
"3 BY TELEGRAPH. AUCTION SALES. I MEDICINES, &C. POET OF EVANSVILLE. EEPOETED EXPEESSLY FOE THE JOTJKNAL CIIIA WAliK AX AVCTIOa. Oold ISanii Iron Slone? Fretvrli Deco --ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. AEEIVAL OF THE rated uud 1'luiu Cliinu Ware. I TE will sell auction commencing OF HA KT FORD, ffaOCAI, S March 8. at F March 7th (U.., DEPARTMENT. i ri'EPAr. lH 6.at o clock F. M.. store ajaiaioc the JANUARY 1, 183C Wm from Louisville t Henderson and Crescent19 TlendnJ iute Gauvis, task. C'ty Bnk, a isor ment of Chin Ware. A i and mad e mpli CHAKCE.-3fr- . presented it Stockholder.!, out in The Last T.'W. Turner, Tram Louirville to New. Orleans. Britasift Vaf. Silver Plated Wnre. Kndiih Outlerr. &c. a York, Pktek Tkllon, Grtl-- i auca with Stat Iah oO'ew Olli, ludiaa. iliiuuü, . on istiix vt' Band Coina Seu: Plain White French Un-te- Tfcitmskii, tq.New'lCj-leans- C I Lite agent for Monk'es great Map of the ftom. A F It I A hina St?te; Gold Eand Ta Sts 32 to 44 pice; PUin White ic. STATKMEXT. ' Fit;ib,-rg'.- C,h,t.-n- zZ 4 Mkkcsoo from Louis to. i, French &eti to Ueno rated French -- j St. i pices; name of the Coiporatioa is TSA IX SC RAN ? K States and bas'closed up his agen- - New Yohk, 8. Ctiaa T-- a Sets 3- - to 44 pieces; Decorated Toilet Set; Plaiu Territories, Baitimohc, from New Orleans tc Lcuisyille. March W COiPAXY, located at Uartrrd Coaucticat. Mo Toilet Set aaria;rret v irietjr of sundries in China. ASS i. TS '"After - BowLtMO Gbeex, frt m Green F.iTer to Evansvillo. Heco-at-f- d, GoM Band cons:tiBj cy with the proprietors. stfpplyihg pur- j The Africa has arrived. and Plain. of Jnrs. Plates, Of the Company arf : Alvi ADAM4. from Louisville to St. Louis. Vu?n, Cun and Saner. Gold Band Plate. Pishes, &c Cash ia hand aud in Phoniz Bank $ 50,93d 69 . chasers of this splen- - j Nothing Britaiii Ware. CoBrc Pits. Tea Pot Spoons. Forks, tu-li- h - here, he has foW copies Sax Sxowdex. from Wtat Columbia to Sawnee yet beard of the Pacific. The Cash on special deposits in Phoenix and on. Cutlery. Silver Plated Ware, ami a variety of other ar- - Hartford Hants, oq interest lOO.GtOO ' "MxCiisp,. Librarian, Ohio, from Cincinnati to New Orlean Rothchilds have taken the new loan. ticl-3'- numerous to mention. 1hsala will be continued ' did work left, of which '. x t in hnd of balances, fr in da to uay close The ludies are specially in-- V Cih itau, Joli.f Bki.lKj from Wabash. til out. (good.) Tfil.C2 fMh ... h is the sals. They tat? be seeryif the Library j It is rumored that Kucsia has consented tc ted to at tend. The fifAn are di t optrn for inspection . Mafistoi.tA, frort Cinci'caati.toNasIvville. mh7td ' WrtOLSKV XKLoV. An.Hnnrtt. Bills TleceiTall, paynhle at Bauk Is- - j Rooms. These map e?cel any cthcf ever Stvr.siT k:x. from Cino!uiati to Nashville. the dismantling of Nicho'olf. Keal Kstate. d US " IlttL'SJClIOliI ( Hl;. ilKM-'JttB- i: uiiencuai t'r It, from Cincinnati w New Orleans. AI K! l 7Mortfr2e Bonds, 6 and 7 per etut. ic detail cf The war fever with i. AT At semi-nn- nr 11 0 sued. We have aire 'rtl:crt ( America subsiding: TJO. 72.0 LI.-sel- l pal Tie auction on Z'c nday the 2 tjj) of March, $ Income Ronls. 7 prct lemi aapaa.ly ' tL'CSc jn-- ; at 7.i t'.iuir advantages, and therefore ask BIKXUTS OF THS ÖENEY LEWIS. It was eipec'tpd that tha Conference would commecria? at I3"a ''dock at the Teidewee of Edward 2o State of Va. Bonds t j r et. do l.24 Xeamn-iLe- deceased H his personal property CQtsistir.e of State ol N C. do 6 do do fi.nn trritf,! tn pvnmmfi them I ifrcrson. A srrdat assemble or. Monday at Paris, a,id the editois ?wriai eI0rTnt Fnrrntar-- . vi:. Sofa. Chirf. i;riiiui,: It:jr. City Water do 6 do do 10.2x Thirty to Sixty Lives Lost! Redtead. Feda, Stands, Carpeta, Sujtcs. MtlwaukieCity do 10 do do 5,u) been- - T11. ilircis. -. iriiny have been sold here, and these four should have ordered fo 'write 'nothing regaidicg CunUard ari Art. 0 tiäruuid City do b do do ln.J 4 Tkrms. Ay sutnjof dollars and nnder rash, ovret supe-- " three f be tnatched up by those wanting a most From passengers of the Henry Lewis we peace or 'war until adjournment of the Confer th ree nonar a cre it pi ix m tntftiwiii be a wen tn pur iins-r- s, Stney due the Cocpany seemed by Biviug ote with af t; roved itcurity waiving rjJiji ui .Triirttace 8,051 Co riormap. The price is very low. gather. the .following particulars of her destruc- ence. ; uLion aud atprikisiiiei.; laws. jGJs.iarni Harttorü aud.V. Haven R.K. S E W N G AMELIA Stock I MACHINES. tion. Ectwee'n 3 and 4 o:cJock last Sunday Cuicacc, March S. Tnh7Nl? : VO'OLSEY k NliLSOZT, Auctiuabti. I')5 hrfi ilartforö and Pruridence R. THESE Ma?hfns aperate upon an cntirelr r tw We call attention to the card of Messrs. R Stwck, prsierredandgutirrjjxtetd an shtml. ot one needle ard two threads.- - 07" morning, this bound Orleans, 1 pr car 9.450 00 The hay, been in reratinn in the hsnds of ' steamer, toNev 1 he Common Council yesterday appointed xaorsE a.vi ArcTio. t faEtilirsnd whole-sal- e - -' lots at lOTbh&rs UuuuOa Worcester Ä. K. ir anufactnrerssutiiciently to & Dealers- nrPro- ajtcKoo oq y March I'Mh t 1io-eloe- lcnif give thtma thbrotgh ttu.1, Sturges Brother, WLL sll at Stock i 9.630 OO ard ha civea satisfaction, with a fuU cargfl and a fjood many passengers, a committee'to' investigate. the alleged B Vort..ey of Main an-- street!1. entire frauds at t N'aisoa'i, corutr Third i&0aharis . 14. Mi) (0 hev simple . MpMv 1 Conn. Kiver H. R. Stock.. are Terr in construction and oraanMB. kinds, and Commission Merchants, " 6 Rl ck 3 in KiliotU front v duce of all Lt enlarfement 97 .rgn ro tal as well as occa-I.Z.-- jO came in eollision with the E. Ilowärd, a short of the late election in the a trood on (nod n.otul. fitted tn adorn a la.ly's ruflor. or - 7th Ward. Th deep with n?w story trnie hcna INraaJ SO Corn. Pivi-- C". Stock do Ltr coBspienoi-- osit:nn in of the needs no recommen- cis:,rn. SaIc c . G KO . V A I TK. f thefhof artisan. 