Bibliography on the History of the Society of 20171

Paul Begheyn SJ

The “Bibliography on the History of the ” was first produced for AHSI by László Polgár SJ, spanning fifty issues of the journal, between 1952 and 2001. The Bibliography was resumed in 2006. In order to provide continuity with Fr Polgár’s work, it incorporates titles dated from 2000. Entries are divided into three sections: I. The entire Society; II. Countries; III. Persons. An Index of authors concludes the Bibliography. Some further features of the Bibliography may be noted:

1. In each section, titles are listed in chronological order of publication and, within each year, in alphabetical order of author. 2. Author first names are provided as initials, not in full. 3. Book series, and book sizes, are not included with the publication details of volumes listed here. 4. Titles in private Jesuit publications are not listed. 5. Publications on the internet, unpublished dissertations and theses are not included. 6. All titles of publications have been standardised to lower case formatting. 7. Author names only are listed: abbreviations of religious orders or congregations are omitted after author names.

The following persons have generously assisted in putting together this bibliography: Nicoletta Basilotta (Roma), Andrzej Pawel Bieś SJ (Kraków), Clemens Brodkorb (), Ad Dudink (Louvain), Dominique Gonnet SJ (Lyon), Luís González Quevedo SJ (Indaiatuba, SP), Yannick van Loon (Louvain), Nicolas Standaert SJ (Louvain), and Gabriel M. Verd SJ (Granada).

1 Published annually in AHSI. Bibliographies from 2006 are available online. Full text open access for vols I-XVIII (1932–49; 1996–2012) can be accessed at: http:// This Bibliography was completed with the editorial assistance of the staff at ARSI, Claudio Werner Pires SJ, Jörg Nies SJ, Olivia Thompson, and other generous anonymous helpers. 440 Paul Begheyn SJ

For more detailed bibliographies on spirituality, please turn to the annual bibliography in the Spanish journal Manresa and to www., a review of theological research. Readers are invited to send new titles, corrections and suggestions to the author:

Paul Begheyn SJ Netherlands Institute of Jesuit Studies De Lairessestraat 61 1071 NT Amsterdam The Netherlands [email protected]

General Index

I. The entire Society

A. General history 1. Auxiliary sciences 1-6 2. Historical works 7-42 B. Special history 1. Saint 43-59 2. Institute 60-66 3. Spiritual Exercises 67-68 4. Spirituality 69-84 5. Pastoral activities 85-87 6. Cultural activities 88-115 7. Polemical writings 116-125

II. Countries A Africa 126-130 B. America 131-259 C. Asia 260-354 D. Europe 355-506 E. Oceania 507

III. Persons Persons in alphabetical order 508-964 Index of authors p. 534 Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 441

I. The entire Society

A. General History

1. Auxiliary sciences 1. M. Morales, ‘La respiración de ausentes. Itinerario por la escritura jesuítica’, in G. Wilde (ed.), Saberes de la conversión: Jesuitas, indígenas e imperios coloniales en la frontera de la cristiandad, Buenos Aires, SB Editorial, 2011, 31-59. 2. J. García de Castro a.o. (eds.), ‘Exposición bibliográfica sobre los jesuitas’, in J. Martínez Millán a.o. (eds.), Los jesuitas. Religión, política y educación (siglos 16-18), Madrid, Universidad de Comillas, 2012, 1907-1926. 3. P. Chinchilla, ‘La producción bibliográfica sobre la Compañía de Jesús en los últimos 50 años’, in J.E. Salcedo (ed.), Los jesuitas expulsados, extinguidos y restaurados. Memorias del Primer Encuentro Internacional sobre la historia de la Compañía de Jesús, Bogotá, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2014, 393-404. 4. P. Begheyn, ‘Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2016’, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 85 (2016), 445-551. 5. N. Hernán Perrone, ‘Un recorrido historiográfico sobre la Compañía de Jesús. La bibliografía jesuita y laica sobre las expulsiones, la supresión y la restauración de los jesuitas’, Anuario IEHS 31 (2016), 149-172. 6. K. Volk & C. Staysniak, ‘Bringing Jesuit bibliography into the twenty-first century: Boston College’s New Sommervogel Online’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 3/1 (2016), 61-83.

2. Historical works 7. M. Moran, ‘Sensational invasions: The Jesuit, the state and the family’, in her Catholic sensationalism and Victorian literature, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, 2007, 28-76. 8. E. Giménez Lopez (ed.), José Monino y Redondo, conde de Floridablanca, Cartas desde Roma para la extinción de los Jesuitas. Correspondencia Julio 1772-Septiembre 1774, San Vicente del Raspeig, Universidad de Alicante, 2009, 627 p. 9. C. Serrano Sánchez, ‘L’écriture de l’évènement dans les lettres des jésuites (1634-1648)’, in C. Rivalan Guégo & D. Rodrigues (eds.), L’écho de l’évènement. Du Moyen Âge à l’époque contemporaine, Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2011, 75-86. 10. F.J. Aranda Pérez, ‘Pensamiento político more Societatis Jesu: entre la teología moral y la razón de estado’, in J. Martínez Millán 442 Paul Begheyn SJ

a.o. (eds.), Los jesuitas. Religión, política y educación (siglos XVI- XVIII), Madrid, Universidad de Comillas, 2012, 1309-1338. 11. S. Chaparro Martínez, ‘Maquiavelo y la política de Dios. Los teóricos políticos de la Compañía de Jesús ante el reto del realismo maquiaveliano’, in J. Martínez Millán a.o. (eds.), Los jesuitas. Religión, política y educación (siglos XVI-XVIII), Madrid, Universidad de Comillas, 2012, 1197-1220. 12. P.A. Fabre, ‘L’histoire de l’ “ancienne Compagnie” à l’époque de la “nouvelle Compagnie”; perspectives de recherche’, in J. Martínez Millán a.o. (eds.), Los jesuitas. Religión, política y educación (siglos XVI-XVIII), Madrid, Universidad de Comillas, 2012, 1795-1810. 13. A. Guerra, ‘La Compagnia introvabile. Forme di vita dei gesuiti fra soppressione e rinascita’, in J. Martínez Millán a.o. (eds.), Los jesuitas. Religión, política y educación (siglos XVI-XVIII), Madrid, Universidad de Comillas, 2012, 1029-1042. 14. J. Martínez Millán a.o. (eds.), Los jesuitas. Religión, política y educación (siglos XVI-XVIII), Madrid, Universidad de Comillas, 2012, 3 vols., 1928 p. 15. I. Pinedo Iparraguirre & I. Fernández Arrillaga, ‘Los jesuitas desterrados ante la supresión de su Orden’, in J. Martínez Millán a.o. (eds.), Los jesuitas. Religión, política y educación (siglos XVI- XVIII), Madrid, Universidad de Comillas, 2012, 1787-1794. 16. R. Weinczyk, ‘Zur Rezeption des Erasmus von Rotterdam bei den Jesuiten im 16. Jahrhundert’, in C. Galle & T. Sarx (eds.), Erasmus- Rezeption im 16. Jahrhundert, Frankfurt am Main [etc.], Peter Lang, 2012, 153-176. 17. D. Worthington, ‘Jesuits’, in his British and Irish experiences and impressions of Central Europe c. 1560-1688, Farnham, Ashgate, 2012, 155-165. 18. F. Alfieri, ‘“Trarre come dal caos e dar forma alle cose”? La Compagnia di Gesù nel primo Ottocento fra rotture e continuità’, in P. Pombeni & H.G. Haupt (eds.), La transizione come problema storiografico. Le fasi critiche dello sviluppo della modernità (1494-1973), Bologna, Il Mulino, 2013, 215-236. 19. J.A. Ferrer Benimeli, Expulsión y extinción de los jesuitas (1759- 1773), Bilbao, Mensajero, 2013, 368 p. 20. E. Giménez López (ed.), Francisco Xavier Miranda, El fiscal fiscalizado. Una apología de los jesuitas contra Campomanes, Alicante, Universidad de Alicante, 2013, 743 p. 21. M. Revuelta González, El restablecimiento de la Compañía de Jesús. Celebración del bicentenario, Bilbao, Mensajero, 2013, 379 p. 22. P. Chinchilla, ‘Del Ars a la Monumenta: entre ciencia y amplificación’, Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 443

in P. Chinchilla a.o. (eds.), Del ars historica a la Monumenta Historica. La historia restaurada, Bogotá, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana [etc.], 2014, 157-188. 23. P. Chinchilla a.o. (eds.), Del ars historica a la Monumenta Historica. La historia restaurada, Bogotá, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana [etc.], 2014, 213 p. 24. P.A. Fabre & P. Goujon, Suppression et rétablissement de la Compagnie de Jésus (1773-1814), Petite Bibliothèque Jésuite, Namur / Paris, Lessius, 2014, 152 p. 25. J.A. Ferrer Benimeli, ‘La expulsión de los jesuitas’, in J.E. Salcedo (ed.), Los jesuitas expulsados, extinguidos y restaurados. Memorias del Primer Encuentro Internacional sobre la historia de la Compañía de Jesús, Bogotá, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2014, 67-119. 26. M.M. Morales, ‘La fábrica de la historia’, in P. Chinchilla a.o. (eds.), Del ars historica a la Monumenta Historica. La historia restaurada, Bogotá, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana [etc.], 2014, 125-155. 27. M.M. Morales, ‘Las misiones de papel’, in J.E. Salcedo (ed.), Los jesuitas expulsados, extinguidos y restaurados. Memorias del Primer Encuentro Internacional sobre la historia de la Compañía de Jesús, Bogotá, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2014, 379-392. 28. R. Fülöp-Miller, Segreto e potenza dei gesuiti, Bologna, Odoya, 2015, 511 p. 29. P. Goujon, ‘Suppression et rétablissement de la Compagnie de Jésus’, in Les jésuites aujourd’hui: depuis leur rétablissement (1814): aller, rencontrer, servir, Paris, Médiasèvres, 2015, 7-14. 30. F. Alfieri, ‘“Unearthing chaos and giving shape to it”: The Society of Jesus after suppression: hiatus and continuity’, in P. Pombeni (ed.), The historiography of transition. Critical phases in the development of modernity (1494-1973), Abingdon OX, Routledge, 2016, 105-122. 31. G. Arledler, ‘Umberto Eco e i gesuiti’, La Civiltà Cattolica 167 (2016), 155-164. 32. T. Banchoff & J. Casanova (eds.), The Jesuits and globalization: Historical legacies and contemporary challenges, Washington, Georgetown University Press, 2016, 312 p. 33. M. Catto & C. Ferlan (eds.), I gesuiti e i papi, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2016, 223 p. 34. D. Figueira, ‘Doing God’s work: The missionary’s task of translation or who makes the best Jesuits: Comparatists, world literature scholars, or real Jesuits?’, Interlitteraria 21 (2016), 6-16. 35. J.E. Franco & C. Fiolhais, Jesuitas construtores da globalização. Uma história da Companhia de Jesus, Lisboa, CTT, 2016, 176 p. 36. M. Friedrich, Die Jesuiten. Aufstieg, Niedergang, Neubeginn, Mün- chen / Berlin / Zürich, Piper, 2016, 727 p. 444 Paul Begheyn SJ

37. J. Herzgsell & J. Perčič (eds.), Große Denker des Jesuitenordens, Paderborn, Ferdinand Schoeningh, 2016, 134 p. 38. M.d.L.Ibarra Herrerías, ‘El conflicto entre Juan de Palafox y la Compañía de Jesús en el contexto de la política secularizadora de la corona española’, Estudios 118 (2016), 45-63. 39. G. Mongini, Maschere dell’identità. Alle origini della Compagnia di Gesù, Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2016, 460 p. 40. J.W. O’Malley, The Jesuits and the popes. A historical sketch of their relationship, Philadelphia, Saint Joseph’s University Press, 2016, 149 p. 41. A. Prosperi, La vocazione. Storie di gesuiti tra Cinquecento e Seicento, Torino, Giulio Einaudi editore, 2016, 272 p. 42. L. Sapienza (ed.), Paolo VI e i gesuiti, Padova, Vivere In, 2016, 84 p.

B. Special History

1. Saint Ignatius of Loyola See also 133, 208, 516, 824.

43. P.A. Fabre, ‘Ignace de Loyola en procès d’orthodoxie (1525-1622)’, in S. Elm a.o. (eds.), Orthodoxie, christianisme, histoire: Orthodoxy, Christianity, History, Roma, École française de , 2000, 101-124. 44. L. Sánchez, ‘Prolusión sobre San Ignacio de Loyola. Transcripción, versión castellana y comentario preliminar’, Bibliographica Americana. Revista interdisciplinaria de estudios coloniales 2 (2005), 8 p. 45. G.K. Goulding, ‘The Cardoner imperative’, The Way 47/1-2 (2008), 243-259. 46. D. Donahue, ‘The mysticism of Saint Ignatius Loyola’, in H. Kallendorf (ed.), A new companion to Hispanic mysticism, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2010, 201-229. 47. J. Fédry, Decidere secondo Dio. Il metodo di Ignazio di Loyola, Roma, Apostolato della Preghiera, 2011, 167 p. 48. P. Davidson, ‘Don Quijote de Loyola: sus asociaciones por lectores a lo largo del tiempo’, Cuadernos de aleph 4 (2012), 47-74. 49. M. Gotor, ‘Hagiografía y censura libraria: el Quinto capítulo sobre los milagros de la Vida de Ignacio de Loyola de Pedro de Ribadeneira entre Corte de Reyes y obediencia romana’, in J. Martínez Millán a.o. (eds.), Los jesuitas. Religión, política y educación (siglos XVI-XVIII), Madrid, Universidad de Comillas, 2012, 1007-1027. 50. void 51. F. Ortés Sánchez, Don Quijote peregrino entre Loyola-París, [Sevilla], F. Ortés Sánchez, 2013, 764 p. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 445

52. J.D. Burson, ‘Unlikely tales of Fo and Ignatius: Rethinking the radical Enlightenment through French appropriation of Chinese Buddhism’, French Historical Studies 38/3 (2015), 391-420. 53. R. De Marco, ‘La description comme interprétation : les relations des fêtes de canonisation de saint Ignace de Loyola et de saint François-Xavier en France (1622)’, in P. Zoberman (ed.), Interpretation in/of the seventeenth century, Cambridge, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015, 283-300. 54. P. Émonet, Ignatius of Loyola: Legend and reality, Philadelphia, St. Joseph’s University Press, 2016, 151 p. 55. P. Endean, ‘Ignazio di Loyola e Lutero’, La Civiltà Cattolica 167 (2016), 140-150. 56. B.T. Geger, ‘Myths, misquotes and misconceptions about St. Ignatius Loyola’, Jesuit Higher Education: A Journal 5/1 (2016), 7-20. 57. K.A. Leidich, ‘“The thing has been of God”: Ignatius’ experience of God’s confirmation in his autobiography’,The Way 55/2 (2016), 7-16. 58. R. Nayyar, ‘Joshua Stopping the Sun and Ignatius of Loyola at Il Gesù in Rome’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 3/2 (2016), 211-237. 59. G. Ruggeri, Ordinare i frammenti. Discernimento e cura personalis: la pedagogia di S. Ignazio di Loyola, Rimini, Edizioni Fara, 2016, 318 p.

2. Institute 60. M. Miranda, ‘Quando os Jesuítas eram mestres de palavra: a retórica segundo a “Ratio studiorum”’, Humanitas 65 (2013), 187- 204. 61. P. Rubens, ‘Au coeur de l'humain, aux frontières du monde. La mission du jésuite, hier et aujourd'hui’, in Les jésuites aujourd’hui: depuis leur rétablissement (1814): aller, rencontrer, servir, Paris, Médiasèvres, 2015, 101-117. 62. C. Casalini, ‘Discerning skills: Psychological insight at the core of Jesuit identity’, in R.A. Maryks (ed.), Exploring Jesuit distinctiveness. Interdisciplinary perspectives on ways of proceeding within the Society of Jesus, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2016, 189-211. 63. J. Lukács, Ignatian formation. The inspiration of the Constitutions, Leominster, Gracewing, 2016, 219 p. 64. J.W. O’Malley, ‘The distinctiveness of the Society of Jesus’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 3/1 (2016), 1-16. 65. R.A. Maryks (ed.), Exploring Jesuit distinctiveness. Interdisciplinary perspectives on ways of proceeding within the Society of Jesus, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2016, 326 p. 66. J. Palmisano, ‘Interreligious dialogue as depth and frontier: 446 Paul Begheyn SJ

Abraham Joshua Heschel’s depth theology and the thirty-fifth General Congregation of the Society of Jesus’, in V. Latinovic a.o. (eds.), Pathways for interreligious dialogue in the twenty-first century, Basingstoke, Palgrave-Macmillan, 2016, 97-109.

3. Spiritual Exercises 67. L.M. Gilardi, ‘La Misericordia divina negli “Esercizi spirituali” di sant’Ignazio. Una interpretazione globale’, Rassegna di Teologia 57 (2016), 605-626. 68. H. Witte, ‘De grenzen van de kerk en de Geestelijke Oefeningen. Op zoek naar een niet-competitieve verhouding tussen kerk en individu’, Cardoner 35/1 (2016), 8-19.

4. Spirituality See also 733.

69. M. Schlosser, ‘“... Den Seelen helfen”: Neues und Traditionelles in der Spiritualität des Ignatius von Loyola und der ersten Jesuiten’, in S. Müller & C. Schweiger (eds.), Between creativity and norm-making: tensions in the early modern era, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2013, 103-130. 70. J.I. Gonzalez Faus, Utopía y espiritualidad, Bilbao, Ediciones Mensajero, 2016, 456 p. 71. J. Lu, ‘La mystique et l’institution: les ressources de la spiritualité jésuite’, Esprit 6 (2015), 29-40. 72. V. Seibel (ed.), Wie betest du? 80 Jesuiten geben eine persönliche Antwort, Würzburg, Echter, 2015, 184 p. 73. A. Araújo Santos, “Mas él examinándolo bien…” (Au 27). El examen de conciencia en la espiritualidad ignaciana, Bilbao, Mensajero etc. 2016, 440 p. 74. N. Austin, ‘Spirituality and virtue in Christian formation: a conversation between Thomistic and Ignatian traditions’, New Blackfriars 97 (2016), 202-217. 75. J. Bishop & R. Carlton, ‘Thomas Aquinas, SJ: A Thomistic analysis of Ignatian consolation and desolation’, Toronto Journal of Theology 32/1 (2016), 113-124. 76. J. Clifton, ‘A variety of spiritual pleasures: Anthonis Sallaert’s Glorification of the Name of Jesus’, in W. de Boer a.o. (eds.),Jesuit Image Theory, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2016, 318-351. 77. J. García de Castro Valdés, ‘Companionship in the Spirit. A history of the spirituality of the Society of Jesus’, Estudios Eclesiásticos 91 (2016), 87-141. 78. P. Graf, ‘Auf Gottsuche in der Welt: Ignatianische Mystik und nachhaltiger Lebensstil’, Geist und Leben 89 (2016), 39-44. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 447

79. W.S. Melion, ‘Libellus piarum precum (1575): Iterations of the five holy wounds in an early Jesuit prayerbook’, in W. de Boer a.o. (eds.), Jesuit Image Theory, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2016, 189-253. 80. J.A. Munitiz (ed.), Ignatian spirituality. A selection of continental studies in translation, Oxford, Way Books, 2016, 266 p. 81. K.J. Noronha, ‘Ignatian mysticism and spirituality’, in Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion, Berlin, Springer, 2016, 1-4. 82. B. O’Leary, ‘Fostering a contemplative stance. An Ignatian explo- ration’, The Way 55/2 (2016), 17-26. 83. H.T. Pham & E. Fernández, ‘Pilgrims in community at the frontiers: A contemplation on Jesuit mission today’, Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits 48/2 (2016), 1-41. 84. S. Zierholz, ‘“To make yourself present”: Jesuit sacred space as enargetic space’, in W. de Boer a.o. (eds.), Jesuit image theory, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2016, 419-460.

5. Pastoral activities 85. C. Corrêa e Silva de Freitas, ‘A santidade no discurso: a construção de uma identidade missionária jesuíta no século XVII’, IHS. Antiguos jesuitas en Iberoamérica 2/1 (2014), 24-40. 86. D.M. Dăian, ‘Benefactricum hujus congregationis et ex singulari congregationis benevolentia admissarum’, Journal of Romanian Literary Studies 9 (2016), 326-337. 87. B. Vivanco Díaz, ‘Experiencias y propuestas para el trabajo a favor de la justicia desde las universidades jesuitas’, Miscelánea Comillas 74 (2016), 79-110.

6. Cultural activities 88. M. Livera, ‘Autour de “La Mort de Chrispe”: “Grenaille, Tristan et leur source jésuite’, Cahiers Tristan L’Hermite 24 (2002), 54-67. 89. F. Kennedy, ‘Jesuitas y música. Entre la periferia y el centro, entre la ciudad y la selva’, in G. Wilde (ed.), Saberes de la conversión: Jesuitas, indígenas e imperios coloniales en las fronteras de la cristiandad, Buenos Aires, SB Editorial, 2011, 293-306. 90. L. Waisman, ‘Musica del Barrocco misional: ¿Un concepto o un eslogan?’, in G. Wilde (ed.), Saberes de la conversión: Jesuitas, indígenas e imperios coloniales en las fronteras de la cristiandad, Buenos Aires, SB Editorial, 2011, 333-344. 91. M.I. Álvaro Zamora a.o. (eds.), La arquitectura jesuítica. Actas del Simposio Internacional, Zaragoza, Institución Fernando El Católico, 2012, 542 p. 92. J.M. Boryczka & E.A. Petrino (eds.), Jesuit and feminist education: 448 Paul Begheyn SJ

Intersections in teaching and learning for the twenty-first century, New York, Fordham University Press, 2012, 361 p. 93. C. Gallardo, ‘La verdadera nobleza: teoría y práctica en diálogos escénicos’, in J. Martínez Millán a.o. (eds.), Los jesuitas. Religión, política y educación (siglos XVI-XVIII), Madrid, Universidad de Comillas, 2012, 741-750. 94. M. Moralejo Ortega, ‘Los jesuitas como escritores de tratados sobre las Bellas Artes’, in J. Martínez Millán a.o. (eds.), Los jesuitas. Religión, política y educación (siglos XVI-XVIII), Madrid, Universidad de Comillas, 2012, 843-862. 95. A. Rodríguez G. de Ceballos, ‘Teatro escolar jesuítico: “Las Glorias del Mejor Siglo” de Valentín de Céspedes, y su puesta en escena por Cosimo Lotti’, in J. Martínez Millán a.o. (eds.), Los jesuitas. Religión, política y educación (siglos XVI-XVIII), Madrid, Universidad de Comillas, 2012, 727-740. 96. R. Dekoninck, ‘Conformare mores. La cultura emblemática en la pedagogía jesuita’, in P. Chinchilla a.o. (eds.), Del ars historica a la Monumenta Historica. La historia restaurada, Bogotá, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana [etc.], 2014, 67-94. 97. V. Montera, Il paradigma pedagogico ignaziano strumento per la formazione integrale della persona. Una proposta fondativa per un’etica della responsabilità, Siena, Cantagalli, 2014, 320 p. 98. A. Udías, Jesuit contribution to science. A history, London / Cham, Springer, 2014, 277 p. 99. S. Cariou-Charton, ‘Les enjeux apostoliques de l’éducation jésuite. De l’art de prendre soin des personnes et de forger une communauté d’étude’, in Les jésuites aujourd’hui: depuis leur rétablissement (1814): aller, rencontrer, servir, Paris, Médiasèvres, 2015, 59-72. 100. L.F. Klein, Educação jesuíta e pedagogia inaciana, Sao Paulo, Edições Loyola, 2015, 276 p. 101. M.A. Waddell, Jesuit science and the end of nature’s secrets, Farnham, Ashgate, 2015, 224 p. 102. A promoção da justiça socioambiental na educação superior jesuíta, Porto Alegre, Editora Unisinos, 2015, 125 p. 103. W. de Boer a.o. (eds.), Jesuit image theory, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2016, 518 p. 104. W. de Boer, ‘The early Jesuits and the Catholic debate about sacred images’, in W. de Boer a.o. (eds.), Jesuit image theory, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2016, 53-73. 105. R. Brancatelli & Y. Swirski Souza, ‘The role of the Jesuit university in the evolving “innovation triangle” of business, government, and academia’, Journal of Technology Management and Innovation 11/1 (2016), 65-68. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 449

106. C. Casalini & C.N. Pavur (eds.), Jesuit pedagogy, 1540-1616: a reader, Chestnut Hill MA, Institute for Jesuit Sources. Boston College, 2016, 346 p. 107. D.V. Filippi, ‘“Ask the Jesuits to send verses from Rome”: The Society’s networks and the European dissemination of devotional music’, in R.A. Maryks (ed.), Exploring Jesuit distinctiveness. Interdisciplinary perspectives on ways of proceeding within the Society of Jesus, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2016, 62–80. 108. D.V. Filippi, ‘“Their sound hath gone forth into all the earth”: Music and sound in the ministries of early modern Jesuits: Introduction’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 3/3 (2016), 357-364. 109. C. Gannett & J. Brereton (eds.), Traditions of eloquence. The Jesuits and modern rhetorical studies, New York, Fordham University Press, 2016, 448 p. 110. P.F. Grendler, ‘The culture of the Jesuit teacher 1548-1773’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 3/1 (2016), 17-41. 111. D. Heider (ed.), Cognitive psychology in early Jesuit scholasticism, Neunkirchen-Seelscheid, Editiones Scholasticae, 2016, 197 p. 112. T.F. Kennedy, ‘Music and Jesuits: Historiography, and a global perspective’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 3/3 (2016), 365-376. 113. W. Pasierbek, ‘Jesuit philosophy of contemplative education’, Horyzonty Wychowania 15/33 (2016), 9-22. 114. M. Reus Canals, ‘El papel de la teología en la identidad y misión de una universidad jesuita’, Miscelánea Comillas 74 (2016), 155- 176. 115. M.J. D’Souza, Teaching and learning in higher education. Emerging trends, Mangalore, St. Aloysius College, 2016, 227 p.

7. Polemical writings 116. R. Parolini, Il “renversement” nella teologia della storia e nella polemica anti-gesuita di Blaise Pascal, Ferrara, Università degli Studi di Ferrara, 2005, 79 p. 117. M. Catto, ‘The Jesuit memoirists. How the Company of Jesus contributed to anti-Jesuitism’, in J. Martínez Millán a.o. (eds.), Los jesuitas. Religión, política y educación (siglos XVI-XVIII), Madrid, Universidad de Comillas, 2012, 927-942. 118. T. Egido López, ‘Formación y funciones del estereotipo antijesuita’, in J. Martínez Millán a.o. (eds.), Los jesuitas. Religión, política y educación (siglos XVI-XVIII), Madrid, Universidad de Comillas, 2012, 715-726. 119. N. Guasti, ‘La pieza clave del antijesuitismo español del siglo 18: el “Dictamen fiscal de expulsión de los jesuitas” de Pedro Rodríguez de Campomanes’, in S. Monreal a.o. (eds.), 450 Paul Begheyn SJ

Antijesuitismo y filojesuitismo. Dos identidades ante la restauración, Bogotá, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana [etc.], 2014, 77-105. 120. S. Monreal a.o. (eds.), Antijesuitismo y filojesuitismo. Dos identidades ante la restauración, Bogotá, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana [etc.], 2014, 219 p. 121. S. Monreal, ‘“Catolicismo y jesuitismo son una misma cosa”: campañas antijesuíticas en Montevideo: 1893-1913’, in S. Monreal a.o. (eds.), Antijesuitismo y filojesuitismo. Dos identidades ante la restauración, Bogotá, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana [etc.], 2014, 193-216. 122. S. Pavone, ‘El antijesuitismo, la antigua y la nueva Compañía de Jesús. Nuevas perspectivas de investigación’, in S. Monreal a.o. (eds.), Antijesuitismo y filojesuitismo. Dos identidades ante la restauración, Bogotá, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana [etc.], 2014, 27-49. 123. J.E. Salcedo Martínez, ‘Le recepción de la leyenda antijesuita y projesuita en la Nueva Granada: 1842-1850’, in S. Monreal a.o. (eds.), Antijesuitismo y filojesuitismo. Dos identidades ante la restauración, Bogotá, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana [etc.], 2014, 139-165. 124. R. Di Stefano, ‘El antijesuitismo porteño del siglo XIX’, in S. Monreal a.o. (eds.), Antijesuitismo y filojesuitismo. Dos identidades ante la restauración, Bogotá, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana [etc.], 2014, 167-191. 125. G. Zermeño, ‘Retorno, Extinción e Independencia: imágenes jesuíticas y antijesuitismo en México: 1814-1841’, in S. Monreal a.o. (eds.), Antijesuitismo y filojesuitismo. Dos identidades ante la restauración, Bogotá, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana [etc.], 2014, 107-138.

