the Inside this issue: Norwegian Eat your way through any holiday with this cookbook american story on page 12-13 Volume 127, #30 • November 4, 2016 Est. May 17, 1889 • Formerly Norwegian American Weekly, Western Viking & Nordisk Tidende $3 USD Discovering It’s never too late to uncover a new favorite part of

Patricia Barry Hopewell Junction, N.Y.

“What is your favorite place in Norway?” I world-famous Islands, Helgeland— was asked during our trip there in June. Norway’s hidden gem—quietly displays its own I hesitated. Our family has covered lots of unique beauty. territory in Norway. We’ve been to every fylke Helgeland’s partially submerged lowlands (county) and seen more of Norway than most form thousands of skerries that dot the coast- , we’ve been told. How could I pick line. Sharp, angular mountains (3,500 ft.) pop What’s inside? one favorite place? up along the coast. Add to this the white sandy And would my answer change? Every trip beaches, glaciers, fjords, inland forests and Nyheter / News 2-3 Du må tørre å ta modige to Norway we seek out new places. On this trip mountains, and the Arctic Circle and you have a « Business og krevende valg. Det finnes 4-5 Helgeland would be our new adventure. combination of features that makes Helgeland a Our entourage included my husband, our unique and stunning part of Norway. ikke noen snarvei. » Opinion 6-7 Sports 8-9 son, our former exchange student, her husband Easily accessible but not as crowded as – Celina Midelfart (our personal tour guide born and raised in Helge- more popular destinations, Helgeland beckons. Research & Science 10 land), and their children, ages two, four, and six. Travel by train is easy and can be inexpensive, Arts & Entertainment 11 Aurskog (Akershus) was our starting point. We especially with NSB “minipris” tickets. There Taste of Norway 12-13 began our trip remarkably self-contained, walk- are airports, Hurtigruten ports, and bus routes. Norway near you 14-15 ing across the street to the bus stop—eight of us Highway E6 passes through inland Helgeland. plus luggage, stroller, and children’s car seats. Hugging the coast, following fjords, and island- Travel 16-17 Norway’s public transportation made travel hopping is the beautiful Route 17, Kystriksveien Norwegian Heritage 18-19 easy—bus to train to Central Station for (coastal highway). This section is part of Helge- Norsk Språk 20-21 overnight sleeper car accommodations on NSB, landskysten (Helgeland coast), the longest of the Fiction 22 switching trains in . Our 14-hour 18 National Tourist Routes. Several roads con- train adventure passed quickly. (We highly rec- nect coastal Route 17 and inland E6. Puzzles 23 ommend the family car if traveling with young Bulletin Board 24 ones). We stepped off the train in into The Helgeland coast beautiful Helgeland. Arriving in Mo i Rana, we rented cars and $1 = NOK 8.259 headed to Route 17. Near Sandnessjøen we mar- updated 10/28/2016 Helgeland’s stunning landscape veled at the majestic Seven Sisters mountain Helgeland lies in the southern part of Nord­ range (being one of seven sisters, these are my In comparison land between Nord-Trøndelag to the south and 09/28/2016 8.0866 the Arctic Circle. Lesser known than ’s See > helgeland page 17 04/28/2016 8.1503 10/28/2015 8.4514 Helgeland offers mountains and beaches for exploration (at Offersøy near Tjøtta). Photo: John Barry 2 • November 4, 2016 Nyheter fra Norge theNorwegianamerican Nyheter Brevene fra Cora Sandel ble åpnet Over 1000 barn på klimakonferanse Den kjente forfatteren — Hvordan står det egentlig til med kloden vår? spør Aftenposten Junior-­ skrev om fjellturer, redaktør Guri Skedsmo fra scenen i samer og tyske soldater Folketeateret i Oslo. Fra salen roper noen av de 1200 skolelevene som har møtt frem Rune N. Andreassen «Ikke så bra!». De har alle møtt frem for NRK å delta på Aftenposten Juniors klimakon- feranse. Konferansen for barn arrangeres De har ligget nedlåst i en bankboks i for første gang 26. oktober. Klimaforsker Tromsø i 50 år. Men 20. oktober ble brevene Helge Drange ved Bjerknessenteret viser fra den kjente forfatteren Cora Sandel en- barna illustrasjoner over hvordan temper- delig åpnet. aturene har økt på Jorden sammenlignet — Det var langt flere brev i pakken enn med for 100 år siden. Og klimaforskeren jeg hadde trodd, sier litteraturforsker Hen- forklarer hvor mange mennesker vi er ning Wærp, mens han forsiktig tar innholdet på Jorden nå i forhold til før. — Jeg ble i nærmere øyesyn. overrasket over det han fra (Helge Brevene er ført i pennen av Sara Fabri- Drange) sa. Tenk at det bor så mange på cius, som senere tok kunstnernavnet Cora Jorden nå! Det er jo litt spennende også, Sandel. Foto: Rune Nordgård Andreassen / NRK sier Sjur (10) til Aftenposten Junior etter Hun var født i Christiania, men flyttet Brevene som Cora Sandel skrev da hun var 17 til 23 år gammel. konferansen. Han er her sammen med Os- som tolvåring til Tromsø, byen som gav man (10), Maja (10) og resten av 5. klasse henne inspirasjonen til «Alberte»-trilogien fra Bøler skole. Sjur, Osman og Maja for- og «Kranes Konditori». — I juli 1899 gikk hun til Tromsdals­ ikke skulle åpnes før etter 50 år. Den klau- teller at de er litt bekymret for jordkloden, De nevnte brevene er datert 1898-1903, tind. Hun gikk sent om kvelden og var nede sulen har biblioteket overholdt, uten å vite men tror de kan klare å redde verden. og er skrevet til barndomsvenninnen Elisa- igjen først neste morgen. I brevet beskriver hvem som lagde klausulen, eller hvem som — Vi vil jo at det skal ordne seg, sier beth Sinding-Larsen i Christiania. hun den vakre utsikten. Hun skriver også at faktisk gav brevene til biblioteket. Maja. — Man kjenner igjen språket fra hennes hun skal til i to uker, forteller Hen- En lapp i brevbunken avslører at det var (Mari Lund Wictorsen, Aftenposten) litterære verker, forteller Henning Wærp. ning Wærp. Cora Sandel selv som gav brevene til bib- Flertallet av Sametingets velgere vil ikke Brevsidene er tettskrevne og innehold- Men etter hvert som tiden går, så endrer lioteket og som også ba om at innholdet ble tillate gruvedrift er ved første øyesyn skildringer av en ung ordlyden. Den lystige tenåringen blir voksen kvinnes dagligliv i Tromsø. og lei av tilværelsen i ishavsbyen. Se > sandel, side 21 Hver tredje sametingsvelger er positive Hun skriver om at hun misliker husstell, I 1902 skriver Cora Sandel at hun føler til gruvedrift i samiske områder. Nær- om et tysk krigsskip som besøker Tromsø, seg som «en fugl i bur». Ikke lenge etter flyt- English Synopsis: After following instructions to mere 53 prosent vil ikke tillate gruvedrift om samene som samler rein og til og med ter hun sørover igjen. wait 50 years, the Tromsø Library finally opened and i samiske områder, viser en ny under- om lauvmakkangrep. Brevene avslører også Tromsø bibliotek fikk brevene i eie på read a package of letters written by the famous author Cora Sandel between 1898 and 1903. søkelse som Sentio Research har gjort at Cora Sandel var turglad. sekstitallet, og med en klausul om at brevene for NRK. Det skremmer gruvearbeideren. — Det er trasig hvis det skulle bli utfallet. Det er en viktig næring som gir mange ar- beidsplasser. Ikke bare lokalt i Tana, men også nedover i Norge og de smelteverkene Norden Ny bok fra Seierstad som er rundt på kysten, understreker Tom Ivar Utsi. 600 personer har svart på un- Den 41-årige faren la dersøkelsen, der i overkant av 36 prosent suveren på sier ja til gruvedrift. Elleve prosent svarer hemmelige planer at de ikke vet om de skal støtte eller gå imot gruvedrift. Produksjonslederen tror likestilling for å kidnappe sine at mange er dårlig opplyst om gruvedrift —at det er grunnen til at de er usikre på egne døtre fra IS følgene ut av det. — Det er jo veldig mye Norge faller på baro­ som er miljøbasert nå til dags, så vi passer meteret, men ligger Oda Leraan Skjetne også på å bruke mest mulig ut av det vi tar VG ut og legge til sides det vi skal bruke og fortsatt helt i toppen ikke bruke, argumenterer Utsi. I sin nye bok skriver Åsne Seierstad om (Simon Piera Paulsen & Piera Balto, Bjørn Haugan hvordan den 41-årige faren allierte seg med NRK) VG en smugler for å få kidnappet døtrene hjem fra Syria. Splittet om skolegudstjenester Norge faller fra 2. plass til 3. plass og Høsten 2013 var de to søstrene i alle KrF-leder ber om likestillings-vellykketheten faller fra 85 til norske medier. Som noen av de første nor- en avklaring om det skal kreves aktiv 84 prosent. World Economic Forums like­ ske kvinnene hadde de dratt til Syria for å bli påmelding til skolegudstjenester eller stillingsrapport Gender Gap Report 2016 medlemmer av en terrorgruppe. Foto: Mattis Sandblad / VG ikke. Mens kulturminister Linda Hof­ omfatter 144 land. Det knuste familien. Åsne Seierstad. stad Helleland (H) ikke anbefaler aktiv Dog trekkes det frem at likestillings­ Nå har Åsne Seierstad skrevet historien påmelding, mener kunnskapsminister utviklingen i Norge har bedret seg med fem om da søstrene på 16 og 19 år reiste til Syria Torbjørn Røe Isaksen (H) og Utdannings- prosentpoeng siden undersøkelsen ble iverk- og familiens kamp for å få dem hjem. det gjør de aldri, ifølge smugleren. direktoratet at det bør være aktiv påmeld- satt i 2006. Den gang var andelen 80 prosent. — Som far er jeg veldig bekymret for Samtidig hadde døtrene siden 2013 ing, skriver Dagen. Aktiv påmelding har Her er noen funn: Kvinner og menn døtrene mine og jeg følger hele tiden med på igjen og igjen skrevet meldinger hjem om at vært et av Human-etisk forbunds viktigste i Norge er likestilt når det gjelder bruk av det som skjer der nede. Det er et helvete. Jeg de ikke vil tilbake til Norge. I boken påpeker krav. — En aktiv påmelding til religions­ internett. Der scorer både den norske kvin- ønsker ikke at barna og barnebarna mine skal smugleren at søstrene befinner seg bak en le- utøvelse i skoletida understreker hva som nen og mannen 97 av 100 poeng. Og når det befinne seg i et helvetesområde, sier faren. vende festning av IS-soldater. er skolens egen aktivitet til forskjell fra gjelder å ha bankkonto, så oppnår både nor- I boken skriver Seierstad at han i 2015 «Problemet er at jentene dine er godt hva som tilbys fra eksterne aktører, sier ske menn og kvinner 100 poeng. Og ifølge allierte seg med en smugler for å få kidnap- bevoktet. De må være høyt skattet av men- pressesjef Jens Brun-Pedersen. Hareide undersøkelsen jobber norske kvinner 440 pet døtrene ut av IS-områdene. Det viser nene sine. Fire ganger har gutta mine forsøkt mener regjeringen bør avklare hva den minutter om dagen og mennene 454. detaljerte meldingslogger mellom faren og å slå til ved huset der de bor, og få dem med mener. — Vi ser ikke behovet for nas- På verdensbasis er kjønnsforskjellene smugleren. ut, men det er alltid væpnede menn utenfor jonale retningslinjer der det blir aktiv større. 68 land opplever en forbedring, 74 Ifølge loggene legges det blant annet porten», skriver smugleren til faren i 2015. påmelding. Vi er opptatt av at de som øn- planer for å gjemme døtrene i en tankbil og sker fritak, skal få det. Men vi kan ikke Se > Likestilling, side 21 smugle dem ut av Raqqa. Eller å infiltrere Se > seierstad, side 21 ha byråkratiske regler som hindrer deltak­ sykehuset hvor den yngste skulle føde. else på skolegudstjenester, sier han. English Synopsis: Norway falls slightly on the World Smugleren skriver at han har fått menn English Synopsis: In her new book, Åsne Seierstad (Karen Tjernshaugen, Aftenposten) Economic Forum’s equality barometer from last year til å spane på døtrene i Raqqa, så de kan writes about the father who worked with a smuggler to but remains at the top with the other Nordic countries. plukkes opp hvis de går ut døren alene. Men try to bring his daughters home to Norway from Syria. theNorwegianamerican News November 4, 2016 • 3 US Marines This week in brief Let them eat pork? First deposit of seeds from Singapore By the hand-over of seedbags of to Muslims call for to Norway Jon Georg Dale, the Minister of Agricul- Norway minister to ture and , the Temasek Life Sciences Norway’s government Laboratory (TLL) in Singapore became resign after pork post welcomes the troops, depositor number 70 to the Svalbard Global Seed Vault. The Seed Ceremony but not all politicians and took place during a recent Singapore state The Local peace organizations are visit to Norway. Rice is the most widely cultivated Norwegian Muslims have called on the enamored by the plan crop in Asia and plays a very important country’s integration minister to step down role in the livelihood, history, and culture after she said immigrants should adapt to a of the people in Asia. The availability of culture of pork, alcohol, and no face veils. Michael Sandelson & Sarah Bostock rice lines that are naturally bred and im- , a minister appointed by The Foreigner bued with traits to combat bacterial and the anti-immigrant , caused fungal diseases as well as to overcome outrage on October 17 when she made an The some 330-strong U.S. Marine Corps environmental challenges can help en- incendiary post on the eve of an national in- (USMC) contingent will be deployed to Nord- hance global rice supply. These rice lines tegration conference. Trøndelag County’s Værnes from January are specially selected for their agronomic “I think those who come to Norway 2017 following parliamentary approval. traits and grain quality to contribute to need to adapt to our society. Here we eat “This U.S. initiative is welcome and the long-term food security needs of the pork, drink alcohol, and show our face. You Photo: Tore Sætre / Wikimedia Commons also fits well within ongoing processes in region. must abide by the values, laws, and regula- Sylvi Listhaug. NATO to increase exercises, training, and in- (Ministry of Agriculture and Food) tions that are in Norway when you come teroperability within the Alliance,” explains here,” she wrote in a post that was “liked” by Defense Minister Ine Eriksen Søreide in a Can CCTV curb drug runs between 20,000 people. it’s time to ask: should Listhaug reconsider statement. and Norway? Omar Gilani Syed, a criminologist who her position?” he wrote in the Aftenposten The rotational force agreement builds on has worked with integrating refugees, asked newspaper. the framework of longstanding agreements Surveillance cameras are set to be in- whether Listhaug could continue to be re- He accused Listhaug of putting electoral between the U.S. and Norway on preposi- stalled along the border between Sweden sponsible for integration in the country while advantage above the needs of her nation. tioning and reinforcement, according to the and Norway in an effort to catch drug making such statements. “Is this yet another populist statement Ministry of Defense-issued statement. traffickers, after a trial run resulted in tri- “If she does not understand the com- with the aim to gathering as many as possi- It was renewed in 2005 in the Memo- ple the amount of drug runs being busted. plexity and does not have the expertise to The equipment was first tested by deal with these social issues in a good way, See > integration, page 6 See > marines, page 7 Norwegian customs at the boundary be- tween Sweden’s western Värmland re- gion and Hedmark in Norway. The cam- eras will now be rolled out on all passable roads between the two countries, SVT Johaug suspended over doping Värmland reports. In total around 130 million Norwegian kroner ($15.7 million) Anti-Doping Norway will be invested in the equipment. “We get a different view of what says the skier “cannot is moving over our border crossings. It has been really effective when it comes be said to have acted to stopping the large-scale movement of narcotics, alcohol, and cigarettes,” without guilt” Morten Nystuen, head of customs in Nor- wegian town Kongsvinger, told SVT. More than 400 kilos of narcotics and Charlotte Bryan & Michael Sandelson 150,000 liters of alcohol have been seized The Foreigner with the help of the CCTV trial since last summer. Anti-Doping Norway has suspended Sweden is generally wary of CCTV Norwegian cross-country skier Therese Jo- compared to other countries. Earlier this haug for two months. The matter may also year an appeals court ruling was required have consequences for the national team’s for police to be granted permission to in- former doctor. Photo: Bjoertvedt / Wikimedia Commons stall cameras in two Stockholm suburbs Therese Johaug leading women’s 30 km at the 17 km turn in the World Ski Championship 2011. The move follows a urine test undertak- in an effort to monitor crime. en in Oslo on September 16, in which Clo- (TT / The Local) stebol was found. A second test confirmed the first’s findings. Johaug was informed by Fredrik Bendiksen, the team’s doctor, Norwegian media report that Johaug’s Finnish store mocks Norway Anti-Doping Norway on October 4. bought the cream and gave it to Johaug. He lawyer, Christian B. Hjort, said that she had with lipbalm deal Clostebol, a synthetic androgenic steroid tendered his immediate resignation after received both the tube of cream and its exter- A supermarket in Finland is offering free in doping class SQ.1A, is on the list of pro- news of the positive test surfaced. nal packaging. The packaging sold in Italy has lipbalm for customers who purchase Nor- hibited substances issued by the World Anti- Johaug alleged that she had asked him a red symbol with the word “doping” on it. wegian smoked , in a far-from- Doping Agency (WADA). The substance has “if the cream was on the doping list and was Johaug’s suspension lasts until Decem- subtle jab at the positive doping result of anabolic effects and is frequently used in told ‘no.’” ber 18, 2016. Norwegian ski champion Therese Johaug. sports to increase physical performance. “I used it as directed by him. I trusted In a statement issued on October 19, An- Lidl rolled out the advert in Finland, It had entered her system due to using a him completely,” Dagbladet reported her as ti-Doping Norway writes that “the reason for Norway’s bitter rival in cross-country cream called Trofodermin on one of her lips, saying. “I had absolutely no reason not to the decision is that the prosecuting committee skiing, as world ski champion Therese according to the Norwegian Ski Federation. trust what he told me.” is of the opinion that the athlete (Johaug) can- Johaug received a two-month ban after This occurred in Italy while conducting alti- Clostebol 17β-acetate (a derivative of not be said to have acted without guilt.” testing positive to the steroid Clostebol. tude training with the cross-country team in Clostebol) is reported as being an ingredient Lidl’s marketing manager, Seppo August of this year. of Trofodermin in Italy and Brazil. See > doping, page 6 Niemelä, told Dagbladet that the ad was intended to be “playful.” This week’s news from Norway is brought to you through partnerships with: “We wanted to create a campaign that was relevant and responded to our Finnish customers in a playful manner,” he said. “This promotion is only valid for today. ... We have received lots of posi- tive feedback from our customers.” & (The Local) 4 • November 4, 2016 Business theNorwegianamerican Business News & Notes ESA investigates Trustly case mentation they need from us,” says Thomas Combating cancer The EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA) Midteide, group executive vice president in has announced that it is opening proceedings DNB. Serial entrepreneur Roy Hartvig Larsen continues against the Norwegian banking community. (DNB) to support the development of innovative cancer DNB is one of the banks in the investigation. ESA will investigate whether, due to agree- Contract for Mongstad upgrade treatments through his latest startup, Oncoinvent ments, decisions, or concerted practices, Aker Solutions has been awarded the con- Trustly has not received access to Norway’s tract for upgrading the Mongstad terminal payment infrastructure through BankID. for Johan Sverdrup oil from late 2019. Its DNB was informed on October 25 that value estimated at NOK 350 million, the it is one of several members of the Norwe- contract includes engineering, procure- gian banking community included in the in- ment, and the construction of a pig receiver vestigation. ESA has also made it clear that for the oil export pipeline from Johan Sver- the opening of proceedings does not mean drup. that an infringement of competition rules In addition, the scope of work includes has been made. connecting the Johan Sverdrup oil pipeline In 2014, Trustly Group AB, a Swed- to the existing storage caverns at the Mong- ish provider of e-payment solutions, estab- stad terminal. lished, in cooperation with Western Union, The engineering work will be per- a payment service that made possible direct formed at Aker Solutions’ office in Bergen. debits from a bank account through the use The pre-fabrication of pipes and steel struc- of customers’ BankID. The solution was tures will take place at Aker Solutions’ yard considered to be in conflict with BankID in Egersund, whereas the bulk of the con- regulations and statutory requirements be- struction work will take place at the Mong- cause Trustly could acquire knowledge stad terminal. “Starting in early 2017 the work at of Norwegian customers’ personal login Photo: Jon Hauge / Aftenposten details. DNB, together with several other Mongstad will provide opportunities for Øyvind Bruland (left), is Chief Medical Officer of the company Roy Hartvig Larsen (right) founded. banks, therefore blocked this access for se- local suppliers in the Mongstad area,” says Here they’re seen working together as professor and student in 2011. curity reasons. Instead, Trustly was offered a Kjetel Digre, project director for Johan payment solution with BankID that ensured Sverdrup. that customers’ login details were not com- “It is also gratifying that we can in- Rasmus Falck promised. clude Egersund as a location and contribu- Oslo, Norway “BankID is the most important secu- tor delivering on the enormous jig-saw rity tool for Norwegian bank customers, puzzle that the Johan Sverdrup project The Norwegian startup Oncoinvent is proceeds when listed on the Oslo Stock Ex- irrespective of which bank customers use. represents. In Norway all of the big yards developing therapeutics to combat various change; no other European biotech company BankID is also used for other important pub- along the entire coast are now involved in cancers, and they are now conducting pre- has raised so much equity capital when in- lic services and for the handling of sensitive developing one of the biggest industrial clinical documentation studies. The main troduced on the stock exchange. In 2014 the information. We look forward to shedding projects in Norway in recent years,” says mechanism of their products is the delivery main products patent was approved in the light on this matter and to presenting our Digre. of tumor-cell killing doses of radiation. Ra- U.S. Hartvig Larsen was the chairman on the assessment in dialogue with ESA. We will (Statoil) dioisotopes are combined with carriers for board from 2009 to 2014 and a member of of provide ESA with all the docu- optimal delivery of injected doses for treat- the board until 2016. At the presentation of ment of cancers. the company’s results for the second quarter Behind the startup is serial entrepre- this year, the CEO commented that the first Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance neur Roy Hartvig Larsen. In 1997 he was half had been very positive for the company (Oct. 28, 2016) Winners Losers the main founder of the biotech company and that it continues the positive momentum Algeta and served as managing director of 2015. Norsk Kr. 8.2592 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change and later chief scientific officer from 1997- Hartvig Larsen’s latest startup, Onco- Dansk Kr. 6.7998 Biotec Pharmacon 12.90 7.95% RAK Petroleum 7.20 -15.19% Golden Ocean Group 31.30 7.56% Kongsberg Gruppen 113.00 -10.32% 2006 and was also a board member from invent, successfully completed a private Svensk Kr. 9.0244 Sevan Drilling 2.59 6.58% Protector Forsikring 75.00 -9.91% 1997-2003. The company marketed the first placement last spring. The share offering Islandsk Kr. 113.47 Techstep 5.00 6.16% Bergen Group 1.37 -8.67% alpha particle emitting radiopharmaceuti- was directed towards the company’s existing Canadian $ 1.3397 Wilh. Wilhelmsen 26.80 5.10% EMAS Offshore 0.35 -7.89% cal for cancer treatment. In March 2007, shareholders and a limited number of private Euro 0.9127 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit the company went public on the Oslo Stock investors. The issue was oversubscribed and Exchange. The product received U.S. Food provided NOK 15 million. The company and Drug Administration approval in 2013 was priced at NOK 77 million and 48 inves- to treat castration-resistant prostate cancer, tors participated. The proceeds will be used symptomatic bone metastases, and unknown to build manufacturing capacity for the clini- visceral metastatic disease. Algeta and Bayer cal development program of the company’s AG had anchored a development and com- lead compound, a new alpha-therapeutic de- mercialization deal for the product (Xofigio) signed for local treatment of micrometasta- in September 2009 with a total deal size of ses. The company will further use the funds IT’S YOUR FUTURE USD 800 million, and in December 2013, to expand its activities and acquire the addi- Bayer offered a full acquisition of Algeta for tional human resources required for prepara- PLAN FOR IT USD 2.9 billion. The deal was completed in tions of its first clinical trial. Some of the best things in life take planning, like going on a trip, buying a home or retiring when and how you want to. March 2014. You can’t plan for everything, but a sound financial strategy can lead you Hartvig Larsen went on to become one Rasmus Falck is a strong to the things you want in life and help you be prepared for the unexpected. of the founders of Nordic Nanovector in innovation and entrepre- Let’s work together. Contact a local Thrivent Financial representative or 2009. The company leveraged expertise in neurship advocate. The au- visit today. targeted cancer therapy from the Norwegian thor of “What do the best Radium Hospital. In 2010 the first patent ap- do better” and “The board plication was filed for their main product. of directors as a resource The next year the first fulltime employees in SME,” he received his were hired. In 2013 the venture fund Health masters degree from the Cap invested NOK 50 million. Last year the University of -Madison. He currently company raised NOK 575 million in gross lives in Oslo, Norway.

