OOMMERCIAI.. BY TELEGRAPH. DATLY COURIER STEAMBOATS. BUSINESS CARDS. RAILROADS. RAILROADS. I York' ornci LOUSIVLLLI COURIIR, From New JOM 63TSI1 Aews. Evkkuio, May 18. 1859. f Nsw giv CURLEW COAL. P.M'CAlim. Mcarnboal and IllTer Tetisoat Yore. Mar 12. Among the evidence UMMER ARRANGEMENT. TYTTATrTT FLOUR AND GRAIN Sales of Flour at 00; en of business of tbe country, es STEAMBOATS will find a superior article of Coal at LITTLE t 7S7 the increasing AnBinntattnn. irnwt fe nn . AND KTEAiriROATS TO-DA- In- SNYDER & M'CALLUM. LEAVING sales of 29S sacks shelled corn at 65 cents, the sacks pecially of a mercantile character, it is stated that down steamboat. Price I cents per bushel. No cluded. the Dumber of messages dailj sent over the vari- change for the season. D. C. JAMES. AND OHIO COLUMBUS AXD XESIA RAILROAD. fo ntTiociaM adttisimit. ous vastly greater at ucanw, Ky., April Commission and Produce Merchants, GROCERIFS-Bal- ea 16 hhdi. sugar at 1X3,lc; 25 telegraph lines is the pres 11th. 1259. aplS d4m ent tnan ever Deiore. tnree o. 24 Wall strest, between Main and Water. TELEGRAPH No. 8. Hildreth. . bbls refined at UJt'lSll.Jfc; 65 sacks coffee at HJi time ine printing RAILROAD. N. telegraph lines of the American Telegraph Com- SHAWNEE TOWN COAL. LOUISVILLE, KY. AND AFTER MONDAY, NOYF.MBF.R JAS MONTGOMERY. Ruasell, O. CONSTANT tta,lS&0 SoCTU AMERICA, Shepherd, St Louis. pany, located in Wall street, known as the Bos- supply of Coal at I ockhart's Landing, CT"PartIcu1ar attention n.M V...l...vi 0?Trains leave Cincinnati as follows: LIKSET Sales 6 bale, at $9c. and National wires, A ljtf mile below Shawneetown. Price 6 cents per Grain ' CXPREdis 3toppln way KENTUCKY. Lamb, Memphis. ton, Washington transmitted bushel. and Produce. A. M. DAT at stations. E HEETINGS Sales 8S bales Anchor, Penn, mvdlO B. RANKIN, finn't 13 ACCOMMODATION FT. FttANClSNo. S, Wood, Mem. Cannelton respectively, 437, 33o ana 442 private messages Pty"An extra article of family flour always on hand. GREAT NATIONAL ROUTE! A COLUMBC3 Stopping at HAMILTON, Dvldson,Tenn. R. and Banner mills at 9c. and about 6,000 words of public news reports, and V. AT WASHINGTON and Intermediate t lions. 8. MAIL LINE FOH THE EAST. TERMINATES V 11:30 M. NIGHT EXPRESS Stopping atLove!an BoWLlNG GREEN, Connor, Leavenworth. CHEESE Sales of 60 boxes new Western Reserve'at that too, through the very disagreeable and heeling, Benwood and P. storm afBOT splendid passenger steam- - burs;, on tne west; wntcn places Londoa. 40 whole wmic farters at it unites with orrow,Corwin,Xnla,and 9c, and boxes at Sc. which lasted the day. Jacob Btrader and i PHILLIPS & LMers"rhgraph CO.. Railroads, Steamers, Ac, for and from all points In the Conaectlouasire madebY the V A. 71, Tei River continues to fall, though alowlj SWEET PuTATOE3-Sa- les of 10 barrels at 3 00 $ No. 8 will leave for Commission & Forwarding ror yesterday, with scant 4 feet on falls From Washington. Merchants West, Sonthweit and Northwest, lltio 1. JI. TrsUns water the bbL CINCINNATI rvbiiv Mniivivii Fare to New York ONE DOLLAR less last even op, pass. Washixcto.v, May 12. at 11 o'clock, which ensure making 6 o'clock AXD and than ALLTIIB EASTEIIN CITIES. in the In the canal there ON'IOKS Sales of 80 barrels new Soulhern at 00 Private dispatches from the of the via any other route. The NIGHT were t feet water by the owing to t$ Mexico, received at New Orleajs Tennes- morning connections by Railroad from Cincinnati toths IPlirT9lI Itiilni Cincinnati at mark, but 3 SO. by the North and last. WHARTBOAT PROPRIETORS, TWO TIIAINS 11:3J P. M., runs daljy, eacept SATURDAYS. the liuiuense accumulation cf mud, there were not see, and telegraphed to this city, represent the or rams run sunaays. POTATOES Sales 40 bbls Northern at 3, and 20 bbli freight or passageapply cn board or to Leave Wheeling dally at P. M., i dally, eacept ever 4 feet water in the locks. During the previ- prospects of the Liberals for taking the City of n" al7 CAIRO, ILL,. 8:05, anJllt30 FOR THROCOU TICKkls and alt ap--y new Southern at SO. JOE CAMPION, Agf. . M. . ous 24 hours the rirer bad receded b inches at the Mexico as encouraging. Tbe efforts of Miramon 62r"OfflcMalLInsWharfboatfootThlril. at the OScee. Winnt .trt rn-- h n alth head cf the fills, and fully one foot at Portland. HAY Fales from wharf of 150 bales at 116 00 per to money Europe Jan4dtf Dlrectconnectlons are made by theieTralns and Seventh, No. 1 Burnett Uoo s, south-a- st corner ef raise in on the church property JAMES M. GrE, Broadway The weather was cool in the ton. con- DAVID If OR and Front street, and at the a.tern Depot. clear and rather are considered futile, in view of the hostile ALL THE EASTEIiN CITIES. run by morning, very evening. 1859. STEAMEIl DRUGGIST This Is the only Trains Columbus time, whica is seven salaatee but warm last WHISKV Sales 1S4 bbls Raw at 27&c. dition of affairs. The capture of the City of PACIFIC 1859. and APOTHECARY, route to Washlnirton City. faster than Cincinnati time. contin- W.ll LOUISVILLE Passengers by this root n uu Phila At and Cincinnati the river BAGGING AND BALE ROPE 60 Mexico is, therefore, considered as merely a ques- leave for R.itimnr. Sales pieces machine I Southwest corner of Twelfth G delphia, New J. DURAND, Superintendent. ues to recede, and all the tributaries are also fall- tion of time. NEW ORLEANS as follows, and ray son streets, York and Boston.at the cost of a ticket to jJOmnlbnses call for passengers. and 250 pieces Globe bagging at 14c, 220 colls machine muring me season : Boston alone, by other Unea. janll dtf ing fast, which, according to the signs of old Through Tickets rope at 7X(SSc, and lOOcolla hand made at 6c. Saturday May 14 Thursday LOUISVILLE, to the Eastern cltWs can be procured boatmen, portends another rise. Their experi- Further by the Tennessee. June 80 KY. , . at an MIAMI BATTING Sales 100 bales Cannelton at Monday May 80 Friday July 1 VSf Prescriptions uuuwu nij aua:iionl chargs of f LITTLE RAILROAD ence warrants the assumption that a rapid fall of 12c. Nbw Orleans, May 12. Dates from Mexico to carefully put up. febH d3m wiui uuic tnu sure connection,. the river is sure to be immediately followed by a TARNS Salei 80 bags Hope and Eagle at S, 9 and 10; oaSday June 14 Saturday July 80 Inqulrefor Tickets via FREIGHT DEPARTMENT. the 2d nit state that Miramon has decreed all the O. BASH AM, Agent, Wall st the BiLTTvnsr ivnnnm ranid rise. 10 bags carpet chain at usual rates. Gulf closed to foreign commerce. aaiLttuau.iitnTor tne prlne Dal Rullrn. ports West. . FDI.LER, Tne Mississippi river continues to recede at PROTISIOSS Sales 50; 647 1859. MANUFACTURERS Of the E. t General Western ninArtnt.. St 175 bbls mesa pork at $16 Guadalajara has been taken by the Liberals. STEAMER DIANA 1859. 51. 5 Louis, though the upper Mississippi was L. COLE, General Ticket Agent. PmSS: reported tierces lard at lie; 75c catki bacon shoulders at 7c; 50 The clergy are trying to raise 40,000,000 for ,rr"s "ill leave LOUISVILLE NEWS BOOK, AND COLORED W. P. Smith, Master Transportation. GREAT INDUCEMENT TO at tull. if not flood, tide. It had risen so J7ffi,-jVo- r NEW ORLEANS PAPER, pu dtf SHIPPERS. high casks bacon shoulders at 7816c; 10 casks clear sides at Miramon, but are unsuccessful. as r S AM now prepared to give through racelpte by Mail-boa- ts at La Crosse that the railroad terminus was near- "follows.durlngthe season:"""" ALSO CHANGE OF TI7IE ON and Little Miami Railroad for freight to New lOc; 43 casks clear sides at 11c; 250 tierces sugar-cure- d . . . . .May 9 THE ly submerged. Oae of the bridges over the Black Drafts Stolen 23 Saturday .July WHOLESALE York, Philadelphia, Bs'tlmore and Boston, at the lc west hams at 12c; the market was excited at tbe close, at Cincinnati. Tuesday ..June 7 Monday July 25 DEALERS nver, near that point, has been carried awav, and Cincinnati, May VI. Chicago drafts on New Thursday... rates. ibe ctrs are unable to reach the depot. and so unsettled that accurate quotations eannot be .June 23 IX Shippers by tils route may always re!y oa aavinz York, amounting to $13,000, made to the order D. S. BENEDICT k SON, given. Mess pork was held at $17 25. ap!9 JEFFERSONVILLE RAILROAD. their freight forwarded with quick dispatch. Canal Closed Locks Obstecctkd by Men. of Emery Cobb, were stolen from the desk of Mr. tf CHAS. BASHAM, Agents Paper Kinds. fartics having produce to ship to any point East, win Cupt. Lockhart, the superintendent, was compell- TOBACCO Sales at tie auction warehouses Thursday Cobb, this afternoon. The drafts were not in- of all fYVRAINS leave Jeffersonville (opposite Louisville) &nd it to their advantage to call on me before makicj LOUISVILLE AND NEW ORLEANS LIGHTNING ed, yesterday morning, to close the canal, 143 hhds as fellows: 1 hhds at $2 85, 1 hhda at $8 CO, dorsed. LINE ASH PAID FOR RAGS at the Office of the LOUI3- - jl uauj, ijunuays excepiea, as loitows: contracts with other Roads. Rates always by in order to remove the mud that had accu- 1 hhds at $3 20, 1 at $3 25; 43 hhds at prices ranging New Orleans. G viL.ua PAPER MILL, No. 47T Main st. d 8 A. 71.. 