II. Countries

A. Africa See also 491.

126. D. Vella & M. Czerny (eds.), Linked for life: African Jesuit AIDS Network, Nairobi, Paulines Publications Africa, 2007, 153 p. 127. D.M. Rwezaura, ‘Interreligious dialogue in a nomadic Church: The witness of Jesuit Refugee Service in Eastern Africa’, in S. Snyder a.o. (eds.), Church in an age of global migration: A moving body, New York, Palgrave-Macmillan, 2016, 227-237. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 451

128. L. de Saint Moulin, Histoire des Jésuites en Afrique: du XVIe siècle à nos jours, Petite Bibliothèque Jésuite, Namur / Paris, Lessius, 2016, 144 p.

Ethiopia See also 775.

129. R.J. Clines, ‘Jesuit thalassology reconsidered: the Mediterranean and the geopolitics of Jesuit missionary aims in seventeenth- century Ethiopia’, Mediterranean Historical Review 31/1 (2016), 43-64. 130. V. Fernández, ‘The Jesuit mission to Ethiopia (1557-1632) and the origins of Gondärine architecture (seventeenth-eighteenth centuries)’, in S. Montón-Subías a.o. (eds.), Archaeologies of early modern Spanish colonialism, Basel, Springer International Publishing, 2016, 153-173.

Madagascar See 844.

Zambia See 464.

B. America See also 596.

131. A. Paschoud, ‘Puissance de l’image et efficacité de la représentation: le théâtre d'édification dans les missions jésuites d’Amérique méridionale (XVIe-XVIIe siècles)’, The Irish Journal of French Studies 4 (2004), 5-16. 132. S. Sebastián, ‘Los Jesuitas’, in his El barroco iberoamericano. Mensaje iconográfico, Madrid, Ediciones Encuentro, 2007, 290-294. 133. I. Arellano, ‘América en las fiestas jesuitas. Celebraciones de San Ignacio y San Francisco Javier’, NRFH 56 (2008), 53-86. 134. K.H. Arenz, ‘Les missions jésuites et l’Amazonie portugaise au XVIIe siècle’, Nurt SVD 42/123-124 (2008), 113-128. 135. R. Cymbalista, ‘The presence of the martyrs: Jesuit martyrdom and the Christianisation of Portuguese America’, International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church 10/4 (2010), 287-305. 136. R. Cymbalista, ‘Os mártires e a cristianização do território na América portuguesa, séculos XVI e XVII’, Anais do Museu Paulista NS 18 (2010), 43-82. 452 Paul Begheyn SJ

137. F.d.B. Medina, ‘El efímero restablecimiento de la Compañía de Jesús en Nueva España en la coyuntura de las luchas por la emancipación (1816-1821)’, in M. Koprivitza Acuña a.o. (eds.), Del mundo hispánico a la consolidación de las naciones 1808-1940, Tlaxcala, Gobierno del Estado de Tlaxcala, 2010, 283-332. 138. G. Wilde, ‘Entre la duplicidad y el mestizaje: prácticas sonoras en las misiones jesuíticas de Sudamérica’, in C. Spencer a.o., A tres Bandas. Mestizaje, sincretismo e hibridación en el espacio sonoro iberoamericano, Madrid, Sociedad Estatal para la Acción Cultural Exterior-Ediciones Akal, 2010, 103-114. 139. P.J. Mainka, ‘Historiografia alemã sobre a Companhia de Jesus – pesquisas recentes sobre os jesuítas e a sua atuação nas Américas portuguesa e espanhola’, Diálogos 15 (2011), 199-229. 140. L.E. Alcalá, ‘De historias globales y locales: una aproximación a la historiografía de la arquitectura de los jesuitas en Hispanoamérica’, in M.I. Álvaro Zamora a.o. (eds.), La arquitectura jesuítica, Zaragoza, EFC, 2012, 473-496. 141. J. Burrieza Sánchez, ‘Presencias y casas de la Compañía de Jesús en la América española. Los domicilios de los jesuitas en un territorio de misión: el virreinato de Nueva España’, in A. Coello a.o. (eds.), Jesuitas en imperios de ultramar. Siglos XVI-XX, Madrid, Silex, 2012, 105-142. 142. P. Oberholzer, ‘Jesuitenmission in Südamerika – Jesuiten in Luzern. Jahrestagung von Jesuitica e.V., 9-11. März 2012’, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 81 (2012), 291-299. 143. M.A. Bernier a.o. (eds.), Jesuit accounts of the Colonial Americas: Intercultural transfers, intellectual disputes, and textualities, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2014, 464 p. 144. C. Correa e Silva Freitas, ‘A missão jesuítica como ação política: aldeamentos, legislação e conflitos na América portuguesa (séculos XVI-XVII)’, Revista História e Cultura, Franca-SP 3 (2014), 28-42. 145. A. Maldavsky & G. Wilde, ‘Paradojas de la ausencia. Las misiones jesuíticas sudamericanas y el imaginario post-restauración’, in E. Colombo a.o. (eds.), Las misiones antes y después de la restauración de la Compañía de Jesús: continuidades y cambios, Puebla, Universidad Iberoamericana, 2014. 101-126. 146. J. del Rey Fajardo, Biobibliografía de los jesuitas expulsados del Nuevo Reino de Granada (1767-1815), Bogotá, Universidad Javeriana, 2014, 306 p. 147. M.M. Mochizuki, ‘The Luso-Baroque republic of things and the contingency of contact’, Ellipsis. Journal of the American Portuguese Studies Association 12 (2014), 143-171. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 453

148. E. Kubiak, Reinterpretacje. Percepcja i recepcja dzieł architektury na przykładzie świątyń jezuickich Ameryki Południowej okresu kolonialnego [Reinterpretations. Perception and reception of architectural works with an example of Jesuit churches in colonial Latin America], Łódź, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2015, 439 p. 149. D. Stiles, ‘The imperial horrification of Jesuit frontier sacred space in South America, 1750-67’, in J.M. DeSilva (ed.), The sacralization of space and behavior in the early modern world: Studies and sources, Farnham, Ashgate, 2015, 257-276. 150. A. Kettler, ‘“Ravishing odors of paradise”: Jesuits, olfaction, and seventeenth-century North America’, Journal of American Studies 50/4 (2016), 827-852. 151. F. Santos, ‘Missões jesuíticas na América Portuguesa no século XVI: estratégias de conversão do gentio’, Revista Estudios 32 (2016), 403-416.

Argentina See also 777.

152. G.M. Viñuales, ‘Misiones jesuíticas de Guaraníes (Argentina, Paraguay, Brasil)’, Apuntes: Revista de estudios sobre patrimonio cultural - Journal of Cultural Heritage Studies 20/1 (2007), 108-125. 153. C.D. Paz, ‘La modernidad de los bárbaros. Los abipones de San Jerónimo del Rey y sus relaciones sociales con las fronteras santafesinas del Chaco’, História Unisinos 13 (2009), 253-264. 154. R. Krüger, ‘La imprenta misionera jesuítico-guaraní y el primer libro rioplatense, Martirologio Romano, de 1700’, Cuadernos de Teología 29 (2010), 1-27. 155. S.M. Lovay, ‘La visita de Santiago de Liniers a los pueblos de San Cosme, Santiago, Santa Rosa, San Ignacio Guazú y Santa María de Fe’, IHS. Antiguos jesuitas en Iberoamérica 1/1 (2013), 322-328. 156. G.A. Bailey, The spiritual rococo: Decor and divinity from the salons of Paris to the missions of Patagonia, Farnham, Ashgate, 2014, 454 p. 157. M. V. Ciliberto, ‘De los jesuitas a la administración de las temporalidades. El patrimonio de la Compañía de Jesús y la fuerza de trabajo esclava en el Río de la Plata (fines del siglo XVIII)’, Cuadernos de Historia 44 (2016), 29-56. 158. S.M. Lovay, ‘Biobibliografía de los jesuitas de la estancia de Alta Gracia (Córdoba-Argentina)’, IHS. Antiguos Jesuitas en Iberoamérica 4/2 (2016), 121-129. 159. C.A. Page, El Camino de las estancias. Las estancias jesuíticas y la 454 Paul Begheyn SJ

Manzana de la Compañía de Jésus, Córdoba (Argentina), Córdoba, CIEC-CONICET/UNC, 2016, 192 p.

Bolivia 160. S. Antón Priasco, ‘La educación musical en el proyecto misional jesuítico. El caso de Mojos’, Bibliographica Americana - Revista interdisciplinaria de estudios coloniales 1 (2004), 57-69. 161. V.H. Limpias Ortiz, ‘Misión de Moxos’, Apuntes. Revista de estudios sobre patrimonio cultural 20 (2007), 70-91. 162. A. Saito, ‘“Fighting against a hydra”: Jesuit language policy in Moxos’, in S. Kawamura & C. Veliath (eds.), Beyond borders: a global perspective of Jesuit mission history, Tokyo, Sophia University Press, 2009, 350-363. 163. F. Loverci, ‘Miguel Fermín de Riglos e la tradizione musicale delle missioni gesuitiche dei Chiquitos’, in S. Nanni (ed.), La musica dei semplici. L’altra Controriforma, Roma, Viella, 2012, 359-369. 164. J. Russell & R. Cohn, Jesuit missions of the Chiquitos, n.p., Bookvika publishing, 2013, 88 p. 165. M.A. Nicoletti, ‘“Navegar mar adentro” Las peregrinaciones lacustres del Nahuel Huapi: la Misión jesuita y la Virgen de los Poyas y Puelches’, Sociedad y religión 25 (2015), 70-109.

Brazil See also 152, 876.

166. A. Agnolin, ‘Jesuítas e Tupi: o encontro sacramental e ritual dos séculos XVI-XVII’, Revista de História 154 (2006), 71-118. 167. C. Engemann a.o., ‘Os jesuítas e a Ilustração na administração de Manuel Martins do Couto Reis da Real Fazenda de Santa Cruz (Rio de Janeiro, 1793-1804)’, História Unisinos 13 (2009), 241-252. 168. I. Telesca, ‘Muito além das missões: o colégio jesuíta de Assunção do século XVIII’, Diálogos 13 (2009), 323-345. 169. C. de Castelnau-l'Estoile, ‘Compartir las reliquias. Indios Tupíes y jesuitas frente a los huesos de un misionero Chamán en el Brasil de inicios del siglo XVII’, in G. Wilde (ed.), Saberes de la conversión. Jesuitas, indígenas e imperios coloniales en las fronteras de la cristiandad, Buenos Aires, Editorial SB, 2011, 225-250. 170. W. Freitas Oliveira, Colégio Antônio Vieira 1911-2011. Vidas e histórias de uma missão Jesuíta, Salvador, Edilece Souza Couto, 2011, 307 p. 171. A.J. Antonil, Brazil at the dawn of the eighteenth century (trans. and ed. Timothy Coates), Dartmouth MA, Tagus Press, 2012, 246 p. 172. R. M. d´Aquino Fonseca Gadelha, ‘Jesuítas portugueses no Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 455

Paraná: uma contribuição para a história da expansão territorial do Brasil’, IHS. Antiguos jesuitas en Iberoamérica 1/1 (2013), 4-23. 173. I. Melo, ‘Os retábulos da nave e da sacristia da igreja da Companhia de Jesus em Belém do Pará’, IHS. Antiguos jesuitas en Iberoamérica 1 (2013), 34-58. 174. R. Moreira das Neves Neto, Um Patrimônio em Contendas. Os Bens Jesuíticos e a Magna Questão dos Dízimos no Estado do Maranhão e Grão-Pará (1650-1750), Anhangabaú, Paco Editorial, 2013, 180 p. 175. R. Burd, ‘A consolidação de uma liderança indígena durante a revolta causada pelo Tratado de Madrid: o caso de Sepé Tiaraju, entre o confronto e a negociação’, Revista História e Cultura, Franca-SP 3 (2014), 108-128. 176. B. Machado dos Santos, Os Jesuítas no Maranhão e Grão-Pará Seiscentista. Uma análise sobre os escritos dos protagonistas da Missão, Anhangabaú, Paco Editorial, 2015, 388 p. 177. R.A. Caire Silva & M.M. França Sousa, ‘A Companhia de Jesus em São Luís do Maranhão: Considerações sobre pintura e talha na Catedral da Sé’, IHS, Antiguos jesuitas en Iberoamérica 4/1 (2016), 31-50. 178. A.C. Couto dos Santos Salatino & H. Soares Serres, ‘Sinais do tempo. Experiências antijesuítícas nas primeiras décadas do século XX no Rio Grande do Sul e na Bahia (Brasil)’, IHS, Antiguos jesuitas en Iberoamérica 4/1 (2016), 51-67. 179. C.A. Meneses Sousa & M. Juraci Maia Cavalcante (eds.), Os jesuítas no Brasil: entre a colônia e a república, Brasília, Unesco, 2016, 293 p. 180. C.A. Page, ‘Los primeros misioneros jesuitas entre guaraníes y la experiencia de las “aldeias” de Brasil’, História Unisinos 20 (2016), 26-38. 181. W. Poletti a.o., ‘Archeomagnetism of Jesuit missions in South Brazil (1657–1706 AD) and assessment of the South American database’, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 445 (2016), 36-47.

Canada 182. J. Kellman, ‘Beyond center and periphery: new currents in French and francophone Atlantic studies’, Atlantic Studies 10/1 (2013), 1-11. 183. O. Servais, ‘Missionnaires jésuites et soeurs indigènes au Canada (1842-1909). Un projet d’institutrices religieuses amérindiennes’, in S. Mostaccio a.o. (eds.), Échelles de pouvoir, rapports de genre. Femmes, jésuites et modèle ignatien dans le long XIXe siècle, Louvain- la-Neuve, Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2014, 117-128. 456 Paul Begheyn SJ

184. J. Biron, ‘Enquête sur la provenance et les pérégrinations de deux livres d’Heures enluminés du XVe siècle conservés aux Archives des jésuites au Canada’, Renaissance and Reformation / Renaissance et Réforme 39/4 (2016), 19-72. 185. C. Fino, ‘L’accompagnement des Augustines de la Miséricorde à Québec par les pères jésuites, in C. Marin (dir.), Les soutiens spirituels aux missionnaires et à la mission. XVIIe-XXIe s., Paris, Karthala, 2016, 81-101. 186. Y. Lignereux, ‘Une mission périlleuse ou le péril colonial jésuite dans la France de Louis XIV: Sainte-Marie des Iroquois (1649- 1665)’, Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique francaise 69/4 (Printemps 2016), 5-26.

Chile See also 851.

187. R. Sánchez Andaur, ‘Entre la cruz y la razón: El Colegio Jesuita San Francisco Javier de la Limpia Concepción (Chile 1610-1767)’, Revista de Historia de América 137 (2006), 167-200. 188. L. Hachim Lara, ‘De la Historia moral a la Historia civil en el Compendio de la Historia Civil del Reyno de Chile (1787) del abate Juan Ignacio Molina’, Literatura y lingüística 19 (2008), 21-37. 189. R. Gaune Corradi, ‘Organizando el otro deseo de las Indias: la expansión periférica de la Compañía de Jesús en América (Chile, 1568-1593)’, Estudios humanísticos. Historia 10 (2011), 297-320. 190. J. Jaque Hidalgo, ‘Misiones jesuitas en la Guerra de Arauco: Resistencia mapuche, negociación y movilidad cultural en la periferia colonial (1593-1641)’, Rocky Mountain Review 68 (2014), 177-194. 191. R. Gaune, Escritura y salvación. cultura misionera jesuita en tiempos de Anganamón, siglo XVII, Santiago de Chile, Ediciones Universidad Alberto Hurtado, 2016, 486 p. 192. A. Redden, ‘Not-so-good shepherds: Reluctant Jesuit martyrs on the seventeenth-century Chilean frontier’, in A. Forrestal & S.A. Smith (eds.), The frontiers of mission: Perspectives on early modern missionary Catholicism, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2016, 90-114. 193. A. Schnoor, Gehorchen und Gestalten: Jesuiten zwischen Demokratie und Diktatur in Chile (1962-1983), Frankfurt / New York, Campus Verlag, 2016, 481 p.

Colombia See also 123, 146. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 457

194. F. González Mora, Reducciones y haciendas jesuíticas en Casanare, Meta y Orinoco ss. XXVII-XVIII. Arquitectura y urbanismo en la frontera oriental del Nuevo Reino de Granada, Bogotá, Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2004, 226 p. 195. F. González Mora, ‘Arquitectura del templo misionero en las reducciones jesuíticas del Casanare, Meta y Orinoco, siglos XVII-XVIII. Estudio de interpretación espacial basado en fuentes documentales primarias y publicadas’, Apuntes. Revista de Estudios sobre Patrimonio Cultural 20 (2007), 34-49. 196. J. del Rey Fajardo, ‘The role of libraries in the missionary regions of Orinoquia’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 2 (2015), 208-222.

Cuba 197. A. Hernández Delgado, ‘Aproximación a la historia de la Compañía de Jesús en Cuba’, in I. Ruiz Rodríguez & F. Martínez Llorente (eds.), Recuerdos literarios en honor a un gran historiador de Castilla Gonzalo Martínez Díez (1924-2015), Madrid, Dykinson S.L., 2016, 205-218.

Curaçao See 870.

Ecuador 198. G. Borja González, ‘La expulsión de los jesuitas en Ecuador y la Nueva Granada: impresos, debates fundacionales y transnacionalidad a mediados del siglo XIX’, in A. Rubio Hernández (ed.), Minúscula y plural: Cultura escrita en Colombia, Medellín, La Carreta, 2016, 153-184.

El Salvador 199. C. Bilami a.o., ‘Les jésuites de l’UCA. Quelle image du martyr en Belgique?’, in C. Sappia (ed.), À l’image d’Oscar Romero. Héros, prophètes et martyrs d’Amérique latine, Louvain-la-Neuve, Academia-Bruylant, 2009, 221-240. 200. L. Cerna & M.J. Ignoffo, La verdad: a witness to the Salvadoran martyrs, Maryknoll NY, Orbis Books, 2016, 224 p.

Guatemala 201. L.M. Gómez Rivas, ‘Universidad e independencia: la biblioteca del colegio Jesuita de San Lucas en Santiago de los Caballeros, Guatemala’, in América en la memoria: conmemoraciones y reencuentros, vol. 1, Madrid / Bilbao, Asociación Española de Americanistas / Universidad de Deusto, 2013, 39-55. 458 Paul Begheyn SJ

Mexico See also 125.

202. A.G. Moreno Martínez, ‘Jesuitas y franciscanos en la sierra del Nayarit durante el siglo XVIII’, in F. Armas Asin (ed.), Angeli novi: prácticas evangelizadoras, representaciones artísticas y construcciones del catolicismo en América (Siglos XVII-XX), Lima, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2004, 19-31. 203. B. Cabezon, ‘Cacao, haciendas, and the Jesuits. Letters from New Spain, 1693-1751’, in L.E. Grivetti & H.-Y. Shapiro (eds.), Chocolate: History, culture, and heritage, Hoboken NJ, John Wiley & Sons, 2009, 607-610. 204. J.S. Arcilla, ‘Mexican Jesuits and the Philippines’, in A.R. Ocampo (ed.), Philippines-Mexico historical relations: proceedings of the symposium held at the National Museum of the Philippines on November 16-17, 2006, Manila, National Historical Commission of the Philippines, 2010, 1-10. 205. G. López Castillo, ‘De la ciudad eterna a las misiones más remotas: comunicación epistolar de los generales con los jesuitas de Sinaloa, 1591-1630’, IHS. Antiguos Jesuitas en Iberoamérica 1 (2013), 121-136. 206. C.U. Montiel, ‘Memoria y travesías de un jesuita de habla alemana desde la Sierra Tarahumara’, in C. López Calderón a.o. (eds.), Barroco Iberoamericano: identidades culturales de un imperio, vol. 2, Santiago de Compostela, Andavira, 2013, 605-616. 207. A. Roberti dos Reis, ‘Da cidade à república das letras. Jesuítas, Administração Vice-Real, Grupos Letrados (México, sécs XVI e XVI)’, História, Histórias. Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em História UnB 2/3 (2014), 18-34. 208. M. Terán Espinosa, ‘La bandera blanca de San Ignacio de Loyola en la guerra por la Independencia mexicana’, Efemérides Mexicana 94 (2014), 68-114. 209. B. Green, ‘El rudo y penoso magisterio de un indio: Magisterium, ascetismo y mimesis en las historias jesuitas de la Baja California durante el siglo XVIII’, Universum 29 (2014), 99-118. 210. M.I. García Aguilar, ‘Entre el olvido y la supervivencia: los libros jesuitas del Colegio de San Luis Potosí’, Revista de El Colegio de San Luis 11 (2016), 48-105.

Paraguay See also 152, 856, 857, 861. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 459

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Peru See also 509.

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United States See also 481.

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Uruguay 259. N. Levinton, ‘La escena urbana como estrategia apostólica. Un aporte trunco de la Compañía de Jesús para Montevideo’, IHS, Antiguos jesuitas en Iberoamérica 4/1 (2016), 91-106. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 463

C. Asia

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China See also 351, 430, 448, 462, 467, 468, 482, 514, 518. 541, 578, 581, 597, 598, 640, 739, 770, 776, 804, 821.

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Hong Kong See 422.

India 323. M. Gopalan, ‘War, movement, and resettlement: the Paravas and the Jesuits in the sixteenth century’, in H.P. Ray & E.A. Alpers (eds.), Cross currents and community networks: the history of the Indian Ocean world, New Delhi, Oxford University Press, 2007, 79-99. 324. P. Aranha, ‘Sacramenti o samskārāh? L’illusione dell’accommo- datio nella controversia dei riti malabarici’, Cristianesimo nella Storia 31 (2010), 621-646. 325. S. Pavone, ‘Propaganda, diffamazione e opinione pubblica: i gesuiti e la querelle sui riti malabarici’, in M. Donattini a.o. (eds.), Studi in onore di Adriano Prosperi, vol II - L’Europa divisa e il nuovo mondo, Pisa, Edizioni della Scuola Normale Superiore, 2011, 203-211. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 469

326. S. Pavone, ‘Inquisizione romana e riti malabarici: una contro- versia’, in A dieci anni dall’apertura dell’Archivio della Congrega- zione per la Dottrina della Fede: storia e archivi dell’Inquisizione, Roma, Scienze e Lettere, 2011, 145-161. 327. J. Kalapura, ‘Indo-European interaction: the Jesuit mediation, 16-18th centuries’, Indica [Golden Jubilee Issue] 50 (2013), 209-231. 328. M. Amaladoss, ‘Les défis missionnaires des jésuites en Inde aujourd’hui’, in Les jésuites aujourd’hui: depuis leur rétablissement (1814). Aller, rencontrer, servir, Paris, Médiasèvres, 2015, 73-89. 329. A. de Lima Ribeiro Sales, O teatro Jesuíta na escola para índios dos séculos XVI e XVII: Um instrumento pedagógico, Novas Edições Académicas, 2015, 108 p. 330. M.L. Marques Lobato, ‘Os Jesuítas perante o islão e a política religiosa do imperador Akbar. Notas de leitura’, in M.d.D. Manso, D’Aquém, D’Além e D’Ultramar, Homenagem a António Dias Farinha, Lisboa, Centro de História - Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, 2015, 457-478. 331. J. Flores, The Mughal Padshah. A Jesuit treatise on Emperor Jahangir’s court and household, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2016, 194 p. 332. Y. Kouroshi, ‘Medialität und Modalität der Prophetie: Die Rezeption der Geschichte Christi am Hof der Großmogulherrscher in Indien um 1600 anhand von Schriften des Jesuiten Jeronimo Xavier’, in M. Gabel a.o. (eds.), Religionen in Bewegung. Interreligiöse Beziehungen im Wandel der Zeit, Münster, Aschendorff, 2016, 123-141. 333. J.B. Lourdusamy, ‘Betwixt science and religion - East and West: Jesuits in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century southern India’, in Y. Fehige (ed.), Science and Religion: East and West, Abingdon, Taylor & Francis, 2016, 158-173. 334. T. Zami & C.E. Lorea, ‘Interreligious encounter and proselytism in pre-Mughal Bengal. An analysis of the report by the Jesuit Father Nicolas Pimenta’, Indian Historical Review 43/2 (2016), 234-269.

Indonesia See also 951.

335. H. Setyawan, ‘Nurturing religious and humanistic values to young generations in Gulen and Jesuit schools in Indonesia’, Religió: Jurnal Studi Agama-agama 6 (2016), 22-37.

Iraq 336. K. Girling, ‘Jesuit contributions to the Iraqi education system in 470 Paul Begheyn SJ

the 1930s and later’, International Studies in Catholic Education 8/2 (2016), 179-192.

Japan See also 586, 634, 845, 846.

337. C. Caniglia, ‘I gesuiti e lo shugendō’, Atti XXXIII Convegno Aistugia (2009), 105-117. 338. A. Polónia, ‘Self-organised networks in the first global age: The Jesuits in Japan’, The Bulletin of the Institute for World Affairs and Cultures 28 (2013), 133-158. 339. P. Schwemmer, ‘My child Deus. Grammar versus theology in a Japanese Christian devotional of 1591’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 1/3 (2014), 465-482. 340. N. Yamashita, ‘The Jesuit mission in Hirado and the vanished Christians of Takushima. A historical and anthropological research’, 長崎大学言語教育研究センター紀要 (Journal of Centre for Language Studies, Nagasaki University) 3 (2015), 37-56. 341. A. Brüggemann, ‘Deutsche Ordensleute im Land der aufgehenden Sonne: Das katholische Tokio ist ohne die Ordensgemeinschaft der Jesuiten, insbesondere aus Deutschland, nicht denkbar’, Christ in der Gegenwart 68 (2016), 396-397. 342. J. Fujitani, ‘Penance in the Jesuit mission to Japan, 1549-1562’, Journal of Ecclesiastical History 67/2 (2016), 306-324. 343. F. García Gutiérrez, La Compañía de Jesús puente cultural entre Oriente y Occidente, Sevilla, Compañía de Jesús, 2016, 207 p. 344. G. Isgrò, L’avventura scenica dei gesuiti in Giappone (1549-1639), Bari, Edizioni di Pagina, 2016, 152 p. 345. H. Vu Thanh, Devenir japonais. La mission jésuite au Japon (1549- 1614), Paris, Presses de l’université Paris-Sorbonne, 2016, 486 p.

Macao See 422, 635.

Marianas 346. A. Coello de la Rosa, Jesuits at the margins. Missions and missionaries in the Marianas (1668-1769), Abingdon, Routledge, 2016, 382 p.

Philippines See also 204.

