An Introduction to Synthetic Biology and Igem
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An Introduction to Synthetic Biology and iGEM UNBC-Canada iGEM 2017 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRO TO BACTERIAL GENETICS AND MICROBIOLOGY ................................................... 2 2. PROTEINS & ENZYMES ...................................................................................................................... 4 3. ANTIBIOTICS & ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE ............................................................................... 7 4.NUCLEIC ACIDS & PLASMID DESIGN ............................................................................................ 8 5. TRANSFORMATION, TRANSDUCTION & TRANSFECTION ............................................... 13 6. DIGESTION & LIGATION REACTIONS ........................................................................................ 15 7. PCR & AGAROSE GELS ...................................................................................................................... 17 8. CRISPR, GENE EDITING, & GENE SILENCING TECHNOLOGY .......................................... 19 9. DNA SEQUENCING TECHNOLOGIES .......................................................................................... 21 10. APPLICATIONS OF SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY & IGEM ............................................................ 23 LIST OF PHOTO REFERENCES ........................................................................................................... 25 1 Chapter 1. Intro to Bacterial Genetics & Microbiology As far as life goes, bacteria are qUite simple to Understand. This simplicity arises from the fact that, in most cases, what you see is what you get with bacteria. Simply pUt, there are significantly less variables to consider when working in bacterial systems in the lab when compared to eUkaryotes. Some examples inclUde reproduction by binary fission, ease of gene expression, and the natural tendency of bacteria to interact with each other. An extremely important component of bacterial DNA is circUlar chromosomes called plasmids. As yoU will learn, these are some of the most important tools Utilized in synthetic biology. Firstly, bacteria reproduce to form exact clones of them when expanding and colonizing an area (for example, a Petri dish). This is very convenient for Us as synthetic biologists, as we can grow large colonies of bacteria that all have the same characteristics we are interested in. For example, we can engineer bacteria to produce a certain protein or have a certain gene, grow a few litres of culture (volUme of bacteria colonies), and isolate the protein or DNA of interest from the cultUre in large amoUnts to work with later. In fact, this is how synthetic insUlin is produced for the treatment of diabetes. The fact that gene expression is very straightforward in bacteria, compared to their eukaryotic counterparts, is perhaps the reason that biotechnology has been so successful Up to this point. Bacteria do not possess nearly as many regUlatory elements and processing proteins as eUkaryotes. Also, they simultaneoUsly transcribe messenger RNA (mRNA) and translate that mRNA into protein, which saves post-transcriptional processing steps that modify the mRNA and complicate things. It is very simple to simply “plUg and play” with most bacteria, and varioUs bacterial strains are actUally optimized for this ease of expression; examples inclUde DH5α and Rosetta pLysS, both strains of E. coli optimized for plasmid propagation and protein expression, respectively. What is meant by “plUg and play” is that a gene of interest can be introdUced to a bacteriUm and expressed soon thereafter; typically, these genes are introduced in plasmids. For example, a plasmid containing the reporter GFP (Green FlUorescent Protein) can be introdUced to a bacteriUm and cause the subsequent colony to glow green. In fact, this procedure is so easy a five year old could do it, providing they know proper pipetting technique. Lastly, understanding interactions between bacteriUm is important for Understanding some of the processes that coUld accoUnt for error in the lab. Bacteria can share or obtain DNA throUgh the processes of conjugation and/or transformation. ConjUgation is the fancy way of saying “bacterial sex.” When we think of sexUal reprodUction, we typically recall two haploid gametes coming together and sharing genes that have been “mixed” by the process of crossing over. However, in the bacterial system, this is far from what happens, so we will be referring to it as the less-racy “conjugation” or “horizontal gene transfer (HGT)”. In this process, bacteria share plasmid DNA. In short, there are genes present on some plasmids present in bacteria that “hijack” the bacteriUm’s