'at St. Louis. This houss yoili v. term' ah tftord Baak htcdk 5.1-- 0 H has tern rnr olivet to a Machine would distance above Lc.visport. Tlse Ilöward struck census is now; being taken. . . mh7.dj KKLSON, Auotiouerj. 5St. tarnish that ha WO.'LSliY Waterbury.. S.liiO iu ..... p w , I ' " "Hi ii r ililDTI, . a - I rn'i v elation irom v.,-- thrrjsci'.triä. HIUAM .uv.'Jcnue, 1.KÜ l t ri" Malers. Shirt and Collar Macufcrtnrerr. bHa front of The OANiKLWOLSKT ...... Se.L3 JN j rlak ? &m iTatfgrd . V e o. S'st-liit- s . Piienir ... are that our in tl e treS'Bt l'oim Messrs. Sturges prompt and!T MARKETS BY 1 ki!nt it(liiuuuiui, immediatelv commenced, sinking rapid TELZGBAPH. AC CTün KOn.sJ, it) Kaimdc.Meca " the est eer (('red to the ptiMie. Old Court H'. ne, Of friT of irln .hi. J ThTn. streets, imine . Iti.'1 oTIS"lld r.l fsmtiics esn twti'T to their irerit on all rsliable gentlemen. diatel y appo.ijytlw VaaLiti'k'.on j Maid - " s ol fnoiily sen while Shirt and Col Maoi ly, and at the same time, while the passen- CiNcixsiTi, March 8. lift. li irr. sr fAVING for atrm'of year anJ firte4 npthe Cuy . 11.600 thtir upeiiority r Sloll.trs for ' will gers were rushing out, the Hurricane deck, Sa'as of 2.0 tiMs flour a; JGg-t- 2.1. Provision mar Bk of Htl'd Cs. . 7.wf rrir wor'.t. Minstrels v Kiver " , Ü.7W r.n of the isrelc-fiiil- The Last Concert! Tyler's i Oti r fur Sale at auction nr at-- sr-l- al' kiiadi f ro ri.nn, enaminstion Machines Iteda ket dull an Ji jcyy shoulders an.i ijes sold iri 2ik . - ' fell pre- ul 5?iSöJa. waren and merchandise; hjdsrjholii luznitura, hot&a, bug- -j 1.74 Ktad's.- K. . BFAD evening at ApoHo thickly crÖwdcd with freight, ir, thus 150. 00 - g'.ve their last Concert this Sales of Kycia'. C". Vihiay market dull acJ prices gieü. ete..- esc. " 11 '7tf Sole Ar'rt forovtheTrlr. venting many from escaping. UocFined, FJ0 Ivan ms."onPonitinints whoa rTuirad. 3 ca.--s style Pr'nts: a had a goo-- i crowd last Saturday further Ubls aold at Sugar iu good 2Ui Xnrth itiFer " ... 10. II) to .prinr i! Jlall. They e. Mechanics' 12.1) tlll.Te.-1- Solid no. ree' this day an J li!i'lsat?;-'ac.f)rIowfairan- d 9 A, M, TtiusJay, Wtd-iesd;i- " .... in ' The boat wa3 run far as possible to the Ken- demand, sales 2CJ prime; commeocinnat a'ciock. Alo Ilk N ' IU.ä'O i0 lortMety J AM KS LOW OO.. 1 nvAxt, and we prcsdme all enjoyed hearty and Fridavutirhts. at ear'.y pr.s lic'-.- t . ' , .AiuT . . I Iiis SSI) IKJ 4i Main treet, LonifTille, salesof22(J bjgs coföo at YiS.iiyi for good Kio. r J . - i l ..... s. J Assvrir 1. Kf. tucky shore. The Howard cVme to hör res- " 1S.7W CO ''.arghs. Market firm. to. iM Itktipublia ... ve weekly reoeivinr, and have aowos hand alarje lu t'oia'a w'kii St' a S.6H1 00 NEWJIOOKS. cue" and saved a good people. A num- irn I O T.?ACAri.KT'S d 4th Tolumei;' many j(!neral TUN ITC LÜ, Hroa'iwayliaäi'k " 14.040 Fneland.I .. . . and assortment of f coils tii ? otslat,' " ' GO Abbott's Life Napoleon; -r- , March 6. 10.700 - Terrible Eiot Loss of Life. sjiiiirtlft and' backs, scroil and sc.iUup rim j lerf e'a ... ilJ ber of deck hands ard passengers were lost. liannirtr tOs, 2t I clou--. ;.. 11.75O0O Tha New Purchase: Flour dull and unciiansed. Jf s!ils of wheat :ek office, runch. ß4"tle woid fc&t " t Jinny Lid; aal H . - 9.MKI HO Ten years among the Mail Bagu .. The South. Carolina papers contain details of ( hairs; mahogany ind rose wood ofa se4t Chairs: Kli:r-hst- j iiaaöv'eä. ... i The passengers variously estimate the loss ported. dull without auy quotML'schauge. ! 0 Oee-- n Lilly Huon: chairs; spring seat arm rockers, aofas, sociable, centre,; 8.0W0 Fscaped Novice: ' f recent" terrible riot at Columbia College on card, an. I ore ft fast, tables; and atauds, 10 M'tror'''n' " .... lti.425 . the from twenty-fiv- e to lives! Mr. Eutts, March 8. dtainr Uiit tah 2, ' ri)!;T3' 8 Ä7S Napoleon at St. Ilelena., etc.. for sale at the foot Store sixty Xi York, lounpes, mirrors, fiae oaimoa m l uMjes be?teals. m;.t- - baHtrs' lf ... O jan''S f 2(0 lmpi.ru rs.V Vra'iers SM.fKlO of T. C NYN'GTON CO. the 27tb. Flour uroop-rif- Mic-a- t trasses, w'uic'a e Cm- -i .... 0 k le night of uk. of of tn.rlar. improving, Corn tin and wirete, et;., will sell at CO 11 Marshal Covington, who was cut out the Ar.itT. Us. tk. Stuck " ... 6lrl0 ! drooping Mess Pork flriu. Beef cinn.aU priao. M Merchants' " .... IO f'OFFKK. bs rs for .al low by ' iof who had a grudge against dull. Lard declined. aJ-- ri on hand a of notions, jewelry,! V . A; - A party students t;rat variety 1(H) Stock 90 r jan2l S. GILBEKT CO., Sro. nearKater. cabin, informed us he had no doubt that sixty sales of 131 - 4()0 accr.rdpons. piatols whips,! TrastRu. 10.n0 bob it lu3. Whisky advaiiec'- rules vioiins porket cntltry, suns, 1UU V . N Y 16, th a murderous assault . we N. L.le.js. ijustCotk. UO Ul ALMOND'S AM) in ban-el- fof bbls at5'o',. Stocks es., wuich wiil ae!' ai r'inced pnea frcoeh, i ."7.816 00 FII.BI.RTS him.