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-V' i.tpr m . 10, NO. 200. \ ll^^#|^^S|£gSig|g GRAND.FORKS. N. D..: SATURI^ pVE^ING, OCTOBER 30, 1915, EIGHT PAGES—PRICE FIVE CENTS.

HOW GERMANS BREAK ROAD TO TURKEY Trench Life Isn't Appealing to J * AU Men; Brother of N. Dakotan HtSTCUSHH ' • Declares Himself Dissatisfied VliA-CARRMIZA austw»£ Ten Years in Army, and is Right Glad His ,:V'v£Vxrl.' SAmfBEPntlED :Sei^ipe':is Nearly rite Man Greater ; i Little Nation'^ Armies Are Piece of War Engine Found f -'^Slaves Than the Negrtf^Sver Was: Eyes of Observers are Cen­ -&K 'jll Hard Pressed From sill ki:fcfc is Deterntined to be Part tered on Mountain Past Quarters. 9 ^ wmm- Devils' Iiake, N. D., Oct JO.— about the war- -well I know very of o. A letter that Indicates that' all little myself." Near Douglas. w Isn't satisfactkm in the trenches, Iiinney insists that he is and that there are men anxious­ so used to sleeping on the ground v ^RUMANIA J«^Y ly waiting for the completion of that he fears he will have trouble GERM ANSDENIED 3Z#i ENTEl THE WAR their service, was received by H. getting used to a bed again. His FEAR ATTEMPT TO J. Iilnney from his brother Will letter Is Interrupted: SUB SANK HER 3 m I^nney, with the British army on ATTACK AMERICANS T^oA.-V-''^ " the French front. On January "There Is a bit of a scrap going • •: v>V.: 11 Idriney will have - completed on as I am writing this. I can Report* Indicate thit Bnchiwst Gov- hear the rifles and maxims going B^gmJs Ssfla Greece twelve years? scrrioe with the Teutons Said Ml^tal' Could Not be 220mihs Big Villa Army, Which Will Attack •< erament Has Concluded IViTonUe British army who states that un­ off. It has Just gone 10 o'clock - . - Nish and they generally start now and From less parliament passes another of Investi­ OsnstMtUnfls Defenders of City, Is Nearby—Will Negotiations . -with, Allies—Greeks act they will have no further hold keep It up until daylight. Of • SSO * BRmSH On Mm', . course when they have a big ar­ gation of Experts Will -be Sent to " to Salorfcte Pass Close to the Encamped United , Greatly Interested- In Report. tillery dual they shoot Iron back aso - NAVAL FORCE Relerrlnj to the pay received Germany.' NmH to SsleinM 230 " unney states that he lias • l-a Into the earth faster than yoii >:•:«"Vvs", V-' • • Suies Soldiers. pence left. peoplq over there can dig It out." • London, Oct. 80,-t/Tbe portion Ijinney tells of a narrow es­ , "*® ?ods, what a price for men cape, being singled out in a pe­ According to dispatches from Berlin, the Austro-Germans have hacked ' of Serbia is beanallg more des- to be selling their lives for, and Washington, •••Oct. 30.—Secretary Washington, Oct. 30.—Skirmishing >. pernte dally and Niah Is threat­ culiar manner. He had been their way through northeastern Serbia, and have thus made a road for yet they say the days of slavery serving with a French mortar bat­ Lansing announced today that the munitions to pass from Germany to T urkey. Where the Germans and Bul­ between Villa and Carranza forces ened by the Bolgar^fuis while the arc over. Some white men today tery. One Saturday night the offi­ navy department'had established the garians have effected a junction of their forces it is only flftv miles from near Agua Prieta. are reported today Austrians and Germans are giad- are bigger slaves than the nigger cer In command told him to go fact that the ent of an engine Austria to Bulgaria. . by Major General Funston. u*Ily opening a way toward the ever was. Mind you some men back to the 114th, without offer. of war which tk the Allan liner The main Villa army camped last gre«t Serbian arsenal at Kraguye- "f making s good thing out of Ing an explanation. I4nney says: night on the banks of the San Ber­ war, an mttinff Hesperian was of a torpedo. The nardino river IS miles from Slaugh­ q^W>. Rome report# that the Ser­ others "I never stopped to find the German governmi bian capital has been removed to next to nothti)*." Then he adds: reason, but packed up and went. t has persistently ter's ranch. The position of the main a "certain