Curriculum vitae of Dragana Palecek


Last update: 03\02\2016

Dragana Palecek Coral Ecology & Biology Lab Marine Science Group Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Via F. Selmi 3 I-40126 Bologna, European Union

Mobile: +39 / 3287172508 E-mail: [email protected] Home: Via Augusto Murri 49, CAP 40137 Bologna, Italy, European Union

Nationality: Serbia Date of birth: 17\12\1994 Place of Birth: Belgrade Gender: F Marital Status: Single

1 Curriculum vitae of Dragana Palecek


2013/2014 Enrolled the course of Natural science at the 2013 Diploma from the sports gymnasium of Belgrade 2009 Diploma from the elementary school “Radoje Domanovic” of Belgrade

Areas of scientific interests Marine Biology, Genetics, Molecular and Developmental Biology, Biotechnologies, Ecology and Conservation of nature....

Academic professional experience

2015 Intern with Marine Science group - Department of Biological and Geological and Environmental science at Università di Bologna 2015 Part time at the Department of Phisics at the University of Bologna

Other competences

2015 Drivers licence B


Mother language: Serbian Other languages: English Italian Macedonian Croatian Bosnian French

Technical skills and competences

Capable in the lab, yet to learn a lot. Capable with Microsoft office (Word, Excell, Power point...) and the windows operating system, some experience with the apple operating system. Expiriance with rendering and 3D reconstructing programs (Parrec, Imgrec,Jilrec, Vgstudios...) Set-up and alinement of a tomography system, tomography and reconstruction of various objects (ex. femores, vertebra, wooden statues, antique manuscripts…) using the mentioned computer programs.

Artistic skills and competences Disegno,DIY ecc. Sports shooting, Participant of The Youth Olympics, European championshiops (5th place) and other international championships. Holder of the Serbian national team record in Olympic Prone position. Regional champion (Emiglia Romagna), National University champion (2013,2014,2015) and winner of the Italian National Championship in air rifle, three positions and Prone in 2014. Serbian ethnical dance , concerts in Serbia and Greece. Drawing, DIY projects, Photography…