347. J.J. Magadia, ‘The political landscape of the ’70s and some Jesuit Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 471

responses to the changing times’, in C.J. Montiel & S. Evangelista (eds.), Down from the hill: Ateneo de Manila in the first ten years under martial law, 1972-1982, Quezon City, Ateneo de Manila University Press, 2005, 205-250. 348. J.S. Arcilla, ‘Spanish documents at the Philippine Jesuit Province Archives’, in M.L.T. Camagay (ed.), Encuentro: Philippine-Spanish Friendship Day, [Quezon City], Spanish Program for Cultural Cooperation, 2007, 159-170. 349. A.P. Bautista & M.C.C. Dalumpines, ‘Archaeological excavation at the Iglesia de San Ignacio Site, Intramuros, Manila’, in L.D.C. de Viana, Manila: [selected papers of the 18th Annual Manila Studies Conference, August 23-24, 2009], Quezon City, Manila Studies Association, 2010, 1-40. 350. A. Santos & D.O. Lozada, ‘Answering the call: the Ateneo de Manila during the Second World War, 1941-1945’, in J.D. Hofileña (ed.), The Ateneo de Manila University: 150 Years of Engaging the Nation, Quezon City, Ateneo de Manila University Press, 2010. 351. P. Luengo Gutiérrez, ‘Arquitectura jesuita en Filipinas y China’, in M.I. Álvaro Zamora a.o. (eds.), La arquitectura jesuitica, Zaragoza, EFC, 2012, 523-540. 352. C.G. Arévalo, ‘Loyola School of Theology and the Second Vatican Council’, Landas 30 (2016), 93-96. 353. E. Descalzo Yuste, ‘‘Las misiones más trabajosas, y difíciles, que tiene la universal Compañía’. Dificultades de la labor misional de la Compañía de Jesús en Filipinas (1581-1768)’, Revista Estudios 32 (2016), 467-495.

Thailand See 735.

Turkey 354. A. Ruiu, ‘Conflicting vision of the Jesuit missions to the Ottoman Empire, 1609-1628’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 1/2 (2014), 260-280.

Vietnam See 822.

D. Europe

355. K. Černý, ‘Lékařství v jihoevropských kolejích Tovaryšstva Ježíšova’ [Analysis of the South-European Jesuit consuetudinaria 472 Paul Begheyn SJ

regarding history of medicine], Historia - medicina - cultura: sborník k dějinám medicíny, Praha, Universita Karlova v Praze, 2006, 83-104. 356. P. Shore, Narratives of adversity: Jesuits on the eastern peripheries of the Habsburg realms (1640-1773), Budapest, Central European University Press, 2012, 394 p. 357. M. Křížová, Problem of (proto)national / ethnic / regional identities of Jesuit missionaries from Central Europe in America, Leipzig, Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2015, 33 p.

Austria 358. T. Posch a.o., ‘Austrian-Hungarian astronomical observatories run by the Society of Jesus at the time of the 18th century Venus transits’, The Journal of Astronomical Data 19 (2013), 121-129. 359. C. Ferlan, ‘Perception of religious change: The first Jesuits in Austria (sixteenth century)’, in P. Pombeni (ed.), The Historiography of Transition. Critical Phases in the Development of Modernity (1494-1973), Abingdon, Routledge, 2016, 91-104.

Belarus 360. Т. Самойлюк, ‘Иезуитское книгопечатание в Беларуси’ [Printing of Jesuit books in Belarus], in N. Markauskaité (ed.), Jėzuitai Lietuvoje (1608-2008): gyvenimas, veikla, paveldas [Jesuits in Lithuania (1608-2008): life, work, heritage], Vilnius, Lietuvos nacionalinis muziejus, 2012, 245-254.

Belgium 361. K. Suenens, ‘Jésuites et congrégations féminines en Belgique (ca. 1850 – ca. 1880): rencontres, influences et conflits’, in S. Mostaccio a.o. (eds.), Échelles de pouvoir, rapports de genre. Femmes, jésuites et modèle ignatien dans le long XIXe siècle, Louvain-la-Neuve, Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2014, 249-270. 362. B. Joassart, ‘Un volume de Louis Duchesne non recensé par les Bollandistes’, Analecta Bollandiana 133 (2015), 169-174. 363. J.W. O’Malley (ed.), Art, controversy, and the Jesuits: The Imago Primi Saeculi (1640), Philadelphia, Saint Joseph’s University Press, 2015, 771 p. 364. R. Adam, ‘Contributions françaises à la restauration de la bibliothèque du Collège des jésuites d’Eegenhoven, près de Louvain, entre 1940 et 1950’, Revue française d’histoire du livre 136 (2016), 253-268. 365. A.E. Ceulemans & G. Ems, Emblèmes musicaux dans les collèges Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 473

jésuites: Bruxelles et Courtrai au XVIIe siècle, Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2016, 296 p. 366. P. Desmette, ‘Un enjeu doctrinal entre jansénistes et anti- jansénistes: le séminaire de Tournai à la charnière des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles’, Revue belge de philologie et d’histoire / Belgisch tijdschrift voor filologie en geschiedenis 94/2 (2017), 255-276. 367. F. Dolbeau, ‘Fragments manuscrits provenant de l’ancienne bibliothèque des Bollandistes’, Analecta Bollandiana 134/2 (2016), 411. 368. C. Drèze, ‘Musical practices among Marian Sodalities in the Gallo- and Flandro-Belgian Provinces from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 3/3 (2016), 398-414. 369. G. Ems, L’emblématique au service du pouvoir. La symbolique du prince chrétien dans les expositions emblématiques du Collège des jésuites de Bruxelles sous le gouvernorat de Léopold-Guillaume (1647- 1656), Vol. 1, Louvain-la-Neuve, UCL Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2016, 362 p. 370. B. Joassart, ‘Claude Chastelain, collaborateur des Bollandistes’, Analecta Bollandiana 134/1 (2016), 95-96. 371. A.C. Knaap, ‘Marvels and marbles in the Antwerp Jesuit church: Hendrick van Balen’s stone paintings of the Life of the Virgin (1621)’, in W. de Boer a.o. (eds.), Jesuit image theory, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2016, 352-393. 372. M. Lindeijer, ‘Two Belgian Jesuit martyrologies as models of conciliar reform’, Analecta Bollandiana 134 (2016), 412-432.

Croatia 373. S. Južnič, ‘Jesuit education of workers, artisans, and clerks in Rijeka and Carniola (on the bicentenary of restoration of Society of Jesus)’, in Čovjek i industrija s naglaskom na povijesno iskustvo o čovjeku u industriji: zbornik radova [The man and the industry with emphasis on the historical experience of the man in the industry: conference proceedings], Rijeka, Pro torpedo, 2016, 61-86.

Czech Republic 374. K. Mačák, ‘Matematika v prazskem Klementinu v letech 1600- 1740’, in Historia Universitatis Carolinae Pragensis 43 (2003), 83- 105. 375. W. Więsław ‘Mathematicians of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia in XVII–XVIII centuries’, in E. Fuchs (ed.), Mathematics throughout the ages. II, Praha, Výzkumné centrum pro dějiny vědy, 2004, 7-22. 474 Paul Begheyn SJ

376. K. Mačák, ‘Matematika v Klementinu’, in Jezuite a Klementinum, Praha, Narodní knihovna, 2006, 45-50. 377. J. Havlík, ‘Jmenování provinciála v české jezuitské provincii v roce 1689’, Acta Universitatis Carolinae Historia Universitatis Carolinae Pragensis 50 (2010), 59-69. 378. A. Bočková, ‘From sanctulus to sacer. Suggested typology of Jesuit school plays featuring St. John of Nepomuk in the Bohemian Province’, Acta Universitatis Carolinae – Philologica. Graecolatina Pragensia XXV (2015/2), 113-133. 379. K. Bobková-Valentová a.o. (eds.), Sv. Jan Nepomucký na jezuitských skolních scénách, Praha, Academia, 2016, 645 p. 380. M. Jacková, ‘The end of the school year on the stage of Jesuit schools in the Bohemian Province’, Acta Universitatis Carolinae – Philologica. Graecolatina Pragensia (2016/2), 125-135. 381. M. Jacková, ‘Saint Jean Népomucène sur la scène théâtrale des jésuites en Bohême’, in M.-É. Dureux (dir.), Dévotion et légitimation. Patronages sacrés dans l’Europe des Habsbourg, Liège, Presses Universitaires de Liège, 2016, 211-219.

France See also 502.

382. M.A. Bernier, ‘Ad majorem feminarum gloriam. L’Essai de rhétorique à l’usage des jeunes demoiselles (1745) de Gabriel- Henri Gaillard et la tradition jésuite’, in C. La Charité & R. Roy (dir.), Femmes, rhétorique et éloquence sous l’Ancien Régime, Saint- Étienne, Publications de l’Université de Saint-Étienne, 2012, 123- 134. 383. G. Ems & C. Heering, ‘Les fêtes jésuites en Lorraine: entre traditions, récupérations et innovations’, in A.-É. Spica (ed.), Les fêtes en Lorraine, XVIe-XVIIe siècles. Des images de mémoire et d’histoire, Metz, Centre de Recherche Universitaire Lorrain d’Histoire CRULH, 2013, 133-152. 384. J. Loach, ‘Performing in Latin in Jesuit-run colleges in mid- to late-17th-century France: Why, and with what consequences?’, in P. Ford & A. Taylor, The early modern cultures of Neo-Latin drama, Leuven, University Press, 2013, 113-140. 385. J.D. Burson, ‘Between power and Enlightenment: the cultural and intellectual context for the Jesuit suppression in France’, in J.D. Burson & J. Wright (eds.), The Jesuit suppression in global context: Causes, events, and consequences, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2015, 40-64. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 475

386. D. Gillian Thompson, ‘French Jesuits 1756-1814’, in J.D. Burson & J. Wright (eds.), The Jesuit suppression in global context: Causes, events, and consequences, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2015, 181-198. 387. C. Langlois, ‘Les Jésuites en France au XIXe siècle: les paradoxes d’une histoire’, in Les jésuites aujourd’hui: depuis leur rétablissement (1814). Aller, rencontrer, servir, Paris, Médiasèvres, 2015, 15-40. 388. P. Lécrivain, ‘L’engagement social, spirituel et intellectuel des jésuites français au XXe siècle’, in Les jésuites aujourd’hui: depuis leur rétablissement (1814). Aller, rencontrer, servir, Paris, Médiasèvres, 2015, 41-57. 389. R. De Marco, ‘Les frontispices des thèses jésuites en Lorraine au XVIIe siècle: lieux éphémères et lieux de mémoire’, in A.-É. Spica (ed.), Les fêtes en Lorraine, XVIe-XVIIe siècles. Des images de mémoire et d’histoire, Metz, Centre de Recherche Universitaire Lorrain d’Histoire CRULH, 2015, 113-131. 390. C. Storrs, ‘The suppression of the Jesuits in the Savoyard state’, in J.D. Burson & J. Wright (eds.), The Jesuit suppression in global context: Causes, events, and consequences, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2015, 139-160. 391. J.D. Burson, ‘Distinctive contours of Jesuit Enlightenment in France’, in R.A. Maryks (ed.), Exploring Jesuit distinctiveness. Interdisciplinary perspectives on ways of proceeding within the Society of Jesus, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2016, 212-234. 392. P. Leech & M. Whitehead, ‘‘Clamores omnino atque admirationes excitant’. New light on music and musicians at St Omers English Jesuit College, 1658-1714’, Tijdschrift van de Koninklijke Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis 66 (2016), 123-148. 393. A. Markiewicz, ‘From Lviv to Paris: The Jabłonowski brothers at the Jesuit Collège Louis-le-Grand, 1684-1686’, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 85 (2016), 187-219. 394. M. Wehnert, ‘Jesuitisch-Weltgeistliche Konfliktkonstellationen 1622/23’, in his Ein neues Geschlecht von Priestern. Tridentinische Klerikalkultur im französischen Katholizismus 1620-1640, Regensburg, Schnell & Steiner, 2016, 29-86.

Germany See also 341, 423, 788.

395. E. Ellis-Marino, ‘Catechization and conversion: A comparison of two German Jesuit plays on the life of St. Augustine’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 1/2 (2014), 212-226. 476 Paul Begheyn SJ

396. P. Maier, ‘Bildung auf der Bühne – das Paderborner Jesuiten- theater und die Gründung der Academia Theodoriana’, in J. Meyer zu Schlochtern (ed.), Die Academia Theodoriana. Von der Jesuitenuniversität zur Theologischen Fakultät Paderborn 1614- 2014, Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2014, 139-156. 397. N. Priesching & G.D. Krebes, ‘ – Das Wirken der Jesuiten in Paderborn aus frömmigkeitsgeschichtlicher Perspektive’, in J. Meyer zu Schlochtern (ed.), Die Academia Theodoriana. Von der Jesuitenuniversität zur Theologischen Fakultät Paderborn 1614-2014, Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2014, 119-138. 398. H.J. Schmalor, ‘Die schriftlichen Quellen zur Geschichte der Jesuitenuninversität Paderborn und ihrer Nachfolgeinstitutionen – ein Archivbericht’, in J. Meyer zu Schlochtern (ed.), Die Academia Theodoriana. Von der Jesuitenuniversität zur Theologischen Fakultät Paderborn 1614-2014, Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2014, 43-57. 399. E.-M. Seng, ‘Das Bauensemble des Jesuitenkollegs in Paderborn – Topos, Typus und Modus’, in J. Meyer zu Schlochtern (ed.), Die Academia Theodoriana. Von der Jesuitenuniversität zur Theologischen Fakultät Paderborn 1614-2014, Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2014, 461-477. 400. C. Stiegemann (ed.), Zur Ehre der Altäre. Jesuitenschätze im Diözesanmuseum, Paderborn, Bonifatius, 2014, 150 p. 401. M. Ströhmer, ‘Strukturkonservatismus in Umbruchszeiten – Von der jesuitischen “Theodoriana” zum (fürst)bischöflichen “Universitätshaus” 1773-1819’, in J. Meyer zu Schlochtern (ed.), Die Academia Theodoriana. Von der Jesuitenuniversität zur Theologischen Fakultät Paderborn 1614-2014, Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2014, 207-236. 402. J. Süssmann, ‘Jesuitenhochschule und Fürstbistum: Zur Bedeutung der Theodoriana für den Erhalt des Hochstifts Paderborn’, in J. Meyer zu Schlochtern (ed.), Die Academia Theodoriana. Von der Jesuitenuniversität zur Theologischen Fakultät Paderborn 1614-2014, Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2014, 101-117. 403. G. Diederich, ‘Schlosskirche, Stall und erste Kapelle: Zur Geschichte der katholischen Kirche in Mecklenburg vom nachreformatorischen Neubeginn bis zum Ende der Schweriner Jesuitenmission’, Mecklenburgische Jahrbücher 130 (2015), 105-150. 404. A.J. Fisher, ‘Music and the Jesuit “way of proceeding” in the German Counter-Reformation’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 3/3 (2016), 377-397. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 477

405. C. Herwartz & N. Sylla (eds.),Einfach ohne. Briefe und Texte an eine Berliner Wohngemeinschaft: Dritte Textsammlung der Gemeinschaft Naunynstraße mit der Jesuitenkommunität Kreuzberg, zusammen mit den Comboni-Schwestern in Berlin und der Arbeitsstelle Spiritualität – Nord in Neukirchen, Berlin, Naunyn, 2016, 288 p. 406. F.G. Hohmann, Der Westphalenhof in Paderborn, Paderborn, Selbstverlag, 2016, 80 p. 407. F. Mennekes, ‘Ungetröstetes Scheitern: Paul Schneider-Esleben (1915-2005) baut ein Schriftstellerhaus in München’, Stimmen der Zeit 234 (2016), 121-136. 408. J. Oswald, ‘Otto Truchsess von Waldburg und die ersten Jesuiten in Deutschland’, in V. Lukas a.o. (eds.), Otto Truchsess von Waldburg (1514-1573), Regensburg, Schnell & Steiner, 2016, 53-73. 409. M. Richter, ‘Jesuiten in Berlin-Kladow’, Treffpunkte: Kladower Forum e.V. (Winter 2016), 41-44. 410. N. Steiner, ‘Jesuiten als Prokuratoren des Augsburger Kardinals Otto Truchsess von Waldburg auf dem Konzil von Trient’, in V. Lukas a.o. (eds.), Otto Truchsess von Waldburg (1514-1573), Regensburg, Schnell & Steiner, 2016, 75-88.

Hungary See also 358.

411. B.V. Mihalik, ‘“Nyolcvanéves” a Jezsuita Levéltár’ [The eighty years old Jesuit archive], Levéltári Szemle 64 (2014), 26-34.

Ireland See also 664.

412. M. Foerster, ‘Jesuitische Finanzen im Irland der Restaurationsepoche: Eine relationale Netzwerkanalyse’, Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung 43 (2016), 223-253. 413. D. Limond, ‘The Jesuits, Mary and Joseph: The Catholic Workers’ College, Dublin, 1951-66’, The Catholic Historical Review 102/2 (2016), 318-339.

Italy See also 58, 494, 645. 414. G. Fiore da Cropani, ‘Di alcuni santi religiosi della Compagnia. Collegi della Compagnia e loro notizie’, in his Storia della Calabria illustrata. Secolo XVII, vol. III, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2001, 236-242, 656-658. 478 Paul Begheyn SJ

415. F. Berti, ‘Illuminismo, rivoluzione, modernità: lo spirito del secolo in alcuni significativi scritti dei gesuiti espulsi’, inU. Baldini & G.P. Brizzi (eds.), La presenza in Italia dei gesuiti iberici espulsi. Aspetti religiosi, politici, culturali, Bologna, CLUEB, 2010, 321-335. 416. M. Cipolloni, ‘“Formazione”, “meccanismo” e “cause politiche”: storia, struttura e comparazione delle lingue nelle Rivoluzioni del teatro musicale italiano di Arteaga’, in U. Baldini & G.P. Brizzi (eds.), La presenza in Italia dei gesuiti iberici espulsi. Aspetti religiosi, politici, culturali, Bologna, CLUEB, 2010, 609-621. 417. F. Pieri, ‘L’istituto di spiritualità: un cammino di cinquant’anni’, in M. Szentmártoni & F. Pieri (eds.), Spiritualità e teologia. Simposio in occasione del 50° anniversario dell’Istituto di Spiritualità della Pontificia Università Gregoriana (1958-2008), Roma, GBP, 2010, 211-213. 418. D. Ribouillault, ‘Sundials on the Quirinal: Astronomy and the early modern garden’, in H. Fischer a.o. (eds.), Gardens, knowledge and the sciences in the Early Modern Period, Basel, Birkhäuser, Cham, 2016, 103-134. 419. M. Ruiz Jurado, ‘L’Istituto di Spiritualità nella Pontificia Università Gregoriana: dalla nascita ai nostri giorni, il suo contributo alla “teologia spirituale”’, in M. Szentmártoni & F. Pieri (eds.), Spiritualità e teologia. Simposio in occasione del 50° anniversario dell’Istituto di Spiritualità della Pontificia Università Gregoriana (1958-2008), Roma, GBP, 2010, 11- 23. 420. M. Tosti, ‘La fucina dell’antigiansenismo italiano. I gesuiti iberici espulsi e la tipografia di Ottavio Sgariglia di Assisi’, in U. Baldini & G.P. Brizzi (eds.), La presenza in Italia dei gesuiti iberici espulsi. Aspetti religiosi, politici, culturali, Bologna, CLUEB, 2010, 355-365. 421. R. Bösel, ‘Episodi emergenti dell’architetture gesuitica in Italia’, in M.I. Álvaro Zamora a.o. (eds.), La arquitectura jesuitica, Zaragoza, EFC, 2012, 71-89. 422. G. Criveller, ‘Five centuries of Italian missionaries in Macau and Hong Kong’, in A. Schiavo, 500 years of Italians in Hong Kong & Macao, Hong Kong, Società Dante Alighieri, 2013, 34-56. 423. A. Landersdorfer (ed.), “Nach Rom zu schreiben fühle ich oft ein wahres Bedürfniß”: Die Briefe des Germanikers Johann Baptist Huber (München) aus den Jahren 1870 bis 1886, Passau, Karl Stutz, 2013, 435 p. 424. E. Patrizi, ‘Per un sistema educativo globale: le scuole e i consueta ministeria della Compagnia di Gesù nella Verona di Agostino Valier’, History of Education & Children’s Literature 8 (2013), 33-73. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 479

425. E. Colombo, ‘“The music must serve the poetry”: The Jesuit oratorio in eighteenth-century Milan’, in A. Harwell Celenza & A. DelDonna, Music as cultural mission: Explorations of Jesuit practices in Italy and North America, Philadelphia, Saint Joseph’s University Press, 2014, 25-44. 426. G. Cordibella, ‘Poesia gesuitica e astronomia al Collegio Romano nell’età di Galileo’, in A. Albrecht a.o. (eds.), Tintenfass und Teleskop. Galileo Galilei im Schnittpunkt wissenschaftlicher, literarischer und visueller Kulturen im 17. Jahrhundert, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2014, 217-254. 427. A.R. DelDonna, ‘Jesuit institutions in two urban centers: Milan and Naples’, in A. Harwell Celenza & A. DelDonna, Music as cultural mission: Explorations of Jesuit practices in Italy and North America, Philadelphia, Saint Joseph’s University Press, 2014, 7-9. 428. A. DelDonna, ‘Jesuit music in eighteenth-century Italy: North versus South’, in A. Harwell Celenza & A. DelDonna, Music as cultural mission: Explorations of Jesuit practices in Italy and North America, Philadelphia, Saint Joseph’s University Press, 2014, 11-23. 429. A. Harwell Celenza & A. DelDonna, Music as cultural mission: Explorations of Jesuit practices in Italy and North America, Philadelphia, Saint Joseph’s University Press, 2014, 229 p. 430. G. Tamburello, Gesuiti siciliani del ’600 nel celeste impero. Relazioni di lunga data tra Sicilia e Cina, Nardò, Edizioni BESA, 2015, 102 p. 431. M. Bevilacqua & A. Capriotti (eds.), Sant’Andrea al Quirinale: il restauro della decorazione della cupola e nuovi studi berniniani, Roma, De Luca Editori d’Arte, 2016, 143 p. 432. K.M. Comerford, Jesuit foundations and Medici power, 1532-1621, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2016, 316 p. 433. F. Fedeli Bernardini, ‘La sorpresa di trovarsi in una vasta campagna sapendo di essere in città: l’ospizio dei Pazzarelli di Roma tra Lungara e Gianicolo’, in C. Benocci & M. Fagiolo, Gianicolo: il colle “aureo” della cultura internazionale della sacralità e della memoria, Roma, Editoriale Artemide, 2016, 173-191. 434. P. Giovannucci, “Gesuiti desiderosissimi del suo servitio”. Le relazioni epistolari tra Gregorio Barbarigo e i membri della Compagnia di Gesù, Padova, Istituto per la Storia Ecclesiastica Padovana, 2016, 279 p. 435. I. Macchiarella & R. Milleddu, ‘“Bella festa si fa ncelu”: Jesuits and musical traditions in the heart of the Mediterranean’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 3/3 (2016), 415-436. 436. M. Mantovani, ‘Tre esempi di dialogo attuale tra credenti e non credenti in Italia: Coda-Cacciari, Ratzinger-Odifreddi e Bergoglio-Scalfari’, Salesianum 78 (2016), 325-352. 480 Paul Begheyn SJ

437. R. Nayyar, ‘Joshua Stopping the Sun and Ignatius of Loyola at Il Gesù in Rome’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 3 (2016), 211-237. 438. D. Salomoni, ‘Le scuole di una comunità emiliana nel Rinascimento tra religione e politica. Il caso di Novellara’, Educazione. Giornale di pedagogia critica 5 (2016), 17-42. 439. G. De Simone, La Biblioteca del Collegium Goritiense Societatis Iesu nella Biblioteca Statale Isontina di Gorizia. Volume II: C-F, Baden- Baden, Valentin Koerner, 2016, 368 p. 440. N. Vacalebre, Come le armadure e l’armi. Per una storia delle antiche biblioteche della Compagnia di Gesù. Con il caso di Perugia, Firenze, Leo S. Olschki, 2016, 291 p.

Latvia 441. A. Granberg, ‘Carolina Redivivas samling från Jesuitkollegiets bibliotek i Riga och Isak Collijns arkiv’, P. Ambrosiani a.o. (eds.), Må Novgorod fröjda sig. Hyllningsskrift till Elisabeth Löfstrand, Stockholm, Slaviska institutionen, Stockholms universitet, 2016, 77-94.

Lithuania See also 465.

442. A. Štuopys a.o., ‘Modernaus mokslo genezė ir jėzuitų vaidmuo 1560–1773 m.: I dalis – paradigmų kaita’, SOTER - Religijos mokslo žurnalas 22 (2007), 61-87. 443. L. Jovaiša, ‘Jesuit historiography in Lithuania since 1990: Proximity and Distance along World Routes’, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 85 (2016), 221-232. 443a. J. Trilupaitiene (ed.), Sigismundus Lauxmin 1596-1670 ars et praxis musica: graduale pro exercitatione studentium antiphonale ad psalmos, Warszawa, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Sub Lupa, 2016, 165 p.

The Netherlands See also 461, 869.

444. W. Derkse, ‘Jezuïeten in de exacte wetenschappen: een vruchtbare combinatie’, in J. van Gennip & M.-A.Th. Willemsen (eds.), Het geloof dat inzicht zoekt. Religieuzen en de wetenschap, Hilversum, Verloren, 2010, 94-106. 445. D. van den Akker & P. Begheyn, Johannes Vermeer en de jezuïeten in Delft, [Delft, n.e.] 2016, 50 p. 446. P. Begheyn, ‘De Nederlandse jezuïeten tijdens de Tweede Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 481

Wereldoorlog’, in C. Dols a.o., Dienstbaar onder vuur. Religieuzen en de Tweede Wereldoorlog, Hilversum, Uitgeverij Verloren, 2016, 77-93. 447. P. Boer a.o., ‘Een begrafenis in 1757’, Tussen Maas & Erfdijk. Periodiek Heemkundekring Land van Ravenstein 2/9 (2016), 16-17. 448. T. Dijkstra, ‘It is said that…The Chinese rites controversy in Dutch newspapers and periodicals in the seventeenth century’, Jaarboek voor Nederlandse Boekgeschiedenis 23 (2016), 172-191. 449. T. Dijkstra & T. Weststeijn, ‘Constructing Confucius in the Low Countries’, De Zeventiende Eeuw 32/2 (2016), 137-164. 450. L. Ewals, ‘[Jac] Maris en de jezuïeten’, Nieuwsbrief Ateliermuseum Jac Maris 24 (September 2016), [1-3]. 451. J. van Gennip, ‘“Nu hebben wij je, misdadige paap, geef je over!” Katholieke overlevingsstrategieën in het zeventiende-eeuwse Nijmegen, 1591-1703’, Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Kerkgeschiedenis 19/4 (2016), 141-148. 452. J. van Gennip, ‘Paters, pastoraat en politieke delinquenten. De rol van de Nederlandse jezuïeten bij de resocialisatie van politieke delinquenten na de Tweede Wereldoorlog’, in C. Dols a.o., Dienstbaar onder vuur. Religieuzen en de Tweede Wereldoorlog, Hilversum, Uitgeverij Verloren, 2016, 199-222. 453. J. Schillings, Van vriendschap en vervreemding. Geschiedenis van de R.K. Sportvereniging UNION te Nijmegen 1914-1967, Beek, Jan Schillings, 2016, 184 p. 454. G. Vermeer & G. Eijkelboom, ‘De achtereenvolgende kerkgebouwen van de parochie Sint-Franciscus-Xaverius in Enkhuizen’, Cuypersbulletin 21/4 (2016), 6-23. 455. A. Vernooij, ‘Een onbekende plattegrond uit 1865 [of the noviciate in Ravenstein]’, Tussen Maas & Erfdijk. Periodiek Heemkundekring Land van Ravenstein 2/9 (2016), 19-21.