point." • But I' cannot tell you anything .That was on a Saturday. Monday denied that the esperlan was tor- BRITISH TRGOPS ORDERED Villa forces are satisfactory to the The latest reports from Sofia about the war. We aire n6t al- ..they were shelled by the Germans pedoed. In ,th«i. ilnlon of the United war department because, barring ac­ lowed to; I might write a lot of States naval exwu,, cidents, the Carranza troops now be­ ' say, that the Serbians are In re­ for 18 hours. Their dugout was the fragment NEW CABINET IS ing transported through the American treat in a westerly direction alone Ilea, the same as you read In the smashed and only one man of the could, not have bfen part of a marine TO JOIN WITH SERBIANS; paras, but yon must take them mine. • territory, will have reached Agua the. Bulgarian front.. JTnofflclat twelve came out whole." Prieta before night. Mches state that 4 Bulcarlw* n M bull.' • -I' cannot tell' you'where H. J. Iiinney expects his brother The secretafy. Mid the result of the officer commanding the advancvance we arevonly somewhere In France to come to America with the com­ navy department's investigation im­ HAVE DEPARTED SMI patrol dined with tine Austro-Ger- and as for telling you anything pletion of his service. mediately would',; be communicated Watch Mountain Pass. PRESENIED TODAY Douglas, Ariz., Oct. 30.—All eyes nun staff. The BulgaHans arrest either, to the, tjirman government • Paris, Oct. 80.—British troops thattheyarein possession of Ne- directly or to Aixtbassador Bernstorlt. - which landed at Salonlkl a^e said are centered today at a point nine gotln, Bria,. Palnnka, Zapecar, It is volunteered ".that no information miles east of here marking the moun­ Knlajevats and several villages in has been received regarding what by the Haras correspondent there tain pass through which Villa is ex­ the Tlmok valley which gives form the communication to the Ger­ to have received orders from Ix>n- pected to swing tonight or tomorrow them a strategical' position of man government 'jhight take. don to depart for the Serbian with about 8,000 men to attack or primal*}' Importance.' Germany lias; made to the United besiege the Carransa garrison of Agua M ASKS 0. S. front. The correspondent says Prieta. Villa also has 28 field pieces. With the exception of an un­ States a qualified dlsolalmer of' re­ Junction with the Serbian troops official report the-French are now sponsibility for t|>e. sinking of the Hes­ Meet President Poincare of Calles, si Carransa commander, has firmly in possession of Strumitis perian. in a note to Ambassador already has been fCTected. 3,700 troops and 10 pieces of artil­ and no news Is received concern­ Gerard September 14, the foreign of­ lery, and between 80 and 60 machine ing the military movements of the am LEAGUE fice said on the face of th^ evidence France—Begin Work guns. entente allies in the Balkans. TO CIVE SUPPORT then at hand, Germany was satisfied Sweeping westward toward Agua From Bulgarian sources dis­ that the Hesperidii' was not sunk by a at Once. Prieta, the Villa forces must pass near patches were received that a sea­ German submarine. ASK COMMISSION the encampment of the American port recently bombarded suffered troops with orders to keep the Mexi­ severely. Along the other fronts can soldiers on their own side of the severe fighting is reported with-1 TO CHECK PUNS line, and prevent them from shooting Paris, Oct. 80.—Premier Briand •1 . out decisive results. An Import­ Into the United States. ant struggle Is tat progress on the presented President Poincare at the Sightseers are crowding Douglas fOR POUSH AO; palace of Klysee this morning the Austro-Italian line. Vienna re­ Purpose is to Inform All for a spectacle of a probable battle ports Italian attacks were re­ Want China to Postpone Re- members of the new cabinet. tomorrow. pulsed after a sanguinary strug­ Immediately thereafter, the first Villa's army resumed at daylight its gle. Citizens of the Nation's establishment of Mon­ formal meeting of the cabinet was march on Agua Prieta, preceded by It is reported unofficially that held for the exchange of views on the the cavalry advance guard, which King George Who fell from his /''Needs."" 