- - persons were lost. The Hungarian arrived lower. Chicago and Hock Island wholesale or NELSON. l.r janMdtf Loa lsim ra dhe strrÄf, 'badly injuring reUil. WtJOüüY Chio r.ife Tra-t- f o.Stk. Cidrti 00 S8. S.K.G.ACO. 95. Cumberland 23;', Michigan Southern New m9 i Aoct's. Iss.i 9,ti) 'Wrj'of had his skull split open. here from the wreck Saturday evening, with 95,, ii ii.ch.4. Tiaiieiä' B;J:k, cerscy Cit 1.000 00 TISSOl.T7TIO. tlx dudects Keail-ingU- York Central 93, Pennsylvania l. R by somo ot his mends coal cmnp'uny 'il . riHH pnblic la herehv notified that the Foundry firm of Tl.o chief was conveyed all the frnight which could be saved not a Mi9souriaixes87,Y. Cleveland anJ fcledo tyi;. V Henry Sehriber Co. was dissofved om the 15th o Jan ' f IJABILfTIKS. nsry. by tne Wm. guard-hous- e if)Of: VPiC! an attaas was M SC E L L ANEO US. withdrawal of A. Dunn and Wm Taylor. to the verv jjreat deal. Capt. Coller says the Lewis Eno 53, M chigan Central 91 Sterling exchauga flnu, Unsettled Claims for Losses and not due. $17G,083 47 The twin 3 will hereafter be tondacted ky myself. I will noon made by some. 150 students, armed with Cleveland und 7d. aino settle all the business of tl:a late lirm . is a perfect' wreck the water up to her sky- The Etaa fomrance Compamy presents itn patrons the Tery in-l- HENRY SCITRIBEK. knives, clubs and pistols. ThechiefTAagain TO PEKTsONS INlülJTIil) i'UK TKJJ.ST FUNDS. sftiisTactyry conumoi., or a in vaen a seers, cru-jhe- lare increa lor stabbed, and wa3 then thrown lights, cabin inland chimneys gone. LL persons Mortgaged the further security of their policies all our investments he i MK' SHOVEI.. CSdöx K. article fd badly beaten and DcsKiBK.-Marc- G. in arrears f inreat due on lands ms; a contractors, forsn'.a X land will save c and the inconvenience ot havi na; placed at the minimum market value, at the present time lowet 'fiHAS. S.WELLS' second story winaow. The stern lies much higher than the bow. The ct im of S .us d op res inn in the standard of same. They, are e Hardware Kmis. ? helnw Br. BanV. out otthe Thirteen engines are in bi-twe- to par the rrW urinal ruicis dti bv iaainediatulv paytntr tke in itbr Nr stuck the snow prime üiv ldemi pnyinjr; or goxKi. vai nable and clean in- alarm-be- ll was rung and citizens came stall Die uta of te rest there" . (trft. .Mil HVF.1 MK.V .'- - . The owned, Capt. 3 COIlllH AlFlm, Henry Lcwirwas by Eamerson, Dunkirk and Dayton, on the New York febl9-2wdJt- WM. H. WALKER, A. C . vestments. itldiua: ino derate ic teres t and income. Tne 1 inimeoaately Six V. standard hi" tht Assets be. Eti at Crescent City Shoe, Store. together, when another conflict ensued. - baiscn hve fir WAN two clerks,- Insu- aud Erie Railroad. They pro- OHIO I Company but trat rate workmen need aprlvt r and the Messrs Patterson. can't make anj' PRICE ÜF ALL'M AI.T Kt:L'Cfci?. At stkrest. besidtsthisaoliditv, the calls dtel-d- . li. fTAKT. military companies were ordered out and were attention to tne strenjrtn ana security it derives tr-- m ltscoin-hin- d l J. 6,- - gress until the wind goes down. Yesterday's J S are anthorited to 1it nnt th balance of comirti- - Agencies throajrh having red for $10,COO. Freight list insured for fort-- system of its ueents the means A III - "afterwards stationed as guards around the mentof Rana h:. Alain Salt at cents ner buiiiel. - t f AMI Bl'TTKH.- work is all filled up. If the wind goes down f prcgentins- a units phalanx of kxpkuiencki xpkk.vki a j ioo lbs choice new Larl: 100 lbs prine Roll Batter, .,. This Salt has been analifd and found strmiKcr t.han Turlis - ia guard house and jail. One of the students has 000, . T k k , which has worlieJ. for thirty- seven eara, the happiest store and for sale by deo7 W. k S. VICKliRY. this evening they may get through Island pr other foreign salt. Ilaviri nsd it for threeyears. stockholders, losses J. live. we taue pleai'ire recotnm noing all pur- results to and claimant, tor and enables since died, and others are not expected to is second collis- in it 'or lt-t- enter the yenr IKW with srreater prestise for future nse This the beat destroyed by night, but it is doubtful. Eisjht full car loads poses. Packer.' attention is eall-'- to rhf S lt. nib w i i.ontix; roitN zn.i.. JJedell, the chief, is said also to be dead. fuioifs than has yet been reached ly any really NATIONAL la-- H B undersigned have establishedasda Will, on th corner of ion with the Howard. The first was the of passengers arrived from Erie at 10:40 this 8u ranee corporation. I. Second and Cenal stTeets, for the purpose of roanufac-turin- s; The excitement was kept up till the 21st, Ail bataea attended to with eVppatc and fidelity. Flour and Meal lor the home trade. We will keep morning, but will not go on. Buffaloand Erie jandO-- tf ALLEN C. If A L LoO If, when the students were still threatening re-- ; Swallow. KBS Nails ') hrmd. l t Wtd; lj hoxei of Artit constantly on hand extra brands of Flour, and in auantitiesto might be cleared by morning if the wind should anitthe trade. Wejiape.fo mesH-- share of the public pat- - venge, and being vcVy active in procuring arms Gov. Powell Scnk. The ridw Evansville Olasi. 8x10 ro K 'ft: .TJ'b.le N01 1 an a IVitting; 7S doi Hvd Z. IL COOK & RON,- -- un.Kre rj Kvinx 0U agoou artiCie oi ripuranu aieai. so down. It is still storming hard. (!ord; 5 doa Plew Linea; 13 reels 11 alter Rrb; 5 reela Hed flrin'ltna done to accommodate the eountrv traie the Governor went to the & and ammunition, and Green River packet Gov. Powell, on her Crd. forialeat t'ÜOK WIIOLKSALK AD llXüTAII, DEALERS I. HART FAIRCHIf.D. 'college and demanded their arms, threatening Buffalo, March 6. feh20 Corner Aiain and first tiip up Green rver met with a serious ACITWOODS.iivrfor Docember:itrcEiVEU. ; to fire upon them if they refusefi '.to deliver The Lake Shore and Buffalo POrLTRY!! EYAN3YILLET,' INDIANA... , and New York 10ULTKY1 Fat Turkeys; .Ij CliaL-.ber- Kdenburgh Journal for JaBQirj; them. The students finally yielded and quiet accident, resulting in her sinking, although Citv and Nia-rar- a Falls Railroads 20 do do Chickens; . run jisie a new i.iuviraLea rauer; do do Household Words fox - - account the AA'HdLÜäAt.K DEPARTIKT, Jan?ary vrai restored. Another Eyf that not entirely to tho bottom. Last Thursday rendered impassable in consequence of a fresh Some of thd above are droned in and forfait) Ballon 's Pictorial Taper; evrr mir DOOR scene presented was such as Ccluirlbfa nevdr ä fall of snor. The train on the at X. BACON M O'K'A Family Grocerv, FIRT STREET, FIRST FROM MAIN. Frank Lisle's Journal for