.. Sea Brtekt, -ytoSwr^lemitoi Newman Pole in Half MARLBORO — Mrs. . tet, "Mr- fat Mrs. BknUlu » prtegsRd. »• w* wMwwagei««w« f «»WJeiWB ^— ' • ^m »Bk~*_ ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS-Cy- yosterdsIPS psfsaty tos si S asafanVf asfa Tto wriaace tea tax awadayte Church Honor Mmmosth llaoMcal ?* * *•*Mrs. •HP* mended by tto Zoatej Board of rUS. Solder. 7a. of Fords te ta aa-* Center. of a am. ton HoopHal. Nopteaaaaa,, after SAN FANCISCO - Tto Mb> wBmf BmmwsmmWl good coaditioa te noda Mr. aai Mrs.Jota Waassa- .. •BWJ^sTaTtwa m today with toad s Oaaia. Ctarch Tttatday cited Dr. Leato mwf* mami tomSMl mtakamaV V' Cor Runs Rod Bonk, who aald to will Uvo ^ ^^ ^^wB^mjew^^ nw| m^^w**m~ ^a ,^^* .•^emomj amawMmm.-^j% Ms csr ISnT BsOanr? was bora te P- Laehasr. a Basaa Vtete Aw.. •Mtmtotom tttoo tomo aa d aaa only oaa IWawsmoa Bmm -•-•* •——- *•* " aV ^Pai "r «Havoa , ntjfw»i • - an panatt af a Ma. tan f"* *— Maliij ait p ittoeroh- y into a utility now ton Tuesday ItTMxSBg ara«a S8O Was awl mm tm Ai^i^haMalf. tM^MmaA Sf a SSa* |hf| flM^sV m% •mi* per tMiiatiattonU mf •• ewwawRBmwWam) s'l^aBBwaH ip^. —ti-^ - m~* ™™"™™V ••" y tor of fta tete Brntea •»**T- wtai Pottos rtported ttat Mr. Sat- -•••oaat by Eat* PAIR KAVflf-A by csauasfclal aad (ov* of tor wSVOtSa SSfV j^ BieiMr. oM boy was tejani uses, Mr. Ptonoa said. who was Uavatteg wast oa tg |«^^hjMBa_U| mm watt tai ths Ijattsna asM a cst* ISMB asm Eost Highlands Ave.. apparent- ly loot control of no vehicle, tor hot- vteM te tto church. aai ran awr him. * ant iMottef, July first Job will rQU09 Cm. Wllltom Rebbtoi I, oa tto appUcatioa. mapping no- pote te two. Prmk IdiatlHid abbtaai u DaviDvid CCoaaor , Ttoo committeitt e ordered Sher- Tto pote to located at fta In- Mrs. Ctertei Has tt, af Imt, tersection of Grand Aw. aad Ktoasburg. an taw received word oat a daagf II DoPaoPaw A«a.Aa. MdMaamMdiMaam. HHtt wood Pomt Hornet toe., to ra- Mga fgAgi Saammi mtf*^ aW JaV^sW TL -. owj^ma m^kemah H* mmamswBmmti *^ mmm1 East Highlands Am Electrical •TMsT BM»wW V w**JbwBJPJa«f Btopj) te ttttoo aoa of Mr M . aadd Mrs M .R Robbmo- w a billboard aifa. wbJel tto- ' boniTwts- •ot_aj| PSWSI* WSS IMMCBMM SUt VBI* a - ^^ •**»« Bon m MIT SSa atokw of a achool am. art totes tto man maVmlBBm*ma*^mVlama* rnfls* -— -* 1 lt th t tl il l ' Yamk ttafemfsm ajelil tmufmnft mR fmmW ^^ft aflw one was fsscscaci vy Mrs7T* . ^"™*wF***'^wfFraak P.wwJoj/t araVe SBwl I HP DwalV Will awBPfJaV HI . If"** Tto hc/i mother test such time ai It to traated a k .. Jr. af _-_a - ammwaiWmt. amfifa wamt moMBBwwtmtanl rspaif cfsv/ lroni OM tfcrssy aad Mrs. Ctartes Caca at Wkhjta, Ram wriaace. throe ateten. Mn. Holm Lacho- Tto baby tea fLu, _| ____ _, AesHMaaMmaml t«mmawi> ** worapteytegtettocaiof Joseph Ktplan Newark attor- Central Power sad Adams Aw., Esteatowa, art ay ofSty V BWT a flvSlvBB npon» pony. to H Newark, Mra. Soabte Potea enta of a daufbter, bam Twasday to start at I a. n. ~ ** Park Aw., aad nay, wrote ttat tto firm Meads of FraatoM aai Mrs. Joaophteo tefta school, wffl to epm to seek a variance aad that ft Mr. SaMor wu taken tofts to a temporary structure that hospital by no local Pint AM aad Mrs. Raymond Laav ' Itoy wtra trtaWas at 4w tent would be removed after Later HWteai ot Ml Brldat Aw.. Red Ite aMrategbyRov.JotoJ.No- i an parents of a son. WEDUNSS af Jfww Cartor. bfcCartor Ava. Day. " of St Jota'o CanoHe j DivM was MM wi mvarvMti Tto committee tabled for fur- ta Monmouth Medical BTTOfdB-ttOI SANTOS to raplaea WUtem X. IfcQrtw, m aaa pooanw ther study a Planning Board tug-inwttigatloB. Mtas Maria da Coaaefcaa Bl- «to fasteaal test was*, wffl to ^vn^v mil ns gssttea thit a contract with Com- Mr. aad Mrs. DmsM nao. daughter of fta tete Mr. ^mJ^ ataj^^ * tM_s_t_f_i wBMkm mswmm msmmmmmaa akmmi mXtt Bfljralwre Man Injured wrmm oVeFJwT CVMBBWYM MoVe Oil munity Plaaoiog Assodatm to II Nortrth Bridge Aw., Rod •ad Mrs. Jow Btsoae af Bnitt. Be tali *» toari wffl act a* te to ••tended for one year at fl.TW. Repairing Earls Pier teak, an parentts off a , and OUubsr Morein dos Saa- a whate to aoaiag tt Tto eaasuHaat firm would work born yetterdsy in Rrwrvfow Ho» tes, am of Hlpkte dot Sottos af with tto Pbutaiag Board te keep- UOrMRrJO-Edawfld McMul- pJtel. • BratJI aad tto late Mrs, dm Than toa f WnD wTOw Tffl ing tto master plan, which will lea. M. of » Mount Aw.. A* Mr. aad Mn. Vteemt Meetoa 11 OM huitte MghUnds te in food COB- of » Mapiewood Dr., New lisa. by Magutrato Jota V. Crowttt at'-» warn Im to submitted shortly, updated, tt Sunday ssrrtessiKoqr tint Mt te "Mmta'a n Tto CoM, dHte to Rlverviow Haopital to- mouth, ara parents of a son, torn te Us offices st M Brood St, WM atawd. rtet win to ceMbtwtei at S a. M. Bad la^ , .' oVaVopa eff^^PoTe. S^MBIN^ . ofVavSj day aa a wndt of Td ta Rrwrvtew Hospital CtM tttef." h tto 4M yean Some committee members fett dt f hite y •*••» JMSama* \ . pga. * . . *-•-, * ^_ »_J^ JBjmSJt at tto family .service .ot of Us poauterRy. R earned abantt aa arrangement aboold Ugi , maul maTeia). iisnnii LSMOI Cello de 0. Saatos aai his VWUTB ws auva BS HSCB csn* mr, • ana ivin. wood third frado at a sataiy nryaawas made whereby tto wi Ammaalttaa Depot pi Aw.. Mattel, an daughter. Marls, af Now York •ervkw would to provided only Tuesday. to tor Ua psrsaiSOs Pootof t edtughttfr A , born I^MS- City aad Mr. aad Mrs. Fred when requested and on a feeHS aWflvMO 1WB lYaCQaVSO \ f Ftsetorak af Mfcktlotowa woro ,m [f. and Mrs. Harold Wilawtt ttaaflac bllb oa *a *aw aw- tabraa wtoa acobiefrom i of Adoteb Hitler durinu g yean tto wknetMs. A buffet sapper wood Setool, tactadiac a flat! Tto toard wm advertiM tor at I* BrooktJde Dr.. Beltort, an lapsad boom on a crane struck when te wu tto AP*AP*! !Chief ot tor the family and Mead* afta* t 4« fBflN tO FVMSflC bidi for palattof of trim tchoolon ti. l Moadsy at I p. at. « parents ota aoa, ton Tttoadsy NINIH BIRTHDAY him. Bureau to Btrite, as won u for couple toOowsd at tto Paaetonk VHaav^v^aa ^pft^^aan^^wvaj^ na^H A SCJpSfS wNUIOS Wul to told Mwrvtew Hospital. a v^aa ^pft^^an^^wvaj^ It wat afraid ttat tto Mtia Mr. McMuMen te employed by bomt oa O Stsptoarilte Blvd. final mfttmt t att «WU to Sb It otllco wad by awpariateadV Dsnlel Ralph, son of Mr. sad at t Jo p. m. te ttonU boat teller boot, "Berlin Mr. aai Mrs. Janes Black ot TaaMda dNtaam sad made trlaad-Backar Co., Aatarjr Park. ant Rumll A. 0. Matter will to Mrs. Elmer W. Ralph of Car- parish n. Diary." which osposoi ataay of .Hotel. KfU. Of ' natod tor WMI at US a month, penter St.; River Plata, wu nine Holy Ba. Ito workiags ot tto, dictator's parents of Ma sons, born Tuis- tor woihUog gowa of'egg stall repalrtag some of the pit- white silk. Her comgo «as w ptyoMBto cana to aa of USaflMoth. years oM June IS. Guests tt hiinsg at tto ptor at tto time ot ctertot wiU be eetebratod at T day te RhreAttw Hospital. birthday party were Paul Make- and II a. ta. Tto Sarvko tf Mr. aad Mrs. Donald Sapporo. chJdt, aai tor wll was attach- ' Alan DiScuillo, William Hen- Healing will toko ptaco at 7:M Real of Aady Rasas, af Norwalk, Cons., tra pareat* sd to a isad psarl crowa. Doug Rocbeile, Paul Masstthueettt factortei pro- aad lfcto a. m. 'Ain't Mtototavia*" of a daughter, Laurie Aaaa, ton The coupte will Hwlta Now .OMES FOR AMERICANS! Joseph Treacy, duce about oaMtath of all iboos rasagbits. Is Juno 1 ta Norwalk General Hos-York City. The to pital. Mrs. Sappera It the tor-• ticket asam v«m nor Judith Portaor. daughter of Airlines at Mr. aad Mrs. Morris Portaor of AuMwood La., Rmnson. £oew/« Mr. and Mn. Joseph Moore of II Shadow Late Dr.. Rlwr Pteu, ara parenti of twto daushten, " w Monday ta Pmn Hospital. Cft. aad Mrs. Oeort. E. Milter of Crawford St., Shrewsbury TowtsWp, an panati af a oao, ton Sunday in Psttsnoa Army Hospital. Fort Monmouth. Sgt. First Ctoss and Mn. Lct- [Uo W. Brooks of Holmdel Town- ship, sn parenti of a daughter, bora Saturday in Patterson Army Hospital. Fort Monmouth. Pint Lt and Mrs. Dennis H Gerard! of 114 Bayview Ave., Baiford, an parentt of a daugh- t •. bora Saturday in Patterson Army HospiUI, Fort Monmouth. Sgt. Pint Cists and Mrs. Clyde B. Ucai of 12 O'Neill Ave., Leonardo, are ptrent* of a daugh- ter, bora Friday In Patterson Action packed ehowii ** Army Hospital, Fort Monmouth. booked for IMWIMWI "3S" Driw-b) Mr. and Mrs. Edward Price of Theater this week. HeadinHd g 42 Telegraph Hill Rd., Hazlet, arelist is "Pork Chop Hill," current parent* of a ton, born Tuesday attraction, starring Gregory Peck 'f Maek nem te ftlf amwitsl towsfkes .IVIRYIODY WORKS — Arthur E. Hughei, at front of car above, is given an •'•slat by hit four-year-old ton,as in Riverview Hospital,, ami Harry Guardlno, with tto Mr. and Mrs. Howtrd Dlettter co-feature, "The Gunflght at M TBMMM $U$tto catch Uu maximum hrttMi, Thtmen of MfddletoWi Weitminiter Presbyterian Church 'warm up' for eer-weih project they will itage Saturday. 4*Hg* efftrt mt AtaVsom, Ikikg room, tmd Mehtn m tht of 193 Rlverbrook Ave., Llncroft. Todge City." "Shake Hands With mam mitt, trtth m tertmmtponh mdgorag* mt mt tUt. It The man will waih can all day at the Bair-Silleipie Euo station, New Monmouth, and all proceeds will 90 to are ptrent* of a daughter, born The Devil," which stirs James m MAiOk, k> ArMlttl Jm Btktr, H$m tort Richty, WU. the church. Station management will furnith facilities and materials, Alto In photo, left to right, are Henry M. Monday in Riverview Hospital. Cagney, opens Sunday and "Man Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lowther In the Net," with Alan Ladd la tfmmjttt mm */ssam hm* it tn *§m»St»t. Harris, Rev. H«rlan C, Durfee, Russell Hinkcl, John Webb and Milton Brown. of 401 Harrison Ave.. Union the lead. Kosene h Selected; y WBaT wm IWa^'Hw.. SnbdlvWoa Launches Campaign - .... , I Kmsstr y ' party (or EATONTOWN - Prelisniasry Bora in Jersey City, she hadclaaMMtes eatefteg Hie eight* LOCUST llaaabirs ef ate «e«v ieg Group ef the Red atajer tvbdrvtaiaa approval was[lived here 1) ycers. year ia M. J Sckool, Red aaak, Friday at her home. Those •** Ch"ch •«'« • cajtaaj Mata> ««gMiMDMMt BMMMOS. yesterday to OU Deal Surviving are her m preaeat were Carol and Clare meeting last weak at gas MK aaa Mara ei tweaars oi aom I Francis Krueeer; two hotne of Mr Charles R. McKnMt M Keens-CaanaaChainna,. Gail PantickPannick., Katherine »- Henry I. Patotar b» burg, and John M-Kiie>t of nitKing. William Borden, John Hen "(ace; two daughters, Mrs. Jo»setsy, Jaaset Taompeoa, Dick Saylai and Mm. Jeen Yafcow. Bryan Walker aad Joha monthly in ths chunk la SBMB Simpson, both of KeaMhurg; II LeBaasa quilts, dresses, baby clothes Mi *randchildren and a great-grtnd- A group front Skorecrast joiaed other items tor charitable apta- ehiid. is a picnic and barbecue1' ies and nuwiooary ceaun. Mn. George V. Scbaadt. chair- COMMty The funeral will be held totaor- day at Bodnua park. Those pree- Oraue. at ! p. m. in the Ryaa Fu- wcre Mr. aad Mrs. Jsks aftaafl f^aid BtteBBBCiTS ^AMSBMBBMB^ att SixStl« O. i|ieral Hone, Keansbur)!, with Campbell aad cbfldrea, Judy, outlu for the NeigMwrlitod Cea- ctork. aaM tfw tonwt B eadi CM- John P. Euler of the BtvLyan, Jackie and Moire; Mr. aadter at Utica. N. Y. They Shore Community Church, offi- afOnB) BSjBlHgT children's clothing, vafued tiatiac. Burial will be in Fair- lofca, EUea, Christie*, more than SUM, for tke Bed I view Cemetery. Cant Aaa. Karen and Breach, Needlework Guild of Mr. aad Mn, Stanley Scott aad America. They also completed M fcter, Judy; Mr. aad Mn. i's dresses for pau'eatt at KEANRBVRO - Carmine T. Jaaapfc X. Bice M Marlboro State Hospital. Arttdat atoe wen teat to lUrecee, Tl. died Tiieaday la Maf*er aad Jebaay; Mr^ MV. f^b^MMM|A MMMt MM Uk « Willie PI. tl, tt tke ladtaa in Italy, he wat the taa HaHBwen 0MM OMwO^BwaWWii JHV* af0aiehama,MawNav. | of me late Antonio aad Phils- ri* AM aad Josa; Mr. and Mrs. i Urette. He had lived bero Rev- to.. Jackie. aa*Mla^vBlr> •BMgtM4J IWtWBWVMBMVI iilBliyW to, m |Braaklya. Manray Mi Jtauay aad Mrs. He was employed bv (^l Plttpatrick; Mr T. DDeviit ead ie Kerea, aad te tke Aceeetoriet, Inc., af 1 He wat a member ef «e ItatsMJ tad Kevin, and tke Seotts UM.MNUhftt.aHl Mr. aad Mn. Domocretk Ctuti sf Mn. St. Ann's Catholic Jackie, Barbara aai Pat-be nasmed Oft«. i MaatMtatt 1M MUMJ ted/a twt tob era hit wife, 11 Ms-Wardaa,Mf«.,tMffMf«.,tM . Mrs. totoNtotta Onajs. Mr. sad Mn, Barks Oretss; satiated by Mn. Ctma. Mrs. MJM.L wtl live to Hsvaaa, Cake. Mr. Maghters, Mrs. riereace g, Mn. Alfred Reg- twRj PtvapBar '^evajBR^nW ^V^^^p^ ^RBB^BP |CMa|My, Mi DMk af PMT |g< taM af MaskogeaMk , Mich, Mn. ItMMK 4MMW M t^MM^BMMk M* MMft MV^bt MfS.WUwmMoraa.gave! ess Rsffa af West Plato OtaatCe. ether Jasajk Ctoffl. Tame River, Aaa HtrpeotliM tor lam. Mkaari Levott, It kMgkt a tract m «to sea View IJaw VI*aW faiHBMMMMi Mail t toCtotICtoMt plMB tobaU d a haws wttkk (kat tke aat be wPJke Set Meeting M Mtoar awtaMtaf pett M tt» to . iMtractta to nady to start at la. at. to . MMMM> OJOJS BOSOJS •**• St Ana's Catkolic Caurck k* Mn. BaBf IS FMM To Assist t. eMbjtoitl Mr. MMrsi r WlBtani Mas! Or. Nar-I tal will ketaSt Jeaajefa Cento> W ataaa ffeafatai ah* MB* 1 i a Caps Cad atyto toM D. Tbettord andLas J. BBtola atoMlM ot to JLuait Namber M M Mt AuaaDc npjMair« MM. ton Mt to MH MMwt Ml grit aria Fire Co., aad • "LflYaekt Crab Saturday wan Mr. Becker taM, toa, tks bar-the Saady Hook Bay Past of £1*tks4 Mn. Frank Tyrrell. A| Of Families ougk bas alto bees Farm; Mr. aai Mrs. Joha M I ^ MfVmOOj OffO MO Mil MffS. Zonini A letter was received from tke|Aaaa C. Muralty, Kendtla, tt| Mr. aai Mrs. Carl NW Leans B. icr Acre Pott Office Department gard, Bronx; andJdr . aad Mn. 