Dudley Holdings Arranged by Main Entry 12/23/03 Deutsche Akademie

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Dudley Holdings Arranged by Main Entry 12/23/03 Deutsche Akademie Dudley Holdings Arranged by Main Entry 12/23/03 Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. CATALOGUE ZU DEN 24 STUDEN DER AKADEMISCHEN STERNKARTEN FUR 150 SUDLICHER BIS 150 NORDLICHER ABWEICHUNG BEARB. VON VERSCHIEDENEN ASTRONOMEN / HRSG. VON DER K. AKADEMIE. Berlin : Gedruckt in der Druckerei der K. Akademie.., in commission in F. Dummler's Verlags-Buchhandlung, 1859. QB65 .A22 1859. Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. GESCHICHTE DES FIXSTERNHIMMELS ; ENTHALTEND DIE STERNORTER DER KATALOGE DES 18. UND 19. JAHRHUNDERTS / HERAUSGEGEBEN VON DER PREUSSISCHEN AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Karlsruhe : G. Braun, 1922- QB6 .P7. DeVorkin, David H., 1944- THE HISTORY OF MODERN ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS : A SELECTED, ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY / DAVID H. DEVORKIN. New York : Garland, 1982. QB 15.D48 1982. Dick, Thomas, 1774-1857. THE SOLAR SYSTEM. London : Religious Tract Society ; Philadelphia : American Sunday- School Union, 1846. Dicke, Robert H. (Robert Henry) GRAVITATION AND THE UNIVERSE [BY] ROBERT H. DICKE. Philadelphia, American Philosophical Society, 1970. QC178.D5. Dickson, Leonard Eugene, 1874-1954. MODERN ALGEBRAIC THEORIES, BY LEONARD E. DICKSON. Chicago, New York [etc.] B. H. Sanborn & co., 1930. QA 154 D5. A DICTIONARY OF ASTRONOMY / EDITED BY IAN RIDPATH. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1997. QB14 .D52 1997. DICTIONARY OF PHYSICS AND MATHEMATICS ABBREVIATIONS, SIGNS, AND SYMBOLS. EDITOR: DAVID D. POLON. MANAGING EDITOR: HERBERT W. REICH. PROJECT DIRECTOR : MARJORIE B. WITTY. New York, Odyssey Press [c1965]. REF QC5.D55. DICTIONARY OF THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE / EDITED BY W.F. BYNUM, E.J. BROWNE, ROY PORTER. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c1981. REF Q125.B98. Dienes, G. J. (George Julian), 1918- STUDIES IN RADIATION EFFECTS. EDITED BY G. J. DIENES. New York, Gordon and Breach [1966- QC 176 R3 D5. 100 Dudley Holdings Arranged by Main Entry 12/23/03 Delbouille, L. (Luc). ATLAS PHOTOMETRIQUE DU SPECTRE SOLAIRE DE [GREEK LETTER LAMBDA] 3000 A [GREEK LETTER LAMBDA] 10000. PHOTOMETRIC ATLAS OF THE SOLAR SPECTRUM FROM [GREEK LETTER LAMBDA] 3000 TO [GREEK LETTER LAMBDA] 10000. [BY] L. DELBOUILLE, G. ROLAND [AND] L. NEVEN. [Cointe-Ougree] Institut d'astrophysique de l'Universite de Liege, Observatoire royal de Belgique [1973- f QB551.D4. Delcroix, J.-L. (Jean-Loup) PLASMA PHYSICS [BY] J. L. DELCROIX. London, New York, Wiley, 1965- QC 718 D4. Delporte, E. (Eugene), b. 1882. DELIMITATION SCIENTIFIQUE DES CONSTELLATIONS (TABLES ET CARTES), PAR E. DELPORTE ... Cambridge, At the University press, 1930. QB802.D4. Dembowski, Ercole, barone, 1812-1881. MISURE MICROMETRICHE DI STELLE DOPPIE E MULTIPLE, FATTE NEGLI ANNI 1852 1878 DAL BARONE ERCOLE DEMBOWSKI. Roma, Coi tipi del Salviucci, 1883-84. Conf. Rm. AS222.R64. Derham, W. (William), 1657-1735. ASTRO-THEOLOGY : OR, A DEMONSTRATION OF THE BEING AND ATTRIBUTES OF GOD, FROM A SURVEY OF THE HEAVENS / BY W. DERHAM. 