Chem. Listy, 102, s265–s1311 (2008) Food Chemistry & Biotechnology 3. FOOD CHEMISTRY been femented for 10 days at 10 °c under semiaerobic condi- & BIOTECHNOLOGY tions or 4–6 weeks at 10 °c under anaerobic conditions. Second cultivation medium: the sterile vinea drinks were inoculated by studied yeast strains and cultuivated at 3.1. Lectures 20 °c for 10 days under semiaerobic conditions. the samples were than sensorially evaluated by a group L01 NONSACCHAROMYCES YEAST IN GRAPE of degustators. the same samples were than analysed by gas MUST – ADVANTAGE OR SPOILAGE? chromatography for the aroma compounds production. each sample was analysed on the Gc MS (Shimadzu QP 2010) JAROSLAVA Kaňuchová PátKováa, EMÍLIA equipment and also on the Gc FiD equipment (Gc 8000 ce Breierováb and INGRID vajcziKová instruments). aInstitute for viticulture and enology of SARC two methods of sample preparation were done: Matuškova 25, 831 01 Bratislava, Slovak republic, the samples (20 ml) were extracted by ether (2 ml), and bInstitute of ChemistrySAS, Dúbravská cesta 9, 845 38 Brati- centrifuged prior to analysis. the etheric extract was used for slava, Slovak republic, analysis (liquid – liquid extraction). this method was used
[email protected] for higher alcohols (propanol, isoamylacohol, ethyl ester and higher alcoholos esters) determination Introduction the samples were extracted by tenaq (solid phase mic- the fresh grape must consists of spontaneous microf- roextraction) and than 10 min sampling according to6. this lora formed from 90 to 99 % by yeasts. the most important method was used for monoterpenic compounds determina- genus is without doubt Saccharomyces cerevisiae which is tion.the same column and the same conditions were used by responsible for successive fermentation and good wine qua- both analysis: column: DB WaX 30 m, 0.25 × 0.25, tempe- lity.