'aV»M—S Mtm^iAM a-M— toaW Sa^taV>f*aaMaMJm aBhaalotr t%\ a'Exception' FREEHOLD-ATM adjoara- the roar tta of Hlgalaads. Ttadosat B. Qooifo X • Davts* eMOfojciojstt ajH to ba *» Post Of- KMdato of Kaaasburg, sad Than- their guests. Mr. and Mrs. Eve-f It kas kMa MM her* met was- formed to atatat tks YMtfc As- a cor- flee ta tM borough ball _. es A. Kaadsta of Sooth Orange; rett BagneD, Brow. __^— ^_ —_a_^^_^ 'MM wMaak falMMkaaaaaL. Denied . ^^ whkh [CtuacU said tt will be repaired. B daughter, Mn. William leak- Mitt Sandra MaeNeil, daughter MUM a. m coaji so SSBTSTO OO Mays* MM •§ ao* wMM njstTCt See MStbsr of faav BM of Leonardo; a stater, Mrs. ef Mr. and Mn. Neil MseNsU•03*. tm MC tM driver laafai tnav carved a letter frata Leo Mapjer. Utas per acre ta raatdeattal aroas Victoria Schubert of Bayttdt, H Ill Stttoair PI. who was m tovatt AM.. Girls Donate Y., and six grandckildraa. BVBMBMB% Baaaft >aaV^a> MWm^J^^mmtMm » _^_ mmmmmmAWmtm\ to taw. ^aa»we»aaBF IBM •BBJL SjmBHH Sx tpSSSa aaWBBBP' a aWjojtS • COTOSMWHOJS HI >poas TbsPtoMtag The fuaeral will ba baM Friday High School Friday, was aMrsi |>M • • ... Btttoka To Synagogue at I a. m. ta St Agaes Catfcollc at e family party. Hers tor*»*• iSktaTatawa In runniiji a* ttaOfs. Tso MOttOf mo celebration waa Mrs. MacNars SorOheaa- ofOeaMTownaatota Church, Atlaatic Wshlaads. Rev over to tks straal RUMSON - Pamela Shapiro. •^ra^B^FBBjBwatSj SHSBMBSSSB' WSBBS) vaMBB^h^BBtaap* i Mn. Arthur Jasas, af M#. Dsatot's ieaytag tke tooony Mobil Od Iks pressat aaatag coda per- retiring president oftaeBaells-latwUlhelaMt Olivet I daughter, Cathy. BrooUya. ktMBOM HHI ht r« GMVSW* WMtsiUnj. •• ABB BBBJBMBMBV. v MMBaits) HM WMmwsassy 0a4s I IS TaiUIUOfamlttsSs BSperf net Girls of Coagregatioa Baal tery. A, M. Potten and Mr* aad Mrs* JooopR Xa bWlMi^ BaVMaiw ' »•- u|J ^-. Plan Wing ptacai * A ' ^MWUUW •AKgu^.a *PMBivaWBBMBiMj aerst^^**^ eBav SS^BBHHSPS«S( vS^B^BSBSSBSe Israel, Monday gavs William 1. snd fsmlly, tt Wslmrt A«s., ara B^t^PTa^BSSSV SHSBS^M L ^aW^SBB^BMvl^a* MBaBaUM BVaaAaalaa>Am *^*s aaBi*& *B*^aaa *&aa*tt md twrk to) fcMtafbt oeBsMBaVaU * *•—* I/TILMB- MBUMIM aTVasfJC BMSWlBB| SSl flSf Hw OCW* Ktattky, congregation pnsidtat, the week-end visited Mr. 1, by • hwrMgh wtraxlor Mrs. Frank Dori, Catoata. MM. Mr. IUIWU1 1 lUBOaj WBIWPJ Wmmm fmwM i»- fc-a^i »MlB. M a check for SIB) to laircbase V/omatl Out Dedicatim •i to iMMia to bja nrfe I aaa IMRA *S BBBa«tMaB* MIIISBBI BBt*. OBBBW WBII BO MM aiwy o> praytr books lor ths fyMtoguo. Dori Is a former etaMaab SfMlV IPJI im SSPMaBJPT IMWMB) ' BMBr* *. #»M MaaaaaalAl Ms^aaMamM sB*t i a UJ^ IfVJBA fM 4MBMMMBBJM MMBI fSk* ^^ M0O0J BWIIwOj| UaO MSMOSIV OfO ewvootb aaM Mr. Rice. MftU thai MMkA vvrSJlBe aT aaijtr , o^Bjni ajp^awjgaBpeBgB^a/ S^^^W sat^ ^MBBBa^MBHlfl aajlaaaiBi anBaaa^BflsBaaMfs1 s)Sft*ai sl*!aa*^aaat elrftth gra* ttudeats. Mn. Mil-Of Hospital ftau&gaVufJ a^pk "MMJ*MBB^Ia1bBi" fc* SSMS ^^^*>ejU SHBB> IVMSJVV^PH MSI |Sa]HaM David Adolfsoa.aMef Mr. ' sain tw mi •Mto ton Xosane aad Mi« Miriam Ab- RUMSON - Mrs. Btmfca Iffl- Mn. Norman AdoHaoa, I a ntayarafty ... ._ care of. __^_ ^^ ^^^U^^. -_ __A |^ BBBBBBW* JMBB*> aOSBBSS Bwc MO asOCwO'^S 0 SSVMo ngwvttg are their sdvtosrs. Mrs. Vj M t^*akn**A *k **—«—— ahaila. ,u> IBBBMMBBIMI MVWM» WO pOjCftOjOJS OOBfOS OjfljO of n Sscoad St., was tr La., celebrated Ms Mlk Mrtfc- •taw toM m kits atatad hs dot- It WHS fSpOfwSS wBt VRHMM !•, Avsa., wMkta » KOSMS said Mn. Paul Cobea tosOUVCIt oBf MMaVMaO aatoosj IMMJ0a stottaa) M iwXWsa. B --- • -*.-•-- M the day last week with a faatflFpaf hKery waali Bke the Job. ceat repair work* M. J. ftovota, _^.a t*^aS*aMMiit AMIM MBBAIM 9M *•"* CMMi Miss Abrwaovits witt be •lake mS tu II I THI kla Mr. Mtaaaa aaM last idgkt If a MBO* a POBSWSSMuck ITK , tfBtvMwINI, sIk WHSPSe baarJ ia oWf | l Merli^M^-..^—.n yanra asnson. ••BPI* ^» V* I IUWIIK WVIv BBS o^BftrV anatc^hh^kAB*Jb^B^Sua ia^sm naats£g^h*«A^^*^^fal ^h*ID& ^ Klli aai a Mr. Kostae, chaJnua of IkeJans M was reported test atabt graaiparents, Mr. and Mn. Da* VBMM*M B4 IMB MMMI OjOOUWIOal WMJ MMMjOJata SSOBV IN AOMIOII, BlOOnillOldg OJOjtf MS mi MNBMTJB T too - * ** I'S You* Council, ia- ioal Goator aftor tfooJaMK* ojatofeial (fMdtiiothef, Mfs* VM*! aatn JM. I, Mksvs H nsMvsd* rlandSuit Jasa __. ,.. arePrMkP. SWto *MVaMBMast MB wMfa BBSMBBSB Hak*^ •• Mttt^m^tu ~~ '' ~ ' ' Mr. CMMIMMIM kTosatod. 0aApnSl.la1i.tte ,, Most os fho 0( PREBHOLD- Aaty Cofcaa, vice ptasMaat; anOMM BV MV mmmm Mmm n9f9t JSfSSJr Us MM fcswmrtil i taws ta NtptoM proaWt a toll <>>ter KSIM Witl d( * toto I aMBaNMSt psik. tke owa- ' -- ' ' *** ****[ bedy to iM MMtl MM Mtii JM. 1. of Storytaad VUSM wars DataMfltar, mmrr^mat. ^—jiweweaa tt—iaamns W*w» MIS* JMMTO/ Maial OM lOOJOflOW 000 V/iB OMVIJ for utility rate Mcrt*k|y' •** Renabaw. reported the rocatver brate her birthday with her paw Blratf smEfax Wkat* aa or Mr. RMttoj IM Tks „ .,.__. raledIMdaya>Mm* ' ' as* s^sv BJS^RT VOTSMM) OB '^h^ktaAav*sjegt eBaAteV alaB^Bi ' ^haa^aeaaBSBaV A^iB^a*vM— Ry . tor «N NKrt |ob? tmk argaod SMt a fas sto- of tks UUaua tttapboae waa effteats st tks tame of Mr. anda •a Bed IM*: Aa Dougtas C. Wright M the bor- «MJITKS WHI MS MWIMBX OpOnr [ths hook ead •li:M» (TM. t*,FM> . TuSf) IN vWVTB WIH Mff ID »a etody. W. Y. Mr. aad Mn. flre or at^Btoajaa kaaanL aaidtad VOfS nnf BnTMOJOHeOJ UMMB iBSlf OOOJfl Entertain tkey eject a ooMcflmaa to tM Mt MMRl»MtjM|M» OSOJOBJOJOj VIHBt JOOI. OJO yj BBoW SkTwaV ^ iBB^BJBJSHkB^bT aTaB^B^Bl S^BBJ to Oaorge Haven Darsr. HI, sab wffl to OM CM> af Mb. Dash*, MnasMstk Coanty Jadga EMajRecord Stars |s| Mr. aai Mn. OMTM Havan, R« StousuR a^asroad Baads Jew*] tag. UTTLB SILVER - Mr. sndl Mn, UUUUnuat . who, jn JohnoM Tor. was tevea yean Union Beach aka ctotasd that ao traflte hat- stars, lac., Asbury Park, a cor livavas alone, ;IMMMM SISJBW/ SHliw .-IMMK* Mrs. Arnold Adams. Sr., 327 Wll. #JBBBBI BBBan aiMUMl BBBB^IMBBBI BBSS' aBm1''''" •ra WOVftl DO pomttoa iwbgrtheRadlkerBrotk' ta aaM to be •writer aid Tuesday of last weak. GaastaI Wt*aB^BaB) wws^as' ^eaavBa* * ^ssaHSawjt^OTP. vsj. aWAWjavi. | Mr. Mtatoa'a km* Dr., during the past week for Fort BaTM^fcM^M*aBMonmouth'r s^ ^kWBkBl^h^ l.i*.'at . Wt part* y wer- e"- Cath' y Tits ib t Hs sc-Vajbjl f M^BBJBBI eWSBj^B*p*)B^V RBa "aVasasweS^Svt '"" • me"" -"" •an im. Pump May Be liOal SB) uMtt BH tnttf . DastotOiiB. Statloa, Tke bntken etatatod tkb was women promlaaat tath e ber last •'\Mm •LsaBMa) BBBlaf ' MaBMBiBlBflV would be the s ra- Patrida Ana aad Adrieaae Nto- Sidney Jk Mr* sTIMM MM JVBJSBBJISBT/ tetovisloa aad recordlarecor g «es, Ltat Yanachuk. Janice Kel- MttMmtea _ Repaired today tksir en Jaaicnen, ta r. was aot to as bast Merest of Change. Date, ler, Desna Durar, Edwin Barker. car, beinbi g ddrives by Satosy tM DeBJOCTBtlC EMCWtlVO UNION BEACH-OMclsIs re- '. aad dM not tit Judge Stawtt said tks bar- Their guests included DOOM [Fred Hall, Wayne Price, Ddaf -ljr- aUofS4E.- Darlens who sings with the Graad Ua Yaraechuk, Stephen Waiksr. a)Va*ai S^lSa ported this tato tka ovsrall ptoaa tor the da- ougk's Ola Oprey aad the Jim Reeves Asks Board Scott Richard and Brandon Dttr- UNION BEACH - Ths Board nor tafuries aai iwieased at morrow oa oae of tke Shows; Lea -Moore of the Wheel- Mr. Rotor said mo OOP Ex- of property tath e ourn Medical CMtar. . . The Job Judge KnigMttpkekf tka proyls- ing West Vs., Jamboree show . 'jack and! Bitty Dibble, twin Mr. Janlckea aad the driver ^ wutrw ConmlttM wtn ttntcon - radio stattaa WWVA. whose let edTeeesejr. , km of tke township a DOTS wm of the other car, Mitt «m Itself with pldriag adt M set recordtag is "Tke Cat *B Ma) ^SSBM afltSaffe BMBi 1 pMkJbits a gas ate* ta Cbancery Court tost year SS""* i^l» JehasM Ter., "whTwen ateTossfcead, Wat Tree Trailer itto tor mayor. Tnm H Back;" Billy Craves, who v!n?» change a regjonal high "schoo* l'yeay n M Sundayndy,, habad na party fS DOaftf lYaplOMfL WfeuO tttS 1.SM feet at saodwr atatast a ptaa by tka Bediker ttudy nottiag Kheduled torJur y Park, were tewed careless driv- vPB^TW OJBOOJE 4% ttOSOlflBO bntktrs tobda g to s circus aad with the Country Lads on tke Jiavj Saturday. Guests won Kerry sat) ing-summonses. taboo*doe*, tkebomtigh It o> succh statloBstatloB. nue Dean show, and the Louvia - - * - SMMMK BYBMMBMM>- AM A. VtaMBt PMd aai fMney F. " " totkssRa. Lisa Harper, Douglas Ysratehuk. , votsra 11 Bntktrs ef Nashville, Ten., Paul J, Evans, principal of nai Mnosie JM Ovois npnossrao. mo Bocoy The eWt heU tkat Vincent Spadora aad Pat a«d Bri- MaWB wv whose latest recording it "While schools, said, two first grade andan Dibble. jFlags Presented mtt€ mi atpantittad VM'n Chesting One Me." Oth-two second grade teachers still iSi! VAMOJ OBOW are needed. were Mn. In Louvia St. Sekedoles Mi JMMS I* Nash- Tho regional conference be- |To Health Centet tweea Union Beach, Keyport, and tw* OMMMtS vto 'Mto 'M (3a)aaee NEW SHREWSBURY — Mral' Urns to ©a OOP ptttasry. Tw FwghsH Kaaasburg fells on a regular ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS-St. Henry S. Cermoad. Jd. * They will be I meeting algkt af tks local board. Name the far 1100,000 AH of tks board members waat Agues Catholic Church will hold Silver, and Mrs. Nelaoa D«noent,JoM.;to Jr., New Shrews •-ApUl MATAVAN - Mr. aad attend the regleaalmeetlag. religion classes la the school! torsi «M ract by VMM of M from Monday t*> July J4. Classes, esses at a meettai of the _ MJMWjfl BBSs MBB%BB1*MM1 Broken, Tka baari iw aat spaciijr wkat C. Rodman Hetltk Ceater VWOVJ aw mvn it t tk tta wtU be held from S:M a. m. until iliary this week in the Ceater. Smith Says Three teacksn wen hired for The classes will cover religious 'Board Holds Instruction, Bible instruction, li Mrs. James Dtwber. 'Nsfr' the MeMI school year. Tkey are Shrewsbury, aa auxiliary -^ MIttTtBttHWllH Miss EUaiketb Hake, t3.«M: Mist turgy. tinging and manual arts ber, has been elected to tal Bus Jane Bowie, SMSt, and Douglas Instructors for the school arc Cavaai Rev. Michael J. Lease, pastor board of trustees of the Mai* JtTtoi •* totoawm tow m • Rev, Joseph Holup. St. Mary'; mouth County Orgaaizatloa tor Mri CMMUM, tat • ctom MO," Seminary. Baltimore, Md; SisSocia- l Service, which supsrvitM MaaM. Find Man Not Guilty ters M. Lorraine, M. Rosari< the center. Drunk Driving and M. St. John's School;. Th«L«w«» family of Shrews- ment here, Mr. Koeene su. The board Columbus, Ohio; Si.ter M. Cuth-J™/*", h.ave K«v«a the center s "chscks sad bataCM srs obtain- Fair Haves at OTaasbora state CoUsge James Clark, M. of Asbury ln m nt r COUNTY BIRTHS Park, yesterday waa found not bert, Holy Rosary School, Buf. '}** . «! ' y «' the late Mrf. ed by having repnamtatlvii of aWaW ateMl iaBBMi BtaBMBBBbS • • *m leave Soaday to be a Agnes Barker/who eerved at a Mare MB* Mn* BlSJSJMSJ MB • guilty of drunk driving. •alo, N. Y.; and Sister M. toft political parties In offlet." to Xftf wU9$ bjMM MES ID group leader at the Wilmington Michaeline, St. Ann's School, public health nurse in the New pan Mr RMBH MMI pjina SBisMtt area Olrl Scout Camp at Grove Red Bank Magistrate John V. Shrewsbury area many years. PMQ Crowell said there wit a "reas- JuMalo, N. Y. figures foJeMOi two woke virtually all tai ban yattorday to Point, Md. The center aliu hat received a MbMritr Chaek onable doubt" in his mind al- fllK from Ernest "When you have a minority •mil Dotroi win want • , aaes evoo tkougk policies may Medical Center. STEAK ROAST l Hiltbrunner of «rable M*toM ader tbii ota, be Mgottated directly with Insur NEW TEACHERf though Dr. Alfred A. Podeil, Red checking on the majority and the Mr. aad Mrs, Aastoly dubs Bank, testified he examined Mr "RUMSON - A'steak roast will)?'* Shrewsbury. Mrs. Lttlie D. majority keeping the minority In Bidden last night were Gen. tnce companies. 2M Hancs Rd., Fair Haven, ar KEYPORT - the Board of yt held Saturday in the grovt aa-iSeeley E«ontown, is chairman Of eral GMC Salsa, Inc., Bradley Mr. Smith said the Monmottfh Clark and found him unfit ti c mi 11m you have good government parents of a ton, bora yasterda: Education Tuesday night hired drive, and Lt. Philip A. Jlannln oining Rumson Prmbyterianl" 9 "IM«« K» erect a flsf for each party li then continuous- Beach. $U,M3; Mount-Engliih, Couaiy Board of PrehoMen in Monmouth Medical Center. three new teachers, Richard Bef :hurch Fellowship Hall from i to!p0''? 0B ,t,he Ufods Red Bank, SIMM, tad Maurice thsuM nwfcs public ths names of said a drunkometer on Mr. Clark Mrs. ly checking on the ether and try- Mr. and Mn. Harold Mark: ley, at W,W0; Mrt. Janice Claw, test showed .24S per cent. J p. m. It will be sponsored by Harrison Hubbsrd, Red . Ing to prove to the people that It Schwarts * Una, Red Bank, |1S, Its Insurance broken and outline of 34 Washington Ave., Keens son. M.tOO, and Joseph A. Chris- he local chapter, National Coun- Bank, chairman, outlined plans MO. OMC Salsa submitted the the work they perform, tapt. Frank J. Mana arreatec for a booth the auxiliary, will li the party to represent the peo- burg, are parents of a son, bor llano, 14,600. There still Is oneMr. Clark May 23 about 12:3f cil of United Presbyterian Men. low bid of $15,222 for three buaea He said the Legislature should vacancy in the teaching staff, the ' ple." yesterday in 'Rlvervlew Hoa a. m. Mr. Clark was repreientei Tickets are being sold at the At the same time, Mr. Kosene •0 the Regional board Tuesday ict et its special meeting July piul, John O. Hartzler, superlntcndvnlj :hurch office, In case of rain, 10, ! night. V and, should make Its action •eported. by Benjamin' Leptz, Bridle: •aid: Mr. and Mrs, Jame*. St»^oli Roach. he roast will he held June 28. "In the abtence of balanced Both boards will meet next ipply to counties, municipalities of Tilton Rd,, Middletnwn, « About 29 mil linn Inns ol government you get what we hivr Tuesday night to award eon md all other public authority, parents of s daughter, born yes Egypt Is about as large as The United States is the world' Htiylng ttr IflMn IWKVI look are caught In the world eack had m Fair Haven lor over 25 tract* for the buaei, at wall as Hi* state taraay la BJvarvlew Meepttal, rasas ae4 Mew Meat** MaaMaa yew tor /' _ Service* for Churches in Red Bank and Surrounding Communities

