Campus Alcohol Awareness Efforts Continue Np- :> >In& ''Ideal Party" Planned New Law to Change Social Life
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jes. Hrs. 9an1·5pm Mon.-Sat. Volume 68, No. 7 Wake Forest University, Winston~Salem, N.C. Friday, October 5, 1984 liR DEll • re11 , .. st. Reagan enjoys wide lead in poll Hunt defends campatgn tYIIIJ Ioiii) lists Ta Sene You By TED BILICH . Tbe OG&B plans to run the straw poll each ByRON HART Carolina, which he claimed w,as 1nts or Walk in Pollllcs Edllor week until the elections. The OG&B maintains Slafl Writer motivated by tolerance for differing the straw poll's accuracy to 10 percentage opinions. He made reference to Wake President Ronald Reagan bas qverwhelming points. Governor James B. Hunt, Jr. Forest President William Poteat, who support for his reelection among ~e studenlll of However, the poll stands only as a barometer Wednesday called North Carolina "a was instrumental in convincing the Wake. Forest, a recent political straW poll of student opinion, not as a scientific study. A state of tolerance and respect" and North Carolina legislature not to forbid showed. summary of this week's totals .appears below charged that his opponent for the the teaching of evolution. The poll, conducted by the Old Gold and Black this story. Senate, Jesse Helms and his supporters "This university has shaped so much on Monda~, gave Reagan the lead over his were trying "to pursue their narrow of North Carolina's tradition--our opponent, Democratic .. candidate Walter F .. RESULTS right-wing agenda and to force it on all progressive tradition. There is no other Mondale, by a striking 01 percent. Of the Data from 100 respondents, polled on October of us." university in this state that has a respondents, Tl percent chose Reagan as _their _ 1, 1984: In a partisan rally in Brendle Recital greater regard or that protects more candidate; 10 percent chose Mondale. Hall, Hunt exposed what he called "a zealously academic freedom than Wakt A substantial majority of fespondents also 1. Do you plan to vote in the November elections? new dimension to politics in this Forest University," he said. Responding to a question after the supported the Republican party's economic Yes 88 state... a curious and mysterious Hunt characterized his opponent as speech, Hunt defended his negative· program over the Democrats'. By a 6-1 margin, No 11 alliance of right-wing elements, out of step with the thoughts of North commercials against Helms. Helms students believe that the Republican party is Unsure 1 consisting of five parts and operating as Carolina, while he stands for progress. started the mudslinging, he said, better able to promote economic well-being. 2. · If the . presidential election were held the most sophisticated organization of "I've been trying very hard in this thereby justifying his commercial Most students also plan to vote this year .. tomorrow, who would you vote for? its kind in this land." campaign to talk about that kind of linking Helms to death squads in El Although many respondents were concerned Ronald Reagan Tl 'l'hose five parts cited where Helms' progress ... but you have watched Salvador. "I can understand peoples' about registration deadlines and absentee · Walter Mondale 10 political organization, tax-exempt television over the past many months questions. But it happened to be the balloting, almost 90 percent said they were going Neither 6 foundations that allow for junkets, and you know as I know how limited truth." to vote in the November elections. Other 5 right-wing money groups outside North we've been in getting that message Hunt then turned to the larger issue of The poll was administered Monday by the Undecided 2 Carolina, "radical right-wing through," he said. negative campaigning in general. "You OG&B politics staff .. Pollsters, using random 3. Which major party--Republican or propagandists," and the new religious .. Hunt was referring to Helms' find that you're in a contest in which lNG sampling methods, contacted 100 respondents Democratic--can more effectively promote right. campaign commercials which he said you can't.set the rules altogether. It's between the hours of 3:30 and 5:30 p.m. economic well-being? "I think that those people are flat were "pounding into people's minds a tough. You're dealing with people who RespondentS were asked four questions,· one of Republican 77 wrong and I'm ·going to fight that series of distortions and outright make it their stock and trade. which was a campus-oriented question, the · Democratic 13 alliance," Hunt proclaimed. falsehoods." In particular he said that "It's our tum now.lf we don't believe results of which may be incorporated in an Neither· 3 Against a backdrop of a large the most recent commercial of him to and don't care, nothing can save the upcoming story. Undecided 7 American flag, the (J{Jvernor stressed raise taxes was actually a vote to nation. If we believe and care, nothing Uie theme of progress of ideas in North reduce the deficit. can stop us,'' Hunt said. Students seek Changes continue new deductible tn• administration By JEANNIE SINCLAI~ ·.. By JEANNIE SINCLAIR committee will study and make a new .Stall Writer · · ,. Stall Writer recommendations about the mission . ~ - . - - ····:';~ ..... _. __ ........ _.. : ... ·~.-:··-~----~:1r... .J::.--·~ ·:·,.._ ..,., ....... ·k' ··,.-:·:--: -~ .... ~m~ p•»Versity: Four Wake Forest studeillll teStified at a· pullic ~g · There have been a lot of changes tn The already existing. Academic Tuesday in favor of a proposal to allow student to apply the administration, offices and planning Council will be the first group to which health fee paid at college toward the deductible on a private processes at Wake Forst this year. integrated program plans go and the insurance policy. · One major change in the essential next group will be the Executive The hearing held at Wake Forest was the fifth of a series organizational structure of the Planning Committee and President held to discuss the proposal, which was put fortl1 by Dr. university was the edition last year of Thomas K. Hearn,Jr. William McRae, Director of Student Health Services at the John Anderson in the new position of A number of changes have occurred University of North Carolina at Greensboro. , vice president for administration and concerning office space. The mail room McRae said, "There is no question that students and their st•." pMto by sam Greenwood planning. bas been moved from the basement of parenlll can be saved significant amounts of money if thiV The S.O.P.H./Deke Rub-a-dub-athon on the quad last weekend was the start of the Brian Piccolo Cancer Areas assigned to Anderson include Reynolda Hall to a new metal building, proposal is adopted." Fund Drive. computer planning, Graylyn and near the physical plant, to make room Dr. John D. Stone, Deputy N.C. Insurance Commissioner, r-----------------.. ..... !!!!!!!!!!!1!"""""!!!!!!!--~------'!!!==--...., student affairs. for the new computer center which will Another change in the organizational include sales, service and training willuniversities direct official and college hearings campuses at four in other the state. public and private I Scott encourages new vt· ew 'I structure: the Dean of the Graduate programs. The success or failure of the proposal depends upon the School now reports to both the vice The print shop has also been moved to support shown at the hearings. So far all reactions have been president, the dean at Bowman Gray make room for expansion of the positive, as they were at Tuesday's hearing. By STEPHEN WALKER Upon gaining independence in 1948, the white and Provost Ed Wilson. Anderson said admissions office and quite a few other "It would be good if some parents and studenlll would write Staff Writer South Mrican minority established a constitutional this is to "emphasize the unity of the changes have been made or will bi.• letters .of support to the Commissioner's office," dlrector of separation of whites, blacks, Asians and coloureds Reynolda and Hawthorne campuses." made soon. University Student Health Services, Dr. Mary Ann Taylor For most Wake Forest students, information <mixed parentage) known as Grand Apartheid or Three new committees have been Carlos Holder, controller and said, about South Africa is probably limited to either a Grand Separation. Under this system the white proposed to assist in the planning assi$tant treasurer, estimates the costs H the hearings show widespread support for the proposal few newsclips about a bombing or a DeBeer's population (10 percent> restricted all voting and processes at Wake Forest. One is the of the changes to be between $175,000 N.C. Insurance Commissioner John Irving could invite diamond commerical. William R. Scott, an political rights to themselves while also denying the Capitol Planning Committee, for and $200,000. insurance companies to a rule-making hearing, and allow associate professor at Oberling College, spoke on black majority <approximately 85 percent) even campus projects of over $50,000 and Anderson said everyone seems to be them to speak about it. After the hearing insurance companies campus Tuesday night to change that view and to limited inclusion into the economic fruits of their land use plans. This committee has happy with the changes and things have could be J:equired to allow the student heallf! fee to count spark concern over the "gruesome situation diamond and gold rich land . already been formed and consists of: worked out quite well. Even the Xerox .toward a deductible on a private insurance policy. involving human righlll" in that country. Since then the oppressive government has Anderson, John Williard, Carlos machines have changed. If approved, the plan will probablY -go liitO effect within a Calling the racist, apartheid government of South rebuffed all pleas for equal rights and has more Hqlder, Bob Mills, Lou Leake, Ken Amos Cottage in Graylyn may be :year unless it is slowed down in the legislature.