'V " M DESTITUTE diplomatic and military situation. A reached a point 18 miles east of here. hone passed a good day yester­ archy Till War Ends. meeting will be held Monday to decide The Carranza army scouts report day. . upon terms of the ministerial declara- Villa's m«Sn are hardly In condition to Between 20 and 30 Millions tlon to parliament, whloh will be sub­ fight, and that women and children From the office of the National Se­ Passed 19,000 Mark Today mitted to Poincare at the meeting with composing the customary camp fol­ Shortage of Ammunition Tokyo, Oct. 30.—The Japanese gov­ cabinet Tuesday. lowers, are in a pitiable state. curity league in Washington, D. C., It ernment requested the m'erlcan gov­ the l>oses Dvinsk and Riga is announced that Governor L. 3. ernment to give its support in the rep­ —Brisk Registration on Are in Dire Need The New Cabinet. Hanna of North Dakota has assured resentations which are being made Paris, Oct. 80—The new French cab­ Iiondon, Oct: sp^^Tha jfallurs of at Peking for the purpose of post- Firii of Aid. inet, according to a list given out-late the Gernjgns to'take MmJSSP* UM* will- give Jils hearty.,1^. poning the M-establlshment otanon- yesterday afternoon by the until- rv»- .News agency following a conference al pr«(>aTedne^rajmm^ poislbl» ' ^t- wwr isi en^ascl. - v . ^f^Meh-'£rie&taf BrifKnd ;4teld "with his^. . • There is milch interest here' lh the (Herald :1a] Service.)' Washington; Oct. 80:—has colleaguirt and which ls.cohsldered-an< heavily ^^da^^unry, --.which/ pro­ ten's; a^Ked the American commission for thorltativs, Svle^Plb has asked ^iSlovernor attitude the Germain' diplomats at Minot, N.^D., Oct 30.-—Registration will be composed aS fol^ hibit mass t&opg. but Peking regard the form of China's for the Fort Berthold land opening relief in Belgium, to undertake In Po­ lows: • to a German shortage of ammunition Hanna to appoint a committee of land relief measures similar to those state citltens to take charge of the government. passed the 19,000 mark here today, Premier and Minister of Foreign which is said to be becoming critical. with 19,181 registered at 11 o'clock taken in Belgium. Affairs—. Send Request. this morning. State .department officials have Vice President of the Cabinet and been Informed that between twenty Minister of State—Charles de Frey- Terrific Bombardment Peking, Oct. 30.—The Japanese Yesterday, 1,240 registered, and during the first half of this day 680 and- thirty millions of people In that cine. Hundreds of Residents Pay by Allies Announced government on October 16, communi­ part of Poland occupied by the Ger­ Minister of War—General J. S. Gal- cated to the entente powers and Unit­ listed themselves. i. It is now deemed likely that.the 20,- man troops are destitute and in dire lieni. ' Constantinople, via London., Oct. ed States a request that they act with need. .- Minister of Justice—Rene Vlvianl. Tribute to Children it in attempting to bring about the 000 mark will be passed in Minot be­ 80.—The Turkish war office.announ fore registration ends at midnight to­ To care for them would mean the Minister of the. Interior—Louis J. ces a terrific bombardment by the postponement of the change in the night. expenditure of approximately )30,- Malvy. Killed in Fire. allies on Gallipoli'peninsula has caved form of Chinese government. The 000,000 monthly, it is said. . Minister of Marine—Rear Admiral United states and France abstained At the other points,' registration on In certain trenches on the Turkish left the closing day is quite brisk, and .the' Lacaze. wing. The official statement says from participation in the steps Minister of Finance—Alexandre Ri- taken at Peking by the Japenese, groBs total for three points, Bismarck, FIRE DESTROYS heavy bombardment by the. enemy at Plaza and ;Mlnot, will be nearly,. 80,- bot. Peabody, Mass., Oct. 80.—This busy other points, aid4d.by two monitors, Great Britain and Russia. GEORGETOWN STORE Minister of Public Instruction and manufacturing town hushed its ma­ accomplished noTesults. 