Elwood, John W. Elwood’s Stories of the Old Ringgold , 1847-1865. First Three Years Cavalry of the Civil War. Coal Center, Pa.: Published by the Author, 1914. 22nd Pennsylvania Cavalry.

CHAPTER I Early History 17 The Organization — Name — Fort Sumter Fired On — Call for Men — Captain Keys Sees Governor Curtin — First Bloodshed — Second Visit to Curtin — Appeal to Simon Cameron — Fighting in West — Excitement at Beallsville — Adam Wickerham.

CHAPTER II Ox to Grafton 23 Leaving Home — At Carmichaels — Crossing the State Line — "Maple" Syrup — Night at Morgantown — War Scare (?) — Reach Grafton — First Cavalry — First Night in Camp — No Rations.

CHAPTER III In Camp at Grafton 29 Mustered In — Our Only Weapons — Officers — Capturing Confederate Mail — Loading Our Guns — First Night Out— On Duty All Night— The Cow Bells — Keeping Awake on Picket— Shooting My First Man — Blackburn Routs Confederates — Dinner on Mountain — Wounded Man's Story — Keys Almost Shot — After Garnett's Army — Horses Appraised — Stony Point — Our Chaplain.

CHAPTER IV At New Creek 29 News from Bull Run — "Stonewall" Jackson — Call for More Men— The Confederacy— Belief of the South— Officers Elected— Guarding the Railroad — Our Duties at New Creek — Fort Necessity — First Cavalry — Bushwhackers — Ludwiek Killed— A Chicken Dinner— Cold Stream Company— "The Old Log Church" — Wagon Train Captured — War in Missouri.

CHAPTER V Advance on Romney 51 Federal Authority Restored — Romney, Strategic Point — Its Newspaper —Ringgolds in Advance — Mechanicsburg Gup — Forces Divided — Hanging Rocks — Pelted with Stones Saves the Day — Sleeping on Our Arms — Ringgolds Charge — Romney Taken — Printing Press Destroyed — Return to New Creek.

CHAPTER VI Capture of Romney 57 Arrival of 4th Ohio — A Feast — Early Start — Burlington — Charged with Shot-Guns — The Log Barn — Moffitt's Charge — At the White House — Keys' Brilliant Charge — Howitzer Captured — Moffitt's Capture — A Barrel of "Nerve Builder" — Ball's Bluff — Plan of War.

CHAPTER VII In Camp at Romney 69 Camp Keys an Outpost — "Stonewall" at Winchester — His Plans — Buckingham and Bane Captured — Moffitt Wounded — Bushwhacking — Move on Blue's Gap — A Confederate Lady Friend — The Blockade — Price of Cotton — Blockade Runners — Privateering — The "Trent" Affair.


CHAPTER VIII Attack ox Blue's Gap 82 Union Forces — The Railroad — Importance of Move on Blue's Gap — Size of Command — Forces at Blue's Gap — A Complete Rout.

CHAPTER IX Under General Lander 86 "Stonewall" Enraged—Lander in Command — Leave Romney — At Patterson Creek — Pontooning Creek — Opinion of Lander — Our Worst Camp — Bloomery Furnace — At Paw Paw — Exposure — Orders to Burn Romney — Bloomery Gap — Annisansell Arrested — J. E. Abell's Injury — Death of Lander.

CHAPTER X Battle of Kernstown 90 Reach Winchester — McClellan's Elation — "Stonewall's" Movements — Shields Wounded — Keya Locating Enemy — An important Capture—A Sunday Battle — The Death Blow — Banks in Pursuit — Jackson Severely Checked — Strikes Kenly — Bank's Retreat — Reaches Potomac — Bank's Loss — Washington Alarmed — Shields Compliments Ringgolds — A Noted Capture — Ordered to Cumberland.

CHAPTER XI Our Longest March 102 Encounter Ashby — A. B. Grant as Spy — Farewell to Shields — Visit Romney — Why Welcome — Out of Food — All Aboard for Parkersburg — The Stolen Ale — Songs by the Way — Kelley Angry — Our Capture of Parkersburg — A Woman Spy — A Bloodless Charge — Establishing Civil Law — Bushwhacked Near Spencer — Forts Henry and Donaldson — Battle of Shiloh — The "Merrimac" and "Monitor."

CHAPTER XII In Camp at Beverly 111 Among Guerrillas — Scout to Elkwater — Major Stewart Captured — Hedge's Story — A Dark Ride — A Woman Soldier — Snyder Boys Killed — At Clarksburg — Surprise Confederate Company — Given a Rest — McClellan Marches on Richmond — Lee Invades — Capture of New Orleans.

CHAPTER XIII At New Creek Again 123 A Hard Journey — An Exposed Point — Surprising Stuart's Cavalry — A Large Capture — Attack Imboden — A. B. Richardson Shot — Major Stewart Escapes — Charge on Moorefield — Weaver's Experience — Another Move on Richmond — Fighting in Kentucky.

CHAPTER XIV At Romney Again 131 Keys Sent to Winchester — Place Abandoned — Carrying a Dispatch — Keys Leaves Winchester — Attacked by Confederates — Key's Letter to His Wife — Capture of Hay Train— Purgitsville Will Fight — "Tip" Wickerham — Gass and Boyd Hedge — Life of Writer Saved— Myers Captured— John B. Fay— Helping Make a New State — The Reese Episode — Buying Cattle — Slavery— The Emancipation Proclamation — Negro Enlistments.

