Human Evolution
EDITORIAL BOARD EDITOR Alan Bryan COVER ARTWORK Bonnie Koenig SUBSCRIPTION EDITOR Linda Suss ASSOCIATE EDITORS KENELM BURRIDGE Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1W5 STEPHEN L. CUMBAA National Museum of Natural Sciences, 491 Bank St., Ottawa, Ontario K1A OM8 DELL HYMES Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Penn. 19104 JUNJI KOIZUMI Faculty of Arts, Aichi Kenritsu University, Nagoya 467 Japan RAY LeBLANC Archaeological Survey of Alberta, 8820 - 112 St., Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2P8 GERTRUDE NICKS Provincial Museum of Alberta, 12845 - 102 Ave., Edmonton, Alberta T5N OM6 TOM SHAY Department of Anthropology, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man. T3T 2M6 The CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ANTHROPOLOGY/REVUE CANADIENNE D'ANTHRO- POLOGIE is published twice yearly (spring and fall) by the Department of Anthropology at the University of Alberta. MANUSCRIPTS These should be addressed to the Editor, CJA/RCA, Department of Anthropology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T6G 2H4. Instructions for the preparation of manuscripts can be found on the inside back cover. REPRINTS Fifty (50) reprints will be provided gratis to each author or group of authors. Additional reprints will be available at a cost to be determined. SUBSCRIPTIONS Please make cheques payable to: Canadian Journal of Anthropology. (Canadian Funds in Canada; U.S. Funds for all other countries) Individual: $15 per volume Institutional: $30 per volume Complete back file sets are available for continuing subscribers. Prices of back volumes and individ- ual issues available on request. ADVERTISEMENTS Information can be obtained by writing to The Editor. 0 1980 The Canadian Journal of Anthropology Revue Canadienne d'Anthropologie RICHARD FRUCHT MEMORIAL ESSAY PRIZE The CJA/RCA will award an annual prize in memory of Professor Richard Frucht for an essay on the general topic of historical materialism.
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