000.: • chinery today to pay tribute, to the - ij Much Speculation. Inventions'Concerning Kational De­ Moorhead, Minn., Oct. SO.—The fense—Prof. Paul Palnleve. memory of 21 little girls who lost Fall of Piret is Severe This phase of the situation is caus­ Bernstein general store was complete­ Minister of Public Works—Marcel their lives in the fire which destroyed ing much speculation among the Chi­ ly burned shortly after noon, when a Sembat. St. John's parochial school Thursday. Blow to the Serbs nese officials, some of whom. express gasoline stove in the back end of the Minister of Commerce — Etienne The parents of three of the children the belief that France and the United PEOPLE W LOOS . building exploded, and started a blase Clementel. elected to have the little ones burled • Sofia, Oct. 80.—The fall of ' Piret States are not willing to follow the that could not be extinguished. The Minister of Colonies—Gaston Dou- In private, but for the eighteen others, Wednesday morning was a severe blow Japan leadership in oriental policies. Georgetown fire department kept the mergue. public mass was held at St. John's to the Serbian army since the reduc­ flames confined to the store and pre­ Minister of Agriculture—Jules Meline. Roman Catholic church. tion' of this strong position leaves an Iswwtng Silent. vented them from spreading. The Minister of Labor—Albert Metln. Hundreds of residents joined In the open road to Nlsh and invites a strong Secretary Lansing declined to dis- BEINCSHLTERED millinery store in the adjoining struc­ Ministers Without Portfolio—Emil procession to the church, which wss Bulgarian advance toward-the center cuss the nature of Japan's request ture caught Are, but this was extin­ Combes, Leon Bourgeolrs, Denys able to accommodate only a few of of old Serbia. to the United States to. support the guished. before any damage Was done. Cochin and Jules Guesde. those desiring admittance. The capture of Piret followed three general representation to China, advis­ The building was insured. The exact Under Secretary of State, War and days of desperate fighting, ending at ing against any change in her form Town is Now Under Con­ loss is not known. Munitions—Albert Thomas. IRELAND BECOMES alghtfoll October 26. During the of government at this time. Under Secretary of State for Sub­ It is known that the Japanese, am­ sistence—Joseph Thiery. SELF-SUPPORTING night the Serbs evacuated the city, ' Governor Hanna. tinual Fire and is Un­ sacrificing materials in the hands of bassador here recently took up the sit­ TURK IS GIVEN Under Secretary of State for Sani­ the Bulgarians. If is asserted here ijampajgn of education within the uation informally with Lansing. Notes HIGH HONORS tary Service—Justin Godart. Dublin, Ireland, Oct. 80.—Ireland on the subject have, been exchanged, inhabited. . Under Secretary, of State for Avia­ Is gradually becoming self-support­ that the Serbian losses are extremely state, the purpose being to acquaint it is understood. heavy. • ''•' . citizens generally more thoroughly London, Oct. 30.—An enthusiastic tion—Rene Resnard. ing in a political sense, the latest rev­ Under Secretary of State for Marine enue returns showing that for the With, the nation's needs in the matter tribute to the Turk as an honorable —Louis Nail. past year the taxes come within $1,- Russians Try to " of proper defense. - Paris, Oct. 80.—The inhabitants of fighter c6mes In a letter from an 800,000 of equalling the expenditures. . The purpose of the league Is not to Loos, who had lived a year- under Australian officer to a relative in Lon­ • • • • • For 1913 the deficit was $6,100,000 Land Many Troops intefere in any way with plans for German rule in sight of the British don. THE WEATHER. and for 1912 it was over $7,000,000. increasing the system of defense. As lines before the town was reoaptured "The''Australians wil! hear nothing An official report on relations be­ Copenhagen, Oct. SO.