This is a solicitation for insurance. A Thrivent Financial representative may contact you. Insurance products Subscribe to The Norwegian American! issued or offered by Thrivent Financial, the marketing name for Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Not all products are available in all states. Thrivent Financial representatives are licensed insurance agents/producers of Thrivent. For additional important information, visit (206) 784-4617 • [email protected] Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, • • 800-847-4836 • 29282E N9-16 news • business • sports • opinion • recipes • & more theNorwegianamerican Business November 4, 2016 • 5 From Oslo to New York: Investing in Norway’s businesswomen visited Oslo several times, she has been able to compare and contrast the journeys of the Julie Evensen two cities toward becoming tech centers. Nordic Startup Bits “Norway is following New York’s lead, as New York City became a tech center with When visiting Oslo Innovation Week its focus on entrepreneurship and many ac- last October, long-time business develop- celerators and incubators, programs, and seed ment investor Jeanne Sullivan was intrigued funding for entrepreneurs,” Sullivan says. by the potential she found in various present- The challenge is figuring out how can ers, taking note of one company in particular. Norwegian startups enter into the U.S mar- Bubbly, founded by Marianne Hinds- ket successfully. gaul from Oslo, is a startup introducing an IoT kiosk to the market that utilizes data col- Expanding to the US market lected from customers in a retail store. The Sullivan believes that Bubbly has what it company has developed a new idea entic- takes to make it in the U.S. and says the com- ing customers to communicate with retailers pany already has successful customer rela- right on the spot before leaving the store— tions in Europe with a strong and experienced generally thought of as an impossible task. leadership and team. This is a distinct advan- One of Bubbly’s special features is get- tage when looking for investors, she says. ting feedback from visitors who did not make Photocourtesy of Nordic Startup Bits Aside from the new office in New York, a purchase, a changer for businesses. Business development investor Jeanne Sullivan (left) sees the potential in Norway’s entrepreneurial Bubbly Group has offices in Norway and “I instantly knew this company and women, like Marianne Hindsgaul of Bubbly (right). Denmark and has major customers such as team was worthy of financing and scalable,” Thon Hotels, McKinsey, and Carlings. Sullivan said, trying to encourage Hindsgaul “We have always thought of doing to move to New York. Supporting women entrepreneurs advice related to capital needs and explaining something bigger, by expanding interna- Hindsgaul did. After six months of Sullivan has been the lead mentor for how to distribute and scale, as well as provid- tionally,” Hindsgaul says. “It was really just traveling back and forth between Oslo and Bubbly Group in New York, giving advice ing introductions to resources such as team about putting the base pieces in place on New York, she finally made the Big Apple on all aspects related to establishing a com- members, customers, and potential investors. a solid foundation of product, customers, her permanent base, with her husband and pany in the U.S., including how to raise capi- “Thankfully, there are many men and team, and financing.” co-founder, Kim, and son, Benjamin, in tow. tal. With her 30 years of experience as a busi- women who realize there is an untapped She is thrilled to have Jeanne Sullivan Bubbly Group has now moved into new of- ness developer and investor in technology resource of dynamic women entrepreneurs, on the board of directors in Bubbly Group. fices in Madison Avenue for the new accel- and SaaS startups, she knows what investors and we are supporting and advising these erator, the Propeller Program. The program are looking for. women and making a difference,” she says. This article was originally published on Nor- is initiated by Norwegian entrepreneur Are According to Sullivan, the number one Her impression is that entrepreneurs like dic Startup Bits at www.nordicstartupbits. Traasdahl, who was awarded entrepreneur of issue for high-growth women entrepreneurs Hindsgaul are well represented in the growing com/2016/09/26/jeanne-sullivan-female-en- the year at the Nordic Awards this year. is access to capital. Therefore, she is giving entrepreneurial ecosystem in Norway. Having trepreneurship-oslo-new-york.

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Áegis of Shoreline 14900 1st Avenue NE Shoreline, WA 98152 Fishing Vessels in the North Pacific and Bering Sea Passenger Vessels from Puget Sound to Southeast 206-367-6700 Shipshape & Seaworthy 6 • November 4, 2016 Opinion theNorwegianamerican

< integration A message from Editor-in-chief Emily C. Skaftun From page 3 Editor’s Notes Join the conversation! ble votes?” he asked. “For myself, I become frightened and uneasy at the thought of an integration minister who sweeps the really big problems under the carpet and reduces Of papers and politics the whole integration debate to dealing with pork and alcohol.” Zaineb Al-Samarai, a politician in Oslo In this ridiculous election year, in for Norway’s Labor Party, accused Listhaug which all bets seem to be off and norms of deliberately seeking to divide Muslim im- of civilized discourse optional, the role of migrants from the rest of Norwegian society. the press has really come into question. “If you are to be integration minister, I would not be the first writer to point you must begin to integrate,” she wrote in out, to lament, really, what harm the 24- an article in Dagbladet. “Do not frighten and hour cable news cycle has done to our so- separate people.” ciety. It’s not worth pointing fingers about “I do not believe that Norwegian cul- particular outlets anymore; the horror of ture is so weak that it’s going to lie down punditry has thoroughly infected all of and die if someone chooses to wear a hijab as them. The relentless need for sensational their national costume,” she continued. “And content, for ratings, leads inevitably to Norwegian culture is about a lot more than the sort of lazy, overblown “coverage” pork and headgear.” that makes watching the news intolerable. Norway’s government, a coalition be- At least, I find it intolerable. My pulse tween the center-right Conservative Party goes crazy when I’m within 10 feet of the and the populist anti-immigrant Progress talking heads and their endless analysis Party, has been coming down hard on Nor- and tail-chasing analysis of the analyses. Photo: Emily C. Skaftun wegian Muslims recently. The obvious solution is to turn off I’m sure you’ll be shocked by this, dear readers: your editor is a nerd who has a tradition of color- Prime Minister said in an the TV. I don’t just say this as a news- ing in her electoral map while watching the returns. In a bar. interview connected with the conference on paper editor, but perhaps print media still Oct. 18 that she personally would not employ has something to offer that other media someone wearing the Islamic niqab face veil. just can’t? At the very least, it’s a calmer well over 100, including outlets that have If we were a Norwegian newspaper, “No, you probably wouldn’t get a job way to get the news—there is never any- either never endorsed a candidate before acting out our government mandate to from me or from many others if you were one literally shouting out of a newspaper. (like the USA Today) or have never before objectively inform the populace, I believe wearing a niqab on you,” Solberg told NRK. Newspapers have been getting into endorsed a Democrat. we would be discouraged from taking an Meanwhile, , who leads the this unusual election in unprecedented The editors of The Arizona Republic, official stance in a political race, but then Progress Party and serves as finance minis- ways. It’s not uncommon, of course, for never having thrown support to a Democrat again we’d be dealing with a whole dif- ter, accused Muslim woman of wearing the newspapers to officially endorse one can- in 126 years of publication, have received ferent system, and that is another article niqab simply to provoke a reaction. didate or another. What is unusual is how numerous threats of violence and been lit- entirely (one you can find on page 18). “I believe those who choose to wear it early some of these endorsements were erally spit on as they went to work. I guess Being an American newspaper, we desire to provoke,” she said. “I would find written, the vehemence of some, and the it goes without saying that they also lost a don’t even get non-profit tax breaks! it smarter if they instead used their time and sheer lopsidedness of which candidate is number of subscribers along the way to And therein lies the truth of the en- energy to adapt themselves to Norwegian so- endorsed—or argued against. threats of bombing. dorsement question for us. While we love ciety.” Most papers haven’t gone as far as I’ve been asked a number of times publishing controversial opinions of all The Huffington Post, which includes an whether this newspaper would be making kinds, it has been the position of this edi- editor’s note at the end of all stories about an endorsement. I’ve typically laughed these tor only to do so with the disclaimer that < doping Trump stating that he “regularly incites off, claiming that we only deal with Norwe- they are not our opinions, not the opinions From page 3 political violence and is a serial liar, ram- gian politics, not American. But that’s far of The Norwegian American. The reason They also summoned Dr. Fredrik Ben- pant xenophobe, racist, misogynist and from the whole truth. We live and publish and for this is as simple as it is cowardly: we diksen to give his account. birther who has repeatedly pledged to ban are primarily read in the U.S., and though I rely on subscriptions for about three-quar- He stated that he had bought the Tro- all Muslims—1.6 billion members of an do often find myself better informed on the ters of our revenue, and we therefore sim- fodermin cream at a pharmacy in Livigno. entire religion—from entering the U.S.” political goings-on of Norway than those of ply cannot afford to drive anyone away. The doctor also confirmed that he had given But at the time I’m writing this (ex- the U.S., this is an American newspaper. I could rationalize that statement any it to Johaug without investigating whether actly three weeks to election day), the We’re obviously an American newspa- number of ways. I could hide behind heri- it contained ingredients on the doping list. Republican candidate has only three en- per, because if we were a Norwegian news- tage, claiming that by shying away from Moreover, he informed the committee that dorsements, from relatively minor papers. paper we would be subsidized to some de- potentially disruptive opinions I’m trying he had told her that using it was okay when Meanwhile, the Democratic candi- gree by that government. We’ve asked them she asked him about it. date has been officially recommended by for support. They declined. See > endorsement, page 7 They have decided that proceedings can The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not be opened against Dr. Bendiksen “for a pos- an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions, and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. sible violation of doping rules.” G G ive a little... et a little!A gift for... Psst! The Norwegians can be so hard to Name: NA makes a buy for! But we have the perfect Address: great gift! solution. This Christmas, when you City/State/Zip: give a six-month subscription ($35), Email: From... we’ll give you a gift: one month

