Persian Manuscripts
: SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE PERSIAN MANUSCRIPTS IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM BY CHARLES RIEU, Ph.D. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES Sontion SOLD AT THE BRITISH MUSEUM; AND BY Messrs. LONGMANS & CO., 39, Paternoster Row; R QUARITCH, 15, Piccadilly, W.j A. ASHEE & CO., 13, Bedford .Street, Covent Garden ; KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO., Paternoster House, Charing Cross Eoad ; and HENEY FROWDE, Oxford University Press, Amen Corner. 1895. : LONDON printed by gilbert and rivington, limited , st. John's house, clerkenwell, e.g. TUP r-FTTY CFNTEf ; PEE FACE. The present Supplement deals with four hundred and twenty-five Manuscripts acquired by the Museum during the last twelve years, namely from 1883, the year in which the third and last volume of the Persian Catalogue was published, to the last quarter of the present year. For more than a half of these accessions, namely, two hundred and forty volumes, the Museum is indebted to the agency of Mr. Sidney J. A. Churchill, late Persian Secretary to Her Majesty's Legation at Teheran, who during eleven years, from 1884 to 1894, applied himself with unflagging zeal to the self-imposed duty of enriching the National Library with rare Oriental MSS. and with the almost equally rare productions of the printing press of Persia. By his intimate acquaintance with the language and literature of that country, with the character of its inhabitants, and with some of its statesmen and scholars, Mr. Churchill was eminently qualified for that task, and he availed himself with brilliant success of his exceptional opportunities. His first contribution was a fine illuminated copy of the Zafar Namah, or rhymed chronicle, of Hamdullah Mustaufi (no.
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