11 A. 71.. AND 10 P. 71. as low as other routes, ani freizkt pat through la the shortest possible time. mulated in the locks. There should be at 41 70 Steamer Melnotte Sold. The swift and eleeant nipnrcr ilMmpr 8 A.M. train (roes onlv to Pevmour. connecting with least from $3 40 to $1 65; hhds at $4 to $6 10; 25 W JA3. t.L.BaOl.,.. j.a y. HOOl or iniormatlon, apply to e seceu feet water in the channel, but yesterday PiTTSBtRiH, May 12. The steamer Meluotte MONTGOMERY, J. B. Russell, master, Spe:ial Train to Cincinnati. T'.me through by this train, uruier hhds at $6 25 to $7 25; 13 hhds at $7 40 to $9 20, 1 iSwlll leave for the above and Intermediate a nours. FRANK CARTES, Agent, m'rc id g the Universe had the hardest work to 1 was scld to Capt. R. Calhoun, for $15,000. .tr-e- t. hhds at $3 25, 1 hh at $3 65, hhds at $3 70, 2 at porn on um day, the 13th Inst., at 4 p. m. A. L. HOOE &. BROTHER, 11A.M. Train makes close connections at Sevmonr fr27dtf 5a Min get through the middle lock drawing only m four $9, 25. ui ireigm or passage apply on board or to wlih trains on the Ohio A Mississippi St. t water. This induced 1st $9 15,1 at $9 Eiver and Weather. (.SUCCESSORS TO UOOE. LVCKETTA CO., Road for Louis, et the superintendent to FRANK CARTER, Agent. vairo anu me ooum and West, and arrives at 4.40 r. M. i r mediately set all his force to work to dredge Pittsburgh, May 12, P. M. River 4 feet 7 ml3 626 Main IMPOHTIH8 AXD D1AL1ES at Indianapolis, REUULAR PACXETS. out TELEGRAPH MARKETS. street. IV connecting witn evening trains for St. the mud, and tLe canal was abruptly closed. inches by pier mark and falling. Weather clear Louis and the West, Chicago and the Northwest, Toledo, REGULAR TRI.WEKitLY We do not know how lone the canal will be and warm. New Orleans. ueiroit ana me mortn, rew Vork, PhUadelphla, Balti PACKET Cincisbati, May 12 M. FRENCH CHINA, more, Lonlsvllle Sio td, but probably it will be temporarily opened Arrived Alma. Departed Empire City, for St. The wnnnvnnn rn.a...... Boston, and all the Drlneinal Ea.trn tltiM. and Leavenworth. Flour excited quotations r.tn Iron-Sto- ne 10 P. M. The splenlld steamer EOWLINt GRTEN, uig':t, if any lignt boats to and nominal; holders ask Louis; for Will leave a. hn nn TnocI.w 'Kj 1 T.k China, and Earthenware, Train makes close connections at Seymour for n want go through. $7 60(7 75 for suprflne and extra. Vhsky Rochester, St. Louis; Endeavor, for cn. anu me an Conner Master, John Conner, Clerk, There were several boats in port unettled Louisville, p.m i.oms esi i Cincinnati and the East, and (j'JIBot. yesterday for and prices nominal; holders ask an advance. Provl-- a For freight or passage apply on board BOIIEMAIV AXD AMERICAS arrives at Indianapolis at 4 A. M., connecting with bmJs17'U leave as above every Moniay, Wednes poiuts below, all cf which were light held higher; tuyere or to day, ana fiday at 12 Returning, Leav enough to oni of bacon nold at He advance; D. S. BENEDICT A SON, Mornins; Express Trains for the East, West and North i o'clock. leaves go over or Or Zj "7C XT. XI every Tuesday, 7 the fails, aud sufl'ered no detention. mes pork saleable at $17; holders habe generally with C. BASHAM, Agents, O O A Crihrough to New York In 89 hours. Bsggsge enworth Thu'sday and Sunday at drawn vneir sioca irom market. Y. N. ADVERTISEMENTS. For Steamboats, Hotels and Families. v,ucvcu m me principal o'clock, A. M., touching at all Intermediate points. JS7The gallant Woodford, from New Orleans, mil Wall lret cities. wow May 12 M. Silver-War- Britannia-War-e, as Lout rretgnt or passage apply on board. mrls dtf Was at Vickbburg Wednesday, at 2 o'clock P. M., Baltwobi, The J111 passenger Cutlery and fancy Fart and Time as Quick as Iv anv other To Hotel Keepers, Restaurants, Druggists, steamer PACIFIC spoons. Route. with c good tiip. She left port Monday evening. The excitement in market for breadstuff la Increas- Jesse K. .Bell, master, wiU leave for the vwu, irirunuvm. a i.vm, tur, curer, REGULAR U. . Hoirard-atre- ijrAs voj?ee ana every GyTrains leave Indlananolis at 5.40 A.M. nri in sn ntlLTRMTEEKLl ing. Flour has advanced 25c; tells at $7 Urocers, and the rublic. siiim above and Intermediate landings on iru, tinners, tarxtiyoj J27The Eclipse cleared for New Orleans last 50. buoyant; aalea white iOQ,2. r. i. fACKKXit Wheat of at $1 Corn " v- - BITWSIN LOCISTILLJ AND evening with a ac- positively. HOUSE PUHNI8IIINO GOODS, leave Sevmour at 1.30A.M..S.MA.M MZMPHX3. rather light freight, but Capt. hai also advanced; yellow sella at 95c. Provuiona For freight or passage apply on board or to 431 Market st., south side, bet. Fourth lTralns passenger Spoits has a good bacon aidra and at 10c; and Fifth, and 8.15 P. M. tmtt inespienaia steamers M03I1 trip engaged, including 700 tive; 9c held meis pork $17 DUMESNILACO.,or M. Krwin, hogsheads of tobacco, at Henderson and 25. WhUky 0,81c. mlO janl LOUISVILLE, KY. dtf CSSTrains arrive at Jeffersonville at 4.80 A.M.. 11.40 LrrSMcLILLAN.T. nuur, leaves Paducab, Dr. Brunon's Bitters O. BASHAM. Agent. A.M. and 8.80 P. M. wti T .Tn ..j Louisville every MonJav at 4 n. m retnra. aud S.OvjO bags of corn. Nsw Yore, May 12 M. leg leaves Pas'eneers arriving In Louisville. either br the Louia Memphleeqery Thursday at 3 p. m. 83,000 from their excellent qualities, been mound City, Cairo W oeo. w . ti7"To the attentions of the officers of the Flour continues advancing; sales bbls; prices and Saint Louis. a tTT . . . vllle k lrankfort or Louisville A Nashville Railroads, duiuiu.. Tripiett, master, leaves HATE, most Tne Hmnnnn Louisville every Wednesday at 4 p. packet Uncle Sam, we are indebted for are2545c higher; the market la unsettled and excited; by the eminent Fhyrtciant as a rJJdLj nW ani1 nisgn'fllcent morning or evening, make close connections with trains i, m.; returning leaves State sells at $5 25(35 60, Ohio 75(31 most valuable and never-fallin- g reuedy for passepgtr packel g0UIU Memphis every Saturday at 5 p. m. late New Orleans papers, forwarded from Cairo. and Southern at $7 TL AMERICA, on this route to the Last. West. North ana Month. will as ALVIN ADAMS, Wm. LooU-vill- 8l)0. Wheat advanced 47c; sales 8n,000 buiels at leave abov nn thi. t.v ti. isth STOVES AND TINWARE, fyihrough Tlcaets and further given Lamb, master, leaves e Sue leaves St. Louis on Saturday, for New Or- DYSPEPSIA, DIARRIKEA, at 10 a. m. r Information every Friday at 4 p. m.; bi lor red and ror wnlte, $1 7B1 6) for Western at mc vruice oi me jenersonvuie K. Co., No. oi" returning leaves Memphis leans. ft 192 DEBILITY, Forfrelght or passage it. every Mondsy 8 p. ra. red and for Wretero white. Corn advanced, aale. IIEARTBUUN, apply on board or to ochootjEY's southeast corner Main and Third streets, Louisville, at Lan-dru- rr or on We learn that cur clever friend, Henry 12 , 00 bushels at 8596c for mixed, and 93(39 for BILIOUSNESS, JAUNDICE, ml3 MOORHEAD A CO. Airent. n.y or at tne uepct in For eight pasaajg apply board or to yellow. Chicago PATENT REFRIGERATORS, Jeoersonviue.lnu. 30dtf CHA3. BA33AM. Agent. is now clerk on the new Uncle Sam. heef has advanced 255oc Pork is . LIVER COITIPLAINTS, The splendid passenger DIE B. J. LITTLE, Agent, buoyant at 25 or mess $14 tO . ;fr" Jt packet Toojpest, as we $17i7 