January; she took sheer Central road decll-df- tr--- t.. bi-t- : and struck a rock at Boat f M:tin VV'strand Firt. Flatr of our I'nion . before saw. Two hundred armed citizens, armed 20 hours behind RETAIL DEPARTMENT. Yankee Notions for January-- ' .' time. A disDatch ' River, arrd ä vi- 2 Weekly . . '' Islandn1 Barren three half miles from 43l'4"a cases Caledonia G.ni;hani ree'd thiadyy MAIN STREET, FIRST DOCK BELOW TII& CORNER Clipper; , with guns loaded with epposed Dunkirk says the Erie road is in the W aadiurrfaleby JAVEjj LOW A CO.. White', Counterfeit Potectoi fsr JtCUuaryi - ET . to more than a hundred enraged votirVg men oelow Biwling GrcerXasw-eeSrf- , by the of- sitme condition. feblt 413 Afaia atveet, Louiar Ky. COO to thank his friends in Evansville and Weekly Tribune, at v ZH. for their favors so freely bestowed npon - e ,' . ; 8AMÜEL LISTEK'S Book Store. with rifles in their hands'. The order wais ficer, cf tte stcamfyr,. fowling Green,) Avhich gMEt.TO f?HECTIaU. t'O bU ree'd hia day him since he has ben in business amongst them, and takes L and fer s.le Ly JAME.S LOW A' CO.. of to their his con, Mr. ' . given to take aim, and & fire 70uld fol- . C VAAUV tebl4 418 Main street. Louisville, Ky. this opportunity iutrodno:nr notice APPEAL TO THF, l.AI.IF.S knockfid three 'liples..' Jjcr diulL acil s'ie KUCrS 11. A. CoK. whom he has taken into partnership from this CF ; it f y EVANSVILLE AND VICINITY. lowed had not Col. Goodwm" and others got the rare Oarman breed, aaunerior kind. fft aa,n ditte, and solicits for the new firm of Z.H. Cook k Son, a ' once commenced tht pair In.Tle as .. CK Al 'ft MIS AT WHOIlSAIJi I O H KT .4 II.. so sinking. All her deck freight O of ens. f undersign tj'i constantly keep on hand a asuort- - cone. nuance of the support liberally eonierred on himseii. between the forces and callöd vyöii the "Citizens feb22 3t ' . . Blilii lartre &Son, having Particular Attraction. ÜALLOCH & STODDARD meüf.01 Vatr, IS;rter ami Crackers, and Z. If. Cook taken the buiiaes premises and "V"V7" are prepared to show to our annforous customora ans of from five irch Siiar 01 m. w . eonait-i- not to fire.' By much pnrsuasion the students consisting to eight hundred barrels aUo cf Sitda. PilAt and Naval Kreal. which nein man a fac- pnrfti.ued the vn loot the stcK Jir. rosrer, fee patrons aa entire new stick of Winter Goo's, n Vi have just confident that tbev will be enabled to supply the citizens o of variety and most assortmer. - reeeived irttof ftrietly p;me tored by the latest imeioved Mrhint?ry, thev can he aoM the riohest th, besntilul . were the eollege. Some her:. CÖf'FflK. we it Kvansvtlle with every znay in the Oro induced to return to of pork, were pitched overboard to save will sell at lowest market ates m low a price an in any place in the West, and arenotexepll-- d article thy require of such goods adopted to the snason. All these Goods having mh- C- - - - TE.VNKV & tc. Ly cury and Provision line. Z. H. k Son wish especially to neen rmrcnasea ano selected by raeoti uoewentnai in of the students were subsequently expelled. x- t ' SORa.CKC. iAi;y any othor cianuf j,ctury in he eountry. A lartre air. the She took three or four feet of water, but when stock alwa on hand urysho,-- , draw the attention of persons in the country having produce New York market, we eniov unsurpassed advantages, and ara at tu Water atrcet between of any kind to dispose of, to their increased facility tak- Onnny Bats. Terjflarse" 2 Sjcaoore and Vine for enabled to otfer them at unusually low prices. ted ing otT , and supplying them tho Bowling Green left, the officers had suc JL and 1 dec!8-u:- l their stock at heir store, with all uurnaw ana excellent assortment embraces every article old lino Whig general committee of 4f0J liearjr.juat lauding for sale J. SINZrcIT. required in the wholesale prices imaginable 07The II. liAiJÜEE & article department, at that and desirable in the line of Dry (foods and Clotti J. CO. mnjrt, ensnre oraers leor-- tt ng. to eaM New York held a meeting on Thursday night ceeded in partially stopping the hole, and were halft So. i tneir iur tne mture. You are respectfully solicited nnd examine tbeat 5f5 TTIaflJ. LninvinffuTiaieatlnvnicti roods. WM. I.OiWENTHAL A-- CO.. CA-,E- Pr-m- e pr cel. fetU LKO- CO. of last week to take into consideration the hard a 8 L Boots; 10 do do L'ulioed Broirans, äJ FüiTER"& fl Alt I.KTOaV. U white Tarleten rco'd day ianlff Corner First and Main sts; at work pumping her, with prospect of 10 do Dont-- .. cartoons this V: Calf , 10 do IJoat ftnotees. just open- 'J and lo? sale ly KS LOW A CO., ' Mr. Presiden- f&lT.-VimiK- JIM nomination of Fillmore for the boat, was place. ing and for sale by Ub'S J. H. 11 AGHGB CO KKl ElVliP, 418 Main street, Louisville, Ky. sun saving the bhe bound lor this a - . . fttj iitn:s. cy. proposition to fire one hundred guns tc weh- bores Pepper; received, an assortment of Shovels, Spades, Grain A hi do - "do; 12 do Glass; fCST and Forks, Axes, hope y P. asd Winior Straw Hy Knives. Mattocks. We she will be saved. She is a good C)OOiA.cI"-prim,!qu'ili,- ia tore anJ 1 . v in honor of his nomination was opposed as ed 6 cadi r i'X d ; do Madder: LondonjiIllustratedst imtr.iNews, withvi:i.spdetrdfd s. Brüsk Scythes. Log-- Trace. Halter and Don Chains, 1 bag; 1 Illustrations Cat fiit Cha.: do On Yes; THE Commanders, 1 Coffe Wills. Cclfee Koasters. Möns nnd Kat Traps, Meat boat, entirely new, and & 1 Portraits of the Critrean to beauti to give offense to the Know Nothings promising in the trade J. U. JIAGIIEE CO. kgs Vail 4d to 2td; 1 doz Bieters, Cutters. Sansaee Stuffcrs. Wcod isaws. Wsron Jacks. for v ful Suniimoncai Map at the Crimea aud its Fortifications. - 1 do Soda;- - 1 box : ; c 10 White ALSO London Illustrated Times with supplemental sale cheap by GRANS &, CA RSON . by "taking .the, wind out of their sails," but k career of usefulness. bbls just received anl for sale - 1 - rB.R.H. ' 2 Nntmci?;- do Va. D11e Toaeo illustrations of Kiniceley Aluraer. aeei7-cr- tt r T mh3 ' E. OIL v 1 1 thenreat ' was finally adopted in this shape: S. EEItT Cf. harre! starker!, do Kl ITcn's Chicken do; ALSO Wavctly Matraziue lor Haren, a d Leslie'! New " The fast Alvin Adams came down Sat 6 b'.