—Large con explained by Harry L. West, executive September 26, have been transported said against the Turks," he writes. North Dakota: Partly cloudy tween Ireland and Great Britain tingents of Russian troops . set nail secretary of the' leag^e, the aim' is: to to the Ryrenees to be sheltered there "I want "to warn you against the tales tonight and Sunday. Cooler shows how the proportion of the pop­ from the Black sea,' ports - of Odessa give congress indisputable proof that until their town, now under the. con­ of .Turkish atrocities in Galllpoll or Sunday and in west portion to­ * ulation of Ireland has fallen in rela­ and Sebastopol for the Bulgarian the whole country desires and de­ tinual fire of German batteries, 'be­ elsewhere. -We knew all about the night. tion to that of the United Kingdom coast, the Berlin Tagehlatt. says. mands an adequate system of -de­ comes inhabitable again.' Turk. Haven't we fought against him as a whole, as follows: The dispatch telegraphed to Tage fense. Mr. West was, until recently, a . They brought with them copies-of for..months? He may be a colored in­ UNIVERSITY READINGS. * Census Grt. Britain Ireland Percent blatt from Bucharest, says .the tran­ commissioner of .'the'District' of Co­ popers publihsed by the German au­ fidel, but he fights like a Christian 18,500,000 sports are convoyed by a strong gentleman. One of our fellows went 1841 8,176,000 81 lumbia. . • \ ' Stations Established in Arc­ thorities in the in * 7 a.m. 29; maHmnm M; mlnl- 1861 28,100,000 6.800,000 20 squadron. The recent attack :by the' Belgium and circulated in' northern out to get a Turk sniper. Something * mum as; wind, 10 miles, sooth- 1881 29,700,000 6.175,000 16 Russian war ships on the " Bulgarian France.in which there appear numer­ went -WTong and the Turk got him. * east; barometer 39.08. port7 of Varna, according to this ac­ 1901 37,000,000 4,460,000 11 tic Keep Vessels Informed ous - advertisements that are occupy­ But, he: put,up a good, fight against • • • • •. * • • 1911 40,880,000 4,390,000 9.7 count,, was made in preparation-for an ing .the attention of the French au­ numbers, and the 'Turks were so attempt to land troops.' thorities on the supposition that .they pleased:, with him that they dressed of the Free Channels. • refer to war booty taken in ~ France his wounds-and .'gave him a'bottle of Greek Government is and Belglum and put on sale by the wine and water and sent him back to Germans. us." Given Much Attention One advertisement runs: "A thou­ The; same officer remarks that at London, Oct 80.-—-Wireless telegra­ sand'second hand elecrtic-motors and first the English Indian troops re- I Promise -'>!Athens, Via London," Oct 80.—JThe phy has, opened a polar sea route fro>m dynamos for sale." garded .the. -Auftrallan troops ;with favorable attitude Rumania-is-report­ central Russia to Great Britain. Wire­ 'Among the others are the follow- contempt" 'and considered it almost Those four words are ed to have adopted toward the entente less stations established by the Rus­ nig; "Sensational offering , of .8,600 undignified to'be.asked to fight along To Pay . the crux of every financial allies |s engaging the close attention sian government in the arctic keep machines,- new or nearly new, at half Side them. "The Gurkhas bucked of * the Greek government general River Choked with Corpses their value. Including, crushers, roll­ when they were first put beside us," obligation. staff. The definite outcome the nego­ the vessels advised as to the . channels ing, mills, mixers and presses,' pumps, he says. 'They said that we were not tiations of the . entente powers at , V,; Floating ( Down > freest from ice. Acting on their in­ steam boilers amd locomobiles." - trained: soldiers and that lt was not Bucharest are awaited anxiously. formation, two large vessels chartered "Selling out at factory prices 600 fair to-have'to fight with. us. Then by a Siberian trading company have pianos, ..first makes." ' . we got into a charge, together, aVd With the right „ name / - Vu Stream* Juat. arrived at Grimsby with cargoes "One. hundred and' fifty thousands now . they admiringly call us the I*lace Cards Sent to from the Tenesel and Obi districts of White Gurkhas." > .V. ,i~v- written below them they central Siberia, valued at 11,760,000. of champagne > for sale at prices that u are as good as gold. /: All Military Leaders . The Obi and Tenesel are huge rivers defy competition." London,. Oct., 80.