and for prime. f fl!gVERNON, Capt. J.M.Martin, will leave as A.S.CROTUERd.Supt. wm. e. raixsT chas. a. . J2""Tbe learn by dispatch from HOC. BLOOD DISEASES, Ac, &C, Vc WATEll C00LEKS, BATI1 TUBS iovii was ouoyani at iixt&iixc. wnisky firm at H. IT. Rkynold Oen'l Ticket Ajent. aplS dtf Cpi Parr, at Clarksville yesterday, on Are also a sure and eertain preventive against STB her Cuccixxati, May 12 M For freight or passage apply on A ay to this port, with 216 hogsheads of P. board or to PIIIEST & BOWEN, tobacco Fewer and Ague, Cuolera, Summer Com- m!3 I. 8. MUORUEAD A CO , Agents. HOUSE-KEEPIN- LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE AND and 100 barrels of flour. She is due Sundav. Flour under the news from New York telegraphed to plaints, &c, ARTICLES GENERALLY, LEIIANON UU.lNCIt Commission Sl Forwardinjr.llercliant the Chamber of Commerce dauC9d 25c V bbl, wlih Theifine packet DIE VERNON. J. M. Iio.11 Fourth street, doors above National Hotel, i Eight. The coalboat that lodged on Sand aalea of 2 5o0 bbla Z 80 for And Is the most valuable and efficacious Tonic and All nt 25T tuper ne, and $7 Mania), master, will leave as above on P AXD islacd Lets been lightened off all 5"&7 75 for extra The market closed wlih more cau- Compound ever offered to the public, Satu LOUISVILLE, KV, dtf right, through the By day, the lih, at 4 p. m., positively, of Messrs Crane and tion on the part of buy en Whisky advanced to 27c, the use of these Bitten all Disease of the Blood from Portland mauaxect Littrel. This will be thoroughly eradicated, and all those who are STEAMBOAT AGENTS, and la lu active deiaud. Prevision excited and held Por freight or passage apply T is the buat alluded to the other day. suffering from early excess and fAe7ly. onbrard or to RAIL R0 ADS. NO. MONROE. STREET, MEMPHI3, TENN. cut of marke pretty generally under the war excite-i- d 1'rontratton of m!2 C. BASHAM, Agent, 89 Wall st. JOHN FLECK, Ti Ey telegraph, we learn that the steamer nt;$17 Were offered mess vork but refused; 600 lical Energtet will be restored to a robust and tigttr LARD OIL AND MOULD CANDLE SPflING ARKANGE3IENTS. Solicit orders for the narchasa of C.ittnn. n Rai-r.- ft ous state of health. The fine passenger steamer DIE VERNON, SUNDAY, Corn, Hay, Oats, Jabu nme, from Louisville, arrived at New Or- hhds bacon sold at X9Xc, being a further advance and after the iota, of March, 159 Flour, Whisky, Lard, Ac, on consign i of Bulk The Digestive Organs will be stimulated and J. It. Martin, master, will leave as above ON will run as follows : ment, anu mersnanoue leans on Tuesday, and the Woodford and Monarch X. meats sold to the extent of lOO.OOo Ss at ierma 'er.-n- i.Twaru promptly toallpoinu nently streagthened, be n Saturday, 14th lost., at 4 v. m.. from MANUFACTURER, Nashville Express DeDOt from Memphis. hut were held highe. At tbe close lara adranc-t- d Appetite will created, and the Train leaves the dailv at departed, and that the river was falling slowly. CiX. no. 7 Jeuerson street (north References to 11 Vc. but was not to be had at this rate at tbe asouiiaiea subject restored to new n. roruana. side) Louisville at 6.15 a. M., stopping at Shepherds vllle, Junc- The business men of loulsvlile, and boat A THk Jess Bell. We learn from Capt. Austin close of 'change. Groceries quite unchanged. This remedy has a very agreeable taste, and will For freight or passage apply on board or to between vuiy ana Shelby, tion, Eiizabethtown, and all ether regular Stations men eenerallr. inl9 dm that tbe John Bell, now repairing and taken readily by children as well as adults. N. S. LONG A BRO., AgenU. And Third street, between Main and the river, when signaled with a flag arriving at Munfordsville at Nsw Yoaa, May 12 P.M. m!2 at Jeffersonville, will be out again shortly in good All persons suffering from any of the above conv 85 Wall street. 10:27 A. M. Returning, leaves Munfordsviile at l:St) P. Cotton nominal at for Uplands middling. plaints are BtlUNON'S B1TTER3, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY M., stopping MEDICAL. trim Tor the summer season. She is HJt'll invited to try Dtt. my at the same places; arriving at Louisville light and xieur saies i,uuu onis ai 3 00 extra dose or an adult, a small wine glasstul 8 times "COR the convenience of customers and the tuMi exo ituuDch. f lor south t irionnd City, Cairo, Columbnsj, Hickman In the middle and lower at r. si. ern. Wheat sales 6S.0o0 bushels at $2(32 03 for white. day; for a child, a small teaspoonful twice a day. KUU 111CU1UUIS, A part of the city, I have, be-- Lebanon Express connects dally (Sundavs excentedV LOCISTILLE Pacific, Capt. K. Corn booyaut; sales 31,000 bush-I- s; mixed siue, ui (aciury on jeuerson street, opened a store on at Junction with Nashville Express 6:1'5 A. M., JSTTte Jesse Bell, is due 95X96; REGULAR UNITED STATES MAIL PACKET. Third street, between Main stopping PRIVATE nEDICAL DISPENSARY. from New Orleans yellow 96 to common white 94s. f sells $ 10 K. CRUGER, and the river, where I hope ana regular wnen nagged; im- early this morning. She left 99; at --JT8 k. The fine stesmer KENTUCKY. Wm at newxiaven a.i stations Established for relief of ths and tO to 13 5 for prime; mess quoted at 1 20 to 24, ex SOLE AGENT FOR THE UNITED STATES, vu.tI....i...n(;c(l.UUu,),ul my une. janzitr arriving at Lebanon 10:15 A. M. Returning, ie that port last Saturday, and will make the trip in and matter, will leaves Leba prudent votary of false pleasure, who, finding that tra rcess $2S to 81. Mess pork $17 25 to 19; prime $18 leave for the aove non at 1:50 P.M.; stopping the same about SV days. She returns to New to- 742 BROADWAY, N. ( n place of Adams on at place, arriving he has imbibed the used of a cerUiin loathsome dis- Orleans Lard Is buoyant at to 12c; de- Y. the Alvin Friday Junction and connecting with Nashville S7tjl4. holders Sold S3 2 av p. m , at the Express ease, is, from an sense of shame, deterred morrow, Saturday evening. mand an advance to 12 it;, thisiyllf firm at to 80c. at cents per bottle, f 5 per dozen, 60 per me loin insi., positively, rrom foitland. JOHN F. HARVEY, Train to Louisville at 8:50 P. M., 27f gallon; extra Bitters for by the gallon or For freight or passage apply on board or to arriving In Louisville from applying toa Phyician,whoseknowlectgeani 23?Th James Montgomery having been Sugar steady at molasses held at 45c; there are VENITIAN BLIND MAKER, by the last named Train at 5:56 P. M. experience can alone befriend him in distress. buyera at 42 43 Itot'.n firm; Barrel, at the low price of 25 per gaiion; fine N. S. LCNQ A BRO., Agents, tikes her departure to New Orleans to Orlean Zyt to 4?c. tl No. 493 Market between Nashville Accommodation leaves Louisville daily this Bacon shoulders 6Ji to 7c. Pig Iron steauy Biougmon uuters,fl 20. per gallon. m!2 85 Wall street. street, Second and Third aunaays z:ou DR. GATES CAN BE eveu ng. She starts from Portland. at $24 to excepted;, at f. M., stopping consulted at his oSce the one ki au. neavy. lid seed is active 63 tc 64c, The fine steamer KENTUCKY. Wm LOUISVILLE, Stiepherdsvlile, uiiner at For Sale by all Druggists and Grocers, KENTUCKY. Junction, Ehzabetown, and other formerly occupied by Dr. King-w-here rSTTte Antelope is due from New Orleans this now held at 65 to 66. Hides active and lower. Tobac- Lamb master, Ed. Halliday will E3PE0TFULLY Stations when signaled by flag: arriving Munford WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AT clerk, 13 Informs his friends and the publl at he would call the atien-tlo- n and will probably arri-ra- l, co advancid 4c; sales at 22. Tallow firmer Chi- as ville 6:46 be laid up on at 11:. leave above (in place on the Alvin Ad- maybe found at the above place, over at P. M. Returning, leaves Munfordsville at of ail those aifiicted with vtf. cago Spring wheat unsound $1 9CJtf to 2 02, mixed jsn20dly ams) on 13th Messrs. Ware-room- 5:25 ijtr advertisements are withdrawn. I 25, 742 n ROADWAY, N. Y. Frllay, the Inst., at 4 p.m., positively WATSON k STOUFFER'S Furniture s, A.M., stopping at the same Stations; arriving at diseases of a private er Western mixed $1 6) to $1 75; $1 75 SO. conf- red to $1 irora roruana. where he Is prepared to make to order and will new me- The Alvix Adams Laid Up. The Alvin Adams, of ,". idential aatore, to the Freights cotton to Liverpool RICHARDSON'S For freight or passage apply on board or to keep on hand Venitlan Blinds of every size, color and Lebanon accommodation connects dally (Sundays of once tiie defiant champion of the upper waters, thod trucntfcj practiced In New Orleass, May 12 P. M. C. BASHAM, Agent, quality musl to the trade; also, to repair, repaint, and excepieuj, ai junction wim asnviiie accommcdaticn the English and French hospi- that had few. if any equals in X JFL X J3 XX Xj X X3 3NT X3 mV2 39 4:20 stovDing speed, and would y 2T No Wall street, old Blinds at short notice. From a nmetlc.1 leaving Junotion at P. M.: at Ne brook a Sales of cotton 1,200 balet; market unsettled. tals. Having for several years cct superior," arrived from Memphis Flour firm Corn DAMASKS, DIAPERS, &C. knowledge of the business, and by strict attention tolt, Haven and all regular Stations when flagged; arriving at $7. declined; sales at 95. Pork bu he hopes (five at Lebanon at 6:23 M. madethu ciass of diseases a spbctaiitv, with the knowl- last eveniug at 5 o'clock. It was '2D. CONSUMERS RICHARDSON'S LINENS, to satisfaction to all who WI with P. Returning, leaves Lebanon at her last trip, oyant; mess 111(451. of and those ForlTIemphle, White, Rlack, and Little mi? 6:45 A. M. edge he has of then, warrants him In saying that there and hhc will probably be laid up forever, desirous of obtaining the GENUINE OOODS.should him, and merit a liberal patronage. Prices reasonable stopping as above arriving at and con- and her J steu stivers. ana necting at Junction with the Nashville Is no form or symptom which they a sjma that la with- machiucry placed in a new see that the articles they purchase are sealed with the jTT The fine steamer ST. FRANCIS, No. 2 terms casn. janlldly accommodation boat The career of New Vork $tock ITIarkct. ia train to Louisville at T.45 A M., and arriving In the out quick and permanent cure. the Adams, if not always run name of the Arm, sTrSi-- Will Wood master, will as TOCN'C By successful, was ever Nsw Yobe, May 12 M leave above oi last namea irain in L.ouisviut at W.sl A. M. MEN Who, indulging la solitary habits, criilieat, cs she was regarded as one of swift- SU,cks opened RICHARDSON, SONS & this day, Msy 13th, at 4 p.m., from Passengers by the6:15 A.M. Train have contracted that 3 and the lower b.it closed dull. Ohicago and OWDEN, cny wnarr, WOOD stop atthe Junction which est ad finest boat, on the western waters. In Rock Island Cantoa Company as aguaranteeof the soundness and durability of the positively. CARVING xu minutes lor ureaarast, anj connect at Munfords- disease, seminal weakness, leads to the meat 5S; 13; Missouri sixes Forfrelght or passageapply on board or to alarming and fatal consequences, should apply lmmdiate her many contests with rivtls for the supremacr 62; The sales of Missouri amounted to $160,000. Goods. ville with Stages for Mammoth Cave. Bowlinz Green Illinois This caution rendered essentially necessary, N. S. LONG A BRO., AgenU. GORY & Bear Wallow, Glasgow, Gallatin, Nashville, ly, either in person or by letr, and have a ears e.T;td m speed she was never beaten, and while in the Central Eailroad 55; Illinois Central Bonds it as large ml3 85 MURRAY and all mode this S0,V, Lacros.e and Milwaukie quanuues 01 ana Linens are Wall street. T ESPECTFULLY Inform the Dublin the are Southern points, and by Lebanon Express Train they by his new and scientldc of treating disease, nan i of fcer present owners, the mail companv, X; Michigan Southern interior defective prepared, that never falls ot effecting a quick and radical cure. gaarautird, New York Central Ueading 4G4'; season sfter season, and sealed with the name of RICH- Aii prepared to execute all kinds of work in the above connect at aew uaven wltn Mage for Bardstown; whlh s .vjea much service, a 1; 69J; MIDDLE-AGE- and OLD MiN who, by excejsivd in- carried great maiiy 01; ; ARDSON, by Irish Houses, who, regardless of the lujuf For Clarkavllle and Narshvllle. line. Also Paterns, Brands, Molds, Block Letters, Wood Lebanon, with Stages for Danville, Perryville, p und never utueiis lu j vnicago r.ne Cleveland atd Tol- liar dulgence of their passions, have produced a debility issenfrers, met with an accident. edo Cleveland, Columbus ; thus Inflicted alike on the American consumer and the REGULAR PACKET. Type, and large Wood Cuts, In the shortest notice and on rodsburg, Crab Orchard, Somerset, Campbellsvllle, ow 24; and Cincinnati In advance of their years, can consult Dr Gates she retires with honor and glorv. and we Pacific Stall fcteamship Company S3; Panama Railroad manufacturers of the genuine Goods, will not readily The splendid steamer R. B. HAMIL the most reasonable terms. Persons wanting work are ureensourg, Columbia, uurksvuie, Ac. wltl think Ler 13,V: Cumberland abandon a business so profitable, while requested to call their Freight Trains leave da'ly (Sundays 6 the fullest assurance of beiug azaia restored to that gdlant crew, under Capt. Lamb, de- Coal Company 17; United States 5's purchasers can TON, Capt. Davidson, will leave for the. at establishment on Jefferson excepted) at would of 104,V; Virginia ne imposed on witn a svreei,soum Between ThirU 80 A. M., In Louisville P. M. state of health which they have enjoyed had they serve the highest meed of praise for their careful sixes 93X; Tennessee sixes 90; uoedsof worthless character. ahove on thU day, the 13th, at 12 m., side, and Fourth, Louisville arrive ai i:3' exceas- Pennsylvania Coal Company . a. uruers irom iy Wearing apparel alone consi'r.utes bapsage, of never committed any - &nd rkiiiful ungement of the boat during the 60J; Lacrosse Land Grants J. 1IULLOCKE &.J.U. LOCKE, from city wharf, positively. aoroad promptly attended to. Persocs contemplating marriage, and having any 17; Michigan Central S3 dly Agenta,8ti Church street. New York. freig-o- r spt27dtf which each pasienL'er is a!lowtd tigtiiv nounds. Uih past two 3 cars. 40. For passage apply on board or to doubts as to their physical ability to ester Into that A articles than baggage will be charged kxpreas freight, New York, May 12 P. M. N. S. LONG BRO.. Agents, solemn contract, shouil apply at once to Dr. Gates, who MELxcrre Sold. By Pitta-burt- a. u.davis. WM. F. MEYERS and must be paid bag special dispatch from i 1859 POPULAR TRADE 1859 mlS 85 Wall street. tj thi tvpiisj Companv. Extra to Stocks are higher. Chicago and Rock Island 59)tf; gage will be charged, ami must be paiJ to the Baggage will remove all obstacles prevent along and happy last night, we learn that the Melnotte, Illinois Central IS DAVIE & MEYERS, fe. astern wheeler, has Railroad 57,, Illinois Central Bonds SIX; The fine steamer TEMPEST, Parr aiaaier. imari j jas. w. UA.MbLE, oup t been sold to Capt. II. Cal Michgan Southern, guaranteed 83i; New York Central master, will leave as ahove on Thursday, EXCHANGE AND LOTTERY OFFICE, There are persons who indulge the fond yet Irratlou hcuu for 15,0'Ai. He lost his p. m. al is capable of resuming boat by the fire at 70i; Galena and Chicago 61; Michigan Central 41; Ribbons & Millinery (ioods the lvth, at 4 North side Market street, bet. db belief that nature without as Pitt.'