Gesellschaft zur Förderung wissenschaftlicher Forschung und Publikation
[email protected] Thomas Schwärzler: The Angolan Civil War – A Cold War Microcosm? In: Thomas Spielbuechler/Markus Wurzer (Hg.): Afrika – Zugänge und Einordnungen. Afrikaforschung in Österreich, Linz 2017, S. 85–111. Dieser Artikel ist Teil eines Sammelbandes als Ergebnis der der Konferenz Afrika – Zugänge und Einordnungen, die vom 17. bis 18. November 2016 an der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz stattfand. Online abrufbar unter: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The online version of this and other articles can be found at the Repository of the Johannes Kepler University, Linz <> is an open-access platform at the library of the Johannes Kepler University, Linz. Papers may be copied, distributed, displayed, performed and modified according to the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 (CC BY-SA 4.0). The Angolan Civil War – A Cold War Microcosm? Thomas Schwärzler1 ABSTRACT: Following the independence of Angola in 1975, the country descended into a decades- lasting civil war between three indigenous movements who previously had fought for independence from Portugal. The first period of the civil war from 1975 until 1988 was characterized by significant involvements from several international actors, including South Africa, Cuba, the United States and the Soviet Union. Especially the involvement of the two superpowers and the dominating nature of the Cold War in international politics in the second half of the 20th century, raises the question, whether the Angolan civil war was a proxy war of the Global Cold War. Particularly the involvement of South Africa casts doubt on this notion since the apartheid-regime directed vast recourses towards preventing majority-ruled countries in southern Africa from consolidating their power to protect its domestic sociopolitical system.