--i Shy : 2 do SNi.T!BC-?Gip- York ä AM T Ii R S MillaTrd Fill- K.HO.VS. 51 boxes chuio T.eronns Eclir-s- e ?t'd Journal tor Haren, at L LIS Resolved, That, as.the J'rfenfo of 'tut ree'd pr 4 hT Cir'ret. Chain; A do Parl Stared; IRISH LINENS, , at 's. feliS Book mill COOK SON . Cor. Main 1 ; 1 Store. urday morning, from Louisville, with a first fJ and do Salt P.;r-- .i DA TITA MKS more, we will fire one hundred guns in honor ßw"(.ooü3 AC. 10,000 boshels for sala bj-- deliver. i to cnstoxer fiiet: or ciiakqi. - TrST'reecf-re- dirert from the manofacturert. in Lariraa r?K.. eheaoer the ton than ? cases new styles fsner Prints pTlatear- of his nomination for the Presidency at Phila- rate trip of passengers and freight for St. mlm Hay. and we know febiö 'T, illiADliN, Alam stree ffniiTS.i I and BaaundKC Ireland, a selected stock of Lines all there ij more notrimeut in a ton al rival ree'd and tor sale hy JAMES LOW a CO. veil " ' of Kran than the same Uoods, Tit: . " ; in quantity of Hay For aale at 41H"fiin itTMt. LoiiisTilla. K delphia. yir-- Louis. . 12-- The Louisville and St. Louis Packet mM COOK a SON'S. Cor. Main and First sts. 4 VUrET f!Ar ?s.o7sfoi'slety--- 4 Lineoheetinfrs. oft finish and jrrass h'ftchj A committee was äpftlnted to carry the Vfo.b.ri . a CO.,Ji)C. near Wate- -, g?!.K Vf'HKI 10 cases iileached Drills; 1'ulow-cas- e Lians, da. ."da; SJJ. llll,l. Snir-tiog- Line, will soon be , . . - - do; again in suecessful opera- T LGkDIXns andSiropde from .kJP caes Cosaet a eans, ree'd thia oay and tor sle by do resolution into effect. Batturie irare sear. lo GE. riin.lP PECKER. PI" ILIi' KUA11KB, JA.MKS LOW CO. Bleached Damask Table Cloths, assorted a:xes; a superior - tion. ,hDlnd artiila fitriür 'if e, I or 41S Main LonisTille, White brown do do- do dj; , The did their afid guns V fr A-- CC ik i.j is co. 9 mhl. street. Ky. r, I5 committee duty the 'J.'r tb.L. uto. posrisr. at:o HI esc hed do XanMiie; 1 Cantos". hua.'ttahftCiC.Towcla; are said t? tave been the loudest ever'keard in The Louisville JanrnaTsays the elite of PLOAV Kanufacturirs of Lar.d Oil, Scap and t.BLS Cider Vineair: VO kers choice Leaf Lard; 8 Pleached and brnwn , F.1CTÜUY'. LinfQ Camhrie . . . - t - - 'i-i- . are ne-- Cll any aarals do do; 5du Plantation .Molasses; 5 hf bbls IIaaükerehef3, the city of NcwY,ork: .;- . , ; ;: 1" H unaersianed nl commence operations in Eransvi'le iriy prerird to orders fcr the aboe 9w7 We the of tv t) (7ootf!s. whole the city have taken passage on tho Niagara r H. o"n 'lie eoruer of Riirhr. and Dir;inn ... and sell at as pricoä as tiie s..me can :ie had Jo c. rojcsaia at COOK & SON'S. iuvite attntioo burers . ..I.. l.tr Pwsnessin tho whicj Wffdef Our old Trientl-- a....ru at . fel2i Corner Main and First streets. sale or retail. facilities wedo, Whig need not be afraid of i.... n."..u,m nave on tiaodsall kjnds of flows. tiucmna! Oricrs to he Ivit at ti.o sfore of Decker & competitiou here or for thö Sbüth. We are sorry that none but reacooK Diamond and new improved plows, "' Kramer, oa Üaiudtioet, beiweiin. First and aeoond elaeahcie. .giving otfenSe tc the Know Nothings-b- t rie's doth on. sis. 15 firing and two horse, and also subsoil plows and improved Ii.1. 30 doi dressed Quails perdoi; des plebians are in Jumper I'rie's XJE. drea3(i bio Der doz. at!COOK dorl C'rnT Main and Pir.t streets. guns for Millard' Fillmore; left Louisville. We presume plows Aliotherfarmiaa tools will be .. dj. at " , at itON'S.. 1 and raising hurrahs ma.le here '( J ' i .: nuj c . ealled lor. The irodersisned would s..lifitall the River bot- 3. O. , loEucr jiaia rim streets. W, CHOCK KT r 3. M. LOW If they can support our noble candidate more the editors are all cone. . j tom Bovs. both thove and below and aU O o o o Ev.nsvi;. the 3 IT.-Dr- A: country to call, snd we wnn the Kentucky Bor to ' "irAEYLAND FRI ied Apple, Peaches and Pears; CltOCKrf T LOWE, enthusiastically and efficiently than we do, LOTTERY. BRIK310 busutl-- - We were Tra- - come over snd try our plows and I.wili set cheaper and ' HP iieans, ioraa.asrr- mistaken in saying the plows any beter ' EK DUAWN ON Tllü SE1KS Family Groeery. ATTORNEYS AT 'LAW, they will excite oflr admiration but not one than o.hers made in the country. A . Ij N ' bue was here Friday. was the Belle Sheri- JAMES TRIE. II V A A P A MAD1S03VILI.K, KY. feeling ofjealousY; f'Lot. It t . kmdsof plow RAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY OF MD. Ct.ASS in. THOMASIIEAUB.T Jiir. do T ' brth iron and a Will gire prompt attention to all business entrusted to dan. The Trabue hk-- h 'yng and sharpening. Bring on year Gopüc. free of tbarpe. when Lonitht I hit ht came v onlv as as leblo-bm- w cripples. ToLedrii'u in Md.. llarch i!2, IÜS6. deUrar ud o "lu.'J" " ll.i'f'rnr. "rlLL ka.-p- - . lie a siipi ly of bacon litnu. Shoulders, NOTICE-- . FRANCE & CO., Svre. , Memphis, where she frcigLt. K Manners. auu Salt Pork: also, Uorn iu tLeear, Lran, Oats. Corn Bleal, 5IOUKlSv-.niEL.SCIf- Order to make room for my Sprite Coodj. I am deter-- her 30 bb'.j SLIÜ just reeTcd by A'.JIUKKS! l.OOO Flour. MheHed i.jm. Wnite Bens,.Xluttur, Lga. Lard. Tea, mtnel to full my entiro stock of Winter Clothing, 53,00 lT.lZLs.'! , Cotf'-y- TQE POST-OFFIC- E. f uhl 8. K. k CO- n?