Re-Analyzing the Ottoman Apulian Campaign and Attack on Corfu (1537) in the Context of Ottoman-Habsburg Rivalry

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Re-Analyzing the Ottoman Apulian Campaign and Attack on Corfu (1537) in the Context of Ottoman-Habsburg Rivalry ELVİN OTMAN ELVİN THE OTTOMAN AND CORFU APULIAN OTTOMAN CAMPAIGN (1537) ON THE ATTACK THE CRESCENT, THE AND LION THE EAGLE: RE IN THE CONTEXT OF CONTEXT THE OF OTTOMAN IN THE CRESCENT, THE LION AND THE EAGLE: RE-ANALYZING THE OTTOMAN APULIAN CAMPAIGN AND ATTACK ON CORFU (1537) IN THE CONTEXT OF OTTOMAN-HABSBURG RIVALRY A Ph.D. Dissertation by - HABSBURG RIVALRY ELVĠN OTMAN - ANALYZING ANALYZING Department of History Ġhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University Ankara Bilkent University 2018 University Bilkent January 2018 In Loving Memory of My TeyzoĢ ġeyda Müezzinoğlu THE CRESCENT, THE LION AND THE EAGLE: RE-ANALYZING THE OTTOMAN APULIAN CAMPAIGN AND ATTACK ON CORFU (1537) IN THE CONTEXT OF OTTOMAN-HABSBURG RIVALRY The Graduate School of Economics and Social Sciences of Ġhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University by ELVĠN OTMAN In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN HISTORY THE DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY ĠHSAN DOĞRAMACI BĠLKENT UNIVERSITY ANKARA January 2018 ABSTRACT THE CRESCENT, THE LION AND THE EAGLE: RE-ANALYZING THE OTTOMAN APULIAN CAMPAIGN AND ATTACK ON CORFU (1537) IN THE CONTEXT OF OTTOMAN-HABSBURG RIVALRY Otman, Elvin Ph. D., Department of History Supervisor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Paul Latimer January 2018 This dissertation produces a detailed historical narrative of the Ottoman Apulian Campaign and the Attack on Corfu in 1537. Although the Apulian Campaign, a natural consequence of the Ottoman-Habsburg rivalry, which characterized the sixteenth-century Ottoman policies and discourse of universal sovereignty, was originally planned as an Ottoman-French joint military operation, it remained as an individual Ottoman attack on the south eastern Italy since the French King did not offer his already promised military support during the campaign. The attacks of Andrea Doria and the Venetian captains on the Ottoman ships during the campaign changed the course of the initiative and Sultan Süleyman I ordered the attack on the island of Corfu, under Venetian control. The Ottoman attack were ended since the iii season of war ended and the Ottoman army returned to Constantinople without having completed the conquest of Corfu. This dissertation mainly argues that one could not understand why the Ottomans engaged in such a venture without analyzing the nature of the rivalry between the Ottoman and Habsburg dynasties in the sixteenth-century. The study defines the campaign as the Apulian Campaign and defends the argument that the Ottoman sought to establish some sort of suzerainty in south eastern Italy, bound to the Habsburg realm. Moreover, it asserted that the campaign should not be evaluated as the “Expedition of Corfu” by stating that Corfu was not the principal target of the Ottomans in 1537. The impact of the 1537 Campaign on the Ottoman-Venetian relations is also discussed in this study. Keywords: Charles V, Diplomacy, Ottoman-Venetian Relations, Süleyman I, Universal Sovereignty iv ÖZET HĠLÂL, ASLAN VE KARTAL: OSMANLI-HABSBURG REKABETĠ BAĞLAMINDA OSMANLI’NIN APULYA SEFERĠ VE KORFU SALDIRISINI (1537) YENĠDEN ĠNCELEMEK Otman, Elvin Doktora, Tarih Bölümü Tez DanıĢmanı: Yrd. Doç. Dr. Paul Latimer Bu tez Osmanlı’nın 1537’deki Apulya Seferi ve Korfu Saldırısı’nın tafsilatlı bir tarihsel anlatısını ortaya koymaktadır. On altıncı yüzyıl Osmanlı siyasetini ve evrensel hâkimiyet söylemini karakterize eden Osmanlı-Habsburg rekabetinin doğal bir sonucu olan Apulya Seferi temel olarak Ġtalya üzerine yapılacak bir Osmanlı- Fransız ortak askerî harekâtı olarak planlanmıĢ olsa da Fransa Kralı’nın sefere vadettiği askerî desteği vermemesi sebebiyle güneydoğu Ġtalya’ya yapılan münferit bir Osmanlı saldırısı olarak kalmıĢtır. Sefer sırasında Andrea Doria ve Venedik kaptanları tarafından Osmanlı donanmasına yapılan saldırılar harekâtın seyrini değiĢtirmiĢ, Sultan I. Süleyman Venedik kontrolündeki Korfu Adası’na saldırı emri vermiĢtir. Osmanlı saldırısı savaĢ mevsiminin sonuna gelindiği gerekçesi ile Eylül ayında sonlandırılmıĢtır, Osmanlı ordusu Korfu fethini tamamlayamadan Ġstanbul’a dönmüĢtür. v Bu tez, temel olarak, on altıncı yüzyılda Osmanlı ve Habsburg hanedanları arasında süregelen rekabetin doğası tetkik edilmeden Osmanlı’nın neden böylesi bir sefere kalkıĢtığının anlaĢılamayacağını ortaya koymaktadır. ÇalıĢma harekâtı Apulya Seferi olarak tanımlamakta ve Osmanlıların 1537’de Habsburg idaresindeki güney doğu Ġtalya’da bir nevi metbuiyet arayĢında olduğunu savunmaktadır. Ayrıca, seferin “Korfu Seferi” olarak değerlendirilmemesi gerektiği de değerlendirilmesinin doğru olmadığı savı Korfu’nun Osmanlı’nın 1537’deki ana hedefi olmadığı tespitiyle desteklenmektedir. ÇalıĢmada 1537 Seferi’nin Osmanlı-Venedik iliĢkilerine etkisi de tartıĢılmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: V. Charles, I. Süleyman, Diplomasi, Evrensel Hâkimiyet, Osmanlı-Venedik ĠliĢkileri