6th ed. London : Printed for W. Innys, 1731. Conf. Rm. BL253.D4 1731. DESCRIPTION OF THE METEOROID DETECTION EXPERIMENT FLOWN ON THE PIONEER 10 AND 11 JUPITER FLYBY MISSIONS / COMPILED BY ROBERT L. O'NEAL. Washington, D.C. : National Aeronautics and Space Administration ; [Springfield, Va. : For sale by the National Technical Information Service],1974. TL 796.6.O5. THE DETECTION OF GRAVITATIONAL WAVES / EDITED BY DAVID G. BLAIR. Cambridge, [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1991. QC179.D48 1991. DETERMINATION OF RADIAL VELOCITIES AND THEIR APPLICATIONS. EDITED BY A. H. BATTEN AND J. F. HEARD. London, New York, published for the International Council of Scientific Unions by Academic P., 1967. QB901.I5. Dethloff, Henry C. SUDDENLY, TOMORROW CAME-- : A HISTORY OF THE JOHNSON SPACE CENTER / HENRY C. DETHLOFF. [Washington, D.C.] : National Aeronautics and Space Administration ; [Houston, Tex.] : Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, 1993. TL521.312.D47 1993. 99 Dudley Holdings Arranged by Main Entry 12/23/03 Deirmendjian, D. ELECTROMAGNETIC SCATTERING ON SPHERICAL POLYDISPERSIONS [BY] D. DEIRMENDJIAN. New York, American Elsevier Pub. Co., 1969. QC 665 S3 D4. DEL REAL OBSERVATORIO DI PALERMO. LIBRI VII, VIII, E IX / CON APPENDICE DI NICCOLO CACCIATORE ... Palermo : Dalla Tipografia di Filippo Solli, 1826. Conf. Rm. QB4.P275 P52 1826. Delambre, J. B. J. (Jean Baptiste Joseph), 1749-1822. ASTRONOMIE THEORIQUE ET PRATIQUE; PAR M. DELAMBRE ... Paris, Ve. Courcier, 1814. Conf. Rm. QB43.D3. Delambre, J. B. J. (Jean Baptiste Joseph), 1749-1822. HISTOIRE DE L'ASTRONOMIE ANCIENNE; PAR M. DELAMBRE ... Paris, Courcier, 1817. Conf. Rm. QB16.D3. Delambre, J. B. J. (Jean Baptiste Joseph), 1749-1822. HISTOIRE DE L'ASTRONOMIE AU DIX-HUITIEME SIECLE / PAR M. DELAMBRE PUB. PAR. M. MATHIEU ... Paris : Bachelier, 1827. Conf. Rm. QB31.D3 1827. Delambre, J. B. J. (Jean Baptiste Joseph), 1749-1822. HISTOIRE DE L'ASTRONOMIE DU MOYEN AGE; PAR M. DELAMBRE. Paris, V. Courcier, 1819. Conf. Rm. QB23.D3. Delambre, J. B. J. (Jean Baptiste Joseph), 1749-1822. HISTOIRE DE L'ASTRONOMIE MODERNE / PAR M. DELAMBRE. Paris : V. Courcier, 1821. Conf. Rm. QB28.D8. Delaunay, Charles, 1816-1872. THEORIE DU MOUVEMENT DE LA LUNE / PAR CH. DELAUNAY. Paris : Mallet-Bachelier, 1860-1867. Conf. Rm. QB391.D352. Delavan, Pablo T. CATALOGO LA PLATA A DE 7412 ESTRELLAS DE DECLINACIONES COMPRENDIDAS ENTRE - 520 Y -570 (1875) PARA EL EQUINOCCIO 1925 / POR PABLO T. DELAVAN. La Plata : Observatorio Astronomico, 1919. QB 6 D45 1919. 98 Dudley Holdings Arranged by Main Entry 12/23/03 De Vries, Louis, 1885- ENGLISH-GERMAN TECHNICAL AND ENGINEERING DICTIONARY. 1st ed. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1954. T9 .D47 1954. Decennial US-USSR Conference on SETI (3rd : 1991 : Santa Cruz, Calif.). THIRD DECENNIAL US-USSR CONFERENCE ON SETI / EDITED BY G. SETH SHOSTAK. San Francisco : Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1993. QB54.D42 1991. Decher, Rudolf. X-RAY AND GAMMA RAY ASTRONOMY DETECTORS / R. DECHER, B.D. RAMSEY, R. AUSTIN. Washington, D.C. : National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Scientific and Technical Information Program, 1994. QB468.D42 1994. Defant, Albert, 1884- EBB AND FLOW; THE TIDES OF EARTH, AIR, AND WATER. [TRANSLATED BY A. J. POMERANS]. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press [1958]. QB415.D4 1958. Defense Documentation Center (U.S.) DEFENSE DOCUMENTATION CENTER REFERRAL DATA BANK DIRECTORY / [PREPARED BY ALICE L. COX. ALEXANDRIA, VA.] DISTRIBUTED BY NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE, UNITED STATE DEPT. OF COMMERCE. Alexandria, Va.: National Technical Information Service, United States Dept. of Commerce. 1972. Defense Documentation Center (U.S.). NEBULAE : A REPORT BIBLIOGRAPHY / PREPARED BY DEFENSE DOCUMENTATION CENTER ; REQUESTED BY D.C. SCHMALBERGER. Alexandria, Va. : The Center, 1970? QB855.D4. Dehn, Edgar, 1890- ALGEBRAIC EQUATIONS; AN INTRODUCTION TO THE THEORIES OF LAGRANGE AND GALOIS. New York, Dover Publications [1960]. QA211.D4. Deichmuller, Friedrich Heinrich Carl, 1855-1903. CATALOG VON 18457 STERNEN ZWISCHEN 3950 UND 5010 NORDLICHER DECLINATION 1855 FUR DAS AEQUINOCTIUM 1875 NACH ZONENBEOBACHTUNGEN AM PISTOR UND MARTIN'SCHEN MERIDIANKREISE DER KONIGLICHEN UNIVERSITATS-STERNWARTE IN BONN IN DEN JAHREN 1869 BIS 1891 AUSGEFUHRT VON DEN OBSERVATOREN DER STERNWARTE TIELE, FABRITIUS, SEELIGER UND DEICHMULLER / BEARB. VON FRIEDRICH DEICHMULLER. Leipzig : Astronomische Gesellschaft in commission bei Wilhelm Engelmann, 1894. QB6 .A9 no.6. 97 Dudley Holdings Arranged by Main Entry 12/23/03 Davidson, Martin. ELEMENTS OF MATHEMATICAL ASTRONOMY, WITH A BRIEF EXPOSITION OF RELATIVITY. [3d ed.]. London, New York, Hutchinson's Scientific and Technical Publications [1962]. QB145.D3. Davis, Herman Stearns, 1868- THE NEW REDUCTION OF PIAZZI'S STAR OBSERVATIONS. FIRST STATEMENT OF PROGRESS; RENDERED BY HERMAN S. DAVIS, PH.D., JULY 1, 1899. New York, 1899. Conf. Rm. QB6.P58. Davis, J. Woodbridge (John Woodbridge), b. 1854. THEORETICAL ASTRONOMY : DYNAMICS OF THE SUN. BY J. WOODBRIDGE DAVIS. New York, Van Nostrand, 1891. QB501.D3 1891. Davis, Robert James, 1929- CELESCOPE CATALOG OF ULTRAVIOLET STELLAR OBSERVATIONS; 5068 OBJECTS MEASURED BY THE SMITHSONIAN EXPERIMENT ABOARD THE ORBITING ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATORY (OAO-2) [BY] ROBERT J. DAVIS, WILLIAM A. DEUTSCHMAN, AND KATHERINE L. HARAMUNDANIS. Washington, Smithsonian Institution; [for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off.] 1973. QB6.8.D35. Davis, T. Neil. THE AURORA WATCHER'S HANDBOOK / NEIL DAVIS. Fairbanks : University of Alaska Press, 1992. QC971.D38 1992. De Grazia, Alfred. THE VELIKOVSKY AFFAIR; THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE AND SCIENTISM. New Hyde Park, N.Y., University Books [1966]. Q 175 D4. De Jong, Marvin L. OBSERVATIONS OF THE RADIO FREQUENCY BRIGHTNESS DISTRIBUTIONS IN SEVERAL NORMAL SPIRAL GALAXIES. 1965. QB475.D4. De Santillana, Giorgio, 1902- THE AGE OF ADVENTURE; THE RENAISSANCE PHILOSOPHERS, SELECTED, WITH INTROD. AND INTERPRETIVE COMMENTARY. [New York] The New American Library [1956]. B D4. De Sola, Ralph, 1908- ABBREVIATIONS DICTIONARY. New rev. and enl. international ed. New York, Meredith Press [1967]. REF PE 1693 D4 1967. 96 Dudley Holdings Arranged by Main Entry 12/23/03 DARK AND VISIBLE MATTER IN GALAXIES : PROCEEDINGS OF A CONFERENCE HELD IN SESTO PUSTERIA, BZ, ITALY, 2-5 JULY 1996 / EDITED BY MASSIMO PERSIC AND PAOLO SALUCCI. San Francisco, Calif. : Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1997. QB791.3.D374 1996. DARK MATTER : PROCEEDINGS OF THE XXIIIRD RENCONTRE DE MORIOND, LES ARCS, SAVOIE, FRANCE, MARCH 8-15, 1988 / EDITED BY J. AUDOUZE AND J. TRAN THANH VAN. Gif-sur-Yvette, France : Editions Frontieres,
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