towed by tk« final reteenat ei the choir lor (he NUB. y. at tte *» It • Oiaacel Oioir win* rehearse to- will "Tte dwrch aad Heme Hatted Charch gpsrial ChHame's Day i at eight at • •>dack. held with tte aaahi Chrtotiea Edacattoe"will te JiB •* jW^eawXarJlRal aTJarJaan be ch- will mrvfce at M a. a. ia lieu ef tte I MMaW ••* MVViCatf SMmMy> Thejr tea te a. a. by tto charch o'clock te receive new nap cervices at 1:11 aad II it *» A. M, ths Saab H at da II a. asYeMth Chair will sag. Mn. Cara Saaday eervice. His sabjsct wiM Certes> to v. Hervey C. IMUM, dr., brrs. m. Rev. Dr. Sargent Rush, schasl wiU teat to me asarwji Lean I. Smut and Far- A steak roast, spaaaeri MCiate matoter, witt preach tor a total servat which witi, ia- wwkwkmm, R«d Baak; tte lei Weekly prayer ir. w« deliver the sermon, Wsasrsaiys et • p. as. im Tm- m Yea Ctaage Christ's the Rumton Chaptrr, NCUPM tte dame, "Christian Pray chide s survey ef tto i Matthew, Amy Gasrl, Church actoei Baeets at *:«1. wiU be held Saturdayy, to tbj ir." Dr. Carl F. Meettcr, mtatotei meauef tte acheat tte Craig Harvey, futaasa luet, AaV ma Teat StartmgIalyl.aHS« lers chorus ithaanas at I p. m. ems Water." He will te ef tte Lord toi by Rev. Edward J. Ceo-(rove from I to T a. auaic. wU preside at tht orpest year. Tte program wig m- Girtrdto, PomoSa G (!:»): "Tte icMuatiltolwwitahsUattle giwdey, July I. nan wsl te case of rein H SI bs hrU caeoott. Hto orgaa aoditatiea rhi^ ^MM bar Ita WHMtr dee- Vaa Stotaa, I Charch will not ni caft of "egfcpi i PrehJde," aad bis pa ehre each A bu* trip wiB bs held TUB* offt a» pnsialil te "Cathedral Strains. David Alieesdir. Ji to to read fei . I p. m.. tto Juator Ustar mi- day. bylte eenhje by late H. Aaociatise. Tte trip wil hi •r MS Chair wM aia I asaith wtm Key a al ia Craabury Pvesby- Beard wUI Mbmrate jg HO aa. blear of amiec. It will acade 1 its of aarest M ana, "Uet to tte Lark. with "The " aW' mmVmffV fAaalBaT Ctercb. ggg^PMaMfy WMI tt VBWMQF MMjMarJ * VgfVsJoo Thee," "Aria far atammmm* I a>anaawaaaia I •TheTrne ar A aVSMaafl •wReaTaV M Tte tee walla • MeVemvn e>* eTMyofJemTaff \ Kvam, to to I I«. Uan, edeed - a at a ma laftrSv atlp-BJ^ I MJb/ i AVB* aa| River Rt. • m satoat, aai "Onward. Ye JadNh KMtor a. a. jess.- Tte ashen wig te ia MtyUel Ctobs IP *+*> ayer greup ww nest Tt large of Waam I. Trees, as- eaeuw sal am> a^kaamiwaaBmi «Mh IMM amices, at H am dstodbyWerdD.* _ Muek tor this eervic* wUI m- (vii; tt-U). gaJfy^Wfll BBg? VejejBFjBlBTJBnB3 Vgawj ewaaaaaw "The Trumpet aS D. Batoey, 3d. aad H. Can- to Ms Mtor MaCaft, Van Hea. as tea. - H a aaaaas, law Pack, Ma- M the "Mcatteh" by at Spser. Unto O. Ford aat mm, aad tte ewttude "Post- riaaa Btaks aad Kama R. Mesre, te flat verse fram! Harry O., jdettger will bide to G." Tte cteir. under tteFair Haven; Daaaa summy at 7 p. m. tott o i sartr eervice ths organ P. Haward lay* Is ___.. dlncttoa ef IM. Thomas Brere- I Dantot OeLangt of- their adviser. Harv tfarkf - ilj "A*y»,''from A ChJUm'f Day eetvico vf Dariag tte « aa. wiU stag tte anthem "Great • b>;i sM James wift te "Utmg Sea ef GaT toB W i vy Meadeto-be beat _ *« anery care fsr to Hto Love." tto film. topic of Rev. ~ * hwa will| ta provided la feet- Ushers wift hwtoda Ebner Me.' ra super- Ralph, Clark Qaaeaa. RVBMH Me- A BBMHMMLM TM) of Mn. rtD. Babn, year aa mo Isarasd. Chair wiU stag Hla tte Qatot During Tte Grace af Oaaaa.r " and tte Ada* Chair wl Robert Mrs. J. V. «s PIRJ evevsRa^Bmew fJaiaaB^BRJBJ VBTBTSB *aji 1 At 1:11 a. m., na Teajar MM visa me; chlldrea to gated at t:U p. a. Prlda* amrcu aeteol will eaavaae at Aw. ""Scakamaw B Itocte wtf ta noted at I p. •>, a. hi OK separate d b eft ciaaea. Goad wUfcT INR itattei wader men to "Paiat Day" at tte Fwam^pf^RH wrW WB^BBBBJBBBBJ aaa wte pan to help of Mr. aai Mm. Lymaa 9NM§ tht worrit*? MTVICM* Parks, II ChssbHt Dr. may low (hair Tta Yea* asked to "brag their »" at S:M a. a. Tte plan ttart it 9:11. TM» Iwllll I witt attend aai wtt> la adult un a tehbydaatoy to ttoehurd Ia •••aaW* AlaalanfAkai** dbawam rift Met to toftato k tta cterch eatertor II Dm ABBHJWOM IMM1 kaB^B ^^aandka^sflaA wataa^ai a'BBeft 'tgg^k*^Lp«Mh toator class aaa, led by Dr. ajirch, tram where thi ben I:1-U:H. chatter, will meet at am to attend • aieafc at ttoaww." Tto prsphillr 1 a. m. Sealer dam raw, af Mtoe Ran Weraer. M Rev. Mr. Rettonberg aad awill te ctaatad by Jaoeeh Ruscto, wil aoot at ••*••( BaHwrnWanvmH Bemtar of tte c jaeistory win at- utm af Dr. ass) I . Sceut Tnep n wtt toad a meettog of ctoasis at ttetog Wallece af Monday at Till p. m. to nghtoad Park Retermed Cterch to, TtoEiM^Pramraadamdy Tta ChrtoMaa gadsavor will tfca grow. Thto wa ba•U- M^Htt Mill M^^ M A^A ^aaj i^ai wwi mesi m am emmm a picaic at tta andey at • a. «. Mr. and Mrs. Rktard Meat cartencate ay meato at II a. at. The iarnr Cafrna Oak to ot I:M P. M. Suaday, Ray Seger, ereeidMK af tta'eaa- held t V a ' •* alwaaUamendl The look: of* a Tta dean aftto church wil_l ta.. sregatioagregatioa. aai . gM by hfn. AVafo MMI MMM fMal iH NaWMT* StlftiaU liu- Edith Hecbt, New am.W.1. day, Jaly 1. a Joint SwKtoy Tto church BMo costly import scteel and church worship serv. RabMloaiN, ich maay aft M atkll at fell A. lea wift te held to me sanctuary a. m.. wMb dame* far aftl ages. Ctaes aad •MSB) mtt IvW . at Faith- wift . at fill A. M. TteJan- coagregaats. 1 "•*. W^^BB •« BWJBnwvw wai at IA-M. to tta lt« A.M. aai 11 AJL M ghea by Rev , t wM meet to tte sanctuary A kJddash wM te aernd by spsakaaMAadYaAn A. Burkhardt at tta 11a, torme first half of tte service, tte Waftaca family to tto eya> •tTbawTbagrattt aadTaaaAvee. wift than adtoto to White yet fttr less a. wanbip sarvice. Mrs. Marl- gogae vestry efter tte at*«o.a. Tta gather at ts« ^^^ ^^im^tt arama^IB^H^i aa••aa• CWcaw•?cawW ?" for eervice and messageservices, . "Great to Ite Lord" by Kayda. da> fin nursery class will meet ta Al dboctor, wiH praiaatt aa prehjde,, h,..,d . Th,The e Mmchs wiU te (MM et S:U atMaaMO- tea pnp. •iM P.M. Iwtoi It BTP 2Jennr ttajCroes." by NeatMate:; the^^PWeaRjVp eajpv ej^ In'wi-Hwaavwa pri- p. m.. Maariv at da in price J Acbft- BaaaW •til P.M. ftaaw M BtF •tertsnr. "Tta Lower Ugbts," maty case win ta held mBeak-of tte Sabtatb at t:W. dna'a wiadaa^l aawmiawV wtalll *•- av^.e.a »-.•— taan. aad pestlade, "Par All Services are tatd aightly at pravMai tar tte chlldroa'sacb IHMH •wMQI WlU^M MM JWtf tto Setats.»laae. The choir an- The Dally Vacation Bible T::». • • • 1*31 Aa eveaiag of fattowaMp. them wift to "I Witt Lift will meet (ram »:Je to .At 7:41 p. a., tte kick dMsnwjaaw g-lU LaftVa-B aad pot. U:»A.M. tram Aug. M to .31. WMfiT WUI MMfWe Mte Ey«." T*e North leney ST. GEOKGE'S BW.1M-UVER apeak aa "Tte New Ttar eaVaMaVdJCaWM MMVan- Atoeriattoa, of which ChUdren tour yean and older God." Tte mag peonle wU km ERfM aVamW B1B*JRMR1 aamVlaRdM fj|| to an honorary mem attead. Atteedaace Is not charge of the music. Vadaaadty at 1« . tod to the cMMrea franrthe g he music. Ibto service, ma Hofy Comiwatoa will ta cele- TaT M IllelaaaIlll a *--—*-* - mtt Uacnft. at I p. m. ——Saaack hm «n«ni«i aaa^achool. All bays and glni m the community ere welcome. brated to tto chantry at I a. a. i AW NMiMi eMrvicfOff priyw Sunday. Family services at §:» • fknie ktaetaoB aai a. m. ia the Chantry. Tte asChoi* r reteanes at I.H 9. a. •a tta parsonage gram ltaaWGeWOATION RNAI ISRAEL stotaat mmttter, John G. Barton Tte young peopto mast at tte OF GREATER RED BANK Andrew will preach at thto serv- charch at 7 p. m. Thursday, Aft beekeepm an iavtted. Tte Rumson ARIA'S MIWHT DAY CAMP. gWBJMbB eaatn wW aSAaaaaaal * ~.aV ice. Bo»Sco*Traoa|*apaMi _ Friday night service! will he V the church, meets ta tte edu- wVamTaTal WIU «T# MRIVMI IffMal •*> conducted by Rabbi Arthur H. At MJM a. m., Robert D. Me- af tte life of tte bee, Kee will gjve a redtal oa ttecation building Tuesday at 7:» with a unwell p. m. to tte congregation before Rsb- Mary Owen carillon, TMwmiiiii will ta otatived m * sad Mn. Henhoa will leave PAY CAMP theckirehSuaday. Julyl. for a vacation during tte month Morning address aad eermaa of July. Tte took of tte sermonby the rector, Rev. Cam George IsaVwRmlafcalaam'aV •. aVuMsuprejvWmf iammaailBaVBaaBaaananvuemi. , ewN*. ,w X» will te "Tte Sacred. Calling of aA. Rotartshaw, at me II e'deek "Pit Per Hto Sarvice" to tte Rabbi." Ftowen tar tte pulpit vi IRS raCCQT will iraoa topic of Rev. A. Dearid tafJafaT NwW fat I, 4 «ff • 1 Mfl tte "Louise S. Taleott Scholar- lagaw for tte II a. m. Sumay Burma, me „ wiU te givw *? M*-** BBBBaamaVaaBi a^Bawala** fatm^a^hai %A^m*^^t* ta oat eervice af „_ ship" at this service, WfJflWW PrTfHW* irMMv MHfWY A.M. Rer.JehaR. their sen David Peter's bar mitx- Memorial ftowen oa tte altar topic tor tto «.» a. m. eervice birjrahjw^Uiabah H vah tte foDowing morning. Mrs. are given by St. Oefld to "Paftara Tbnagh Pride." Smv will bless tte ia memory of Emily WUean attm a, as.. "Tta Marriage at Cmm tor a age grape. Tta matic at thto atr wu_IH i Seet, .s me puipji wui DO occu- Rev. George Dadtoy, and tte de- BW TRANSPORTATION PROVIDCD adadettd^ttae PlPnladde pied by WUUam Hatiky. pretl- ceased members of ft. Mary's A" bjr BorawaU. Mm, ' and Sidney Rear, fatter of guikL to ttebarmittvah. An"onegshab- Memorial ftowen oa tte chan-eubtoct of tte Midweek Fellow- Mahoa Joke will sag "Tatok on ship Wednesday at 7:« p, m.. Ttaae Thap." SbTatoe wffl stag tat" will follow the services. try altar are given by Preecott FOR RIRTHBt IMKPRMATIOH CALL a dae|t wHh PhiUpJloy. "I Win Sabbath services will begin stBeach in memory of Mrs. Fred- coattaelag with "Keyaotw from Magnify Ttoe." Tte poottudeN a. m. Rabbi Henhoa will oferic- k Achetts Stnsomc. God's Word" from tte Book of SH 7-1141 - SH Lf007. U M1M Officiate, Tte Torah reading will CrvcKen are Robert Hill aad wiU te "Now Tank Wa Aft Oar Tte Ladtoa Mtoetoaary Group M tefro Nuraben I. David Peter WUUam Miners; torchbearen, r "Ur Yaw CbiM Dbawrar a Swimwr *f Fm Ood." Mai Doris Frame. nh> meetsa«»tTh«rsdeyatS .\n ister ot music, will ta at tte con-Rose wiU te called to the Torah James Miller, George Wetos, > to recite tte bleuIngt and chantCharies Laadback and-Richard Tta Ttoy Tot Minery will Haftonh from Zecharlah 2.Weiss; acolytes, Robert Wider- rM^todmttjag 1MB ssrvice, He will deliver a message andttrom, Richard McDonald, Rob- Jfta' chureV school has ec otter a prayer. Rabbi Hershaa ert Hubtard aad Ji Phtod tte yew aad wU nsu wiU charge tte tar mittvah and STARTS MONDAY Sunday. Sept 11 will accept him In the fold ofaid and Charies Albert, aad tam- Tte Jew'si CaChbw ejiab foatt «nt brael- ers, Fred Tharia and Chris te teid Sstunay at tte Tte officers will present theProbesco. Tte Saator mttxvah a certificate, BiMe Choir rehearsal for mm aad a diploma. A Uddush andboys Thurtdsy st 7 p. m. party at tto home of Mte) lady witt te served In the Alcoholics Anonymous Pope Jury 4. . r^r eodal hall after tte services. Sunday at S p. m. In Ralph Hall. STORE-WK . FAMOUS BRANDS / LADJ5S1 DRESSES - SPORTSWEAR JEWELRY.BATHING SUITS