.j.iroh on Third Fourth, AEW ALBAM AAD SALE.1I R. Itr. powers. To such 1 only trie other day. Reading 46?; Missouri aixea cS; Cleveland A Toledo t or trieight or passage apply board, or to a slstauce her lost cn say, th A ceneral BROKERAGE BUSINESS. All io time which Is wasted in this delay Is precious ZjJ The Bowling Green is 25K; Cumberland Coal Companv 17: Virginia pixea 94: m!3 MOORHEAD Co., Agents. TRANSACT t and ir the regular coast Erie T; RIBBONS. RIBBOAS. KIBB0XS. Money, Land Warrants, Gold and Silver. retrievable, and ean only tend to perpetuate the It to day Pacific Mail Steamship Company 84 ; Lacrosse The splendid steamer TEMPEST, Parr Bought Sold. ha packet Leavenworth. ; TO and of hopeless ImbeciUity and imputeccy per fr Land Granla Panama Railroad llf; Canton Co. 19, lll IpiLvft tnr tho )n anil .11 In. FOR LOUIS reader a The following mntr. Orders for Tickets In the Shelby College or Havana ST. DETROIT, CHICAGO, ent. items are from the Cincin- Cleveland and Cincinnati vti; uarollnas 122. MERCHANTS, MILLINERS, JOBBERS, DEAL termediate ports on Thursday, the 19th, Lotteries promptly filled. nati Gazette cf yesterday. The AND ALL POINTS WEST AND NORTH During my residence In this city I have met with nu- Pocohontas, al- tKS IN K1BBONS, MILLINERY GOODS, at 4 p. m., positively from city wharf. N. B. Communications strictly confidential. merous cases which sulfermg luded was here all day Money passage on d2 WEST. la the have unfortuualely t.. yesterday recieving Market. Forfrelght or apply board or to dtf those Ig- provi-iori-s And Cash Buyers in all sections of the Country placed themselves under the charge of who are and machinery lor Arkansas: Oihoishah, May 12 P. M. m!3 N. S. LONG A BRO., 85 Wall street. norant of first principles of medicine, and whom Lie e THE CASH RIBBON HOUSE, The Great Western and Northwest Short Line Route. the it P. .lioutss t ok ' French leave" from this port Money easy. Exchsnge declined lo premium. TVILLIAJI KAYE baa been only by the utmost care and attention 1 have i ar X VIA tj i unknown. Yobs;. 116 CHAMBERS STREET, NEW YORK, Eastport. Tnseumbla and Florence. Brass Founder, Water street, between First been enabled to cure. To ail such as have been suffer, Tnr laid Nsw May 12 V BELLand Saluerlend hit op for the season. The fine steamer TIME, mas-i- Louisville, Ky., Is prepared to make ew Albany log under unsuccessful treatment, I would offer my ser I.- e .fficci-- j Sterling Exchange firm at . JNO. TARRELL, jre Johnson l and Salem Railroad. of the OMo No. S report a break in the HOnO,' l73-te- McVey clerk, will as on Bells for Churches, Stemboats, Taverns, Ac, of all sizes, vices, guaranteeing that I can do all that Is possible for :vee at Oa lipoid, ESTABLISHED 1659. r leave above ond FARE TO CHICAGO REDUCED TO 3 00. and a sinking down of the lower new a new In Saturday, 14th, at 4 p. m., positively, of Superior tone, of which he keeps an assortment experience and a thorough knowledge of diseases In all poraoa several They have originated a principle era on hand. Passengers Rock feet. also report an immense WE Ribbon Trade, whereby we make this business from city wharf. for Island, Burlington, Iowa City, ani Staess and f"rms to accomplish. waslin nwny f the e Screws, will banks along the river, from Marl-- AMD AS BBOWH 3HEETIHQ3, For freight or psssage apply on board or to Alio.Uose and Salt Oil Globes, Cyllndar.Guage all points Northwest save One TO THE LADIES Dr. G. Is agent for M. La Croox'a te to caused THE rLAIK, SIMPLE, 8TAFLS THAT or nd Stop Cocks, or MvfvJit, by th recent rspid decline In VESPER GAS WE SELL FOR CASHI WE BUI' FOR CASH! mil N. S. LOXO A BRO., Wall st. every size. Copper Rivets, Spelter Dollar by taking this Route. French Preventive Powders, by which those who, frcn OR & 'der and Brass Castings of every description. any deem necessary to avoid conception, Yes'.-rdH- We are satisfied with pir cest raoriv. Ask no Se cane, it ean Captain O. C. Williamson and Martin R. tyCASU paid for old Copper and Brass. etf do so, without Incurring danrer to health or ;Le-,o- f eond Price. Have ail our goods marked In PLAIN FIG' Owensboro Evauavllle and Henderson dll CHANGE OF TI7IE. constitution tue Susquer.anna, closed contracts with Ham-Lto- Also, agent for Madame Caprauai's Fern a f CRES, so that man, womsa, and child "buy alike," and REGULAR PACKET. Time 1 able will go Into effect on this road on price r the bui.d.ng of a freight and paseoger steam- AIR LIGHT. ror C. ANEW Monthly Pills, a safe ai.d effectual remedy for Irregular- - ru-- . receive tne same value their money. J. RAIBLE, the 20th Inst., to correspond with a gen- er, t fcetem tUUcity Tlie Cheapest, most Brilliant, and mctt Convenient Tne fine passenger steamer I and Net Orleans. She will Our Prices for best Taffeta Ribbons, all colors, are rnJ 454 Jefrcron-t.,be- t. eral change of all the Western roads. Trains will be ties, Obstructions, A:.; price 11. Cacti jS These Pile to cn, hundred and thirty-thre- e Ham. Smith, master, will Third and eiphty feet long, Light in the World. No. 1 12 cents per piece, No. 4 59 leave Fourth as : shouil not be taken during Pregnancy, as they are sore Ijq aud thirty Artificial 85c piece, for the above and all Intermediate ports, run fellows lem, ieet floor, with a full lenrih niHE Vesper Gas Light ha won for Itself a reputation " 6 " LOUISVILLE, KY., Goiaa North Leave New Albany Chicago Mall, at to produce niscarriage. the Puis and Powders sent by cat n, to coft not less f3S OiW. 115 570 on Saturday, 14th, at 4 p. m., positively, from Portland. tian Contract were aols JLtor elegance, economy, aafety and simplicity, far be- 3 20e " 67Xc " S.30 A. M.; gt. Louis Day Express at 12.03 P. M.; St. Louis mall to any part of theeonntry. cioa citi Mrton, for a new steamer to yond any other artificial light. The Gas For freight or passage apply on board or to Persons at a distance may be cured home by of take the place Vesper flame 8 25c 12 1107XC " night tx press ata.BO M. at fe in trie Cincinnati and Mavsville trade. ano nxiures precisely torra those of coal gag; mlS N. 8. LONG A BRO. 85 Wall street. JUST RECEIVED. f. a letter, stating case, symptoms, length of Tn.s Dew resemoiein No. 16, 4Ttf per piece. Goisa South Arrive at New Albany St. Louis NIpht time t.oat n to De 210 feet In length on deck, 83 ftet but In brilliancy and purity of light, It possesses a de- fl the disease has continued, and have medicine forwarded 81 fijer WI OFFER FANCY RIBBONS "ALL STYLES," A Express at 4.z0 A. M.; Chicago Mail at 3.43 P.M.; tit. Kax round the knuckle, and five feet hold. cided advantage over even Louisville coal It re. "ALL TO STEAiTIIlOAT LARGE LOT OF free from damage or curiosity, to any part of the coun- tolie-s- , es. COLORS," QUALITIES," AT PRICES NOTICE CAPTAINS Louis Day Express at 7.50 F. il. wiii carry three 83 Inches in diameter, and quires no chimney; there Is no need of daily trimming of "ALL ANI) OWN try, with full asd plain directions for use. .eet 1 ng. DEFYING COMPETITION, AND KIIS. .S The new vessel It to be plain and neat, wick; me 01 tLe Is so THE undersigned, having BAGGAGE CHECKED asking advice must contain $1, or no notice bar, as a and construction fixtures simple FOR CASH ONLY. LATEST STYLES THROUGH. Letters j acket passenger steamer, la to eclipse a 1 that It is not Halle to get out of order, and a child many years experience as Being thirty miles shorter than any other Route will be taken of them, for his time Is too much occupied pack a can Our Establishment Is the center of attraction RIB fjZ otti.r above the Ul:s. Toe Mall Company also manage It readily. The gas burnt In the Vesper fixtures for FALLS PILOT, respectfully In- - wfrmm,. iiJt to St. Louis, and Its Trams connecting closely with all to answer letters of mere curiosity. A so, orders for have it In contemplation to build a beautiful paseneer Is generated from pure coal oil, without any B0NS,"Qulck Sales," "Light Profits," and "Good Val forms steamboat captains and owners that he will con LADIES' DRESS Passenger Trains on the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad, Pills or Pcwuere icuxt contain a postaje stamp. to admixture ue," for Cash. TRI3DIIXGS, teaser, take the place cf tie Kentucky, in the of alcohol or other foreign ingredient. It is entirely tinue to pilot steamboats, flatboats, barges, etc., over ana waiting lnuennitoiy for U. A M. trains when they are Consultation may be held from 9 a. m, to t p. m., (oa Ld Madison trade. free from while by ROUCHES! ROUCHES!! I will meet at any time delayed, Insures to passengers at Sunday from 9 to 12 a. m.,) at fiU oXce, northeast corn- odor burning, a, a simple contriv- New a the Falls. boats Jeffersonvil'e at To which he would call the attention ofthe reliable connections "The renowned ance, the vapor of the oil Is mixed with Styles and Patterns, at saving of or hour that I am telegraphed to be there. All dispatch- Mitchell, to or from St. Louis or Cincinnati. er of Third and Market srteet rivate entrance on Telegraph No. S, is