Poland See also 507. 456. R. Butterwick, ‘Sprawa wskrzeszenia zakonu jezuickiego w dobie Sejmu Czteroletniego’ [The question of the restoration of the Jesuit order during the Four Years' Sejm], in I. Stasiewicz- Jasiukowa (ed.), Wkład jezuitów do nauki i kultury w Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów i pod zaborami [The contribution of the Jesuits to science and culture in the Commonwealth of the Two Nations and during the partitions], Kraków, Ignatianum-WAM, 2004, 87-112. 457. I. Stasiewicz-Jasiukowa (ed.), Wkład jezuitów do nauki i kultury 482 Paul Begheyn SJ

w Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów i pod zaborami [The Jesuit contribution to science and culture in the Republic of Both Nations and under partitions], Kraków, Ignatianum-WAM, 2004, 756 p. 458. S. Kościelak, Skład osobowy Kolegium Gdańskiego OO. Jezuitów (XVI- XVIII wiek), Gdańsk, Wydaw. Uniw. Gdańskiego, 2005, 180 p. 459. A. Kopiczko, ‘Jesuits in the diocese of Ermland in the 16th-18th centuries’, in N. Markauskaité, (ed.), Jėzuitai Lietuvoje (1608- 2008): gyvenimas, veikla, paveldas [Jesuits in Lithuania (1608-2008): life, work, heritage], Vilnius, Lietuvos nacionalinis muziejus, 2012, 257-272. 460. J. Łukaszewska-Haberkowa, Pierwsze pokolenie Polskich Jezuitów w świetle biografii i egzaminów, Kraków, WAM-Akademia Ignatianum, 2013, 368 p. 461. R. Grześkowiak & P. Hulsenboom, ‘Emblems from the heart: The reception of the Cor Iesu Amanti Sacrum engravings series in Polish and Netherlandish 17th-century manuscripts’, Werkwinkel: Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies 10/2 (2015), 131-154. 462. M. Miazek-Męczyńska, “Indipetae Polonae” – kołatanie do drzwi misji chińskiej [Indipetae Polonae - knocking to the door of the Chinese mission], Poznan, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu - Adam Mickiewicz University Press, 2015, 196 p. 463. P. Shore, ‘Ex-Jesuits in the east Habsburg lands, Silesia and Poland’, in J.D. Burson & J. Wright (eds.), The Jesuit suppression in global context: Causes, events, and consequences, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2015, 229-247. 464. C. Bialek, Polish Jesuits in the Zambesi Mission (trans. J. Kielbasa), Lusaka, Jesuit Archives, 2016, 64 p. 465. J. Rzegocka, ‘Civic education on stage: Civic values and virtues in the Jesuit schools of the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth’, in R.A. Maryks (ed.), Exploring Jesuit distinctiveness. Interdisciplinary perspectives on ways of proceeding within the Society of Jesus, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2016, 41-61. 466. void

Portugal See also 784.

467. L.M. Brockey, ‘Root and branch: The place of the Portuguese Jesuits in the early modern China mission’, in A.K. Wardęga & Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 483

A. Vasconcelos de Saldanha (eds.), In the light and shadow of an emperor: Tomás Pereira, SJ (1645–1708), the Kangxi emperor and the Jesuit mission in China, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012, 6-37. 468. H. Leitão, ‘A periphery between two centres? Portugal on the scientific route from Europe to China (sixteenth and seventeenth centuries)’, in A. Simões a.o. (eds.), Travels of learning: A geography of science in Europe, Dordrecht, Springer Science & Business Media, 2013, 19-46. 469. F. Freitas, ‘Encarnação e Ressurreição de Cristo: duplicação de um modelo textual’, Studia Iberystyczne 13 (2014), 67-79. 470. C. Sander, ‘Medical topics in the De anima commentary of Coimbra (1598) and the Jesuits’ attitude towards medicine in education and natural philosophy’, Early Science and Medicine 19 (2014), 76-101. 471. E. Colombo & N. Guasti, ‘The expulsion and suppression in Portugal and Spain: an overview’, in J.D. Burson & J. Wright (eds.), The Jesuit suppression in global context: Causes, events, and consequences, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2015, 117-138. 472. M. Braga da Cruz, ‘Os Jesuítas e a fundação da Universidade Católica Portuguesa’, Brotéria 183 (2016), 29-44. 473. M.S. de Carvalho, ‘Beyond psychology – The philosophical horizon of the Coimbra commentary on Aristotle’s “De Anima” (1598)’, in D. Heider (ed.), Cognitive Psychology in Early Jesuit Scholasticism, Neunkirchen-Seelscheid, Editiones-Scholasticae, 2016, 67-95. 474. C. Fiolhais & J.E. Franco, ‘Os Jesuítas em Portugal e a ciência: Continuidades e rupturas (séculos XVI-XVIII)’, Brotéria 183 (2016), 9-28. 475. J.-P. Gay, ‘La théologie comme art de contournement du supérieur. Le “casibus reservatis in Societate Iesu” de la bibliothèque d’Évora’, Revue Mabillon 27 (T. 88) (2016), 181-214. 476. L. Giurgevich & H. Leitão, Clavis Bibliothecarum: catálogos e inventários de livrarias de instituições religiosas em Portugal até 1834, n.p., Secretariado Nacional para os Bens Culturais da Igreja, 2016, 944 p. 477. F.A. Lourenço Vaz, ‘O ensino dos Jesuítas na Universidade de Évora: Uma leitura dos primeiros estatutos’, História da Educação 20 (2016), 159-174. 478. F. Malta Romeiras & H. Leitão, ‘One century of science: The Jesuit journal Brotéria (1902–2002)’, in R.A. Maryks (ed.), 484 Paul Begheyn SJ

Exploring Jesuit distinctiveness. Interdisciplinary perspectives on ways of proceeding within the Society of Jesus, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2016, 235-258. 479. E. Salavessa a.o., ‘19th c. coloured stuccos and plasters from Grilos’ Church (Oporto, Portugal): Materials and techniques employed’, Color Research and Application 41 (2016), 246-251.

Russia 480. P. Perdue, ‘The Jesuits at Nerchinsk: Language, war, and ethnicity’, in A.K. Wardęga & A. Vasconcelos de Saldanha (eds.), In the light and shadow of an emperor: Tomás Pereira, SJ (1645–1708), the Kangxi emperor and the Jesuit mission in China, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012, 504-511. 481. D.L. Schlafly, ‘General suppression, Russian survival, American success: the “Russian” Society of Jesus and the Jesuits in the United States’, in J.D. Burson & J. Wright (eds.), The Jesuit suppression in global context: Causes, events, and consequences, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2015, 201-215. 482. C. Junquera Rubio, ‘El papel jugado por los misioneros jesuitas en la firma del Tratado de Nerchinsk, en 1689, suscrito entre Rusia y China’, Estudios Eclesiásticos. Revista teológica de investigación e información 91 (2016), 619-659.

Slovakia 483. E. Juríková, ‘Významné pramene k dejinám jezuitského školstva v Bratislave’ [Important sources on the history of Jesuit education in Bratislava], Kultúrne dejiny 7 (2016), 295-301.

Slovenia 484. S. Južnič, ‘Sixteen years of old Jesuit Society in Maribor and its modern heirs: (on the 200th anniversary of the restoration of the Society of Jesus)’, Studia Historica Slovenica: časopis za humanistične in družboslovne študije 16 (2016), 49-79.

Spain See also 343, 420, 471, 506, 801, 802, 843.

485. C. Cortizo. ‘Les missions populaires dans le royaume de Galice (1550-1700)’, in P.A. Fabre & V. Bernard (eds.), Missions religieuses modernes. ‘Notre lieu est le monde’, Rome, École française de Rome, 2007, 315-340. 486. P. Manning, ‘The Jesuit subtext’, in her Voicing dissent in Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 485

seventeenth-century Spain: Inquisition, social criticism and theology in the Case of “El Criticón”, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2009, 251-286. 487. V. Serrão, ‘El naturalismo sevillano en las Azores: una pintura de Vasco Pereira Lusitano’, Archivo Español de Arte 83 (2010), 291-296. 488. P.M. Lamet, El último Jesuita. La dramática persecución contra la Compañía de Jesús en tiempos de Carlos III, Madrid, La esfera de los libros, 2011, 632 p. 489. M. Pacheco Albalate, Jesuitas expulsos de ultramar arribados a El Puerto de Santa María (1767-1774), Cádiz, Universidad de Cádiz, 2011, 159 p. 490. A. Rodríguez G. de Ceballos, ‘La arquitectura jesuítica en Castilla. Estado de la cuestión’, in M.I. Álvaro Zamora a.o. (eds.), La arquitectura jesuitica, Zaragoza, EFC, 2012, 305-325. 491. R.L. Green, ‘Africans in Spanish Catholic thought, 1568–1647: Beyond Jesuit hagiography’, Black Theology: An International Journal 11/1 (2013), 96-116. 492. D.M. Navarro Catalán, ‘La construcción de la iglesia de San Agustín de Tarragona, antiguo templo del noviciado de la Compañía de Jesús’, Butlletí de la Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts Sant Jordi 28 (2014), 47-56. 493. V. Camino Giadáns & D. Porto Rico, ‘Breve reseña histórica y planimetría inédita del Colegio de Ejercitantes de Santiago de Compostela’, Compostellanum 60 (2015), 655-669. 494. N. Guasti, ‘The exile of the Spanish Jesuits in Italy (1767–1815)’, in J.D. Burson & J. Wright (eds.), The Jesuit suppression in global context: Causes, events, and consequences, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2015, 248-261. 495. A. Marín Cara, Almería y los Jesuitas: Cien años en compañía 1911- 2011, Almería, Editorial Universidad de Almería, 2015, 708 p. 496. D. Moreno, ‘Los jesuitas, la Inquisición y la frontera espiritual de 1559’, Bulletin of Spanish Studies 92 (2015), 655-675. 497. D. Cuesta Gómez, Passionis imago: contribución de la Compañía de Jesús a la configuración de la imaginería procesional vallisoletana, Salamanca, Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, 2016, 187 p. 498. B. Franco Llopis, ‘Pedagogías para convertir: Gandía y los colegios jesuíticos para moriscos’, Revista de Humanidades 29 (2016), 61-87. 499. M. García Monfort, ‘El colegio de la Compañía de Jesús en Morella (1883-1885): causas de su breve labor educativa’, Miscelánea Comillas 74 (2016), 129-154. 500. C.A. Martínez Tornero, ‘Retrato de la Provincia jesuítica de Aragón el año después de su extinción’, Hispania Sacra 68 (2016), 343-353. 486 Paul Begheyn SJ

501. D.M. Navarro Catalán, ‘The architects of the Valencian Jesuit foundations’, VLC Arquitectura 3 (2016), 83-117. 502. N. Reinhardt, Voices of conscience: royal confessors and political counsel in seventeenth-century Spain and France, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2016, 79-90. 503. M.A. Suárez a.o., ‘La Biblioteca del Antiguo Colegio de Santa Catalina de la Compañía de Jesús de Córdoba (España): estudio bibliográfico de las secciones de Historia Profana y Filosofía’, IHS. Antiguos Jesuitas en Iberoamérica 4/2 (2016), 158-254.

Switzerland See 142.

Ukraine 504. M. Inglot, ‘La missione dei Gesuiti a Odessa sul Mar Nero (1804- 1820)’, in F. Lovison & L. Nuovo (eds.), Missione e carità. Scritti in onore di P. Luigi Mezzadri, C. M., Roma, CLV, 2008, 401-416.

United Kingdom 505. V. Houliston, ‘Foxe and the Fat Man, Shakespeare and the Jesuit: Oldcastle revisited’, in C. Thurman (ed.), South African Essays on ‘Universal’ Shakespeare, Farnham, Ashgate, 2014, 69-80. 506. B. Rodríguez Caparrini, ‘Alumnos españoles en el internado jesuita de Beaumont (Old Windsor, Inglaterra), 1886-1892’, Miscelánea Comillas 74 (2016), 371-442.

E. Oceania

Australia 507. L. Grzebień a.o., Jezuici Polscy w Australii, Południowa Australia 1870-1906, Wiktoria 1950-2012 [Polish Jesuits in Australia, South Australia 1870-1906, Victoria 1950-2012], Kraków, Wydawnictwo WAM, 2012, 503 p.

III. Persons

Acevedo, Pedro Pablo (1522-1573) 508. A. Domingo Malvadi, ‘El Padre Pedro Pablo Acevedo (1522- 1573) y la didáctica del latín en la Compañía de Jesús’, in A.A. Nascimento & M. de Sousa Barbosa, Luis da Cruz, S.J., e o teatro Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 487

jesuítico nos seus primórdios. Actas de Colóquio comemorativo do IV centenário da morte do dramaturgo (1604-2004), Lisboa, Centro de Estudos Clássicos, 2005, 37-66.

Acosta, José de (1540-1600) See also 930.

509. C. Burgaleta, ‘José de Acosta, S.J. Creatividad intelectual y pastoral en el Perú colonial’, Revista Sílex 3 (2014), 33-42. 510. J. Olcina Cantos, ‘Referencias atmosféricas y avances para la ciencia climática en la obra de José de Acosta’, Scripta Nova: Revista electrónica de geografía y ciencias sociales 18 (2014), 463- 499. 511. F. del Pino Diaz, ‘Los Andes como laboratorio temprano de las historias naturales y morales: Del jesuita José de Acosta al ilustrado José Ignacio Lecuanda’, Dialogía: revista de lingüistica, literatura y cultura 8 (2014), 136-161. 512. B. Green, ‘Colonial theodicy and the Jesuit ascetic ideal in José de Acosta’s works on Spanish America’, in R.A. Maryks (ed.), Exploring Jesuit distinctiveness. Interdisciplinary perspectives on ways of proceeding within the Society of Jesus, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2016, 114-136.

Aldama, José Antonio de (1903-1980) 513. C. Pozo, ‘La obra “María en la patrística de los siglos I y II” del P. José Antonio de Aldama SI’, Proyección. Teología y mundo actual 61/255 (2014), 395-410.

Aleni, Giulio (1582-1649) See also 854.

514. E. Corsi, ‘La diffusione delle conoscenze ottiche in Cina. Il primato della visione nel Xingxue cushu (1623) di Giulio Aleni SI’, in M. Abbiati & F. Greselin (eds.), Il liuto e i libri. Studi in onore di Mario Sabattini, Venezia, Edizioni Ca’ Foscari, 2014, 231-240.

Alfaro, Juan (1914-1993) 515. C. Aparicio Valls, ‘Juan Alfaro: dalle virtù teologali all’esistenza cristiana’, Ignaziana. Rivista di ricerca teologica 21 (2016), 115-121. 516. R. García Mateo, ‘Il fine dell’uomo secondo Ignazio di Loyola e Juan Alfaro. Affinità con K. Rahner e H. de Lubac’, Ignaziana. Rivista di ricerca teologica 21 (2016), 122-130. 488 Paul Begheyn SJ

Alfaro, Diego de (1596-1639) 517. A. Redden, ‘Priestly violence, martyrdom, and Jesuits: The case of Diego de Alfaro (Paraguay, 1639)’, in R.A. Maryks (ed.), Exploring Jesuit distinctiveness. Interdisciplinary perspectives on ways of proceeding within the Society of Jesus, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2016, 81-113.

Amiot, Jean-Joseph-Marie (1718-1793) 518. N. Yôko, ‘18 seiki kôhan no zai-Ka Iezusu kaishi ni yoru Chûgoku shi ijutsu’ [The translation of Chinese history by a Jesuit in late 18th-century China], Tôhôgaku (2015), 87-103.

Anchieta, José de (1534-1597) 519. C. Miranda Urbano, ‘Imagens e motivos inacianos dos Exercícios Espirituais de St. Inácio no De Gestis Mendi de Saa de José de Anchieta SJ’, in Actas do congresso internacional Anchieta em Coimbra, Porto, Fundação Eng. António de Almeida, 2000, 311-323. 520. J.A. Mac Dowell, ‘Inspiração para hoje: Anchieta, Apóstolo do Brasil’, Itaici. Revista de Espiritualidade Inaciana 20 (2014), 85-91.

Andrade, António de (1580-1634) 521. M.J. Sweet, ‘Murder in the refectory: The death of António de Andrade, S.J.’, The Catholic Historical Review 102/1 (2016), 26-45.

Aragona, Alonso D’ († 1629) 522. L. Page, ‘La carta de edificación del P. Alonso D’Aragona escrita por el P. Diego de Boroa’, IHS, Antiguos jesuitas en Iberoamérica 4/1 (2016), 130-147.

Aresi, Giovanni (1604-1645) 523. L. Aresu, Cronaca di un caso atroce di Amok registrato nell’Aprile 1645 nelle Filippine, [Genova], Edizioni L’Impronta, 2011, 87 p.

Arrupe, Pedro (1907-1991) 524. J. Menkhaus, ‘Lessons from the spirit of . For the seventieth anniversary of Hiroshima’, The Way 55/1 (2016), 9-19. 525. A.A. Pérez Gómez, La sonrisa de Arrupe. Una biografía en imágenes. The Arrupe smile. A biography in images, Bilbao, Mensajero / Fundación Gondra Barandiarán, 2016, 206 p.

Azevedo, Emanuel de (1713-1796) 526. Y. Haskell, ‘Suppressed emotions: The heroic Tristia of Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 489

Portuguese (ex-)Jesuit, Emanuel de Azevedo’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 3/1 (2016), 42-60.

Balbin, Bohuslav (1621-1688) 527. V. Chroust a.o. (eds.), Dělám k větši slávě Boži a chvále vlasti: Bohuslav Balbin a jeho doba, Klatovy, Město Klatovy, 2014, 192 p.

Balthasar, Hans Urs von (1905-1988), Jesuit until 1950 See also 668, 889, 912.

528. D. Vinci, ‘“Arco di fuoco, ponte sugli abissi”. Romano Guardini e Hans Urs von Balthasar lettori di Blaise Pascal’, Theologica e Historica, Annali della Pontificia Facoltà Teologica della Sardegna 15 (2006), 151-190. 529. S. Schwarzl, ‘Das dramatische Endspiel: Die “letzten Dinge” und der Weltuntergang im Denken Hans Urs von Balthasars’, Disputatio Philosophica 14 (2012), 25-32. 530. G.K. Goulding, ‘Truth unveiled: Balthasar and the contemplation of Christian truth’, in L. Zuidervaart a.o. (eds.), Truth matters: Knowledge, politics, ethics, religion, Montreal, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2013, 245-262. 531. G.K. Goulding, ‘“The irreducible particularity of Christ” – Hans Urs von Balthasar’s theology of vocation’, in C. Jamison (ed.), The disciple’s call: Theologies of vocation from Scripture to the present day, London, Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2013, 115-138. 532. B. Dahlke, ‘Hans Urs von Balthasar, Erzbischof Lorenz Jaeger und die Theologie’, Theologie und Glaube 104 (2014), 358-365. 533. B. Gautier, Balthasar en dialogue avec Barth, Paris / Perpignan, Desclée de Brouwer / Groupe Artège, 2014, 300 p. 534. G.J. Semeniuk, ‘The soteriology of Hans Urs von Balthasar’, Bogoslovni vestnik. Theological Quarterly 74/4 (2014), 639-660. 535. E.T. Vasko, ‘The difference gender makes: Nuptiality, analogy, and the limits of appropriating Hans Urs von Balthasar’s theology in the context of sexual violence’, The Journal of Religion 94/4 (2014), 504-528. 536. P.S. Peterson, The early Hans Urs von Balthasar: historical contexts and intellectual formation, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2015, 468 p. 537. D. Cornati, ‘Le vie dello spirito verso Dio. Blondel e Balthasar rileggono Tommaso’, Teologia. Rivista della facoltà teologica dell’Italia settentrionale 41 (2016), 60-81. 538. P. Martinelli, ‘I consigli evangelici e la vita consacrata nella riflessione di Hans Urs von Balthasar’, Annales Theologici 30 (2016), 119-140. 490 Paul Begheyn SJ

539. S. d.S.d.A. Pereira, ‘Divinizzazione e soteriologia. Questioni e prospettive in Balthasar’, Laurentianum 57 (2016), 25-127.

Barrett, E.B. (1883-1966), Jesuit until 1925 540. R. Kugelmann, ‘Will-training between religion and psychology in the early twentieth century’, PIPER Journal. International Psychology, Practice and Research 5 (2014), 20 p.

Bartoli, Daniello (1608-1685) 541. Y. Wu, La Cina di Daniello Bartoli, Roma, Urbaniana University Press, 2014, 360 p.

Bautista, Francisco (1594-1679) 542. J.M. Cruz Yábar, ‘Pedro de la Torre y Francisco Bautista. Presencia del retablo madrileño en Castilla y León’, De arte: revista de historia del arte 13 (2014), 94-109.

Beckers, Gérard († 2006) 543. A. Huart (ed.), “Babu” – Fr. Gérard Beckers, S.J. - His life and mission, Kolkata, Anand Press, 2011, 144 p.

Bellarmino, Roberto (1542-1621) See also 790.

544. Y. Cai, ‘’s idea of the child who dies unbaptized in the commentary on the “Summa Theologiae”’, Journal of Early Modern Christianity 1/1 (2014), 143-164. 545. Y. Cai, ‘Desiderium naturale vivendi Deum in Robert Bellarmine’s commentary on Summa theologiae’, Gregorianum 95/3 (2014), 511- 534. 546. P. van Boxel, ‘The role of Josephus in Bellarmine’s controversial theology’, International Journal of the Classical Tradition 23/3 (2016), 269-274.

Benci, Francesco (1542-1594) 547. P. Gwynne, ‘Francesco Benci and the origins of Jesuit Neo- Latin epic’, in R.A. Maryks (ed.), Exploring Jesuit distinctiveness. Interdisciplinary perspectives on ways of proceeding within the Society of Jesus, Leiden / Boston, 2016, 4-23.

Berchmans, Jan (1599-1621) 548. J.-M. Elen, ‘Onze relikwieën (Deel 7). Jan Berchmans, Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 491

Beschermheilige van studenten’, in Huldenbergs Heemblad. Heemkundig Tijdschrift voor Huldenberg, Loonbeek, Neerijse, Ottenburg, St.-Agatha-Rode 29/3 (2010), 181-194. 549. A. Thomas, The life of St. , n.p., Bonaventure Comics, 2016.

Bergoglio, Jorge Mario (1936- ) See also 436.

550. A. Campana, ‘If a Jesuit pope, why not a Jesuit Shakespeare? There’s something in the air ...’, The Heythrop Journal 56 (2014), 203-234. 551. F. Lombardi, ‘Venticinque anni al servizio delle comunicazioni con tre papi’, La Civiltà Cattolica 165 (2014), 580-595. 552. C. Rancé, François, un pape parmi les hommes, Paris, Albin Michel, 2014, 288 p. 553. K. Appel & J.H. Deibl (eds.), Barmherzigkeit und zärtliche Liebe. Das theologische Programm von Papst Franziskus, Freiburg, Herder, 2016, 432 p. 554. P. Berryman, ‘The Argentine and Latin American background of ’, American Catholic Studies 127/2 (2016), 55-70. 555. E. Borgman, ‘Deelnemen aan het goede. De contemplatieve politiek van de encycliek “Laudato si”’, Tijdschrift voor Theologie 56/3 (2016), 205-217. 556. C. Dierksmeier, Umwelt als Mitwelt. Die päpstliche Enzyklika Laudato si und der argentinische krausismo, Köln, Bachem, 2016, 16 p. 557. M. Eckholt, ‘“Es ist etwas in Bewegung gekommen...” Papst Franziskus und die interkulturellen Dynamiken der Theologe’, Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie 138 (2016), 85-104. 558. A. Knevel & A. Kok, Het geheim van de paus. Een zoektocht, Zoetermeer, Boekencentrum, 2016, 188 p. 559. M. Naro, ‘Teologia del popolo, teologia dal popolo: una chiave di lettura del magistero di papa Francesco’,Ricerche teologiche 27 (2016), 173-196. 560. R. Puggioni, ‘Pope Francis, liberation theology, and social global justice. Some elements for discussion from the apostolic exhortation “Evangelii Gaudium”’, Exchange. Journal of Missiological and Ecumenical Research 45/3 (2016), 227-251. 561. T.R. Rourke, ‘Pope Francis: The historical-theological roots and development of his social thought’, Journal of Catholic Social Thought 13/2 (2016), 285-309. 562. G. Ruyssen & A. Spadaro, ‘De reis van paus Franciscus in 492 Paul Begheyn SJ

Armenië (24-26 juni 2016), Communio 41/6 (2016), 486-496. 563. G. Ruyssen & A. Spadaro, ‘Papa Francesco in Armenia. Tra un popolo che ha “pelle di pietra” e “tenerezza di madre’’’, La Civiltà Cattolica 2016-III, 172-186. 564. J.C. Scannone, ‘Pope Francis and the theology of the people’, Theological Studies 77/1 (2016), 118-135. 565. J. Schelhas, ‘Das Primatsverständnis des Papstes Franziskus in der theologischen Reflexion’, Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie 138 (2016), 48-65. 565a. J. De Tavernier, ‘“Laudato si”. De ecologie van paus Franciscus’, Tijdschrift voor Theologie 56/3 (2016), 218-243.

Berrigan, Daniel (1921-2016) 566. D. Cosacchi & E. Martin (eds.), The Berrigan letters. Personal correspondence between Daniel and Philip Berrigan, Maryknoll NY, Orbis Books, 2016, 304 p. 567. N. Klein, ‘Ziviler Ungehorsam. Zum Tod von Daniel Berrigan SJ’, Stimmen der Zeit 234 (2016), 561-563.

Berthieu, Jacques (1838-1896) 568. F. Ratsimbazafy, Md. Jacques Berthieu: ilay voahangin’ ny finoana eto Madagasikara [St. Jacques Berthieu: A pearl of faith in Madagascar], Antananarivo, n.e., 2014, 58 p. 569. P. A. Ranaivoarson, Pélérinage Ambohibemasoandro – Ambiatibe: Le Chemin de Croix du Saint Jacques Berthieu, Madagaskar, n.e., 2015, 35 p.

Billot, Louis (1846-1931) 570. R. Cessario, ‘Sacrifice, social and sacramental: The witness of Louis Billot, S.J.’, Nova et Vetera 14/1 (2016), 127-149.

Blanch, Antonio (1924-2013) 571. P.M. Lamet, ‘La belleza salvará al mundo. El legado humanista del jesuita Antonio Blanch’, Razón y fe 270/1394 (2014), 583-597.

Blet, Pierre (1918-2009) 572. U. Dell’Orto, ‘Giansenismo e gallicanesimo nelle ricerche di Pierre Blet’, La Scuola Cattolica. Rivista teologica del Seminario arcivescovile di Milano 142 (2014), 587-612.

Bonifacio, Juan (1538-1606) 573. J. Vergara, ‘La edición de Burgos de 1588 del “Christiani Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 493

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Borja, Francisco de (1510-1572) 574. ‘Francesc de Borja (1510-1572), home del Renaixement, sant del Barroc. Actes del Simposi Internacional (2010)’, Revista Borja. Revista de l’Institut Internacional d’Estudis Borgians 4 (2013), 617-630.

Boroa, Diego de (1585-1657) 575. S.M. Lovay, ‘La autobiografia del P. Diego de Boroa’, IHS, Antiguos jesuitas en Iberoamérica 4/1 (2016), 118-129.

Bošković, Rudjer (1711-1787) 576. E. Antonello, ‘Boscovich, the Brera Observatory and the Enlightenment’, in F. Pimenta a.o. (eds.), SEAC 2011 Stars and stones: Voyages in archaeoastronomy and cultural astronomy, proceedings of the SEAC 2011 conference, Oxford, Archeopress, 2015, 302-305. 577. F. Brassard, ‘Ruđer Bosković and the structure of the experience of scientific discovery’,Cadmus 2/6 (2016), 137-148.

Bouvet, Joachim (1656-1730) 578. M. Catto (ed.), Joachim Bouvet, L’imperatore della Cina, Milano, Ugo Guanda Editore, 2015, 174 p.

Boym, Michał (1612-1659) 579. C. Bocci & R. Ptak, ‘The animal section in Boym’s (1612–1659) Flora Sinensis: Portentous creatures, healing stones, venoms, and other curiosities’, Monumenta Serica. Journal of Oriental Studies 59 (2011), 353-381. 580. H. Walravens, ‘Flora Sinensis Revisited’, Monumenta Serica. Journal of Oriental Studies 59 (2011), 341-352. 581. M. Miazek-Męczyńska, ‘The miraculous conversions at the Chinese imperial court related by Michael Boym SI’, in A.W. Mikołajczak a.o. (eds.), Boym et cetera, Poznań, Humanistic and Interdisciplinary Research Group AMU, 2015, 17-35. 582. M. Miazek-Męczyńska, Flora Sinensis Michała Boyma SI, Poznań, Prodruk, 2005, 289 p.