-.r- Stone Wart. ( - febll FIRST STEEET. OfPOSITE l: a complete assortment of fine Qrt Coau, heavy The John Bell, s.tern-whcele- r, arrived RILBBT SCIIKMK . Vests, Ca 1 .J.1.3.2SO is f ants and Hau, a. Shi rUaud Diawers. AT CiST; rfOFFKE Suöbags . riui Kio Coffee in store snd for sals Prirs of .:!3.2Sn EranEvIlle, ltd., so you - bv 1 ld IU.K-- IS IH.KK) if want to buy too- Uoods for a little moaey. ca.Uirly from tho Wabash last Saturday, the second ar- mill PRlNTOX BROS .. . Cask. Cherokee and Bankinz A YS on hand a fine assortment 1 ,. 10. UK.' j 10,1 o lusuraace LV keeps of Feriumerle at the Western Star Clothing stare. 4 do . CITIZSJ-'- and ifeti'.aTies'. and Lagtantce llank of of the manufacturers; also. febo--tf 6'X)bblsand 150 kf-b- 1 .. ' 0 is 6 WK Plan ers' be.t . A. LOBES3TIE. rival. She had a prettv faircararo. but had re-- jTOISKl. just ree'd Trom ii . Harrk of Chatmoosa and OoTifnercial'rlxrrw of Nash- Articles. Stationery, US plantation and for sale by 1 do .. 5 is . .1.1 C 'iecrga: Toilet ville aud Memphis and c:ost ether I'.anks of Alabtma, e, Embroiderinar Materials. Plated Jewelrv. r-- of .. 1.'"'J aro .. lo.imi) jniSIHKRK- -l Ca black Cashmere this day shipped some on the vrav.. . . . in Prizes Georaia and North and Sooth Carolina, taken at par Artisti' Colors Canvass, etc. Gil Paintinc3 and Engrai gi ana lor 1 by JAMtS LOW 1 Co.. MOHWrX-MMiln- 21 do are . iii.wa K. (JlLHbKT & CO., Gilt. Mot.ldinir. Tots. ad z.i.r.M. a. .t.., IÜ5 2 0 ,. for Gtoceries. ly S. ttc. novit. - fsoS 418 Miin Louisrille Ky. do .1. sr. J3.0UL feb5-- tt Street. Tho. ,Tecu'msehr one of the steamers itefinery in stora and fur sale by APPROXIMATION' PHiZE3. Sc. near Waer. ahl , FRGSVOy .BROS." arm NOTICE. f Approximation o' ....!" are U having purchased the en t sVock- - of II ITS, CATS All) HTHAU UUUUs which laid up here during the ice, came down do . .. are on I.OUKl Mi l,ASSKi. rriHE nndrsi(rncd if ' ' it ij A Mat-al-l prepared to Looking Classes in Goods, comprisiaK larve of Watches. Jewel- - AT WHOLESALE. VCHKD COTT(A -- caicj Zla&hti tl 4 are ttma furaisi X artment .. BI.K :i CotUa do l :.. a' S Mahckaay. Walnut, or Rosewood Kxaxata, Lookin? Glaa ry. Clocks. tormeily owucd by G. Goshen, would respe-jt-full- last Saturday from Cincinnati, and laid here this cay and fcr sale bv 40 do - do ... :vi are 1.2-- &c. S ' Mates. Picture Frames, etc.; also. Gilt Fratres.- Picture intorm the eitizens of KvsnsvilH nd viciniLy, that he J . T.O'.Y CO.. f9 do : do ....'21 are 2.i on Piint-in;- be- Ma-ns- - and a assortment of Piet jres ana Qi s will the busiaesaat on First street, J33 Main nearly all day for janM 413 L 20 are- l:i.-.0- Friimca. aeneral continue tie street, betw. Third ana Fourth sta.. Cin. in'ti, O. taking freight the South. ulöville. Ky. i!G3 do do ... or Mam and nail would be happy to wait on 1 at wholeaale retail, at .he lowest prices. tween Locuet. sH nr") Prizes aaioimtiuK o :3'3.0uO. . AI ANUFACTÜRRRS snd dealers Joatl kinds nf Faehion-1- 1. J. fl. GKf-T- who will lavor him vith a call, promising to gio sn'isf iction - ?bpla :o; $5. Qaa;t--- 31, . able Silk and Beaver The wharf was crowded- with steamers -1 c.tss Ijat 'iickets Halves i tZ Vf, o street. Cinyiapf-ti- O. no The STot x will he sold advance 1 Hat, Fashionable Cloth. r li Kl'l'..- Crapi asnrtd trailiffes fee'dthis mhdwins W.f Fnrtb or sale. kntikb at ' Olaie Cipa: Men's and Hoys Wool Hats of all kinds: ' aay ana liv A-- CO on first cott. wiTHOt'r any TMvpr - rrcpiVi- - torsaie JAMES LOW " 1.51 iiK:Kis'ric to ijumekpiiicxs, ilea sand Bars Snft Pa-"l- :- all Satfcrdrnr. Ktill fillino--- -o mrl - 413 APTROXIMTION PRIZES. PAIR Platform Scales, of nlhs each, for saie at jtoods ss rapres'-nted- Caimre. all shapes and oolors: . J f.4 Main street, Louis ky. nambpra to and sll warranted C The two rTere;lin; and the two succe diae; those der lid COOK'S Family (;reCery. time-piec- irrjcoa and Grenada Hats; Pedal. Rut- 11 r SiiT Ail kinds of Watches and repaired in th land. CanwnMairo.and Cist ilravi-ii- tl:ft tir;;t fTzys'. wi be eut'tledto theH)OAp-projii-inatio- tt Florence Braid Hau: Leghorn Uata, all at' Louisville. -I- tulu-tNo- . ) best manner, and at moderate charges, enlon: Mrms, fincy Coat ind t, v nsree'd Priiea- - fotexaiarUa. if Uiititlr-- a xew AS. hilnreos Fancy Straw Hats and Caps; Ladies' and Eft'TTOYS -, koods. jsnil-.- BRSTM. for sale by JAMES LOW jt pri?.e. those tickets namhi;.-ed- M251 xkw removedsroitr.into our fine new near tha v ash- - f fH U. 1 uses Palm LeafUau; idatteW Stock. Plujhea and " CO.. the AV1NG htore Trimaiinsa. 'ei 4IS Main street. Louisv.ue. Ky. nd willeah be catitle ts üüo. aadso ot according inarton Hotel, we are now prepared to wait on ail out FOUNDKY. W e the 75 boxi fee'3 per Niagira, foraale bv to the aUo'.v scheme. old customers aud as many new ones as may favor us with OLD ESTABLISilED innte attention of dealnrs and others to the exami- MKRIIIAR Ac of our stock, E. GILBERT & CO.. S50. near i . OF THf; f.OTTKF.T. the-- calls. nation as we feel amured that we shall be able atr. AKEYttrnTMUrsXKD. PLAN' jrood KH.H HEIUIAN, j ( to I expect to East the ar-- ifi.rcxj frOTti We invite the Attention of all to a assortment of NEW t otfersaperiur inducements to both cash and pbomft timk VS rtart first of the coming .month, ln h aboe seh?rae there tic Vr. numbered by persons knowing themselves in t.-- ...... i-- .J I C0.0CO.' Ttoi-r- are Jful"! and GJODS, lately reosivtd Irotn Cincinnati, tmrchr.sed out F.vnnvlll, In'J. creo-- fa fei.2S IOTICETO OWÜFKS OF ill.i.J to priiis $r Approx.ixyutious be "TTIE Proprie'ors oTthe Ci"v Foiinilji hive recently "! ci.mr jrwaro ve me a . . r.ll Junior, es pressly for our trade which will loond tt.efiiteof-heo'- V"nderbuT;h County Aaricultcrai cr.dI.AI.Horticultural ana gi little matert "l " and ri'f:;jgi prizes. aniont ted a larire of buildmron placo. M d 1 iie necessary for the comfort and convenience of 4(iZI.Efoi March, just ree and THK wtühes to purchase from iO 30 acres of truly feh23. S M'L EMUtCIi.' The B;nnhtrs frfni u. i'n.c)0 coirepoa? wiifi tSe nuar articlti are now to. do all yjr.is of an4 HAHPKS'S feU5 ti land , and m.ine T. CON t NOON CO. within one mile of the corporate limit, of the of Evans- tiekt1.