the mail the atmosphere, SO PER CENT FROM CREDIT PRICES ladies and asks an examination of them. aca passenger packet for Cincinnati producing perfect combustion and a most Intense light. es of Inquiry In relation to the water on the Falls will f3ff All kinds of fringes, Cords and Tas f3fPajsengers and Baggage taken to and from any Third street, Louisville, Ky. and the East The light been pronounced, by Examine our samples, and be couvinced. be promptly answered by me, my expense. part of the city and the Cars free of charge. Secrecy Inviolable I Don't forget tqo name She starts noon. has those who have had BLOND LACES, and at sels made to order at short notice. je9dtf snJ at It In c mstant use for months, as most QUILTINGS, Ac, Ac, Steamers wanting orders for COAL at Hawesville, can Through Trains connect at Greencastle with the Terre Bomber. Ail iCSfrs should ee addressed to pleasant to the Our line of these Goods always We Import 2?TLe Alvin Adams from Memphis yesterday eye while reading or sewing, th re being no flickering or full. and obtain them of me, and pay for the coal on the return Haute and Richmond Railroad, We.t for Terre Haute U. GATES, M. D., in fu 1 in flame. The Vesper Gas "Job" them at once for 5 per cent advance. Marked and St. Louis, and East for Indianapolis. At Lafayette feb 113 dwtf Louisville, Ky. caie ol passengers. unsteadiness the light la port- on trip. E. RICHTEK, prices all Goods "in Plain Figures." Dnr-rett- 2TThe Dubuque able, and can be used in town or country la fact, wher- Office corner Fourth and Water streets, at Ben 's with the Toledo, and Wabash Railway West for Spring- papers report the Mississip- ever artificial light is required. The fixtures themselves A Saving iQper cent on these Goods Credit clothing stere. PINCKNEY VARBLE, Galvanizer, Fire Gilder and Plater, field and all points West, and East for Toledo. And VAN pi at that point nearly of from DR. A. J. DER SLICE, at flood height, and more are adaoted In styles to suit all tastes, from the plain Prices. nl9 d6m Falls Pilot, Louisville, Ky. with the Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana R. R. Late rrofessor of the Ecole C?iniqu de Medio coming. si igle light burner to the most costly 101 THIRD STREET, for Toledo and Chicago and all intermediate Statlons.-An- d chandelier. Each Our intention Is to make the Ribbon Trade as staple Ky Plarmacie ia Paris, is chandelier Is perfect in Itself; there is no outlay to be in regard to Between Market and Jeflerson, Louisville, at Michigan City with the Michigan Central Rail- 27"It understood that the Florilda at prices as domestio goods. To do this, we GREAT Twenty-run- s St made for service pipes. The as is generated in must sell One ItEDlCTIOX. SERVICES, Forks and Spoons, Castors, road for Chicago and all points West and Northwest. A Practitioner for Tears Put. Louis wttl probably be sold to the Million Dollars worth of Goods per an- THE Line of U. 8 the agent of the burner, and all fixtures, from the Vanderbllt European TABLE d of Also for Detroit and all points East. to his friends and the public he Southern Pacific Kailroad cheap single light num.! fw Sets, and all articles ANN0CNCK3 that Company, for the pur-por- e burner to the expensive chandelier, are gas We luaii ckcBiuviiips, anuurDiu, wapiam r. S in best REMEMBER THE ROUTE, devote his time to the curing of the fol- of miniature are Union Men. "No North." "no South." We ; E lver and, Plated 'Ware renewed and repiatea tne carrying railroad iron from Galveston to works in themselves. They are sold at prices which do solicit 3&2 Lefevre: North Star, Captain Jones; lowest rates. lowing Diseases, vis: Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Fits, the patronage of Merchants in every section of Si Ocean Queen Ariel, style and at the Albany & Salem Huusion. lczas. not exceed the cost of ordinary gas fixtures of similar tne are and will form a fort Also, Watches, Fancy Clocks and Jewelry, Fire Gild New Railroad. Dropeey, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Piles, Fistula, united states, and the servants of all who favor New York, South Office 553 be- atyles and ornamentation. A price list will be sent as with nightly line between ampton and Ha In manner, apb S7General Main street, south side, Gout, Rheumatics, Scrofula, White Swelling, Nervons Af- The Kentct Mail Packet Memphis. to their trade and patronage. contract, leaving alter- ed the best aiy Second LOUISVILLE, fob any address on application. JNO. FAKUELL, vre, under mall this side each tween ani Third, Ky., where fections, Fever and Ague, Billioua Complaicta, Ac. clipper belonging Saturday, and the other v. THROUGH TICKETS and i. to the MERCHANTS CASH RIBBON HOUSE, nate side each alternate IQUTsT further Information canbe Dr.Vanderslicehaimetwith great success by.hls pe- Mail Line, takes her place the Cairo Mem- obtained. Also at Ticket Office, Louisville Hotel. of where in and visiting Louisville should not fail to procure the Vesper 116 Chambers street, New York, YOUn.AT SIIIHTS culiar mode treatment of disease, other very phis tracJe Uis evening, in place of toe Alvin Gaa fixtures for their stores. near rrom rew toric From Havre and Trains are run by Louisville Time. eminent phlslclans have failed to produce a cure. To the Hudson River Railroad Depot, for Southampton Southampton SPROfJLE Sc MANDE VI LLC'S R. E. Adams. She is similar in size and outfit to the CHUKCiiES, HOTELS, PUBLIC HALLS AND a. H. waller. anl3 dim RICHER, Sup't. attest his confidence In his own skill and merit, he will and Havre. for New York. GREAT CLOTHING HOUSE, A. B. BARKER, Ticket Agent, Louisville. cure of all patients without ex- Moses McLtllan, and will prove a useful and com- PiUVATE RESIDENCES ndertake the charge, fortable Vanderbilt, Saturday, April 23. Wednesday, May 11. Main streets. New Albany, Jan. 1, ls59. janlT dly cepting the cost ofthe medicine, requiring no fve antU baat in the trade. She is swift, has ex- throughout the State can now be fitted up with those HANSEN'S Saturdav, May 7. May 25. No. 457, corner Fourth and cellent cabin elegant and convenient PIANOS. North Star, Wednesday, after the restoration of their health. accommodations, and will be in chandeliers, aud other beautiful PIANOS. Ariel , Saturday, Mar 21. Wednesday, June 8" mil Diseases a peculiar he guarantees re- gas fixtures, which add so much to of character to charge cf the gallant Capt. Lamb, the appearance of PIANOS. Vanderbllt, Saturday, June 4. Wednesday, rz, move few days, dele- and tbe other such places, and to the of June 1859. 1S59 radically in a without offensive or oncers aud crew of Alvin comfort tne home circle, and PIANOS. terious medicine. He warrants to all, no how the Adams a sufficient which, heretofore, could be used only In These Steamships have water tight compartments and W. WALTON, SPRING ARRANGEMENT. matter guarantee tbat passengers those favored PIANOS. carry surgeons. JNO. severe cr long standing the disease, an effectual cure, or will be well and districts embraced within the coal gas limits of large PIANOS. able Passage Either way t, he requires no pay. Females suffering with lrretrulari- - provided for. cities. PIANOS. Prices of the same Per LOCKSMITH AND BELL IIINGER, 13 The Mail Line to Cairo The limited space first cabin, $120 and $100. second cabin, $60 tles,nervousness,debUity,Ac.,ean be permanently re and Memphis new con-sis- cf an advertisement precludes the PIANOS. Green street, between Sixth and Seventh, cf the Moses Insertion of numerous and $50, according to losatlon of state rooms. Per lieved by Dr. V. McLellan, Southerner and Ken- here the testimonials of approval PIANOS. a Hannibal and Kailroad Invalids In any section of the country, ky addressing tucky, a.l large, we have received from all quarters. Suffice North tittr, ilrst cabin, $30; second cabin, $50, and M. Joseph comfortable, safe, swift and well it to ay, PIANOS. limited of third Issued LOUISVILLE, KY. aletter to hint (post-paid- ), and Inclosing a fee, ean have m&oeged scientific men and others who have examined and thor- number cabin, $30. Certificates boats. of passage from Europe. Specie dellve-e- d in London Orders