Broeckhoven, Egied van (1933-1967) 583. D. Terstriep, ‘Gott alles in allem: Der Mystiker Ägid van Broeckhoven’, Geist und Leben 88 (2015), 353-362. 494 Paul Begheyn SJ

Buck, Victor De (1817-1876) 584. M.D. Chapman, ‘Forbes, Victor De Buck, and the progress of the Council’, in M.D. Chapman, The fantasy of reunion. Anglicans, Catholics, and Ecumenism, 1833-1882, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2014, 169-202.

Busa, Roberto (1913-2011) 585. S.E. Jones, Roberto Busa, S. J., and the emergence of humanities computing. The priest and the punched cards, London, Routledge, 2016, 186 p.

Cabral, Francisco (1529-1609) 586. L. Zampol D’Ortia, ‘Purple, silk and black cotton: Francisco Cabral and the negotiation of Jesuit attire in Japan (1570- 73)’, in R.A. Maryks (ed.), Exploring Jesuit distinctiveness. Interdisciplinary perspectives on ways of proceeding within the Society of Jesus, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2016, 137-155.

Callenbach, Franz (1663-1743) 587. D. Breuer, ‘Satirische Kritik am “Consumptions-Staat” – Franz Callenbach SJ und sein Almanach (1714)’, Spee-Jahrbuch 2014/15 (2016), 255-270.

Camassa, Francesco Antonio (1588-1646) 588. A. Dameri, ‘Progettare le difese: il marchese di Leganés e il padre gesuita Francesco Antonio Camassa esperto di arte militare’, in P. Rodríguez-Navarro, Defensive architecture of the Mediterranean XV to XVIII centuries, Valencia, Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015, 29-36.

Canisius, Petrus (1521-1597) 589. W.S. Melion, ‘“Quae lecta Canisius offert et spectata diu”: The pictorial images in Petrus Canisius’s ‘De Maria Virgine of 1577’, in W.S. Melion & L.P. Wandel (eds.), Early modern eyes: Discourses of vision, 1500-1800. Intersections: Interdisciplinary Studies in Early Modern Culture 13, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2009, 207-266. 590. Z. Palubska, ‘Piotr Kanizjusz’, Encyklopedía Katolicka 16 (2011), 645-647. 591. M. Jacniacka, ‘Piotr Kanizjusz. Ikonografia’, Encyklopedía Katolicka 16 (2011), 647. 592. P. Foresta, “Wie ein Apostel Deutschlands”. Apostolat, Obrigkeit und jesuitische Selbstverständnis am Beispiel des Petrus Canisius (1543- 1570), Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2016, 528 p. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 495

593. H.M. Pabel, ‘Interior sight in ’ Meditations on Advent’, in W. de Boer a.o. (eds.), Jesuit image theory, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2016, 254-288.

Cantwell, Michael (1589-after 1629), Jesuit until 1629 594. C. Bravo Lozano, ‘Michael Cantwell and the pension of Cádiz: a troubled Irish Jesuit career in 17th century Spain’, Studies. An Irish Quarterly Review 103/412 (2014/15), 428-446.

Cardenal, Fernando (1934-2016) 595. F. Cardenal, Faith & Joy. Memoirs of a revolutionary priest (ed. and tr. Kathleen McBride and Mark Lester), Maryknoll, Orbis Books, 2015, 288 p.

Carochi, Horacio (1586-1666) 596. E. Wright & L.M. Burkhart, ‘Amor y desamor en un “scriptorium” jesuita: el Padre Horacio Carochi, misionero en Nueva España y editor del teatro áureo’, in O. Gorsse & F. Serralta (eds.), El Siglo de Oro en escena. Homenaje a Marc Vitse, Toulouse, Presses Universitaires du Mirail, 2006, 1115-1125.

Castiglione, Giuseppe (1688-1766) 597. M. Musillo, ‘Trasferimenti culturali e traduzioni artistiche: Giuseppe Castiglione pittore milanese alla corte Qing (1715- 1766)’, in M. Catto & G. Signoretto (eds.),Milano, l’Ambrosiana e la conoscenza dei nuovi mondi (secoli XVII-XVIII), Milano, Biblioteca & Accademia Ambrosiana, Classe di Studi Borromaici / Bulzoni Editore, 2015, 497-520. 598. I. Doniselli Eramo (ed.), Giuseppe Castiglione. Un artista milanese nel Celeste Impero, Milano, Luni Editrice, 2016, 128 p.

Caussin, Nicolas (1583-1651) 599. M.-É. Ducreux, ‘Le Politique et l’Homme chrétien. Les jésuites et la pédagogie des vertus au XVIIe siècle dans la Monarchie des Habsbourg: Nicolas Caussin, Henri et Guillaume Lamormaini’, L’Atelier du Centre de recherches historiques 8 (2011), 2-20.

Certeau, Michel de (1925-1986) 600. I. Buchanan, ‘Introduction: Michel de Certeau - in the plural’, South Atlantic Quarterly 100/2 (2001), 323-329. 601. C. Colebrook, ‘Certeau and Foucault: Tactics and strategic essentialism’, South Atlantic Quarterly 100/2 (2001), 543-574. 496 Paul Begheyn SJ

602. C. Freccero, ‘Toward a psychoanalytics of historiography: Michel de Certeau’s early modern encounters’, South Atlantic Quarterly 100/2 (2001), 365-379. 603. R. Terdiman, ‘The marginality of Michel de Certeau’, South Atlantic Quarterly 100/2 (2001), 399-421. 604. G. Ward, ‘Michel de Certeau’s “spiritual spaces”’, South Atlantic Quarterly 100/2 (2001), 501-517. 605. D. Gudelunas, ‘De Certeau and “making do”: the case of gay men and lesbians on a Jesuit campus’, in J.M. Boryczka & E.A. Petrino (eds.), Jesuit and feminist education: Intersections in teaching and learning for the twenty-first century, New York, Fordham University Press, 2012, 193-202. 606. M. Füssel, ‘Tote Orte und gelebte Räume: zur Raumtheorie von Michel de Certeau S.J.’, Historical Social Research 38 (2013), 22-39. 607. J.M. Chua, ‘Travelling in the secular wasteland: De Certeau and the irruptions of the mystical’, Landas. Journal of Loyola School of Theology 28/2 (2014), 45-76. 608. D. Napoli, Michel de Certeau. Lo storico “smarrito”, Brescia, Morcelliana, 2014, 256 p. 609. I. Bocken & E. van Buijtenen, Weerbarstige spiritualiteit. Het denken van Michel de Certeau, Heeswijk-Dinther: Berne Media, 2016, 192 p. 610. D. Finkelde, ‘Michel de Certeaus Metatheorie der Mystik’, in J. Herzgsell & J. Perčič (eds.), Große Denker des Jesuitenordens, Paderborn, Ferdinand Schoeningh, 2016, 121-134.

Chauvigny de Blot, Paul de (1924- ) 611. P. de Chauvigny de Blot & P. Pronk, Business spiritualiteit, Utrecht, Ten Have, 2007, 184 p.

Ciszek, Walter (1904-1984) 612. W.J. Ciszek & D. Flaherty, Avec Dieu au goulag: témoignage d’un jésuite interné en Sibérie, Nouan-Le-Fuzelier, Éditions des Béatitudes, 2010, 320 p. 613. S.A. Brown, ‘A dead man stepped off a plane at New York: the amazing case of Father Walter Ciszek, S.J.’, Chicago Studies 54 (2015), 62-75. 614. void.

Clooney, Francis (1950- ) 615. A. Kirk, ‘Between novitas and traditio? Analyzing Francis Clooney’s comparative theology in light of doctrinal Roman Catholic theology of religions’ in L. Boeve a.o. (eds.), The normativity of history. Theological truth and tradition in the tension Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 497

between Church history and systematic theology, Leuven, Peeters, 2016, 157-183.

Cobo, Bernabé (1582-1657) See 244.

Cornelius, John (1557-1594) 616. E. Patton, ‘From community to convent: the collective spiritual life of post-Reformation Englishwomen in Dorothy Arundell’s biography of John Cornelius’, in C. Bowden & J.E. Kelly (eds.), The English convents in exile, 1600–1800: Communities, culture and identity, Farnham & Burlington, Ashgate, 2013, 19-32.

Dael, Peter van (1937- ) 617. P. van der Werf, ‘Interview met Peter van Dael. Een levenslange passie voor kerken en kunstschatten’, Oude Hollandse Kerken 82 (zomer 2016), 8-10.

Delrio, Martin (1551-1608) 618. J. Machielsen, Martin Delrio: Demonology and scholarship in the Counter-Reformation, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2015, 450 p.

Denis, Jacques (1922-2016) 619. R. Godding, ‘Un géographe chez les hagiographes. “In memoriam” Jacques Denis, s.j. (Charleroi, 6 juin 1922 - Bruxelles, 15 avril 2016)’, Analecta Bollandiana 134 (2016), 3-4.

Desideri, Ippolito (1684-1733) See 768.

Devane, Richard (1876-1951) 620. M. Walsh, ‘Richard Devane: Social campaigner in the Free State, 1920-51’, Studies. An Irish Quarterly Review 103/412 (2014), 562-573.

Dijkstra, John (1911-2003) 621. P.W. Priyotamtama, ‘Musyawarah and democratic lay Catholic leadership in Indonesia: The ongoing legacy of John Dijkstra, SJ, and Ikatan Petani Pancasila’, in M.J. Schuck & J. Crowley-Buck (eds.), Democracy, culture, Catholicism: Voices from four continents, New York, Fordham University Press, 2016, 99-108.

Dinis, Alfredo (1952-2013) 622. Á. Balsas, ‘In Memoriam Prof. Alfredo Dinis, SJ (1952-2013): 498 Paul Begheyn SJ

Director da "RPF" (1994-1999)’, Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 70/1 (2014), 187-189.

Donvidas, Tomás (fl. 1685) 623. J.P. Kalinowsky, ‘Una biografía inédita del P. Tomás Dombidas, rector de la antigua Universidad jesuítica de la provincia del Paraguay’, IHS. Antiguos jesuitas en Iberoamérica 3 (2015), 173-194.

Dupuis, Jacques (1923-2004) 624. J. Dupuis, Perché non sono eretico. Teologia del pluralismo religioso: le accuse, la mia difesa, Bologna, EMI, 2014, 224 p.

Ellacuria, Ignacio (1930-1989) 625. H. Samour, Critica y liberación: Ellacuría y la realidad histórica contemporanea, Valencia, ADG-N editorial, 2012, 180 p. 626. F.d.A. Júnior, Theologie als Einsicht in die Gottesherrschaft. Die Methode der Befreiungstheologie nach Ignacio Ellacuría, Regensburg, Pustet, 2014, 360 p. 627. C. P. Lecaros, ‘Ignacio Ellacuría y su filosofía de la realidad histórica’, Revista Sílex 3 (2014), 173-191. 628. J.J. Tamayo a.o., Ignacio Ellacuría. Utopía y teoría crítica, Valencia, Tirant Humanidades, 2014, 195 p. 629. L. Zuchel, ‘Ignacio Ellacuría, filósofo cristiano. Reflexión filosófico- teológica sobre la inexorable acción de cargar con la realidad’, Teología y Vida 55 (2014), 631-651.

Falkner, Thomas (1702-1784) 630. M.C. Bohn Martins, ‘Entre a escrita e a impressão: “A Descrição da Patagônia” de Thomas Falkner’, IHS. Antiguos jesuitas en Iberoamérica 3/1 (2015), 47-66.

Favre, Pierre (1506-1546) 631. J. Vercruysse, ‘“Hen in waarheid beminnen...”. Pierre Favre en de Lutherse reformatie’, Cardoner 33/3 (2014), 2-18. 632. J. Moons, ‘Remembering as a crucial spiritual tool. Pierre Favre’s spiritual life in the Memoriale’, The Way 55 (2016), 71-81. 633. J. Vercruysse, ‘“In Wahrheit Lieben...” und die Lutherische Reformation’, Geist und Leben 89 (2016), 82-90.

Fernandes, Bento (1579-1633) 634. H. Barros Rodrigues, ‘Father Bento Fernandes S.J. and the clandestine Japanese mission’, Bulletin of Portuguese - Japanese Studies 15 (2007), 95-113. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 499

Fernandes, Sebastião and João Zhong, Mingren and Mingli (fl. 1591-1622) 635. I. Murta Pina, ‘Two Macanese Jesuits in the China mission: The Fernandes / Zhong 鍾 brothers’, Journal of Asian History 48/1 (2014), 1-13.

Fessard, Gaston (1897-1978) 636. F. Louzeau, ‘D'une guerre à l’autre. Le Père Gaston Fessard et la conscience française (1935-1945)’, Transversalités 132 (2015), 61-82.

Figueiredo, Manuel de (1725-1801) 637. J.-M. Delire, ‘Astronomes européens à la cour de Savai Jai Singh II’, Journal des Savants (2014), 175-192.

Finlay, Thomas (1848-1940) 638. D. O'Keeffe, ‘Thomas Finlay and 20th century Jesuit journalism’, Studies. An Irish Quarterly Review 103/412 (2014), 516-529.

Flori, Lodovico (1579-1647) 639. P. Quattrone, ‘Books to be practiced. Memory, the power of the visual, and the success of accounting’, Accounting, Organizations and Society 34/1 (2009), 85-118.

Fouquet, Jean-François (1665-1741), Jesuit until 1722 640. H. Wu, ‘Language training and circulation of linguistic knowledge in the Chinese mission by 1700: a case study of the personal notebook of J.-F. Fouquet, S.J. (Borgia Latino 523, Biblioteca Vaticana)’, in History of the Catholic Church in China: From its beginning to the Scheut Fathers and 20th century. Unveiling some less known sources, sounds and pictures, Leuven, Ferdinand Verbiest Institute K.U. Leuven, 2015, 193-214.

Fritz, Samuel (1654-1726) 641. A. Alexander-Bakkerus, ‘Vocabulario en la lengua Castellana, la del Ynga y Xebera (British Library, Ms. Add. 25,323)’, STUF: Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung 66 (2013), 229-256.

Friz, Andreas (1711-1790) 642. N. Tjoelker (ed.), Andreas Friz’s Letter on Tragedies (ca. 1741-1744): An eighteenth-century Jesuit contribution to theatre poetics, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2014, 295 p. 500 Paul Begheyn SJ

Gabelsberger, Anton (1704-1741) See 637.

Gafo, Javier (1936-2001) 643. J.F. Tomás, Javier Gafo: bioética, teología moral y diálogo, Madrid, Universidad Pontificia Comillas, 2014, 279 p.

Garasse, François (1585-1631) 644. F. Tinguely, ‘Garasse et les altérités croisées’, in T. Berns a.o. (eds.), Libertin! - Usage d’une invective aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles, Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2013, 117-131.

Gherardini, Giovanni (1655-ca. 1729) See 313.

Giannettasio, Nicolò Partenio (1648-1715) 645. C. Schindler, ‘Exploring the distinctiveness of neo-Latin Jesuit didactic poetry in Naples. The case of Nicolò Partenio Giannet- tasio’, in R.A. Maryks (ed.), Exploring Jesuit distinctiveness. Inter- disciplinary perspectives on ways of proceeding within the Society of Jesus, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2016, 24-40.

Ginneken, Jacques van (1877-1945) 646. J. Luitzen, ‘Een hoogstaande partij voetbal. Jac. van Ginnekens ongepubliceerde manuscript “De voetbaltaal” (1913)’, Trefwoord, tijdschrift voor lexicografie (2015), [1-8]. 647. J. Noordegraaf, ‘Een vergeten In Memoriam. Nog eens over Jac. van Ginneken’, Trefwoord, tijdschrift voor lexicografie(2015), [1-5]. 648. J. Noordegraaf, ‘Jac. van Ginneken over Frederik van Eeden: “een vrouwelijk type”’, Mededelingen Frederik van Eeden-genootschap 59 (2015), 63. 649. F. van Gerven, Professor Jacques van Ginneken (Oudenbosch 1877 - Nijmegen 1945) - In niets middelmatig, in alles bijzonder, Oudenbosch, Heemkundige Kring Broeder Christofoor, 2016, 71 p. 650. J. Noordegraaf, ‘“De eerste psychopaat in de Nederlandse letteren”. Jacques van Ginneken over Multatuli’, Jaarboek Multatuli 2015 (2016), 76-80.

Gois, Bento de (1562-1607) 651. H. Didier, ‘Le non publié et l’impubliable: le cas des jésuites missionnaires en terre d’Islam, XVIe-XVIIIe siècles’, Transversalités. Revue de l’Institut Catholique de Paris 103 (2007), 15-25. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 501

Gomez de Vidaurre, Felipe (1748-1818) See 748.

Gracián, Baltasar (1601-1658) 652. M. Vidal, ‘Baltasar Gracián, moralista. La estética de la expresión literaria convertida en paradigma ético del vivir humano’, Moralia. Revista de ciencias morales 37 (2014), 389-439. 653. S. Neumeister, ‘Baltasar Gracián: ein Pragmatiker zwischen Ethik und Ästhetik’, in J. Herzgsell & J. Perčič (eds.), Große Denker des Jesuitenordens, Paderborn, Ferdinand Schoeningh, 2016, 27-44.

Grandmaison, Léonce de (1868-1927) 654. J. Mettepenningen & C. Kestermeier, ‘The “third way” ofthe Modernist crisis, precursor of Nouvelle Théologie: Ambroise Gardeil, O.P., and Léonce de Grandmaison, S.J.’, Theological Studies 75/4 (2014), 774-794.

Gresset, Jean-Baptiste Louis (1709-1777), Jesuit until 1735 655. M. Platon, ‘Robespierre’s Éloge de Gresset. Sources of Robespierre’s anti-philosophe discourse’, Intellectual History Review 20/4 (2010), 479-502. 656. M. Platon, ‘Physiocracy, patriotism and reform Catholicism in Jean-Baptiste-Louis Gresset’s anti-philosophe Enlightenment’, French History 26/2 (2011), 182-202.

Guldin, Paul (1577-1643) 657. P. Radelet-de Grave, ‘Kepler, Cavalieri, Guldin. Polemics with the departed’, in V. Jullien (ed.), Seventeenth-century indivisibles revisited, Berlin, Springer Verlag, 2015, 57-86.

Gumppenberg, Wilhelm von (1609-1675) 658. N. Balzamo a.o. (eds.), L’Atlas Marianus de Wilhelm Gumppenberg. Édition et traduction, Neuchâtel, Editions Alphil, 2014, 508 p.

Hagen, Johann Georg (1847-1930) 659. A. Udías, ‘The correspondence of Johann Georg Hagen, first Jesuit director of the , with directors of Jesuit observatories’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 3/2 (2016), 259-278.

Havestadt, Bernard (1714-1781) 660. V. Rondón Sepúlveda, ‘Havestadt v/s Febrés. A propósito de una carta y unas canciones’, Revista de Historia Social y de las Mentalidades 18 (2014), 79-103. 502 Paul Begheyn SJ

Hervás y Panduro, Lorenzo (1735-1809) 661. A. Astorgano Abajo, ‘Pinceladas sobre la literatura silenciada de los jesuitas expulsos a través de la “Biblioteca jesuítico-española” de Hervás y Panduro’, in J.F. Forniés Casals & P. Numhauser (eds.), Escrituras silenciadas. Paisaje como historiografía, Alcalá de Henares, Universidad de Alcalá, 2013, 411-430.

Hollenbach, David (1942- ) 662. A. Lai, ‘Beyond overruling Roe v. Wade: David Hollenbach’s idea of intellectual solidarity and two women scholars of the Catholic social thought tradition’, Journal of Church and State 57/4 (2015), 707-730.

Hopkins, Gerard Manley (1844-1889) 663. P. Cosgrove, ‘Hopkins’s “The Windhover”: Not ideas about the thing but the thing itself’, Poetics Today 25/3 (2004), 437-464. 664. L. Higgins & N. Barber, ‘“If you knew the world I live in!”: Hopkins and University College’, Studies. An Irish Quarterly Review 103/412 (2014), 462-472. 665. M. Dennis Hamm, ‘Reading Hopkins after Hubble: The durability of Ignatian creation spirituality’, Horizons 41/2 (2014), 275-295. 666. T. Pomplun, ‘The theology of Gerard Manley Hopkins: From John Duns Scotus to the Baroque’, The Journal of Religion 95/1 (2015), 1-34. 667. K. Tanabe, Gerard Manley Hopkins and his poetics of fancy, Cambridge, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015, 245 p. 668. J.S. Coyle, ‘The very idea of subtler language: The poetics of Gerard Manley Hopkins in Charles Taylor and Hans Urs von Balthasar’, The Heythrop Journal 57/5 (2016), 820-833. 669. J. van Gennip, ‘“I have wounded my soul with the instrument of salvation”: The threefold spiritual development of Gerard Manley Hopkins S.J. (1844-1889)’, in S. van Erp & K. Schelkens (ed.), Conversion and Church: The challenge of ecclesial renewal, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2016, 123-146.

Hurley, John (1892-1967) 670. J.S. Arcilla (ed.), John F. Hurley, S.J.: wartime superior (1941-1945) in the Philippines, Quezon City, Ateneo De Manila University Press, 2005, 183 p.

Jeune, Paul Le (1592-1664) 671. M.-C. Pioffet, ‘Le rire de Paul Lejeune: du rire jaune à l’humour Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 503

noir’, Nouvelles Études francophones 22/2 (2007), 122-134. 672. D. Lopenzina, ‘Le Jeune dreams of moose: Altered states among the Montagnais in the Jesuit Relations of 1634’, Early American Studies 13/1 (2015), 3-37.

Jorna, Jan (1868-1937) 673. Geloven met hart en hand. Een geschiedenis van de Zusters van de H. Juliana van Falconieri, 1914-2015, Hilversum, Uitgeverij Verloren, 2016, 160 p.

Kašić, Bartol (1575-1650) 674. M. Horvat & S. Perić Gavrančić, ‘Sintaktićka svojstva zamjenica u Marulićevu i Kašićevu prijevodu de Imitatione Christi’, Rasprave: Časopis Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje 35 (2009), 141-157.

Kilsdonk, Jan van (1917-2008) 675. G.A. Brenninkmeijer, ‘Zielzorg waar de mensen zijn: “Pastoraat van de eerbied”. Over het pastoraat van pater Jan van Kilsdonk SJ’, Franciscaans leven 97/5 (2014), 203-208.

Kircher, Athanasius (1601-1680) 676. H. Garza, ‘Iter exstaticum coeleste de Atanasio Kircher y Primero Sueño de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. Convergencias particulares, divergencias integrales’, Cuadernos Americanos 104 (2004), 59-73. 677. T. Leinkauf, Mundus combinatus. Studien zur Struktur der barocken Universalwissenschaft am Beispiel Athanasius Kirchers SJ (1602- 1680), Berlin, Akademieverlag, 2009, 438 p. 678. L. Burkart, ‘Bewegte Bilder – sichtbares Wissen: Athanasius Kircher und die Sichtbarmachung der Welt’, in H. Bredekamp a.o. (eds.), Imagination und Repräsentation. Zwei Bildsphären der Frühen Neuzeit, München, Wilhelm Fink, 2010, 335-352. 679. U. App, ‘Pan-Asian religion (Kircher)’, in U. App, The cult of emptiness. The western discovery of Buddhist thought and the invention of oriental philosophy, Rorschach-Kyoto, UniversityMedia, 2012, 111-128. 680. P. von Wyss-Giacosa, ‘Investigating religion visually. On the role and significance of engravings in Athanasius Kircher’s discourse on idolatry’, Revue Genevoise d’anthropologie et d’histoire des religions 7 (2012), 119-150. 681. T. Asmussen a.o. (eds.), Theatrum Kircherianum. Wissenskulturen und Bücherwelten im 17. Jahrhundert, Wiesbaden, Harassowitz, 2013, 314 p. 504 Paul Begheyn SJ

682. H. Rößler, ‘Kircher und das Gürteltier. Empirisches Wissen in der Zoologie. Druckgraphik der Frühen Neuzeit’, in T. Asmussen a.o. (eds.), Theatrum Kircherianum. Wissenskulturen und Bücherwelten, Wiesbaden, Harassowitz, 2013, 227-277. 683. M. Beuchot, ‘El juego de luces y sombras en Athanasius Kircher, S.J.’, Anámnesis 24 (2014), 131-142. 684. A. Haverkamp, ‘European image of China in the seventeenth century: Fascinating cultures stained with repulsive misbelief’, in E. Homburg & A. Klijn (eds.), Encountering the Other: Travel books on North-America, Japan and China from the Maastricht Jesuit library, 1500-1900, Maastricht, Maastricht University, 2014, 271, 199-220. 685. G.F. Strasser, ‘“Alle Wasser laufen ins Meer, doch wird das Meer nicht voller”: Athanasius Kirchers Theorie vom Wasserkreislauf in historischer Sicht’, Wolfenbütteler Barock- Nachrichten 42 (2015), 35-61. 686. L. Andriessen, ‘Theatre of the world’, in F. Vliegenthart, Fotojaarboek seizoen 2015-2016. 50 jaar de Nationale Opera, Amsterdam, Nationale Opera & Ballet, 2016, 150-163. [Opera about A. Kircher by Dutch composer Louis Andriessen, world premiere in 2016] 687. M. de Vries, ‘Athanasius Kirchers Verheerlykt China, gered van wormen, motten en muggenzifters’, De Boekenwereld 32/4 (2016), 40-45.

Klaiber, Jeffrey (1943-2014) 688. ‘Jeffrey Lockwood Klaiber, SJ (1943-2014)’, Hispanic American Historical Review 95/1 (2015), 135-139.

Kozłowiecki, Adam (1911-2007) 689. M. Deselaers & B. Sill (eds.), Adam Kozłowiecki SJ. Not und Bedrängnis. Als Jesuit in Auschwitz und Dachau. Lagertagebuch, Regensburg, Friedrich Pustet, 2016, 688 p.

Kraus, Jan (1656/60-1714) 690. C.A. Page, ‘El maestro-arquitecto Jan Kraus S.J. en el Río de la Plata’, Archivo Español de Arte 87 (2014), 245-262.

Lacouture, Onésime (1881-1951) 691. J.L. Downey, The bread of the strong: Lacouturisme and the folly of the cross, 1910-1985, Bronx NY, Fordham University Press, 2015, 280 p. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 505

Laínez, Diego (1512-1565) 692. J. García de Castro Valdés, Diego Laínez (1512-1565): jesuita y teólogo del Concilio, Madrid, Universidad Pontificia Comillas / Sal terrae / Mensajero, 2013, 178 p. 693. S. Appuhn-Radtke, ‘Diego Laínez in Porträt und Allegorie’, in P. Oberholzer (ed.), Diego Laínez (1512-1565) and his generalate: Jesuit with Jewish roots, close confidant of Ignatius of Loyola, preeminent theologian of the Council of Trent, Roma, Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu, 2015, 117-142.

Lamormaini, Heinrich (1575-1647) See 599.

Lamormaini, Wilhelm (1570-1648) See 599.

Łęczycki, Mikołaj (1574-1653) 694. L. Jovaiša, ‘Mikalojus Lancicijus: apdulkėjusio portreto istorija’ [Nicolaus Lancicius: a history of a dusty portrait], in N. Markauskaité, (ed.), Jėzuitai Lietuvoje (1608-2008): gyvenimas, veikla, paveldas [Jesuits in Lithuania (1608-2008): life, work, heritage], Vilnius, Lietuvos nacionalinis muziejus, 2012, 193- 216.

Ledesma, Diego de (1519-1575) See 791.

Lemieux, Germain (1914-2008) 695. J.P. Pichette a.o. (eds.), Passeur de mémoire en Ontario français. Germain Lemieux, s.j., / French Tradition Lives On in Ontario. Germain Lemieux, s.j., Sudbury, Centre franco-ontarien de folklore, 2001, 50 p. Lessius, Leonard (1554-1623) 696. E. Rai, ‘The “odor of sanctity.” Veneration and politics in Leonard Lessius’s cause for beatification (seventeenth– twentieth centuries)’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 3/2 (2016), 238- 278.

