BED BANK An Ideal I'lace to Live BED B Located on the Beautiful and nurroundlng Towns Shrewsbury River, on» hour Told Fearlessly and Without Blu from New York and provid- RED BANK REGISTER ing every city convenience. Iiauad Weekly. EnUnd ai Sacond-CImi Hitter at the Poit- VOLUME LVIII, NO. 36. oIUco >t Bed Bank, N. J., und«r the Act at March >, 1879. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1936. Subscription Price: On« Yenr 12.00. Six Months |l.00. Single Copy <c. PAGES 1 TO 12. To Buy Supplies Song Recital At Holmdel Resident Housing Guild The Police Force Holmdel to Have O'Brien Parking Red Banker May On Basis Of Bids Reformed Church Falls Into Well May Be Started And The Public Fine New Dwelling Mrs. John Zantzlnger fell Into a Mr. and Mrs. William Zeilcra of Grounds Will Be Seek Nomination Board of Education Inttructi Ed- Musical Program to be Given at well In tho backyard of her residence In Red Bank Soon Laurence Harbor are having a resi- win C. Gilland After Receiv- at Holmdel one night last week. Her School Children dence built for their own occupancy Opened Monday For Congress Red Bank Friday Evening, husband heard her cries for help and on a four-acre tract of land which ing Letter from the State in- March 6, With A. Leroy Baker summoned neighbors. Among those Contractors, Architects, Real- A Talk About Their Relationship they bought on the Whitc-Pach de- epector of Accounts. Filling; the Leading Role. who arrived at the scene was Elwood velopment on tho east side of the jAutoists Will Again be Able to Frank F. Groff Being Urged by tori, (Manufacturers, Financing Schanck, who was on his way home Given to the First Grade Pu- state highway at Holmdel. The Put Their Cars There, but Friends, Civic Groups and In an automobile from Scobeyville, property is a short distance south of John S. Mount, Btato Inspector of A. Loltoy Baker, a well known Agents and Distributors to be pils of the Oakland Street They Will Have to Pay- accounts, in u letter which was read where ho had been working. He was the corner of the state highway and Others to File Petition This Monmouth county tenor, will glvo a attracted by Mrs. Zantinger's Bcrcaois Invited to Join. the Holmdel-Marlboro road. Chamber Marking Time. • at tho meeting of the Red Bank ong recital in the Reformed church and tho commotion In the yard. School Tuesday Morning. Spring. board of education last week stated of Red Bank Friday evening, March The new dwelling will be of the The men had no'means at hand for bungalow type, one and one-half The O'Brien estate tract at Red that only about 35'per cent of the 6, at 8:15 o'clock, with Mrs. Olive Georgo Grace of tho Monmouth Policeman Frank Reuther of Red supplies used In the schools Is bought Wyckoff assisting at the piano. Mr. getting Mrs. Zantzlnger out of the Lumber company of Red Bank 1B at- stories high, with six rooms and a Bank, between White and West Red Bank may have a candidate well, but Mr. Schanck made a quick Bank gave a talk to the pupils of the bathroom on the first floor and two Front streets, will be re-opened for »r the congressional nomination. on contract after advertising f,pr Baker for the past eight years has tending a two-weeks merchandising first jjrado of the Oakland street bids and that this procedure should, been musical director of the Red trip to the village center In his au- conference In New York at which rooms' on the second floor. It will be automobile parking Monday •>. after Frank Fisher Groff, who has his tomobile and notified the ilremen. school Tuesday morning at the invi- enclosed with shingles and a garage having been closed about a month. home, Rio Vista, overlooking the be changed. He said that such a Bank high school and a soloist In plans are being discussed to stimu- tation of Miss Mary A. McCue, the change would save money and less- leading churches at Asbury Park. At Tho firelighters were quickly at the late tho building trades and employ- will be attached. The bungalow will However, instead of free public park- Shrewsbury river at the corner of en the bookkeeping work of Japhia present lie'ls soloist of the Red Bank place with a ladder and Mrs. Zunt- ment in Red Bank and to show pros- principal o( the school, and Miss Vera I be provided with hardwood floors ing a fee will be charged for leaving Union and Washington streets, is Clayton, secretary for the board of Presbyterian church and ho Is'di- zingcr climbed out of the well. Aside pective home owners how they can M. Hennessey, the grade teacher. The j and modern improvements. It will cary on the