Possible October Opening Of
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41 Spattana Possible October VOL. 49 -4,74. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, JUNE I, 1962 No. 131 Opening of SJS The p.,,sibillty exists that SJS northern California construction 5 on Panel will open its fall term in October trade strike. Anthropologist Ile said five major building Lists Difficulties instead of September or turn away at SJS are among those hundreds of new students if the projects affected. current construction strike does The $10 million addition to the To Discuss not end, but no plans have been For Peace Corps engineering building is involved in in made, according to a statement re- Philippines the stoppage, as are the $1,364,187 . I Peace Corps volunteers assigned leased by Pres. John T. Wahlquist two story addition to the women's together. They are, in effect, try- ing with people of different cli- the southern part of the yesterday. gymnasium and repairs to the to Phil- ing to make one nation out of mates, for Mindanao is an island Daily Stand Dr. Wahlquist made the an- ippines will he stepping into a cul- people of varied "swaybacked" library for which beliefs, a difficult of diversified climate, Dr. Mednick nouncement in the wake of a ture completely different from task since $1.121,000 is earmarked. these three groups, pointed out, statement by Hubert S. Hunter, that of western nations, according while not Five officials from student guy- 5.15 estimates full-time campus openly antagonistic to These are among the things a deputy chief of the state division to Dr. Melvin Mednick, University each other, ernrnent and campus enrollment to swell from 12,800 to have not been par- Peace Corps worker in the Philip- publicationspines architecture, that an estimated Chicago professor of anthro- ticularly will discuss 13,900 this fall, Dr. Wahlquist trustful of each other in will have to deal with, "The Spartan Daily-- t5.9 million in state building proj- pology. the past, pointed out. according to the pro- Responsible to Whom?" this after- ects are stalled because of the ' Dr. Mednick, currently serving fessor. "If the strike continues, we're noon from 1:30 to 3:30 in TH55. as a research associate for the BACKWARD going to be in a very difficult sit- Dr. Dwight Bente), head of the university's Institute of Philippine Inhabitants of Mindanao are uation." he warned. "We had an- SJS Nears Journalism a nd Advertising de- Studies, is in San Jose to take the most backward group in the ticipated using all these new proj- area partment, ASH Presidents Bill Protest Rally part in the studies portion nation; and more than half of ects this fall to take care of the Hauck (1962-631 and Brent Davis of the Peace Corps training ses- America's Peace Corps volunteers 1100 new students." (1961-62), Spartan Daily Editors LT. COL. EMERY A. COOK S I sion at SJS this summer. to the Philippines will be assigned Ph.D. Plan If the buildings are not ready Carolyn Perkio (spring 1962) and . .. new assistant to president The professor, a noted anthro- to aid such people. San Jose State's participation in Set for Tonight for occupancy in September, Jay Thorwaldson (fall 19611 will pologist, who has done consider- The volunteer will also be work- a doctoral program came one step classes will have to be rescheduled. study participate. ably first-hand of the Phil- closer to realization this week, An indignation rally protesting according to administration offl- ippine culture, said that the coun- Dr. Carl D. Duncan, professoi when the 10-man Joint Graduate Colonel Cook U.S. aid to Communist-bloc coun- cials' large of entomology and science educe- I try has regions in the south board, comprised of represent- Three other projects are being tion at SJS, will mederate the tries will be held tonight at 8 in which, unlike their northern coun- Physics atives of California state colleges w held up because of the strike. A Major panel. terparts, show great cultural af- and the state university system, the Civic auditorium, new education building, the audio- college Replace filiation to southeast Asia. met in Berkeley Monday, accord- chapter of Sigma Frank McGehee of Dallas. Tex., visual aid center and a five-story Del t a Chi, national professional SECOND LARGEST ISLAND Wins Award ing to Dr. Brant Clark, professor chairman of the National Incligna- f"r of psychology and board member. journalism fraternity, is sponsor- He spoke primarily of Mindanao. The Phi Beta Kappa tion convention, will be guest Faculty The group prepared recommen- ing the panel in cooperation with Siddoway southernmost and second largest club of San Jose State College has the college lecture committee. rally dations for the establishment of speaker