vi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This dissertation, while an individual work, has come into existence with the support and sincere contributions of numerous people. First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor Dr. Paul Latimer. Few graduate students have a supervisor who prioritizes his/her student’s desires, comfort and happiness and always encourages him/her. I am one of that few. I am honored and lucky to feel that he was present whenever I needed him. He was always ready to chat, to read, to edit my long sentences, to work on “fancy” headings that I liked to use, to advise, to face my anxiety attacks and to motivate me even when I gave up on myself. Without his support, this work could never have come into existence. I would also like to thank with my whole heart to Dr. Oktay Özel, who worked as much as I did to make this dissertation better. He provided me with his guidance during my entire graduate study by means of his unforgettable classes that I always enjoyed and by his valuable suggestions and insightful opinions. He unconditionally encouraged and taught me that there was no great victory than exceeding my own limits. I owe my acquaintance with the Ottoman primary sources to his constant support. His advices and criticisms motivated me to read and study more. He always supported my academic and non- academic projects and was always present at my joys and sorrows not only as a mentor, but as a friend and as a father. I would also express my gratitude to Prof. Nevin Özkan Spellman, who was present from the first steps of this process. I closely felt her support during my entire graduate study. I was truly honored to have Prof. vii Özkan in my dissertation supervision committee. Her comments and criticisms led me improve not only my dissertation, but also my article. She was ready to help, to read the text and to share her opinions whenever I needed her. I would like to thank Prof. Evgeni Radushev, who always supported my studies and honored me by accepting to be in my dissertation defense jury. His comments and suggestions improved my dissertation. I am also grateful to Dr. Emrah Safa Gürkan for his valuable suggestions upon the context, method and edition of the text and for sharing his immense knowledge in sixteenth-century sources with me. His encouragement and attentive warnings enabled me to improve my research. I am honored to have Dr. Gürkan in my dissertation defense jury and to discuss my study with him. I owe too much to Prof. Halil Ġnalcık, the professors’ professor and the pole star of the historians, who passed away in 2016. He was the one who recommended to me to study on this subject. He shared his immense knowledge in Ottoman history with me, taught me how to formulate my research and encouraged me to improve my hypothesis. I am so honored to discuss my studies with him, to listen to his invaluable comments and suggestions and to have inspirational conversations on various subjects with him. May he rest in peace. I would like to thank my professors, who contributed to my formation as historian during my entire graduate study at Ġ.D. Bilkent University. I am especially indebted to our chair, Mehmet Kalpaklı, for his support throughout my studies in the History Department. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Prof. Özer Ergenç, from whom I learnt the Ottoman history and paleography. I am very fortunate to have benefited from his immense knowledge in the Ottoman socio-economic history and Ottoman diplomatics. I owe a lot to Dr. M. Akif Kireççi. Without his constant viii support, I could never conclude this project. He offered his help whenever I needed. He generously spent his time in editing and shaping my article; he shared his teaching experiences with me and improved my studies with his insightful comments. I am so honored to be his teaching assistant between the years of 2009 and 2012. I also thank to Dr. David Thornton, Dr. Kenneth Weisbrode, Dr. Edward Kohn, Dr. Luca Zavagno and Dr. Berrak Burçak for their support. I have also received a great deal of help and support from some other institutions and individuals I thank Ġ.D. Bilkent University for providing me various facilities since 2006. This study was the product of the four years of scholarship granted to me in 2013 by the Turkish Historical Society (TTK) for my doctoral research. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the Turkish Historical Society for financing my research. Moreover, I thank the staff of the TTK Library for helping me cordially. I specially thank to Eser Berkel Sunar and Ece Türk for their sincere help as administrative assistants and to the staff of Bilkent Library. I would like to thank my other professors playing influential roles in my academic life. I owe special thanks to Prof. Maria Pia Pedani from Ca’ Foscari University, who accepted to be my supervisor during my research in Venice. She kindly shared his vast knowledge in the Venetian sources and historiography with me and was always ready to help me when I was confused. I benefitted a good deal from Prof. Mustafa Soykut’s interesting courses when I studied at METU.
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