CHAPTER XV Why not at Gettysburg 149 Location of Lee — Size of Each Army — Object of Invasion of North — Kelley at South Mountain — The Dreadful Conflict — Hart's Scout — Kelley Crosses Potomac — Vicksburg Surrenders —The Mississippi Opened.


CHAPTER XVI At Clear Spring 155 David Hart's Story — Boyd Hedge Captured — Hart Locating Enemy — Shelled at Cumberland — Find Kelley — Capture of Stuart's Adjutant General — Scout to Clear Spring — Wickerham Locating Enemy — David Hart Shot — Myers and Devers Rescued — At Bluchers Hotel — At Home — Kelley's Compliment — Capture of Hampton Legion.

CHAPTER XVII The Story of General Kelley 163 Character of Kelley — Saves Pittsburgh — First Engagement of War— First Soldier to Fall— A Story Kept Secret— Kelley Disappointed at South Mountain — A Council of War — Plot to Capture Kelley's Whole Army— Woman Foils Plan — Little Nat's Part.

CHAPTER XVIII In Camp at Petersburg 172 Death of Captain Keys — Buckingham Captured — Lafferty and Bane — 872 Miles — Getting Supplies — Some Scouts — McDowell's Raid— Thoburn Cut Off— Getting Down the Mountain — Frozen Feet — Averell's Report.

CHAPTER XIX The Ringgolds Re-enlist 182 Three years of Service — Changes — The Draft — Riot in City — Conscription in the South — Asked to Re-enlist — A Promise Broken — a Month's Furlough— Captain Hart Mobbed — Return to Cumberland--GoId — "Greenbacks" — Depreciated Currency for Pay.

CHAPTER XX The Lost River Raid 187 After McNeill— Flour Barrel Capture — Toll Gate Hill —Scout to Petersburg — Charge on Imboden — A Ride for Life — Wagon Train Captured — Our Prisoners Taken — Robinson and Kinder Prisoners.

CHAPTER XXI Hunter's Raid 193 The Outlook — Grant Lieutenant-General — New Plans for War — Ringgolds to Winchester — Cavalry Divided — Sigel Routed — Woodstock — Myers' Charge — Piedmont or New Hope — Death of Emery Hall — Jones Killed — Joined by Crooks and Averell — Lexington — Military School Burned — Lee Reinforced — A Dash for Liberty — Sweet Sulphur Springs — At Charleston and Parkersburg — Grant Moves on Richmond — The Wilderness — Spotsylvania Courthouse — Cold Harbor — Begins Siege — Sherman's Advance — Taxes — High Prices in Richmond.

CHAPTER XXII Timber Ridge 205 Bridge Destroyed — Visit Greenland Gap — Weatherford's — McNeill and Harness — Kelley Hears Hart is Cut Off — Forces Ambushed — "Blucher" Arrives.

CHAPTER XXIII Early's Invasion 209 Starts for Washington— Night Marching— Short Rations — Two Prisoners Taken — Attacked at Winchester — Fall Back to Martinsburg — Gun on Maryland Heights — The Writer wounded —Battle of Monocacy — Burying the Dead — Early Reaches Washington City— Meet Boys Who Were on the Hunter Raid— John S. Mosby — Ashby's Gap — Snicker's Ferry.


CHAPTER XXIV Hart's Famous Charge 219 "Only a Corporal's Guard" — A Desperate Undertaking — Words of Captain Allen — Fatal Stone Fence — A Miraculous Escape — Moffitt Saves Hart — Battle of Kernstown— The Retreat — Ringgolds in Front— Death of Mulligan.

CHAPTER XXV Along the Upper Potomac 225 Cross into Maryland — On Way to Averell — Chambersburg Burned — Join Averell — At Romney — Attack McCausland — Cause of His Defeat — McNeill Leaves McCausland — Prisoners to New Creek — Plenty of Fighting — At Cumberland — Rumors of Fighting.

CHAPTER XXVI Winchester and Fishers Hill 237 Sheridan's Forces — Moves to Winchester — Early Reinforced — Spoiling for Action — Battle Begins — Torbert's Cavalry — Wright and Emory — Ramseur — Crook's Charge — Losses — Early at Fishers Hill — A Strange Projectile — A Barefoot Cavalryman — Early Felt Secure — The Charge and Rout — Early Flees — Sheridan Follows Retreating Army — The Work of Destruction.

CHAPTER XXVII With Sheridan at Cedar Creek 249 Sheridan at Washington — Position of Forces — Midnight Start of Early—Routs 8th Corps — 19th Corps Routed — Sheridan at Winchester — His Ride — Rallies Men — The old Ringgold Forgotten — Early's Bitter Address — Sheridan's Losses — Story of Parshall.

CHAPTER XXVIII The Ringgold Battalion 263 Keys in Washington, Pa. — The Battalion Formed — Different Companies— The 22nd Pennsylvania Cavalry.

CHAPTER XXIX The McNeill Rangers 267 Frequent Encounters With— F. M. White Saved — Invite Ringgolds to Moorefield — The Rangers at California, Pa.

CHAPTER XXX The Old Ringgolds 271 Names of the Seventy Members Mustered in at Grafton Juno 29, 1S61 — Names of the One Hundred Members Added Later.

CHAPTER XXXI The Grant Family 305 A History — Ulysses S. Grant — L. George Grant — Andrew B. Grant — Robert Q. Grant — Lieutenant W. Rea Furlong.


Our Seventy-two Engagements — Generals We Served Under. 323