
L BN L E X- Report to C U C R A ± November 4, 2013

Expanded E X-Ls Activities: In response to results from our recent retiree survey, additional tours and activities have been added for -Ls members. The Blackhawk Automotive Museum tour on June 27 was a big success and was attended by 20 EX-Ls members. An August tour of the Red Oak Victory Ship, the only vessel built by the Kaiser Shipyards in Richmond that is being restored, and the Rosie the Riveter exhibit the Home Front National Historical Park Visitors Center in Richmond was also very popular. Many EX-Ls members braved the elements UDLQDQGZLQG WRHQMR\WKH8&%5&¶Vrd annual picnic in Tilden Park on June 25. EX-Ls volunteers helped the Lab staff an information booth at the recent annual Solano Stroll, a mile-long block party in Berkeley and Albany.

Luncheons: 0D\¶VOXQFKHRQVSHDNHUZDV7RQ\+DQVHQDIRUPHU/DEVWDIIPHPEHUZKRVSRNHDERXWFRPELQLQJ science with adventure: Chasing Air Pollution to the Ends of the Earth. His was a mixture of science, human- interest stories, and timely jokes that blended together for a interesting talk. In August Tamas Torok, a microbiologist with Berkeley Lab, whose specialty is microbes, talked about his journey in science, microbial diversity, probiotics and bioweapons, titled Beauty and the Beast. After losing money on our luncheons during the past year due to increased venue and food costs, the luncheon price has been raised to $30 (from $25 since 2007). The Board also decided to hold all luncheons at the Berkeley Yacht Club (with a caterer) for the present.

Recent Board Actions/Issues: The recent drop in membership is a concern and various ideas were discussed for reversing it. We received a positive response to an insert in the most recent issue of the UCBRC newsletter inviting LBNL retirees to join the EX-Ls. In addition, the EX-Ls and the Lab are developing a joint letter(s) for new retirees, encouraging them to join the EX-Ls and maintain their contact with the Lab. Another suggestion is to send out hard copy renewal notices rather than only emails. The Board voted to again give the EX-Ls 2013 annual donation to Community Resources for Science (CRS), a local organization works very effectively to connect elementary classroom teachers with scientists, museums, enrichment providers, and professional development programs in order to bring science learning experiences to students.

U C BR C Learning in Retirement Program Features L BN L Research: Bringing Science Solutions to the World: Berkeley Lab Research for a Sustainable Future. The 4-week series began on October 8 with a lecture by Berkeley Lab Director Paul Alivisatos presented a of why a sustainable energy program is important and a short overview of %HUNHOH\/DE¶VGLYHUVH portfolio of basic and applied research aimed at developing the technologies needed to create a carbon-neutral energy system. 7KHQH[WKUHHOHFWXUHVZLOOSURYLGHGHWDLOVRIWKH/DE¶VUHVHDUFK in this area.

&6(( WKH/DE¶V&HQWHUIRU6FLHQFHDQG(QJLQHHUing Education) Celebrated its 25th Anniversary: Rollie Otto, a past president of the EX-Ls, and the first of CSEE and Don Grether, also a past president of the EX-Ls and a CSEE volunteer, were on hand for the celebration. Lab Director, Paul Alivisatos spoke about the importance RI&6((LQWKHFRQWH[WRIWKH/DE¶VPLVVLRQ,WLVYHU\FOHDUWKDWYROXQWHHUVDUHYHU\LPSRUWDQWWRWKHFHQWHU¶V education role.

Update on Second Campus: Berkeley Lab, in close partnership with UC Berkeley and the University of California, remains committed to the Richmond Bay Campus (RBC) as a vital hub for energy innovation and VFLHQFH'XHWRFXUUHQWEXGJHWUHDOLWLHVDQG'2(¶VGHFLVLRQWRVLWHWKHQH[WJHQHUDWLRQOLJKWVRXUFH 1*/6 DW SLAC, however, it appears likely that the development of the RBC site will be somewhat slower than originally envisioned.

On November 8, 2013, the Berkeley campus will celebrate the inauguration of Chancellor Nicholas B. Dirks as its tenth chancellor.

Janis Dairiki EX-Ls CUCRA representative