Panora Weave ON

you took at Panora Weave ... when vow feel It... PAT PRIMO - CARYU . NIUJI roa wear it, you'll think it'a a eostly imported fabric. BO will everyone else! That's bow luxurioos and cool it I Thanks to the skillful weaving, vow Panon Weave DRESSES to ttnbelievablTlo w in price? In light, medium am) dark MM. 2§

Other Paint brack Sryln from $39.95 OPEN FRI. "TIL » ALL ITIMI MOSTLY ONI>0*>A*KINB

••> Aatoury f»«ra e»**airtoi fM«. ROTHEA'S v PAItV (except MMday) 'til « P M, Wedwtday 'til 9 P M

CA 20001 RED BANK CHNINO dmoue>a MI-FI 8 WHITi STREIT BROADWAY' LONG BRANCH CHURCH NEWS •r a- f •». MM E. latat win aai at aa II a, m. (av- af Oar will . "Fadt far Owittt SBWV MTMta. Tht atar terrier Tht AHMIBY PAWC - Tat "Sty It." wal at •» task aaat today am** aauaa wal aa ay wal BM at t a. m. aai aw «*a» narai aai IM • Map- al at ftt «av. Harlaa C Cadi taaaay at aria at II. lahtn A. tMy. t Air Itftltft,! amrica aw lmt§ aajaar » m fell Mi II a. a. af Mn. Caina Hart- It a. aa. ttrvkt. IMan »H at at *t Mm- M ataaaa." aai U Ctl. IrvaMj F. Fnarlataii •« a* pkaai ay Mr i" iy Utortatt. Mn. M Mn. Enm Maw*. Iten rv^uswMM wf bawnaa*. MBBT*' f wal atog "NaM TMHa> Baai."f aaM laright at T:» attack. A HMfl VaBwr wll M DHVMI tta mnk?. ai NM Wl S9 ClMQI 9m."award t. Ntwtwa wal at Nanaiy lacaaJta vK w Plaaa am atiaf aia, aai raa> I CHMMatw At CMM HiMt H Cawty. Jaat » ta iw)y Mr* iai Mn> ittrttitat art Mag i f hat* aai lath Ha wal atvt li far Juaiar a*at atyt. ldy»rf. at any at HUBII Mr. aai Mn. OwM f. A» al aWaV WHTO laaday at t A.MMtafiaaViaia.MM>


