OOMMERCIAI.. BY TELEGRAPH. DATLY COURIER STEAMBOATS. BUSINESS CARDS. RAILROADS. RAILROADS. I York' ornci LOUSIVLLLI COURIIR, From New JOM 63TSI1 Aews. Evkkuio, May 18. 1859. f Nsw giv CURLEW COAL. P.M'CAlim. Mcarnboal and IllTer Tetisoat Yore. Mar 12. Among the evidence UMMER ARRANGEMENT. TYTTATrTT FLOUR AND GRAIN Sales of Flour at 00; en of business of tbe country, es STEAMBOATS will find a superior article of Coal at LITTLE t 7S7 the increasing AnBinntattnn. irnwt fe nn . AND KTEAiriROATS TO-DA- In- SNYDER & M'CALLUM. LEAVING sales of 29S sacks shelled corn at 65 cents, the sacks pecially of a mercantile character, it is stated that down steamboat. Price I cents per bushel. No cluded. the Dumber of messages dailj sent over the vari- change for the season. D. C. JAMES. BALTIMORE AND OHIO COLUMBUS AXD XESIA RAILROAD. fo ntTiociaM adttisimit. ous vastly greater at ucanw, Ky., April Commission and Produce Merchants, GROCERIFS-Bal- ea 16 hhdi. sugar at 1X3,lc; 25 telegraph lines is the pres 11th. 1259. aplS d4m ent tnan ever Deiore. tnree o. 24 Wall strest, between Main and Water. TELEGRAPH No. 8. Hildreth. Cincinnati. bbls refined at UJt'lSll.Jfc; 65 sacks coffee at HJi time ine printing RAILROAD. N. telegraph lines of the American Telegraph Com- SHAWNEE TOWN COAL. LOUISVILLE, KY. AND AFTER MONDAY, NOYF.MBF.R JAS MONTGOMERY. Ruasell, O. CONSTANT tta,lS&0 SoCTU AMERICA, Shepherd, St Louis. pany, located in Wall street, known as the Bos- supply of Coal at I ockhart's Landing, CT"PartIcu1ar attention n.M V...l...vi 0?Trains leave Cincinnati as follows: LIKSET Sales 6 bale, at $9c. and National wires, A ljtf mile below Shawneetown. Price 6 cents per Grain ' CXPREdis 3toppln way KENTUCKY. Lamb, Memphis. ton, Washington transmitted bushel. and Produce. A. M. DAT at stations. E HEETINGS Sales 8S bales Anchor, Penn, mvdlO B. RANKIN, finn't 13 ACCOMMODATION FT. FttANClSNo. S, Wood, Mem. Cannelton respectively, 437, 33o ana 442 private messages Pty"An extra article of family flour always on hand. GREAT NATIONAL ROUTE! A COLUMBC3 Stopping at HAMILTON, Dvldson,Tenn. R. and Banner mills at 9c. and about 6,000 words of public news reports, and V. AT WASHINGTON and Intermediate t lions. 8. MAIL LINE FOH THE EAST. TERMINATES V 11:30 M. NIGHT EXPRESS Stopping atLove!an BoWLlNG GREEN, Connor, Leavenworth. CHEESE Sales of 60 boxes new Western Reserve'at that too, through the very disagreeable and heeling, Benwood and P. storm afBOT splendid passenger steam- - burs;, on tne west; wntcn places Londoa. 40 whole wmic farters at it unites with orrow,Corwin,Xnla,and 9c, and boxes at Sc. which lasted the day. Jacob Btrader and i PHILLIPS & LMers"rhgraph CO.. Railroads, Steamers, Ac, for and from all points In the Conaectlouasire madebY the V A. 71, Tei River continues to fall, though alowlj SWEET PuTATOE3-Sa- les of 10 barrels at 3 00 $ No. 8 will leave for Commission & Forwarding ror yesterday, with scant 4 feet on falls From Washington. Merchants West, Sonthweit and Northwest, lltio 1. JI. TrsUns water the bbL CINCINNATI rvbiiv Mniivivii Fare to New York Boston ONE DOLLAR less last even op, pass. Washixcto.v, May 12. at 11 o'clock, which ensure making 6 o'clock AXD and than ALLTIIB EASTEIIN CITIES. in the In the canal there ON'IOKS Sales of 80 barrels new Soulhern at 00 Private dispatches from the of the via any other route. The NIGHT were t feet water by the owing to t$ Mexico, received at New Orleajs Tennes- morning connections by Railroad from Cincinnati toths IPlirT9lI Itiilni Cincinnati at mark, but 3 SO. by the North and last. WHARTBOAT PROPRIETORS, TWO TIIAINS 11:3J P. M., runs daljy, eacept SATURDAYS. the liuiuense accumulation cf mud, there were not see, and telegraphed to this city, represent the or rams run sunaays. POTATOES Sales 40 bbls Northern at 3, and 20 bbli freight or passageapply cn board or to Leave Wheeling dally at P. M., i dally, eacept ever 4 feet water in the locks. During the previ- prospects of the Liberals for taking the City of n" al7 CAIRO, ILL,. 8:05, anJllt30 FOR THROCOU TICKkls and alt ap--y new Southern at SO. JOE CAMPION, Agf. M. ous 24 hours the rirer bad receded b inches at the Mexico as encouraging. Tbe efforts of Miramon 62r"OfflcMalLInsWharfboatfootThlril. at the OScee. Winnt .trt rn-- h n alth head cf the fills, and fully one foot at Portland. HAY Fales from wharf of 150 bales at 116 00 per to money Europe Jan4dtf Dlrectconnectlons are made by theieTralns and Seventh, No. 1 Burnett Uoo s, south-a- st corner ef raise in on the church property JAMES M. GrE, Broadway The weather was cool in the ton. con- DAVID If OR and Front street, and at the a.tern Depot. clear and rather are considered futile, in view of the hostile ALL THE EASTEIiN CITIES. run by morning, very evening. 