—"Accounts have with a great depth of waterT taking The houses Inserting these adver­ BOY SETS FIRE, ** ' Oct. 80.—The minister of war reached here;" say* 4-'2&uter dispatch steamers of any sice.'. But it was not tisements' are said to be" German J' military. governors of Paris from Petrograd,' of ^spectacular fight until lately that their navigation was firms that-' have established them- BURNS TO DEATH "I promise to pay" is to. Itf'ons and the generals command­ on the lsland of Daten. on the Dv(na put in practice. selves In .Brussels since the occupa­ ing *he military districts of Prance river, a few mlles^sovitheast of Riga, , Owing to the use of the trans-Si- tion. _ ; • ' ; ' A " pay the seeker in more de­ . Farl* Oet. 80.—FVsnch with German col Bd floating and Mrs. George Brownson of Spirit- mother tried to save him, but the. the'allies. ? 1 AL sirable goods—in lessened tart night atBol^sn* Kaohean. the re- down, stream, and .tftdi_ theGer Next year the company proposes to wood took place at the home of Mrs. flames had. gained such headway she' mSK man forces had' bte'n. almost .entirely take about thirty steamers' over the. A. W. Dunwell, the home of their could not reach him. Nothing in the % ui®' prices, in needed things or wiped out." home was sayed. j j< new White sea route, laden with Si­ daughter. i> H !~ berian products. Even If the' war Both are Canadian* by birth and ii< •V in services. the Frenoh war otfice. MISTAKE COSTS ends before this time, it. is pointed'out were married at Stratford, Ontario, SEPARATOR MAN ^ • * < V * V that the Siberian railway will be more fifty years ago. In If87 they came v ; , .. ., ... M AJIAW «AUST." LIVES OF or, less tied up with back business and to. Splritwood which <(ver since has GROUND TO DEATH Men who sign their ;PaHi»;:;Oct.' 10.'—^*he Montenegrin the' returning of troops. / been their home. Then enjoy a fam­ received the fojlow , Cutnbsrland. W;is., 'Oct 80.—While ily of si? sons and f«ur daughters, Graftan, N. D., Oct. 30.—Hans Han- name to advertising are tag ofilolal dlspatoh: - >•*". v dolng the family washing on h$r bus- "MILLIONAIRE'' IS ^ '*11 of whom are livlMT. There has Son, separator man of the Haroldson men who make good, - battle between the Ifonte biuid's Ham hear hfra ycsterday, Mrs. not- been a death in !l^ie; Immediate threshlngrrlg, wa« Injured so serious­ negrlo* andAustii*nsbegan south of Ptjii Riccl, mlirtaking a p&ll Of gasoline ' ; "ON TH& ROCKS" family-for half a centtfry, a remark- ly that'he died'soen-after being taken sfi- Vbhegrad(Bosnla). .October ?l. Th* tor waterc poured it Into a kettle' on able.record. All the -children are to a hospital here. His clothing " R.pays.to read the atvertMag • result u hoi yet known. •'<' - the Move. An cntploslon followed Seattle, Wash.,, Oct; 80.—-John Con- -married with . the exception of two caught In the belt and .he was thrown In a live newspaper like The Her­ .: ."Tho Montenegrin* attackedatti the wkleh killed h«r >-y0j»-old .*on and atdlne* .member of the theatrical firm daughters and *11 mak^ their home In around the rapidly tnovlng wheel un­ ald and to patrontas it* a&rwrtUh i&Kfc1**V snergetleally' at Gora, ln» 8?yiST-old daughter and Inflicted ae- of-Sullivan A Conaldlqe, who a few North Dakota with the single excep­ til the machine could ^j^e stopped. He era,- 1 *• ' making s cert«an ytm liorai upon the-woman. WUh yeai« ago was-reputed a millionaire, tion of -one xon who lives In Frespo, sustained a brokra arm and Jaw and number < ira. Therewas vio- few clothes in flams* Mnb. ?lccl ran testified' In the superior court here Cal.- -Nine years ago Mr, And Mrs. was liiternslly injured. H* was 8« ing along the Drills that he was absolutely without mean* BrownScn - removed' their farm W»ftthatheowed$«#0,{r00;'-r' Ho Splritwood. •m®