^BBBT^BBBBBBBBM a^BBBBflt MBBBBI BBMBV *M anl MM MM i •• •• H Aaananrja •!,.».•, YatftFaV •. ADayCaaa>aj«—- »•.. Mi «*** laatftMfcai.UE.llB> a fNM • a> ll a. at. Tat aattoa ff. MU.BA9TMT at I a. au far d» war all ana* laaaw at ft* II a. ak avftaa. At TiM p. a. *•

Ml MM • Ha* SH MM

UI l,Mat MaajaTaiVI IPaaaPajaBjaMBy HB^ai

TMa •« at ady aat it *M a. m. 9m. V">

MM ** ______g^_ ^^. MMBBBBBB BBBBBBa. a^H MM aMm ^w^^A O_^_^_^_^ -_^ _^_^_k ' WM aW •• VjpM •^•V aV OT Tat aaar atari wM ataafa. •.aanrtaa. It wW a).*** VWaMftaMai fff laaaMkaa* afMaa.1 ."-TIM) DtMSMlS MaVPl awat Taiiity at tta) p. •. ? at tat at a tanaa aa MVTt WlBMfl BBII nWBin wMTUti-- Ja _• -a.^ i_ .a> av _ -- Jr. aaa BBBBI ^^^ oHaJ MIMMM MMMM aa> BMM HOiM, w- iaetitha»:»a.aL taeakaMaTMn. •f BMNNT .... . _- a*, i rmtr airvka wiU at haM aamea at !!•.•. Am Tlw baari af a), win at aw caaai MacMatia. m, Tka Mn KafTA. fMwig wM ba at awat M WaiaaaMy at far tha Daily Vacawaa XMtT^ai. wNMNMf Si 8 ^ law> daw atla.a. at •:« a tt 7:» IT* THOMAI BHIOOML I Tht at I a. IB. hi la ataa> taar wll ba afftt*. ftdaa iaajaytt Itai till p. ak aai'a ^Jarawllfc iMffWflf MVyVT 4al iMHtk SM* T:M p.-•«. iMlaylrtnil Mil* L. C* ityt. Oa Jaly » awn wul ba a. ».. wttk Wwui P praytr aaiy at _ ttrvlct wtfl a. m. Oa Jdy It at M a. m. aba Mi at lfc« a. m. tm. Ihfkcd by Caaple . atl», m. BUM wiB bt anf tai will la* hi ^-- - --• 4a Dally VMM Kate Ideal la If* 'aWyVHaj m UNION MACH-Mr. tfti Mra. Wifl ba~Mv. Fr.' W. RoMH af I* Fraak Ctttat, an M., «a> aaeh wtaMay Mai USSf *" thtlr »h Will11III. CWMrai •, WM Warn? ananary at a aaffat MMaMBV.Jaata\ Uana Artaat Bra Jaly i. nil ta Ui* a. ML Fnaqrat Darlaj Ja> aai • a. m.H lalMf With Chrat" a Oattta wan Mr. aai iay aanfcai wU aa baM at M LA8T CALL! HAS YOUR SEARCH BEEN IN VAIN tha thtaM. JaaMt Huaarty Mr aai Mna. . at QrdMttnpn Mn.j5*fc Oiiaiaia. Mr. twaia, aaatr. far tat fcH aai Tha Mn. Uarbtrt KtoiBi Mr. aai Mn.1IB.BL at •:» a. BL, wMk TMi fra«B raMfatiatt will ba a. m. Many R HarMt F. KMa. Mr. aai Mn. NO HIAD MIT CHRIST ICtl. 1:11); i KMa. Mr. aai Mn•a. t awata at 1 a. •. SdwJMt. Mr. aad Mn. NO NAMi IUT CHRISTIAN I Aan 11:241; at Ml a. m. thy at Ma.«. at tha dwdi la Yc NO C*MD IUT THI KILE (Rav.; Iff* 4M Mfi* f Witt at fcJa'a. •• hi tha Jr. Mr. aai Mn. Kldawi Caa- anetict • at *«\% m. M. I.I. tl. of Mr. tad Mrt. Akart B. Mr. aaiMn. iMhad aai FTMCBB CMM • SH1.71M , II VMVNBI AW*t toy. Mr. aaiMn. Ma- Mtatlp.*. ' . POOT OP ffMat IT. CHURCH OF CHRIST rhMM. MM Marjtry MMaa, Mr. Chair rdMand wtf aa hdi , i ^r - —BP - — — - -— -•- -•—--^aa vMBBi a"B*ay* aTMaw^w/B^ •^pwatvaka ^a^BRRBBa Jtty 1. at T:» a. IB. - 10 RIvanlM ^ Btt^aia4>wmbtiNMWaaMa.|aKh; Mn. WHttm Cook, Mn. at I p. m. in tht HMM O

Icuaon aava UMSM a I aaaouacti

m Board ratanaa UM SALE! .. ..— «»y id all kida. InaaacE.


UIIIM •r ««fM'*f VwrttVr'Mteiuini in Ik* «*•« MM tctloa lo m* 4lrMt. •4, I ahtll iWM lor »lr *t public vlvenliMM . it ttTtturtttTtturt HOUM ta ttiin B«r. •Ufa aff PtMkoMPtMkoM . CountCt y err MaM * AT COST or BELOW maMh, MawTttMr. on Vonda». tha Mt Aw «r My, MM, at 1 o'efcwK, »». H. Pnvaiibia Tlmt. All tlw datmdanfi riiht. llila anil In- tamt, If any, In and to Ina follow- All Mat (ttula tract ol lanrl ritual* In tna TowniM* or UMdntown. County CURTAINS SHOWER CURTAINS qt Hnnnouth and ttan ol Ntw Janty anil boliif all ol Lot Wo. » an ihown on "Hill ofT)«tli Park. River Plan, Mid- dlitown Tswnihlp, Ilnnmoulh Counlr, N«w Jtraiy, dated nepl'mher. 1M1. Todit « Phraner, iflrvvorfl". which «aM mm »u flU(t In lh» Monmouth County Clerlt'a O'llco, Novrmbcr >, 1941. Cm 1 rello U. DRAPES NOVELTY GOODS Reins Ihi* Ramt premlxn* conveyed hy Litter Patterwn, Jr. and TJIlfan Jenn Fl(ter», Jr.. /il Mie ToHn«)]fif of ftflrlritetmrn. Cnuntyof Monmouth SLIPCOVERS GIFT ITEMS and Stilt or Ntw J*nty. "litfl Auimt 3D. IMH. and rriwilril In Ihii Mnnmnnlh COAL COMPANY, INC. County Clitrk'a orrica In tMad Book 2317 al nan* 4M. Mint? eommofily linown and dtlf natad at No, M Davit l,»n», River Plita ToemtWp of MMdletown, Him SYCAMORE AVE. S84 RIVER RD. Tha •»»roilm»tt amount of tht lurti ment lo he Mt1tn»d by Mid \» IM M ol logelhfr with Iht SHREWSBURY FAIR HAVEN GELLERSDRYC S emit el thlt tale. . Datad Junt 10. IBM __ IIIA B. W<1U*OTT. Hhrr SH 14100 SH 7.1010 Ftraona. ljihrerque. CtnsnnK Jk 4 WIST FRONT STRUT RID IANK, N. Rlalr. Attorneyi, IM lln»«i Ruyinl or «Mlln«. Alo'av link loll Tht nr«l»l»r climlll.ri Int quick If ll*ti|l M9 RANK »UI»pt Mi. IK. laf pMfc pu*: laaTiaaaia***a * paw US Mararaa aaa awi; MM. M. M 15**. lea, hwh t •MvSMi aHeMl CaaVMaTaeiMMj WaBrvnrWale •at. Waaa nllu >klMl'H4 tytaa. U**4 eladar aa* koUw aaa' 'aaaalaW «JS

WAVUK) «e* *k* W«*t C***L C*a-

tka a***aa laaartiea •M lmMa|» salt nt* MM MOalABT •»'• Maaaar laa. Ikca* •**•*. a* >a*c


Skn* wire ***** Call BBMIM. rtt.

O*^RSBMH •WaWat»alOj *•- IT MM

BAVB TOO a\ MORT Oaawtit « «a a fcaa rakaer atta. Paaaaan. FBMALB BABtBTkaaad, aavw swath* old. tfl-**ter, ARC registered. CO HllHalill, CaU CA •.UM.

AaaNaaa* S*r*tM Oa.) FtinaKal anaktraat, aanai, *u. WANTRD - O*ad kam* Mr y**r eld JTEU^e^uTlBM*

CAPABLB MAM - Mar- Meat be able ta milk

qu»n*CT«»aiy T»i

BOOM - Win aurlne*. (AILFKH AND «UNrTiH-ABm**t»ed Ckort «*• aantat* DM. kakkr ealee. The Boat Center, comer al feana tfBt. «a«aa SLM. *aMaar Whit* aad M*H* AT*.. Bad Bank. BH nANOS-aan IBM ar aeara alf BM Trie* *n anad aaw M-aat* •Mat Ml Mcaag (kalrt M tLM. a BARBOUR. Woad-Pueey ceMurr ckalr M; Flylae DtHchman aall aaato. tklm fWOOD ROWBOAT - C * V Rntal Bervtee. Bvarrlklaf •teamed rib*. Cbaawr irreta Doat bay onrlralar powered wttk M a. a. M» until you •» th*a* four fabnton* Ma VFoor leae thaa U kaan aa*. tar On party, rotting •ftatn. •rn Ml rtllf* m laVft. and M-R. Banquet taMoe. nrd tatte*. tart. aataUaa b» Ik* BMtni* 0*. A •*• Th» Boat Center. 11 Mart* Av*.. •Ma ban, coat rack*, cnlarava, blSd tafi k Mr tne atlrorwara. Ml MM ar CA »• OITBTOM MADH eanvae beat coven. navy toft, boat cwMon*. MMfaetlon Maa aerBaeBBBB^BBeShtL f^fgM^BaaYaM wveeeata. Mwelry, AMD • when ttllmg Ta* & Calt IH VtST* •y, Keyport. CC

