Harbor & Mosel Excursion

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Harbor & Mosel Excursion Wasserbillig (L) 49° 42’ 92’’ N / 6° 29 ‘ 92’‘ E Harbor & Mosel Excursion The “Spaatz” in Wasserbillig, at 130 m above sea pedestrian zone, the butterfly garden, the level, is the lowest point in the Grand Duchy. The Kulturhof, and much else besides. And don’t forget passenger vessel “MuselSchëff” embarks on its the historic past. An absolute highlight on the tours at the confluence of the Sauer and Moselle. Moselle is the grape and wine festival in the second Travelling up the Moselle, discover the solar week of September, where a new Wine Queen is electric powered “Sankta Maria II” linking the crowned each year. This is the departure point for communities of Oberbillig (D) & Wasserbillig (L) the return journey to Wasserbillig. and Luxembourg’s only inland port “Luxport” in Mertert. The port handles several million tonnes Additional information: The Moselle rises in the each year with many special transport movements Vosges (F) at Col de Bussang, flowing into the being made by ship. The ship turning area in the Rhine 530 km downstream at Koblenz (D). In port is where the Syr flows into the Moselle. Back Luxembourg, the Moselle flows for 40km as far as on the Moselle you then immediately encounter Wasserbillig. The Moselle has an average depth of one of Luxembourg’s biggest tank farms with 3.5 metres and is navigable for vessels with a storage capacity of approx. 90 million litres. capacity of up to 3500 tonnes. Arriving at our turning area, we find ourselves alongside the wine-producing town of Grevenmacher, the “metropolis of the Moselle”. Admire the most modern bridge in Luxembourg’s Moselle region, the Grevenmacher/Wellen lock the scenic Moselle promenade. But there is far more to discover, such as wine cellars, the vibrant .
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