Mdb Environmental and Social Safeguard Policies and Zambian Environmental Legislation

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Mdb Environmental and Social Safeguard Policies and Zambian Environmental Legislation Public Disclosure Authorized MINISTRY OF FINANCE Public Disclosure Authorized INVESTMENT PROJECTS FOR THE BAROTSE AND KAFUE SUB-BASINS UNDER THESTRATEGIC PROGRAMME FOR CLIMATE RESILIENCE IN ZAMBIA Public Disclosure Authorized ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK Volume I Public Disclosure Authorized FINAL DRAFT REPORT FEBRUARY 2013 PPCR Environment and Social Management Framework Final Draft Report Page | i EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ) has commenced implementation of the Pilot Programme for Climate Resilience (PPCR) which is funded by the Climate Investment Funds (CIFs).Under this Pilot programme two Investment projects are to be funded: (i) Strengthening Climate Resilience (PPCR phase II) Project in the Barotse Sub-Basin (Administered by the World Bank, and (ii) A complimentary project administered through the African Development Bank focusing on similar intervention but in the Kafue Sub basin. The World Bank funded sub-projects in the Barotse Sub-basin are expected to commence in September 2013 and will run until December 2019. The Kafue Sub-basin Investment project under the funding of the AfDB will be implemented from December 2013 to December 2018. The geographical scope of the two investment projects is in 17 districts out of 28 in both basins. In the Barotse Sub basin the eight selected pilot districts are Kalabo, Kaoma, Lukulu, Mongu, Senanga, Shang’ombo, Sesheke and Kazungula. The nine districts selected in the Kafue Sub-basin are Chibombo, Choma, Kafue, Kalomo, Itezhi-Tezhi, Mazabuka, Monze, Mumbwa and Namwala. The eligible project prototypes to be financed by both the WB and the AfDB cut across the following thematic areas: Agriculture land use and livestock practices, diversification of livelihoods, Climate information and community preparedness, Community level infrastructure(small dams, ponds and improved wells), Climate proofing of infrastructure( roads and canals) and support to participatory adaptation. The emphasis of implementation arrangements varies from each basin depending on priorities. In the Kafue Sub basin focus is on strengthening farm level support systems such, (conservation agriculture, fertility management, crop diversification, promotion of livestock and Fisheries, upgrading community level infrastructure (reservoirs, small dams, small scale irrigation schemes, community forestry plantations, flood control and diversion structures) and support to local government and community groups to help them incorporate climate risk management in local development plans. In the Barotse Su-basin the focus is on diversification of Agriculture, livestock practices livelihood opportunities into sustainable activities that are not climate sensitive, and/or moving them to less to less climate sensitive locations ( such as bee-keeping, crafts using local , non –timber materials, processing aquaculture, and livelihood investments in higher grounds. Infrastructure initiatives for water management to reduce effects of flooding; rehabilitation and / or manage canals to improve drainage and / or store water to overcome shorter growing seasons and allow for early planting and full maturation. At ward level strengthening the base of infrastructure such as schools, health clinics or halls which may also act as flood shelters and facilitation/equipping local livestock Para-vet centres for vaccination and disease control are some of the priorities. The core project components and sub components for both the WB and AfDB projects are similar. The emphasis of implementation however reflects the different priorities in the two basins, as illustrated below. PPCR Environment and Social Management Framework Final Draft Report Page | ii BAROTSE SUB BASIN (WB) Component Sub-component 1 Strategic National Programme Support 1.1 Institutional Support to National Climate Change programme 1.2 Strengthened Climate Information 2 Support to Pilot Participatory Adaptation 3 Pilot Participatory Adaptation 3.1 Community adaptation sub –grants:- actual funding to participatory adaptation investments 3.2 Rehabilitation and strengthened management of traditional canals:-Strengthening of the management of 5 traditional canals KAFUE SUB-BASIN (AfDB) Component Sub-component 1 Participatory Adaptation 1.1 Integrated Community-Based Adaptation:-community level infrastructure to be upgraded to withstand floods or droughts 1.2 Support to participatory Adaptation:-support to local Government to incorporate climate risk management principles in area plans 2 Climate Proofing Road Infrastructure Focussed on climate proofing of farm-to-market major roads to be climate resilient. 