Levi, Peter (1931-2000), Jesuit until 1977 697. B. Allen, Peter Levi: Oxford romantic, Oxford, Signal Books Ltd, 2014, 452 p. 506 Paul Begheyn SJ

Lhande, Pierre (1877-1957) 698. C. Bonafoux, ‘Le Père Lhande, jésuite-reporter de la banlieue’, Chrétiens et Sociétés XVIe-XXIe siècles 21 (2014), 147-168.

Li, Wu (1632-1718) 699. J. Xiangyan, ‘Wu Li yanjiu zongshu’ [A review of studies on Wu Li], Guoji hanxue (2016), 165-170.

Li Wenyu, Lawrence (1840-1911) 700. L. Bai, ‘The Jesuit educational tradition and the promotion of scientific knowledge in early 20th century China: Li Wenyu and Xixue guanjian’, in A.K. Wardega (ed.), Education for new times. Revisiting pedagogical models in the Jesuit tradition, Macau, Macau Ricci Institute, 2014, 155-180.

Libânio, João Batista (1932-2014) 701. L. Boff, ‘O legado humano, teológico e espiritual de J.B. Libânio SJ’, Perspectiva teológica 46 (2014), 323-324.

Lonergan, Bernard (1904-1984) See also 814.

702. F. Lawrence, ‘Expanding challenge to authenticity in insight: Lonergan’s hermeneutics of facticity (1953-1964)’, Divyadaan. Journal of Philosophy and Education 15/3 (2004), 427-456. 703. P. Byrne, ‘What is an evolutionary explanation? Darwin and Lonergan’, Lonergan Workshop 23 (2009), 13-57. 704. I. Coelho, ‘From person to subject: Lonergan’s methodological transposition as upper blade for reading Sankara’, Lonergan Workshop 23 (2009), 83-118. 705. P. Corbishley, ‘Aristotle, M.A.K. Halliday, and B.F.J. Lonergan: Toward a general theory of language for language teachers’, Lonergan Workshop 23 (2009), 119-164. 706. T.J. McPartland, ‘The critique of history and the pure line of progress: Lonergan’s legacy’, Lonergan Workshop 23 (2009), 363- 378. 707. K.R. Melchin, ‘Lonergan and the social sciences: Some preliminary reflections’,Lonergan Workshop 23 (2009), 389-400. 708. P. St. Amour, ‘Situating Lonergan’s economics in a context of collaboration’, Lonergan Workshop 23 (2009), 423-443. 709. L.E. Weis, ‘Lonergan’s thought may mediate concerns about gender bias’, Lonergan Workshop 23 (2009), 495-511. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 507

710. G. Mongeau, ‘The state of grace and the law of the cross: Further insights into Lonergan from René Girard’, Lonergan Workshop 25 (2011), 237-252. 711. E.A. Murray, ‘The classical question of immortality in light of Lonergan’s explicit metaphysics’, Lonergan Workshop 25 (2011), 269-282. 712. L.M. Petillo, ‘Love and light: A hypothesis regarding Lonergan’s four-point hypothesis’, Lonergan Workshop 25 (2011), 283-303. 713. R.S. Rosenberg, ‘Meaning, language and the mystery of the human person: A conversation with Walker Percy and Bernard Lonergan’, Lonergan Workshop 25 (2011), 305-332. 714. M. Shute, ‘Lonergan’s economics and the Catholic social justice tradition, Lonergan Workshop 25 (2011), 333-347. 715. R.J. Snell, ‘Performing differently: Lonergan and the new natural law’, Lonergan Workshop 25 (2013), 365-387. 716. J. Raymaker & I. Durrani, Empowering climate-change strategies with Bernard Lonergan’s method, Lanham MD, University Press of America, 2014, 176 p. 717. N. Rotundo, ‘B.J.F. Lonergan e lo storicismo di Arnold Toynbee, nel saggio “Healing and Creating in History”’, Ricerche teologiche 25 (2014), 385-398. 718. S. Gray, ‘From objective discovery to subjective grace. Lonergan’s transcendent journey’, Studies in Spirituality 25 (2015), 279-290. 719. C. Friel, ‘Lonergan’s notion of being’, The Heythrop Journal 57/3 (2016), 511-531. 720. M. Gerhart, ‘Bernard Lonergan’s “law of the cross”: Transforming the sources and effects of violence’, Theological Studies 77/1 (2016), 77-95. 721. M.L. Heaney, ‘Music and theological method: A Lonerganian approach’, Theological Studies 77/3 (2016), 678-703. 722. U. Jonsson, ‘Bernard Lonergan und die Frage nach der Methode der Theologie’, in J. Herzgsell & J. Perčič (eds.), Große Denker des Jesuitenordens, Paderborn, Ferdinand Schoeningh, 2016, 107-120. 723. G. Rixon, ‘Locating Hegel’s “Aufhebung” and tracing Lonergan’s “Sublation”’, The Heythrop Journal 57/3 (2016), 492-510.

Loper, Bernhard (1609-1670) See 895.

Lubac, Henri de (1896-1991) 724. C. Alpers, ‘The essence of a Christian in Henri de Lubac: Sacramental ontology or non-ontology’, New Blackfriars 95/1058 (2014), 430-442. 508 Paul Begheyn SJ

725. J.P. Ledesma, ‘“La Iglesia es militante” Homenaje a la “Meditation sur l’Eglise” de Henri de Lubac, 60 años después de su publicación’, Alpha Omega 17 (2014), 25-51. 726. J.S. Flipper, Between Apocalypse and Eschaton: History and eternity in Henri de Lubac, Minneapolis MN, Fortress Press, 2015, 224 p. 727. D. Grumett, ‘De Lubac, grace, and the pure nature debate’, Modern Theology 31/1 (2015), 123-146. 728. D.C. Hatch, ‘Wingless chickens and desiderium naturale: The theological imaginations of Flannery O’Connor and Henri de Lubac’, Christian Scholar’s Review 44/2 (2015), 117-133. 729. H. Moscicke, ‘The theological presuppositions of ancient Christian exegesis: G. K. Beale and Henri de Lubac in conversation’, Journal of Theological Interpretation 10/1 (2016), 125-143. 730. K.H. Neufeld, ‘Henri de Lubac: Denker zwischen Welten und Zeiten’, in J. Herzgsell & J. Perčič (eds.), Große Denker des Jesuitenordens, Paderborn, Ferdinand Schoeningh, 2016, 75-86.

Lugo, Juan de (1583-1660) 731. F. Monsalve Serrano & O. De Juán Asenjo, ‘Juan de Lugo y la libertad en economía: El análisis económico escolástico en transición’, Procesos de mercado: Revista europea de economía política 2 (2006), 217-243.

Lugt, Frans van der (1938-2014) 732. W. Bouwman, ‘Bonhoeffer onderscheiding [for Frans van der Lugt]’, in G.-J. Segers (ed.), Bonhoeffer, [Barneveld], Uitgeverij Vuurbaak, 2016, 37-41.

Lynch, William (1908-1987) 733. J.F. Kane, Building the human city. William F. Lynch’s Ignatian spirituality for public life, Eugene OR, Wipf and Stock, 2016, 292 p.

Maimbourg, Louis (1610-1686), Jesuit until 1682 734. J.-P. Gay, ‘Le “cas Maimbourg”. La possibilité d’un gallicanisme jésuite au XVIIe siècle’, Revue historique 672 (2014/4), 783-831.

Maldonado, Juan (1533-1583) 735. S. Halikowski-Smith, ‘“Tempestatem, quae cum adventuro D. Francisco Pallu timero potest”: Jean-Baptiste Maldonado SJ, a missionary caught between loyalties to the Portuguese Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 509

Padroado and the political ascendancy of the missions étrangères de Paris in the Siam mission’, Revista de cultura / Review of culture 34 (2010), 35-51. 736. J. Céard, ‘Calvin et le calvinisme selon le jésuite Maldonat’, in F. Giacone, Calvin insolite. Actes du colloque de Florence (12-14 mars 2009), Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2012, 267-276.

Mariana, Juan de (1536-1624) 737. E. Clifford Graf, ‘Sancho Panza’s “por negros que sean, los he de volver blancos o amarillos” (DQ 1,29) and Juan de Mariana's De Moneta of 1605’, Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America 31/2 (2011), 23-51.

Martini, Carlo Maria (1927-2012) 738. F. Manzi (ed.), Carlo Maria Martini. Il pastore del post-Concilio, Milano, Ancora, 2014, 352 p.

Martini, Martino (1614-1661) 739. L.M. Paternicò, When the Europeans began to study Chinese. Martino Martini’s Grammatica Linguae Sinensis, Leuven – Leuven Chinese Studies XXIV, Ferdinand Verbiest Institute K.U. Leuven, 2013, 290 p. 740. L. Bressan, Hangzhou revealed to the Western: from Marco Polo to Martino Martini, Trento, Centro Studi Martino Martini, Università degli studi di Trento, 2014, 71 p. 741. L.M. Paternicò a.o. (eds.), Martino Martini, man of dialogue, Trento, Centro Studi Martino Martini, Università degli studi di Trento, 2016, 416 p.

Mascardi, Agostino (1590-1640) 742. S. Tutino, ‘Writing the truth: Agostino Mascardi and post- Reformation historiography by way of Paul Ricoeur’, in her Shadows of doubt: Language and truth in post-Reformation Catholic culture, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2014, 40-73.

Masen, Jacob (1606-1681) See 841.

Mata, Gil de la (1547-1599) 743. G. Marino, ‘Breve recorrido en la postrimería del jesuita Gil de la Mata en la misión de Japón (siglo XVI): las últimas cuatro cartas inéditas desde Lisboa y Nagasaki’, Estudios eclesiásticos 89 (2014), 499-531. 510 Paul Begheyn SJ

Mayr, José Domingo (born 1680) 744. C. Urani Montiel Contreras, ‘Escritura Ignaciana y “cosecha javeriana” del P. Mayr en la Misión de Moxos’, IHS. Antiguos jesuitas en Iberoamérica 2 (2014), 4-24.

Ménestrier, Claude-François (1631-1705) 745. A.M. Testaverde, ‘“Sur les exemples des Anciens & la Pratique des Modernes”: i trattati del loisir di F.C. Menestrier’, in J. Schiavini Trezzi (cur.), Mosaico francese. Studi in onore di Alberto Castoldi, Bergamo, Moretti & Vitali, 2012, 499-521. 746. A. Mechó González, ‘Cuius regio, eius religio: la retórica religiosa en las medallas de la “Histoire du roy Louis le Grand” de Menestrier’, in V. Mínguez Cornelles (ed.), Las artes y la arquitectura del poder, Castellón, Universitat Jaume I, 2013, 1819-1832. 747. D. Graham, ‘Claude-François Ménestrier: The founder of “early modern grounded theory”’, in W. de Boer a.o. (eds.), Jesuit image theory, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2016, 119-145.

Molina, Juan Ignacio (1740-1829) 748. L. Hachim Lara, ‘Narrativa de indios en las Historias naturales de Juan Ignacio Molina y Felipe Gómez de Vidaurre’, América sin Nombre 18 (2013), 95-103.

Molina, Luis de (1535-1600) 749. C. Martínez Valle, ‘Conciencia libre y «ley natural» en el calvinismo y molinismo’, Res publica: Revista de filosofía política 19 (2008), 135- 156. 750. K.J. Perszyk (ed.), Molinism: The contemporary debate, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2011, 330 p. 751. M. Moriarty, ‘Pascal, Molina et le molinisme’, Quaderni leif IX/13 (2015), 77-90. 752. R.J. Matava, ‘Domingo Báñez’s critique of Molina’, in his Divine causality and human free choice. Domingo Báñez, physical premotion and the controversy “de auxiliis” revisited, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2016, 102-168. 753. R.J. Matava, ‘Luis de Molina’s critique of Báñez’, in his Divine causality and human free choice. Domingo Báñez, physical premotion and the controversy “de auxiliis” revisited, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2016, 169-212.

Montoya, Antonio Ruiz de (1585-1652) 754. B. Melià, ‘La lengua guaraní de Montoya como espejo cultural’, in C. de Castelnau-L’Estoile a.o. (eds.), Missions d’évangélisation Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 511

et circulation des savoirs, XVIe-XVIIIe siècle, Madrid, Casa de Velázquez, 2011, 243-268.

Morales, Hernando de (1576-1631), Jesuit until 1631 755. J.M. Díaz Blanco, ‘La expulsión de un profeso jesuita: el P. Hernando de Morales 1576-1631’, Hispania Sacra 66 / Extra 2 (2014), 323-356.

Mousson, Pierre (1559-1637) 756. P. Ehl, ‘Les couleurs de l’envie dans Pompeius Magnus de Pierre Mousson’, in J.-P. Bordier & J.-F. Chevalier, Le Théâtre de l’envie (1315-1640). Actes du colloque international de Metz (5-7 octobre 2006), Nancy, Université Lorraine Ecritures, 2011, 191-209.- 757. P. Ehl, ‘De l’utilisation des proverbes et sentences dans le théâtre jésuite: l’exemple des tragédies de Pierre Mousson’, Europe XVI- XVII en Europe 18 (2013), 491-508.

Muckermann, Friedrich (1883-1946) 758. J. Brauer, ‘Grenskloosters en de naderende “Klostersturm”. Religieuzen en de eerste confrontaties met de nazistaat langs de Nederlandse grens tussen 1930 en 1940’, in C. Dols a.o., Dienstbaar onder vuur. Religieuzen en de Tweede Wereldoorlog, Hilversum, Uitgeverij Verloren, 2016, 49-76.

Murray, John Courtney (1904-1967) 759. T. Hughson, ‘Fidelity in context: John Courtney Murray, 1904- 1967’, The Way 43/4 (2004), 95-109.

Nadal, Jerónimo (1507-1580) 760. N. Vacalebre, ‘Produzione e distribuzione libraria gesuitica nel Cinquecento: il caso delle Adnotationes et meditationes in Evangelia di Jerónimo Nadal (Anversa, Martin Nuyts, 1593- 1595)’, Titivillus 1 (2014), 305-323. 761. I. Ramos Riera, Jerónimo Nadal (1507-1580) und der „verschriftlichte“ Ignatius. Die Konstruktion einer individuellen und kollektiven Identität, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2016, 402 p.

Nell-Breuning, Oswald von (1890-1991) 762. J. Wallacher, ‘Oswald von Nell-Breuning: Vordenker zeitgemäßer Wirtschafts- und Finanzethik’, in J. Herzgsell & J. Perčič (eds.), Große Denker des Jesuitenordens, Paderborn, Ferdinand Schoeningh, 2016, 61-74. 512 Paul Begheyn SJ

Neumayr, Franz (1697-1765) 763. K.A.E. Enenkel, ‘Enargeia fireworks: Jesuit image theory in Franciscus Neumayr’s rhetorical manual (Idea Rhetoricae, 1748) and his tragedies’, in W. de Boer a.o. (eds.), Jesuit image theory, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2016, 146-185.

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Nieremberg, Juan Eusebio (1595-1658) 765. P.R.d.A. Pacheco, ‘O terceiro do tratado De Arte Voluntatis de Juan Eusebio Nieremberg (1595-1658)’, IHS Antiguos jesuitas en Iberoamérica 2/2 (2014), 150-221.

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Nithard, Juan Everardo (1607-1681) 767. M.d.C. Sáenz Berceo, Confesionario y poder en la España del siglo XVII: Juan Everardo Nithard, Logroño, Universidad de La Rioja, 2014, 389 p.

Nobili, Roberto de (1577-1656) 768. D.N. Lorenzen, ‘Gentile religion in South India, China, and Tibet: Studies by three Jesuit missionaries’, Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 27/1 (2007), 203-213.

Noël, François (1651-1729) 769. M.V. Romeo, ‘Pascal e il gesuita Padre Noël: una polemica “piena” di “vuoto”’, Quaderni leif 8 (2012), 57-82. 770. C. von Collani, ‘François Noël and his treatise on God in China’, in History of the Catholic Church in China: From its beginning to the Scheut Fathers and 20th century. Unveiling some less known sources, sounds and pictures, Leuven, Ferdinand Verbiest Institute K.U. Leuven, 2015, 23-64.

Oglio, Paolo Dall' (1954- ) 771. P. Dall’Oglio & É. Gabaix-Hiale, Uit liefde voor de islam. In het voetspoor van de in Syrië vermiste jezuïet Paolo Dall’Oglio, Antwerpen, Halewijn, 2016, 192 p. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 513

Ong, Walter (1912-2003) 772. S.J. van den Berg (ed.), ‘Walter J. Ong yesterday, today, tomorrow: a special centenary forum’, Religion & Literature 44/2 (2012), 147-204.

Oorschot, Theo van (1926-2016), Jesuit until 1985 773. G. Franz & H. Müskens, ‘In memoriam Dr. Theo G. M. van Oorschot’, Spee-Jahrbuch 2014/15 (2016), 8-13.

Orosz, Ladislao (1697-1773) 774. A.E. Ceballos a.o., ‘Un inédito del P. Ladislao Orosz’, IHS, Antiguos jesuitas en Iberoamérica 4/1 (2016), 148-169.

Páez, Pedro (1564-1622) 775. E. Serrano Bertos, ‘Un episodio exótico de la misión jesuita: Pedro Páez en Etiopía’, Mutatis Mutandis. Revista latinoamericana de Traducción 8 (2015), 67-82.

Pantoja, Diego de (1571-1618) 776. R. Richmond Ellis, ‘Representations of China and Europe in the writings of Diego de Pantoja: accommodating the East or privileging the West?’, in C.H. Lee (ed.), Western visions of the far east in a transpacific age, 1522–1657, Farnham / Burlington, Ashgate, 2012, 101-115.

Panzi, Giuseppe (1734-1812) See 313.

Paucke, Florian (1719-1779) 777. S. Zanetti, ‘Las “Memorias” de Florian Paucke: una crónica singular de las misiones jesuitas del Gran Chaco argentino’, América sin nombre, nº 18 (2013), 178-189.

Pázmány, Péter (1570-1637) 778. P. Tusor, ‘Why did Pazmany of the Jesuit order become a Somascan?’, in P. Fodor a.o. (eds), More modoque: die Wurzeln der europäischen Kultur und deren Rezeption im Orient und Okzident: Festschrift für Miklos Maroth zum siebzigsten Geburtstag, Budapest, Forschungszentrum für Humanwissenschaften der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2013, 529-538.

Peramás, José Manuel (1732-1793) 779. M. Feile Tomes, ‘News of a hitherto unknown Neo-Latin 514 Paul Begheyn SJ

Columbus epic, Part I. José Manuel Peramás’s De invento novo orbe inductoque illuc Christi sacrificio (1777)’, International Journal of the Classical Tradition 22/1 (2015), 1-28. 780. D. Arbo & A. Laird, ‘Columbus, the Lily of Quito and the Black Legend: The context of José Manuel Peramás’ epic on the discovery of the New World: De invento novo orbe inductoque illuc Christi sacrificio (1777)’, Dieciocho. Journal of the Hispanic Enlightenment 38 (2015), 7-32.

Pereira, Tomás (1645-1708) 781. D.F. Urrows, ‘“Highly applauded, as novelties are”: Science, politics, and the pipe organs of Tomás Pereira, s.j.’, in History of the Catholic Church in China: From its beginning to the Scheut Fathers and 20th century. Unveiling some less known sources, sounds and pictures, Leuven, Ferdinand Verbiest Institute K.U. Leuven, 2015, 99-124.

Pereira Borges, José Fernando (1928-2013) 782. A.I. Galvão, ‘In Memoriam P. José Fernando Pereira Borges, SJ (1928-2013)’, Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 70 (2014), 191-192.

Perera, Benet (1535-1610) 783. P.R. Blum, ‘Platonic references in Pererius’s comments on the Bible’, Quaestio 14 (2014), 215-227. 784. M.S. de Carvalho, ‘Between Rome and Coimbra: A preliminary survey of two early Jesuit psychologies (Benet Perera and the Coimbra Course)’, Quaestio 14 (2014), 91-110. 785. C. Esposito, ‘La durata dell’essere. Benet Perera sul tempo’, Quaestio 14 (2014), 195-214. 786. P. Gilbert, ‘La preparazione della Ratio studiorum e l’insegnamento di filosofia di Benet Perera’,Quaestio 14 (2014), 3-30. 787. M. Lamanna, ‘Mathematics, abstraction and ontology: Benet Perera and the impossibility of a neutral science of reality’, Quaestio 14 (2014), 69-89. 788. U.G. Leinsle, ‘Der Widerstand gegen Perera und seine Physik in der oberdeutschen Jesuitenprovinz’, Quaestio 14 (2014), 51-68. 789. F. Marrone, ‘Conoscenza e realtà. Benet Perera e la quaestio de primo cognito’, Quaestio 14 (2014), 111-165. 790. P. Ponzio, ‘Perera, Bellarmino, Galileo e il “concordismo” tra Sacre Scritture e ricerca scientifica’,Quaestio 14 (2014), 257-269. 791. C. Sander, ‘The war of the roses. The debate between Diego de Ledesma and Benet Perera about the philosophy course at the Jesuit college in Rome’, Quaestio 14 (2014), 31-50. 792. G. Ventimiglia, ‘«Magna est disceptatio tam inter philosophos Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 515

quam inter theologos». Pererius e la questione della distinzione reale fra essenza ed esistenza’, Quaestio 14 (2014), 167-194. 793. C. Casalini, ‘Benedictus Pererius and the ordo doctrinae. Lessons and texts in the first Jesuits’ philosophy’, Noctua 2/1-2 (2015), 204-232.

Poirot, Louis de (1735-1813) 794. G. Song, ‘Between “original meaning” and “vernacular language”: Biblical translation and exegesis of the Jesuit Louis de Poirot in the Mid-Qing period’, International Sinology 27 (2014), 101-120. 795. H. Walravens (ed.), ‘Tucin-i nomun.’ Das Buch Exodus des Alten Testaments in mandschurischer Übersetzung von Louis de Poirot S.J., Berlin, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, 2015, 305 p.

Polanco, Juan de (1517-1576) 796. J. García de Castro, Polanco: el humanismo de los Jesuitas, (Burgos 1517-Roma 1576), Bilbao / Santander, Universidad Pontificia Comillas / Mensajero / Sal terrae /, 2012, 420 p.

Polis, Charles (1883-1943) 797. G.M. de Schryver, ‘On the most innovative outer access structure of any Bantu dictionary: the “lexique kikongo – français” by Charles Polis (1938)’, Lexikos 25 (2015), 56-135.

Pomey, François (1618-1673) 798. R.A. Pruiksma, ‘Pomey rewrites Scudéry: the novel source for Pomey’s rhetorical sarabande description’, Early Music 43/3 (2015), 383-395.

Pontanus, Jakob (1542-1626) 799. U.G. Leinsle, ‘Antike Lebenskonzepte in jesuitischer Wirklichkeit: Die akademischen Reden und “progymnasmata Latinitatis” des Jakob Pontanus’, in U. Heinen (ed.), Welche Antike? Konkurrierende Rezeptionen des Altertums im Barock, vol. 2, Wiesbaden, Harassowitz, 2011, 809-834.

Pozzo, Andrea (1642-1709) 800. A. Franceschini a.o. (eds.), Perspectiva pictorum et architectorum Andreæ Putei [e Societate Jesu], 3 vols., Trento, Provincia autonoma di Trento. Soprintendenza per i beni storico-artistici: Temi, 2009, 265 p. 801. A. Rodríguez G. de Ceballos, ‘Reconsideración de la Iglesia del noviciado de San Luis, de Sevilla, a la luz del tratado del 516 Paul Begheyn SJ

jesuita Andrea Pozzo’, in A. Zamora a.o. (eds.), La Compañía de Jesús y las artes. Nuevas perspectivas de investigación, Zaragoza, Universidad de Zaragoza, 2014, 315-336. 802. S. Fuentes Lázaro, ‘La adopción del manual de Perspectiva de Andrea Pozzo en la docencia jesuítica española’, in A. Zamora a.o. (eds.), La Compañía de Jesús y las artes. Nuevas perspectivas de investigación, Zaragoza, Universidad de Zaragoza, 2014, 301-314. 803. S. Fuentes Lázaro, ‘El perfil de Andrea Pozzo como maestro de perspectiva’, Varia Historia 32 (2016), 611-637.

Prévost d’Exiles, Antoine François (1697-1763), Jesuit until 1716 804. C.-Y. Lee, ‘Taiwan’s appearance in the 18th century travelogue: Taking the text of Histoire générale des voyages by Prévost’, Asian and African Studies 15/2 (2011), 1-20.

Przywara, Erich (1889-1972) 805. A. Edwards Errázuriz, ‘Hacia una pedagogía del juicio de conciencia. El aporte de Erich Przywara S.J. (1889-1972)’, REXE. Revista de Estudios y Experiencias en Educación 14 (2008), 65-85.

Pujiula Dilmé, Jaime (1869-1958) 806. F. Teixidó Gómez, ‘El jesuita Jaime Pujiula Dilmé, científico clave de la investigación biológica barcelonesa’, Llull: Revista de la Sociedad Española de Historia de las Ciencias y de las Técnicas 33 (2010), 355-380.

Raguin, Yves (1912-1998) 807. I. Pommel, Yves Raguin 1912-1998. L’expérience missionnaire et spirituelle d’un jésuite en Asie, Namur, Lessius, 2015, 368 p.

Rahner, Hugo (1900-1968) 808. K.H. Neufeld, ‘Il cuore di Gesù: spiritualità e teologia: i fratelli Rahner’, in M. Szentmártoni & F. Pieri (eds.), Spiritualità e teologia. Simposio in occasione del 50° anniversario dell’Istituto di Spiritualità della Pontificia Università Gregoriana (1958-2008), Roma, GBP, 2010, 67-78. 809. K.H. Neufeld, ‘Hugo Rahner SJ (1900-1968)’, in J. Ernesti & G. Wurst (eds.), Kirchengeschichte im Porträt. Katholische Kirchenhistoriker des 20. Jahrhunderts, Freiburg/Br., Herder, 2016, 291-305.

Rahner, Karl (1904-1984) See also 808. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 517

810. R. Zinkevičiūtė, Karl Rahners Mystagogiebegriff und seine praktisch-theologische Rezeption, Frankfurt am Main [etc.], Peter Lang, 2006, 331 p. 811. A. Losinger, Orientierungspunkt Mensch. Der anthropologische Ansatz in der Theologie Karl Rahners, Sankt Ottilien, Eos, 2016, 166 p. 812. D. Marmion, ‘Between transcendence and history, trauma and grace: Rahner’s anthropology revisited’, Louvain Studies 37/4 (2013), 309-326. 813. J.J. Bacik, Humble confidence: spiritual and pastoral guidance from Karl Rahner, Collegeville MN, Liturgical Press, 2014, 198 p. 814. J. Dadosky, ‘Has Vatican II been hermeneutered? Recovering and developing its theological achievements following Rahner and Lonergan’, Irish Theological Quarterly 79/4 (2014), 327-349. 815. P.J. Fritz, ‘Placing sin in Karl Rahner’s theology’,Irish Theological Quarterly 80/4 (2015), 294-312. 816. B. Peterson, ‘Critical voices: The reactions of Rahner and Ratzinger to “Schema XIII” (Gaudium et Spes)’,Modern Theology 31/1 (2015), 1-26. 817. A. Batlogg, ‘Karl Rahner as Holy Ghost Writer of Vatican II?’, Theology and Philosophy 28 (2016), 151-182. 818. J. Herzgsell, ‘Karl Rahner: Religionsphilosoph, Theologe und geistlicher Schriftsteller’, in J. Herzgsell & J. Perčič (eds.), Große Denker des Jesuitenordens, Paderborn, Ferdinand Schoeningh, 2016, 87-106. 819. A. Losinger, Orientierungspunkt Mensch. Der anthropologische Ansatz in der Theologie Karl Rahners, St. Ottilien, Eos Verlag, 2016, 168 p.

Rasschaert, Herman (1922-1964) 820. L. Francken, ‘Herman Rasschaert. Dare la vita per l’armonia tra le religioni’, La Civiltà Cattolica 3974 (2016), 171-175.

Rho, Giacomo (1592-1638) 821. J.A. Cervera Jiménez, ‘Giacomo Rho (1592-1638), mathematician and astronomer at the Chinese court’, in M. Catto & G. Signorotto (eds.), Milano, l’Ambrosiana e la conoscenza dei nuovi mondi (secoli XVII-XVIII), Milano, Biblioteca & Accademia Ambrosiana, Classe di Studi Borromaici / Bulzoni Editore, 2015, 473-496.