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Letters to the Editor theNorwegianamerican Published since May 17, 1889 Do you have something to say? 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline, WA 98155 Tel: (206) 784-4617 • Email: [email protected] Write to us at The Norwegian American, Letter to the Editor, 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline, WA 98155, or email us at [email protected], subject line Publisher Ragnar Meyer-Knutsen Letter to the Editor. Letters may be edited for style, clarity, or length. Editor-in-chief Emily C. Skaftun [email protected] Assistant Editor / Nyheter, Business, Random facts Sports, Travel Did you know? Molly Jones [email protected] about Norway Opinion Editor < endorsement Linn Chloe Hagstrøm [email protected] From page 6 The Troll A gas production plat­ Taste of Norway Editor form is the largest object ever Daytona Strong [email protected] to preserve this, the last Norwegian newspa- Advertising per in America. But that’s a tricky claim to moved by humans. The platform Ryan Pearson [email protected] make, isn’t it, when I’m also protecting my is 472 meters high (of which Subscriptions livelihood? 369 is under water) and weighs [email protected] And so The Norwegian American is not 683,600 tons. It is twice as Contributors going to make an official endorsement. heavy as the Empire State Build- Instead we just suggest that we all reflect Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. ing, and its underwater portion is Julia Andersen New York, N,Y. on Norway, and on America, and on those Tove Andersson Oslo, Norway values both countries embrace that make us exactly the height of the Empire Patricia Barry Hopewell Junction, N.Y. both great nations. We all have to choose for Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. State Building’s top floor. Troll Nevada Berg Rollag, Norway ourselves which candidate we feel best up- A is a mostly concrete structure Terje Birkedal Anchorage, Alaska holds those values and make ourselves heard that contains 10 times as much M. Michael Brady Asker, Norway at the ballot box this Tuesday. Photo: Øyvind Hagen / Statoil Carla Danziger McLean, Va. / Albany, Calif. steel, for reinforcement, as the Daughters of Norway Members Various Troll A is like an iceberg—the part you Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. entire Eiffel Tower. can’t see, underwater, is by far the larger. Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway Christy Olsen Seattle, Wash. < marines Sunny Gandara Beacon, N.Y. From page 3 Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway randum of Understanding Governing Pre- The joint operations are for a trial pe- sion about how Norway’s relationship with Rosalie Grangaard Grosch Arden Hills, Minn. Kari Heistad Edina, Minn. stockage and Reinforcement of Norway. It riod of one year, during which the govern- neighboring country Russia could be affect- Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. opens the door for a considerable increase of ment will determine how to proceed with ed by prolonging the move. Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn. American training and exercises in Norway. the USMC rotational presence beyond 2017 “Temporary rotational periods of weeks Roy Jorgensen Hopewell Junction, N.Y Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. Norwegian government and opposi- following an initial evaluation. Navarsete or some months are one thing, but a more Michael Kleiner Philadelphia, Penn. tion politicians express reservations about thinks that Norwegian politicians should dis- permanent scheme quite another,” she says. Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. the U.S. military’s current initiative. The cuss the issue more widely, however. “Various Norwegian governments have been Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. Lexi Seattle, Wash. Foreigner spoke with , “I suppose that the government would very strict about allowing foreign troops to Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. leader of the Center Party (Sp). like to prolong the period if this initial testing continually be on Norwegian soil since 1949, Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. “We were informed in January that the proves successful, but then we need to have when we became a member of NATO.” Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. Christine Foster Meloni , D.C. U.S. Army may ask us about placing marines a broader debate about it. I want a strong Hedda Langemyr, general manager of David Moe Sun City, Calif. in Norway on a rotational basis, but then we , and, in principle, am in the Norwegian Peace Council in Oslo, thinks Maria Stordahl Nelson Seattle, Wash. did not hear any more about it. One might favor of foreign soldiers coming to Norway the government’s move is unwise, bearing in David Nikel Trondheim, Norway Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. say that the recent vote prolongs the 2006 to train side-by-side with ours. However, I mind current NATO-Russia tensions. Barbara K. Rostad Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho agreement, if reading the press statement don’t want these U.S. Marines or troops from “This policy and rhetoric are extremely John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. carefully, but it was signed ten years ago.” other countries to serve as a replacement for disturbing following many years of Nor- Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Judith Gabriel Vinje Los Angeles, Calif. Norwegian ones,” she explains. way being a buffer between the East and the Dianna Walla Tromsø, Norway There will also have to be a discus- West,” she tells NRK. The Norwegian American strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you have a question or comment about news coverage call John Mickelson Laguna Hills CA Emily C. Skaftun Seattle WA (206) 784-4617. • The Norwegian American re- Catherine Olsen Oakland CA Star Audrey Tronsen Laguna Beach CA serves the right to edit any and all submissions for style, grammar, accuracy, and/or space, and the Karin Plagens Enumclaw WA right not to print submissions deemed libelous, 13. november in poor taste, or not suited for publication in this 9. november Ken Christoferson Stanwood WA newspaper. • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and letter writers are not necessarily those Inger Engevik Fitjar Norway Cleo Erickson Vermillion SD of The Norwegian American, and our publication Anne Nordby St. Paul MN Kjell Kittilsen Brooklyn NY of those views is not an endorsement of them. Gudrum Ronholm Valley City ND Comments, suggestions, and complaints about John Sandmo Burnaby BC Canada 14. november the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor-in-chief. • The Nor- 4. november Gordon Skindelien New London MN Gene Ganung Eugene OR wegian American (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 2473- Garry Bratland Carstairs AB Canada Marit Andol Kringstad Minneapolis MN 1293) is published every other week by Norwegian Else Breistein Granada Hills CA 10. november American Weekly, INC. 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline WA 98155 • Periodicals postage paid at Lisbet Erlandsen Mosjøen Norway Craig R. Carlson Huntington NY 15. november Seattle, Wash. and at additional mailing offices. Carl Pederson Williamsport MD Curtis Eugene Ganung Berkeley CA Knut Helland Åsgårdstrand Norway • POSTMASTER: Please send address changes Timothy James Herset Kila MT Emma Johnson Sunnyside WA to The Norwegian American, 17713 15th Ave NE, 6. november Charlotte Jackle Ruth Stefferud Pieper #205, Shoreline WA 98155 • Annual Subscription Moscow ID Crystal Falls MI Cost: US $70 Domestic, US $94 to Canada, US Melissa N. Knutsen Toms River NJ Christine Kalke Hyattsville MD Janice C. Stearns Rice Lake WI $212 to Norway and all other foreign countries. Rolf Thoresen Hyattsville MD Barbara Leblanc North Bend WA Terry Terwilliger East Satauket NY Ingvill Montgomery Portland OR Brent Weidemann Anacortes WA SINCE MAY 17, 1889. Formerly: 7. november Andrea Reitan Horseshoe Bay TX Norwegian American Weekly Kay McLane Willmar MN 16. november Norway Times / Nordisk Tidende, Helga Myren Alberta Canada 11. november Gudrun Bakstad Romedal Norway Western Viking & Washington Posten Cynthia Rubin Orlando FL Aslak Kvaalseth Blair WI Margit Holm Jessheim Norway Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah-Posten Truls Erik Sønsteby Sidney Løberg Edmonds WA Per Erik Jacobsen Plymouth MA og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Minnesota Posten, Norrona, and Skandinaven Lake Wallenpaupack PA Hans O. Sande Rygg Norway Arthur Nilsen Tacoma WA NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. 8. november 12. november 17. november Jamie Geddis Bothell WA Karl Johan Lyng Rusåga Norway Sigurd Gigiksen Long Island NY Emma Dahl Watford City ND Walter Ramsden Raleigh NC Georg M. Kjonsvik Seattle WA

Want to see your birthday in The Norwegian American? Email [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617. Must be submitted one month in advance. NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed away? Please notify us! 8 • November 4, 2016 Sports theNorwegianamerican Bad feelings between Norway’s top cyclists Boasson Hagen and Kristoff place sixth and seventh in Doha following a frustrating finish

Molly Jones The Norwegian American

Tensions are high between Norway’s top two cyclists after a rocky end to the men’s elite road race at the 2016 UCI Road World Championships in Doha, Qatar, on Oct. 16. According to the team’s plan, Edvald Boasson Hagen was supposed to support captain Alexander Kristoff in the race, aiding him in his sprint. But when Boasson Hagen crossed the finish line in sixth place, ahead of Kristoff in seventh, it was clear that the plan had not been executed properly. In the end, Slovakia’s Peter Sagan took first to defend his world road race title, followed by Mark Cavendish from Great Britain in second and Belgium’s Tom Boonen in third. Kristoff was visibly upset after the race and claimed that his teammate had abandoned their plan to sprint for his own chances at a medal, costing him a potential podium place. “I was in the wheel of Edvald with 500 meters to go, and I was really thinking that he should move but, unfortunately for me, he was waiting and waiting, and then he was Photo: Roxanne King / Wikimedia Commons Photo: S. Plaine / Wikimedia Commons sprinting for himself,” he said to Cycling- Edvald Boasson Hagen in Quebec in 2012. Alexander Kristoff in in 2015. news. According to Kristoff, he had been screaming at his teammate to start increasing finish line because he could have done a per- that he was trying to follow their plan but tried. And then it got to the sprint. I tried to do his pace but received no response until it was fect lead-out, but in the end we finished sixth that his attacks just didn’t pan out. the sprint. I had hoped to sprint for Alex but it too late and Boasson Hagen started his own and seventh. That’s nothing to come home “It was for Alex, and I was trying for a didn’t work like that,” he told Cyclingnews. sprint for the finish. with,” he added. few attacks. I didn’t attack myself, but I tried In an attempt to settle the feud, a meet- “I was pretty pissed when I passed the Boasson Hagen, on the other hand, felt to follow when Van Avermaet and Terpstra ing was set up between the two cyclists later in the day. Kristoff was even more upset after reviewing pictures, however, and the effort the to reconcile was unsuccessful. “We did not come to an agreement. I Experience Hearthstone had expected an apology, perhaps, but it did not come. I felt betrayed, and he felt that he the Immigrants’ was trying. The more I see the pictures, the more betrayed I feel,” he said to NRK. “I Journey! was unsure when I crossed the finish line if we had been blocked or something, but when you see the pictures, we had a clear path the

Conversations Loosely Translated: Conversations Loosely whole way. The plan was quite clear.”

On July 23, 1968 the Nasett family farmhouse, built in 1845, is leveled With the 2017 World Championships in by fire that claims the lives of four people, including Karen’s mother. Forty years later, when Bergen just 11 months away, some are won- her mother’s heirloom plate is shattered, Karen is prompted to dering if Kristoff and Boasson Hagen will be trace her roots.

Guided by the ghosts of her ancestors, she records their journey from small farms nestled in the mountains and along the fjords in Norway, willing to work together at that point. to Amerika and a small Norwegian settlement on the fertile prairie near Lake Koshkonong in the territory of West Konsin. “This is going to affect how Norway In recalling the lives of family members she knew, and researching those of her pioneer ancestors, Karen documents their legacy and comes to terms with her loss. emerges as a national team on the profes-

“I have read the book with great interest, and beside me I have had the ofA Story Pioneers Koshkonong Prairie sional side. We stand at a crossroads where map of Norway and Wisconsin so that I could follow you through the story... Reading this it brings my thoughts back to my own childhood...I am old enough to remember the old days out in the country where I am big personalities have not managed to seize born...My own family settled in and your descriptions of the farm life fit very well with what my family experienced...This is a book Welcome to the Neighborhood! the opportunities they’ve had the last two my grandchildren also should read. Read and learn about the past.” Per Odd SmelhuS, ValdreS, NOrway years,” admitted coach Stig Kristiansen of Karen S. Swensson is descended from Norwegian immigrant pioneers through three of her four grandparents. Born and raised in the Midwest, she the dispute to TV 2. While he hopes both will has lived on both coasts, in Zaire, in Germany, and currently lives in the Texas Hill Country. Three of her be able to compete in Bergen, he notes that it short stories have been published in anthologies. Conversations is ultimately possible that one could be asked LooseL y TransL a T ed

to home. A Story of Koshkonong Prairie Pioneers Karen s . s wensson On the bright side, a promising Truls Engen Korsæth did exceptionally well in Conversations cover_5.indd 1 5/19/15 10:10 PM his debut senior World Championships. The Guided by her ancestors’ voices, Karen 23-year-old, who competed for the Norwe- retraces their courageous journey gian continental squad Team Joker, took a strong 16th place finish. from Norway to Amerika in the mid- “I think that we had three guys that were 1800s, documenting their lives and looking strong, especially Truls being a Con- their legacy. tinental rider and racing at this level. He was the there until the end. He was impressive today Hearthstone and I wish that I could have brought some- thing home,” said Kristoff to Cyclingnews. Retirement Living 6720 E Green Lake Way N Seattle, WA 98103 at Seattle’s Green Lake Buy Now on (206) 517-2213 Thanks for reading! theNorwegianamerican Sports November 4, 2016 • 9 Norwegians in the NHL: Sports News & Notes

Ice Hockey: Martinsen scores very close to an equalizer in the final min- Andreas Martinsen scored a goal when Col- utes, but the Bergen team managed to stop Martinsen in second them. Petter Strand sent Molde in the lead, orado Avalanche beat the Tampa Bay Light- ning 4-0 in Florida on Oct. 21. Martinsen while Steffen Lie Skålevik secured all the scored in the third period before the Swede points with his two goals. year with Avalanche Carl Söderberg ensured the final score of (NRK) 4-0 for Avalanche a few minutes later. (NRK) Football: Lillestrøm stumbles Lillestrøm should have taken three points Speed Skating: Gold and track record against last-place Start on Oct. 23, but Start held the hosts to a 1-1 tie. Dennis Agyare Sverre Lunde Pedersen showed that he is Antwi sent Start in the lead before halftime, on track for the start of the World Cup when while Tomas Malec equalized an hour in. he took the gold medal and set a new track (NRK) record in the 5000 meter race at the Na- tional Championships in Bjugn on Oct. 22. Football: Sarpsborg turns it around His time of 6:36.72 was nine seconds better than silver medalist Thomas H. Søfteland. On Oct. 22, Stabæk took the lead at home Simen Spieler Nilsen took bronze. after a goal by Moussa Njie. But Sarpsborg (NRK) turned the match around and won 2-1 af- ter goals from Morten Sundli and Patrick Football: Odd victorious at Lerkendal Mortensen just before the end. (NRK) Odd defender Fredrik Semb Berge secured a 2-1 win over league leaders Rosenborg on Tennis: Loss for Casper Ruud Oct. 23. The team from Trondheim had not Casper Ruud (17) had an incredible start at lost since the season opening against Odd, the Challenger tournament in Peru’s capital which is now vying for silver with Brann, of Lima with a victory of 6-2, 6-1 over Juan Photo: Stian Kristoffer Sande / VG Haugesund, and Sarpsborg. (NRK) Ignacio Londero on Oct. 25. Andreas Martinsen (center) in training this fall in Colorado. However, Ruud was beaten in the sec- Football: Brann comes back ond round of the tennis tournament on Oct. 27. Argentine Guido Andreozzi was too Brann has one hand on the silver medal af- Molly Jones strong for him and won 6-2, 3-6, 6-2. The Norwegian American ter having turned a 0-1 match into a 2-1 win (NRK) against Molde on Oct. 22. The visitors were As a young boy growing up in Bærum, as he has done. It is nothing other than im- Norway, Andreas Martinsen didn’t play pressive,” said TV 2’s hockey expert Bjørn hockey—his life was all about soccer, in Erevik to VG. fact. It wasn’t until the coach at his sister’s Whether or not the Norwegian’s con- hockey practice asked him if he wanted to tract with the Avalanche would be extended Tippeligaen give it a shot that he even considered trying for another season was still unknown, how- it. And now he’s glad he did; he quickly fell ever. Norway’s Premier League in love with the sport and has become one “It is always in the back of your mind of only eight Norwegians to ever compete in that you can be kicked off the team or sent results Standings the NHL. down a level if you are not performing. Men- Following an incredible third season tally you can get pretty exhausted, but I have 10/21 Viking 2 – 3 Aalesund Teams PLD PTS with German club Düsseldorfer EG, when become more and more a part of the team 10/22 Stabæk 1 – 2 Sarpsborg 08 1. Rosenborg 28 66 he scored 18 goals in 55 games, the Norwe- and hang out with the boys in my spare time. 2. Brann 28 48 gian signed a one-year two-way contract as My dream is to be offered a one-way con- 10/22 Brann 2 – 1 Molde 3. Odd 28 48 an undrafted free agent with the Colorado tract,” he said to VG in April. 10/23 Tromsø 0 – 3 Vålerenga 4. Haugesund 28 44 Avalanche on May 15, 2015. And in June, that dream came true. As 5. Sarpsborg 08 28 44 The forward began the season with San a restricted free agent, Martinsen signed to a 10/23 Haugesund 2 – 1 Bodø/Glimt Antonio Rampage, the team’s affiliate AHL one-year one-way contract extension, mean- 6. Molde 28 42 farm team. On November 8, he was recalled ing that he will get paid his full salary re- 10/23 Lillestrøm 1 – 1 Start 7. Strømsgodset 28 40 to the Avalanche. When he made his NHL gardless of whether he stays with the Ava- 10/23 Rosenborg 1 – 2 Odd 8. Viking 28 40 debut on Nov. 10 against the Philadelphia lanche or is moved down to the AHL again. 9. Aalesund 28 38 Flyers, Martinsen became one of only two Now with a new coach, Canadian Jar- 10/23 Sogndal 0 – 1 Strømsgodset 10. Sogndal 28 36 Norwegians currently competing in the ed Bednar, and a new season underway, NHL, joining Mats Zuccarello of the New 26-year-old Martinsen knows that he needs 11. Vålerenga 28 34 York Rangers. to prove himself if he’s going to have a fu- 12. Lillestrøm 28 30 “Back home hockey is growing, espe- ture in the league. 13. Bodø/Glimt 28 30 cially with the way Zuccarello is playing— “This will be an incredibly important 14. Tromsø 28 30 one of the best players in the league for the season for me. Now I must prove that I am 15. Stabæk 28 28 moment,” Martinsen said to the Denver Post. an NHL player and worth this contract. I can- 16. Start 28 16 “Hockey is getting more and more attention, not be satisfied,” he said to VG. and now there’s two guys over here. It’s a Even though Martinsen comes from a big thing for the whole country, hockey wise, country where the love for soccer (and ski- To read more about football in Norway, visit and I think it’s really creating more interest. ing) outweighs an interest in hockey, he still There’s been a lot of messages, a lot of phone had the belief that he could make it to the calls. People are excited and happy for me.” NHL. When he scored on Nov. 21 against the “For me, my goal was always to make it Washington Capitals, he then became only to the NHL from when I was young. I think the fifth from Norway to get a goal in the because I always had that goal and believed 2709 SAN PABLO AVE — BERKELEY, CA 94702 league. in that, that’s how I got here. It was a long Martinsen struggled to play consistently way and I had a lot of bumps I had to get Phone: (800) 854-6435 — Email: [email protected] throughout the season, but he showed moti- over,” he said to “I always vation and improvement while playing for believed I was going to make it one day and, Featuring great Nordic products the Avalanche and surprised many by com- you know, once you are you just want to peting in so many games; he finished the stay.” Books • Candy and Chocolates • Canned goods • Condiments season with four goals and seven assists in Will Martinsen be able to live up to his wares • Dry Goods • Gift items • Specialty meats 55 games. goals and thrive in the NHL? Only time will and more! “His season has progressed much better tell. To follow along, be sure to tune in to than I had expected. I’ll be honest. I did not the 2016/17 season with the Colorado Ava- Visit us online: think Andreas would persevere in the NHL lanche. 10 • November 4, 2016 Research & Science theNorwegianamerican Cruise with Amundsen and Nansen Hurtigruten names their hybrid powered expedition ships for Norwegian explorers

