" "3 BY TELEGRAPH. AUCTION SALES. I MEDICINES, &C. POET OF EVANSVILLE. EEPOETED EXPEESSLY FOE THE JOTJKNAL CIIIA WAliK AX AVCTIOa. Oold ISanii Iron Slone? Fretvrli Deco --ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. AEEIVAL OF THE rated uud 1'luiu Cliinu Ware. I TE will sell auction commencing OF HA KT FORD, ffaOCAI, S March 8. at F March 7th (U.., DEPARTMENT. i ri'EPAr. lH 6.at o clock F. M.. store ajaiaioc the JANUARY 1, 183C Wm from Louisville t Henderson and Crescent19 TlendnJ iute Gauvis, task. C'ty Bnk, a isor ment of Chin Ware. A i and mad e mpli CHAKCE.-3fr- . presented it Stockholder.!, out in The Last T.'W. Turner, Tram Louirville to New. Orleans. Britasift Vaf. Silver Plated Wnre. Kndiih Outlerr. &c. a York, Pktek Tkllon, Grtl-- i auca with Stat Iah oO'ew Olli, ludiaa. iliiuuü, . on istiix vt' Band Coina Seu: Plain White French Un-te- Tfcitmskii, tq.New'lCj-leans- C I Lite agent for Monk'es great Map of the ftom. Cincinnati A F It I A hina St?te; Gold Eand Ta Sts 32 to 44 pice; PUin White ic. STATKMEXT. ' Fit;ib,-rg'.- C,h,t.-n- zZ 4 Mkkcsoo from Louis to. i, French &eti to Ueno rated French -- j St. i pices; name of the Coiporatioa is TSA IX SC RAN ? K States and bas'closed up his agen- - New Yohk, 8. Ctiaa T-- a Sets 3- - to 44 pieces; Decorated Toilet Set; Plaiu Territories, Baitimohc, from New Orleans tc Lcuisyille. March W COiPAXY, located at Uartrrd Coaucticat. Mo Toilet Set aaria;rret v irietjr of sundries in China. ASS i. TS '"After - BowLtMO Gbeex, frt m Green F.iTer to Evansvillo. Heco-at-f- d, GoM Band cons:tiBj cy with the proprietors. stfpplyihg pur- j The Africa has arrived. and Plain. of Jnrs. Plates, Of the Company arf : Alvi ADAM4. from Louisville to St. Louis. Vu?n, Cun and Saner. Gold Band Plate. Pishes, &c Cash ia hand aud in Phoniz Bank $ 50,93d 69 . chasers of this splen- - j Nothing Britaiii Ware. CoBrc Pits. Tea Pot Spoons. Forks, tu-li- h - here, he has foW copies Sax Sxowdex. from Wtat Columbia to Sawnee yet beard of the Pacific. The Cash on special deposits in Phoenix and on. Cutlery. Silver Plated Ware, ami a variety of other ar- - Hartford Hants, oq interest lOO.GtOO ' "MxCiisp,. Librarian, Ohio, from Cincinnati to New Orlean Rothchilds have taken the new loan. ticl-3'- numerous to mention. 1hsala will be continued ' did work left, of which '. x t in hnd of balances, fr in da to uay close The ludies are specially in-- V Cih itau, Joli.f Bki.lKj from Wabash. til out. (good.) Tfil.C2 fMh ... h is the sals. They tat? be seeryif the Library j It is rumored that Kucsia has consented tc ted to at tend. The fifAn are di t optrn for inspection . Mafistoi.tA, frort Cinci'caati.toNasIvville. mh7td ' WrtOLSKV XKLoV. An.Hnnrtt. Bills TleceiTall, paynhle at Bauk Is- - j Rooms. These map e?cel any cthcf ever Stvr.siT k:x. from Cino!uiati to Nashville. the dismantling of Nicho'olf. Keal Kstate. d US " IlttL'SJClIOliI ( Hl;. ilKM-'JttB- i: uiiencuai t'r It, from Cincinnati w New Orleans. AI K! l 7Mortfr2e Bonds, 6 and 7 per etut. ic detail cf The war fever with i. AT At semi-nn- nr 11 0 sued. We have aire 'rtl:crt ( America subsiding: TJO. 72.0 LI.-sel- l pal Tie auction on Z'c nday the 2 tjj) of March, $ Income Ronls. 7 prct lemi aapaa.ly ' tL'CSc jn-- ; at 7.i t'.iuir advantages, and therefore ask BIKXUTS OF THS ÖENEY LEWIS. It was eipec'tpd that tha Conference would commecria? at I3"a ''dock at the Teidewee of Edward 2o State of Va. Bonds t j r et. do l.24 Xeamn-iLe- deceased H his personal property CQtsistir.e of State ol N C. do 6 do do fi.nn trritf,! tn pvnmmfi them I ifrcrson. A srrdat assemble or. Monday at Paris, a,id the editois ?wriai eI0rTnt Fnrrntar-- . vi:. Sofa. Chirf. i;riiiui,: It:jr. City Water do 6 do do 10.2x Thirty to Sixty Lives Lost! Redtead. Feda, Stands, Carpeta, Sujtcs. MtlwaukieCity do 10 do do 5,u) been- - T11. ilircis. -. iriiny have been sold here, and these four should have ordered fo 'write 'nothing regaidicg CunUard ari Art. 0 tiäruuid City do b do do ln.J 4 Tkrms. Ay sutnjof dollars and nnder rash, ovret supe-- " three f be tnatched up by those wanting a most From passengers of the Henry Lewis we peace or 'war until adjournment of the Confer th ree