promptly attended to. ml8d3m OF MISSOURI, advice and medicine promptly sent them. oughly tested the merit of the Vesper Gaa llgnt, pro- PREMIUM PREMIUM Its entire length transportation nounce the best and and Pans. D. TORRANCE, OPENS 'or the of (37Residenco on Green street, third door eelow it cheapest artificial light no AWARDED AWARDED S andfreight, afording tne shortest. Quick- - Floyd. POB T OF 1, E . known. VI U aplS d3m No. Bawling Green, New York. LODISVIL 1S56. V U 1851 WM. SKENE & CO., ett, and cheapest route to Western Missouri, ItAca, Office On Floyd VSf" The proprietor respectfully tJfPrivete street, between Market ARRIVALS. May 12. requests responsible ANOTHER TRIUMPHI Kansas, Nebraska, and the NKW GOLD MINES. and Jefferson. Office hoars from 3 to 12 A. M.. and merchants in every town and county in the 8rate to cor- Jacoo S C;n; Emma of OIL MANUFACTURERS, On and after Feb. 14, ISC 9, trtins leave Hannibaiybr frosa to P. M. aaio dtf rtler, Dean, Carr respond with him, believing they will find it to their in- the public, and purchasers particularly, supe-- Sciuto, J. to the J. B. SHERIDAN, street, Lonlsrllle, Ky., oi. josepn uauv at i o'clock A. M., or upon arrival ef tl. Juriuli, Henderson: terest to aid him in introducing this unequaled light to uy Bullitt S. Pooahuatas, cuatomera. "vi riAiwo oiBuuiaciurea mm constantly on hand pure, medium, and No. I and J. R. R. packets from St. Louis arriving In of. Sir Wm Wi lace, gt L: their nlendlrl assortment Rnnntfcntl nn h.rH 7 M V?. THE GREAT VITAL REGENERATOR, Rochet Vesper Coal KEEP Oil, Machine and Head Light Oil, Nos. 1 and Joseph at o'clock P. same day, connecting with Universe, NO; fixtures and Oil, prepared expressly for Our Pianos have received a Premium two years In sue- - of first-clas-s Alvin bu- - S Lubricating Oil, Oil R. Une Packets, which leave Immediately TVT Adams, Mem; this ner, kept constantly on hand, and for sale whole- wwma, ou av me Rosin of different grades, and O33 VTL. iouo looi, rairs or tne American In- FRENCH CHINA Wheel Grease for wagons, drays and oarriages. Also on arrival of trains for Nebraska City, Omaha, Coun- TI1II3Invaluable for relaxation, spermatorrhea DEPARTURES. sale and retail. WM. H. SETTLE, stitute, Crystal Palace, In competition with most of the cil Bluffs, Atchison, WMo,and Leaeenieorth City, lis mch!4 dtf No. 6 Masonic Temple, Louiavllle, AND Skene's superior Paint Dryer, which Is warranted to dry NO. physical exhaustion, and is a tonic. - Ky. leading manufacturers of New York THK H. 8T. Jacob Strader, Cln; Bir Wm Wallace, Pitts- and Boston, and any uryer. k JOE K. R. LINK OF PACKETS Is No. di- ars unquestionably of the best quality oonertnan otner jyisuly composed completely eradicates aU traces of those ?J1T."5,' Emma Dean, Carr: of tone, full, cf the most elegant and comfortable steam- seases that have been hitherto treated by the nauseous) H.cdtnon; DR. WM. PRICE round, and brilliant, as well as finish and durability, and & ers on the Mississippi river, and run expressly in con- 8a, John Oaa Naah; wa flatter nnrapl m. h th i WALLACE POPE CO., and pernicious use of cop via and cube be. liP.e.NO; Tentera to the rnhnv anj nnmvl Earthenware, Commission nection with this road, boats leaving S . Louis every day ROCER3. Pocahontas, Ark. tlsts.ln venturing to say our and Forwardlni Merchants 6 M. No. 8 has entirely supplanted the lajurious ase of Rochet, St Loo warrant the effectual cure of that Pianos stand superior In Clover Seed, Bourbon at o'clock P. for Hannibal, (stopplnr only at mercury, VfVJ''' vu VT and Dealers and Timothy passengers by & M. dispersing ail the Impurities and rooting oat the following diseases: U.UJ vuicia, tuu cqusi maj urna rianotn regard ivriaxrV ana nope, Alton,) taking arriving O. and T. venom sufferer t Ji tfiL to volume of tone and elasticity of combined TonK. Whisky, nagging une native end Foreign A. S. L. R. R.'s, by which passengers the of disease, thereby Insuring to the l ,J tST Scrofula, Cancer, Piles, Sore touch, wltn Ac. if. it from St. speedy relief. UECEIPTS BY THE ' Eyee' ChlU't Chronic cry nines, uranaies, c, Louis arrive in St. Joe hours, from Louisville RIVER. f "t Diarrhoea, " b".".iuiuch, uicu ia t rarely met Wltn EIPEESENTS No. 552, Main street, four doors east of tbe Bank o in H In Triesemar, No. 1, 2 and 8, are prepared In the form fry phillis 11 I other Piano. thirty six hours ; also from Quincy M81U.CIX9 OKLT THE f in of stages, Pi Kentucky, Louisville, Ky. close connection ef a losenge, taste or smell, and can be car- LEADIKO ARTICLES Of IKT0BT. tola, without using the knife or other painful We respectfully solicit an examination from strangers la made by a fine steamer with trains on Chicago devoid of remedies. & 13?" Particular attention given to filling Southern or and ried In the waistcoat pocket. Sold in tin cases, and di- And I remove the horrid consequences of Onanism and friends, to convince themselves of the above before THOMPSON, LYON CO., Quincy ana Toledo and Quincy Railroads. Far CISaKVn-P- er purchasing elsewhere. AU our Pianos are aers. eio lower than any other route. Baggage vided Into separate dosee as administered by Valpeao, Jacob or I caa cure these diseases, and have warranted. checked through Rlcord, eto-- Price td or 4 cases A Mcrailum-- M packig "fttrc,ure B n. or handled No extra charge Lalleman.Roux, each, Fn,fR 'rilStet proof to sustain this. The statement of such men as nanoin, manufacturer Piano Fortes. Importers and Jobbers in and free. for meals and tn one for which saves and In f 27 eases, where- ke.a bT. 25 bundle, big,, b'i" Dr. Wm. L. Breckinridge, Judge Graham, Judge Loving, Warernom. 1 OO Okbtrb Kt .. New Tore nSft d6m j.n.scnnoEDER, staterooms on packets. li, cmeeWiS pviALER In Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors desiring to by there is a saving of $9. To be had wholesale and re- Judge Underwood, "and many others too humerous to Emigrants accompany their stock may BARROW, Bleeker New York. Jmn. ar wbee'.. GiU 161 EARTHENWARE AND GLASS WARE, MJ and Bar fctores generally, sparkling and Dry ca depend on going through by tail, of Dr. 14 Street, mentir n." tawba Wines, Kentucky growth. S3 W Loo fast freiaht rnrttt rnim Immediately on receiving a Dr. wiU Clore-- 2S boxei caodlea, Guthrie A of all street. Freight taken at lowest river remittance, Barrow Ks?0Vm M-- ! We have read tbe above card of Dr. Price, and some P. BANNON'S itville, Ky. an) rates. forward the Triesemar to any part of the world, seen re- bbu wt.ioea, gaydr A McCal.um-- 65 coll. ron'e. Bra. of as have known him long, and all of us have noticed 79 Pearl & 46 Stone streets, New York. Passengers are respectfully requested to consider thle A D.ns-2- bundles 6 nee, short, and cheap ly packed, and addressed aeeordloe to the Instructions d, 1- bap, pac.agt. mwchandUe the suooesa which has attended his efforts In curing th VENITIAN BLIND FACTORY, route before selecting .thr. of the writer. O. S. EMERSON, Agent, ' above-name- It has unquestionable coul i.eer d diseases, and we do not hesitate to add AtSO, Third street, bet. Main and Market. advantsges over all others, and ta Cor. Broadway and Congress streets, MW ORLEAKB Per Universe ISO this testimonial of our unqualified approval BLINDS of every size, color and price Me only route bv which THROnOH . si ban coffee G of what VENITIAN Joseph by tirKtra alS dAwly Cincinnati, O. 11 bost. wii,e. Bradaa A SchoUs ' ha been said by the highly reputable gentlemen above & for Country Merchants, cheap. railroad can be purchased. Tickets for sale E. V. H AUGHWOUT CO. at all the railroad offices. Clen INK ATI No 8 referred to. Blinds repaired and Blind Trimmings for sale. For further Information and Per Telegraph 24 bUs whlaky. Geo. W. 13S3. all contracts apply to - - c Johnston, City Judge J. I. Dotler; T. H. Manufacturers and Importers of Established febl9 dAw BKNJ. FLOOD. J. H. BOWEN, ivuuxo, w gi matv.cv Dozes cneese, o't ban-- Crawford, Mayor; W. D. General Agent, Louis, Mo. lrco, ,nlgntta 12 carboy a, 18 8. Megowan, Sheriff: Dr. L. St. Worms! Worms! Armatrong toot Porter; Dr. P. B. GROAT, General I v, wr Davltre. Ticket Agent. Doia laay, renroat iaval 25 I wsa