Special Release Hurtigruten

Hurtigruten has named its two new hy- brid powered expedition ships at Kleven Yards. The first two ships have been named Roald Amundsen and Fridtjof Nansen after the two most influential Norwegian polar pioneers from the era when the company it- self first started offering adventure travels. The ships are due to be delivered in 2018 and 2019. Itineraries for the Roald Amundsen for those years will be announced in November. “On December 14th, it will be exactly 105 years since Roald Amundsen became the first person in the world to plant his flag on the South Pole,” notes Daniel Skjeldam, CEO, Hurtigruten. “It has been 128 years since Fridtjof Nansen skied across Greenland and it is 120 years since Richard With, Hur- tigruten’s founder, first started exploration tourism in the Arctic. So what could be more Illustration: Hurtigruten natural and appropriate than to name our new The Roald Amundsen will be the first of two hybrid ships delivered in the next three years, designed specifically for Arctic voyages. ships after these inspiring trailblazers.” The new ships are designed by Rolls- Royce, in collaboration with the recognized rials. All of which will be characterized by Sustainable and soundless sailings electricity on board, will reduce emissions Norwegian yacht designer Espen Øino. an innovative Scandinavian approach to in- The new Hurtigruten exploration ships from the ships by 20 percent. terior design. Roald Amundsen and Fridtjof Nansen will State-of-the-art Scandinavian design The ships will have large observation showcase the latest in innovative environ- Hurtigruten is a world leader in exploration With Roald Amundsen and Fridtjof platforms on several decks for guests to get mentally friendly technology. New hybrid travel and the largest operator in Antarctica, Nansen, Hurtigruten also sets a new standard up-close to nature and wildlife. Six out of ten technology will make sailing with electric sailing to the most remote destinations as with respect to interior design and on-board cabins will have their own balcony; two out propulsion for 15-30 minutes a reality and well as year-round along Norway’s coast. customer experience. The interior will mirror of ten will be suites. substantially longer for ships to come. How- Additional information, brochures, and res- the exterior waters and landscapes. Materi- The vessels will have three restaurants ever, the total reduction in fuel consumption, ervations can be obtained from travel agents als will be predominantly Norwegian and be with menus reflecting local flavors and des- and hence CO2-emissions, is the main gain. or Hurtigruten’s website, www.hurtigruten. inspired by nature with the innovative use of tinations. A special pool deck will include The technology, in combination with the us; and by phone at (866) 552-0371. granite, oak, birch, wool, among other mate- infinity pools, Jacuzzis, and bars. construction of the hull and effective use of Prox Dynamics: big maker of small drones

M. Michael Brady Asker, Norway

In many of the applications of drones, the unmanned aerial vehicles named after the male bee, “small is bountiful” has become the design maxim, particularly for drones used for reconnaissance. The smaller the reconnaissance drone, the more easily it is transported to and deployed at a launch loca- tion, and the less obvious it is in hostile situ- ations, as in military operations and law en- forcement. In that league, the Black Hornet Nano, a miniature Personal Reconnaissance Photos: (left) Richard Watt / MOD, System (PRS) helicopter developed and (above) Sgt. Rupert Frere Left: Close-up of a Black Hornet Nano helicopter. manufactured by Prox Dynamics of Norway, Above: Sgt. Scott Weaver of Queens Royal Land- currently is the world leader. ers launches Black Hornet drone in Afghanistan. Black Hornets were first used by the Norwegian Army. In May 2012, they were deployed with the UK forces in Afghanistan. To date, some 3,000 increasingly sophis- digital radio link to an operator up to 1.6 km 1916, for explorer Roald Amundsen’s first world’s largest oilfield services company. In ticated models have been sold in 16 coun- (1 mile) away. It is nearly silent in flight and transit of the Northeast Passage (The Nor- short, it’s an ideal environment for a startup tries. In the U.S. they have been classified can fly at speeds up to 11 mph for 20 to 25 wegian American, July 15, 2016). Many high-tech company. as unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) by the minutes on a single battery charge. key businesses are located there; in 1963 the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Prox Dynamics is a young company, Swedish home furnishings giant IKEA chose Further reading: “Unmanned vehicles: have been field tested by the Army and the founded in 2007 at Hvalstad in the Munici- Asker for the opening of its first store outside Army eyes hand-launched squad drone,” by Marines, with an eye to deployment in 2017. pality of Asker, on the west bank of the Oslo Sweden. Many famed families live in Asker, John Keller, Military & Aerospace Electron- The Black Hornet is advantageously Fjord, 20 km (12.4 miles) south of the city of most prominently Crown Prince Haakon and ics (published by PennWell of Nashua, NH, small, 10 x 2.5 cm (4 x 1 in), and weighs just Oslo. The location was opportune. Asker has his family at the Skaugum Estate. From the, page 27, May 16 grams (slightly more than half an ounce). long been known for its crafts; the Maud, the 1990s on, high-tech companies flocked to 2016 issue, link: digital.militaryaerospace. It carries three cameras offering forward, third of three ships of the heroic age of polar Asker, most notably the Information Tech- com/militaryaerospace/201605?pg=29# down, and angular views that are fed via a exploration, was built and launched there in nology (IT) Center of Schlumberger, the pg29 theNorwegianamerican Arts & Entertainment November 4, 2016 • 11 Book review: Community Connections Hard times, easy read Happy birthday, engagement, birth, Linda Warren Washington, D.C. family reunion, etc!

Reading Nothing to Do but Stay is a gift you give yourself. In a charming and uplifting Your name and style, author Carrie Young recalls the cour- age of her Norwegian mother, pioneer Car- message here! rine Gafkjen Berg, who could stand beside her husband and “beat off a prairie fire with wet rugs” and “climb a seventy-foot windmill For more information, call tower to bring down a terrified child.” us at (206) 784-4617 or email Carrine Gafkjen, born in the Hallingdal [email protected]. Valley in Norway, came with her parents to a farm in southern Minnesota in the 1880s. Taken out of school to help on the family farm, Carrine then worked as cook in Min- neapolis for 10 years. In 1904, at age 25, she had saved enough money to buy her own land. Carrine rode the train to the frontier town of Williston, . Driving 30 miles northwest in a rented buckboard, she staked her claim for 160 acres of rich farmland. Young is particularly proud of her dling against the school building at night to mother’s ability to plan and save. She writes shelter from the winter winds. that during the winter Carrine worked for a An easy read of 117 pages, Nothing to wealthy farm family and in the summer she Do but Stay is full of positive and inspiring went back to farm her own land. After five stories of Norwegian families loving and en- years, she had set aside enough money to couraging one another. purchase another 160 acres. At one farm or another, the winter holi- Carrine continued to cook for the days of Thanksgiving and Christmas were threshing crews. On an ordinary day in the lavish feasts. They started at noon and ended field, above the whir of the machines, Car- at midnight. After the mid-day , the rine heard something that changed her life. It men returned to their own farms to milk the was the voice of Sever Berg, one of the farm cows or tend the livestock, then came back workers. Young writes that when her mother to the party. With everyone gathered at the recognized “the familiar Halling accent and big tables before midnight, there was another learned his parents had grown up in the same home-cooked meal with cakes and pies and county in Norway as her own,” she felt they second-go-rounds of cherished traditional were destined to meet. Carrine Gafkjen mar- dishes. ried Sever Berg in 1912. Then the children would be collected Now, Young—the youngest of six chil- “from various parts of the house” and “bun- dren born in nine years—switches her focus dled into winter coats and stocking caps” for to tell the story of her parents’ struggle to the “cold moonlight ride home across the Sealift Inc. educate their family during the Dust Bowl prairies.” and Depression years. The author saves one of her most vivid Getting the children to the one room memories for the last: “When we were driv- schoolhouse, three miles from the farm, was ing north, ahead of us, low in the sky, were • Ship Owners • a challenge, especially in the winter. When luminous lights that glowed for a moment… the snows started after Thanksgiving, Car- then faded…as if a great hand were turning rine and Sever sent the children to school them up and down.” • Ship & Cargo Brokers • with suitcases packed with blankets and Because of the terrain, the homestead- enough food to last a week or more. ers in this part of North Dakota were often On weekends, Sever drove the team of treated to a spectacular aurora borealis that • Steamship Agents • horses through the snow—the snow was too reminded them of Norway. Suddenly, her deep for the car—and brought supplies and father shouts, “Wake up, children. Northern surprises. While many adults in this Nor- lights.” Proudly, he boasts, “We don’t have wegian community were reading the Nor- to go to the old country to see fireworks.” wegian-language newspaper, Den Decorah Posten, published in , Sever brought Nothing To Do But Stay, by Carrie Young, copies of the Minneapolis Journal so his was published by the University of Iowa children could read the comics. Press, 1991. But he did not take the children home. Young recalls that all winter her father’s ears Linda Warren has worked as a writer and were frostbitten and his voice was rough and producer for NBC and ABC affilates. She is a raw from yelling at the horses. member of Screen Actors Guild and the Writ- The first night that they slept in the ers Guild of America. Her screenplay The school, the children were terrified by the National Museum of Driftwood won the gold strange noises outside and the shifting of the Remi at WorldFest-Houston in 2014. She has schoolhouse on its foundation. They finally a masters in Journalism from American Uni- realized that herds of wild ponies were hud- versity in Washington, D.C.

Vesterheim 68 West Main Street, Oyster Bay, New York 11771 the national Norwegian-American museum and heritage center Phone: (516) 922-1000 Fax: (516) 922-6526 • The largest collection of Norwegian-American artifacts in the world E-mail: [email protected] • A national center for folk-art classes • Open all year in Decorah, Iowa 12 • November 4, 2016 Taste of Norway theNorwegianamerican A Nordic cookbook for every celebration Scandinavian Gatherings brings Scandinavian inspiration to brunch, , birthdays, and Jul

Daytona Strong Taste of Norway Editor

So much of Scandinavian food is con- nected to hospitality. A new cookbook, Scan- dinavian Gatherings by Melissa Bahen, cel- ebrates that idea with menus and crafts to inspire readers throughout the year. From a Nordic Brunch to a Lucia Day feast, the book is organized by occasions both traditional and Scandinavian-inspired. Wheth- er someone is looking to celebrate something as seasonal as Midsummer or prepare some- thing suitable for any time of year such as Afternoon Fika, the book’s gatherings feature well-rounded menus that allow readers to plan their dishes and decorations with ease. “I feel like it’s such an intuitive way for people to get introduced to the recipes,” said Bahen, the blogger behind Lulu the Baker ( Mom’s Maple Pecan Rings In creating the menus, Bahen considered what she would serve if she were hosting a For the : For the filling: For the icing: particular gathering. She thought of classic 2 cups whole milk 2 cups chopped pecans 2 cups confectioners’ recipes, then rounded them out with dishes 1⁄2 cup sugar, plus a pinch for 11⁄2 cups sugar 3 tbsps. whole milk inspired by the flavors of . proofing the yeast 3 tsps. ground cinnamon 1 capful natural lemon extract (about “So for the brunch, the baked casserole 1 cup 3 tsps. maple extract or maple 1⁄2 tsp.) with the eggs and the cheese and the ham, 3 tbsps. active dry yeast flavoring that was a natural fit. And I really wanted to 2⁄3 cup warm water 1⁄4 cup butter, melted Special equipment: include our Aunt Mathilde’s little silver dol- 1 1⁄2 tsps. table 2 (12-inch) circular pans, such as lar .” 2 eggs pans Another example is the heritage dinner, 8 1⁄2 cups , divided 3-inch round biscuit cutter which celebrates Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland with a meal of Swedish , In a small saucepan, combine the milk and sugar; whisk until the of dough, topping it with the melted butter and filling mixture. Make potatoes, cucumber salad, and rice cream. sugar is dissolved. Add the butter and heat over medium low, stirring sure to get the butter and filling mixture all the way to the edges. “I just thought it was a fun way to kind of gently, until the butter is melted. Remove from the heat and set aside. Repeat this process with the remaining three portions of dough and incorporate all of the countries instead of just In a glass measuring cup or small bowl, combine the yeast, warm another 12-inch pizza pan. focusing on one, and a good way to showcase water, and a pinch of sugar. Allow the mixture to sit for 5 minutes to Use a 3-inch biscuit cutter to cut a circle in the center of each pe- some of those really well-known dishes that make sure yeast is active and alive. You should see bubbles on the can ring. Use a clean pair of shears or scissors to cut the rest everybody loves, that everybody eats all the surface, and the mixture should grow in volume. of the dough into sixteen wedges, cutting all the way from the outside time, that are really common at folk festivals In a large bowl with a wooden spoon or in the bowl of a stand edge, through all three layers of filling and dough, until you reach the or community dinners and stuff like that.” mixer fixed with the paddle attachment, add the milk mixture and the center portion. Stop just short of that center circle. (I cut mine in half In addition to recipes, the book features yeast mixture. Add the salt, eggs, and 7 cups of the flour. Mix until first, then cut each half in half again, then each quarter in half again, a variety of fun and easy crafts. From a rose- combined. The dough will still be very sticky, and that’s okay. and so on until I have sixteen equal pieces.) måling-inspired serving tray to a paint-tipped Transfer the dough to a very large, lightly oiled bowl, cover with Gently pick up the outside edge of each wedge and give it one pinecone garland, the projects will help give oiled plastic wrap, and let it rise in a warm spot until doubled in size, and one half complete twists. You should end up with the bottom on a festive Scandinavian touch to the event. about 1 hour. the top at the outside edge. After twisting, firmly press the edge back While the dough is rising, make the filling. In a small bowl, onto the pan. Repeat with the other fifteen wedges, then repeat with combine the pecans, sugar, cinnamon, and maple. Stir with a fork the other pan. Daytona Strong is The Nor- wegian American’s Taste of until well mixed; set aside. Lightly cover the pecan rings and allow them to rise for 30 min- Norway editor. She writes Punch down the risen dough, add the remaining 1 1⁄2 cups flour, utes more. about her family’s Norwe- and knead by hand for 1 to 2 minutes on a well-floured surface. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Bake the pecan rings for 18 to gian heritage through the Divide the dough into six equal portions (each pan of pecan rings 20 minutes, or until golden. lens of food at her Scandi- will have three layers of dough). Roll out one portion of dough into a While the pecan rings bake, make the icing. In a small bowl, navian food blog, www.out- 12-inch circle and place it on a lightly oiled 12-inch pizza pan. Brush whisk together the confectioners’ sugar, milk, and lemon extract. Find her on the entire surface with melted butter, then top with one-sixth of the When the pecan rings come out of the oven, drizzle the icing over Facebook (, filling mixture (about a couple of spoonfuls). Roll out another por- the warm pastries. Allow them to cool slightly before serving. They Twitter (@daytonastrong), Pinterest (@dayton- tion of dough into a 12-inch circle, place it on top of the first, brush are best eaten the day they are made, but leftovers taste especially astrong), and Instagram (@daytonastrong). with butter, and top with more filling. Repeat with one more portion good when reheated for a few seconds in the microwave. theNorwegianamerican Taste of Norway November 4, 2016 • 13

Photos: (above) Katy Weaver, (food images) Charity Burggraa; all courtesy of Sasquatch Books Above: Melissa Bahen honors her family’s heritage in the newly-released cookbook Scandinavian Gatherings. Left: With havarti, ham, and chives, this casserole adds a Scandinavian touch to brunch. Other page: These maple pecan rings have been a favorite in Bahen’s family for decades.

All recipes (c) 2016 By Melissa Bahen. All rights reserved. Excerpted from Scandinavian Gatherings; From Afternoon Fika to Midsummer Feast: 70 Simple Recipes and Crafts for Everyday Celebrations by permission of Sasquatch Books.