3 Strategic National Programme Support Led by the Ministry of Finance and National Planning (MoF), the PPCR involves two phases: Phase I: Preparation Phase and Phase II: Implementation Phase. The PPCR seeks to: a) mainstream climate change adaptation into national plans and strategies; b) assist communities in highly vulnerable areas to identify and address their own climate change adaptation options as part of local development plans; c) incorporate climate resilience into existing community development funds to ensure their sustainability; d) invest in highly visible infrastructure as a way to rally public support for adaptation; e) build on partnerships, particularly with private sector and civil society; f) use the transformative power of communication technologies; and g) strengthen the institutional foundation for a future climate change programme in Zambia. The sub-projects in the selected districts will be community-demand driven (CDD). Therefore the nature and exact locations of these subprojects is yet to be defined and identified by the communities. However even if the nature and location of these sub projects is not defined and not known , Operational Policy 4.01 of the World Bank, the Environmental Policy of the African Development Bank and the regulations of the Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA)require that , the main implementing agency, the Ministry of Finance prepares (i) A Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA); (ii) an Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF); and (iii) a Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF). The objective of the first two frameworks (SESA and RPF) is to review relevant policies and legislation on environment and climate change and also to assess the potential implications for PPCR Environment and Social Management Framework Final Draft Report Page | iii resettlement and compensation respectively. The purpose of the third Framework, (ESMF), is to assess and determine the potential environmental and social impacts of all sub-project activities that are to be financed under PPCR in the Barotse and Kafue Sub-basins. Specifically, the ESMF identifies mitigation, monitoring and institutional measures to be undertaken in order to ensure that the implementation and operation of the project activities do not trigger adverse environmental and social impacts. The mitigation and monitoring measures are intended to offset any anticipated negative effects of the sub-projects or at a minimum reduce impacts to acceptable levels. The first two Chapters (Chapters 1 to 2) of the ESMF essentially provide background information that starts with a description of the Project which is followed by a brief explanation of the methodology used in formulating the ESMF. The main issues contained in this ESMF are described below. The Kafue basin and the Barotse Flood Plains are sub-basins of the Zambezi Basin which is shared by seven other countries namely; Democratic Republic of Congo, Angola, Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Malawi and Mozambique. Both the Kafue and Barotse sub-basins consist of highly valuable but sensitive ecological resources. These are the Barotse flood plains which have been designated as a Ramsar site and are currently under consideration to be designated as a World Heritage Site. The wetlands in the Kafue sub-basin support a rich variety of flora and fauna which include rare species of mammals such as the Red Lechwe. The Kafue National Park, the Blue Lagoon National Park and Lonchinvar National Park all provide one of the largest sanctuaries for mammals and bird life. The Kafue flats carry huge economic significance for nationally-important industries for the generation of hydro-electric power, production of sugarcane, fishing and livestock and crop production. Both the Kafue and Barotse sub-basins are prone to both floods and drought as they fall under Agro-ecological Region 2 (high rainfall) and 1 (less rainfall). Recently, parts of the Barotse sub- basin experienced frost Climate Change have already increased the frequency and intensity of both floods and droughts. This will increase the vulnerability of the communities in the two sub- basins. The climate resilient sub-projects will provide opportunities for these communities to reduce their vulnerability to the effects of climate change. This ESMF has been formulated to ensure that all climate resilient subprojects in the Kafue and Barotse Sub-basins will comply with all the relevant national environmental policies and legislation administered by ZEMA while adhering to the Environmental and Social Safeguards Policies of the World Bank(WB) and African Development Bank(AfDB) which are described in Chapter 4. Chapter 4 provides a detailed treatment of the World Bank and African Development Bank Safeguards Policies. The following World Bank operational safeguards policies are triggered: PPCR Environment and Social Management
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