“A People Who Have Not the Pride to Record Their History Will Not Long
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STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE i “A people who have not the pride to record their History will not long have virtues to make History worth recording; and Introduction no people who At the rear of Old Main at Bethany College, the sun shines through are indifferent an arcade. This passageway is filled with students today, just as it was more than a hundred years ago, as shown in a c.1885 photograph. to their past During my several visits to this college, I have lingered here enjoying the light and the student activity. It reminds me that we are part of the past need hope to as well as today. People can connect to historic resources through their make their character and setting as well as the stories they tell and the memories they make. future great.” The National Register of Historic Places recognizes historic re- sources such as Old Main. In 2000, the State Historic Preservation Office Virgil A. Lewis, first published Historic West Virginia which provided brief descriptions noted historian of our state’s National Register listings. This second edition adds approx- Mason County, imately 265 new listings, including the Huntington home of Civil Rights West Virginia activist Memphis Tennessee Garrison, the New River Gorge Bridge, Camp Caesar in Webster County, Fort Mill Ridge in Hampshire County, the Ananias Pitsenbarger Farm in Pendleton County and the Nuttallburg Coal Mining Complex in Fayette County. Each reveals the richness of our past and celebrates the stories and accomplishments of our citizens. I hope you enjoy and learn from Historic West Virginia. Susan M. Pierce Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer ii WEST VIRGINIA DIVISION OF CULTURE AND HISTORY STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE iii the nomination process. Upon passage Criteria for Evaluation Overview of the of the National Historic Preservation National Register Act of 1966, the West Virginia Antiqui- The National Register of Historic Places ties Commission assumed the respon- uses four criteria to determine if proper- of Historic Places sibilities of survey and nomination of ties are eligible to be listed in the regis- the state’s historic resources. With the ter; properties are required to meet only creation of the Department, now Divi- one criterion for listing. The nomination The National Register of Historic Plac- sion, of Culture and History, the Histor- es is the official Federal list of districts, documents the property’s significance, ic Preservation Section took on these and includes a justification as to why the sites, buildings, structures and objects functions. significant in American history, archi- property is eligible for inclusion in the tecture, archeology, engineering, and National Register under one of the four The West Virginia State Historic Preser- criteria listed below. culture. These resources help us under- vation Office (WV SHPO) requests the stand the historical and cultural foun- completion of a WV Historic Property Criterion A: EVENTS - Properties that dations of our nation. Before the estab- to the nominations. Objections must be Inventory Form, an Archaeological Site are associated with events that have lishment of the National Register, our notarized. The property owner(s) will Form or Cemetery Form to conduct a made a significant contribution to the country experienced a variety of public receive written notification of the date, preliminary evaluation of a property’s broad patterns of our history. and private efforts to protect our his- significance. This evaluation follows the time and location of the Archives and toric resources. The Antiquities Act of History Commission’s meeting to con- National Register Criteria for Evaluation Criterion B: PERSONS - Properties that 1906 authorized the President to protect sider the nomination. For a nomination and considers the historic significance, are associated with the lives of persons historic resources on lands owned or with more than 50 property owners, integrity and age of the resource. While significant in our past. controlled by the Government and the there are exceptions, resources must be individual notices are not required. In- Historic Sites Act of 1935 established stead, the WV SHPO provides a general at least 50 years old to be listed. If pre- Criterion C: ARCHITECTURE - Prop- the National Historic Landmarks Pro- notice in the appropriate newspaper. liminary review is favorable, anyone can erties that embody the distinctive char- gram. The National Historic Preserva- Although not required, the nomination complete the nomination form although acteristics of a type, period, or method tion Act of 1966 authorized the National sponsor and the SHPO may host a pub- it is helpful to use qualified profession- of construction or that represent the Register of Historic Places, expanding lic meeting to explain the nomination als. The preparer is urged to work in work of a master, or that possess high Federal recognition to historic proper- process and the benefits of listing. The cooperation with the WV SHPO staff. artistic values, or that represent a signif- ties of local and State significance, not applicable chief elected officials of the Funding assistance for completion of a icant and distinguishable entity whose just national significance. The following county and municipal political jurisdic- National Register nomination form is components may lack individual distinc- is a summary of the nomination process tion in which the property is located are available through the Survey and Plan- tion. and the National Register Criteria for ning Grant program. also notified. Evaluation. More information can be Criterion D: INFORMATION - Proper- found at www.wvculture.org or www. Upon approval by the WV Archives and Upon completion of a final draft, the ties that have yielded, or may be likely to nps.gov/nr. The nomination process fol- History Commission, the WV SHPO West Virginia Archives and History yield, information important in pre- lows regulations found in 36 CFR 60. staff will make any final corrections and Commission must review and approve his¬tory or history. the nomination at one of its regularly changes before sending the nomination package to the National Park Service for Nomination Process scheduled meetings before it is forward- A property must – in most cases – be review and approval. (Sometimes the ed to the National Park Service. Prior to at least 50 years of age or more to be Commission may table the nomination The National Register program is ad- the meeting, the WV SHPO must notify considered for listing in the National and ask for more information prior to ministered by the National Park Service, the public at least 30 days but not more Register. In addition to meeting at least approval.) Upon receipt, the NPS staff U.S. Department of the Interior, which than 75 days in advance. This notifica- one of the criteria of evaluation and the have 45 days to review and comment. established the nomination process tion provides an opportunity for written age requirement, a property must pos- Final approval is published in the Feder- and the criteria for eligibility. The State comments and the owners of private sess integrity or be relatively intact in al Register. Historic Preservation Office oversees property to concur or object in writing terms of the following qualities: setting, iv WEST VIRGINIA DIVISION OF CULTURE AND HISTORY STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE v location, design, feeling, workmanship, directly associated with his or her pro- Design is the combination of elements Feeling is a property’s expression of the materials, and association. ductive life. that create the form, plan, space, struc- aesthetic or historic sense of a partic- ture, and style of a property. ular period of time. It results from the Criteria Considerations D. A cemetery which derives its prima- presence of physical features that, taken ry significance from graves of persons Setting is the physical environment of a together, convey the property’s historic of transcendent importance, from age, historic property. Whereas location re- character. Certain property types from distinctive design features, or from fers to the specific place where a proper- are not considered association with historic events. ty was built or an event occurred, setting Association is the direct link between eligible for listing on refers to the character of the place in an important historic event or person the National Register. E. A reconstructed building when ac- which the property played its historical and a historic property. A property These include: ceme- curately executed in a suitable environ- role. retains association if it is the place where teries, birthplaces, or ment and presented in a dignified man- the event or activity occurred and is graves of historical fig- ner as part of a restoration master plan, Materials are the physical elements that sufficiently intact to convey that rela- ures; properties owned and when no other building or structure were combined or deposited during a tionship to an observer. by religious institutions with the same association has survived. particular period of time and in a partic- or used for religious ular pattern or configuration to form a purposes; structures Benefits and Facts about F. A property primarily com¬memora- historic property. that have been moved tive in intent if design, age, tradition, or Listing from their original symbolic value has invested it with its Workmanship is the physical evidence location; reconstruct- own historical significance.