machinery in order to provide copies of itself to neighbouring bacteria. The plasmid simultaneoUsly replicates itself and feeds the copy through a protein channel into the neighbouring cell; this process typically takes about 2 hours. Incidentally, this process is 2 responsible for the propagation of antibiotic resistance genes, which will be covered in Chapter 3. Transformation is not as specific as conjUgation; transformation is the process where bacteria take in DNA from their sUrroUndings. YoU can think of transformation as being analogoUs to levelling Up in a video game and acqUiring a new ability, in that if the DNA tUrns oUt to be beneficial, the organism will hold onto it. Examples inclUde antibiotic resistance genes, or genes that make the organism either more efficient or able to oUtcompete their neighboUrs. In a natUral system, transformation works throUgh an array of proteins embedded in the oUtermost membrane of the bacteria. These proteins sense and bind to the DNA then create a pore in the membrane to allow entry of the DNA into the cell. In the lab, this techniqUe is absolUtely essential to genetically modifying a bacteriUm or eUkaryotic cell sUch as hUman cells or yeast; this process will be covered in-depth in Chapter 5. In the lab, we grow bacteria in a liqUid or solid media. Media is, essentially, the food we provide to the bacteria to grow optimally. LUria Broth (LB), for example, is the best choice for growing E. coli; LB contains essential salts and proteins required for growth. There are many different kinds of media that have ingredients specifically tailored to what bacteria yoU woUld like to grow in that media. After cells are introdUced to media and begin to grow, it is collectively referred to as “cell culture”, or simply “cUltUre”. The media for growing cells in a Petri dish contains a certain amoUnt of agar. Agar is a compoUnd derived from the sUgar agarose, which is prodUced by some algae and harvested. The pUrpose of including agar in your media is so that, when yoU poUr the liqUid media into the Petri dish, it will solidify and give the cells a surface to adhere to, which is necessary for them to form colonies (collections of bacteria bound together). Interestingly, agar is the ingredient in Jell-O that turns in into a low-density solid. LiqUid media, or “broth cUltUre”, is simply the same media yoU woUld Use in a Petri dish withoUt the agar. This type of media is UsefUl to Use when yoU want to grow massive qUantities of cells to isolate DNA or protein from. One important step that shoUld not be overlooked is called aUtoclaving. Autoclaving is the process of Using very high temperatUres (121°C) and pressUre to sterilize yoUr media; this is essential, as yoU know you are only growing your bacteria of interest when you introduce your cells, known as inoculation. There are many ways to grow bacteria in the lab, and the method yoU choose depends on the nUtritional type of yoUr bacteria, as well as whether or not they require oxygen (aerobic) or no oxygen (anaerobic). For aerobic bacteria, such as E. coli, broth cultures and stationary phase cultures (in a Petri dish) are the norm. For anaerobic bacteria, sUch as Porphyromonas gingivalis, the bacteriUm responsible for gingivitis, a deep or a slant is commonly Used. These two involve making a solid media, as with a Petri dish, in the bottom of a test tUbe, then inocUlating the bacteria Using a needle to ensUre they are at the bottom of the media, where no oxygen is present. 3 Concept Check 1. What makes bacteria cells easier to stUdy than hUman cells? 2. Describe a plasmid. 3. Compare and contrast transformation and conjUgation. Lab scenario fill-in-the-blank: How would you grow E. coli to purify a protein? E. coli is an _________________ bacteria, meaning it (does/does not) reqUire oxygen. Therefore, I want to eventUally make a _______________ cUltUre Using __________________ media. First, I will sterilize my media by the process of ___________________. Then, I will grow them in a Petri dish, select one colony after they grow overnight, and ________________ into _________________. Chapter 2. Proteins & Enzymes Before we can properly talk aboUt proteins, we must first establish a basic Understanding of what is known as the Central Dogma of MolecUlar Biology. The Central Dogma governs how we Understand life itself, and the role of DNA, RNA, and proteins in what makes what. As we know, DNA is the main genetic material, which can be thoUght of as the blUeprint for an organism. Protein is the final prodUct of the blUeprint and gives cells their fUnction. It is important to Understand the process lay oUt by the Central Dogma, as we will revisit it nUmeroUs times. 4 Proteins are macromolecUles that perform every fUnction imaginable inside cells. They are made Up of a seqUence of amino acids, which are carbon and nitrogen based Units that link