Rhodes, Alexandre de (1591-1660) 822. K. Schatz, “Dass diese Mission eine der blühendsten des Ostens werde…” P. Alexander de Rhodes (1593-1660) und die frühe Jesuitenmission in Vietnam, Münster, Aschendorff, 2016, 260 p. 518 Paul Begheyn SJ

Ribadeneyra, Pedro de (1526-1611) See also 49. 823. M. Lop Sebastià (ed.), Pedro de Ribadeneyra, Confessiones. Autobiografía documentada, Bilbao / Santander, Mensajero / Sal Terrae, 2009, 283 p. 824. R. Roldán-Figueroa, ‘Pedro de Ribadeneyra’s Vida del P. Ignacio de Loyola (1583) and literary culture in early modern Spain’, in R.A. Maryks (ed.), Exploring Jesuit distinctiveness. Interdisciplinary perspectives on ways of proceeding within the Society of Jesus, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2016, 156-174. 825. S.J. Weinreich, ‘The distinctiveness of the Society of Jesus’s mission in Pedro de Ribadeneyra’s Historia ecclesiastica del scisma del reyno de Inglaterra (1588)’, in R.A. Maryks (ed.), Exploring Jesuit distinctiveness. Interdisciplinary perspectives on ways of proceeding within the Society of Jesus, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2016, 175-188.

Ricci, Matteo (1552-1610) See also 768.

826. J. Cassady, ‘Matteo Ricci and his process of evangelization’, Obsculta 3/1 (2010), 5-10. 827. A.C. Hosne, ‘Los letrados confucianos y la consumación de la república platónica. Mateo Ricci en la misión jesuítica en la China’, in G. Wilde (ed.), Saberes de la conversión. Jesuitas, indígenas e imperios coloniales en las fronteras de la cristiandad, Buenos Aires, Editorial SB, 2011, 465-488. 828. X. Huang & G. Cretti (eds.), La Cina nella cartografia da Tolomeo al XVII secolo. I mappamondi di Matteo Ricci e Giulio Aleni, Brescia / Macerata, Fondazione Civiltà Bresciana, Centro Giulio Aleni / Fondazione Internazionale Matteo Ricci, 2011, 190 p. 829. K.N. Cawley, ‘Dis-assembling traditions: Deconstructing Tasan via Matteo Ricci’, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 24/2 (2014), 297-313. 830. R. Littlejohn, ‘First contact: The earliest western views of Daoism in Matteo Ricci’s journals’, 830. in D. Jones & M. Marion (eds.), The dynamics of cultural counterpoint in Asian studies, Albany, SUNY Press, 2014, 111-126. 831. A. Ih-Ren Mong, ‘The legacy of Matteo Ricci and his companions’, Missiology. An International Review 43/4 (2015), 385-397. 832. G. Criveller, ‘I sogni dei malinconici sono veri. L’ascesa a Pechino di Matteo Ricci’, A. Ramberti (ed.), Letteratura … con i piedi, Rimini, Fara Editore, 2014, 99-126. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 519

833. G. Criveller, ‘Lettere dal mondo. Matteo Ricci, i gesuiti e la prima rete di comunicazione globale a navigazione lenta’, A. Ramberti (ed.), Scrivere per il futuro ai tempi delle nuvole informatiche, Rimini, Fara Editore, 2014, 197-217. 834. Y. Liu, ‘The dubious choice of an enemy: The unprovoked animosity of Matteo Ricci against Buddhism’, The European Legacy: Toward New Paradigms 20/3 (2015), 224-238. 835. T.N. Foss, ‘Ricci’s world map: The 1602 Kunyu wanguo quantu’, in N. Reichle (ed.), China at the center: Rare Ricci and Verbiest world maps, San Francisco, Asian Art Museum, 2016, 17-28. 836. R.P.C. Hsia, Matteo Ricci and the Catholic mission to China, 1583–1610, Indianapolis/Cambridge MA, Hackett Publishing Company, 2016, 176 p. 837. N. Reichle (ed.), China at the center: Rare Ricci and Verbiest world maps, San Francisco, Asian Art Museum, 2016, 64 p. 838. L. Jiang, ‘利玛窦《天主实义》中“人性善”一说的经院学背 景 [The scholastic background of inherent goodness in Matteo Ricci’s The true meaning of the Lord of heaven]’, 现代哲学 Modern Philosophy 147/4 (2016), 81-87.

Riccioli, Giovanni Battista (1598-1671) 839. C.M. Graney, Setting aside all authority: Giovanni Battista Riccioli and the science against Copernicus in the age of Galileo, Notre Dame IN, University of Notre Dame Press, 2016, 288 p.

Richeome, Louis (1544-1625) 840. R. Dekoninck, ‘L’imagination idolâtre et l’idolâtrie fantasmée. La guerre des images entre L. Richeome et J. Bansilion’, in C. Nativel (dir.), Henri IV: Art et pouvoir, Tours - Rennes, Presses Universitaires François-Rabelais - Presses Universitaires, 2016, 68-75. 841. R. Dekoninck, ‘The Jesuit Ars and Scientia Symbolica: From Richeome and Sandaeus to Masen and Ménestrier’, in W. de Boer a.o. (eds.), Jesuit image theory, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2016, 74-88. 842. P.A. Fabre, ‘Le pacte précaire de l’image et de l’écrit dans le livre illustré d’époque moderne: le cas de La peinture spirituelle (1611) de Louis Richeome’, in W. de Boer a.o. (eds.), Jesuit image theory, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2016, 289-317.

Roa, Martín de (1559-1637) 843. R. Roldán-Figueroa, ‘Martín de Roa, S.J. (1559-1637) and the 520 Paul Begheyn SJ

consolidation of Catholic literary culture in Spain’, European History Quarterly 45/1 (2015), 5-33.

Roblet, Désiré (1862–1914) 844. F. Garan, ‘Le RP Roblet, jésuite cartographe à Madagascar (1862- 1914): Une activité entre loisirs, recherche scientifique et intérêts strátégiques’, Histoire, Monde et Cultures religieuses 37 (2016), 135- 153.

Rodrigues, João (1561-1633) 845. M. Cooper (ed. and trans.), João Rodrigues’s account of sixteenth- century Japan, London, Hakluyt Society, 2011, 490 p. 846. Xizi, C. & Xiaoshan, L., ‘O contributo de Nanban Tçuzu para o comércio Luso-Japonês. Sobre o papel de Rodrigues como agente comercial de Ieyasu’, Revista de Cultura / Review of Culture 40 (n.d.), 22-32.

Roelands, Jacob (1633-1683) 847. C. Harline, Jacobs vlucht. Een familiesaga uit de Gouden Eeuw, Nijmegen, Vantilt, 2016, 452 p.

Roothaan, Jan Philip (1785-1853) 848. A.P. Bieś, ‘Jan Philip Roothaan’, Encyklopedía Katolicka 17 (2012), 287-288. 849. S. Palagiano, ‘Il fondo archivistico “P. Jan Philip Roothaan SJ” nell’Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu: riordinamento, inventariazione e digitalizzazione’, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 83 (2014), 571-578.

Rosa, Martín de (1560-1637) 850. A. González Polvillo, ‘Razones de la razón trascendente: discurso y representación en la geografía escatológica del jesuita Martín de Rosa (1560-1637)’, in F. Núñez Roldán & M. Gamero Rojas (eds.), Entre lo real y lo imaginario: estudios de historia moderna en homenaje al prof. León Carlos Álvarez Santaló, Sevilla, Universidad de Sevilla. Secretariado de Publicaciones / Huelva, Universidad de Huelva Publicaciones, 2014, 257-305.

Rosales, Diego de (1603-1677) 851. F. Casanueva, ‘Chile, el Reino de la guerra sin fin: la visión del p. Diego De Rosales S. J. (1603-1677)’, in T. Calvo & A. Musset (eds.), Des Indes occidentales à l’Amérique Latine. Volume 2, Mexico, Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 521

Centro de estudios mexicanos y centroamericanos, CEMCA, IHEAL, 2006, 601-612.

Rosweyde, Heribert (1569-1629) 852. D.E.H. de Boer & L. Jongen (eds.), ‘De geleerde Heribertus Rosweyde en zijn dossier’, in In het water gevonden. Het Amersfoortse Mirakelboek naar het handschrift Brussel, Koninklijke Bibliotheek 8179- 8180, Hilversum, Uitgeverij Verloren, 2015, 22-24, and passim.

Rudomina, Andrzej (1596-1631) 853. G. Song, ‘Learned conversations on the heavenly studies: Andrzej Rudomina and his mission in late Ming Fujian’, Monumenta Serica. Journal of Oriental Studies 59 (2011), 445-464. 854. R.-S. Jiang & F.-C. Pan, ‘An approach between nature (xing) and heart (xin). An inter-textual analysis of the discourses of Aleni and Rudomina in Kouduo richao’, Monumenta Serica. Journal of Oriental Studies 59 (2011), 465-484.

Ruiz de Montoya, Antonio (1585-1652) 855. J.L. Rouillon Arróspide, Vida de Antonio Ruiz de Montoya, Pueblo Libre, Escuela Superior de Pedagogía, Filosofía y Letras Antonio Ruiz de Montoya, 2001, 104 p. 856. A. Nieto, ‘Antonio Ruiz de Montoya, defensor de los nativos del Paraguay’, Revista Sílex 3 (2014), 117-123. 857. B. Ganson, ‘Antonio Ruiz de Montoya, apostle of the Guaraní’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 3/2 (2016), 197-210.

Salmerón, Alfonso (1515-1585) 858.������������������������������������������������������������������ I. Kramp, ‘Der Jesuit Alfonso Salmerón (1515-1585) als humanisti- scher Theologe: Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede zu Erasmus von Rotterdam’,Theologie und Philosophie 90 (2015), 504-527. 859. M. Lop Sebastià (ed.), Alfonso Salmerón, SJ (1515-1585): una biografía epistolar, Madrid, Universidad Pontificia Comillas / Sal terrae / Mensajero, 2015, 400 p.

Sánchez, Tomás (1550-1610) 860. F. Alfieri, ‘La mulier praefocata desde Galeno a Tomás Sánchez: la patología de la feminidad entre medicina y teología en la moralística española de edad moderna’, in M. T. López Beltrán a.o. (eds), Historia y género: imágenes y vivencias de mujeres en España y América (Siglos XIII-XVIII), Málaga, Universidad de Málaga, 2007, 127-148. 522 Paul Begheyn SJ

Sánchez Labrador, José (1717-1798) 861. E.C. Deckmann Fleck (ed.), As artes de curar em um manuscrito jesuítico inédito do Setecentos – O Paraguay Natural Ilustrado, do padre José Sánchez Labrador (1771-1776), São Leopoldo, Oikos, Editora Unisinos, 2016, 590 p.

Sandoval, Alonso de (1576-1652) 862. A. Santos Morillo, ‘La expresión lingüística de los esclavos negros según Alonso de Sandoval’, H. Cairo Carou a.o. (eds.), XV Encuentro de Latinoamericanistas españoles “América Latina: la autonomía de una región”, Madrid, 29 y 30 de noviembre de 2012, Madrid, Trama Editorial / CEEIB, 2013, 1086-1093.

Sandt, Maximiliaan van der (1578-1656) See also 841.

863. A. Guiderdoni, ‘The theory of figurative language in Maximilian van der Sandt’s writings’, in W. de Boer a.o. (eds.), Jesuit image theory, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2016, 89-101.

Sarbiewski, Maciej Kazimierz (1595-1640) See also 948.

864. P. Urbański, Theologia fabulosa. Commentationes Sarbievianae, Szczecin, Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2000, 136 p. 865. E. Buszewicz, Sarmacki Horacy i jego liryka. Imitacja – gatunek – styl. Rzecz o poezji Macieja Kazimierza Sarbiewskiego, Kraków, Księgarnia Akademicka, 2006, 417 p. 866. E. Schäfer (ed.), Sarbiewski. Der polnische Horaz, Tübingen, Narr Francke Attempto, 2006, 321 p. 867. K. Fordónski & P. Urbański (eds.), Casimir Brittannicus. English translations, paraphrases, and emulations of the poetry of Maciej Kazimierz Sarbiewski, London, Modern Humanities Research Association, 2010, 319 p. 868. P. Hulsenboom, ‘“No one touched the strings of the cither more becomingly”. The first eulogy of Mathias Casimirus Sarbievius’, Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium 25/2 (2015), 97-117. 869. P. Hulsenboom, ‘Sending a message to the Thebans, Poles and Dutch. The first published translation of Sarbiewski in the Low Countries and its appropriation to a seventeenth-century Dutch context’, De Zeventiende Eeuw 32/1 (2016), 81-96. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 523

Schabel, Michael Joannes Alexius (1662-after 1715), Jesuit until 1715 870. W. Rutgers (ed.), Michael Joannes Alexius Schabel S.J. - missionaris op Curaçao (1704-1713). Verslag van de nieuwe missie op de eilanden Curaçao, Bonaire, Aruba 1705 en Dagboek 1707-1708, University of Curaçao, UoC / Fundashon pa Planifikashon di Idioma, FPI, 2015, 149 p.

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Scheffler, Christoph Thomas (1699-1756), Jesuit until 1728 872. S. Hartmann, Christoph Thomas Scheffler (1699-1756). Visualisierung barocker Frömmigkeit, Regensburg, Schnell & Steiner, 2015, 416 p.

Scherer, Georg (1540-1605) 873. J. Werz, ‘“Was bedarfs viler Wort…” Die Predigtregeln des Georg Scherer SJ’, Geist und Leben 89 (2016), 67-72.

Schoonenberg, Piet (1911-1999) 874. A. Nadbrzeżny, ‘Piet Schoonenberg’, Encyklopedia Katolicka 17 (2012), 1277-1278.

Schreck, Johannes (1576-1630) 875. C. von Collani & E. Zettl (eds.), Johannes Schreck-Terrentius SJ. Wissenschaftler und China-Missionar (1576-1630), Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2016, 446 p.

Schupp, Ambrósio (1840-1914) 876. D.L. Gevehr, ‘Um jesuíta alemão no Brasil meridional conta a história dos Mucker: O cenário et sua protagonista através da narrativa de Ambrósio Schupp’, História, Histórias. Revista do Programa de Pós Graduação em História UnB 2-4 (2014), 77-101.

Segundo, Luis (1925-1996) 877. M. Tennant, ‘The existential dimension of Juan Luis Segundo’s ecclesiology’, Ecclesiology 12/2 (2016), 183-196.

Shaw, Francis (1907-1970) 878. P. Maume, ‘Fr Francis Shaw and the historiography of Easter 1916’, Studies. An Irish Quarterly Review 103/412 (2014), 530-551. 524 Paul Begheyn SJ

Silva, Augusto da (1929-2014) 879. R. Pisco Costa, ‘In memoriam Augusto da Silva, S.J. (1929-2014)’, Brotéria 180 (2015), 61-70.

Skarga, Piotr (1536-1612) 880. R. Darowski & S. Ziemiański, Ks. Piotra Skarga SJ (1536-1612). Życie i dziedzictwo. Rok jubileuszowy, Kraków, WAM – Ignatianum, 2012, 436 p. 881. D. Dybek, ‘Co jezuita wiedział o Boskich posłańcach? Motywy anielskie w piśmiennictwie Piotra Skargi’ [What did the Jesuit know about God’s messengers? Angelic motives in the writings of Piotr Skarga], Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 3 (2013), 129-143.

Smet, Pieter de (1801-1873) 882. K. van den Broeck, Waarom ik de indianen wil redden. Op zoek naar het kruis van Sitting Bull, Borgerhout, Polis, 2016, 328 p. 883. L. Vints, ‘The call of the Rockies. Pieter Jan De Smet en de Indiaanse tragedie’, KADOC Nieuwsbrief 2016/1, 8-13.

Smet, Richard De (1916-1997) 884. B.J. Malkovsky (ed.), ‘A bibliography of the publications of Richard V. De Smet, S.J.’, in his New perspectives on advaita vedānta: essays in commemoration of Professor Richard De Smet, SJ., Leiden, Brill, 2000, 165-178. 885. I. Coelho, ‘Richard V. De Smet, SJ: A bibliography’, Divyadaan: Journal of Philosophy and Education 20 (2009), 109-157.

Smith, William, vere Southerne (1769-1847) 886. C.C. Brown, ‘William Smith, vere Southerne, Jesuit missioner, and three linked manuscript miscellanies’, in J. Eckhardt & D. Starza Smith (eds.), Manuscript Miscellanies in Early Modern , London/New York, Routledge, 2016, 113-132.

Smits van Waesberghe, Jos (1901-1986) 887. P. van Langen, ‘Smits van Waesberghe, de KNTV en de RKVT’, in Muziek en religie. Katholieke musici en de confessionalisering van het Nederlandse muziekleven, 1850-1948, Hilversum, Uitgeverij Verloren, 2014, 240-246.

Smogulecki, Jan Mikołaj (1610-1656) See 871. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 525

Smulders, Pieter (1911-2000) 888. M. Quisinsky, ‘Pieter Smulders’, in M. Quisinsky & P. Walter (eds.), Personenlexikon zum Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzil, Freiburg [etc.], Herder, 2013, 258.

Sobrino, Jon (1938- ) 889. E.R. Schlesinger, ‘The Church’s eucharistic poverty in the theologies of Jon Sobrino and Hans Urs von Balthasar’, Theological Studies 77/3 (2016), 627-651. 890. T. Walatka, ‘The principle of mercy: Jon Sobrino and the Catholic theological tradition’, Theological Studies 77/1 (2016), 96-117.

Solórzano y Escobar, Manuel (1649-1683) 891. M. López Casquete & A. Oyola Fabián, ‘Localización de las reliquias del jesuita frexnense Manuel Solórzano y Escobar (1649- 1683): evangelizador de las Islas Marianas’, in F. Lorenzana de la Puente (ed.), España, el Atlántico y el Pacífico y otros estudios sobre Extremadura, Llerena, Sociedad Extremeña de Historia, D.L., 2013, 95-108.

Southerne, see Smith

Southwell, Robert (1560-1595) 892. P.D. Stegner, ‘Treasonous reconciliations: Robert Southwell, religious polemic, and the criminalization of confession’, Reformation 16/1 (2011), 5-35. 892a. P.D. Stegner, ‘Treasonous reconciliations: Robert Southwell, religious polemic, and the criminalization of confession’, in his Confession and memory in early modern English literature, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, 152-173. 893. G.M. Bouchard, Southwell’s sphere. The influence of England’s secret poet, South Bend IN, St. Augustine’s Press, 2016, 256 p.

Spee, Friedrich (1591-1635) 894. H. Gleixner, ‘Friedrich Spee (1591-1635). Sein Leben und das theologische Profil seines Werkes’, in J. Meyer zu Schlochtern (ed.), Die Academia Theodoriana. Von der Jesuitenuniversität zur Theologischen Fakultät Paderborn 1614-2014, Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2014, 157-174. 895. F. Sobiech, ‘Friedrich Spee SJ (1591-1635) und Bernhard Löper SJ (1609-1670): der Verfasser der Cautio Criminalis und ein Exorcist in der Zeit’, in J. Meyer zu Schlochtern (ed.), Die 526 Paul Begheyn SJ

Academia Theodoriana. Von der Jesuitenuniversität zur Theologischen Fakultät Paderborn 1614-2014, Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2014, 175-190. 896. H. Finger, ‘Friedrich Spee, das Erzbistum Köln und die Frauenseelsorge im Zeitalter der Katholischen Reform’, Spee- Jahrbuch 2014/15 (2016), 15-40. 897. D. Kunze, ‘Friedrich Spees beschwerlicher Wandel im Lustwald deutscher Poesie: Eine Durchsicht gängiger Anthologien’, Spee- Jahrbuch 2014/15 (2016), 57-71. 898. R.G. Stefan, ‘Das Nachwirken Friedrich Spees in vier Adaptionen des Separatdrucks “Immerwehrendes Lob Gottes” aus dem “Güldenen Tugend-Buch”’, Spee-Jahrbuch 2014/15 (2016), 41-56.

Sporschill, Georg (1946- ) 899. D. Markl (ed.), Elijah & seine Raben. Wie Georg Sporschill die Bibel für das Leben liest,Wien, Amalthea Signum Verlag, 2016, 240 p.

Stattler, Benedict (1728-1797) 900. U.L. Lehner, ‘Benedict Stattler (1728-1797): The reinvention of Catholic theology with the help of Wolffian metaphysics’, in J.D. Burson & U.L. Lehner (eds.), Enlightenment and Catholicism in Europe: a transnational history, Notre Dame IN, University of Notre Dame Press, 2014, 167-189.

Stoeger, William (1943-2014) 901. R.J. Russell, ‘William R. Stoeger, SJ (1943-2014): Physicist, cosmologist, friend, and leader in theology and science’, Theology and Science 12/4 (2014), 293-295.

Strobl, Andreas (1703-1758) See 637.

Suárez, Francisco (1548-1617) 902. M. Forlivesi, ‘C’è una filosofia nell’opera di Francisco Suárez? Il caso della dottrina sul “verbum mentis” tra “auctoritates” e argomenti di ragione’, Rinascimento. Rivista dell’Istituto Nazionale di Studi sul Rinascimento 48 (2008), 397-450. 903. J.-P. Coujou, Pensée de l’être et théorie politique. Le moment suarézien, II, Leuven, Peeters, 2012, 249 p. 904. M. Kremer, ‘Morality and just war according to Francisco Suárez’, in H.-G. Justenhoven & W.A. Barbieri, Jr. (eds.), From just war to modern peace ethics, Berlin / Boston, De Gruyter, 2012, 155-174. Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 527

905. S. Hellmich, ‘Geschöpfliche Kausalität nach Francisco Suárez und Gisbert Greshake’, Theologie und Glaube 104 (2014), 310- 327. 906. G. Meireles Moita, A modernidade filosófica de Francisco Suárez, Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, 2014, 328 p. 907. J.L. Fink (ed.), Suárez on Aristotelian causality, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2015, 182 p. 908. H. Schöndorf, ‘Die Metaphysik des Francisco Suárez’, in J. Herzgsell & J. Perčič (eds.), Große Denker des Jesuitenordens, Paderborn, Ferdinand Schoeningh, 2016, 13-25.

Suyskens, Constantijn (1714-1771) 909. B. Joassart, ‘Deux lettres du bollandiste Constantin Suyskens à Barthélemy Mercier de Saint-Léger’, Analecta Bollandiana 134/1 (2016), 97-99.

Tausch, Christoph (1673-1731) 910. R. Holownia, ‘“… weil der Frater Tausch beständig abwesend ist”: der Universal-Künstler Christoph Tausch (1673-1731) im Dienste der Jesuiten und des Fürstbischofs von Breslau’, in F. Polleroß (ed.), Reiselust & Kunstgenuss: barockes Böhmen. Mähren und Österreich, Petersberg, Michael Imhof Verlag, 2004, 89-102.

Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre (1881-1955) 911. M. Gilbert & T. King (eds.), Letters of Teilhard de Chardin and Lucile Swan, Scranton, University of Scranton Press, 2005, 315 p. 912. B. Tóth, ‘Diaphany of the divine milieu or the epiphany of divine glory? - The revelation of the natural world in Teilhard de Chardin and Hans Urs von Balthasar’, New Blackfriars 95 (2014), 535-552. 913. L. Giard, ‘Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, entre Ciel et Terre’, Esprit 2015/6 (2015), 59-68. 914. A. Jeličić, ‘Intelektualna i duhovna baština Pierrea Teilharda de Chardina iz perspektive suvremenih bioetičkih problema’, Filozofska istraživanja 35 (2015), 289-300. 915. J. Seidel, ‘Teilhard de Chardin: Mystiker – Naturphilosoph – Paläontologe’, in J. Herzgsell & J. Perčič (eds.), Große Denker des Jesuitenordens, Paderborn, Ferdinand Schoeningh, 2016, 45-60. 916. L. Sequeiros, ‘Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955): El despertar del genio cósmico teilhardiano (1916)’, Razón y fe 273 (2016), 449-459. 528 Paul Begheyn SJ

Thomas, Antoine (1644-1709) 917. C. von Collani, ‘Between mission, martyrdom and mathematics: Antoine Thomas and Japan’, in W. Ku & X. Zhao (eds.), From Antoine Thomas S.J, to Celso Costantini. Multi-aspect studies on Christianity in modern China, Bejing, Social Sciences Academic Press / Leuven, Ferdinand Verbiest Institute K.U. Leuven, 2011, 598-639. 918. N. Golvers, ‘The correspondence of Antoine Thomas, SJ (1644- 1709) as a source for the history of science’, an kexue shi yanjiu [Studies in the history of natural sciences] 33 (2014), 131-143.

Thorpe, John (1726-1792) 919. T.M. McCoog, ‘“Lost in the title”: John Thorpe’s eyewitness account of the Suppression’, in J.D. Burson & J. Wright (eds.), The Jesuit suppression in global context: Causes, events, and consequences, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2015, 161-180.

Tönnemann, Vitus Georg (1659-1740) 920. G. Korting, ‘Pater Vitus Georg Tönnemann SJ (1659-1740): Beichtvater und Berater Kaiser Karls VI.’, in J. Meyer zu Schlochtern (ed.), Die Academia Theodoriana. Von der Jesuitenuniversität zur Theologischen Fakultät Paderborn 1614-2014, Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2014, 191-203.

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Vagnone, Alfonso (1568-1640) 924. T. Meynard 梅谦立, ‘晚明中国的文艺复兴教育 ———关于耶稣 会士高一志 《童幼教育》的初 步研究 [Renaissance education Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 529

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Valera, Blas (1551-1597) 928. S. Hyland (ed.), Gods of the Andes: an early Jesuit account of Inca religion and Andean Christianity, University Park PA, Pennsylvania State University Press, 2011, 144 p. 929. J.M. Barnadas, ‘El latín de Blas Valera y los “papeles de Nápoles” ¿Es de Blas Valera S.J. el latín que se le atribuye en la edición de los “papeles de Nápoles”?’, Nueva corónica 5 (2015), 21-35. 930. F. Mattei & C. Casalini, ‘La educación del indio. Los jesuitas José de Acosta y Blas Valera sobre la lengua y la capacidad de los nativos peruanos’, Nueva Corónica 5 (2015), 67-91.

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Varillon, François (1905-1978) 933. C. Ehlinger (éd.), François Varillon: traversées d’un croyant, Paris, Bayard, 2005, 286 p.

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Verbiest, Ferdinand (1623-1688) 935. N. Halsberghe, ‘Introduction and development of the screw in seventeenth-century China: Theoretical explanations and practical applications by Ferdinand Verbiest’, East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine 34 (2012), 163-194. 936. M.S. Mir, ‘All under heaven. Visions of far lands in the Verbiest world map of 1674’, in N. Reichle (ed.), China at the center: Rare Ricci and Verbiest world maps, San Francisco, Asian Art Museum, 2016, 29–43.

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Vilela, Gaspar (1525-1572) 945. M. Ribeiro, ‘Gaspar Vilela. Between Kyushu and the Kinai’, Bulletin of Portuguese - Japanese Studies 15 (2007), 9-27.

Viscardo y Guzmán, Juan Pablo (1748-1798) 946. M.E. Scarano, ‘La Carta a los españoles americanos, de Juan Pablo Viscardo. Aportes para el estudio del siglo XVIII hispanoamericano’, América sin Nombre 18 (2013), 149-161.

Vitelleschi, Muzio (1563-1645) 947. K. Heuts, ‘Validation and propagation – Mutio Vitelleschi’s letters from surviving Japan mission Jesuits (1625-1627)’, in E. Homburg & A. Klijn (eds.), Encountering the Other: Travel books on North-America, Japan and China from the Maastricht Jesuit library, 1500-1900, Maastricht, Maastricht University, 2014, 97- 114.