IPBJnc TANK! aad caeepeela clean- TRACTOR — _ .., ed. AM* dry well*, dram* metalled. tar. Maw blade, aulky thre* BMImalM elven. Oecar w*ek*r. 4t Bee- HOUIaWBBlrBR — d. Vary and condllloa. Ma. wHh two email grhtder Jti; *l*Mt ond It.. Fair Haven. TO t-IM4. ' aaatel colon. Ouar- preaa. etc. CA ItMeV U m OUTBOARD MOTORS aad Man mew-iniSiSSL. RU .-an. aateed repair aer . t-TSM. era repaired. ".eaoonaMo ratee, ' S7"•** • t*f>1f«r*t*r whlli 1ACOBBBN call lor ana dMtrtf. Can 00 MM*. each; (MI Inneraprlm. INBVRANCR - OMkaard enator boat*. ROANIC PROGRAM - Blood, phoa- Ht 3-1131. « ph*t*a.inn aena, humui. and ma- PAINT IALB. Outad* whUeH.B TS MkHtaay ar •an*. Hybrid **•**. Iwarttele. He*- Ion, Irirlde, outside and Maria* r eta*rleiM*a. irr well m, co fan lotpoaiu mm mntn Ml c«4*ra at dlaeount prle WH 1I IBACH i " ^" I ing UtkM Ml* SKIS: U till eale, "Rain- HOTPOINT BLHCTRIC aTOVa—UMd THOMPSON BOATS Had Bank. three rein. Uka m, |H, IH .M! HTUATIONt WAMT10 motor*. Cad lor a MUST IB1X — Moving. Tkr»e U*1n| A afmaTT PIANO* far rent. FlnS out be- Ion your ptirehaa* if your child I* room chain: feedroom tat: tw* twin BRCDRT MOTORl - Balee. nrvlee bade; portable TV: record cabinet; and npaln. Heat* elnee 1141. lea- •daiitatile. Fun allowance of all rental kltchan Ml. ill VSUO. RBUABLB WOMAN wlette* WANTBD-Vatttra. •n purchaae. Choice of all makei. 15 chlldmt In her homme totorr . rim la rent atylee. Tuning Plane, Co., l« Monmouth 0O0D UiBfl FURNITURE - Bed!. mothera. WIU beard them If'dealr* In July. Writ* — Real Bank. drtaiera, |ae range, rreeier. dlnlni lb raten, 111 Maple Ave. Red Bank, ehalra, eofae. cedar cheat, lampa. CJ place dinar rotaa art MO. RU 1-OT4*. WAHTBD-UNd boate anil moton. Will .1 rpm. Three tor II. Long 5MMJ. nick UP. H. J. WI1*on_Beat Work;. playing and memo. Ail mekea at nOVOHT IRON fhu* >o> t*>>* «>d will can tor children In her in Atlaatle Av*.. Long Branch. CA *• II' IHRLTBR CABIN *MB WWl It •UKount price*. Tuetlng piano Co., It t!H? FRIOIDAIRB — Prrfact condition, four chain. tMi*e* fireplace »y day or week lor working wh. h. p. Bvlnnid* motor. An Mtdpmcnt llonmoulh at.. >ed Bank. MO. IH 1-45T3. eel. tW; eeven-plece left-handed go) RU 1.J3I4. _•. ;-t- ludlne; four-wheel trailer. Will *acrl- lub *el with bag, tM: occasional ta _ 8BLBCTION of percuaalon COMB FOR "UPPER At trie- Ohrlil Churrh cnllco carnival. Klnc'l Hllh- >lea and lamp*, M • by Maraeotar . Cotton DELTA RUNABOUT—II ft., TH h. a. flrearme. We alao buy flrearma or 0T4I. aleo own CarryC , CrafCft trailer. All In n award* or any kind, oiri et new. The way, MMillctown, June M. itiv to bid eellent conilHInlHI * prlre MODMOD. CalCll lFor F . mntor, n«r», cover, anchor. Ideal out- Jrtghtjjcr*, Broad it., Ihrcwabury. on trte fabuloua fafihlnna In the auc- DININO ROOM TABUO and an chain iremn. Call Tnuntfar all dar AT t RU tMt* fit for young man. AT 1-1715. « tion at 7:30. Pon't mlaa nur record 129. Twenty Mir of euruina Me HTM or *v*nlng after t:M. i. •hop. Dtnc» to the muale of Hart pair. Two front room tetteea. |T»- AT M' COAKT BUILT aKIFF-Nordtierg 14' THOMPSON BOAT with 11 h. a, e>NE~OR TWO wooden dleplav recka Wabber until 10:M. I-1TM. WOMAN DBalRBa poeltlon a* com Bvlnrude motor. Call Ht J-141I-J. SOFA—Covered In white eahorllte, panion. houaekeaner with elderly la' powered, navy top. A-1 ehape, fully fert condition III. Call IH 1-311 IURF CASTING rod and reel. «oll 19.30% OFP POTTED roaee. cllmbere day. Referencae. Writ* "Companion •quipped, muit h« told, HH 14M1 untl 10- HAIUNO DINOHY-Raady for Mr « p. m. rltibi anrf hair. Two men'e aummrr hybrid teu, flewlbiinda*. Oood (elec Bo« 111. Red Bank. I p. m. IH 11«» alter " water. Eicellent tar begtnnen. ' atiita finubln hr^aal'ri alr,«) 4A meiilum. lion of colon at Th* Village Oarden I Warden Av*., Bumjon. RU 1~ ER VOWBR til; pm« hola din- Bir 111111. Call anyitar eictpt Itturdny. Center, 31 Chilly Tree Farm Rd,, New WOMAN DB1IRBI full-time or lira In for trifstor ntcOi niulr III): corn ]ob, two In family. Call t.t *.0M*. BOATMCN'I ATTBrTTIONI Don't ULRICRIBN PKIVP ». Chryiur - China, RIMI, portrnlt Monmouth. lug thai outboard motor, Ut TOONS LADT-ll, wlehee baby tilting platca, fireplace let, «i>1a «nd end! 10.30% OFF ON ALL niiraary Mock. u* be your handyman and night 12 Htratford 1M., New ihrtwahury, i 3-4 flowenna ahrube, potted, three for K* "^ Call apy day before ATIFIAI, n/3WKnf m«e watchman 14 hour* per Day an 1 19. The Vlllei* Oardfn Center. It or "do-lt-ymiraair *lth nur rnoMn PMI1>CO r»frl«i>ralnrli In nrr\ Cherry Tree Farm ltd., New Monmouth, year-round hy inaurlng your boat and HcluM plaitlc. Tate Clunlrn Ontir lent condition; hrilroom furniture; atu (luring July and Auiuat. Have ha with in it th* low rite of 4H%. AUTOMOtlUB A 01 ft flluiTi, Ilwy. 3S, rppoflMa Ben- flirt cniifh. Phnne LI 2)Ml. ILATaVBlack fur walk or patio, Me grant deal of enperlencn In takln illir, Eittontown. ' fjicli, Culored aldlra ^Hu a<4. ft. The Hull ratta on hii'ala under M.OOO WANT A PJANO? I have a newly re Village Oarrtjn Center. 24 Cherry Tree rame from J.I2H to 4.81s. Lei ua UUIJUB ANU Plymouth paaaenger can. Tvii7*»rjn»0N», ™r«»)»; cwiiillliiuetl upright piano- that la Ideal Farm flil.. Hew Monmomh. HIOH SCHOOL RTUnBNT-1* to c*l Dodge Job rated truck*, authorised brant and. copper warti, lampM, enn. for any rumpua room or den. li'a for children . daytime. Near Se dime on your yacht Imurance. »>e nervJoe, modern aorvloe elation, Frank priced at only |IM. Why not call me f^LEVlhoN - Dmereon conMIe VT\ ua flrtt. Holnton Watarbury, Real- Van lyckle. 14* Weal Front It. Ret Mi, chma *f drawrri. othtr thltiH perfect condition, IMCA 3l»7t. Bright. Superlenced, reliable. Write I loo numaroiu to mention.' lit ihrtwi- 'or an appnfntmant to lee It? Call itudenf Bo> III, Red Rank. I lor-lnauror, 1* Welt Front It., Red Rank, went nf Maple Ave., IH MM. bury AVB., R«d Hank. KE Mirwi nfier »:M p. m. • TWO VICTORIAN CHAIIW — Ur EXPERIENCED LADY wllhet <1«y Bank, IH T1M0. A I/)T OP rAHR - No money down. BO L!l< FIBn—Boi aptlrm «n'l IIEFRKIRIIATOII — Perfncl conillllon: vrlhollnR nmt gentleman'a armchair), work for Monday and Wedneaday Levlna'a Auto Salea, Ilwy. M, •*• 'fii Excellent Rrimlltlon. Inur-lMirtiPr Kin rnnRr. perfect, fcft Four gooaenena chalra, good condition, nererencei, Plenae call 811 7-3.TW. i pomie (Imml Union, KB (1(1(11. ill urn Kunl Front HI.. }\n\ Hank. KinnahJe.WI T.4lMjn*rJ. CAHIN itIA BK1KF-IK53. Lapalrake MBT/ii, iKCriETArtlAI nBKl7S «Kc:nETARr.iTKNOonArilBll — Ca lr plunking. Uak anil hrnim krul. DOIW VOI'H CAR Hear hard? Do your KH _ A! (.-Iirl»l Cliureh inllrn KIlKEKKIt. Mar>|unlle I'lillKhl. IS ell. mi'lnl fluttiip flPHh 17,1. nnk riattori xtrno eupprl^ncfd In trial, rra lval, Kma'a lllRliway. MI'I'lli" 3' drill. One ImnK: head. Am M'h«eli Hhiiuiny? Let ua corract Ilia (t., ulmi r»il NjitiKtiliyfli' ruiii-h IMII/II- I4IJ. four-'lruwtr rilpa in. nnk alnilii patatt mid NNlm office work, pie ilnrnao. nrnnr.r. fittings. Knrd 101 rouble. Have your tires, Lateit Bear tn ['r'U,' fui.fc "ii I',...!.,,,., i).^ •:i\tnlnl ?:i';. iiprlglil plr.lin • turj. enrpet perrnnnrnl position In Rert Bank arm tr'U'iiM I'tbMtrr titlK't t>r limit u-ifd *U r» r«ri.|i(tv nvfrhnukd. Mtinfl atmft. mle atnl Iritiiir RtrHlihtPnliiK enulp* tnhlr* fl'.vi, <-II,( infitff, mii> cftttfr. Ill- M) vf. Mur'litft * Brut fm>xt tn titrtn- L'all ^ilfrnllon iniika. riiiinniMli' IHIIIIT •M iilnimlniri. T*k«-h'>nia rontalnara nfore 13:00 or aller B. * |.'liiiik Vim 5/L'i4lf, H'A Vt'tlt nvallabla thii yrnr Im all iniinu bin Iwn lahlr lam|.a. All f«nfI1.M|1 con- mrh'n I'Krklng loll, 'H Clny it., llnl "I'm the optomctriit — the dry cleaner in th* l bllH« i.iiinpN. oiih-lginni. Navy I'Vunt HI., lleil Hunk, wait of M«pla Itctnt. 'I"'™, Will aril liMna a«t>nrnlp|y. (IH lank. f)|irn dally »12, It. Friday Want Ads is next door I" WOMAN W1BHBH day's work. Clll mpH. Klllly *"|lllp|i*cl (ttnl rrmly lo Ave. Our nwn blilbllng. Alk (or Jack iinta ;». 1-592J. I ;o. |l,«l«l nr beaat oileril . BH 1-BID71B1W. llnrilrn. BH 11VWI. r BBBBBBBBBBBBBBI. BBR*BL flVAM MAi MflMI PM Mil I iMl MM| PM Mil iMff m$w

•ML «TAH PORT MOMMOUTM — ATtiaaMl A* awat L Ft»» raaas *a4 kata, t«at air «U b*ac tan «f araaan R*a» JJHWOW KAIKH aauaa. Voa bat» )*«. Tatepneata oa l-UfT M aa4 **<+t*xi fwaaa, ma.ta* >d caraar lot lltaim, In nl rta-^near acrtoom. piargrouiui L«r ooMPLansD - • «• aali||la« aaMar. Can aaamrw *%* avwal* «*• Ma. MB »w aMMB. TW* kaaaw aai awaaa, ptM larae laaattr aoH«a#«. w» l> c u ttf nt> I****. AT Mm Umuitw with dnrcr. Lta •ATOMTOWN • All— MAL UTATI P• iaraa*. It Mills AT*. boa**, lara* Uvlaa IMW. eaay t.rnia. M*wly BBTATBB) - BMU.r tmm a>Uia« «ut coat, au-raoai T MtM .ait, iviar twgareiao III* .kaiM. lull don. If* tkaw* t*et Caturni, "f •• * a*w_«M.»»tl. Ope? **• an- aai iimaay aaanaon*.

•MI. flraplau. a WB BraaMaaa m tw fall tatas, IW


AHQRAano iraur *MW proa wtttaa awraaai ta ma ttwi >i b T MAI UTAH Ml SAlf

naaaa Am. Bta. I MAL mAn FOR torn Wkarf A**., tm

uuauau, — Tnr«a wowam ranch with M-mlto ftMnatta MAI MTAH PtM SAU unu num

nnnrnATB OOCVPAUCT — jvtm»

