3 Big Days Volj Lxxxx, No
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WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1971 PAGE THIRTY^IX lEtiwttttg Tjgraiii Most Manchester Stores Open Tor^ht Until 9 O^Clock Manchester Average Daily Net Press Ron The Weather Hospital Notes For II m Week Ended Cloudy tonight, chance of Blay 86, 1971 VISITING HOURS showers later tonight and Fri day. Lows tonight In the 60s and Intermediate . - Care Sfini' tttn lEpralb highs Friday nefar 80. private, noon • I p.m., and 4 1 5 ,5 5 0 p.m. • 8 p.m.; private rooms, k Manchester— of Village Charm IQ a.m. • 8 p.m., and 4 p.m. • 8 / p.m. Pediatrics; Parents aUowed 3 BIG DAYS VOLJ LXXXX, NO. 242 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER^^NN., THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1971 (OtaMifled Advertteing on Page 17) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS any time except noon • 8 p.m.; s others, 8 p.m. ■ 8 p.m. Sell Service; IQ a.m. ■ 2 p.m.; 4 p.m. • 8 p.m. Intenrive Care and Coronary y THURSDAY - FRID AY - SUNDAY Care; Immediate family only, any time, limited to live min n * Effects on Public Trouhle-Shoot^W orks ✓ utes. J" Maternity: Fathers, U a.m. OPEN To Avert Railroad Strike U.S. Delegate Hopeful 18:45 p.m., and 6:30 p.m. • 8 Minimal in Strike p.m.; others, S p.m.-4 p.m.. 10 A .M .-1 0 P .I WASHING’TON (AP) — ’JMe "It is not much different than and etSO p.m. -8 p.m ... By t h e a s s o c ia t e d p r e s s Nixon administration’s top/rail if we had a nationwide strike" Age Umlto: 16 In maternlt}-. trouble-shooter worked today to he said. 18 In other areas, no limit in A strike of 400,000 members o f the AFL-CIO Com avert a seemingly hlevltable Chief among Issues is work self-service. munication Workers of America against the highly au strike against two rpflroads set rule changes recommended by a The emergency entrance on tomated Bell Telephone Systm entered its second day for 6 a.m. Friday. presidential emergency board to On V let Peaee Dialogue Armory St. Is Hie only hospital today, but effects on the public were minimal. Asst. Secretary^! Labor W. J. balance a recommendatltm for a entrance op in from i i p.m. to Telephone company officials ----------------------------------------------- Usery Jr. mej/at the Labor De 42 per cent wage hike for four 7 a.no. Ajl other outside doors B y IWORRIS W. ROSENBERG partment with representatives unions. are locked during the night company said was a 30 per AMoclated Press Writer telephone directories. In Los of the AFL<!I0 UiUted ’Trans One change would end a re shift. portation Union, which threa quirement that crews be PARIS (A P )— U.S. Am A ^ e s George as- Less than 18 hours before the ll^JI tenslo shut down the Union. Pa- changed every l(X) miles of train'' bassador David K. E. Patienta Today: 271 rice prw ld^t of Pacific gtrlke deadline, the company cl^c and the Southern Railway. travel. ADMITTED YESTERDAY: announced a new offer of "more idustry bargainers awaited Bruce started today what be able to weather a than’ ’30 per cent, but Bleme, A separate union, the engi Faith C. Craft, Bolton; Joseph Usery’s call. he said could be “a useful a month. unacceptabre neers, accepted the changes, Dipietro, 132 Harlan St.; Ro A spokesman for the railroad dialogue’’ with the North land A. Dumals, Wllllmantlc; H me strike lasts loi^;er than to the union’s leadership. but the UTU, representing re Vietnamese and Viet Cong Uuct, then service put of some of Average pay for all Belpwork- industry said he saw no pro maining firemen and all brake- Mrs. Jeanne B. Fallon, 163 Ma gress and little chance of avert at the Paris peace talks. ple St.; Peter Foster, 163 HURRY! WHILE QUANTITIES LAST our offices could be more seri ers is $3.43 an houiy^anging men and conductors, announced 0 ously hurt,’ ’ he said. from tops of $118 weekly for op ing the strike. "I think It will the strike. He replied to four questions Edgerton St.; Albert P. Fred- come,” he said. put to him by the Viet Cong’s ericksen, Providence, R.I.; union leaders have said the erators to $193 week for The industry said that when ’The industry says It will In Mrs. Nguyen Thl Blnh last week Mrs. Noella E. Fuller, 16 strike will last at least two the "whlpshaw” strike starts, VS (flee Bight) troduce work rules resulting In and In turn posed five questions Phelps Rd. weeks, because of long setUe- every work rule change It wants ment proicedures. of’ his own about her new peace Also, Raymond R. Ginolfl, 38 thousands of layoffs If the will be implemented on all lines. 