-!- priottd on separate slijsof pser. are Jjverythinjr to th.. Foundry eity üxpress always in readiness to convey all arti-;- !s tiuishinu work.i'j ?pp.f:A;i -- hp and with ntnull tubes placed a Our will be ain-j- rep.- ud. Vv a ville. Those havin lands for sale, vill leave proposi- SI.". encircled tin ad ia a-- t'-- of all ami .. theit Dltll S. . boueht of ns part of city, free nf charge. f'usinos. Jüch'nerv I Wliei-i- to men, JPAITI.i! PAINTING!! tions prior to the iOth this month. with Horn brook Secretary. LVnyps.' Filbert. Reisins. Currants. Aliic. Eorom Giaa3 ft". . have every faciii'v of tho best taehipery; oi and They ' The of the. difernnt 200 full prize sim?larly print- Come anf try ua. M. VICERRY. uniilrid.:d.a-;t?ntiot- will stata price, location and terms: the title aus. MUjhi.r. Koll f . . Eive alt 0 nnr GEORGE G. & rnst Jji nricistone. optieras. placed iu whe.jl. revolv-in- z (il tdi-- Main at.. 4etw.n fvvond anl Third M WALKER CO., goid. P. HORN BROCK. Lonwnod, )irB:.co. Sa! Cr-a- Tar'ar, ed and eneited. are another After We are namanufact4irina STEA ENGIN i.S of unypower Sod. rfoda. Bcicor.ls. a dr:i-:- i - OKHA AXD SIUX PAISTIXO. ao6 Secretary V. C. Ag. and Hort. Society. j Blackin,, Bnttinc. I.ieorin-- . Cloves, retnent, the wheels, number is from the wheel of numbers andarcieadv w uronsntly I'H "rd;rs for this kind of Ilnhnnanni' dr.-v-- 1, reouired. -, ( half Snsnish r. and at the time a prize ii fro.a the other whe SPIC!: vo- andjaMsfid with reasonable LL or'Jerawill he to Ciasr. Cnba Sixs. (iroun Girg-- Rae Oia- - . Cinnamon. Xr.lnacgj, fqrsi-i- o by machinei'V. i A attended with pnnetnalitT and dig. X by who are The uumbor tha prize TJEPPF.R Pimento. the hops. are on .1 f tsr reserved ;1ana Lantera-- i j by and t prices The Foundry. Finishinj AO, Pia, XV j'tUits C'ftioe.Veoneman's Kow, Vine Winder. Jars. and Flanks, ' .1. low to p y street, hetweet EW ROOKS. : Lemon drawn ont are opened ard exhib;'.;d t the au.lieaee and reg- bazor in suit urcna' r. Kooia on ilain rreet just ,a.bov Seconcej fetai-t- "H"lTST RECEIVED History N'utmirs. Matches. Spanith sinssi TENNEY 4 SOREVSny street and Sa ,Sejiiiu ajc third streets. f Voeu!ay's of Eneland. by Ctinmi5-orer- being eil.ltf . , , s j Lobster.. Oysters, Sardin.s, Pepper Srtnr-e- htnne istered the thprize aetinst w her orders will be rresert-- rouiip 11; 1011a. r.omund Aboue ' dra"riT TtTs oprra-i- iCi.til VXTED W.OOOVajScisof Ye'lew Mimio by Hujin, Cnunter Rlances. Safety Fue. Powder. GocdTrin'iPtf. rh? nutöbef 'a all the TliK OUni.VM COAI. CO.MPASY jauia-t-f , KBATZ a HEII.MAV. Corn. Li'e. Annie Corrie Ritchi: 1"he . pTV.tcd. andaf-te.- l.tina-c- Tohacoo, Scapa, Scutch anu. . 'Vice- - PTijes ars dnwo cut. dravi is then " Phocnixinna. by Phosuix: Hunters' Feist, by M. Eead; , ftntf . Starsii. Coii:n'-5tone- filling '.heir Order from the' Mines navigation Tir-- ete., etc.- eitTl- irrioit. tli? rertiöesto ttseorrectn.Sd. rntil B,.ccheroft. by Author of H?i" of Redcliffo; . ' VRE the river is resau-ed- . Ail Grd trs leftist forenoon .nT'SsaparioI "rovrn Flonr fr,rale aft S IJO.hbls V j ..!-- ffT" Prized parable in full. rnw.LTTiD:.. tue 9 and prime, m T.itt.le A Aihppty of tie SCO70 kept eons antlj on snd t- tfKfES' frnny rro,ry. MOI. cooperage, Paul, from Pickens. Dombey Son: haci fnr sal. Addrssa orders" for tickeu to Ü. FKANCli a CO.. wilibe attenled the sane dty.. t):ders from Stations on in stors ac.d fer sale hv Oliver a"d ths.Iew Pacao. bv Oickeno: Almanac Hailroad will be tilled at once, delivered J , & Amercsn fel Baltimore. Mi. at deetination ctt - 4Il-":- : ' 'bis . Oli'J. FOSTER CO. TVw .Tnoior's Sermons: hv Mrs, R. k l! Sje. near Water. iebJ bo 4MK: Samere. J.. O. Dorr; iepot as Tny reiiuire1. r Mi's Bauklap's Book, or Teitimony an II. BARVARO. Sec'y. J( Huoi Praivie liickens; Onails: the of Escrped 3 janlS'.f J. ; ATI DE ClilXE.-Silt- ::! Satin Se Chide ree d Novice: at febJ2 PTJ "3LS No. Mackerel: It do No. 2 do; 3 qr .bbls N'J. Öl'Vnn in- 2" cartoon' Shirt Wnttoas; 50 dot Berlin )5 do i 4 do S.inirrelä: - this SAM'L LISTERS. do; a ls I S - u.ijr iui saie oy JAÄVEL L.OV? A: CO. J No. do: 2 tn No. do. for saleat k3 Glovu ree'd this dsrand or?aleby a I.K. 2i) bbls o' a new ac superior article. 3 Wild Tuts evs. ree'd per Adsms 0,- C'o.'s Exrro's and 4IS XiAn iel2I COOK & SOS'S, cor. Main and 1st fcb2J k CO.. 413 Main St.. ton., Kt. sCm.- by forsalehy fei.H ViCKKRV. tret. f.rtiisTille. Kt extra ebolc X. O. Rnrar: 18 fair JI. O. Sngar, its. JA. L0r iw:t rectirrd and for aaie J.W.iS. IrfBBLS oss'd aecl-d- tf PRESTO NIi R.0 S. ! ml KKII IIOK 50dos plain black Mnrino Hose re-- Der steamer R. J. VTardat W. ALKIXS. X. CALHOCS. Al.UlhE. g1!.K VrHKIi ;fTTOX. l(ica"s qaalitics reo'd 5 bays Buckwheat Flour; 330 lb Baeon. 11SL day 7.. CoOK 1 J. J. J. Tor JAMBS LOW CO . this aud fur sale by JMKS LOW & .CO . U. SO. A; aal this day aad Sile bv i ÜIEAT fHOVSIOi Bacon Shoulders, in store and for sale by 'li.'t 'S M:ün K Corner Main and 1st streets. CAL1IOI CO., j teb23 4iS Main street, Louisville, Ky. PAi'SiS feMI W. & VICKRRY. f''4 atrtet. JJo'tiiüi. '. ALKHT, 13 now opened for tha season at th old stand on J. s. 3 ! IS ''tsb Firs; 200 lbs fresh table Rotter, reo'd Wholesale Grocirs, Commission Foti drdihg AII.XS. Jti bexes newM.R. Raisins ree'd and for r "trees cetvics i jne .n. WVH V S ALT For sale by ( np0 i tf.j3 I "vJiT.W Sxpieaaat H . I keep constantly en ban all kinds of fresh or stolen, on the Itl Z. COOK k SON. sale by PRESTOS RRO. i,... will Jta. feblS i"- - G1LUEUT i: C J.. Sre. n:ar TVater. CJTRATED Uth int.. a larie Doo.'V th Corner Main and 1st streets. MERCHANTS. Ii Meats of the e- -t and ail of them at toe low est mar- wan. oiicii nony, larsis and an- I 20 EL-- - M easto- - ncatf. lontr tail: " No. Sonth Levee. St. Louis. 