Irrmg ram'and Hjrftut ftonMi- fllflM WMt

aMBbOwr. ** jtw pro lUKfiin — ajetvtaa* an Clinton Avenue. ^l^¥^ !•• awlwl nVaSt lvaOT Wiwl • Kewar* "»Sr"" AW ATTRACTIVB BVNOALOW - Llr- •pan. flirt* bedroom*, tunporch. w*tt*4 far. TaaaKMT aotoatat Tkna Boli l-l "1 Qt wrlta, P. 0. Boi IMt. tBf room. klMh™. (wo hrtroom* and JdrotoM and balb aa aveond floor. saar as-sw® s Pint Baar aai wraa Irrtai room, din- p. in. mi nom wna bay wtadow. dm. king •"« eburchMV T . Bartaln IJ.Odo: OrSTu 8mcB3 FOR RBNT - 18 *tat*r"*f fTmataVliaar _ ^BBaeeaamaaBake*^ aBieaeaa mmtM^mm\mt IT FU 'W ""on « ymr-rouni. LOVXLT aRxawaaimr — ttaM kneban. Automatle boat Many town. IH M1M. UaWaFUn •"* aTwVaawawltM Him TQQIaUt ftMWSFor furth.r Information «all AT 1-UB). natdemia) ittaaitan but data ta altart* trtM. Two-ear bam m roar, on*- not and oaM water and neat aup- TWO RSD BANK colonial*. Ono atftgnaleatat. * aera tnaatl plot koau- tkMt ta boa Ha*, two block* to ttbooL Monmouth. thla day made, on the ap ifORB FOR W.NT-*W0 •», «t "•» TWO BTORT - levenroom houe*. •M.fM th* other at IM.oW, atkfng Mnr.attnttit. long, low, rtncn wttb \ ateal attlf-Mr). Walker *V Walker, plication of the undenlgnod, Lloyd & Lallan, Ml Broad at. Ihnwtbary. r^^nSSJi^^^.^uC convenient location h> ahopplng and rlc.i. Call for mrtbar Information tile/ Orben. Admlnlttrator wttb Win an. tthoou. On* to prtaent to tne aald . Admlntttrator mx-n OVPUBX - » aoum at. breakfaat room, laundry nan. large . Born* Itawer*. tree* and tfeniba. Fin* brick with will annned. their claima radar .Bank. c R i lwr tn aulet taeatlon. Recently tTORB FOR RBltT—Acre** from lot ai Had . • Tar** bedroom*, automa- *™L ™ .t?atlon room, four full bed- >lr HaTan. ill «irJ'" " oath within au raontb* from IBM data! ami •team tteheat ablaatkm atorm and acreen rooma, three bathi, maldf quarurt lanttad. Oaaur Mall entrance, llrtni ptttd: May Mm. IN*. ™ ^^ aejwer Atlantic innuandt, AT i heat. KB MIO. •lodawi l»Jy Jeeorated. leaie.nfer- WB1UJ8NT RaalP»r1TIAL laa»tloi' 10m and rrrapla**, dmrni room, family LLOTD D. ORBBN. •OR RBNT Praia apace, air eonm- •net*, month. Phm* iH i-hsg or DOOTORI — Lart* lamlly. Mat! *«*•> FI«*Tb*ara*ma. m balka »l1 >u deluxe kitelian, three twin bed- ltO-U Innfard Ave., tion*d, low a*, ft Til a*f»la*». Will IH 1 « ntal law uaaa, CM* mm fear _ On on* acre. Aakln oomt. two til* batbl. paneled rtcre- day * Walktr^RtjItort, Mi •ttoB roam n oallar. • Two-ear nran. •uodletii*. Call IH -_----— HlOHLAMbl — Unfurfilnh -nrewtbury, lit 1-IMI. Op*' Call LI MM, ed otxtage, large living room, kitch- pW.»t.aa 'alua offered at Ktl.MO. Ittuadl Tf. ktnrnron. W. for Hut. LOVBLY BPLtT MiVBt. horn*. Urg' ame* Pariah, real ral'J* at MM>. ~iday by appointment. 'oro* Realtor*. BM River Rd,, .fair 1100. en, bathroom and large bedroom up- iim aH T-4M1. stair*, lultabl* for buiineie couple. No Irving room, eoiy dining roam, ultra dama Af.ncy. BH 1-MM. llliaat rnnwmnimr RANCH — LIVIB» reer- Blnomrield',' If. »., Monmoulh Bt, bttor* t IR lodern kitchen, thrne rull rxitroome, lergan PI., Raid Bank: 24-hour twyte*. . Attorn*?*. •TORB FOR RBWT modd forr "beaut beauyy with all dlnlBf room, fireplace, nrni IUBBN THUMB DBLIOHT — Charm- June IMS 35 JkPARTMBNT.- Untur. !i batha, garage attached. Call El- ww am !• May&lr MarkeMktt I HIH rtxtfl A. Armttrnng A««ncr. DM Pro*. am blteban, threa bedrooma. \% bath* Inn brick front colonial bidden In T WaUaot It. Rod Bask. MAL BTATI MR SAU taraft. MS.OfJO. 8e»ueli Aiency. i oact. wl««rla aid lilac*. Vacant, IH 1-J1M. it Ave., Little Illvar. IH 1-48CO. Opan Take notice that Franeti X Murah* UUiOH - o«ni«, wtraboua*, M' t p. m. Unden PI., Red Bank, ail T-OMt. '»d* a gatd.ntr. Include* fireplace. 'ronUg*. AT*. ofTwo Rlnra ncy, IMII l.v.l. Thru, htdroomn, •00 full price. Thla la not Juat an built houa*. Lara,* llTlni room, flra- is moon Riuaell M. Home Real for a Plenary Retail Conaumntion •or* eicetieM condition. N«w roof, con- ellon, n»r everything. « TWrd Av*,, iparat* rflnln* room. IMng mom, electric kitchen, dining room or dn- crete noor, atparat* h«at«d atflco and rdlnary apllt levrl home. It'* a epln lace In rtlnlnt room. 1'4 tile batha. wreentd-tn mrcli, and garagt. K- it: too River IM., Pair Harts, IH llcann for rremuwt tllualtd at Hlgh- Efantla Hlltilandi. AT 1-OMI-J. Mcbtn. playroom. Walk to ichool, »v«i at a apllt price. For a faat Ml*, orch otf dlnlnf room. Full baa*- eallent condition. Modoral* tiavmenl- -4Sn. wav 34 and Pleanant Valley Road. "tore-,, tramnortatlon. DO Uiti* silvfr usf IHten. thr»e hertroorae. two hatnn I'nt. Attached laraie. Larae kitchen, nxnme 4% VA mortgage. > Call III ) Holmdel, N. J. WOMAV wlahM lo aftart Parkwayrkway. 111*0. If lnt»rMl«rrt aclence kltchpn, recreation rfmrn ot IM'tTIO- third aectlon, Applehroolt Objection., ir any, ahould b» mad* tyi RBNT-Charmlng (hop «t Appli- town. Pa. • rni, HI liar Dr., Mlrldlatown. IH 1 tirlck and frmm*. Uvini moo Hi Immediately In writing to Daniel a "•""ok and iiw«, 5R ».t>nroxlm»«ly n. Convenient location. 73 Oakland St., larport ««ra»c, comhlnMlon aluminum HI or BH 1-S44I. BRICK COLONIAL all rooma. Attache'' VV with fireplace, pin* p«n*M den. 011 :«u" ilanfc Call m> 7JHS4 aftur I! p. m. _„,_ „„_,,•„„, — tortn inert and a liirjcf, • heautKullv BIV. Townahlp Clerk of Holmdel Town- " an,, ft Ideal for hl«K type hair- >:nra««, acretned patio porch: bemi *i> tile butha, Mall ehotnrp dlntnf ahlp.'iEcappil 1^1. '"''jnvpnl.rt to nvurv I.TT LEVEL — Seven room., tIMi, lain Mndtvaped praporty n-- '"•Mr, profinalonal or imtlneM nfllct. OUR-HOOM aptrtmtnt Incatad In lar«ii heilroomt. Near bomine, rioi- thlnr, Nlr« nelirtilmm, Immedliite cn« wm, kltrhtn until Formica wall*, IRIgned) Jp 1 1 batht, patio, u, aer*. rnjnr aitraa. 'Chool, fUitirtih and •iitft>l>ltia. CM,;I all ' 'th iriccly thrubl-tt! rear of highway buatneat. Reasonable Ing, awimmlng, etc. 1160 pur month, aeeilnn. Kon vet Mn5 down. The Hen vn-nrr tranalerrtdtraa . 01 l-JlTI by aa- HM for app*Otm.nt or call ytmr *VO!H x MtmpitT, «ii»oa °" ' I **' nt Call FJl IMtT. Located In Highland!. Ill I-33DL Afoncy, Rt SO, lllddletown, oa l-imT Inlment. broker. IIBLBM h. U£!\VW1 Junt ll-M ^ ^r JP^IWPW H$dUm*9m fo* 9m M$ Ifffaf lefaMf fm hb MM 9mm ,W gotta* fw &!• Jt—I It*— Im Sato RAY VAN HORN JOSEPH G. MeCUE WEART^EMETH THE WALKER ft WALKER STANLEY (C DOWNS ASTONISHING VALUI: REALTOR REALTORS AGENCY REALTORS REALTOR 30 Ridge U., RUsaeue 14444 LOW AGENCY 103 WEST FRONT STREET Highway 3S 'Heate af dursa aai Vaaw" Over 24 Yean THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE MONMOUTH OAKS EXECUTiVES RIVERFRONT ~ SHaJyside 1-5212 SHadreiae 11017 FOR OVER 34 YEARS' Thla eaajaasjle sjHsttk Msmial I la the i RENTALS - Cape Cad. COB EXPERIENCE" 24-ltMirSmko raaUaace. aMmwadaag a aaeanv Open Sundays by Aftmatawat Srcaasore Aveaue SarawaWry seieatiy tocatoi. Three hod- las vtear af *e river, end estla man. SIB, ' RED BANK - "RESULTS COUNr ^ —^^^^T*^^^?.—i— QUAINT A -Cav ALMOTTNEW IMMACULATE m ancssaea •eataecaeang SPARKLING MREVUURY lad fara •VMS MBBBVS) aVMtBVfajMQr pnMel BMimg trees, li tttM SPUT LEVEL PINE OLD TREES itsaa aa ahe Jeraey Ceaet. a aai Wrch MML_ Ea- w—jarful VjMjWaa}ream (li> There Pint IUSM OFFERED. Fear laeiaka*r>«a.d ••^••f BBBBBBBBBB- ^a\^Bkaa\ •fatan* S^^_^_^L^^^^_^_^^_W Ivge «Mag MMJ B^RHeaaf ••as) (flaw •eB*NeHaBs'Jt. acre laaascsaad let in OL SHREWSPURV, MUM die-

$24,200 - 20% Down - *•/*% 25-yf. Mtft. •••MS*

CTSto It MMhlJteMw, Lirns stivn IXCLUBSVB Ate Mkto M I aaeestor aa * Pint dan BMM la flnt 1)1% saartgege af

G & H Construction Co. BmBaaksaVsi SMMBMR aatf^aBmt ^aaaasnaW *•* PHBBBW Wl^W^ eaaagPrng Jfl"*R"3' 752 Jefferson Av«. Kdmifwofttt, N. J, CH 51*65


^—M—l— aMsaasaaa • saaaaaaaaai VaMaaV IHHi an BB«*»eiMB*BB«*MBSJ* —' »•• •»•" ** !*•• 1SBBMJ ^gajMaaaaaal «MMk BVSBBBW. flaaaaBBmt aasaftsml gaBBaisftiW (!#••> ^^ _^^_^S^_* BB^^Hl^^g^l^u* ^•^BBBBSBS jfftff ^^b^^ia^ii^ft^i^^ *ww**g iIinijLatLLj flulS •""•••• SJBJBJVBJeMJaBM* VJP BJfMjnMjMMMU gMTfUBpl rRBESt TUWI TRISSt ^^^^^iA #a^bii^^^iia^ii^^ a\^AiisB^BiiBi aaaaBSBil rVAMag ^HHaVy aaVHRMa* *^*1MMBBVBWIBM1 _ BBBW kAsiBiam g^i^K^^^^aff aaaBSBSBBBimM^ aamaaiaBBBi IaVeVaniBBBBUIv ^^ OLD SHREWSBURY

WIDE SELECTION OF EXCLUSIVE HOMES TO BUY OR SOL SHadyeideMOlT THE LOW AGENCY THE DOWSTRA Bsaaowyea. •ENOWlTZ ft 696 River Rd., AGENCY Seaday by Aeaoisaaent LAYTON Wlffiam ft Welemea, Keel tVfefa UajSTvaluss' jTmTW Fair Hawa, N. J. 91E. FRONT ST, RED BANK VARIETY OF USTINGS 87 Maple Aveimo Red Bank sauce- SH UI700 IffWOADfTMR M4M SHadysidt 1^477 SHadyaida 14600

ON TourbadnMa aaaei' DOCTMI.LAWYERS. RUMSON.- Medafled room wWi flrealace, 4b> EXECUTIVES treat • top«o!ch area.^Jvtag US**, — fcltrhs cellar hat 9* 94* 9* S* JOSEPH P. HUNTER RIVERFRONT PROPERTIES RAY VANHORNV TaB ruobers at Cak'i Neck kttchea. HUM good hi HAROLD R. JAMEI •HW iMflk BeMSHMMt MMV LORIN •. VAN NEIIT of large Uv- AsJdag to* |Ii,Mfl. THOMPSON HARRY A. KEARNEY PAUL A. miNTSMANjfl A aew tagramv/tmittadiodiimmg RUMSON - Old Farm Village. ana, three bedrooms, We Two-rtory frame home, faar bad- 804 Rhrar Road bath aad an electric kitchen. INCOME PROPERTY •nd ft CO. Asking eat riUdsntlal Lifetime Marlae Fair Havwt, N. J. mouth County EseeDeat Red Beak lotatte. to REALTORS walla, automatic -rhMt BARTELL, Inc. FeUy fMulated. Situated ia witith t N.I. SHadyiid* 7-4100 Hen ere. the .Ingredients. 1$ rettful area oa totWUllWsUlwlthh 1 mLttortk of Red BME Bridge aewtmldMad. Askinalagia,MIg . low tana. Asking' ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS YOU ONLY RAMBLINO reach - Custom built hi Ml siuatad oa the WEST LONO BRANCH eigMd for rnoden finest waterfront section of William S. Gt-rriion Urtag. W?""' fcrdaiaifBa DflWs Poftaaaack, conalatlag of big tot, well ahrubbebdd with hugt e PrtoadatUMM IavestJgaU ear wide selection large Jiving room wHh reel trees. LMag room wKh fln- CHRISTMAS IN JUNli AGENCY j ONE- saat aMieka*Bksaaa JWaaWlajMslBal SasBa4 aaaVlU ana. three Mdnbma, 1H UtchM. lane __ altta- so MW #• m» Wm REALTOR. INSUROR aajr baths, all electric kttchta tile baths, big f easily e* sale* *-—*• -— *•—-» IPfvVB HT DHL OQ nfWQ* aVMtRK Nflt 77 Bnwd Street RMI Bank patio, full ____. tesdMarflS few fradSM IMag, Sn,NI, and storm windows, mining fat shade tnw. Aa etcaUeat buy flfiBuo# n HVMf nom tud tw*«ar garage, Hot water. atUMW. artAVMBanm aFeaWwaT eW J^WeT- WyJSBBT SHadptM 1-OSM dMtftdT cw^^iMw^eiictek machine, dryer, air coadtttoa- kitchen range and refrigerator. ONE - CanMaaV* tng unJta aad MM other un-WaU-to^atTaupet. CalTlUrry LITTLE SILVER-Olderhome. ftOfy DnCk HI ffMM CHDsaaW aad twocar garage' Prtoad at usual features. ^Oae For Bttifils oUif taflMMcof - dock aad float. Deep water. mc^Mtdwawttdtoe^area, a a ONE - Large weU-lsaofea|>ed grounds. RUMSON LOT nxHn( QiniM nOB. aawCMSt n* BMB* aw ataMiiai %k^^m^^mm JL^M *»— DiraetlOM - West on Newmaa Mutt truly be seen toje ap- Uag room, full ceUar, hot air Choice acre aad a half la Rum- MJ tOMLAdl «asat>«V Utt tila Springs Rd.. left oa PfcaUnx Rd., pradated at asking price of beat, oil find. BMettfal IMM. a^ak aM^BfaW^ ^^^^—^ aWH 2 "^ acnai Rt H right M ton estate ana. Priced Firm price SM,7N. Hyera Mill ltd., tilt aa Protbero quick Mia. RdTts niodeL FAIR HAVEN-QiaciaWMlMk of no rivar ^ F. A. GELHAUS alm K acre m kmhr ai SAMUEL TEICHER Four httdm 1% b/" SHREWSR REAL ESTATE RUFFALO BROS. THE DOWSTRA room with fireplace, dh . or fODiaa AGENCY ane»»enBorea, ancnen, aiaa 56 Highway 96 AGENCY Maeied oea, nocaf garaga, eel- .JuR QMH BUILDERS Oeeanport Avenue llaa T witith nine pensladwcreattopensladwcreatton thttflfn vaMMftfl MJMM| LEONARDO mmm . SteaSt m ^57 7ai il flflral FR 8-6590 Oceanport, N. J. •lOnH tub MM aNfMMa CAfptC* AT 1-0188 24.Hr.TeJ.Smie* SH 1.8700 fan la living room, hall aadatHr- Call or Dial way. PHce reduced to DMot. WOULD APPREOATE IT IF Urge Family—LtaktCasn! Liberty 2-3500-LIbcity 23501 ASSUME 01 M0KT0AOB YOU WOULD MAKE AN APPOINTMENT. For Prompt, Courteous Service A BmM*taV!f! klasHM BVHF VMaej VfBllB* SPLIT LEVEL fm BBBBJe^a^bvv aaavVIRaaF e^PV ^^^01 "*^ av VHaaT I ERG | -g^«^*- awMfc, 11Z SVMIBMI iSaaM NffVi MM WIHI 19| DMDRH BUI •19,500 LAWLEY AGENCY ROLAND PIERSON ALL BUYERS a* me aiMwast. It's ywnfar raw. VET OR NON-VET REALTOR Ss,7M 4MB M4 $!• Mr team Four bedrooms, M bathe, roc- AGENCY jl iMakdl THE VERY LOW TAXES oa Oil ggaALL MMMM. PrtMd at oi , two4cdraom ranch makes this a Age 18 to 80 100 State Hwy. 35, Red Bank j^jjlim tMMk^aa aiaaMkaa-Mal aaaiifMjaskdl real flad. Uviag room, kitchen RENTAL, till S15.900 REALTORS , aad storms, dead-end etreet In> vahie. aad bath. No down payment for 11,790 Down SHadysi* 1-6262 Mortgagee — Insurance OI. $«.M a month pays aU! Cajl SHaJyiMa T-MOO ELLEN S. ELLA WILTSHIRE 183 Per Month 77 RROAD ST., RED BANK CHARMING RANCH on attract- An? ttqrtr, u*t M*. Three-Bedroom ranch .._ 4H« »p»n-«id OT •BOtUtaI t <» IMi Evening MB OSbema 1-0196 HAZELTON SHadytide L757S-6 AGENCY Iva street —• Three Uon. ExceHent condition through- bath, living mom, lars* dtaln, out Combination ahunlnumiwhi- RT. II laODLBTOWN, N. I REALTOR S Wharf Avenue Red Bank ana aad very roomy kitchen •»? Ubl dowt. Porch. Oarage. Most nleia- OMB Setaraays I Svnaaya RED BANK - Nice quiet neigh- SH 74MI Full baaemaat -attached garagt ant nelghborhoodT Only ift.tll. OS 1-aftt Bwa. OS 1-1M3IS W. River Rd. Rumson borhood, large plot of with black-top driveway - alfto MM Ocean Avenue Sea A-l condition. Oa bus Me and DAILY: » SUNDAY) 1-1 grand, Stt-raom ranch, lot. IniMdlMa RU 1-2003 SB HIM