Tante Tilda’s Norwegian Silver-Dollar Pancakes

Ham, Havarti & Chive maple syrup, for serving 2 cups whole milk butter 2 eggs Breakfast Casserole 1 1⁄2 cups plus 2 tbsps. flour 1 tbsp. sugar Special equipment: 16 eggs 12 ounces ham, diced (no larger than 1⁄2 tsp. table salt Large nonstick or cast-iron skillet 3⁄8 tsp. table salt 1⁄4-inch squares) 1 small garlic, finely minced, 2 cups shredded Havarti cheese In a small saucepan over low heat, heat the maple syrup. Add a pat of butter and allow OR 1⁄8 tsp. garlic powder 2 cups shredded cheddar cheese it to melt into the syrup while making the pancakes. Keep the syrup over low heat until the pinch of freshly ground black pepper 1⁄3 cup snipped fresh chives, divided pancakes are ready to be served. 2 cups whole milk Heat a large nonstick or cast-iron skillet over medium to medium-low heat. In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, sugar, and salt. In a large glass measuring cup, Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F and lightly spray a 9-by-13-inch baking pan with whisk together the milk and eggs. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients, and nonstick cooking spray. whisk until smooth. In a large bowl, beat the eggs with a whisk until uniform. Beat in the salt, garlic, and pep- Place a thin pat of butter on the hot skillet, allow it to melt and bubble, and spread it per, then beat in the milk. Stir in the ham, cheeses, and two-thirds of the chives with a rubber around with the edge of a spatula. spatula. Pour the mixture into the prepared pan, using the rubber spatula to scrape the bowl Working in batches, scoop the by the tablespoonful onto the skillet. Cook the as necessary, and then evenly distribute the ham, cheese, and chives if needed. pancakes for 30 seconds, or until they are golden on the bottom. Flip and cook them for 30 Bake the casserole for 45 minutes, or until a knife inserted in the center comes out wet seconds more. If the pancakes don’t turn golden after 30 seconds, increase the heat. If the pan but clear and the top of the casserole is deeply golden. starts to smoke or the butter begins to turn dark brown, reduce the heat slightly, wipe the pan Allow the casserole to cool for 5 to 10 minutes before serving. Serve topped with the out with a paper towel, and add a new pat of butter. remaining chives. Makes 12 to 16 servings. Serve hot with the buttered maple syrup. Makes 4 1/2 dozen 3-inch pancakes.

The Norwegian American’s Nevada Berg wins prestigious blog award

A big congratulations is due reader to a more holistic Norway, inspired Norwegian recipes on to our Taste of Norway contribu- whether by the history of a dish or the blog and feature stories about tor Nevada Berg. Her blog, North the landscape or the traditions that local producers and home cooks Wild Kitchen (www.northwild- are embedded into the culture,” who share their knowledge and, won the Editors’ Berg told us in an email from Nor- techniques,” she says. “Next year, Choice for Best New Voice and way. “It is also really exciting and I will also be offering food ex- also Blog of the Year at the seventh motivating to see that a blog about perience packages and cooking annual SAVEUR Blog Awards in traditional Norwegian is courses so people can experience New York in September. able to be recognized on the same Norwegian cooking firsthand.” Based in Numedal, Norway, level as other world .” Congratulations again, Ne- Berg began her blog a year ago Berg is taking some time off ! We look forward to seeing and has been contributing to The from writing for The Norwegian what you do next. Norwegian American since April. American as she works on some She won the awards out of more projects. than 30,000 blogs nominated. “There are many exciting op- “I am just really proud that portunities on the horizon right Photo courtesy of Nevada Berg I am able to represent Norwe- now. Among other things, I will Congratulations, Nevada! We’ll miss gian food culture and connect the continue sharing traditional and your writing, but we wish you the best. 14 • November 4, 2016 Norway near you theNorwegianamerican What’s going on in your neighborhood? Calendar of Events alaska happens in their Church Basement kitchen. Told a raffle. Kitchen will sell homemade pea soup, • Oslo Lodge Julesalg, Anchorage’s and Dinner from a male perspective, the truth is revealed in meatballs, lapskaus, and hot dogs. Fresh 10:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. Saturday Nov. 12, 4:00 & 7:00 p.m. this hilarious yet touching new musical titledRise and fresh waffles for sale. No admission charge. Bremerton, Wash. Anchorage, Alaska Up, O Men. For ticket info call the Plymouth Play- At the United Methodist Church. For additional Norwegian baked goods, needle and hand- Attend Viking Hall for dinner, followed by danc- house Box Office at (763) 553-1600 x 1 or visit info and directions call Kari at (914) 736-0784. work, rosemaling, and cultural and history ta- ing. $25 for adults, $20 for non-members, $12 bles. Take your family picture by the beautiful for ages 12-16, $5 for ages 5-11, and free under Loyal Lodge Annual Scandinavian Bazaar jul tree and enjoy the homemade soup . 4. Reservations are required and can be made Immanuel Men’s Club Lutefisk Dinner Nov. 12, 10:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. • Yulefest, 10:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. Saturday & by calling Viking Hall at (907) 349-1613. Nov. 18 St. James, N.Y. Sunday St. Paul, Minn. Sponsored by the Ladies’ Auxiliary of Loyal Lodge, Seattle, Wash. arizona This annual dinner will be held at Immanuel Lu- this bazaar features a vast array of homemade Hand-crafted wares and traditional Scandi- theran Church. Seatings are at 4:30, 5:30, and holiday items and novelties, delicacies from navian Christmas food and drinks. Music and Nordic Guild Fair 6:30 p.m. Bake sale, fair trade sale, and Boy Scout Scandinavia, and a table of delicious treats. Enjoy dancing, a visit from Santa, a raffle, and a si- Dec. 3, 9:00—3:00 p.m. “extra food” sale begin at 4:00 p.m. Cost is $20 a lunch of lapskaus, yellow pea soup, smørbrød, lent auction. At the Nordic Heritage Museum. Tucson, Ariz. for adults and $5 for children 12 and under. Call , waffles, almond cake, and more! For $5 or free for members and children under 12. The 35th annual Nordic Guild Fair will be held Russ Edhlund at (651) 698-1260 to order tickets. more info, contact Torun at (631) 862-8017. Free • Grays Harbor Lodge Lutefisk and on the Streams in the Desert Lutheran Church admission. At Norway Lodge, 201 Seventh Street. Dinner, 2:00, 4:00 & 6:00 p.m. Sunday campus. Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, and Nordic American Thanksgiving Breakfast Aberdeen, Wash. Finnish clubs and individual vendors will sell Nov. 22, 6:30 a.m. Annual Scandinavian Christmas Ball Reservations needed by calling Dixie at (360) ethnic , baked goods, Scandinavian crafts, Bloomington, Minn. Dec. 2, 7:00 p.m. 533-2827. At the Hall. and collectibles. Folk dancers and musicians This year’s beneficiaries are Second Harvest New York, N.Y. will entertain. Free admission. Heartland and Minnesota Military Family Foun- Enjoy a truly festive evening at the Metropolitan The Photography of Anders Beer Wilse dation. The program includes esteemed guests Club! Included is an open bar, a selection of hors Dec. 2—Feb. 28 Florida including Mary Lahammer, Senator John Marty, d’oeuvres, a three course dinner, Lucia proces- Seattle, Wash. Scandinavian Trade Association Julbord Osmo Vänskä, and Don Shelby as emcee. Music sion and songs, guest performance, silent auc- Norwegian engineer and photographer An- Dec. 3, 6:00 p.m. will be provided by the Augsburg Choir. Tickets tion, and dancing to a live orchestra! The funds ders Beer Wilse lived in Seattle from 1892- Tampa, Fla. are $25 per person or $250 per 10-person table. raised help support artists via the Cultural Grant 1900 and left a legacy of early photographs Enjoy a meal followed by entertainment, a San- Students pay $20 per person. Reservations re- Program. Tickets cost $325 for members, $395 documenting this period of growth and ta Lucia ceremony, and a Christmas tree light- quired through or by for non-members, $3,250 for table of 10, and change in the city’s history. This exhibition ing. Come in Scandinavian dress. Cost is $25 calling (612) 821-4640 by Nov. 16. In the Grand $5,500 for Viking table of 10 and are available at includes Wilse’s photographic images taken per adult, $15 for children under 12, and free Ballroom of the DoubleTree by Hilton. both in Washington State and the greater Pa- for those under 5. Seats are limited, so make cific Northwest, as well as from select regions reservations early at A Don’t Hug Me Christmas Carol in Norway. At the Nordic Heritage Museum. sta-julbord-christmas-tickets-28672182269. At Nov. 25—Jan. 1 Cook & Eat Holiday Cookies Tampa Bay Brewing Company. Coon Rapids, Minn. Nov. 8, 6:30 p.m. Washington Bazaars, dec. 3: This Minnesota musical spoof of A Christmas Portland, Ore. • Scandinavian Christmas Bazaar & Julefest, Norwegian Church Service Carol is back in Minneapolis for its 10th year! Set Learn the secret to great holiday at this 10:00 a.m.—6:00 p.m. Dec. 4, 4:00 p.m. in a bar in a small Scandinavian town in northern special holiday class. Share what you learn with Poulsbo, Wash. Naples, Fla. Minnesota, bar owner Gunner Johnson is vis- family and friends or just treat yourself to some- Pea soup, rømmegrøt, Viking Dogs, a baked The Norwegian Seamen’s Church in Davie, ited by the ghost of Christmas past, present, and thing sweet. Cost is $20 for NNW members or goods booth, arts & crafts, gifts, and folk danc- Florida, is sending pastors to conduct worship future. With 17 original songs including “I Love $25 for non-members. Visit www.scanheritage. ing and singing at Grieg Hall. At 4:00 p.m., the services in either Norwegian or Swedish at You More Than Football” and “Grandma Cut the org/cook-eat for registration and more info. Julefest activity includes the Lucia bride arriv- Christus Victor Lutheran Church. Christmas Cheese.” At Bunker Hills Dinner The- ing by water, Christmas tree lighting, and mu- ater, Bunker Hills Golf Club. Call (763) 951-7244 Sonja Lodge Holiday Bazaar and Bake Sale sic. Santa Claus arrives to close the night. Call illinois for tickets and use code XMAS for $5 off. Visit Nov. 19, 9:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m. (360) 779-5209 for more info. Cottages in the Woods for more info. Eugene, Ore. • Bothell Lutefisk and Meatball Dinner, Nov. 12—13 This event includes holiday and handcrafted 12:00—6:00 p.m. Geneva, Ill. First Annual Nordic Julemarket items, a white elephant table, and more. There Bothell, Wash. Cottages in the Woods is a stroll through over Nov. 26 will also be a bake sale with krumkake, rosettes, Join the Bothell Lodge for an annual family a dozen Scandinavian cottages where you can Minneapolis, Minn. and lefse and a luncheon featuring Norwegian style lutefisk and meatball dinner with boiled enjoy Scandinavian food, folk art, and folk- Inspired by Christmas traditions throughout yellow split pea soup and open-face . potatoes, lefse, coleslaw, ice cream for des- lore! Enjoy wonderful artisans and many great the Nordic Countries, the NACC Upper Midwest sert, and a beverage. Tickets can be bought at affordable and unique gifts! Hours are 10:00 Chapter is proud and excited to present the First ScanFair the door. Call (425) 485-9085 for more info. a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday and 11:00 a.m. Annual Nordic Julemarket together with the Dec. 3—4 to 4:00 p.m. on Sunday. At Good Templar Park. Sons of Norway, Norway House, and American Portland, Ore. Gingerbread House Program Swedish Institute. Nordic Julemarket encourages Experience the sights, sounds, tastes, and tradi- Dec. 3, 12:30—2:00 p.m. iowa people of all ages and communities to participate tions of a Nordic Christmas! An event reminis- Seattle, Wash. From Tradition to Protest: Lila Nelson’s and attend. In Sons of Norway Parking Lot; free. cent of Christmas markets in Scandinavia with Join in the festivities at the Nordic Heritage Weaving Life vendors, food, entertainment, games, and more. Museum and decorate a gingerbread house! now—Nov. 13 new jersey At the Veteran’s Memorial Coliseum. This program fills quickly. To register contact Decorah, Iowa Scandinavian Import and Gift Sale Alison Church at (206) 789-5707 x19. Cost is Lila Nelson, Vesterheim’s first Textile Curator, Nov. 19, 10:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. Washington $20 per family or $15 per family for members. was an accomplished textile artist in her own New Providence, N.J. Nordic Fest right. This exhibition shows how she mastered Features merchandise from Norway, Sweden, Lutefisk at The Farmhouse Restaurant Nov. 12, 9:30 a.m.—3:30 p.m. Dec. 4, 12:00—6:00 p.m. traditional Norwegian weaving techniques, Denmark, and Finland. Lunch served at 11:00 Langley, Wash. then used them in fresh and contemporary a.m. Sponsored by Lodge Linne No. 429, Vasa Mt. Vernon, Wash. Daughters of Norway Ester Moe Lodge #39 in- Featuring lutefisk, fiskeboller, pickled - her ways. This exhibition includes 76 pieces from Order of America; proceeds benefit cultural pro- vites everyone to discover your favorites at the Vesterheim’s collection and private collections. grams and facilities. Free; cash and checks ac- ring, rice pudding, lefse, and much more. Cost Norsk Kafé, tantalizing baked goods in the Bakeri, is $34.95 for adults, $31.95 for seniors over cepted. For info call (908) 665-1292 or (973) 539- shopping at a fun Butikk, along with lively mu- Massachusetts 4066. At Salt Brook School, 40 Maple St., New 60, and $10.95 for kids under 12. Traditional sic, performances by Seattle’s Leikarringen danc- Nordic Music by Leif & Sunnie Accordion Duo Norumbega Lodge Juletrefest Providence, N.J. ers, and much more! Plenty of free parking. At from 2:30 to 6:00 p.m. For more info email Dec. 2, 7:30 p.m. South Whidbey High School. Contact Kris Collins Terry Brazas at [email protected]. West Newton, Mass. Noreg Lodge 36th Annual Christmas Bazaar at (425) 750-6124 or [email protected] for The Norumbega Lodge will have their usual Nov. 19, 10:00 a.m.—6:00 p.m. more info. wonderful Christmas cookies baked by mem- Old Bridge, N.J. Wisconsin bers, a visit from the julenisse to hand out the This Scandinavian bazaar features food, music, Washington Bazaars, NOV. 18-20: Two Troll Tales from Norway gifts, riskrem with the hidden almond, and baked goods, and vendors. It will again be held at • Normanna Scandinavian Festival, Nov. 12, 1:00—2:00 p.m. dancing around the Christmas tree to the mu- Old Bridge Township Municipal Center. Free ad- 10:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. Friday & Saturday Stoughton, Wis. sic of “The House Band.” In the Nordic Hall. mission and parking. Everett, Wash. Award-winning illustrator Ingrid Kallick will Come to Normanna Hall for Scandinavian gifts present some of the artists and folklorists minnesota new york and crafts, linens, books, decorative items, who established the look of trolls as we know them today. Using examples from her forth- Rise Up, O Men Troll Lodge Annual Scandinavian Holiday Fair sweaters, jewelry and dishes, a delicious bake coming picture book Two Troll Tales From now—Nov. 13 Nov. 12, 9:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. sale, luncheon, and lots of music and raffles! Norway, Kallick will talk about her illustration Plymouth, Minn. Mahopac, N.Y. Free. For more info call (425) 252-0291. process. At Livsreise. The producer of The Church Basement Ladies Enjoy many Scandinavian vendors selling jewelry, announces the ladies’ return to Plymouth gifts, and food items; a bakery table with Scan- Playhouse with a completely new look at what dinavian and cakes; cheeses on sale; and Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 to be added to The Norwegian American! Check for complete listings Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. theNorwegianamerican Norway near you November 4, 2016 • 15 A long, challenging journey: The legacy of Harbo and Sameulsen VH: How can our readers help? VS: I invite your readers to contact me at Victoria Hofmo [email protected] with sugges- Brooklyn, N.Y. tions or future pledges of funding.