at the tonight. of the Philippine islands, where he presented Harlan Sirnm McDaniel, Appointment of Lt. Col. Emery Japanese Student doctoral programs between speci- Keith Takahashi, president of The San Jose area chapter e! spent two years (1956-1958) of a graduating physics major, with A. Cook as assistant to the presi- fic state colleges and branches of SDX, stated that the panel was study under Fulbright and Ford its book award. The award dent and co-ordinator of research the MC will sponsor the meet- W is a the university system coopera- originated in order to present var- foundation fellowships. check for $25 toward at SJS was announced yesterday ing, according to Norman Atta. Scholarship the purchase tively. Its recommendations WIII ious views on the status of col- ins Dr. Mednick said that Mindanao, of the hook of his choice. bp Pres. John T. Wahlquist. way, chairman of the local NI(' be submitted to the president of lege publications. _ group killjl ..i1,1t:1 Seril/r cnemical with its relatively small popula- McDaniel earned a 3.8477 GPA Colonel Cook a-ill succeed Wil and a Sunnyvale business- the University of California and We are not expecting heated tion and large land area (approxi- for his work in physics while at ham Siddoway who will resign man. engineering major from Japan, was to the chancellor. of California disputes or even conclusions mately 38,000 square miles), was San Jose State. from to become director of admissions Sharing the program with Mc- honored last night by United Tech- state colleges for approval. If ap- the discussion," he never completely pacified by Spain The said. and records at Brigham Young SJS Phi Beta Kappa faculty proved, the proposal would go to Gehee will be Col. Victor J. Fox. nology corp. with a $300 scholar- during the Moro wars in the early club at Each participant will present his university in Provo, Utah. a SJS is comprised of mem- the university's Board of Regents former Navy pilot who is author ship. according to Mrs. Pam Oliver, part of the century. As a result, bers of Phi Beta Kappa, the na- views for 5-10 minutes, followed Colonel Cook is retiring this of "The Pentagon Case." and to the colleges' Board of UTC secretary. he noted, the older ways of life tional by questions from other panel year from the Air Force and as honor scholar's fraternity. Trustees for action. Attavsay said the indignation which are far more closely related The organization began December members and students in the professor of air science at SJS. He The 26-year-old student received The advantage of the proposed group originated in Texas follow- to Asia than America, have con- 5, 1776, at the College of William audience. succeeded Col. Richard M. Bristol the award at a chemical engineer- doctoral ing the announcement that Per- tinued on the island. and Mary in Virginia. program, according to At present, Student Council se- as the commanding officer of the ing meeting in the Engineering Dr. Clark, would "make nn Air Force Base, Tex.. was , This is in direct contrast to the Dr. Glenn G. Morgan, SJS as- be to lects editors for the Spartan Daily, Air Force ROTC unit at SJS early building from Eugene Roberts, di- more faculty available in areas training Communist-Yugoslav in- northern and central Philippine sistant professor' of political sci- Lyke magazine and La Torre year- in 1957. , rector of operations for UTC. where there are shortages of com- book. The terceptor pilots. islands which uniquely combine ence, said in an interview yester- Spartan Daily advertis- Colonel Cook is a native of Chi- The selection of Usmos as the petent people to work with in ing manager Asian and western elements in day with the Spartan Daily that and business man- cago. He attended the University He said that MC hoped to in- recipient of the scholarship WWI doctoral studies. agers for the their culture, the result of con- the present faculty club is trying other two campus of Colorado and Long Beach state fluence the halt of pilot training , made by members of the chemical "I think this is a proposal which publications are tact with American governmental to gain a Phi Beta Kappa national subject to council college, before enlisting in the Air for flyers from Communist coun- engineering faculty. The basis of can be made to work: this Pro- approval. and military activities, according charter for the San Jose State Force in March, 1941. tries, halt aid to Communist-bloc the selection was high scholarship gram would be the best possible Spartan Daily budget, to the professor. campus. It will have to wait until as yet He served in the Pacific Theater nations and to uncover and dis- as well as need, said the secretary. in reaching the greatest number unapproved for the fall semester.