3Iissouri. A( R KR is kit prime N. ,"Tt..i and ket price;. I would be glad to have call from my old ä T'BS Pickelcd Pork; Harn and fresh Lard, swers to the name of "MAC." An person irinj; informa- rz. nc3 redacd blue Buckets: 25 do Kancv do: S half .In' iTiS. for sile ty ir.lil fi VVVpkli'Brfll - FULL assortment of Groceries a'ways on hand. Par- -' f fvrsaleat SEIKS' or fi'tnrning him to office, H. 5do Gedar do: b do TnK- tion . this will be liberally reward- P Mud n a.h V paid to C and Forward- - mf"ftlie Try. PAYNE. febl3 Family Grucer ed 1 tha ,feWO-tf- . OVVNKk. do smMl do; 10 nest Af. S in id.i...... t.cular attention the emission EPKi-KlVE- per Kainow 3ü boxe- - n.t. .for taj, at in department, also to tilling orders. ' stsfimr TSb2l COOK S: SOX-S- cor. Main and Insts. bacao; 50 do Star Tobacco for sale br COL FKOM THK BOUIAM MtXKH. I cases printed Eri'litirtes ree'd .his -- j 1 D- TV. Co-'- now rcaey UTE.-- S lejlTf REFERENCES.-- gb,t-- - KLIMAN FgAIllSsup-rio-r article of is for delivery LOW & CO., . t rPTTOf RITTIti!i..i v.v. i 0 day ana tor saie by JAMM for sale oy E. GI 28 boxes 21 .T"5 CBAnt.rs. President Bank of iiijscurv. , H fromthecitylandin? All orders left at the Company's 41 Louisville, Ky.; ill qauQtny. S. l.BtSRT Co.. lach. S. P. Dick Co U streets, will be teblt Vain street. ebb' üyc. near TOl boxes MOench s. p. Dick k Co. lumn' in IAr.iiV k lUK3iAI.sr. flankors. KCKIVED 2 gross N.Y. Paper Jlttchee 'or sale by office, corner of Sycamore and First prumf tly Water. j k Co.. Sc. Ljnfs. D. Cravsrtj ooxes - uica a -- 8oiar Leaf. per JlycF, k .Wilson. S. 0. Dws 32 I. UEIMANN. attended to. asfoliowe: 1R4VATS.-1- W doi aro da Rhine reo'd th. f to., Jtst ree'd C S. V'. Wise, W. II. i before 12o'clock M.. delivered sam,day. AS1KS LflW Co. ease Bates' Weitine reo'd thla day and reamer Rainbow at Z. H COOK - i i. i. IIadooi, T. Or.lers left V dny and lor sale ty J WKl.TIXfi.-- 1 XÖU5 SO. j Vinceanes. TOOD. Split Hickory Wood constantly on fox? and before 6 o'clock P. de- . - Eosvtäan. hand Or afwr that hour M., 418 Main Loais7iUc. Ky. for sale by JAM MS LOW A- CO.. Corner Main and 1st stre-t- s, Street. febZiI v.o VC-- IX. LK&.t S .7. , o Ji I. I. .. J I..., 1 1 Mr i i . I.e., .lie at ii..u.sifc.iv':.i-amil- i.roeery. livered before noon next day. ji.m street. L.outsville, Ky. fol22-3rad- Cora-- r Oak prepared to furnish. No. 1 EfaDSville. mhi of and Second st. The Comp nr are also Coal for Station IkTKW l VfRHRKI.. larve. ae v. ? Railroad, as foliows : BfSl.iKSS CHAKCiEil. i in bbls, ls and kitta. inst ree'd direct from on the K.andO of Groceries to Metrs. 7.. TS. JILTCTIOX BY WOOLSKT 4 CLSCi,' by S. E. GILBKHT llKRK! MATIQA1XS!! 5 Out-Lo- ts for tale At City Landing per Hash. mvstock ro' ,A T their auction room, on the cornerof Main forste & CO.. IOOK noiisE shoi:io. Denot.. 11"e do tHAVK14 will continue the'nsitieM at my old stand; and Third irhti Caliquick. For particular inqnire of HA TING empiove a first Tate Hor.e Phoer. sm At w fc streets on Thursday. 3Iarch 6t.b, Src. near Water. f Station,. 13 which I have rented to them for live years. Tney ill vr at o'clock, thirty' T. BACON & CO. prp-ire- to to At Inile's da 1 a19 fully thi department of e th-- ir prewnt business of Family Gro'eriev ' hoxei f.f alass wire eousl tingitl Tumblers, Jars. Molassev cartoons Collars, day friiow biuines-i- , At I.ac-ada- do... 0 cmnectwith it ' Jaconett ree'd this .y"1? aud warrant sttisfaction. Thaukin n I bore tny friends and customer; will ea4 and 1 fans, &o: aisn TH boxes of Tobacco; a chesta of Tea, a lot COI.I.RS. LOW & -- 1 Price-si- do... H do and Produce of JAS. CO.. rron cco. Five Lamp cheap to rlose consignment. r the pablio for past pstronuge, ask a mnHninifn of At stock and t;ive them a liberal Tial. Hardware and Dry Good,. 418 po-it- x-- tnh4-l- w R S Pateka do... Ufa tio examine their mhi janl9 Main street, Louisville, Ky. j X decS OFO. en tli e .atne. J J V 0 1 . At -, 1 At RohkM do .. IS do Ia rstirie from vny present rntis-i- wot.". rn. V. my "numerous frien-isn- ento oners for their A It Wni.KH. Proctor & Gamble's whole, half Cloth; so pieces fancy Cassimsre, handsome ' At Tieoker . do. .. 15 .n sincere thanks to ST LOTII. lpieoes Click i more de'irol le in and a utxes. per steamer foraai, CAS'IMKRK. 1 roit mlk; verv liberal pa'ronare. and what is still low .tarter rrk." 10 do do twilledCloth, recMthisdayand day and for sale y Ä FTNF toned Pisao: aUo. Fornit'ir, far two Rsiais, to At Vinncennes uH do verv er.. pitncnality ia "material aid-- v by mfa; S. K. GILBKwt a cri. for sale by JAMES LOW CO JAMES LOW CO.. cid very low eaeh. ArpV to doc .5 tf bits' nee, their jren be for T .a. 11 bu found at tha office of Gr.O. FOSTEa I Co. , feb!3-di- w 418 Main decl2-d.t- v 1S Main Ky. Ji. MRS. r.. t....rnr:h s1 lialea WO each. no-- ree'd per street. Louisville. Kv. St.. Louisville. HOLT. -- (of which firm (am a member), and will irive to the bnsins BAU. mh3-2- Third street, first door Pram Lo"rst st. rpoB VCCO. ISisa BlneHen and Chlckma. K'; 2" fJl'XSY for sale updef the lowest market prices JV !ni-.-ä: house my perjonsl attention, acd. where lihail b elo.e to H'HKD COTTO.V 15cases'Bleached Cotton, aa TKLMOST AILS. T5 k'jrs of this favorite brand for ."irBn tons. J: 15bxs S. P. Dick Co. 's 5 Das ofthat consumes,.'. Ji, K. GILBKHT CO.. BI.K qualities, reo1-- this and oy K 1 AT l o at America, COOK Ar SON'S tn sc Jny friend,. dv forsale bv J r nils 3. b. Irl liKr. KET choice Feach Batter fors'e Fl"weref forialf st rlead M. W. FOSTER hi jjeamore near Water. janll-dl- JAS. LuW A CO.. Hi Miin st.. Loa., Ky. decil Svc. near Wattr. febM T. R AC'JX CO. 'S Fanily Croe- - febiO Corner Main aud First strtts. an22-- tf

- S