During Bay Ridge’s 17th of May week- I recently followed up with Samuelsen end this year, most folks were focused on the to see how Hoff’s expedition went, as well as annual Viking Fest and Syttende Mai Parade. to ask about the progress of his project. However, in the wee hours of the morning of “Stein was hit with a heavy storm, just a May 15, a very special piece of Norwegian few hundred miles off the UK, and was res- maritime history and endurance was being cued by a freighter after losing his oars and reenacted along the Narrows as the Fox II rudder and having problems with keeping rowboat, manned by Norwegian cardiologist the Fox II upright,” explained Victor. This Stein Hoff, sailed by. happened on August 6, and Hoff had a har- His journey began at the Battery, which rowing 11-hour wait to be rescued. His sav- was also the starting point for the historic but ior was the M/V Ludolf Oldendorff, piloted often forgotten Atlantic crossing by Norwe- by Romanian Captain Edi Cherim. gian-American rowers George Harbo and Photo: Public Domain On the Facebook page for his journey, Gabriel “Frank” Samuelsen, who in 1896 Drawing of Frank Samuelsen and George Harbo’s rowboat The Fox. They used this boat in the first Hoff wrote: “I was working my way across became the first to venture across a major recorded rowboat crossing of the Atlantic Ocean. the cold, foggy and seemingly endless Grand ocean by rowboat. Like the dynamic duo, Bank east of Newfoundland. I was celebrating Hoff set off to follow the same course to St. my wedding anniversary, 60th, then 70th day Mary’s on the Isles of Scilly, Britain, with written by folk singer Jerry Bryant in 1985. Victoria Hofmo: When and how did you dis- at sea. On 1st August it was 120 years since no support vessel. However, Hoff’s boat Also inspired by their story, writer David cover the voyage of the Fox? Harbo & Samuelsen reached Isles of Scilly. was equipped with satellite, a water maker, W. Shaw took their journal and logbook and Victor Samuelsen: When I grew up in Far- The weather and general conditions were im- phone, internet, and radio. wrote a dramatic tale in 1996 about what sund, Norway—where Gabriel Samuelsen proving, when on 4th August I first got a mail Hoff has rowed long distances on sever- these two men encountered. And in 2016, came from—I was often asked if we were re- about a storm approaching. I had ‘only’ about al occasions, trained profusely, and prepared “Gabriel” was composed and published by lated. But the answer is no, I am not related. 750 nautical miles of a total of 2,900 left and better than any Boy Scout I have ever met. Norwegian folk vocalist Ingvild Koksvik. was very nearly 3/4 way when the storm However, he still had trepidation. “This is Victor Samuelsen is trying to bring VH: Why has it become a passion for you? caused so much damage that I was forced to the biggest challenge I’ve had. I’d be stupid more attention to the courageous pair and VS: A few years ago, I came on the idea to give up my attempt to row the North Atlantic if I didn’t feel some apprehension. I realize it is a great advocate for all things Samuelsen make a monument statue of the two rowers, alone in the wake of my 1896 heroes, George could be risky,” he told the New York Post. In and Harbo. He initiated the creation of a which I thought would look good in the Far- Harbo & Frank (Gabriel) Samuelsen. ... I will the same article, he also colorfully stated his bronze monument of Harbo and Samuelsen sund harbor, as well as a second possibly to not become the first Norwegian to do this in life’s philosophy: “Everybody should have and their boat in Farsund—the hometown of be placed in lower Manhattan. The reason modern times after all.” a challenge. People spend too much time at both himself and Gabriel Samuelsen—and being that they were never given an honor- This setback does not negate Hoff’s in- their desk and wasting their lives watching his current goal is to have a copy cast and able salute to what they had dared in 1896. credible drive and courage, of course. His Game of Thrones.” appointed at New York’s Battery Park. experience further substantiates the bravery Samuelsen and Harbo’s expedition on He also promoted Hoff’s Fox II venture. VH: How is that project going? of Sameulsen and Harbo who set off more the Fox set a record that has stood until this “We chartered a large sail ship that Sunday, VS: I am speaking with officials and property than a century earlier and succeeded without day. In fact, it took 114 years for anyone to the Clipper City, and followed Stein out of managers downtown, and as soon as I have the benefit of modern technology. beat their time, and that took four rowers. the harbor. Exciting!” he said. someone accepting the monument statue, I How will the legacy of the dynamic duo The courage of Samuelsen and Harbo I had the opportunity to speak to Samu- will have another one cast. ... My goal was of Harbo and Samuelsen end? I think, dear has crept into some parts of popular culture. elsen about his vision a short time after the to have this done within summer 2016 due readers, that it is not up to Victor Samuelsen “The Ballad of Harbo and Samuelsen” was Fox II set off. to the 120th anniversary, but it may be 2017. and Stein Hoff alone but to all of us. Nordic American Thanksgiving Christmas GreetinGs! Breakfast celebrates 32 years! Reserve space for your personalized greeting in our annual Christmas Issue Name:______Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn. Message:______The Nordic American Thanksgiving City, State:______Phone:______Breakfast will hold its 32nd event on Tues- day, Nov. 22, 2016, 6:30 a.m., in the Grand God Jul og Ballroom of the Double-Tree by Hilton, 7800 Merry Christmas! Normandale Boulevard, Bloomington, Minn. Godt Nyttår til The program for the Nordic Ameri- Bjorn and nina alle venner! can Thanksgiving Breakfast includes well- steffensen Ola og Berit nordmann Staten Island, N.Y. known, esteemed men and women who Family Foundation. Blue Mounds, Wis. share personal experiences about the impor- Second Harvest Heartland strives to end tance of freedom, faith, family, and friends. hunger in 59 counties throughout Minnesota $15 for small ad $25 for large ad They include Mary Lahammer, anchor and and western Wisconsin through a network of reporter, Twin Cities Public Television; Sen- dedicated partners, volunteers, and donors. Deadline: nOVemBer 29 – mail this form today! ator John Marty, Minnesota Senate, District Minnesota Military Family Foundation is a 66; Osmo Vänskä, music director, Minne- not-for-profit, community-supported fund LEWIS O. TITLAND Quality Accounting & Tax Services for: sota Orchestra; and Don Shelby, senior jour- that provides financial grants to military Certified Public Accountant nalist, as emcee. Music will be provided by families during times of extraordinary finan- Small businesses the Augsburg Choir, Mark Sedio, conductor. cial hardship. Last year guests donated more (206)789-5433 Individuals 221 1st Ave. W. Ste. 400 The early morning get-together not only than $15,000. Specialized Assistance Seattle, WA 98119 allows the Nordic community to break Tickets are $25 per person or $250 per together and offer thanks but also gives 10-person, reserved table. Students pay $20 guests an opportunity to give back to the per person. Reservations are required and may community by supporting two local chari- be made online at or ties. This year’s beneficiaries are Second by calling Sons of Norway at (612) 821-4640 thank you for reading our paper! tusen takk Harvest Heartland and Minnesota Military no later than Wednesday, November 16. 16 • November 4, 2016 Travel theNorwegianamerican Diary of a Guidebook Writer: How to spend a few hours in

Photos: David Nikel Above: Large scale models of oil rigs are on display at the Petroleum Museum. Right: The downtown’s predominantly white buildings are brightened up by murals.

David Nikel Trondheim, Norway

Few visitors seem to stay in Stavanger The story of the black gold control room of a rig. The history of the rigs Viking runes at the Museum of beyond a few hours. Cruise ships dump thou- Stavanger is without doubt a strange in the North Sea and Norwegian Sea and a Archaeology sands of people on the city’s streets every place to be visiting right now. The Norwe- temporary exhibition about the Norwegian The Canning Museum is part of the day before they are whisked off to the Lyse­ gian Petroleum Museum (referred to by Oil Fund—valued at 7.1 trillion kroner at the MUST (Museum Stavanger) collection of fjord and onwards to Bergen. most, including me, simply as the Oil Muse- time of writing—help to show the Norwe- museums, but the city’s most interesting mu- Yet most of these visitors seem to have um) stands proudly as the number one tour- gian perspective on the industry, while envi- seum is an independent one. A short walk no idea of what to do with their few hours ist attraction in the city and a symbol of the ronmental concerns are debated in a surpris- from downtown Stavanger, the university- in Stavanger. Most seem to potter about the wealth that has driven the city’s growth over ingly frank and honest way. affiliated Museum of Archaeology could be cobbled streets of the Old Town before return- the past forty years. Even if you decide to skip the museum, called the Viking Museum given its focus on ing to their ship, while others spend the entire Yet the elephant in the room is the cur- check out the Geopark right outside. The that era. Rune stones, coins, and other items time in the tacky gift shops along the quay. rent oil price. Although it’s recovered from collection of recycled materials from the en- from the Viking era are displayed alongside Perhaps this is why the tourist infor- its $30 low earlier this year, it’s still less than ergy industry has been turned into a graffiti- Stone Age and Iron Age relics and even a po- mation office has recently relocated next to half of what it was in 2014. Many North Sea strewn dystopian playground. lar bear skeleton from 10,000 years ago. the cruise ship terminal, a move I’m of two oil wells have been plugged, new exploration minds about. Cruise ship arrivals can now be work is limited, and many of Stavanger’s in- Street art from the Nuart Festival The rich interior of Stavanger directed to the city’s best attractions, but the ternational community have lost their jobs. Stavanger is known internationally for The original Norman architecture of location is inconvenient for other travelers. The Oil Museum itself is far more in- its acceptance of street art as a genuine art Stavanger Cathedral has seen substantial So, how should you spend a few hours in teresting than it sounds. Interactive exhibits form. Every year, the Nuart Festival cel- Gothic additions and varying decor from Stavanger? Here are my recommendations: simulate a helicopter ride out to sea and the ebrates this and artists add to the city’s col- across the centuries. The interior is richly lection. During the festival, guided walks are decorated thanks to the city’s post-Reforma- available, while the NuArt iPhone app al- tion growth of the 17th century and also fea- lows you to self-guide around the hundreds tures a beautiful St. Olav Tapestry from the of artworks hidden in plain sight all year- 1920s and the much older stone baptismal Where in Norway? round. Check out for more font from the 14th century. information about the festival and the street The most notable feature is the stunning How well do you know Norway? Match this photo to its art scene in general. colorful pulpit that details the complete story location and email your answer to [email protected]. of the bible from Adam and Eve through to a Correct answers will be entered to win one free month! Herring canning in the Old Town triumphant Christ crowning the canopy. The Warning: this month’s entry is a little cheeky! As pleasant as a stroll around the cob- pulpit was the masterwork of Scottish crafts- bled streets and whitewashed timber houses man Andrew Smith, who also carved and of Gamle Stavanger, the city’s Old Town, painted the five grand epitaphs dotted around can be, make time to swing by the Norwe- the cathedral. gian Canning Museum. Long before the dis- covery of oil, Stavanger’s economy was built Scratch beneath the service and you’ll on herring. More than 50 canning buildings find plenty to keep you occupied in Stavan- have been demolished, so the museum is an ger, even on the shortest of visits. important historical record and a fascinating window into conditions in a 100-year-old factory. On the first Sunday of every month, plus Tuesdays and Thursdays during the sum- David Nikel is a freelance mer, the smoking ovens are lit and visitors writer based in Norway. can try freshly smoked sardines. I visited on He runs the popular www. a Friday, so I had to make do with chocolate blog and is the author of the upcom- sardines from the gift shop. I wasn’t exactly Photo: Emily C. Skaftun ing MOON Norway guide- disappointed. Have a photo for “Where in Norway?” Submit it to [email protected]! book. theNorwegianamerican Travel November 4, 2016 • 17 Helgeland, a new favorite part of Norway

< helgeland From page 1 new favorite mountains). Tjøtta was our over- night destination. From Tjøtta we traveled to Brønnøysund. Travel included two ferries and a side trip in Vistnesdalen to see rock carv- ings from 3000 BC, evidence of Stone Age activity in this area—an incidental stop that surprised us with its historical significance. Brønnøysund is Helgeland’s southern- most town and the halfway point of the Nor- wegian coast, equidistant from Lindesnes and Nordkapp. The distinctive Brønnøysund­brua (bridge under which the Hurtigruten passes twice a day) leads to Torghatten, the iconic granite mountain with an expansive hole through its center. We hiked up into the hole from the east, an easy 25-minute hike. The view of the skerries and open waters is spec- tacular, as is the view, we suspect, from the Hurtigruten we saw maneuvering for a view of Torghatten and us. Returning to Tjøtta we traveled north to Church, dating from the 1100s Photos: (above) Matt Barry, (right) John Barry and made famous by Petter Dass, a 1600s Above: On idyllic Lovund the midnight sun moves vicar and poet. Next to the church is the along the islands on the horizon. Petter Dass Museum, part of the Helgeland Right: Overlooking Mo i Rana we picnicked at Museum network. Petter Dass is a legend- Appelsinhaugen, a haug (small hill) where people ary and beloved figure in Norway. His po- go to hike and eat an appelsin (orange) while en- etry, including the well-known “ joying the view. Trompet,” is revered for its everyday lan- guage, subject matter, and appeal to the com- mon man. Through his poetry Dass brought prominence to Helgeland.

Inland to Mo i Rana Mo i Rana, situated inland at the head of Ranfjord and just south of the Arctic Cir- cle, is the largest and most northerly town in Helgeland. With its abundance of iron a high-speed ferry. For us, the slow pace of where we watched puffins flying overhead national parks. ore and hydroelectric power, Mo became the two-hour ride was part of the experience. between cliffside nests and ocean. Our 10-day vacation in Helgeland was an active industrial center in the 1900s. Mo A car is not needed on Lovund, which is We were fortunate to be on Lovund, awesome. Helgeland has beauty and his- is a fun and easy place to walk. Notable is less than two square miles and has few roads. barely south of the Arctic Circle, in early tory at every turn, whether it is a coastline “” (Man from the Sea), one of We stayed at the Lovund Rorbuhotell, a short July. After midnight we watched the sun of skerries and mountains or an idyllic island the Artscape Nordland sculptures through- walk from the ferry. The hotel provided a slide along the horizon, with Træna and other or Stone Age rock carvings. Not only is Hel- out Nordland. Rana Museum, Nordland Uni- warm welcome with an exquisite restaurant islands on the horizon serving as a gauge for geland’s beauty unique within Norway, but versity, shops, and cafes populate the center and comfortable accommodations (linens tracking the sun’s movement. The sun set at also special is the feeling you experience of town. Near Mo are some short hikes such and breakfast included). about 12:50 a.m., rising half an hour later. there—a serenity and closeness to nature un- as at Appelsinhaugen south of Mo and the Sea life is an important Helgeland food like any other I have experienced in Norway. Helgeland Museum at Stenneset with vistas source. In Lovund we tasted a local variation Looking back at Helgeland I have learned that my favorite place in overlooking Mo and Ranfjord. of , dried and unsalted fish. Gull From Lovund we returned to the main- Norway is not necessarily among the well- Mo is a good starting point for exploring eggs, as in the rest of , are a land, crossing the Arctic Circle on the Route known tourist attractions, all beautiful and inland. To the north are caves—Grønligrotta, common food. Unique to Helgeland are foods 17 ferry from Kilboghamn to Jektvik. At worthy of the attention they receive. We easily navigable with lights and walkways, such as rødsei (red pollock), also known as Holandsfjord we had a good view of Enga- have traveled to Norway’s top tourist desti- and the more challenging Setergrotta. From gammelsalta sei (aged salted pollock), and breen, a glacial tongue of and the nations and have also been literally off the Mo one can explore Saltfjellet-Svartisen, a breads including kamkake (a bubbly flat- lowest glacier in the European mainland. beaten path. In each trip we find a place that national park and site of Svartisen (black bread) and krinalefse (a lefse variation). We left Helgeland behind us, ending our stands out among all previous places we ice), Norway’s second largest glacier. Polar- Lovund is well known for its rich bird drive in Bodø and flying back to Oslo. We have seen in Norway. For now, Helgeland is sirkelsenteret at the Arctic Circle is an hour’s life, especially its colony of thousands of left some destinations unchecked for “next my favorite place. drive from Mo. puffins attracted by the steep, rocky cliffs of time”—among them the Vega Archipegalo, Off the beaten path from Mo is Mel­ Lovundfjellet (2000 ft.). Puffins are pelagic, a UNESCO World Heritage site; Træna and For more info on Helgeland, visit visithelge- fjordbotn, located at the head of Melfjord. spending winters at sea and returning to the its famous music festival; and the Helgeland The road crosses a lunar landscape-like pla- cliffs of Lovund for nesting every year on teau before its spectacular hairpin descent April 14—Lundkommardagen (puffin arriv- into Melfjordbotn. While seemingly remote al day)—as local folks indicate. Sea eagles, June 24 - August 4, 2017 and with a tiny population, Melfjordbotn is gulls, kittiwakes, terns, razorbills, guille- an active harbor and home of an annual mu- mots, and many other birds are part of the sic festival, Melfjorddagen. abundant bird life on Lovund. Several hikes are available on the island, Photo: UiO, Mantas Grigaliunas The islands—visiting Lovund including a loop trail and a hike to the top of Lovund is an idyllic island, which, like Lovundfjellet. We chose to hike to Lundeura Træna to the northwest, stands tall with sharp (puffin scree), a nature reserve. We walked mountains in contrast to the low-lying round- on a trail dedicated to Petter Dass. Lovund ed skerries. A two-hour ferry ride from Stokk­ and its puffins are prominently featured in vågen with stops at skerries along the way, Dass’s “Nordlands Trompet” and his words Lovund feels like it is far out in the Atlantic, are displayed on signs along the trail—fitting though the coast is within sight. There are sev- for the poet who heralded Helgeland’s beau- eral ferry choices to get to Lovund, including ty. The trail took us to the base of the cliffs ∙ [email protected] ∙ (800) 639-0058 18 • November 4, 2016 Norwegian Heritage theNorwegianamerican How Norwegians do it: National elections in Norway