nonar a cre it pi ix m tntftiwiii be a wen tn pur iins-r- s, Stney due the Cocpany seemed by Biviug ote with af t; roved itcurity waiving rjJiji ui .Triirttace 8,051 Co riormap. The price is very low. gather. the .following particulars of her destruc- ence. ; uLion aud atprikisiiiei.; laws. jGJs.iarni Harttorü aud.V. Haven R.K. S E W N G AMELIA Stock I MACHINES. tion. Ectwee'n 3 and 4 o:cJock last Sunday Cuicacc, March S. Tnh7Nl? : VO'OLSEY k NliLSOZT, Auctiuabti. I')5 hrfi ilartforö and Pruridence R. THESE Ma?hfns aperate upon an cntirelr r tw We call attention to the card of Messrs. R Stwck, prsierredandgutirrjjxtetd an shtml. ot one needle ard two threads.- - 07" morning, this bound Orleans, 1 pr car 9.450 00 The hay, been in reratinn in the hsnds of ' steamer, toNev 1 he Common Council yesterday appointed xaorsE a.vi ArcTio. t faEtilirsnd whole-sal- e - -' lots at lOTbh&rs UuuuOa Worcester Ä. K. ir anufactnrerssutiiciently to & Dealers- nrPro- ajtcKoo oq y March I'Mh t 1io-eloe- lcnif give thtma thbrotgh ttu.1, Sturges Brother, WLL sll at Stock i 9.630 OO ard ha civea satisfaction, with a fuU cargfl and a fjood many passengers, a committee'to' investigate. the alleged B Vort..ey of Main an-- street!1. entire frauds at t N'aisoa'i, corutr Third i&0aharis . 14. Mi) (0 hev simple . MpMv 1 Conn. Kiver H. R. Stock.. are Terr in construction and oraanMB. kinds, and Commission Merchants, " 6 Rl ck 3 in KiliotU front v duce of all Lt enlarfement 97 .rgn ro tal as well as occa-I.Z.-- jO came in eollision with the E. Ilowärd, a short of the late election in the a trood on (nod n.otul. fitted tn adorn a la.ly's ruflor. or - 7th Ward. Th deep with n?w story trnie hcna INraaJ SO Corn. Pivi-- C". Stock do Ltr coBspienoi-- osit:nn in of the needs no recommen- cis:,rn. SaIc c . G KO . V A I TK. f thefhof artisan. 'at St. Louis. This houss yoili v. term' ah tftord Baak htcdk 5.1-- 0 H has tern rnr olivet to a Machine would distance above Lc.visport. Tlse Ilöward struck census is now; being taken. mh7.dj KKLSON, Auotiouerj. 5St. tarnish that ha WO.'LSliY Waterbury.. S.liiO iu ..... p w , I ' " "Hi ii r ililDTI, . a - I rn'i v elation irom v.,-- thrrjsci'.triä. HIUAM .uv.'Jcnue, 1.KÜ l t ri" Malers. Shirt and Collar Macufcrtnrerr. bHa front of The OANiKLWOLSKT . Se.L3 JN j rlak ? &m iTatfgrd . V e o. S'st-liit- s . Piienir ... are that our in tl e treS'Bt l'oim Messrs. Sturges prompt and!T MARKETS BY 1 ki!nt it(liiuuuiui, immediatelv commenced, sinking rapid TELZGBAPH. AC CTün KOn.sJ, it) Kaimdc.Meca " the est eer (('red to the ptiMie. Old Court H'. ne, Of friT of irln .hi. J ThTn. streets, imine . Iti.'1 oTIS"lld r.l fsmtiics esn twti'T to their irerit on all rsliable gentlemen. diatel y appo.ijytlw VaaLiti'k'.on j Maid - " s ol fnoiily sen while Shirt and Col Maoi ly, and at the same time, while the passen- CiNcixsiTi, March 8. lift. li irr. sr fAVING for atrm'of year anJ firte4 npthe Cuy . 11.600 thtir upeiiority r Sloll.trs for ' will gers were rushing out, the Hurricane deck, Sa'as of 2.0 tiMs flour a; JGg-t- 2.1. Provision mar Bk of Htl'd Cs. 7.wf rrir wor'.t. Minstrels v Kiver " , Ü.7W r.n of the isrelc-fiiil- The Last Concert! Tyler's i Oti r fur Sale at auction nr at-- sr-l- al' kiiadi f ro ri.nn, enaminstion Machines Iteda ket dull an Ji jcyy shoulders an.i ijes sold iri 2ik . - ' fell pre- ul 5?iSöJa. waren and merchandise; hjdsrjholii luznitura, hot&a, bug- -j 1.74 Ktad's.- K. BFAD evening at ApoHo thickly crÖwdcd with freight, ir, thus 150. 00 - g'.ve their last Concert this Sales of Kycia'. C". Vihiay market dull acJ prices gieü. ete..- esc. " 11 '7tf Sole Ar'rt forovtheTrlr. venting many from escaping. UocFined, FJ0 Ivan ms."onPonitinints whoa rTuirad. 3 ca.--s style Pr'nts: a had a goo-- i crowd last Saturday further Ubls aold at Sugar iu good 2Ui Xnrth itiFer " ... 10. II) to .prinr i! Jlall. They e. Mechanics' 12.1) tlll.Te.-1- Solid no. ree' this day an J li!i'lsat?;-'ac.f)rIowfairan- d 9 A, M, TtiusJay, Wtd-iesd;i- " .... in ' The boat wa3 run far as possible to the Ken- demand, sales 2CJ prime; commeocinnat a'ciock. Alo Ilk N ' IU.ä'O i0 lortMety J AM KS LOW OO.
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