cured of fistula by Dr. Rich & & JOSIAU HUNT, Superintendent. Hannibal. y'lC'""!!iir Bro 20 bLU whisky, Wallace Pope Price In lets than thirty Elegant Ornamental Plain 2nU YOUCB, feb22 dly el t b 1 potatoes, Snyder A McCaimm 198 do . J03. TAILORING.' WORMS! do, YoUO MASON Oi iiee-- 6o f Son, LoUUvUle. BEN season is at hand wnen ecoui'sm of bundiea, lu sheets boiler Iron, 60 bandies FRENCH CHINA, his tne orDtrhre:lw.es.rrd Mffr of min Would respectfully Inform friends and the LOUISVILLE AXD FUAXKF0RT, THI begin to become both tmnhlesome and u. mu cum rope, m piecea ic(rinr. WWU public Erady A khda Dinner, Desert, and Tea Seta, Rich Cut generally, that he has taken Room No. AND DR. JOHN BCLL'S VEGETABLE WORM Dai8 toUaco, JNewmai k Stockton-aund-riea. Md" Breakfast NlFV1 LEXINGTON AND FRANKFORT connmM, 69, Fifth street, between Main and Market, DESTROYER Is a remedy alike pleasant and effectual Glassware, Solid Silver and Plated "Ware, JUL where he Is prepared to make up Gentlemen's for the evil. There is not the least d. acuity tn getting C.THOMAa.fMe. own Material In the most fashionable style and work- children to take the medicine. It la prepared ,in the FLOUR, LIME AND rF-nw- Mirrors, Clocks, Chandeliers, Cutlery, manlike manner. From his past experience in the R. FALLS CITY Y TJ3. form of Candy Drops, and will be eaten with avidity by BURGE CONSTANTLY o? hand and receipts daily. ' Pur. TERK C0TTA W0UKS, trade, he flatters himself he can give entire satisfac- andItVTTin.0after Monday, April 4th, 1339, Trains will children of all ages. It destroys and expels worme MANCFACTCRER of VIRGINIA, BRONZED STATUETTES! tion. Call and leave yonr before going else- ON vLUe fol- TENNESSEE prclhawne?eUt0thelr - e BIFTH STRUT, XIAR WALWOT, orders Louis dally (Sund ays excepted), as more effectually than any remedy now tn use, while at TOBACCO. HOTEL: AND STEAMBOAT GOODS, where. lows: the tame time It will tn no way affect Injuriously the juiocwioiiaxjittaj; LOUISVILLE, KY., Cleaning and Repairing neatly done and at the short- FIR3T TRAIN 5:40 A. M.. stODnlnc 19 minutes for ROOM No. 806 (Iron Block) Main ANUFACTURER health of the child. SALI street, fa.lT.tr li T of all kinds of Ornaments for ex. 24 Rue de Par ad is, Poissonniere, A PARIS, est notice. fmll d3m BE MASON. breakfast at Lagrange, and at all stations when flagged. Sold wholesale seventh and Eighth, where he win keep PET.".Mtte 1TJL terlor decoration of Buildings, such as Capitals and retail by Dr. BULL, at sis Depet on his own AND except sair uround, wesnourn s, urowntnoro, and on Fifth street, north of Main, and by Dreg-?- gener- hand, of manufacture, Poundi, Quar-- iivni?rpi?i, for Columns, Window Caps, Brack-t- s for Doors, Cor- WAREHOUSE, Beiiview. with, rvuuua, ana xens, kiiritRIwaT FOR BALE. wish PAPER connectini at Eminence stares for New ally throughout the country. prt dAwtf rivei, wucb fee will war-- PATENT I to sell th nices, Ac, Ac. Chimney Tops and Garden Vases in 483, 490, and 492 Broadway, cor. Broome st, 521 MAIN STRICT. We have just received a Castle; at Frankfort for Lawrenceburg, Harrodsburg run ana ttu toto, at wnoiesaie only, to punctual a Machine for Breaking Hemp and Flax--, every variety of design. NO. well kinds of WRI- cu. and selected stock of all and Danville; Midway for Versailles; Payne's Sta-tio- n on tne uauai the best principle In th machine ever applied 8TCCCO WORK, NEW YORK. at at YOUTH AND lANIIOOD- .- """' lerms. mbo dem for th Centerpieces, Running Ornament, TING PAPERS, vis: Letters, Packet and Commercial for Georgetown; and at Lexington via railroad thousand, and purpose. I wish to sell enough Right t enabl me to In- OI Folio Legal Cap, Bill Cap, Just published, the Vih "e nd most modern style, always on Posts, Post, Foolscap, Lades' and stage for NicholaevlUe, Danville, Lancaster, Crab envelope, to any ad- troduce the machine, or get a partner with money exhibition at the Works. . V 137 Our facilities are nnllmltel to execute noon lib Billet Note, plain and gilt; Commercial mailed In a sealed at Bath, Post and Orchard, Somerset, Richmond, Mt. Sterling, and all in- receipt of three command to accomplish tbe same. For fun her informa- Circulars, with reference be on eral credits. Address, J.B.SHERIDAN . Note, a variety of styles and prices. AU of the above dress, post paid, en the CRYSTAL PALACE tion, enquire application. and prict list, to had terior towns. stamp. LCPE & for C. SIMON, . B25dtf api aim aox e,syz, new iotk. and many other klnas, blue and white, ruled and plain, EFAXm. PronrlPtoM. aplS dtf SECOND TRAIN 1:13 P. M.. stonnlnr at all Sta A, Medical Eisaf on the Pineal Exhaustion ems, at PMucah. for sale wholesale and retail by elf-Abu,' th It. ' AN tions when flagged, except Fair Grounds, Wash- Decay Jnjtc-tion,a- nt 0 comer of and EXCELLENT NEW BOOK! ap20 WEBB A LITE RING. Point, of Vie Frame,cad Jeftnon Fifth ttruU The Kentucky Champion Coffee Pot! burn's, Ormsby's, Brownsboro, Buckner's, and North the inhtrimts coneouencs of Mercury, bu Benson; connecting by stage - Rcyal CoUegt THE PILLAR PATENTED FEB. 1 185. SCIIRODT Sc LAVAL, at Eminence ft Shelby- . J. Culzerwed, M. D., member ofthe American FIRE, Cologne, iuuuKv tuucj at aiidway lor Versailles; and Of Surgeons, eto, Watches, OR MERCHANT & PATTERSON, MANUFACTURERS of Alcohol, ed Pare at Payne's fot Georgetown. tfpermaiorrSiea or owbium uiuuqdi, treaiis in Old Bourbon and Monona-Wiskie- s. THIRD TRAIN If? aeeD for 1 QU1LIT1ES. ISRAEL IN AocoMMOnanosT Leaves at 4:43 r. and Nervooe DebUlty, Impotency, Lose of Energy, ! the .ale of RHo" LgVvJntJ rer? mnnfact BONDAGE. West side Second street, between Mala M. , stopping WOOD'S ' .JJ U prices at all Stations: and returning, will Um pressioa of Spirit. Tlmiu.ty, Diseases of the Sexual O- celebrated PltUburrt X BT is the now In nae, making WaUtr. Loatavilla. WIS dAwtf. 6:33 Ala. They xr VJ?t?T JOHN KITTS A CO., best Coffee Pot coffee It. Lagrange at a. m., stopping at aU Stations, and rgan, aod Iuipedimeut to Marriage, kr promptly act keep a on Main street, THIS and more conveniently any prepared to .upply Merchant? m"L between Fourth and RKT. than other arrive at Louisville at 8:20 a. u. effctna!lv removed by the author' tovel and most suc HoteL lliff? W Firth. J.n.ivr.nim known mode. Its advantages are NOTICE. In Louisville as follower treatment, by means of which Inva- Urrel or bottle. Thi. Ale Author of "The Prince Arm ef BARBAROUX BNOWDEN was Trains arrive First tr.i. at cessful modeof the U of the House of DsrU 1st. Coffee can ba made on the breakfast table In fire k 10:10 a. a.; regain pristine heaito without laving recourse tc wurry and they confidently 7 "7 U th THI on vth by R. W. Snow-de- n. second train at I:3 r. a.; Lagrange Accom-- lid can reoomket U LARGE supply Is received minutes. the Inst., the death of expensive medicines, I r:ne old Wine, and for sale wholesale The surviving partner Is charged with the settle dangerous aad and Llqaors. and retail at the publisher's prices, bv Sd. It requires d less coffee, "because the steam KVTbrongh ever written on a tnbject of T'.tal fine Ci A ' nent of the affairs of the late firm, and will eontlnae Tickets for Danville. flimi,larr. Th best treatise far.. mXJLtc; No. 18 First street, WELSH A U condensed and returned to the liquid coffee. C. to ail, well worthy between MarWtJJS. COMPANY, the same business at the old stand In his own name. Crab Orchard. Someriet. VersaUlea. Importance th anther's exalted nd Jefferson, Louivtlle, Ky. aplB Main St., adjoining HntVi. ea. x eoeap en simple arrangements. ShelbjYille, U I LunaeL Louisville in its ' elSdtf E. BARBAROUX. and farther Infor matlon. can be had at London pa . Call and examine them at I th publisher, C. KLIN CO., TVvt A Mir .B.ei.NxnciiB aRTIRBURNI, LUAU--j bhd. New Orleans Sugar In , the Depot la Louisville, corner of Jefferson and Brook Adre J. I k v. C store and THOS. D. McALISTER-B- Jefferson street, 1,00 bbts In store and for eornec Nineteenth, street poet box 4,i;d, New J. ARTlRCRa K3 for sale by p20 D, fS, EEEJ)ICT I i. TAR treeis. BILL, PudT, BON, 80 dtf between Third and fouxtk. CAROLINA Vyt TXLR k ilAEllN. 18 dtf kuililL.F.an4UF.jUR. Iena, City. febUdAtl