Terje Birkedal Anchorage, Alaska

Have you ever wondered how Norwe- gians do it? I mean, how Norwegians run their national elections? I was curious about how these elections worked. I had heard the Norwegian Ambas- sador to the U.S., Kåre Aas, speak briefly about them in a question and answer session in Anchorage, Alaska, at the end of his speech to members of the World Affairs Council. Be- cause of my curiosity, the Editor of The Nor- wegian American gave me the assignment of Photos: (above) David Nikel, (left) Emily C. Skaftun learning more and sharing what I found out. Above: Elections in Norway are a sober affair, with no alcohol sold on voting day. Bars remain In Norway the national and local elec- open, however. tions (county and municipal) are held every Left: A vintage political poster for the Labor party on display in the We Won the Land exhibit four years, but never in the same year. The within Lillehammer’s Maihaugen museum. local and national elections are staggered so they are separated by an interval of two years. On September 11, 2017, Norway will hold its next national election; the last local election was held in September of 2015. At this upcoming national election, Norwegians will be voting for their representatives who Party, the Labor Party, the Center Party, the party’s representation in parliament. the Labor Party had won the largest number will sit in the Norwegian parliament, called , the Christian Democratic Party, The national election campaigns (Valg- of seats (55) it could not counter this conser- the , which roughly translates to “the the Liberal Party, the Conservative Party, kampen) generally begin in August about a vative coalition that now controlled a total Great Council or Assembly.” Ting (council and the Progress Party. year before the actual election. In 2016, the of 96 seats in the Storting. As is usual, there or assembly) is a term that goes way back to The Socialist Left Party is furthest to the national campaign began with a televised de- was considerable give and take among the the if not even earlier, underscor- left and the Progress Party is furthest to the bate among the various party leaders in Aren- parties and it took the Conservative Party ing the fact that democratic government has right in terms of Norway’s political spectrum. dal, Norway, on August 14. Consul General and the Progress Party nearly three weeks deep roots in Norway. There are also a host of minor parties Skorpen told me that the campaign activity to win over the smaller Christian Democrats Norway’s Storting is a unicameral par- like the Society Party (Anarchist) or the tends to ramp up about two months prior to and Liberals to their cause. liament, meaning that it meets as a single, Christian Unity Party (ultra conservative), the election with increasing television debates As the leader of the powerful Conserva- unified legislative body. Its members number but these rarely win enough votes to win a as well as informational programs on the elec- tive Party and the leader of the overall co- 169 representatives called Stortingrepresent- seat in the Storting and have a say in gov- tions. Owren observed that in the heat of the alition of conservative parties, Erna Solberg anter in Norwegian. Parliamentary seats are ernment, though the Rødt Party (socialist/ campaign, politicians handing out fliers, chat- gained the post of Prime Minister (Statsmin- proportionally allocated among Norway’s 19 communist) has on occasion come close to ting with passers-by, and trolling for votes ister) and Siv Jensen, as head of the Progress counties or “fylker” (Oslo is included as a having a winning candidate. seem to vastly outnumber the many street Party, got the reward of serving as Finance fylke on its own, even though it is a city). So how do these parties get their mes- beggars who flock to her town in the summer. Minister. It is important to note that the Lib- This allocation of parliamentary representa- sages to potential voters? They hold meet- On the day of the election, every Nor- eral Party and the Christian Democrats did tives is based on both the population of each ings, they pass out fliers, and they send out wegian citizen 18 years and over can exer- not seek posts with the current government individual county and its geographical size. mass mailings outlining their respective cise his or her right to vote. Each will choose and thus have no representation in the ruling Of the 169 seats, 19 are set aside as at- platforms. Jens Stoltenberg, who was once a party list to their liking and place a check cabinet. Despite being willing allies of the large seats. These seats are called “leveling leader of the Labor Party and Prime Minis- by the candidates he or she favors. The voter Conservative and Progress parties, they did seats” and are used by the election authori- ter, even took to the stunt of driving a taxi can choose all the candidates on the list or not feel comfortable participating in outright ties to adjust for potential discrepancies in around Oslo and picking up and dropping off mark only two or three on the party list. Nor- governance in close partnership with the the allocation of parliamentary seats. For ex- passengers in order to get attention. wegian voters can also cross out names on more right-wing, libertarian Progress Party. ample, if a particular political party has won According to Rune Bjornsen of Stavan- the list they do not like or change the ranking Not only do women occupy seven top fewer seats than would be indicated by their ger, public television and radio do a good of the candidates on the list. Furthermore, posts in the current Norwegian cabinet, they percentage share of the national vote, they job informing the public through debates there is even a special space on the voting also make up a significant number of the may be entitled to receive a leveling or com- and news programs. He says that NRK, Nor- card where you can write in a candidate from members of the Storting. In 2013, 67 women pensation seat. However, to be eligible for way’s public broadcasting network, and TV another party. Each vote is a direct vote for a were elected to the Storting and thus they these seats, the party in question must have 2, partly funded by the government, both are particular party list and there is no intermedi- now control over 39.6% of Norway’s parlia- received at least 4% of the total popular vote. required to provide non-partisan programs to ary system such as the Electoral College as ment. The trend of increasing female repre- It is important to understand, as Hilde inform the public on party platforms and po- in the . sentation in the national government is only Janne Skorpen, Norwegian Consul General sitions. In addition, in light of the importance Early voting is also possible in Norway. expected to increase in the future. in San Francisco, advised me, that “Norwe- of social media today’s world, the parties fre- Voting booths in small temporary buildings Hopefully, this primer of Norwegian gian elections are not based on personalities, quently employ Facebook and Instagram to are set up for this purpose about a month be- elections will help you follow and under- but on political parties.” So when one votes, get their messages across to the public. But fore the actual election day. These temporary stand Norway’s upcoming election in 2017. it is not for individual candidates but for lists according to Consul General Skorpen, most early-voting structures are often convenient- As you can see, their electoral process is of candidates that have been selected by the Norwegians learn about the different party ly placed in central places that are highly very different from ours in the United States. various parties. These voting lists (Valg­ platforms through the newspapers. Norwe- trafficked by the public. listene) are drawn up by each of the parties gians are voracious readers of newspapers. After the election authorities have tal- in the various counties and are ranked and Norway you will not hear or see any lied the vote and determined the number of Terje “Ted” Birkedal was born in Stavanger, Norway, numbered so that the top candidates of each commercial ads for the political parties on seats won by the various parties, the newly in 1946. He grew up in Col- party appear at the top of the list and the less television or radio. It is against the law to pur- elected Storting representatives begin nego- orado and earned a Ph.D. important candidates toward the bottom of chase advertising time for political messages tiations in order to form an executive gov- in Anthropology from the the list. According to Laila Owren, a life- on either public or private television or radio. ernment. Because no current political parties University of Colorado. He long citizen of , Norway, those Norway does not set any limits on political have been capable of winning a majority of retired in 2012 but remains below the number three are often disregard- spending, but it does set limits on where you the seats (85), they must necessarily nurture active in his field and has ed by the voters and called listefyll, a term can spend your money. The political parties alliances with other parties in order to form a served as the President of Sons of Norway Bernt that means unimportant clutter, for they have can receive donations from private citizens, standing government. For instance, in 2013, Balchen Lodge in Anchorage since 2012. He has little chance of being elected. labor unions, employers’ associations, and the Conservative Party with 48 seats sought conducted archeological fieldwork in the Ameri- At present there are eight major political corporations, but the majority of their funding a coalition with the Progress Party (29 seats), can South, the Great Plains, Norway, Canada, parties contending for seats in the Storting. comes from public funds and these funds are the Christian Democratic Party (10 seats), Guam, and Alaska. He has always been passion- Included in this number are the Socialist Left allocated proportionately on the basis of each and the Liberal Party (9 seats). Even though ate about Norwegian prehistory and history. theNorwegianamerican Norwegian Heritage November 4, 2016 • 19 Here and there: Change in the weather In Loving Memory Gone to The Great Newspaper in the Sky to join her friends Shelby Collard Gilje January 23, 1937 – October 19, 2016

We at The Norwegian American were shocked and saddened to learn that our own Shelby Gilje passed away on October 19, following a cerebral hemorrhage. I only had the privilege of working with Shelby for three years, but in that time she impressed me with her warmth and her journalistic professionalism. The Seattle Times wrote a fantastic obituary for her (, which goes into more detail on her long, groundbreaking career. A professional to the end, Shelby wrote her own obituary, which is presented below. I think she’d enjoy having one last byline in this paper. A celebration of Shelby’s life will be held at 1:00 p.m. on January 21, 2017, at Seattle’s Nordic Heritage Museum. If you have notes, stories, or photographs of Shelby you would like to share with the family, please send them via email to [email protected]. Photo: David Burke Joe LaCasce doesn’t let the weather get him down.

Shelby Gilje David Burke Seattle, Wash. Skoppum, Norway Graduate of Roosevelt High School, Se- Many of you may know a Norwegian who alone. The downside is that I got a flat tire attle, 1954; and the University of Washing- has moved to America, but how many know an and it took me two hours to walk home,” he ton Department of Communication, 1958. American who has settled in Norway? says in characteristic good humor. Shelby Gilje worked at The Anchorage According to Statistics Norway, just “The forests are all public land, or at Daily News, The West Seattle Herald, The 7,450 Americans reside in Norway, which least public access. In the States, you usually Bremerton Sun, The Seattle Post-Intelligenc- has a total population of about 5,225,000. have to go to a campground. Here there’s a er, and The Seattle Times. She retired in 2001 Considering some 550,000 foreign nation- feeling that nature is for everyone.” after more than 30 years as a reporter, editor, als live in the country, we’re a small slice of and columnist at The Times. She was per- Norway’s demographic pie. Peace of mind haps best known to readers for the 18 years The Norwegian American would like Joe also appreciates the financial secu- she wrote a consumer advocacy column at to introduce you to some of these ordinary rity Norway provides. The Times called The Troubleshooter. Americans living in Norway and shed some “At the University of Oslo I am paid a Before “job shares” were common in the light on how and why they ended up here. salary to teach and do research. In the U.S., workplace, Gilje and Polly Lane persuaded we had to support our salaries with external then Times managing editor Henry MacLeod Change in the weather funding.” to hire each of them part time. Though they You could say that Joe LaCasce moved The relentless quest to secure grants weren’t officially yet on the staff, they per- Washington State Executive Council. to Norway because of the weather. distracts from doing actual research. “Many suaded a Times artist to draw an illustration While working in the news business, she He and Norwegian wife Cecilie are both researcher friends in the U.S. balance eight of two women in suits and heels pedaling a served six years on the board of the West- oceanographers and met at MIT while doing projects simultaneously. They spend their tandem bicycle, and called the concept “Tan- ern Washington Chapter of Society of Pro- their PhDs. They then worked in France and time reporting on existing projects or apply- dem Helpers.” Gilje once concluded that fessional Journalists, including two years as at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. ing for new ones.” MacLeod finally hired them part-time just so president. “Cecilie had lived abroad for 15 years Norway’s approach has its “good and he wouldn’t have to endure their continuing In 2011 she was inducted into the UW and missed home. It was also getting more bad sides.” Joe says “If someone loses their sales pitches about the idea. Department of Communication Alumni Hall difficult to find research funding in the U.S. job, they don’t lose their healthcare or their Her husband, Svein Gilje, also spent of Fame. So when two jobs became available at the home. However it can breed complacency.” some 40 years in the news business includ- Her four “grand girls,” as she called Norwegian Meteorological Institute, we ing at the PI, Times, and Bremerton Sun. He them, were the light of her life, and they moved,” he says. High society was the founding president of the Nordic in turn loved spending time with their “Be- Joe, now 52, eventually took a profes- In his free time, Joe plays sax in a jazz en- Heritage Museum in Ballard, the first mu- stemor.” She enjoyed making heart-shaped sorship at the University of Oslo. Cecilie is semble. “It’s very low key, but fun,” he says. seum in the United States to incorporate the waffles with them, monthly “pizza and hair- research director at the Norwegian Institute Joe also co-founded a group called BAS- culture and art of all five Nordic countries. cut” nights at her home, showing off their for Water Research and is a member of the TURDs (Beer Appreciation Society with To- The Giljes enjoyed cross-country skiing artwork, and attending their school concerts, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change tally UnRestricted Discussion) that consists and raising oysters at their beach cabin in soccer games, and other events. (IPCC). mostly of native English-speaking expats, South Puget Sound. They regularly donated She is survived by daughter Kari Gilje ranging from a chess master to former bal- “oyster baskets” with fresh oysters and pre- (Michael Chiu) of Fall City; son Kurt N. Life behind (handle) bars lerina. The BASTURDs gather now and then mium wines for museum, church, and school Gilje (Jennifer Hlaudy) of Seattle; four Joe and Cecilie live in a single-family to, well, drink beer and converse in English. fund-raising auctions. granddaughters, twins Analise and Kristina house in the sleepy west Oslo borough of Røa. In April 2007, Gilje completed six years Gilje Chiu, Fall City, and Chloe and Olivia Joe commutes to work by bicycle year round, Looking ahead of volunteer service on the Board of Trustees Hlaudy Gilje, Seattle; sister Shelley Collard mounting studded tires to avoid crashing on Joe and Cecilie may retire abroad some- for People’s Memorial Association, a non- Daniels of Lake Stevens; brothers Nelson B. Oslo’s frequently frozen streets in winter. day, but probably not until they’ve earned profit organization that works for dignified, (Joe) Collard Jr. of Yelm and Kevin (Kip) The current Oslo city government, led their full pension potential. low-cost burial and cremation. She served as Collard (Donna) of Auburn; and numerous by a coalition of green, labor, and socialist Norway’s official retirement age is 67 president for two years on the PMA board and nieces and nephews here and in Norway. parties, has declared the ambitious goal to but many opt—and can still afford—to leave was active in negotiating with funeral homes make Oslo a car-free metropolis by 2020. the workforce at 62. That scenario changes for services for the organization’s members. Remembrances may be made to People’s That suits Joe just fine. rapidly in the wake of lower oil prices. Nor- She also served eight years as a volun- Memorial Association and the Nordic Heri- way’s wealth and generous entitlements are teer for AARP, six of those years on AARP’s tage Museum. Mother nature’s son largely derived from oil and gas revenues. Growing up along Maine’s coastline Policy makers are now scrambling to down- Funeral Home cultivated a close relationship with nature. grade benefit programs to reflect the new Oslo allows Joe to sustain the indulgence. economic realities. SOlie and Crematory “The woods here are a gem and are Meanwhile, it’s late fall and time to put Honoring • Caring • Serving close by. I recently rode to an idyllic lake, on the winter tires again. Life is comparative- not far from the city, and was completely ly easy in Norway and Joe likes it just fine. 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159 20 • November 4, 2016 Norsk Språk theNorwegianamerican Corner NORWEGIAn 101 Language practice with Heidi Håvan Grosch

The Norwegian Directorate for Education (Utdanningsdirektoratet)

Forgive me (tilgi meg) for wearing my teacher hat (min lær- erhatt), but for those of you interested in the Norwegian educa- tion system (i det norske utdanningssystemet), here is a bit of in- sight (litt innsikt) into the rules and regulations (lover og regler) set down (etablert) by the powers that be (de som har makt) for the teaching of English (undervisning i engelsk) in the schools (i skolen). English is taught (engelsk er undervist) to six-year-olds (seksåringer) from the 1st grade (1. klasse), and the amount of Text and illustrations by Anders Kvåle Rue. Simplification of text by Kari Grønningsæter. Translated by Jim Skurdall. Copyright © Deb Nelson Gourley, Astri My Astri Publishing. dedicated time (dedikert tid) to English teaching increases (øker) as the students get older (elevene blir eldre). As is true (som Harald IV Gilchrist – Harald IV Gille er sant) for most countries (for de fleste land), there is a set of Born 1103, died 1136 standards (sett av standarder) teachers must follow (lærere må følge) for different school subjects (ulike fag): these are deter- Son of King Magnus Barelegs and an Irish woman mined by the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Train- Ruled 1130 – 1136 ing (Utdanningsdirektoratet), which is the executive agency for the Ministry of Education and Research. All relevant documents When Harald Gilchrist came to Norway, he (relevante dokumenter) can be found (kan finnes) in English on claimed to be the son of Magnus Barelegs. To prove his claim, he had to submit to their website ( an ordeal: He had to walk over red-hot pieces of iron. If, after one week, his feet The curricula in English were unburned, he had told the truth. The English subject curriculm (læreplan) provides com- Snorri Sturluson relates that Harald’s petence aims (kompetansemål) for grades 2, 4, 7, and 10. It is feet were uninjured. But Harald had important to remember (det er viktig å huske) that these aims to pledge that he would not make a (målene) are not goals to achieve (mål å oppnå) but objectives to claim to the throne while Sigurd the Crusader or Magnus Sigurdsson was work towards (mål å jobbe mot). Teachers are encouraged (opp­ alive. fordres) to continuously refer back (se tilbake) to these guide- Harald once told about some men lines, although what they DO is not specified for each grade(selv in Ireland who could run as fast as hors- om det de gjør ikke er spesifisert for hver klasse) and the guide- es. Magnus then demanded that Harald run a lines have to cover multiple (flere) grade levels; for example race with his horse. If Harald won, he would grades 3 & 4 are covered (er dekket) under the guildelines for receive a gold ring. If he lost, he would lose grade 4. The English guidelines are divided into (delt inn i) four his head! After three laps around the track, Harald won the gold ring. different categories (forskjellige kategorier): language learning Harald did not keep his promise. He as- (språklæring), oral communication (muntlig kommunikasjon), sumed power in the land with the help of written communication (skriftlig kommunikasjon), and culture, Danish warriors. They took Magnus captive society, and literature (kultur, samfunn og litteratur). The official and maimed him. But Harald was slain one document (offisielle dokumentet) for the English subject curricu- year later, while he lay in bed with his lum can be found at (finner du :på) mistress. 03?lplang=eng.