5 i' l\v,dl. •* . r strikes come off. plan. Alexander St.; Mrs. Marilyn 6 . Direct dial calls generally John Hlltz, head of the Nation, were going through the auto A federal Judge In Chicago But the North Vietnamese and Grittln, 84 Greenwood Dr.; Mrs. al Railway Labor Conference, mated. system as normal. postponed a U’TU strike against Vtet Cong delegates told news Joan M. Krupen, 16 Ridgefield inagement, the industry’s negotiator, said the Chicago & North Western men later that Bruce had "not St.; Tferri L. Luft, VWlUmantlc; Where operators and office “ thousands’’ of UTU layoffs will penonnel refused to cross pick until July 23. ’Ihe union also given a concrete response” to Mrs. Anna B. McCann, 2 Locust result, demonstrating "how et lines, management salt In. ^ threatens to strike the Southern the Viet Cong’s seven-point ^8t., South Windsor. MEN’S Labor Debate rather innocuous’’ the original "If my wife -wants me,/Just Pacific and the Norfolk and peace plan and had "raised a Also, William Malkenson, 99 recommendations were. tell her, to dial ?’’ one Spdthem Western 6 a.m. July 24. series of diverse questions to Scott Dr.i Warren Morrison, 118 CASUAL SLACKS “ UTU has the strike weapon executive told hia^^taff as Stephen Alles, president of the elude and avoid a response.” Tudor Lane; Richard Possardt, and we have the work rules PANT SUITS be headed for a jriraebboard Strike Length -Association of American Rall- Bruce told newsmen that he Stafford Springs; Kathy L. Fra- weapon promulgated to the full Wednesday. rotids, said Wednesday that be had tried to "elicit clarification rio, 59 Tallwood Dr., South NEW HAVEN (AP) — Man est extent,’’ he said. cause of Interline switching of of their proposals without any Windsor. A Repairs InstallaUons, agement and labor kept In In a full-page advertisement response or answers to the ser Also, Mrs. Ann Rodvan, 20 Solid colors, permanent press, however, wejsp slowed or halted touch by telex^ne Wednesday cargos, the walkout’s effect in most would be substantial. ies of questions" he put to them. McGrath Rd., South Windsor; Large selection of 2 & 3-pc. sets, wash and wear, available in most 'Ihe most noUce- as some 3,200 supervisors tried (See Page Three) sizes. able Imi Bruce, who will soon be leav Mrs. Kathleen Osuna, 57 Brook cottMi, acetate and Ixnid^ soUds t on the public was in to do what 11,200 Southern New ing his post for health reasons, field St.; Sandra C. Pagluica, and prints, sizes 6 to 24%. the ire of minor inconven- Ehigland Telephone Co. (SNET) 1( told the Communist side: 256 Vernon St.; John Schannal, SHORT SLEEVE male Washington Infor- employes did before walking off "First, you asked whether we Broad Brook; Mrs. Elsie M. Ion operator didn't know the their Jobs, agree to consider your seven Stewart, Kelly Rd., Vernon. MANY — MANY MORE DRESS SHIRTS area code for Denver and coll-. John W. Shaughnessy Jr., Ellsberg Caught in Scuffle points as a basis for negotiation. Also, Mrs. Louise M. STRETCH ers Mralted up‘ to 60 rings for a president of t h e Oinnecticut Our answer is that we are will Stokes, 189 E. Middle Ipke.; Jo GREAT MONEY SAVING leng-distance operator in hOaml. union , of Telephone Workers in ing .. to consider for negotia seph Therrihult Jr., 84A Rachel DENM SU CKS 4 for ’ 5 More than 800 Miami area (OUTW), predicted that the Entering Court in Boston tion any proposals that have Rd.; Charles W. Tufts, Ware UNADVERTISED nonstrikers who declined to .strike, now In Its second day, been or may be put forward house Point; Mrs. Beverly C. 2 pocket, 100% nylon tricot, never '< 4 cross picket lines Wednesday would last “ a minimum of BOS'TON (AP) — Attorneys was no Immediate indlcatlmi here by your side, as well €ts our Uzanas, 34 Crestwood Dr.; needs ironing, sizes 14 to 16. were reported bock on the Job three weeks.” for Dr. (Daniel EUsberg today whether Ellsberg or his . wife SPECIALS! today. own. Frank J. Vlchl, Glastonbury; •1.44 Alfred W. Van Sinderen, presi asked a U.S. magistrate to or were injured. "Second, you ask which of A qxAesman for the Ameri Mrs. Frances I. Vikllnetz, East dent of SNET, said he didn’t der the federal govermnent to EUsberg was indicted last your seven ]x>lnts we agree with 76% cotton, 26% nylon, permanent can Telei^one Telegraph Co. disclose whether it had used Hartford. press, available in colors, broken think the strike would last more month in Los Angeles In connec and which we do not, which Also, Mrs. Loyce Wackter, 46 SHOP EARLY reported "some trouble" with than two or three weeks.