THREE ROOMS OF CIRCLE CHEVROLET'S •A^A^HA^MMM ^aj |^ Ca7 BRAND NEW FURNITURE JUNE CLEARANCE! On Transit Plans ftQS'SrtwAS FOR ONLY mm tkero att 8:18aefcBTa.. aa.. Ma — • —• TRENTON (AP^e^JadjaN DRIVE HOME THAT "OK" USEO CAR IN TIMS T. Lovatt. Id, TO ENJOY THE tH» JULY 44* WEEKENOI •MBoraOTaj aad aTiimaa II nf P Ca»«aJhMtaHllaa»jaes of fte liglalaajra wM UWIENCE I. SCHILLING $311 M WH9 KALTOt Eneat MateraroiadMrae. W Ul • «» H IMM Jaly n • oNeia^r Ma akas AND F*Y ONLY $3.11 WEEKLY! i Chevraiet Debjae Maar 1987 Chevrolet M Sari* Su-t, off Front Ivory aad caai gram V4 weft SHaJraiie 74121 AND YOU'LL LOVE IT TOO! Kadta. heater, w/w tiro eft>£ aBjIiaW •B_^BHMg-aJB-fW W WBfiBf B^BaBfvVBBBBBBf* ftoiah. AM vfcyl A Nil pMMf IHBBBV Uaei TUB WEEK'S SPECIAL varyi w/w-1 LOOKING KM A GOOD ' YaarOaacaOf Price I Cadtttac a) aVdaar. 1888 Fati aaaalry eaiaa. •USINtSSr - AHBaal BMWM« Blasdiadi laaBBflaff mmA aMBBBEtS. BBBBMBL INSKCT THE FOLLOWING kgtm.mfmpmjmm haaiar. w/w 0mV4 wejfc aa^nySMMaTS Sa/Syl *^ • »e heart II a ante VISIT OUR THRIFT WAREHOUSE THIS IS ONLY A PAKTIAL UtTttM Of OUt VALUi PACttO CAM. SELECTION WAI MEVE1 fill |IJt is •III •Ml •MATER. PUCES MVfit LOWBtl $144 - *«• FOUOW YOUR «MENOf TO V rii EJEVHSSJ RvvRI $10. * CIRCLE CHEVROLET CO. par «aok. *«• EfBBBBfEfBJ Mi. a* Martha |. fig- *•, MS Mafia Ave. Red ItaA » $ SMMalBaM '#M • 9 II Ask- Uaalana. lUfi, till aB^a^a^pva^Ba^PflBB^ ajav •/ B/ aj a^evf SH 1.3130 Aaei Ufa Moro on "IT1 O. K. «MAC TERMS Cat 9m •RaaMalBBEEl BE* Ef/« kMt waak. sat jfm KJ ^^»_^t» ^^^^^^ ^ BB^BBBBBB» FIELD FURNITURE A.I SAFE BUYS • atatVa croTtahM 4B7B* 7.11 E. MONT ST. MM. oreat ep» KEVKMT, N. J. SELECT YOUR CAR FROM HU6E ZSTt OPEN: STOCK OF LOCALLY OWNED, ill P.M. GUARANTEE© USED CARS ayflNWIat in • P.M. CO448M FORDS

fa IS staff #?$)f# 'I? CUSTOM NO TitaW. rWamatla SAMUEL TEICHER CUSTOM , Farahmatta AGENCY 'II CUSTOM T«aW, Foraowatla ForSsU '14 CUSTOM TaaW, R, H, Raal B«y Mr«. Jerrif Oceaapoft Avenue, RENT-LEASE Ocaaaaart. N. 1. /Vame» Aides New Masonry BuiUing HEADQUARTERS FOR .STATION Calar Dial WASONS Llbertf 1-3500 • Liberty 2-3S01 CA 2040 sq. ft. 'II FORD * Hu. Cc/Sad* Fom, PS. 1700 ml Far proatpt, courteous amice '17 FORD Caaalry Sajatta, fard~aatafta ALAN'S '87 CHEVROLET 9 fais^ Ntea CaaeUfraa WANTED UPHOLSTERY M MONTEREY 9 Pats, Maraamatit ntANCHttSp DEALER la* aaafaaatj tt t» aartr tNaaad 70 South Seventh Avenue Fuly PTA am 8ar ttw aaSat aM> •»• INRIHERI N •SS FORD • rW, Cawrtry $a-lra,'K)M areaat8»tela*«afiaiyaaf^iatl CApital 94350 SHadyside 14200 11 FORD t Pasa. Cawrtry Sedan. FOM WID. a FM. map to. • IS FORD * Past. Co. Sadaa. Pwwar Sraartaf oian SO MERCURY 9 Pataaafar, R, H, aa ia BIW HIHNEM MM $tc ttiEniRl liEftitl ut MSRCURYS

iuu ay b VBTW Bvw"tv*v^ • B^aJfiB> B B^SE^E^BjWB^BB^ BBft^B^ararcf ^ ^ VaPvW WOMEN - PART-TIME 17 MONTEREY t-Or. SaaUa, Maraa*M«ia 14 MONTEREY 4-0r. HaraHoa. MOM, K MORTGAGES 'SB MONTCLAIR Sport Sadaa, M Powor M WwwITO^M • *ElpTf #VVwR| RFfTa^Prii Vflf^AW 12 MONTEREY Hardrop. COrrva aMaia J». I. aMNDuW PMM CORF. su » •. Fraa* at. BM Bask. N. 1. OTHER MAKES Moaardi Reaky Aaaociatea *M UNCOLN Premiere, 4.Dr., M Powor, I Auk Auto* for S0I0 V$td Auto* for 14 V0LKSWA6EN. 2-Dr. Sadaa, R, H 14 CHEVROLET "210" 2-Dr. Sadaa, R. H CAP Cadets TAKE YOUR PICK! 'SS lUICK Caattiry Hardtop. Dyne. lf«f> Wmtud They're all faad hora u>4 the 'S4 FONTIAC 2-Dr. Sadaa, R, H y|To Encamp Femtlm PRICES are LOW tool 'S3 OLDSMOSILE "II" 2-Dr.. Hydra. R. H 1*7 RAMBLER Faurdoor •4 NASH Statoimaa. 4-Dr., R, H MEN •neT WOMEN rai HMO. 'SI CHEVROLET "210" 2-Dr. Sadaa Patrol wa latvo J«ry II 8or a WITH CARS 1198 Ol '40 UNCOLN CU Cavpa OR %-TON TRUCKS IKSPONTIAC . IMI CHRYSLER . SUMMER SALE Pally eoulppad. NEW 1919 FORD TRUCKS anas. I8SS RENAULToHRENAULT Oaueaiaei . One owner. Low mileage. SUM. V, TON Piak.«p, Oil Rrfer. Heater; Uit 2137. Sala 14*4. VVeryl clean. FULL OR PART DAY IMPORTS V, TON Panel. Oil Filtar, Heater; Ll.t 2411. Sala 1914. ATTRACTIVE RATES I8SS RENAULT 4CV. f.888 miles. Ferlec clutch. $11N nXX, IMM EfJEU EEEEUWr* m etartma June 28th 1IHPEUOEOT. FoaMoor. aim roof. TWa ono'a an • am-S p.m. W CAT* Nttr CW HNS. ENGLISH AGENCIES 1887 AUSTIN-HEALEY coavertible. A-l caadittea Partb H H. DONNELLEY CORP. Metallic Mm ' am. Stllintj Ford Products for 54 Yo).rs Traaey aai OLD VILLAGE FIRE CO. IBM JAGUAR CaavartUe. Doaald Spafford. bath oTithw ' it/WN — Pkaaall Po> •Ml* nan* a* turn. FORD - EDSEL - MERCURY • LINCOLN Ptau; Barry Katehar aai Prod aaa of Mr. aai Mn. Aa- OICK MATTHEWS Oorchesa, both of Ltaeroft; WO- Opon Wookdays 'fil Nfn. llam Ether. Rnmsoa: Peter Ea> meWd. Laoaaido: Deaale O0> Nurstt—RN'S - LPN't RED BANK AUTO IMPORTS MONMOUTH ST. (Opp. C^Hton Tha.trt) ffloraaadPUUp of Betford, sad Charles NEWMAN SPftlNftS ROAD RED IANK SH 1-6000 RED BANK SH 7-4545 Charles Serte, Biiiaaai McOoax Male or Female 1 aid. Eileen Hewlett, Joy Wetar- Attractive Salaries andBeoefits SHaoytla * I-II17 maa, John wymaa aad Iraaa •May Mcorvo: Mr. aai Mrs. Apply Personnel Office Voorais. aO of MMdlatowa. HOwSTl-« Monday-Friday RENAULT • VOLVO - PEUGEOT N. J. STATE HOSPITAL MARLBORO (On Rt5)8) Gets BOB WHITE BUICK duidraa, Tony. Rich Peal •adAnwtU; M>.iT l BA Degree ard NicarvoNi , MMrs. Jaaaah Cor- KEYPORT-Staaley I. Caadey. TOP QUALITY USED CAR *& ta aad children Mdy Md DRIVERS uae, «t i« e'«io«icHWeki a•.. a.«*.,. aw -—-• T^— -\ -r- Jr., aaa of Mra. Coaataaee H. Una awUoMtoa « k Cuadey. Maple PI., aai ataaley FULL-TIME Mr ttw >itcnraan •( c Mra. Vtaeoat Paalo, Or. aai Mrs. MWl I. Cuadey, 8r., Bidtewoed. waa ****** DaCario, Mrs. MMM SALE Dated JuJunma HUl A. D. IMS. JftftHO E aiBNMai'ir Cltik.' JACQU lUM graduated Sunday from Dart- stavola, Mr. aad Mra. Joaa Oat- Yw'll Uk« " -K-"jaUNB^BSMMWlM ^ a> m. &BBNM& Waa Now m oath CoHete, Haaover, N. Ht.a aad Mrs. Joha Rickmaa, Jt*d Working For IMS Bulck Special 2-door Hardtop TO* MUM that Jate I. tmrnm, Mr. Cindy received a bache- Bank; Mr. and Mra. Angola Boo PMtr B. OMMvaaa, Hun C. CMaavaae 1M7 Bulck Century 2-door Hardtop 1888. m awl HiraM J. GMMNU. strtMts. Wa4- lor of arts degree in business ad- tone, Mra. Mamie Stavola, Mr. IHT Bulck Century Moor Hardtop I8W. Iiccnltari. Ing aa Halmdei U«nofi. h«»a awllacl ministration. He was a mem-aad Mrs. Jack Fleming aai sea. GOOD HUMOR 178S. Abnhim H. Carchmui, to OM Tawaafev CajamttM* m On •eraar an Inly II. at S:M I0M Bulck Super Moor Hardtop 1345. Oounnllsr at Uw. TawnaMB ol Halmttal. In the Count* of HaM «a»ln»a Time. ^_ ber of Sigma Alpha EpeJta and Michael, Keansburg: Mr. and 1U5 afonmotiih, Mr a, Plmarf KMall n. aa«tlt«atKma «M Irrnna «r »t*J*J America's Mot* 1954 Bulck Super tdeor Sedan 78S. 1225. Oommare* Wraa trlkuUM UMW tor prantlN* fttuita the Outing Club, and participated Mra. Joseph Sacco. Pair Haven; r. Lahraeme. Bn

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TOOTH Store SWKTCORK lay W. Jaaaiagf haa ban ttm g JUICY • U.S. CNOiei • SONUSS ai Ml facwy mm wtuca A4HVAUM c * M«V at « NMnna Ht hM ten m tht POT ROAST 591 •• fMd id t, mi fanaarly nu with rDM Nat Co.. Rad Budt III WMlbt ndalMtolaa art •dwUnUp to tht Chictgo School TOY & CANDY DEPT. at Art. Mr. Jwninss It married HARDWARE DEPT. |o tlw terrotr Charlotto Rogen af R«d Btok. Tlwy have one HOBOKIN WIUOW—EXTIR9OR GYM daughter, and Uvt oa Grova St., POOL IflddiOtOtWI. 1 lWir MU1HERN TRIP HOUSE PAINT • naatlc Mated win J ! Eg" ' XEANSBURO — Plani for the •aauat but rida through the • OM Caat C«v«n louthtra atatta worn made at a •MaUaa ot St Maiur«t of Soot- laad CuUd Uat Sunday in Buck Smlth't roatturaat. The YOUR party will laavt Jaiy » and re- turn July 18. '• iff. 4tf CHOICE A home party will be held Sat- urday afternoon, July 25, in the home of Mn. John Dorl, West Keaniburg, for members, A trip to the American Martyr* ghrine SHREWSBURY AVL Rt 35 (,,=„) NEW SHREWSBURY In Aurlivllle, N. Y., Is icheduled for Aug. 30. Hoiteatei were Mn. John Dur- •Plui tirvlaii Wl Ruirvi OPEN DAILY 9:30 A. M. - 10 P. M.—SUNDAY 'TIL 6 P. M.—Porting For Ov«r 3000 Corel Warronty, Dtllvtiy Tli> RUht U fiiun, Mn. kose Ursdy, Mm. Limit quintltl.l "THE ONLY DISCOUNT DEPARTMENT STORE WHERE YOU CAN CHARGE IT!" Thorn an Canavan and Mrs. Mur- garet Lynch,, vpvfr-j':-.. :^v.Y,tj:uJ.;;<.!::•<:*