place. being urged by a large group of education; The letter also Bald that rector of music at the Reformed from getting wet, she was none tho get the best houses for the least children are studying about the com- be completed in May. Spafford W. As previously told in The Regis- Viends to enter the race. purchasing supplies without adver-, church. He is also director of the worse for her experience. money. munity and the relation of the police Schanck of Matawan ,ls the con- ter, thia area has been leased for a Mr. Groff, when interviewed by a Using (or bids was an evasion of Red Bank school orchestra. Mr. Grace, with other building ma- force to it, and Mr. Reuther's dis- tractor. year at the rate of $2,400 by Herman Register representative concerning tho law. terial dealers and sales managers course was along theee lines. He II- j L. and Clifford A. Green, ice dealers his candidacy, stated that he had not from Eastern states, Is studying a lustrated his remarks with a large, trading as Green Bros. They paid The board of education Instructed diagram which he had prepared of half a year's rent of $1,200 when the yet mado up his mind but was Edwin C. Gilland, supervising prin- American Legion now and Important development In Council Named giving it very serious consideration. building industry merchandising and the zone in which tho Oakland street deal was consummated. Because of cipal of Bchools to make supply pur- school is located. Street Intersec- inclement weather conditions they He said ttiat he had been approached chases in this me ifler hereafter. St. Patrick Dance service methods so that he may an- by representatives of civic and fra- alyze local market conditions with a tions and traflic lights were prom- have delayed opening the space un- This will requiro considerable stor- inently displayed. The safety first As Members Of fit next week. They are now en- ternal organizations and private ing of goods. It was also voted to view to organizing a Housing Guild clubs, as well as a large number of Plans Well Under Way for An- in Red Bank. Membership in the rules demonstrated by Mr. Reuther gaged in getting the tract ready for make a number of other changes in made a great impression upon the Republican party workers and inde- procedure and policy. Among other nual Event to be Held at the Hulld would include contractors, Board Of Health use. class. No further action has been taken pendent voters, to file his petition, things Mr. Clayton will have a new Smoke Shop Tavern Tuesday, architects, real estate men, financing and that already he had been assured office instead of sharing quarters agencies, manufacturers and distrib- Among the things explained by the March 17. Mayor Augustus M. Minton of more than enough signatures through with Mr. Gilland. utors. officer were the proper way to cross voluntary co-operation. , In his letter Mr. Mount stated It Is planned that these Guilds will a street, how pupils can make the Fair Haven Appoints Com- to acquiring additional land for free Plans for the tenth annual St. be set up throughout the country so policeman's work easier, the dally as- • that the school buildings were under signmenUj of the police, how trafile plete Board of Five—William | ment has been isBued, but it is be- insured and that co-insuranco up to Patrick's dance of Shrewsbury post that selling methods which have llicVQd that the hamb eighty per cent of tho up-to-date of the American legion of Red Bank been successfully used in the auto- lights are regulated day and night, Miller Resigns as Councilman. = er and the offi- were made Monday night. This event mobile, radio, home appliance and the kinds of badges worn, according cials are waiting to ascertain to what valuB should be taken. However, extent the private grounds will' be this WDB a recommendation, not an will take place at the' Smoko Shop similar Industries may be applied in to rank and their numbers, how tie the home building and moderniza- helps little children, oia people, and Appointment of live members of used before they attempt to solve the order. Some of the school board Tavern Tuesday evening, March 17. the council to serve on the board of parking problem. membors stated that carrying out William Naulty is chairman of the tion fields. This would include full those who have been injured, how utilization of the single mortgage ho clears tralllc for doctors, ambu- health was one of the principal met- Green Bros, state that they will tho recommendation would Increase dance committee.
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