Walle, Jacques van de (Wallius, Jacobus; 1599-1690) 948. P. Hulsenboom, ‘“Have the Menacing Alcaean Muses Blown the War Trumpets Again?” Two Versions of Jacobus Wallius’ Ode to Mathias Casimirus Sarbievius’, in K. Kujawińska Courtney & G. Zinkiewicz (eds.), Some Renaissance / early modern topoi in the twenty first century, Łódź, Uniwersytet Łódzki, 2015, 71-96. 949. A. Smeesters, ‘The Simulacra Avorum in Jesuit Latin poems by Wallius and Carrara: From Virgilian imitation to scholastic philosophy and art theory’, in W. de Boer a.o. (eds.), Jesuit image theory, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2016, 394-418.

Wijuk Kojałowicz, Albert (1609-1677) 950. S. Narbutas & D. Narbutienė (eds.), Albertas Vijūkas-Kojalavičius iš 400 metų perspektyvos, Senoji Lietuvos Literatūra, Vilnius, Lietuvių literatūros ir tautosakos institutas, 2009, 503 p.

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Xavier, Francis (1506-1552) See also 53, 133.

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Pamplona, Publ. digit. del GRISO / Servicio de Publ. de la Universidad de Navarra, 2011, 579-605. 961. L.F. Silvério Lima & B.C. Pereira da Silva, ‘A presença do Novo Mundo na iconografia da morte e dos sonhos de São Francisco Xavier: a missão jesuítica e as partes e gentes do Império Português’, Varia Historia 30 (2014), 407-441. 962. L.M. Brockey, ‘The cruelest honor: The relics of Francis Xavier in early-modern Asia’, The Catholic Historical Review 101, Centenary Issue 1 (2015), 41-64. 963. U. Strasser, ‘Copies with souls: The late seventeenth-century Marianas martyrs, Francis Xavier, and the question of clerical reproduction’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 2/4 (2015), 558-585. 964. B. Uppenkamp, ‘‘Indian’ motifs in Peter Paul Rubens’s The martyrdom of Saint Thomas and The miracles of Saint Francis Xavier’, Netherlands Yearbook for History of Art 66 (2016), 112- 141.

Xavier, Jeronimo (1549-1617) See 332. 534 Paul Begheyn SJ


Adam, R. 364 Bailey, G.A. 156 Afinogenov, G. 300 Balsas, A. 622 Agnolin, A. 166 Balzamo, N. 658 Akker, D. van den 445 Banchoff, T. 32 Alaperrine-Bouyer, M. 241 Barber, N. 664 Alcalá, L.E. 140 Barcelos, A. 224 Alexander-Bakkerus, A. 641 Barnadas, J.M. 929 Alfieri, F. 18, 30, 860 Barros Rodrigues, H. 634 Allen, B. 697 Batlogg, A. 817 Alpers, C. 724 Bautista, A.P. 349 Álvaro Zamora, M.I. 91 Begheyn, P. 4, 445, 446 Amaladoss, M. 328 Bernier, M.A. 143, 382 Amsler, N. 301 Berrigan, P. 554 Anagnostou, S. 263 Berti, F. 415 Andriessen, L. 686 Beuchot, M. 683 Antón Priasco, S. 160 Bevilacqua, M. 431 Antonello, E. 576 Bialek, C. 464 Antonil, A.J. 171 Bieś, A.P. 848 Aparicio Valls, C. 515 Bigliocco, M.A. 227 App, U. 679, 931 Bilami, C. 199 Appel, K. 553 Biron, J. 184 Appuhn-Radtke, S. 693 Bishop, J. 75 Aquino Fonseca Gadelha, R.M. d’ Bitterwick, R. 456 172 Blum, P.R. 783 Aranda Pérez, F.J. 10 Bobková-Valentová, K. 379 Aranha, P. 324 Bocci, C. 579 Araújo Santos, A. 73 Bocken, I. 609 Arbo, D. 780 Bočkova, A. 378 Arcilla, J.S. 204, 348 Boer, D.E.H. de 852 Arellano, I. de 133 Boer, P. 447 Arenz, K.H. 134 Boer, W. de 103, 104 Aresu, L. 523 Boff, L. 701 Arévalo, C.G. 352 Bohn Martins, M.C. 630 Arledler, G. 31 Bonafoux, C. 698 Ascenso André, C. 938 Borgman, E. 555 Astorgano Abajo, A. 661 Borja González, G. 198 Austin, N. 74 Boryczka, J.M. 9 2 Avellaneda, M. 229 Bösel, R. 421 Bacik, J.J. 813 Bouchard, G.M. 893 Bai, L. 700 Bouwman, W. 732 Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 535

Boxel, P. van 546 Cassady, J. 826 Braga da Cruz, M. 472 Castelnau-L’Estoile, C. de 169 Brancatelli, R. 105 Catellani, A. 286 Brassard, F. 577 Catto, M. 33, 117, 288, 578 Brauer, J. 758 Cavanagh, G.F. 252 Bravo Lozano, C. 594 Cawley, K.N. 829 Brenninkmeijer, G.A. 675 Caмoлюк, T. 360 Brereton, J. 109 Cconocc Flores, D.L. 243 Bressan, L. 740 Céard, J. 736 Breuer, D. 587 Ceballos, A.E. 774 Brockey, L.M. 467, 962 Cerna, L. 200 Broeck, K. van den 882 Černý, K. 355 Brosseder, C. 244 Cervera Jiménez, J.A. 821 Brown S.A. 613 Cessario, R. 570 Brown, C.C. 886 Ceulemans, A.E. 365 Brüggemann, A. 341 Chao-Ying, L. 804 Buchanan, J. 600 Chaparro Martínez, S. 11 Buijtenen, E. van 609 Chapman, M.D. 584 Burd, R. 175 Chauvigny de Blot, P. de 611 Burgaleta, C. 509 Chen, A.T.M. 302 Burkart, L. 678, 681 Chinchilla, P. 3, 22, 23 Burkhart, L.M. 596 Chroust, V. 527 Burrieza Sánchez, J. 141 Chua, J.M. 607 Burson, J.D. 52, 385, 391 Ciliberto, M. 157 Buszewicz, E. 865 Cipollini, M. 416 Byrne, P. 703 Ciszek, W.J. 612 Cabezon, B. 203 Clair, M. 251 Cai, Y. 544, 545 Clark, A.E. 273 Caire Silva, R.A. 177 Clifford Graf, E. 737 Calderón,A.V. 245 Clifton, J. 76 Camino Giadáns, V. 493 Clines, R.J. 129 Campana, A. 550 Clooney, F.X. 264 Caniglia, C. 337 Coelho, I. 704, 885 Capriotti, A. 431 Coello de la Rosa, A. 346 Cardenal, F. 595 Cohn, R. 164 Cariou-Charton, S. 99 Colebrook, C. 601 Carlton, R. 75 Collani, C. von 303, 770, 875, Carretera Calvo, R. 235 917 Carvalho, M.S. de 473,784 Colombo, E. 425, 471 Casalini, C. 62, 106, 793, 930 Comerford, K.M. 432 Casanova, J. 32 Cooper, M. 845 Casanueva, F. 851 Corbishley, P. 705 536 Paul Begheyn SJ

Cordibella, G. 426 Domingo Malvadi, A. 508 Cornati, D. 537 Donahue, D. 46 Corrêa e Silva de Freitas, C. 85, Doniselli Eramo, I. 598 144 Downey, J.L. 691 Corsi, E. 514 Drèze, C. 368 Cortizo, C. 485 Ducreuc, M.E. 599 Cosacchi, D. 566 Dudink, A. 278a Cosgrove, P. 663 Dunn, M. 254 Coujou, J.P. 903 Dupuis, J. 624 Couto dos Santos Salatino, A.C. Durrani, I. 716 178 Dybek, D. 881 Coyle, J.S. 668 Eckholt, M. 557 Cretti, G. 828 Edwards Errázuriz, A. 805 Criveller, G. 276, 422, 832, 833 Egido, T. 118 Cruz Yábar, J.M. 542 Ehl, P. 756, 757 Cuda, E. 253 Ehlinger, C. 933 Cuesta Gómez, D. 497 Eijkelboom, G. 454 Cymbalista, R. 135, 136 Elen, J.M. 548 Czerny, M. 126 Ellis-Marino, E. 395 Dadosky, J. 814 Elman, B.A. 268, 292 Dahlke, B. 532 Émonet, P. 54 Dăian, D.M. 86 Ems, G. 365, 369, 383 Dalumpines, M.C.C. 349 Endean, P. 55 Dameri, A. 588 Enenkel, K.A.E. 763 Darowski, R. 880 Engemann, C. 167 Davidson, P. 48 Esposito, C. 785 Deckmann Fleck, E.C. 213-215, Estaverde, A.M. 745 861 Ewals, L. 450 Deibl, J.H. 553 Fabre, P.A. 12, 24, 43, 842 Dejo Bendezu, J.M. 246 Faggioli, M. 922 Dekoninck, R. 96, 840, 841 Falato, G. 926 DelDonna, A.R. 427-429 Fang, Y. 925 Delire, J.M. 637 Fechner, F. 232 Derkse, W. 444 Fedeli Bernardini, F. 433 Deselaers, M. 689 Fédry, J. 47 Desmette, P. 366 Feile Tomes, M. 779 Díaz Blanco, J.M. 755, 927 Feng-chuan, P. 854 Didier, H. 651 Ferlan, C. 33, 359 Diederich, G. 403 Fernandez Arrillaga, I. 15 Dierksmeier, C. 556 Fernández, E. 83 Dijkstra, T. 448, 449 Fernández, V. 130 Dolbeau, F. 367 Ferrer Benimeli, J.A. 19, 25 Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 537

Fidlerová, A.A. 957 García Aguilar, M.I. 210 Figueira, D. 34 García de Castro Valdez, J. 277, Filippi, D.V. 107, 108 692, 796 Finger, H. 896 García Gutiérrez, F. 343 Fink, J.L. 907 García Mateo, R. 516 Finkelde, D. 610 García Monfort, M. 499 Fino, C. 185 Garcia, M. 939 Fiolhais, C. 35, 474 Garza, H. 676 Fiore da Cropani, G. 414 Gaune Corradi, R. 189,191 Fisher, A.J. 404 Gauthier, B. 533 Flipper, J.S. 726 Gay, J.-P. 475, 734 Flores, J. 331 Geger, T.B. 56 Foerster, M. 412 Gennip, J. van 451, 452, 669 Fordónski, K. 867 Gerhart, M. 720 Foresta, P. 592 Gerven, F. van 649 Forlivesi, M. 902 Gevehr, D.L. 876 Foss, T.N. 835 Giard, L. 913 França Sousa, M.M. 177 Gibb, J.G. 255 Franceschini, A. 800 Gilardi, L.M. 67 Francisco, J.M. 260 Gilbert, M. 911 Francken, L. 820 Gilbert, P. 786 Franco Llopis, B. 498 Gild, G. 277 Franco, J.E. 35, 474 Gillian Thompson, D. 386 Franz, G. 773 Giménez Lopez, E. 8, 20 Freccero, C. 602 Gimm, M. 304 Freitas Oliveira, W. 170 Giovannucci, P. 434 Freitas, F. 469 Girling, K. 336 Friedrich, M. 36 Giurgevich, L. 476 Friel, C. 719 Gleixner, H. 894 Fritz, P. 815 Godding, R. 619 Fuentes Lázaro, S. 802, 803 Golvers, N. 278, 918 Fu-Hébert, X.J. 305 Gómez Rivas, L.M. 201 Fujitani, J. 342 Gonçalves Pires, M.L. 940 Fülöp-Miller, R. 28 Gonzalez Faus, J.I. 70 Füssel, M. 606 González Mora, F. 194, 195 Galhegos, G.F. 217 González Polvillo, A. 850 Gallardo, C. 93 Gopalan, M. 323, 954 Galvão, A.I. 782 Gotor, M. 49 Gang, S. 853 Goujon, P. 24, 29 Gannett, C. 109 Goulding, G.K. 45, 530, 531 Ganson, B. 857 Graf, P. 78 Garan, F. 844 Graham, D. 747 538 Paul Begheyn SJ

Granberg, A. 441 Horvat, M. 674 Graney, C.M. 839 Hosne, A.C. 827 Gray, S. 718 Houliston, V. 505 Green, B. 209, 512 Hsia, R.P.C. 271, 296, 297, 836 Green, R.L. 491 Huang, X. 828 Greer, A. 250 Huart, A. 543 Grendler, P. 110 Hughson, T. 759 Grumett, D. 727 Hulsenboom, P. 868, 869, 948 Grzebień, L. 507 Hyland, S. 242, 928 Grześkowiak, R. 461 Ibarra Herrerías, M.d.L. 38 Guasti, N. 119, 471, 494 Ih-Ren Mong, A. 831 Gudelunas, D. 605 Inglot, M. 504 Guerra, A. 13 Ingnoffo, M.J. 200 Guiderdoni, A. 863 Isgrò, G. 344 Gupta, P. 958 Jacková, M. 380, 381 Gwynne, P. 547 Jacniacka, M. 591 Hachim Lara, L. 188, 748 Jaque Hidalgo, J. 190 Halikowski Smith, S. 262, 735 Jeličić, A. 914 Halsberghe, N. 935 Jesus, R.M. de 260 Hamm, D.M. 665 Joassart, B. 362, 370, 909 Han, Q. 289 Jones, C.B. 306 Harline, C. 847 Jones, S.E. 585 Hartmann, P.C. 236 Jongen, L. 852 Hartmann, S. 872 Jonsson, U. 722 Harwell Celenza, A. 429 Jovaiša, L. 443, 694 Haskell, Y. 526 Juán Asenjo, O. De 731 Hatch, D.C. 728 Júnior, F.d.A. 626 Haverkamp, A. 684 Junquera Rubio, C. 482 Havlík, J. 377 Juraci Maia Cavalcante, M. 179 Heany, M.L. 721 Juríková, E. 483 Heering, C. 383 Južnič, S. 373, 484 Heider, D. 111 Kalapura, J. 327 Hellmich, S. 905 Kalinowsky, J.P. 623 Hernán Perrone, N. 5 Kane, J.F. 733 Hernández Delgado, A. 197 Kang, Z.J. 308 Herwartz, C. 405 Kellman, J. 182 Herzgsell, J. 37, 818 Kendall, D. 256 Heule, F. 293 Kennedy, T.F. 89, 112 Heuts, K. 947 Kestermeier, C. 654 Higgins, L. 664 Kettler, A. 150 Hohmann, F.G. 406 King, T. 911 Holownia, R. 910 Kirk, A. 615 Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 539

Klein, L.F. 100 Lícia Palazzo, C. 274 Klein, N. 567 Lignereux, Y. 186 Kleutghen, K. 309 Lima Ribeiro Sales, A. de 329 Knaap, A.C. 371 Limond, D. 413 Knevel, A. 558 Limpias Ortiz, V.H. 161 Kok, A. 558 Lindeijer, M. 372 Kopiczko, A. 459 Littlejohn, R. 830 Korting, G. 920 Livera, M. 88 Kościelak, S. 458 Loach, J. 384 Kouroshi, Y. 332 Lombardi, F. 551 Kramp, I. 858 Lop Sebastià, M. 823, 859 Krebes, G.D. 397 Lopenzina, D. 672 Kremer, M. 904 Lopes de Carvalho, F.A. 248, 249 Křížová, M. 357 López Casquete, M. 891 Krüger, R. 154 López Castillo, G. 205 Kubiak, E. 148 Lorea, C.E. 334 Kugelmann, R. 540 Lorenzen, D.N. 768 Kunze, D. 897 Losinger, A. 811, 819 Kurtz, J. 269 Lourdusamy, J.B. 333 Labelle, J. 256 Louzeau, F. 636 Lai, A. 662 Lovay, S.M. 155, 158, 575 Laird, A. 780 Loverci, F. 163 Lamanna, M. 787 Lozada, D.O. 350 Lamet, P.M. 488, 571 Lu, J. 71 Landersdorfer, A. 423 Luengo Gutiérrez, P. 351 Langen, P. van 887 Luitzen, J. 646 Langlois, C. 387 Lukács, J. 63 Latinovic, V. 877 Łukaszewska-Haberkowa, J. 460 Laurencich Minelli, L. 247 Luo, Y. 311 Lawrence, F. 702 Mac Dowell, J.A. 520 Lawrence, S.D. 255 Mačák, K. 374, 376 Lecaros, C. 627 Macchiarella, I. 435 Lécrivain, P. 388 Machado dos Santos, B. 176 Ledesma, J.P. 725 Machado Lima, T. 221 Leech, P. 392 Machielsen, J. 618 Lehner, U.L. 900 Magadia, J.J. 347 Leidich, K.A. 57 Maier, P. 396 Leinkauf, T. 677 Mainka, P.J. 139 Leinsle, U.G. 788, 799 Maldavsky, A. 145 Leitão, H. 468, 478 Malkovsky, B.J. 884 Levinton, N. 220, 259 Manning, P. 486 Li, S. 270 Mansilla Mantilla, R. 243 540 Paul Begheyn SJ

Mantovani, M. 436 Mingguang, X. 921 Manzi, F. 738 Mir, M.S. 936 Marco, R. De 53, 389 Miranda Urbano, C. 519 Marín Cara, A. 495 Miranda, M. 60 Marino, G. 743 Mochizuki, M. 147 Markiewicz, A. 393 Mongeau, G. 710 Markl, D. 899 Mongini, G. 39 Marmion, D. 812 Monreal, 120, 121 Marques Lobato, M.L. 330 Monsalve Serrano, F. 731 Marrone, F. 789 Montera, V. 97 Martin, E. 566 Montiel, C.U. 206 Martinelli, P. 538 Moons, J. 632 Martínez Esquivel, R. 312 Moralejo Ortega, M. 94 Martínez Millán, J. 14 Morales, M.M. 1, 26, 27 Martínez Tornero, C.A. 500 Moran, J.F. 932 Martínez Valle, C. 749 Moran, M. 7 Maryks, R.A. 65 Moreira das Neves Neto, R. 174 Matava, R.J. 752, 753 Moreno Martínez, A.G. 202 Mateos, F. 955 Moreno, D. 496 Mattei, F. 930 Moriarty, M. 751 Maume, P. 878 Moscicke, H. 729 McCoog, T.M. 919 Moureau, F. 267 McGreevy, J.T. 257 Munitiz, J.A. 80 McPartland, T. 706 Murray, E.A. 711 Mechó González, A. 746 Murta Pina, I. 635 Medeiros Araújo, F. 944 Musillo, M. 313, 597 Medina, F.d.B. 137 Müskens, H. 773 Meireles Moita, G. 906 Nadbrzeżny, A. 874 Melchin, K. 707 Napoli, D. 608 Meliá, B. 225, 754 Narbutas, S. 950 Melion, W.S. 79, 589 Narbutienė, D. 950 Melo, I. 173 Naro, M. 559 Menegon, E. 279, 291 Nasri, F. 766 Meneses Sousa, C.A. 179 Navarro Catalán, D.M. 492, 501 Menkhaus, J. 524 Nayyar, R. 58, 437 Mennekes, F. 407 Neufeld, K.H. 730, 808, 809 Mettepenningen, J. 654 Neuhausen, C.A. 952 Meynard, T. 294, 295, 924 Neumann, E. 226 Miazek-Męczyńska, M. 462, Neumeister, S. 653 581, 582 Nicoletti, M.A. 165 Mihalik, B.V. 411 Nieto, A. 856 Milleddu, R. 435 Noordegraaf, J. 647, 648, 650 Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 541

Noronha, K.J. 81 Pham, H.T. 83 Nunes Carreira, J. 941 Pichette, J.P. 695 O´Leary, B. 82 Pieri, F. 417 O’Keeffe, D. 638 Pinedo Iparraguirre, I. 15 O’Malley, J.W. 40, 64, 363 Pino Diaz, F. del 511 Oberholzer, P. 142 Pioffet, M.C. 671 Oglio, P. Dall’ 771 Pisco Costa, R. 879 Olcina Cantos, J. 510 Platon, M. 655, 656 Oliveira, F.R. de 280 Poletti, W. 181 Ortés Sánchez, F. 51 Pollard, D.E. 290 Orto, U. Dell’ 572 Polónia, A. 338 Oswald, J. 408 Pommel, I. 807 Oyola Fabián, A. 891 Pomplun, T. 666 Pabel, H.M. 593 Ponzio, P. 790 Pacheco Albalate, M. 489 Porto Rico, D. 493 Pacheco, P.R.d.A. 765 Posch, T. 358 Page, C.A. 159, 180, 237, 690 Pozo, C. 513 Page, L. 522 Priesching, N. 397 Palagiano, S. 849 Priyotamtama, P.W. 621 Palmisano, J. 66 Pronk, P. 611 Palubska, Z. 590 Prosperi, A. 41 Parolini, R. 116 Pruiksma, R.A. 798 Paschoud, A. 131 Ptak, R. 579 Pasierbek, W. 113 Puente-Ballesteros, B. 281 Paternicò, L.M. 314, 739, 741 Puggioni, R. 560 Patrizi, E. 424 Qi, H. 871 Patton, E. 616 Qu, Y. 282 Pavone, S. 122, 325, 326 Quattrone, P. 639 Pavur, C. 106 Quisinsky, M. 888 Paz, C.D. 153 Radelet-de Grave P. 657 Pena, A. 942 Rai, E. 696 Percic, J. 37 Ramos Riera, I. 761 Perdue, P. 480 Ranaivoarson, P.A. 569 Pereira da Silva, B.C. 961 Rancé, C. 552 Pereira, S.d.S.d.A. 539 Ratsimbazafy, F. 568 Pérez Gómez, A.A. 525 Raymaker, J. 716 Perić Gavrančić, S. 674 Redden, A. 192, 517 Perszyk, K.J. 750 Redondo, A. 956 Peterson, B. 816 Reichle, N. 837 Peterson, P.S. 536 Reinhard, W. 272 Petillo, L.M. 712 Reinhardt, N. 502 Petrino, E.A. 92 Reus Canals, M. 114 542 Paul Begheyn SJ

Revuelta González, M. 21 Saint Moulin, L. de 128 Rey Fajardo, J. del 146, 196 Saito, A. 162 Ribeiro, M. 945 Salavessa, E. 479 Ribouillault, D. 418 Salcedo Martínez, J.E. 123 Richmond Ellis, R. 776 Salomoni, D. 438 Richter, M. 409 Salvarani, L. 934 Ringmacher, M. 230 Samour, H. 625 Rivarola Paoli, J.B. 222 Sánchez Andaur, R. 187 Rixon, G. 723 Sánchez, L. 44 Roberti dos Reis, A. 207 Sander, C. 470, 791 Robins, B. 266 Santos Morillo, A. 862 Roca, M.V. 238 Santos, A. 350 Rodrigues de Moura, G. 239 Santos, F. 151 Rodrigues-Vianna-Peres, L. 960 Sapienza, L. 42 Rodríguez Caparrini, B. 506 Sarreal, J.J.S. 231 Rodríguez Durán, P. 312 Scannone, J.C. 564 Rodríguez G. de Ceballos, A. 95, Scarano, M.E. 946 490, 801 Schäfer, E. 866 Roldán-Figueroa, R. 824, 843 Schatz, K. 822 Romano, A. 315 Schelhas, J. 565 Romeo, M.V. 769 Schillings, J. 453 Rondón Sepúlveda, V. 660 Schindler, C. 645 Rosenberg, R.S. 713 Schlafly, D.L. 481 Rößler, H. 682 Schlesinger, E.R. 889 Rotundo, N. 717 Schlosser, M. 69 Rouillon Arróspide, J.L. 855 Schmalor, H.J. 398 Rourke, T.R. 561 Schnoor, A. 193 Rubens, P. 61 Schöndorf, H. 908 Ruidrejo, A. 233 Schryver, G.M. de 797 Ruggeri, G. 59 Schwarzl, S. 529 Ruiu, A. 354 Schwemmer, P. 339 Ruiz Jurado, M. 419 Sebastián, S. 132 Russell, J. 164 Seibel, V. 71 Russell, R.J. 901 Seidel, J. 915 Rutgers, W. 870 Semeniuk, G.J. 534 Ruyssen, G. 562, 563 Seng, E.M. 399 Rwezaura, D.M. 127 Sequeiros, L. 916 Ryh-Shin, J. 854 Serrano Bertos, E. 775 Rzegocka, J. 465 Serrano Sánchez, C. 9 Sabbaghi, O. 252 Serrão, V. 487 Saeki, E. 261 Servais, O. 183 Sáenz Berceo, M.d.C. 767 Setyawan, H. 335 Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 543

Shelley, T.J. 258 Telesca, I. 168 Shi, Y. 293 Terán Espinosa, M. 208 Shore, P. 356, 463 Terdiman, R. 603 Shute, M. 714 Terstriep, D. 583 Sievernich, M. 283 Teuffenbach, A. von 923 Sill, B. 689 Thomas, A. 549 Silvério Lima, L.F. 961 Thomas, G.A. 316 Simone, G. De 439 Tinguely, F. 644 Smeesters, A. 949 Tjoelker, N. 642 Snell, R.J. 715 Toelle, J. 240 Soares Serres, H. 178 Tomás, J.F. 643 Sobiech, F. 895 Tosti, M. 420 Song, G. 794 Tóth, B. 912 Souza, M.J. D’ 115 Treffler, G. 317 Souza, Y.S. 105 Trilupaitiene, J. 443a Spadaro, A. 562, 563, 764 Tusor, P. 778 St. Amour, P. 708 Tutino, S. 742 Standaert, N. 284, 285 Üçerler, M.A.J. 265 Stasiewicz-Jasiukowa, I. 457 Udías, A. 98, 659 Staysniak, C. 6 Uppenkamp, B. 964 Stefan, R.G. 898 Urani Montiel Contreras, C. 744 Stefano, R. Di 124 Urbański, P. 864, 867 Stegner, P.D. 892, 892a Urrows, D.F. 781 Steiner, N. 410 Vacalebre, N. 440, 760 Sthröhmer, M. 401 Vainfas, R. 937 Stiegemann, C. 400 Vara Thorbeck, C. 223 Stiles, D. 149 Vasko, E.T. 535 Storrs, C. 390 Vella, D. 126 Strasser, G.F. 685 Ventimiglia, G. 792 Strasser, U. 963 Vercruysse, J. 631, 633 Štuopys, A. 442 Vergara, J. 573 Suárez, M.A. 503 Vermeer, G. 454 Suenens, K. 361 Vernooij, A. 455 Süssman, J. 402 Vidal, M. 652 Sweet, M.J. 521 Vieira, P. 943 Sylla, N. 405 Vinci, D. 528 Tamayo, J.J. 628 Vints, L. 883 Tamburello, G. 430 Viñuales, G.M. 152 Tanabe, K. 667 Vivanco Díaz, B. 87 Tang, K. 307 Volk, K. 6 Tavernier, J. De 565a Vries, M. de 687 Teixidó Gómez, F. 806 Vu Thanh, H. 345 544 Paul Begheyn SJ

Waddell, M.A. 101 Zheng, Y.W. 287 Wagner, R. 266 Ziemiański, S. 880 Waisman, L. 90 Zierholz, S. 84 Walatka, T. 890 Zinkevičiūtė, R. 810 Wallacher, J. 762 Zuchel, L. 629 Walravens, H. 275, 580, 795 Zugasti, M. 953, 959 Walsh, M. 620 Wang, L.M. 310 Ward, G. 604 Wehnert, M. 394 Wei, S.L. 318 Weinczyk, R. 16 Weinreich, S.J. 825 Weis, L. 709 Werf, P. van der 617 Werz, J. 873 Weststeijn, T. 319, 449 Whitehead, M. 234, 392 Whiteman, S.H. 320 Więsław, W. 375 Wilde, G. 138, 145, 211, 212, 218 Willingham, E. 216 Witte, H. 68 Worthington, D. 17 Wright, E. 596 Wu, H. 299, 640 Wu, Y. 541 Wucherer, P. 228 Wyss-Giacosa, P. von 680 Xiangyan, J. 699 Xiashan, L. 846 Xizi, C. 846 Yamashita, N. 340 Yôko, N. 518 Yu, L. 834 Zając, P. 219 Zami, T. 334 Zampol D’Ortia, L. 586 Zanetti, S. 777 Zermeño, G. 125 Zettl, E. 875 Zhang, Q. 298