Da Harald Gille kom til Norge, hev- ikke skulle kreve å bli konge mens Sigurd The framework for basic skills (Grunnleggende ferdigheter) det han å være sønn av Magnus Berrføtt. Jorsalfar eller Magnus Sigurdsson levde. Basic skills are also integrated (integrert) into the compe- For å bevise dette måtte han gjennom en En gang fortalte Harald om noen tence aims. These are broken down (delt opp) into oral skills prøve: Han måtte gå på glødende jern. menn i Irland som kunne springe like fort Hvis føttene var uten sår etter en uke, som hester. Magnus krevde da at Harald (muntlige ferdigheter), reading (å kunne lese), writing (å kunne hadde han snakket sant. Snorre Sturluson skulle kappspringe med hesten hans. Hvis skrive), digital skills (digitale ferdigheter), and numeracy (å forteller at føttene til Harald var like fine Harald vant, skulle han få en gullring. Hvis kunne regne). The official document for the Framework for Ba- etterpå! Harald måtte likevel love at han han tapte, skulle han miste hodet! Etter sic Skills can be found at: tre runder på løpebanen vant Harald gull- f2364e1c98b73e030119bd38/framework_for_basic_skills.pdf ringen. and includes a description (beskrivelse) of each skill as well as a Harald holdt ikke løftet sitt, men tok rubric for assessment (rubrikk for vurdering) of each skill. makten i landet med hjelp fra danske 17.NAW.Langeland.CMYK.27Oct2015.qxp_Layout 1 10/27/15 7:57 PM Page 1 krigere. De tok Magnus til fange og mis- handlet ham. Men bare ett år senere, ble Harald drept mens han lå i sengen sam- men med elskerinnen sin. 1888 book now available in English! Norwegians in America, Some Records $29.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. of the Norwegian Emigration to America Written by Knud Langeland • Bilingual English and Norwegian text • 5-1/2″ x 7-1/2″, hardcover, 240 pgs • = $14.95 with FREE shipping in USA Autobiographical, tells of life in Norway before 1843 and early immigrant life in America. Social and political portrait including the Norwegian Norwegian immigrant press. Published as a bilingual, the book includes both an English translation as well as a Norwegian transcription of the 1888 all the way Gothic script. Foreword, biography and back cover review written by Odd S. Lovoll. [Book is not part of the Ulvestad 3-vol-set] through? Call, send check or order from website Made in America! Astri My Astri Publishing Subscribe today: (206) 784-4617 • [email protected] Deb Nelson Gourley Phone: 563-568-6229 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 [email protected] theNorwegianamerican Norsk Språk November 4, 2016 • 21

« You must dare to take courageous and demanding < Sandel decisions. There are no shortcuts. » Fra side 2 – Celina Midelfart holdt hemmelig i 50 år. Ifølge forfatteren var det nok ingen fare Pondus by Frode Øverli for at noen ville bli «såret eller støtt av kri- tiske bemerkninger» etter så lang tid. Hun skriver også at brevene ikke er helt kom- plette, men at «fremtidens forskere nok finner ut av det». Nå skal brevene skannes av biblioteket i Tromsø, før de blir sendt til oppbevaring ved Nasjonalbiblioteket.

< Likestilling Fra side 2

land har hatt en negativ likestillingsutvikling siden i fjor. Når det gjelder økonomi har forskjel- lene forverret seg for kvinnene. Here’s another If he is so stupid that he throws Unbelievable how Rapporten konkluderer med at økono- guy hurting himself from a ledge then he He should many idiots there himself doing gets no sympathy from me know that it’s are in the world! misk likestilling vil inntreffe i 2196, hvis da- base jumping! when he slaps the highway! dangerous! gens nivå og utvikling forsetter. Det innebærer altså at det vil ta 180 år til verdens kvinner er likestilte når det gjelder Lunch by Børge Lund økonomi. Det er en klar forverring fra under- søkelsen i fjor, da det «bare» var 118 år til likestilling ville inntreffe. Målingen viser total nordisk dominans i toppen: Island beholder sin topplassering, mens Finland går forbi Norge. Sverige inne- har fjerdeplassen.

< seierstad Fra side 2

Faren sier til VG at det finnes ulike per­ spektiver på kidnappingsplanene. Han sier det handler om en fars kjærlighet, en redning. — Jeg prøver ikke å kidnappe dem ut, Here we have the result, You can take it up with det er en fars kjærlighetsforsøk. Det er min and it’s clear! The new This can’t possibly be fair! Time the representative... Democracy side av saken. Hvis du ser saken fra den representative is ... Nico! after time those with the most despot! votes walk away with victory! siden, er det akseptabelt. Jeg vil møte døtrene What about the rest of us? mine på et fritt sted og snakke med dem, sier faren til VG. Like etter døtrene reiste i oktober 2013, Hjalmar by Nils Axle Kanten reiste faren ned til Syria for å prøve å hente søstrene hjem. Seierstad skriver at han fant den eldste datteren, forhandlet med IS og fikk snakke med henne i fem minutter. «Vi vil leve her», var beskjeden. Han måtte reise hjem uten dem. Foreldrene kontaktet selv Kagge forlag for å fortelle om hvordan søstrene ble radi- kalisert. — Vi ville gjerne at det som skjedde med oss, ikke skal skje med noen andre. Vi vil dele våre opplevelser og erfaringer så andre kan unngå å havne i samme situasjon som oss, sier faren til VG. Turkish pepper, Men å få døtrene ut av Syria koster, yes that’s good! Yes, my brother is coming to visit with an Iranian woman. I think it’s nice to offer something foreign skriver Seierstad. Smugleren skulle finne so we don’t seem completely ignorant. bilder og videoer av norske IS-krigere som de kunne selge til avisene. Seierstad beskriv- er, ut fra meldingsloggene, at det for faren Han Ola og Han Per by Peter J. Rosendahl, with new translations by John Erik Stacy hastet å få døtrene ut av Syria i 2015. Fordi de begge var gravide og snart skulle barnebarna bli født under et terror- velde. «Vi har klart å infiltrere sykehuset [...]. Jo oftere hun kommer, desto større mulighet vil vi ha til å gripe henne», skriver smugleren i 2015, like før lillesøster skal føde. Men de greier aldri å få dem ut. I dag antar familien at søstrene fortsatt befinner seg i terrorbyen Raqqa. De vet trolig ikke at boken om dem kommer. Før boken publiseres, har Seierstad My goodness, Per, This should be a good idea. måttet se på søstrenes sikkerhet. Om IS kan will there be war? Yeah you bet! I can finne på å straffe dem for boken. Seierstad You are the same fool you spread muck all over sier det ikke er noen eksempler på at noen i have always been, Ola. the field with this. IS blir lastet for hva familien sier. 22 • November 4, 2016 Fiction theNorwegianamerican Flu Season fiction by John M. Floyd

f he’s sick,” O’Neal said, “may- Illustration: Plunderpuss be he’ll die on his own.” a nearby oak tree. Behind it, the main tent I Patty shook her head. “He just loomed dark against a blue sky. “So stop your worrying. From has a cold. Sniffles and sneezes.” “What do you mean, hurry things this point on, we’re in control.” She tucked Amid cheers and whistles she took They were crouching together in the up?” the bottle back into her pocket and stud- her place against the backboard. Everyone shadows at the edge of the woods, watch- Patty turned to look at O’Neal, her ied the strongman’s face. She felt relaxed grew quiet. Patty stood with chin high and ing Tom Tennison practice. For as long as thoughts interrupted. now, her anger gone. “He’ll take his first arms spread while the drums began to roll. Patty had known Tom, even before they “Nothing good happens, in this and only dose of cold remedy tomorrow Pulses quickened; trumpets blared. The air were married, he practiced two hours a world,” she said, “unless you make it hap- morning. And then I’m free.” crackled with tension. Balloons and bulls- day, every day. pen.” She rose to her feet and took a new O’Neal gave her a sly grin. “At least eyes and candles were gone now. This was Tom Tennison threw knives for the bottle of decongestant from her jeans free of him.” the real thing. circus. pocket. FOR COLDS AND FLU, the la- She giggled, folded herself into his And then Tom went to work, calmly “Colds can turn into pneumonia, my bel said. “He asked me to get this for him arms. Together they moved deeper into tracing the outline of his wife’s body with ma used to say. And he’s not so young any- today, in town. Tonight, after the show, I’ll the shadows. perfectly thrown five-inch blades. Every more—” lace it with rat poison.” knife was right on target, and Patty never “No,” Patty whispered. “I told you, O’Neal stood also, his eyes glittering. hat night the big top was almost blinked an eye. It was a stunning display I’m not waiting. He’ll outlive us both, un- “Why not now?” full. Hundreds of people from of skill and nerves. After every throw the less we do something.” There was no need “Because I don’t have the poison now, Tthree counties watched and ate crowd roared its approval. to whisper, of course, or to crouch. They that’s why, and I don’t want a record of me popcorn and oohed and aahed as perform- But on the 10th throw, which was were too far away to be seen or heard. But buying any. I’ll sneak some from the sup- ers flew through the air and galloped in supposed to plant a knife an inch to the she was taking no chances. ply truck tonight.” circles and juggled fiery torches in the right of Patty’s slender white neck, some- “Then what’s the plan?” O’Neal flexed “And if he needs a dose before the name of entertainment and money. thing went wrong. his muscles as he spoke. At 38 he was a show?” One of the highlights was Texas Tom The tent fell silent. Time seemed little past his prime as a weightlifter, but “He can wait.” She felt a twinge of an- Tennison. to stand still. An instant later the whole his strongman act was still a good draw, ger, at both O’Neal and her husband. “A Conversations and breathing were crowd—except for those who had fainted and he knew it. little head cold never hurt anybody. Every- momentarily suspended as Tom and his dead away—started screaming. In the cen- He was not, however, very strong one’s sniffling, it’s that time of year.” pretty assistant, who was wearing a cow- ter ring, Tom and his assistant stood and in the brains department. Not that that O’Neal, still rippling his muscles, boy hat and not much else, took center stared, eyes wide with shock. mattered much, to Patty. She was smart seemed to ponder that. “This is too com- stage. Tom’s eyes were puffy and heavy- “Gesundheit,” Carol Ann said. enough for both of them. And it sure plicated,” he said. “Why don’t I just twist lidded, but no one seemed to notice. He didn’t matter to O’Neal; he wasn’t smart his neck?” blew his nose, put his handkerchief away, enough to know he wasn’t smart. “Because I don’t want you—or me— and beamed at the crowd. Within seconds John M. Floyd’s work has “The plan is, we hurry things up a to go to prison, that’s why. We have to be his knives were dancing in the lights, spin- appeared in more than 200 little,” she answered, her gaze fixed on cautious.” ning and whumping into a tall backboard different publications, in- cluding Alfred Hitchcock’s her husband’s back, there on the far side He snorted. “If we were cautious, you 20 feet away. Balloons popped, candles Mystery Magazine, Ellery of the clearing. He still looked good, she wouldn’t still be part of his act. Here we were snuffed out. Carol Ann stood at his Queen’s Mystery Magazine, thought. As straight and tall as ever, de- are, together six months now, and you still elbow, holding his knives and trying not The Strand Magazine, The spite his 60 years. let him throw knives at you every night.” to look bored. Saturday Evening Post, and She would miss him, in a way . . . “That’s how I know we’re safe. He Finally Patty Tennison appeared, The Best American Mystery His assistant, a young blonde named wouldn’t think I’d take that risk, if I were dressed in a shiny leotard and boots. She Stories 2015. A former Air Force captain and Carol Ann, stood beside him in the knee- fooling around on him.” bowed to the crowd, her forehead almost IBM systems engineer, John is also a three-time Derringer Award winner, an Edgar nominee, and high grass, shivering in the cool wind and “Guess not,” O’Neal agreed. Fifty touching the sawdust, then blew Tom a the author of six collections of short fiction:Rain - handing him his knives like a surgical yards away, Tom Tennison’s knives flashed kiss. He tipped his hat and grinned at her. bow’s End, Midnight, Clockwork, Deception, nurse. The blades thunked one by one into in the sun. The crowd loved it. Fifty Myseries, and Dreamland. theNorwegianamerican Puzzles November 4, 2016 • 23

Norwenglish Crossword by Andrew R. Thurson Puzzles by Sölvi Dolland

Directions: Translate English words to Norwegian, or vice versa, before posting in the puzzle. #17 / 92 “Norsk mynter”

Across/ 48. Ståltau Vannrett 51. Luft 1. Rettferdig 52. Pupil 5. Floor (naut.) 53. Rope 9. Whistling 54. Rød 12. Uvirksom 55. Scared 13. Jern 56. Nekte 14. Pea 15. Voyagers 17. Imagine Down/ 18. Hucksters Loddrett 19. Tverrskips 1. Fisk 21. Clear (up) 2. Goodbye 22. Defraud 3. In onion 24. Messe 4. Henviser 27. Lightning 5. Skrekkelig 28. Glane 6. Ear 31. All 7. Helm 32. Us 8. Kna 33. Cunning 9. Havørn 34. Shoot 10. The urn 36. SSØ 11. Forstavn 37. Øl 16. Er 38. Skylle 20. Bridge 40. Take 22. Galley 41. Sobel 23. Heed 27. Tap 37. Port 42. Aria 46. Øyne 43. More moder- 24. Ado 29. Cap 39. Nyere 42. Lived 49. Hurry ate 25. Elg 30. Ta feil 40. Tjære 44. Kårde 50. Harbor 47. Inn 26. Starboard 35. To 41. Notch 45. Clean Norsk-Engelsk Kryssord by Ed Egerdahl of the Scandinavian Language Institute Ed Egerdahl wrote these puzzles for Scandinavian Language Institute’s classes at Seattle’s Nordic Heritage Museum. It’s possible a few of the clues will make more sense if you remember that—there may be some Seattle-centric answers. There’s definitely some wacky humor, and if you find yourself uncertain about a two-letter answer, try “Ed.” VANNRETT 39. Ålesund fisk norge (N) = skriv på norsk. Otherwise, the answers are in English. 1. Masse bråk 40. Sjekke alderen på pub 18. (n) Kong Haakons kone 4. Synonym for #20 lodd 41. (n) hunkjønns-konfirmanten 20. Overnattings plass 9. (n) genser giver 43. Der du finner Seattles beste norsk 21. (n) kaffegoderier 12. Få 100% på en eksamen klasser (skolens initialer) 22. Bil apparat 13. Der du bor 44. (n) ordending for #42 lodd 23. Slippe seg ut av 14. Komme med spørsmål 47. Sør-california fotball univ. 24. Norsk kryssord fyll 15. Våt på gresset 48. Sette nye puter på stolsetene 25. Le høyt av #24 lodd er et 16. Grøtpanne 50. (n) norskehavs fisk eksempel 17. Dette kryssordets mål 51. Gypsy eller spike 26. Hode produkter (?) 19. Uffda! 52. De viktigste militaristiske dagene 28. Medisin 21. (n) 1- den fyller vann 53. (n) mulig, ålreit 31. (n) senter av den siviliserte verden (n) 2 - den heiser høyt 32. (n) norsk eller fra et annet 22. Ikke akkurat den sterkeste naboland nordpå muskelmannen LODDRETT 34. Prøver å miste noe?! 24. (n) første søndagen i 2017 1. Verdens absolutt jobb—sier jeg! 35. Øl serverer 27. Tsar eller tennismann 2. Smøre krem på kaken 37. Mellom din hage og din nabos 28. Stakk med albuen 3. Litt bakvendt tidlig-januar ønske— hage 29. Mannen med planen!—vær så se #4 lodd (to ord) 38. Hushjelp god! 4. Innledning til #3 lodd 40. Kunst materiale 30. (n) mann og kone 5. Orkester instrument 41. (n) Jesu fødselsdag 31. Kjørte sykkel 6. Unge 42. Ordendingen som viser 32. Skotsk negativ 7. Å komme med flere #24 lodd er nasjonalitet 33. Noen gang #10 lodd, noen gang hans rare spesialitet 43. Helsesenter legendarisk norsk lærer fra ballard 8. Resultat av å ha studert lenge i 45. Der mange fiskere føler seg 34. (n) gudbrands-, halling- og eger- (!) norsk klasse med Ed (vel?) hjemme 35. Florida-bys begynnelse 9. (n) finsk spesialitet 46. Familie 36. Kommer til bensin-stasjonen igjen 10. En som synes at norsk klasse er 49. Spesielt i #31 lodd er han en (eller kaffemaskinen!) dum (forsiktig nå!) gigant i norsk-språk industrien (og i 38. Små butikker 11. (n) den begynner på mandag i sitt eget hode)

The Scandinavian Hour Lodge Linne #429 VOA’s 38th Annual Celebrating over 50 years on the air! Scandinavian Import and Gift Sale KKNW – 1150 AM Nov. 19, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST Salt Brook School Streaming live on the internet at: 40 Maple St., New Providence, NJ 07974 Call (908) 665-1292 for more information thank you for reading The Norwegian American! tusen takk 24 • November 4, 2016 Bulletin Board theNorwegianamerican

Ole and Sven grabbed their Ti tusen takk! poles and headed out to do some ice fishing. As they were augering a hole in the ice, they heard a loud voice from above say, “There are no fish under the ice.” Ole and Sven moved about 25 feet over and started to make another hole. The voice said a little stronger, “There are no fish N.A. notes under the ice.” The end to daylight They both looked around For those of us who ob- and then looked up. Ole said in serve Daylight Savings time, a humble voice, “Are you God?” the end is here. Arizona, you The voice spoke back, “No, carry on the way you do. But you idiots! I’m the ice rink atten- for the rest of us, I’ve got bad dant.” news and good news. Darker evenings? Boo. But at least we get an extra hour of weekend as a consolation prize. Don’t forget to change that one clock you still have that doesn’t auto- matically update!

Happy Veterans Day Thank you, veterans! Your service means a lot to all of us, and not just because of the day Ole and Lena off in November (we at The America’s favorite Norwegians! Norwegian American won’t Photo: Molly Jones be taking the day off this year We said goodbye last week to this nameless nisse who decided he wanted to live with Brianna anyway). Colburn. She was the winner of our Facebook contest to get us up over 10,000 likes. Which we did! Brianna, we hope you’ll keep up posted on how the little guy settles in with you. Nils Anders sure had a good time getting to know him. We think they might be siblings, but we can’t prove it because the new guy lost his papers. He likes our paper, though!



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