1859. STEAMEIl DRUGGIST This Is the only Trains Columbus time, whica is seven salaatee but warm last WHISKV Sales 1S4 bbls Raw at 27&c. dition of affairs. The capture of the City of PACIFIC 1859. and APOTHECARY, route to Washlnirton City. faster than Cincinnati time. contin- W.ll LOUISVILLE Passengers by this root n uu Phila At Pittsburgh and Cincinnati the river BAGGING AND BALE ROPE 60 Mexico is, therefore, considered as merely a ques- leave for R.itimnr. Sales pieces machine I Southwest corner of Twelfth G delphia, New J. DURAND, Superintendent. ues to recede, and all the tributaries are also fall- tion of time. NEW ORLEANS as follows, and ray son streets, York and Boston.at the cost of a ticket to jJOmnlbnses call for passengers. and 250 pieces Globe bagging at 14c, 220 colls machine muring me season : Boston alone, by other Unea. janll dtf ing fast, which, according to the signs of old Through Tickets rope at 7X(SSc, and lOOcolla hand made at 6c. Saturday May 14 Thursday LOUISVILLE, to the Eastern cltWs can be procured boatmen, portends another rise. Their experi- Further by the Tennessee. June 80 KY. , . at an MIAMI BATTING Sales 100 bales Cannelton at Monday May 80 Friday July 1 VSf Prescriptions uuuwu nij aua:iionl chargs of f LITTLE RAILROAD ence warrants the assumption that a rapid fall of 12c. Nbw Orleans, May 12. Dates from Mexico to carefully put up. febH d3m wiui uuic tnu sure connection,. the river is sure to be immediately followed by a TARNS Salei 80 bags Hope and Eagle at S, 9 and 10; oaSday June 14 Saturday July 80 Inqulrefor Tickets via FREIGHT DEPARTMENT. the 2d nit state that Miramon has decreed all the O. BASH AM, Agent, Wall st the BiLTTvnsr ivnnnm ranid rise. 10 bags carpet chain at usual rates. Gulf closed to foreign commerce. aaiLttuau.iitnTor tne prlne Dal Rullrn. ports West. FDI.LER, Tne Mississippi river continues to recede at PROTISIOSS Sales 50; 647 1859. MANUFACTURERS Of the E. t General Western ninArtnt.. St 175 bbls mesa pork at $16 Guadalajara has been taken by the Liberals. STEAMER DIANA 1859. 51. 5 Louis, though the upper Mississippi was L. COLE, General Ticket Agent. PmSS: reported tierces lard at lie; 75c catki bacon shoulders at 7c; 50 The clergy are trying to raise 40,000,000 for ,rr"s "ill leave LOUISVILLE NEWS BOOK, AND COLORED W. P. Smith, Master Transportation. GREAT INDUCEMENT TO at tull. if not flood, tide. It had risen so J7ffi,-jVo- r NEW ORLEANS PAPER, pu dtf SHIPPERS. high casks bacon shoulders at 7816c; 10 casks clear sides at Miramon, but are unsuccessful. as r S AM now prepared to give through racelpte by Mail-boa- ts at La Crosse that the railroad terminus was near- "follows.durlngthe season:"""" ALSO CHANGE OF TI7IE ON and Little Miami Railroad for freight to New lOc; 43 casks clear sides at 11c; 250 tierces sugar-cure- d . .May 9 THE ly submerged. Oae of the bridges over the Black Drafts Stolen 23 Saturday .July WHOLESALE York, Philadelphia, Bs'tlmore and Boston, at the lc west hams at 12c; the market was excited at tbe close, at Cincinnati. Tuesday ..June 7 Monday July 25 DEALERS nver, near that point, has been carried awav, and Cincinnati, May VI. Chicago drafts on New Thursday... rates. ibe ctrs are unable to reach the depot. and so unsettled that accurate quotations eannot be .June 23 IX Shippers by tils route may always re!y oa aavinz York, amounting to $13,000, made to the order D. S. BENEDICT k SON, given. Mess pork was held at $17 25. ap!9 JEFFERSONVILLE RAILROAD. their freight forwarded with quick dispatch. Canal Closed Locks Obstecctkd by Men. of Emery Cobb, were stolen from the desk of Mr. tf CHAS. BASHAM, Agents Paper Kinds. fartics having produce to ship to any point East, win Cupt. Lockhart, the superintendent, was compell- TOBACCO Sales at tie auction warehouses Thursday Cobb, this afternoon. The drafts were not in- of all fYVRAINS leave Jeffersonville (opposite Louisville) &nd it to their advantage to call on me before makicj LOUISVILLE AND NEW ORLEANS LIGHTNING ed, yesterday morning, to close the canal, 143 hhds as fellows: 1 hhds at $2 85, 1 hhda at $8 CO, dorsed. LINE ASH PAID FOR RAGS at the Office of the LOUI3- - jl uauj, ijunuays excepiea, as loitows: contracts with other Roads. Rates always by in order to remove the mud that had accu- 1 hhds at $3 20, 1 at $3 25; 43 hhds at prices ranging New Orleans.
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